Newsletter 29th May 2015 - Bull Creek Primary School
Newsletter 29th May 2015 - Bull Creek Primary School
BULL CREEK PRIMARY SCHOOL Hardy Street, Bull Creek WA 6149 Tel : 9332 3244 : Fax : 9310 7578 : Email : [email protected] Web Address : EDUCATION SECURITY - Ph 9264 4632 : CITY OF MELVILLE HOTLINE (24 hrs) - Ph 1300 653 643 Newsletter No: 7 Friday, 29th May 2015 WATTLE 2 ASSEMBLY “MORNING TALK” This morning it was Wattle Two’s Assembly. It was in the undercover area. I was a naughty triplet. I was wearing a cow onesie. I had chicken pox and bandaids on my face. My favourite bit of the assembly was when I hit Abbey and Daniel in the face with my Teddy Bear Ducky. I felt Amazing. My mum said we were great and funny. My dad said we were fantastic and funny. By Doireann This morning Wattle Two did their assembly. It was at Bull Creek PS in the undercover area. It was called “Morning Talk”. I wore my helmet, back pack and school uniform. I was Meg. I did the most talking in the play. My favourite part was when the triplets screamed. I liked it because they were very loud. I thought we did an excellent job because the audience were clapping loudly. My mum and dad were proud of me. By Zoe Today it was our assembly. We did it in the undercover area on the stage. The play was called “Morning Talk” I was the truck driver. I got to beep the horn. My favourite part of the play was when Oliver threw water on Gen. I felt really nervous and it was FUNNY and it was a GOOD PLAY. By Jake On Friday it was Wattle Two’s assembly. It was in the undercover area. I was Miss Martin. I wore a black skirt, black high heels, a black jacket and a t-shirt. I had a plait. My favourite part was when Will barked at Gen and bit her. I felt nervous and excited. My mum filmed it. My mum said it was the best assembly she had ever been to. It was the best start to the morning. By Cate 1 S:/209 Publications Bull Creek Primary School From the Principal’s Desk Wattle 2 Class Item Firstly thank you to Mrs Meyer and Mrs Kent and Miss “N” (our Notre Dame Visiting Teacher) for preparing the children with their comedy item which focussed on the good habit of “punctuality” - most of our friends have this admirable trait; some of our friends don’t! The girls and boys learned their lines so well and “took off” some of the habits of some of our teachers. Some of our girls and boys did their own renditions of Mrs Martin, Mr Boyes and myself - much to our surprise! The parts that the audience thought the funniest were when Meg’s lunch box was trodden on and also when the bus drove through a giant puddle and splashed the pedestrians - the item was certainly action packed. Western Australian Day Public Holiday Just a reminder that Monday 1 June 2015 is a Public Holiday and school will not be open. Of course, Western Australia Day commemorates the official beginning of the Swan River Colony that was presided over by Governor James Stirling in 1829. Kindergarten Enrolments for 2016 Enrolments for kindergarten 2016 students are being accepted now. As we have asked before please enrol as soon as possible as we will be only having two groups of twenty children. We have twenty five students enrolled already. We are very keen that families enrol their Kindy (2016) child as soon as possible. We do hope that all Kindy (2016) children in the Bull Creek Primary School zone join us for kindy - please enrol as a matter of urgency. Also, please encourage friends and neighbours to enrol their kindy students as soon as possible. Sing Fest Mr Marshall, Mrs Martin, Miss Di Fonzo, Mrs Meyer and Mrs Hutchin accompanied our Junior Choir to the Mellville Civic Centre last Friday. Our Choir sang “Sing A Little Song” and “Ancient City”. Our choir also sang five songs with six other schools that all schools had previously practised. Not only did we get to perform; we also had the opportunity to listen and see other choirs in action. P&C Quiz Night The Quiz Night was a great success. Tara Snell and LaLa Lance and their team of P&C helpers did a great job. We are very thankful to our local sponsors who were generous with their donations which translated into “lots of prizes”. Mr Jim Boyes was an amazingly energetic Quiz Master (I must ask Jim which vitamins he takes - I get tired watching him!!). Thank you to everyone involved - there is a very vital P&C at Bull Creek and, after all, the lovely Bull Creek girls and boys are a very worthy cause. Notre Dame Student Teachers Our school is often thanked and complimented by personnel at Notre Dame for mentoring “soon to become” teachers. Below is a photo of six young ladies who are with us this term in their journey to become teachers. They are Anna Clay, Chanel Livesey, Meg Notarangelo, Chloe Pinkerton, Courtney Shave and Kirsten Silvey. We wish them well with the remainder of their Bachelor of Education course. Tim Cremin 2 GLEE CONCERT This year’s Glee Club concert is at Crown Theatre on Wednesday 9th September. Please see below for purchasing ticket information. Tickets for ALL Crown concerts will go on sale at 10.00am on Monday 29th June, 2015. Tickets are on a first in best seats basis. There is no limit to the number of tickets that can be purchased per transaction. Concerts have “Sold Out” in the past so to guarantee your attendance, early ticket purchase is recommended. The ticket price is $23.00 per ticket for 2015. There is no student or pensioner concession on the ticket price. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster online at or over the telephone on 136100. A booking fee per transaction (not ticket) of $7.95 along with a 1.95% credit card charge will be charged. Tickets can be purchased directly at the Box Office at Crown for $23.00 with no booking fee. Tickets at the Box Office (only) can be paid for via direct debit with no fee involved. If paid for by credit card there will still be the 1.95% fee. Wheelchair and/or special need tickets can only be purchased over the telephone on 136100. Request must be made at the time of booking. Should concerts not be “sold out” tickets will be available to purchase on-line and at the box office at Crown up until the Concerts commence. Concerts will conclude no later than 10.30pm as the 2015 season has additional concert nights to accommodate fewer schools per individual night. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask me. Warm regards Glee Club Coordinator Annie Eversden LIBRARY National Simultaneous Storytime 2015 Help Needed If there are any parents who have some spare time to cover some new library books please see Nola in the Library on Tues, Wed or Friday. Thank you Nola Williams Library Officer National Simultaneous Storytime is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. By facilitating National Simultaneous Storytime we aim to; · promote the value of reading and literacy; · promote the value and fun of books; · promote an Australian writer and publisher; · promote storytime activities in public libraries and communities around the country. We enjoyed a shared reading session for National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday, 27th May. We would like to say a big thankyou to Mr Boyes who enthusiastically narrated this year’s story, The Brothers Quibble. Language World championships 2015 Wow! What an amazing effort. Congratulations to everyone for trying their hardest to put Bull Creek in 5 th place in German in WA. GERMAN ROCKS AND SO DOES BULL CREEK! Students from Sheoak and Banskia have managed to earn 1 Elite Award ( first time ever for Bull Creek) 5 Gold Awards 6 Silver Awards 10 Bronze Awards 12 Credit Awards Certificates to winners will be handed out at an assembly. Thanks to all teachers and parents for supporting this challenging competition! Ich wünsche allen ein schönes langes Wochenende. Have a nice and relaxing long weekend. Tanja Colgan 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MON 1 JUNE TUE 2 JUNE PUBLIC HOLIDAY NO SCHOOL PEAC Testing MON 8 JUNE TUE 9 JUNE WED 3 JUNE THU 4 JUNE FRI 5 JUNE Music Incursion - Assembly - S5 Music Viva @ 2pm Eagles Cup BCPS vs Applecross at BCPS WED 10 JUNE Sheok 5 and 6 Excursion - The Fremantle Maritime Museum THU 11 JUNE FRI 12 JUNE Newsletter - S5 P & C Meeting @ 7pm BULL CREEK PRIMARY SCHOOL Thanks LJ Hooker Leeming, Leeming Forum Shopping Centre Farrington Road, Leeming Tel: 9332 4000 For their sponsorship of 4 Paper Recycling Bins! 4 P & C NEWS FLASH QUIZ NIGHT This year’s Quiz night was a fabulous success. Congratulations to Bow Chika Wow Wow who managed to snatch victory in the Quiz Night from second place getters Xanadu by half a point, with third place, Studio 54, only three points behind. Thank you to everyone who came along and made the night such a success. Thank you also to MC extraordinaire Jim Boyes and to Tara and Lala for putting together a fabulous night! See our Facebook page for some fabulous photos of the night, taken by Georgina Hinds Photography ( and following for a full list of our fabulous sponsors. An extra special thank you goes to Definition Health Club (, Friendlies Chemist, Parry Village, Bull Creek, and Dextrait Engineering Services ( for their very generous support of the Quiz Night. We hope to see you all again next year! MAD BAY WINES The P & C are very proud to offer Mad Bay Wines (makers of Howard Park and Madfish wines) for a very special fundraising price of just $130 a dozen, delivered to your door. Orders close 9am, Friday 12th June. Full details are on our Facebook page. CANTEEN We hope everyone has enjoyed the Thursday Tummy Tempters we have had so far this term. We are always looking for kind volunteers to assist in the Canteen on all days. If you would like help out, please contact Phillipa in the canteen or send us a email on [email protected] UNIFORM SHOP Come and check out our winter range at the Uniform Shop. We also have selected skirts and shorts for the bargain price of only $5! ENTERTAINMENT BOOK The Entertainment Book is now available. We have a limited number of books available or try out the new digital edition on your smart phone. Please use the following link to order your book or see our Facebook page for details. The next P & C Meeting will be on MONDAY 8TH JUNE at 7pm in the school library. If you would like to contact any of the committee, please email us at [email protected] or send us a message on our Facebook page - Bull Creek Primary School P & C 5 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS P & C NEWS FLASH Disclaimer : Please be aware that the school does not necessarily endorse all advertising. 6 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS P & C NEWS FLASH Disclaimer : Please be aware that the school does not necessarily endorse all advertising. 7 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS Disclaimer : Please be aware that the school does not necessarily endorse all advertising. 8 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS Disclaimer : Please be aware that the school does not necessarily endorse all advertising. 9 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS Disclaimer : Please be aware that the school does not necessarily endorse all advertising. 10
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