Newsletter 10th May 2013 - Bull Creek Primary School
BULL CREEK PRIMARY SCHOOL Hardy Street, Bull Creek WA 6149 Tel : 9332 3244 : Fax : 9310 7578 : Email : [email protected] Web Address : EDUCATION SECURITY - Ph 9264 4632 : CITY OF MELVILLE HOTLINE (24 hrs) - Ph 1300 653 643 Newsletter No: 7 Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart Friday, 10th May 2013 1 S:/209 Publications Bull Creek Primary School From the Principal’s Desk Welcome Back Welcome back to Term 2 and a special welcome to our new families who have joined Bull Creek Primary School this week. High School for Year 7s in 2015 Just a reminder to parents of our current Year 5 students that these young people will complete their primary school education at the end of Year 6 in December 2014 - next year! I know some parents have already contacted their child’s prospective high school for 2015. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Deputy Principal, Mrs Sue Martin or Mr Cremin. It is indeed a new “era” so early enquiries to us or your prospective high school would be beneficial. Year 7 in Secondary from Rossmoyne Senior High School In 2015, Year 7 public school students will move to secondary school. The move will provide your child with the same opportunities as children across Western Australia, giving them access to specialist teaching and facilities needed for the Australian Curriculum. As a Year 7 student in a secondary school your child will be introduced to new and more demanding mathematical concepts including formal algebra and geometry, and will study biological and physical sciences including mixing chemicals using specialised equipment. They will also have access to a diverse range of learning experiences such as computer science, robotics, food science, woodwork and metalwork. The move will provide exciting new opportunities for your child. We are looking forward to having them join our Rossmoyne Senior High School community, and our staff are working hard to prepare them for the transition. We are holding a number of school tours during terms 3 and 4 for interested parents of current Year 5, 6 and 7 students. You are welcome to book into one of the tours to see our school in action. Details can be found on our website: Please note that bookings via email or phone (08) 9259 2100 are essential. If you have any questions I encourage you to visit the Department’s parent website at or make a time to meet with Peter Klifunis or one of my leadership team on 9259 2100. NAPLAN Testing Next week 1 100 000 students across Australia will be doing the National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy. There will be tests in Reading; Spelling; Punctuation and Grammar; and Numeracy. The Year 7s are very lucky (Ha! Ha!) they have one additional test - Numeracy with Calculator - make sure those calculator batteries are charged!!! I’m sure our girls and boys will do their best and, indeed, do well. Tim Cremin Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart 2 WATTLE 8 & 9 - HUMPTY DUMPTY’S BIRTHDAY On Wednesday the 17th of April Wattle 8 and Wattle 9 held a party for Humpty Dumpty’s birthday. All the children looked fabulous in their Nursery Rhyme character costumes. Mrs Cowin came as Wee Willie Winkie, Ms Pratt came as Queen of Hearts, Mrs Toner was Jack Be Nimble and Mrs Armstrong was Humpty Dumpty. Old King Cole came too! This role was magnificently played by Mr Cremin who arrived in his full King’s regalia much to the excitement of the children who had sent him their own personal invitation. The party was the culmination of a Maths investigation into ways of measuring time. The children had been learning about days of the week, months of the year, times of the day and number. The party was planned using the skills the children had learnt during the term and a wonderful time was had by all! Happy Birthday Humpty! GERMAN NEWS This Friday, 10 May, kids in Banksia cluster have the great opportunity to enjoy the annual German Film Festival in Perth. Language Perfect World Championship The championship is between 20 May and 30 May 2013. I will try to give students as much opportunity as possible to use the computers during those 10 days at school and ask all Sheoak and Banksia parents to support their children and maybe allow a bit more computer time than normal. There are great prizes to be won for individuals as well as for the school. Go for gold, Bull Creek!! Tanja Colgan - German Teacher JUMP ROPE FOR HEART 2013 Last year Jump Rope for Heart was a great success. Bull Creek raised over $4000. Lots of students received fantastic prizes and the school got 100 skipping ropes for the junior classes. It was a big fun day. This year Jump Rope for Heart is on Thursday, 4th July (last week of term). More information will go out over the next few weeks. So what are you waiting for? Get ready and jump!! Tanja Colgan WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN PROGRAM 2013 We are excited to be taking part in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. You can help our school by collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn Points. Just collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Points when you shop at Woolworths between Monday 8 April and Sunday 9 June 2013. We will redeem these for awesome educational resources for our school. For every $10 spent at Woolworths you will receive a Woolworths Earn & Learn Point. Pop them onto a Woolworths Earn & Learn Points Sheet and once it is completed, just bring it back to school or drop it into the Collection Box at your local Woolies. The more we collect, the more we can redeem. There are thousands of products available through the Woolworths Earn & Learn program, and we would like to get lots of new gear! Products in the range include resources for mathematics, English, science, art & crafts, through to sports gear, library supplies and more. We are grateful for your support and look forward to a successful program. If you have any questions, please ask at school. Eric Dancer Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MON 13 MAY TUE 14 MAY NAPLAN WED 15 MAY NAPLAN THU 16 MAY NAPLAN FRI 17 MAY Assembly - W2 MON 20 MAY TUE 21 MAY WED 22 MAY THU 23 MAY FRI 24 MAY Newsletter Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Eagles Cup Oberthur at BCPS TAKE HOME A BIG BROTHER OR BIG SISTER Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by hosting one of our exceptional international students arriving in Australia in July 2013 for their 3, 5 or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Spain will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. STATEMENTS & STUDENT UPDATE FORMS Statements and Student Update Forms have been posted to families this week. If you have not already paid Voluntary Contributions, payment can be made at the office via cash, cheque or EFTPOS (minimum payment of $20) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Student Update Forms are to be completed and returned to the School Office. Visit us at, email [email protected] or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship! CHAMPION PLUMBING & GAS Your reliable plumber for all your Gas, Reticulation & Plumbing needs. Give John a call on Mob 0412 089 997 Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart Looking for a New Home? Buying or Selling! Phone Megan Stone - Mob 0407 120 166 BULL CREEK PRIMARY SCHOOL Thanks LJ Hooker Leeming, Leeming Forum Shopping Centre Farrington Road, Leeming Tel: 9332 4000 For their sponsorship of 4 Paper Recycling Bins! 4 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart 5 ATTACHMENTS & FLYERS Johnny Moran Karate teaches karate classes to children and adults in the local area. A special offer for the school’s students - 4 WEEKS FREE beginners karate lessons! Classes are held after school and are a great way for children of all ages to learn self-defense in a fun and safe environment and for adults to get fit. Karate has many benefits which includes confidence, respect and fitness. Call now to take advantage of this 4 week trial. 0402 830 402 Microsoft Office Publisher Clipart 6
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Tel : 9332 3244 : Fax : 9310 7578 : Email : [email protected]
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