80at etx free meade shipping tc
80at etx free meade shipping tc
r *• j _ ,. ^ > t * . . , : . Publlsfciea anrong toe JMlver-Lined Clouds. 4.692 above sea "level, where the sun shines 365 days in the year. The healthful, pure air makes life irorth living. Marfa is the gateway to the Dropos*d-State Park, which contains tbe most beautiful scenery in the whole Southwest. Spend your vaca-. tion among your own scenery.. feet |n PRESIDO COUNTY 41 YEARS VOLUME XLII MAW A, I;EXAS, S A T U B D A Y ^ A U G ^ ^ A Modem Hotel Fcir Fort Bliss Men Leave; Sept.. 10th For Marfa Marfa In Proposed By Hockeubiirg System Maneuveni At Marfa Open| A OWMtN OF CRYPTIC COMMJENTONNirrVS . ".^•-©P^ipE^DAY:: .v • f - .- vt A Representative Of The Hocenbtirg Hotel System Mere, Opens Office In Mosonic Bldg. Advert Islim The Merirnn Bor cW>r Highway. September 20th. * ^•District Court Grand Jary'Adjourns, Six Felony indictments Returned, Number Of Criminal Case Tried. There was a meeting at Del Rio July 30th which was of the greatest importance to Southwest Texas. A group of men representing the Chambers of Commerce of all the cities and towns between San Antonio and E l Paso began tbe organization of thu Mexican Border Highway Association. The sole purpose of this association is ta; advertise Southwest Texas-in Many-of the towns along the highway particular, and the West i n general, have already done much advertising, but this has fallen far short of the desired goal, as ,the towns, and not the immense territory around them, were given the publicity. Towns do not make, the country—the Country makes the towns. However, 'that was the best that could be-done. Each town had to advertise itself,.or pass into oblivion as far as the motor tourists was concerned. And until now, i t seemed that that was all that could be done. No other method of advertising had been suggested. • v A handful of farsighted, brainy men who have the future interests of Southwest Texas at heart, have evolved a plan. Their watchword: "In Unity There ia Strength." If you had a cow,to sell,.it would be folly to allow the prospective purchases see nothing of the cow but her head and per haps a hind leg. Or if you had land to sell, you would do more than to show a possible buyer the front gate'and the south forty. You would show him all of that cow, and all of that hind. {Continued on Last Page.) Baptist Fight Plan Of Orient Railroad NUMBER 9. . NEW EDITOR FOR BORDER TIMES AT PRESIDIO The Border Times of Presidio; Route Would Cut Through Pai- cs.sm e out la,»£ week: with anew sano Tabernacle, Complaint. editor in charge. Mr. Clifford A. Smith, formerly of Missouri, sue Austin, Tex., Aug., 3.—(AP.) —Re- ceeds JE. M. Williams in the work, commendations will be made to theand in his introductory editorInterstate Commerce Commission as ial states that he will try to teil» to the most feasible route for .the pro- the truth in his publication. posed Orient railroad branch .line That's what we all try .to do from Presidio to Alpine, as soon as brother; the difficulty is to make , Lon A . Smith,'commissioner, and L . the people bel'Ieve it. We wish Editor Smith and the A . Theringer, engineer' of "the .Texas railroad commissione, and Orient en- Times,, together .'with' air intergineers, can go oyer the ground to- ests of pur-neighboring town a> gether and further investigate Texas bundant siiccciss and hope" .the Baptists' protests against the route Times will prove a great power now sought, Commissioner Smith, said in moulding public opinion in the Big Bend. today. ^_ The Grand Jury alter returning six , Almo it 3000 enlisted men and offelony indictments adjourned last ficers from Fort Bliss will leave Sept Saturday evening. 10 and 11 for Marfa, where First The case of the State of Texas vs Plans for t i e building of a much Cavalry Division troops will lake part H." A.' Calvert, charged with murder in extensive maneuvers Sept. 20 to needed tourist, hotel. for Marfa are was set for t r i a l next Monday Augrapidly deyelorjng. After a great deal Oct. 3. ust 8; This is a c&ie brought from of consideratiigi on the part of the Over 900 troops from Ft. Clark and Reagan County on a charge of venue. Chamber of Cwimerce, for ways and the Camp Marfa garrison will take Wednesday came up for trial Augr , means of brim. j»g this hotel to Marfa, part in the maneuvers also. us tine Flores, who had been indicted The .Ft. Bliss troops will complete the Communit-felan of financing was last' year, jointly with Pilar Madrid decided on as best, and the Hoc- their march l;o Marfa Sept. Ill, campand George Montes ftfe furring on or kenbury System of Hotel Builders of ing at Fabens, Ft.'Hancock, Finley,; about August 24tt 1926 killed one Penniiylvania, recognized hotel ex- Sernr Blanca', Hot Wells, Looo, ValRefugio Duran at Shifter. The defend perts, were asked to make a survey of entine aiid Ryan en route to Marfa. antlpled hot guilty, tire jury found him They will march in three columns, the situation to determine Marfa's guHty and assessed his purjVhment at hotel needs. Kurl Keeler, staff, re- the first composed of 1181 enlisted The Orient has before the federal 50 years confinement: in tie peneten.Bvk sdspeth presentative of the Hockenbury Sys- men and/86 officers; the second of 1,rail body an application to build the Good News From C tiary" : Thursday G«o. Montes was tem, made a complete survey, and his 536 enlisted men and 105 officers; the 30 or 40 miles, and wants to run its tried and given 99 years. J." D. Jackson, of this city has report, indorse! by the hotel commit- third a motor train of 73 enlisted men ... Fjriday the State cf Texas vs. Will right-of-way through the middle of just received a letter from Con tee, recommended a hotel of the tour- and 2 officers. Edwards was called , charged with the l,lO0 acres,owned by the Paisano gressman^ C. B. Hudspeth, sayist-commercial type, not to exceed j The only "roops left in F t . Bliss Robbery. The defendant plead guilty. Baptist encampment midway between ing that the diagonosis at John sixty rooms, to be built<nt a maximum will be one man in each barracks two; T h | Jury assessed hcls punishment at Alpine and Marfa. The route-sought Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, c o s t o f approximately $156,000. in each stable containing animals, and 15 years confinement in tlie penten- would cut straight through the en-has revealed that in all probabiliGroups of business men are meeting a clerk in eash unit.—El Paso Post tiary. There were two more felony in- campment tabernacle. If the railroad ty he will not have to undergoalmost daily, to work different phases dictments against tbe defendant,' but insists on this, the Baptists want to the operation he expected. TJjis of the hotel building project and there in .view of his age, 18 years, and the sell out their entire holding's for $150, comes as good news to his nuuiy^ are various committees w o r k i n g o n in the enterprise. The: campaign as penalty in the robberr case, on motion )00, and locate elsewhere. friends in" this!' region, and" it' isr the", plan. The building committee is directed by the Hockenbury System On the other hand/ they would give the' District attorney dismissed the hoped' that he will srion be able composed of T C. Crosson, J . B. Gil- will culminate in what is known as an :free right of way through the west to resume his business acitivirother* cai.es. intensive wee k. According, to Mr. Keel lett, T. C. Mitchell, J . C. Fuller and :iide of the grounds,' w h i c h w o u l d ties. '" V Karl Keeler. This committee will se- er, the survey shows practically auna make the rail extension tvro miles or nimous opinion on the. part of the FORMER M A R F A PASTOR DIES cure at as earlr date as possoble, the no longer,, but on the same level FILE APPEA3LON services of an Outstanding architect. citizens that Marfa needs a hotel, and ground, Commissioner Smith said. as this is a community program, the Word was received..this week.of the A n executive committee, composed of ORIENT DECISION: He has just returned from an in25 men ,is beir.*- built, also, a citizen hotel will be promoted financed aiid death of Rev. A . T. Felix, former pasvestigation of the situation. '• An appear from the decision: sales organize 4 on, composed of busi- owned by the citizens of Marfa and vi- tor of the Christian church herei He cinity. The program is clean and above died July 28 at Prescott,' Ariz.,-after The encampment is held yearly for of the United States district! ness and professional men of the town. Hotel jfimpaign headqifarters to safeguard the interests of the a lingering illness of - several months) :i0 days in the picturesque Davis court, Judge John * C. PoUock^ are opened ir|^he Moronic Building, board and every effort will be made He was buried Monday at Mesa, Ariz., mountain valley. Three millionaires which awarded W. T. Kemper^ and accordini&jw Karl Keeler, it is a stockholders." M r . Keeler. further where he was pastor at the time he are on the- board of 'directors of the former receiver of the KansasPaisano Baptist assembly, which holds City, Mexico & prien^ Railroad question of or •a a. few days, until the says "We have helped 150. communi- was taken i l l . . ties throughout the United States and . The New Era joins with their many ihe encampment. They are H . L . Ko- and Clifford Histed, his attorney^ people of M a r i i and vicinity will be acquainted witlf all phases of the hotel Canada to finance hotels and with friends' in extending sympathies to kernot, Sr., of San Antonio, and B. B . $l;068|750for services during the hotel'proposition Marfa's possibilities, there should be the bereavedfamily in their time of und W. W. McCutcheon, brothers, of the receivership, wasfieldTuesprogram. Whili; the Chamber of Cora- no question aB to the outcome of the afflection. Fort Davis. day in Topeka, Kansas. is sponsored b;« tive committee of 25 present effort." The group oi? English, noteDoctors George Truett and ' I . E . merce, the exrj ^ng formed, is for the The progrons of the hotel campaign M A R F A RESIDENT DIES AT T H E Gates, prominent Baptist preachers holders who are.contesting the men which iB g the proposition :ful- w^ll be announced i n every, issue of A G E OF 107 Y E A R S , ON 3rd. of Dallas and San Antonio, respective- Kemper-Histed interests foe-conpurpose pf maS e, while the citizen's this paper, and in. addition, a pros- * Augustin Morge wo died in Marfa trol of the reorganized Orient ly, have been leading the services. ly represcntai^9 >n will give the rank pectus and illustrated booklet is be- August 3rd .1927,' was at the time of company filed this appeal.Cyrus sales organizaf community an oppor- ing prepared which will be placed in his death 107 years of age, according Crane, their attorney, said) hia and file of the! financially; interested the hands of every citizen who could if - tn the report of his relatives, here. He W A N T E D — J T O Rent, a Piano, See clients believed the compensatunity to becoti.1 he would subscribe. 7'"-' i».i*i,rVived by a" wtfe aiid daughter. Mrs.Jimmie Yates o»*P!ione. 299. " tion excessive'. - ' 1 D. 0. HOWARD, Valentine, Tex. SWORN CIRCULATION OVER 500 1927 - 1 J i e P r i c e o n C o t t o n G o o d s Is d u e t o A d v a n c e The Price of all Cotton Goods have been based on a l l to 12 cents Cotton as Cotton has advance to 17 to 18 cents. There is a strong probability of a RAISE IN ALL PRICES. We now have a full Stock of Sheetings, Domestics, Pillow Casing and Cases, which we can offer on the old Price values-Our regular Cash Prices are as low as you can secure these Goods - - - Let us have your Orders,- - YESTERDATIS GONEf^- ' -^'TOMORROW^^ " 18 . UNCERTAIN TADAY-- is yours to begin; buying your Groceries from our Gash Grocery Dept. ' "Every Dollar S a v e d is a M i U R P M Y - W A L K E R Dolls^m^^^ C O M P A N Y T H E NEW ERA, MARFA, T E X A S TH'E INTEWi EJRA coming iiito town to find nothing at the time of the sale was 1,6>D0 j to indicate where the town :is pounds. This was a new top by situated or the distnrice • to ' :tt 20c per hundreel for the yetir, H. M . KILPATRICK. .' ,-. , . .. „!_..„ Publisher. until he drove over the hill and and>an unusual weight for 3 Mrs. WINNIE B . K I L P A T R I C K — „.. Manager-Editor saw the town. Then he said he year-old cattle. ; looked in vain for the wecome " M A R F A , (PRESIDIO COUNTY) T E X A S , ' According to T. C. Mitchell which is so common at the apl h e Newspaper That Givers The Big.Bend, And Then Some. 500 dir. proach to all towns of this size president of the iffighlard Hereeast or west. He spoke particu- ford Association, approximately .• Oldest Newspaper Published i n Big Bend Cc untry. Now in 41st year. larism of his surprise that thin, 200,000 Highland calves have 'Devoted l o the upbuilding of Marfa, and Presidio County and .all of should be the case in a place found their way (luring the pajit where, there is so much enter-. ten years intothe feed lots thru-' Marfa'/'Territory, and the dissemination of local and Slate News. I prise in all other lines and so out the entire country, where Should any-statement'reflecting on the character of any person or persons .appear .in. these; columns, please report i l . i n older thai correc- 'much public spirit among the they have given a good account business firms; of the town. Let of themselves, net only in restion may, bo made, .: . ! us have signs; to tell "where we ponding to feed gains, but when returned to the mi.rkets a3 finisli are. .; Advertising Rates upon request. Four Issues cohstitule a Month. A l l ed cattle. .; 4 s Advertising Charged for Until Ordered Thanks, etc, at Regular Rates. .-. LEVI SlTR A tl S S Overalls The Leading ouL Obituaries, -Cards of SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,-Year _ „.„ $2.00 Entered as secorid-cla^s matter at the Posto ,'flce in Marfa, Texas, u n «derthe A c t o f Congress of March 3. 1879. Highland cattle are greatly ap predated by the packer buyer owing to their high quality and splendid dressing per cent^ thereA new top price for the year fore commanding the highest, was paid on the Chicago market prices. They have been consislast Tuesday, August 2, for a tent winners in both feeder and load of Highland steel's. fat stock shows and last year These cattle were bred by Geo. both two-year-olds and yearlings Jones and Smith Bros., and were placed first in the Hereford class prize winners at the American at the International and sold for "Royal at Kansas City, Mo.,, in $20.00 per hundred. The highest 1924. They were purchased then : p j obtained on any public mar and have been fed since by C . | k £ was on a"load of Highland B. Lawaon. of Montrose, Mo, i yearlings and the highest price They were sold by the Bowles ; obtained oh an individual steer Commission Co., of Chicago. outside of the show was a highThe price received for these land, steer that sold for $75.00 cattle was $14.60 and the weight per hundred. 1 r 3ranrifar o v e r 5 D ) e a r s NEW RECORD IS MADE BY HIGHLAND CALVES • Rise Of The, Rural Press. SAYS BIG BEND T H E BEST The most remarkable feature of American jouranlism is the grow In an interview recently, Floyd tli, development and influence of H. Scott, one of the builders of tlie country* weekly newspaper the International Bridge at Preand small town daily. Fifteen to sidio, stated in regard to the natwenty-five years ago practically tural resources and future prosall of these representees of the pects of the Big Bend country, smaller cities and towns consist- that he considers this is one of ed of poorly printed sheets of the richesit sections of the Unilocal items and. boiler plate. To- ted States. day look at them. The great maMr. Scott has traveled extenjority are clearly printed; they sively and had business interests carry a certain amount of the in various regions and he says more important national and in- that at the present time he conternational news along with the siders the conditions here are the strictly local columns; they are best of any he knows of. The nafilled with advertising; most im- tural resources are practically portant, they have editorial col- unlimited, and the climatic conumns. ditions are unrivaled for aU the Above all, this last cannot be year^ At the present time there exaggerated. From mere report- is no* place which offers lands of ers of town' happenings, they the class we have here at anyhave risen to an important, pos- where near the price they can be sibly the most important place as purchased here. The new Interna leaders of thought and comment tional Highway, from Pecos, Tex on local, state and national prob- as, to.the City of Chihuahua, lems. Their opinions are unusual- Mexico, and the completion of All fame* standards of motor car value fell when Buick for ly well founded and intelligent. the Kanss.3 City, Mexico and O1928 swept into view. Here art; bated all lfrBuidk models for They sway politics, industrial rient Railway, will give large por and business progress, and na- tions of this region transporta1928, tram their prices, so that you may teeforyourself how tional affairs in a large way., tion facil ties which they have little Eukk costs, when you consider how much Buick gives. lacked an. I it will be but a short It would be well for the aver R t t-p*aae*iger 2-door Sedan, age citizen to better appreciate time until these lands will be inFrwt-paeaenger 4-c'oor Sediin, S a n a a ] 13... fcllfS the character and influence of creased in price to nearer the leSanaa 120... $M9S the rural preJs. It may give him vel maintained in other similiar Fouitpaiaaager S p o i l : Roadster, fiva*]fMmeflger T o w n Brougfaain, another slant on the reason for regions. Series 115... * l l f 5 Series 120... 9 1 5 7 5 America's unprecedented pro- . Mr. Scott says that right now Two-passenger Coupe, Four-passenger Spoet Roadster, this region offers the greatest gress. Sanaa 113... $ : t X f f Series 128... § 1 4 9 5 opportunity to the investor, the Fwe.pnaarngit Sport T o u r i n g , home builder and the business Five-passenger Sport T o u r i n g , Tractors Essential To Road Series 115... $:tS*S man looki lg for a location of any Series 128... # 1 5 * 5 . Building. place he \ nows of. Foor-pitattagct Country d u b Coupe, Four-passenger Country d u b Coup a. Whether it was the auto that Series 115... 9:1375 Series 128... « 1 7 * 5 forced good roads, or good roads SCENIC DRIVE AUGUST 13th. Fh>e-passerig«i 4 door Sedan, iFiye-pj— nger Coupe, that made possible the. auto, is The* committee on arrangeSeries 115... t i i a f * Series 128 . . . # 1 S 5 * of small consequence. Certainly ments for the scenic drive for Rva^pataaagarToam Brougham, Frae-p sssr nga r Brougham, both are here. The United States the students of Sul Ross College, j Series 128... illffts Sanaa 115 .'.. •ltJ7* has more than 20,000,000 autos- have set the 13th of this month !Fow-p«*scager Coupe, one for every five inhabitants, as the date for the interesting Seren-passt ngu ir Sedan, I120...SM46* more than 12 times the world event. The party will leave the iSeries 128... t f t l f + S average* of one to 66. Dormitory at 9:00 a. m. sharp, AUpricuf. o. K Flint. MUM., CH TmxtobtudJed. In addition to building thou- and all cars are expected to folsands of miles of new road an- low the jbader, not turning to nually, which can be done only the side cS passing each other, as by using modern tractors and the s t r a i | | and narrow way will road equipment, the United Stat- be the r«ji| of safety. es is salvaging and reconstructArraarjyfoments have been ing thousands "of miles of worn made wifgpFort Davis to furnish out macadam, gravel, cement the barb'SSie, coffee etc., and the concrete, and asphalt roads by dinner wir be served in Limpia resurfacing the old base with a Canyon near the ruins of the old waterproof course of asphaltic fort, under some of the largest concrete. cottonwood trees in this region, When better fine shade and plenty of good water. A SIGN OF PROGRESS This drive will pass many of the historic roads of this region, and Keeping up with the procession is sometimes difficult—even impossible places will be shown the students in this fast horseless age for many. where noted Indian battles were Nearly forty years ago the writer fought, some of these places date came to Maifa. Then our city had back as far as 1848, one year bescarcely reached its romper stage of fore the California Gold Rush. development. One of the most attrac- Remember the date and time and tive and daily sights of the town was* be on han; for a real day of pleathe local trash man as daily with his sure. '•"••31 New Pair TRACE ir c e e I USE T H E TELEPHONE I You will be able to arrange and close that business deal more quickly in this way. BELL TELEPHONE Connection. TheWorld as n e v e r k n o w n sue GET L\ CLOSER TOUCH WITH YOUR FRIENDS Pecos and Rio Grande Telephone Co. MARFA, M\ARFA team of ancient horses he went from place to "place gathering up the gar- "DON'TfCNOW W H E R E I'M f GOING, bage. After a few years it was curBut I'm on my way." This rently reported one. of his faithful horses had died so he bought a mule comic saving has a good deal of to match, and so for.years he follow- real mea^ng to the tourists in ed daily his work gathering up the de-. parts of i ids country now days. bris of • the growing community—al- In manyjplaces the tourist can I ways having a faithful dog to follow only gue|||which of various j in"the train. Finally, the horse died roads, ali^/f them about equal! and then he had two mules to work to in appeanjfnce, is the one he| the wagon, and another dog, It is re- wishes tc^ibllow. Almost any ofj ported that a faithful gatherer of the the highways through this sec-j towns trash had two teams for some- tion would be much improved by J times he appeared with two burros, the addition of a few dozen signs then again, two mules, and finally for telling where each branch of the I thepast few years the wagon was pul- road, at points where there is led by a mule and a burro, assisted by a fork going in different direc-, tions, goes. two small boys and a.day. Several times recently the During all these years little change writer has had occasion to travel had taken place in the appearance of state highways, just off of the; the traah man. He looks today as he main east and west lines, and has did forty years ago—only a few gray had a goo;! deal .of guessing! hairs now appear on his face, and a about which road to take, forj few less haini we understand on the the reason that there were no top of his • head. But the other day signs to teij which was the high-; Marfa was, suartled when down the way where!.the road leading off stree( came the trashy man—driving, to some] 'ranch' or. small railway', a car. Gone are the horses, gone 'are station looked'to be traveled just | the mules 'and burros, Marfa's trash about as much as the main high-; man has joined the fast age. It is true way. "She's only a Lizzie," but 6he gets Only a fev days ago a stranger there a l l the same. How? coming into Alpine remarked to j us that he was surprised on —Old-Timer. GASOLINE, NOISELESS CLOSET Tank and bowl being made all in one. Is a thing of beauty and utility. t & aa OIL Tyler and Settle, Prop's We will repair your Clocks, Phonographs, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Ma* t* chines and EleQric Irons Cheap. We are assigned for this territory I t representatives; for the new * X I * »3 7. i l l Hurley + . Furniture Co. 1 + * M « * * t t r r m t l t f 11 $ * » • * • » » * ' » ' ' » •'»'»' •* 1 Mill :iS{ We willi announce its arrival soon. • The wide awake Plumber* Marfa R. A. McMurry Alpine I Adds McMurry Plumbing Co. j G. C. Johnson, ; GARAGE Welding and Brazing TEXAS to the People who care « • Automobile Repairing. BIUICK>I928 Casner Motor Co. MARFA, TEXAS i IN THE NEW ERA . • .. \- it * - . Bring results. TRY THEM! •'••>»1'1 .,»::v" . . « ^ > » > M » ' ••• ..'.« • '• ' : x-m A / m m •J with the preieshers selected for^ t^the present*'when scaio''*owmen'« PaisanoAsseaably Has the**1*17 are:-Presbyterian, Rev. John H. ciuap's have eight or t«.n cooks and "C^&d-.SiJcth Session Burma, of Wa:cahachie; Baptist, Rev. helpers, with a barbecued isteer daily. 1 ; S. J. Porter, Washington, D.C.; Me- Many improvements Planned; thodist, Rev. W. A, Shelton, Atlanta, Ga.;-and Desci]3les, Rev. L. D.Anderr Big IFund Subscribed. The P?fy[u»o Baptist Assembly at Paisano j^$s in the Davis Mountains MM«r lltbl* Inatitnt* a f > h u £ ; closed iti sixth consecutive year « • * » . W««UCB N m w w CMotU Sunday, Ju!,y 30, after ' one of the greatest ten-day session in its history. Le«*on for August 7 Under the ieadership cifL.lt, Miliican its president, the encampment this •DAVID SPARES SAUL year records greater attendance more religious enthusiasm nnd more in i j S S O N T E X T — I S*m.. chm* 2 « . . O O L D E N T E X T — B e sot flvercome ar spirational instruction than ever be • • i l . but overcome evil with good. fore. PRIMARY TOPIC—David* KindM son, Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. R* L. Irving, r Presbyterian, Fort Davis, is the resident minister and the-superintendent of the campmeeting association. Captain J . B. Gillette, a big ranchman rear Marfa, is president of the association. He wis once a Texas ranger and kird a hand in roartding up some' of tbt biggest ontliws the state has eves:fcriown.He WAS in the old days a police officer in 3S1 Paso. The original so?7lces thirty-eight Three of the greatest preachers of years ago were !u'd under the great the Baptist denomination have been oat tree's of th beautiful Skittman in charge of the encampment this 'Grove, which is tlie site used today. year—Bev. I. E . <5ates, of San A n - 'Only f if teeen <«• twenty persons were YOUNG P E O P L E A N D A D U L T TOPtonio, fiev. Gecrge Truett, of Dallas present at the first gathering, which IC—Overcoming Evil With Good., and Dr. S. J. Porter of Washington, •was conducted "by Rev. W. D . Bloys, I. Saul In Puniultof David (vv.1-3). D. CL, and other leaders of Sunday fhe cow-boy** preacher. One^half 'of E v e r since David.took his departure from Jonathan (ch. 20), when that School, Women's Missionary Union, a barbecued bsef, sufficed the needs, crowning net of friendship was shown.. B. Y. P. U., and special courses have according t» an old-time -citizen who wan there. Thin is in striking contrast ' Saul had been hunting him as a-wild been of equal standard. animal. He now pursues him with In auuition to the great inspira8,000 chosen niaji; - David flees from tional talks and lessons, music has Place to place and Is In hiding as an been of bettter quality than before outlaw. Sometimes he Is In the enefound at the encampment. The ormy's couutry doing disreputable things. This Is tlie period of his chestra, under the. leadership of E. L. schooling, which fitted him to be the Harp, of Roswell, New Mexico, has alfuture eminent king. It was a hitter ways been considered the best enperiod in his life, but God sent him.to campment orchestra.in the state, but this school and adapted the instruc- this year its excellence has been mark tion to his needs. • David could never ed. Many players from Roswell, Arhave been the broad man that he tesia, and other New Mexico towns was had be not been prepared In this crucible of bitter experience. He were present in addition to numbers learned many lessons, among which from Pecos, Barstow, and other Texas cities. B. B. McKinney of Fort Worth may be mentioned: 1. H i s own weakness. It was nee- great song writer and chorus leader tiatary that he bo humbled under the has been directing one of the finest sense of his Infirmities. Before any encampment choirs ever seen also and one Is fit to be raised to a position of together with the orchestra great song prominence ho must be made to know services have been held every day. his limitations and weaknesses. UnTh following ministers attended the less a man has learned 41)is lesson, sudden elevation to power will utterly meetings, some regular and others ruin him. « were ocassional visitors during the 2. His dependence upon G o d . ' Da- session. / vid's many miraculous escapes caused Dr. I. E . Gates, First B. Ch. San Anhim to realize that the Lord had retonio, preacher every day at 11:00. deemed him out of his adversity. Dr. Geo. W. Truett, First B. Church 3. H e learned tlie country and peoDallas, preached each evening. ple over which he was to rule. By knowing the grievous afflictions which Dr. J. B. Tidwell, The Department of Saul had heaped upon the people, he Bible, Baylor University. could sympathize and remove them: Dr. S. J. Porter, First B. Ch.-Wash4. H e learned the magnanimity of ington, D. C. lect ured each afternoon. self-control. I'hta a man must know Dr. T. V.Neal, First B. Church, El before he can be u true king. He that Paso, spoke before the asembly. ruleth his spirit It) better than he that Dr. E. S. Groner, Dallas, General Sec taketh a city (Prov. l G : 3 i ) . II. Saul In David's Hands (vv.4-20). retdry of Baptist Convention of Tex1. David sends out spies (v. 4). as addressed the assembly. Dr. E. C. Routh, Dallas, Editor of This he did to find out whether. Saul Baptist Standard, addressed the aswas come'In very deed. 2. David in Saul'3 camp (vv.5-11). sembly. * ' •a He took with hiiu Ablshal and went Dr. H. F. Vermillion, El Paso, Supt. In the night to where Saul was sleep- Baptist Tuberculosis Sanatorium. ing. Ablshal asked to be allowed to kill Saul, but David forbade' him he- I E. P. Kennedy, Uvalde, Director of cause Saul was tiie Lord's annotated. Sunday school classes for assembly. 5. David takes Saul's spear and L. R. Miliican, president of Paisano cruse of water (vv. 12,13). Once be- Assembly. fore at Engedl (chap. 24). David' J. M. Garner, First B. Ch. Del Rio. spared Saui's life. Now again he was Buren Sparks, First B. Ch. Alpine. at his mercy. This David did that he S. F. Marsh, First B. Cr. Marfa. might sh6w tangible evidence to. the J. Fred Cole, First B. Ch. Clint. king that he had no evil Intent. Jud B. Holt, First B. Ch. McAllen. 4. David taunts Abner, the king's I. V. Garrison, First B. Ch. Pecos. bodyguard (vv. 1-1-10). He call3 to L. E. Frazier, 1st B. Ch. Ft. Stockton. Abner and taunts hhu for hi* listless- . ness—his failure to watch over the G. F. Grown, 1st B. Ch. Midland. Lord's annointed. the evidence, of Paul Bell, President Mexican Instiwhich Is the c r w e and spear In his tute, Bastrop, addressed the assembly. hands. D. E. Hurd, 1st B. Ch. Big Springs. 5. David reasons with Saul .(vv. A. L. Mitchell, 1st B. Ch. McCamey. 17-20). David reasoned with Saul, H. H. Summers, B. Ch. Sweetwater. showing that he had nothing but good intentions toward the king. He asked J; W. Sailors, B. Ch. Odessa. that he would show what wrong he C. P. Morris, B. Ch. Fresno, Cal. i had done, or what evil Intent wa3 In Dr. R.- L. Irving, President Bloys his heart If the Lord was directing Campmeeting. Saul he was willing to appease His J. C. Jones, Methodist Church, Marfa. wrath with an offering. If Saul was Rev. Davis, Methodist Ch. Alpine. only hunting him because wicked men D. R. Peveto, Supt. Baptist Hospital, were urging him. a curse should be pronounced upon them. David Is very San Angelo. humble, and begs Saul to relent,' for Rev.Hadfield, Christian Cr. Alpine. surely If he had any wicked purpose T. M. Broadfoot, Christian Church of he would not have saved his life twice Marfa. • when the Lord had placed Saul wholly Laurance Fitzgerald, El Paso. » e w to Hto Enemy. • " ^ i ° , ^ I C - - I > * » 1 « Shows Mercy. I N T E R M E D I A T E AND SENIOR TOPIC—How to Treat Those Who Wrong R o p There is no more majestic and insp>iring region in the. southwest,.perhaps than the Davis - 'Mountains,' and the Accept The first people at the caVnpmeeting camp site, one mile square, with mounlfo Substitutes got water from cavaties in the rocks. tains drawing away on every hand, is. Today there is a complete water in the very heart of the rugged and for imposing range. work:i, as well as electric lights. Since the 1926 meeting the tabernacle has been enlarged to accomodate GOING DOWN 200 more persons, are more, than that, and as many chairs have been added. The association was incorporated The well being drilled by Wilseveral years ago, before the passing cox and Richardson, on the Gage cf Dr. Bloys in 1917. A granite shaft ranch about 20 miles east pf AlPurely stands on the grounds in memory of pine, is pushing right down, bethe belov«;d founder. ing over 300 feet now and'drillVegetable The purpose of the big gathering is ing steadily. social, religious, and recreational. South,of town about SO.milusi The meetings e m p h a s i z e the on the Terlingua road the Mid1 spiritual needs, values and possibili- Kansas Company is preparing to ties. To quote Dr. Irving, the meetings spud in on a test and two other lire "for bettter, higher, greater, rich- locations will soon be opened up er and more useful living." on the same properties in the - We guarantee each and every There were 140 camps on the grounds near future. last year, besides hundreds of visitors Leasing continues, practically plumbing job we do to be safe and who did not set up camps. Strangers all over the county, and we look sanitary. \ are always asured every courtesy and confidently for extensive activiMcMURRY PLUMBING CO. .assistance. ties during the next few months. Thedford's BLACK-DRAU6HT Live* go BBBHBUBBBBB S T U D > T h e C o n i i m a n d e r established the worlldl's stock car record K loir sustained speedy durability and depeitid\ ability—5,000 miles i n less than 5000 minutes—and now The Commander sets a rec, ord for value at its new low price of . . . ... . at his mercy. D i v i d recognized tlie fact that the Lord had delivered Saul into his hands not .to kill, but to save. He-did not kill, neither did he allow his servants to kill. III. Saul's Confession (vv.2l*-25). ' 1. H e confessed that he had sinned. The sad feature about his confession lg that It lacked conviction, for .be went right on sinning. < 2. He confessed that be had played the fool and erred exceedingly. We "see nbtifit us dally many using such 'expressions, but still they go on repeating their sins Duvid shows his '. iiiuimiinliiilty of spirit, however, in delivering the cruse and spear to Saul's servant. He knew tliat Saul's confession was not genuine, so he was ' afraid to go near. He still appeals to : Saul's kindness to him, and they part ' never to meet again. i — •— Bloys Campmeeting To Open On Aug. 17 Famous Gathering In Davis Mts. Expected to be One of Largest. The famous Bloys campmeeting will open its thirty-eighth annual session August 17, to continue to August 24. Practically everything is already in readiness for the ocassion. A new water-tank to contain about 15,000 gallons has been erected, this in addition to the one that has been in use. And cottages and sheds have been add ed. More visitora axe^expected this year than ever before, if weather permits. For readers who "do not live in this Praying immediate region the following facts -It is better to do a little with migh be of interest. , p r a y « r and In the Spirit than to be This campmeeting is unique. Noth. busy with many things In your own ing is bought or sold on the grounds. strength." Camping sites, wood, water and lights are free to everbody. Fort Davis, 16 Spiritual Love j miles distant, is the.nearest trading point. Marfa, on the Southern Pacific i A l l real spiritual love Is but a por- j 20 miles away, is the nearest railroad tion of Christ's love which yearns in , point. The camp site is at an elevaail who are united to Him.—Alford. tion of 6,000 feet above sea-level. An Important Duty i Warmer apparel is necessary than at i y « m have not fulfilled every duty un- j lower.altitudes. Overcoats are often less you have fulfilled that of being \ convenient, and plenty of blankets at \ pleasant.—Charles Buxton. night. The campmeeting is carried on by Beware of Low Aim four Protestant denominations, and ; Not failure, hut low aim Is crime.— LowoflL REDUCED STUDEBAKER PRICE!*--EFFECTIVE JULY 27, 1927 The Commander Tine Dictator The President j New, brilliant example of excess power and quality at a One-Profit price—-more automobile for the money than any manufacturer ever offered before.' «*»«*fl«*^. W •*>«*'«»***-•''" WAS 18 SedanOdr.]plush.$1245 : 1 1 1 9 $ • Sediin [4*<dr0 mohair 1335 . Victoria . . . ; 132£> . ' I » 9 » Coupe, /or 2 . . 124f> » 1195 Coupe,/or 4 . • 134f> • 119* Roadster, for 4 * . 129i> . 1*45 Duplies Phaeton . 119i» • 1195 Tovtrer,, for 5 . . 116i» . 1 1 4 * Towi-er,fori . . 1245 . 1145 l, All Outsells combined totals of all other cars in the world of equal or greater rated power. Hold* world stock car records for sustained high speed—5,000 miles in less than 5000 minutes. ~T," . Sedan. . . . Sedan, Regal . Victoria . . . Victoria, Regal Coupe . . . Coupe, Regal . Roadster, for 4 prices WAS .$1585 . 1710 . 1575 . - 1645 . 1545 . 1645 . 1675 f. 1 -(149S . 1625 . 144S .I M S . 144S . 1625 . b. HORD M O T O R » XS*S Maximum beauty and su]>erlarive comfort for captains of commerce— the final word in a car for the man whose word is final. Only 7 American cars, costing $4»000 to $11,000, equal it in jiower. WAS Sedan, for? Tourer, for 7 Limousine . a n d f. All Stttddbakers carry $100 wortii a f extra equipment without extra co$t factory COMPANY , V . •' Maria $2245 1845 2495 Alpine, -, 4- Texas Beautiful in design - thorough' modern-- mechimically right IHUfi 'Air! *"!" - aUianttjBwaan. mmm t)r*'*l : s 'f, GONSUMHTIONC^ AMERICAN GOTTON SETS MABK Lv,-'"- if' .NEW:ORLEANS, Lai, Aug; 1. XAP) —^The; greattsst eohsump-; .. .Homer Colquitt, Marfa;;was-'uere on tion' of. American «ottonrever rebusiness .'Cues jay. . , corded .Was annoum5ed here>Monday .in-thetannual Cotton • coh„ \ .'VI >f-i-. **<• • S: W. Drapsir, Agent of, the T. & rjjj aumptionl < report.- of' &!cretary O'.,.-.has' rstartied- to his duties al!ter a, Henry, G a Hester of the New OrWAS G A M E L I T T L E GIRL H O M E F R O M LONG TRIP short viWation. leans Cottonfihechcinge.The' to;1 £ ^ j l 4 e k ^ s ^ : J M « W ? I ' ^ $ , A young summer, miss at. Hotel . Espy ilMiller brought in a^load of tal throughout the world for the .1 t m ^ d l h o m e tl<few^dsya *go|frphl IJmpia w.is haying the time of her fine melons from his ranch'Monday. year ending Sunday wa$ • set at their trip-which set out on May ^ftHife the other .'day riding a burro. Sud17,428,000 bales. The world conwithout ahy^siiedai designation;; in deriJy and -without warning - the beast . S..E..EIuntcn is in an E l Paso hospi-, sumption, never before had reach view, to, go "whore, they-felt like.going braced. Ths little girl looked wildly tal recovering: from an operation per- ,ed'17,000,000 bales, the report and »tajKas l o n g . a s t h e y "pleased; around; She' didn't know whether, it formed last 'xreek. Mrs. Buntsn, who said. Their speedomelter showed 5,800 miles. Was earthquake,. tornado or flood, or is with him, .will be home iti a few ..Southern cotton, consumption, " 1 ^ - T l ^ w e i ^ ^ ;harlsba4- Cfijernfc and just the whole -world expluoded. But days. . '' ' ' including linters, also broke, exthe^Granfl Canyon, spent a month"; hi she- held '-grimly to - the- saddle horn isting - records, being 5,471,391 j f l a r t * Diego, wont to San Francisco, with both' hands till • all was over,i.'Employees'o# the T.-oVN; 0;-are tak bales. 692,465.more, than last ^ S ^ t ^ L e i e ^ C i l y , ; Denver, Colorado <?Sure a game kid;" the on-looking a- inff examinations in the re-examina- year and 1,091,273., more - than tion eaa , i wbish- arrived here from E l '""•Springs and Santa Fe. They found the dults said admirinly. the year.beforethtit. Paso Tuesday. ".' cities very interesting, especially Salt •',.-: Secretary -Hestei* ,said that .the -Lake City. And were glad to get home C L A R K S C H A N G E RESIDENCES \ D. O. Howard,',publicity seci'eUry of, world.had,taken virtually all of -.again to good old-Fort Davis,.Richthe Chamber of ^Commerce,-.attjended the American cotton it could get ard's health was much improved, and, The 3f H. Chirk •family has moved a meeting held a£ Del Rio Jjuly, 30th The consumption; he , said,,. had he took on about, fifteen pounds of into* the'-'Stewart Hotel, 'which r the of the Dlexicjin Border Association. practically absorbfid. the^ great •' weight.-. • ' Clarks bbbght and are rem'odling to a crop of last year when 19,000,000 seven, apartment, house.< The -Clark's bales were produced. MINING M A N HERE apartment is finished. Plumbers are yALENTINE C. OF C. MEETS .NO T?l C E at; work, ba^hro»ms have been;added, • ,• - i • P?T>, Sprhil 1 was ih Marf^iitinday on buaintss.' J ;*!Wr£ BARRY SCOBEE. Correspondent Please telephone or communicate items of news, as:well as personals to the localrepresentativeof-the NEW ERA in your community. i Hop Ma , ipr booklet of rec£jM#4 1 ' It- ! i ^ 1 . ; : r 1 I ? ; y Gaither Anderson,'con of fMrs tie Bellir-Anderson and brother J . W . Mjerrill; arrived at the ranch U s t F r u l a y for a visit 'He hair been ih'Mexico most of the time since 1906, connected with' mining corporations, and only recently left.Canenea,, <S*. electricity/-Three of. Mrs. brothers, Torai the forsmari,-Judd af^ Isaac, have been here for several weeks working on the job- Her mother Mrsv W*. HrBretmandr arid"* two" other where hishas interests. H e spent abpMUbrotliersf Jessewintr Jackf arrived-last 'two months in Los Angeles visiting week, and will» be here until after his married daughter Helen. He.drove. campmeetfng. Miss Jimmie Nebon of through from\California in fore-days*' E l p soraccompanied the Brennands finding the reads' pretty- good as a for a visit here. whole. Mr. and Mrs;-Will Foley, of Valentine were visitors liere'a'few days ago. >: 4 a RAINS SPOTTED* Birr WELCOME Valentine, iTex., Last. Wiidriesday lUgl^j^^Cbjmber of Coinmiiree held a ^specisd i#neeting^ipr ; %%\ purpos*,. D M . pf hearinjri'their delegate'sTeport of OA meeting at Del Rio July 30th of the Me^icaniRprtler^igbway^AaiiQciation^ D. O. ^ o w i ^ ^ P o b l i c i t y . Secretary, who represented Valentine at: the Del Rio meeting, gave a report outlining the work thai; has been undeitaken by the vai-ious Chambers of Commerce on the'Mexican Border Highway, and the advantages gained through, combiiunivthemsBlves for the purpose of .adreritiuihg- ihe^Wfhway,^ ,'; . Permitting camping and plcnicing on any of lhe lands, owned or control ed by,me in Jell J>a.vii5 County will not be grarttwl and the same is strictly forbidden., Alay..2i, 1927. B . B.. McCUTCHEON i malt you can't go' vrrong om For it's a 1009b'Piir6; extiracd ibi choice l^orthcirn harlc^y^lended i^vitlh. imported Saazer aild finest (domestic! hopr by Am^riijca's foiemoiit inHlt^ets* ^td- it^s baccked« by; a OLam<hat nas ;meant top quality for 70 years! You'll'ikubw why- it keeps, gro^t|Lg[.;in iayor the veryfi^it,time, youjtry' a eaia. You'll ntict it's, woithy of the tsnme you •see onth^ labels 1 1 OPERA HOUSE m J ; J • Mr.' arid Mrs. 0 . 0. Finley of Pecos For several ilays last week rain fell •were in Fort'Davis late last week. in very locals showers iii; the'moun-Qaite a-few"summer visitors are tttk tains andj adjacent country. Ft, Davis ing advantage of opportunity to keep had a heavy shower of more than an up their ;rolf by playing on thi? local hour onei morning; Grass is nice and green in spots, but the brown still' « n t e . I^fact the new coursej, provshows up-iere and there. Nevertheless * ^ « ^rawmg card 'the rain that lias fallen is very welDUMAS LEASES RESTAURANT come to the'ranchmen and'the ranges as a whole are not at all in bad condiJohn Dumas has leased his restaution. rant to P . N . Abies, of Marfa. Mr. Abies said he had 20 years'experience Mrs. J ; W . Espy entertained the in restaurants. He has taken charge members of the Presbyterian Mission , of the Dumas building. Mr. Dumas ary Society at. her home one 'afterand is remodelling the restaurant part noon last week. will continue with his meat market and confections. Miss Katherine Espy sponsored a Fort Davis Peaches are fine this picnic for young folks one evening the first of the week. It was a very year. It would be difficult to surpass ' pleasant occasion. Hany of the guests tho flavor anywhere. were out-bf-town folk. 3 n t o ; v TAKES RANCH FOREMANSHIP Jas. E. Caiiner,<'^%ipine, wits tdected president of the aiisociation, and.Hal Hamilton, D.:l' Rio, vice-jimrident. The' Secretary-manager and bourd of dii'ectoi's will be-chosen,later. Each MONDAY town will be entitled to one director, BRONCO B U STER arid when these have been chosen, the Universal Western. Secretary-manager will be named. ' The aim o:.' the association is to thoroughly advertise the towns and TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY country between San Antonio and E l Bebe Daniels In Paso on the M . B . Highway; by getting out desci-iptive booklets and maps W I L D W I L D S U S A L N which will bo placed where they will reach the prospective motor tourists. THURSDAY & FRIDAY Tom Mix In The delegates are all loud inCANYON O F LIGHT ANHIHUSER-BUS;CHrSu MOVIES their praise of the entertainment tendered by the Dei Rio people, SATURDAY and the fine banquet given in their honor, as well as the ac- Hoot Gibson In tive interest the people of that HEY. HEY COWBOY city took in the promotion Of the SHOW STARTS A T 8 P. enterprise. « • Strictly Union Mado Louis - , : * L. y WATSON-ANDERSON COMPANY RL-I MARFA.TEXAS Distributors ft: M > M l••^.•^l.^.^l»•»•^lt••^^»^'•^^•<'4^<'•^fr^^ fr^ ^ *^^** FIVE PEOPLE VOTE > J. I. McElroy has accepted the place as manager of the 'Kennedy ranch. Ho began his work the second of the month. The owner Mrs. J . P. Kennedy. She with her children is at the ranch now, but expects soon to return to her El-Paso home. G. C. Carmack has been manager of the ranch for some years, but resigned. H Five vot-s'were cast in Jeff Davis County on the constitutional amendments election Mariday. They were uni mously against*. " The ballot box at Limpia was the only one doing business that day. Nobody else", so-far as knowr., held an election, though several rsopte here dressed up and went down to the court honse to vote to i i n d nobody home, so to speak. SupMiss Lillian Yarbro has returned plies had ben sent out by Sheriff from Colorado City. She is a guest SprouVand County Clerk Bloys to all at the home of Mr. and" Mrs. Lee the si:< precincts. Sproul. Lumber Co. E J . W. HOWELL; Mgr. t : y Brick. Wagons, 1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION Clerk,County Court, Presidio County, Texas. FOF PROBATE OF WILL By Willie Bates, Deputy. . ! Given under n.y hand and thejeal T H E STATE* OF', T E X A S , of said Court and issued this July 8, • To the Sheriff or aAy Constable of 1927. ( J . H . FORTNER Presidio County—Geeting: You are Hereby Commanded' to cause the following notice to be pe'olished in a newspaper of general circulation which has been continuously and regularly published for a period of not less than one year preceding the return date of. the notice in the County of Presidio State of Texas, and you shall cause said notice to be printed at least once each week for a period of ten days exclusive of the first day of publication before the return dav hereof: SCHOOL NOTICE The Marfa Independent School District has authorized the selection of a treasurer for slid district to sirve for the next two years, as is provided for under Article No. 2832 of the Revised Statutes, and sealed bids.will be received by said Board, and thc^ person or corporation will be selected'who is offers to act as treasurer • of said school fund and'who offers the best bid of interest on the average daily NOTICE O F A P P L I C A T I O N F O R balances for the privilidge of acting as-such treasurer. PROBATE OF WILL AIL bids should be filed With the President .of the Board not later than T H E STATE; OF T E X A S , To all persons interested in-the Es- 10 o'clock A . M.,; August 1st, 1927. J: W.< H O W E L L , President. ' tate of B . F . IJoyd Deceased. Attesjt: • . . ' - . . , j G. R. Collier has filed in the County F^;W\i' Jordan, Secretary. Court of Presidio County) an application for Probate of the will and letiMOVE LOCATION ters of administration On the Estate of the said B. F . Boyd Deceased., The Humble oil company have which will be heard at the next Term moved one-fourth of a mile south of said Court, 'commencing vthe^-1 st' of$ithe|r61d lbditfbn'-oY the King-; Monday in "September A r ' D , i927,Jat ifctSnrWoulfterifrfnch west of Bat the Court House thereof, in the City morhea and'are erecting the derof Marfa, Texas at which time all rick preparatory to putting down persons interested in said Estate,may another test. It will be known appear and contest said applicatioahould they desire to do so. y ; as the Flores.No. 2 Flores No. 1,' b Fencing Material, Bluilders Hardware, Carpenters Tools, F'aihts, Oils, Glass, Lumber, . Varnishes, Doors, Sash, Shingles, A-Satisfiedl-Customer" is our mstto.t 1 V - il ? 1 l n t 3»A ; Fresh Meat & Vegetables, and Oystera in Season i' >• r J 1 F^hone 230 the -first test,, was abandoned Herein Fail Not, B u t havo you then after going down 370 feet on acand there before said Court this Writ, count of losing the tools in such With your'.'retarn- thereon endorsed, a manner that they could not be showing how iron have executed the recovered. --Madera. -Valleysame. -• News. ,w;.orRm^:i:. A. H. Karstendick 30 x 3 1-2 Firestone, Cord $8,00 30 x 3 1-2 Oldifieia $7.00 Other Casings very low, v»--'t X B. Davis Filling Sitation * '» - r r. j vV • .I I ! i> •:i rM ^Mh^iik i '—rr-. f??9?r _..,„• 4 THE NEW B R ^ B H R F A ; TEXAS THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH OWBT rot Ati», ILongi Troubled ITS 1 =5 ; CHARLIE'S BARBER SHOP ONE HOPS!: The Christianization of . by the World; GOOD SERVICE BIBLE THOUGHT AND PRAYER ONE A I M : Christian Unity, the Para- If partnb trill have their childnn memo* ^Reasonable Prices mount Prequisite to Christianization; the a BAle ttfeetloneachietek.il wUl pnat ONE METHOD: The Bible Its Own a ptieetmu heritage to HWm fa after yean. Good Shine 10c. . Hiss Linnie Lee White and Annie .I.GREAT POWF.R FROM GOI>:~ * NEXT TO SCHiriiFS PLACE Loa Spungeon of. Dallas are in our FOR SALE—Three sections of land Interpreter; "Black-Di aught has been a city the guertas of M r . and Mrs. V . in Regan County not far from the Big ONE T H E M E : l h e Self-Will, in all Behold, I .'give unto you power to fiuiuly nwilicine with us for ,D. White. Miss Linnie Lee is a sister oil fields. Address P. O. Box P. Marfa, Things, Subordinated to the Christ- Ireaul on seii>enls and scorpions, and fifteen years,'' says Mr. F. M. Will. ' • over all the power of an enemy, of M r . White and Hiss Annie Lou'is Texas. Huntley, of Neosho, Mo. "I read Practically all religious enthur and nothing shall by any moans bis niece. These young ladies are pop about itfirstin the Ladies BirthMARFA LODGE NsuBfeBr flfe siasts, of whatever church or faith has hurt you. 10: 190. qlaV High school teachers of Dallas. day Almanac and what I read Captain and Mrs. J . t&. Gillett re- at last conn: to the sensible concluthere sounded so ;convmcing'.Ir turned first of the wer^c from a rethat tlie world's greatest need is •PRAYERjU) Lord, Most High,.we •FOR RENT—A comfortable 6 room union of ex-rangers. The next meet- sion iiaiie up' mjr. mind 't» ^y^BlsckMeets secen* Taarsunified Christian effort and that such seek to dwe>!l in the secret plaefc .residence with bath, hot and cold ing will be held at B i g Springs. I^rsiight, as I had been txoudsy evening in oseh can be brought about only by unity of where no evil thing can hefall t:;s. water. Phone 214. Hed with constipation for a long SBODU). Christian teaching. How many of us QUESTION:—Why should wo sing lime. Miss Patricia Moss of Corpus Chris- are striving to find the proper basis Visiting brethreji sre "I found Black-Draught to be M r . and Mrs. Jack Rawls and two ti has moved to 'Marfa, and is now for this much needed harmony? Let and rejoice? the ideal medicine for this troocordially invited to be prosentlittle children left Sunday for San with Mead 4 Metcalfe, attorneys, as all people everywhere pray for ChristAnswer, read —Tsaicli 40:1.) hh. It gave me quick' relief. Antonio. While there,Mrs. Rawls will their Stenographer. ian unity on God's basis and, if our ]?Te<iuently 1 had bad headaches undergo an operation for throat trouprayers are in earnest, it will be given John MacDonald, *W. M. Howard W. Peak of Presidio was a iind pains, due to toxic poison. ble. Mrs. Clay Mitchell has returned us, then we can take the "world for business visitor to the clerks office N. A. Arnold, Secretarjr By taking' a course of BlackFriday. from E l Paso where she has been for Christ. Drsioght I gave my system s Study our Bulletin announcement Get the New Low Prices on F i - several weeks receiving medical treatthorough deansing, and I have carefully and sej what it means to restone casings at ' ment. lutd little ox no trouble* sines R. H. Garter has acceded u posiyou. It reads: J. B. Davfai Filling Station. then. tion with the .Peons & Rio Grande Marfa Rebekah Lodge mo Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Clifford A . Smith of the school of "lifow, if I am becoming eonTelejlhone Company of Marfa and Meets 2nd and 4th Friday Lord's Supper, 10:45 a. m. Mrs. Frank Moore and Mrs. Leo-j Journalism at Columbia, Mo., was in itipitted, ][ take several small will he our most efficient lineman. Sermon, (What Is The Status of nora Harris of Presidio were pleasant j the city last week. He has taken (loses of Bkck-Dnught, and am , at 8:15 P. M. . visitors to our city last Saturday, charge as Editor of the Border Times, The Erring Chriiitian?), 11:00 a. m. irmry soon fooling fins.* Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Oddfellowi HaU Mr. K . ? i Keeler, representing the They were en route to the Paisano en published at Presidio. , Costs osirj' 1 cent • dose. . Sermon, (My Church) 8:15 p. m. Hockenbury hotel system, has opencampment for the closing days. Mrs. Bertha Settle, N. G. We would like to see a 100 per cent ed offices in'tho Masonic building. Mr. Mrs. Walter Thompson and child- attendance of church members at Keeler is in charge of the campaign Mrs. Ida Lee Jordan, Sec. If in town or out of town and ren, of Pearsall have come to spend bpth of these services. Both messages to Outline a program with view of erthe summer with Mrs. Thompson and need work on your tires. Just call 1« »s****s»*\ immamen are Christ's anc: the Holy Spirit's ecting a modern $150,000 hotel in Mar*.*****>+*•****>*+ father D. G. Knight. 197 at your service. mesages to the modern church. fa. n s t i p a t i o n . "I was glad when they said unto Miowar Filling Station Mrs. J . W. Gillispie left first of the me, Let uti go into the house of the ion.Biliousness week for a visit to friends in Arigona. Lord." David's prophecy concerning SUBSCRIBE: For THE NEW ERA! Dr. Finney, of McKinzie, Tenn., was the Church of Christ, Ps. 122:1. S a visitor in our city this week, while Have you seen our Magazine Racks? CATTLE RANGE FOR LEASE T. M . Broadfoot, Pastor. here he was the guest in the home of Just what you need, and we have a; BTIERNATHHIAL Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Mead. Dr. Finney contplete line of lacquer paints for a j We have a 6,500 acre pasture MARFA CLH is president ameritus of Bethel Col- coating. Mr. H . Ridout of Floresville came in one mile from the Railroad stalege and is now 80 years of ag*. Mrs. ROBINSON-McCABE L U M B E R CO. first of the wetk to visit his sister ition of Cambellton, Atascosa Meets every Tuesday's Mead graduated under him. Mrs. J . J . Franklin and other relatives, j County and a 4,142 acre pasture 12 Noon. Long-born D i e , about 8- miles from Mikaska staBEG PA It DON—A CORRECTION ion 30x3% Tubes at $1.45 STANLEY CASNiSR, Pres. Mr. and Mi's. Rybiski have returned jmJ » nLiveoak County, both pas A S a m e 29x4.40 Tubes at Si.80, at Last week in our Special Develop- from a visit to New Orleans and othtr railroad waitB. HILLSMAN DAVIB, Bet'y ATIORNEIS-AT-LAW e r ment Section there was a mistake in : eastern points. " * *v>»rfacetanks. J . B.DAVIS F I L L I N G STA « ' the write-up of Dan's Cafe. Which i Wells are equipped With WindRives who has for | T M A Mr. D. C. Mead and wife and two follows:Coming to this city 8 Miss Lucille Rives who has for •>#^#^<s»s»v»^<r*'<'e>e^«>.s'##^^^>e>^^^^d>^^^^^i children of'Greenville,"areTn our city y S ° ' t h i ° n l y $25.00 in his poc- several months 'jeen visiting in CorGeneral PrsrMr* For further information write Let us make your new llsets the guest o f their parents Mr. a n d * ' . Starting pus Christi, returned home WednesJordan Cambbell, 614 Houston or repair year old Bk«» Mrs C E Mead * ' V years ago i day. BIdg., San Antonio,. Texas. ' ; with only ?25.00. j MA UFA. - - TEXAS C. E . M«:ad, Esiq., left last week for Call and see our beautiful line of! y° Marfa knows that, Our work Is guaranteed— COLLEGE OF MINES ****** unfinished sewing sewing cabinets. We than $25 when he came Ashville, N . C , where he expects to . . . can! Prices Reasonable supply you with the lacquer paints to! invested over $5,000 spend several w«eks, both on .pleasure Charles A. Puckett, Harvard •^*++*v*r ++mw•**•»*'**••*'»" touch them up. j Laundry business here. and businss. University graduate- has just MARFA BOOT AND SHOE CO. ROBINSON-McCABE L U M B E R CO. I mistake is a mistake and we been appointed dean of the ColGotholt Brothers • I are always glad to correct them when Sheriff Lee Sproul of Jeff Davis lege of Mines of the University our attention is called to them. W A N T E D — B y young man, meals County was ovei Thursday from Fort of Texas, according to a dispatch Drsyafe Marts, - Texas •with private family. Address P. O. Davis as a witness in the Will Ed- just received from Dr. H . Y. j Dr. W. ,T. Jone3 and Dr. Irving of wards case. Light and Heavy IlaulinQ Benedict, President of the State Box 691. Marfa. —Agent| Fort Davis were Marfa visitors Thurs University in Austin. Pierce Petroleum Corporation day. Qea'rJLPuckett received his B. Mrs. K . B . Ogilvie and babies of Pennant Oils and Gasoline Mr. J . R. Gallimoire of the Model A. Degree from the University Oklahoma City, after a pleasant visit Dairy has returned from Hot Springs CHILD INJURED — Phones — MARFA CHAI»TER_ with her parents M r . and Mrs. C. E . New Mexico, whsre for several weeks of Tejfas in 1911. While there he Ko. 17ft, R. A. M. Union Drug Store, 46 . * specialized in the study of EduMead, left for their home Thursday. Monday evening after dark a little he has been recuperating. cation. Residence, 108 child was crossing the street in front . Meets 4th TliursIn 1925 he took his Masters L I B E R A L R E W A R D — F o r clew to of the Humphreys boarding house day uignt tn seen Degree from Harvard University thief who entered my store ahou* noon when a car without lights came along SLIGHT RAISE IN PAY ..month.Viidtlng The apjwintment of the dean Thursday and stole one 38 Colta Spe- The mother of the child Mrs. Peters The telegraph operators and j ^e majored in education, companions welcome. cial and one 32 Harrington & Richard ) in looking out in thc street not'eed her son Pistol D . A . Also hand stamped j little one and haaring an approaching tower men of ;he Southern Paci-j « « made by the president of the | University at the suggestion of scabbard. Please notify me promptly. ! car ran out in time to catch up her fie have just been granted H . W. SCHUTZE. - j child but not until she was struck and raise of 3 cent per hour in their the board of regents. JCBean,E.P. The dean will assume charge , dragged about 50 feet. The child es" pay, while this, is a small amount J. W. HOW1ELL, Bee, J " duties m E l Paso at once, • f R. R. Smith received the sad news: j j d while the mother for the one hour or one day to ef the death of his mother in Ft. was somewhat bruised but not hurt each individual, it will swell the , The appointment of Puckett is Worth who passed away July 21 after seriously. The driver of the car was pay roll of these very important £oked upon with great favor by i ^ , ? ««>wth of a short illness. She was taken back to arrested and next day fined for driv- employes, as s, collective unit, toJ J ? a considerable sum. We congrat-! f school. Plans are their old home at Taylor where she ing his car without lights. MAIIFA L O D G S : ulate the boys on their good luckri somg forward to accomodate the was laid'to rest. but wish it was more. ; largest enrollment the College of No. 64 I. 0.0. F . Mi*, and Mrs. Gus Raetzsch and Mines has ever had. daughters left Sunday for a trip west. 1st Tuesday Niifht, 1st D««ree' ™,„„..«r».T r , « « » » - i v T ? 7 s s r r — One of the first duties to _fall THROWN FROM HORSE They expect to visit the Grand Canyon 2nd Tuesday Night, 2nd Etetree t. A t your grocery store if he can and Yellowstone Park before returnment of a coach for the Miner's 3rd Tuesday Night, Srd r«egree Agent. Last Friday morning Dudley Lock; football team not supply you, I will be glad to ship j ing. 4th Tuesday Kinht, Initiatory * r while riding the range on their ranch | l football fans declare the r you. : Marfa, Texas Degree. All visiting brothers are The grapes are right for jelly, Figs; DISTRICT M A N A G E R S W A N T E D near Fort Stockton was thrown f r o Miners will have a winning team cordially invited to be presenL the horse nnd hiio collar bone broken, j 1927-28. Five thousand dollars make the finest oi! preserves. E. J. MURTHA, :."f. G. j tfbeen raised for an athLOUIS GOTTWALD, Del Rio, Texas' Substantial men, experienced crew It seems the horse stepped into a dogj E. F. NICCOLLS, Peoretary. • managers, preferred, capable organ- hole causing the accident. After being f ,j by E l t h e co e + * * + <>••** + + + * • • + • jizing sales force, sell " N O - B U M P S " taken to Fort Stckton were the injury; p^o business men. 1 p^jtf******'— *mmmmm»>mm~mm+#m Warren Bloys, Cashier of the Fort j f i l l makes was dressed, Dudley was brought to \ JOHN W. BROWN Davis State Bank, was in Marfa Wed- §3.50. Four springs replnce usual r i - Marfa Sunday and is now resting com i STAR PARASITE REMOVER Physician and MARFA CHAPTER No. SU nesday. gid "pegs," make car "ride like a fortably at the home of his parents Given in water or feed Surgeon O. E. &, meets theSrd. rocking chair." Five territories still Mr. and Mrs. John Lock. rids Chickens and T u r Wiien in need of lire repair phone open. General Steel Products, Inc., Tuesday aventngs in keys of intestinal worms, Office Next To 197. The Midway Filling Station. Dept. A, 415 Plymoth BIdg, Minneaeach month. Visiting disease parasites, bloodsucking Mites, Fleas, Blue Carl's Drug Store polis, Minn. membeni are eoidially Bugs: improves L h e i r Mrs. W. W. Weatherfordhas reinvited to be present. health, reduces disease, opened this week-the Highland Cafe. I End Tabled. That you need for U m a k i n g a n E X T R A E F F O R T tn s r r v e ^Increases egg production. ! your summer flowers ? See o w Lac- n n d p l e a s e y o u t h i t w « * k . l i e is M p i n E u s Eggs hatch better with 4 mom c e l e b r a t e o u r 73 y e a r s s e r v i c e t o t h e G r e a t stronger young chics or money back NOTICE—Marc si, 75c. Retrace 25c| q « paints for P. tinting. flouthwest. p.,4 Ms. George Arnold, W. M. ROBINSON-McCABE L U M B E R CO. M A C S DRUG S T O R E Ann Davis, Phone 290. Constipation ?v - mm M e a d -Metcalfe 1 ^J J % e a r s k e t i n a a d a n n e h h e r e in s n o u W D U a i n e , l s A n D a j wi n d i n h a t n i s v e r e a d : c i t 8 ^^J^^^^ a r o u n d m o r e b e c a u s e h e t h e B u t a Chass Bishop •v il w h e r e w a o f •fi d b e i n s u r e o s 1 m t e s t e d l n t n T the w s t r e x a s ; Figs And Grapes t o t h e d e a n w f f l fae t h e W'. P. Murphy a p p o i n f c .r L o c a m j i n h e t o c o a c h a n d T u d o r o w n e r s a s us e t i c un a t u ge a 1 e r HELP Si il . WANTED—The Training school of the E l Paso Masonic Hospital is now admitting young women to become nurses. The requirements are as follows: Must be between the [ages of 18 and 30., have completed at ^ leant two years of high school, of good moral character nnd have consent of parents to enter training. Anyone interested may communi?eate with the superintendent, address, /Masonic Hospital, Montana and Pie•dras street3, El Paso, Texas. Ij It seems to us that Marfa was the 'only town along the Mexican Border ^ighway that did not have a .representative at the meeting in Del Rio. fWhats gone wrong. I t H . Lovett, attorney, Presidio, has keen attending court this week. Mi-s. Ruth Roark, Sec. . SUBSCRIBE For THE NEW ERA! •J- t»r*-<»mm>mmm&i C FI R Y S L B. R ^ ~ > * "WW "•""'fc "1C T" -w- -w->i -M—W i.—^ "50-60»70.-lmpcral S O " f MORE MILIS TO THE GALLON MORE COMFORT IN RIDING MOIUS PLEASURE IN POSSESION he Chrysler is built to cover the long miles Swiftly, comfortable and surely. SALESMEN In Marfa, Alpine, Sanderson, Ft. Davis, Ft. Stocltton, and Marathon. | JONES MOTER | COLQUITT BUILDING, COMPANY MARFA, TEXAS <• C E N O L F LY msm&m Kans Briam i iU The merchant vibe has praeK I D S ENTIRE 1R0OM O F g U E S I H A IflSW MINUTES Fight flMis with CENOL FLY DESTROYER. Wipe out a wliole xurmy of them ih a few miautei. Sinply «pr»y the tgmmad Urn file, fall dead. CENOL FLY DES1ROYER b quick, we, isfe to eat. P|<»Ming od »r. Clarl'st D r u g Ucalty everytkiBf aad wlU Sell It tax Merle,' -;'' Everybody ha» bem can we have D C C C |e eraih on et S t o r e home" %a have tttum.G. C ROBUJKm Lift, Oft THE NEW BRA; MARFA, TEXAS STILL SOME V:ETERNS , Judiciary, for - 9,4100; against were overridden, however, - and COMMENT ON NEWS OF DAY NOWICE OF APPLICATION tbwaMs tlie poultry breeding he wes dected. Hal Hamilton, of 32,192. FOR PROBATE OF WILL, farm, they woulil.be muck more (Continued Prom Page t.) Taxation, for 5,5!46; against Del Rioj was elected Vice-PresiHon. J . D. Jackson, of Alpine, certiiin of.success,.in establish-1 dent, arid Mr. Walker, of Del Rio and J . B. Gffie^^f Marfa return 85,699 ing qommercial agg farms, how-' T H E STATE OF T E X A S , Fee "Abolition, for 7,697; a- as Treasurer. The matter of! ap- Yet that is all we have been.dcing ed Tuesdayifrom the "Reunion of ever there is agreat rie^d ?for.r iTo the Sheriff or any Constable of pointing a "Secretary-manager in advertising our section of the counthe Ex-Rangers near Balmorhea, gainst 33,860. some real trapnested ^poultry» Presidio County-—GREETING:. You This meeting was; notable for . Governors Salary, for 7,461; was left with the president, It is try. Just a lttle bit here and thure. t>reeding*farms. In' some comprobable' that he will appoint D. These men, who have organized the Are'Hereby Commanded to. catuie the two reasons,fone.,is ib&t, there against 32,918. munities, we have plenty of The wote in Brewster was ex- J. Guinan for this position, as he Mexican Border Highway Association following notice to be published, in a breeding farms. were present 61 persons who belonged to the rangera of old. The ceedingly light, being a total of has been very active in the work propose to advertise the Mexican For- newspaper of general circulation -Chamber of .Commerce. . ? continuously ard reother is even more interesting; only 727 votes, while 551 of those of organizing and is especially fit der Highway as a whole. The various ' u,arlv ted for the position. towns along the highway, name twenty f PuMiahed for a period <if not I Practically every up-todate it is that Captain Roberts, the or were against the amendments. It is quite fair and reasonable ' P r e c e d i n g tht. date town o f any sise; today has a ganizer of the famous Company A budget of ten thousand dol three in number, will be banded togeth, , " y D, ih 1874, and his wife were j that the will of the people should ] . adopted for the assccia- er, through their Chambers of Com- °* * properly organised Chamber of ' there and in.all there were 14 j rale, but.we cannot help deploi:j apportioned among merce, to put the project over to a ° Commerce. T h i s organization is printed at least alive to the. possibilities of demembers.of that company at the ing the fact that the great maj- the rious towns - according to successful conclusion. once each week for the period of ten veloping the town and its trade reunidh, out of the original 70 ority of th.eipeople showed so lit- their size, the amount placed for members of th* company. . • j tie interest in the matter. Thef Alpine.fceing,.$l,0fJ0.," and Del The cost of the advertising cam days exclusive to the first day of publi territory.. I would like to suggest Mr. Jackson says it was a real right of sufferage is the pedistal j $2,000., while other towns paign will be paid by the several cation before the return day hereof: J that these organizations loolc ininspiration to meet the old com upon which the rule of the peo-f t e d according to town:i, prorated according to their pop NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR to the possibility of developing rades again, and go over the e- pie rests and it is not only .the i i t i o n .The method de ulation. That is fair. Each town will commercial egg farming, or egg PROBATE OF WILL. verits of the stirringf history right, but the duty of good c i t i - < f i i n g the money, get more "good advertising for their factories. In every; community, T H E STATE OF T E X A S , making days when they camped zenship.to exercise that r i g h t | h e f there is a wonderful field in thii money than they could if they tried to and fought together. ' thoughtfully and earnestly. j . o each; these shares to be do it themselves for the name money. To all Persons interested in tbe Es- respect. Why not seek egg sold through the Chamber of Everything the town hau in the -\ray tate of Will Kellam Colquitt De factories, instead of., mills, and ceased, factories of other natures, i. Commerce where there is one, round about will he advertised, MEX. BORDER HIGHWAY 'FLYING MOTOR TRUCK' Mrs. Lcota. Gillett Colquitt hail filed ASSOCIATION A REALITY and through such arrangements of civic assets, and the territory a PLACED ON" DISPLAY To show.the possibility of de-' as can be had with the business • The advertising literature will be in the County Court of Presidio Coun- veloping commercial egg farm.. DETROIT—A hug:e monoplane Last Saturday, at the call of men of the towns where there is the best'money can buy. Men whoty, an. application for the probate of ing, it is interesting to study know the advertising game from A to the Last Will and Testament 01! said this development ' in Western equipped to land its cargo from D. J . Guinan, of Sanderson, who no Chambers of Commerce; Izzard will do the work. The renult Will Kellam Colquitt, Deceased, Washington. In 1917, in this secmid-air while traveling 100 miles had been selected as temporary It is uiiderstood that W. M will be an illustrated descriptive book- and asking that she be appointed ex- tion of the country they importan hour, was exhibited today for chairman for the promotion of Furlong, of San Antonio, assurthe first time at Ford airport. the Mexican Border Highway As ed the officers of the association let, easy to look at and easy to read ecutrix of said Last Will and Testa- ed 160 car loads' of eggs. In The craft resembled an enor- sociation, a number! of delegates that the Chamber of Commerce one that will bring Into the mind of ment, and that letters testamentary 1926, nine .years later they had mous motor truck with wing3 at- from towns along the line met in that city would cooperate with the prospective tourist a desire to see be issued to her, without bond.- etc, developed commercial egg farmat Del Rio for the purpose of com the association, and it is exact- for himself the thriving towns and the which will be heard at the next ing to where they shipped oat tached. . Term of said Sourt, commencing over 1900 car loads of 'eggs scenic beauty of the Southwest. It was towed onto the flying pleting the organisation of the ed that we will have the co-opera the Fiirst Monday in September, A . D, valued at oyer 7^4 million dolassociation. / tion of El. Paso on, the west» fie;ld from a giant hangar and 1927, at the Court House thererf, in.lars. Just think what such a The Delegations present were while there is every reason to when its three great motors were Adverse comment on this advertis- the town of Marfa, Presidio County, development means to a combelieve the towns down the river started the noise was deafening. J. E . Casner and.Leo Howell, of ing campaign has been noted. Seme Texas, at which time all persons inmunity. The possibilities for toward Brownsville will come in Described as the largest air- Alpine, D. J . Guinan, G. J. Hencannot see, in dollars and cents, any terested in said Estate may appear developing this in Texas are aland work on extension of the H i shaw, of Sanderson; Howard, of plane ever built, the craft meareturn for the investment. Reliable and contest said application should most unlimited. We have a sured 74 feet bteween the tips of Valentine, F. J. Carle, of D'Henis way in that direction folowing estimates place the tourists' expen they so desire to do so, wonderful v climate, specially and a number of good boosters the Border to the Gulf Coast, at ditures per car-day at $10.00. Let us its wings. Herein Fail Not, But have you. then well adapted to commercial egg from Del Rio. While it was not the mouth of the Rio Grande. cut that figure in half for the sake of possible for the delegates from This Highway is known as Fed being ultra-conservative. By actual and there before said Court this Writ, production. We have ideal soil D E F E A T AMENDMENTS with your return thereon endorsed, in most sections. Our green Van Horn to attend, they wired eral No. 90 and State-No. 3. count, three time two weeks apart, showing how you have executed the food possibilities and outdoor their support of the proposition Apparently the people of Textourist3 passed through a certain same. range for practically the entire and said Van Horn would be as do not want the constitution town at the average rate of 63 a day, Given under my hand and seal of year are of the very best LOG OF ROAD ready to do her part in any pro of the State amended, or they on the Mexican Border Highway. said Court, July, 13th, A . D. 1927. think the proposed, amendments gram adopted,by the association. Market J. H . FORTNER Charles Muirim, secrtetry of After the preliminaries of the were not the kind they wanted. Using our conservative estimate of £ County Court, Presidio County, We have a large market right Tlie vote throughout the state meeting Messrs^ Guinan, Sander the Chamber of Commerce," and five dollars per day per car. Thai, is here at home that we are not J. R. Moore, vice-president of the son; Casner of "Alpine and Lashowed very little interest on the supplying. Texas imports sev$815.00. Multiply this by three, the part of most of the people, and Crosse Del Rio, were appointed a Auto Club, of Laredo, are expect WHY MORE EGG FACTORIES eral thousand car loads of eggs number of days travel between San where there was interest shown, committee to draft a plan of ed to be in Alpine at noon today each year from other States. We Antonio and E l Paso, we have $ 5 1 4 5 , making a log of the Mexican it reflected jrreat doubt as to the work for the association, and By F . W. Kazmeier, Bryan, Texas do not supply our own needs. Therefore, in one day, that amount is Border Highway for thetwo aswisdom of changing in the man- outline the organization. After Cuba and Old Mexico are wonleft at different points on the road. No doubt, in the. future the this committee"reported the or-Isociations of their city. These ner proposed by the legislature ganization went on and J . E . Cas men have expressed great inter Multiply that by'the 365 days in the poultry industry will be devel- derful markets we can . supply at this time. when our own needs are met. The associated Press reports ner was' elected president; this est in the new association form- year, and we have $344,925.00 That is oped more and more by communi We are several thousand miles ties, this is as it should be, befor the state gave a majority ap he accepted under protest, as he ed on the Border Highway, and a conservative figure, based on a low say thai; their city will do all in car-day estimate, and at. a time of cause such a plan,, will do much nearer the great consuming proximately 3 to 1 against the is so occupied with other work its power to assist the new organ year when the motor tourist travel is to help solve the -marketing markets of the East. We can amendments, the following be- ihat he did not feel that he could ization. get advantage of water transpor problems. lightest. ing the summary published by ittend to the details of this addi—Alpine Industrial News. One outstanding fact, is that tation thru Houston, Galveston tional burden;* his objections them: and New Orleans. There is ah These figures show, even before the commercial egg farming offers unlimited demand for fresh laid, advertising campaign has started, that great possibilities in every cominfertile €sggs, properly graded munity. More people are adapted the motor tourist is worth advertising and packed. for. If the results of.the campaign to make a successs in comercial egg farming than ih operating only increase the number of tourists Land to double their numbers now, it will be a specialized poultry breeding The price of land is no proworth the $10,000 it is proposed to farm. When there is an opening I blem. Some of the poorest land, or one breeding farm there i3 spend. The returns will then be almakes a desirable location for a most 69 times the investment. Each an opening for 100 commercial commercial egg farm. We can egg farms. It is much easier for community will receive part of this. a beginner to make a success have comparatively ctfeap land producing infertile eggs, than for this purpose. It is. best to Another point. Some of t^iese touroperating a breeding farm. Be- select a sandy loam, well drained ists will stay. They will buy farms ind ginners as a rule are attracted and a little roily and not too flat. w h i c h h , t h v ai sw a t i o n a s n o b e n n e yettr n o t , c e i n t h e C o u n t o f ) p r e s i o u s n a 1 1 s d l ( a S U a r ( t e o s t u d £ T c x a s n o t i c e t a o b n d y e va ( f R i o > will b t n e i r cided w a s $ 1 0 e p r o r a p o p u b o y a n o r t h r a e m e s a n s o f s a r S 0 0 4 ; , e r k l e x a s Come, to El ranches and city property. The number of these will be greatly increased by the proper advertising. Show them what we have and invite them to come and see us. Back up the Mexican Border Highway Association in this advertising campaign. When they ask you for your share of the expenses, hand it to them with a smile, and tell j them*to come back for more if they I need it. You will benefit. We will benefit. Get together on the project. "In Unity There Is Strength." Paso! The Wholesale Market of West Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. T H E F A L L SEASON will be m profitable one to the merchant who keeps his stock complete— but not overstocked—who uses tine nearby E l Paso market consistently—keeping his stock fresh and seasonable as the needs of his customers require—for example, the opening of the school trade. E l Paso affords overnight merchandise service to a vast territory—with great reserve stocks from which southwestern retailers may draw. Use this nearby market—such n policy insures safety and profit. YOUR RAILROAD FARE REFUNDED 1. To all wholwalii' buyers rseldlog within * radius of 100 rillM from IB Ptiao, whose purchases fttnoun: to S1000 or mors, railroad I'srs both war" will b« refunded. 2. To all wholesal-i ouyers nisldlng within a rudlus of 300 *aUee from El. Pnao, whose purchases amount to more ttian IS00 and l e i i than JM00. one war railroad fart' will he rsfutded. S. To all wholesale Ddrers within a radius of 5©!» miles from ! • Fano, whose purchase* mount to f;)000 or mot*, railroad fant both ways »1I1 be refunded. ADVERTISING CLUBS MEET IN E L PASO El Paso, Texas, July 28.—Paul O. Sergent, assistant business manager of the Herald and Times of this city, and executive chairman of the El Paso Committee of the Tenth district, announces the annual meeting of I the Advertising Clubs of Te:casi in E l Paso November 10th, 11th f and 12th. ' The most comprehensive program ever presented to the Tenth District convention will be presented in E l Paso according to the committee in charge. Many outstanding speakers of national reputation will be present to-address the delegates. This group will be headed by King Woodbridge, president of the International Advertising Association.* The entertainment proigram will be in keeping with El Paso and the splendid record she has set for entertaining conventions. Drives over the city and through the famous Rio Grande and a fiesta in Jurez, Old Mexico, which is just across the river from El Paso. An attendance exceeding any otter meeting of the Tenth Eistrict is expected according to Art Millican, vice-president of the Association. 4. To all wholesale purcshasera residing ' within s raHus of 500 miles from E l Paso, wiose ourchastti ".mount to more than tlCOI una less titan 11000. railroad tare one war will be refunded. 5. To all wiioiuiale purchasers reading more than 500 miles from E l l.»aso. refunds ot railway fan? wit be given In proportion, using the SOO-mlle scnedu'e as a ' basis It is not necessary to buy all of your coods from me E l 1'a.io jobber or manufacturer In order to take advantage ot this offer If four total ordure claced here, with firm* participating In the refund plan, come within the amounts *prclfl<-<1. vera will free're rour refund. 1927 F a l l M a r k e t Season August 15 to 31 S E E OUR C O M P L E T E Merchants WHOLESALE MARKET and Manufacturers-Committee ' • E L PASO C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E "Where. Sunshine. Spina's the Winter" J Mrs. Bob Mulhern and Miss Miry Mulhera have been visiting relatives at'Bisbee, Ariaoaa, for aboat Wo weeks. • I SAFTY FIRST Secured by Insurance Vital Safety featuies that protect Insurance investors. Compensation far rir*p, Auto, Plate Glass, B O N D S Fidelity. Judicial, Loss. Official, Call or write for Information. O. A. KNIGHT, Local Agent. Marfa Manufacturing Co. (INCORPORATED) !»\.MS()N WINPSIILLS ECLIPSE WINDMILLS GASOLINE ENGINES PIPES AMD WELL CASINGS ' PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES CYLINDER AND SUCKER RODS PUMP JACKS AUTOMOBILE CASINGS AND TUBES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES GASOLINE ANT) OILS TRUCK TIRES. FILLING STATION. ' BLACKSMITH, MACHINE SHOP AM) GARAGE MARFA — — —"— PhOnV 83 — — — _ TEXAS
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