amaze inspire connect conserve


amaze inspire connect conserve
The National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization
whose mission is to inspire conservation of the world’s
aquatic treasures.
W e celebrate all natural environments, from the
Our Economic Impact
ocean’s depths to the tropical rainforest canopy. Through
In 2012, Sage Policy Group, Inc.,
wrote a sweeping assessment of
the National Aquarium’s economic
contributions to the city of Baltimore,
the state of Maryland, and the
District of Columbia, resulting in
some extraordinary findings.
pioneering science, conservation initiatives, educational programming,
and advocacy for public policies informed by science, we address issues
that challenge aquatic habitats globally. We are dedicated to ensuring
that these aquatic treasures are able to thrive, and we are determined
to convey the beauty and essential value of aquatic wildlife in all its
astonishing variations.
Our work has an immediate impact, as children connect with aquatic
creatures they never imagined existed, as families share the excitement
of watching dolphins at play, as volunteers plant native marsh grasses
and witness the improvement in water quality along the waterfront, and
as our Animal Rescue team cares for injured sea creatures and releases
them back into the wild. Each activity inspires insight into the incredible
world we share with our aquatic neighbors.
In carrying out the National Aquarium’s mission, we keep our core
values of integrity, innovation, service, excellence, and engagement in
mind. As our influence expands regionally and nationally, these values
provide a framework to lead with a conciousness of the value of people.
Every contribution helps us to preserve and protect our environment.
❚ 1.3 million people visit the National
Aquarium, Baltimore, annually,
making it the number one paid
tourist destination in the city
❚ $319.6 million in annual
economic impact for the region
❚ 590 people directly employed
by the Aquarium
❚ 3,347 jobs supported by the
National Aquarium in the region
❚ $17.9 million in fiscal impact for the
entire region
❚ More than 88 percent of visitors
say the National Aquarium is
their primary reason for visiting
National Aquarium Annual Report 3
Chesapeake Bay to the world’s coral reefs, and from the
From the CEO
2 National Aquarium Annual Report
The National Aquarium was founded through a unique partnership
with the people of Baltimore City. What began as a project to
revitalize the city’s neglected Inner Harbor has grown to become
an urban success story. Over the past three decades, the Aquarium
has emerged as one of the world’s top aquariums, and the Inner
Harbor is a model for urban waterfront renewal. As Maryland’s
most popular attraction, the Aquarium is a critical economic engine that has made
Baltimore’s downtown waterfront a vibrant hub for businesses, families, and visitors
to enjoy.
After 31 years, however, our galleries, exhibits, and infrastructure are showing the
strain of hosting nearly 50 million visitors. At the same time, the health and resiliency
of aquatic ecosystems worldwide have been challenged, and we now bear a major
responsibility to address the threats facing our coasts and oceans. We take this
duty very seriously, and one of our first steps has been to embark on a $50 million
fundraising campaign to revitalize and update the entire Aquarium. This multi-year
effort starts with Blacktip Reef in 2013 and is followed by Atlantic Seashores, which
will feature the abundant life of our Mid-Atlantic beaches and dunes using exciting,
interactive exhibits and two living “touch” pools. Many more such improvements will
follow in the decade ahead.
The National Aquarium is an active and tireless advocate for the myriad wonders
that make up our aquatic world—whether they be animals, habitats, or even human
communities—and wherever we operate, we are focused on our mission to inspire
conservation of the world’s aquatic treasures.
We have learned that the ocean is our planet’s “life support system”—the source
of half of our life-giving oxygen, the receptacle for most of the world’s carbon, and
the moderator of Earth’s weather and climate. Our future depends on how well
we nurture and care for this life support system. As an important voice for ocean
conservation, we count on the support and commitment of those who are recognized
in this report to accomplish such goals. We are deeply grateful to our dedicated
donors and friends whose contributions sustain our efforts, and we hope you will
continue to do so for years to come. There is, after all, only one National Aquarium,
and we will not rest until it is recognized as our nation’s finest.
John C. Racanelli
John C. Racanelli
President, Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Anna L. Smith
Bruce Hoffberger
Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Neal D. Borden
Paula Schaedlich
Senior Vice President,
Chief Operating Officer
Steven Schindler
Senior Vice President,
Chief Marketing Officer
Mr. Charles E. Knudsen, III
Mr. John C. Racanelli
Ms. Jennifer W. Reynolds
Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio
Dr. Carole C. Baldwin
Mr. James Bowers
Mr. James L. Connaughton
Ms. Jane W.I. Droppa
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
Mr. Robert Neuman
Kathleen Sher
Senior Vice President,
External Affairs
Mr. Robert E. Carter
Mr. Karl S. Bourdeau
Mr. John C. Racanelli
Mr. David R. Bowen
Mr. Mark Rovner
Mr. Marc Bunting
Ms. Nina Selin
Ms. Jennifer W. Reynolds
Ms. Marilyn Carp
Mr. John D. Shulman
Mr. Robert E. Carter
Mr. James Dale
Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner
Mr. Michael Dunmyer
Mr. Otto Wolff
Mr. Marc Bunting
Mr. Mark P. S. Edward
Dr. Daniel A. Wubah
Ms. Jane W.I. Droppa
Ms. Ann T. Gallant
Mr. Michael Dunmyer
Mr. Andrew L. Good
Mr. Andrew L. Good
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
Mr. Frank A. Gunther
Life Director
Mr. Mohannad F. Jishi
Ms. Donna Morrison
Ms. Kaliope Parthemos, Esq.
Mr. Donald S. Pettit
Mr. Mohannad F. Jishi
Mr. Charles A. Phillips
Mr. Donald S. Pettit
Mr. John C. Racanelli
Mr. J. Scott Plank
Ms. Diana Ramsay
Mr. John C. Racanelli
Mr. K. Lee Riley, Jr.
Mr. K. Lee Riley, Jr.
Mr. Thomas E. Robinson
Mr. Thomas E. Robinson
Mr. W. Charles Rogers, III
Ms. Anna L. Smith
Mr. Jim Seay
Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio
Vice Chair
Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner
Individuals listed here are current as of December 31, 2012.
Mr. J. Scott Plank
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
Mr. Neal D. Borden
Mr. John C. Racanelli
National Aquarium Annual Report 3
Ms. Ann T. Gallant
Ms. Marianela Peralta
4 National Aquarium Annual Report
The sea, once it casts
its spell, holds one in
its net of wonder forever.
With more than 17,000 animals representing species from
around the globe, National Aquarium is an amazing journey
through the wonders of our aquatic world.
A mazing experiences, both inside and outside the Aquarium
walls, are what make the National Aquarium such a dynamic
institution. Award-winning exhibits and a diverse animal collection
are intended to excite guests as they absorb information about this
incredible planet. Yet this influence goes further.
Education programs, like Terrapins in the Classroom, bring the wonders of
the aquatic world to life for children across Maryland. Aquarium CEO John C.
Racanelli’s weekly radio segment, A Blue View, launched in summer 2012,
An Iconic Rainforest
Animal Gives Birth
In late August, Ivy, one of National
Aquarium’s Linne’s two-toed sloths,
was discovered carrying a newborn.
The baby emerged with a full coat of
hair and trademark claws.
informing tens of thousands of people about our connection to water.
The birth prompted a naming contest
Marine mammal researchers work with our dolphins on topics ranging from
in honor of International Sloth Day on
whistle repertoires to mirror self-recognition.
October 20, which aims to increase
awareness of illegal trafficking and
In every corner of the Aquarium, our staff is doing amazing things. When
mistreatment of sloths in Central and
aquarist Nick Little redesigned the freshwater exhibits at National Aquarium,
South America. After 4,000 votes,
Washington, DC, he created the first successful aquarium breeding program
the sloth was christened Camden in
for the endangered woundfin fish. The life support system he designed
honor of the Orioles and their 2012
replicates stream action in the woundfin’s native habitat of shallow Western
baseball season. Camden is the third
rivers, and his success with the three-inch fish has established the National
sloth born at the Aquarium and the
Aquarium among their most effective advocates.
That level of expertise is evident throughout the National Aquarium, where
the practice of the highest quality of animal care, and every aspect of animal
welfare, is a priority. Our insistence on these high standards paid off again
in 2012. After undergoing a thorough review that included a multiple-day
onsite inspection by a team of experts from around the country, National
Aquarium, Baltimore, was reaccredited by the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA) through March 2017.
first offspring for Ivy.
Camden will become increasingly
independent as he explores his new
environment. Sloths have been an
ongoing feature of the Upland
Tropical Rain Forest exhibit since
1981. The new arrival will help
increase awareness of—and interest
in—this unusual mammal.
polycarbonate, painted
jellies make up the Jelly
Swarm art installation
in the Helen and Merrill
Bank Atrium.
Under the guidance of Aquarium
staff, students and teachers
across Maryland raised 32
diamondback terrapins in their
classrooms. This incredible
education program culminates
in the release of their terrapins
at Poplar Island at the end of the
school year.
We were named one of
the best US aquariums
by the Travel Channel
and received the popular
vote as one of the five
best aquariums by
National Aquarium Annual Report 5
Page 4: 2012 was a banner year for baby animals born at the Aquarium. Two of these spiny-tailed
monitors were hatched in the Animal Planet Australia: Wild Extremes backup area.
Page 5: 1 Our Jelly Swarm art installation, made possible by an anonymous donor, was a
collaboration between Aquarium staff and concept designer Stephen Seigel of Dillon Works in
Seattle, WA. 2 In late August, Ivy, one of National Aquarium’s Linne’s two-toed sloths, gave birth.
The newborn was later named Camden. 3 A rare albino alligator named Oleander found a
temporary home at National Aquarium, Washington, DC. 4 With an amazing Ravens season
culminating in a Super Bowl victory, Charm City—and the National Aquarium—showed some
Baltimore spirit. 5 Here, Director of Marine Mammal Programs Sue Hunter is pictured working with
an underwater touchscreen keyboard used by our dolphins. Diana Reiss, renowned cognitive
psychologist and dolphin researcher, worked with Aquarium trainers to create a touchscreen
keyboard to study how dolphins communicate. 6 During Sailabration, Aquarium guests celebrated
the bicentennial of the War of 1812 by watching the tall ships and the Navy’s Blue Angels.
6 National Aquarium Annual Report
This planet and all of its inhabitants have amazing stories, and the National Aquarium is committed to sharing these stories with the 1.3 million
guests who visit the National Aquarium, Baltimore, annually.
Volunteer Exhibit Guide and Horticultural Assistant
in the Upland Tropical Rain Forest
National Aquarium Annual Report 7
are responsive to just finding out more information.
They have a thirst for scientific information, interesting
stories, finding things…it’s walking through the Rain
Forest and having a volunteer point out, ‘Oh, look, there’s a
monkey! There’s that kind of a bird!’ [Volunteers] get to see
things through somebody else’s eyes.
8 National Aquarium Annual Report
Because there’s nothing
more beautiful than the
way the ocean refuses to stop
kissing the shoreline, no matter
how many times it’s sent away.
Each day at the National Aquarium is different—full of
surprises and inspiring encounters. Every startling insight
encourages visitors to help protect our blue planet.
T here’s inspiration to be found in the stories of individual sea
creatures, and our understanding of their world has been expanded
through observation in our facilities and the monitoring of these
animals in the wild.
As the only organization permitted to respond to live, stranded marine
animals along the almost 4,360 miles of Maryland shorelines, our Animal
Rescue program has successfully rescued, treated, and returned animals—
including a pygmy sperm whale, Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, and a manatee—
to their natural habitats.
We don’t work in isolation, though. Our partners include numerous
volunteers who report stranded or struggling animals, as well as colleagues
Sea Turtle Regains
Diving Capability
In August, a green sea turtle was
seen floating off the East Coast.
The New Jersey Marine Mammal
Stranding Center diagnosed the turtle
with edema, swelling that interferes
with the ability to dive for food.
Caretakers decided to transfer the
turtle, dubbed Olympian, to our
Animal Rescue facility.
at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
There, staff discovered that Olympian
and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. In 2012, we continued to strengthen
had hyper-inflated lungs. One
our partnerships and served as an active member of NOAA’s Northeast
morning, after months of care,
Stranding Network, a group of nationally recognized facilities that works
Olympian surprised staff by resting
cooperatively to respond to stranded marine mammals and sea turtles.
on the bottom of the pool, and
thereafter, swimming naturally and
Rescued animals are just one piece of the Aquarium’s inspirational story.
diving for food. His health restored,
From the Marjorie Lynn Bank lecture series, which brought nationally
Olympian was transported to South
syndicated cartoonist Jim Toomey, creator of Sherman’s Lagoon, to speak to
Carolina for release in October.
a room full of families, to the school programs available to visiting students,
to the Cultural Series, which invites guests to celebrate the world’s cultures,
the Aquarium seeks to inspire people in ways big and small.
Before his release, Olympian was
outfitted with a satellite transmitter
that tracks location and speed. The
data will reveal migration and travel
patterns, informing efforts to
preserve endangered sea turtles.
Aquarium staff and more than
100 volunteers met in Ocean
City in July for the Annual
Maryland Dolphin Count. The
information gathered at the
event provides an ongoing record
of dolphin sightings, a vital
indicator of reproduction rates
and ocean health.
Page 8: Ten species of sea anemone are on exhibit at the National Aquarium, Baltimore.
Page 9: 1 National Aquarium film, Wounded Warriors, was a finalist for the Blue Ocean Film
Festival “Best Short” award. The film documented nine wounded warriors from the Walter
Reed Army Medical Center who were able to dive at the National Aquarium, Baltimore, as
part of their rehabilitation programs. 2 Our Cultural Series starts every fall, highlighting a
culture from around the world on the first Friday of every month. These special evenings
feature performances, food, crafts, and education programs. 3 2012 marked the end of an
era, as our longtime Wings in the Water exhibit was drained, and work began on Blacktip Reef,
a dynamic re-creation of an Indo-Pacific reef. The new exhibit is intended to strengthen our
reinvigorated conservation message by inspiring our guests to take action. 4 Our Animal
Rescue program brought 10 loggerhead sea turtles, six Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, five green
sea turtles, and one Florida soft-shell turtle in for rehabilitation in 2012.
Staff re-created the wet rain forest environment needed to stimulate breeding of
Kokoe-Pa poison dart frogs. The tadpoles
of this species feed exclusively on specialized “food” eggs produced by their mother.
A 2012 egg laying event has brought the
animals have been
released back into the
wild by our Animal
Rescue program.
From Mid-Atlantic marshes and Costa
Rican rain forests to Hawaiian monk seals,
the Aquarium is engaged in the inspiring
work of preserving and protecting the
world’s marine life on our blue planet for
the benefit of all of its inhabitants.
National Aquarium Annual Report 9
National Aquarium Annual Report 9
number of offspring raised to seven.
10 National Aquarium Annual Report
Days before Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast in October, our Animal Rescue team rescued and began caring for a loggerhead sea turtle from the
first confirmed viable sea turtle nest ever seen in the Assateague Island area. When the hatchling was strong enough, it was transported to North
Carolina Aquarium for further care and eventual release. Volunteers and interns in our Animal Rescue program provided 1,862 hours of service in 2012.
Baltimore City Public School Teacher
and AquaPartners Teacher
National Aquarium Annual Report 11
of my AquaPartners students live 5 to 10 minutes from
the water, but do not know the impact that humans have on
the Bay and its rivers and streams. National Aquarium helps
bridge that gap, and the students become stewards of the
Bay. The students are empowered by the Aquarium. Once
they begin the program with all these hands-on activities,
they become proponents of marine life and ecosystems.
12 National Aquarium Annual Report
With every drop of water
you drink, every breath
you take, you’re connected
to the sea, no matter where
on Earth you live.
Connections that we make through education and
outreach are the lifeblood of our endeavors and the
heartbeat of our work.
E ach connection the National Aquarium can make with someone is a
vital link in the realization of our mission. Creating a dialogue is part
of what we do every day.
Connecting Guests to
the Aquatic World
With an emphasis on action-oriented, hands-on learning, National Aquarium
Helping people to understand their
education programs reached 131,838 people in 2012. Aquarium staff
connection to water is at the core
traveled to 58 schools, taking animals and artifacts on the road to delight
and inform students. Students kayaked, tested water quality, explored
Chesapeake waterways, camped along the Susquehanna River, sailed aboard
a skipjack, studied fishing in North Carolina, snorkeled along a coral reef in
Florida, and watched five hatchling sea turtles make their way to the sea.
To bring people close to our dolphins, the new Dolphin Discovery exhibit
area allows visitors to spend as much time as they wish observing these
magnificent marine mammals and their trainers, highlighting the dolphins’
natural intelligence.
Through the cultivation of an engaging evening of good food and amazing
of everything we do. With this
in mind, “Making Connections”
was born, a themed program with
more than 40 staff-guest interactions a day throughout the Aquarium.
These interactions include touching
a jelly wand full of baby moon jellies,
watching the Australian barramundi
fish jump up to get some lunch from
their feed pole, and being greeted by
Margaret, our blue hyacinth macaw.
ambience, the Fresh Thoughts sustainable seafood dining series aims to
Designed to give guests multiple
educate about the very important issue of seafood sustainability, helping
opportunities during each visit to
people to understand their connection to the food they choose.
meet animals, watch feedings, touch
By utilizing every channel of communication to reach the public—including
fossils, and learn from curators and
staff, this program tripled our daily
a number of social media platforms, our newly redesigned website,
staff-guest interactions, increasing
and a presence in local and national media—our ability to connect with
the potential for guests to truly be
people has never been greater.
inspired to conserve the world’s
aquatic treasures.
A Pacific Coral Reef
exhibit webcam
transmits images
to patients in Sinai
Hospital’s new
children’s wing.
people participated
in National Aquarium
education programs
during 2012.
Thanks to the generosity of
individual and organizational
donors, National Aquarium
awarded college scholarships
to 12 Aquarium on Wheels and
Henry Hall graduating seniors
in 2012. These successful
programs connect students
with the natural world.
Page 12: Discus are a bright addition
National Aquarium Annual Report 13
to the Amazon River Forest exhibit.
Page 13: 1 The work-study program
Aquarium on Wheels combines field
research, conservation activities,
job training, and the theater arts to
promote environmental stewardship.
2 The new Dolphin Discovery is designed
to allow guests access to dolphins and
their trainers throughout the day.
3 A bearded dragon, a black-headed
python, and Margaret the hyacinth
macaw meet, greet, and educate
Aquarium guests. 4 Staff-guest
interactions reinforce messages about
our connection to the natural world.
5 Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Research
Vessel Falkor docked at the National
Aquarium at the end of its maiden
voyage, sharing information about its
ocean research projects. 6 The National
Wildlife Federation (NWF) designated
the Aquarium’s Harry & Jeanette
Weinberg Waterfront Park a Certified
Wildlife Habitat. John C. Racanelli was
joined by City of Baltimore Mayor
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and NWF
Board Chair Steve Allinger.
14 National Aquarium Annual Report
Forging a connection with our aquatic world is important to people of all ages. To help provide access to the enriching Aquarium experience, Maryland
residents enjoyed several programs with discount benefits, such as Fridays After Five, Dollar Days, and Maryland Mornings.
Member, Board of Directors (2013) – National Aquarium Institute
President, Rams Head Group
National Aquarium Annual Report 15
Aquarium is a first-class organization, an integral part of
downtown Baltimore, and a huge economic driver for the city,
state, and region. I have always loved the Aquarium, and as
my wife and I start a new venture as parents, I’m even more
aware of its importance. The more we educate children, the
better it will be for the environment.
16 National Aquarium Annual Report
We don’t inherit the earth
from our ancestors; we
borrow it from our children.
Our successful initiatives in marine conservation have
made a measurable difference in protecting aquatic wildlife
and restoring our natural waters.
L eading by example, the Aquarium initiated internal conservation
efforts that saved water through an innovative filtration system
and by harvesting rainwater for irrigation; saved trees by printing
materials on recycled paper; and saved energy through “cloud” data
storage, energy efficient upgrades, and a green roof. Our employees added
to the effort by finding green ways to commute to work, recycling athletic
shoes, and participating in community supported agriculture.
Our efforts extend beyond our own facilities, too. As the first zoo or
aquarium to become an affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF),
one of the largest, most effective conservation organizations in the country,
we collaborated in 2012 on environmental initiatives ranging from the
Chesapeake Bay to the Hawaiian islands.
In April, National Aquarium and its partners launched another 2,000 square
feet of floating wetlands into Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Plants on the islands
A Strong Advocate
for Sharks
The global demand for shark fin
soup has wreaked havoc on the shark
population and is partly responsible
for a 90 percent reduction in the wild
population of some shark species.
“Finning,” the practice of slicing
the fins off a live shark and then
discarding the helpless animal to
die, is already banned in the United
States. But a thriving market for fins
continues, fueling the trade that
endangers these amazing animals.
are removing excess nutrients from the water, improving both the Inner
Sharks are slow to mature and
Harbor and the Chesapeake Bay.
have few offspring, making them
vulnerable to overfishing. Working
Each year, hundreds of thousands of volunteers participate in the Ocean
with Oceana, the National Wildlife
Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. As in previous years, our
Federation, and the Humane Society,
Aquarium Conservation Team (ACT!) participated in the worldwide cleanup
we laid the framework for Maryland
in 2012, removing marine debris and restoring coastal habitat, primarily
to become the first East Coast state
around Fort McHenry. In partnership with the Naval Support Facility Indian
to ban the possession, sale, and
Head and Stump Neck Annex, ACT! volunteers also planted native wetland
distribution of shark fins. The
grasses and trees to create woodland buffers along the Potomac River,
restoring more than 4,000 feet of shoreline.
National Aquarium is a strong
advocate for more stringent laws
to protect sharks.
pieces of debris
were removed during
our conservation
restoration efforts.
Our Chesapeake Bay Initiative received an
RBC Blue Water Project Leadership Grant
from RBC Wealth Management, the largest
grant ever received from a corporation for
conservation. Funding will support improved
water quality, forest restoration, and student
education projects.
Our Internal Conservation
Committee decided this
year to transform outdated
vinyl banners that adorn
our buildings into recycled,
repurposed, reusable tote
bags—now so popular in our
gift shop that we have trouble
keeping them stocked.
Page 16: Striking in appearance, the
National Aquarium Annual Report 17
emerald tree boa demonstrates the
diversity of our animal collection.
Page 17: 1 National Aquarium’s Youth
Programs staff and Aquarium on
Wheels students participated in osprey
banding at the Patuxent River Nature
Center in August. 2 Fort McHenry was
inundated with trash and other debris
following Hurricane Sandy. The National
Aquarium coordinates cleanups for this
historic site. 3 As part of the Healthy
Harbor Initiative, Aquarium staff helped
launch an additional 2,000 square
feet of floating wetlands in the Inner
Harbor in an effort to make the harbor
swimmable and fishable by 2020. 4 Our
National Aquarium was named as
research team and community members
tag sharks off the coast of Ocean City
every year to gather data on migration
and abundance. 5 An incredible 1,432
the first attraction in the Maryland
Green Travel program, which recognizes tourism businesses committed
volunteers participated in the National
to reducing their environmental
Aquarium’s community-based
impact. A total of 54.3 percent of
restoration projects in the Chesapeake
the Aquarium’s facility waste was
Bay watershed, including volunteer
Mary Sidlowski, who planted trees at
Naval Support Facility Indian Head and
Stump Neck Annex.
diverted from a landfill by recycling
plastic, glass, paper, and e-waste.
18 National Aquarium Annual Report
Our active conservation team coordinated efforts in 2012 that resulted in the planting of 146,273 native plants and the restoration of 7.9
acres. There are numerous opportunities for conservation-minded community members to engage with Aquarium staff to improve the
health of our natural world.
Chair, Board of Directors (2012) – National Aquarium Institute
Partner and Director, Ward Properties
National Aquarium Annual Report 19
The conservation message being woven into the fabric of the
Aquarium is particularly exciting for the future. Conserving
our oceans and our aquatic life is not even a choice; it is a
necessity for our children and our children’s children. If we
don’t do something now, they are not going to have the same
world we enjoy.
20 National Aquarium Annual Report
Our task must be to
free widening
our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature
and its beauty.
Memberships 7%
Contributions and Grants
Programs 4%
Gift Shop and Food Service
Group Sales
Education Programs
Catered Events
Education Programs
Visitor Operations
Supporting Services
Total Expenses
Investments 7%
Admissions 51%
Catered Events
Group Sales 4%
Plant Operations
General and Corporate
Membership Programs
Private 67%
Biological Programs
Public 33%
Other 8%
Programs 10%
Plant Operations 18%
Operations 6%
Services 30%
Programs 19%
Depreciation 15%
Other 2%
The operating highlights cover the calendar year 2012 for the National Aquarium, and are based upon information contained in the audited consolidated financial statements of the National
Aquarium Institute, Inc.
Copies of this report are available for examination by responsible parties at the Aquarium’s offices located at 501 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. Documents filed in
accordance with the Maryland Charitable Organizations Solicitations Act may be obtained from the Maryland Secretary of State.
National Aquarium Annual Report 21
Total Revenue
and Grants 19%
We acknowledge, with deepest gratitude, the following
individuals, foundations, corporations, and governmental
partners who share our vision and have contributed in
2012 to its ongoing realization.
32 National Aquarium Annual Report
The National Aquarium exists today
because of the leadership and continuing support of the entire community.
The following list recognizes those
who have contributed a total of
$200,000 to the National Aquarium
Institute since our Aquariums opened
through December 31, 2012.
The Abell Foundation, Inc.
Animal Planet/Discovery
Anne Arundel County Government
AT&T Wireless
The William G. Baker, Jr.
Memorial Fund
Baltimore City
Baltimore County Executive,
County Council, and Commission
on Arts and Sciences
The Baltimore Sun Media Group
Bank of America
Helen and Merrill Bank
Barnes and Noble
The Batza Family
Charles T. Bauer Foundation
The Henry and Ruth Blaustein
Rosenberg Foundation, Inc.
The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
Foundation, Inc.
Chesapeake Bay Trust
The Classic Catering People
The Coca-Cola Company
Constellation, Exelon Company
Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown
Larry and Jane Droppa
Environmental Protection Agency
First Union Corporation
France-Merrick Foundation
The Harry L. Gladding Foundation
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
H&S Bakery, Inc.
LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust
Harford County Government
Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
Howard County Government/
Howard County Arts Council
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Hyatt Regency Baltimore
Institute of Museum and
Library Services
The Kresge Foundation
Mr. George Lambillotte
Legg Mason, Inc.
Lockheed Martin
M&T Bank
Maryland Port Administration
Maryland State Department of
McCormick & Company, Inc.
The Sumner T. McKnight Foundation
Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff
The Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial
Middendorf Foundation, Inc.
The Curtis and Edith Munson
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Parks Service
National Science Foundation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Northrop Grumman Electronic
Pepsi-Cola Company
PNC Bank
Procter & Gamble Cosmetics
Jennifer and George Reynolds
Rosemore, Inc.
The Rouse Company
The Ryland Group
Richard H. Schwartz
Southern Maryland RC&D Board
Stanley Black & Decker
State of Maryland
SunTrust Bank
Helene R. Swearer
Tetra/Second Nature
The Times Mirror Foundation
Toyota USA Foundation
Travelers Foundation
Tremont Suite Hotels
T. Rowe Price
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Venable LLP
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg
The Whiting-Turner Contracting
W. R. Grace & Co.
The National Aquarium is grateful
to those who so generously showed
their support in 2012 through
philanthropic gifts to both the National
Aquarium, Baltimore, and the National
Aquarium, Washington, DC. Donors are
listed according to the cumulative total
given during this period.
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Animal Planet/Discovery
Baltimore County Executive,
County Council, and Commission
on Arts and Sciences
Charles T. Bauer Foundation
City of Baltimore
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
Maryland State Department
of Education
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
Southern Maryland RC&D Board
State of Maryland
The Whiting-Turner
Contracting Company
Constellation, An Exelon Company
The Dillon Fund
Institute of Museum and
Library Services
Jane and Larry Droppa
LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust
M&T Bank
Maryland Environmental Service
The Joseph Meyerhoff
Memorial Trusts
National Marine Sanctuary
Jennifer and George Reynolds
Betty and Tom Robinson
Royal Bank of Canada
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Baltimore City Foundation
Bank of America
The Herbert Bearman Foundation
Bunting Family Foundation
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
The Keith Campbell Foundation
for the Environment
Bob and Carol Carter
Anonymous (2)
Advance–The Document Specialists
Helen S. and Merrill L. Bank
Foundation Inc.
Ms. Penny Bank
Michael J. and Patricia K. Batza, Jr.
Winnie and Neal Borden/The Harry L.
Gladding Foundation
Dorothy Jordan Chadwick Fund
Caroline A. Coleman
Mr. Howard P. Colhoun
Community Foundation of ElmiraCorning and the Finger Lakes, Inc.
Cora and John H. Davis
Foundation, Inc.
Helen P. Denit Charitable Trust
Mr. Michael J. Dunmyer
Frank M. Ewing Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Ken French
Philip and Ann Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Graul, Jr.
The Henry Foundation, Inc.
The Huston Foundation
International Paper Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Kinnard, Jr.
John J. Leidy Foundation
Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation
Mr. Robert S. Maslin III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Morrissette
Nordstrom, Inc.
Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems
Mr. and Mrs. B. Dwight Perry
Don and Joan Pettit
The Phase Foundation
PPG Industries Foundation
Team Riley: Whitney, Lee, Gavin,
and Austin
Ripley Entertainment, Inc.
Mr. W. Charles Rogers III
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Silber
Subaru of America Foundation, Inc.
Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Mary Wise
W. R. Grace & Company
Xerox Foundation
Anonymous (4)
Renee and Stanton Ades
Robert and Dorothy Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Bearman
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Berg
Dr. Don and Mrs. Julie Berkow
The Beveridge Family
Mr. and Mrs. Max Bohnstedt
Mr. Karl S. Bourdeau
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bowen
The Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown
Family Foundation, Inc.
David W. Buck Family Foundation
Mr. Marc G. Bunting
J. Henry Butta
The Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Canusa Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Carp
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Children’s Fresh Air Society Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Collins, Jr.
The Hon. and Mrs. James L.
CSX Transportation
Tim and Amy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Dell III
The Dimick Foundation
Ms. Harriet Dopkin
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer
The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc.
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Ms. JoAn Ferguson
General Motors Foundation
Ms. Linda L. George
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Good
Mrs. Charlotte Ober Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. James Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford D. Greenberg
Shirley C. Grimes
Mary Ellen and Frank Gunther
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haddle
The Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc.
Corina Higginson Trust
Bruce, Caren, Bret, and Corie
Hotel Monaco Baltimore
Ms. Nina Rodale Houghton
Mr. William H. Howard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hyde
Mrs. Anne G. Imboden
Mr. David Jarach
Kiefer Foundation, Inc.
Kinder Morgan Foundation
The Kiplinger Foundation
Philip and Harriet Klein
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kuray
H.R. LaBar Family Foundation
Fund of The Greater Cincinnati
Oliver and Ali Landow
Mr. Andrew Lapayowker and
Ms. Sarah McCafferty
Traci and Mark Lerner
John G. Lewis
The Andrew London Family
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Lupold
Shannon Majerle
The Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation
Mars Foundation
Ms. Pamela J. Mazza and
Mr. Christopher B. Cyrway
Sid, Susan, and Ryan Meier
Fund of BCF
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Meyer
Ms. Sally J. Michel
Mr. Arthur Modell
Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley Nash
Mr. Charles E. Noell and
Ms. Barbara Voss
Mr. Damian O’Doherty
Office Depot Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula
Pearlstone Family Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perkins
Pettus-Crowe Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Charles Phillips
Pinto Foundation Fund at the
Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo
Mark and Joanne Pollak
Poole Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn, Jr.
Diane T. and Lawrence R. Rachuba
Mr. Robert Ramin and
Dr. Denise M. DeConcini
Ms. Diana Ramsay
The Rathmann Family Foundation
Mr. Sean A. Rhoads and
Ms. Keri A. Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Erik Rifkin
Mary Jo and Brian Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.
Ben & Esther Rosenbloom
Royal Farms
Mark and Stacy Sapperstein
Paula Schaedlich and Richard Ruess
Linda and Ken Schuberth
Richard H. Schwartz
Mr. James L. Seay
Joel and Kathy Sher
Allen Shutt
Staples Foundation for Learning, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon N. Stieff, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Strahan
Sullivan Family Foundation
Gary L. and Sharen A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Turrall
Mr. Jeremy Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Waldman
Ms. Beatrice L. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wilbur, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Winter
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Young
Anonymous (5)
Ms. Maria Roselle Abraham and
Mr. Theodore Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Abramowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Addicks
Dr. Sunil Agarwal and
Dr. Ruchika Goel
Mr. Mansoor Ahmad and
Mrs. Arzoo Manzoor
National Aquarium Annual Report 33
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Curran, Jr.
Darden Restaurants Foundation
Ms. Dana DiCarlo and Mr. Scott Plank
Dominion Foundation
Environmental Protection Agency
The Goldsmith Family
Foundation, Inc.
The David and Barbara B.
Hirschhorn Foundation, Inc.
Howard County Government/
Howard County Arts Council
Mohannad F. Jishi
Johnson Controls Foundation
Mr. Robert F. Johnson
Legg Mason, Inc.
Laura J. Niles Foundation, Inc.
MARPAT Foundation
The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.
The Curtis and Edith
Munson Foundation
The Rams Head Group
RCC Liquidation Trust
Shared Earth Foundation
SimEx Iwerks
Venable LLP
Veolia Energy
E. C. Wareheim Foundation
34 National Aquarium Annual Report
Ms. Shadi Akhavan and
Mr. Charles Adam Sawyer
Ms. Salma Akter and
Mr. Abbas Ahmed
Mr. and Mrs. Nasser Ali
Mr. and Mrs. Hans S. Allen
Patrick and Deborah Allender
Calvin J. Alt
Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Altpeter
Paul and Donna Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ankri
Mr. and Mrs. John Asman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Attilio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bach
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bainbridge
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Baker
Lewis J. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Baker
Dr. Carole C. Baldwin
Ballard Spahr
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Barkley
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barton III
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bateman
Brig. Gen. and Mrs. David A. Beasley
Dr. and Mrs. Dan M. Beaudry
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Beavers
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beckley
Mrs. Rebecca Bees and
Mr. Ryan Papson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Bell
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Benfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bennett
Mr. Martin Benson
Robert and Cathleen Berger
Mr. and Mrs. A.G.W. Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bielecki
Mr. and Mrs. Taurance Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bland
Dr. and Mrs. Mordecai P. Blaustein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Blaz
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Bleam
Bluegrass Tavern
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Bluhm
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Bobka
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bockin
John and Carolyn Boitnott
Ms. Susan Bonsall and
Mr. Stephen Lewis
Adam Borden and Lina Hong
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Borleis
Dr. and Mrs. Christian D. Bounds
Ms. Melissa D. Bowman and
Ms. Meredith L. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Greg P. Box
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Boyce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Brant
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brasser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breeden
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Breeden
Ms. Catherine M. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brenninkmeyer
Mrs. Mary Lynn M. Brett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bricken
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Brightbill
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Broadfoot, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brousseau
Mr. Adam H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Eric W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Brown
E. J. Bruen
Ms. Deanne Brzezicki and
Mr. Curtis Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Burd
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burdette
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burgess
Stephanie Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Burpee
Ms. Sandra L. Butchart
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Camara
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Campbell
Caplan Family Foundation Inc.
Drs. David B. and Lola J. Capps
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Caprarella
Ms. Myrina Cardella-Marenghi and Mr.
Jeffrey Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Castano
Mr. and Mrs. Amrit K. Chandra
Mr. and Mrs. William Checkley
Mr. and Mrs. Edric Chiang
Mr. Thanh Chiem and Mrs. Ngoc Le
Mr. Mark Chiochankitmun and
Ms. Verushka Tanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Chiogioji
Ms. Susanna Choy and
Ms. Rosanna Yi
Mr. David M. Christopher
Mr. Achut Chukka and
Mr. Pavan Vemuri
Mr. and Mrs. David Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Clapp III
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Clasing
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clauson
Ms. Patricia J. Clay and
Mr. Jack B. Booth
Mr. Adam Coburn and
Ms. Jennifer Stott
Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Cohen
Ms. Linda C. Cohen and
Mr. Eric Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohen
Suzanne F. Cohen
Mrs. Barbara Colley and
Mrs. Sue Wallen
Kathy Colston
Mr. Kirk Colwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conn
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cook
Betty Cooke and WM. O. Steinmetz
Ms. Debra Cooke and
Mr. Andrew McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Blake L. Cordish
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Correll, IV
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Crites
Mrs. Ethel I. Croll
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Croucher
Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Cummiskey
Dr. Leigh A. Curl and
Ms. Elizabeth Kaminski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Cutter
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dack
Ms. Diana D’Agati
Mr. and Mrs. David Daneman
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne H. David
Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson
Diane and Seth Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin DeFeo
Delaplaine Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Delaughter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis
Mr. Richard Dent and
Ms. Patricia Isaacs
Mr. Chris S. Desautelle
Ms. Nadine M. D’Esposito and
Ms. Veronica Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Dicke
Mr. Paul Dillon and Ms. Sara Lahman
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Dirocco
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Dotson
Mrs. Sheri L. DuFour and
Miss Kristy L. DuFour
Mrs. Kathleen Dufresne
Mrs. Margaret W. Dulaney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dunn
Ms. Monique Dupree and
Mr. Anthony Thomas
Ms. Alma H. Edgerly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edmonston
Ms. Barbara J. Ehrlich
Dr. and Mrs. Rainer M. Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Y. Engineer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Engle
Dr. and Mrs. Yener S. Erozan
Mr. John Ertel and
Mrs. Joslyn Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Esce
Ms. Krista Evans and
Mr. Joseph Prostredny
The Evo and Ora DeConcini and
Thu Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Ewing
Mr. Christopher Falzone and
Ms. Juliette T. Lecomte
Drs. Daniel C. and Jessica
Strohm Farber
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Faulstich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Faye
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fayer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Feller
Mr. Tom Fischer
Ms. Dana Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fitzsimons
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Flinn
Ms. Bridey M. Flynn and
Mr. Joseph A. Meisner
Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Frame
Mr. and Mrs. Camron Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Fuenmayor
Mr. Mark Fulchino
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Funk
Mrs. Patricia Gaitley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gall
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galli
Ms. Cheri A. Garnet and
Ms. Cindy Arno
Mike Genau
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Genn
Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Henggeler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hennessy
Mr. Edgar J. Herman and
Ms. Carole J. Shupe
Jean and Harry Hetherington
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hetherington
Mr. Todd Hettenbach and
Ms. Anna Laitin
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. C. High, II
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn C. Hlavay
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hochstein
Mr. and Mrs. Erich C. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Holicky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoobler
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hosterman
Ms. Nancy A. Hotchkiss
Ms. Weimin Hou and
Mr. Braden S. Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Howey
Mr. Russell P. Howey and
Mr. Kevin Drum
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huang
Jerry and Cindy Huesman
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hug
Mr. Nik Hughes and
Ms. Phyllis M. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hunter
Mr. Michael Icore and
Ms. Crystal Icore
Mr. Noel Indrupati and
Ms. Rebecca Bhimanpalli
Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Iwata
Dr. Troy A. Jacobs and
Dr. Kawsar R. Talaat
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Jennings
Mr. Bruce E. Johnson and
Ms. Cynthia L. Steinkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Johnson
Mrs. Enjoli S. Johnson and
Mr. Matthew J. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Jones
Cole and Hayden Jones
Dr. and Mr. Floyd Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph
Mr. Michael Josephson and
Mrs. Heidi Saas
Mr. Michael Jowett and
Ms. Lisa Payne
Mrs. Royela J. Joyce and
Mr. Timothy M. Thompson
Barbara Judd
Mr. Woo Y. Jung and
Mr. Joseph Z. Jung
Dr. Karen M. Kabat
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kagan
Dr. and Mrs. Hinrich Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kaiser
Dr. and Mrs. Murray A. Kalish
Thomas E. Kaltz and Mary Ellen Kaltz
Dr. and Mrs. Harry W. Kaplan
Joel and Wendy Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Adam M. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Ali Kazemzadeh
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. John Kendra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kern, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kernan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kessler
Ms. Judith Kiefer
Mr. Hyung Joon Kim and
Ms. Sujung Choi
Ms. Ke Rim Kim and
Mr. Thinh Nguyen
Dr. Mimi and Mr. John Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Young Choo Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Kindelan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. King
Ms. Jennifer Kingsley
Dr. Narayani Baliga and
Mr. Deepak Kini
Ms. Georgette Kiser and
Ms. Annie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Klein
Ms. Amalia R. Knick and
Mr. Michael J. Mahala
Mr. and Mrs. George Kokus
Dr. Orly C. Korat and
Dr. Lawrence R. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Korbeck, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Korwek
Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Kraft
Mr. Howard N. Krum and
Ms. Mary Margaret Sloan
Mr. Francis W. Kuchta
Mr. and Mrs. Mahesh Kukata
Dr. Kiran and Dr. Radhika Kuna
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lacovara
L’Aiglon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. LaMastra
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lambdin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landau
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Lander
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte
Ms. Wioleta Laska and
Mr. Kenneth Cutler
Mr. H. Kirke Lathrop
Alan and Anne Ledbetter
Mr. David Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Andrew Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Lenwood Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Yuan C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Paul William Leeper
Mr. William M. Legg and
Ms. Adelaide Skoslund
Ms. Beth Lemkelde and
Mr. Wordsworth Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lessig
Mr. and Mrs. Meir Levi
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. Boon P. Lim
Mr. Felix Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Linda
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Linehan
Mr. Ray Lischner and Ms. Cheryl Klipp
The Lloyd E. Mitchell Foundation
Mr. Carl Lofaro and
Ms. Deborah Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Loh
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I. Longstreth III
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Lopez
Mr. H.M. Lopp II and
Ms. Irene H. Reichert
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Loughlin
Mr. David L. and
Mrs. Antoinette Love
Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lowry, Jr.
Mrs. Jennifer Lowry and
Mr. Pete Sutcliffe
Dr. and Mrs. Naeem A. Lughmani
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lurz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyles, III
Mr. Thomas J. Lynch and
Miss Theresa Marie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Jared Lyons
Mr. Alonzo Macer and
Ms. Alexis Montague
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Machuga
Paul and Anne Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Mah
Dr. Kumar Mahadevan, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maldonado
Dr. Ira Mandell and
Mrs. Angelica Mushen
National Aquarium Annual Report 35
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Gensburger
Ms. Sandra Levi Gerstung
Dr. and Mrs. Marc H. Gertner
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Getschel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Getter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Geyer
Mr. and Mrs. Sivaram Ghorakavi
Mr. William G. Giery and
Ms. Eileen M. Meade
Mr. David Douglas Gilbert and
Ms. Jennifer Lisa
Ms. Pamela Gilligan and
Ms. Kimberly Gilligan
Dr. Julie A. and Mr. Jason Goad
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Goble
Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg
Connie Parr Goldsmith
Mark and Carol Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gotlin
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Gourlay
Dr. David Granite and
Dr. Mary Lou Oster-Granite
Ms. Karin Grapes
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gray
Dr. Bert F. Green, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Greenberg
Mrs. Mary K. Greenblatt
Dr. Gail T. Griffin and
Mr. Kenneth A. Bertram
Mr. George Grose and
Ms. Amy Macht
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden E. Groven
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Gruner
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gubernick
Ms. Amita Gupta and
Ms. Charlotte Sumner
Mr. Jason Hahn and Ms. Ryan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bard Halladay
Mr. Eric Hamill and
Ms. Ariane E. Cerlenko
Mr. Glenn Hardcastle and
Ms. Donna Lee Gerst
The Harley Family
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harpt
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Harsanyi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harsha
Mr. and Mrs. James Hartling
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hauge
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Heerdt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. Henderson
36 National Aquarium Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mannes
Mr. Scott Manning and Ms. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Manning
Mr. Praveen Marapaka and
Mr. Narayana Sundaram
Dr. Denise M. Markoff
Alison and James Marthe
Mr. Jobe Martin and Ms. Sue Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Marvel
Mrs. Hazel Marzan and
Mr. Dennis Idnay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Masi
Mr. and Mrs. Wink Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Carmel M. Matricciani, Sr.
Ms. Collette A. Mattingly and
Mr. Aaditya Goswami
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matusiak
Ms. Diane L. Matuszak and
Mr. Rodney H. Summerford
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Mayer
Ms. Halle Mayes and
Mr. Kyle Majchrzak
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCoy
Ms. Mary E. McEachern and
Ms. Elizabeth Young
Mr. Daniel McGarrity and
Ms. Jamie Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. McGough
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrorty
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McHugh
Mr. Thomas J. McKelvey III
Mr. and Mrs. Quent McKennis
Mr. and Mrs. Matt M. McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mclaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Mellendick
Ms. Deirdre Attea Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Meltzer
Drs. Kraig and Katherine Melville
Ms. Mary Menne
John and Mary Messmore
Barbara Meyd
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mietlicki
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Miliman
Mr. Wesley P. Millard
Ms. Amanda Miller and
Mr. Jeffrey Fisher
Dr. Myron and Mrs. Judith Miller
Mrs. Ruth Ann Mintiens
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Miskimon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Malik N. Momin
Karen and John Moniz and Family
Mr. Mark Morishige and
Ms. Melanie Hoehn
Colleen and Sabrina Morris
Ms. Donna M. Morrison
Mr. Craig Morse and Ms. Marissa
Ms. Barbara L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mullenhard
Dr. Sherrill Munn and
Mrs. Mary Ann Munn
Lieutenant Colonel and
Mrs. George R. Murnyak
Mr. and Mrs. N. James Myerberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Nava
Mr. John Nelson and
Ms. Debra Roepke
Capt. and Mrs. Eric A. Nielsen
Ms Lisa Nipp and Mr. Mel Antonen
Kathy and Roger Novak
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. O’Beirne
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ochs
Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Oken
Drs. Michael and Amanda Ombrello
Mr. John Ommert
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Ordan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco A. Ovalles
P. R. F. B. Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Allen Padgett
Dr. Gustavo Palacios and
Ms. Catherine Zylberman
Mr. and Mrs. George Panor
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Paranilam
Mr. Todd Park and Ms. Amy Geng
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Parmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Paul
Ms. Corrina A. Pavetto and
Mr. Amir H. Fadakar
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Payne
Ms. Vesna Perak and
Mr. Slavko Bradic
Mr. Scott A. Perich
Mr. Peter Peril
Ms. Erika Perrin and
Mr. Timothy Green
Mr. and Mrs. Libaniel Rodriguez
Mr. Gregg E. Petersen and
Dr. Shirley E. Reddoch
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Petrovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petruzella
Ms. Theresa L. Phillips and
Mr. Richard D. Meyerdirk
Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson III
Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Pinck
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Poggi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Poletti
Mr. and Mrs. Barry H. Polinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Posko
Mr. and Mrs. David Poteran
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Powell
Mr. Earle Pratt and
Ms. Kelly Emerson
Mr. Michael and Dr. Nancy Proviano
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Puglisi
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Puhak
Mr. Randal K. Quarles and
Ms. C. Hope Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Santos R. Quintanilla
Joel and Nancy Kohn Rabin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Radford
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Rahorn
Mr. and Mrs. Erick Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ramsey
G. Edward Reahl, Jr., M.D.
Mrs. Stephanie Rebaza
Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Reed
Mr. Steven P. Reichert, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Reinhardt
Dr. Michael Reiser and
Dr. Judith Mitrani-Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Beau Rennert
Dr. Maria Reyes-Soto and
Mr. Hector Rodriguez
Phoebe and Bob Reynolds
Ms. Betty J. Rice
Ms. Sally Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Richards
Mr. Brian Ricker
Mr. Michael B. Ridge and
Ms. Samona M. Spickler
Betty Ann Rigney and
Louis F. Marinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rineer
Ms. Michelle Rinehart and
Mr. Scott Jansen
Ms. Bithia Rissinger and
Ms. Brittania Gejoff
Mr. Barry N. Ritter and
Ms. Christine Dockstader
Drs. Thomas and Carol Ritter
Dr. and Mrs. Jaime Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Roa
Ms. Sara Roberson and
Mr. Blake Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodriguez
William C. Rogers, Jr. and
Helen L. Rogers
Ms. Jennifer Rolling and Mr.
Christopher Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Romero
Ms. Alexandra Roosevelt and
Mr. Ronald Dworkin
Mr. Willard Rosener
Mr. Mark J. Rovner and
Ms. Shira Saperstein
Mr. Richard Rubin and
Mrs. Kathleen Sweeney
Mr. Wilson Russell
Mr. William F. Ryan and
Dr. Joan T. Richtsmeier
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rytter
Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Saar
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sacci, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Sadowski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Sager
Ms. Nina Salathe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Sample
Mr. Leonard C. Sandelli and
Ms. Ana Sosa
Mr. Antonio Santos and
Mrs. Lara Dimick-Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Sarama
Robert, Kay, and Matthew Sauers
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Schack
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Schapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Benton H. Schaub, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schellhas
Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Scherr
Drs. Adam and Shari Schiavi
Mr. Paul H. Schindelar
Mr. Robert Schlender and
Mrs. Anne Spillane
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schline
Ms. Jane Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schools
Mr. Robert Schweitzer and
Ms. Shannon Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. David Scrivener
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Scurlock
Mr. and Mrs. C. Scyphers
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Seager
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Sears
Donald P. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stargel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stasen
Mr. Jack Steil
Dr. and Mrs. Josh Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Sternback
Mr. George Steuer and
Mrs. Erika Wesley
Ron and Judy Stiff
Mr. Robert P. Stockman
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Stokes
Dr. and Mrs. George C. Stone
Ms. Oksana Stowbunenko
Leslie and John Stranford
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Strayer, Jr.
Mr. Caleb H. Strickland and
Ms. Tracey K. Marletto
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Stuart
Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. Sullivan
Mr. Kasiviswanathan Swaminathan
and Ms. Rathna B. Kanagavel
Mr. and Mrs. Lydon J. Swartzendruber
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sweetman
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sweigard
Ms. Laura B. Syron
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Tasto
Ms. Pamela W. Tate and
Mr. Patrick Cook
Drs. Bruce T. and Ellen L. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Juan J. Tello
Ms. Lori Tennyson and
Ms. Cassandra McLellan
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford V. Teplitzky
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy L. Thiels
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thomas
Ms. Lori Thompson
Ms. Steffany Thompson and
Mr. Thomas Marr
Amelia Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. David Thorp
Mrs. Mary Donnell Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Tillman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Tofilon
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trent, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Troll
Mr. and Mrs. David Trudil
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Truslow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tully
Mrs. Deborah Tupper and
Ms. Mary Tupper
Mrs. Heung Turner and
Ms. Riley E. Turner
Henry and Debbie Tyrangiel
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent van Joolen
Mr. Mark Vogel and
Ms. Christina Travaglini
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wadel
Mr. Ashraful J. Wadud and
Ms. Mahbubul W. Murshed
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Waire
Mr. Charles Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. David Wayne Wallace
Margaret and Patrick Walsh
Mr. Jeffrey A. Walstrum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Warner
Donna Watts
Dylan Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wazlavek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weadock
Barbara and David Weaver
Ms. Jenifer Weaver and
Mr. Ianiv Eisenscher
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Weaver
Dr. and Mrs. Micah Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weil
Ms. Donna Weiss and
Ms. Lynn Derman
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. John Wells
Dr. and Mrs. Roland W. Wentworth
Dr. and Mrs. Keith P. West
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheltle
Ms. Carol Jann Whippo
Adelaide and Duncan Whitaker
Ms. Betty Ann White
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken White
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilkers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harlan Williams, Jr.
Mrs. Theresa Wills and Mrs. Amy
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Winchester
The Winner Distributing Company
Mr. Gregory Winton
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wirin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Witt
Commander and Mrs. Charles S.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wojcik
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wolff
C. Wolkow
Susan Wolman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Wood
Ms. Rose Marie Woodyard and Mr.
Jere C. Woodyard
Worldwide Small Change Foundation
Mr. Edward Wos, Jr. and Mrs. Wendy
Drs. Daniel and Judith Wubah
Dr. Jun Xue and Mrs. Xiaowen Qi
Henry and Nancy Yee
Dr. Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian
and Dr. Lakshmi Santhanam
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Yi
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Yonts
Jean Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zaffiris
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeni
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ziniti
Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Zinkon
Ms. Juliana Zuccaro and
Mr. Steve Chestnut
Dr. and Mrs. Luis M. Zuniga
E. J. and Diane M. Zuspan, Jr.
Enhancements to our exhibits will
keep us in the forefront of world-class,
must-see aquariums. The National
Aquarium Institute is embarking
on Capital Campaigns to fund these
necessary capital improvements,
with an emphasis on sustainability.
We thank the following donors for
their support.
City of Baltimore
Jane and Larry Droppa
Jennifer and George Reynolds
State of Maryland
The Whiting-Turner
Contracting Company
Charles T. Bauer Foundation
Mr. Randall M. Griffin
The Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff
Family Charitable Funds
National Aquarium Annual Report 37
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seiferman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. P. Selby, II
Ms. Elise Seraydarian and
Mr. John Leone
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Dharmesh Shah
Mr. Kevin Shaughnessy and
Ms. Desiree DeZanger
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Shemtov
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Sherlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Shigehara
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Shilling
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Shull, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Shultz
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sikorski
Ms. C. Lynne Silverman and
Ms. Debra L. Kroll
Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Silverstone
Dr. Eric Simball and
Dr. Jan M. Koppelman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Singer
Dr. and Mrs. Kuldeep Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Sipes
Ms. Pam Slipakoff and
Mr. Arthur Lechtman
Ms. Joey Sliwkowski and
Ms. Jo Ann Paradise
Ms. Carole Small
Mr. Scott M. Smiley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Beetle Smith
Ms. Brandi Smith and
Mr. Shawn Yuthsakdidecho
Mr. Christopher M. Smith and
Mrs. Amanda J. Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Smith
Ms. Meredith J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Sokolov
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Spare
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Speiser
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sperduto
Ms. Sharon Spooler and
Mr. Jim O’Brien
Mr. Philip H. Spotts and
Ms. Wendy E. Peiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Sprout, III
Mr. and Mrs. David Stamper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Stamper
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stanley
Winnie and Neal Borden/
The Harry L. Gladding Foundation
Bob and Carol Carter
Colleen Dilenschneider
The Henry and Ruth Blaustein
Rosenberg Foundation, Inc.
38 National Aquarium Annual Report
Ms. Dana DiCarlo and Mr. Scott Plank
Mohannad F. Jishi
The Harvey M. Meyerhoff Fund, Inc.
Middendorf Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Dwight Perry
Don and Joan Pettit
John and Susan Racanelli
Lee and Whitney Riley
Betty and Tom Robinson
SimEx Iwerks
Philip and Ann Gallant
Bruce, Caren, Bret, and
Corie Hoffberger
National Marine Sanctuary
Mr. W. Charles Rogers III
Ms. Martha H. Schumacher/
Hazen Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shulman
Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio
Dorothy Jordan Chadwick Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Neuman, Jr.
Mr. Robert Ramin and
Dr. Denise M. DeConcini
Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner
Dr. Carole C. Baldwin
Mr. James K. Bowers
The Hon. and Mrs. James L.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward
Ms. Marianela Peralta and
Mr. Edward J. McCormack
Mr. Mark Rovner and
Ms. Shira Saperstein
Ms. Christine T. Whitman
Drs. Daniel and Judith Wubah
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gibson
Mr. Scott B. Gudes
Mr. Roger E. McManus and
Ms. Dinah Bear
Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wolff
Through membership, corporations
support our initiatives while creating
a special way for their employees
and clients to explore the Aquarium.
The following were members of our
Corporate Advantage program in 2012.
Corporate Circle
Morgan Stanley
Northrop Grumman
Electronic Systems
Executive Partner
M&T Bank
Under Armour
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Managing Partner
Bank of America
BD Diagnostic Systems
The Classic Catering People
H&S Bakery, Inc.
Laureate Education, Inc.
McCormick & Company, Inc.
Otis Elevator
Procter & Gamble Cosmetics
Stanley Black & Decker
T. Rowe Price
Verizon Maryland, Inc.
W. R. Grace & Co.
Business Partner
AAI Corporation
Advance – The Document Specialists
Advanced Radiology
Algeco Scotsman
American Radiology Services LLC
American Sugar Refining, Inc.
American Trading and
Production Corporation
American Urological Association, Inc.
Anne Arundel Community College
Aon Hewitt
ARAMARK Corporation
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Ascend One Corporation
Bahri General Cargo
Ballard Spahr LLP
Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc.
The Baltimore Life
Insurance Company
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
Baltimore Steel Erectors, LLC
The Baltimore Sun Media Group
Brown Advisory
Cambridge Information Group, Inc.
Cangene bioPharma
Caplan Bros. Glass Co.
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Inc.
Carroll Independent Fuel Co.
The Children’s House at
Johns Hopkins
Constellation, An Exelon Company
Corporate Office Properties Trust
Cristal USA
CyberPoint International
Design Collective
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Educate, Inc.
Ellicott Dredges, LLC
Ernst & Young, LLP
Fidelity & Guaranty Life
Fundamental Administrative
Services, LLC
General Dynamics - OTS
Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP
Howard Community College
Hyatt Regency Baltimore
Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund
J.F. Fischer Inc.
Kernan Orthopaedics &
Knorr Brake Corporation
Legg Mason, Inc.
Lockheed Martin
McCormick HVP
MECU of Baltimore, Inc.
Merritt Properties, LLC
MET Laboratories, Inc.
Miles & Stockbridge P.C.
OneMain Financial
Pessin Katz Law, P.A.
Phillips Seafood Restaurant
PNC Bank
Pompeian, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Procter & Gamble Cosmetics
RBC Wealth Management
REIT Management and Research LLC
R.E. Michel Company, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Rosemore, Inc.
Rosenberg Martin Greenberg, LLP
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Saul Ewing LLP
Semmes, Bowen & Semmes
Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler
Shire Pharmaceuticals
Sun Products Corporation
SunTrust Bank
Sysco Baltimore
Thomas C. Rich, PC
United States Gypsum Company
Venable LLP
Veolia Energy
The Whiting-Turner
Contracting Company
Wolters Kluwer Health
Associate Partner
Adell Plastics, Inc.
Aggreko LLC
Alliance, Inc.
Allied Waste Industries, Inc.
Broadview Apartments, LLC
Carnegie Institution of Washington Department of Embryology
Comm-Tronics, Inc.
Consolidated Insurance Center, Inc.
Creative Print Group
Danaher Corporation
Data-Prompt, Inc.
Diageo Global Supply
E. John Schmitz & Sons, Inc.
EA Engineering, Science, and
Technology, Inc.
EBC Carpet Services
EESCO Pump & Valve, Inc.
Energetics Incorporated
Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP
Hackerman-Patz Patient & Family
Pavilion at Johns Hopkins
Hampton Inn & Suites – Baltimore
Inner Harbor
Harkins Builders Inc.
Harmon, Inc.
Heery International, Inc.
Hertzbach and Company, P.A.
Highmark Inc.
Holiday Inn - Inner Harbor
Hord Coplan Macht, Inc.
The following organizations and
individuals have made non-cash
gifts of goods or services with a
value given of $250 or more in
2012 in support of the National
Aquarium and its programs.
Atlantic Biomedical
CapEx Advisory Group
Dr. Elliott K. Fishman
Dr. Jennifer Hyman, MA, DACVO
Dr. Ira Luskin
The Herman Maril Foundation
Dr. Jay McDonnell
Mosaic Nightclub and Lounge
National Parks Conservation
Dr. Dan Petrus
Steve Rosenthal, DVMD, DACVIM
Maris St. Cyr
Worthington Cylinders Corporation
Gifts were made in memory of
the following loved ones.
Helen S. Bank
Charles M. Blosser, Jr.
Jeffery Call
Romeo Castaneda
Robert S. Christy
Matt Darr
William J. Denton
Rob Filip
Elizabeth Gegner
Joyce Gill Goldmann
Bernice Greenberg
Gil Grube
Matthew “Bud” Jones
Jeff Kiefer
Kenneth King
Josephine Kohn
Cindi Elizabeth Majerle
Chad Muehlhauser
Richard and Antoinette Pruss
Danielle Melissa Russell
Dr. Rick Saull
Daniel R. Schimmel
Mary Sircovics
Ethel Sollod
Ann Stephens
Gail Sukenik
Janice Weinhold
Robert Winegrad
Gifts were made in honor of
the following individuals.
Lily Andrews
The Aquarium dolphins
Andrew Boyce
Jacob and Noah Brenner
Charlotte Brittain
Bill Chalmers
Matthew Steven Del Grosso
Dr. Michael Fleming
Olivia Freiwald
Friday 4th Shift Volunteers and
Volunteer Office Staff
Charlotte and Dixon Gourley
Shirley Grimes
Jay Henson
Bruce Hoffberger
Anna Jensen
Ellen Madden
Patricia Anderson Moss
Cristina Quigley
Bob Ramin
Sarah Rachel Rosenblatt
Jeannie Storck
Kim Tompkins
David and Barbara Weaver
James C. McBride Endowment
for Managerial and
Professional Excellence
A. Carter Middendorf Environmental
Research Fund
A. Carter Middendorf Library Fund
AT&T Foundation Matching
Gift Program
BD Diagnostic Systems
Bank of America
The Boeing Matching Gift Program
Casey Matching Gifts Program
Dominion Foundation
The GiveCorps Foundation
IBM Corporation
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Texas Instruments Foundation
T. Rowe Price
Verizon Foundation
Legacy gifts may include bequests,
insurance policies, trusts, charitable
gift annuities, or other planned giving
vehicles. We are thankful to these
individuals who have included the
National Aquarium in their estate plans.
Anonymous (4)
Mrs. C. Selma Carton
Ms. Kai-Yun Chiu
Mr. Charles E. Herget, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horwits
Mr. Richard E. Hug
Ms. Euphemia N. Johnson
Ms. Judith L. Kressig
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Livesey, III
Mr. Robert S. Maslin, III
Miss A. Carter Middendorf
The Honorable William
Donald Schaefer
Ms. Marian B. Smith
Helene R. Swearer
Mrs. Margaret C. Taylor
The National Aquarium wishes
to give special recognition and
appreciation to those benefactors
who had the foresight and interest
to create these endowed funds.
The Endowment for the Marjorie
Lynn Bank Lecture Series
The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
Aquatic Education
Endowment Fund
The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
Foundation Marine
Accessions Fund
Marion Bowers Memorial
The Gary Gallo Fund for the
Preservation of Marine Mammals
The Henry Hall Endowment Fund
The following organizations have
generously matched their employees’
gifts to the Aquarium.
National Aquarium Annual Report 39
Jack’s Small Engine &
Generator Services
Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation
Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister – JCS
John S. Connor, Inc.
Johns Hopkins Radiology
The Joseph E. Shaner Company
The Joseph Mullan Company
Kovacs, Whitney & Associates, Inc.
Kramon & Graham, P.A.
Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation
Malin Group, LLC
McGuireWoods LLP
MGH Inc.
Miss Shirley’s Café
Navigation Arts, LLC
New Pathways, Inc.
The PMA Group
RCM&D, Inc.
The Retreat at Sheppard Pratt
Royal Sonesta Harbor Court
Hotel Baltimore
Samuel Shapiro & Co., Inc.
Shawe & Rosenthal, LLP
Shepherd Electric Supply
Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel
Structural Preservations
Systems, LLC
Tecta America East, LLC
Tremont Plaza Suites and Grand
Historic Venue
The Vane Brothers Company
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP
Willis North America
Volunteers contributed 119,648 service hours, the highest
number ever. Volunteers with 500 hours of service or more
are recognized in this report. Our sincere thanks to all who
40 National Aquarium Annual Report
donate their time to helping us actualize our mission.
Marie Tillman
Carlton Treff, Sr.
Mary Sidlowski
Edmund Truter
Penny Bank
Edward Carlson, Jr.
Shirley Gibson
Shirley Grimes
James Peters
Deborah Clute
Jean Singman
Thomas Fischer
Ralph Adams
Sidney Abrams
William Harris, Jr.
Selden Cooper
Carol Benfield
Michael Jachelski
Patricia Venturino
Leo Abernethy
Thomas Major
Terri Shanks
Bill Carson
James Filipczak
Connie Moore
Jean-Marie Moore
Mary Jane Simmons
Richard Carey
Myrian Diamond
Shirley Guy
Gordon Huggins
Lillian Miller
Marsha Rosenberg
Anne London
Miriam Nathanson
Dinny Stuelpnagel
Virginia Adams
Mary Bannon
Cathleen Berlett
William Chalmers
Robert Cohan
Adele Jefferson
Yvonne Roe
Albert Shulley
Pache Wagner
Jerome Beard
Gladys Demuth
Curtis Graham
Jeffrey Lindemuth
James Myers
John Olow
Alfred Ryan
Geri Schlenoff
Brandi Sima
Barbara Uricheck
Rosalind Walman
Louise Briggs
William Chesnutt
Dawn French-Evans
James Grim
Marty King
Michael Klein
Anne Madden
Susan Magri
Dianne McHale
Robin Korotki
George Rabinek
Edith Roth
Michelle Ryan
Richard Schwartz
Marilyn Thorner
Susan Treusdell
Barbara Weaver
Andrew Wegerski
Elizabeth Cavanaugh
Susan Christenbury
Anita Clayton
Loretta Commodari
Tom Deakin
James Folk
Geralyn Fromm
John Harman
Paul Jendrek
Jean Kapusnick
Pamela Kreis
Anna Martin
April Martin
Alan McKenzie, Jr.
Marjorie Pearsall
Wilson Russell
Hannah Salvatore
George Stephano
Mark Welch
Alan Whitfield
Kathleen Affeldt
Barbara Axelsson
Richard Baumann
Janice Baxter
Paul Bonicker
Nicole Castagna
James Cunningham
Michelle Day
Ronald Derr
Kenneth DeVivo
Edwin Dick
Gary Dick
Eric Duce
Therese Haaf
Abbe Harman
Daniel Higgins
Judy Hildenbrand
Lourdes Jonosky
George Kimbrow
G. Darleen Landers
Alan Little
William Lyman
Mary McKeever
Mark Mercer
Carl Perkins
Barbara Renz
Kenneth Rhoades
Robert Ryan
Michael Santini
Lauren Scott
Susan Slowik
Barbara Speight
Joseph Barley
Stephanie Bates
Barbara Bonicker
Marie Burke
Ralph Cass
Richard Clagett
Caroline Coleman
M. Alan Conrad
Richard Davis
Paul Dixon, Jr.
Amy Eagle
Robert Eklund
Gerry Emery
William Emery
Mark Everline
Kristen Frizzell
Phoebe Gilchrist
Randy Gray
Joyce Gross
Stephen Hammond
Marguerite Harding
Pamela Higgs
Dick Hughlett
Yvonne Jordan
Gregory Keggins
Lewis Kozlosky
Patricia Krasowski
Phillip Lee
Jennifer Lucas
Helen Maher
Craig Mathaney
Janice Mazur
Robert McLaughlin
Janet Barenburg
Sharon Beard
Cynthia Blanchard
Bruce Blum
Jay Bondar
John Botek
Edward Bowen
Sharon Bowen
Robert Burrows
Peter Cohn
Sal D’Alessio
Matthew Dietz
Irvin Donick
Lesley Dudek
Douglas Dzubinski
Alexander Eng
Mark England
Ernest Feist
Karen Folk
Al Fleig
Larry France
Michael Glass
Peter Griffith
Charlotte Harris
Eric Hein
Thomas Higgs
Raymond Hirsch
Bradley Hughes
Kathy Isaacs
Lisa Jeffrey
Robert Johnson
Jennifer Krisp
Yvonne Lovell
Ellen Madden
Chris Malinowski
Carolyn Marlow
Brenda McLaughlin
Victoria Meadows
Larry Miller
Gregory Lang
Allison Luettel
Marian O’Neil
Mary Parker
Amanda Payne
William Perry
Marjorie Phillips
Cristina Quigley
Sally Riley
Carol Rowell
Albert Sadilek
Janna Schneider
Burr Short
Gordon Sima
Duff Smith
Nina Sonin
Jane Spencer
James Stofan
Amy Tich
Mark Turner
Ronald Turner
Elizabeth Wagner
Mark Weisflog
Genie Wessel
Michael White
Angela Zeit
Phil Bath
Amber Beans
Janet Bischoff
Daniel Bounds
Paul Briant
Melbourne Briscoe
Thomas Brockett
PollyAnn Burkert
Edwin Carter
Joseph Chiaramida
Shawn Choy
Adrienne Croll
Helena Dahlen
Charmaine Dahlenburg
Tamara Daugherty
Carol Dennis
Jeannette Doleschal
Walter Doleschal
Ginger Duncan
Charles Erbe
Winifred Erbe
Pamela Evans
Kaitlin Follmer
Mary France
Karen Gall
Mike Green
Janet Gripshover
Angela Gruenfelder
Charles Guertler
Joseph Guida
Doug Haggerty
Catherine Hammond
Stephanie Hickock
Melvin Hildebrand
Michael Hilditch
Dianne Hirsch
William Hughey
Carol Hull
Deborah Jackson
Laura Jansen
Deborah Kappler
Elizabeth Kessler
David Kinney
Joshua Kolko
Sharon Krag
Cecilia Lambert
Carol Lancaster
Elysa Leonard
Bethany Link
Chris Lombardi
Donna Loudon
Julie Mayer
Autumn McElroy
Mary Menne
Brett Miller
William Morey
Delaney Murphey
Linda Nedzbala
Kevin Nichol
Marian O’Neil
Gavin Phillips
Cheryl Potter
Elise Proctor
Lisa Pulaski
Stephanie Pully
Christine Santos
Heather Srch-Thaden
Theresa Sclafani
Marsha Shutty
Danielle Siegers
Paul Silber
Becky Simmons
Sharon Slieker-Jay
Kristen Steinnagel
M. Jeanne Storck
April Trociuk
Cynthia Turner
Rob Turner
Noreen Victor
Linda Walizer
Gabrielle Weber
Steven Webster
Mary Willard
Dana Willoughby
Gail Willoughby
Jerry Winkelstein
Robert Wirsing
Victoria Zalewski
National Aquarium Annual Report 41
Milvina Nelson
Irene Newton
Joe Nickoles
Michael O’Connell
Amanda Pack
Andrea Paun
Carol Pimental
Betsy Rath
Carolyn Reneski
Mary Anne Rhoades
Stephanie Richards
Helene Rubinstein
Gregory Ruff
Marilyn Sachs
Kenneth Simmons
Phyllis Smyth
Ray Steinberg
Elizabeth Stanne
Sunny Steinberg
Becky Tallman
Pamela Tate
Frank Thomas
Lamont Thomas
Robert Waller
Richard Ward
Ruth Ward
Les Weinberg
Marilynn Willoughby
Paul Wimmer
Kathleen Wolfe
Phil Wujek
William Zobel
We can’t do it without you
42 National Aquarium Annual Report
The National Aquarium has boosted civic pride, spurred the region’s
economy, educated thousands of children and families about our marine
counterparts, and ensured a sustainable future for many sea inhabitants.
As a private nonprofit organization, we depend on the generosity of those
who understand our mission and support our work.
We invite you to be a part of a bright future for the National Aquarium
by joining us in our continuing efforts to create world-class exhibits,
delight our guests, and drive conservation action. As a private, nonprofit
organization, the Aquarium relies on the involvement and generosity of
friends, corporate partners, and foundations. Only through your gift of
support can we develop the exhibits and programs that amaze, inspire,
and connect with our guests in powerful ways—and spark the desire
to protect and conserve this incredible blue planet.
Volunteers also play a key role in every aspect of the Aquarium’s
operations and annually contribute nearly 120,000 hours. From
interpreting exhibits for guests to helping with school programs,
volunteers contribute their talent in innumerable ways. To learn more
about our volunteer programs, please call 410-576-3886 or email
[email protected].
If you are interested in learning more about how you can join as a
member or make an individual, corporate, or foundation gift, please
call our Development Office at 410-659-4217.
501 E Pratt Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
National Aquarium is a nonprofit organization
whose mission is to inspire conservation of
the world’s aquatic treasures.