City of South Daytona
City of South Daytona
City of South Daytona Community Development Dept. Post Office Box 214960 • South Daytona, FL 32121 • 386/322-3020 • FAX 386/322-3029 MEMORANDUM To: Joseph Yarbrough, City Manage r From: Helen Wert, Asst. Community Development Director Date: March 15, 2011 RE: BIKE WEEK VENDOR TALLY - 2011 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• As of March 11, 2011 , the Community Development office collected $ 21,600 in Itinerant Merchant fees. A total of 59 vendor permits were issued for the 2011 Bike Week period, which is a slight decrease of two vendors and one less RV parking permit and a $ 1700 decrease in revenue from last year. 2010 55 vendors @ $400 = $ 22,000 6 non profit and/or local vendor permits @ 0 13 RV parking permits @ $100 ea = $ 1,300 Total collected in 2010 = $ 23,300 VS. 2011 51 vendors @ $400 = $ 20,400 8 non profit and/or local vendor permits @ 0 12 RV parking permits @ $100 ea = $ 1,200 Total collected in 2011 = $ 21,600 The attached graph depicts data from previous Bike Week events to current year. Continuing Commitment to Excellence Total Bike Vendors vs Year 160 140 152 I 120 I l~ <hh llil lB 100 80 61 59 2010 2011 60 40 20 ° 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001' 2002 2003" 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007 2008 2009'" * Fee increase from $ 200.00 to $ 250.00 per vendor ** Fee increase from $ 250.00 to $ 300.00 per vendor ***Fee increase from $ 300 to $ 400 per vendor and increase from $ \0 to $ 100 per Vendor RV . Total Fees vs Year $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001' 2002 2003" 2004 2005 2006 * Fee increase from $ 200.00 to $ 250.00 per vendor ** Fee increase from $ 250.00 to $ 300.00 per vendor ***F ee increase from $ 300 to $ 400 per vendor and increase from $ 10 to $ 100 per Vendor RV. 2009'" 2010 2011 BIKE WEEK 2011 ITM PERMITS 03/04-13/2011 -LOCATION Ridgewood Ridgewood Ridgewood Ridgewood Ridgewood 'Ridgewood Ridgewood 'Ridgewood Ridgewood ~OPERTY OWNER I ITINERANT NAME -- 1730 White Chapel Church White Chapel Church 1821 Martini's Chophouse Old Skool Road Show LLC 1821 Martini's Chophouse Feathers & Leathers 1821 Martini's Chophouse Asher Power Sports 1821 Martini's Chophouse Marilynn Schmuki Tom Tracy 1841 IAction Rental Cycle Shirts I Virginia Rhodes 1844 . ~ irehouse Subs 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park ~ French Kiss Kustom 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Mad Jap Kustoms I D. Yamada ~gewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Eastern Fabrications I B. Baker ~idgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Heyltje Rose Bond Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Deville Cycles Ridgewood 1848- StOne Edge Skate Park MT Customs - - - - - -::c---Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Chop Docs Choppersl Ron Harris FNA Custom Cycles Ridgewood 184~_ ~ne Edge Skate Park Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Boston Mike's Custom Bikes Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Par~ ~pa Clutch Customs Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Backstreet Havoc LLC Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Led Sled Customs Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Garage Company Customs Inc. Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Cycle Source Magazine Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Union Speed & Style Bffs Garage Ridgewood 1848 -=--Stone Edge Skate Park Chris Locklear Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Bilt Well Inc. I Harold McArthur Ridgewood 1848 Stone Edge Skate Park Lowbrow Customs, LLC Chris Locklear Ridgewood 1854 Whistle Junction Ridgewood 1854 Whistle Junction Blue Ridge Trading Co. Ridgewood 1863 Miller's Mustang Seats Ridgewood 1863 Miller's Jaybrake, LLC ---Ridgewood 1863 Miller's Miller's Custom Parts ~ ---Ridgewood 1871 S. Daytona Instant Print Biker Design Ridgewood 1903 Porkie's Restaurant Chopper Design Services Ridgewood 1903 1>orkie's Restaurant Porkie's Restaurant Ridgewood 2225 Jack's Stadium ~ John Jackson Ridgewood 2225 Jack's Stadium Pub Another Chance Animal Rescue Ridgewood 2385 Jim Walker's Honda Christian Motorcyclists Assn. Ridgewood 2400 Sunshine Park Mall South Daytona Lions Ridgewood 2400 iSunshine Park Mall Freedoms Choice Dave McBride Ridgewood 2400 Sunshine Park Mall K & P Leather I Kerry Evans Ridgewood 2400 Sunshine Park Mall Leonard Lowe Ridgewood 2400 Sunshine Park Mall Motor Trike Inc. Ridgewood 2400 Sunshine Park ~ Sierra Electronics --ITINERANT ADDRESS ITINERANT CITY,S TATE, ZIP PRODUCTS/SERVICES So. Daytona, FL 32119 Cape Coral, FL 33909 Portland, OR 97205 Daytona Bch Shs, FL 32118 Windermere, FL 34786 Fort Wayne, IN 46808 Fairfield, AL 35064 Vancouver, WA 98665 181 Hidden Ranch Hill NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada Branford, CT 06405 165 Short Beach Road Branford, CT 06405 165 Short Beach Road Slatington, PA 18080 239 Cherry Street 857 Lagoon Business Loop Montgomery, AL 36117 6041 Williams Lake Road Waterford , MI 48329 5046 Copperstone Circle Mulberry, FL 33860 Deltona, FL 32725 548 South Anchor Drive Ainsworth, IA 52201 P.O. Box 100 --No. Charleston, SC 29419 P.O. Box 60787 4860 Upper Valley Road Dayton, OH 45424 200 Bearden Road Pelham, AL 35124 Tarentum, PA 15084 118 Dellenbaugh Road Monticello, MN 55362 P.O. Box 524 2660 Union School Rd. Rowland, NC 28383 Temecula, CA 92590 _ 27570 Commerce Ctr Dr., #129 Hinckley, Ohio 2385 Ridge Road 2660 Union School Rd . Rowland, NC 28383 Johnson City, TN 37601 241 A Furnace Road 278 Town Hill Road Terryville, CT 06786 Springville, NY 14141 180 Zoar Valley Road 1863 S. Ridgewood Ave. So. Daytona, FL 32119 Daytona Beach, FL 32118 777 Main Street 1365 Bennett Drive, #101 Longwood, FL 32750 1903 S. Ridgewood Ave. So. Daytona, FL 32119 So. Daytona, FL 32119 2225 S. Ridgewood Ave. 3280-C S. Atlantic Ave., #18 Daytona Beach Shs, FL 32118 20 Azalea Drive Ormond Beach, FL 32176 Port Orange, FL 32129 3438 Country Walk Drive 2619 North Main Street Findlay, Ohio 45840 Swartz Creek, M I 48473 9506 McEnrue Road Atco, NJ 08004 2174 Atco Avenue P.O. Box 611 Troup, TX 75789 2080 Experiment Farm Rd Troy, OH 45373 1730 Ridgewood Avenue 1323 N.E. 9th Place 1815 SW Alder 3501 S. Atlantic Ave., #601 11019 Galway Isles Court 1919 Wells P.O. Box 382 6615 NE Highway 99 Bike Wash - non profit MIC merchandise Jewelry, accessories Bike Wash MIC display MIC apparel, accessories T-shirts MIC parts and bikes MIC Repairs MIC display Leather accessories MIC parts MIC parts, apparel MIC (custom) MIC custom parts MIC parts, apparel MIC repairs Magazines, t-shirts MIC (custom) MIC (custom) Magazines, apparel MIC (custom) T-shirts Mlc accessories, apparel MIC parts, accessories T-shirts Leather apparel MIC seats mfg and install MIC accessories Retail - local blUr Retail clothing Retail mfg - kickstands Food beer - local blUr Restaurant food-local blUr Bike Wash - non-profit org Non-profit vendorlliterature Non-profit vendor MIC accessories MIC apparel Heated clothing I Trike manufacturer I MIC audio, helmets FEE RV PMT 0 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 0 400 400 0 0 0 0 0 400 400 400 400 400 ITM# 02011-01 100 2011-26 o 2011-34 o 2011-35 o 2011-46 o 2011-42 o 2011-32 o 2011-39 02011-43 o 2011-44 oTo1"1-45 o 2011-48 2011-49 o 2011-50 o 2011-51 o 2011-52 o 2011-53 o 2011-54 o 2011-55 02011-56 o 2011-57 o 2011-58 0 i 2011-59 012011-24 o 2011-25 02011-41 02011-38 o 2011-04 o 2011-05 o 2011-06 o 2011-40 o 2011-23 o 2011-08 o 2011-33 o 2011-47 o 2011-07 02011-03 100 2011-31 100 2011-30 100 2011-37 o 2011-14 100 2011-18 o .• Ridgewood 240.0. ISunshine Park Mall Butt Buffer of North Florida Ridgewood 240.0. Isunshlne Park Mail - 'california Side Car - Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine ParkMail So. Daytona Citizen Alert Ridgewood 24o.o.~hine Park Mall Bike Solutions LLC ~ewood 240.0. ISlJll_~ine Park Mall _ Emir Enver Yagan Ridgewood 24o.Oj~unshine Park Mall Phillip Sanford Thctgewood 240.0. Isunshine Park Mall Dowgle 0 Cellular LLC (J .O'Neal) ~dgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Wing Bling Corporation f=:-. -- - I - - -' Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Robert Overby's Two Wheel Sound Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Nick Plenzick Ridgewood ~~~h!~e ~ark M~ Mountainman Art ~gewood 240.0. ~hine Park Mall T.J. and the Boss - Jane Johnson ~gewood 240.0. -Jiunshine Park Mall Light Them Up Lakes Edge LLC Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Ron Seal Souvenirs ~gewood2400 Sunshine Park Mall Motorcycle Accessories Now Inc. Ridgewood 240.0. Sunshine Park Mall Magic Stitches Embroidery 10.226 S.W. 41st Avenue 10.0. Motorcycle Run 1672 So. Ridgewood Ave. P.O. Box 5747 933 Beville Road, #1o.3-K 7612 Nolensville Road 25 Scenic Drive 5420. S. Pendant Point P.O. Box 789 3154 Street Road P.O. Box 85 P.O. Box 89 21424 Sunset Avenue P.O. Box 40.8 16 Woods-N-Water Drive 20.9 Prairie View Drive 1212 Road 15 Gainesville, FL 3260.8 ArlinQton, VA 22922 So. Daytona, FL 32119 Austin, TX 78763 So. Daytona , FL 32119 Nolensville, TN 37135 Freehold, NJ 0.7728 Floral City, FL 34436 Murray, KY 420.71 Warrington, PA 18976 Circleville, WV 2680.4 Conyers , GA 30.0.12 Warren, MI 480.91 Wakarusa, IN 46573 Mount Dora, FL 32757 Murfreesboro, IN 37127 York, NE 68467 M/C seat cushions 40.0. 0. 20.11-13 Trike kit manufacturer 40.0. 0. 20.11-11 - l=lOtdog wagon - non-profit 0. 0. 20.11-0.2 M/C seats 40.0. 0. 20.11 -16 M/C apparel 40.0. 0. 20.11-0.9 M/C accessories 40.0. 0. 20.11-10. M/C and cellular accessory 40.0. 0. 20.11-12 Custom-painted M/C parts 40.0. 0. 20.11-15 - o:..==--+--'-=-''+----c~~ M/C audio, helmets 40.0. 10.0. 20.11-17 M/C accessories 40.0. 10.0. 20.11-19 Pinstriping, murals I 40.0. . - ~~ 11-2o. Pinstriping ~ ~~:!1:.2~, M/C accessories ~ 1Qg ~ 1-22 M/C manufacturer 40.0. 0. 20.11-27. Souvenirs 40.0. o.J2o.11-28 M/C accessories, install 40.0. 10.0. 20.11-29 Embroidery on apparel 40.0. 1,~ 1-36 _____~----_-------_+-------------------~----------------+_----------------_+---$~C-o-lI_ e_ ct_e_d_______ 20.40.0. I 51 vendors @ $400= $20,400 8 nonprofit/local business vendors @ $0 I ~ RV parking pe~mits @$100 = $1,200 -+- -----t-=--F --t-- - I _ - I I I 1. ---t _1 --t --- - - I - I - +-I _ .j Total collected: $21,600 59 Vendors ~-==- 12o.o.t -± + --= I- ~ -+ I -l -
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