JURI Report
JURI Report
JURI Report ISSUE 21 APRIL 2016 At the meeting of 20-21 April 2016 The April 2016 meeting of the Committee on Legal Affairs will commence, on the morning of 20 April, with a series of fact-finding activities. A study on the cross-border acquisition of real estate, focusing on how certain existing problems could be solved, will be presented by the international academic team which drew it up. There will then be a presentation of the European Added Value Assessment relating to Joëlle Bergeron's legislative initiative report on the protection of vulnerable adults. The morning will conclude with a hearing on EU copyright rules. NEXT MEETING 23-24 MAY 2016 JURI Website In the afternoon, Jean-Marie Cavada will present his draft reports on the proposed private international law regulations on international couples, covering both matrimonial property regimes and registered partnerships. At 16.30, there will be a joint meeting with the ECON Committee, with the participation of the TAX 2 Committee, in order to hold an exchange of views with Commissioner Hill on country-by-country reporting. The day will conclude in camera, with the consideration of credentials, disputes and immunities. LATEST ANALYSES Votes will take place the next morning, 21 April, at 9.30. Major votes include the report on the abolition of the Civil Service Tribunal and the second reading of the public documents proposal. The rest of the morning will be given over to a hearing on the legal and ethical aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence. Administrative Procedure of the EU Institutions, Bodies, Offices and Agencies ____________________________________________________________________________ Hearing on 'Modernisation of EU Copyright rules' - 20.4.2016 On 9 December 2015, the Commission presented a proposal for a Regulation on ensuring the cross-border portability of online content services (2015/0284(COD)), rapporteur Jean-Marie Cavada. This proposal represents the first step in the reform of copyright in Europe as announced by the Commission in the context of the setting up of the Digital Single Market. At this meeting, the Committee will hold a hearing at which the Commission will present the proposal and the Committee will hear expert testimony from industry representatives from a technical perspective as well as from the viewpoint of consumers, authors, producers and content providers. The hearing will be webstreamed. EPRS Adoption: Cross-Border Legal Issues The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): The Sluggish State of Negotiations Brussels IIa: Towards a Review The General Principles of EU Administrative Procedural Law The Balance of EU Copyright: Impact of Exceptions and Limitations on Industries and Economic Growth Civil-Law Expert Reports in the EU: National Rules and Practices _________________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING EVENTS Public hearing on 'Legal and ethical aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence' 21.4.2016 The developments in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) represent perhaps the most significant technological advances of today. While potentially useful in many ways, emerging applications of robotics and AI also raise questions on how to respond to and adjust to the introduction of increasingly autonomous robots and evolutionary algorithms in various areas of work and human activity. How should responsibility and liability be shared between different actors if an internet-connected robot or robotic system causes harm, either when acting physically upon its environment or when de facto concluding contracts? What are the envisaged risks involved and how could they be managed? What ethical issues need to be addressed and to what extent is the existing regulatory framework appropriate for dealing with the new generations of robots and the increased sophistication of artificial intelligence? These are among the questions underlying the decision by the JURI Committee and its Working Group on Robotics to organise a public hearing that will gather expertise on technical, ethical and legal aspects of robotics and artificial intelligence. The hearing will be webstreamed. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exchange of views with Commissioner Hill on country-by-country reporting At this meeting, Commissioner Hill will present to the JURI, ECON and TAX 2 Committees the latest Commission proposal on country-bycountry reporting on corporate income tax. It is common knowledge that an environment of complex tax rules and fiscal secrecy has allowed some multinational enterprises (MNEs) to exploit loopholes and mismatches in the tax system in a non-transparent manner. It is estimated that EU Member States lose billions each year to tax avoidance by firms, and recent reports have disclosed that certain multinationals pay very little in taxes. Against this background, Parliament has called on several occasions for the introduction of country-by-country reporting on corporate income tax as a way of fostering corporate responsibility to contribute to welfare through taxes and promoting fairer tax competition in the EU through an informed democratic debate on how to remedy market and regulatory shortcomings. The present Commission proposal intends to respond to these calls from Parliament. The JURI Committee has a leading role to play on this file as the committee responsible for company law. In fact, given the strong connection of the initiative with corporate reporting, the Commission has deemed it appropriate to present this initiative as an amendment to the Accounting Directive, for which the JURI Committee was the sole committee responsible. 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT INTERIM REPORT Ratification and accession by Member States on behalf of the Union to the Protocol of 2010 to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea The 2010 International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (the ‘2010 HNS Convention’) is an important part of the international maritime liability regime, in particular as the carriage of HNS by sea, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a booming trade representing a significant share of the maritime transport sector. The 2010 HNS Convention applies to claims for damage arising from the carriage of HNS by sea, except for claims arising under a contract for the carriage of goods or passengers, and establishes the strict liability of the owner of a ship carrying HNS for any damage resulting from an incident in connection with the carriage of HNS by sea on board that ship. Strict liability is coupled with the obligation of owners to take out insurance or other financial security to cover their liability for damage under the Convention. The biggest contribution of this Convention to the international regime covering liability and compensation for accidents caused by shipping activities and, in particular, by the HNS trade by sea, is the establishment of a specialised compensation fund. Known as the HNS Fund, it aims to pay compensation to any person suffering damage in connection with the carriage of HNS by sea to the extent that such person has been unable to obtain full and adequate compensation for the damage from the shipowner and its insurer. The 2010 HNS Convention also contains rules on jurisdiction of courts of States Parties over claims made by persons suffering damage covered by the Convention against the owner or Procedure: 2015/0135(NLE); its insurer, or against the HNS Fund. Recognition and enforcement of 2015/0136(NLE) judgments by courts in States Parties is also covered by the Convention. In the absence of a REIO (Regional Economic Integration Organisation) clause in the text of the Convention or in the Protocol, Member States should conclude this international agreement on behalf of the Union. They can only do this, on behalf of the Union, following the authorisation of the Council and the consent of Parliament on a proposal by the Commission, in accordance with Article 218(6)(a) TFEU. The Council decided on 10 December 2015 to request that Parliament give its consent. At this meeting, the rapporteur and Chair of the Committee, Pavel Svoboda, will present his draft interim reports. According to Rule 99(3) of the Rules of Procedure the committee responsible may present an interim report to Parliament including a motion for a resolution containing recommendations for modification or implementation of the envisaged international agreement. The draft reports thus call on the Council and the Commission to consider carefully the legal basis of the draft decisions, the scope and the type of obligation imposed on Member States to ratify or accede to the HNS Convention, and to ensure that the uniformity, integrity and effectiveness of common EU rules is not adversely affected in view of the overlap between the HNS Convention on the one hand and the Environmental Liability Directive and the recast Brussels I Regulation on the other hand. Basic Doc: 13806/15; 14112/15; COM(2015) 305 final; COM(2015) 304 final Legal basis: Rule 99 RoP / Article 218(6) (a)(v) and Article 100(2) TFEU; Rule 99 RoP / Article 218(6) (a)(v) and Article 81 Rapporteur: Pavel Svoboda Administrator: Zampia Vernadaki Preliminary Timetable Consideration of draft interim reports: 21.04.2016 Deadline for AMs: 27.04.2016 Vote at Committee level: 2324.05.2016 Vote in Plenary: 6-9.06.2016 3 _________________________________________________________________________________ PRESENTATION DES PROJETS DE RAPPORT Compétence, loi applicable, reconnaissance et exécution des décisions en matière de régimes matrimoniaux et d'effets patrimoniaux des partenariats enregistrés Lors de cette réunion, le rapporteur, Jean-Marie Cavada, présentera ses deux projets de rapport sur les propositions de règlements du Conseil relatifs à la compétence, à la loi applicable, à la reconnaissance et à l'exécution des décisions en matière de régimes matrimoniaux et d'effets patrimoniaux des partenariats enregistrés. Ces propositions sont les deuxièmes en la matière. Après le blocage des négociations entre États membres – tout accord devant être unanime en matière de droit de la famille –, cette proposition revient au Parlement sous la forme d'une coopération renforcée. La proposition de règlement de 2016 n'est pas identique à la proposition initiale de la Commission de 2011 – au contraire, elle intègre de nombreuses modifications proposées par le Parlement en 2013 et correspond ainsi au texte auquel 23 États membres étaient prêts à donner leur accord fin 2015. Le règlement sera un instrument très utile pour les couples internationaux au sein de l'Union européenne. Il couvre, en matière de régimes matrimoniaux, la compétence et la loi applicable, ainsi que la reconnaissance et l'exécution de décisions. Toutefois, il exclut de son domaine, notamment, les questions concernant la capacité des époux, l’existence, la validité ou la reconnaissance d’un mariage, les obligations alimentaires et la succession du conjoint Procédure: 2016/0059(CNS), 2016/0060(CNS) Documents de base: COM(2016)0106, COM(2016)0107 Base juridique: Article 81(3) TFUE Rapporteur: Jean-Marie Cavada décédé. L'autonomie des État membres en matière de droit de la famille Administrateur: Alexander Keys semble donc sauvegardée. Le règlement n'affecte pas, non plus, le fond du Agenda previsionnel droit des États membres sur les régimes matrimoniaux. En matière d'effets Présentation des projets de rapport: 20.04.2016 patrimoniaux des partenariats enregistrés, la proposition reprend largement les mêmes règles que pour les régimes matrimoniaux, avec les modifications qui s'imposent. Les demandes du Parlement ont donc été entendues. Le rapporteur retient que ces propositions de règlements sur les régimes matrimoniaux et les effets patrimoniaux des partenariats enregistrés sont clairement dans l'intérêt de l'Union et de ses couples internationaux. Elles Date limite pour amendements: 05.05.2016 Discussion des amendements: mai 2016 Adoption JURI: 14.06.2016 Adoption PLÉNIÈRE: 23.06.2016 permettront de mettre fin à de nombreux cas de confusion et de difficulté juridique. Les propositions actuelles ont intégré une bonne partie des amendements proposés précédemment par le Parlement. Le rapporteur propose donc que le Parlement donne un avis favorable sur ces propositions, et n'incut pas d'amendements supplémentaires dans les projets de rapport. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation of Added Value Study on EU intervention on the protection of vulnerable adults The Committee on Legal Affairs is currently working on a legislative initiative report on the protection of vulnerable adults (Rapporteur: Joëlle Bergeron). Within this framework, two Added Value Studies were commissioned from experts in the field. At this meeting, Dr Ian Curry-Sumner, Dr Joëlle Long and Prof. Pietro Franzina will present their studies to the committee. 4 ________________________________________________________________________________ VOTES Transfer to the General Court of the EU of jurisdiction at first instance in disputes between the Union and its servants At this meeting, the committee will vote on the draft report and the amendments tabled thereto. As a modification of the legal basis is also proposed, the committee will also vote on a legal basis opinion under Rule 39. The committee may also decide to confer a negotiating mandate. Procedure: 2015/0906(COD) This regulation is the fourth relating to the reform of the Court of Justice. It follows on from the third, which concerned an increase in the number of judges at the General Court to 56. This increase was subject to the condition that the Civil Service Tribunal be abolished and civil service disputes transferred back to the General Court. The present regulation is therefore a follow-up to the third regulation reforming the Court of Justice. In parallel with the second step in the increase in judges at the General Court, from 40 to 47, the Civil Service Tribunal, which has seven judges, must be abolished. The Court of Justice's proposal merely proposes the repeal of the provisions relating to the Civil Service Tribunal, along with a small number of consequential amendments and transitional provisions concerning the transfer of ongoing cases. Basic doc: N8-0110/2015 Legal basis: Articles 256(1), 257 and 281 TFEU; Article 106a(1) Euratom Rapporteur: Mady Delvaux Administrator: Alexander Keys Opinion giving committee: AFCO Preliminary Timetable Adoption of report, legal basis opinion and negotiating mandate: 21.04.2016 Possible confirmation vote following trilogues: 24.05.2016 If a negotiating mandate is adopted, interinstitutional negotiations can then commence on the basis of the draft report as amended. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Workers’ representation at board level in Europe The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs is drafting an own-initiative non-legislative report (rapporteur Thomas Händel) on representation workers’ at board Procedure: 2015/2222(INI) level in Europe. The report Rapporteur: Enrico Gasbarra aims to present the systems of Administrator: Francisco Ruiz-Risueño workers’ representation at Preliminary Timetable board European Union and to Consideration of amendments: 20-21.4.2016 examine Vote: 23-24.05.2016 existing level how in the those systems work, along with a framework and criteria to help optimise their operation. The Committee on Legal Affairs will provide an opinion. At this meeting, the Committee will consider the amendments tabled to the draft opinion. 5 _________________________________________________________________________________ Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special regard to the Concluding Observations of the UN CRPD Committee On 17 August and 4 September 2015, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted its Concluding Observations on the initial report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the Procedure: 2015/2258(INI) European Union. Basic document: UN CRPD Committee Concluding Observations on the initial report of the European Union The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs was Rapporteur: Heidi Hautala authorised to draw Administrator: Francisco Ruizup an own-initiative Risueño non-legislative report Preliminary Timetable on the Adoption JURI: 23-24.05.2016 implementation of Adoption Lead Committee: 30.05.2016 this convention, with special regard to the concluding observations of the UN CRPD Committee (2015/2258(INI)). At least eight committees (DEVE, TRAN, REGI, CULT, JURI, LIBE, FEMM and PETI) will provide opinions to the EMPL Committee on this file. The rapporteur for the JURI Committee opinion is Heidi Hautala. At this meeting, the committee will consider the amendments tabled to the draft opinion. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ORAL QUESTION WITH RESOLUTION Open, efficient and independent European Union administration The committee will consider and possibly adopt an oral question to the Commission and a motion for a resolution to wind up the debate in plenary on an open, efficient and independent European Union administration. A proposal for a regulation on the administrative procedure of the European Union’s Procedure: 2016/2610(RSP) institutions, bodies, offices Legal basis: Rule 128 and agencies would be Rapporteur: Heidi Hautala annexed to the resolution. The proposal for a regulation was drawn up by a Administrator: Kjell Sevón Working Group on Administrative Law set up by the Committee on Legal Affairs and chaired by Ms Heidi Hautala MEP. The proposal, which has Preliminary Timetable already been considered in a public hearing of 28 January 2016 with the Adoption JURI: 21.04.2016 participation of experts, representatives of stakeholders and high-ranking Adoption PLENARY: 9-12.05 2016 officials from the EU institutions, does not seek to replace existing EU legislation but to supplement it when there are gaps and to increase clarity and coherence in the interpretation of existing rules for the benefit of citizens and businesses and of the administration and its officials. 6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Promoting the free movement of citizens and businesses by simplifying the acceptance of certain public documents in the EU At this meeting, the committee will adopt its recommendation at second reading, after having already informally approved, on 12 November 2015, the text agreed in trilogues. The legallinguistic revision of the text in all official languages is now complete, and the regulation has already been endorsed by the Council. This proposal is important because a large number of EU citizens live in a Member State other than their own, and this number is steadily increasing. An ever increasing number of citizens have links to another state, be it for family or professional reasons or just for holidays. However, administrative formalities across borders are generally considerably more complicated than within each Member State. Citizens may have to have their documents legalised by diplomatic authorities (legalisation or apostille), provide expensive certified translations Procedure: 2013/0119(COD) of even the simplest documents or submit certified copies of official records. Basic doc: COM(2013)0228 The proposed regulation simplifying the acceptance of certain public documents in the European Union aims to fulfil the very important role of making formalities easier for citizens who move across borders. Legal basis: Articles 21(2) and 114(1) TFEU Parliament adopted its position at first reading on this matter prior to the elections. It proposed, inter alia, an increase in the number of public documents covered by the proposal, the strengthening of the provisions abolishing certain formalities and the introduction of additional EU multilingual forms for cross-border use. Administrator: Alexander Keys A compromise agreement was reached after five interinstitutional trilogues. That agreement widens the scope of the regulation to more documents than were covered by the Council’s position, and provides for certain guarantees in terms of the cost of multilingual forms, information to be provided by national administrations, and regular review of the regulation. Vote on legal 28.01.2016 Rapporteur: Mady Delvaux-Stehres Preliminary Timetable Plenary (1st reading): 04.02.2014 Confirmation vote after trilogues: 12.11.2015 basis opinion: Vote on the second reading position in committee: 21.04.2016 The next step will be for Parliament as a whole to formally approve the regulation at second reading, on the basis of this committee’s recommendation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The Union framework for customs infringements and sanctions By letter of 29 February 2016 the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) asked the Committee on Legal Affairs, pursuant to Rule 39(2) of the Rules of Procedure, for an opinion on the appropriateness of the legal basis for the Commission's proposal for a Directive on the Union framework for customs infringements and sanctions. The Commission proposal is based on Article 33 TFEU on customs cooperation. Amendments in IMCO aim at adding to the legal basis Article 114 TFEU, on the approximation of laws for the establishment and functioning of the internal market, to the legal basis. At this meeting, the Committee will verify the legal basis of the proposal. The Union framework for customs infringements and sanctions. 7 _________________________________________________________________________________ PAST EVENTS Hearing on 'The protection of vulnerable adults' - 14.3.2016 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Exchange of views with Lene Wendland, representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), on the Accountability and Remedy Project _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Presentation of the Draft Multiannual Strategic Programme of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) by António Campinos, President of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) 9 _________________________________________________________________________________ Public hearing on 'EU Citizenship in Practice: Our Common Values, Rights and Democratic Participation' A public hearing on ‘EU Citizenship in Practice: Our Common Values, Rights and Democratic Participation’ was held by Parliament’s JURI, LIBE, AFCO and PETI Committees together with the Commission on 15 March 2016. The Commission’s 2015 public consultation on ‘EU Citizenship: Share your opinion on our common values, rights and democratic participation’, the 2016 Flash Eurobarometer on EU Citizenship and the 2016 Flash Eurobarometer on Electoral Rights have shown that, while progress has been made, there is still work to be done in these areas. The objective of the hearing was to look at ways of simplifying and facilitating the exercise of EU citizens' rights in their daily life, as well as to promote the EU's common values and democratic participation. In the morning session, which was opened by the Chairs of the JURI, LIBE and PETI Committees as well as by Commissioner Jourová via a pre-recorded video message, speakers focused on the effective exercise of Union citizenship and free movement rights, as well as on consular protection, cross-border circulation of public documents and civil law cooperation. In the afternoon session, discussion turned on ways to foster democratic participation through the enhancement of the democratic dimension of the European elections and the reinforcement of Union citizenship, as well as through citizens’ right to address the EU. For more information and access to speakers' presentations http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/juri/events.html?id=20160315CHE00221 10 please go to: ________________________________________________________________________________ IN CAMERA DISPUTES INVOLVING PARLIAMENT Case T-41/16, Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, Animal Breeders Association and others v European Commission In Case T-41/16 the applicants brought an action before the General Court of the European Union for the annulment of two Commission decisions in relation to the registration of Halloumi cheese as Protected Designation of Origin. The application raises, among other pleas, an objection of illegality pursuant to Article 277 TFEU regarding Articles 49 to 52 of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs. At this meeting the Committee is to decide whether to recommend to the President, in accordance with Rule 141(4) of the Rules of Procedure, that Parliament intervene in the proceedings before the General Court. Case C-102/16, Vaditrans v. Belgische Staat On 30 March 2016 Parliament was notified of a reference for a preliminary ruling by the Belgian Raad van State concerning the interpretation and validity of Article 8(6) and (8) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport and amending Council Regulations (EEC) No 3821/85 and (EC) No 2135/98 and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85. Article 8(6) sets out the framework for the weekly rest periods for drivers, which can take the form of a regular or reduced rest period, whereas Article 8(8) sets out the possibility for daily rest periods and reduced weekly rest periods away from the base to be taken in a stationary vehicle with suitable sleeping facilities for each driver. The Committee is, therefore, to decide in this meeting whether to recommend to the President, in accordance with Rule 141(4) of the Rules of Procedure, that Parliament submit observations duringin the proceedings before the Court of Justice. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ VERIFICATION OF CREDENTIALS (RULE 3) The President has announced to plenary that the competent national authorities have given notice of the appointment of the following as Member(s) of the European Parliament, with effect Legal basis: Rule 3 RoP from the dates shown below: Rapporteur: Pavel Svoboda Administrator: Andrea Scrimali • Mr Morten LØKKEGAARD (to replace Ms Ulla TØRNÆS), as from 3 March 2016. Preliminary Timetable In accordance with Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure, on the basis of a Exchange of views: 20-21.04.2016 Adoption JURI: 20-21.04.2016 report by the JURI Committee, Parliament will verify the credentials without delay and rule on the validity of the mandate of each of its newly elected Members. Parliament will also rule on any dispute referred to it pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 20 September 1976, except those based on national electoral laws. It is not possible to confirm the validity of the mandate of a Member unless the written declarations required on the basis of Article 7 of the Act of 20 September 1976 and Annex I to the Rules have been made. Until such time as a Member’s credentials have been verified or a ruling has been given on any dispute, the Member will take his or her seat in Parliament and in its bodies and enjoy all the rights attaching thereto. 11 _________________________________________________________________________________ IMMUNITIES Bolesław G. Piecha PRESENTATION OF DRAFT REPORT & ADOPTION OF DRAFT REPORT (possibly) Type of procedure: Waiver of immunity Procedure: 2015/2339(IMM) Legal basis: RoP Rule 6 Notice to Members: 04/2016 Rapporteur: Gilles Lebreton Administrator: Francisco Ruiz-Risueño Preliminary Timetable: Presentation of draft report: 20-21.04.2016 Adoption of draft report: 20-21.04.2016 (possibly) SUBSCRIPTIONS WATCH LIVE: EP website or EuroparlTV JURI Report: [email protected] Re-Watch: EP multimedia library JURI Press Releases: [email protected] CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS European Parliament - Committee on Legal Affairs Head of Secretariat: Robert BRAY - Responsible Administrator: Alexander KEYS Editorial/Production Assistant: Natalia EWIAKOVA 12
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