as pdf - CL Barnhouse Company
as pdf - CL Barnhouse Company
NOTE:Our downloadable catalog is always up to date. We offer a printable format and a spreadsheet format. See for details. 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price 1001 Nights Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2092-00 $70.00 10th Reg't. Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3191-00 $60.00 The 12th Regiment Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3497-00 $60.00 12th Street Rag Concert Band (Bowman/arr. Wheeler) BOV-S3071-00 $60.00 1812 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2061-00 $95.00 1812 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2061-01 $10.00 1st Brigade MVM Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3621-00 $60.00 1st Reg't. N. G. S. M. Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3092-00 $60.00 20th Century Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S3517-00 $60.00 22nd Regiment Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3374-00 $60.00 2nd Reg't Conn. N. G. Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3626-00 $60.00 2nd Reg't P.M. Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3327-00 $60.00 2nd Reg't. B. R. I. M. Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3208-00 $60.00 8th Regt. Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3150-00 $60.00 A Daba Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Snider) 121-0194-00 $20.00 A Frangesa! Concert Band (Costa/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3215-00 $60.00 A Rock Jazz Ensemble (Jazz Ensemble) (K. Harris) 031-2535-00 $42.00 A Rock Extra full score (Jazz Ensemble) (K. Harris) 031-2535-01 A Rock Marching Band (Marching Band) (K. Harris) 058-2632-00AR A Rock Extra score (K. Harris) 058-2632-01 A Song of Goodbye Extra full score (Glover) 011-4404-01 A. O. U. W. Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3601-00 $60.00 Abaco Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2009-02 032-3840-00 $50.00 Abaco Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3840-01 $7.00 Abandoned Treasure Hunt Young Band (Grice) WFR360 024-3704-00 $48.00 Abandoned Treasure Hunt Extra full score (Grice) 024-3704-01 $5.00 Abandoned Treasure Hunt String Orchestra (Grice) ARC-7020-00 $40.00 Abandoned Treasure Hunt Extra full score (Grice) ARC-7020-01 Abdallah Band (King) 014-0005-00AR $50.00 Abide With Me Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR377 023-4074-00 $42.00 Abide With Me Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4074-01 Abide With Me Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 052-1495-00AR $50.00 Abington Ridge Young Band (Huckeby) WFR323 011-2175-00 $50.00 Abington Ridge Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2175-01 $6.00 Abington Ridge Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4336-00 $50.00 Abington Ridge Extra full score (Huckeby) 026-4336-01 Aboard on Four Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0303-00AR Aboard on Four Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0303-01AR Abominable Snowman Chase Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR370 024-3926-00 Abominable Snowman Chase Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 024-3926-01 $5.00 Above and Beyond Young Band (Swearingen) WFR374 024-4018-00 $46.00 Above and Beyond Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4018-01 Above and Beyond Walking Frog Records CD WFR374 $14.95 Above the Clouds Band (G. Holmes) 013-0589-00AR $50.00 Above the Clouds Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0215-00AR $50.00 Above the World Young Band (Grice) WFR355 024-3636-00 $48.00 Above the World Extra full score (Grice) 024-3636-01 $5.00 Abracadabra! Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 032-3210-00 $45.00 Abracadabra! Extra full score (Barton) 032-3210-01 Academic Festival Marching Band (Brahms/arr. Boyd) 069-1351-00AR $50.00 Academic Festival Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1025-00 $80.00 Academic Festival Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1025-01 $10.00 Academic Pageant Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2418-00 $45.00 Academic Pageant Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2418-01 $4.00 Academic Processional & Recessional Concert Band (arr. R. W. Smith & Huckeby) WFR364 012-3874-00 $72.00 Academic Processional & Recessional Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith & Huckeby) 012-3874-01 Acadia Overture Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1936-00AR $80.00 Acadia Overture Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1936-01AR $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $46.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 Page 1 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Acadia Overture Extra condensed score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1936-02AR Acalarado Marching Band (Reed/arr. Pegram) 052-1637-00 Acceleration Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S2163-00 $110.00 Acceleration Extra condensed score (J. Strauss/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S2163-01 $12.00 Accent II: The Legacy of Claude T. Smith Walking Frog Records CD WFR234 $14.95 Accent on Drums Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1300-00AR $50.00 Acceptance Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3466-24 $7.50 Acceptance Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3466-28 $7.50 Acceptance Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3466-33 $7.50 Acceptance Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3466-39 $7.50 Acclamations Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2299-00 $60.00 Acclamations Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2299-01 $5.00 Acclamations Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4069-00 $50.00 Acclamations Extra full score (Huckeby) 026-4069-01 $6.00 Accolada Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR185,WFR199 012-2800-00 $68.00 Accolada Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2800-01 $6.00 Ace High Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2006-02 032-3507-00 $50.00 Ace High Extra full score (Stack) 032-3507-01 Ace In The Hole Marching Band (K. Harris) MB145 Ace In The Hole Extra score (K. Harris) MB145-01 Aces Concert Band (R. W. Smith) RWS-1501-00 $95.00 Aces Extra full score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1501-01 $15.00 Aces Oversized, spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1501-75 $30.00 Aces of the Air Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR373 012-4036-00 $65.00 Aces of the Air Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4036-01 Aces of the Air Band (King) 013-1210-00AR Aces of the Air Extra condensed score (King) 013-1210-01 $4.00 Achievement Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB02-00 $40.00 Achievement Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB02F-01 $6.00 Acorn Cub Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3658-00 $60.00 Across the Atlantic Band (1899 edition) (Alexander) 013-0202-00AR $50.00 Across the Atlantic Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0868-00AR $50.00 Across The Danube Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3689-00 $60.00 Across the Field Marching Band (Dougherty Jr./arr. Swearingen) 058-2516-00 $30.00 Across the Great Divide Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR350 012-3584-00 $68.00 Across the Great Divide Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3584-01 $7.00 Across the Plains Concert Band (Chisham) 012-2790-00 $65.00 Across the Plains Extra full score (Chisham) 012-2790-01 Across the Sands Band (Cline) 013-0835-00AR $50.00 Act III Ensemble Clarinet trio with piano accompaniment (Siennicki) 110-0159-08AR $12.00 Adagio Solo Bass Clarinet solo (Spohr/arr. Ayres) 083-0113-13 Adagio and Allegro Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Walker) 112-0088-00AR $18.00 Adagio and Giga Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Loeillet/arr. Merriman) 083-0158-22 $10.00 Adagio and Presto Ensemble Brass quartet (Zingarelli/arr. Carlsten) 101-0142-00 $12.50 Adagio Pathetique Ensemble Brass quartet (Godard/arr. Holmes) 101-0055-00 $7.50 Adagio Pathetique Ensemble Trumpet quartet (Godard/arr. Holmes) 101-0055-24 $7.50 Adagio Pathetique Ensemble Horn quartet (Godard/arr. Holmes) 101-0055-28 $7.50 Adagio Pathetique Ensemble Trombone quartet (Godard/arr. Holmes) 101-0055-33 Addio! Concert Band (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0650-00 Addio! Extra condensed score (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0650-01 $7.00 Addio, Donde lieta usci Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0136-00 $65.00 Addio, Donde lieta usci Extra full score (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0136-01 The Addison Red Line Concert Band (Bell) WFR388 012-4455-00 $84.00 The Addison Red Line Extra full score (Bell) 012-4455-01 $10.00 The Addison Red Line Oversized spiral-bound score (Bell) 012-4455-75 $30.00 Addison Way Young Band (Huckeby) WFR192 011-2650-00 $45.00 Addison Way Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2650-01 Adeste Fidelis Band (Barnhouse) 013-0753-00AR $50.00 Adeste Fidelis Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0296-00AR $50.00 Adeste Fidelis Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0100-24AR $10.00 Adeste Fidelis Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-0100-24AR $12.00 Adieu, forets Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0402-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $24.00 $7.00 $50.00 $5.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $7.50 $7.50 $60.00 $8.00 $7.00 Page 2 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Adieu, forets Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0402-01 $8.00 Adjutant King's March Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3001-00 $60.00 The Adjutant Band (Toenniges) 013-0178-00AR $50.00 Adjutant Phelp's March Concert Band (Barrington-Sergeant) BOV-S3055-00 $60.00 Adjutant Sickle's March Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3072-00 $60.00 The Adjutant's March Concert Band (Weldon) BOV-S3796-00 $60.00 Admiral Farragut Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S3514-00 $60.00 Admiral Higginson's Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3203-00 $60.00 The Admiral Band (Russell) 013-0821-00AR $50.00 The Admiral Orchestra (Russell) 016-0352-00AR $50.00 Admiral Stosch Concert Band (Lantann) BOV-S3438-00 $60.00 Admiration Solo Trumpet, saxophone or baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Vereecken) 080-0012-99AR $10.00 Adoration Band (Woods/arr. Alford) 013-1161-00AR $50.00 Adrenaline Attack Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2007-02 032-3619-00 $50.00 Adrenaline Attack Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3619-01 Advance Guard Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB126-00 Advance Guard Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB126-01 $5.00 The Advance Guard Concert Band (Heed) BOV-S3337-00 $60.00 The Adventure Begins! Young Band (Conaway) WFR385 011-4419-00 $52.00 The Adventure Begins! Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4419-01 The Adventure Begins! Walking Frog Records CD WFR385 $14.95 The Adventurers Band (Nealy) 013-0924-00AR $50.00 Adventures Young Band (Spears) WFR386 011-1550-00 $50.00 Adventures Extra score (Spears) 011-1550-01 $2.50 Adventures Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR350 012-3523-00 $76.00 Adventures Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3523-01 The Advocate-Messenger Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0797-00 The Advocate-Messenger Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0797-01 Aerial Fantasy Concert Band (Mogensen) WFR358 012-3739-00 $150.00 Aerial Fantasy Extra full score (Mogensen) 012-3739-01 $12.00 Aerial Fantasy Oversized spiral-bound score (Mogensen) 012-3739-75 $30.00 Aeroplane Dip Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Lake) BOV-S0695-00 $65.00 Affirmation Concert Band (Spears) 012-2148-00 $62.00 Affirmation Extra full score (Spears) 012-2148-01AR Affirmation and Credo Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7802-00 $75.00 Affirmation and Credo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7802-01 $15.00 Affirmation and Credo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7802-75 $30.00 Afifi Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3566-00 $60.00 Africaine Concert Band (LaCome/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2048-00 $85.00 Africaine Extra condensed score (LaCome/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2048-01 $10.00 African Celebration Young Band (Harden) RWS-1606-00 $55.00 African Celebration Extra Full Score (Harden) RWS-1606-01 $10.00 African Celebration Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (Harden) RWS-1606-75 $25.00 Africana Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3414-00 $60.00 After Hours Jazz Ensemble (Benedict) 035-0364-00 $29.00 After Hours Extra full score (Benedict) 035-0364-01 $3.50 After Sunset Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2011-01 032-3993-00 $45.00 After Sunset Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3993-01 After Sunset Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0816-00 $55.00 After the Battle Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR350,WFR387 012-3626-00 $65.00 After the Battle Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3626-01 $6.00 After The Storm Young Band (J. McBride) WFR390 011-4435-00 $52.00 After The Storm Extra full score (J. McBride) 011-4435-01 $7.00 After You've Gone Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02,WFR348 032-3356-00 $45.00 After You've Gone Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3356-01 $7.00 Aftershock Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2015-01 031-2761-00 $45.00 Aftershock Extra full score (Barton) 031-2761-01 $6.00 Aftershock Marching Band (Barton) 050-2585-00 $40.00 Aftershock Extra score (Barton) 050-2585-01 Afton Water Concert Band (Hume/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0576-00 Afton Water Extra condensed score (Hume/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0576-01 $7.00 Agresseur, L' Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3041-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $45.00 $7.00 $7.00 $70.00 $9.00 $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $60.00 Page 3 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Agua's Whelm Concert Band (C. McBride) WFR331 012-3315-00 $72.00 Agua's Whelm Extra full score (C. McBride) 012-3315-01 Aguero, paso doble Concert Band (Franco) WFR381 BOV-S2012-00 Aguero, paso doble Extra condensed score (Franco) BOV-S2012-01 $9.00 Ah - That's Freedom Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1073-00 $50.00 Ah - That's Freedom Extra full score SCM-1073-01 $6.00 Ah! Cupid Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0760-00 $50.00 Ah! Fors e lui - Sempre Libera Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0106-00 $90.00 Ah! Fors e lui - Sempre Libera Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0106-01 $10.00 Ah! Fuyez, Douce Image Concert Band (Massanet/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0105-00 $65.00 Ah! Fuyez, Douce Image Extra full score (Massanet/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0105-01 $8.00 Ahunk Ahunk Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1108-00 $50.00 Ahunk Ahunk Extra full score (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1108-01 $7.00 Aida Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0896-00 $85.00 Aida Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0896-01 $10.00 Aida Concert Band (Verdi/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2083-00 $95.00 Aida Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2083-01 $10.00 Ain't Got No Place To Go… Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2005-01 032-3469-00 $42.00 Ain't Got No Place To Go… Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3469-01 $6.00 Ain't It the Truth Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3506-00 $45.00 Ain't It the Truth Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3506-01 Ain't My Fault Walking Frog Records CD WFR555 $14.95 Ain't No Stoppin' Us! Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR355 025-3674-00 $50.00 Ain't No Stoppin' Us! Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 025-3674-01 Air & Dance Ensemble Woodwind trio (Walker) 110-0132-00AR $15.00 Air and Finale Marching Band (Handel/arr. Boyd) 069-1344-00AR $60.00 Air de Ballet Concert Band (Massanet/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0032-00 $70.00 Air de Samome, Ii est doux, il est bon Concert Band (Massanet/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0417-00 $70.00 Air de Samome, Ii est doux, il est bon Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0417-01 $8.00 Air de Samome, Ii est doux, il est bon Extra full score (Massanet/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0417-02 $10.00 Air of Nobility Young Band (Swearingen) WFR362 023-3876-00 $44.00 Air of Nobility Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-3876-01 Airy Fairy Band (Jewell) 013-0662-00AR $50.00 Airy Fairy Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0013-00AR $50.00 Al Binoni's Opener Marching Band (Albinoni/arr. Sochinski) 052-2041-00 $36.00 Al Fresco Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S1059-00 $55.00 Alabama Dance Concert Band (Gilder/arr. Sousa) BOV-S2017-00 $50.00 Alamo Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR101 012-2272-00 $55.00 Alamo Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2272-01 Alamo Band (King) 013-1223-00AR Alamo Extra condensed score (King) 013-1223-01 Albanian Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3293-00 $60.00 Albemarle Young Band (Chattaway) WA-YB114-00 $50.00 Albemarle Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YB114-01 $6.00 Album Leaf Ensemble Horn quartet (Scarmolin) 101-0146-00AR $12.00 Alcázar Marching Band (Lutz) WA-MC147-00 $50.00 Alcázar Extra score (Lutz) WA-MC147-01 $5.00 Alcazar Band (King) 013-0594-00AR $50.00 Alcazar Orchestra (King) 016-0235-00AR $50.00 Ald Old Song Re-sung Concert Band (Griffes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2187-00 $65.00 Ald Old Song Re-sung Extra condensed score (Griffes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2187-01 $8.00 Alexander March Book Piccolo Db book (Alexander) 072-2055-03 Alexander March Book Flute in C book (Alexander) 072-2055-04AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Clarinet Eb book (Alexander) 072-2055-07AR $10.00 Alexander March Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Alexander) 072-2055-08 Alexander March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Alexander) 072-2055-09 Alexander March Book Alto Clarinet Eb book (Alexander) 072-2055-12AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Bass Clarinet Bb book (Alexander) 072-2055-13AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Oboe book (Alexander) 072-2055-15AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Bassoon book (Alexander) 072-2055-17 Alexander March Book Soprano Saxophone Bb book (Alexander) 072-2055-19 Alexander March Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (Alexander) 072-2055-20AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $75.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 Page 4 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Alexander March Book Bb Tenor Sax book (Alexander) 072-2055-22AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Alexander) 072-2055-23 Alexander March Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Alexander) 072-2055-24AR Alexander March Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Alexander) 072-2055-25 Alexander March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Alexander) 072-2055-26AR $10.00 Alexander March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Alexander) 072-2055-33AR $10.00 Alexander March Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Alexander) 072-2055-35 Alexander March Book Baritone TC book (Alexander) 072-2055-37 Alexander March Book Baritone BC book (Alexander) 072-2055-38AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Tuba book (Alexander) 072-2055-39AR $10.00 Alexander March Book Drums book (Alexander) 072-2055-41 Alexander March Book Bb Bass or 3rd Trombone TC (Alexander) 072-2055-50 Alexander March Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Alexander) 072-2055-51AR Alexander March Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Alexander) 072-2055-52 Alexander March Book Eb Cornet book (Alexander) 072-2055-60AR $10.00 Alexander's Ragtime Band Concert Band (Berlin/arr. Lake) BOV-S3061-00 $60.00 Alexander's Ragtime Band Young Band (Berlin/arr. J. Taylor) WA-CS112-00 $60.00 Alexander's Ragtime Band Extra score (Berlin/arr. J. Taylor) WA-CS112-01 $6.00 Alexander's Ragtime Band Marching Band (Berlin/arr. Kerchner) WA-MC129-00 $60.00 Alexander's Ragtime Band Extra score (Berlin/arr. Kerchner) WA-MC129-01 Alexander's Rock n' Roll Band Jazz Ensemble (Berlin/arr. A. Clark) WFR178 031-2278-00 Alexander's Rock n' Roll Band Extra full score (Berlin/arr. A. Clark) 031-2278-01 Alfred Reed Live! Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR660 $14.95 Alfred Reed Live! Vol. 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR662 $14.95 Alfred Reed Live! Vol. 4 Walking Frog Records CD WFR663 $14.95 Alfred Reed Live! Vol. 5 Walking Frog Records CD WFR704 $14.95 Alfred Reed Live! Vol. 6 Walking Frog Records CD WFR807 $14.95 Al-Fresco Band (Casto) 013-0409-00AR $50.00 Algeria Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0861-00 $75.00 Algeria Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S3342-00 $60.00 Algeria Band (King) 013-1235-00AR $50.00 Algeria Extra condensed score (King) 013-1235-01 Alhambra Concert Band (Chambers/arr. Seredy) BOV-S3133-00 $60.00 Alhambra Grotto Band (King) 014-0029-00AR $50.00 Alhambra Grotto Extra condensed score (King) 014-0029-01 $4.00 Alien Jazz Ensemble (Buie, Lewis & McRay/arr. Lowden) 036-0241-00 $19.00 Alien Extra full score (Buie, Lewis & McRay/arr. Lowden) 036-0241-01 $3.50 Alien Marching Band (Buie, Lewis & McRay/arr. Swearingen) 050-1671-00 $24.00 Alkahest Band (G. Holmes) 013-0516-00AR $50.00 Alkahest Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0154-00AR $50.00 All Aboard! Young Band (Conaway) WFR383 023-4273-00 $42.00 All Aboard! Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4273-01 All America Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1079-00AR $50.00 All American Medley Young Band (Schaeffer) 029-1619-00AR $50.00 All American Medley Extra score (Schaeffer) 029-1619-01AR All Four One Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0336-00 All Four One Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0336-01 All Glory Laud and Honor Marching Band (Teschner/arr. Hopper) 029-1515-00AR $50.00 All Glory Told Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138,WFR184 012-2690-00 $68.00 All Glory Told Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2690-01 $5.00 All In Good Time Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2005-01 032-3403-00 $45.00 All In Good Time Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3403-01 All in Good Time Walking Frog Records CD WFR452 $14.95 All In Line Concert Band (Fulton) BOV-S3264-00 $60.00 All Night Rain Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3273-00 $40.00 All Night Rain Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3273-01 $5.00 All the Blues That's Fit To Print Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 031-2480-00 $28.00 All the Blues That's Fit To Print Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2480-01 $3.50 All The Kings Men Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2478-00 $45.00 All The Kings Men Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2478-01 $6.00 All Things Bright and Beautiful Concert Band (Barker) WFR191 012-2969-00 $68.00 All Things Bright and Beautiful Extra full score (Barker) 012-2969-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $5.00 $45.00 $2.50 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $22.00 $3.50 $6.00 Page 5 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price All Those Endearing Young Charms Concert Band (Mantia/arr. Glover) WFR334,WFR354 012-3430-00 $65.00 All Those Endearing Young Charms Extra full score (Mantia/arr. Glover) 012-3430-01 $7.00 All Those Endearing Young Charms 080-4351-37 $12.00 080-4351-38 $12.00 All Through The Night Solo Euphonium TC solo with piano accompaniment (Piano accompaniment edition) (Mantia/arr. Glover) Solo Euphonium BC solo with piano accompaniment (Piano accompaniment edition) (Mantia/arr. Glover) Young Band (arr. Romeyn) WFR380 023-4195-00 $44.00 All Through The Night Extra full score (arr. Romeyn) 023-4195-01 All Western Band Review Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1251-00AR $50.00 Allah Concert Band (Chadwick/arr. Stewart) BOV-S0512-00 $60.00 Allah Extra condensed score (Chadwick/arr. Stewart) BOV-S0512-01 Allegheny Portrait Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7803-00 $80.00 Allegheny Portrait (C. T. Smith) CTS-7803-01 $15.00 Allegheny Portrait (C. T. Smith) CTS-7803-75 $30.00 Allegories Walking Frog Records CD WFR754 $14.95 Allegretto Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Schubert/arr. Holmes) 112-0040-00 Allegretto from Symphony No. 11 Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Haydn/arr. Holmes) 112-0018-00 Allegro Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Beethoven/arr. Holmes) 112-0030-00AR $18.00 Allegro Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB164-00 $45.00 Allegro Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB164-01 Allegro And Ballade Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-CB113-00 Allegro And Ballade Extra score (Holcombe) WA-CB113-01 $6.00 Allegro and Intermezzo Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7804-00 $65.00 Allegro and Intermezzo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7804-01 $12.00 Allegro and Intermezzo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7804-75 $25.00 Allegro Brilliante Concert Band (Kenny) 012-1369-00AR $80.00 Allegro Brilliante Extra score (Kenny) 012-1369-01AR $6.00 Allegro Con Brio Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP108-00 $30.00 Allegro Con Brio Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP108-01 Allegro con Spirito Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Kuhlau/arr. Tustin) 111-0160-08 $12.00 Allegro Francaise Concert Band (Barat/arr. Glover) WFR375 012-4003-00 $68.00 Allegro Francaise Extra full score (Barat/arr. Glover) 012-4003-01 $7.00 Allegro Francaise Oversized spiral-bound score (Barat/arr. Glover) 012-4003-75 $25.00 Allegro from Concerto for Trumpet Concert Band (L. Mozart/arr. A. Clark) WFR334,WFR354 012-3429-00 $65.00 Allegro from Concerto for Trumpet Extra full score (L. Mozart/arr. A. Clark) 012-3429-01 $7.00 Allegro from the Sixth Symphony Ensemble Brass sextet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 103-0007-00 $12.50 Allegro Scherzoso Ensemble Trombone quartet (G. McKay) 101-0144-33 Alleluia Young Band (Palestrina/arr. Henderson) 029-1363-00AR Alleluia Extra score (Palestrina/arr. Henderson) 029-1363-01AR $6.00 Alleluias Concert Band (Spears) 012-1545-00AR $80.00 Alleluias Extra full score (Spears) 012-1545-01 Alleluias Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1545-02 Allelujah Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0411-00 Allelujah Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0411-01 $8.00 Allelujah Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0411-02 $10.00 Allelujah Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0426-00 $70.00 Allelujah Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0426-01 $8.00 Allelujah Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0426-02 $10.00 Allerseelen Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0618-00 $65.00 Allerseelen Extra condensed score (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0618-01 Allied Honor Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR101 012-2142-00 Allied Honor Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2142-01 Allied Honor Band (King) 013-1267-00AR Allied Honor Extra condensed score (King) 013-1267-01 Allmacht, Die Concert Band (Schubert/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0409-00 Allmacht, Die Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0409-01 $8.00 All-State Triumphal Band (Edwards) 013-1298-00AR $50.00 Almas Temple Band (G. Buglione) 013-1103-00AR $50.00 An Almighty Fortress Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1914-00 $50.00 An Almighty Fortress Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1914-01AR Almost The Blues Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1111-00 Almost The Blues Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1111-01 Aloha Temple Band (Park) 013-0944-00AR All Those Endearing Young Charms All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $8.50 $8.50 $5.00 $65.00 $5.00 $8.50 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $70.00 $8.00 $60.00 $6.00 $62.00 $4.00 $65.00 $7.00 $48.00 $7.00 $50.00 Page 6 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Alone With You Vocal Vocal solo (in Eb) (King & Clewell) 021-7101-00AR $10.00 Alone With You Vocal Vocal solo (in F) (King & Clewell) 021-7107-00AR $10.00 Along the Santa Fe Trail Young Band (Romeyn) WFR359 011-3702-00 $54.00 Along the Santa Fe Trail Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3702-01 Alpine Sunset Band (King) 013-0636-00AR $50.00 Alpine Sunset Orchestra (King) 016-0222-00AR $50.00 Alpine Sunset Piano Solo (King) 017-0045-00AR $10.00 Alright, Okay, You Win Marching Band (Wyche & Watts/arr. Sockinski) 053-2033-00 $36.00 Also Sprach Zarathustra Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Longfield) WFR320 012-3158-00 $40.00 Also Sprach Zarathustra Extra full score (Strauss/arr. Longfield) 012-3158-01 Also Sprach Zarathustra Jazz Ensemble (Strauss/arr. Martino) 032-0063-00AR Also Sprach Zarathustra Extra score (Strauss/arr. Martino) 032-0063-01AR $6.00 The Altar of Genius Band (King) 013-0639-00AR $50.00 Altar of Honor Band (Russell) 013-1115-00AR $60.00 Alternate Route Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-1999-02 032-3012-00 $45.00 Alternate Route Extra full score (Spera) 032-3012-01 Althotas Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3229-00 $60.00 Alto Rhapsody Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB127-00 $45.00 Alto Rhapsody Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB127-01 $5.00 Always Forward Concert Band (Missud) BOV-S3524-00 $60.00 A. M. Attitude Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2662-00 $35.00 A. M. Attitude Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2662-01 Am I A Wizard? Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3345-00 $60.00 Am Meer Concert Band (Schubert/arr. von Blon) BOV-S0735-00 $65.00 Am Meer Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. von Blon) BOV-S0735-01 Amanda Walking Frog Records CD WFR768 $14.95 Amarado Young Band (Nestico) 011-2281-00 $30.00 Amarado Extra full score (Nestico) 011-2281-01 Amaryllis Band (Rockwell) 013-0412-00AR $50.00 Amaryllis Orchestra (Rockwell) 016-0114-00AR $50.00 Amazing Grace Young Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR377 024-4094-00 $48.00 Amazing Grace Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 024-4094-01 Amazing Grace Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 069-1631-00AR $70.00 Amazing Grace Ensemble Trombone quartet (arr. Siekmann) 101-0211-33 $10.00 Amazing Grace Jazz Ensemble (arr. De Rosa) SCM-1049-00 $47.00 Amazing Grace Extra full score SCM-1049-01 $6.00 Amazing Grace Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC134-00 $50.00 Amazing Grace Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC134-01 $5.00 Ambassador Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S2164-00 $60.00 The Ambassador Band (G. Holmes) 013-0964-00AR $50.00 The Ambassador Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0450-00AR $50.00 The Ambassador Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3042-00 $60.00 Ambassadors Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3602-00 $60.00 Ameer Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0860-00 $65.00 Ameer Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Heed) BOV-S2032-00 $65.00 The Ameer Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3343-00 $60.00 Amen Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2248-00 $50.00 America Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0678-00AR $50.00 America Concert Band (Liberati/arr. St. Clair) BOV-S3449-00 $60.00 America Exultant Concert Band (Fillmore/ar. Glover) WFR332,WFR343,WFR366 012-3338-00 $60.00 America Exultant Extra full score (Fillmore/ar. Glover) 012-3338-01 America First Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3690-00 $60.00 America Invincible Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0292-00AR $50.00 America Invincible Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-6066-24AR $10.00 America Invincible Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-6066-24AR $12.00 America on Guard Band (Weber-Steinmetz) 014-0144-00AR $15.00 America on Guard Extra condensed score (Weber-Steinmetz) 014-0144-01 $4.00 America the Beautiful Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR341,WFR343 012-3512-00 $65.00 America the Beautiful Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3512-01 $6.00 America the Beautiful Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 032-3211-00 $40.00 America the Beautiful Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3211-01 America the Beautiful Marching Band (Ward/arr. Edmondson) 051-1800-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $5.00 $50.00 $5.00 $4.00 $8.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 Page 7 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price America the Beautiful Concert Band (Ward/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0711-00 $65.00 America the Beautiful Extra condensed score (Ward/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0711-01 America the Beautiful Concert Band (Ward/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7805-00 $60.00 America the Beautiful (Ward/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7805-01 $12.00 America the Beautiful (Ward/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7805-75 $25.00 America the Beautiful Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) MB180 $50.00 America The Beautiful Jazz Ensemble (arr. Strommen) SCM-1106-00 $47.00 America The Beautiful Extra full score (arr. Strommen) SCM-1106-01 $7.00 America the Beautiful Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC136-00 $50.00 America the Beautiful Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC136-01 America the Beautiful Walking Frog Records CD WFR313 $14.95 America the Beautiful On Parade Young Band (N. A. Clark) WFR351 024-3658-00 $48.00 America the Beautiful On Parade Extra full score (N. A. Clark) 024-3658-01 $5.00 America Triumphant Concert Band (Latey/arr. Glover) WFR367 012-3900-00 $65.00 America Triumphant Extra full score (Latey/arr. Glover) 012-3900-01 America Victorious Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3043-00 $60.00 America, the Golden Band (Eisenberg) 014-0083-00AR $50.00 American Ambassador Band (E. Brooks) 013-0239-00AR $50.00 The American Beauty Band (Platt) 013-0155-00AR $50.00 American Beauty Band (King) 013-0453-00AR $50.00 American Beauty Orchestra (King) 016-0130-00AR $50.00 American Bell Carol Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR376 011-4152-00 $50.00 American Bell Carol Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4152-01 The American Belle Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3294-00 $60.00 American Cadet Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3295-00 $60.00 An American Celebration Concert Band (Neeck) WFR316,WFR343 012-3132-00 $60.00 An American Celebration Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3132-01 American Champion Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3680-00 $60.00 The American Clarinet Walking Frog Records CD WFR489 $14.95 American Dream Young Band (K. Harris) WFR187 011-2923-00 $38.00 American Dream Extra full score (K. Harris) 011-2923-01 American Dreams Walking Frog Records CD WFR546 $14.95 American Emblems Walking Frog Records CD WFR499 $14.95 American Enterprise Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3637-00 $60.00 American Fanfares Conductor book (H. Alford) 073-6019-01AR $25.00 American Fanfares 1st Bb Cornet book (H. Alford) 073-6019-24AR $10.00 American Fanfares 2nd Bb Cornet book (H. Alford) 073-6019-25AR $10.00 American Fanfares 3rd Bb Cornet book (H. Alford) 073-6019-26AR $10.00 American Fanfares 1st Trombone BC book (H. Alford) 073-6019-33AR $10.00 American Fanfares 2nd Trombone BC book (H. Alford) 073-6019-34AR $10.00 American Fanfares 3rd Trombone BC book (H. Alford) 073-6019-35AR $10.00 American Fantasie Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1060-00 $70.00 American Flourish Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR364 012-3850-00 $68.00 American Flourish Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3850-01 $7.00 American Folk Dance Young Band (Huckeby) WFR360 024-3781-00 $46.00 American Folk Dance Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3781-01 $5.00 American Folk Fantasia Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR180,WFR199 012-2900-00 $68.00 American Folk Fantasia Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2900-01 $6.00 American Folk Song Trilogy Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7806-00 $70.00 American Folk Song Trilogy (C. T. Smith) CTS-7806-01 $12.00 American Folk Song Trilogy (C. T. Smith) CTS-7806-75 $25.00 The American Gentleman Band (DeLuca) 013-0799-00AR $50.00 The American Gentleman Orchestra (DeLuca) 016-0346-00AR $50.00 The American Girl Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3344-00 $60.00 American Girls Concert Band (T. Short ) BOV-S3677-00 $60.00 American Heritage Concert Band (Whitcomb) 012-1438-00AR $80.00 American Heritage Extra score (Whitcomb) 012-1438-01AR American Journey Young Band (Eveland) WFR323 011-3186-00 American Journey Extra full score (Eveland) 011-3186-01 American Landscape Walking Frog Records CD WFR636 $14.95 The American Leader Band (Jewell) 013-0567-00AR $50.00 American Legion Band (G. Buglione) 013-0724-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 Page 8 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price American Maid Band (Grabel) 013-1075-00AR $50.00 American Parade Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-2111-00 $21.00 American Parade Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-2111-01 $2.50 American Patriot Salute Young Band (Neeck) WFR374 024-4021-00 $46.00 American Patriot Salute Extra full score (Neeck) 024-4021-01 American Patrol Young Band (Meacham/arr. Schaeffer) 010-1867-00AR American Patrol Extra score (Meacham/arr. Schaeffer) 010-1867-02AR American Patrol Young Band (Meacham/arr. Huckeby) WFR130 011-2370-00 American Patrol Extra full score (Meacham/arr. Huckeby) 011-2370-01 $6.00 American Patrol Band (Meacham) 013-6100-00 $60.00 American Patrol Extra condensed score (Meacham) 013-6100-01 $4.00 American Patrol Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Meacham/arr. Huckeby) 026-3949-00 $50.00 American Patrol Extra full score (Meacham/arr. Huckeby) 026-3949-01 American Patrol Marching Band (Meacham/arr. Tatgenhorst) 053-1759-00AR $50.00 An American Portrait Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR186 012-2956-00 $68.00 An American Portrait Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2956-01 The American Ranger Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1238-00AR $50.00 The American Red Cross Concert Band (L. Panella/arr. Glover) WFR388 012-4501-00 $68.00 The American Red Cross Extra full score (L. Panella/arr. Glover) 012-4501-01 $8.00 The American Red Cross Oversized spiral-bound score (L. Panella/arr. Glover) 012-4501-75 $25.00 The American Red Cross Concert Band (L. Panella) BOV-S3556-00 $60.00 American Rose Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S0684-00 $60.00 The American Salute Band (Barnhouse) 013-0031-00AR $50.00 American Sketch Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0024-08 $12.00 American Standard Band (Killinger) 014-0088-00AR $50.00 American Suite Marching Band (Lutz) WA-MC142-00 $60.00 American Suite Extra score (Lutz) WA-MC142-01 $5.00 American Trilogy Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-CB105-00 $60.00 American Trilogy Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CB105-01 $6.00 American Trumpeter Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3415-00 $60.00 American Variations Walking Frog Records CD WFR548 $14.95 American Voices Walking Frog Records CD WFR714 $14.95 American Volunteers Young Band (Huckeby) WFR359 011-3759-00 $50.00 American Volunteers Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3759-01 $6.00 The American Way Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR382 012-4268-00 $65.00 The American Way Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4268-01 $8.00 The American Way Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4268-75 $25.00 The American Way Band (King) 013-1265-00AR $50.00 The American Way Extra condensed score (King) 013-1265-01 American Wheelman Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3083-00 $60.00 Americana Overture Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB137-00 $45.00 Americana Overture Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB137-01 The Americans Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-2015-00 The Americans Extra full score (Cacavas) 012-2015-01 America's Destiny Band (G. Holmes) 013-0673-00AR $50.00 America's Destiny Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0228-00AR $50.00 America's Premier Cornet Soloist Walking Frog Records CD WFR312 $14.95 America's Sweethearts Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1190-00AR $50.00 Americus Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3230-00 $60.00 The Ames Zouaves Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3084-00 $60.00 Amicizia Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3134-00 $60.00 Amid the Great Displace Concert Band (C. McBride) WFR349 012-3617-00 $76.00 Amid the Great Displace Extra full score (C. McBride) 012-3617-01 $7.00 Amigo Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-0172-00 $45.00 Amigo Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-0172-01AR $6.00 Amina Concert Band (Lincke) BOV-S1169-00 $60.00 Among Friends Walking Frog Records CD WFR552 $14.95 Among the Roses Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0805-00 $55.00 Among the Roses Band (Barnhouse) WFR361 013-0138-00AR $60.00 Among the Roses Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. von Lenz) 016-0050-00AR $50.00 Among the Sycamores Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0068-20 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0068-22 $3.50 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $58.00 $5.00 Page 9 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Among the Sycamores Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0068-24 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0068-33 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0068-38 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-20 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-22 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-24 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-33 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-38 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-51 $3.50 Among the Sycamores Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0068-52 Amour viens aider Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0401-00 Amour viens aider Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0401-01 $8.00 Amour viens aider Extra full score (Saint-Saens/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0401-02 $10.00 Amsden's Practice Duets Ensemble Book/Folio Treble clef instruments book (Amsden) 074-1964-00 $19.95 Amsden's Practice Duets Ensemble Book/Folio Bass Clef instruments book (Amsden) 074-1965-00 $24.95 An die Musik Concert Band (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0653-00 $60.00 An die Musik Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0653-01 An die Musik Walking Frog Records CD WFR628 $14.95 Anaconda Copper Mines Band Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3659-00 $60.00 Anchor And Star Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3691-00 $60.00 Anchors Aweigh Concert Band (Zimmerman/arr. Briegel) BOV-S3814-00 $60.00 Anchors Aweigh Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB183-00 $45.00 Anchors Aweigh Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB183-01 Ancient Airs and Fanfares Young Band (R. Foster) CB221 Ancient Airs and Fanfares extra score (R. Foster) CB221-01 Ancient Chinese Secret Young Band (Grice) WFR374 024-4016-00 Ancient Chinese Secret Extra full score (Grice) 024-4016-01 $6.00 Ancient Echoes Young Band (Huckeby) WFR333 011-3371-00 $45.00 Ancient Echoes Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3371-01 $6.00 And All The Bells Shall Ring! Young Band (Romeyn) WFR379 011-4218-00 $50.00 And All The Bells Shall Ring! Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4218-01 $7.00 And All The Bells Shall Ring! Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Romeyn) 026-4392-00 $50.00 And All The Bells Shall Ring! Extra full score (Romeyn) 026-4392-01 $6.00 And I Just Swung In Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2778-00 $36.00 And I Just Swung In Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2778-01 $4.00 And The Angels Called Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337 012-3461-00 $74.00 And The Angels Called Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3461-01 $8.00 And The Angels Called Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3461-75 $25.00 And The Angels Swing Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR345,991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3504-00 $45.00 And The Angels Swing Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3504-01 $6.00 And the Herald Angels Sang Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR319 012-3170-00 $60.00 And the Herald Angels Sang Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3170-01 $6.00 And the Mountains Echoed: Gloria! Concert Band (Longfield) WFR180,WFR184,WFR319 012-2852-00 $68.00 And the Mountains Echoed: Gloria! Extra full score (Longfield) 012-2852-01 $6.00 And The Mountains Echoed: Gloria! String Orchestra (Longfield) ARC-7030-00 $40.00 And The Mountains Echoed: Gloria! Extra full score (Longfield) ARC-7030-01 $6.00 And Then There Were Drums Young Band (Neeck) WFR377 011-4117-00 $50.00 And Then There Were Drums Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4117-01 $7.00 And There Were Shepherds Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7111-00AR And To All A Good Night! Young Band (A. Clark) WFR333 015-3375-00 And To All A Good Night! Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-3375-01 $6.00 And We Proceeded On Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR331 012-3351-00 $72.00 And We Proceeded On Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3351-01 $8.00 And We Proceeded On Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3351-75 $30.00 Andante and Allegro Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Telemann/arr. Merriman) 083-0178-08 $4.50 Andante and Allegro Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Telemann/arr. Merriman) 083-0180-04 $4.50 Andante and Allegro Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Marcello/arr. Merriman) 083-3043-00 $6.00 Andante and Allegro Ensemble Trombone quartet (Arick) 101-6031-33 $7.50 Andante and Bouree Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Handel/arr. Ayres) 082-0091-13 $10.00 Andante and Fughetta Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Bach/arr. Ayres) 111-0140-08 $16.00 Andante and Rondeau Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 083-0166-28 $8.00 Andante and Rondo Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 084-3557-28 $7.50 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $70.00 $7.00 $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $46.00 $2.00 $40.00 Page 10 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Andante Cantabile Solo Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Tschaikowsky/arr. Tustin) 082-0107-15 $10.00 Andante Cantabile Ensemble Brass quartet (Tschaikowsky/arr. Holmes) 101-0054-00 $7.50 Andante Cantabile Ensemble Trumpet quartet (Tschaikowsky/arr. Holmes) 101-0054-24 $7.50 Andante Cantabile Ensemble Horn quartet (Tschaikowsky/arr. Holmes) 101-0054-28 $7.50 Andante Cantabile Ensemble Trombone quartet (Tschaikowsky/arr. Holmes) 101-0054-33 $7.50 Andantino Ensemble Clarinet trio with piano accompaniment (Faure/arr. Frederick) 110-6025-08 $7.50 Andantino Ensemble Saxophone trio with piano accompaniment (Faure/arr. Frederick) 110-6025-20 $7.50 Andantino Ensemble Horn trio with piano accompaniment (Faure/arr. Frederick) 110-6025-28 $7.50 Andantino Ensemble Trombone trio with piano accompaniment (Faure/arr. Frederick) 110-6025-33 $7.50 Andrea Chenier Concert Band (Giordano/arr. Vaninetti & Glover) WFR368 012-3902-00 $110.00 Andrea Chenier Extra full score (Giordano/arr. Vaninetti & Glover) 012-3902-01 $10.00 Andrea Chenier Oversized spiral-bound score (Giordano/arr. Vaninetti & Glover) 012-3902-75 $30.00 Andrea Chenier Concert Band (Giordano/arr. Richards) WFR198 013-1247-00AR $80.00 Andrea Chenier Extra condensed score (Giordano/arr. Richards) 013-1247-01AR Andromeda Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR367 012-3947-00 Andromeda Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3947-01 Andromeda Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS106-00 Andromeda Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS106-01 Angel Flight Young Band (Huckeby) WFR373 011-4039-00 Angel Flight Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4039-01 $7.00 Angela's Song Young Band (Huckeby) WFR130,WFR354 011-2159-00 $40.00 Angela's Song Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2159-01 $5.00 Angela's Song Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4323-00 $50.00 Angela's Song Extra full score (Huckeby) 026-4323-01 $6.00 Angela's Song Solo Flute or Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 080-4422-04 $10.00 Angela's Song Solo Bb Clarinet, Bb Tenor Saxophone, Bb Trumpet, or Euphonium TC solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) Solo Eb Alto Saxophone or Eb Baritone Saxophone solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) Solo F Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 080-4422-08 $10.00 080-4422-20 $10.00 080-4422-28 $10.00 080-4422-33 $10.00 An Angelic Christmas Solo Trombone, Euphonium BC, or Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) Young Band (Rowe) WFR333 011-3347-00 $45.00 An Angelic Christmas Extra full score (Rowe) 011-3347-01 $6.00 Angelic Hosts Proclaim! Young Band (J. McBride) WFR386 024-4372-00 $48.00 Angelika Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0188-00AR $50.00 Angelika Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0188-01AR Angelique Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1705-00 Angelique Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1705-02 $2.50 Angels We Have Heard on High Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-2446-00 $38.00 Angels We Have Heard on High Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-2446-01 $4.00 Angels We Have Heard On High Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02,WFR345 032-3319-00 $42.00 Angels We Have Heard On High Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3319-01 $6.00 Angels We Have Rocked The House Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2016-01 032-4432-00 $48.00 Angels We Have Rocked The House Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4432-01 Angelus Concert Band (Massanet/arr. R. Hildreth) BOV-S0930-00 $55.00 The Angelus Band (Buys) 013-0898-00AR $50.00 The Angelus Orchestra (Buys) 016-1023-00AR $50.00 Animali Suonanti Concert Band (Gatti/arr. B. Gardner) BOV-S1082-00 $65.00 Animali Suonanti Extra condensed score (Gatti/arr. B. Gardner) BOV-S1082-01 Animoso Young Band (Huckeby) WFR355 024-3659-00 $48.00 Animoso Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3659-01 $5.00 Anita Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0115-24 Anita Ensemble Saxophone trio with paino accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0115-20AR Anitra's Dance Solo Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Grieg/arr. Tustin) 082-0105-15 $5.00 Annandale Chronicles Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR334 012-3434-00 $72.00 Annandale Chronicles Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3434-01 $8.00 Annandale Chronicles Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3434-75 $30.00 Annette Waltzes Band (Lemieux/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0209-00AR $50.00 Annie Laurie Ensemble Trombone quartet (Scott & Buck/arr. Guentzel) 101-0041-33 $14.00 Annie Laurie Concert Band (arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0638-00 $60.00 Annie Laurie Extra condensed score (Scottish air/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0638-01 $7.00 Annie Laurie Band (C. Smith) 013-0633-00AR $50.00 Angela's Song Angela's Song Angela's Song All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $68.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $19.00 $7.00 $8.00 $6.50 $12.00 Page 11 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Annie Laurie Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0026-24 $3.50 Annie Laurie Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0026-33 $3.50 Annie Laurie Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0026-38 Anniversary Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3638-00 $60.00 Another Bump In The Road Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2007-01 032-3591-00 $45.00 Another Bump In The Road Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3591-01 $6.00 Another Day In Paradise Jazz Ensemble (P. Lee) SCM-1096-00 $47.00 Another Day In Paradise Extra full score (Lee) SCM-1096-01 $6.00 Another Excuse to Play the Blues Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 032-2723-00 $34.00 Another Excuse to Play the Blues Extra full score (K. Harris) 032-2723-01 Another Shade of Blue Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0015-00AR $50.00 The Answer Is In The Blues! Jazz Ensemble (Gress) 991-2013-01 032-4174-00 $48.00 The Answer Is In The Blues! Extra full score (Gress) 032-4174-01 $7.00 Antecedium Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR191,WFR199 012-2978-00 $68.00 Antecedium Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2978-01 $5.00 Anthem for Peace Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR389 012-4472-00 $74.00 Anthem for Peace Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4472-01 $8.00 Anthem for Peace Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4472-75 $25.00 Antics of the Old Grey Mare Band (Clement) 013-0839-00AR $50.00 Antigua Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB120-00 $40.00 Antigua Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB120-01 Antigua Bay Young Band (Huckeby) WFR195 011-3032-00 Antigua Bay Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3032-01 $6.00 Antiphony Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB13-00 $40.00 Antiphony Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB13F-01 Antique Car Parade Young Band (Loest) WFR187 015-2921-00 Antique Car Parade Extra full score (Loest) 015-2921-01 Anvil Chorus Concert Band (Verdi/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0790-00 $50.00 Anvil Chorus from Il Trovatore Ensemble Sax quartet (Verdi/arr. Holmes) 111-0018-20AR $16.00 Anything Goes Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP103-00 $30.00 Anything Goes Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP103-01 Apex Young Band (Glover) WFR369 011-3970-00 Apex Extra full score (Glover) 011-3970-01 Apogee Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB193-00 Apogee Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB193-01 $5.00 Apollo Band (King) 013-0522-00AR $50.00 Apollo Extra condensed score (King) 013-0522-01 Apollo Orchestra (King) 016-0197-00AR $50.00 Apollo: Myth and Legend Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR358,WFR387 012-3698-00 $76.00 Apollo: Myth and Legend Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3698-01 $8.00 Apollo: Myth and Legend Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-3698-75 $30.00 Apophis Young Band (J. McBride) WFR386 024-4345-00 $46.00 Apophis Extra full score (J. McBride) 024-4345-01 $6.00 Appalachian Folk Dance Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR380 023-4233-00 $42.00 Appalachian Folk Dance Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4233-01 $6.00 Appalachian Hoedown Young Band (S. Watson) WFR355 011-3583-00 $48.00 Appalachian Hoedown Extra full score (S. Watson) 011-3583-01 Appalachian Hymn Young Band (Forsblad) 010-1912-00AR Appalachian Hymn Extra score (Forsblad) 010-1912-01AR Appalachian Hymn Concert Band (R. Foster) CB234 Appalachian Hymn extra score (R. Foster) CB234-01 Appalachian Legacy Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR185,WFR315 012-2698-00 Appalachian Legacy Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2698-01 Appleton Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3296-00 $60.00 Approach of the Campaign Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3135-00 $60.00 April Eyes Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2345-00AR $50.00 April Eyes Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2345-01 Aprile Concert Band (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0612-00 Aprile Extra condensed score (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0612-01 Arabesque Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-1908-00 Arabesque Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-1908-01 $5.00 Arabian Dream Young Band (Molter) 015-3064-00 $38.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $4.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 $38.00 $4.00 $5.00 $48.00 $6.00 $45.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $50.00 $6.00 $68.00 $6.00 $3.00 $65.00 $8.00 $65.00 Page 12 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Arabian Dream Extra full score (Molter) 015-3064-01 Arabian Nights Band (King) 013-0620-00AR $50.00 Arbitrator Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3045-00 $60.00 Arbucklenian Concert Band (Hartmann) BOV-S0750-00 $65.00 Arbucklenian Extra condensed score (Hartmann) BOV-S0750-01 $8.00 The Arcade Girl Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3567-00 $60.00 Arcadia Band (Laurens) 013-0503-00AR $50.00 Arcadia Orchestra (Laurens/arr. Barnard) 016-0156-00AR $50.00 Arcadian Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3603-00 $60.00 Archie's Back Jazz Ensemble (Matteson) 032-0051-00AR $60.00 Archie's Back Extra score (Matteson) 032-0051-01AR El Arco De Los Cabos Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR378 012-4169-00 El Arco De Los Cabos Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4169-01 $8.00 El Arco De Los Cabos Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4169-75 $25.00 Are You Ready to Rock? Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2906-00 $48.00 Are You Ready to Rock? Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2906-01 $4.00 Are You Ready? Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2002-01 031-3218-00 $40.00 Are You Ready? Extra full score (Molter) 031-3218-01 $5.00 Are You Talkin' To Me? Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2687-00 $35.00 Are You Talkin' To Me? Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2687-01 $4.00 Area 51 Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01 031-3008-00 $38.00 Area 51 Extra full score (Barton) 031-3008-01 The Argonauts Band (Barnhouse) 013-0681-00AR $50.00 The Argonauts Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0248-00AR $50.00 The Argonauts Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (1920 edition) (Barnhouse) 080-0045-24AR $10.00 The Argonauts Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-0045-24AR $12.00 Argonne Band (King) 013-1233-00 $25.00 Argonne Extra condensed score (King) 013-1233-01 $4.00 Argosy Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR390 024-4498-00 $46.00 Argosy Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 024-4498-01 Argumentation Concert Band (Barnhouse) 013-0968-00AR $50.00 Argumentation Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0102-24AR $10.00 Argumentation Solo Sax Eb Alto solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 082-0102-20AR $10.00 Argumentation Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 082-0102-22AR $10.00 Argumentation Solo Baritone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 082-0102-38AR $10.00 Argumentation Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-0102-24AR $12.00 Argumentation Ensemble Cornet and Baritone duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 092-0102-24AR $12.00 Argumentation Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 092-0102-38AR $12.00 Argumentation Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 092-0102-51AR $12.00 Aria and Menuetto Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Ayres) 083-0103-08 Ariele, Finale from Concert Band (E. Bach/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1007-00 Arietta Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS01-04 $9.95 Arietta Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS02-08 $9.95 Arietta Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS03-29 $9.95 Arietta Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS04-22 $9.95 Arietta Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS05-24 $9.95 Arietta Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS06-28 $9.95 Arietta Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS07-33 $9.95 Arietta Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS08-39 $9.95 Arietta Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS09-53 $9.95 Arioso Concert Band (Bach/arr. Hill) 012-1742-00 $60.00 Arioso Extra score (Bach/arr. Hill) 012-1742-01 $6.00 Arioso Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) WFR186 012-2905-00 $60.00 Arioso Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-2905-01 Arioso Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB150-00 $45.00 Arioso Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB150-01 $5.00 Arioso and Badinerie Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Bach/arr. Merriman) 084-3042-00 Aristo Band Book Piccolo Db book (Laurens) 073-6010-03AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Clarinet Eb book (Laurens) 073-6010-07AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Laurens) 073-6010-08AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Laurens) 073-6010-09AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Oboe book (Laurens) 073-6010-15AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $72.00 $4.00 $6.00 $4.50 $65.00 $5.00 $6.00 Page 13 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Aristo Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Laurens) 073-6010-24AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Laurens) 073-6010-25AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Laurens) 073-6010-26AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Laurens) 073-6010-33AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Laurens) 073-6010-35AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Baritone TC book (Laurens) 073-6010-37AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Baritone BC book (Laurens) 073-6010-38AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Tuba book (Laurens) 073-6010-39AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Drums book (Laurens) 073-6010-41AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Laurens) 073-6010-51AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book Eb Cornet book (Laurens) 073-6010-60AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Laurens) 073-6010-66AR $10.00 Aristo Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Laurens) 073-6010-67AR $10.00 Arkansas School Bands Band (King) 014-0098-00 $25.00 Arkansas School Bands Extra condensed score (King) 014-0098-01 The Arkansaw Huskin' Bee Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3568-00 $60.00 Arline - Grand Selection from Bohemian Girl Band (Balfe/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0148-00AR $50.00 Arm, Arm Ye Brave Concert Band (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0126-00 $65.00 Arm, Arm Ye Brave Extra full score (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0126-01 $8.00 Armenia Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3136-00 $60.00 Armenian Dances, Part II Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR140 012-1943-00 $250.00 Armenian Dances, Part II Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-1943-01 $20.00 Armenian Dances, Part II Extra condensed score (A. Reed) 012-1943-02 $10.00 Armenian Dances, Part II Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-1943-75 $50.00 Armida Overture Concert Band (Haydn/arr. Bowles) WFR322 012-1488-00 $72.00 Armida Overture Extra full score (Haydn/arr. Bowles) 012-1488-01AR Armida Overture Extra condensed score (Haydn/arr. Bowles) 012-1488-02AR $6.00 Armorer's Song Concert Band (DeKoven/arr. Lake) BOV-S0697-00 $65.00 Armorer's Song Extra condensed score (DeKoven/arr. Lake) BOV-S0697-01 $8.00 Arms Of America Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3569-00 $60.00 Arnold for Band Walking Frog Records CD WFR268 $14.95 Around the World in 80 Measures Young Band (Orcino) WFR351 011-3608-00 $48.00 Around the World in 80 Measures Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3608-01 Around the World With This Old Man Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1503-00AR Around the World With This Old Man Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1503-01 $2.50 Arranco Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3302-00 $50.00 Arranco Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3302-01 $7.00 Arriba! Marching Band (Gazlay) 050-2577-00 $40.00 Arrival Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SB501-00 $45.00 Arrival Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SB501-01 Arrivo Banda! Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2605-00 Arrivo Banda! Extra score (Shaffer) 058-2605-01 $5.00 Arrowhead Young Band (J. Williams) WFR183 011-2845-00 $45.00 Arrowhead Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2845-01 The Art of the Transcription Walking Frog Records CD WFR783 $14.95 Artarmo Band Book Piccolo Db book (King) 073-6002-03AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Flute in C book (King) 073-6002-04AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 073-6002-07AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 073-6002-08AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 073-6002-09AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Oboe book (King) 073-6002-15AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Bassoon book (King) 073-6002-17AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6002-20AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 073-6002-22AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6002-23AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6002-24AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6002-25AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 073-6002-26AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 073-6002-33AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 073-6002-35AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Baritone TC book (King) 073-6002-37AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Baritone BC book (King) 073-6002-38AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $30.00 $4.00 Page 14 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Artarmo Band Book Tuba book (King) 073-6002-39AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Drums book (King) 073-6002-41AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 073-6002-51AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 073-6002-52AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book Eb Cornet book (King) 073-6002-60AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 073-6002-66AR $10.00 Artarmo Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (King) 073-6002-67AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Flute book (King) 074-6036-04AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinet book (King) 074-6036-08AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Saxophone Alto Eb book (King) 074-6036-20AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Saxophone Tenor Bb book (King) 074-6036-22AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra 1st & 2nd Bb Cornet book (King) 074-6036-24AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 074-6036-28AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Trombone (BC & TC) book (King) 074-6036-33AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Drums book (King) 074-6036-41AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Piano book (King) 074-6036-43AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra 1st Violin book (King) 074-6036-60AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra 2nd Violin book (King) 074-6036-61AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Viola book (King) 074-6036-62AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Cello and Bass book (King) 074-6036-63AR $10.00 Artarmo Collection for Orchestra Saxophone C Melody book (King) 074-6036-68AR $10.00 Artful Artie Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3570-00 $60.00 Artful Dodger Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2016-01 032-4481-00 $48.00 Artful Dodger Extra full score (Vuono) 032-4481-01 Artillery Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3604-00 $60.00 Artistry for Trumpets Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0257-00AR $50.00 Artistry for Trumpets Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0257-01AR $6.00 Artist's Life Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2060-00 $85.00 Artist's Life Extra condensed score (J. Strauss/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2060-01 $10.00 As Eagles Soar Young Band (Swearingen) WFR390 024-4458-00 $48.00 As Eagles Soar Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4458-01 $6.00 As I Look At You Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2936-00 $34.00 As I Look At You Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2936-01 $4.00 As If On Wings Concert Band (Behrman) WFR318 012-3126-00 $68.00 As If On Wings Extra full score (Behrman) 012-3126-01 $7.00 As If To Say Goodbye Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2007-01 032-3592-00 $45.00 As If To Say Goodbye Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3592-01 $6.00 As Shadows Fall Young Band (Romeyn) WFR383,WFR387 011-4279-00 $52.00 As Shadows Fall Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4279-01 As Special As You Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 032-0156-00AR As Special As You Extra full score (Goodwin) 032-0156-01AR As Spirits Take Flight Concert Band (Earl) WFR349 012-3589-00 As Spirits Take Flight Extra full score (Earl) 012-3589-01 As Spirits Take Flight Walking Frog Records CD WFR349 $14.95 As Spring Arrives Concert Band (Wada) WFR378 012-4216-00 $78.00 As Spring Arrives Extra full score (Wada) 012-4216-01 $10.00 As Spring Arrives Oversized spiral-bound score (Wada) 012-4216-75 $30.00 As The Dawn Breaks Young Band (Wada) WFR342 011-3487-00 $45.00 As The Dawn Breaks Extra full score (Wada) 011-3487-01 $6.00 As The Eagle Flies Young Band (Swearingen) WFR336 015-3476-00 $40.00 As The Eagle Flies Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-3476-01 As The Moon Rose Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-9974-24AR $10.00 As The Moon Rose Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-9974-25AR $12.00 As the Moon Whispers Concert Band (Yeo) WFR368 012-3831-00 $68.00 As the Moon Whispers Extra full score (Yeo) 012-3831-01 $6.00 As They Return Concert Band (Mauro) WFR350 012-3654-00 $68.00 As They Return Extra full score (Mauro) 012-3654-01 $7.00 Ascension Young Band (Swearingen) WFR377 023-4080-00 $44.00 Ascension Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4080-01 $6.00 Ascentium Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR332 012-3354-00 $68.00 Ascentium Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3354-01 $7.00 Ascentium Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3354-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $76.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 15 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Ash Grove Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB18-00 $40.00 Ash Grove Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB18F-01 Ashford Variations Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-2488-00 Ashford Variations Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2488-01 $6.00 Ashland Park Young Band (Huckeby) WFR183 011-2813-00 $48.00 Ashland Park Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2813-01 $4.00 Ashland Park Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4510-00 $50.00 Ashland Park Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4510-01 $6.00 Ashton Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-1783-00 $34.00 Ashton Extra score (Swearingen) 011-1783-01 Asian Song Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB103-00 Asian Song Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB103-01 Ask Not Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR378 012-4238-00 Ask Not Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4238-01 $8.00 Ask Not Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4238-75 $25.00 Asleep in Class Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0271-00AR $50.00 Asleep in Class Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0271-01 $3.50 Aspen Overture Young Band (Earl) WFR333 011-3386-00 $48.00 Aspen Overture Extra full score (Earl) 011-3386-01 Associated Press Band (Fulton) 013-0146-00AR $50.00 Assurance Concert Band (Beck/arr. A. Clark) WFR184 012-2425-00 $45.00 Assurance Extra full score (Beck/arr. A. Clark) 012-2425-01 $4.00 Astron Young Band (Shaffer) WFR370 024-3917-00 $46.00 Astron Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3917-01 $5.00 At A Dixieland Jazz Funeral Concert Band (Spears) WFR384 012-1946-00 $45.00 At A Dixieland Jazz Funeral Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1946-01 $6.00 At A Dixieland Jazz Funeral Marching Band (Spears/arr. Swearingen & Thurston) 052-2067-00 $50.00 At A Dixieland Jazz Funeral Extra score (Spears/arr. Swearingen & Thurston) 052-2067-01 At A Georgia Camp Meeting Concert Band (Mills) BOV-S3523-00 $60.00 At Bagdad's Gate Band (DeLuca) 013-0901-00AR $50.00 At Daybreak Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR360 023-3778-00 $42.00 At Daybreak Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3778-01 $5.00 At Ease! Concert Band (Conaway) WFR367 012-3927-00 $65.00 At Ease! Extra full score (Conaway) 012-3927-01 $6.00 At Sunrise Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR378,WFR387 012-4167-00 $68.00 At Sunrise Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4167-01 $8.00 At Sunrise Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4167-75 $25.00 At Sunrise Walking Frog Records CD WFR387 $14.95 At The Ball Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0410-00 $70.00 At The Ball Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0410-01 $8.00 At The Ball Extra full score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0410-02 $10.00 At The Dawn Band (Losey) 013-1125-00AR $50.00 At the Dawn Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Losey) 083-0065-24AR $10.00 At the Dawn Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Losey) 083-0065-33AR $10.00 At the Dawn Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Losey) 083-0065-38AR $10.00 At The End Of The Day Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2014-01 032-4284-00 $45.00 At The End Of The Day Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4284-01 At The King's Court Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Godfrey) BOV-S0848-00 $95.00 At The King's Court Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. Godfrey) BOV-S0848-01 $10.00 At The Oasis Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1081-00 $47.00 At The Oasis Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1081-01 At the Puppet Show Ensemble Woodwind trio (F. McKay) 110-0134-00AR At the Puppet Show Ensemble Clarinet trio (F. McKay) 110-0134-08AR $15.00 Athens the Beautiful Concert Band (DeLuca) 013-0927-00AR $100.00 Athletic Festival March Concert Band (Prokofieff/arr. Goldman) WA-CB111-00 $70.00 Athletic Festival March Extra score (Prokofieff/arr. Goldman) WA-CB111-01 $7.00 Atlanta Constitution Concert Band (Innes) BOV-S3388-00 $60.00 Atlanta Band (Baxter) 013-0623-00AR $50.00 Atlantic Zephyrs Concert Band (Simons) BOV-S1159-00 $65.00 Atlantic Zephyrs Extra condensed score (Simons) BOV-S1159-01 Atlantis: The Lost Continent Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR373,WFR387 012-4047-00 $76.00 Atlantis: The Lost Continent Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4047-01 $8.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $45.00 $3.00 $50.00 $6.00 $76.00 $6.00 $5.00 $7.00 $6.00 $15.00 $8.00 Page 16 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Atop A Scottish Highland Young Band (Neeck) WFR333 011-3329-00 $45.00 Atop A Scottish Highland Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3329-01 Atta-Boy Band (King) 014-0038-00AR Attack of the Band Moms Funky Winkerbean Product HLD23 Attack of the Zombie Trombones Young Band (Neeck) WFR390 024-4459-00 Attack of the Zombie Trombones Extra full score (Neeck) 024-4459-01 The Attack Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3605-00 $60.00 Attitude Adjustment Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3353-00 $45.00 Attitude Adjustment Extra full score (Barton) 032-3353-01 The Attorney General Band (King) 014-0007-00AR The Attorney General Extra condensed score (King) 014-0007-01AR $4.00 Atwood Band (Galuska) 013-0807-00AR $50.00 Au Fond Du Temple Saint Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Loring) BOV-K0101-00 $75.00 Au Fond Du Temple Saint Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. Loring) BOV-K0101-01 $9.00 Auf der Lagune Concert Band (Fucik) BOV-S2143-00 $70.00 Auf der Lagune Extra condensed score (Fucik) BOV-S2143-01 $9.00 Auld Acquaintance Band (Buys) 013-0857-00AR $50.00 Auld Acquaintance Orchestra (Buys) 016-0385-00AR $50.00 Auld Acquaintance Ensemble Sax quartet (Buys) 111-0040-20AR $16.00 Auld Lang Syne Band (King) 014-0143-00AR $50.00 Auld Lang Syne Extra condensed score (King) 014-0143-01AR $4.00 Auld Lang Syne Concert Band (Hartmann/arr. Prendiville) BOV-S0730-00 $65.00 Auld Lang Syne Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC127-00 $50.00 Auld Lang Syne Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC127-01 $5.00 Auld Scotia Concert Band (Lauder/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0937-00 $60.00 Aura Lea Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR383 023-4315-00 $44.00 Aura Lea Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 023-4315-01 Aura Lee Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 069-1560-00AR $60.00 Aura Lee/Shenandoah Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MCE104-00 $50.00 Aura Lee/Shenandoah Extra score (Gingery) WA-MCE104-01 $5.00 Aussie Hoedown Concert Band (Hultgren) WA-ECB117-00 $50.00 Aussie Hoedown Extra score (Hultgren) WA-ECB117-01 $6.00 The Autocrat Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3660-00 $60.00 Automatic Chromatic Lots of Fun Warmin' Up Blues Young Band (A. Clark) 011-2716-00 $38.00 Automatic Chromatic Lots of Fun Warmin' Up Blues Extra full score (A. Clark) 011-2716-01 $3.50 The Automatic Chromatic Lots of Fun Warmin' Up Blues The Automatic Chromatic Lots of Fun Warmin' Up Blues The Automobile Ride Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2521-00 $42.00 Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2521-01 $3.50 Concert Band (Gilchrist) BOV-S0940-00 $60.00 Autumn Afternoon Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2014-01 032-4266-00 $45.00 Autumn Afternoon Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4266-01 Autumn Colors Band (Barnhouse) 013-0266-00AR $50.00 Autumn Colors Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0008-33AR $10.00 Autumn Colors Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0008-99AR $10.00 Autumn Leaf Band (Hoskins) 013-0236-00AR $50.00 Autumn Mist Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2009-01 032-3788-00 $45.00 Autumn Mist Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3788-01 An Autumn Romance Band (King) 013-0731-00AR $50.00 An Autumn Romance Orchestra (King) 016-0301-00AR $50.00 Autumn Twilight Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2749-00 $36.00 Autumn Twilight Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2749-01 Autumn's Waning Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Huffman) 111-0059-08AR $15.00 Avalanche! Concert Band (J. McBride) WFR381 012-4258-00 $78.00 Avalanche! Extra full score (J. McBride) 012-4258-01 $8.00 Avalanche! Oversized spiral-bound score (J. McBride) 012-4258-75 $25.00 Avalon Jazz Ensemble (arr. Spera) 991-2002-02 032-3223-00 $50.00 Avalon Extra full score (arr. Spera) 032-3223-01 Avant de quitter (Dio Possente) Concert Band (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0536-00 Avant de quitter (Dio Possente) Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0536-01 Avantia Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1640-00 $60.00 Avantia Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1640-01AR $12.00 Ave Maria Band (A. Buglione) 013-0295-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.95 $46.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 $7.00 $60.00 $7.00 Page 17 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Ave Maria Band (Bach/arr. Barnard) 013-0917-00AR $50.00 Ave Maria Orchestra (Bach/arr. Barnard) 016-0421-00AR $50.00 Ave Maria Concert Band (Bach-Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0506-00 $55.00 Ave Maria Extra condensed score (Bach-Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0506-01 $6.00 Ave Maria Concert Band (Cherubini/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0511-00 $56.00 Ave Maria Extra full score (Cherubini/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0511-01 $8.00 Ave Maria Concert Band (Luzzi/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0516-00 $55.00 Ave Maria Extra condensed score (Luzzi/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0516-01 $7.00 Ave Maria Concert Band (Bach-Gounod/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0545-00 $60.00 Ave Maria Extra condensed score (Bach-Gounod/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0545-01 The Avenger Young Band (King/arr. A. Clark) WFR369 011-3962-00 The Avenger Extra full score (King/arr. A. Clark) 011-3962-01 The Avenger Band (King) 013-0452-00AR The Avenger Extra condensed score (King) 013-0452-01 The Avenger Orchestra (King) 016-0129-00AR $50.00 Aventura Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-1778-00 $65.00 Aventura Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1778-01 Aviation Tournament Band (King) 013-0493-00AR $50.00 Aviation Tournament Orchestra (King) 016-0148-00AR $50.00 Avondale Overture Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7807-00 $60.00 Avondale Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7807-01 $12.00 Avondale Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7807-75 $25.00 Awaken the Greatness Young Band (Grice) WFR383 024-4282-00 $46.00 Awaken the Greatness Extra full score (Grice) 024-4282-01 Awaken The Greatness Walking Frog Records CD WFR383 $14.95 Away In A Manger Young Band (arr. Huckeby) WFR333 011-3363-00 $45.00 Away In A Manger Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 011-3363-01 $6.00 Away In A Manger Concert Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR376 012-4148-00 $68.00 Away In A Manger Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 012-4148-01 $7.00 Away In A Manger Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. R. W. Smith) 012-4148-75 $25.00 Away In A Manger Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02,WFR345 032-3197-00 $42.00 Away In A Manger Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3197-01 $5.00 Axon Concert Band (Spears) 012-1860-00 $75.00 Axon Extra full score (Spears) 012-1860-01 Azalea Band (G. Holmes) 013-0441-00AR $50.00 Azalea Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0119-00AR $50.00 Aztec Celebration Young Band (Shaffer) WFR317,WFR321 015-3161-00 $38.00 Aztec Celebration Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3161-01 Aztec Dance Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC122-00 Aztec Dance Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC122-01 $5.00 B. J.'s Thing Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0036-00AR $50.00 Babes in Toyland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0690-00 $70.00 Babes in Toyland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S1061-00 $65.00 Babes In Toyland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S3346-00 $60.00 Babette Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0862-00 $75.00 Babette Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S2098-00 $65.00 Babette Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3347-00 $60.00 Babillage Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Walker) 100-0109-24 $6.50 Baby Drives a Fast Car Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2000-01,991-2000-02,WFR348 032-3089-00 $45.00 Baby Drives a Fast Car Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3089-01 Baby Drives a Fast Car Walking Frog Records CD WFR348 $11.95 The Baby Parade Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3571-00 $60.00 Baby Won't You Please Come Home Jazz Ensemble (arr. Carubia) SCM-1071-00 $47.00 Baby Won't You Please Come Home Extra full score SCM-1071-01 $6.00 Bacchanalia Marching Band (Spiegl/arr. Swearingen) 052-1863-00 $35.00 Bach for Band Young Band (Bach/arr. Mitchell) 011-1641-00AR $50.00 Bach for Band Extra score (Bach/arr. Mitchell) 011-1641-01AR Bach To the Future Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2444-00 Bach To the Future Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2444-01AR $7.00 The Bachelor Maids Concert Band (St. Clair) BOV-S3635-00 $60.00 Bachismo! Marching Band (Bach/arr. Sochinski) 052-1801-00 $30.00 The Bachman Band Band (Putnam) 013-1121-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $48.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 $60.00 $7.00 $6.00 $34.00 Page 18 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Bachman Band Extra condensed score (Putnam) 013-1121-01 Bach's Circle Walking Frog Records CD WFR637 $14.95 Bach's Fight for Freedom Walking Frog Records DVD WFR796 $19.98 Back Bone Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1002-00 $50.00 Back Bone Extra full score SCM-1002-01 $6.00 Back Burner Jazz Ensemble (Pastore) 991-2001-02 032-3130-00 $45.00 Back Burner Extra full score (Pastore) 032-3130-01 $6.00 Back Home Again In Indiana Jazz Ensemble (arr. Spera) 991-2001-02 032-3148-00 $50.00 Back Home Again In Indiana Extra full score (arr. Spera) 032-3148-01 $7.00 Back In The Day Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2009-01 032-3796-00 $48.00 Back In The Day Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3796-01 The Back Road Jazz Ensemble (Carney) WA-SB521-00 The Back Road Extra score (Carney) WA-SB521-01 $6.00 Back To Bach Marching Band (Bach/arr. Wakeley) WA-MP106-00 $30.00 Back To Bach Extra score (Bach/arr. Wakeley) WA-MP106-01 Backseat Driver Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2009-02 032-3797-00 Backseat Driver Extra full score (Molter) 032-3797-01 $7.00 Backstop Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1122-00 $48.00 Backstop Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1122-01 $7.00 Bad Ol' Blues Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1085-00 $47.00 Bad Ol' Blues Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1085-01 Bad Samba Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0101-00AR Bad Samba Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0101-01 Bad Spuds Walking Frog Records CD WFR501 $14.95 Badge of Honor Young Band (K. Harris) WFR130 015-2595-00 $40.00 Badge of Honor Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2595-01 Badger Tournament Band (Hazel) 013-0986-00AR $50.00 Badger Tournament Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0467-00AR $50.00 Badinage Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0741-00 $70.00 Bad'ner Mad'ln Concert Band (Komzak/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1093-00 $65.00 Bagatelle Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1064-00AR $50.00 Bagdad Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Fulton) BOV-S3348-00 $60.00 Bahia Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB129-00 $40.00 Bahia Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB129-01 Bainbridge Fair Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7808-00 $65.00 Bainbridge Fair (C. T. Smith) CTS-7808-01 $12.00 Bainbridge Fair (C. T. Smith) CTS-7808-75 $25.00 Bainbridge Island Sketches Ensemble Woodwind quintet (F. McKay) 112-0062-00AR $18.00 Baja Breeze Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2002-01 031-3182-00 $42.00 Baja Breeze Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3182-01 Baldwin Commandery Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3456-00 $60.00 Ballad for a Lady Jazz Ensemble (Ayoub) 032-0231-00AR $50.00 Ballad for a Lady Extra full score (Ayoub) 032-0231-01AR $6.00 Ballad for Horn Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Butts) 082-0112-28 $6.00 Ballad For Jeri Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR348 031-2775-00 $34.00 Ballad For Jeri Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2775-01 $4.00 Ballad for P. J. Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 032-2961-00 $40.00 Ballad for P. J. Extra full score (Spera) 032-2961-01 Ballad For Trumpet Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB184-00 $45.00 Ballad For Trumpet Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB184-01 $5.00 Ballad, Minuet and Caprice Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0173-20 $4.50 Ballad, Minuet and Caprice Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0173-24 Ballet Dance Ensemble Woodwind trio (Walker) 110-0128-00AR $15.00 Ballet Egyptian Ensemble Woodwind quintet (arr. Holmes) 112-0045-00AR $18.00 Ballet Egyptien Concert Band (Luigini/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1108-00 $65.00 Ballet Music from Faust Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Rollinson) BOV-S0834-00 $75.00 Ballet Music from Faust Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Rollinson) BOV-S0835-00 $75.00 Ballet Music from the Opera Prince Igor Concert Band (Borodin/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1024-00 $120.00 Ballet Music from the Opera Prince Igor Extra condensed score (Borodin/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1024-01 $12.00 Ballet Russe Concert Band (Luigini/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S1109-00 $110.00 Ballet Russe Extra condensed score (Luigini/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S1109-01 $12.00 Ballistic Brass Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 031-2771-00 $34.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $80.00 $3.00 $4.50 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.50 Page 19 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Ballistic Brass Extra full score (Barton) 031-2771-01 Ballo in Maschera, Un Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1191-00 $80.00 Ballo in Maschera, Un Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1191-01 $10.00 Ballyhoo Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1177-00AR $50.00 Baltimore Centennial Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3349-00 $60.00 The Baltimore Sun Band (A. Buglione) 013-0165-00AR $50.00 Baltimore's Boast Band (Alexander) WFR361 013-0554-00AR $50.00 Banana Split Young Band (Martin) 015-2946-00 $38.00 Banana Split Extra full score (Martin) 015-2946-01 $4.00 Band Avenue Young Band (Loest) WFR192 015-3017-00 $38.00 Band Avenue Extra full score (Loest) 015-3017-01 $4.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 1 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-01 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 2 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-02 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 3 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-03 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 4 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-04 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 5 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-05 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Percussion Level 6 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2049-06 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 1 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-01 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 2 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-02 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 3 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-03 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 4 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-04 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 5 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-05 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Pkg of 25 Wind Level 6 (pkg of 25) (Cheary) 073-2048-06 $15.00 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 1 (Cheary) 073-2046-01 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 2 (Cheary) 073-2046-02 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 3 (Cheary) 073-2046-03 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 4 (Cheary) 073-2046-04 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 5 (Cheary) 073-2046-05 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Percussion Level 6 (Cheary) 073-2046-06 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 1 (Cheary) 073-2045-01 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 2 (Cheary) 073-2045-02 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 3 (Cheary) 073-2045-03 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 4 (Cheary) 073-2045-04 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 5 (Cheary) 073-2045-05 $0.75 Band Awards System Certificate Wind Level 6 (Cheary) 073-2045-06 $0.75 Band Awards System Completion Seals Band Awards System Package of 60 (Cheary) 073-2047-00 $4.00 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 1 (Cheary) 073-2044-01 $1.95 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 2 (Cheary) 073-2044-02 $1.95 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 3 (Cheary) 073-2044-03 $1.95 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 4 (Cheary) 073-2044-04 $1.95 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 5 (Cheary) 073-2044-05 $1.95 Band Awards System Percussion Manual Level 6 (Cheary) 073-2044-06 $1.95 Band Awards System Teacher Manual Band Awards System (Cheary) 073-2030-00 $19.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 1 (Cheary) 073-2031-01 $1.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 2 (Cheary) 073-2031-02 $1.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 3 (Cheary) 073-2031-03 $1.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 4 (Cheary) 073-2031-04 $1.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 5 (Cheary) 073-2031-05 $1.95 Band Awards System Winds Manual Level 6 (Cheary) 073-2031-06 The Band King Band (Sills) 014-0153-00AR $50.00 Band Meets Rhythm Marching Band (Rood) 069-1337-00AR $50.00 Band of Gold Concert Band (Kenny) 029-1350-00AR $80.00 Band of Gold Extra score (Kenny) 029-1350-01AR Band Rocks! Young Band (Huckeby) WFR386 023-4367-00 Band Rocks! Extra full score (Huckeby) 023-4367-01 $6.00 Banda Excellente Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2532-00 $30.00 Bandinage Young Band (Oliver) 011-1750-00AR $50.00 Bandinage Extra score (Oliver) 011-1750-01AR $5.00 Banditen Galopp Young Band (Strauss/arr. Shaffer) 011-2086-00AR $50.00 Banditen Galopp Extra score (Strauss/arr. Shaffer) 011-2086-01 $5.00 Bandland Boogie Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2720-00 $35.00 Band-o-rama Concert Band High School Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB06A-00 $40.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $1.95 $6.00 $44.00 Page 20 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Band-o-rama PT-YCB06B-00 $40.00 Band-o-rama Elementary/Middle School Concert Band Set Elementary/Middle School Concert Band Set (Feldstein & L. Clark) Extra score (both bands) (Feldstein & L. Clark) A Band's Gotta Do What A Band's Gotta Do! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3848-00 A Band's Gotta Do What A Band's Gotta Do! Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3848-01 Bang Wang Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3137-00 $60.00 The Banner Bearer Band (Jewell) 013-0427-00AR $50.00 The Banner of Freedom Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3231-00 $60.00 Banner Year Young Band (K. Harris) WFR187 015-2505-00 $32.00 Banner Year Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2505-01 The Banner Concert Band (Von Blon/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3002-00 $60.00 The Banner Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3297-00 $60.00 The Banqueters Band (G. Holmes) 013-0585-00AR $50.00 The Banqueters Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0182-00AR $50.00 Barbados Jazz Ensemble (P. Lee) SCM-1065-00 $45.00 Barbados Extra full score SCM-1065-01 $6.00 Barbara Allen Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS41-04 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS42-08 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS43-20 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS44-22 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS45-24 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS46-28 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS47-33 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS48-39 $9.95 Barbara Allen Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS49-53 Barbarossa Band (Barnhouse) 013-0143-00AR Barbarossa Solo Tuba solo (1935 edition) (Barnhouse/arr. Buchtel) 083-0071-39 $5.00 Barbeque Ribs Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1116-00 $48.00 Barbeque Ribs Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1116-01 $7.00 Barbeque Sauce Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1088-00 $47.00 Barbeque Sauce Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1088-01 $6.00 Barber of Seville Concert Band (Rossini/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0897-00 $75.00 Barber of Seville Extra condensed score (Rossini/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0897-01 Barcarolle Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS71-04 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS72-08 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS73-20 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS74-22 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS75-24 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS76-28 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS77-33 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS78-39 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS79-53 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS80-41 $10.95 Barcarolle Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Tschaikowsky/arr. Merriman) 083-3041-00 $6.00 A Bari Cool Chart! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3838-00 $48.00 A Bari Cool Chart! Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3838-01 $6.00 Bari, Bari Good! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 031-3147-00 $42.00 Bari, Bari Good! Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-3147-01 $6.00 Bari-ed Alive!! Extra full score (Sherburne) 032-4473-01 $7.00 Bari-ed Alive!! Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) 991-2016-01 032-4473-00 $48.00 Baritone Boogie Young Band (A. Clark) WFR323 011-2238-00 $50.00 Baritone Boogie Extra full score (A. Clark) 011-2238-01 The Barnard Rye Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0163-00AR $50.00 The Barnard Virginia Reel Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0165-00AR $50.00 Barnary Dance Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Spears) 111-0204-08 The Best Of James Barnes - Volume 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR860 $14.95 The Best Of James Barnes - Volume 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR862 $14.95 Barnstormers March Young Band (Orcino) WFR359 011-3721-00 $48.00 Barnstormers March Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3721-01 $6.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Concert Band (King Centennial edition) (King/arr. Glover) WFR378 012-4200-00 $68.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4200-01 $8.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4200-75 $25.00 Ensemble Saxophone choir (10 part) (King/arr. Kastens) 115-3792-00 $15.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. PT-YCB06F-01 $6.00 $48.00 $7.00 $3.50 $9.95 $50.00 $9.00 $5.00 $8.50 Page 21 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Extra full score (King/arr. Kastens) 115-3792-01 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Walking Frog Records CD WFR338 $14.95 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Concert Band (Heritage of the March edition) (King/arr. Bainum) WFR101,WFR197 012-1368-00 $60.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Extra full score (King/arr. Bainum) 012-1368-01 $6.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Bainum) 012-1368-75 $25.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Band (King) 013-0555-00 $50.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Extra condensed score (King) 013-0555-01 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Orchestra (King) 016-0454-00AR $50.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Marching Band (King/arr. Boyd) 069-1411-00AR $50.00 Barnum and Bailey's Favorite Ensemble Brass quintet (King/arr. Glover) 102-3264-00 $10.00 Barnyard Blues Young Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR355 011-3647-00 $50.00 Barnyard Blues Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 011-3647-01 The Baronet Band (King) 013-0604-00AR $50.00 Baroque Bouree String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7016-00 $40.00 Baroque Bouree Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7016-01 Baroque Fireworks Walking Frog Records CD WFR779 $14.95 Baroque for Band Young Band (Scarlatti/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1590-00 $16.00 Baroque for Band Extra score (Scarlatti/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1590-01 Baroque Music on Trombone Walking Frog Records CD WFR713 $14.95 Baroque Suite Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Handel/arr. Merriman) 083-0162-20 $10.00 Baroque Suite Solo Percussion solo - unaccompanied (Navara) 120-0176-00 $15.00 Barracuda Bay Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-1999-02 032-2987-00 $38.00 Barracuda Bay Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2987-01 $4.00 Barrage Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR370 023-3913-00 $44.00 Barrage Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 023-3913-01 $5.00 A Barrie North Celebration Concert Band (Jutras) WFR105 012-2541-00 $68.00 A Barrie North Celebration Extra full score (Jutras) 012-2541-01 $6.00 Barrier Reef Young Band (Sheldon) WFR323 011-3189-00 $48.00 Barrier Reef Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-3189-01 Barry Lyndon Theme Young Band (arr. G. Sebesky) 011-1541-00AR Barry Lyndon Theme Extra score (arr. G. Sebesky) 011-1541-01 The Bartered Bride Concert Band (Smetana/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2063-00 $95.00 The Bartered Bride Extra condensed score (Smetana/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2063-01 $10.00 Bartok for Band Young Band (Bartok/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1625-00AR $50.00 Bartok for Band Extra score (Bartok/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1625-01AR Bartok for Brass Ensemble Brass sextet (Bartok/arr. Siekmann) 103-0148-00 $12.50 Bartok for Trombones Ensemble Trombone quartet (Bartok/arr. Siekmann) 101-0198-33 $15.00 Bas - Bleu Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Guentzel) 112-0067-00AR $18.00 Basic Afro-Cuban Rhythm Walking Frog Records DVD WFR749 $19.95 Basic Music Theory for the Beginning Band Student Book - Text (Campise) 073-1986-00AR $38.00 Basically Bossa Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black) 039-2338-00 $36.00 Basically Bossa Extra full score (Bellson & Black) 039-2338-01 $3.00 Basin Street Barbeque Young Band (Rowe) WFR357 025-3734-00 $50.00 Basin Street Barbeque Extra full score (Rowe) 025-3734-01 Basin Street Parade Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB138-00 Basin Street Parade Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB138-01 Bass Hits: Eric Ewazen Music Walking Frog Records CD WFR697 $14.95 Basses On A Rampage Concert Band (Huffine/arr. Glover) WFR378 012-4201-00 $68.00 Basses On A Rampage Extra full score (Huffine/arr. Glover) 012-4201-01 $7.00 Basses On A Rampage Oversized spiral-bound score (Huffine/arr. Glover) 012-4201-75 $25.00 Basses on a Rampage Band (Huffine) 014-0046-00AR $50.00 Basses on a Rampage Extra condensed score (Huffine) 014-0046-01 Bassoon Brasileiro Walking Frog Records CD WFR780 $14.95 The Basso's Pride Band (Cruse/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0014-00AR $50.00 The Bastinado Band (Alexander) 013-0398-00AR $50.00 The Baton Twirler Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3681-00 $60.00 Batter Up! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR374 023-4007-00 $42.00 Batter Up Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4007-01 $6.00 Battle Hymn Epic Young Band (Loest) WFR195 011-3090-00 $45.00 Battle Hymn Epic Extra full score (Loest) 011-3090-01 $5.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic Young Band (arr. A. Clark) 015-2410-00 $34.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 015-2410-01 $4.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2.50 $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $4.00 Page 22 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Battle Hymn of the Republic Marching Band (arr. Edmondson) 050-1849-00AR $60.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 069-1732-00AR $60.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic Concert Band (arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7809-00 $75.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic (arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7809-01 $15.00 Battle Hymn of the Republic (arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7809-75 $30.00 The Battle of Manila Band (Barnhouse) 013-0175-00AR $50.00 The Battle of Manila Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0019-00AR $50.00 The Battle of Manila Vocal Vocal solo (Barnhouse & Ennis) 021-7082-00AR $10.00 Battle of San Juan Hill Concert Band (Sweet) BOV-S2015-00 $75.00 Battle of San Juan Hill Extra condensed score (Sweet) BOV-S2015-01 $9.00 The Battle of Shiloh Concert Band (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) WFR325 012-1853-00AR $90.00 The Battle of Shiloh Extra full score (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) 012-1853-01AR $7.00 The Battle of Shiloh Band (Barnhouse) 013-0001-00AR $50.00 The Battle of Shiloh Band (Barnhouse) WFR361 013-0930-00AR $50.00 Battle Royal Band (Jewell) WFR197,WFR361 013-0419-00AR $50.00 The Battle Song Of Liberty Concert Band (arr. Hildreth) BOV-S3380-00 $60.00 Battleship California Concert Band (Crosby) BOV-S3216-00 $60.00 Battleship Maine Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3661-00 $60.00 Bavarian Horn Walking Frog Records CD WFR671 $14.95 Bay State Concert Band (Holt) BOV-S2121-00 $65.00 Bay State Extra condensed score (Holt) BOV-S2121-01 Bayou Belle Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0256-00 Bayou Belle Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0256-01 $3.50 Bayport Sketch Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 8-9 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0171-00 $20.00 Bayport Sketch Extra full score (Spears) 121-0171-01 $5.00 A Bayside Portrait Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR384 012-1775-00 $47.00 A Bayside Portrait Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-1775-01 $6.00 Baywood Overture Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-2406-00 $38.00 Baywood Overture Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2406-01 Be Bop Big Band Walking Frog Records CD WFR656 $14.95 Be Nimble, Jack Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0126-00AR $60.00 Be Nimble, Jack Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0126-01AR Be Still, My Soul Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR389 012-4495-00 Be Still, My Soul Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-4495-01 $8.00 Be Still, My Soul Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. Swearingen) 012-4495-75 $25.00 Be Still, My Soul Young Band (arr. R.W. Smith) WFR370 023-3906-00 $42.00 Be Still, My Soul Extra full score (arr. R.W. Smith) 023-3906-01 Beachcomber Walking Frog Records CD WFR267 $14.95 Beacon Hill Young Band (Forsblad) 029-1623-00AR $50.00 Beacon Hill Extra score (Forsblad) 029-1623-01AR Beale Street Boogie Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2379-00 Beale Street Boogie Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2379-01 The Bear Cat Band (Huffine) 013-0761-00AR $50.00 The Bear Cat Orchestra (Huffine) 016-0320-00AR $50.00 The Beau Ideal Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3693-00 $60.00 Beau Monde, Le Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S3803-00 $60.00 Beautiful Galatea Concert Band (Suppe/arr. T. Rollinson) BOV-S2014-00 $70.00 Beautiful Savior Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR329 012-3310-00 $60.00 Beautiful Savior Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3310-01 $6.00 Be-Bop Sha-Bam Jazz Ensemble (Lawn) 032-0159-00 $22.00 Be-Bop Sha-Bam Extra full score (Lawn) 032-0159-01 $3.00 Because I Said So Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2016-01 032-4464-00 $48.00 Because I Said So Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4464-01 $7.00 Been Alone Too Long Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2000-02 032-3037-00 $65.00 Been Alone Too Long Extra full score (Stack) 032-3037-01 $6.00 Beep Beep! Young Band (Frank) WFR386 011-4350-00 $52.00 Beep Beep! Extra full score (Frank) 011-4350-01 Beethoven's Fifth Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1469-00AR $60.00 Before The Mast Concert Band (arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3439-00 $60.00 Before We Say Goodbye Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02,WFR347 032-3191-00 $40.00 Before We Say Goodbye Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3191-01 $5.00 Beginning Electric Bass Walking Frog Records DVD WFR747 $9.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $21.00 $4.00 $6.00 $74.00 $5.00 $6.00 $28.00 $3.00 $7.00 Page 23 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Beguine on a Brazilian Folk Song Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7810-00 $70.00 Beguine on a Brazilian Folk Song (C. T. Smith) CTS-7810-01 $12.00 Beguine on a Brazilian Folk Song (C. T. Smith) CTS-7810-75 $25.00 Belford's Carnival Band (1897 edition) (Alexander) 013-0141-00AR $50.00 Belford's Carnival Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR361 013-0863-00 $25.00 Belford's Carnival Orchestra (Alexander) 016-0024-00AR $50.00 Belford's Carnival Piano Solo (Alexander) 017-0014-00AR $10.00 Believe Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2013-01 032-4198-00 $45.00 Believe Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4198-01 Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms Concert Band (T. Moore/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0581-00 Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms Extra condensed score (T. Moore/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0581-01 $7.00 Bella figlia del amore Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0125-00 $75.00 Bella figlia del amore Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0125-01 $9.00 Belle Isle Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3682-00 $60.00 Belle Isle Band (King) 013-0535-00AR $50.00 Belle Isle Orchestra (King) 016-0210-00AR $50.00 The Belle Of Chicago Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3694-00 $60.00 The Belle Of Chicago Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3694-01 $6.00 Belle Of Indiana Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3639-00 $60.00 Belle Of Pittsburg Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3350-00 $60.00 Belle of the West Concert Band (Liberati/arr. Rose) BOV-S2165-00 $50.00 Bells! Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR362 023-3867-00 $44.00 Bells! Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3867-01 $5.00 Bells of Christmas Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB27-00 $50.00 Bells of Christmas Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB27F-01 The Bells of Christmas Concert Band (Longfield) WFR335 012-3233-00 The Bells of Christmas Extra full score (Longfield) 012-3233-01 Ben Bolt Concert Band (Kneass/arr. E. S. Williams) BOV-S0802-00 $55.00 Ben Bolt Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3695-00 $60.00 Ben Buxton's Two Step Band (Barnhouse) 013-0200-00AR $50.00 Ben Buxton's Two Step Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0028-00AR $50.00 Ben Buxton's Two Step Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0018-00AR $10.00 Bendemeer's Stream Young Band (arr. Henderson) 011-1357-00AR $60.00 Bendemeer's Stream Extra score (arr. Henderson) 011-1357-01AR $5.00 Bendemeer's Stream Concert Band (Gatty/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0624-00 $65.00 Bendemeer's Stream Extra condensed score (Gatty/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0624-01 Beneath An Orange Moon Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2005-01,WFR347 032-3424-00 Beneath An Orange Moon Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3424-01 Beneath The Southern Cross Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0793-00 Beneath The Southern Cross Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0793-01 $9.00 Beneath Thy Window Concert Band (DiCapua/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0769-00 $50.00 Benedictus Band (Cherubini/arr. von Lenz) 013-0289-00AR $50.00 Benjamin Franklin and the Art of Music Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR373 012-4022-00 $72.00 Benjamin Franklin and the Art of Music Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4022-01 $7.00 Bennington Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1628-00 $18.00 Bennington Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1628-01AR $6.00 Berkeley Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1138-00AR $50.00 Berkshire Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-2011-00 $56.00 Berkshire Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-2011-01 $5.00 Best Bet Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0353-00 $45.00 Best Bet Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0353-01 $3.50 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Conductor book (Swearingen) 071-1999-01 $14.95 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Flute/Piccolo book (Swearingen) 071-1999-04AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Bb Clarinet book (Swearingen) 071-1999-08 $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Alto Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 071-1999-20AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Tenor Saxophone/Baritone TC book (Swearingen) 071-1999-22AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 071-1999-23AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 1st Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-1999-24AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 2nd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-1999-25 $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 3rd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-1999-26AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 F Horns book (Swearingen) 071-1999-28AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Eb Horns book (Swearingen) 071-1999-32 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $60.00 $8.00 $65.00 $6.00 $8.00 $42.00 $6.00 $75.00 $2.00 Page 24 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 1st Trombone book (Swearingen) 071-1999-33 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 2nd Trombone book (Swearingen) 071-1999-34AR Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Baritone BC book (Swearingen) 071-1999-38 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Tuba book (Swearingen) 071-1999-39AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Electric bass book (Swearingen) 071-1999-40AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Snare Drum book (Swearingen) 071-1999-41AR $10.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Mallets book (Swearingen) 071-1999-42 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Drum set book (Swearingen) 071-1999-44AR Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Cymbals book (Swearingen) 071-1999-47 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Tri Toms book (Swearingen) 071-1999-48 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 1 Bass Drum book (Swearingen) 071-1999-49 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Conductor book (Swearingen) 071-2295-01 $14.95 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Flute/Piccolo book (Swearingen) 071-2295-04 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Bb Clarinet book (Swearingen) 071-2295-08 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Alto Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 071-2295-20 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Tenor Saxophone/Baritone TC book (Swearingen) 071-2295-22 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 071-2295-23 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 1st Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-2295-24 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 2nd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-2295-25 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 3rd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Swearingen) 071-2295-26 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 F Horns book (Swearingen) 071-2295-28 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Eb Horns book (Swearingen) 071-2295-32 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 1st Trombone book (Swearingen) 071-2295-33 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 2nd Trombone book (Swearingen) 071-2295-34 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Baritone BC book (Swearingen) 071-2295-38 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Tuba book (Swearingen) 071-2295-39 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Electric bass book (Swearingen) 071-2295-40AR Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Snare Drum book (Swearingen) 071-2295-41 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Mallets book (Swearingen) 071-2295-42 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Drum set book (Swearingen) 071-2295-44 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Cymbals book (Swearingen) 071-2295-47 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Tri Toms book (Swearingen) 071-2295-48 $2.00 Best Sellers for Pep Band No. 2 Bass Drum book (Swearingen) 071-2295-49 Bette Davis Eyes Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB101-00 Bette Davis Eyes Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB101-01 The Better Half Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0085-00 The Better Half Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0085-01 $2.50 Beyond the Breaking Tides Concert Band (Earl) WFR341 012-3482-00 $72.00 Beyond the Breaking Tides Extra full score (Earl) 012-3482-01 $8.00 Beyond the Breaking Tides Oversized spiral-bound score (Earl) 012-3482-75 $30.00 Beyond The Breaking Tides Walking Frog Records CD WFR341 $14.95 Beyond the Cosmos Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR385 012-4395-00 $78.00 Beyond the Cosmos Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4395-01 $8.00 Beyond the Cosmos Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4395-75 $25.00 Beyond the Darkness Young Band (Swearingen) WFR380 011-4161-00 $52.00 Beyond the Darkness Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-4161-01 Beyond the End of the Century Walking Frog Records CD WFR711 $14.95 Beyond the Gates Band (Russell) 013-0771-00AR $50.00 Beyond the Higher Skies Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR191,WFR315 012-2971-00 $68.00 Beyond the Higher Skies Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2971-01 Beyond the Higher Skies Walking Frog Records CD WFR191 $14.95 Beyond the Highlands Young Band (Yeo) WFR351 011-3607-00 $45.00 Beyond the Highlands Extra full score (Yeo) 011-3607-01 $6.00 Beyond the Horizon Concert Band (Behrman) WFR322 012-3206-00 $68.00 Beyond the Horizon Extra full score (Behrman) 012-3206-01 Beyond the Horizon Walking Frog Records CD WFR322 $14.95 Beyond the Rockies Band (English) 013-0339-00AR $50.00 Beyond the Stars Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 015-3552-00 $40.00 Beyond the Stars Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3552-01 Beyond The Stars Walking Frog Records CD WFR342 $14.95 Beyond the Summit Concert Band (Barnes) WFR388 012-4440-00 $84.00 Beyond the Summit Extra full score (Barnes) 012-4440-01 $8.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $50.00 $5.00 $11.00 $7.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 25 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Beyond the Summit Oversized spiral-bound score (Barnes) 012-4440-75 $25.00 Beyond The Summit Walking Frog Records CD WFR388 $14.95 Beyond The Western Sky Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR384 012-4343-00 $78.00 Beyond The Western Sky Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4343-01 $10.00 Beyond The Western Sky Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4343-75 $30.00 Bi-Centennial Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3606-00 $60.00 Big Al's Boogie Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2000-02 032-3086-00 $60.00 Big Al's Boogie Extra full score (Spera) 032-3086-01 $6.00 Big Bad Boogie Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 031-3184-00 $42.00 Big Bad Boogie Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3184-01 Big Band Bossa Nova Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1302-00AR $50.00 Big Band Cavalcade Concert Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR358 012-2560-00 $55.00 Big Band Cavalcade Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 012-2560-01 $4.50 The Big Band Theory Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2015-01 032-4348-00 $48.00 The Big Band Theory Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4348-01 $7.00 Big Beat Boogie Young Band (J. Williams) WFR342 015-3088-00 $38.00 Big Beat Boogie Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-3088-01 $4.00 Big Brass Attack Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1918-00 $33.00 The Big Cage Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR332,WFR366 012-3247-00 $65.00 The Big Cage Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-3247-01 The Big Cage Band (King) WFR174,WFR197 014-0117-00AR The Big Cage Extra condensed score (King) 014-0117-01 The Big Casino Concert Band (Rogers) BOV-S3630-00 $60.00 Big Daddy's Blues Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 032-3154-00 $45.00 Big Daddy's Blues Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3154-01 $6.00 Big Dipper Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1078-00 $50.00 Big Dipper Extra full score (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1078-01 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 1st Bb Cornet book (Barnard) 073-6018-24AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 2nd Bb Cornet book (Barnard) 073-6018-25AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 3rd Bb Cornet book (Barnard) 073-6018-26AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 4th Bb Cornet book (Barnard) 073-6018-27AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 1st Trombone BC book (Barnard) 073-6018-33AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 2nd Trombone BC book (Barnard) 073-6018-34AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 1st Trombone TC book (Barnard) 073-6018-67AR $10.00 Big Four Collection of Cornet Quartettes 2nd Trombone TC book (Barnard) 073-6018-68AR $10.00 Big Four Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR325 012-3177-00 $60.00 Big Four Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3177-01 Big Four Band (King) 013-1258-00AR Big Four Extra condensed score (King) 013-1258-01 $4.00 The Big Leagues Jazz Ensemble (S. Barbieri) SCM-1038-00 $47.00 The Big Leagues Extra full score SCM-1038-01 Big Mama Cass Jazz Ensemble (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) WFR178,WFR179 032-2426-00AR Big Mama Cass Extra full score (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2426-01AR Big Rock Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2429-00 $30.00 Big Sur Overture Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1695-00 $20.00 Big Sur Overture Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1695-01 The Big Surprise Young Band (G. Sebesky) 010-2080-00AR The Big Surprise Extra score (G. Sebesky) 010-2080-01 Big Swing Face Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC128-00 Big Swing Face Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC128-01 $5.00 Big Thunder Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3273-00 $60.00 Big Time Boogie Young Band (Washburn) 015-2638-00 $25.00 Big Time Boogie Extra full score (Washburn) 015-2638-01 Bigfoot Marching Band (K. Harris) MB144 $50.00 Bill Bailey Young Band (Cannon/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2009-00 $21.00 Bill Bailey Extra score (Cannon/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2009-01 Bill Bailey Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) MB116 $50.00 Bill Bailey Just Won't Come Home Young Band (Neeck) WFR323 011-3202-00 $45.00 Bill Bailey Just Won't Come Home Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3202-01 $6.00 The Billboard Concert Band (Klohr/arr. Glover) WFR376 012-4101-00 $68.00 The Billboard Extra full score (Klohr/arr. Glover) 012-4101-01 $7.00 The Billboard Oversized spiral-bound score (Klohr/arr. Glover) 012-4101-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $65.00 $6.00 $60.00 $8.00 $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $50.00 $3.50 $3.00 Page 26 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Billboard Ensemble Brass quintet (Klohr/arr. Glover) 102-3263-00 $10.00 The Billboard Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3409-00 $60.00 Billee Taylor Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3607-00 $60.00 Binn's March Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3138-00 $60.00 The Bionic Elephant Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0104-00AR $50.00 The Bionic Elephant Extra score (Lowden) 032-0104-01AR Bird Songs Walking Frog Records CD WFR616 Birdland Extra score (Zawinul/arr. Lowden) 038-0206-01 Birth Of Dawn Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S2167-00 Birth Of Dawn Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S2167-01 $8.00 Bisham Grange Overture Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-1745-00AR $80.00 Bisham Grange Overture Extra score (Cacavas) 012-1745-01AR A Bit Of Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0117-00 A Bit Of Extra score (Lowden) 031-0117-01 $3.00 Bittersweet Romance Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2915-00 $36.00 Bittersweet Romance Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2915-01 Black and Gold Band (King) 014-0154-00AR $50.00 Black Dog Walking Frog Records CD WFR773 $14.95 The Black Eagles Young Band (J. Bell) WFR377 011-4123-00 $50.00 The Black Eagles Extra full score (J. Bell) 011-4123-01 Black Gold Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MCE111-00 Black Gold Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MCE111-01 $5.00 Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1407-00AR $50.00 Black Jack Concert Band (Huffer) BOV-S3386-00 $60.00 The Black Man Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0857-00 $75.00 The Black Man Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0857-01 $9.00 The Black Mascotte Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S3804-00 $60.00 The Black Sport Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3139-00 $60.00 Black Watch Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7811-00 $70.00 Black Watch (C. T. Smith) CTS-7811-01 $12.00 Black Watch (C. T. Smith) CTS-7811-75 $25.00 The Blarney Stone Young Band (arr. Forsblad & Livingston) 011-1399-00 $12.00 The Blarney Stone Extra score (arr. Forsblad & Livingston) 011-1399-01AR Blast! VHS tape (VHS) WFR590 $19.95 Blast! Walking Frog Records DVD (DVD) WFR591 $24.95 Blaze Away! Concert Band (Holzmann) BOV-S3382-00 $60.00 Blaze Of Honor Concert Band (Lincoln) BOV-S3457-00 $60.00 Blaze the Trail Concert Band (Galvin) WFR389 012-4441-00 $74.00 Blaze the Trail Extra full score (Galvin) 012-4441-01 $10.00 Blaze the Trail Oversized spiral-bound score (Galvin) 012-4441-75 $30.00 Blaze The Trail Walking Frog Records CD WFR389 $14.95 Blazing Fury Young Band (Shaffer) WFR175 011-2862-00AR $60.00 Blazing Fury Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2862-01AR Blazon! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR386 023-4364-00 Blazon! Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4364-01 Bleacher Boogie Blues Marching Band (A. Clark) MB106 $50.00 Bleacher Features Set #1 Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB110-00 $50.00 Bleacher Features Set #1 Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB110-01 $5.00 Bleacher Features Set #2 Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB111-00 $50.00 Bleacher Features Set #2 Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB111-01 $5.00 Bleacher Features Set #3 Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB115-00 $50.00 Bleacher Features Set #3 Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB115-01 $5.00 Blennerhassett Concert Band (Arnold) BOV-S3038-00 $60.00 Blessed Assurance Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC140-00 $50.00 Blessed Assurance Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC140-01 Blessings of Liberty Young Band (K. Harris) CB240 Blessings of Liberty extra score (K. Harris) CB240-01 Blessings of Liberty Marching Band (K. Harris) MB185 $50.00 Bling Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1058-00 $47.00 Bling Extra full score SCM-1058-01 $6.00 Blood Lillies Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3003-00 $60.00 Blue Concert Band (arr. Lake) BOV-S3416-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $14.95 $2.50 $65.00 $7.00 $13.00 $4.00 $7.00 $50.00 $5.00 $8.00 $42.00 $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 Page 27 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Blue Concert Band (R. W. Smith) RWS-1503-00 $60.00 Blue Extra full score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1503-01 $10.00 Blue Oversized, spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1503-75 $25.00 Blue and White Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1180-00AR $50.00 Blue Bones Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177,991-2007-02 032-2268-00 $40.00 Blue Bones Extra full score (Spera) 032-2268-01 $6.00 Blue Brass Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2003-02 032-3290-00 $45.00 Blue Brass Extra full score (Spera) 032-3290-01 Blue Danube Waltzes Orchestra (Strauss/arr. Barnard) 016-0428-00AR $50.00 Blue Devil Mounties Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1173-00AR $50.00 Blue Diamond Polka Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB151-00 $45.00 Blue Diamond Polka Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB151-01 $5.00 The Blue Flag Concert Band (Jacobs-Bond/arr. Klickmann) BOV-S3069-00 $60.00 Blue Flame Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0712-00 $65.00 Blue Flame Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0712-01 Blue Hue Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2005-01 032-3440-00 Blue Hue Extra full score (Spera) 032-3440-01 The Blue Label Band (Kiefer) 013-0194-00AR $50.00 Blue Lake Reflections Young Band (Huckeby) WFR103 011-2077-00 $36.00 Blue Lake Reflections Extra score (Huckeby) 011-2077-01 $5.00 Blue Lake Reflections Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4511-00 $50.00 Blue Lake Reflections Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4511-01 $6.00 Blue Midnight Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02,WFR346 031-3118-00 $48.00 Blue Midnight Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3118-01 $7.00 Blue Monday Jazz Ensemble (Boardman) 035-0119-00 $14.00 Blue Monday Extra score (Boardman) 035-0119-01 Blue Plate Special Walking Frog Records CD WFR643 $14.95 The Blue Ribbon Band (Alexander) 013-0847-00AR $50.00 Blue Ridge Saga Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2303-00 $65.00 Blue Ridge Saga Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2303-01 $8.00 Blue Ridge Saga Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-2303-75 $25.00 Blue Shades Walking Frog Records CD WFR478 $14.95 Blue Suede Sneakers Young Band (Molter) 015-3016-00 $38.00 Blue Suede Sneakers Extra full score (Molter) 015-3016-01 $4.00 Blue Tapestry Ensemble Woodwind trio (F. McKay) 110-0072-00 $8.50 Blue Tapestry Ensemble Clarinet trio (F. McKay) 110-0072-08 Blues At First Sight Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB134-00 Blues At First Sight Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB134-01 $6.00 Blues 101 Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB206-00 $40.00 Blues 101 Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB206-01 Blues Bari Pie Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3369-00 Blues Bari Pie Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3369-01 $6.00 Blues Be King! Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2016-01 032-4476-00 $48.00 Blues Be King! Extra full score (Stanton) 032-4476-01 The Blues Bells of Scotland Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1478-00AR The Blues Bells of Scotland Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1478-01AR Blues Dance Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1059-00 Blues Dance Extra full score SCM-1059-01 $6.00 Blues Down Below Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) WA-MS111-00 $50.00 Blues Down Below Extra score (Steinberg) WA-MS111-01 $6.00 Blues For B Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SB534-00 $45.00 Blues For B Extra score (Gingery) WA-SB534-01 Blues For Bart Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB188-00 Blues For Bart Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB188-01 $6.00 Blues for Big E Jazz Ensemble (Wilkins) 032-0154-00AR $50.00 Blues for Big E Extra full score (Wilkins) 032-0154-01 $3.00 Blues for Buster Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2003-01 031-3289-00 $40.00 Blues for Buster Extra full score (Molter) 031-3289-01 $6.00 Blues for JD and the Gang Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1042-00 $47.00 Blues for JD and the Gang Extra full score SCM-1042-01 $6.00 Blues for Miles Jazz Ensemble (Hubbard/arr. Carubia) SCM-1100-00 $50.00 Blues for Miles Extra full score (Hubbard/arr. Carubia) SCM-1100-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $8.00 $50.00 $7.00 $3.00 $8.50 $40.00 $6.00 $42.00 $7.00 $50.00 $5.00 $47.00 $6.00 $40.00 Page 28 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Blues for Mr. Mellow Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-0394-00 $50.00 Blues for Mr. Mellow Extra full score (Spera) 032-0394-01 $6.00 Blues Is My Favorite Color Young Band (Jazz for Developing CBs) (P. Clark) WFR355 025-3597-00 $50.00 Blues Is My Favorite Color Extra full score (P. Clark) 025-3597-01 $6.00 Blues Is My Favorite Color Jazz Ensemble (Jazz ensemble) (P. Clark) 031-2528-00 $48.00 Blues Is My Favorite Color Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2528-01 Blues March Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1744-00AR $50.00 Blues 'N Bop Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-MS113-00 $50.00 Blues 'N Bop Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MS113-01 $6.00 Blues 'n Brass Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1289-00AR $50.00 Blues Reunion Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-SB546-00 $50.00 Blues Reunion Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-SB546-01 A Blues to Blow On Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2354-00 A Blues to Blow On Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2354-01 $5.00 The Blues! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR360 023-3776-00 $40.00 The Blues! Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-3776-01 $5.00 Bluesberry Jam String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2166-00 $40.00 Bluesberry Jam Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2166-01 $6.00 Bluesette Marching Band (Gimbel & Thielmans/arr. Downey) 052-1833-00 $32.00 Bluff Creek Woman Marching Band (K. Harris) MB135 $50.00 Bluin' the Blues Young Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR333 011-3382-00 $45.00 Bluin' the Blues Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 011-3382-01 Bob Burdette Band (Barnhouse) 013-0011-00AR $50.00 Bob's Folly Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0031-00AR $50.00 Bob's Folly Extra score (Lowden) 049-0031-01AR $4.00 Bocadia Band (Casto) 013-0433-00AR $50.00 The Bodyguard Concert Band (Sherman) BOV-S3676-00 $60.00 Boheme, La Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1138-00 $85.00 Boheme, La Extra condensed score (Puccini/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1138-01 $10.00 Bohemian Girl Band (Balfe/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0334-00AR $50.00 Bohemian Girl, The Concert Band (Balfe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0740-00 $65.00 Bohemian Girl, The Extra condensed score (Balfe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0740-01 $8.00 Bohemian Girl, The Concert Band (Balfe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S0952-00 $75.00 Bohemian Girl, The Extra condensed score (Balfe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S0952-01 $9.00 Bold Front Concert Band (Seltzer) BOV-S3674-00 $60.00 Bolero Africana Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 011-3288-00 $42.00 Bolero Africana Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3288-01 Bolero Boogie Marching Band (A. Clark) MB140 $50.00 Bolivar Band (King) 014-0045-00AR $50.00 Bolivar (King) 014-0045-01 Bombardier Band (King) 013-1214-00AR Bombardier Extra condensed score (King) 013-1214-01 Bombasto Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3232-00 $60.00 Bombasto Concert Band (Farrar/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7812-00 $80.00 Bombasto (Farrar/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7812-01 $15.00 Bombasto (Farrar/arr. C. T. Smith) CTS-7812-75 $25.00 The Bombers Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1074-00 $47.00 The Bombers Extra full score SCM-1074-01 Bombshell Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1176-00AR $50.00 Bon Bons Walking Frog Records CD WFR465 $14.95 Bon Voyage Band (King) 013-0613-00AR $50.00 Bonds of Unity Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR101 012-2609-00 $50.00 Bonds of Unity Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2609-01 Bonds of Unity Band (King) 013-1263-00AR Bonds of Unity Extra condensed score (King) 013-1263-01 $4.00 Bone Collection Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2008-02 032-3715-00 $55.00 Bone Collection Extra full score (Stack) 032-3715-01 Bonnie Annie Laurie Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3697-00 $60.00 Bonnie Scotland Concert Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0996-00AR $50.00 Bonnie Scotland Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-1025-00AR $50.00 A Bonny Curl Concert Band (Chadwick/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0501-00 $50.00 A Bonny Curl Extra condensed score (Chadwick/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0501-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $50.00 $7.00 Page 29 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Bonus Blues Band (Frangkiser) 014-0011-00AR $50.00 Boogie Down Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1621-00AR $50.00 Boogie Down Extra score (Swearingen) 050-1621-01AR The Boogieman Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-2199-00 The Boogieman Extra full score (Rowe) 031-2199-01 Boomerang Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB192-00 Boomerang Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB192-01 Boomerang Blues Young Band (Loest) 015-3068-00 Boomerang Blues Extra full score (Loest) 015-3068-01 The Boomerang Concert Band (Lithgow) BOV-S3502-00 $60.00 Boomtown Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0108-00AR $50.00 Boomtown Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0108-01AR Booster Boys Band (Jewell) 013-0652-00 Booster Boys Extra condensed score (Jewell) 013-0652-01 Booster Boys Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0003-00AR $50.00 Booster Club Band (LaRue) 013-0362-00AR $50.00 The Booster Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3417-00 $60.00 Bop Do-Wop Marching Band (Barton) 058-2683-00 $35.00 Bo-Peep Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3458-00 $60.00 Boppin' In Marching Band (Kerchner/arr. Tuthill) 051-2066-00 $37.00 Boquet Des Fleurs Band (Vereecken) 013-0341-00AR $50.00 Boquet Des Fleurs Band (Cor., Trom. Or Bar. Solo) (Vereecken) 013-0345-00AR $50.00 Boquet Des Fleurs Orchestra (Vereecken) 016-0096-00AR $50.00 Borderline Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0266-00 $29.00 Borderline Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0266-01 Borealis Live Walking Frog Records CD WFR782 $14.95 Boris Godunov Marching Band (Moussorgsky/arr. Langford) 029-1514-00AR $50.00 Born To Bop Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SB543-00 $45.00 Born To Bop Extra score (Gingery) WA-SB543-01 Boss Sauce Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-2200-00 Boss Sauce Extra full score (Rowe) 031-2200-01 $3.00 Boss Talk Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 991-2006-01 031-0191-00 $42.00 Boss Talk Extra full score (Swearingen) 031-0191-01 $3.50 Bossa Festival Young Band (Lowden) 011-1906-00 $22.00 Bossa Festival Extra score (Lowden) 011-1906-01 $3.00 Bossa Novacaine Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (T. Davis) WFR188 121-0153-00 $12.00 Bossa Sin Nombre Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SC101-00 $30.00 Bossa Sin Nombre Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SC101-01 $5.00 Boston Commandery Concert Band (Carter) BOV-S3127-00 $60.00 Boston Post 200, G. A. R. Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3204-00 $60.00 Bottom Line Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 030-2203-00 $42.00 Bottom Line Extra full score (A. Clark) 030-2203-01 Bottom's Up Blues Young Band (Schaeffer) 029-1589-00AR Bottom's Up Blues Extra score (Schaeffer) 029-1589-01AR $6.00 Bottom's Up! Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB154-00 $40.00 Bottom's Up! Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB154-01 $6.00 Bouree and Menuet Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Hasse/arr. Ayres) 082-0114-13 Bower City Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0499-00AR $50.00 The Boy Scouts Band (Jewell) 013-0562-00AR $50.00 The Boy Scouts Of America Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3698-00 $60.00 The Boy Scouts Of America Extra Piano Conductor Score (Sousa) BOV-S3698-01 $6.00 The Boys Are Marching Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MFP108-00 $40.00 The Boys Are Marching Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MFP108-01 $5.00 The Boys in Purple Band (Kooyman) 013-0882-00AR $50.00 The Boys in Purple Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0392-00AR $50.00 The Boys of the Old Brigade Concert Band (Chambers/arr. Glover) WFR381 012-4301-00 $65.00 The Boys of the Old Brigade Extra full score (Chambers/arr. Glover) 012-4301-01 $8.00 The Boys of the Old Brigade Oversized spiral-bound score (Chambers/arr. Glover) 012-4301-75 $25.00 The Boys of the Old Brigade Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3140-00 $60.00 A Brahms Festival Concert Band (Arr. J. Taylor) WA-FCB172-00 $45.00 A Brahms Festival Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB172-01 Brahms, Scriabin & Prokofieff Walking Frog Records CD WFR448 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $29.00 $3.00 $40.00 $6.00 $38.00 $4.00 $6.00 $25.00 $4.00 $3.50 $6.00 $29.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $5.00 $14.95 Page 30 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Brandenburgsche Mars, De Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. Britzke) BOV-S3778-00 $60.00 Brandenburgsche Mars, De Extra full score (R. Strauss/arr. Britzke) BOV-S3778-01 Brandon Bay Young Band (Huckeby) WFR130 011-2482-00 Brandon Bay Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2482-01 $6.00 Brandon Bay Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4130-00 $50.00 Brandon Bay Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4130-01 $6.00 Brass Attack Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2010-01 032-3940-00 $48.00 Brass Attack Extra full score (Barton) 032-3940-01 Brass Choir No. 1 Conductor book 074-1961-01AR Brass Choir No. 1 1st Bb Cornet book 074-1961-24 $3.00 Brass Choir No. 1 2nd Bb Cornet book 074-1961-25 $3.00 Brass Choir No. 1 F Horn book 074-1961-28 Brass Choir No. 1 Trombone book 074-1961-33AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 1 Baritone TC Book 074-1961-37AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 1 Baritone BC Book 074-1961-38AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 1 Tuba book 074-1961-39AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 2 Conductor book 074-1962-01AR $25.00 Brass Choir No. 2 1st Bb Cornet book 074-1962-24 Brass Choir No. 2 2nd Bb Cornet book 074-1962-25AR Brass Choir No. 2 F Horn book 074-1962-28 Brass Choir No. 2 Trombone book 074-1962-33AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 2 Baritone TC Book 074-1962-37AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 2 Baritone BC Book 074-1962-38AR $15.00 Brass Choir No. 2 Tuba book 074-1962-39 $3.00 Brass in the Basement Young Band (Neeck) WFR363 011-3843-00 $48.00 Brass in the Basement Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3843-01 $6.00 Brass Roots Jazz Ensemble (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) WFR179 032-2348-00 $37.00 Brass Roots Extra full score (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2348-01 Brass Roots Marching Band (Sebesky/arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1605-00AR $50.00 Brass Stampede Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0115-00AR $50.00 Brass Up Front Marching Band (K. Harris) MB174 $50.00 Brava Walking Frog Records CD WFR606 $14.95 Bravada Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB122-00 $45.00 Bravada Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB122-01 $5.00 Bravada Espirit Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1776-00AR $80.00 Bravada Espirit Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1776-01AR $10.00 Bravado Marching Band (Kerchner/arr. Tuthill) 052-2061-00 $37.00 Bravio! Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2611-00 $30.00 Bravura! Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3328-01 $7.00 Bravura! Young Band (Neeck) WFR333,WFR353 011-3328-00 $48.00 Bravura! Walking Frog Records CD WFR333 $14.95 Brazelton Band (Barnhouse) 013-0007-00AR $50.00 Brazil Bound Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SC104-00 $30.00 Brazil Bound Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SC104-01 Brazil: Ceremony, Song and Samba Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR365 012-3873-00 $98.00 Brazil: Ceremony, Song and Samba Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3873-01 $10.00 Brazil: Ceremony, Song and Samba Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3873-75 $30.00 Brazilian Bell Carol Concert Band (R.W. Smith) RWS-1608-00 $75.00 Brazilian Bell Carol Extra Full Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1608-01 $10.00 Brazilian Bell Carol Oversized, Siral-bound Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1608-75 $25.00 Brazilian Pastels Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0019-00AR $50.00 Brazilian Vacation Jazz Ensemble (Iacona) SCM-1067-00 $45.00 Brazilian Vacation Extra full score SCM-1067-01 Bread Man Marching Band (K. Harris) MB134 $50.00 Break Dance Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1895-00 $19.00 Break Dance Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1895-01 Break Drums Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP105-00 Break Drums Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP105-01 $5.00 Break It Up Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB139-00 $45.00 Break It Up Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB139-01 $5.00 Break My Stride Marching Band (Kidd) WA-MB106-00 $50.00 Break My Stride Extra score (Kidd) WA-MB106-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $55.00 $7.00 $25.00 $3.00 $3.00 $15.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $6.00 $3.00 $30.00 Page 31 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Breakin' It Up Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1848-00 $32.00 Breakin' Out the Blues Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MSA110-00 $40.00 Breakin' Out the Blues Extra score (Gingery) WA-MSA110-01 $5.00 Breakout Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB130-00 $40.00 Breakout Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB130-01 Breakthrough Marching Band (Swearingen) 058-2691-00 $35.00 Breakthrough Marching Band (Swearingen) 069-1517-00AR $60.00 Breakthrough to Improv Walking Frog Records DVD WFR792 $19.95 Breathless Walking Frog Records CD WFR761 $14.95 Brentwood Pass Young Band (J. Williams) WFR183 011-2823-00AR $70.00 Brentwood Pass Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2823-01 Bridal Tour Band (Fulton) 013-0169-00AR $50.00 The Bride Elect Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0668-00 $60.00 The Bride Elect Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0668-01 $7.00 The Bride Elect Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0898-00 $75.00 The Bride Elect Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3699-00 $60.00 Bride of Kashmir Concert Band (Rubinstein/arr. Stark) BOV-S1144-00 $80.00 Bride of Kashmir Extra condensed score (Rubinstein/arr. Stark) BOV-S1144-01 $10.00 Bride of the Waves Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S1037-00 $65.00 Bride of the Waves Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S1037-01 Bridge of Dreams Concert Band (Behrman) WFR332 012-3316-00 Bridge of Dreams Extra full score (Behrman) 012-3316-01 $7.00 Bridgeview Overture Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR329 012-3279-00 $68.00 Bridgeview Overture Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3279-01 The Brigadier-General Band (King) 014-0120-00AR $50.00 Bright Eyes Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0134-00 $17.00 Bright Eyes Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0134-01 $3.00 Bring It On Home Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 032-2561-00 $34.00 Bring It On Home Extra full score (Swearingen) 032-2561-01 $3.50 Bring it On Home Marching Band (Swearingen) 052-2182-00 $50.00 Bringin' It On Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3352-00 $45.00 Bringin' It On Extra full score (Barton) 032-3352-01 $6.00 Bringin’ Down The House Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2014-01 032-4265-00 $48.00 Bringin’ Down The House Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4265-01 $7.00 Bristol Bay Legend Young Band (Sheldon) WFR363 011-2072-00 $48.00 Bristol Bay Legend Extra score (Sheldon) 011-2072-01 British Grenadiers Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2085-00 $60.00 British Grenadiers Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2137-00 $60.00 Broad Stripes and Bright Stars Concert Band (Longfield) WFR335,WFR343 012-3398-00 $72.00 Broad Stripes and Bright Stars Extra full score (Longfield) 012-3398-01 Broad Stripes and Bright Stars Walking Frog Records CD WFR343 $14.95 Broadcaster Band (Worrell) 013-0763-00AR $50.00 The Broadcaster Band (Eisenberg) 014-0102-00AR $50.00 Broadmoor Fantasie Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1642-00 $42.00 Broadmoor Fantasie Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1642-01 $5.00 Broadway One Step Concert Band (King/arr. Paynter) WFR101,WFR197 012-2484-00 $55.00 Broadway One Step Extra full score (King/arr. Paynter) 012-2484-01 Broadway One Step Band (King) 014-0002-00AR $65.00 The Broadway Tango Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Lake) BOV-S3572-00 $60.00 Broken Images Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0331-00 $26.00 Broken Images Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0331-01 Broken Promise Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0129-00AR Broken Promise Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0129-01AR $6.00 Brooke's Chicago Marine Band Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3662-00 $60.00 Brookpark Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-1727-00 $48.00 Brookpark Extra score (Swearingen) 011-1727-01 The Brookside Band (Losey) 013-0285-00AR $50.00 The Brookside Orchestra (Losey) 016-0056-00AR $50.00 Brookside Overture Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB168-00 $45.00 Brookside Overture Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB168-01 Brother Funk Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 013-1938-00 Brother Funk Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 013-1938-01AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $4.00 $8.00 $68.00 $7.00 $6.00 $7.00 $4.00 $3.50 $50.00 $3.50 $5.00 $25.00 $4.00 Page 32 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Brother John Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB149-00 $40.00 Brother John Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB149-01 Brother Ray Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3711-00 Brother Ray Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3711-01 $6.00 Brother Timothy Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-2582-00 $32.00 Brother Timothy Extra full score (Rowe) 031-2582-01 Brotherhood Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3004-00 $60.00 Brothers & Sisters Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2004-02 032-3321-00 $48.00 Brothers & Sisters Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3321-01 Brown's Autograph Polka Concert Band (Casey) BOV-S1027-00 Brown's Autograph Polka Extra condensed score (Casey) BOV-S1027-01 Brule River Celebration Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR322 012-3175-00 Brule River Celebration Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-3175-01 Brush Strokes Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black) WFR179 039-2432-00AR Brush Strokes Extra full score (Bellson & Black) 039-2432-01 $3.50 Bryce Canyon Overture Young Band (J. Williams) WFR317 011-3168-00 $48.00 Bryce Canyon Overture Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-3168-01 Bubbling Woodwinds Concert Band (Schanke) 012-1288-00AR Bubbling Woodwinds Extra score (Schanke) 012-1288-01AR $6.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-04AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-08AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-17AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-20AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-24AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-33AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-37AR $10.00 Buckboard Blues Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0097-38AR $10.00 Budget Stretching Jazz Saver Pack #1 Jazz Ensemble (Harris, Neeck, Swearingen & P. Clark) 028-4335-00 $60.00 Budget Stretching Jazz Saver Pack #1 Extra full score (Harris, Neeck, Swearingen & P. Clark) 028-4335-01 $12.00 Buffalo Bill's Equestrian March Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3141-00 $60.00 The Buffalo Flyer Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Isenman) BOV-S3459-00 $60.00 Buffalo Gap Concert Band (Henderson) WA-FCB152-00 $45.00 Buffalo Gap Extra score (Henderson) WA-FCB152-01 $5.00 The Buffalo News Concert Band (Lampe) BOV-S3434-00 $60.00 Buffalo Wings Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1051-00 $47.00 Buffalo Wings Extra full score SCM-1051-01 Buffalo Wings Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB172-00 Buffalo Wings Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB172-01 $6.00 The Buffalo Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3085-00 $60.00 Bugaloo for Brass Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1926-00 $25.00 Bugaloo for Brass Extra score (Warrington) 013-1926-01AR Bugle Boogie Blues Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR179,WFR347 032-2689-00 Bugle Boogie Blues Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2689-01 The Bugler Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3450-00 $60.00 Bugs Young Band (Shaffer) WFR344 011-3511-00 $50.00 Bugs Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3511-01 $7.00 Building the Flute Tone From the Bottom Up Book - Method/Study (Webb & Thorson) 073-2219-00 $9.95 Bulgarian Folk Dance Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7813-00 $65.00 Bulgarian Folk Dance (C. T. Smith) CTS-7813-01 $12.00 Bulgarian Folk Dance (C. T. Smith) CTS-7813-75 $25.00 Bull Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3005-00 $60.00 A Bull In A China Shop Band (G. Holmes) 013-0612-00AR $50.00 A Bull In A China Shop Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0185-00AR $50.00 Bullets and Bayonets Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3700-00 $60.00 Bull's-Eye Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-SC102-00 $30.00 Bull's-Eye Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-SC102-01 Bull's-Eye Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB148-00 Bull's-Eye Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB148-01 Bully Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 052-1672-00 $24.00 Bulow Concert Band (Blon) BOV-S3066-00 $60.00 Bumble Bee In Orbit Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1929-00 $25.00 Bumble Bee In Orbit Extra score (Warrington) 013-1929-01AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $3.50 $6.00 $65.00 $8.00 $72.00 $7.00 $60.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $40.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $4.00 Page 33 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Bump Ditty Do-Wah Marching Band (Barton) 050-2524-00 $40.00 Bunker Hill Band (King) 013-1221-00 $25.00 Bunker Hill Extra condensed score (King) 013-1221-01 $4.00 Bunker Hill Overture Young Band (Swearingen) WFR192 015-2658-00 $34.00 Bunker Hill Overture Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2658-01 Burgomaster Concert Band (Luders/arr. Mackie) BOV-S1106-00 $65.00 Burlington Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3573-00 $60.00 Burlington Band (Barnhouse) 013-0002-00AR $50.00 Burma Patrol Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR366 012-3791-00 $65.00 Burma Patrol Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3791-01 Burma Patrol Band (King) 013-1208-00AR Burma Patrol Extra condensed score (King) 013-1208-01 The Burning Of Rome Concert Band (Paull) BOV-S3558-00 $60.00 Burr's Triumphal Band (1897 edition) (Alexander) 013-0131-00AR $50.00 Burr's Triumphal Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR361 013-0861-00AR $50.00 Burst of Brass Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2641-00 $38.00 Burst of Brass Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2641-01 $4.00 Busy Woman Blues Jazz Ensemble (Siebert, Smith, Stewart & Berger) SCM-1020-00 $47.00 Busy Woman Blues Extra full score SCM-1020-01 $6.00 But For The Love Of Ireland Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR381 012-4330-00 $72.00 But For The Love Of Ireland Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4330-01 $8.00 But For The Love Of Ireland Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4330-75 $25.00 But Wait...There's More! Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB196-00 $40.00 But Wait...There's More! Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB196-01 Buzzy's Delight Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0105-00 Buzzy's Delight Extra score (Lowden) 031-0105-01 $3.00 By Dawn's Early Light Young Band (Shaffer) WFR130,WFR321 011-2668-00 $36.00 By Dawn's Early Light Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2668-01 $3.50 By Dawn's Early Light Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4227-00 $50.00 By Dawn's Early Light Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4227-01 By The Light Of The Polar Star Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0792-00 By The Light Of The Polar Star Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0792-01 By The River's Bend Concert Band (Barker) WFR105 012-2546-00 By The River's Bend Extra full score (Barker) 012-2546-01 $7.00 By the Rivers of Babylon Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR194,WFR199 012-3033-00 $72.00 By the Rivers of Babylon Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3033-01 $7.00 Caccia and Chorale Concert Band (C. Williams) WFR322 012-1441-00 $140.00 Caccia and Chorale Extra full score (C. Williams) 012-1441-01 $10.00 Caccia and Chorale Extra condensed score (C. Williams) 012-1441-02 $6.00 Caccia and Chorale Oversized spiral-bound score (C. Williams) 012-1441-75 $30.00 Caccia Caper Solo Marimba solo - unaccompanied (Spears) WFR176 120-0146-00 Cacilie Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0641-00 Cacilie Extra condensed score (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0641-01 $7.00 Caderna Concert Band (D'Arcangelo) BOV-S3006-00 $60.00 Cadets on Parade Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1114-00AR $50.00 Cadix Concert Band (Chueca & Valverde/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3202-00 $60.00 Caelestis Orchestra (Worrell) 016-0060-00AR $50.00 Cagliostro Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3608-00 $60.00 Caliente Marching Band (Metzer) 051-2068-00 $37.00 Call of Champions Young Band (Romeyn) WFR386 024-4381-00 $48.00 Call of Champions Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4381-01 $6.00 Call of Courage Young Band (Pastore) WFR336 011-3419-00 $50.00 Call of Courage Extra full score (Pastore) 011-3419-01 $7.00 Call Of Duty Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR383 023-4320-00 $44.00 Call Of Duty Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4320-01 Call of the Sea Band (Holmes & Smith) 013-0803-00AR $50.00 Call of the Sea Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0042-20AR $10.00 Call of the Sea Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0042-22AR $10.00 Call of the Sea Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0042-24AR $10.00 Call of the Sea Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0042-33AR $10.00 Call of the Sea Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0042-38AR $10.00 Call of the Sea Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0042-22AR $12.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $11.00 $6.00 $75.00 $9.00 $60.00 $4.00 $60.00 $6.00 Page 34 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Call of the Sea Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0042-25AR $12.00 Call of the Sea Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0042-33AR $12.00 Call of the Sea Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0042-38AR $12.00 Call of the Sea 093-0042-51AR $12.00 Call of the Sea Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) Ensemble Trumpet & Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0042-52AR $12.00 Call To Glory Young Band (Romeyn) WFR390 023-4446-00 $44.00 Call To Glory Extra full score (Romeyn) 023-4446-01 $6.00 Call To Victory Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR325,WFR318 012-3111-00 $60.00 Call To Victory Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3111-01 $6.00 Call To Victory Oversized score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3111-75 $25.00 Call to Victory Band (King) 013-1212-00AR $65.00 Call to Victory Extra condensed score (King) 013-1212-01 Calvary Concert Band (Paul/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0633-00 Calvary Extra condensed score (Paul/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0633-01 $8.00 Calvary Commandery Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3007-00 $60.00 Calypso Bay Young Band (Loest) WFR183 011-2779-00 $45.00 Calypso Bay Extra full score (Loest) 011-2779-01 $6.00 Calypso Bells Young Band (T. Phillips) WFR374 023-4061-00 $44.00 Calypso Bells Extra full score (T. Phillips) 023-4061-01 $6.00 Calypso Blue Jazz Ensemble (De Rosa) SCM-1039-00 $47.00 Calypso Blue Extra full score SCM-1039-01 $6.00 Calypso Bob Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2000-01,991-2000-02 032-3055-00 $45.00 Calypso Bob Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3055-01 $6.00 Calypso Carnival Young Band (Eveland) WFR323 011-3181-00 $45.00 Calypso Carnival Extra full score (Eveland) 011-3181-01 Calypso Magic Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB148-00 Calypso Magic Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB148-01 Cambrian Overture Young Band (Huckeby) CB231 Cambrian Overture extra score (Huckeby) CB231-01 Cambridge Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1950-00 Cambridge Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1950-01AR $8.00 Cameo Suite Concert Band (Root) 012-2021-00AR $75.00 Cameo Suite Extra score (Root) 012-2021-01 $6.00 Cameo Suite Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0183-00 $20.00 Camp Meetin' Concert Band (Grice) WFR364 012-3813-00 $74.00 Camp Meetin' Extra full score (Grice) 012-3813-01 Camp Meetin' String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 NLSO317 Camp Meetin' extra score (Fletcher) NLSO317-01 $5.00 Camptown Races Marching Band (arr. Metzer) 057-2037-00 $28.00 Campus Concert Collection Piccolo Db book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-03AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Flute in C book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-04AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Clarinet Eb book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-07AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 1st Bb Clarinet book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-08AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-09AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Oboe book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-15AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Bassoon book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-17AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Bb Soprano Sax book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-19AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Alto Saxophone Eb book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-20AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Bb Tenor Sax book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-22AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Baritone Saxophone Eb book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-23AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Solo Bb Cornet book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-24AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 1st Bb Cornet book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-25AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-26AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-33AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 3rd Trombone BC book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-35AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Baritone TC book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-37AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Baritone BC book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-38AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Tuba book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-39AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Drums book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-41AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection Bass Saxophone Bb book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-50AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-51AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-52AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $65.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $65.00 $7.00 $40.00 Page 35 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Campus Concert Collection 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (G. Holmes) 072-6008-66AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Flute in C book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-04AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Oboe book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-15AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Bassoon book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-17AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Saxophone Tenor Bb book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-22AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-24AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Horns F book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-28AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Trombone BC book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-33AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Drums book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-41AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Piano book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-43AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Saxophone Bass Bb & Bb Tuba TC book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-50AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra 1st Violin book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-60AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra 2nd Violin book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-61AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Viola book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-62AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Cello book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-63AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra Bass book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-64AR $10.00 Campus Concert Collection for Orchestra 3rd Violin book (G. Holmes) 074-6047-65AR $10.00 Campus Queen Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1139-00AR $50.00 Can You Feel The Beat? Jazz Ensemble (R. W. Smith) 991-2009-02 032-3868-00 $48.00 Can You Feel The Beat? Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 032-3868-01 The Canadian Patrol Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0699-00 The Canadian Patrol Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S0699-01 $8.00 Canadian Sketches Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR328 012-2274-00AR $90.00 Canadian Sketches Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2274-01 $5.00 Canal Street Commotion Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1121-00 $48.00 Canal Street Commotion Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1121-01 Can-Can Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) MB181 $50.00 Can-Can You Name These Tunes? Young Band (J. Williams) WFR192 011-3023-00 $45.00 Can-Can You Name These Tunes? Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-3023-01 $7.00 Cancion de Navidad Extra full score (arr. Neeck) 011-4038-01 $7.00 Canción de Navidad Young Band (arr. Neeck) WFR373 011-4038-00 $50.00 Candela (Homage to Hilton Ruiz) Jazz Ensemble (Katz) SCM-1057-00 $47.00 Candela (Homage to Hilton Ruiz) Extra full score SCM-1057-01 $6.00 Candleglow Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0136-00 $13.00 Candleglow Extra score (Lowden) 031-0136-01AR Candy Cane Clarinets Young Band (Orcino) WFR374 024-4046-00 Candy Cane Clarinets Extra full score (Orcino) 024-4046-01 Canhanibalmo Rag Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3574-00 $60.00 Canine Capers Suite Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0004-00 $65.00 Canine Capers Suite Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0054-00 $70.00 Cannonball Concert Band (Dalbey) BOV-S3217-00 $60.00 Cannonball Express Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2485-00 $34.00 Cannonball Express Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2485-01AR $7.00 Canoeing Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0815-00 $55.00 Canon Fire Marching Band (Pachelbel/arr. A. Clark) 058-2540-00 $50.00 Canon in D Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Pachelbel/arr. Siekmann) 111-0227-00 $10.00 Can't You Hear Me Callin' Concert Band (Roma/arr. O'Hare) BOV-S2071-00 $50.00 Canterbury Suite Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1945-00AR $90.00 Canterbury Suite Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1945-01AR $10.00 Cantica Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB140-00 $45.00 Cantica Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB140-01 Canticle of the Saints Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR350 012-3625-00 Canticle of the Saints Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3625-01 Canticles Concert Band (Spears) 029-1643-00AR $90.00 Canticles Extra score (Spears) 029-1643-01AR $20.00 Cantilena Young Band (Spears) 011-2074-00 $23.00 Cantilena Extra score (Spears) 011-2074-01AR $6.00 Cantique De Noel Young Band (Adam/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1786-00AR $50.00 Cantique De Noel Extra score (Adam/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1786-01AR Canto Walking Frog Records CD WFR767 $14.95 Canton Aero Club Band (King) 013-0444-00AR $50.00 Canton Aero Club Orchestra (King) 016-0149-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $65.00 $7.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 $5.00 $68.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 36 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Canton Halifax Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3298-00 $60.00 Canton Warren Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3233-00 $60.00 The Cantonians Band (1908 edition) (Alexander) 013-0397-00AR $50.00 The Cantonians Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0875-00AR $50.00 Cantus Jubilante Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR341 012-3536-00 $72.00 Cantus Jubilante Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3536-01 $7.00 Cantus Jubilante Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3536-75 $25.00 Canzon Seconda Ensemble Brass quartet (Frescobaldi/arr. G. Smith) 101-0170-00 $15.00 Canzona per Sonare No. 2 Ensemble Clarinet choir (Gabrielli/arr. Ayres) 114-0138-08 $12.00 Canzone Napolitane Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S2166-00 $60.00 Canzonetta Concert Band (Del Borgo) 012-1823-00 $65.00 Canzonetta Extra full score (Del Borgo) 012-1823-01 Canzonetta Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Lake) BOV-S0919-00 $55.00 Cap of Liberty Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0722-00AR $50.00 Cape Fear Chronicles Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR180,WFR315 012-2846-00 $68.00 Cape Fear Chronicles Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2846-01 Capitol City Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3460-00 Capriccio Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Weissenborn/arr. Ayres) 082-0104-13 $6.00 Capriccio Ensemble Flute trio with piano accompaniment (Walker) 110-0131-04 $15.00 Caprice Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0370-00AR $50.00 Caprice Brilliant Concert Band (Jeanjean/arr. Wall) BOV-S1089-00 $70.00 Caprice Brilliant Extra condensed score (Jeanjean/arr. Wall) BOV-S1089-01 $9.00 The Capricious Butterfly Band (G. Buglione) 013-1048-00AR $50.00 The Capricious Butterfly Orchestra (G. Buglione) 016-0492-00AR $50.00 Capriuce Elegante Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0083-24AR $10.00 Capt. Cundy's Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3609-00 $60.00 Cap't. Draper's March Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3010-00 $60.00 Capt. Folsom's Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3610-00 $60.00 Capt. McCormick's March Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3074-00 $60.00 Capt. Osterman's Band (Boyer) 013-1053-00AR $50.00 Capt. Stevensons Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3611-00 $60.00 Capt. W. J. Stannard Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3663-00 $60.00 Captain Anderson Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3073-00 $60.00 Captain Blount Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 3 players (Heney) 121-0048-00AR $15.00 Captain Courageous Young Band (Romeyn) WFR383 024-4269-00 $48.00 Captain Courageous Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4269-01 Captain Cupid Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3575-00 $60.00 Captain Easy Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0296-00 $24.00 Captain Easy Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0296-01 $6.00 Captain Video Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB121-01 $5.00 Captain Video CD (Chattaway) WA-FCB121-99 $9.95 Captain Video (includes CD) Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB121-00 $50.00 The Caravan Club Band (King) WFR361 013-0791-00 $25.00 The Caravan Club Extra condensed score (King) 013-0791-01 The Caravan Club Orchestra (King) 016-0338-00AR $50.00 Caravelle Concert Band (Forsblad) 012-1421-00 $25.00 Caravelle Extra score (Forsblad) 012-1421-01 The Cardiff Giant Band (King) 014-0028-00AR $50.00 Care Selve Concert Band (Handel/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0408-00 $70.00 Care Selve Extra condensed score (Handel/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0408-01 $8.00 Care Selve Extra full score (Handel/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0408-02 $10.00 Caribbean Dream Young Band (G. Smith) WA-CS113-00 $60.00 Caribbean Dream Extra score (G. Smith) WA-CS113-01 Caricatures Walking Frog Records CD WFR787 $14.95 Carillon Brillante Concert Band (Rhoads) 012-1546-00 $25.00 Carillon Brillante Extra score (Rhoads) 012-1546-01 $4.00 Carmela Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0104-24 $10.00 Carmela Ensemble Saxophone trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0104-20 $10.00 Carmen Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC114-00 $60.00 Carmen Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC114-01 $5.00 Carmen Famtasia Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1018-00 $90.00 Carmen Famtasia Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1018-01 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.50 $6.00 Page 37 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Carmen Waltzes Band (Rosas/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0074-00AR $50.00 Carmena Concert Band (Wilson/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0101-00 $75.00 Carmena Extra condensed score (Wilson/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0101-01 Carmina Burana Walking Frog Records CD WFR699 $14.95 Carnegie VI Walking Frog Records CD WFR692 $14.95 Carnival Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB141-00 $45.00 Carnival Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB141-01 Carnival del Soul Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 991-2015-01 032-2399-00 Carnival del Soul Extra full score (Swearingen) 032-2399-01 Carnival del Soul Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Thurston) 052-2065-00AR Carnival del Soul Extra score (Swearingen/arr. Thurston) 052-2065-01AR $6.00 Carnival of Carnivals Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0799-00 $70.00 Carnival of Carnivals Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0799-01 $9.00 Carnival of the Winged Songsters Band (Barnhouse) 013-0081-00AR $50.00 Carnival of the Winged Songsters Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. von Lenz) 016-0069-00AR $50.00 Carnival of Venice Concert Band (Arban/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0706-00 $80.00 Carnival of Venice Extra condensed score (Arban/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0706-01 $10.00 Carnival of Venice Concert Band (Emerson) BOV-S1056-00 $65.00 Carnival of Venice Extra condensed score (Emerson) BOV-S1056-01 $8.00 The Carnival of Venice Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0779-00 $65.00 The Carnival of Venice Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S0779-01 $8.00 Carnival of Venice, with Variations Concert Band (Kersson) BOV-S1039-00 $110.00 Carnival of Venice, with Variations Extra condensed score (Kersson) BOV-S1039-01 $12.00 Carnival of Venice, with Variations Concert Band (Whittier) BOV-S2162-00 $60.00 The Carnival Queen Band (Jewell) 013-0249-00AR $50.00 Caro Mio Ben Concert Band (Giordani/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0407-00 $70.00 Caro Mio Ben Extra condensed score (Giordani/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0407-01 $8.00 Caro Mio Ben Extra full score (Giordani/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0407-02 $10.00 Caro Mio Ben Concert Band (Giordani/arr. Smith) BOV-S0522-00 $55.00 Caro Mio Ben Extra condensed score (Giordani/arr. Smith) BOV-S0522-01 $7.00 Caro Nome Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0108-00 $65.00 Caro Nome Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0108-01 $8.00 A Carol Countdown Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2320-00AR $50.00 A Carol Countdown Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2320-01AR Carol of the Bells Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2012-00 032-3995-00 Carol of the Bells Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3995-01 $7.00 Carolina Legend Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-2405-00 $40.00 Carolina Legend Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2405-01 $4.00 Carolina's Majesty Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR381 012-4271-00 $78.00 Carolina's Majesty Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4271-01 $8.00 Carolina's Majesty Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4271-75 $25.00 Carrollton Band (King) 013-0442-00 $25.00 Carrollton Extra condensed score (King) 013-0442-01 Carry Me Back (to old Virginny) Jazz Ensemble (Sims) WA-SB512-00 Carry Me Back (to old Virginny) Extra score (Sims) WA-SB512-01 $6.00 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny Concert Band (Foster/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0616-00 $65.00 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny Extra condensed score (Foster/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0616-01 Carry on to Victory Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1216-00 $25.00 Cassanova Bossa Nova Jazz Ensemble (D. Black) 032-0363-00 $29.00 Cassanova Bossa Nova Extra full score (D. Black) 032-0363-01AR $6.00 Cast A Spell Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0048-00 $7.00 Cast A Spell Extra score (Martino) 049-0048-01AR $5.00 Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord Orchestra (Mendelssohn/arr. Allen) 016-0170-00AR $50.00 Castillia Band (G. Holmes) 013-1090-00AR $50.00 Castillia Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0500-00AR $50.00 Castillia Ensemble Brass sextet (G. Holmes) 103-0003-00AR $20.00 Castillia Ensemble Woodwind quintet (G. Holmes) 112-0031-00AR $18.00 Castlebrooke Overture Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7814-00 $65.00 Castlebrooke Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7814-01 $12.00 Castlebrooke Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7814-75 $25.00 Castles of Llyr Concert Band (Spears) 012-2243-00 $60.00 Castles of Llyr Extra full score (Spears) 012-2243-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $9.00 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $48.00 $4.00 $45.00 $8.00 Page 38 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Castles of Sand Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB170-00 $40.00 Castles of Sand Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB170-01 $6.00 Cat and Mice Concert Band (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0692-00 $70.00 Cat and Mice Extra condensed score (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0692-01 Catalina Caprice Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0361-00 Catalina Caprice Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0361-01AR Catch The Wind Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2011-01 032-4062-00 Catch The Wind Extra full score 032-4062-01 Caterham Concert Band (A. Williams) BOV-S3802-00 $60.00 Cathedral Echoes Band (Buchtel) 013-1127-00AR $50.00 Cathy's Theme Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB101-00 $50.00 Cathy's Theme Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB101-01 Cats' Night Out Young Band (Phillips) WFR377 011-4091-00 Cats' Night Out Extra full score (Phillips) 011-4091-01 Caucasian Sketches Concert Band (Ippolitov-Ivanov/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2125-00 $95.00 Caucasian Sketches Extra condensed score (Ippolitov-Ivanov/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2125-01 $10.00 Caught in the Act Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0342-00 $38.00 Caught in the Act Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0342-01AR Caught in the Web Jazz Ensemble (P. Lee) SCM-1036-00 Caught in the Web Extra full score SCM-1036-01 $6.00 Caution: Contents Under Pressure! Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2006-01 032-3519-00 $45.00 Caution: Contents Under Pressure! Extra full score (Barton) 032-3519-01 Cavalcade Band (G. Holmes) 013-1106-00AR $80.00 Cavaletta Band (Jewell) 013-0263-00AR $50.00 Cavalier Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1187-00AR $50.00 Cavalleria Rusticana Concert Band (Mascagni/arr. Barker) BOV-S1112-00 $95.00 Cavalleria Rusticana Extra condensed score (Mascagni/arr. Barker) BOV-S1112-01 $10.00 Cavalleria Rusticana Concert Band (Mascagni/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1113-00 $65.00 Cavalleria Rusticana Extra condensed score (Mascagni/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1113-01 $8.00 Cavalry Ensemble Sax quartet (Rodney/arr. Holmes) 111-0005-20AR $16.00 The Cavalry Wriggle Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3075-00 $60.00 C. B. Talk Jazz Ensemble (Czadek) 032-0341-00 $24.00 C. B. Talk Extra full score (Czadek) 032-0341-01 CBDNA Concert Band (D. I. Moore) 013-1330-00AR CBDNA Extra score (D. I. Moore) 013-1330-01AR Cedar Creek Sketches Young Band (Earl) WFR336 011-3433-00 Cedar Creek Sketches Extra full score (Earl) 011-3433-01 Cedar Crest Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2504-00AR Cedar Crest Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2504-01AR $6.00 Cedar Crest Overture Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-FCB203-00 $45.00 Cedar Crest Overture Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-FCB203-01 $5.00 Cedar Point Concert Band (Gingery) WA-ECB118-00 $50.00 Cedar Point Extra score (Gingery) WA-ECB118-01 Cedar River Celebration Young Band (Shaffer) WFR389 011-4452-00 Cedar River Celebration Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4452-01 C.E.K. Band (A. Buglione) 013-0317-00AR $50.00 Celebracion del Salsa Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 032-2630-00AR $50.00 Celebracion del Salsa Extra full score (Aldrich) 032-2630-01 $4.00 Celebrata Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 011-3542-00 $50.00 Celebrata Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3542-01 $6.00 Celebrate the Season Young Band (Conaway) WFR383 024-4289-00 $48.00 Celebrate the Season Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4289-01 Celebrated Minuet Concert Band (L. Bocherini/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1023-00 $50.00 Celebrated Minuet Concert Band (Paderewski/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1136-00 $60.00 Celebration and Dance Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2342-00AR $80.00 Celebration and Dance Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2342-01 $6.00 Celebration and Tribute Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR384 012-4408-00 $78.00 Celebration and Tribute Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4408-01 $8.00 Celebration and Tribute Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4408-75 $25.00 Celebration Fanfare Concert Band (Reineke) WFR358 012-3460-00 $150.00 Celebration Fanfare Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3460-01 $10.00 Celebration Fanfare Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3460-75 $30.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $9.00 $28.00 $3.50 $48.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $3.50 $80.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $52.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 39 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price A Celebration Fanfare Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR329 012-2146-00 $35.00 A Celebration Fanfare Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2146-01 $5.00 Celebration Folklorique Concert Band (Jutras) WFR367 012-3935-00 $74.00 Celebration Folklorique Extra full score (Jutras) 012-3935-01 Celebration for Band Concert Band (Palmer) 012-2062-00AR Celebration for Band Extra full score (Palmer) 012-2062-01 $8.00 Celebration for Winds and Percussion Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR191 012-3022-00 $68.00 Celebration for Winds and Percussion Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3022-01 $7.00 Celebration for Winds and Percussion Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3022-75 $25.00 Celebration for Winds and Percussion Walking Frog Records CD WFR196 $14.95 A Celebration of Hanukkah Young Band (Rowe) WFR335 011-3421-00 $45.00 A Celebration of Hanukkah Extra full score (Rowe) 011-3421-01 $6.00 A Celebration Overture Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-2735-00 $35.00 A Celebration Overture Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2735-01 Celebrations Concert Band (Huckeby) CB241 Celebrations extra score (Huckeby) CB241-01 Celebrity Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0466-00AR $50.00 Celeste Aida Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0528-00 $55.00 Celeste Aida Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0528-01 $7.00 Celestial Band Book Piccolo Db book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-03AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Flute in C book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-04AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Clarinet Eb book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-07AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-08AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-09AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Oboe book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-15AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Bassoon book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-17AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Bb Soprano Sax book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-19AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-20AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-22AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-23AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-24AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-25AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-26AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-33AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-35AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Baritone TC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-37AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Baritone BC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-38AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Tuba book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-39AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book Drums book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-41AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-51AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-52AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-66AR $10.00 Celestial Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (arr. Barnard) 072-6013-67AR $10.00 Celestial Choir Band (King) 013-0437-00AR $50.00 Celestial Choir Orchestra (King) 016-0125-00AR $50.00 Celestial Fanfare Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR386 023-4393-00 $42.00 Celestial Fanfare Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 023-4393-01 Celestial Orchestra Folio Flute in C book (Barnard) 074-6046-04AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (Barnard) 074-6046-08AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Oboe or C Melody Saxophone book (Barnard) 074-6046-15AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (Barnard) 074-6046-17AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Saxophone Alto Eb book (Barnard) 074-6046-20AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Saxophone Tenor Bb book (Barnard) 074-6046-22AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (Barnard) 074-6046-24AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Horns F book (Barnard) 074-6046-28AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Trombone BC book (Barnard) 074-6046-33AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Drums book (Barnard) 074-6046-41AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Piano book (Barnard) 074-6046-43AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Barnard) 074-6046-60AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (Barnard) 074-6046-61AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Viola book (Barnard) 074-6046-62AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio Cello book (Barnard) 074-6046-63AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $80.00 $4.00 $80.00 $8.00 $6.00 Page 40 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Celestial Orchestra Folio Bass book (Barnard) 074-6046-64AR $10.00 Celestial Orchestra Folio 3rd Violin book (Barnard) 074-6046-65AR $10.00 Celestial Series No. 1 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0905-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 1 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0409-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 2 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0906-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 2 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0410-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 3 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0907-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 3 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0411-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 4 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0908-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 4 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0412-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 5 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0909-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 5 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0413-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 6 Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0910-00AR $50.00 Celestial Series No. 6 Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0414-00AR $50.00 Celestial Trilogy Concert Band (Steinberg) WA-CB110-00 $65.00 Celestial Trilogy Extra score (Steinberg) WA-CB110-01 Cellular Bones Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2628-00 Cellular Bones Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2628-01 $3.50 Celtic Bell Carol Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR369 011-3972-00 $50.00 Celtic Bell Carol Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3972-01 $6.00 Celtic Bell Carol String Orchestra (R. W. Smith) ARC-7023-00 $40.00 Celtic Bell Carol Extra full score (R. W. Smith) ARC-7023-01 $6.00 Centaur Concert Band (Broadbent/arr. Stratton) WFR375 012-4153-00 $68.00 Centaur Extra full score (Broadbent/arr. Stratton) 012-4153-01 $7.00 Centaur Oversized spiral-bound score (Broadbent/arr. Stratton) 012-4153-75 $25.00 The Centaur Band (King) 013-0524-00AR $50.00 The Centaur Orchestra (King) 016-0199-00AR $50.00 Centennial Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3612-00 $60.00 The Center Ring Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR366 012-3800-00 $65.00 The Center Ring Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-3800-01 $7.00 The Center Ring Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-3800-75 $25.00 The Center Ring Band (King) 014-0155-00AR $50.00 The Center Ring Extra condensed score (King) 014-0155-01AR $4.00 Central High Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1181-00AR $50.00 Central Park North Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1004-00 $50.00 Central Park North Extra full score SCM-1004-01 $6.00 Centuria Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1901-00 $65.00 Centuria Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1901-01 The Centurions Young Band (J. Taylor) WA-BCB107-00 The Centurions Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-BCB107-01 Century Point Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR186,WFR315 012-2904-00 Century Point Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2904-01 $6.00 Century Point Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-2904-75 $30.00 Ceremonial Band (Barnhouse) 013-1050-00AR $50.00 Ceremonial Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0495-00AR $50.00 Ceremonial Pak #1 Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MB112-00 $50.00 Ceremonial Pak #1 Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MB112-01 Ceremonium Concert Band (Edmondson) 012-1811-00 Ceremonium Extra full score (Edmondson) 012-1811-01 $7.00 Ceremonium Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1665-00 $21.00 Ceremonium Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 8 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0203-00 $24.00 Ceremonium extra score (Spears) 121-0203-01 Ceremony Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB165-00 Ceremony Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB165-01 Ceremony, Chant and Ritual Young Band (Shaffer) WFR323,WFR344 011-3234-00 Ceremony, Chant and Ritual Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3234-01 $6.00 C'est Noel Concert Band (Jutras) WFR319 012-1842-00 $60.00 C'est Noel Extra full score (Jutras) 012-1842-01 C. F. A. Band (M. Evans) 013-1046-00AR $50.00 Ch' Chamba Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0003-00 $60.00 Ch' Chamba Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0053-00 $65.00 Chaconne Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (arr. Stanton) 026-4457-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $48.00 $7.00 $40.00 $5.00 $68.00 $5.00 $80.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $48.00 $6.00 Page 41 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Chaconne Extra full score (arr. Stanton) 026-4457-01 $6.00 Chain Reaction Young Band (Shaffer) WFR385 011-4386-00 $52.00 Chain Reaction Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4386-01 The Challenge Band (G. Holmes) 013-1076-00AR $50.00 Champion Folio No. 1 Conductor book (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-01AR $20.00 Champion Folio No. 1 1st Soprano Bugles (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-24AR $10.00 Champion Folio No. 1 2nd Soprano Bugles (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-25AR $10.00 Champion Folio No. 1 3rd Soprano Bugles book (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-26AR $10.00 Champion Folio No. 1 1st Baritone Bugles book (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-37AR $10.00 Champion Folio No. 1 2nd Baritone Bugles book (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-38AR $10.00 Champion Folio No. 1 Drums book (McGee & Latey) 073-6011-41AR $10.00 The Champion Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3142-00 $60.00 Champion's Choice Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2465-00 $30.00 Champions of Freedom Young Band (K. Harris) WFR195 011-3066-00 $45.00 Champions of Freedom Extra full score (K. Harris) 011-3066-01 Chancellor Commander Band (Plessinger/arr. L. O. Smith) 013-0198-00AR $50.00 The Chancellor Band (Toenniges) 013-0091-00AR $50.00 Chandler's March Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3299-00 $60.00 Changing Colors Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2006-02 032-3524-00 $50.00 Changing Colors Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3524-01 Changing Colors Walking Frog Records CD WFR725 $14.95 Channel Three Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB125-00 $40.00 Channel Three Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB125-01 Chanson de Noel Young Band (arr. Neeck) WFR380 024-4192-00 Chanson de Noel Extra full score (arr. Neeck) 024-4192-01 $6.00 Chanson Triste Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Reed) WFR129 012-2179-00 $60.00 Chanson Triste Extra full score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Reed) 012-2179-01 Chanson Triste Ensemble Clarinet choir (Tschaikowsky/arr. Casteel) 114-0155-00AR $26.00 Chant and Celebration Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2788-00 $45.00 Chant and Celebration Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2788-01 $4.00 Chant and Tribal Dance Young Band (Shaffer) WFR323,WFR344 011-3243-00 $48.00 Chant and Tribal Dance Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3243-01 Chant du Rossignol Concert Band (Filipovsky/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2116-00 $65.00 Chant for Percussion Young Band (Balent) 010-1788-00 $50.00 Chant for Percussion Extra score (Balent) 010-1788-01AR $4.00 Chants Russes Concert Band (Lalo/arr. Renzetti) BOV-S2034-00 $85.00 Chants Russes Extra full score (Lalo/arr. Renzetti) BOV-S2034-01 $10.00 The Chantyman's Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3701-00 $60.00 Chapala, Chapala Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2164-00 $50.00 Chapala, Chapala Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2164-01 Chaparral Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB176-00 Chaparral Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB176-01 Chapel Bells Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1654-00 Chapel Bells Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1654-01 Chapel Orchestra Folio Flute book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-04AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinet book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-08AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Solo Cornet or Clarinet in Bb (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-24AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Drums book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-41AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Piano book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-43AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Eb Horns book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-51AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-61AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Viola book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-62AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Cello book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-63AR $10.00 Chapel Orchestra Folio Bass (and Tuba) book (J. W. Allen) 074-6037-64AR $10.00 Charade Marching Band (Mancini/arr. Swearingen) 052-1668-00 $24.00 Charanga Marching Band (Barton) 050-2682-00 $40.00 Charé Jazz Ensemble (Schlabach) WA-SB502-00 $45.00 Charé Extra score (Schlabach) WA-SB502-01 Charges, Cheers! And Other Fun Stuff Marching Band (Huckeby) 050-2614-00 $40.00 Charlatan Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S2128-00 $65.00 The Charlatan Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3702-00 $60.00 Charlemange Concert Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1163-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $5.00 $7.00 $6.00 $46.00 $6.00 $6.00 $3.00 $45.00 $5.00 $19.00 $2.50 $6.00 Page 42 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Charlemange Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1163-01AR Charles Vernon, Bass Trombone Walking Frog Records CD WFR770 $14.95 Charleston Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1105-00 $47.00 Charleston Shuffle Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1105-01 $7.00 The Charmer Concert Band (L. Boos) BOV-S0746-00 $65.00 The Charmer Extra condensed score (L. Boos) BOV-S0746-01 $8.00 Charming Annabel Band (Maupin) 013-0851-00AR $50.00 Charming Annabel Orchestra (Maupin) 016-0379-00AR $50.00 Charming Annabel Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Maupin) 083-0050-24 $3.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-08 $3.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-20 $2.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-22 $2.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-24 $3.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-33 $3.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-37 $2.50 Charming Ballerina Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0087-38 $2.50 Chase of the Centaurs Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Walker) 111-0094-08 $15.00 The Chase Marching Band (J. Williams) MB156 $50.00 The Chaser Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3664-00 $60.00 Chasin' Bill Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2004-02 032-3333-00 $48.00 Chasin' Bill Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3333-01 Chateau Thierry Band (King) 013-1231-00AR Chateau Thierry Extra condensed score (King) 013-1231-01 Chautauqua Band (Barnhouse) 013-0003-00AR $50.00 Che gelida manina Concert Band (Puccini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0533-00 $65.00 Che gelida manina Extra condensed score (Puccini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0533-01 $8.00 Checking the Cell Structure Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) WA-MS103-00 $50.00 Checking the Cell Structure Extra score (Goodwin) WA-MS103-01 Checkmate Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 013-1931-00 Checkmate Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 013-1931-01AR $4.00 The Check's in the Mail Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 032-0261-00AR $70.00 The Check's in the Mail Extra full score (Goodwin) 032-0261-01AR $10.00 Cheer Up Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3011-00 $60.00 Cheerful Elegy Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Tustin) 111-0141-08AR $15.00 Cheerfulness Concert Band (Neuman/arr. Sousa) BOV-S3540-00 $60.00 Cheerfulness Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Vereecken) 084-0121-20 $3.50 Cheers! Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2359-00 $30.00 Cheesecake Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0158-00 $22.00 Cheesecake Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0158-01AR Cherokee Marching Band (Noble/arr. Sochinski) 051-1882-00 $32.00 Chesford Portrait Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1684-00 $55.00 Chesford Portrait Extra score (Swearingen) 012-1684-01 $6.00 Chesford Portrait Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Sochinski) 051-2163-00 $38.00 Chester Marching Band (Billings/arr. Metzer) 057-2096-00 $29.00 Chester Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 069-1451-00AR $60.00 The Chevalier Band (Losey) 013-1097-00AR $50.00 Chicago Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02,WFR348 032-3294-00 $45.00 Chicago Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3294-01 $6.00 Chicago Jazz Ensemble (F. Fisher) SCM-1044-00 $50.00 Chicago Extra full score SCM-1044-01 $6.00 Chicago Tribune Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3143-00 $60.00 The Chicago Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3086-00 $60.00 Chicagoland Festival Band (Bell) 013-1091-00AR $50.00 Chicken Franks Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-0318-00 $25.00 Chicken Franks Extra full score (Rowe) 031-0318-01 Chico Young Band (K. Harris) CB208 Chico extra score (K. Harris) CB208-01 Chico! Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1704-00 Chico! Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1704-01 Chief's Blues Jazz Ensemble (Shanklin) 032-0121-00AR Chief's Blues Extra score (Shanklin) 032-0121-01AR $6.00 Chiffon Dresses Jazz Ensemble (Moon) 032-0143-00AR $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $25.00 $7.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $19.00 $2.50 $60.00 Page 43 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Chiffon Dresses Extra score (Moon) 032-0143-01AR Chiki Chihuahua Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0006-00 $60.00 Chiki Chihuahua Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0056-00 $70.00 Chilcothian Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3300-00 $60.00 A Child Is Born Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1075-00 $50.00 A Child Is Born Extra full score SCM-1075-01 Childhood Days Concert Band (Buys) 013-0973-00AR Childhood Days Extra condensed score (Buys) 013-0973-01AR Children of the Shrine Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-3031-00 Children of the Shrine Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3031-01 Children's Corner Suite Concert Band (Debussy/arr. .) BOV-S1044-00 $85.00 Children's Corner Suite Extra condensed score (Debussy/arr. .) BOV-S1044-01 $10.00 A Child's Lullaby Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Swearingen) WFR138 012-2809-00 $50.00 A Child's Lullaby Extra full score (Brahms/arr. Swearingen) 012-2809-01 $7.00 Chillaxin' Young Band (Conaway) WFR377 023-4081-00 $44.00 Chillaxin' Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4081-01 $6.00 Chillin' Time Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2008-01 032-3686-00 $45.00 Chillin' Time Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3686-01 $6.00 The Chimes of Liberty Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Schissel) WFR174,WFR343 012-2911-00 $60.00 The Chimes of Liberty Extra full score (Goldman/arr. Schissel) 012-2911-01 $6.00 The Chimes of Liberty Oversized spiral-bound score (Goldman/arr. Schissel) 012-2911-75 $25.00 Chinese Wedding Procession Concert Band (Hosmer/arr. Fiala) BOV-S0907-00 $65.00 Chinook Wind Rhapsody Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2128-00 $37.00 Chinook Wind Rhapsody Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2128-01 $3.00 Chiquita Ensemble Trumpet Trio with Piano Accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0091-24 $15.00 Chiquita Ensemble Saxophone Trio with Piano Accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0091-20 $15.00 Chisolm Trail Concert Band (Eveland) WFR322 012-3232-00 $68.00 Chisolm Trail Extra full score (Eveland) 012-3232-01 The Chocolate Soldier Concert Band (Straus/arr. Lampe) BOV-S1171-00 $70.00 Choozin' The Blooz Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2016-01 032-4479-00 $48.00 Choozin' The Blooz Extra full score (Vuono) 032-4479-01 Chopin's Funeral March Band (arr. Worrell) 013-0616-00AR $50.00 Chopper Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2454-00AR $50.00 Chopper Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2454-01AR Chops, Don't Fail Me Now Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-0354-00 Chops, Don't Fail Me Now Extra full score (Spera) 032-0354-01 Chops, Don't Fail Me Now Walking Frog Records CD WFR177 $14.95 Choral March Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3144-00 $60.00 Chorale and Jubiloso Concert Band (J. Barnes) WFR186 012-2955-00 $68.00 Chorale and Jubiloso Extra full score (J. Barnes) 012-2955-01 Chorale and Variations Concert Band (Carter) 012-1554-00AR Chorale and Variations Extra score (Carter) 012-1554-01 $4.50 Chorale Prelude on a German Hymn Tune Concert Band (C. T. Smith) WFR388 CTS-7815-00 $65.00 Chorale Prelude on a German Hymn Tune (C. T. Smith) CTS-7815-01 $12.00 Chorale Prelude on a German Hymn Tune (C. T. Smith) CTS-7815-75 $25.00 Chorale Prelude: Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7816-00 $80.00 Chorale Prelude: Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (C. T. Smith) CTS-7816-01 $15.00 Chorale Prelude: Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart (C. T. Smith) CTS-7816-75 $30.00 Chorale Suite Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2556-00 $32.00 Chorale Suite Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2556-01 Chorale Variations Concert Band (Gingery) WA-ECB136-00 Chorale Variations Extra score (Gingery) WA-ECB136-01 Chorale Warm-Ups for Young Bands Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB41-00 Chorale Warm-Ups for Young Bands Extra full score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB41F-01 $6.00 Chorda Septimus Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3613-00 $60.00 Chorus of Bishops & Priests Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0560-00 $75.00 Chorus of Bishops & Priests Extra condensed score (Meyerbeer/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0560-01 Christmas Walking Frog Records CD WFR216 $14.95 Christmas! Walking Frog Records CD WFR594 $14.95 Christmas Africana Young Band (Neeck) WFR359 011-3694-00 $48.00 Christmas Africana Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3694-01 $6.00 Christmas and Holiday Jazz Saver Pack Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 028-4250-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $40.00 $3.50 $5.00 $80.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $50.00 $9.00 Page 44 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Christmas and Holiday Jazz Saver Pack (P. Clark) 028-4250-01 $12.00 Christmas and Holiday Jazz Saver Pack #2 Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark & A. Clark) 028-4334-00 $68.00 Christmas and Holiday Jazz Saver Pack #2 Extra full score (P. Clark & A. Clark) 028-4334-01 $12.00 Christmas Angels Young Band (P. Clark) WFR390 024-4447-00 $46.00 Christmas Angels Extra full score (P. Clark) 024-4447-01 $6.00 A Christmas Auld Lang Syne Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR332 012-3379-00 $60.00 A Christmas Auld Lang Syne Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3379-01 Christmas Bell Carol Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB119-00 Christmas Bell Carol Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB119-01 Christmas Bells and Brass Young Band (Neeck) WFR342 011-3499-00 Christmas Bells and Brass Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3499-01 Christmas Bells Swing Walking Frog Records CD WFR759 $14.95 Christmas Can-Can Concert Band (Neeck) WFR376 012-4140-00 $65.00 Christmas Can-Can Extra full score (Neeck) 012-4140-01 $7.00 Christmas Can-Can Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-4140-75 $25.00 Christmas Cheer Young Band (Huckeby) 015-3450-00 $40.00 Christmas Cheer Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3450-01 $5.00 A Christmas Classic Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2892-00 $35.00 A Christmas Classic Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2892-01 $4.00 Christmas Classics Keyboard/Conductor book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-01 $9.95 Christmas Classics C Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-04 $2.50 Christmas Classics High Eb Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-20 $2.50 Christmas Classics Low Eb Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-23 $2.50 Christmas Classics High Bb Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-24 $2.50 Christmas Classics F Horn book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-28 $2.50 Christmas Classics Bass Clef Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-33 $2.50 Christmas Classics Low Bb Instruments book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-37 $2.50 Christmas Classics Tuba book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-39 $2.50 Christmas Classics Percussion book (arr. A. Clark) 071-2581-41 $2.50 A Christmas Collage Young Band (Rowe) WFR342 011-3548-00 $45.00 A Christmas Collage Extra full score (Rowe) 011-3548-01 $6.00 Christmas Declaration Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR365 012-3878-00 $68.00 Christmas Declaration Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3878-01 A Christmas Experiment Walking Frog Records CD WFR866 $19.95 Christmas Fantasia Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR350 012-3661-00 $68.00 Christmas Fantasia Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3661-01 $7.00 Christmas Fantasy Young Band (arr. P. Clark) WFR390 011-4442-00 $52.00 Christmas Fantasy Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 011-4442-01 $7.00 Christmas Fantasy String Orchestra (arr P. Clark) ARC-7032-00 $60.00 Christmas Fantasy Extra full score (arr P. Clark) ARC-7032-01 $7.00 A Christmas Fantasy for Jazz Band Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2007-01 032-3613-00 $45.00 A Christmas Fantasy for Jazz Band Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3613-01 $6.00 A Christmas Fantasy in 3/4 Time Young Band (Neeck) WFR317 011-3121-00 $45.00 A Christmas Fantasy in 3/4 Time Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3121-01 $5.00 Christmas Feast Young Band (Shaffer) WFR362 024-3846-00 $48.00 Christmas Feast Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3846-01 $5.00 Christmas Gloria Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB20-00 $50.00 Christmas Gloria Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB20F-01 $8.00 Christmas Greeting Band (Buys) 013-0778-00AR $50.00 Christmas Greeting Orchestra (Buys) 016-0330-00AR $50.00 Christmas Greetings Young Band (A. Clark) WFR342 015-3547-00 $40.00 Christmas Greetings Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-3547-01 Christmas Greetings Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2603-00AR $50.00 Christmas is Coming! Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR376 012-4107-00 $65.00 Christmas is Coming! Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4107-01 $7.00 Christmas is Coming! Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4107-75 $25.00 Christmas Jam-Bear-ee Young Band (J. Williams) CB225 $50.00 Christmas Jam-Bear-ee extra score (J. Williams) CB225-01 $6.00 Christmas Joy! Walking Frog Records CD WFR459 $14.95 Christmas On Parade Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MB114-00 $50.00 Christmas On Parade Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MB114-01 A Christmas Party Young Band (A. Clark) CB201 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 Page 45 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# A Christmas Party extra score (A. Clark) CB201-01 Christmas Prism Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR382 012-4324-00 Christmas Prism Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4324-01 $8.00 Christmas Prism Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4324-75 $25.00 A Christmas Proclamation Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR360 023-3771-00 $42.00 A Christmas Proclamation Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3771-01 $5.00 A Christmas Rose Young Band (Wasson) WFR377 024-4078-00 $46.00 A Christmas Rose Extra full score (Wasson) 024-4078-01 $6.00 Christmas Songs of Praise Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-1606-00 $23.00 Christmas Songs of Praise Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-1606-02 $2.50 A Christmas Special Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2005-00 $45.00 A Christmas Special Extra score (Shaffer) 011-2005-02 $5.00 A Christmas Special Marching Band (Shaffer) 053-2125-00 $38.00 A Christmas Spectacular! Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-CB115-00 $70.00 A Christmas Spectacular! Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CB115-01 $7.00 The Christmas Spirit Jazz Ensemble (arr. Carubia & Strommen) SCM-1080-00 $47.00 The Christmas Spirit Extra full score (arr. Carubia & Strommen) SCM-1080-01 $6.00 Christmas Stomp Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB26-00 $40.00 Christmas Stomp Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB26F-01 Christmas Surprise Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB17-00 Christmas Surprise Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB17F-01 Christmas Toyland Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB15-00 Christmas Toyland Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB15F-01 Christmas Toys Young Band (Herbert/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1893-00 Christmas Toys Extra score (Herbert/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1893-01 $3.00 Christmas Trilogy Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Stanton) 026-3974-00 $50.00 Christmas Trilogy Extra full score (Stanton) 026-3974-01 Christmas W/Univ. Of TX Walking Frog Records CD WFR817 $14.95 A Christmas Wish Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2651-00 $35.00 A Christmas Wish Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2651-01 Chromatic Caprice Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0063-08AR $16.00 Chromatic Comedy Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1749-00 $35.00 Chromatic Comedy Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1749-01AR Chromatic Cro-Magnon Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 991-2006-01 031-0310-00 Chromatic Cro-Magnon Extra full score (Mantooth) 031-0310-01AR Chromatically Yours Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1133-00 Chromatically Yours Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1133-01 $7.00 Chroma-Zone Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP107-00 $30.00 Chroma-Zone Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP107-01 $5.00 The Chronicle Telegraph Concert Band (Innes) BOV-S3389-00 $60.00 Chuckles Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2201-00 $34.00 Chuckles Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2201-01 $3.00 Chuck's Stake Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0254-00 $21.00 Chuck's Stake Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0254-01AR Chuggin' String Orchestra (Fletcher) NLSO302 Chuggin' extra score (Fletcher) NLSO302-01 $5.00 Chumbo the Elephant Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0028-00 $60.00 Chumbo the Elephant Ensemble Tuba/Euphonium quartet (Saint-Saens/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0071-00 $15.00 Chunga Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MCE109-00 $50.00 Chunga Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MCE109-01 A Chunk Of Funk Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2005-01 032-3456-00 A Chunk Of Funk Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3456-01 Cibola Young Band (A. Clark) CB230 Cibola extra score (A. Clark) CB230-01 Cimarron Trail Young Band (Shaffer) WFR321 011-2499-00 Cimarron Trail Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2499-01 Cincinnati Post Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3410-00 $60.00 Cinderella Band (Rosenkrans) 014-0036-00AR $50.00 The Circus Bee Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3242-00 $60.00 Circus Days Concert Band (King/arr. Schissel) WFR174,WFR197 012-2868-00 $60.00 Circus Days Extra full score (King/arr. Schissel) 012-2868-01 Circus Days Band (King) 014-0142-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $72.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $50.00 $8.00 $21.00 $6.00 $3.50 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 $40.00 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $60.00 $8.00 $34.00 $5.00 $5.00 $65.00 Page 46 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Circus Days Extra condensed score (King) 014-0142-01 Circus Days Walking Frog Records CD WFR197 $14.95 Circus Echoes Band (Hughes) 013-0946-00AR $50.00 Circus Time Young Band (Shaffer) WFR390 023-4469-00 $44.00 Circus Time Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4469-01 Cities Service Concert Band (Bourdon) BOV-S3070-00 $60.00 City of Ballarat Concert Band (Code) BOV-S3210-00 $60.00 City of Champions Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB123-00 $55.00 City of Champions Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB123-01 $6.00 City of Paris Band (Platt) 013-0152-00AR $50.00 Cityscape Concert Band (Glazer) WA-CB112-00 $60.00 Cityscape Extra score (Glazer) WA-CB112-01 $6.00 Civic Pride Concert Band (L. Panella) BOV-S3557-00 $60.00 Civic Spirit Band (Verwiere) 014-0107-00 $25.00 Civic Spirit Extra condensed score (Verwiere) 014-0107-01 Civilization Concert Band (Schertzinger/arr. L. O. Smith) BOV-S3657-00 $60.00 Claire de Lune Concert Band (Debussy/arr. Harger) BOV-S1045-00 $65.00 Claire de Lune Extra condensed score (Debussy/arr. Harger) BOV-S1045-01 $8.00 Clair's Triumph Band (English) 013-0230-00AR $50.00 Clamor, Clang, Clap & Clatter Young Band (Shaffer) WFR380 024-4213-00 $46.00 Clamor, Clang, Clap & Clatter Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4213-01 $6.00 Clarinade Young Band (Niehaus) 011-2506-00 $48.00 Clarinade Extra full score (Niehaus) 011-2506-01 The Clarinet Alone Walking Frog Records CD WFR405 $14.95 Clarinet Pizzazz Walking Frog Records CD WFR873 $14.95 Clarinet Promenade Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB153-00 $45.00 Clarinet Promenade Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB153-01 Clarinet Quartets Walking Frog Records CD WFR557 $14.95 Clarinet Rhapsody Young Band (Hannickel) 015-2748-00 $35.00 Clarinet Rhapsody Extra full score (Hannickel) 015-2748-01 Clarinetics Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB117-00 Clarinetics Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB117-01 The Clarinetist's Technique Book Book - Method/Study (MacLeod) 073-1992-08 $14.95 Clarion Band (Barnhouse) 013-0059-00AR $50.00 Clark County Celebration Young Band (Swearingen) WFR355 011-3638-00 $50.00 Clark County Celebration Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3638-01 $6.00 Clash of the Carolers Young Band (Conaway) WFR363 011-3827-00 $48.00 Clash of the Carolers Extra full score (Conaway) 011-3827-01 Class Mates Band (Grabel) 013-1003-00AR $50.00 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Conductor book (Swearingen) 073-4073-01 $19.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Flute in C book (Swearingen) 073-4073-04 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinets book (Swearingen) 073-4073-08 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Bb Bass Clarinet/Baritone TC book (Swearingen) 073-4073-13 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Oboe book (Swearingen) 073-4073-15 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Alto Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 073-4073-20 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Tenor Saxophone/3rd Bb Clarinet book (Swearingen) 073-4073-22 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Baritone Saxophone/Eb Alto Clarinet book (Swearingen) 073-4073-23 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd Bb Trumpets book (Swearingen) 073-4073-24 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd F Horns book (Swearingen) 073-4073-28 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Swearingen) 073-4073-33 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Tuba book (Swearingen) 073-4073-39 $4.95 James Swearingen's Classic Chorales for Band Bells and Timpani book (Swearingen) 073-4073-42 Classic Field Warm-Ups Marching Band (Slater) WA-MB116-00 Classic Field Warm-Ups Extra score (Slater) WA-MB116-01 The Classic Horn Walking Frog Records CD WFR696 $14.95 A Classic Overture Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2572-00 $45.00 A Classic Overture Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2572-01 $3.50 Classic Suite Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Bach/arr. Merriman) 111-3044-00 $12.00 Classic Trumpet Concerti Walking Frog Records CD WFR222 $14.95 Classic Tuba Walking Frog Records CD WFR504 $14.95 The Classical Euphonium Walking Frog Records CD WFR560 $14.95 Classical Legend Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-1865-00 $18.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $45.00 $5.00 $6.00 $4.95 $50.00 $5.00 Page 47 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Classical Legend Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-1865-01 $2.50 Classical Rondo Concert Band (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) WFR367 012-3903-00 $68.00 Classical Rondo Extra full score (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 012-3903-01 $7.00 Classical Rondo Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-04 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-08 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-15 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Alto Saxophone solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-20 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-24 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-28 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) TC solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-37 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) BC solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-38 $10.00 Classical Rondo Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Capuzzi/arr. Glover) 083-3988-39 $10.00 Classical Showcase Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC139-00 $50.00 Classical Showcase Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC139-01 Classics! Walking Frog Records CD WFR129 $14.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Ensemble Brass quintet (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-00 $48.00 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Full score with CD (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-01 $15.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Trumpet 1 book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-24 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Trumpet 2 book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-25 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet F Horn book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-28 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Trombone book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-33 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet F Horn sub book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-34 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet Tuba book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-39 $9.95 Classy Classics for Brass Quintet CD (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 107-0227-99 Claude T. Smith: A Symphonic Portrait Walking Frog Records CD WFR236 $14.95 Clay Smith Solos Solo Bb Cornet book (C. Smith) 074-1960-24AR $18.00 Clay Smith Solos Solo Trombone/Baritone BC book (C. Smith) 074-1960-33AR $18.00 Clay Smith Solos Piano accompaniment book (C. Smith) 074-1960-43AR $28.00 CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 1999-2000 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 1999-2000 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2000-2001 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2000-2001 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2001-2002 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2001-2002 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2002-2003 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2002-2003 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2003-2004 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2003-2004 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2004-2005 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2004-2005 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2005-2006 Compact Disc 991-1999-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-1999-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2000-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2000-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2001-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2001-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2002-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2002-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2003-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2003-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2004-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2004-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2005-01 $9.95 CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2006-2007 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2006-2007 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2007-2008 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2007-2008 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2008-2009 Easy to Medium CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2008-2009 Medium to Advanced CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2009-2010 Easy to Medium Compact Disc 991-2006-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2006-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2007-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2007-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2008-01 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2008-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2009-01 $9.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $9.95 Page 48 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2009-2010 Medium to Advanced CLB: Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2010-2011 Compact Disc 991-2009-02 $9.95 Compact Disc 991-2010-01 $9.95 CLB: Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2011-2012 Compact Disc 991-2011-01 $9.95 CLB: Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2012-2013 Compact Disc 991-2012-01 $9.95 CLB: Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2013-2014 Compact Disc 991-2013-01 $9.95 CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2014-2015 Compact Disc 991-2014-01 $9.95 CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2015-2016 Compact Disc 991-2015-01 $9.95 CLB Jazz Ensemble Recordings 2016-2017 Compact Disc 991-2016-01 Cle Elum Eagles Band (King) 013-0737-00AR $50.00 Cle Elum Eagles Orchestra (King) 016-0307-00AR $50.00 Clean It Up! Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB105-00 $40.00 Clean It Up! Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB105-01 $6.00 Clear Track Concert Band (E. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0677-00 $70.00 Clear Track Extra condensed score (E. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0677-01 Clear Track Polka Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Reed) WFR320 012-3053-00 Clear Track Polka Extra full score (Strauss/arr. Reed) 012-3053-01 Cleopatra Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0757-00 $50.00 Cleopatra Overture Band (Luscomb) 013-0648-00AR $50.00 Cleopatra Overture Orchestra (Luscomb) 016-0245-00AR $50.00 Cleopatra Polka Concert Band (Damare/arr. Claus) BOV-S0731-00 $65.00 Cleopatra Polka Extra condensed score (Damare/arr. Claus) BOV-S0731-01 $8.00 Cleveland-Hendricks Campaigh Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3145-00 $60.00 Cliftonian Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S0725-00 $65.00 Cline March Book Piccolo Db book (Cline) 072-6016-03AR $10.00 Cline March Book Flute in C book (Cline) 072-6016-04AR $10.00 Cline March Book Clarinet Eb book (Cline) 072-6016-07AR $10.00 Cline March Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Cline) 072-6016-08AR $10.00 Cline March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Cline) 072-6016-09AR $10.00 Cline March Book Oboe book (Cline) 072-6016-15AR $10.00 Cline March Book Saxophone in C book (Cline) 072-6016-16AR $10.00 Cline March Book Bassoon book (Cline) 072-6016-17AR $10.00 Cline March Book Bb Soprano Sax book (Cline) 072-6016-19AR $10.00 Cline March Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (Cline) 072-6016-20AR $10.00 Cline March Book Bb Tenor Sax book (Cline) 072-6016-22AR $10.00 Cline March Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Cline) 072-6016-23AR $10.00 Cline March Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Cline) 072-6016-24AR $10.00 Cline March Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Cline) 072-6016-25AR $10.00 Cline March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Cline) 072-6016-26AR $10.00 Cline March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Cline) 072-6016-33AR $10.00 Cline March Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Cline) 072-6016-35AR $10.00 Cline March Book Baritone TC book (Cline) 072-6016-37AR $10.00 Cline March Book Baritone BC book (Cline) 072-6016-38AR $10.00 Cline March Book Tuba book (Cline) 072-6016-39AR $10.00 Cline March Book Drums book (Cline) 072-6016-41AR $10.00 Cline March Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Cline) 072-6016-51AR $10.00 Cline March Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Cline) 072-6016-52AR $10.00 Cline March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Cline) 072-6016-66AR $10.00 Cline March Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Cline) 072-6016-67AR $10.00 Clio Band (Barnhouse) 013-0041-00AR $50.00 Close Encounters for Clarinets Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1542-00AR $50.00 Close Encounters for Clarinets Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1542-01 $2.50 Close Shave Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 035-0211-00 $24.00 Close Shave Extra full score (P. Clark) 035-0211-01 $3.50 Closin' Time Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2271-00 $38.00 Closin' Time Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2271-01 Cloud Light Band (Rockwell) 013-0510-00AR $50.00 Cloudburst Marching Band (Ballenger) 051-1622-00AR $50.00 Clover Blossoms Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0194-00AR $50.00 The Clown Dance Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3418-00 $60.00 The Coach Whip Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3087-00 $60.00 The Coast Defenders Band (Jewell) 013-0389-00AR $50.00 Coast Guards Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (King/arr. A. Clark) 026-3883-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $9.95 $9.00 $65.00 $6.00 $2.50 Page 49 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Coast Guards Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (King/arr. A. Clark) 026-3883-01 $6.00 Coast Guards Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR101,WFR343 012-2349-00 $45.00 Coast Guards Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2349-01 $6.00 Coast Guards Band (King) 013-1209-00 $25.00 Coast Guards Extra condensed score (King) 013-1209-01 $4.00 Coastal Breeze Jazz Combo (Hooper) 038-0375-00 $16.00 Coastal Breeze Extra full score (Hooper) 038-0375-01 Cocoanut Dance, Op. 103 Concert Band (Herman) BOV-S1083-00 $55.00 Coe Band Band (Lyman) 013-1117-00AR $50.00 Co-Ed Concert Band (Zamecnik) BOV-S3813-00 $60.00 Co-Eds On Parade Band (King) 014-0137-00 $25.00 Co-Eds On Parade Extra condensed score (King) 014-0137-01 Coffee and Castanets Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0214-00AR Coffee and Castanets Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0214-01AR The Coffee Queen Jazz Ensemble (Mastroianni) SCM-1072-00 The Coffee Queen Extra full score SCM-1072-01 Cohler on Clarinet Walking Frog Records CD WFR403 $14.95 Col. Brett Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3301-00 $60.00 Col. Goddard's March Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3614-00 $60.00 Col. Goff's March Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3615-00 $60.00 Col. Philbrook Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3303-00 $60.00 Col. Roosevelt's Rough Riders Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S3440-00 $60.00 Col. Rounds March Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3012-00 $60.00 Col. Sullivan Concert Band (Barrington-Sergeant) BOV-S3056-00 $60.00 Coldwater Creek Young Band (Sheldon) 015-2776-00 $45.00 Coldwater Creek Extra full score (Sheldon) 015-2776-01 The Coliseum Band (Platt) 013-0269-00AR $50.00 Collage Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0047-00AR $50.00 Collage Extra score (Lowden) 049-0047-01AR Collection Of Favorites Walking Frog Records CD WFR830 $14.95 Collegian Band (Jewell) 013-0574-00AR $50.00 Collidescope Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0223-00 $10.00 Collisions Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 4 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0206-00 $15.00 Collisions Extra full score (Spears) 121-0206-01 Colonel Bates Band (Amsden) 013-0711-00AR $50.00 Colonel Bogey Concert Band (K. Alford) BOV-S3030-00 $60.00 Colonel Bogey Concert Band (Alford/arr. Glover) WFR325,WFR194 012-3057-00 $60.00 Colonel Bogey Extra full score (Alford/arr. Glover) 012-3057-01 $6.00 Colonel Bogey Oversized spiral-bound score (Alford/arr. Glover) 012-3057-75 $25.00 Colonel Fitch Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3302-00 $60.00 Colonel Miner's March Concert Band (Rosenkrans) BOV-S3633-00 $60.00 Colonial Boy Young Band (Tatgenhorst) 029-0136-00AR $50.00 Colonial Boy Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 029-0136-01AR $6.00 Colonial Dames Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S2129-00 $65.00 The Color Bearer Band (Haesle) 014-0149-00 $25.00 Color of the Guard Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1587-00 $16.00 The Colo. Midland Band Band (Kloepfer) 013-0199-00AR $50.00 Colorama Concert Band (Spears) 012-2014-00 $56.00 Colorama Extra full score (Spears) 012-2014-01 Colorburst Concert Band (Kenny) 029-1364-00AR Colorburst Extra score (Kenny) 029-1364-01AR $6.00 Colors and Configurations Concert Band (Niehaus) 012-2129-00AR $80.00 Colors and Configurations Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2129-01AR Colors of Christmas Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR377 023-4083-00 Colors of Christmas Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4083-01 $6.00 Colors of Fall Young Band (Romeyn) WFR369,WFR387 011-3932-00 $50.00 Colors of Fall Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3932-01 Colors of the Baroque Walking Frog Records CD WFR463 Colossus Ensemble Brass quintet (Spears) 102-0225-00 Colossus of Columbia Concert Band (Alexander/arr. Bainum) WFR174 012-1347-00AR Colossus of Columbia Extra score (Alexander/arr. Bainum) 012-1347-01 Colossus of Columbia Band (1901 edition) (Alexander) 013-0240-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $3.00 $4.00 $50.00 $7.00 $47.00 $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $5.00 $4.00 $80.00 $7.00 $42.00 $6.00 $14.95 $8.50 $80.00 $4.00 $50.00 Page 50 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Colossus of Columbia Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0870-00 $25.00 Colossus of Columbia Extra condensed score (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0870-01 Colossus of Columbia Orchestra (Alexander) 016-0047-00AR $50.00 Colossus of Columbia Marching Band (Alexander/arr. Boyd) 069-1439-00AR $60.00 Colton Point Overture Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-ECB126-00 $50.00 Colton Point Overture Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-ECB126-01 $6.00 Columbia Concert Band (T. Rollinson) BOV-S2072-00 $65.00 Columbia Extra condensed score (T. Rollinson) BOV-S2072-01 $8.00 Columbia Concert Band (S. Lewis ) BOV-S3448-00 $60.00 Columbia Concert Band (Barnard) 013-0849-00AR $50.00 Columbian Exposition Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3616-00 $60.00 Columbian Exposition Waltz Concert Band (Herman) BOV-S1084-00 $55.00 Columbian Fantasy (War Song) Concert Band (Rogers/arr. Leidzen) BOV-C0206-00 $70.00 Columbian Fantasy (War Song) Extra condensed score (Rogers/arr. Leidzen) BOV-C0206-01 $9.00 Columbian Guard Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3088-00 $60.00 Columbian Band (King) 013-0521-00 $50.00 Columbian Extra condensed score (King) 013-0521-01 Columbian Orchestra (King) 016-0196-00AR $50.00 Columbiana Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3234-00 $60.00 A Columbus Celebration Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB129-00 $50.00 A Columbus Celebration Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB129-01 $6.00 Comandante Band (Guentzel) 013-1244-00AR $50.00 Come Again, Sweet Love Concert Band (Dowland/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2176-00 $70.00 Come Again, Sweet Love Extra condensed score (Dowland/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2176-01 $9.00 Come Back To Sorrento Concert Band (DeCurtis/arr. Van Loan) BOV-S0660-00 $65.00 Come Back To Sorrento Extra condensed score (DeCurtis/arr. Van Loan) BOV-S0660-01 Come Out Swinging Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2002-01 031-3208-00 Come Out Swinging Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3208-01 $6.00 Come Out Swinging Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2010-01 032-3888-00 $48.00 Come Out Swinging Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3888-01 Come Sunday Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 035-0127-00AR Come Sunday Extra score (Nordal) 035-0127-01AR $6.00 Come To The Fair Concert Band (E. Martin/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0808-00 $65.00 Come To The Fair Extra condensed score (E. Martin/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0808-01 $8.00 Come Where the Lilies Bloom Band (Thompson/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0430-00AR $50.00 Come, Sweet Death Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) WFR322 012-1940-00 $48.00 Come, Sweet Death Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1940-01 $6.00 Come, Sweet Death Extra condensed score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1940-02 Comedians' Galop Marching Band (Satterfield/arr. Mason) WA-MP111-00 Comedians' Galop Extra score (Satterfield/arr. Mason) WA-MP111-01 $5.00 The Comedy Club Concert Band (Alexander) BOV-S3008-00 $60.00 A Comical Contest Concert Band (C. Godfrey/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0947-00 $60.00 Comin' Alive Marching Band (Swearingen) 053-2107-00 $37.00 Comin' At Ya! Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2000-01,991-2000-02 031-3073-00 $40.00 Comin' At Ya! Extra full score (Barton) 031-3073-01 $5.00 Comin' At Ya! Marching Band (Barton) 058-2772-00 $40.00 Comin' At Ya! Extra score (Barton) 058-2772-01 Comin' At Ya! Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB177-00 Comin' At Ya! Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB177-01 Comin' Back for More Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2283-00 $30.00 Comin' On Strong Marching Band (Pegram) 050-1728-00 $25.00 Comin' Right At 'Cha! Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2007-01 032-3610-00 $45.00 Comin' Right At 'Cha! Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3610-01 Comin' Through The Rye, Novelty Concert Band (Bellstedt) BOV-S0796-00 $55.00 Coming Home Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0662-00 $65.00 Coming Home Extra condensed score (Lake) BOV-S0662-01 $8.00 Coming Thro' the Rye Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0039-22AR $10.00 Coming Thro' the Rye Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0039-24AR $10.00 Coming Thro' the Rye Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0039-33AR $10.00 Coming Thro' the Rye Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0039-38AR $10.00 Command Young Band (Edmondson) 011-1819-00 $32.00 Command Extra score (Edmondson) 011-1819-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $4.00 $8.00 $40.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $35.00 $2.50 $40.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 51 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Command Performance Book Conductor book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-01 $17.50 Command Performance Book Flute in C book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-04 $4.50 Command Performance Book Bb Clarinet book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-08 $4.50 Command Performance Book Alto Sax Eb/Alto Clar/Bari Sax book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-20 $4.50 Command Performance Book Bb Trumpet book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-24 $4.50 Command Performance Book F Horns book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-28 $4.50 Command Performance Book Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-33 $4.50 Command Performance Book Tenor Saxophone/Bb Bass Clarinet/Baritone TC book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-37 $4.50 Command Performance Book Tuba book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-39 $4.50 Command Performance Book Snare Drum/Bass Drum book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-41 $4.50 Command Performance Book Bells/Oboe book (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-42 $4.50 Command Performance Book CD only (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-97 $12.95 Command Performance Book Cassette 12-pack (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-98 $30.00 Command Performance Book Cassette only (A. Clark & J. Williams) 074-2351-99 $5.00 Command Performance Plus Cassette Accompaniment Cassette Cassette tape 015-2410-99 $5.00 Command Performance Plus Cassette Accompaniment Cassette Cassette tape 015-2477-99 The Commander Band (Kiefer) 013-0373-00AR $50.00 Commander Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0080-24AR $10.00 The Commander Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3304-00 $60.00 Commencement Concert Band (Wilson) WA-CB116-00 $75.00 Commencement Extra score (Wilson) WA-CB116-01 $8.00 Commencement Ball Band (G. Holmes) 013-0961-00AR $50.00 Commencement Ball Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0447-00AR $50.00 Commencement Band (Barnhouse) 013-0477-00AR $50.00 Commencement Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0195-00AR $25.00 Commodore Dewey's March Concert Band (Holt) BOV-S3381-00 $60.00 Co. G., I. N. G. Band (Wolworth) 013-0255-00AR $50.00 Complacent Band (Kloepfer) 013-0218-00AR $50.00 Complacent Orchestra (Kloepfer) 016-0027-00AR $50.00 The Complete Funky Winkerbean Vol. 1 (19721974) The Complete Funky Winkerbean Vol. 2 (19751977) The Complete Hornist Funky Winkerbean Product (Batiuk) HLD26 $45.00 Funky Winkerbean Product (Batiuk) HLD27 $45.00 Walking Frog Records CD WFR717 $14.95 The Complete Marches of John Philip Sousa Walking Frog Records CD WFR300 $74.95 The Complete Percussionist Book - Text (Breithaupt) 079-3477-00 $29.95 The Complete Woodwind Instructor Book - Text (R. Sheldon & D. Sheldon) 079-2816-00 $27.00 Comrades Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0023-24 $6.50 Comrades Ensemble Clarinet trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 110-0023-08 Comrades Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3617-00 $60.00 Comrades Of The Legion Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3703-00 $60.00 Con Celerita Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-0505-00AR $50.00 Con Doloroso Denedictus Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3146-00 $60.00 Concentra Young Band (Huckeby) WFR336 011-3474-00 $50.00 Concentra Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3474-01 Concentration Band (Hazel) 013-0969-00AR $50.00 Concentration Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0453-00AR $50.00 Concert Boosters Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0716-00 $65.00 Concert Boosters Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0716-01 Concert Celebration Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7817-00 $85.00 Concert Celebration (C. T. Smith) CTS-7817-01 $15.00 Concert Celebration (C. T. Smith) CTS-7817-75 $30.00 Claude T. Smith: A Concert Celebration Walking Frog Records CD WFR435 $14.95 Concert Etude Concert Band (Goedicke/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0670-00 $85.00 Concert Etude Extra full score (Goedicke/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0670-01 $10.00 Concert in the Park Walking Frog Records CD WFR467 $14.95 Concert Prelude Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0077-00AR $20.00 Concert Quartettes Band (Barnard) 013-0479-00AR $50.00 Concert Rondo Concert Band (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) WFR322,WFR354 012-2439-00 $55.00 Concert Rondo Extra full score (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) 012-2439-01 $7.00 Concertango Concert Band (Alarcon) WFR874 012-3783-00 $450.00 Concertango Extra full score (oversized) (Alarcon) 012-3783-01 $75.00 Concertango Compact Disc WFR874 $19.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 Page 52 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Concertante for Winds Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2343-00 $65.00 Concertante for Winds Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2343-01 $5.00 Concertino for Marimba and Winds Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-2507-00 $175.00 Concertino for Marimba and Winds Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2507-01 $15.00 Concertino for Marimba and Winds Solo marimba part (A. Reed) 012-2507-53 $10.00 Concertino for Marimba and Winds Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2507-75 $35.00 Concertino for Marimba and Winds Solo Marimba solo with piano reduction accompaniment (A. Reed) 120-0174-00 $25.00 Concerto For Car Horns And City Band Concert Band (A. Clark) 012-4341-00 $0.00 Concerto for Drum Set and Concert Band Concert Band (Neeck) WFR335,WFR353,WFR354 012-3468-00 $72.00 Concerto for Drum Set and Concert Band Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3468-01 Concerto for Trumpet Concert Band (Arutunian/arr. Glover) BOV-J0101-00 $95.00 Concerto for Trumpet and Winds Walking Frog Records CD WFR190 $14.95 Concerto in Eb Concert Band (Haydn/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0657-00 $80.00 Concerto in Eb Extra condensed score (Haydn/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0657-01 $10.00 Concertstuck Concert Band (Schumann/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S1157-00 $90.00 Concordia Band (Verwiere) 014-0057-00AR $50.00 Concordium Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2824-00 $35.00 Concordium Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2824-01 The Concourse Band (G. Holmes) 013-0758-00AR $50.00 The Concourse Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0317-00AR $50.00 Confluence Young Band (J. McBride) WFR386 023-4346-00 $42.00 Confluence Extra full score (J. McBride) 023-4346-01 $6.00 Confusion Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0351-00 $30.00 Confusion Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0351-01AR Conga Techniques Walking Frog Records DVD WFR750 $24.95 Conglomeration Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0289-00 $24.00 Conglomeration Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0289-01AR $6.00 Congress Hall Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3704-00 $60.00 The Connecticut Concert Band (Nassann/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S3539-00 $60.00 Connemara Sketches Young Band (Osborne) WA-YB101-00 $60.00 Connemara Sketches Extra score (Osborne) WA-YB101-01 $5.00 The Connoisseur Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S3805-00 $60.00 Conqueror Concert Band (Teike/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3783-00 $60.00 The Conqueror Band (King) 013-0465-00AR $50.00 The Conqueror Orchestra (King) 016-0142-00AR $50.00 Conquest Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB42-00 $50.00 Conquest Extra full score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB42F-01 $6.00 Conquest Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MSA104-00 $40.00 Conquest Extra score (Gingery) WA-MSA104-01 $5.00 The Conquest Concert Band (Alexander) BOV-S3009-00 $60.00 Conquista Young Band (Shaffer) WFR351 011-3567-00 $50.00 Conquista Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3567-01 $6.00 Conquista Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2445-00 $30.00 Conquista Extra score (Shaffer) 058-2445-01 Consider Yourself Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MFP111-00 Consider Yourself Extra score (Gingery) WA-MFP111-01 $5.00 Constellation Concert Band (Myers) 013-1280-00AR $80.00 Constellation Extra score (Myers) 013-1280-01AR Contemporaries Walking Frog Records CD WFR756 $14.95 Contemporary Rhythms Treble clef instruments book (Schaeffer) 073-1981-00 $10.00 Contemporary Rhythms Bass Clef instruments book (Schaeffer) 073-1982-00 $6.00 Contempra Young Band (Huckeby) WFR374 011-4048-00 $54.00 Contempra Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4048-01 Contest Solos for Alto Saxophone Walking Frog Records CD WFR867 $14.95 Contest Solos For Snare Drum Walking Frog Records CD WFR502 $14.95 The Contest Winners Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1092-00AR $50.00 Contexture Concert Band (Forsblad) 012-1644-00 $43.00 Contexture Extra score (Forsblad) 012-1644-01 Continuum Walking Frog Records CD WFR641 $14.95 Contrapunctus IX Concert Band (Bach/arr. A. Clark) WFR334 012-3431-00 $68.00 Contrapunctus IX Extra full score (Bach/arr. A. Clark) 012-3431-01 $7.00 Contrapunctus IX Oversized spiral-bound score (Bach/arr. A. Clark) 012-3431-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 Page 53 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Convention City Concert Band (Allen) BOV-S3013-00 $60.00 Convergence Walking Frog Records CD WFR608 $14.95 Conversation Piece Jazz Ensemble (H. Smith) 032-0286-00 $30.00 Conversation Piece Extra full score (H. Smith) 032-0286-01 Conway Concert Band (Sweeley/arr. Losey) BOV-S3780-00 $60.00 Cool Cat Shuffle Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330,WFR344 011-3308-00 $38.00 Cool Cat Shuffle Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3308-01 $5.00 Cool Down Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2229-00 $32.00 Cool Down Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2229-01 $3.00 Cool Hand Chuck Marching Band (Kerchner) 053-2097-00 $37.00 Cool Runnin' Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0299-00 $22.00 Cool Runnin' Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0299-01 Cooper Union Band (Collins) 013-0118-00AR $50.00 Coo's Blues Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0024-00AR $50.00 Cop Out Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 069-1376-00AR $60.00 Copper Mountain Legend Young Band (J. Williams) WFR192 011-3005-00 $45.00 Copper Mountain Legend Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-3005-01 The Coquette Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3640-00 $60.00 The Corcoran Cadets Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3705-00 $60.00 The Corcoran Cadets Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3705-01 $6.00 Cordova Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB175-00 $40.00 Cordova Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB175-01 $6.00 Core'ngrato Concert Band (Cardillo/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2100-00 $60.00 Core'ngrato Extra condensed score (Cardillo/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2100-01 $7.00 Corinthian Overture Band (Hazel) 013-0576-00AR $50.00 Coriolan Overture Concert Band (L. Beethoven/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1012-00 $75.00 Coriolan Overture Extra condensed score (L. Beethoven/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1012-01 $9.00 The Cornell Crew Band (H. Bennett) 013-0231-00AR $50.00 Cornet Fantasie Walking Frog Records CD WFR833 $14.95 Coronado Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2144-00AR $50.00 Coronado Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2144-01 Coronation Anthem Concert Band (Handel) BOV-S0669-00 $80.00 Coronation Anthem Extra condensed score (Handel) BOV-S0669-01 $10.00 Coronation Orchestra (J. W. Allen) 016-0168-00AR $50.00 Coronation Suite Young Band (Nowak) WA-YB113-00 $60.00 Coronation Suite Extra score (Nowak) WA-YB113-01 The Corsair's Landing Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2353-00 The Corsair's Landing Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2353-01 Cortege Ensemble Flute trio with piano accompaniment (Walker) 110-0119-04AR $15.00 Cortez Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MCE103-00 $50.00 Cortez Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MCE103-01 Cortez Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SB531-00 Cortez Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SB531-01 $6.00 Corydon Band (Barnhouse) 013-0023-00AR $50.00 Cosby Show Theme Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB154-00 $45.00 Cosby Show Theme Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB154-01 $5.00 Cosette Band (G. Holmes) 013-0984-00AR $50.00 Cosette Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0465-00AR $50.00 Cosette Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 083-0061-20 $3.50 Cosette Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 083-0061-22 $3.50 Cosette Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 083-0061-24 $3.50 Cosette Solo Soprano sax solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 083-0061-54 The Cosmopolita Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0139-00AR $50.00 The Cosmopolitan Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0021-00AR $50.00 Costa del Sol Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR365 012-3852-00 $78.00 Costa del Sol Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3852-01 $8.00 Costa del Sol Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3852-75 $25.00 Cotuit Park Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0692-00AR $50.00 Council Grove Groove Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 991-2003-02 035-0204-00 $65.00 Council Grove Groove Extra full score (Mantooth) 035-0204-01AR $7.00 Counselor Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3046-00 $60.00 Count It! Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2497-00 $34.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $3.50 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00 $57.00 $6.00 $5.00 $45.00 $3.50 Page 54 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Count It! Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2497-01 Count Me In Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB137-00 Count Me In Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB137-01 Count On Me Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0378-00 Count On Me Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0378-01 $3.50 Count on the Blues Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 991-2000-02 031-3084-00 $60.00 Count on the Blues Extra full score (Classen) 031-3084-01 $6.00 Count the Chips Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0293-00 $23.00 Count the Chips Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0293-01AR Countdown Young Band (Neeck) WFR369 011-3890-00 Countdown Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3890-01 Counterpoint Band (Jewell) 013-0570-00AR $50.00 Country Club Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0696-00 $65.00 Country Cookin' String Orchestra (Fletcher) NLSO311 $40.00 Country Cookin' extra score (Fletcher) NLSO311-01 $5.00 The Country Express Young Band (Spears) 011-2150-00 $32.00 The Country Express Extra full score (Spears) 011-2150-01 Country Gardens Concert Band (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR191 WBM-3020-00 Country Gardens Extra full score (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3020-01 $6.00 Country Gardens Oversized spiral-bound score (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3020-75 $25.00 Country Mile Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB138-00 $40.00 Country Mile Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB138-01 $6.00 Country Shuffle Band (F. Holmes) 013-0220-00AR $50.00 Country Shuffle Orchestra (F. Holmes) 016-0044-00AR $50.00 Country Shuffle Piano Solo (F. Holmes) 017-0030-00AR $10.00 Country Variations Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0189-00AR $25.00 Courier Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3147-00 $60.00 The Court Jester Young Band (Lowden) 011-1839-00 $20.00 The Court Jester Extra score (Lowden) 011-1839-01 The Courtier Band (G. Holmes) 013-0356-00AR $50.00 The Courtier Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0145-00AR $50.00 Courtier Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0077-24AR $10.00 Courtly Procession And Dances Young Band (Jarvis) WFR389 011-4256-00 $52.00 Courtly Procession And Dance Extra full score (Jarvis) 011-4256-01 The Courts Of Granada Concert Band (Chapi/arr. Pintado) BOV-S1035-00 $120.00 The Courts Of Granada Extra condensed score (Chapi/arr. Pintado) BOV-S1035-01 $12.00 Cove Gap Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1146-00AR $50.00 Covenant Young Band (Huckeby) CB232 $60.00 Covenant extra score (Huckeby) CB232-01 Coventry Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1942-00 $48.00 Coventry Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1942-01AR $10.00 Coventry Extra condensed score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1942-02AR A Coventry Christmas Young Band (Neeck) WFR330 011-3253-00 A Coventry Christmas Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3253-01 $5.00 Covington Square Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1843-00 $65.00 Covington Square Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1843-01 $7.00 Cowboy Rhapsody Young Band (J. Williams) WFR187 015-2958-00 $38.00 Cowboy Rhapsody Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2958-01 Cowboy's, The; S. E. Concert Band (Morris) BOV-S3533-00 $60.00 Crablegs Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB131-00 $40.00 Crablegs Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB131-01 $6.00 Crack Liner Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3089-00 $60.00 Crank It Up! Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2008-02 032-3718-00 $55.00 Crank It Up! Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3718-01 The Crater Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3461-00 $60.00 Crawley's Band (Jewell) 013-0658-00AR $50.00 Crawley's Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0008-00AR $50.00 Crazy Clarinets Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-1718-00AR $50.00 Crazy Clarinets Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-1718-01 $2.00 Crazy Crocodile Young Band (Eveland) WFR342 015-3546-00 $40.00 Crazy Crocodile Extra full score (Eveland) 015-3546-01 $6.00 A Crazy, Mixed-Up Opera Young Band (Shaffer) WFR359 011-3695-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $40.00 $6.00 $31.00 $6.00 $54.00 $7.00 $3.50 $65.00 $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 $2.25 $42.00 $4.00 $6.00 Page 55 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# A Crazy, Mixed-Up Opera Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3695-01 $6.00 A Crazy, Mixed-Up Christmas Concert Young Band (Shaffer) WFR333,WFR344 011-3383-00 $45.00 A Crazy, Mixed-Up Christmas Concert Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3383-01 $6.00 Cream of the Crop Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0356-00 $28.00 Cream of the Crop Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0356-01 Creatore's Band Concert Band (Iasilli) BOV-S3387-00 $60.00 Creature Feature Young Band (Romeyn) WFR380 023-4234-00 $44.00 Creature Feature Extra full score (Romeyn) 023-4234-01 Creepin' With Clark Walking Frog Records CD WFR847 $14.95 Creole Belles Concert Band (Lampe) BOV-S3435-00 $60.00 Crescent and Scimitar Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0776-00 $70.00 Crescent and Scimitar Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0776-01 The Crescent City Stomp Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2002-02 032-3239-00 The Crescent City Stomp Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3239-01 Crescent Club Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3577-00 $60.00 The Crescent Band (Barnard) 013-0578-00AR $50.00 The Crescent Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1004-00AR $50.00 Crescent Meadow Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR373,WFR387 012-4052-00 $68.00 Crescent Meadow Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4052-01 $7.00 Cresset Variations Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7818-00 $80.00 Cresset Variations (C. T. Smith) CTS-7818-01 $15.00 Cresset Variations (C. T. Smith) CTS-7818-75 $30.00 Crest of Nobility Young Band (Sheldon) WFR323 011-2139-00 $48.00 Crest of Nobility Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2139-01 Crestview Concert Band (Spears) 012-1681-00AR Crestview Extra score (Spears) 012-1681-01 Crimebusters Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB142-00 Crimebusters Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB142-01 $5.00 Crimson Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3419-00 $60.00 The Crimson Flush Band (1897 edition) (Alexander) 013-0140-00AR $50.00 The Crimson Flush Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR361 013-0862-00AR $50.00 The Crimson Flush Orchestra (Alexander) 016-0064-00AR $50.00 The Crimson Flush Piano Solo (Alexander) 017-0010-00AR $10.00 The Crimson Petal Band (Jewell) WFR197 013-0246-00AR $50.00 The Crimson Plume Concert Band (Duble) BOV-S3222-00 $60.00 Crimson Rambler Concert Band (Althouse) BOV-S3014-00 $60.00 Criterion Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3274-00 $60.00 Cross Talk Jazz Ensemble (Schaefer) SCM-1120-00 $48.00 Cross Talk Extra full score (Schaefer) SCM-1120-01 Cross-Country Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB194-00 Cross-Country Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB194-01 Crossett Brook Young Band (Grice) WFR370 024-3918-00 Crossett Brook Extra full score (Grice) 024-3918-01 Cross-Fire Young Band (Gingery) WA-CS111-00 Cross-Fire Extra score (Gingery) WA-CS111-01 The Crossings Young Band (Sheldon) WFR192 011-2991-00 The Crossings Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2991-01 $5.00 Crosswinds March Young Band (Swearingen) WFR351 024-3672-00 $48.00 Crosswinds March Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-3672-01 $5.00 Crown Century Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-2294-00 $40.00 Crown Century Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2294-01 $4.00 Crown Him With Many Crowns Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR191 012-2990-00 $48.00 Crown Him With Many Crowns Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2990-01 $4.00 Crown of Glory Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR360 023-3762-00 $42.00 Crown of Glory Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3762-01 $5.00 The Cruise Director Jazz Ensemble (Carney) 032-0308-00 $27.00 The Cruise Director Extra full score (Carney) 032-0308-01AR $6.00 The Cruiser Harvard Concert Band (Strube) BOV-S3779-00 $60.00 Cruiser Omaha Band (King) 013-0738-00AR $50.00 Cruiser Omaha Orchestra (King) 016-0308-00AR $50.00 Cruisin' Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0297-00AR $50.00 Cruisin' Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0297-01AR $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $3.50 $6.00 $9.00 $50.00 $7.00 $6.00 $80.00 $5.00 $45.00 $7.00 $40.00 $6.00 $46.00 $5.00 $55.00 $6.00 $45.00 Page 56 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Cruisin' Marching Band (A. Clark) MB169 $50.00 Cruisin' With The Count Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1095-00 $47.00 Cruisin' With The Count (Farber) SCM-1095-01 $6.00 Crunch Time! Young Band (Young band) (Swearingen) WFR351 011-3600-00 $48.00 Crunch Time! Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3600-01 Crunch Time! Marching Band (Marching band) (Swearingen) 058-2554-00AR Crunch Time! Extra score (Swearingen) 058-2554-01AR $5.00 Crusade for Freedom Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1248-00AR $50.00 Crusade for Freedom Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1248-01 The Crusader Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3706-00 The Crusader Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3706-01 $6.00 Crusaders of Liberty Band (G. Holmes) 013-1198-00AR $50.00 Crusaders of Our Nation Band (Triliken) 013-1081-00AR $50.00 The Crusaders Marching Band (Barton) 050-2431-00 $40.00 Crush Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR378 012-4190-00 $78.00 Crush Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4190-01 $8.00 Crush Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4190-75 $25.00 Cruzan Dances Concert Band (Longfield) WFR191 012-2988-00 $68.00 Cruzan Dances Extra full score (Longfield) 012-2988-01 $7.00 Crystal City Overture Young Band (Edmondson) 011-1872-00 $48.00 Crystal City Overture Extra score (Edmondson) 011-1872-01 Crystal Lake Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3275-00 $60.00 Crystal Medallion Overture Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2740-00 $48.00 Crystal Medallion Overture Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2740-01 $4.00 Crystals Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0386-00 $31.00 Crystals Extra full score (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0386-01AR $6.00 C. T. C. Band (Cline) 013-1052-00AR $50.00 Cuban Independence Concert Band (Henninger/arr. L. O. Smith) BOV-S3341-00 $60.00 The Cuckoo Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3243-00 $60.00 Cupid's Call Valse Band (G. Holmes) 013-0333-00AR $50.00 Cupid's Call Valse Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0113-00AR $50.00 Curlicue Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0106-00 $11.00 Curlicue Extra score (Lowden) 031-0106-01 $3.00 Curtain Call Concert Band (Wasson) WFR378 012-4196-00 $76.00 Curtain Call Extra full score (Wasson) 012-4196-01 $8.00 Curtain Call Oversized spiral-bound score (Wasson) 012-4196-75 $25.00 Curtain Call Walking Frog Records CD WFR378 $14.95 Custer's Cavalry Band (King) 013-1227-00AR $50.00 Custer's Cavalry Extra condensed score (King) 013-1227-01 $4.00 Cut To The Chase Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 031-3139-00 $40.00 Cut To The Chase Extra full score (Barton) 031-3139-01 Cycle Club Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3090-00 $60.00 The Cycle Queen Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3091-00 $60.00 Cyrano de Bergerac Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0863-00 $65.00 Cyrano de Bergerac Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S2101-00 $60.00 Cyrano De Bergerac Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3351-00 $60.00 Cyrus the Great Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR388 012-4500-00 $68.00 Cyrus the Great Extra full score (King/Glover) 012-4500-01 $10.00 Cyrus the Great Oversized spiral-bound score (King/Glover) 012-4500-75 $30.00 Cyrus the Great Ensemble Saxophone choir (10 part) (King/arr. Kastens) 115-4251-00 $20.00 Cyrus the Great Extra full score (King/arr. Kastens) 115-4251-01 Cyrus the Great Band (King) 013-0736-00AR Cyrus the Great Extra condensed score (King) 013-0736-01 Cyrus the Great Orchestra (King) 016-0306-00AR $50.00 Czardas Concert Band (Monti/arr. Glover) WFR384 012-4403-00 $68.00 Czardas Extra full score (Monti/arr. Glover) 012-4403-01 $8.00 Czardas Oversized spiral-bound score (Monti/arr. Glover) 012-4403-75 $25.00 D. M. I. Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3016-00 $60.00 Da Blues Done Gotcha Again Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 032-2520-00 $48.00 Da Blues Done Gotcha Again Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-2520-01 Da Blues Done Gotcha Again Walking Frog Records CD WFR178 $14.95 Dainty Dear Band (Barnhouse) 013-0473-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $60.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $3.50 Page 57 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Dainty Dear Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0189-00AR $50.00 Dallas Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3305-00 $60.00 Damage Control Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2007-01 032-3593-00 $45.00 Damage Control Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3593-01 $6.00 Damon-Tanz Concert Band (R.W. Smith) 012-4248-00 $80.00 Damon-Tanz Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 012-4248-01 $10.00 Dana Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3665-00 $60.00 Dance and Intermezzo Concert Band (Carter) 029-1323-00AR $90.00 Dance and Intermezzo Extra score (Carter) 029-1323-01AR $6.00 Dance for Marimba Solo Marimba solo with piano accompaniment (Stover/arr. A. Clark) 120-3561-00 $7.50 Dance Like No One's Watching Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3939-00 $48.00 Dance Like No One's Watching Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3939-01 $7.00 Dance of Chivalry Concert Band (Conaway) WFR388 012-4504-00 $84.00 Dance of Chivalry Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4504-01 $10.00 Dance of Chivalry Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4504-75 $30.00 Dance of the Amazons Concert Band (Liadow/arr. Glover) WFR331 012-3337-00 $68.00 Dance of the Amazons Extra full score (Liadow/arr. Glover) 012-3337-01 Dance of the Amazons Concert Band (Liadow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0683-00 Dance of the Amazons Extra condensed score (Liadow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0683-01 $8.00 Dance of the Buffoons Marching Band (Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Hopper) 052-1492-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Buffoons Extra score (Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Hopper) 052-1492-01AR Dance of the Gypsy Girl Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0017-00 Dance of the Hours Concert Band (Ponchielli/arr. Morino) BOV-S1137-00 $110.00 Dance of the Hours Extra condensed score (Ponchielli/arr. Morino) BOV-S1137-01 $12.00 Dance of the Imps Band (King) 013-0454-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Imps Orchestra (King) 016-0131-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Imps Band (Hoskins) 013-0221-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Inner Spirits Young Band (Steinberg) WA-YB110-00 $60.00 Dance of the Inner Spirits Extra score (Steinberg) WA-YB110-01 Dance of the Jester Young Band (Molter) WFR323 015-3213-00 Dance of the Jester Extra full score (Molter) 015-3213-01 Dance of the Manikins Band (Losey) 013-1084-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Mermaids Band (G. Holmes) 013-0344-00AR $50.00 Dance of the Slippery Slide Trombones Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330,WFR344 011-3299-00 $45.00 Dance of the Slippery Slide Trombones Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3299-01 $6.00 Dance of the Snowmen Young Band (Eveland) WFR351 024-3575-00 $46.00 Dance of the Snowmen Extra full score (Eveland) 024-3575-01 $5.00 Dance Prelude Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7819-00 $90.00 Dance Prelude (C. T. Smith) CTS-7819-01 $15.00 Dance Prelude (C. T. Smith) CTS-7819-75 $30.00 Dance to Your Heart Jazz Ensemble (Ferguson & Lane/arr. Lane) 037-0205-00AR $60.00 Dance to Your Heart Extra full score (Ferguson & Lane/arr. Lane) 037-0205-01AR Dance to Your Heart Marching Band (Lane/arr. Ballenger) 055-1615-00 $19.00 The Dancer Ensemble Flute trio (F. McKay) 110-0114-00AR $15.00 Dances Fantastique Young Band (Shaffer) WFR359 011-3730-00 $54.00 Dances Fantastique Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3730-01 $8.00 Dances From A Hillside Manor Ensemble Trombone quartet (Culver) 101-0202-33 $15.00 Dancin' Fool Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2005-01 033-0391-00 $50.00 Dancin' Fool Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0391-01 Dancing Caballero Concert Band (Huffnagle) 013-1275-00AR Dancing Caballero Extra score (Huffnagle) 013-1275-01AR Dancing in Columbia Walking Frog Records CD WFR777 $14.95 Dancing Men Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC101-00 $50.00 Dancing Men Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC101-01 Dancing With The Wind Concert Band (Behrman) WFR328 012-3303-00 Dancing With The Wind Extra full score (Behrman) 012-3303-01 Danny and his Hobby Horse Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0812-00 $50.00 Danny Boy Concert Band (Barker) WFR105 012-2375-00 $60.00 Danny Boy Extra full score (Barker) 012-2375-01 $4.00 Danny Boy Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Barker/arr. A. Clark) 026-3977-00 $50.00 Danny Boy Extra full score (Barker/arr. A. Clark) 026-3977-01 $6.00 Danny Boy Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02,WFR348 032-3357-00 $42.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $65.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $38.00 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $80.00 $6.00 $5.00 $68.00 $7.00 Page 58 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Danny Boy Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3357-01 Danny Boy Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 050-2373-00AR Danny Boy Extra score (arr. Swearingen) 050-2373-01AR $6.00 Danny Deever Concert Band (Damrosch/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0652-00 $65.00 Danny Deever Extra condensed score (Damrosch/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0652-01 Danse Celestiale Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2147-00 Danse Celestiale Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2147-01AR Danse Celestiale Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-2147-75 $35.00 Danse de Satyrs Concert Band (LeThiere/arr. Rollinson) BOV-S2038-00 $65.00 Danse de Satyrs Extra condensed score (LeThiere/arr. Rollinson) BOV-S2038-01 Danse Des Dauphins Young Band (Grice) WFR370 024-3924-00 $48.00 Danse Des Dauphins Extra full score (Grice) 024-3924-01 $5.00 Danse Grotesque Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Scarmolin) 111-0087-00 Danse Macabre Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1149-00 $80.00 Danse Macabre Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1149-01 $10.00 Danse Villageoise Concert Band (Chabrier/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0016-00 Danses Sacred and Profane Concert Band (Hill) 012-1486-00AR $120.00 Danses Sacred and Profane Extra full score (Hill) 012-1486-01AR $20.00 Danza Brilliante Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Glover) WFR372 012-4002-00 $68.00 Danza Brilliante Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Glover) 012-4002-01 $7.00 Danza Brilliante Oversized spiral-bound score (Verdi/arr. Glover) 012-4002-75 $25.00 Danza Del Fuego Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR373 011-4023-00 $50.00 Danza Del Fuego Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4023-01 $7.00 Danza Espanol Young Band (Huckeby) WFR355 024-3657-00 $46.00 Danza Espanol Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3657-01 $5.00 Danza Sonora Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7820-00 $70.00 Danza Sonora (C. T. Smith) CTS-7820-01 $20.00 Danza Sonora (C. T. Smith) CTS-7820-75 Daphnis Concert Band (G. Holmes) 012-1130-00AR Daphnis Extra condensed score (G. Holmes) 012-1130-01AR $6.00 Darby and Joan Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 080-0072-24AR $10.00 Darby and Joan Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 080-0072-25AR $12.00 A Dark and Stormy Night Young Band (Romeyn) WFR377 011-4113-00 $50.00 A Dark and Stormy Night Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4113-01 $7.00 Dark Energy Concert Band (J. McBride) WFR389 012-4489-00 $74.00 Dark Energy Extra full score (J. McBride) 012-4489-01 $10.00 Dark Energy Oversized spiral-bound score (J. McBride) 012-4489-75 $30.00 Dark Matter Young Band (Pasternak) RWS-1607-00 $60.00 Dark Matter Extra Full Score (Pasternak) RWS-1607-01 $10.00 Dark Matter Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (Pasternak) RWS-1607-75 $25.00 Dark Odyssey Young Band (Grice) WFR362 024-3844-00 $46.00 Dark Odyssey Extra full score (Grice) 024-3844-01 Dark Odyssey Walking Frog Records CD WFR362 $14.95 Dark Side of the Blues Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 032-2934-00 $50.00 Dark Side of the Blues Extra full score (Classen) 032-2934-01AR The Dark Waters Concert Band (Conaway) WFR389 012-4445-00 The Dark Waters Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4445-01 $8.00 The Dark Waters Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4445-75 $25.00 The Darlington Band (Alexander) 013-0122-00AR $50.00 Darn Tootin' Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB200-00 $40.00 Darn Tootin' Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB200-01 $6.00 Dashing Belles Band (Kiefer) 013-0383-00AR $50.00 Dashing Through The Snow! Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2008-01 032-3765-00 $45.00 Dashing Through The Snow! Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 032-3765-01 Daughters Of Texas Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3707-00 $60.00 Daughters Of The American Revolution Concert Band (Lampe) BOV-S3436-00 $60.00 Claude T. Smith: A Daughter's Tribute Walking Frog Records CD WFR602 $14.95 Dawg House Jazz Ensemble (Briody) SCM-1113-00 $48.00 Dawg House Extra full score (Briody) SCM-1113-01 $7.00 Dawn of a New Day Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2548-00 $68.00 Dawn of a New Day Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2548-01 $6.00 Dawn of a New Day Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-2548-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $50.00 $8.00 $65.00 $7.00 $8.00 $6.50 $70.00 $25.00 $100.00 $5.00 $7.00 $74.00 $6.00 Page 59 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Dawn Patrol Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 3 players (Heney) 121-0047-00 $12.00 Day At The Beach Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2010-01 032-3941-00 $48.00 Day At The Beach Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3941-01 Day Dreams Fantasie Band (Bray) 013-0111-00AR $50.00 A Day in Bombay Band (Eisenberg) 014-0085-00AR $50.00 A Day In Venice Concert Band (Nevin/arr. Bellstedt) BOV-S2124-00 $70.00 Day of the Shofar Concert Band (Spears) 012-1951-00 $46.00 Day of the Shofar Extra full score (Spears) 012-1951-01 $6.00 The Day We Called It A Night Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2004-02 032-3360-00 $55.00 The Day We Called It A Night Extra full score (Stack) 032-3360-01 Daydreams Young Band (Jutras) 011-2119-00AR Daydreams Extra score (Jutras) 011-2119-01 Dazie Band (G. Holmes) 013-0292-00AR $50.00 Dazie Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0061-00AR $50.00 The Death of Custer Concert Band (L. Johnson) BOV-S2047-00 $70.00 DeBeriot's 5th Violin Concerto Concert Band (Lax) BOV-S2191-00 $60.00 Debut Recording Walking Frog Records CD WFR513 $14.95 The Debutante Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0822-00 $65.00 The Debutante Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S0822-01 Deck the Halls With Bones and Saxes Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2007-01 032-3604-00 Deck the Halls With Bones and Saxes Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3604-01 $6.00 Deck the Halls With Chips and Salsa Young Band (Huckeby) WFR317 011-3135-00 $45.00 Deck the Halls With Chips and Salsa Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3135-01 $5.00 Deck The Halls With Chips And Salsa Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4068-00 $50.00 Deck The Halls With Chips And Salsa Extra full score (Huckeby) 026-4068-01 $6.00 Deck the Halls With Dazzling Drummers Young Band (J. Williams) WFR195 011-3074-00 $45.00 Deck the Halls With Dazzling Drummers Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-3074-01 $5.00 Deck the Halls With Drums and Voices Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR362 024-3862-00 $46.00 Deck the Halls With Drums and Voices Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 024-3862-01 $5.00 Deck the Halls With Old Composers Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2625-00 $45.00 Deck the Halls With Old Composers Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2625-01 $6.00 Deck The Holidays! Young Band (Romeyn) WFR390 023-4443-00 $42.00 Deck The Holidays! Extra full score (Romeyn) 023-4443-01 $6.00 Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-2233-00 $65.00 Deck Thyself, My Soul, With Gladness Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-2233-01 $4.00 Declarata Young Band (Neeck) WFR374 023-4009-00 $42.00 Declarata Extra full score (Neeck) 023-4009-01 $6.00 Declaration, Ballade & Finale Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2237-00 $65.00 Declaration, Ballade & Finale Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2237-01 $6.00 Declaration, Ballade & Finale Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-2237-75 $25.00 Declarations Concert Band (Del Borgo) 012-2060-00 $65.00 Declarations Extra score (Del Borgo) 012-2060-01 $6.00 Dedicata Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-2070-00 $70.00 Dedicata Extra score (Shaffer) 012-2070-01 Dedication Concert Band (Schumann/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0405-00 Dedication Extra condensed score (Schumann/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0405-01 $8.00 Dedication Extra full score (Schumann/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0405-02 $10.00 Dedication, March & Celebration Young Band (Swearingen) WFR330 011-3314-00 $48.00 Dedication, March & Celebration Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3314-01 Deep Remembering Walking Frog Records CD WFR718 $14.95 Deep River Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR186,WFR184 012-2917-00 $45.00 Deep River Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2917-01 Deep River Ensemble Brass quartet or trumpet quartet (arr. Fraker) 101-0016-00AR $20.00 Deep River Marching Band (Cotter) WA-MFP104-00 $40.00 Deep River Extra score (Cotter) WA-MFP104-01 Defeating the Giant Young Band (Grice) WFR360 023-3707-00 Defeating the Giant Extra full score (Grice) 023-3707-01 Defend Her Heaven Concert Band (Handel/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0619-00 Defend Her Heaven Extra condensed score (Handel/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0619-01 $7.00 Defendam Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3352-00 $60.00 The Defending Circle Band (King) 013-0559-00 $25.00 Defying Gravity Concert Band (Reineke) WFR331,WFR352 012-3366-00 $74.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $7.00 $50.00 $3.00 $8.00 $45.00 $6.00 $70.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $42.00 $5.00 $60.00 Page 60 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Defying Gravity Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3366-01 $8.00 Defying Gravity Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3366-75 $30.00 Defying Gravity Walking Frog Records CD WFR331 $14.95 Deir in De Concert Band (Barker) WFR105 012-2284-00 $45.00 Deir in De Extra full score (Barker) 012-2284-01 Deja View Walking Frog Records CD WFR611 $14.95 Delamont Overture Concert Band (Herberman) WA-CB117-00 $75.00 Delamont Overture Extra score (Herberman) WA-CB117-01 $6.00 Deliberations Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0055-00 $75.00 Deliberations Suite Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0005-00 $70.00 The Dells Band (Laurens) 013-0931-00AR $50.00 The Dells Orchestra (Laurens) 016-0427-00AR $50.00 The Dells Ensemble Sax quartet (Laurens/arr. Holmes) 111-0041-20AR $16.00 DeMangles Band (Kiefer) 013-0725-00AR $50.00 De'miei bollenti spiriti Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0680-00 $55.00 De'miei bollenti spiriti Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0680-01 $7.00 DeMolay Commandery Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3306-00 $60.00 The Demons Rally Band (Gorton) 013-0069-00AR $50.00 Denbridge Way Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-1531-00 $68.00 Denbridge Way Extra score (Swearingen) 012-1531-01 The Denver Post Band (Jewell) 013-0340-00AR $50.00 Denver Triennial Band (Worrell) 013-0558-00AR $50.00 Depuis le Jour Concert Band (Charpentier/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0412-00 $70.00 Depuis le Jour Extra condensed score (Charpentier/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0412-01 $8.00 Depuis le Jour Extra full score (Charpentier/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0412-02 $10.00 Der Geist Des Wojewoden Concert Band (Grossman/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2206-00 $80.00 Der Geist Des Wojewoden Extra condensed score (Grossman/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2206-01 $10.00 Theme From Der Meistersinger Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Salzman) 051-1884-00 $32.00 Derk's Works Jazz Ensemble (Washut) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3805-00 $50.00 Derk's Works Extra full score (Washut) 032-3805-01 Desdemona Band (King) 013-0492-00AR $50.00 Desdemona Orchestra (King) 016-0144-00AR $50.00 Desert Caravan Young Band (Neeck) WFR379 011-4171-00 $52.00 Desert Caravan Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4171-01 $7.00 Desert Fire Young Band (J. McBride) WFR390 011-4260-00 $52.00 Desert Fire Extra full score (J. McBride) 011-4260-01 Desert Force Concert Band (Bulla) WA-FCB201-00 Desert Force Extra score (Bulla) WA-FCB201-01 $5.00 The Desert Patrol Band (King) 014-0114-00AR $50.00 The Desert Patrol Extra condensed score (King) 014-0114-01 $4.00 Desert Storm Young Band (K. Harris) 015-2403-00 $40.00 Desert Storm Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2403-01 Desert, The Concert Band (David/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2135-00 $95.00 Desert, The Extra condensed score (David/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2135-01 $10.00 Designated Swinger Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 031-3109-00 $42.00 Designated Swinger Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-3109-01 Desperado Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MCE114-00 Desperado Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MCE114-01 Desperate Measures Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2000-01 031-3093-00 Desperate Measures Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3093-01 Detroit Commandery KT Concert Band (White) BOV-S3801-00 $60.00 Detroit Free Press Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3148-00 $60.00 The Detroit News Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3451-00 $60.00 Developing the Corps Style Percussion Section Book - Text (Snider) 071-1974-00AR $38.00 Developing the Language of Jazz Jazz Ensemble (Holford & Carubia) SCM-1097-00 $75.00 Developing the Language of Jazz Extra score (Holford & Carubia) SCM-1097-01 The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Band (King) 013-0489-00AR $50.00 The Devil's Revels Band (Clement) 013-0922-00AR $50.00 The Devil's Tongue Concert Band (Schmidt/arr. Rhode) BOV-S0817-00 $65.00 The Devil's Tongue Extra condensed score (Schmidt/arr. Rhode) BOV-S0817-01 $8.00 Devonshire Gates Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0172-24 $4.50 Devonshire Gates Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0172-33 $4.50 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $4.00 $7.00 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 61 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Di provenza il mar Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0532-00 $60.00 Di provenza il mar Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0532-01 $7.00 Di provenza il mar Extra full score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0532-02 $10.00 Diabolique Young Band (Spears) 011-1747-00 $45.00 Diabolique Extra score (Spears) 011-1747-01 Diadem Young Band (Forsblad) 013-1658-00AR Diadem Extra score (Forsblad) 013-1658-01AR Dialogues and Entertainments Walking Frog Records CD WFR614 $14.95 Diamond Jubilee Concert Band (King) 013-1279-00AR $60.00 Diamond Jubilee Extra score (King) 013-1279-01AR $6.00 Dich, theure Halle Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0548-00 $65.00 Dich, theure Halle Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0548-01 Dick-Z-Do Jazz Ensemble (Labarbera) 035-0359-00 Dick-Z-Do Extra full score (Labarbera) 035-0359-01AR $6.00 The Dictator Band (G. Holmes) 013-0962-00AR $50.00 The Dictator Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0448-00AR $50.00 Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur Band (Beethoven/arr. Barnard) 013-0911-00AR $50.00 Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur Orchestra (Beethoven/arr. Barnard) 016-0415-00AR $50.00 Die Lotosblume Concert Band (Schumann/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0580-00 $60.00 Die Lotosblume Extra condensed score (Schumann/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0580-01 $7.00 Die Meistersinger Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Gingery) WA-MCE115-00 $50.00 Die Meistersinger Extra score (Wagner/arr. Gingery) WA-MCE115-01 Dill Pickles Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2679-00 Dill Pickles Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2679-01 $3.50 Dinosaur Strut Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2346-00 $42.00 Dinosaur Strut Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2346-01 Diplomacy Band (King) 013-0642-00AR $50.00 The Diplomat Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4506-00 $74.00 The Diplomat Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4506-01 $10.00 The Diplomat Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4506-75 $30.00 The Diplomat Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3708-00 $60.00 The Diplomat Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3708-01 $6.00 Directions Ensemble Clarinet trio (Robbins) 110-6028-08 The Director General Band (Jewell) 013-0569-00AR $50.00 The Directorate Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3709-00 $60.00 Dirge For Our Dying Cities Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0068-00 $5.00 The Dirty Dozen Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 032-2726-00 $34.00 The Dirty Dozen Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-2726-01 $4.00 The Dirty Dozen Marching Band (A. Clark) 050-2552-00 $40.00 Disco Dandy Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB105-00 $45.00 Disco Dandy Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB105-01 Disco Kid Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SB506-00 Disco Kid Extra score (Gingery) WA-SB506-01 The Disco Kid Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1600-00 The Disco Kid Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1600-01 $2.50 The Disco Kid Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 013-1939-00 $25.00 The Disco Kid Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 013-1939-01AR Disco Wars Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0160-00 Disco Wars Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0160-01 Disco-Tech Concert Band (Lowden) 012-1489-00AR Disco-Tech Extra score (Lowden) 012-1489-02AR Discover America Young Band (K. Harris) WFR333 015-3358-00 Discover America Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-3358-01 Discovery Concert Band (Grieg/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0553-00 $80.00 Discovery Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0553-01 $10.00 Discovery Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB109-00 $45.00 Discovery Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB109-01 $5.00 The Discriminator Band (King) 013-0591-00AR $50.00 The Discriminator Orchestra (King) 016-0231-00AR $50.00 Disorderly Conduct Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 032-3209-00 $42.00 Disorderly Conduct Extra full score (Barton) 032-3209-01 $5.00 The Distant Castle Young Band (Swearingen) WFR360 023-3768-00 $42.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $8.00 $40.00 $5.00 $34.00 $6.00 $7.50 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $17.00 $4.00 $14.00 $3.00 $80.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 Page 62 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Distant Castle Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-3768-01 The Distant Castle Walking Frog Records CD WFR360 $14.95 Distant Greeting Concert Band (Doring/arr. Prendiville) BOV-S3221-00 $60.00 Distant Images Walking Frog Records CD WFR803 $14.95 A Distant Light Young Band (Swearingen) WFR363 011-3842-00 $52.00 A Distant Light Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3842-01 $6.00 A Distant World Jazz Ensemble (Barton & Barton) 991-1999-01 031-3007-00 $38.00 A Distant World Extra full score (Barton & Barton) 031-3007-01 Diversion Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0372-00AR $50.00 Divertimento Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Donahue) 083-0118-08 $10.00 Divertimento Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 083-0165-22 $10.00 Divertissement Espagnole Concert Band (Desormes/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2113-00 $85.00 Divertissement Espagnole Extra condensed score (Desormes/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2113-01 $10.00 Divinities du Styx Concert Band (Gluck/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0404-00 $70.00 Divinities du Styx Extra condensed score (Gluck/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0404-01 $8.00 Divinities du Styx Extra full score (Gluck/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0404-02 $10.00 Divinum Mysterium Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR364 012-3817-00 $68.00 Divinum Mysterium Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3817-01 $7.00 Divinum Mysterium Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3817-75 $25.00 Dixie - Maryland, My Maryland - Bonnie Blue Flag Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0615-00 $25.00 Dixie Fantasia Concert Band (Bellstedt) BOV-S0939-00 $65.00 Dixie Fantasia Extra condensed score (Bellstedt) BOV-S0939-01 $8.00 Dixie Jubilee Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MSA107-00 $40.00 Dixie Jubilee Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MSA107-01 $5.00 Dixie Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Luscomb) 083-0104-08AR $12.00 Dixieland Showcase Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1305-00AR $50.00 Dixieland, U. S. A. Young Band (A. Clark) WFR130 015-2192-00AR $50.00 Dixieland, U. S. A. Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2192-01 $4.00 Do You Wanna Dance? Jazz Ensemble (Freeman/arr. A. Clark) 031-2831-00 $34.00 Do You Wanna Dance? Extra full score (Freeman/arr. A. Clark) 031-2831-01 $4.00 Do You Wanna Dance? Marching Band (Freeman/arr. A. Clark) 058-2510-00 $33.00 Do Your Ears Hang Low? String Orchestra (arr. Longfield) ARC-7027-00 $40.00 Do Your Ears Hang Low? Extra full score (arr. Longfield) ARC-7027-01 $6.00 Do Your Thing Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0305-00 $29.00 Do Your Thing Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0305-01AR $7.00 Doc. Brown's Cakewalk Concert Band (C. Johnson) BOV-S3394-00 $60.00 Do-Dah Jazz Ensemble (arr. Chattaway) WA-YSB142-00 $40.00 Do-Dah Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB142-01 $6.00 Dodecaphonic Set Concert Band (Latham) 029-1324-00AR $60.00 Dodecaphonic Set Extra score (Latham) 029-1324-01AR $6.00 Dog Days Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0240-00AR $50.00 Dog Days Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0240-01AR $6.00 Doin' the Bathtub Boogie Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) WA-MS107-00 $50.00 Doin' the Bathtub Boogie Extra score (Goodwin) WA-MS107-01 $6.00 Dolce and Allegro Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Telemann/arr. Merriman) 083-3342-08 Dolores Concert Band (Waldteufel/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2087-00 $70.00 Dominance Young Band (Conaway) WFR377 023-4076-00 $42.00 Dominance Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4076-01 Dominion Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3149-00 $60.00 Dominion of the Sky Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR194 012-3099-00 $72.00 Dominion of the Sky Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3099-01 $7.00 Dominoes Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2579-00 $45.00 Dominoes Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2579-01 Dominova Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0030-00AR $50.00 Don Caezar Orchestra (King) 016-0233-00AR $50.00 Don Ceazar Band (King) 013-0603-00AR $50.00 Theme from Don Giovanni Young Band (Mozart/arr. Mitchell) 011-1825-00 $21.00 Theme from Don Giovanni Extra score (Mozart/arr. Mitchell) 011-1825-01 Don Quixote Walking Frog Records CD WFR356 $14.95 Dona Nobis Pacem Marching Band (arr. Sochinski) 051-1757-00 $26.00 Done Deal Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2007-01 031-2441-00 $48.00 Done Deal Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2441-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $4.00 $7.50 $6.00 $4.00 $2.50 Page 63 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Donkey Dance Young Band (G. Sebesky) 029-1450-00AR $50.00 The Donkey Dance Extra score (G. Sebesky) 029-1450-01AR $6.00 Donna e mobile, la Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0543-00 $60.00 Donna e mobile, la Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0543-01 $7.00 Donna's Theme Marching Band (Cotter) WA-MCE107-00 $50.00 Donna's Theme Extra score (Cotter) WA-MCE107-01 Don't Count Me Out Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-1999-01 031-3015-00 Don't Count Me Out Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3015-01 $4.00 Don't Get Sassy in Bb Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1005-00 $50.00 Don't Get Sassy in Bb Extra full score SCM-1005-01 $6.00 Don't Get Sassy in F Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1001-00 $45.00 Don't Get Sassy in F Extra full score SCM-1001-01 $6.00 Don't Knock My Socks Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0300-00 $20.00 Don't Knock My Socks Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0300-01 Don't Look Back Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB122-00 Don't Look Back Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB122-01 Don't Make Us Come Out There Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3951-00 Don't Make Us Come Out There Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3951-01 $7.00 Don't Miss The Bus Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2012-00 032-4141-00 $45.00 Don't Miss The Bus Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4141-01 Don't Push It! Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB152-00 Don't Push It! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB152-01 Don't Rock the Boat Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2222-00 $32.00 Don't Rock the Boat Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2222-01 $3.00 Don't Stop Believin' Extra score (Farrar/arr. Lowden) 036-0122-01 Don't Stop Rockin' Marching Band (K. Harris) MB167 $50.00 Don't Try This At Home! Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2012-00 032-4135-00 $48.00 Don't Try This At Home! Extra full score (Barton) 032-4135-01 $7.00 Dorian Symphenetta Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0009-00 $65.00 Doring's Funeral March Band (Collins) 013-0190-00AR $50.00 Dos Amigos Walking Frog Records CD WFR658 $14.95 Dos Equis Marching Band (Sockinski/arr. Cole) 052-2099-00 $37.00 Dots! Young Band (Huckeby) WFR379 011-4191-00 $52.00 Dots! Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4191-01 $7.00 Double Concerto Concert Band (Vivaldi/arr. Glover) WFR340,WFR354 012-3551-00 $65.00 Double Concerto Extra full score (Vivaldi/arr. Glover) 012-3551-01 $7.00 Double Dribble Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0377-00 $31.00 Double Dribble Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0377-01 $3.50 Doublebass Recitative Concert Band (Beethoven/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0025-00 $65.00 Dove sono Concert Band (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0568-00 $65.00 Dove sono Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0568-01 $8.00 Down At Asbury Park Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Tobani) BOV-S0831-00 $55.00 Down At Duke's Place Jazz Ensemble (Shabazz) 991-2005-01 032-3446-00 $45.00 Down At Duke's Place Extra full score (Shabazz) 032-3446-01 Down By The Sally Gardens Concert Band (Irish Tune/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0590-00 Down By The Sally Gardens Extra condensed score (Irish Tune/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0590-01 Down Home Cookin' Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 032-2950-00 Down Home Cookin' Extra full score (Swearingen) 032-2950-01 $4.00 Down Home Rocker Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0220-00 $18.00 Down Home Rocker Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0220-01 $6.00 Down N' Dirty Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 031-2859-00 $34.00 Down N' Dirty Extra full score (Barton) 031-2859-01 Down Our Way Band (Watson) 013-0690-00AR $50.00 Down Our Way Orchestra (Watson) 016-0255-00AR $50.00 Down Our Way Orchestra (Watson) 016-0257-00AR $50.00 Down Our Way Vocal Vocal (Watson) 021-7092-00AR Down Pat Marching Band (K. Harris) 057-2251-00 $30.00 Down South Concert Band (Myddleton) BOV-S0935-00 $65.00 Down the Field Band (Russell) 013-1030-00AR $50.00 Down The Line Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3618-00 $60.00 Down the Line Band (Daniels) 013-0367-00AR $50.00 Down the Mississippi Band (Laurens) 013-0312-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $38.00 $3.50 $40.00 $6.00 $48.00 $7.00 $40.00 $6.00 $3.00 $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $38.00 $4.00 $5.00 Page 64 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Down the Mississippi Orchestra (Laurens/arr. Holmes) 016-0083-00AR $50.00 Down the Street Band (Grabel) 013-1005-00AR $50.00 Down Through the Chimney Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2486-00AR $50.00 Down Through the Chimney Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2486-01 $4.00 Down Time Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR179 032-2501-00 $38.00 Down Time Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2501-01 Downie Bros. Triumphal Band (Cline) 013-1021-00AR $50.00 Dr. "J" For President Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0263-00 $20.00 Dr. "J" For President Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0263-01AR $6.00 Dr. Rock Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB174-00 $45.00 Dr. Rock Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB174-01 Dr. Rockenstein's Laboratory Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 030-2204-00 Dr. Rockenstein's Laboratory Extra full score (A. Clark) 030-2204-01 The Dragon Fly Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0938-00 The Dragon Fly Extra condensed score (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0938-01 Dragons Fly on the Winds of Time Concert Band (Neeck) WFR334,WFR353 012-3418-00 Dragons Fly on the Winds of Time Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3418-01 $8.00 Dragons Fly on the Winds of Time Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-3418-75 $30.00 Dragon's Golden Jubilee Band (Christensen/arr. Chenette) 013-1148-00AR $50.00 Dragon's Tongue Walking Frog Records CD WFR522 $14.95 Drake Relays Band (King) 014-0122-00 $25.00 Drake Relays Extra condensed score (King) 014-0122-01 Dramatic Legend Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-OCB108-00 Dramatic Legend Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-OCB108-01 $6.00 Dramatic Prelude Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0011-00AR $20.00 Dream Catchers Walking Frog Records CD WFR612 $14.95 Dream Chaser Concert Band (Weller) WFR376 012-4105-00 $72.00 Dream Chaser Extra full score (Weller) 012-4105-01 $7.00 Dream Chaser Oversized spiral-bound score (Weller) 012-4105-75 $25.00 Dream City and The Magic Knight Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0864-00 $65.00 Dream Journey Young Band (J. Taylor) WA-CS103-00 $55.00 Dream Journey Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-CS103-01 $6.00 The Dream of Love Schottische Band (Rockwell) 013-0117-00AR $50.00 The Dream of Love Schottische Orchestra (Rockwell) 016-0012-00AR $50.00 A Dream of Love Band (G. Holmes) 013-0338-00AR $50.00 Dream of the Valley Band (Rosenkrans) 014-0037-00 $25.00 Dream On The Ocean Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3619-00 $60.00 Dream Star Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0368-00AR $50.00 Dream Waltz Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-04 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-08 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-17 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-20 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-24 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-33 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-37 $5.00 Dream Waltz Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0095-38 $5.00 Dreamin' Out Loud Jazz Ensemble (Washut) 991-2009-02 032-3804-00 $50.00 Dreamin' Out Loud Extra full score (Washut) 032-3804-01 $7.00 Dreams Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR367 012-3985-00 $68.00 Dreams Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3985-01 $6.00 Dreams Oversized spiral-bound score (R.W. Smith) 012-3985-75 $25.00 Dreams Concert Band (Streleski/arr. Herbert) BOV-S0504-00 $50.00 Dreams Extra condensed score (Streleski/arr. Herbert) BOV-S0504-01 $6.00 Dreams of the Future Orchestra (Brooks/arr. von Lenz) 016-0035-00AR $50.00 Dreams of Victory Young Band (Conaway) WFR374 024-4020-00 $46.00 Dreams of Victory Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4020-01 $6.00 Dreamscape Young Band (Huckeby) WFR323 011-3221-00 $42.00 Dreamscape Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3221-01 Dreamscape Walking Frog Records CD WFR323 Dreamscapes Solo Marimba solo with piano accompaniment (Spears) 120-0170-00 $2.50 Dreamwalker Jazz Ensemble (Bennett/arr. A. Clark) 032-2397-00 $32.00 Dreamwalker Extra full score (Bennett/arr. A. Clark) 032-2397-01 $3.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $5.00 $25.00 $3.00 $65.00 $8.00 $76.00 $4.00 $60.00 $5.00 $14.95 Page 65 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Dreamy Dawn Band (King) 014-0105-00AR $50.00 Drifting In Time Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 7 players (Thompson) RWS-1551-00 $35.00 Drifting In Time Extra full score (Thompson) RWS-1551-01 The Drill Master Band (Kiefer) 013-0542-00AR $50.00 Drive Time Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB185-00 $40.00 Drive Time Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB185-01 Drivin' & Drummin' Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2457-00 $30.00 Drivin' That Drummin' Machine! Young Band (Young band) (Shaffer) WFR336,WFR344 015-3471-00 $40.00 Drivin' That Drummin' Machine! Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3471-01 $5.00 Drivin' That Drummin' Machine! Jazz Ensemble (Jazz Ensemble) (Shaffer) 991-2005-01 032-3473-00 $42.00 Drivin' That Drummin' Machine! Extra full score (Shaffer) 032-3473-01 $6.00 Drum & Drummer Young Band (Shaffer) WFR390 023-4477-00 $42.00 Drum & Drummer Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4477-01 Drum and Bugle Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1608-00AR Drum and Bugle Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1608-01AR $5.00 The Drum Major Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1149-00AR $50.00 The Drum Major Extra condensed score (J. S. Taylor) 013-1149-01 Drum Section Cheers Marching Band (A. Clark) MB158 $20.00 Drum Set Fundamentals (Book And Cd) Jazz Ensemble (Mancini) WA-JB101-00 $18.95 Drummers Deal Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 030-2198-00AR $50.00 Drummers Deal Extra full score (K. Harris) 030-2198-01AR Drummers Deal Marching Band (K. Harris) MB133 $50.00 Drummin' Surf-ari Young Band (Huckeby) WFR360 023-3754-00 $42.00 Drummin' Surf-ari Extra full score (Huckeby) 023-3754-01 Drums Ablaze Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0112-00AR $50.00 Drums Latino Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-2010-00AR $50.00 Drums Latino Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-2010-01 $5.00 Drums of Darkness Young Band (Neeck) WFR353 011-3596-00 $48.00 Drums of Darkness Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3596-01 $6.00 Drums Ole! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR192 011-2994-00 $38.00 Drums Ole! Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2994-01 The Dryads Band (G. Holmes) 013-0336-00AR $50.00 Du bist die Ruh Concert Band (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0637-00 $60.00 Du bist die Ruh Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0637-01 Dueling Dragons Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR362 023-3858-00 Dueling Dragons Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3858-01 Duelling Drummers Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1477-00AR Duelling Drummers Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1477-01AR Duke It Out! Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177,WFR179 032-2802-00 Duke It Out! Extra full score (Spera) 032-2802-01 $4.00 Duke Street Young Band (Spears) 011-1781-00 $20.00 Duke Street Extra score (Spears) 011-1781-01 $2.50 Dull Razor Blues Band (Huffine) 014-0073-00 $25.00 Dunlap Commandery Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3307-00 $60.00 Duos Walking Frog Records CD WFR728 $14.95 During Courtship Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S3806-00 $60.00 The Dutchess Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Fulton) BOV-S0689-00 $70.00 Dvorak's Theme Jazz Ensemble (Nestico) 032-0021-00AR $50.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #1 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2040-00AR $25.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #1 Extra score (Metzer) 057-2040-01AR Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #2 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2105-00 $18.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #3 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2165-00AR $25.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #4 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2254-00AR $25.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #5 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2387-00 $20.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #6 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2460-00 $20.00 Dynamic Drum Line Cadences #7 Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2709-00 $20.00 The Dynamic Drum Major Book - Text (Parks) 071-1988-00 $19.95 Dynamite Drums Marching Band (A. Clark) MB159 $50.00 Dynamo Young Band (Neeck) WFR386 023-4363-00 $44.00 Dynamo Extra full score (Neeck) 023-4363-01 $6.00 Dynamo Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2872-00 $36.00 Dynamo Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2872-01 $4.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $7.00 $42.00 $5.00 $50.00 $5.00 $40.00 $4.00 Page 66 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Dynamo Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Spears) 121-0232-00 $12.00 The Dynamo Band (Casto) 013-0414-00AR $50.00 E lucevan le stelle Concert Band (Puccini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0678-00 $60.00 E lucevan le stelle Extra condensed score (Puccini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0678-01 E Lucevan Le Stelle Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0106-00 $65.00 E Pluribus Rockum Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2647-00 $40.00 E Pluribus Rockum Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2647-01 $6.00 E Pluribus Unum Young Band (Jewell/arr. Shaffer) 011-2731-00 $40.00 E Pluribus Unum Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Shaffer) 011-2731-01 $4.00 E Pluribus Unum Concert Band (Paynter edition) (Jewell/arr. Paynter) WFR101 012-2155-00 $50.00 E Pluribus Unum Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Paynter) 012-2155-01 $5.00 E Pluribus Unum Concert Band (Glover edition) (Jewell/arr. Glover) WFR349,WFR366 012-3571-00 $65.00 E Pluribus Unum Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Glover) 012-3571-01 $6.00 E Pluribus Unum Oversized spiral-bound score (Jewell/arr. Glover) 012-3571-75 $25.00 E Pluribus Unum Band (Jewell) 013-0653-00 $25.00 E Pluribus Unum Extra condensed score (Jewell) 013-0653-01 E Pluribus Unum Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0004-00AR $50.00 E Pluribus Unum Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Jewell/arr. A. Clark) 026-4065-00 $50.00 E Pluribus Unum Extra full score (Jewell/arr. A. Clark) 026-4065-01 $6.00 The E. J. Express Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 035-0337-00 $50.00 The E. J. Express Extra full score (Goodwin) 035-0337-01 $3.50 Eagle Crest Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-2645-00 $45.00 Eagle Crest Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2645-01 $4.00 Eagle Mountain Young Band (Sheldon) WFR130 011-2260-00 $45.00 Eagle Mountain Overture Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2260-01 $5.00 Eaglerock Young Band (J. Williams) WFR187 011-2957-00 $55.00 Eaglerock Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2957-01 $7.00 The Eagle's Triumph Young Band (Shaffer) WFR192,WFR321 011-2979-00 $50.00 The Eagle's Triumph Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2979-01 $5.00 Earhart Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR375 012-4155-00 $76.00 Earhart Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4155-01 $8.00 Earhart Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4155-75 $30.00 Early Blue Evening Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1115-00 $48.00 Early Blue Evening Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1115-01 $7.00 The Early Morning Before School Rehearsal Blues Jazz Ensemble (Andy Clark) 991-2011-01 032-4034-00 $48.00 The Early Morning Before School Rehearsal Blues Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-4034-01 Ease on Down Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-2214-00AR Ease on Down Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-2214-01 $3.00 East Side Drive Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346 031-2663-00 $34.00 East Side Drive Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2663-01 Easter Chimes Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0839-00 $55.00 Easter Fantasia Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0840-00 $55.00 Eastern Seaboard Young Band (Forsblad) 011-2029-00 $24.00 Eastern Seaboard Extra score (Forsblad) 011-2029-01 Easterner Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1105-00AR $50.00 Eastman Wind Ensemble at 50 Walking Frog Records CD WFR644 $39.95 Eastwind Young Band (Lowden) 011-1907-00 $30.00 Eastwind Extra score (Lowden) 011-1907-01AR Easy Does It Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2003-01 031-3295-00 Easy Does It Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3295-01 Easy Goin' Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0163-00AR Easy Goin' Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0163-01 Easy Pickens Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0328-00AR Easy Pickens Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0328-01 Easy Street Jazz Ensemble (Mintzer) 032-2329-00AR Easy Street Extra full score (Mintzer) 032-2329-01 Easy Street Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB178-00 Easy Street Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB178-01 $6.00 Easy Walker Band (Jewell) 013-0651-00AR $50.00 Easy Walker Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0002-00AR $50.00 Eat At Joe's Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 991-2001-02 032-3162-00 $50.00 Eat At Joe's Extra full score (Classen) 032-3162-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $4.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $3.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $50.00 $3.00 $50.00 $3.50 $60.00 $3.50 $40.00 Page 67 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Eau de Groove Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0049-00AR $50.00 Eau de Groove Extra score (Martino) 049-0049-01AR Ebony Concerto Walking Frog Records CD WFR406 $14.95 Eb'ry Rose is Sweeter For de Rain Band (C. Smith) 013-0685-00AR $50.00 Eb'ry Rose is Sweeter For de Rain Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0258-00AR $50.00 Eb'ry Rose is Sweeter For de Rain Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0259-00AR $50.00 Eb'ry Rose is Sweeter For de Rain Vocal Medium vocal (C. Smith) 021-7089-00AR $5.00 Echoes Of Seville Concert Band (Moret/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3530-00 $60.00 Echoes of Spain Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB129-00 $45.00 Echoes of Spain Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB129-01 $5.00 Echoes of the Catskills Concert Band (Rogers/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-C0201-00 $75.00 Echoes of the Catskills Extra condensed score (Rogers/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-C0201-01 $9.00 Echo's From the Park Band (LaRue) 013-0145-00AR $50.00 Eclecticism Walking Frog Records CD WFR571 $14.95 Eclipse Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB111-00 $40.00 Eclipse Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB111-01 $6.00 Eclipse Band (King) 013-0667-00AR $50.00 Eclipse Orchestra (King) 016-0316-00AR $50.00 Edifice Concert Band (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1387-00AR $80.00 Edifice Extra full score (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1387-01 Edifice Extra condensed score (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1387-02 The Educator, Book 1 Piccolo Db book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-03AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Clarinet Eb Book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-07AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st Bb Clarinet book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-08AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-09AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Oboe book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-15AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bassoon book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-17AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bb Soprano Sax book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-19AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Alto Saxophone Eb book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-20AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bb Tenor Sax book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-22AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-23AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Solo Bb Cornet book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-24AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st Bb Cornet book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-25AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-26AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-33AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 3rd Trombone BC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-35AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Baritone TC Book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-37AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Baritone BC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-38AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Tuba book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-39AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Drums book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-41AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-51AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-52AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Eb Cornet book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-60AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-66AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 3rd Trombone TC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6021-67AR $10.00 The Educator, Book 1 Flute in C book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-04AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinets book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-08AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Oboe/C Melody Saxphone book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-16AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bassoon book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-17AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Alto Saxophone Eb book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-20AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bb Tenor Sax book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-22AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-23AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Solo Bb Cornet book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-24AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st & 2nd Bb Cornets book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-25AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Horn book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-28AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Trombone BC book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-33AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Drums book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-41AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Piano book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-43AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Bb Bass Saxophone book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-50AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 1st Violin book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-60AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 2nd Violin book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-61AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Viola book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-62AR $20.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $7.00 $2.50 Page 68 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Educator, Book 1 Cello book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-63AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 String Bass book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-64AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 1 Trombone TC or Bb Saxophone book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6022-66AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Piano (conductor) book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-01AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Piccolo Db book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-03AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Flute in C book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-04AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Clarinet Eb Book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-07AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Bb Clarinets book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-08AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Oboe book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-15AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Eb Saxophones book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-20AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Bb Saxophones book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-22AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Bb Cornet/Trombone/Baritone TC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-24AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Trombone BC book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-33AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Tuba book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-39AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 String Bass book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-40AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Drums/Bells/Xylophone book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-41AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Eb Horns book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-51AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Violins book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-60AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Viola book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-62AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Cello book (Orchestra) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-63AR $20.00 The Educator, Book 2 Bb Bass book (Band) (Barnhouse) 074-6020-67AR $20.00 Eenie, Meenie, Minor Mode Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3327-00 $55.00 Eenie, Meenie, Minor Mode Extra full score (Spera) 032-3327-01 Egyptian Love Dance Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0953-00 Egyptian Love Dance Extra condensed score (Pryor) BOV-S0953-01 $8.00 Eiffel Tower Band (Fritz/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0050-00AR $50.00 Eiffel Tower Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Fritz/arr. Barnhouse) 080-0004-99AR $10.00 Eiger Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR350 012-3653-00 $70.00 Eiger Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3653-01 $7.00 Eiger Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3653-75 $25.00 Eight Recital Works Walking Frog Records CD WFR635 $14.95 Eight to Five Marching Band (A. Clark) MB101 $50.00 1865 Concert Band (A. Clark) 012-4340-00 $80.00 An 18th Century Suite Young Band (Turk/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1656-00 $19.00 An 18th Century Suite Extra score (Turk/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1656-02 1812 Overture Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC115-00 1812 Overture Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC115-01 $5.00 Eileen Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S1063-00 $65.00 Eileen Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S3353-00 $60.00 Eili, Eili Concert Band (Shalitt/arr. S. Katz) BOV-S2065-00 $70.00 Eili, Eili Extra condensed score (Shalitt/arr. S. Katz) BOV-S2065-01 $9.00 Ein Traum Concert Band (Grieg/arr. Fiala) BOV-S0507-00 $55.00 Ein Traum Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. Fiala) BOV-S0507-01 Eine Kleine Deutsch Suite Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0052-00 $75.00 Eine Kleine Deutsche Suite Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0002-00 $70.00 El Abierto Marching Band (A. Clark) MB130 $50.00 El Albaicin Concert Band (Valverde/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0936-00 $55.00 El Banda Campeon Marching Band (A. Clark) MB177 $50.00 El Bandito Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0370-00 $45.00 El Bandito Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0370-01AR El Cabara Young Band (Shaffer) WFR363 011-3835-00 El Cabara Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3835-01 $6.00 El Cabara Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2758-00 $40.00 El Cabara Extra score (Shaffer) 058-2758-01 El Camino Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB108-00 El Camino Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB108-01 $6.00 El Camino Marching Band (Nowak) WA-MSA109-00 $40.00 El Camino Extra score (Nowak) WA-MSA109-01 El Campeón Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MC124-00 El Campeón Extra score (Gingery) WA-MC124-01 $5.00 El Campo Band (Jewell) 013-0232-00AR $50.00 El Capitan Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1897-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $50.00 $2.50 $60.00 $6.00 $7.00 $48.00 $2.50 $50.00 $5.00 $50.00 Page 69 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# El Capitan Extra score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1897-01 El Capitan Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3710-00 $60.00 El Capitan Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-3019-00 $60.00 El Capitan Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3019-01 $6.00 El Capitan Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3019-75 $30.00 El Choclo Concert Band (Villoldo/arr. Longfield) WFR340 012-3537-00 $68.00 El Choclo Extra full score (Villoldo/arr. Longfield) 012-3537-01 $6.00 El Choclo Oversized spiral-bound score (Villoldo/arr. Longfield) 012-3537-75 $25.00 El Choclo String Orchestra (Villoldo/arr. Longfield) ARC-7026-00 $40.00 El Choclo Extra full score (Villoldo/arr Longfield) ARC-7026-01 $6.00 El Conquistador Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1053-00 $47.00 El Conquistador Extra full score SCM-1053-01 $6.00 El Cuerdado Marching Band (Metzer) 051-1916-00 $33.00 El Dorado Band (Kiefer) 013-0544-00AR $50.00 El Espiritu de Valencia Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR360 024-3782-00 $48.00 El Espiritu de Valencia Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 024-3782-01 $5.00 El Hombre Magico Marching Band (Metzer) 051-1854-00 $32.00 El Jebel Temple Band (Cline) 013-0988-00AR $50.00 El Mango Tango String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7005-00 $40.00 El Mango Tango Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7005-01 El Mango Tango String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 NLSO305 El Mango Tango extra score (Fletcher) NLSO305-01 $5.00 El Muchacho Grande Marching Band (Downey) 052-1773-00 $30.00 El Piloto Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3151-00 $60.00 El Primo Banda Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2686-00 $35.00 El Querido Gayo Concert Band (Guentzel) 013-1160-00AR $50.00 El Querido Gayo Extra condensed score (Guentzel) 013-1160-01AR $6.00 El Querido Gayo Ensemble Brass sextet (Guentzel) 103-0028-00AR $20.00 El Relicario (Padilla/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2162-75 $25.00 El Relicario Concert Band (Padilla/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2162-00 $63.00 El Relicario Extra full score (Padilla/arr. Longfield) 012-2162-01 $7.00 El Relicario Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Padilla/arr. A. Clark) 026-3979-00 $50.00 El Relicario Extra full score (Padilla/arr. A. Clark) 026-3979-01 El Sereno Band (G. Holmes) 013-0959-00AR $50.00 El Sereno Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0445-00AR $50.00 El Taco Rocko Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2000-01,WFR346 031-3048-00 $40.00 El Taco Rocko Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3048-01 El Toro Marching Band (Hopper) 051-1725-00AR $60.00 El Toro Rojo Grande Young Band (Orcino) WFR333 011-3345-00 $45.00 El Toro Rojo Grande Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3345-01 Eldorado Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3354-00 $60.00 Electric Lady (Incl. Cassette) Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB110-00 $55.00 Electric Lady (Incl. Cassette) Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB110-01 $6.00 Electric Lady (Incl. Cassette) Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB146-00 $45.00 Electric Lady (Incl. Cassette) Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB146-01 Elegance Walking Frog Records CD WFR269 $14.95 Elegant Suite for three Flutes Ensemble Flute trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 110-3344-04 $10.00 Elena Polka Band (Kiefer) 013-0260-00 $50.00 Elena Polka Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 082-0001-20 $7.50 Elena Polka Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 082-0001-22 $7.50 Elena Polka Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 082-0001-24 $7.50 Elena Polka Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 082-0001-33 $8.00 Elena Polka Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 082-0001-38 $7.50 Elena Polka Ensemble Clarinet duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-08 $10.00 Elena Polka Solo Eb Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-12 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Tenor sax duet with paino accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-22 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-24 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-33 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-38 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-51 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 092-0001-52 $10.00 Elena Polka Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 100-0001-24 $12.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 70 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Elena Polka Ensemble Trombone trio with piano accompaniment (Kiefer) 100-0001-33 $12.00 The Elephant And The Fly Concert Band (Kling/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0734-00 $65.00 Elephants Young Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Conaway) WFR377 024-4089-00 $46.00 Elephants Extra full score (Saint-Saens/arr. Conaway) 024-4089-01 $6.00 Elf Dance Young Band (Conaway) WFR390 011-4485-00 $52.00 Elf Dance Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4485-01 $7.00 Elite Young Band (Grice) WFR363 011-3812-00 $54.00 Elite Extra full score (Grice) 011-3812-01 $6.00 Elite March Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB24-00 $40.00 Elite March Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB24F-01 $6.00 Elizabeth's Prayer Concert Band (Wagner) BOV-S0551-00 $55.00 Elizabeth's Prayer Extra condensed score (Wagner) BOV-S0551-01 $6.00 Elizabeth's Prayer Extra full score (Wagner) BOV-S0551-02 $10.00 The Elk's Reunion Concert Band (Bellstedt) BOV-S3060-00 $60.00 Ellington Celebration Walking Frog Records CD WFR507 $14.95 Elsa's Traum Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0114-00 $75.00 Elsa's Traum Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0114-01 $8.00 The Elves Overture Band (Kiefer) 013-0270-00AR $50.00 Elysian Band (Hazel) 013-0507-00AR $50.00 Elysian Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0151-00AR $50.00 Emblem of Freedom Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR328 012-3248-00 $65.00 Emblem of Freedom Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-3248-01 Emblem of Freedom Band (King) WFR325 014-0138-00AR Emblem of Freedom Extra condensed score (King) 014-0138-01 Emblem of Unity Walking Frog Records CD WFR198 $14.95 Emblem of Unity Concert Band (J. J. Richards/arr. Swearingen) WFR101 012-2120-00 $60.00 Emblem of Unity Extra full score (J. J. Richards/arr. Swearingen) 012-2120-01 Emblem of Unity Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1196-00AR Emblem of Unity Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1196-01 Emblem of Unity Marching Band (J. J. Richards/arr. Boyd) 069-1433-00AR Emblem of Unity Extra score (J. J. Richards/arr. Boyd) 069-1433-01AR $5.00 Emblem of Victory Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-FCB169-00 $45.00 Emblem of Victory Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-FCB169-01 Emblems Walking Frog Records CD WFR625 $14.95 Embossing the Emblem Band (1902 edition) (Alexander) 013-0264-00AR $50.00 Embossing the Emblem Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0871-00AR $50.00 Emerald Bay Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB200-00 $45.00 Emerald Bay Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB200-01 Emerald Cove Young Band (Niehaus) 011-2326-00 Emerald Cove Extra full score (Niehaus) 011-2326-01 Emerging and Celebrated Saxophone Repertoire Walking Frog Records CD WFR708 $14.95 Emerging and Celebrated Saxophone, Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR679 $14.95 Emerging and Celebrated Saxophone, Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR680 $14.95 Emily Concert Band (Levy/arr. T. Rollinson) BOV-S0733-00 $65.00 Emmet's Lullaby Concert Band (T. Short/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0737-00 $65.00 Emmet's Lullaby Extra condensed score (T. Short/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0737-01 $8.00 Emosylven Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3152-00 $60.00 The Emperor Band (Platt) 013-0164-00AR $50.00 Emperor's Parole Concert Band (Teike/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3784-00 $60.00 Empire Express Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3462-00 $60.00 The Empire Band (Barnard) 013-0537-00AR $50.00 The Empire State Band (Collins) 013-0108-00AR $50.00 The Empire State Piano Solo (Collins) 017-0007-00AR $10.00 Emporia Band (King) 013-0557-00AR $50.00 Empress Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3276-00 $60.00 The Empress Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3153-00 $60.00 The Empyrean Band (Colburn) 013-0348-00AR $50.00 The Empyrean Orchestra (Colburn) 016-0098-00AR $50.00 Emulsion Propulsion Ensemble Saxophone quartet (Gibson) 111-6030-20 $8.00 En Marcha! Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2098-00 $29.00 Enchanted Night Band (King) 013-0704-00AR $50.00 Enchanted Night Orchestra (King) 016-0285-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $60.00 $4.00 $75.00 $5.00 $5.00 $32.00 $5.00 Page 71 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Enchantment Band (Barnard) 013-0357-00AR $50.00 Enchantment Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 080-0017-33AR $10.00 Enchantment Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 080-0017-99AR $10.00 Enchantress Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Fulton) BOV-S0824-00 $65.00 Encomium Concert Band (Pethel) WFR185 012-2671-00 $68.00 Encomium Extra full score (Pethel) 012-2671-01 Encomium Band (Luscomb) 013-0726-00AR $50.00 Encore Ensemble Trumpet trio and drums (Herbert/arr. Schissel) 109-0230-00 $12.00 Encore for Saxophone and Band Concert Band (Harger) BOV-S0661-00 $65.00 Encore for Saxophone and Band Extra condensed score (Harger) BOV-S0661-01 $8.00 Encore Band (Kiefer) 013-0188-00AR $50.00 Encore Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0048-00AR $50.00 Encore Rock Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 029-0127-00AR $50.00 Encore Tune Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 032-0088-00AR $60.00 Encore Tune Extra score (Nordal) 032-0088-01AR Encore! Walking Frog Records CD WFR182 $14.95 Encore! Walking Frog Records CD WFR665 $14.95 Encore, L' Concert Band (LeThiere) BOV-S2041-00 $55.00 Encounter Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (O'Connor) WFR188 121-0181-00 $15.00 End Zone Marching Band (A. Clark) MB108 $50.00 Energize! Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2696-00 $35.00 Energy Marching Band (Palmer/arr. Tatgenhorst) 053-1726-00 $27.00 Energy II Marching Band (Palmer/arr. Tatgenhorst) 053-1766-00 $26.00 Energy Suite Solo Multi-Percussion solo (Spears) 120-0148-00 Engel, Der Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0585-00 Engel, Der Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0585-01 Engine #9 Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0215-00 Engine #9 Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0215-01 $3.50 An English Celebration Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324,WFR192 011-3021-00 $45.00 An English Celebration Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3021-01 The Engulfed Cathedral Concert Band (Debussy/arr. Longfield) 012-2001-00AR The Engulfed Cathedral Extra score (Debussy/arr. Longfield) 012-2001-01AR Ensenada Enchiladas Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2951-00 Ensenada Enchiladas Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2951-01 The Ensign Band (H. Bennett) 013-0228-00AR $50.00 The Entertainer Young Band (Joplin/arr. A. Clark) 015-2483-00 $34.00 The Entertainer Extra full score (Joplin/arr. A. Clark) 015-2483-01 Entrada Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB135-00 Entrada Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB135-01 Entrada Grande Marching Band (A. Clark) MB148 $50.00 Entrance of the Gladiators Concert Band (Fucik/arr. Glover) WFR372 012-4001-00 $65.00 Entrance of the Gladiators Extra full score (Fucik/arr. Glover) 012-4001-01 $7.00 Entrance of the Gladiators Oversized spiral-bound score (Fucik/arr. Glover) 012-4001-75 $25.00 Entrance of the Tall Ships Young Band (Swearingen) WFR317 011-3172-00 $48.00 Entrance of the Tall Ships Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3172-01 Entre Nous Band (Kooyman) 013-0893-00AR $50.00 Entre Nous Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0403-00AR $50.00 Entry Into Olympia Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1733-00 $27.00 Entry of the Boyards Concert Band (Halvorsen/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1058-00 $75.00 Entry of the Boyards Extra condensed score (Halvorsen/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1058-01 Epic Battle 3000 Young Band (Grice) WFR383 023-4298-00 Epic Battle 3000 Extra full score (Grice) 023-4298-01 Episode Militaire Concert Band (Dodworth) BOV-S2114-00 $65.00 Episode Militaire, March Past Concert Band (Dodworth) BOV-S3220-00 $60.00 Episodes Ensemble Clarinet quartet (G. McKay) 111-0150-08 $16.00 Epistrophy Walking Frog Records CD WFR554 $14.95 Equinox Young Band (Huckeby) WFR192 011-3014-00 $45.00 Equinox Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3014-01 $5.00 Equinox Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB39-00 $50.00 Equinox Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB39F-01 Equinox Walking Frog Records CD WFR192 $14.95 Erebus and Terror: The Lost Ships Concert Band (López) WFR389 012-4468-00 $74.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $60.00 $7.00 $32.00 $5.00 $80.00 $7.00 $36.00 $4.00 $7.00 $45.00 $5.00 $5.00 $9.00 $42.00 $6.00 $8.00 Page 72 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Erebus and Terror: The Lost Ships Extra full score (López) 012-4468-01 $8.00 Erebus and Terror: The Lost Ships Oversized spiral-bound score (López) 012-4468-75 $25.00 Eri tu che macchiavi Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0544-00 $65.00 Eri tu che macchiavi Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0544-01 Erika's Dream Young Band (Huckeby) WFR355 011-3655-00 Erika's Dream Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3655-01 Erinnyes, Les Concert Band (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1114-00 Erinnyes, Les Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1114-01 $8.00 Erinnyes, Les Concert Band (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1115-00 $85.00 Erinnyes, Les Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1115-01 $10.00 Erin's Children String Orchestra (Fletcher) NLSO304 $40.00 Erin's Children extra score (Fletcher) NLSO304-01 Erin's Favorite Concert Band (Morris) BOV-S3534-00 $60.00 Ernani, Ernani, Involami Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0120-00 $75.00 Ernani, Ernani, Involami Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0120-01 $8.00 Erotic Concert Band (Grieg/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0842-00 $55.00 Escapada Young Band (D. W. Moore) WFR183 011-2830-00 $48.00 Escapada Extra full score (D. W. Moore) 011-2830-01 Escapades Walking Frog Records CD WFR655 $14.95 Escape From Krypton Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR377 023-4086-00 $44.00 Escape From Krypton Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4086-01 Eslan Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3154-00 $60.00 Espana Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1706-00 $42.00 Espana Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1706-01 Espana Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB155-00 Espana Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB155-01 Espana Cani Concert Band (Marquina/arr. Longfield) WFR186,WFR320 012-2930-00 Espana Cani Extra full score (Marquina/arr. Longfield) 012-2930-01 Espana Rhapsodie Concert Band (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0674-00 $110.00 Espana Rhapsodie Extra full score (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0674-01 $12.00 Espana Rhapsodie Concert Band (Chabrier/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2051-00 $95.00 Espana Rhapsodie Extra condensed score (Chabrier/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2051-01 $10.00 Esperanza Marching Band (Labarbera) 050-1763-00 $26.00 Espirit Young Band (R. Foster) 011-1890-00AR $60.00 Espirit Extra score (R. Foster) 011-1890-01AR Espiritu del Alamo Marching Band (A. Clark) MB121 $50.00 Esprit De Corps Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3711-00 $60.00 The Essence of Beauty Jazz Combo (Lowden) 038-0199-00 $12.00 The Essence of Beauty Extra full score (Lowden) 038-0199-01 The Essence Jazz Combo (Haerle) 032-0098-00AR $30.00 Essential Band Book Piccolo Db book (Kooyman) 073-6009-03AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Flute in C book (Kooyman) 073-6009-04AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Clarinet Eb book (Kooyman) 073-6009-07AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Kooyman) 073-6009-08AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Kooyman) 073-6009-09AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Oboe book (Kooyman) 073-6009-15AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Bassoon book (Kooyman) 073-6009-17AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Bb Soprano Sax book (Kooyman) 073-6009-19AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (Kooyman) 073-6009-20AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (Kooyman) 073-6009-22AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Kooyman) 073-6009-23AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Kooyman) 073-6009-24AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Kooyman) 073-6009-25AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Kooyman) 073-6009-26AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-33AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-35AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Baritone TC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-37AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Baritone BC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-38AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Tuba book (Kooyman) 073-6009-39AR $10.00 Essential Band Book Drums book (Kooyman) 073-6009-41AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Kooyman) 073-6009-51AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Kooyman) 073-6009-52AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $8.00 $48.00 $6.00 $95.00 $5.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $65.00 $6.00 $5.00 $2.50 Page 73 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Essential Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-66AR $10.00 Essential Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Kooyman) 073-6009-67AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Flute book (Kooyman) 074-6045-04AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (Kooyman) 074-6045-08AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Oboe or C Melody Saxophone book (Kooyman) 074-6045-15AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (Kooyman) 074-6045-17AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Saxophone Alto Eb book (Kooyman) 074-6045-20AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Saxophone Tenor Bb book (Kooyman) 074-6045-22AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (Kooyman) 074-6045-24AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Horns F book (Kooyman) 074-6045-28AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Trombone BC & TC book (Kooyman) 074-6045-33AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Drums book (Kooyman) 074-6045-41AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Piano book (Kooyman) 074-6045-43AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Kooyman) 074-6045-60AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (Kooyman) 074-6045-61AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Viola book (Kooyman) 074-6045-62AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Cello book (Kooyman) 074-6045-63AR $10.00 Essential Orchestra Folio Bass book (Kooyman) 074-6045-64AR $10.00 Essential Rock Grooves Walking Frog Records DVD WFR748 $19.95 Estellita Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S0922-00 $65.00 L' Estudiantina Concert Band (Waldteufel/arr. Greissinger) BOV-S2094-00 $70.00 Eternal Hope Young Band (Shaffer) WFR359 011-3691-00 $48.00 Eternal Hope Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3691-01 The Eternal Journey Walking Frog Records CD WFR376 $14.95 The Eternal Journey Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR376 012-4150-00 $76.00 The Eternal Journey Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4150-01 $7.00 The Eternal Journey Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4150-75 $25.00 The Eternal Optimist Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR382 012-4264-00 $78.00 The Eternal Optimist Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4264-01 $8.00 The Eternal Optimist Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4264-75 $25.00 Eternal Peace Band (Dreyer) 013-0483-00AR $50.00 Etter Hughs Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3155-00 $60.00 32 Etudes for Clarinet by Cyrille Rose Walking Frog Records CD WFR868 $14.95 Eufish Walking Frog Records CD WFR695 $14.95 Eulalia Concert Band (Tobani) BOV-S2149-00 $65.00 Euphonia Band (Bell) 013-1132-00AR $50.00 Eureka Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3277-00 $60.00 Eureka! Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR364 012-3806-00 $68.00 Eureka! Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3806-01 $7.00 Eureka! Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3806-75 $25.00 Eureka! Jazz Combo (Lowden) 038-0198-00AR $30.00 Eureka! Extra full score (Lowden) 038-0198-01 European Tour Young Band (G. Sebesky) 010-1887-00AR European Tour Extra score (G. Sebesky) 010-1887-01 Euryanthe Concert Band (Weber/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2005-00 $85.00 Euryanthe Extra condensed score (Weber/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2005-01 $10.00 Euterpean Band (Losey) 013-1068-00AR $50.00 Euterpean Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0115-00AR $50.00 Even in the Odds Book - Method/Study (Humphrey) 073-1975-41 $24.95 Evenign Zephyr Band (Kloepfer) 013-0252-00AR $50.00 Evening Idyls Band (Barnhouse) 013-0161-00AR $50.00 Evening Idyls Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Langenburg) 016-0072-00AR $50.00 Evening Idyls Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0033-00AR $10.00 Evening Idyls Ensemble Brass sextet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 103-0050-00AR $20.00 Evening Portrait Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2169-00 $25.00 Evening Portrait Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2169-01AR Evening Prayer Young Band (Shaffer) WFR183,WFR321 011-2835-00 Evening Prayer Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2835-01 $4.00 Evening Prayer Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4337-00 $50.00 Evening Prayer Extra full score (Shaffer) 026-4337-01 Evening Serenade Band (A. Buglione) 013-0179-00AR $50.00 Evening Shadows Band (King) 013-0464-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $2.50 $50.00 $2.50 $7.00 $36.00 $6.00 Page 74 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Evening Shadows Orchestra (King) 016-0141-00AR $50.00 Evening Star Band (Wagner/arr. Barnard) 013-0916-00AR $50.00 Evening Star Orchestra (Wagner/arr. Barnard) 016-0420-00AR $50.00 Evening Star Orchestra (Losey) 016-0011-00AR $50.00 An Evening Zephyr Band (Clement) 013-0880-00AR $50.00 An Evening Zephyr Orchestra (Clement) 016-0095-00AR $50.00 An Evening Zephyr Orchestra (Clement) 016-0390-00AR $50.00 An Evening Zephyr Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Clement) 082-0053-20 $3.50 An Evening Zephyr Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Clement) 082-0053-22 $3.50 An Evening Zephyr Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Clement) 082-0053-24 $3.50 An Evening Zephyr Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Clement) 082-0053-33 $3.50 An Evening Zephyr Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Clement) 082-0053-38 $3.50 Eventide Young Band (Conaway) WFR374 023-4014-00 $44.00 Eventide Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4014-01 Eventide Band (King) 013-0600-00AR $50.00 Everest: The Forbidden Journey Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR375,WFR387 012-4108-00 $76.00 Everest: The Forbidden Journey Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4108-01 $8.00 Everest: The Forbidden Journey Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4108-75 $30.00 Every Sunrise is a Bonus Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-1999-01 031-3006-00 $38.00 Every Sunrise is a Bonus Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-3006-01 $4.00 Every Time I Hear Your Name Jazz Ensemble (Phillips) 991-2015-01 032-4378-00 $45.00 Every Time I Hear Your Name Extra full score (Phillips) 032-4378-01 $7.00 Everybody Be Dancin' Jazz Ensemble (Blackman/arr. Lowden) 036-0135-00 $17.00 Everybody Be Dancin' Extra score (Blackman/arr. Lowden) 036-0135-01 Everybody's Rockin Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0026-00AR $50.00 Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About Sax Evolution Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0404-00AR $40.00 Walking Frog Records CD WFR854 $14.95 Evolution of Dixie Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0836-00 $85.00 Evolution of Dixie Extra condensed score (Lake) BOV-S0836-01 $10.00 Evolution of Yankee Doodle Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S2050-00 $85.00 Evolution of Yankee Doodle Extra condensed score (Lake) BOV-S2050-01 $10.00 Exaltation Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1526-00 $65.00 Exaltation Extra score (Swearingen) 012-1526-01 $7.00 Exaltation Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-1526-75 $25.00 Exaltation Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Sochinski) 052-1847-00 $35.00 Exaltation Walking Frog Records CD WFR138 $14.95 The Exalted Ruler Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3308-00 $60.00 Exaltia Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 4 players (Spears) 121-0224-00 $15.00 Excalibur Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-2491-00 $32.00 Excalibur Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2491-01 Excalibur Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB105-00 Excalibur Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB105-01 Excellentia Young Band (Shaffer) WFR382 011-1808-00 Excellentia Extra score (Shaffer) 011-1808-01 $6.00 Excellentia Overture Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4338-00 $50.00 Excellentia Overture Extra full score (Shaffer) 026-4338-01 $6.00 Excelsior Concert Band (Longfield) WFR185 012-2745-00 $76.00 Excelsior Extra full score (Longfield) 012-2745-01 $7.00 Excelsior Oversized spiral-bound score (Longfield) 012-2745-75 $30.00 Excelsior Band (King) 013-0456-00AR $50.00 Excelsior Orchestra (King) 016-0133-00AR $50.00 Excitation Young Band (Grice) WFR370 023-3910-00 $44.00 Excitation Extra full score (Grice) 023-3910-01 $5.00 Exclamations Young Band (Huckeby) WFR369 011-3963-00 $54.00 Exclamations Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3963-01 The Executive Concert Band (Barrington-Sergeant) BOV-S3057-00 $60.00 Exit 135 North Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2883-00 $55.00 Exit 135 North Extra full score (Spera) 032-2883-01 $6.00 Exordium Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-2798-00 $60.00 Exordium Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2798-01 $4.00 Expandables CD Young Band CD 015-2657-99 $9.95 Explorations Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2635-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $3.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 Page 75 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Explorations Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2635-01 Explorer Band (Jewell) 013-0388-00AR $50.00 The Explorers of Orion Young Band (Wada) WFR336 011-3436-00 $50.00 The Explorers of Orion Extra full score (Wada) 011-3436-01 Expose Ensemble Clarinet choir (Roden) 114-0163-00AR $30.00 The Exposition Four Band (1903 edition) (Alexander & Alexander) 013-0303-00AR $50.00 The Exposition Four Band (1926 edition) (Alexander & Alexander) 013-0873-00AR $50.00 The Exposition Four Orchestra (Alexander & Alexander) 016-0068-00AR $50.00 Exposition of 1894 Concert Band (Conterno) BOV-S3213-00 $60.00 Expression Orchestra (Crampton) 016-0006-00AR $50.00 Extended Fanfares Marching Band (Bowles) 013-1329-00 $25.00 Extended Fanfares Extra score (Bowles) 013-1329-01 $4.00 External Combustion Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 032-2926-00 $44.00 External Combustion Extra full score (Stack) 032-2926-01 Extra Smileage Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0176-00AR Extra Smileage Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0176-01AR Extravaganza for Saxophone & Orch. Walking Frog Records CD WFR698 $14.95 Extreme! Young Band (Grice) WFR355 024-3640-00 $46.00 Extreme! Extra full score (Grice) 024-3640-01 Extreme! Walking Frog Records CD WFR355 $14.95 Exultation Band (DeLuca) 013-1083-00AR $50.00 Exultia Concert Band (Eastmond) WFR340 012-3513-00 $72.00 Exultia Extra full score (Eastmond) 012-3513-01 $7.00 Eye of the Falcon Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR357 012-3737-00 $76.00 Eye of the Falcon Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3737-01 Eye of the Falcon Walking Frog Records CD WFR357 $14.95 Eye of the Storm Concert Band (Gingery) WA-ECB125-00 $50.00 Eye of the Storm Extra score (Gingery) WA-ECB125-01 Eye On The Prize Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2009-02 032-3799-00 Eye On The Prize Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3799-01 $7.00 Eye to Eye Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0376-00 $32.00 Eye to Eye Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0376-01 Eyes Right Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3620-00 $60.00 Faces of the World Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2490-00 $43.00 Faces of the World Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2490-01 $6.00 Fackeltanz #1 Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0019-00 $75.00 Fackeltanz #1 Extra score (Meyerbeer/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0019-01 Fackletanz in Bb Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S1127-00 $80.00 Fackletanz in Bb Extra condensed score (Meyerbeer/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S1127-01 $10.00 Factory Riffs Concert Band (Conaway) WFR385 012-4413-00 $78.00 Factory Riffs Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4413-01 $8.00 Factory Riffs Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4413-75 $25.00 Faded Memories Jazz Combo (Hooper) 038-0376-00 $16.00 Faded Memories Extra full score (Hooper) 038-0376-01 $3.00 The Fairest of the Fair Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) WFR192 011-2643-00 $38.00 The Fairest of the Fair Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 011-2643-01 The Fairest of the Fair WBM-3062-00 The Fairest of the Fair Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR325,WFR194 Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3062-01 $6.00 The Fairest of the Fair Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3062-75 $30.00 The Fairest Of The Fair Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3712-00 $60.00 The Fairest Of The Fair Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3712-01 $6.00 Fairy Bells Band (Russell) 013-1032-00AR $50.00 Fairy Frolic Band (Mesang/arr. Losey) 013-1055-00AR $50.00 Fairy Princess Band (Losey) 013-1099-00AR $50.00 Fairyland Band (Clement) 013-0877-00AR $50.00 Faith Concert Band (Conaway) WFR378 012-4231-00 $78.00 Faith Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4231-01 $8.00 Faith Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4231-75 $25.00 Faith & Hope Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1006-00AR $50.00 Faith Eternal Concert Band (Buys) 013-1156-00AR $50.00 Faith Eternal Extra condensed score (Buys) 013-1156-01AR $6.00 Falcaro Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1252-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $8.00 $6.00 $50.00 $3.50 $6.00 $4.00 $60.00 Page 76 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Falcaro Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0089-20 $3.50 Falcaro Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0089-24 $3.50 Falcaro Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0089-33 $3.50 Falcaro Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0089-38 Falcon Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3156-00 $60.00 Falcon Ridge Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 011-3296-00 $48.00 Falcon Ridge Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3296-01 Fall In Line Band (Kiefer) 013-0374-00AR $50.00 Fall River Overture Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR194,WFR315 012-1595-00 $65.00 Fall River Overture Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-1595-01 $7.00 Fall River Overture Extra condensed score (Sheldon) 012-1595-02AR Fall River Overture Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-1595-75 $25.00 The Falling Rain Young Band (Swearingen) WFR342 011-3563-00 $48.00 The Falling Rain Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3563-01 The False Alarm Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. L. O. Smith) BOV-S3463-00 $60.00 Fame and Fortune Band (King) 014-0004-00 $25.00 Fame and Fortune Extra condensed score (King) 014-0004-01 The Famous 22nd Regiment Concert Band (Gilmore) BOV-S3269-00 $60.00 Fancies Concert Band (T. Perkins) BOV-S1166-00 $65.00 Fancies Extra condensed score (T. Perkins) BOV-S1166-01 $8.00 Fancy Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 032-0089-00AR $50.00 Fancy Extra score (Nordal) 032-0089-01AR $6.00 Fancy Dancer Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 082-0152-22 Fancy Free Band (C. Smith) 013-0626-00AR $50.00 Fancy Free Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0219-00AR $50.00 Fancy Free Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0034-22 $10.00 Fancy Free Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0034-24 $10.00 Fancy Free Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0034-33 $10.00 Fancy Free Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0034-38 $10.00 Fandango for Mallet Percussion and Band Concert Band (Stover/arr. A. Clark) WFR341,WFR354 012-3527-00 $65.00 Fandango for Mallet Percussion and Band Extra full score (Stover/arr. A. Clark) 012-3527-01 Fanfare Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB163-00 Fanfare Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB163-01 Fanfare Acclamations Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB36-00 Fanfare Acclamations Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB36F-01 Fanfare and Allegro Marching Band (C. Williams/arr. Tatgenhorst) 052-1427-00 $20.00 Fanfare and Celebration Concert Band (J. Smith) 029-1420-00AR $90.00 Fanfare and Celebration Extra full score (J. Smith) 029-1420-01AR $8.00 Fanfare and Celebration Extra condensed score (J. Smith) 029-1420-02AR Fanfare and Ceremony Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-2018-00 $52.00 Fanfare and Ceremony Extra full score (Cacavas) 012-2018-01 $6.00 Fanfare and Expansions Ensemble Brass quintet (Robbins) 102-6032-00 $8.00 Fanfare and Fantasy Concert Band (McGinty) 012-1818-00 $58.00 Fanfare and Fantasy Extra full score (McGinty) 012-1818-01 Fanfare And Festival Concert Band (Carvalho) WA-CB104-00 Fanfare And Festival Extra score (Carvalho) WA-CB104-01 Fanfare and Festival Celebration Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-2071-00 $65.00 Fanfare and Festival Celebration Extra score (Shaffer) 012-2071-01 $7.00 Fanfare and Flourish Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3556-24 $7.50 Fanfare and Flourish Solo Horn solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3556-28 $7.50 Fanfare and Flourish Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3556-33 $7.50 Fanfare and Flourish Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Roberts) 084-3556-39 $7.50 Fanfare and Furiosity Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR335 012-3415-00 $68.00 Fanfare and Furiosity Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3415-01 $7.00 Fanfare and Intermezzo Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2076-00 $65.00 Fanfare and Intermezzo Extra score (Sheldon) 012-2076-01 $6.00 Fanfare and Jubilee Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-3229-00 $48.00 Fanfare and Jubilee Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3229-01 Fanfare And Procession Young Band (Sebesky) WA-BCB105-00 Fanfare And Procession Extra score (Sebesky) WA-BCB105-01 Fanfare and Toccata Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2447-00 $65.00 Fanfare and Toccata Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2447-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.50 $7.00 $45.00 $5.00 $45.00 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $60.00 $6.00 $6.00 $40.00 $5.00 Page 77 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Fanfare and Triumph Young Band (Swearingen) WFR369 011-3893-00 $54.00 Fanfare and Triumph Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3893-01 $7.00 Fanfare for a New World Young Band (Neeck) WFR333 011-3330-00 $45.00 Fanfare for a New World Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3330-01 $6.00 Fanfare for Freedom Concert Band (Lloyd) WFR334 012-3435-00 $76.00 Fanfare for Freedom Extra full score (Lloyd) 012-3435-01 $8.00 Fanfare for Freedom Oversized spiral-bound score (Lloyd) 012-3435-75 $30.00 Fanfare for the Unsung Hero Young Band (Conaway) WFR377 024-4096-00 $48.00 Fanfare for the Unsung Hero Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4096-01 $6.00 Fanfare Minuet Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS31-04 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS32-08 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS33-20 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS34-22 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS35-24 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS36-28 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS37-33 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS38-39 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS39-53 $9.95 Fanfare Minuet Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS40-41 $9.95 Fanfare Noel! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR374 023-4013-00 $44.00 Fanfare Noel! Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4013-01 $6.00 Fanfare on an Old French Carol Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR374 011-4071-00 $50.00 Fanfare on an Old French Carol Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4071-01 $7.00 Fanfare on Good King Wenceslas Young Band (Martin) 015-2773-00 $45.00 Fanfare on Good King Wenceslas Extra full score (Martin) 015-2773-01 Fanfare Variations Concert Band (Barker) 012-1875-00AR $90.00 Fanfare Variations Extra score (Barker) 012-1875-01AR $10.00 Fanfare, Ballad and Jubilee Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7821-00 $85.00 Fanfare, Ballad and Jubilee (C. T. Smith) CTS-7821-01 $15.00 Fanfare, Ballad and Jubilee (C. T. Smith) CTS-7821-75 $30.00 Fanfare, Hymn and Dedication Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR191,WFR199 012-2972-00 $68.00 Fanfare, Hymn and Dedication Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2972-01 $7.00 Fanfareon Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1803-00 $21.00 Fanfareon Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1803-01 Fanfares for Today Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1353-00AR $50.00 Fan-Tan Concert Band (Anthony/arr. Brazil) BOV-S3036-00 $60.00 Fantasia Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Berr/arr. Ayres) 084-0149-08 $10.00 Fantasia Concert Band (Bach/arr. Anthenien) WA-OCB102-00 $55.00 Fantasia Extra score (Bach/arr. Anthenien) WA-OCB102-01 $6.00 Fantasia di Concerto Concert Band (Boccalari) BOV-S2168-00 $75.00 Fantasia di Concerto Extra condensed score (Boccalari) BOV-S2168-01 Fantasia for Winds and Percussion Concert Band (Barker) 012-2456-00 Fantasia for Winds and Percussion Extra full score (Barker) 012-2456-01AR Fantasia on Silent Night Concert Band (Bond) WFR373 012-4064-00 Fantasia on Silent Night Extra full score (Bond) 012-4064-01 $7.00 Fantasia on the Dargason (from Second Suite in F, Mvt. IV) Fantasia on the Dargason (from Second Suite in F, Mvt. IV) Fantasie de Concert Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4223-00 $50.00 Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4223-01 $6.00 Ensemble Brass sextet (Guentzel) 103-0069-00AR $20.00 Fantasie Dixie Concert Band (Mollenhauer/arr. Mahl) BOV-S2193-00 $65.00 Fantasie in Eb Concert Band (Barat/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0702-00 $70.00 Fantasie in Eb Extra condensed score (Barat/arr. Leidzen) BOV-S0702-01 $9.00 Fantastic Polka Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Glover) 012-3396-00AR $75.00 Fantastic Polka Extra condensed score (Pryor/arr. Glover) 012-3396-01AR $5.00 Fantastic Polka Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Barrow) BOV-L0101-00 $65.00 Fantastic Polka Extra condensed score (Pryor/arr. Barrow) BOV-L0101-01 $8.00 Fantasy Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0105-00AR $20.00 Fantasy For Flutes Young Band (Holcombe) WA-CS107-00 $55.00 Fantasy For Flutes Extra score (Holcombe) WA-CS107-01 Fantasy of Flight: Heroes Of The Sky Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR387 012-4353-00 $84.00 Fantasy of Flight: Heroes Of The Sky Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4353-01 $10.00 Fantasy of Flight: Heroes Of The Sky Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4353-75 $30.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $2.50 $9.00 $65.00 $8.50 $65.00 $6.00 Page 78 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Fantasy on a Western Theme Young Band (Hannickel) 015-2853-00 $35.00 Fantasy on a Western Theme Extra full score (Hannickel) 015-2853-01 $4.00 Fantasy on an American Classic Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2640-00 $35.00 Fantasy on an American Classic Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2640-01 $3.50 Fantasy on O Tannenbaum Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2968-00 $40.00 Fantasy on O Tannenbaum Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2968-01 $4.00 The Far Country Concert Band (Dillon) 012-1295-00 $18.00 The Far Country Extra score (Dillon) 012-1295-02 $4.00 Farandole Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2523-00 $60.00 Farandole Extra full score (Bizet/arr. Longfield) 012-2523-01 Farandole Marching Band (Bizet/arr. Snider) 056-1627-00AR $50.00 Farandole Young Band (Chattaway) WA-CS108-00 $55.00 Farandole Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CS108-01 $6.00 Farandole Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC102-00 $50.00 Farandole Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC102-01 Farewell Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst) 032-0164-00 Farewell Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 032-0164-01 $3.00 The Farewell Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1009-00 $50.00 The Farewell Extra full score SCM-1009-01 $6.00 Farm Out! Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-MS101-00 $50.00 Farm Out! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MS101-01 $6.00 Fascination Band (Barnhouse) 013-0019-00AR $50.00 Fascination Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0003-99AR $10.00 The Fascinator Band (Kooyman) 013-0887-00AR $50.00 Fashion Band Book Piccolo Db book (Kiefer) 073-6012-03AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Clarinet Eb book (Kiefer) 073-6012-07AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Kiefer) 073-6012-08AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Kiefer) 073-6012-09AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Oboe book (Kiefer) 073-6012-15AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Kiefer) 073-6012-24AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Kiefer) 073-6012-25AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Kiefer) 073-6012-26AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-33AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-35AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Baritone TC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-37AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Baritone BC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-38AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Tuba book (Kiefer) 073-6012-39AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Drums book (Kiefer) 073-6012-41AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Kiefer) 073-6012-51AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Kiefer) 073-6012-52AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book Eb Cornet book (Kiefer) 073-6012-60AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-66AR $10.00 Fashion Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Kiefer) 073-6012-67AR $10.00 The Fashion Band (Kiefer) 013-0379-00AR $50.00 Fast Break Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB196-00 $45.00 Fast Break Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB196-01 Fast Forward Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02,WFR347 032-3193-00 Fast Forward Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3193-01 $7.00 Fast Freddie Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2860-00 $36.00 Fast Freddie Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2860-01 $5.00 Fate of the Gods Young Band (Command series edition) (Reineke/arr. Conaway) WFR363 011-3809-00 $54.00 Fate of the Gods Extra full score (Reineke/arr. Conaway) 011-3809-01 $7.00 Fate of the Gods Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke/arr. Conaway) 011-3809-75 $25.00 Fate of the Gods Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR316 012-3165-00 $90.00 Fate of the Gods Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3165-01 $9.00 Fate of the Gods Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3165-75 $30.00 Father Rhine Concert Band (Lincke) BOV-S2054-00 $75.00 Father Rhine Extra condensed score (Lincke) BOV-S2054-01 $9.00 Selections from Faust Band (Gounod/arr. Russell) 013-0856-00AR $50.00 Selections from Faust Orchestra (Gounod/arr. Russell) 016-0384-00AR $50.00 Faustina Band (Watson) 013-0696-00AR $50.00 Faustina Orchestra (Watson) 016-0266-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $5.00 $15.00 $5.00 $45.00 Page 79 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Favor and Treasure Concert Band (LaBounty) 012-4197-00 $175.00 Favor and Treasure Extra full score (LaBounty) 012-4197-01 $15.00 Favor and Treasure Oversized spiral-bound score (LaBounty) 012-4197-75 $30.00 Favorite Hymns No. 1 Band (arr. Laurens) 013-0311-00AR $50.00 Favorite Overtures Vol 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR839 $14.95 Favorite Overtures Vol 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR840 $14.95 The Favorite Concert Band (Hartmann/arr. Beyer) BOV-S0753-00 $65.00 The Favorite Extra condensed score (Hartmann/arr. Beyer) BOV-S0753-01 $8.00 The Favorite Concert Band (Althouse) BOV-S3017-00 $60.00 Favors for All Band (Barnhouse) 013-0801-00AR $50.00 Favors for All Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0348-00AR $50.00 Fearless and Mighty Concert Band (Blon/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3067-00 $60.00 The Federal Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3713-00 $60.00 Feel the Beat, Pete Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2738-00 $32.00 Feel the Beat, Pete Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2738-01 Feel the Spirit! Concert Band (Arr. J. Taylor) WA-FCB130-00 Feel the Spirit! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB130-01 Feelin' Fine Young Band (Gingery) WA-CS102-00 Feelin' Fine Extra score (Gingery) WA-CS102-01 $5.00 Feierlicher Einzug Concert Band (R. Strauss) BOV-S2195-00 $50.00 Feierlicher Einzug Extra full score (R. Strauss) BOV-S2195-01 $8.00 Feldeinsamkeit Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0593-00 $60.00 Feldeinsamkeit Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0593-01 $7.00 Felicitas Concert Band (Muller) 013-1241-00AR $50.00 Felicitas Extra condensed score (Muller) 013-1241-01AR $6.00 Fellowship Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3411-00 $60.00 Die Felsenmuhle Concert Band (Reissiger/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1142-00 $80.00 Felsenmuhle, Die Extra condensed score (Reissiger/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1142-01 $10.00 Feminine Frills Band (C. Smith/arr. Holmes) 013-0854-00AR $50.00 Feminine Frills Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0383-00AR $50.00 Fennell Favorites Walking Frog Records CD WFR270 $14.95 Fernando's Fandango Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 015-3553-00 $40.00 Fernando's Fandango Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3553-01 Fest Overture in C Concert Band (Lachner/arr. Widder) BOV-S0893-00 $80.00 Fest Overture in C Extra condensed score (Lachner/arr. Widder) BOV-S0893-01 $10.00 Festal Day Concert Band (Roux) BOV-S3634-00 $60.00 Festal Day Band (Buchtel) 013-1111-00AR $50.00 Festal Overture Band (Hazel) 013-0432-00AR $50.00 Festal Overture Drum & Bugle Corps (Hazel/arr. Latey) 013-6055-00AR $25.00 Festal Overture Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0123-00AR $50.00 Festiva Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-ECB106-00 $50.00 Festiva Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-ECB106-01 $6.00 Festiva Espana Young Band (R. Foster) 011-2019-00AR $70.00 Festiva Espana Extra score (R. Foster) 011-2019-01AR Festival Chorale And March Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB12-00 Festival Chorale And March Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB12F-01 $6.00 Festival Days Ensemble Brass quartet (Guentzel) 101-0066-00 $7.50 Festival Days Ensemble Trumpet quartet (Guentzel) 101-0066-24 Festival King Band (Russell) 013-0841-00AR $50.00 Festival March Ensemble Trombone quartet (F. McKay) 101-0025-33 $12.00 Festival March Concert Band (Borch/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2102-00 $75.00 Festival March Extra condensed score (Borch/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2102-01 $9.00 The Festival of Hanukkah Concert Band (Niehaus) WFR319 012-2644-00AR $80.00 The Festival of Hanukkah Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2644-01 $5.00 A Festival of Hymns Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Stanton) 026-3886-00 $50.00 A Festival of Hymns Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Stanton) 026-3886-01 Festival Overture in F Concert Band (Guentzel) 012-1167-00AR Festival Overture in F Extra condensed score (Guentzel) 012-1167-01AR Festival Prelude Ensemble Trombone quartet (F. McKay) 101-0061-33 $14.00 Festival Royale Young Band (Handel/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2116-00 $23.00 Festival Royale Extra score (Handel/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2116-01 Festive Celebration Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-OCB106-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $45.00 $5.00 $55.00 $5.00 $6.00 $40.00 $7.50 $6.00 $100.00 $6.00 $3.00 $60.00 Page 80 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Festive Celebration Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-OCB106-01 A Festive Christmas March Marching Band (arr. Huckeby) 057-2389-00 $35.00 Festive Dance Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP101-00 $30.00 Festive Dance Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP101-01 Festive Dance from Faust Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Glover) WFR329 012-3309-00 Festive Dance from Faust Extra full score (Gounod/arr. Glover) 012-3309-01 $7.00 Festive Flourish Young Band (Shaffer) WFR369 011-3946-00 $54.00 Festive Flourish Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3946-01 Festive Moments Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0371-00AR $50.00 Festive Music for Band Concert Band (Del Borgo) 012-2218-00AR $68.00 Festive Music for Band Extra full score (Del Borgo) 012-2218-01AR $7.00 Festive Overture Marching Band (Shostakovich/arr. Swearingen & Brown) 052-2032-00AR $75.00 Festive Proclamation Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7822-00 $75.00 Festive Proclamation (C. T. Smith) CTS-7822-01 $15.00 Festive Proclamation (C. T. Smith) CTS-7822-75 $30.00 Festive Yuletide Cameos Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2473-00 $32.00 Festive Yuletide Cameos Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2473-01 Fete Triumphal Band (King) 013-0739-00AR $50.00 Fete Triumphal Orchestra (King) 016-0309-00AR $50.00 Fiddling Fine String Orchestra (arr. Barnett) PT-S005-00 $45.00 Fiddling Fine Extra score (arr. Barnett) PT-S005F-01 $7.00 Fidelity Young Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR374 011-4033-00 $50.00 Fidelity Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 011-4033-01 Fidelity Concert Band (Blankenburg/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3065-00 $60.00 Fidelity Band (King) 013-0525-00AR $50.00 Fidelity Extra condensed score (King) 013-0525-01 Fidelity Orchestra (King) 016-0200-00AR $50.00 Field Color Entrances (Weaver & Butts) 071-1973-99AR $60.00 Field Color Shows - 48 (Weaver & Butts) 071-1973-48AR $60.00 Field Color Shows - 64 (Weaver & Butts) 071-1973-64AR $60.00 Field Color Shows - 80 (Weaver & Butts) 071-1973-00AR $60.00 Field of Glory Band (Huffer) 013-0392-00AR $50.00 Field of Victory Young Band (K. Harris) CB219 $50.00 Field of Victory extra score (K. Harris) CB219-01 Field of Victory Marching Band (K. Harris) MB142 Field of Victory Extra score (K. Harris) MB142-01 Field-Day Band (G. Holmes) 013-0963-00AR $50.00 Field-Day Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0449-00AR $50.00 Fiera Winds Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR316 012-3108-00 $72.00 Fiera Winds Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3108-01 Fierrabras Concert Band (Schubert/arr. T. Rollinson) BOV-S1155-00 Fierrabras Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. T. Rollinson) BOV-S1155-01 $9.00 Fiesta Concert Band (Huffnagle) 013-1284-00AR $60.00 Fiesta Extra score (Huffnagle) 013-1284-01AR Fiesta de los Bravos Young Band (Swearingen) WFR359 011-3723-00 Fiesta de los Bravos Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3723-01 $6.00 Fiesta La Vida Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR356 011-3724-00 $54.00 Fiesta La Vida Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3724-01 Fiesta! Walking Frog Records CD WFR271 $14.95 Fifers Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB30-00 $50.00 Fifers Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB30F-01 The Fifers Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS61-04 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS62-08 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS63-20 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS64-22 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS65-24 $10.95 The Fifers Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS66-28 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS67-33 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS68-39 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS69-53 $10.95 The Fifers Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS70-41 $10.95 15th Signal Training Regiment Band (T. B. Smith) 013-1236-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $5.00 $68.00 $7.00 $3.00 $7.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $7.00 $75.00 $6.00 $48.00 $7.00 $8.00 Page 81 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Fifth Avenue Band (Barnhouse) 013-0095-00AR $50.00 Fifth Symphony (Sakura) Walking Frog Records CD WFR140 $14.95 The Fifty Fifth Band (Park) 013-0900-00AR $50.00 Fight Song Marching Band (Huckeby) MB164 $50.00 Fighting Spirit Band (Russell) 013-1029-00AR $50.00 Filles de Cadix, Les Concert Band (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0567-00 $65.00 Filles de Cadix, Les Extra condensed score (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0567-01 $8.00 Fillmore's Inaugural Concert Band (Fulton) BOV-S3265-00 $60.00 Final Approach Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2007-01 032-3616-00 $45.00 Final Approach Extra full score (Barton) 032-3616-01 Finale Concert Band (Losey) 013-1093-00AR Finale Extra condensed score (Losey) 013-1093-01AR $6.00 Finchwalk Jazz Ensemble (Rood) 032-0027-00AR $50.00 Finders Keepers Jazz Ensemble (Lawn) 032-0338-00 $29.00 Finders Keepers Extra full score (Lawn) 032-0338-01AR Finders, Keepers! Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2001-01 031-3153-00 Finders, Keepers! Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3153-01 Fine and Daisy Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3157-00 $60.00 The Finest Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3355-00 $60.00 Fingal's Cave Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1122-00 $85.00 Fingal's Cave Extra condensed score (Mendelssohn/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1122-01 $10.00 Fire Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 4 players (O'Gorman) WFR188 121-0188-00 $10.00 Fire & Brimstone Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB107-00 $48.00 Fire & Brimstone Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB107-01 Fire Dance Young Band (Shaffer) WFR317,WFR321 011-3157-00 Fire Dance Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3157-01 $7.00 Fire Dance Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4128-00 $50.00 Fire Dance Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4128-01 Fire Dance Marching Band (LeBarbera/arr. J. Taylor) WA-MC112-00 Fire Dance Extra score (LeBarbera/arr. J. Taylor) WA-MC112-01 Fire Dance Walking Frog Records CD WFR317 $14.95 Fire Drill Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3464-00 $60.00 The Fire Master Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Isenman) BOV-S3465-00 $60.00 Fire Worshippers Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Isenman) BOV-S3466-00 $60.00 Fireball Young Band (Whitcomb) 011-1453-00AR $50.00 Fireball Extra score (Whitcomb) 011-1453-01AR Firebird Suite Concert Band (Stravinsky/arr. Longfield) WFR185,WFR320 012-2919-00 Firebird Suite Extra full score (Stravinsky/arr. Longfield) 012-2919-01 $8.00 Firebird Suite Oversized spiral-bound score (Stravinsky/arr. Longfield) 012-2919-75 $25.00 Firebreak Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 035-0132-00 $22.00 Firebreak Extra score (P. Clark) 035-0132-01 Fired Up! Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1855-00AR $60.00 Fireflash Young Band (Romeyn) WFR363,WFR387 011-3807-00 $52.00 Fireflash Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3807-01 Firefly, Selection Concert Band (Friml/arr. Langey) BOV-S1070-00 $65.00 Firemans Brigade Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0062-00AR $50.00 Firenza Band (Casto) 013-0508-00AR $50.00 Firenze Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Brown) 052-2036-00 $50.00 Fires of Glory Band (Russell) 013-0836-00AR $50.00 Fires of Glory Orchestra (Russell) 016-1019-00AR $50.00 Firestar Marching Band (Barton) 050-2430-00 $40.00 Firestar Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB143-00 $40.00 Firestar Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB143-01 $6.00 Firm And Steady; A. L. Concert Band (Moquin) BOV-S3528-00 $60.00 First Amendment Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2173-00 $28.00 The First Blues Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-20 $9.95 The First Blues Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-24 $9.95 The First Blues Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-33 $9.95 The First Blues Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-43 $19.95 The First Blues Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-44 $11.95 The First Blues Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2886-99 $9.95 The First Breath Of Spring Young Band (Huckeby) WFR369 011-3973-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $38.00 $6.00 $7.00 $58.00 $6.00 $60.00 $5.00 $5.00 $75.00 $3.00 $6.00 Page 82 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The First Breath Of Spring Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3973-01 First Brigade, I. N. G. Band (Barnhouse) 013-0022-00AR $50.00 First Chorales for Band Conductor book (Swearingen) 073-2742-01 $16.95 First Chorales for Band Flute in C book (Swearingen) 073-2742-04 $3.95 First Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinets book (Swearingen) 073-2742-08 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Bb Bass Clarinet/Baritone TC book (Swearingen) 073-2742-13 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Oboe book (Swearingen) 073-2742-15 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Alto Saxophone Eb book (Swearingen) 073-2742-20 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Tenor Saxophone/3rd Bb Clarinet book (Swearingen) 073-2742-22 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Baritone Saxophone/Eb Alto Clarinet book (Swearingen) 073-2742-23 $3.95 First Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd Bb Trumpets book (Swearingen) 073-2742-24 $3.95 First Chorales for Band 1st & 2nd F Horns book (Swearingen) 073-2742-28 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Swearingen) 073-2742-33 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Tuba book (Swearingen) 073-2742-39 $3.95 First Chorales for Band Bells and Timpani book (Swearingen) 073-2742-42 The First Christmas Album Young Band (Balent) 011-1935-00AR $50.00 The First Christmas Album Extra score (Balent) 011-1935-01AR $6.00 The First Christmas Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-20 $7.95 The First Christmas Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-24 $7.95 The First Christmas Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-33 $7.95 The First Christmas Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-43 $19.95 The First Christmas Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-44 $9.95 The First Christmas Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2757-99 $9.95 First Class Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 030-2361-00 $25.00 First Class Extra full score (K. Harris) 030-2361-01 First Class Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0103-00AR First Class Extra score (Lowden) 032-0103-01AR First Class Brass Marching Band (A. Clark) 057-2104-00 $29.00 First Flight Up Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0283-00 $20.00 First Flight Up Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0283-01 First Fugue Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB125-00 First Fugue Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB125-01 FIRST GIG SERIES-Bb BOOK Bb Book (A. Clark) CO511 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES VOL.1 Eb Book (A. Clark) CO512 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES- C BOOK C Book (A. Clark) CO513 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES VOL.1 BC Book (A. Clark) CO514 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES-RHY SEC Rhythm Section Book (A. Clark) CO515 $12.00 FIRST GIG SER. #2 Bb BK Bb Book (A. Clark) CO521 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES VOL.2 Eb Book (A. Clark) CO522 $10.00 FIRST GIG SER #2-C BOOK C Book (A. Clark) CO523 $10.00 FIRST GIG SER #2 BC BOOK BC Book (A. Clark) CO524 $10.00 FIRST GIG SERIES VOL.2 Rhythm Section (A. Clark) CO525 $12.00 The First Kiss Concert Band (Sibelius/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0587-00 $60.00 The First Kiss Extra condensed score (Sibelius/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0587-01 First Light Young Band (Shaffer) WFR380 023-4211-00 First Light Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4211-01 First Light Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB168-00 First Light Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB168-01 $6.00 First Light Infantry Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3622-00 $60.00 First Parade Band (Grabel) 013-1001-00AR $50.00 First Regiment Band (Toenniges) 013-0047-00AR $50.00 First Regiment Piano Solo (Toenniges) 017-0001-00AR $10.00 First Tango For Trumpet Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1449-00AR $50.00 First Tango For Trumpet Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1449-01AR First Things First Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2657-00 First Things First Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2657-01 $3.50 First Time Ever Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0179-00 $18.50 First Time Ever Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0179-01 $3.50 Firth-Feldstein Percussion Series Snare Drum Book (Firth & Feldstein) PT-MU06-41 $7.95 Firth-Feldstein Percussion Series Keyboard Percussion Book (Firth & Feldstein) PT-MU07-53 $7.95 Firth-Feldstein Percussion Series Timpani Book (Firth & Feldstein) PT-MU08-45 $7.95 Firth-Feldstein Percussion Series Accessory Perc. Book (Firth & Feldstein) PT-MU09-47 $7.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $3.95 $3.00 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $7.00 $42.00 $6.00 $40.00 $4.00 $25.00 Page 83 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Firth-Feldstein Percussion Series Complete Score (Firth & Feldstein) PT-MU11-01 $24.95 Fishy Scale Blues Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1543-00AR $50.00 Fishy Scale Blues Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1543-01 $4.00 Fit As A Fiddle String Orchestra (Niehaus) 993-2002-01 130-2133-00 $40.00 Fit As A Fiddle Extra score (Niehaus) 130-2133-01 $5.00 Five Drums in Drive Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Butts) 121-0177-00 $14.00 5=4=3 Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0037-00AR $50.00 Five Fanfares Concert Band (Van Loan) BOV-S0948-00 $65.00 Five Fanfares Extra condensed score (Van Loan) BOV-S0948-01 $8.00 Five Field Show Fanfares Marching Band (Carter) 069-1464-00AR $60.00 Five for Five Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 029-0039-00AR $50.00 555 Feet High Jazz Ensemble (Potts) WA-MS108-00 $50.00 555 Feet High Extra score (Potts) WA-MS108-01 Five Minutes a Day #1 Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2356-00 Five Minutes a Day #1 Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2356-01 $4.00 Five Minutes A Day #2 Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2655-00 $28.00 Five Minutes A Day #2 Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2655-01 Five Minutes A Day #3 Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2741-00AR Five Minutes A Day #3 Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2741-01 $3.50 Five Minutes A Day #4 Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2817-00 $32.00 Five Minutes A Day #4 Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2817-01 $3.50 Five Minutes A Day #5 Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2895-00 $32.00 Five Minutes A Day #5 Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2895-01 $3.50 Five Minutes a Day Conductor book (A. Clark) 073-2496-01 $9.95 Five Minutes a Day Flute in C book (A. Clark) 073-2496-04 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Bb Clarinet book (A. Clark) 073-2496-08 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Alto Saxophone Eb book (A. Clark) 073-2496-20 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Bb Tenor Sax book (A. Clark) 073-2496-22 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Baritone Saxophone Eb book (A. Clark) 073-2496-23 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Bb Trumpet book (A. Clark) 073-2496-24 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day F Horn book (A. Clark) 073-2496-28 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Trombone book (A. Clark) 073-2496-33 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Baritone TC book (A. Clark) 073-2496-37 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Tuba book (A. Clark) 073-2496-39 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Drums book (A. Clark) 073-2496-41 $3.95 Five Minutes a Day Oboe/Bells book (A. Clark) 073-2496-42 $3.95 Five Minutes A Day Jazz Ensemble (Jazz Ensemble) (A. Clark) 031-2815-00 $34.00 Five Minutes A Day Extra full score (Jazz Ensemble) (A. Clark) 031-2815-01 $4.00 5.4 On the Richter Scale Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3685-00 $48.00 5.4 On the Richter Scale Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3685-01 $6.00 Five'll Getcha Jazz Combo (Lowden) 038-0200-00 $12.00 Five'll Getcha Extra full score (Lowden) 038-0200-01 $2.50 Fixations Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Snider) 121-0174-00 Flag Of Freedom Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3546-00 $60.00 Flag of the Free Band (Cline) 013-0975-00AR $50.00 Flags Of Freedom Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3714-00 $60.00 Flagstaff March Young Band (J. Taylor) WA-BCB102-00 $40.00 Flagstaff March Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-BCB102-01 Flam Dance Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-2266-00 Flam Dance Extra full score (Hooper) 033-2266-01 Flamingo Trumpets Concert Band (Butts) 029-1312-00AR Flamingo Trumpets Extra score (Butts) 029-1312-01AR $6.00 Flamtasticks Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2547-00AR $25.00 The Flash Light Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3467-00 $60.00 Flashing Eyes Of Andalusia Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4277-00 $95.00 Flashing Eyes Of Andalusia Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4277-01 $12.00 Flashing Eyes Of Andalusia Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4277-75 $30.00 Flashpoint Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2001-01,WFR346 031-3117-00 $42.00 Flashpoint Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3117-01 Flautopia Walking Frog Records CD WFR831 $14.95 Fledermaus, Die Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2059-00 $85.00 Fledermaus, Die Extra condensed score (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2059-01 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $48.00 $3.50 $50.00 $8.50 $5.00 $34.00 $3.00 $60.00 $6.00 Page 84 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Flee As a Bird Band (Barnard) 013-0504-00AR $50.00 Fleur De Lis Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB32-00 $45.00 Fleur De Lis Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB32F-01 The Flight Commander Band (Green) 014-0141-00 The Flight Commander Extra condensed score (Green) 014-0141-01 $4.00 Flight From the Hills Young Band (Behrman) WFR342 011-3490-00 $50.00 Flight From the Hills Extra full score (Behrman) 011-3490-01 $6.00 Flight of the "J" Bird Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2002-02 032-3217-00 $50.00 Flight of the "J" Bird Extra full score (Spera) 032-3217-01 $7.00 The Flight of the Bumble Bee Concert Band (Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Glover) WFR334 012-3404-00 $65.00 The Flight of the Bumble Bee Extra full score (Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Glover) 012-3404-01 Flight of the Bumblebee Concert Band (Rimsky-Korsakow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0666-00 Flight of the Bumblebee Extra condensed score (Rimsky-Korsakow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0666-01 $8.00 Flight of the Flutes Concert Band (Maltby) 012-1491-00AR $80.00 Flight of the Flutes Extra score (Maltby) 012-1491-01 $2.50 Flight of the Pegasus Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR105,WFR175 012-2583-00 $65.00 Flight of the Pegasus Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2583-01 $6.00 Flight of the Pegasus Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-2583-75 $30.00 Flight of Valor Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR328 012-3262-00 $76.00 Flight of Valor Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3262-01 $8.00 Flight of Valor Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3262-75 $25.00 Flight of Valor Full Orchestra (Swearingen) 016-3464-00 $78.00 Flight of Valor Extra full score (Swearingen) 016-3464-01 $10.00 Flight of Valor Walking Frog Records CD WFR337 $14.95 Flight to the Planet Zentaur Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2181-00 $28.00 The Flipside Walking Frog Records CD WFR537 $14.95 Flirtaton Polka Band (Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0034-00AR $50.00 Flirtaton Polka Band (Baritone solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0035-00AR $50.00 Flirtaton Polka Band (Eb Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0036-00AR $50.00 Flirtation Polka Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0019-99AR $10.00 Floatation Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0390-00 $32.00 Floatation Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0390-01 Flocktonian Polka Concert Band (Casey) BOV-S1028-00 Flocktonian Polka Extra condensed score (Casey) BOV-S1028-01 Flop Your Disc Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0392-00 Flop Your Disc Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0392-01 Floral Wreath Band (Laurens/arr. Barnard) 013-0675-00AR $50.00 Florentiner March Concert Band (Fucik) BOV-S2194-00 $70.00 Florentiner March Extra condensed score (Fucik) BOV-S2194-01 $9.00 Florida Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1088-00AR $50.00 Floto's Triumph Band (Jewell) 013-0347-00AR $50.00 Flourish String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S003-00 $45.00 Flourish Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S003F-01 $7.00 Flourish Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB10-00 $40.00 Flourish Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB10F-01 Flourish and Hymn of Praise Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7823-00 $70.00 Flourish and Hymn of Praise (C. T. Smith) CTS-7823-01 $12.00 Flourish and Hymn of Praise (C. T. Smith) CTS-7823-75 $25.00 Flow gently, sweet Afton Concert Band (Spilman/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0613-00 $60.00 Flow gently, sweet Afton Extra condensed score (Spilman/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0613-01 $7.00 Flower Show Band (Casto) 013-0447-00AR $50.00 Flowers From Fairy Land Band (Barnhouse) 013-0222-00AR $50.00 Flowers From Fairy Land Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0037-00AR $50.00 Flowers From Fairy Land Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0007-33 $10.00 Flowers From Fairy Land Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0007-99AR $10.00 Flute Fancy Young Band (Balent) 010-1836-00 $18.00 Flute Fancy Extra score (Balent) 010-1836-01 Flute Magic Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB113-00 Flute Magic Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB113-01 Flute Masterworks Walking Frog Records CD WFR685 $14.95 Flute Music by French Composers Walking Frog Records CD WFR659 $14.95 A Flute Recital Walking Frog Records CD WFR686 $14.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $25.00 $7.00 $65.00 $3.50 $65.00 $8.00 $33.00 $3.50 $6.00 $2.50 $45.00 $5.00 Page 85 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Flute Royale Concert Band (D. Bennett) 012-1314-00AR $80.00 Flute Royale Extra score (D. Bennett) 012-1314-01AR Flute Royale Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (D. Bennett) 084-0109-04 $10.00 Flute Salad Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1620-00 $40.00 Flute Salad Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1620-01 Flute Sonatas Walking Frog Records CD WFR563 $14.95 Flute Street Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB178-00 $45.00 Flute Street Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB178-01 $5.00 Flutin' and A Tootin' Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1795-00AR $50.00 Flutin' and A Tootin' Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1795-01 $2.50 Flutissimo Young Band (McGinty) WFR382 011-1886-00 $45.00 Flutissimo Extra score (McGinty) 011-1886-01 $5.00 Fly-By! Young Band (Conaway) WFR385 011-4389-00 $52.00 Fly-By! Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4389-01 The Flying Argonauts Band (G. Holmes) 013-0953-00AR $50.00 The Flying Argonauts Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0439-00AR $50.00 Flying Cadets Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR389 012-4439-00 $68.00 Flying Cadets Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4439-01 $8.00 Flying Cadets Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4439-75 $25.00 Flying Cadets Band (King) 013-1211-00 $25.00 Flying Cadets Extra condensed score (King) 013-1211-01 Flying Dutchman Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1193-00 $80.00 Flying Dutchman Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1193-01 $10.00 The Flying Dutchman Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Salzman) 052-1809-00 $32.00 Flying Eagle Band (Moscato) 013-0795-00AR $50.00 Flying Eagle Orchestra (Moscato) 016-0342-00AR $50.00 Flying High Walking Frog Records CD WFR586 $14.95 Flying Tigers Young Band (Shaffer) WFR187,WFR321 011-2932-00 $52.00 Flying Tigers Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2932-01 $6.00 Flying Trapeze Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0082-00 $9.00 Flying Trapeze Extra score (Lowden) 031-0082-01 $1.75 Flying With the Colors Band (Green) 014-0133-00 $25.00 Folk Song Variants Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR382 011-4326-00 $52.00 Folk Song Variants Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4326-01 $7.00 Follow The River Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR331 012-3340-00 $65.00 Follow The River Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3340-01 $6.00 Follow the Star Young Band (Huckeby) WFR377 011-4137-00 $50.00 Follow the Star Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4137-01 $7.00 Fond Hearts Band (King) 013-0532-00 $25.00 Fond Hearts Orchestra (King) 016-0207-00AR $50.00 Fontaine Concert Band (Althouse) BOV-S3018-00 $60.00 Fontella Band (Kiefer) 013-0294-00AR $50.00 Fookes March Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3020-00 $60.00 Football Fields Are For Band Practice Funky Winkerbean Product HLD10 Footsteps Jazz Ensemble (Briody) SCM-1101-00 Footsteps Extra full score (Briody) SCM-1101-01 For Chuck Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0161-00AR For Chuck Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0161-01AR $6.00 For Felice Jazz Ensemble (Parsons) WA-SC109-00 $30.00 For Felice Extra score (Parsons) WA-SC109-01 $5.00 For Sammy and the Count Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1040-00 $47.00 For Sammy and the Count Extra full score SCM-1040-01 $6.00 For the Fallen Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR329 012-3250-00 $72.00 For the Fallen Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3250-01 For the Kings of Brass Walking Frog Records CD WFR640 $14.95 For thy Courts Above Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR316 012-3107-00 $60.00 For thy Courts Above Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3107-01 $6.00 For Tonight Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 032-0225-00 $50.00 For Tonight Extra full score (Goodwin) 032-0225-01 For You Alone Concert Band (Gheel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0102-00 For You Alone Extra condensed score (Gheel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0102-01 $7.00 For You Alone Extra full score (Gheel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0102-02 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $4.00 $7.00 $4.00 $6.95 $47.00 $7.00 $50.00 $7.00 $8.00 $65.00 Page 86 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price For Your Ears Only Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2013-01 032-4177-00 $48.00 For Your Ears Only Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4177-01 $7.00 Force Majeure Concert Band (Grice) WFR365 012-3814-00 $78.00 Force Majeure Extra full score (Grice) 012-3814-01 $8.00 Force Majeure Oversized spiral-bound score (Grice) 012-3814-75 $25.00 Force of Destiny Concert Band (Neeck) WFR381 012-4291-00 $78.00 Force of Destiny Extra full score (Neeck) 012-4291-01 $8.00 Force of Destiny Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-4291-75 $25.00 Forest City Commandery Band (King) WFR361 013-0610-00AR $50.00 Forest Echoes Band (Kiesler) 013-0829-00AR $50.00 Forest Home Dirge Band (Laurens) 013-0163-00AR $50.00 Forest Park Overture Young Band (Spears) 011-1549-00 $27.00 Forest Park Overture Extra score (Spears) 011-1549-01AR $7.00 Forever Free Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1109-00AR $50.00 Forever Shining Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR367 012-3882-00 $78.00 Forever Shining Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3882-01 $8.00 Forever Shining Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3882-75 $30.00 Forever Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-7001-00AR $10.00 Forever Vocal SATB and organ (Barnhouse) 021-7093-00AR $5.00 Forge in the Forest Concert Band (T. Michaelis/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S2027-00 $65.00 Forget Me Not, O Dearest Lord Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1792-00AR $60.00 Forget Me Not, O Dearest Lord Extra score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1792-01AR $6.00 Forget-Me-Not Reverie Band (Hazel) 013-0617-00AR $50.00 Fort Dayton Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3666-00 $60.00 Fort Frayne Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3236-00 $60.00 Fort Omaha Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3237-00 $60.00 Fort Popham Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3309-00 $60.00 Fortitude Band (Cline) 013-1112-00AR $50.00 Fortius Young Band (Romeyn) WFR374,WFR387 011-4051-00 $50.00 Fortius Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4051-01 The Fortune Teller Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0865-00 $65.00 The Fortune Teller Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1064-00 $65.00 The Fortune Teller Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3356-00 $60.00 Forward Pass Band (G. Holmes) 013-0951-00AR $50.00 Fountain of Youth Concert Band (King) 012-0827-00AR $80.00 Fountain of Youth Extra condensed score (King) 012-0827-01AR $6.00 Fountain of Youth Orchestra (King) 016-1014-00AR $50.00 Four American Sonatas for French Horn Walking Frog Records CD WFR588 $14.95 Four For Flip Jazz Ensemble (Ross) WA-SB524-00 $45.00 Four For Flip Extra score (Ross) WA-SB524-01 $6.00 Four Forte Fanfares Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1361-00AR $50.00 The Four Horsemen Ensemble Horn quartet (Guentzel) 101-0046-00AR $16.00 Four of a Kind Ensemble Flute quartet (Scarmolin) 111-0121-04 Four of a Kind Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Scarmolin) 111-0121-08 Four of a Kind Walking Frog Records CD WFR487 $14.95 Four of a Kind Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR664 $14.95 Four Schubert Waltzes Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Schubert/arr. Tustin) 111-0147-08 $16.00 Four Seasons Ensemble Flute trio (G. McKay) 110-0125-04 $10.00 Four Sonorous Fanfares Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1342-00AR $50.00 Four Sonorous Fanfares Extra score (Bowles) 069-1342-01AR Four to Go Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 030-2287-00 Four to Go Extra full score (K. Harris) 030-2287-01 Four Wheel Drive Marching Band (K. Harris) MB143 $50.00 Four Wheel Fever Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0245-00 $17.00 Four Wheel Fever Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0245-01 $3.50 Four Winds Overture Concert Band (Sheldon) 012-2514-00 $65.00 Four Winds Overture Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2514-01 Four Winds Overture Concert Band (Dillon) 029-1286-00AR $60.00 Four Winds Overture Extra score (Dillon) 029-1286-01AR $6.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Conductor book (Maxwell) 073-1994-01 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Flute/Oboe/Bells book (Maxwell) 073-1994-04 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Bb Clarinet/Bass Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone book (Maxwell) 073-1994-08 $4.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $7.50 $8.50 $4.00 $25.00 $2.50 $8.00 Page 87 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Alto Sax Eb/Alto Clar/Bari Sax book (Maxwell) 073-1994-20 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Bb Trumpet/Baritone TC book (Maxwell) 073-1994-24 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 F Horn book (Maxwell) 073-1994-28 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Maxwell) 073-1994-33 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Tuba book (Maxwell) 073-1994-39 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 1 Drums book (Maxwell) 073-1994-41 $4.00 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Conductor book (Maxwell) 073-1995-01 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Flute/Oboe/Bells book (Maxwell) 073-1995-04 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Bb Clarinet/Bass Clarinet/Tenor Saxophone book (Maxwell) 073-1995-08 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Alto Sax Eb/Alto Clar/Bari Sax book (Maxwell) 073-1995-20 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Bb Trumpet/Baritone TC book (Maxwell) 073-1995-24 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 F Horn book (Maxwell) 073-1995-28 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Maxwell) 073-1995-33 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Tuba book (Maxwell) 073-1995-39 $4.50 Fourteen Weeks to a Better Band, Book 2 Drums book (Maxwell) 073-1995-41 Fourth Dynasty Jazz Ensemble (LaPorta) 032-0014-00AR Fourth Regiment Band Concert Band (Peck) BOV-S3560-00 Fourth Suite for Band Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-2508-00 $160.00 Fourth Suite for Band Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2508-01 $15.00 Fourth Suite for Band Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2508-75 $35.00 Fourth U. S. Artillery Band (A. Buglione) 013-0166-00AR $50.00 Fox Trot Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Lake) BOV-S3578-00 $60.00 Foxfire Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS104-00 $50.00 Foxfire Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS104-01 Foxfire Young Band (Huckeby) WFR195 011-3067-00 Foxfire Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3067-01 Fra Diavolo Overture Concert Band (Auber/arr. Meyrelles & Laurendeau) BOV-S1005-00 Fra Diavolo Overture Extra condensed score (Auber/arr. Meyrelles & Laurendeau) BOV-S1005-01 $9.00 Fragrant Blossoms Band (Dreyer) 013-0581-00AR $50.00 Frances Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Luscomb) 083-0105-08AR $12.00 Francesca da Rimini Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. R. Nelson) 029-1277-00AR $90.00 Francesca da Rimini Extra score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Nelson) 029-1277-01AR $6.00 Francine Band (Barnhouse) 013-0472-00AR $50.00 Francine Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0188-00AR $50.00 Frank Erickson Band Classics Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR479 $14.95 Frank Granata's Blues Jazz Ensemble (Vax/arr. Secor) 032-0262-00 $50.00 Frank Granata's Blues Extra full score (Vax/arr. Secor) 032-0262-01 Frank Vanderwalker's March Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3158-00 $60.00 Frankie & Johnny Jazz Ensemble (arr. E. Richards) 991-2007-02 032-3631-00 $50.00 Frankie & Johnny Extra full score (arr. E. Richards) 032-3631-01 $7.00 Frankie & Johnnie Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2913-00 $38.00 Frankie & Johnnie Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2913-01 Frankie & Johnny A-Go-Go Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1327-00AR $50.00 Franklin Post Band (King) 014-0064-00 $25.00 Frascati Band (Casto) 013-0429-00AR $50.00 Fraternity Concert Band (Althouse) BOV-S3021-00 $60.00 Frau Louisa Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0784-00 $50.00 Freckles Marching Band (K. Harris) MB154 $50.00 Fred Mills and the Pentabrass Quintet Walking Frog Records CD WFR785 $14.95 Fredella Band (M. Evans) 013-1122-00AR $50.00 Free and Easy Marching Band (Ballenger) 069-1614-00AR $50.00 Free As A Breeze Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0069-00 $25.00 The Free Lance Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3716-00 $60.00 The Free Lance Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2953-00 $60.00 The Free Lance Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2953-01 $6.00 The Free Lance Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2953-75 $30.00 Free N' Easy Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1304-00AR $50.00 Free Press Band (Payne) 013-0448-00AR $50.00 Free Range Trumpets Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2016-01 032-4427-00 $48.00 Free Range Trumpets Extra full score (Rowe) 032-4427-01 Free Silver Band (Gorton) 013-0066-00AR $50.00 Free Spirit Overture Young Band (J. Williams) WFR130 011-2713-00 $46.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.50 $50.00 $60.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $75.00 $6.00 $4.00 $7.00 Page 88 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Free Spirit Overture Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2713-01 $6.00 Free Spirit Overture Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 026-3881-00 $50.00 Free Spirit Overture Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 026-3881-01 $6.00 Free Spirit Overture Marching Band (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 058-2715-00 $35.00 Free Spirit Overture Extra score (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 058-2715-01 Free Spirit Walking Frog Records CD WFR130 $14.95 Free World Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR335,WFR366 012-3432-00 $60.00 Free World Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3432-01 $6.00 Free World Band (King) 013-1269-00 $25.00 Free World Extra condensed score (King) 013-1269-01 Freedom Brigade Young Band (J. Williams) CB239 Freedom Brigade extra score (J. Williams) CB239-01 Freedom City Band (King) 013-1261-00AR Freedom City Extra condensed score (King) 013-1261-01 $4.00 Freedom Forever Young Band (Neeck) WFR336,WFR353 011-3417-00 $45.00 Freedom Forever Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3417-01 $6.00 Freedom Quest Concert Band (Behrman) WFR340 012-3491-00 $76.00 Freedom Quest Extra full score (Behrman) 012-3491-01 $7.00 Freedom Rising Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR379 012-4166-00 $78.00 Freedom Rising Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4166-01 $10.00 Freedom Rising Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4166-75 $25.00 Freedom's Light Young Band (Swearingen) WFR183 011-2875-00 $48.00 Freedom's Light Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2875-01 $5.00 Freefall! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR362 024-3853-00 $48.00 Freefall! Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3853-01 $5.00 Freestyle Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-1866-00 $18.00 Freestyle Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-1866-01 Freischutz, Der Concert Band (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2006-00 $85.00 Freischutz, Der Extra condensed score (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2006-01 $10.00 French Christmas Medley Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-1506-00AR $50.00 French Christmas Medley Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-1506-01AR $6.00 French Horn Warm Ups Solo Horn warm up (Moeck) 080-0132-28 French National Defile Concert Band (Planquette/arr. Shaffer) 012-2084-00AR French National Defile Extra full score (Planquette/arr. Shaffer) 012-2084-01AR $6.00 French National Defile Concert Band (Turlet/arr. Seredy) BOV-S3790-00 $60.00 A French Noel Young Band (arr. Loest) WFR317 011-3120-00 $45.00 A French Noel Extra full score (arr. Loest) 011-3120-01 $5.00 Frenzy Young Band (Shaffer) WFR377 023-4077-00 $42.00 Frenzy Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4077-01 Freundestreue Concert Band (Blankenburg) BOV-S3022-00 $60.00 Freundschafts Flagge, Die Concert Band (Blon) BOV-S2301-00 $65.00 Freya: Goddess of Beauty and Love Concert Band (R.W. Smith) WFR372 012-3964-00 $68.00 Freya: Goddess of Beauty and Love Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 012-3964-01 $7.00 Friday Night Fever Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1743-00 $26.00 Friday Night Fever Marching Band (A. Clark) MB114 $50.00 Friday Night Rock Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2534-00 $30.00 Fried Onions Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2008-01 032-3755-00 $48.00 Fried Onions Extra full score (Barton) 032-3755-01 $6.00 A Friend Remembered Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR358 012-3690-00 $68.00 A Friend Remembered Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3690-01 Friendly Amendments Walking Frog Records CD WFR734 $14.95 The Friendly Rivals Concert Band (C. Godfrey/arr. Greissinger) BOV-S2146-00 $60.00 Friendship and Fidelity Band (Cline) 013-0939-00AR $50.00 Friendship and Fidelity Orchestra (Cline) 016-0458-00AR $50.00 Friendship Band (King) 013-0529-00AR $50.00 Friendship Orchestra (King) 016-0204-00AR $50.00 Fringe on a Binge Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0033-00 $70.00 Fringe on a Bonge Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0057-00 $70.00 Friska Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Glover) WFR375 012-4102-00 $76.00 Friska Extra full score (Liszt/arr. Glover) 012-4102-01 $8.00 Friska Oversized spiral-bound score (Liszt/arr. Glover) 012-4102-75 $30.00 The Fritz Band (Jewell) 013-0568-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $4.00 $50.00 $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $2.50 $65.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 89 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Frolic Of The Skeets Concert Band (Swope/arr. Bellstedt) BOV-S3782-00 $60.00 Frolicking Flutes Young Band (Niehaus) 011-2428-00 $43.00 Frolicking Flutes Extra full score (Niehaus) 011-2428-01 From A Schumann Album Young Band (Schumann/arr. Spears) 011-1638-00AR From A Schumann Album Extra score (Schumann/arr. Spears) 011-1638-02AR From Bach to Bernstein Walking Frog Records CD WFR776 $14.95 From Chicago To Frisco Band (Fulton) 013-0191-00AR $50.00 From Chicago To Frisco Orchestra (Fulton) 016-0070-00AR $50.00 From Dawn to Dusk Concert Band (Lloyd) WFR349 012-3587-00 $76.00 From Dawn to Dusk Extra full score (Lloyd) 012-3587-01 From Foxen's Glen Concert Band (F. McKay) 012-1274-00AR From Foxen's Glen Extra score (F. McKay) 012-1274-02AR From Heartland to Heaven Concert Band (Chisham) WFR332 012-3364-00 From Heartland to Heaven Extra full score (Chisham) 012-3364-01 From Maine To Oregon Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3717-00 $60.00 From Noon To Starry Nite Walking Frog Records CD WFR848 $14.95 From Ocean to Ocean Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3093-00 $60.00 From Sea To Shining Sea Concert Band (Ward-Bates/arr. Barker) WFR318 012-3145-00 $50.00 From Sea To Shining Sea Extra full score (Ward-Bates/arr. Barker) 012-3145-01 From the Balcony Walking Frog Records CD WFR721 $14.95 From the Commander Walking Frog Records CD WFR649 $14.95 From the Eye of the Storm Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR340 012-3522-00 $90.00 From the Eye of the Storm Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3522-01 $9.00 From the Eye of the Storm Oversized spiral-bound score (Shabazz) 012-3522-75 $35.00 From The Eye Of The Storm Walking Frog Records CD WFR340 $14.95 From the Eyes of a Child Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 991-2000-02 032-3085-00 $60.00 From the Eyes of a Child Extra full score (Classen) 032-3085-01 From the Land of Rock and Roll Marching Band (A. Clark) MB179 $50.00 From the New World Marching Band (Nowak) WA-MSA101-00 $40.00 From the New World Extra score (Nowak) WA-MSA101-01 $5.00 From The Shores Of The Mighty Pacific Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0908-00 $65.00 From The Shores Of The Mighty Pacific Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S0908-01 $8.00 From Tropic to Tropic Band (1898 edition) (Alexander) 013-0168-00AR $50.00 From Tropic to Tropic Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR197 013-0865-00AR $50.00 From Tropic to Tropic Extra condensed score (Alexander) 013-0865-01AR $4.00 From Tropic to Tropic Orchestra (Alexander) 016-0063-00AR $50.00 From Tropic to Tropic Concert Band (Alexander/arr. Bainum) 029-1354-00AR $80.00 From Tropic to Tropic Extra score (Alexander/arr. Bainum) 029-1354-01AR From Whom All Blessings Flow Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR184,WFR199 012-2680-00 From Whom All Blessings Flow Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2680-01 $6.00 From Whom All Blessings Flow Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-2680-75 $30.00 Front and Center Walking Frog Records CD WFR805 $14.95 Front Page Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0213-00 $24.00 Front Page Extra full score (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0213-01 Front Section Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3047-00 $60.00 Frontier Echoes Band (Watson) 013-0710-00AR $50.00 Frontier Concert Band (Guentzel) 013-1162-00AR $50.00 Frontier Extra condensed score (Guentzel) 013-1162-01AR Frontier Spirit Young Band (R. Foster) 011-1891-00 Frontier Spirit Extra score (R. Foster) 011-1891-01 $3.00 Frontier Valley Young Band (Loest) WFR183 011-2874-00 $35.00 Frontier Valley Extra full score (Loest) 011-2874-01 Frosetta Tarantella Concert Band (L. Arditi/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1003-00 $65.00 The Frost Queen Band (G. Holmes) 013-0577-00AR $50.00 Frozen Bill Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3579-00 $60.00 Fruhlingslied Band (Losey) 013-0280-00AR $50.00 Fuga del Gato Concert Band (Scarlatti/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0029-00 $60.00 Fughetta Rock Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (T. Davis) WFR188 121-0169-00 $9.00 Fugue for Clarinet Ensemble Clarinet trio (Robbins) 110-6027-08 $15.00 Fugue 'n Swing Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0001-00 $70.00 Fugue 'n Swing Orchestra (Stauffer) DSP-0051-00 $75.00 Fugue No. IV Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Bach/arr. F. McKay) 111-0081-00 $16.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $7.00 $80.00 $6.00 $70.00 $7.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00 $68.00 $3.50 $6.00 $22.00 $4.00 Page 90 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Fugue No. IV Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Bach/arr. F. McKay) 111-0081-08 $16.00 Fugue No. IV Ensemble Woodwind choir (Bach/arr. F. McKay) 114-0081-00 $16.00 Fugue on Yankee Doodle Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137,WFR343 WBM-2810-00 $60.00 Fugue on Yankee Doodle Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2810-01 $6.00 Fugue on Yankee Doodle Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2810-75 $30.00 Full Circle Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0388-00 $32.00 Full Circle Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0388-01 $3.50 Full Court Press Jazz Ensemble (Pethel) 032-2340-00 $33.00 Full Court Press Extra full score (Pethel) 032-2340-01 $3.00 Full House Jazz Ensemble (Lalama) SCM-1027-00 $47.00 Full House Extra full score SCM-1027-01 $6.00 Full Moon Blues Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2966-00 $36.00 Full Moon Blues Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2966-01 Full O' Pep Band (Russell) 013-1039-00AR $50.00 Full Swing Ahead! Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2013-01 032-4175-00 $48.00 Full Swing Ahead! Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4175-01 Full Throttle Concert Band (R. W. Smith) RWS-1502-00 $75.00 Full Throttle Extra full score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1502-01 $10.00 Full Throttle Oversized, spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1502-75 $25.00 Fultonaire Band (Watson) 013-0695-00AR $50.00 Fun Beats for Fun Bands Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2252-00 $18.00 Fun Beats for Fun Bands #2 Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2377-00 $20.00 Fun Factory Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2642-00 $32.00 Fun Factory Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2642-01 Fun Fiesta Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-1794-00AR Fun Fiesta Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-1794-01AR Function at the Junction Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 031-2943-00 Function at the Junction Extra full score (Barton) 031-2943-01 Functional Fanfares Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1334-00AR Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Conductor book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-01 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Flute/Oboe/Bells book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-04AR $10.00 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Eb instruments book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-20AR $10.00 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Bb Tenor Sax book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-22AR $10.00 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Bb instruments book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-24AR $10.00 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands F Horn book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-28 $2.25 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-33 $2.25 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Tuba book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-39 Fundamentals for Beginning Bands Percussion book (G. Sebesky) 073-1997-41AR $10.00 Funebre Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3310-00 $60.00 Funeral March Concert Band (L. Beethoven/arr. Puffholdt) BOV-S1014-00 $65.00 Funeral March Extra condensed score (L. Beethoven/arr. Puffholdt) BOV-S1014-01 $8.00 Funeral March Concert Band (Chopin/arr. DeVille) BOV-S2010-00 $50.00 Funeral March Concert Band (Berlioz/arr. Coquelet) BOV-S2190-00 $70.00 Funeral March Extra condensed score (Berlioz/arr. Coquelet) BOV-S2190-01 $9.00 Funeral March Concert Band (Chopin/arr. DeVille) BOV-S3201-00 $60.00 Funiculi, Funicula Concert Band (Denza/arr. Reed) WFR129,WFR190 012-2623-00 $60.00 Funiculi, Funicula Extra full score (Denza/arr. Reed) 012-2623-01 $7.00 Funk and Fanfare Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0260-00 $28.00 Funk and Fanfare Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0260-01AR Funk City-Ola Extra full score (Mintzer) 035-2196-01 $3.00 The Funk Stomps Here Jazz Ensemble (De Rosa) SCM-1017-00 $47.00 The Funk Stomps Here Extra full score SCM-1017-01 $6.00 Funkalicious Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2007-02 032-3632-00 $45.00 Funkalicious Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3632-01 Funktown Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0125-00AR Funktown Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0125-01 $3.00 Funky Feeling Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1707-00 $19.00 Funky Feeling Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1707-01 $2.50 Funky Jeans Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1015-00 $47.00 Funky Jeans Extra full score SCM-1015-01 Funky Joe Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0237-00AR $60.00 Funky Joe Extra full score (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0237-01AR $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $7.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $36.00 $4.00 $50.00 $3.00 $2.25 $6.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 Page 91 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Funky Ol' Saint Nick Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR345 031-2754-00 $42.00 Funky Ol' Saint Nick Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2754-01 $7.00 Funky Struttin' Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1045-00 $47.00 Funky Struttin' Extra full score SCM-1045-01 $6.00 Funky Stuff Jazz Ensemble (Schaefer) SCM-1104-00 $47.00 Funky Stuff Extra full score (Schaefer) SCM-1104-01 Funky Winkerbean Marching Band (A. Clark) MB129 $50.00 A Furious Fable Young Band (Spears) WFR383 011-1949-00 $50.00 A Furious Fable Extra score (Spears) 011-1949-01 The Furniture City Band Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3641-00 $60.00 Fury Of The Gods Young Band (Romeyn) WFR385 011-4357-00 $52.00 Fury Of The Gods Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4357-01 $7.00 Future Force Young Band (Neeck) WFR370 024-3916-00 $48.00 Future Force Extra full score (Neeck) 024-3916-01 Future Force Walking Frog Records CD WFR370 $14.95 Gabriel's Guard Band (Watson) 013-0709-00AR $50.00 Gala XXV Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7824-00 $85.00 Gala XXV (C. T. Smith) CTS-7824-01 $15.00 Gala XXV (C. T. Smith) CTS-7824-75 $30.00 Galaxy Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS105-00 $50.00 Galaxy Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS105-01 Gale Force Young Band (Neeck) WFR376 011-4118-00 Gale Force Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4118-01 The Gallant 1st Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3076-00 $60.00 Gallant Brigaders Ensemble Trumpet trio (F. Harris) 100-0086-24AR $15.00 Gallant Brigadiers Ensemble Saxophone trio (F. Harris) 100-0086-20AR $15.00 Gallant Entry Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2606-00 $30.00 Gallant Gavotte String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7010-00 $40.00 Gallant Gavotte Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7010-01 $6.00 Gallant Marines Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR325,WFR194,WFR343 012-3096-00 $60.00 Gallant Marines Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3096-01 Gallant Marines Band (King) 013-1202-00AR Gallant Marines Extra condensed score (King) 013-1202-01 Gallant Seventh Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3077-00 $60.00 The Gallant Seventh Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3718-00 $60.00 Gallant Zouaves Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR384 012-4400-00 $65.00 Gallant Zouaves Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4400-01 $10.00 Gallant Zouaves Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4400-75 $25.00 Gallant Zouaves Band (King) 013-0629-00AR $50.00 Gallia Motet Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0547-00 $125.00 Gallia Motet Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0547-01 $12.00 Galop Humoresque Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7825-00 $75.00 Galop Humoresque (C. T. Smith) CTS-7825-01 $12.00 Galop Humoresque (C. T. Smith) CTS-7825-75 $25.00 Game Plan Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2250-00 $28.00 Games People Play Marching Band (Woolfson & Parsons/arr. Hopper) 052-1881-00 $35.00 The Gandy Dancer Young Band (Orcino) WFR323 011-3224-00 $42.00 The Gandy Dancer Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3224-01 Garde du Corps Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3159-00 $60.00 The Garden of Love Band (Sanglear) 013-0291-00AR $50.00 Gardes Du Corps Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3311-00 $60.00 Gardiner Guards Band (Collins) 013-0093-00AR $50.00 Garland Entrée Band (King) 013-0541-00 $25.00 Garland Entrée Extra condensed score (King) 013-0541-01 The Gasconader Band (Vandercook) 013-0789-00AR $50.00 The Gasconader Orchestra (Vandercook) 016-0336-00AR $50.00 Gate City Concert Band (Weldon) BOV-S3797-00 $60.00 The Gateway City Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR368 012-3901-00 $68.00 The Gateway City Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-3901-01 The Gateway City Band (King) 013-0491-00AR $50.00 Gateway to the South Band (Buys) 013-0759-00AR $50.00 Gateway to the South Orchestra (Buys) 016-0318-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $52.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $8.00 Page 92 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Gavotte in G Major Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0134-00AR $50.00 Gavotte Ladye Love Band (Rockwell) 013-0126-00AR $50.00 Gavotte Ladye Love Piano Solo (Rockwell) 017-0008-00AR $10.00 The Gay Lieutenant Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 083-0102-24AR $10.00 The Gay Lieutenant Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 083-0102-33AR $10.00 The Gay Lieutenant Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 083-0102-37AR $10.00 The Gay Lieutenant Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 083-0102-38AR $10.00 Gazpacho Jazz Ensemble (Radlauer) 032-0173-00 $21.00 Gazpacho Extra full score (Radlauer) 032-0173-01AR $3.50 Gems of Ireland Concert Band (arr. Barnard) 013-1023-00AR $50.00 Gems of Ireland Extra condensed score (arr. Barnard) 013-1023-01 Gems of the Concert Band Walking Frog Records CD WFR306 $74.95 Gems of Tschaikowsky Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0918-00 $75.00 Gems of Tschaikowsky Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0918-01 $9.00 Gen. Mitchell Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3312-00 $60.00 General Alger's March Concert Band (Williams) BOV-S3811-00 $60.00 General Chaffee's March Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3078-00 $60.00 General Electric Band (Verwiere) 014-0066-00 $25.00 General Grant Band (King) 013-1225-00AR $50.00 General Grant Extra condensed score (King) 013-1225-01 General Lee Band (King) 013-1226-00AR General Lee Extra condensed score (King) 013-1226-01 General Miles Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3238-00 $60.00 General Mixup, USA Concert Band (Allen) BOV-S3034-00 $60.00 General Pershing's Carry On Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3420-00 $60.00 General Wright's Band (Landers/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0015-00AR $50.00 Genesis Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB38-00 $45.00 Genesis Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB38F-01 $7.00 Geneva Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-0422-00AR $50.00 Gen'l. Boyd's Q. S. Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3160-00 $60.00 Gen'l. Felix Agnus Concert Band (Chambers/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S3161-00 $60.00 Genoa Band (Kiefer) 013-0325-00AR $50.00 Gentle Blue Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0246-00AR $50.00 Gentle Blue Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0246-01AR $6.00 Gentle Breeze Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB158-00 $40.00 Gentle Breeze Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB158-01 Gentle Daybreak Young Band (Bell) WFR389 011-4425-00 Gentle Daybreak Extra full score (Bell) 011-4425-01 $7.00 The Gentle Mist of Spring Young Band (Swearingen) WFR374 024-4024-00 $48.00 The Gentle Mist of Spring Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4024-01 $6.00 Gentle River Young Band (Grice) WFR351 023-3652-00 $42.00 Gentle River Extra full score (Grice) 023-3652-01 $5.00 Gentle River String Orchestra (Grice) ARC-7019-00 $40.00 Gentle River Extra full score (Grice) ARC-7019-01 $6.00 A Gentle Touch Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2007-01,WFR348 032-3633-00 $45.00 A Gentle Touch Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3633-01 $6.00 Gentry's Triumphal Band (Jewell) 013-0235-00 $25.00 Geology the Study of Rock Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB08-00 $40.00 Geology the Study of Rock Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB08F-01 George Washington's Birthday Party Concert Band (Barnhouse/arr. A. Clark) WFR185,WFR197 012-2947-00 George Washington's Birthday Party Extra full score (Barnhouse/arr. A. Clark) 012-2947-01 George Washington's Birthday Party Band (Barnhouse) 013-0186-00AR $50.00 George Washington's Birthday Party Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0026-00AR $50.00 George Washington's Birthday Party Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0017-00AR $10.00 Georgia Girl Band (King) 013-0598-00 $25.00 Georgia Girl Extra condensed score (King) 013-0598-01 Georgia Girl Orchestra (King) 016-0239-00AR $50.00 German Melodies Band (King) 014-0119-00AR $50.00 Gesu Bambino Concert Band (Yon/arr. A. Clark) WFR335 012-3231-00 $60.00 Gesu Bambino Extra full score (Yon/arr. A. Clark) 012-3231-01 $6.00 Get It On Extra score (Chase & Richards/arr. Moss) 036-0045-01 Get It Together Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0168-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $52.00 $6.00 $60.00 $5.00 $4.00 $2.50 $50.00 Page 93 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Get It Together Extra full score (Steinberg) 032-0168-01 $3.00 Get On Down Marching Band (Swearingen) 058-2619-00 $30.00 Get Over It! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2006-01 032-3530-00 $45.00 Get Over It! Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3530-01 Get The Spirit Marching Band (K. Harris) MB153 $50.00 Gettin' Busy Marching Band (Huckeby) 057-2468-00 $35.00 Gettin' There Jazz Ensemble (Parsons) WA-SC107-00 $30.00 Gettin' There Extra score (Parsons) WA-SC107-01 $5.00 Gewndoline Overture Concert Band (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S1031-00 $125.00 Gewndoline Overture Extra full score (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S1031-01 $14.00 Ghost Band Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR376 011-4146-00 $50.00 Ghost Band Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4146-01 Ghost Dance Concert Band (Salisbury/arr. H. Alford) BOV-S1154-00 $55.00 Ghost In The Attic Young Band (Grice) WFR359 011-3700-00 $50.00 Ghost In The Attic Extra full score (Grice) 011-3700-01 Ghost In The Attic Walking Frog Records CD WFR359 $14.95 A Ghostly Tale Ensemble Woodwind trio (Scarmolin) 110-0139-00AR $15.00 Ghosts, Goblins and Witches Young Band (Swearingen) WFR370 024-3921-00 $46.00 Ghosts, Goblins and Witches Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-3921-01 The Giant Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Morrison) 080-0005-99AR $10.00 The Gift of Christmas Young Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR376 011-4149-00 $50.00 The Gift of Christmas Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 011-4149-01 $7.00 The Gift Of Hope Young Band (Swearingen) WFR386 023-4409-00 $42.00 The Gift Of Hope Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4409-01 Giggling Golly Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3642-00 $60.00 Gilbert and Sullivan Production Marching Band (arr. Pegram) 052-1753-00 $35.00 Gilmore's Triumphal Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3094-00 $60.00 Gingerbread Men on Parade Young Band (Orcino) WFR351 023-3606-00 $40.00 Gingerbread Men on Parade Extra full score (Orcino) 023-3606-01 Gippsland Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Lake) BOV-S3503-00 $60.00 Giraldi Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3162-00 $60.00 Girl I Left Behind Me, The Concert Band (Bellstedt) BOV-S0920-00 $55.00 Girofle-Girofla Concert Band (Lecocq/arr. C. Barnes) 029-1321-00AR $90.00 Girofle-Girofla Extra score (Lecocq/arr. C. Barnes) 029-1321-01AR Give It All Ya Got Young Band (A. Clark) 011-2648-00 Give It All Ya Got Extra full score (A. Clark) 011-2648-01 Give It One More Try Marching Band (A. Clark) MB150 $50.00 Give It Up Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB103-00 $50.00 Give It Up Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB103-01 Give It Up! Jazz Ensemble (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3948-00 Give It Up! Extra full score (J. Williams/arr. A. Clark) 032-3948-01 $7.00 Give It Up! Marching Band (J. Williams) 050-2719-00 $40.00 Give Me That Old Time Religion Young Band (arr. F. Nelson) 011-1481-00AR $50.00 Give Me That Old Time Religion Extra score (arr. F. Nelson) 011-1481-01AR $5.00 Give Us America Concert Band (Misner) 029-1437-00AR $80.00 Give Us America Extra score (Misner) 029-1437-01AR $6.00 Give Us America SATB Choral Part (Misner) 029-1437-99AR The Glacier Express Concert Band (Neeck) WFR332,WFR353 012-3370-00 The Glacier Express Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3370-01 $7.00 The Glacier Express Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-3370-75 $25.00 The Gladiator Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4354-00 $72.00 The Gladiator Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) WFR183,WFR321 011-2811-00AR $60.00 The Gladiator Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 011-2811-01AR $7.00 The Gladiator Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3719-00 $60.00 The Gladiator Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3719-01 $6.00 The Gladiator Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4354-01 $10.00 The Gladiator Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4354-75 $25.00 Gladiolus Band (Eisenberg) 014-0094-00AR $50.00 Glen Cathedral Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0082-00AR $50.00 Glen Island Concert Band (T. Short/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0745-00 $65.00 Glen Island Extra condensed score (T. Short/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S0745-01 $8.00 Glendower Overture Concert Band (G. Smith) WA-ECB119-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $38.00 $4.00 $5.00 $48.00 $3.00 $72.00 Page 94 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Glendower Overture Extra score (G. Smith) WA-ECB119-01 $6.00 Gliding Girl Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0778-00 $50.00 Globe And Eagle Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3720-00 $60.00 Gloria Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S3515-00 $60.00 Glorioso Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR318 012-3128-00 $68.00 Glorioso Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3128-01 Glorious America Band (King) 013-1260-00AR Glorious America Extra condensed score (King) 013-1260-01 The Glorious Tribute Band (Cline) 013-0938-00AR $50.00 The Glorious Tribute Orchestra (Cline) 016-0459-00AR $50.00 Glory Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-1810-00AR $80.00 Glory Extra score (Cacavas) 012-1810-01AR Glory and Triumph Concert Band (Berlioz/arr. Longfield) WFR320 012-2151-00 Glory and Triumph Extra full score (Berlioz/arr. Longfield) 012-2151-01 Glory of God in Nature Orchestra (Beethoven/arr. Allen) 016-0174-00AR $50.00 Glory of the Trumpets Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3079-00 $60.00 Glory Of The Yankee Navy Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3721-00 $60.00 Glory of Youth Band (Barnard) 013-1017-00AR $50.00 Glory of Youth Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0472-00AR $50.00 Go Ask Your Mother Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2008-01 032-3770-00 $48.00 Go Ask Your Mother Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3770-01 $6.00 Go Back Home Marching Band (Falzone/arr. Snoeck) 052-1673-00 $24.00 Go Back Home Extra score (Falzone/arr. Snoeck) 052-1673-01 Go For It Marching Band (Swearingen) 069-1667-00AR $50.00 Go For It Marching Band (A. Clark) MB171 $50.00 Go Northwestern Go Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 058-2780-00 $40.00 Go Northwestern Go Extra score (arr. Swearingen) 058-2780-01 $2.50 Go Tell It On the Mountain Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 031-2885-00 $36.00 Go Tell It On the Mountain Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2885-01 $4.00 Go Tell It On The Mountain Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2015-01 032-4362-00 $48.00 Go Tell It On The Mountain Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4362-01 Go! Band (Jewell) WFR197 013-0609-00AR $50.00 God Be With You Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0106-20AR $10.00 God Be With You Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0106-24AR $10.00 God Be With You Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0106-33AR $10.00 God Be With You Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0106-38AR $10.00 God Bless America Concert Band (DeKoven/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S3218-00 $60.00 God Of Our Fathers Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1430-00AR $60.00 God Rest Ye Merry Mallets Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR373 011-4017-00 $50.00 God Rest Ye Merry Mallets Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4017-01 God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB132-00 God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB132-01 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Concert Band (arr. Huckeby) WFR357 012-3204-00 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 012-3204-01 $6.00 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02,WFR345 032-3198-00 $45.00 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3198-01 $5.00 God Shed His Grace On Thee Concert Band (Glover) WFR322,WFR343 012-3200-00 $60.00 God Shed His Grace On Thee Extra full score (Glover) 012-3200-01 $6.00 God Still Lives Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1826-00 $60.00 God Still Lives Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1826-01 $3.50 Goddess of Fire Concert Band (Reineke) WFR340,WFR352 012-3564-00 $90.00 Goddess of Fire Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3564-01 $8.00 Goddess of Fire Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3564-75 $35.00 Goddess of the Dawn Band (Losey) 013-1060-00AR $50.00 Goin' Bowin' String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 130-2187-00 $26.00 Goin' Bowin' Extra score (Fletcher) 130-2187-01 $2.50 Goin' Viral Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2015-01 032-4414-00 $48.00 Goin' Viral Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4414-01 $7.00 Going Home Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR380 023-4235-00 $44.00 Going Home Extra full score (arr. R. W, Smith) 023-4235-01 $6.00 Going Home Jazz Ensemble (Dvorak/arr. P. Clark) 991-2016-01 032-4478-00 $48.00 Going Home Extra full score (Dvorak/arr. P. Clark) 032-4478-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 $45.00 $5.00 $68.00 Page 95 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Gold and Silver Concert Band (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2036-00 $85.00 Gold and Silver Extra condensed score (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2036-01 $10.00 The Gold Bug Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3357-00 $60.00 Gold Rush Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0165-00 $25.00 Gold Rush Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0165-01AR The Gold Rush Of 1849 Young Band (Grice) WFR380 024-4205-00 The Gold Rush Of 1849 Extra full score (Grice) 024-4205-01 Golden Age of Brass Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR284 $14.95 Golden Age of the March Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR101 $14.95 Golden Age of the March Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR174 $14.95 Golden Age of the March Vol. 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR325 $14.95 Golden Age of the March, Vol. 4 Walking Frog Records CD WFR366 $14.95 Golden Bear Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1245-00AR $50.00 Golden Bear Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1245-01 Golden Book Band (Kooyman) 013-0889-00AR $50.00 Golden Book Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0399-00AR $50.00 Golden Brass Concert Band (J. Barnes) 012-1400-00AR $80.00 Golden Brass Extra score (J. Barnes) 012-1400-01 The Golden Circle Walking Frog Records CD WFR199 $14.95 The Golden Circle Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR194,WFR199 012-3051-00 $72.00 The Golden Circle Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3051-01 $8.00 The Golden Circle Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3051-75 $30.00 Golden Days Band (King) 014-0151-00AR $50.00 Golden Dome Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0342-00AR $50.00 Golden Dome Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0092-00AR $50.00 The Golden Dragon Concert Band (King) 013-0676-00 $80.00 The Golden Dragon Extra condensed score (King) 013-0676-01AR $5.00 The Golden Dragon Orchestra (King) 016-1018-00AR $50.00 Golden Fleece Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0077-00AR $50.00 The Golden Horns Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0005-00AR $50.00 The Golden Legend Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0710-00 $80.00 The Golden Legend Extra full score (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0710-01 $10.00 Golden Nuggets Band (Barnhouse) 013-0157-00AR $50.00 Golden Odyssey Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0221-00 $17.00 Golden Odyssey Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0221-01 $3.50 Golden Regiment Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7826-00 $60.00 Golden Regiment (C. T. Smith) CTS-7826-01 $12.00 Golden Regiment (C. T. Smith) CTS-7826-75 $25.00 The Golden Rule Band (Russell) 013-1057-00AR $50.00 Golden Trumpet Band (Barnhouse) 013-0127-00AR $50.00 Golden Wave Band (Berryman) 013-1170-00AR $50.00 Golden West Girls Young Band (Henderson & Stoutamire) 011-1476-00 $10.00 Golden West Girls Extra score (Henderson & Stoutamire) 011-1476-01AR The Golden Year Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR186 012-2964-00 $68.00 The Golden Year Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2964-01 $6.00 Goldfrost Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0050-00 $7.00 Goldfrost Extra score (Lowden) 049-0050-01AR $5.00 The Goldman Band Band (King) 014-0086-00AR $50.00 The Goldman Band Extra condensed score (King) 014-0086-01 The Gondolier Concert Band (Simons/arr. Lake) BOV-S1160-00 $65.00 The Gondolier Extra condensed score (Simons/arr. Lake) BOV-S1160-01 $8.00 Gone With the Woodwinds Funky Winkerbean Product HLD15 Gonna Let It Shine Jazz Ensemble (Havely) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3304-00 Gonna Let It Shine Extra full score (Havely) 032-3304-01 Good Bye - Good Luck Band (Park) 013-0855-00AR $50.00 Good Fellows Band (Russell) 013-1036-00AR $50.00 Good Grief N' Gravy Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2615-00 $35.00 Good Grief N' Gravy Extra full score (Spera) 032-2615-01 $3.50 Good King Wenceslas Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2005-01,WFR345 032-3395-00 $42.00 Good King Wenceslas Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3395-01 $6.00 Good Morning Irene Extra full score (Dale/arr. McConnell) 032-0149-01 $3.00 Good Ol' Boys Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2664-00 $34.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.50 $4.00 $4.00 $9.95 $40.00 $6.00 Page 96 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Good Ol' Boys Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2664-01 $4.00 Good Old Guys Young Band (Loest) WFR192 015-2976-00 $38.00 Good Old Guys Extra full score (Loest) 015-2976-01 Good Sportsman Band (Russell) 013-1026-00AR $50.00 Good Tidings To All Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR367 012-3982-00 $68.00 Good Tidings To All Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3982-01 $7.00 Good Times in Santiago Jazz Ensemble (Carney) 031-0319-00 $25.00 Good Times in Santiago Extra full score (Carney) 031-0319-01 $3.50 Good Vibes Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2006-02 032-3503-00 $50.00 Good Vibes Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3503-01 Good-Bye Concert Band (Tosti/arr. Lake) BOV-S0717-00 Good-Bye Extra condensed score (Tosti/arr. Lake) BOV-S0717-01 $4.00 Good-Day, Suzanne Concert Band (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0609-00 $60.00 Good-Day, Suzanne Extra condensed score (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0609-01 $7.00 Goody Two Shoes Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0811-00 $50.00 The Gospel According to Miles Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2364-00AR $50.00 The Gospel According to Miles Extra full score (Spera) 032-2364-01 $3.50 Gospel John Young Band (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) WFR376 011-4143-00 $50.00 Gospel John Extra full score (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 011-4143-01 $7.00 Gospel John Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 026-4225-00 $50.00 Gospel John Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 026-4225-01 $6.00 Gospel John Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg/arr. Lowden) 031-0212-00 $35.00 Gospel John Extra full score (Steinberg/arr. Lowden) 031-0212-01 $7.00 Gospel John Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) WFR179 032-2756-00 $45.00 Gospel John Extra full score (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 032-2756-01 $7.00 Gospel John Marching Band (Steinberg/arr. Tatgenhorst) 054-1428-00 $50.00 Gospel John Marching Band (Steinberg/arr. Swearingen) 054-1516-00 $32.00 Gospel John Marching Band (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 058-2785-00 $45.00 Gospel John Extra score (Steinberg/arr. A. Clark) 058-2785-01 Gospel Shout Marching Band (Edmondson) 069-1601-00AR $60.00 Gospel Truth Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB163-00 $40.00 Gospel Truth Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB163-01 Gospel Tune Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1647-00 $24.00 Got the Spirit Marching Band (Hampton/arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1604-00AR $50.00 Gotta 'Bone To Pick With You Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) 991-2013-01 032-4215-00 $48.00 Gotta 'Bone To Pick With You Extra full score (Sherburne) 032-4215-01 $7.00 Gotta Bounce Jazz Ensemble (Larry Barton) 991-2015-01 032-4366-00 $48.00 Gotta Bounce Extra full score (Larry Barton) 032-4366-01 $7.00 Gotta Disco Marching Band (Lowden) 053-1571-00 $16.00 Gotta Get Down Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-2035-00 $33.00 Gotta Love That Dixieland Young Band (A. Clark) WFR130 015-2311-00 $32.00 Gotta Love That Dixieland Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2311-01 Gotterdammerung Concert Band (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2302-00 $95.00 Gotterdammerung Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2302-01 $10.00 The Governor Band (Buys) 013-0777-00AR $50.00 The Governor Orchestra (Buys) 016-0329-00AR $50.00 Goyescas Concert Band (Granados/arr. Dupont) BOV-S2136-00 $70.00 Goyescas Extra condensed score (Granados/arr. Dupont) BOV-S2136-01 $9.00 The Graduate Band (Hazel) 013-1062-00AR $50.00 The Graduate Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0498-00AR $50.00 The Music of Percy Grainger Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR475 $14.95 The Music of Percy Grainger Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR476 $14.95 The Music of Percy Grainger Vol. 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR477 $14.95 The Music of Percy Grainger Vol. 4 Walking Frog Records CD WFR707 $14.95 Grand American Fantasia Concert Band (T. Bendix) BOV-S1016-00 $65.00 Grand Duchess Selection Band (Offenbach/arr. Losey) 013-0297-00AR $50.00 Grand Galop Comique Young Band (Orcino) WFR336 011-3426-00 $45.00 Grand Galop Comique Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3426-01 Grand Old Flag Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-ECB114-00 Grand Old Flag Extra score (Holcombe) WA-ECB114-01 $6.00 Grand Promenade At The White House Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0782-00 $75.00 Grand Review Band (Russell) 013-1027-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $7.00 $20.00 $2.50 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 Page 97 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Grand Russian Fantasia Concert Band (Levy/arr. DeVille) BOV-S0743-00 $65.00 Grand Russian Fantasia Extra condensed score (Levy/arr. DeVille) BOV-S0743-01 $8.00 The Grand Slam Concert Band (arr. Lake) BOV-S0810-00 $70.00 Grand Triumphal Band (Cline) 013-0974-00AR $50.00 Grandioso Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3667-00 $60.00 Grandioso in C Major Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0101-00AR $20.00 Grandstand Cheers and Fanfare Marching Band (A. Clark) MB124 $50.00 Grant Us Peace Young Band (arr. Schaeffer) 011-1896-00AR $50.00 Grant Us Peace Extra score (arr. Schaeffer) 011-1896-01 $3.00 Grant Us Thy Peace Marching Band (arr. Snoeck) 052-1675-00 $24.00 A Graphic Portrait Solo Multi-Percussion solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0207-00 $10.00 Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Football Field Greased Lightnin' Funky Winkerbean Product HLD24 Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR373 012-3989-00 Greased Lightnin' Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3989-01 Greasy Kid Stuff Marching Band (A. Clark) MB160 $50.00 The Great All-AmerIcan Dixie-Swing March Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-ECB131-00 $50.00 The Great All-American Dixie-Swing March Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-ECB131-01 $6.00 Great American, The (Theodore Roosevelt) Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Barry) BOV-S3468-00 $60.00 A Great Big Grin Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0175-00 $24.50 A Great Big Grin Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0175-01 $3.50 Great Day Young Band (Mitchell) 011-1540-00 $15.00 Great Day Extra score (Mitchell) 011-1540-01 $2.50 Great Guys Book - Text (Lake) 079-6201-00 $19.95 Great Lakes to the Sea Band (Romdenne) 013-0781-00AR $50.00 The Great Land Run Concert Band (Anderson) WFR378 012-4185-00 $78.00 The Great Land Run Extra full score (Anderson) 012-4185-01 $8.00 The Great Land Run Oversized spiral-bound score (Anderson) 012-4185-75 $25.00 The Great Plains Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0941-00AR $50.00 Great White Also Jazz Ensemble (Stradling) 035-0112-00 $20.00 Great White Also Extra score (Stradling) 035-0112-01 Greater Canton Band (King) 013-3565-00AR $50.00 Greater Oskaloosa Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0027-00AR $10.00 Greater Purdue Band (Emrick) 013-0822-00AR $50.00 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Flute/Oboe Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM125-04 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM126-08 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Trumpet/Baritone TC Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM127-24 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Alto Sax /Baritone Sax Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM128-20 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Tenor Sax Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM129-22 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo F Horn Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM130-28 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Trombone/Bassoon/Baritone Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM131-33 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Tuba Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM132-39 $12.95 Greatest Solo Songbook Solo Snare Drum/Bass Drum Book (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YBM133-41 $12.95 Green Meadows Ensemble Woodwind quartet (F. McKay) 111-0073-00AR $14.00 Greener Pastures Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-1999-02 032-2974-00 $40.00 Greener Pastures Extra full score (Stack) 032-2974-01 $4.00 Greensleeves Concert Band (arr. Reed) WFR129,WFR319 012-2584-00 $60.00 Greensleeves Extra full score (arr. Reed) 012-2584-01 $7.00 Greensleeves Extra condensed score (arr. Reed) 012-2584-02 $4.50 Greensleeves Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. Reed) 012-2584-75 $25.00 Greensleeves Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1343-00AR $50.00 Greensleeves Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1452-00AR $70.00 Greensleeves Ensemble Brass sextet (arr. Siekmann) 103-0212-00 Greenway Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1141-00AR $50.00 Greeting of Spring Band (Russell) 013-0902-00AR $50.00 Greeting of Spring Orchestra (Russell) 016-0407-00AR $50.00 Greeting To Bangor Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3313-00 $60.00 Greetings & Salutations Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1003-00 $50.00 Greetings & Salutations Extra full score SCM-1003-01 Greetings From Gumboville Walking Frog Records CD WFR244 Greta's Waltz Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 081-0151-04 The Gridiron Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3580-00 $60.00 Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB151-00 $40.00 Gringo All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.95 $68.00 $7.00 $3.00 $8.50 $6.00 $14.95 $2.50 Page 98 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Gringo Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB151-01 Grits Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SB503-00 $45.00 Grits Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SB503-01 $6.00 Groove Broker Extra full score SCM-1068-01 $6.00 The Groove Broker Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1068-00 $47.00 Groove Essential Walking Frog Records DVD WFR745 $24.95 The Groove Factor Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2007-01,WFR348 032-3569-00 $45.00 The Groove Factor Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3569-01 $6.00 Grooveh! Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 031-0061-00 $7.00 Grooveh! Extra score (Martino) 031-0061-01AR Groove-i-tude Jazz Ensemble (McGuinness) SCM-1099-00 Groove-i-tude Extra full score (McGuinness) SCM-1099-01 Groovemaker Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB161-00 Groovemaker Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB161-01 $7.00 The Groovemaster Jazz Ensemble (Mintzer/arr. Lowden) 035-0384-00AR $60.00 The Groovemaster Extra full score (Mintzer/arr. Lowden) 035-0384-01 $7.00 Groovin' Down Cool Street Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR357 025-3735-00 $50.00 Groovin' Down Cool Street Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 025-3735-01 $6.00 Groovin' Down Cool Street Jazz Ensemble (R. W. Smith) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3869-00 $48.00 Groovin' Down Cool Street Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 032-3869-01 $7.00 Groovin in Clave Book - Method/Study (Berroa) PT-MU05-00 $24.95 Groovy Marching Band (Rood) 069-1336-00AR $50.00 Group Hug Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3494-00 $45.00 Group Hug Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3494-01 Grundman Portrait Walking Frog Records CD WFR875 Guard Of Honor Concert Band (Lenhardt/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3445-00 $60.00 Guerierre Symphony (Wellington's Victory) Concert Band (Beethoven/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-G0425-00 $295.00 Guerierre Symphony (Wellington's Victory) Extra condensed score (Beethoven/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-G0425-01 $12.00 Guerrilla Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3279-00 $60.00 A Guide for the Modern Jazz Rhythm Section Book - Text (Houghton) 070-1983-41 $25.00 A Guide for the Modern Jazz Rhythm Section CD only (Houghton) 070-1983-99 Guide Left Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3280-00 $60.00 Guide Right Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3722-00 $60.00 Guilty as Charged Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2006-01 032-3518-00 $45.00 Guilty as Charged Extra full score (Barton) 032-3518-01 $6.00 Guitar City Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2015-01 032-4368-00 $48.00 Guitar City Extra full score (Stanton) 032-4368-01 Gumdrops for Two Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0081-00AR Gumdrops for Two Extra score (Lowden) 032-0081-01AR $6.00 Gustonian Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0086-24AR $10.00 The Guy Band (Jewell) 013-0363-00AR $50.00 Gypsy Baron Concert Band (J. Strauss) BOV-S2147-00 $75.00 The Gypsy Baron Band (Strauss/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0326-00AR $50.00 Gypsy Caravan Concert Band (Neeck) WFR353 012-3594-00 $68.00 Gypsy Caravan Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3594-01 $7.00 Gypsy Dance from Carmen Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Reed) WFR180,WFR320 012-2842-00 $90.00 Gypsy Dance from Carmen Extra full score (Bizet/arr. Reed) 012-2842-01 Gypsy Love Song Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0766-00 Gypsy Love Song Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0766-01 $8.00 Gypsy Queen Band (King) 013-0580-00AR $50.00 Gypsy Song Concert Band (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0800-00 $80.00 Gypsy Song Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0800-01 $10.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 1 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0595-00 $70.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 1 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0595-01 $9.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 3 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0596-00 $60.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 3 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0596-01 $7.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 6 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0597-00 $60.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 6 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0597-01 $7.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 8 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0598-00 $55.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 8 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0598-01 $7.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 9 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0599-00 $60.00 Gypsy Songs, Opus 103, No. 9 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0599-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $47.00 $7.00 $48.00 $5.00 $14.95 $9.95 $7.00 $50.00 $8.00 $50.00 Page 99 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price H2Overture Young Band (J. Williams) WFR130 011-2700-00 $45.00 H2Overture Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2700-01 Habanera Concert Band (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0561-00 Habanera Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0561-01 Habañera Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (arr. Stanton) 026-4456-00 Habañera Extra full score (arr. Stanton) 026-4456-01 $6.00 Hablemos Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1063-00 $47.00 Hablemos Extra full score SCM-1063-01 $6.00 Hadrian's Wall Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR367 012-3983-00 $76.00 Hadrian's Wall Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3983-01 $7.00 Hail America! Young Band (Richards/arr. Glover) WFR377 011-4151-00 $50.00 Hail America! Extra full score (Richards/arr. Glover) 011-4151-01 Hail America Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1192-00AR $50.00 Hail Columbia Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0679-00AR $50.00 Hail Miami! Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1250-00AR $50.00 Hail to Old Glory Band (Jewell) 013-0693-00AR $50.00 Hail to Old Glory Orchestra (Jewell) 016-0267-00AR $50.00 Hail to the Lord's Annointed Young Band (arr. Forsblad & Livingston) 010-1398-00AR $50.00 Hail to the Lord's Annointed Extra score (arr. Forsblad & Livingston) 010-1398-01AR $5.00 Hail To The Spirit Of Liberty Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3723-00 $60.00 Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3024-00 $60.00 Hail! Trojans, Hail! Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1189-00AR $50.00 Hail, Detroit Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3683-00 $60.00 Half Moon Bay Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB208-00 $40.00 Half Moon Bay Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB208-01 Half Step March Concert Band (McKinzey) WFR368 012-3895-00 Half Step March Extra full score (McKinzey) 012-3895-01 $7.00 Hallelu! Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1649-00 $21.00 Hallelujah Chorus Young Band (Handel/arr. Glover) WFR389 011-4483-00 $52.00 Hallelujah Chorus Extra full score (Handel/arr. Glover) 011-4483-01 $7.00 Hallelujah Chorus Concert Band (Handel/arr. Longfield) WFR129,WFR184,WFR319 012-2627-00 $68.00 Hallelujah Chorus Extra full score (Handel/arr. Longfield) 012-2627-01 $6.00 Hallelujah Chorus Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Handel/arr. Stanton) 026-4224-00 $50.00 Hallelujah Chorus Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Handel/arr. Stanton) 026-4224-01 Hallelujah Chorus Concert Band (Handel/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0524-00 Hallelujah Chorus Extra condensed score (Handel/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0524-01 $8.00 Hallelujah Chorus Extra full score (Handel/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0524-02 $10.00 Hallelujah, It's Christmas Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2729-00 $45.00 Hallelujah, It's Christmas Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2729-01 $4.00 Halloween Time Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 082-0124-04 $3.50 Halloween Time Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 082-0124-08 $3.50 Halloween Time Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 082-0124-20 $3.50 Halloween Time Ensemble Flute trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0124-04 Halloween Time Ensemble Clarinet trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0124-08AR Halloween Time Ensemble Saxophone trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0124-20 Hamlin Rifles Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3314-00 $60.00 Hampton Roads Concert Band (Alexander) BOV-S3015-00 $60.00 Hand Over Fist Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 035-0379-00 $33.00 Hand Over Fist Extra full score (Niehaus) 035-0379-01 Handel in the Strand Concert Band (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR316 WBM-3063-00 Handel in the Strand Extra full score (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3063-01 $9.00 Handel in the Strand Oversized spiral-bound score (Grainger/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3063-75 $30.00 Handel's Last Chance Walking Frog Records DVD WFR797 $19.98 Hands Across the Sea Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1596-00AR $50.00 Hands Across the Sea Extra score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1596-02AR $6.00 Hands Across The Sea Concert Band (Tobani/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1129-00 $85.00 Hands Across The Sea Extra condensed score (Tobani/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1129-01 $10.00 Hands Across The Sea Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3724-00 $60.00 Hands Across The Sea Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3724-01 $6.00 Hands Across the Sea Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2888-00 $60.00 Hands Across the Sea Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2888-01 $6.00 Hands Across the Sea Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2888-75 $30.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $50.00 $7.00 $6.00 $65.00 $6.00 $75.00 $6.50 $15.00 $6.50 $3.50 $95.00 Page 100 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Hands Across the Sea Walking Frog Records CD WFR733 $14.95 Hands Across the Sea Walking Frog Records CD WFR869 $19.95 Hang On Marching Band (A. Clark) MB107 $50.00 Hang Ten Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0189-00 $16.00 Hang Ten Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0189-01 $3.50 Hangin' Loose Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2328-00 $48.00 Hangin' Loose Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2328-01 Hansel and Gretel Concert Band (Humperdinck/arr. Abbass) BOV-S0841-00 $125.00 Hansel and Gretel Extra full score (Humperdinck/arr. Abbass) BOV-S0841-01 $14.00 Hansel and Gretel Concert Band (Humperdinck/arr. Abbass) BOV-S0891-00 $85.00 Hansel and Gretel Extra full score (Humperdinck/arr. Abbass) BOV-S0891-01 $10.00 Hanukkah Dance (Sevivon) Young Band (Conaway) WFR370 024-3920-00 $48.00 Hanukkah Dance (Sevivon) Extra full score (Conaway) 024-3920-01 $5.00 Hanukkah Joys String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2414-00 $40.00 Hanukkah Joys Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2414-01 $6.00 Hanukkah: Festival of Lights Concert Band (arr. Rowe) WFR367 012-3934-00 $68.00 Hanukkah: Festival of Lights Extra full score (arr. Rowe) 012-3934-01 $7.00 Happenstance Young Band (Romeyn) WFR351 011-3614-00 $50.00 Happenstance Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3614-01 Happy Jazz Ensemble (R. Mutchler) 031-0128-00AR Happy Extra score (R. Mutchler) 031-0128-01 Happy Apple Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 082-0150-20 $7.50 Happy Birthday Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2016-01 032-4433-00 $48.00 Happy Birthday Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-4433-01 Happy Birthday To You Young Band Developing Band Edition (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1506-00 Happy Birthday To You Extra full score Developing Band Edition (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1506-01 $6.00 Happy Birthday To You Oversized, spiral-bound score Developing Band Edition (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1506-75 $25.00 Happy Birthday To You Young Band Melody Mine Edition (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1507-00 $45.00 Happy Birthday To You Extra full score Melody Mine Edition (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1507-01 $8.00 Happy Birthday To You Oversized, spiral-bound score Melody Mine Edition (arr. R. W. Smith) RWS-1507-75 $25.00 Happy Days Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1179-00AR $50.00 The Happy Ending Young Band (G. Sebesky) 029-1713-00AR $50.00 The Happy Ending Extra score (G. Sebesky) 029-1713-01AR Happy Feelin' Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0302-00 Happy Feelin' Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0302-01AR $6.00 Happy Hanukkah Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1894-00AR $50.00 Happy Hanukkah Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1894-01 Happy Holidays! Walking Frog Records CD WFR319 $14.95 Happy Mose Band (Kiefer) 013-0376-00AR $50.00 Harbor Lights Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0033-22AR $10.00 Harbor Lights Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0033-24AR $10.00 Harbor Lights Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0033-33AR $10.00 Harbor Lights Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0033-38AR $10.00 Hardin Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1150-00AR $50.00 Hark The Herald Angels Swing! Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2012-00 032-4124-00 $48.00 Hark, Those Herald Angels Rock! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2009-01 032-3837-00 $48.00 Hark, Those Herald Angels Rock! Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3837-01 $6.00 Hark Those Herald Trumpets Swing! Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-4124-01 Hark! Hark! The Lark Concert Band (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0659-00 Hark! Hark! The Lark Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0659-01 $7.00 Harlem Nocturne Jazz Ensemble (Hagen/arr. Mantooth) 036-0281-00AR $75.00 Harlem Nocturne Extra full score (Hagen/arr. Mantooth) 036-0281-01 Harlequin Journey Overture Band (Huffman) 013-1239-00AR $60.00 The Harmonica Player Concert Band (C. W. Smith) 029-1360-00AR $50.00 The Harmonica Player Extra score (C. W. Smith) 029-1360-01AR $6.00 The Harmonica Player Concert Band (Guion/arr. Weber) BOV-S2207-00 $65.00 The Harmonica Player Extra full score (Guion/arr. Weber) BOV-S2207-01 $8.00 Harmonick Band (Vereecken) 013-0497-00AR $50.00 Harmony Heaven Concert Band (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) WFR101 012-2327-00 $70.00 Harmony Heaven Extra full score (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) 012-2327-01 Harmony Heaven Band (Barnhouse) 013-0747-00AR Harmony Heaven Extra condensed score (Barnhouse) 013-0747-01 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.00 $7.00 $50.00 $3.00 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $25.00 $3.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $4.00 $65.00 $4.00 Page 101 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Harmony Heaven Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0294-00AR $65.00 The Harp of Tara Concert Band (Rogers/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-C0202-00 $70.00 The Harp of Tara Extra condensed score (Rogers/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-C0202-01 Harry L. Dinkle Young Band (A. Clark) CB210 Harry L. Dinkle extra score (A. Clark) CB210-01 Harry L. Dinkle Marching Band (A. Clark) MB128 $50.00 Harry L. Dinkle Poster Set No. 12 Funky Winkerbean Product HLD12 $20.00 Harry L. Dinkle Poster Set No. 6 Funky Winkerbean Product HLD06 $20.00 Harry L. Dinkle Poster Set No. 8 Funky Winkerbean Product HLD08 $20.00 Harvest Hymn Concert Band (Grainger/arr. Kreines) WFR329 012-1709-00AR $60.00 Harvest Hymn Extra score (Grainger/arr. Kreines) 012-1709-01AR Harvest Hymn Oversized spiral-bound score (Grainger/arr. Kreines) 012-1709-75 $25.00 Havana Holdout Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB195-00 $40.00 Havana Holdout Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB195-01 Have You Got That Spirit? Marching Band (Huckeby) 050-2529-00 $40.00 Have Yourself a Merry Big Band Christmas! Walking Frog Records CD WFR345 $11.95 Having Fun Walking Frog Records CD WFR224 $14.95 Hawkeye Fair Band (King) 014-0009-00 $25.00 Hawkeye Fair Extra condensed score (King) 014-0009-01 $4.00 Hawkeye Glory Band (King) 014-0130-00 $25.00 Hawkeye Glory Extra condensed score (King) 014-0130-01 $4.00 Head Over Heels Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2008-01, 991-2008-02 032-3746-00 $50.00 Head Over Heels Extra full score (Vuono) 032-3746-01 $6.00 Head Over Heels Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 035-2335-00 $36.00 Head Over Heels Extra full score (Niehaus) 035-2335-01 Headlines Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-SC110-00 Headlines Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-SC110-01 Headlines Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB173-00 Headlines Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB173-01 $6.00 Heads Up Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3025-00 $60.00 Hear Me, Ye Winds and Waves Concert Band (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0116-00 $60.00 Hear Me, Ye Winds and Waves Extra condensed score (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0116-01 Heart and Home Young Band (Poor) WFR386 024-4391-00 Heart and Home Extra full score (Poor) 024-4391-01 Heart of America Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Lake) BOV-S3581-00 $60.00 The Heart of Christmas Young Band (Romeyn) WFR385 011-4416-00 $52.00 The Heart of Christmas Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4416-01 Heart of Paddy Whack Concert Band (Ball/arr. Lake) BOV-S1008-00 $65.00 Heart Strings Band (Casto) 013-0320-00AR $50.00 Heart Strings Orchestra (Casto) 016-0082-00AR $50.00 Heart Strings Piano Solo (Casto) 017-0038-00AR $10.00 Heart Strings Ensemble Sax quartet (Casto/arr. Holmes) 111-0002-20AR $16.00 Heartland Legacy Young Band (Huckeby) WFR363 011-3821-00 $54.00 Heartland Legacy Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3821-01 Hearts Desire Piano Solo (E. Brooks) 017-0022-00AR $10.00 Heart's Desire Orchestra (E. Brooks) 016-0039-00AR $50.00 Hearts Haven Band (Kiefer) 013-0381-00AR $50.00 Hearts Music Walking Frog Records CD WFR620 $14.95 Heartstrings Young Band (Conaway) WFR369 011-3971-00 $50.00 Heartstrings Extra full score (Conaway) 011-3971-01 Heat Wave Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MCE112-00 Heat Wave Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MCE112-01 Heatseeker Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 031-2652-00 Heatseeker Extra full score (Barton) 031-2652-01 $3.50 Heatseeker! Marching Band (Barton) 050-2586-00 $40.00 The Heavens are Telling Concert Band (Haydn/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0807-00 $75.00 The Heavens are Telling Extra condensed score (Haydn/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0807-01 $9.00 Heaven's Artillery Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Isenman) BOV-S3469-00 $60.00 Heaven's Light Concert Band (Reineke) WFR332,WFR352 012-3387-00 $65.00 Heaven's Light Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3387-01 $6.00 Heavy Duty Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2519-00 $48.00 Heavy Duty Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2519-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $9.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $3.00 $30.00 $5.00 $40.00 $7.00 $48.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $32.00 Page 102 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Heavy Metal Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2568-00 $32.00 Heavy Metal Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2568-01AR $6.00 Hella Temple Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3452-00 $60.00 Henderson Field Band (King) 013-1234-00AR $50.00 Henderson Field Extra condensed score (King) 013-1234-01 Henry VIII, Suite Concert Band (German/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0833-00 $90.00 Henry VIII, Suite Extra condensed score (German/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0833-01 $10.00 The Herald Band (Ruble) 013-0480-00AR $50.00 Herald of Progress Band (King) 014-0121-00AR $50.00 Herald of Progress Extra condensed score (King) 014-0121-01 Herald The Holidays Concert Band (R. W. Smith) RWS-1505-00 $75.00 Herald The Holidays Extra full score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1505-01 $10.00 Herald The Holidays Oversized, spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1505-75 $25.00 Heralds of Victory Book - Text (Holz) 079-6064-00 Herbert L. Clarke's Triumphal Band (Boyer) 013-0972-00AR $50.00 Herdin' Cats Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2012-00 032-4145-00 $48.00 Herdin' Cats Extra full score (Rowe) 032-4145-01 Here We Come A Flutin' Walking Frog Records CD WFR760 $14.95 Here We Come A'Caroling Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR357 012-3736-00 $68.00 Here We Come A'Caroling Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3736-01 $7.00 Here We Come A-Caroling Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2014-01 032-4287-00 $48.00 Here We Come A-Caroling Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-4287-01 The Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music Walking Frog Records CD WFR339 $39.95 The Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music, Vol. III Book - Text (Rehrig/ed. Bierley) 079-6061-00 $81.00 Heritage Hills Concert Band (Spears) 012-1824-00 $48.00 Heritage Hills Extra score (Spears) 012-1824-01 Heritage West Concert Band (Butts) 012-1352-00AR Heritage West Extra score (Butts) 012-1352-01AR $7.00 The Hermitage Concert Band (C. Williams) WFR378 029-1444-00AR $120.00 The Hermitage Extra score (C. Williams) 029-1444-01AR $6.00 Hermoso Concert Band (Althouse) BOV-S3035-00 $60.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-04AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-08AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-17AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-20AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-24AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-33AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-37AR $10.00 Hernando's Holiday Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0093-38AR $10.00 Hero Ensemble (Mekealian) RWS-1651-00 $35.00 Hero Extra Full Score (Mekealian) RWS-1651-01 $6.00 Herodiade Concert Band (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1116-00 $95.00 Herodiade Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1116-01 $10.00 Heroes and Glory Young Band (Swearingen) WFR351 023-3673-00 $40.00 Heroes and Glory Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-3673-01 Heroes Of New York Walking Frog Records CD WFR823 $14.95 Heroes On Parade Young Band (Hillis) WFR330 011-3261-00 $42.00 Heroes On Parade Extra full score (Hillis) 011-3261-01 Heroic Band (G. Holmes) 013-1123-00AR $50.00 Heroic Sketches Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR322 012-3238-00 $72.00 Heroic Sketches Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3238-01 $7.00 Heroic Sketches Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3238-75 $30.00 Hero's Sacrifice Dirge Band (Barnard) 013-0354-00AR $50.00 Hero's Sacrifice Dirge Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0106-00AR $50.00 The Hesitating Blues Concert Band (Handy/arr. Still) BOV-S3333-00 $60.00 Hexagony Young Band (Hawkins) WFR362 023-3790-00 $42.00 Hexagony Extra full score (Hawkins) 023-3790-01 $5.00 Hey Dude! Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2368-00 $30.00 Hey Jude Extra score (Lennon & McCartney/arr. Lowden) 031-0091-01 Hey! Walking Frog Records CD WFR757 $14.95 Hey, Babe! Jazz Ensemble (Rasmussen) WA-SB537-00 $45.00 Hey, Babe! Extra score (Rasmussen) WA-SB537-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $4.00 $8.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $80.00 $5.00 $6.00 $2.50 Page 103 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Hi Henry's Triumphal Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3239-00 $60.00 Hi Tech Marching Band (Moffit) 069-2042-00 $42.00 Hiawatha Concert Band (Moret/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3531-00 $60.00 Hickory Hills Concert Band (Kenny) 029-1396-00AR $80.00 Hickory Hills Extra score (Kenny) 029-1396-01AR Hidden Village Ensemble Percussion Ensemble - #of Players (Thompson) RWS-1652-00 Hidden Village Extra Full Score (Thompson) RWS-1652-01 High Altitude Walking Frog Records CD WFR572 $14.95 High and Mighty Concert Band (Jewell/arr. Glover) WFR334,WFR366 012-3405-00 $65.00 High and Mighty Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Glover) 012-3405-01 $6.00 High Country Celebration Concert Band (Earl) WFR331 012-3349-00 $72.00 High Country Celebration Extra full score (Earl) 012-3349-01 $8.00 High Energy Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2365-00 $30.00 High Falls Overture Young Band (Swearingen) WFR195 015-3102-00 $38.00 High Falls Overture Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-3102-01 $4.00 High Fives Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3834-00 $50.00 High Fives Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3834-01 High Life Dance Album No. 1 Flute book (G. Holmes) 074-6033-04AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 1 2nd Violin book (G. Holmes) 074-6033-61AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 1 Viola book (G. Holmes) 074-6033-62AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 1 Cello book (G. Holmes) 074-6033-63AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 1 Bass (and Tuba) book (G. Holmes) 074-6033-64AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 2 Flute book (G. Holmes) 074-6034-04AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 2 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinet book (G. Holmes) 074-6034-08AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 2 Trombone (BC and TC) book (G. Holmes) 074-6034-33AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 2 Viola book (G. Holmes) 074-6034-62AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 2 Bass (and Tuba) book (G. Holmes) 074-6034-64AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Flute book (Hazel) 074-6035-04AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Solo Bb Clarinet book (Hazel) 074-6035-08AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Solo Bb Cornet book (Hazel) 074-6035-24AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 1st & 2nd Bb Cornet book (Hazel) 074-6035-25AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Trombone (BC) book (Hazel) 074-6035-33AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Drums book (Hazel) 074-6035-41AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Piano book (Hazel) 074-6035-43AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Hazel) 074-6035-51AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 2nd Violin book (Hazel) 074-6035-61AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Viola book (Hazel) 074-6035-62AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Bass (and Tuba) book (Hazel) 074-6035-64AR $10.00 High Life Dance Album No. 3 Trombone (TC) book (Hazel) 074-6035-66AR $10.00 High Marks Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Corcoran) 121-0218-00 $8.50 The High Private Band (King) 013-0687-00 $25.00 The High Private Orchestra (King) 016-0269-00AR $50.00 High School Cadets Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1566-00 $40.00 High School Cadets Extra score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1566-02 High School Cadets Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3725-00 $60.00 High School Tournament Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1066-00AR $50.00 High Sierra Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2227-00 $30.00 High Speed Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3470-00 $60.00 Highlanders Patrol, The Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S0912-00 $50.00 Highlanders Patrol, The Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S3441-00 $60.00 Highlights from Overture 1812 Young Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Jurrens) CB223 $60.00 Highlights from Overture 1812 extra score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Jurrens) CB223-01 Hilario Band (Barnhouse) 013-0754-00AR $50.00 Hilario Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0297-00AR $50.00 Hill Country Holiday Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR316,WFR315 012-3123-00 $72.00 Hill Country Holiday Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-3123-01 Hill Country Miniatures Walking Frog Records CD WFR693 $14.95 Hillbilly Hoedown Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1650-00 $19.00 Hillbilly Hoedown Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1650-02 Hilliard Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3026-00 $60.00 Hillsboro Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1144-00AR $50.00 Hilo Concert Band (arr. Lake) BOV-S3422-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $35.00 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $7.00 $2.50 Page 104 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Hip Bones Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2864-00 $42.00 Hip Bones Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2864-01 $4.00 Hip Hoppin' Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 032-2848-00 $36.00 Hip Hoppin' Extra full score (Stack) 032-2848-01 Hip 'n Cool Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0275-00AR Hip 'n Cool Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0275-01AR Hip Stick Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Thurston) 050-2127-00 Hip Stick Extra score (Swearingen/arr. Thurston) 050-2127-01 $4.00 Hip Sticks Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 032-2743-00 $32.00 Hip Sticks Extra full score (Swearingen) 032-2743-01 $3.50 Hippodrome March Book Conductor book (King) 072-2053-01 $9.95 Hippodrome March Book Piccolo Db book (King) 072-2053-03 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Flute in C book (King) 072-2053-04 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2053-07 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2053-08 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 072-2053-09 Hippodrome March Book Alto Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2053-12AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book Bass Clarinet Bb book (King) 072-2053-13AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book Oboe book (King) 072-2053-15 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Bassoon book (King) 072-2053-17 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Bb Soprano Sax book (King) 072-2053-19 Hippodrome March Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2053-20AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 072-2053-22AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2053-23 Hippodrome March Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2053-24AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2053-25AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 072-2053-26AR $10.00 Hippodrome March Book 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 072-2053-28 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 3rd & 4th F Horns book (King) 072-2053-30 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 072-2053-33 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2053-35 Hippodrome March Book Baritone TC book (King) 072-2053-37AR Hippodrome March Book Baritone BC book (King) 072-2053-38 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Tuba book (King) 072-2053-39 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Drums book (King) 072-2053-41 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book Bass Saxophone Bb book (King) 072-2053-50 $2.00 Hippodrome March Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 072-2053-51 Hippodrome March Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 072-2053-52AR Hippodrome March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 072-2053-66 The Hippodrome Concert Band (Huff) BOV-S3384-00 $60.00 His Excellency Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3244-00 $60.00 His Highness Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3358-00 $60.00 His Majesty Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3643-00 $60.00 Hi-Stepper Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1178-00AR $50.00 History of the Trumpet DVD Walking Frog Records DVD (Wynton Marsalis) PT-WME006-99 $19.95 Hit and Run Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2003-01 031-3282-00 $45.00 Hit and Run Extra full score (Barton) 031-3282-01 Hit And Run Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB140-00 Hit And Run Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB140-01 Hit 'N Run Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SC106-00 Hit 'N Run Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SC106-01 $5.00 HMS Pinafore Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1179-00 $70.00 Hobbit Dance Young Band (Orcino) WFR377 023-4115-00 $44.00 Hobbit Dance Extra full score (Orcino) 023-4115-01 $6.00 Hocus Pocus Young Band (Romeyn) WFR374 024-4027-00 $48.00 Hocus Pocus Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4027-01 $6.00 Hocus Pocus Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2005-01 032-3439-00 $45.00 Hocus Pocus Extra full score (Barton) 032-3439-01 Hoedown Showdown Marching Band (A. Clark) MB112 $50.00 Hoffman House Band (Collins) 013-0125-00AR $50.00 Hoist the Flag Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0484-00AR $50.00 Hold on to Love Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2000-01 031-3047-00 $40.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $38.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $30.00 $6.00 Page 105 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Hold on to Love Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3047-01 $5.00 Holiday Bells Are Ringing Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR370 023-3986-00 $44.00 Holiday Bells Are Ringing Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3986-01 Holiday Drive Walking Frog Records CD WFR758 $14.95 Holiday Festival Overture Concert Band (R. Foster) 012-1739-00AR $60.00 Holiday Festival Overture Extra score (R. Foster) 012-1739-01AR Holiday Flutecake Young Band (Shaffer) WFR382 011-4293-00 Holiday Flutecake Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4293-01 Holiday for Horns Concert Band (Jarrett) 029-1325-00AR Holiday for Horns Extra score (Jarrett) 029-1325-01AR $6.00 Holiday for Swingers Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1290-00AR $50.00 A Holiday Greeting Band (Platt) 013-0271-00AR $50.00 Holiday Suite for Percussion Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 3 players (Spears) 121-0193-00 $10.00 Holidays & Epiphanies Walking Frog Records CD WFR265 $14.95 Hollybush Concert Band (Lowden) 012-1333-00AR $90.00 Hollybush Extra score (Lowden) 012-1333-02 $2.50 Hollywood and Vine Jazz Ensemble (Elefante) 991-2016-01 032-4429-00 $48.00 Hollywood and Vine Extra full score (Elefante) 032-4429-01 Holst Walking Frog Records CD WFR266 $14.95 Holy, Holy, Holy Orchestra (arr. Allen) 016-0179-00AR_ $50.00 Holyrood Concert Band (K. Alford) BOV-S3031-00 $60.00 Homage Concert Band (G. White) 012-1690-00 $65.00 Homage Extra score (G. White) 012-1690-01 Hombre Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SB548-00 Hombre Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SB548-01 $6.00 Home Coming Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1044-00AR $50.00 Home of the Brave Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330 015-3246-00 $38.00 Home of the Brave Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3246-01 Home On The Range Concert Band (Kelly & Ralston/arr. Barnes & Ralston) WFR130 012-2424-00AR Home On The Range Extra full score (Kelly & Ralston/arr. Barnes & Ralston) 012-2424-01AR Home On The Range Ensemble Brass quintet (Kelly/arr. Barnes) 102-3611-00 $12.00 Home On The Range Marching Band (Kelly & Ralston/arr. Barnes) MB136 $50.00 Home Sweet Home Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0164-00AR $50.00 The Home Town Boy Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR379 012-4181-00 $65.00 The Home Town Boy Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4181-01 $7.00 The Home Town Boy Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4181-75 $25.00 The Home Town Boy Band (King) WFR325 014-0156-00AR $50.00 The Home Town Boy Extra condensed score (King) 014-0156-01 $4.00 Homecoming Marching Band (Lowden/arr. Ballenger) 051-1612-00 $22.00 Homer's Tune Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0402-00AR $40.00 Homestretch Band (King) 013-0536-00AR $50.00 Homestretch Orchestra (King) 016-0211-00AR $50.00 Hometown Hoedown Young Band (Martin) 015-2774-00 $42.00 Hometown Hoedown Extra full score (Martin) 015-2774-01 $4.00 Honeydew Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0264-00 $20.00 Honeydew Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0264-01 The Honeymooners Band (Clement) 013-0764-00AR $50.00 The Honeymooners Orchestra (Clement) 016-0324-00AR $50.00 Honeysuckle Polka Concert Band (Casey) BOV-S1029-00 $65.00 Honeysuckle Polka Extra condensed score (Casey) BOV-S1029-01 Honky Tonk Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346 032-2840-00 Honky Tonk Shuffle Extra full score (Neeck) 032-2840-01 Honor and Arms Concert Band (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0128-00 Honor and Arms Extra full score (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0128-01 $8.00 Honor and Arms Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0438-00AR $50.00 Honor and Glory Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3245-00 $60.00 Honor Guard Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB197-00 $45.00 Honor Guard Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB197-01 Honor March Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB19-00 Honor March Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB19F-01 $6.00 Honor Roll Band (Russell) 013-1025-00AR $50.00 Honor Roll Young Band (K. Harris) 015-2316-00 $40.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $7.00 $52.00 $7.00 $80.00 $7.00 $7.00 $45.00 $5.00 $80.00 $6.00 $3.50 $8.00 $36.00 $4.00 $65.00 $5.00 $40.00 Page 106 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Honor Roll Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2316-01AR Hook, Line and Sinker Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0287-00 Hook, Line and Sinker Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0287-01 $3.50 Hook, Line and Swinger Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2011-01 032-4042-00 $50.00 Hook, Line and Swinger Extra full score 032-4042-01 $7.00 Hop, Skip & Jump String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 130-2132-00 $26.00 Hop, Skip & Jump Extra score (Fletcher) 130-2132-01 $2.50 Hopak Raskolniki Concert Band (Holsinger) WFR368 029-1573-00 $90.00 Hopak Raskolniki Extra score (Holsinger) 029-1573-01 $8.00 Hopak Raskolniki Oversized spiral-bound score (Holsinger) 029-1573-75 $30.00 Hope Concert Band (R. W. Smith) RWS-1504-00 $75.00 Hope Extra full score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1504-01 $10.00 Hope Oversized, spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) RWS-1504-75 $25.00 Hope Everlasting Young Band (Swearingen) WFR383 024-4314-00 $46.00 Hope Everlasting Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4314-01 $6.00 Hope Springs Eternal Young Band (Poor) WFR379 011-4178-00 $52.00 Hope Springs Eternal Extra full score (Poor) 011-4178-01 $7.00 Hope, Honor and Glory Young Band (Shaffer) WFR192,WFR321 011-3004-00 $48.00 Hope, Honor and Glory Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3004-01 $7.00 Hopetown Holiday Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR186 012-2939-00 $68.00 Hopetown Holiday Extra full score (Reineke) 012-2939-01 $6.00 Hopetown Holiday Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-2939-75 $25.00 Hopscotch Jazz Ensemble (Schaefer) SCM-1124-00 $48.00 Hopscotch Extra full score (Schaefer) SCM-1124-01 $7.00 Horace's Bag Jazz Ensemble (McGuinness) SCM-1118-00 $48.00 Horace's Bag Extra full score (McGuinness) SCM-1118-01 Horizons Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-OCB111-00 Horizons Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-OCB111-01 Horizons West Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7827-00 $75.00 Horizons West (C. T. Smith) CTS-7827-01 $15.00 Horizons West (C. T. Smith) CTS-7827-75 $30.00 Horn Americana Walking Frog Records CD WFR638 $14.95 Horn-A-Plenty Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2301-00AR $70.00 Horn-A-Plenty Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2301-01AR Hornpipe from the Water Music Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Handel/arr. Stanton) 026-4134-00 Hornpipe from the Water Music Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Handel/arr. Stanton) 026-4134-01 $6.00 Horns + Rhythm = Swing! Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2012-00 032-4120-00 $48.00 Horns + Rhythm = Swing! Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4120-01 Horns Aplenty Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1311-00AR $50.00 Horns-a-Plenty Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0724-00 $70.00 Horns-a-Plenty Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0724-01 $9.00 Hostrauser's Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3163-00 $60.00 Hosts of Freedom Young Band (Command series edition) (King/arr. Glover) WFR380 011-4220-00 $50.00 Hosts of Freedom Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 011-4220-01 $7.00 Hosts of Freedom Concert Band (King/arr. Paynter) WFR101 012-1738-00 $60.00 Hosts of Freedom Extra score (King/arr. Paynter) 012-1738-01 Hosts of Freedom Band (King) 013-0733-00AR Hosts of Freedom Extra condensed score (King) 013-0733-01 Hosts of Freedom Orchestra (King) 016-0303-00AR $50.00 Hot Cakes Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-SB525-00 $45.00 Hot Cakes Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-SB525-01 $6.00 Hot Foot Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3423-00 $60.00 Hot Fudge Sundae Young Band (Martin) 015-2676-00 $35.00 Hot Fudge Sundae Extra full score (Martin) 015-2676-01 $3.50 Hot Java Jump Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2907-00 $48.00 Hot Java Jump Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2907-01 $7.00 Hot Rockin' Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1134-00 $48.00 Hot Rockin' Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1134-01 $7.00 Hot Samba Nueva Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1877-00 $32.00 Hot Sauce! Walking Frog Records CD WFR437 $14.95 Hot Sauce! Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2538-00 $48.00 Hot Sauce! Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2538-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $28.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 Page 107 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Hot Sauce! Walking Frog Records CD WFR347 $11.95 Hot Shot! Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2293-00AR $50.00 Hot Streak Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB118-00 $40.00 Hot Streak Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB118-01 $6.00 Hot Time! Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC145-00 $50.00 Hot Time! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC145-01 Hot! Walking Frog Records CD WFR778 Houghton & Jazz Friends Walking Frog Records CD WFR434 House of the Rising Sun Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2012-00 032-4125-00 House of the Rising Sun Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-4125-01 How Are You Goin' To Wet Your Whistle? Concert Band (Wenrich) BOV-S3798-00 How Deep The Father's Love For Us Concert Band (arr. LaBounty) 012-4184-00 $125.00 How Deep The Father's Love For Us Extra full score (arr. LaBounty) 012-4184-01 $10.00 How Deep The Father's Love For Us Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. LaBounty) 012-4184-75 $25.00 How Firm Thy Friendship Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR184,WFR180 012-2899-00 $40.00 How Firm Thy Friendship Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2899-01 Howdy Pap Band (King) 013-0552-00AR $50.00 Hullabaloo Marching Band (Rood) 069-1338-00AR $50.00 Humdrums Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0109-00AR $50.00 Humoreske Concert Band (Dvorak/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1049-00 $65.00 Humoreske Extra condensed score (Dvorak/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1049-01 $8.00 The Humorist Band (Barnhouse) 013-0132-00AR $50.00 A Humorous Tale Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0365-00AR $50.00 Hungarian Dance No. 11 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2104-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 11 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2104-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 12 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2105-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 12 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2105-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 13 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2106-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 13 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2106-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 14 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2107-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 14 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2107-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 15 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2108-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 15 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2108-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 16 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2109-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 16 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2109-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 17 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2110-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 17 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2110-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 18 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0682-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 18 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0682-01 $8.00 Hungarian Dance No. 21 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2111-00 $65.00 Hungarian Dance No. 21 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S2111-01 Hungarian Dance No. 5 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2669-00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 Extra full score (Brahms/arr. Longfield) 012-2669-01 $4.00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Brahms/arr. Stanton) 026-3887-00 $50.00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Brahms/arr. Stanton) 026-3887-01 $6.00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 String Orchestra (Brahms /arr. Shaffer) ARC-2307-00 $40.00 Hungarian Dance No. 5 Extra full score (Brahms /arr. Shaffer) ARC-2307-01 $6.00 Hungarian Dance No. 6 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Longfield) WFR334 012-3399-00 $68.00 Hungarian Dance No. 6 Extra full score (Brahms/arr. Longfield) 012-3399-01 Hungarian Dances No. 5 & 6 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S1026-00 Hungarian Dances No. 5 & 6 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Abbass) BOV-S1026-01 $9.00 Hungarian Fantasia Concert Band (Tobani) BOV-S0915-00 $70.00 Hungarian Fantasia Extra condensed score (Tobani) BOV-S0915-01 Hungarian Goulash Marching Band (arr. Shaffer) 058-2801-00 Hungarian Goulash Extra score (arr. Shaffer) 058-2801-01 Hungarian Rag Concert Band (Lenzberg) BOV-S3446-00 $60.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1046-00 $90.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1046-01 $10.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Hellman) BOV-S1086-00 $110.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Extra full score (Liszt/arr. Hellman) BOV-S1086-01 $12.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1087-00 $90.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 1 Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1087-01 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $14.95 $7.95 $48.00 $7.00 $60.00 $4.00 $8.00 $50.00 $7.00 $75.00 $9.00 $40.00 $2.50 Page 108 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Hellmann) BOV-S1098-00 $110.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Hellmann) BOV-S1098-01 $12.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Seidel) BOV-S1147-00 $85.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Seidel) BOV-S1147-01 $10.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Schultz) BOV-S1099-00 $95.00 Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6 Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Schultz) BOV-S1099-01 $10.00 Hungariana Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3424-00 $60.00 Hunk O' Funk Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1129-00 $48.00 Hunk O' Funk Extra full score (Strommen) SCM-1129-01 $7.00 A Hunt In The Black Forest Concert Band (Voelker Jr./arr. Lake) BOV-S0917-00 $80.00 A Hunt In The Black Forest Extra condensed score (Voelker Jr./arr. Lake) BOV-S0917-01 $10.00 Hunter's Moon Walking Frog Records CD WFR716 $14.95 A Hunting Scene Concert Band (Bucalossi/arr. Glover) WFR358 012-3683-00 $68.00 A Hunting Scene Extra full score (Bucalossi/arr. Glover) 012-3683-01 $7.00 A Hunting Scene Oversized spiral-bound score (Bucalossi/arr. Glover) 012-3683-75 $25.00 A Hunting Scene Concert Band (Bucalossi/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0773-00 $70.00 Huntingdon Municipal Band (H. M. B.) Band (Buys) 013-0774-00AR $50.00 The Huntress Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR381 012-4300-00 $65.00 The Huntress Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4300-01 $10.00 The Huntress Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4300-75 $25.00 The Huntress Band (King) WFR361 013-0643-00AR $50.00 The Huntress Extra condensed score (King) 013-0643-01 Hunyady Laszlo, Overture Concert Band (Erkel/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1057-00 $85.00 Hunyady Laszlo, Overture Extra condensed score (Erkel/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1057-01 $10.00 Hurry Up and Wait Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 032-0187-00AR $60.00 Hurry Up and Wait Extra full score (Hooper) 032-0187-01AR Husa Trumpet Concertos Walking Frog Records CD WFR832 $14.95 A Portrait of Karel Husa Walking Frog Records CD WFR865 $14.95 Hustle On Marching Band (A. Clark) MB104 $50.00 The Hustler Concert Band (H. Alford) BOV-S3027-00 $60.00 The Huston Band (Jewell) 013-0268-00AR $50.00 Hutchinson Field Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1043-00AR $50.00 Hutchinson Field Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1043-01 Hutchinson Field Orchestra (J. J. Richards) 016-0493-00AR $50.00 Hyde Park Overture Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1731-00 $45.00 Hyde Park Overtutorch of libre Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1731-01 $3.50 Hymn for a Child Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR316 012-3131-00 $60.00 Hymn for a Child Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3131-01 $6.00 Hymn for a Festival Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-2157-00 $38.00 Hymn for a Festival Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2157-01 $5.00 A Hymn of Peace Young Band (Chisham) WFR183 011-2803-00 $40.00 A Hymn of Peace Extra full score (Chisham) 011-2803-01 $4.00 A Hymn Of Remembrance Young Band (Phillips) WFR383 024-4304-00 $48.00 A Hymn Of Remembrance Extra full score (Phillips) 024-4304-01 $6.00 A Hymn of Thanksgiving Young Band (Kremser/arr. Glover) WFR336 011-3472-00 $45.00 A Hymn of Thanksgiving Extra full score (Kremser/arr. Glover) 011-3472-01 Hymn of the West Concert Band (Paine/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0554-00 $120.00 Hymn of the West Extra condensed score (Paine/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0554-01 $12.00 Hymn to St. Avold Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7828-00 $60.00 Hymn to St. Avold (C. T. Smith) CTS-7828-01 $12.00 Hymn to St. Avold (C. T. Smith) CTS-7828-75 $25.00 Hymn Variants Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-2422-00 $120.00 Hymn Variants Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2422-01AR Hymn Variants Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2422-75 $35.00 Hyperion Young Band (McGinty) 011-1722-00AR $50.00 Hyperion Extra score (McGinty) 011-1722-02 Hyperion Band (Russell) 013-1077-00AR $50.00 Hyperion Orchestra (Russell) 016-0499-00AR $50.00 Hydrophobia Band (G. Holmes) 013-0440-00AR $50.00 I-X-L Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3471-00 $60.00 I Am Marching Band (Romeyn) WA-MC125-00 $50.00 I Am Extra score (Romeyn) WA-MC125-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $9.00 $5.00 Page 109 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price I Bought Me A Band Young Band (Weller) WFR377 024-4079-00 $48.00 I Bought Me A Band Extra full score (Weller) 024-4079-01 $6.00 I Can Wait Forever Marching Band (Russell, Foster & Graydon/arr. Sochinski) 052-1841-00 $32.00 I Can't Do The Sum Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0777-00 $60.00 I Got It Good and That Ain't Bad Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2007-01 032-3642-00 $45.00 I Got It Good and That Ain't Bad Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3642-01 I Hear You Calling Me Concert Band (Marshall/arr. Behrend) BOV-S0771-00 $50.00 I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day Concert Band (arr. Barker) WFR319 012-2718-00 $50.00 I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day Extra full score (arr. Barker) 012-2718-01 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Concert Band (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0132-00 I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Extra full score (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0132-01 $8.00 I Love And The World Is Mine Concert Band (Spross/arr. Clarke) BOV-S2029-00 $50.00 I Love the Nightlife Jazz Ensemble (Bridges & Hutcheson/arr. Lowden) 036-0150-00 $20.00 I Love the Nightlife Extra full score (Bridges & Hutcheson/arr. Lowden) 036-0150-01 $3.00 I Love the Nightlife Marching Band (Bridges & Hutcheson/arr. Swearingen) 053-1536-00 $14.00 I Love To Tell The Story Band (Barnhouse) 013-0720-00AR $50.00 I Love To Tell The Story Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0293-00AR $50.00 I Love To Tell The Story Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0107-24AR $10.00 I Love To Tell The Story Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-0107-24AR $12.00 I Never Promised You a Rose Parade Funky Winkerbean Product HLD14 $6.95 I Saw Three Ships Young Band (arr. J. Williams) CB236 $60.00 I Saw Three Ships extra score (arr. J. Williams) CB236-01 I Saw Three Ships Young Band (J. Taylor) WA-YB105-00 I Saw Three Ships Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YB105-01 $6.00 I Want a Little Girl Jazz Ensemble (Mencher & Moll/arr. Hooper) 033-0251-00AR $75.00 I Want a Little Girl Extra full score (Mencher & Moll/arr. Hooper) 033-0251-01AR $8.00 I, Too, Was Born In Arcadia Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0787-00 $65.00 I-80 Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 991-1999-02 032-3003-00 $45.00 I-80 Shuffle Extra full score (Classen) 032-3003-01 $5.00 I-95 Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 032-2511-00 $34.00 I-95 Extra full score (Neeck) 032-2511-01 $3.50 I.B.M. Band (Huffine) 014-0053-00 $25.00 Icarus Walking Frog Records CD WFR764 $14.95 Ich grolle nicht Concert Band (Schumann/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0423-00 $65.00 Ich grolle nicht Extra condensed score (Schumann/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0423-01 $7.00 Ich grolle nicht Extra full score (Schumann/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0423-02 $10.00 Ich Liebe Dich Concert Band (Grieg/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0550-00 $60.00 Ich Liebe Dich Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0550-01 I'd Like to Teach the World to Swing! Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2366-00 $30.00 Ida Marching Band (Munson/arr. Oatts) 013-1283-00AR $50.00 Ida and Dottie Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S1167-00 $65.00 Ida and Dottie Extra condensed score (Losey) BOV-S1167-01 $8.00 Idaho Band (Barnhouse) WFR361 013-0368-00AR $50.00 Idilio Band (Codina/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0185-00AR $50.00 Idilio Orchestra (Codina) 016-0025-00AR $50.00 Idle Dreams Band (Rockwell) 013-0119-00AR $50.00 Idol's Eye Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0866-00 $75.00 Idol's Eye Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1066-00 $65.00 The Idol's Eye Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3359-00 $60.00 If I Were King Overture Concert Band (Adam/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1001-00 $65.00 If Thou Be Near Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1769-00 $50.00 If Thou Be Near Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1769-01 $5.00 If We Could Only Sail Away Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0224-00 $55.00 If We Could Only Sail Away Extra full score (Steinberg) 032-0224-01 If With All Your Hearts Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0133-00 If With All Your Hearts Extra full score (Mendelssohn/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0133-01 If You Knew Sousa Like I Know Sousa Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-2024-00 If You Knew Sousa Like I Know Sousa Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-2024-02 $3.00 If You Never Look My Way Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2000-01 031-3072-00 $40.00 If You Never Look My Way Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-3072-01 Il Bacio Concert Band (L. Arditi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0655-00 $75.00 Il Bacio Extra condensed score (L. Arditi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0655-01 $9.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $4.00 $65.00 $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $3.50 $75.00 $8.00 $21.00 $5.00 Page 110 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Il Guarany Concert Band (Gomez/arr. Clarke) BOV-S1075-00 $90.00 Il Guarany Extra condensed score (Gomez/arr. Clarke) BOV-S1075-01 $10.00 Il Segreto Per Esser Felici Concert Band (Donizetti/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0406-00 $70.00 Il Segreto per esser, Felice Extra condensed score (Donizetti/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0406-01 $8.00 Il Segreto per esser, Felice Extra full score (Donizetti/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0406-02 $10.00 Il Trovatore Band (Verdi/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0327-00AR $50.00 I'll Always Smile in the Spring Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2610-00 $30.00 I'll Always Smile in the Spring Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2610-01 $3.50 I'll Just Pretend Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2007-01 031-2474-00 $42.00 I'll Just Pretend Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2474-01 $7.00 I'll Love My Love Young Band (arr. Hawkins) WFR369 011-3923-00 $48.00 I'll Love My Love Extra full score (arr. Hawkins) 011-3923-01 Illinois State Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3425-00 $60.00 Illuminations Walking Frog Records CD WFR710 $14.95 Illustrious Potentate Band (Verwiere) 014-0080-00 $25.00 Im Herbst Concert Band (Franz/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0623-00 $60.00 Im Herbst Extra condensed score (Franz/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0623-01 $7.00 Im Treibhaus Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0574-00 $60.00 Im Treibhaus Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0574-01 Images Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2626-00 Images Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2626-01 $5.00 Images Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-2626-75 $30.00 Images Walking Frog Records CD WFR104 $14.95 Images of Time Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1618-00 $18.00 Images of Time Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1618-02 Immortelles Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0310-00AR $50.00 Imogene Band (C. Smith) 013-0619-00AR $50.00 Imogene Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0027-24AR $10.00 Imogene Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0027-33AR $10.00 Imogene Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 082-0027-38AR $10.00 Imogene Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0027-22AR $12.00 Imogene Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0027-24AR $12.00 Imogene Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0027-33AR $12.00 Imogene Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0027-38AR $12.00 Imogene Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 092-0027-52AR $12.00 Imogene Ensemble Brass sextet (C. Smith) 103-0002-00AR $20.00 The Imp Concert Band (H. Alford) BOV-S3028-00 $60.00 Impact Zone Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 032-3222-00 $45.00 Impact Zone Extra full score (Barton) 032-3222-01 $5.00 Impact Zone! Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2631-00 $30.00 Imperial Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR376 012-4110-00 $65.00 Imperial Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4110-01 $7.00 Imperial Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4110-75 $25.00 Imperial Edward Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3726-00 $60.00 Imperial Band (King) 013-3173-00AR $50.00 Imperial Extra condensed score (King) 013-3173-01AR $4.00 Imperial Band (Rockwell) 013-0502-00AR $50.00 Imperial Extra condensed score (Rockwell) 013-0502-01 $4.00 Implacato Young Band (Conaway) WFR389 011-4503-00 $52.00 Implacato Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4503-01 $7.00 Impravada String Orchestra (Shaffer) ARC-2186-00 $40.00 Impravada Extra full score (Shaffer) ARC-2186-01 $6.00 The Impresario Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Glover) WFR349 012-3570-00 $70.00 The Impresario Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Glover) 012-3570-01 $7.00 The Impresario Oversized spiral-bound score (Mozart/arr. Glover) 012-3570-75 $25.00 Impressions String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S007-00 $50.00 Impressions Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S007F-01 $7.50 Impressions Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB29-00 $40.00 Impressions Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB29F-01 $6.00 Impromptu Ensemble Brass quartet (Guentzel) 101-0065-00AR $16.00 Improvisation No. 1 Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Tustin) 111-0099-00AR $16.00 In A Baroque Manner Young Band (arr. Forsblad) 011-1751-00 $20.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $72.00 $2.50 Page 111 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# In A Baroque Manner Extra score (arr. Forsblad) 011-1751-02 In A Bird Store Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0914-00 In A Bird Store Extra condensed score (Lake) BOV-S0914-01 In a Japanese Garden Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR376 012-4144-00 In a Japanese Garden Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4144-01 $7.00 In a Japanese Garden Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4144-75 $25.00 In A Moonlit Garden Band (King) 013-0828-00AR $50.00 In A Moonlit Garden Orchestra (King) 016-0358-00AR $50.00 In a Spanish Village Concert Band (Rockwell/arr. Barnard) 013-1074-00AR $50.00 In A Woodland Glade Band (G. Holmes) 013-0677-00AR $50.00 In A Woodland Glade Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0247-00AR $50.00 In A Woodland Glade Piano Solo (G. Holmes) 017-0101-00AR $10.00 In Ages Past Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR388 012-4454-00 $84.00 In Ages Past Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4454-01 $10.00 In Ages Past Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4454-75 $30.00 In All Its Glory Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2184-00 $65.00 In All Its Glory Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2184-01 $6.00 In All Its Glory Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-2184-75 $25.00 In All Its Glory Walking Frog Records CD WFR102 $14.95 In Concert Walking Frog Records CD WFR618 $14.95 In Darkest Africa Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0788-00 $65.00 In Darkest Africa Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S2016-00 $50.00 In Dreamland Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S0759-00 $50.00 In Fretta Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0843-00AR $50.00 In Full Swing Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0309-00AR $60.00 In Full Swing Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0309-01AR In His Grace Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR349 012-3651-00 In His Grace Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3651-01 In Honour Bound Band (Kiefer) 013-0645-00AR $50.00 In Joyous Mood Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Walker) 112-0093-00AR $18.00 In Lover's Lane Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0832-00 $55.00 In Love's Domain Band (Barnard) 013-0538-00AR $50.00 In Love's Dreamland Band (Ripley) 013-0248-00AR $50.00 In May-time Concert Band (Speaks/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0578-00 $60.00 In May-time Extra condensed score (Speaks/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0578-01 $7.00 In Old Pekin Band (King) 013-0742-00AR $50.00 In Old Pekin Orchestra (King) 016-0312-00AR $50.00 In Old Portugal Band (King) 013-0670-00AR $50.00 In Old Portugal Orchestra (King) 016-0256-00AR $50.00 In Praise of Autumn Concert Band (Hilliard) 012-1850-00 $38.00 In Praise of Autumn Extra full score (Hilliard) 012-1850-01 $4.00 In Pursuit of Troy Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR340 012-3515-00 $76.00 In Pursuit of Troy Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3515-01 $8.00 In Pursuit of Troy Oversized spiral-bound score (Shabazz) 012-3515-75 $30.00 In Rank Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3051-00 $60.00 In Retrospect Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0393-00 $28.00 In Retrospect Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0393-01 $3.50 In Roy's Corner Jazz Ensemble (Nestico, Bellson & Black) WFR179 039-2234-00 $32.00 In Roy's Corner Extra full score (Nestico, Bellson & Black) 039-2234-01 $3.50 In Search of the Lost Ship Young Band (Swearingen) WFR385 011-4412-00 $52.00 In Search of the Lost Ship Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-4412-01 In Springtime Concert Band (Goldmark/arr. Grabel) 013-1101-00AR $125.00 In Springtime Extra full score (Goldmark/arr. Grabel) 013-1101-01AR $15.00 In Springtime Extra condensed score (Goldmark/arr. Grabel) 013-1101-02AR $6.00 In Storm And Sunshine Concert Band (Heed) BOV-S3339-00 $60.00 In The Bleak Midwinter Young Band Melody Mine Edition (Holst/arr. S. Smith & R.W. Smith) RWS-1603-00 $45.00 In The Bleak Midwinter Extra Full Score Melody Mine Edition (Holst/arr. S. Smith & R.W. Smith) RWS-1603-01 $8.00 In The Bleak Midwinter Oversized, Spiral-bound Score Melody Mine Edition (Holst/arr. S. Smith & R.W. Smith) RWS-1603-75 $25.00 In The Center Ring Young Band (Hillis) WFR342 011-3514-00 $45.00 In The Center Ring Extra full score (Hillis) 011-3514-01 $6.00 In The Classical Manner Young Band (arr. Forsblad) 011-1698-00 $19.00 In The Classical Manner Extra score (arr. Forsblad) 011-1698-02 $2.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $2.50 $65.00 $8.00 $68.00 $6.00 $65.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 112 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price In The Clock Store Concert Band (Orth/arr. C. Bach) BOV-S0774-00 $65.00 In The Dark Forest Concert Band (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0913-00 $65.00 In The Dark Forest Extra condensed score (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0913-01 $8.00 In The Dim Firelight Band (Krull) 013-0691-00AR $50.00 In The Dim Firelight Orchestra (Krull) 016-0261-00AR $50.00 In The Garden Young Band (Miles/arr. Glover) WFR376 011-4104-00 $50.00 In The Garden Extra full score (Miles/arr. Glover) 011-4104-01 In The Glory Of The Moonlight Concert Band (Wenrich/arr. Grooms) BOV-S3799-00 $60.00 In The Groove Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2009-02 032-3841-00 $50.00 In The Groove Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3841-01 In The Land Of The Golden Fleece Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S1071-00 $65.00 In the Land of the Missions Concert Band (Mustol) 013-0879-00AR $50.00 In the Land of the Missions Orchestra (Mustol) 016-9389-00AR $50.00 In the Lead Band (Jewell) 013-0318-00AR $50.00 In the Meadow Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Guentzel) 112-0068-00 $12.00 In the Moment Walking Frog Records CD WFR600 $14.95 In the Mood Concert Band (Garland/arr. A. Clark) WFR179 012-2639-00 $58.00 In the Mood Extra full score (Garland/arr. A. Clark) 012-2639-01 $5.00 In the Mood Extra full score (Garland/arr. A. Clark) 015-2319-01 In the Pocket Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB182-00 In the Pocket Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB182-01 In The Presence of Heroes Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR365 012-3818-00 In The Presence of Heroes Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3818-01 $8.00 In The Presence of Heroes Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3818-75 $25.00 In the Shadows Band (Kooyman) 013-0896-00AR $50.00 In the Shadows Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0406-00AR $50.00 In the Shining of the Stars Young Band (Sheldon) WFR183 011-2777-00 $55.00 In the Shining of the Stars Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2777-01 $6.00 In The Temple of Zion Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR180 012-2865-00 $68.00 In the Temple of Zion Extra full score (Reineke) 012-2865-01 In the Time of Roses Concert Band (Reichardt/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0648-00 In the Time of Roses Extra condensed score (Reichardt/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0648-01 $7.00 In the Valley Band (G. Holmes) 013-0952-00AR $50.00 In the Valley Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0438-00AR $50.00 In the Wilderness Band (G. Holmes) 013-0956-00AR $50.00 In the Wilderness Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0442-00AR $50.00 In the Winter of 1730: A River's Journey Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR329 012-3300-00 $72.00 In the Winter of 1730: A River's Journey Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3300-01 $7.00 In the Zone Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2832-00 $34.00 In the Zone Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2832-01 $3.50 In This Quiet Place Young Band (Sheldon) WFR330 011-3268-00 $45.00 In This Quiet Place Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-3268-01 $5.00 In Times Of Triumph Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR322 012-3235-00 $72.00 In Times Of Triumph Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3235-01 In Treue Fest! Concert Band (Teike) BOV-S3785-00 $60.00 In Uniform Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3246-00 $60.00 In Wehr und Waffen Concert Band (Von Blon) BOV-S3052-00 $60.00 Incense Band (G. Holmes) 013-0511-00AR $50.00 Incense Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0157-00AR $50.00 Incense Ensemble Sax quartet (G. Holmes) 111-0021-20AR $16.00 The Independent Band (A. Buglione) 013-0258-00AR $50.00 Independentia Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3315-00 $60.00 Independentia Young Band (Hall/arr. Conaway) WFR362 023-3815-00 $42.00 Independentia Extra full score (Hall/arr. Conaway) 023-3815-01 Indian Bell Song Concert Band (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0700-00 Indian Bell Song Extra condensed score (L. Delibes/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0700-01 Indian Fire Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1616-00 $22.00 Indian March Concert Band (Sellenick/arr. Damm) BOV-S3672-00 $60.00 Indian Serenade Orchestra (King) 016-0242-00AR $50.00 Indian Summer Suite Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0819-00 $75.00 Indiana Guards Band (Kiefer) 013-0624-00AR $50.00 Indiana Guards Piano Solo (Kiefer) 017-7072-00AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $7.00 $4.00 $40.00 $6.00 $78.00 $6.00 $55.00 $7.00 $5.00 $65.00 $8.00 Page 113 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Indiana State Band Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3240-00 $60.00 Industria Concert Band (N. A. Clark) RWS-1610-00 $80.00 Industria Extra Full Score (N. A. Clark) RWS-1610-01 $10.00 Industria Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (N. A. Clark) RWS-1610-75 $25.00 Infelice e tuo credevi Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0658-00 $60.00 Infelice e tuo credevi Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0658-01 $7.00 Inferno Band (Henniger) 013-1110-00AR $50.00 Infinite Horizons Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR318,WFR315 012-3122-00 $65.00 Infinite Horizons Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-3122-01 Infinite Horizons Walking Frog Records CD WFR315 $14.95 Inflammatus Concert Band (Rossini/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0749-00 $65.00 Inflexible Band (Sweet) 013-0982-00AR $50.00 Infusion Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst) 032-0120-00AR $60.00 Infusion Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 032-0120-01AR $6.00 Inglesina Concert Band (Delle Cese) BOV-S3219-00 $60.00 Ingomar Band (Hoskins) 013-0237-00AR $50.00 Innova Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR372 012-3899-00 $72.00 Innova Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3899-01 Innovation Band (Kooyman) 013-0881-00AR $50.00 Innovation Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0391-00AR $50.00 Inside Straight Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1070-00 $47.00 Inside Straight Extra full score SCM-1070-01 Inspiration Band Book Piccolo Db book (King) 073-6003-03AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Flute in C book (King) 073-6003-04AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 073-6003-07AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 073-6003-08AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 073-6003-09AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Oboe book (King) 073-6003-15AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Bassoon book (King) 073-6003-17AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Bb Soprano Sax book (King) 073-6003-19AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6003-20AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 073-6003-22AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6003-23AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6003-24AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6003-25AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 073-6003-26AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 073-6003-33AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 073-6003-35AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Baritone TC book (King) 073-6003-37AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Baritone BC book (King) 073-6003-38AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Tuba book (King) 073-6003-39AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Drums book (King) 073-6003-41AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book Bass Saxophone Bb book (King) 073-6003-50AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 073-6003-51AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 073-6003-52AR $10.00 Inspiration Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 073-6003-66AR $10.00 Insurrection Young Band (Coles) WFR390 011-4493-00 $52.00 Insurrection Extra full score (Coles) 011-4493-01 $7.00 Integrity Young Band (Balent) 010-1793-00 $20.00 Integrity Extra score (Balent) 010-1793-02 Integrity Band (Russell) 013-0837-00AR $50.00 Integrity Orchestra (Russell) 016-1020-00AR $50.00 Intercolonial Band (Jewell) 013-0390-00AR $50.00 Interlude Ensemble Brass quartet (F. McKay) 101-0020-00AR $16.00 Intermezzo Band (DeLuca) 013-0848-00AR $50.00 Intermezzo Orchestra (DeLuca) 016-0462-00AR $50.00 Intermission Riff Marching Band (Wetzel/arr. Kerchner & Tuthill) 052-2069-00 International Congress Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S2130-00 $110.00 International Favorites Band (King) 014-0104-00AR $50.00 International Vaudeville Band (1897 edition) (Alexander) 013-0150-00AR $50.00 International Vaudeville Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0864-00AR $50.00 Intersections Jazz Ensemble (Buckley) 991-2007-02 032-3623-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $37.00 Page 114 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Intersections Extra full score (Buckley) 032-3623-01 $7.00 Intervalic Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB43-00 $50.00 Intervalic Extra full score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB43F-01 Into The Dragon's Keep Young Band (S. Smith) WFR382 011-4290-00 Into The Dragon's Keep Extra full score (S. Smith) 011-4290-01 $7.00 Into the Joy of Spring Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR318 012-3169-00 $76.00 Into the Joy of Spring Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3169-01 $8.00 Into the Joy of Spring Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3169-75 $30.00 Into the Light Young Band (Shaffer) WFR183,WFR321 011-2870-00 $45.00 Into the Light Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2870-01 $4.00 Into the Raging River Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR191 012-2975-00 $82.00 Into the Raging River Extra full score (Reineke) 012-2975-01 $7.00 Into the Raging River Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-2975-75 $30.00 Into The Raging River Walking Frog Records CD WFR326 $14.95 Into the Rapids Young Band (Shaffer) WFR383 024-4307-00 $48.00 Into the Rapids Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4307-01 $6.00 Into The Sunset Concert Band (Conaway) WFR381 012-4321-00 $78.00 Into The Sunset Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4321-01 $8.00 Into The Sunset Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4321-75 $25.00 Into The Sunset Walking Frog Records CD WFR381 $14.95 Intrada and Episode Young Band (R. Foster) 011-1835-00 $30.00 Intrada and Episode Extra score (R. Foster) 011-1835-02 $2.50 Intrada and Festival Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2017-00 $56.00 Intrada and Festival Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2017-01AR Intrada for Winds Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR388 012-1694-00 $60.00 Intrada for Winds Extra score (Sheldon) 012-1694-01 $10.00 Intrada Young Band (Schein/arr. Huckeby) WFR359 011-3749-00 $48.00 Intrada Extra full score (Schein/arr. Huckeby) 011-3749-01 $6.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR354 012-3624-00 $70.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3624-01 $7.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Solo Soprano saxophone solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 084-3603-19 $10.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Solo Alto saxophone solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 084-3603-20 $10.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 084-3603-24 $10.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) T.C. solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 084-3603-37 $10.00 Intrada, Recitative and Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) B.C. solo with piano accompaniment (Huckeby) 084-3603-38 $10.00 Intrada: Adoration And Praise Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7829-00 $80.00 Intrada: Adoration And Praise (C. T. Smith) CTS-7829-01 $15.00 Intrada: Adoration And Praise (C. T. Smith) CTS-7829-75 $30.00 Intravention Concert Band (Tyra) 029-0120-00AR $80.00 Intravention Extra score (Tyra) 029-0120-01AR Intrepid Ensemble Brass quartet (Roberts) 101-3388-00 $10.00 Intrepid Leader Band (Bell) 013-1131-00AR $50.00 Intrepidus Band (Christensen/arr. Chenette) 013-1082-00AR $50.00 Introduction and Caccia Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7830-00 $70.00 Introduction and Caccia (C. T. Smith) CTS-7830-01 $12.00 Introduction and Caccia (C. T. Smith) CTS-7830-75 $25.00 Introduction and Caprice Concert Band (Carter) 012-1390-00AR $90.00 Introduction and Caprice Extra full score (Carter) 012-1390-01AR $10.00 Introduction and Caprice Extra condensed score (Carter) 012-1390-02 Introduction And Dance Young Band (Chattaway) WA-YB106-00 $60.00 Introduction And Dance Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YB106-01 $6.00 Introduction and Fantasy Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0171-20 $7.50 Introduction and Fantasy Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Brom) 083-0171-24 $4.50 Introduction and Fantasy Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano (Brom) 083-0171-33 $4.50 Introduction and Festiva Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1699-00 $65.00 Introduction and Festiva Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1699-01 $6.00 Introduction and Fugato Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7831-00 $70.00 Introduction and Fugato (C. T. Smith) CTS-7831-01 $12.00 Introduction and Fugato (C. T. Smith) CTS-7831-75 $25.00 Introduction and Furioso Solo Multi-Percussion solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0137-00 $8.00 Introduction and Rondo Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 082-0070-33 $10.00 Introduction and Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) TC solo with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 082-0070-37 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $52.00 $7.00 $6.00 $3.50 Page 115 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Introduction and Rondo Solo Euphonium (Baritone) BC solo with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 082-0070-38 $10.00 Introduction and Rondo Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 082-0070-39 $10.00 Introduction and Rondo Young Band (Huckeby) CB242 $60.00 Introduction and Rondo extra score (Huckeby) CB242-01 Invercargill Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Glover) WFR174 012-2903-00 Invercargill Extra full score (Lithgow/arr. Glover) 012-2903-01 Invercargill Concert Band (Lithgow) BOV-S3504-00 Invercargill Extra condensed score (Lithgow) BOV-S3504-01 $6.00 Inverrary Concert Band (Barker) 012-1716-00AR $90.00 Inverrary Extra score (Barker) 012-1716-01AR Inversia Concert Band (Jutras) WFR329 012-3286-00 Inversia Extra full score (Jutras) 012-3286-01 $7.00 Invicta Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1611-00 $65.00 Invicta Extra score (Swearingen) 012-1611-01 Invictus Band (King) WFR174,WFR197 014-0010-00AR Invictus Extra condensed score (King) 014-0010-01 $4.00 Invincible Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR370 024-3919-00 $46.00 Invincible Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 024-3919-01 Invincible Band (King) 013-0622-00AR $50.00 Invincible Americans Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3644-00 $60.00 The Invincible Eagle Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3727-00 $60.00 The Invincible Eagle Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2711-00 $60.00 The Invincible Eagle Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2711-01 $5.00 The Invincible Eagle Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2711-75 $30.00 The Invincible Warrior Young Band (Shaffer) WFR187,WFR321 011-2931-00 $40.00 The Invincible Warrior Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2931-01 Invitation To The Waltz Concert Band (Weber - Weingartner/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2007-00 $95.00 Invitation To The Waltz Extra condensed score (Weber - Weingartner/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2007-01 $10.00 Invocation and African Dance Concert Band (Conaway) WFR376 012-4139-00 $72.00 Invocation and African Dance Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4139-01 $8.00 Invocation and African Dance Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4139-75 $25.00 I.O.U. Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0284-00 $26.00 I.O.U. Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0284-01AR $6.00 Iowa Band (Barnhouse) 013-0668-00AR $50.00 Iowa Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0246-00AR $50.00 Iowa Piano Solo (Barnhouse & Rose) 017-7118-00AR $10.00 Iowa Vocal Male quartette (Barnhouse & Rose) 021-7098-00AR $5.00 Iowa Vocal Mixed quartette (Barnhouse & Rose) 021-7104-00AR The Iowa Band Law Band (King) 014-0015-00 The Iowa Band Law Extra condensed score (King) 014-0015-01 Iowa Centennial Band (King) 014-0147-00AR Iowa Centennial Extra condensed score (King) 014-0147-01 The Iowa Band (Barnhouse) 013-0316-00AR $50.00 The Iowa Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0380-00AR $50.00 Ireland Concert Band (Barker) WFR180 012-2867-00 $68.00 Ireland Extra full score (Barker) 012-2867-01 $7.00 Ireland Oversized spiral-bound score (Barker) 012-2867-75 $30.00 Irene Band (Hoskins) 013-0234-00AR $50.00 Iridesence Band (G. Holmes) 013-0858-00AR $50.00 Iridesence Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0386-00AR $50.00 Iris Band (Losey) 013-0287-00AR $50.00 Iris Orchestra (Losey) 016-0066-00AR $50.00 The Irish Brigade Band (Casto) 013-0514-00AR $50.00 Irish Festival Young Band (Balent) 011-1837-00AR $50.00 Irish Festival Extra score (Balent) 011-1837-01AR $5.00 The Irish King Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3582-00 $60.00 An Irish Medley Young Band (arr. G. Sebesky) WFR336 015-3407-00 $40.00 An Irish Medley Extra full score (arr. G. Sebesky) 015-3407-01 Irish Rhapsody Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0829-00 $90.00 Irish Rhapsody Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0829-01 $10.00 Irish Spectacular Marching Band (arr. Metzer) 057-2095-00AR $50.00 Irish Washerperson Marching Band (Snider) 056-1648-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $60.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $68.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $4.00 $5.00 $50.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $5.00 Page 116 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Iron Count Band (King) 013-0509-00AR $50.00 The Iron Count Orchestra (King) 016-0153-00AR $50.00 The Iron Crown Band (Kooyman) 013-0883-00AR $50.00 Iroquois Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3080-00 $60.00 Island Bopper Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2593-00 $37.00 Island Bopper Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2593-01 $4.00 Island Breeze Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 991-1999-02 032-3026-00 $38.00 Island Breeze Extra full score (Swearingen) 032-3026-01 $4.00 Island Fiesta Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7832-00 $65.00 Island Fiesta (C. T. Smith) CTS-7832-01 $12.00 Island Fiesta (C. T. Smith) CTS-7832-75 $25.00 Island Girl Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB106-00 $40.00 Island Girl Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB106-01 $6.00 Island Lullaby Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB103-00 $45.00 Island Lullaby Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB103-01 $5.00 Isle of Beauty Band (Barnard) 013-0403-00AR $50.00 Isle of Beauty Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0108-00AR $50.00 The Isle of Palms Band (G. Holmes) 013-0607-00AR $50.00 The Isle of Palms Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0216-00AR $50.00 The Isle of Palms Piano Solo (G. Holmes) 017-0047-00AR $10.00 Israel's Shepherd Band (Mozart/arr. Lewis) 013-0335-00AR $50.00 It Came Upon The Midnight Clear Concert Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR319 012-3142-00 $60.00 It Came Upon The Midnight Clear Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 012-3142-01 $6.00 It Had To Be Blues Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2006-01 032-3531-00 $45.00 It Had To Be Blues Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3531-01 It Happened In Nordland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0867-00 $75.00 It Happened In Nordland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S2097-00 $65.00 It Happened In Nordland Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3360-00 $60.00 It Is Well Young Band (arr. R.W. Smith) WFR386 024-4394-00 $46.00 It Is Well Extra full score (arr. R.W. Smith) 024-4394-01 $6.00 It Is What It Is Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1050-00 $47.00 It Is What It Is Extra full score SCM-1050-01 $6.00 It Might As Well Be Swing Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2003-02 032-3254-00 $50.00 It Might As Well Be Swing Extra full score (Stack) 032-3254-01 $7.00 It Only Happens Every Time Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1029-00 $50.00 It Only Happens Every Time Extra full score SCM-1029-01 $6.00 It Was Almost Like A Song Marching Band (Jordan/arr. Swearingen) 052-1736-00 $27.00 Italian Holiday Concert Band (Longfield) WFR365 012-3794-00 $78.00 Italian Holiday Extra full score (Longfield) 012-3794-01 $8.00 Italian Holiday Oversized spiral-bound score (Longfield) 012-3794-75 $25.00 Italian Street Song Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0130-00 $65.00 Italian Street Song Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0130-01 The Italian Trumpet Walking Frog Records CD WFR297 $17.95 Italiana Band (C. Smith) 013-1024-00AR $50.00 Italiana Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0475-00AR $50.00 Italiana Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0060-20AR $10.00 Italiana Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0060-22AR $10.00 Italiana Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0060-24AR $10.00 Italiana Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0060-33AR $10.00 Italiana Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0060-38AR $10.00 Italiana Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-20AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-22AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-25AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-33AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-38AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-51AR $12.00 Italiana Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0060-52AR $12.00 Ithaca Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3668-00 $60.00 It's A Minor Thing Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1092-00 $47.00 It's A Minor Thing Extra full score (Ortiz) SCM-1092-01 $6.00 It's About Swing Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2005-01 032-3412-00 $45.00 It's About Swing Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3412-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $8.00 Page 117 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price It's About Time Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2000-02 032-3071-00 $60.00 It's About Time Extra full score (Spera) 032-3071-01 $6.00 It's Bandtastic Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2494-00 $42.00 It's Bandtastic Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2494-01 $6.00 It's Not My Fault Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR348 032-2255-00 $40.00 It's Not My Fault Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2255-01 $3.50 It's Really All About That Groove! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2015-01 032-4369-00 $48.00 It's Really All About That Groove! Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-4369-01 $7.00 I've Been Counting on You Jazz Ensemble (Lathan) 032-2420-00 $50.00 I've Been Counting on You Extra full score (Lathan) 032-2420-01AR $6.00 I've Got Peace Like A River Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 013-1389-00AR $50.00 I've Got Peace Like A River Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 013-1389-01 I've Made My Plans For The Summer Concert Band (Sousa/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0718-00 I've Made My Plans For The Summer Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0718-01 $8.00 I've Made My Plans For the Summer Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2887-00 $60.00 I've Made My Plans For the Summer Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2887-01 Ivory Coast Jazz Ensemble (Hellmer) 032-2235-00 Ivory Coast Extra full score (Hellmer) 032-2235-01 $2.50 Ivory Moon Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346 031-2839-00 $34.00 Ivory Moon Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2839-01 Jack Tar Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3728-00 $60.00 Jackson's Funeral Dirge Band (Collins) 013-0098-00AR $50.00 Ja-Da Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2003-01 031-3298-00 $40.00 Ja-Da Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 031-3298-01 $5.00 Ja-Da Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2805-00 $40.00 Ja-Da Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2805-01 J'ai Reve De Vous Waltz Band (LaRue) 013-0144-00AR $50.00 Jamaican Holiday Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB206-00 $45.00 Jamaican Holiday Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB206-01 Jambalaya Jane Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2002-02 032-3192-00 Jambalaya Jane Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3192-01 Jamboree Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB116-00 Jamboree Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB116-01 $5.00 Jamie Polka Band (Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0025-00AR $50.00 Jamie Polka Band (Baritone solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0026-00AR $50.00 Jamie Polka Band (Eb Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0027-00AR $50.00 Jamie Polka Band (Eb Alto solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0028-00AR $50.00 Jammin' C instruments book (Alberty) 070-2660-04 $14.95 Jammin' Eb instruments book (Alberty) 070-2660-20 $14.95 Jammin' Bb instruments book (Alberty) 070-2660-24 $14.95 Jammin' Bass Clef instruments book (Alberty) 070-2660-33 $14.95 Janan Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0407-00AR $40.00 The Jazz Album Walking Frog Records CD WFR428 $14.95 Jazz Between Friends Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2007-02 032-3618-00 $50.00 Jazz Between Friends Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3618-01 $7.00 Jazz Ensemble Director's Manual Book - Text (Lawn) 070-1976-00 $21.00 Jazz Imporvisation Personal Approach Walking Frog Records DVD WFR752 $19.95 Jazz Jubilee Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 013-1932-00 $25.00 Jazz Jubilee Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 013-1932-01AR Jazz Saxophone Walking Frog Records DVD WFR791 $19.95 The Jazz Trombone Walking Frog Records CD WFR736 $14.95 The Jazz/Rock Explosion Concert Band (Lowden) 029-1392-00AR $60.00 The Jazz/Rock Explosion Extra score (Lowden) 029-1392-01AR Jazzers, Start Your Instruments! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3712-00 Jazzers, Start Your Instruments! Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3712-01 $6.00 Jazzification Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2008-01 032-3764-00 $45.00 Jazzification Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3764-01 $6.00 Jazz-Me Blues Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02,WFR348 032-3143-00 $45.00 Jazz-Me Blues Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3143-01 $6.00 Jazzoo Young Band (Shaffer) WFR336,WFR344 011-3455-00 $45.00 Jazzoo Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3455-01 Je veux vivre Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0420-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $65.00 $6.00 $28.00 $4.00 $2.50 $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $45.00 $4.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $80.00 Page 118 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Je veux vivre Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0420-01 $8.00 Je veux vivre Extra full score (Gounod/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0420-02 $10.00 Jeff Porcaro Walking Frog Records DVD WFR790 $19.95 Jeopardy! (Theme) Concert Band (L. Taylor) WA-FCB180-00 $45.00 Jeopardy! Theme Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP109-00 $30.00 Jeopardy! Theme Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP109-01 $5.00 Jepoardy! (Theme) Extra score (L. Taylor) WA-FCB180-01 Jerusalem Young Band (Parry/arr. Glover) WFR333 011-3385-00 Jerusalem Extra full score (Parry/arr. Glover) 011-3385-01 $6.00 Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) WFR129,WFR190,WFR184 012-1952-00 $55.00 Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1952-01 $6.00 Jesus Loves Me Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2008-01, 991-2008-02 032-3713-00 $50.00 Jesus Loves Me Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3713-01 $6.00 Jet Fire Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1928-00 $25.00 Jet Fire Extra score (Warrington) 013-1928-01AR $4.00 Jet Stream Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB133-00 $45.00 Jet Stream Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB133-01 Jet Stream Concert Band (Whitcomb) 012-1521-00 Jet Stream Extra score (Whitcomb) 012-1521-02 Jewel Song Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0421-00 $80.00 Jewel Song Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0421-01 $10.00 The Jewel Concert Band (Barth) BOV-S3058-00 $60.00 Jewell March Book Piccolo Db book (Jewell) 072-2056-03AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Flute in C book (Jewell) 072-2056-04AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Clarinet Eb book (Jewell) 072-2056-07AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Jewell) 072-2056-08AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (Jewell) 072-2056-09AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Oboe book (Jewell) 072-2056-15AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Bassoon book (Jewell) 072-2056-17AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Bb Soprano Sax book (Jewell) 072-2056-19AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (Jewell) 072-2056-20AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Bb Tenor Sax book (Jewell) 072-2056-22AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Jewell) 072-2056-23AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Jewell) 072-2056-24AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 1st Bb Cornet book (Jewell) 072-2056-25AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Jewell) 072-2056-26AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Jewell) 072-2056-33AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Jewell) 072-2056-35AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Baritone TC book (Jewell) 072-2056-37AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Baritone BC book (Jewell) 072-2056-38AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Tuba book (Jewell) 072-2056-39AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Drums book (Jewell) 072-2056-41AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Jewell) 072-2056-51AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Jewell) 072-2056-52AR $10.00 Jewell March Book Eb Cornet book (Jewell) 072-2056-60AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Jewell) 072-2056-66AR $10.00 Jewell March Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Jewell) 072-2056-67AR $10.00 The Jewell March Band (E. Mutchler) 013-0428-00AR $50.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Flute book (Jewell) 074-6041-04AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 1st Clarinet (Bb) book (Jewell) 074-6041-08AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 2nd Clarinet (Bb) book (Jewell) 074-6041-09AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Saxophone Alto Eb book (Jewell) 074-6041-20AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Saxophone Tenor Bb book (Jewell) 074-6041-22AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 1st Cornet (Bb) book (Jewell) 074-6041-24AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 2nd Cornet (Bb) book (Jewell) 074-6041-25AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Horns (Eb) book (Jewell) 074-6041-28AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Trombone (BC & TC) book (Jewell) 074-6041-33AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Drums book (Jewell) 074-6041-41AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Piano book (Jewell) 074-6041-43AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Jewell) 074-6041-60AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (Jewell) 074-6041-61AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Viola book (Jewell) 074-6041-62AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $25.00 $2.50 Page 119 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Cello book (Jewell) 074-6041-63AR $10.00 Jewell's Handy Orchestra Folio Bass book (Jewell) 074-6041-64AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-04AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-08AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-17AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-20AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-24AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-33AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-37AR $10.00 Jig for Jeanine Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 080-0096-38AR $10.00 Jillian Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) WA-SB530-00 $45.00 Jillian Extra score (Mantooth) WA-SB530-01 Jingle Bells Young Band (arr. J. Williams) 015-3077-00 Jingle Bells Extra full score (arr. J. Williams) 015-3077-01 $4.00 Jingle Bells Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2005-01,WFR345 032-3394-00 $42.00 Jingle Bells Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3394-01 $6.00 Jingle Bells Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2298-00 $42.00 Jingle Bells Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2298-01 Jingle Bells Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB197-00 Jingle Bells Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB197-01 Jingle Bells Around the World Young Band (J. Williams) WFR319 011-2566-00 Jingle Bells Around the World Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2566-01 $6.00 A Jingle Bells Fantasy Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR367 012-3965-00 $68.00 A Jingle Bells Fantasy Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3965-01 $7.00 Jingle Bells, Hallelujah! Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR364 012-3785-00 $65.00 Jingle Bells, Hallelujah! Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3785-01 $7.00 Jingle Bones Young Band (Glover) WFR377 023-4097-00 $44.00 Jingle Bones Extra full score (Glover) 023-4097-01 $6.00 Jingle Drums Young Band (Neeck) WFR390 023-4444-00 $44.00 Jingle Drums Extra full score (Neeck) 023-4444-01 $6.00 Jingle Jazz Young Band (Shaffer) WFR344 011-3516-00 $48.00 Jingle Jazz Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3516-01 $6.00 Jingle Jazz Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4438-00 $50.00 Jingle Jazz Extra Full Score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4438-01 $6.00 Jingle Jumble Young Band (Conaway) WFR386 023-4417-00 $42.00 Jingle Jumble Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4417-01 $6.00 Jive at Five Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01,WFR347 032-2985-00 $38.00 Jive at Five Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2985-01 $4.00 Jive Cat Jump Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2001-01 031-3119-00 $42.00 Jive Cat Jump Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3119-01 $6.00 Jiver's License Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2005-01 032-3423-00 $45.00 Jiver's License Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3423-01 Joan of Arc Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2021-00 Joan of Arc Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2021-01 $9.00 Joe Turner Blues Concert Band (Handy) BOV-S3334-00 $60.00 Joe Weber Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3053-00 $60.00 Joe's Theme Jazz Combo (Steinberg) 038-0182-00AR $25.00 Joe's Theme Extra full score (Steinberg) 038-0182-01 $2.50 Joggin' Tune String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 130-2188-00 $26.00 Joggin' Tune Extra score (Fletcher) 130-2188-01 $5.00 Johnny B. Badd Jazz Ensemble (Lathan) 032-2333-00 $30.00 Johnny B. Badd Extra full score (Lathan) 032-2333-01 Johnny Trombone Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1188-00AR $50.00 Johnson Rag Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-1999-01 031-3025-00 $38.00 Johnson Rag Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 031-3025-01 $4.00 Johnson Rag Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 057-2467-00 $35.00 The Joker Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3426-00 $60.00 The Jolly Coppersmith Concert Band (Peters/arr. Boettger) BOV-S3563-00 $60.00 The Jolly Minstrel Band (Barnhouse) 013-0109-00AR $50.00 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1651-00AR $50.00 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1651-01AR $5.00 Jolly Robbers Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2020-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $38.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $75.00 $3.50 Page 120 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price A Jolly Rover Band (Jewell) 013-0331-00AR $50.00 A Jolly Sailor Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3472-00 $60.00 The Jolly Tar Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3623-00 $60.00 Joneez Toone Concert Band (Iacobucci) 012-1455-00 $25.00 Joneez Toone Extra score (Iacobucci) 012-1455-02AR $3.00 Josephine Concert Band (Kryl) BOV-S0958-00 $65.00 Joshua Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC135-00 $50.00 Joshua Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC135-01 $5.00 Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho String Orchestra (arr. Wampler) ARC-7029-00 $40.00 Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho Extra full score (arr. Wampler) ARC-7029-01 $6.00 Journey Into Diablo Canyon Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR191 012-2980-00 $68.00 Journey Into Diablo Canyon Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2980-01 $7.00 Journey of the Cosmic Centurions Marching Band (Huckeby) 057-2390-00 $35.00 Journey to Centaurus Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2949-00 $38.00 Journey to Centaurus Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2949-01 $4.00 Journey To The Stars Young Band (Swearingen) WFR380 023-4232-00 $44.00 Journey To The Stars Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4232-01 Journeys Walking Frog Records CD WFR544 $14.95 The Joy Riders Band (King) 013-0450-00AR $50.00 The Joy Riders Orchestra (King) 016-0127-00AR $50.00 Joy To the World Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-2401-00 $80.00 Joy To the World Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-2401-01 Joy To the World Band (arr. Barnhouse) 013-0097-00AR $50.00 Joy To the World Young Band (Axton/arr. A. Clark) 015-2194-00 $27.00 Joy To the World Extra full score (Axton/arr. A. Clark) 015-2194-01 Joy To the World Orchestra (arr. Barnhouse) 016-1017-00AR $50.00 Joy To the World Jazz Ensemble (Axton/arr. A. Clark) 031-2208-00AR $50.00 Joy To the World Extra full score (Axton/arr. A. Clark) 031-2208-01 $3.00 Joy To the World Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02,WFR345 032-3258-00 $40.00 Joy To the World Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3258-01 $5.00 Joy To The World Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2009-01 032-3854-00 $45.00 Joy To The World Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 032-3854-01 $6.00 Joy To the World Marching Band (Axton/arr. Huckeby) 050-2143-00 $38.00 Joy To the World Marching Band (Axton/arr. A. Clark) 058-2161-00AR $60.00 Joy To the World Ensemble Brass sextet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 103-0009-00AR $20.00 Joy To the World Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB199-00 $40.00 Joy To the World Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB199-01 Joy To the World Walking Frog Records CD WFR677 $14.95 Joyance! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR373 011-4035-00 $54.00 Joyance! Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-4035-01 Joyance! Walking Frog Records CD WFR373 $14.95 Joyant Winds Young Band (Huckeby) WFR130 011-2308-00 $45.00 Joyant Winds Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2308-01 Joyeux Band (Verwiere) 014-0040-00AR $50.00 Joyful and Triumphant Young Band (Huckeby) WFR362 023-3829-00 $44.00 Joyful and Triumphant Extra full score (Huckeby) 023-3829-01 Joyful Greeting Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0362-00AR $50.00 Joyful Is The Morning Sun Young Band (Conaway) WFR380 024-4236-00 $46.00 Joyful Is The Morning Sun Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4236-01 $6.00 Joyous Alleluias Concert Band (Spears) WFR194 012-3045-00 $70.00 Joyous Alleluias Extra full score (Spears) 012-3045-01 $7.00 Joyous Spirit Young Band (Shaffer) WFR175,WFR321 011-2799-00 $40.00 Joyous Spirit Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2799-01 Joyous Spirit Walking Frog Records CD WFR321 $14.95 Jubel Concert Band (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2024-00 $80.00 Jubel Extra condensed score (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2024-01 $10.00 Jubelita Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Frangkiser) 014-0124-20AR $12.00 Jubelita Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Frangkiser) 014-0124-24AR $12.00 Jubilance Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR180 012-2869-00 $68.00 Jubilance Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2869-01 Jubilance Walking Frog Records CD WFR180 $14.95 A Jubilant Overture Concert Band (Reed/arr. Conaway) WFR373 012-4058-00 $72.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $4.50 $7.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 121 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# A Jubilant Overture Extra full score (Reed/arr. Conaway) 012-4058-01 $8.00 A Jubilant Overture Oversized spiral-bound score (Reed/Arr. Conaway) 012-4058-75 $25.00 A Jubilant Overture Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR318 012-1923-00 $95.00 A Jubilant Overture Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-1923-01 $7.50 A Jubilant Overture Extra condensed score (A. Reed) 012-1923-02 $3.50 A Jubilant Overture Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-1923-75 $30.00 A Jubilant Tribute Concert Band (McGinty) 012-1761-00AR $80.00 A Jubilant Tribute Extra score (McGinty) 012-1761-01 Jubilate Solo Flute solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 080-0144-04 Jubilator Band (Kastowsky) 013-0628-00AR $50.00 Jubilator Orchestra (Kastowsky) 016-0225-00AR $50.00 Jubilator Piano Solo (Kastowsky) 017-0043-00AR $10.00 Jubilee Concert Band (Niehaus) 012-2437-00 $65.00 Jubilee Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2437-01 $4.00 Jubilesta Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7833-00 $80.00 Jubilesta (C. T. Smith) CTS-7833-01 $15.00 Jubilesta (C. T. Smith) CTS-7833-75 $30.00 Jubileus Concert Band (Edmondson) 012-1920-00 $58.00 Jubileus Extra full score (Edmondson) 012-1920-01 Jubiloso Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2145-00AR $85.00 Jubiloso Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2145-01AR $10.00 Judge Not Band (Laurens, Dykes) 013-0288-00AR $50.00 Judy Plays The Tuba, Johnny Plays The Flute Young Band (Huckeby) WFR380 011-4199-00 $52.00 Judy Plays The Tuba, Johnny Plays The Flute Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4199-01 $7.00 Judy Plays The Tuba, Johnny Plays The Flute Book - Text (Huckeby) 079-6066-00 $10.00 Julianne Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0141-00 $19.00 Julianne Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0141-01 $3.00 Jump Start Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2000-01,991-2000-02 032-3054-00 $45.00 Jump Start Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3054-01 $6.00 Jumpin' At the Website Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-1999-02 032-2973-00 $45.00 Jumpin' At the Website Extra full score (Stack) 032-2973-01 June Roses Band (Barnard) 013-0584-00AR $50.00 June Roses Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1002-00AR $50.00 June Twilight Band (King) 013-0749-00AR $50.00 Jungle Drums Marching Band (Lecuona/arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1470-00AR $60.00 Junior Band Folio Piccolo Db book (Russell) 072-6015-03AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Flute in C book (Russell) 072-6015-04AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Clarinet Eb book (Russell) 072-6015-07AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st Bb Clarinet book (Russell) 072-6015-08AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 2nd Bb Clarinet book (Russell) 072-6015-09AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 3rd Bb Clarinet book (Russell) 072-6015-10AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 4th Bb Clarinet book (Russell) 072-6015-11AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Oboe book (Russell) 072-6015-15AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Bassoon book (Russell) 072-6015-17AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Bb Soprano Sax book (Russell) 072-6015-19AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st & 2nd Eb Alto Saxophone book (Russell) 072-6015-20AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Bb Tenor Sax book (Russell) 072-6015-22AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Russell) 072-6015-23AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Solo Bb Cornet book (Russell) 072-6015-24AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st Bb Cornet book (Russell) 072-6015-25AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Russell) 072-6015-26AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Russell) 072-6015-33AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 3rd Trombone BC book (Russell) 072-6015-35AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Baritone TC book (Russell) 072-6015-37AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Baritone BC book (Russell) 072-6015-38AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Tuba book (Russell) 072-6015-39AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio Drums book (Russell) 072-6015-41AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (Russell) 072-6015-51AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Russell) 072-6015-52AR $10.00 Junior Band Folio 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Russell) 072-6015-66AR $10.00 Junior Cadets Band (Grabel) 013-1002-00AR $50.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Flute in C book (Russell) 074-6048-04AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00 Page 122 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Junior Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (Russell) 074-6048-08AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Oboe & C Melody Saxophone book (Russell) 074-6048-15AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (Russell) 074-6048-17AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Saxophone Alto Eb book (Russell) 074-6048-20AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Saxophone Tenor Bb book (Russell) 074-6048-22AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Horns (F& Eb) book (Russell) 074-6048-28AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Drums book (Russell) 074-6048-41AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Piano (Conductor) book (Russell) 074-6048-43AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio 1st Violin Obbligato book (Russell) 074-6048-59AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Russell) 074-6048-60AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin Obbligato book (Russell) 074-6048-61AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Viola book (Russell) 074-6048-62AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Cello book (Russell) 074-6048-63AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio Bass & Eb or BBb Bass book (Russell) 074-6048-64AR $10.00 Junior Orchestra Folio 3rd Violin book (Russell) 074-6048-65AR $10.00 The Junior Soloist Solo Bb Cornet book (Lynes) 074-6025-24AR $20.00 The Junior Soloist Piano accompaniment book (Lynes) 074-6025-43AR $30.00 Junior-Senior Frolic Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1140-00AR $50.00 Jupiter Concert Band Cornet Solo with Band Accompaniment (Goldman/ arr. Moses-Tobani) BOV-S0954-00 $65.00 Jupiter Extra condensed score (Goldman/arr. Moses-Tobani) BOV-S0954-01 $8.00 Jupiter Concert Band (Couturier) BOV-S1041-00 $65.00 Jupiter Extra condensed score (Couturier) BOV-S1041-01 $8.00 Jupiter Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB11-00 $40.00 Jupiter Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB11F-01 $6.00 Jupiter's Carnival Concert Band (Barnard) 013-0823-00AR $50.00 Jupiter's Carnival Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0354-00AR $50.00 Jurisprudence Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0713-00 $70.00 Jurisprudence Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0713-01 $9.00 Just a Little Off the Top Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) 991-2009-02 WA-YSB179-00 $40.00 Just a Little Off the Top Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB179-01 Just A Perfect 10 Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0238-00 Just A Perfect 10 Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0238-01 $3.50 Just A Thought Of You Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black) 039-2339-00 $32.00 Just A Thought Of You Extra full score (Bellson & Black) 039-2339-01 $3.00 Just As I Am Young Band (Setting by R.W. Smith) WFR390 023-4474-00 $42.00 Just As I Am Extra full score (Setting by R.W. Smith) 023-4474-01 $6.00 Just Because… Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2005-01 032-3437-00 $42.00 Just Because… Extra full score (Aldrich) 032-3437-01 $6.00 Just Before I Close My Eyes Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346 031-2580-00 $40.00 Just Before I Close My Eyes Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2580-01 $5.00 Just Before Midnight Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2861-00 $45.00 Just Before Midnight Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2861-01 $4.00 Just Before Sunset Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2004-01 032-3378-00 $42.00 Just Before Sunset Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3378-01 $6.00 Just Cuddles Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0322-00 $22.00 Just Cuddles Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0322-01 $3.50 Just Do It! Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-2470-00 $40.00 Just Fine! Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2013-01 032-4173-00 $45.00 Just Fine! Extra full score (Rowe) 032-4173-01 $7.00 Just For Kicks Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2881-00 $36.00 Just For Kicks Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2881-01 $4.00 Just For You Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-0313-00 $24.00 Just For You Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-0313-01 $7.00 Just Havin' A Good Time Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1007-00 $45.00 Just Havin' A Good Time Extra full score SCM-1007-01 $6.00 Just Swingin' By Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) 991-2014-01 032-4299-00 $48.00 Just Swingin' By Extra full score (Sherburne) 032-4299-01 Just the Right Note Jazz Combo (Lowden) 038-0196-00AR Just the Right Note Extra full score (Lowden) 038-0196-01 Just We Four Ensemble Trumpet quartet (Scarmolin) 101-0085-24AR $16.00 Just What the Doctor Ordered Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2567-00 $45.00 Just What the Doctor Ordered Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2567-01 $3.50 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $19.00 $7.00 $25.00 $6.00 Page 123 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Just When I'm Thinkin' 'Bout You Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3744-00 $50.00 Just When I'm Thinkin' 'Bout You Extra full score (Vuono) 032-3744-01 The K of P Concert Band (E. S. Williams) BOV-S3807-00 $60.00 Kabe Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 10 players (Roy) 121-0229-00 $20.00 Kabe Extra score (Roy) 121-0229-01 $4.00 Kaboom! Young Band (Romeyn) WFR376 011-4116-00 $50.00 Kaboom! Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4116-01 The Kaffir on the Karoo Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0783-00 $65.00 Kaiser Framz Josef Concert Band (E. Strauss/arr. Sousa) BOV-S3777-00 $60.00 Kalamara Concert Band (R. Foster) CB243 $50.00 Kalamara extra score (R. Foster) CB243-01 Kaleidoscope Young Band (Shaffer) WFR360 024-3769-00 Kaleidoscope Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3769-01 Kaleidoscope Marching Band (Satterfield/arr. Mason) WA-MP113-00 Kaleidoscope Extra score (Satterfield/arr. Mason) WA-MP113-01 Kaleidoscope Walking Frog Records CD WFR723 $14.95 Kaleidoscope Band (Kooyman) 013-0853-00AR $50.00 Kaleidoscope Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0382-00AR $50.00 Kanata Spring Concert Band (Eastmond) WFR349 012-3599-00 $72.00 Kanata Spring Extra full score (Eastmond) 012-3599-01 Kanawha Band (Barnhouse) 013-0004-00AR $50.00 The Kansas Bandman Band (King) 014-0067-00 $25.00 The Kansas Bandman Extra condensed score (King) 014-0067-01 Kansas City - Florida Special Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0943-00AR $50.00 A Kansas City Christmas Walking Frog Records CD WFR416 $14.95 Kansas City Star Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3453-00 $60.00 Kansas City Star Band (Liberati/arr. Richards) 013-1165-00AR $50.00 A Kansas Two-Step Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3583-00 $60.00 Kappa Kappa Psi Band (Cline) 013-1054-00AR $50.00 Kara's Theme Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1588-00 $20.00 Karate Rock Young Band (Henderson) 011-1505-00 $14.00 Karate Rock Extra score (Henderson) 011-1505-02 $2.50 Karl L. King, An American Bandmaster Book - Text (Hatton) 079-6065-00 $19.95 Katinka Concert Band (Friml/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0899-00 $75.00 Kayuga Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3095-00 $60.00 Keel Row String Orchestra (arr. Barnett) PT-S010-00 $50.00 Keel Row Extra score (arr. Barnett) PT-S010F-01 $7.50 Keep On Cookin' Marching Band (A. Clark) 050-2616-00 $40.00 Keep the Change Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 032-0157-00 $60.00 Keep the Change Extra full score (Goodwin) 032-0157-01 Keep the Change! Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) 991-2009-02 WA-YSB205-00 Keep the Change! Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB205-01 $6.00 Keep The Home Fires Burning Concert Band (Novello/arr. Clark) BOV-S3543-00 $60.00 Keep The Motor Running Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2011-01 032-4044-00 $48.00 Keep The Motor Running Extra full score 032-4044-01 $7.00 Keeper of the Flame Marching Band (Barton) 058-2764-00 $40.00 Keeper of the Flame Extra score (Barton) 058-2764-01 Keepin' It Together Jazz Ensemble (Purcell) WA-SB507-00 Keepin' It Together Extra score (Purcell) WA-SB507-01 $6.00 Keeping Step With The Union Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3740-00 $60.00 Keeping Step With The Union Concert Band (Sousa Legacy Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4159-00 $76.00 Keeping Step With The Union Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4159-01 $10.00 Keeping Step With The Union Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4159-75 $30.00 Kendreckis Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 084-0052-24 $3.50 Kendreckis Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 084-0052-33 $3.50 Kendreckis Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 084-0052-38 $3.50 Kennesaw Mountain Celebration Young Band (Shaffer) WFR379 011-4193-00 $52.00 Kennesaw Mountain Celebration Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4193-01 Kensington Concert Band (Whear) 012-1293-00AR $80.00 Kensington Extra full score (Whear) 012-1293-01AR $9.00 Kensington Extra condensed score (Whear) 012-1293-02 Kenton Christmas Carols Walking Frog Records CD WFR849 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $48.00 $5.00 $30.00 $5.00 $7.00 $4.00 $3.00 $40.00 $2.50 $45.00 $7.00 $2.50 $14.95 Page 124 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Kentucky Cardinal Band (Barnard) 013-0760-00AR $50.00 Kentucky Cardinal Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0319-00AR $50.00 The Kentucky Derby Band (King) 014-0032-00AR $50.00 Kentucky Sunrise Concert Band (King/arr. Foster) WFR174,WFR197 012-2678-00AR $80.00 Kentucky Sunrise Extra full score (King/arr. Foster) 012-2678-01 $5.00 Kentucky Sunrise Band (King) 013-0705-00 $50.00 Kentucky Sunrise Extra condensed score (King) 013-0705-01 Kentucky Sunrise Orchestra (King) 016-0276-00AR $50.00 Key Lime Pie Young Band (Neeck) WFR360 023-3758-00 $40.00 Key Lime Pie Extra full score (Neeck) 023-3758-01 $5.00 Keys To The Heart Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3324-00 $42.00 Keys To The Heart Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3324-01 $6.00 The Keystone Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR384 012-4063-00 $84.00 The Keystone Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4063-01 $8.00 The Keystone Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4063-75 $25.00 Khaki Bill Band (Watson) 013-0682-00AR $50.00 Khaki Bill Orchestra (Watson) 016-0249-00AR $50.00 Khaki Bill Orchestra (Watson) 016-0250-00AR $50.00 Khaki Bill Orchestra (Watson) 016-0251-00AR $50.00 Khaki Bill Orchestra (Watson) 016-0252-00AR $50.00 Khaki Bill Vocal High vocal, Eb & F (Watson) 021-7073-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Medium vocal, D & G (Watson) 021-7083-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Low vocal, C & F (Watson) 021-7085-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Mixed quartet (Watson) 021-7086-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Male quartet (Watson) 021-7087-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Medium vocal, June 1917 2 plate edition (Watson) 021-7088-00AR $5.00 Khaki Bill Vocal Piano accompaniment to vocal quartet (Watson) 021-7091-00AR Kick Back Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 030-0398-00 Kick Back Extra full score (P. Clark) 030-0398-01 $3.50 Kick In The Brass Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2011-01 032-4045-00 $48.00 Kick In The Brass Extra full score (Barton) 032-4045-01 The Kick Off Band (Jewell) 013-0572-00AR $50.00 Kick-Start! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR390 023-4494-00 $42.00 Kick-Start! Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4494-01 $6.00 Kick Start Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2438-00 $30.00 Kick Start Extra score (Huckeby) 058-2438-01 The Kicker Marching Band (Nowak) WA-MSA106-00 The Kicker Extra score (Nowak) WA-MSA106-01 Kickin' Up Country! Concert Band (Neeck) WFR373 012-3997-00 Kickin' Up Country! Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3997-01 Kicks Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB171-00 Kicks Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB171-01 Kicks N' Licks Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2592-00 Kicks N' Licks Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2592-01 Kick-Start! Walking Frog Records CD WFR390 $14.95 Kidz' Klassix Young Band (Huckeby) WFR323 015-3205-00 $38.00 Kidz' Klassix Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3205-01 Kiefer's Special Band (Kiefer) 013-0752-00AR Kiefer's Special Extra condensed score (Kiefer) 013-0752-01 Kiefer's Special Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0323-00AR $50.00 Killer on the Keys Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2009-01, 991-2009-02 032-3787-00 $48.00 Killer on the Keys Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3787-01 The Kilties Concert Band (Morris) BOV-S3535-00 $60.00 A Kind And Gentle Soul Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR379 012-4183-00 $72.00 A Kind And Gentle Soul Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4183-01 $8.00 A Kind And Gentle Soul Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4183-75 $25.00 Kinda Groovy Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0115-00 $11.00 Kinda Groovy Extra score (Lowden) 031-0115-01 Kinda Nice Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0023-00AR $50.00 Kinderhook Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1136-00AR $50.00 King Bee Band (Collins) 013-0170-00AR $50.00 King Bee Orchestra (Collins) 016-0067-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $3.00 $40.00 $5.00 $65.00 $7.00 $40.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $3.00 Page 125 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price King Carl Concert Band (Unrath) BOV-S3791-00 $60.00 King Carneval Concert Band (Kryl) BOV-S0722-00 $65.00 King Carneval Extra condensed score (Kryl) BOV-S0722-01 King Cobra Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-2350-00 King Cobra Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2350-01AR $7.00 King Cotton Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3729-00 $60.00 King Cotton WBM-3097-00 $60.00 King Cotton Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR325,WFR194 Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3097-01 $6.00 King Cotton Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3097-75 $30.00 King ever Glorious Concert Band (Stainer/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0586-00 $75.00 King ever Glorious Extra condensed score (Stainer/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0586-01 King Henry Band (King) 014-0135-00 King Henry Extra condensed score (King) 014-0135-01 King Karl Concert Band (Unrath/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S3792-00 $60.00 King Lear Band (Hazel) 013-0750-00AR $50.00 King Lear Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0331-00AR $50.00 King March Book Conductor book (King) 072-2054-01 $19.95 King March Book Piccolo Db book (King) 072-2054-03AR $10.00 King March Book Flute in C book (King) 072-2054-04 King March Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2054-07AR $10.00 King March Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2054-08AR $10.00 King March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 072-2054-09AR $10.00 King March Book Alto Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2054-12AR $10.00 King March Book Bass Clarinet Bb book (King) 072-2054-13AR $10.00 King March Book Oboe book (King) 072-2054-15AR $10.00 King March Book Bassoon book (King) 072-2054-17AR $10.00 King March Book Bb Soprano Sax book (King) 072-2054-19 King March Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2054-20AR $10.00 King March Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 072-2054-22AR $10.00 King March Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2054-23AR $10.00 King March Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2054-24 $2.00 King March Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2054-25 $2.00 King March Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2054-26 King March Book 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 072-2054-28AR King March Book 3rd & 4th F Horns book (King) 072-2054-30 King March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 072-2054-33AR $10.00 King March Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2054-35AR $10.00 King March Book Baritone TC book (King) 072-2054-37AR $10.00 King March Book Baritone BC book (King) 072-2054-38AR $10.00 King March Book Tuba book (King) 072-2054-39 King March Book Drums book (King) 072-2054-41AR King March Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 072-2054-44 King March Book 3rd Trombone TC book (King) 072-2054-50AR $10.00 King March Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 072-2054-51AR $10.00 King March Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 072-2054-52AR $10.00 King March Book Eb Cornet book (King) 072-2054-60 King Monopoly Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3645-00 $60.00 King of Diamonds Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3096-00 $60.00 The King of France Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0786-00 $65.00 King of Hearts Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3097-00 $60.00 The King of Love My Shepherd Is Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR340 012-2702-00 $60.00 The King of Love My Shepherd Is Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2702-01 King of Spades Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3098-00 $60.00 The King of Swing Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-2023-00AR $50.00 The King of Swing Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-2023-02AR $6.00 King of Terror Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3165-00 $60.00 King of the Deep, Mystic Dance Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0910-00 $50.00 King of the Night Concert Band (Barnard) 013-0785-00AR $50.00 King of the Night Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1005-00AR $50.00 King of the Seas - Iowa Band (LaRue) 013-0129-00AR $50.00 King of the Winds Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0278-00AR $50.00 King of the Winds Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0035-00AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $52.00 $9.00 $50.00 $4.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $5.00 Page 126 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The King of Thule Concert Band (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0673-00 $65.00 King O'Spain Band (Freta) 013-0802-00AR $50.00 King O'Spain Orchestra (Freta) 016-0349-00AR $50.00 King Quality Band Book Piccolo Db book (King) 073-6004-03AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Flute in C book (King) 073-6004-04AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 073-6004-07AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 073-6004-08AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 073-6004-09AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Oboe book (King) 073-6004-15AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Bassoon book (King) 073-6004-17AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Bb Soprano Sax book (King) 073-6004-19AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6004-20AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 073-6004-22AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6004-23AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6004-24AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6004-25AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 073-6004-26AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 073-6004-33AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 073-6004-35AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Baritone TC book (King) 073-6004-37AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Baritone BC book (King) 073-6004-38AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Tuba book (King) 073-6004-39AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Drums book (King) 073-6004-41AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book Bass Saxophone Bb book (King) 073-6004-50AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 073-6004-51AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 073-6004-52AR $10.00 King Quality Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 073-6004-66AR $10.00 King Tut's Tomb Young Band (Phillips) WFR380 024-4230-00 $48.00 King Tut's Tomb Extra full score (Phillips) 024-4230-01 $6.00 The King's Court Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2656-00 $45.00 The King's Court Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2656-01 $3.50 The King's Flourish Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR374 023-4008-00 $42.00 The King's Flourish Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4008-01 Kings Mountain Adventure Walking Frog Records CD WFR183 $14.95 King's Mountain Adventure Young Band (Huckeby) WFR183 011-2893-00 $55.00 King's Mountain Adventure Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2893-01 $6.00 Kingsbury Court Concert Band (Niehaus) WFR341 012-2331-00 $60.00 Kingsbury Court Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2331-01 Kinizsi Concert Band (Fucik) WFR384 BOV-S3262-00 Kinizsi Extra full score (Fucik) BOV-S3262-01 $8.00 Kinloch of Kinloch Concert Band (Occa) BOV-S2044-00 $55.00 Kiss Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S2127-00 $60.00 Kiss Me Again Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Trinkaus) BOV-S2202-00 $50.00 Kissin' Cousins Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 032-2512-00 $42.00 Kissin' Cousins Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-2512-01 $6.00 Kitty Hawk Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 015-3540-00 $40.00 Kitty Hawk Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3540-01 Knave of Clubs Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3099-00 $60.00 Knight Errant Band (King) 013-0596-00AR $50.00 Knight Errant Orchestra (King) 016-0232-00AR $50.00 The Knight of Liberty Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0207-00AR $50.00 The Knight of Liberty Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0038-00AR $50.00 The Knight of Liberty Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0020-00AR $10.00 Knight Templar Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3048-00 $60.00 Knight Templars Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3023-00 $60.00 Knight's Court Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2341-00 $50.00 Knight's Court Extra full score (Spera) 032-2341-01 Knights of Columbus Concert Band (Fischer) BOV-S3054-00 $60.00 Knights of Old Band (Kiefer) 013-0672-00AR $50.00 Knights of the Round Table Young Band (Huckeby) WFR317 015-3137-00 $38.00 Knights of the Round Table Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3137-01 Knights Templar Concert Band (Keating/arr. Redfield) BOV-S3396-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $3.50 $5.00 $60.00 Page 127 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Knightsbridge Chronicles Concert Band (Kopetz) WFR105 012-2489-00 $65.00 Knightsbridge Chronicles Extra full score (Kopetz) 012-2489-01 Knightsbridge Overture Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-ECB109-00 Knightsbridge Overture Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-ECB109-01 Knock Before You Rock Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 015-3251-00 Knock Before You Rock Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3251-01 $5.00 Knockout Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3738-00 $48.00 Knockout Extra full score (Barton) 032-3738-01 Knockout Drops Walking Frog Records CD WFR494 $14.95 Know What I Mean? Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3710-00 $50.00 Know What I Mean? Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3710-01 $6.00 Koala Rock Young Band (Bauer) WFR386 024-4399-00 $46.00 Koala Rock Extra full score (Bauer) 024-4399-01 Kokomo Concert Band (Farrar) BOV-S3241-00 $60.00 Korean Folk Song Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB182-00 $45.00 Korean Folk Song Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB182-01 $5.00 Kraper's Peculiar Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0002-00AR $10.00 Kris Kringle's Jingle Concert Band (J. Williams) WFR319 012-2617-00 $48.00 Kris Kringle's Jingle Extra full score (J. Williams) 012-2617-01 $6.00 Kristyn & Kandice at the Mall Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 032-2909-00 $44.00 Kristyn & Kandice at the Mall Extra full score (Spera) 032-2909-01 Kubic's Rube Marching Band (K. Harris) MB127 $50.00 Kum Ba Yah Young Band (arr. Schaeffer) 010-2007-00 $19.00 Kum Ba Yah Extra score (arr. Schaeffer) 010-2007-02 $2.50 Kum Ba Yah Marching Band (arr. Sochinski) 052-1880-00 $35.00 Kyrie and Gloria Concert Band (Hill) 012-1579-00AR $90.00 Kyrie and Gloria Extra score (Hill) 012-1579-01 $5.00 Kyrie, Gloria & Benedictus Ensemble Brass sextet (Palestrina/arr. Emiliani) 103-0230-00 $12.50 L' Canzona Ultima Concert Band (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2309-00 $65.00 L' Canzona Ultima Extra condensed score (Tosti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2309-01 $8.00 L' Heure exquise Concert Band (Hahn/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2178-00 $65.00 L' Heure exquise Extra condensed score (Hahn/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2178-01 La Bamba Walking Frog Records CD WFR559 $14.95 La Belle Marie Band (G. Holmes) 013-0404-00AR $50.00 La Brava Young Band (Young band) (Shaffer) WFR344 011-3525-00 $45.00 La Brava Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3525-01 La Brava Marching Band (Marching band) (Shaffer) 058-2358-00AR $50.00 La Calunnia Concert Band (Rossini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0109-00 $70.00 La Calunnia Extra full score (Rossini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0109-01 La Casa de Espana Marching Band (Kopetz) 052-2176-00 $38.00 La Cinquantaine Band (Gabriel-Marie/arr. Barnard) 013-0920-00AR $50.00 La Cinquantaine Orchestra (Gabriel-Marie/arr. Barnard) 016-0424-00AR $50.00 L. A. Connection Marching Band (Downey) 052-1774-00 $30.00 L. A. Cruisin' Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3272-00 $42.00 L. A. Cruisin' Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3272-01 La Cymbeline Band (Held) 013-0971-00AR $50.00 La Cymbeline Orchestra (Held/arr. Barnard) 016-0456-00AR $50.00 La Danza Pizzicato String Orchestra (Fletcher) 130-2413-00 $30.00 La Danza Pizzicato Extra score (Fletcher) 130-2413-01 $4.00 La Donna E Mobile Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0101-00 $65.00 La Fatiana Band (Barnard) 013-0770-00AR $50.00 La Fatiana Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1007-00AR $50.00 La Feria Concert Band (LaCome/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1094-00 $90.00 La Feria Extra condensed score (LaCome/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1094-01 $10.00 La Fiesta Ensemble Brass sextet (Guentzel) 103-0037-00AR $20.00 La Fiesta Brava Marching Band (Swearingen) 051-1816-00 $50.00 La Gamba Serenata String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2264-00 $40.00 La Gamba Serenata Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2264-01 La Linea Band (Jewell) 013-0659-00AR $50.00 La Linea Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0010-00AR $50.00 La Llama Azul Jazz Ensemble (Washut) 991-2001-02 035-3133-00 $50.00 La Llama Azul Extra full score (Washut) 035-3133-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $38.00 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $8.00 $6.00 $8.00 $5.00 $6.00 Page 128 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price La Paloma Band (DeYradier/arr. Barnard) 013-0804-00AR $50.00 La Paloma Orchestra (DeYradier/arr. Barnard) 016-0353-00AR $50.00 La Paz Band (Kiefer) 013-0382-00AR $50.00 La Peri Concert Band (Dukas/arr. Longfield) WFR340 012-3483-00 $65.00 La Peri Extra full score (Dukas/arr. Longfield) 012-3483-01 $6.00 La Peri Oversized spiral-bound score (Dukas/arr. Longfield) 012-3483-75 $25.00 La Reine Band (Alexander) 013-0394-00AR $50.00 La Reve Concert Band (Massanet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0540-00 $55.00 La Reve Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0540-01 $7.00 La Rose Band (Kiefer) 013-0195-00AR $50.00 La Verbena Concert Band (LaCome/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2049-00 $85.00 La Verbana Extra condensed score (LaCome/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2049-01 $10.00 Lady of the Lake Orchestra (Crampton) 016-0007-00AR $50.00 Lady of the Slipper Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Fulton) BOV-S0868-00 $75.00 Lake Front Park Band (Vandercook) 013-0314-00AR $50.00 Lake Front Promenade Band (Barnhouse) 013-0087-00AR $50.00 Lakesonian Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3427-00 $60.00 Lakewood Drive Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0041-00AR $50.00 Lakewood Drive Extra Score (Martino) 049-0041-01 Lakme Concert Band (Delibes/arr. Meyer) BOV-S0901-00 $75.00 L'Amant Jaloux Concert Band (Gretry/arr. C. Barnes) 029-1335-00AR $90.00 L'Amant Jaloux Extra score (Gretry/arr. C. Barnes) 029-1335-01AR $6.00 The Lambs Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3730-00 $60.00 Lament for Joy Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 032-0006-00AR $50.00 Lament for Joy Extra score (Martino) 032-0006-01AR $4.00 Land of Dreams Band (Barnhouse) 013-0476-00AR $50.00 Land of Dreams Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0192-00AR $50.00 Land of Liberty Band (Barnhouse) 013-0520-00AR $50.00 Land of Liberty Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0155-00AR $50.00 Land of Moa Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Lake) BOV-S3505-00 $60.00 Land of Plenty Band (Barnhouse) 013-0757-00AR $50.00 Land of Plenty Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0300-00AR $50.00 Land of the Free Young Band (K. Harris) WFR183 015-2762-00 $36.00 Land of the Free Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2762-01AR $7.00 Land of the Free Concert Band (Rogers/arr. Leidzen) BOV-C0205-00 $70.00 Land of the Free Extra condensed score (Rogers/arr. Leidzen) BOV-C0205-01 $9.00 Land Of The Maple Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S3442-00 $60.00 Landscapes Walking Frog Records CD WFR669 $14.95 A Lantern in the Window Young Band (Sheldon) WFR187 011-2924-00 $55.00 A Lantern in the Window Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2924-01 A Lantern in the Window Walking Frog Records CD WFR187 $14.95 Lanterns In The Sky Young Band (Romeyn) WFR389 011-4460-00 $52.00 Lanterns In The Sky Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4460-01 $7.00 Laramie Young Band (Shaffer) WFR321 011-2666-00 $48.00 Laramie Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2666-01 Largo Band (Handel/arr. Barnard) 013-0914-00AR $50.00 Largo Orchestra (Handel/arr. Barnard) 016-0418-00AR $50.00 Largo Al Factotum Concert Band (Rossini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0559-00 $75.00 Largo Al Factotum Extra condensed score (Rossini/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0559-01 $9.00 Largo and Bouree Concert Band (Handel/arr. Lynd) 012-1319-00AR $50.00 Largo and Bouree Extra score (Handel/arr. Lynd) 012-1319-02 $2.50 Largo and Bouree Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (Handel/arr. Merriman) 083-0167-17 $10.00 Largo and Bouree Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Handel/arr. Merriman) 083-0168-13 The Lark Concert Band (Damare/arr. Barrington-Sargent) BOV-S2040-00 The Lark Extra condensed score (Damare/arr. Barrington-Sargent) BOV-S2040-01 $8.00 L'Arlesienne Suite No. 1 Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1017-00 $95.00 L'Arlesienne Suite No. 1 Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1017-01 $10.00 Theme form L'Arlesienne Suite Marching Band (Bizet/arr. Hopper) 069-1561-00AR $50.00 The Lass With The Delicate Air Concert Band (Arne/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0570-00 $60.00 The Lass With The Delicate Air Extra condensed score (Arne/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0570-01 Lassus Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore/arr. Schissel) WFR325,WFR197 012-3070-00 $60.00 Lassus Trombone Extra full score (Fillmore/arr. Schissel) 012-3070-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $65.00 $7.00 Page 129 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Lassus Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3247-00 $60.00 The Last Call Band (Jewell) 013-0665-00AR $50.00 The Last Call Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0015-00AR $50.00 The Last Days Of Pompeii Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0791-00 $110.00 The Last Journey Band (Kooyman) 013-0903-00AR $50.00 Last Recordings Walking Frog Records CD WFR815 $14.95 Last Rest Band (Kiefer) 013-0539-00AR $50.00 Last Ride Of The Pony Express Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR331,WFR344 012-3318-00 $68.00 Last Ride Of The Pony Express Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3318-01 $7.00 Last Ride of the Pony Express Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4226-00 $50.00 Last Ride of the Pony Express Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4226-01 $6.00 The Last Rose Of Summer Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR341 012-3534-00 $65.00 The Last Rose Of Summer Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3534-01 The Last Spring Concert Band (Grieg/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0615-00 The Last Spring Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0615-01 The Last to Defend Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR186,WFR344 012-2940-00 The Last to Defend Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2940-01 The Last Word Band (Huffine) 014-0056-00AR $50.00 Late Bloomer Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0321-00 $25.00 Late Bloomer Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0321-01 $3.50 Latin Bell Carol Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR359 011-3775-00 $50.00 Latin Bell Carol Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3775-01 Latin Escapade Jazz Ensemble (Rood) 032-0029-00AR $50.00 Latin Excursion Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1069-00 $47.00 Latin Excursion Extra full score SCM-1069-01 Latin Journey Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB184-00 Latin Journey Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB184-01 Latin Liason Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SC112-00 Latin Liason Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SC112-01 $5.00 Latin Quarter Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0232-00AR $50.00 Latin Quarter Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0232-01 Latin Reeds Concert Band (Schanke) 029-1345-00AR Latin Reeds Extra score (Schanke) 029-1345-01AR Latin Rondeau Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (O'Connor) WFR188 121-0231-00 $10.00 Latin Satin Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0255-00AR $50.00 Latin Satin Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0255-01AR Latin Sun Concert Band (Jutras) 012-2396-00 Latin Sun Extra full score (Jutras) 012-2396-01 $6.00 Latinova Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2321-00 $34.00 Latinova Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2321-01 Laude-Music Of H. Hanson Walking Frog Records CD WFR837 $14.95 Laudi Alla Vergine Maria Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Buehlman) 012-1422-00AR $60.00 Laudi Alla Vergine Maria Extra score (Verdi/arr. Buehlman) 012-1422-01AR $6.00 Laughing Song Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0672-00 $60.00 Laughing Song Extra condensed score (J. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0672-01 Lauralisa Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0369-00 Lauralisa Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0369-01 Laurel Wreath Band (Barnhouse) 013-0184-00AR $50.00 Laurel Wreath Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0010-99AR $10.00 Laurie Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1107-00 $47.00 Laurie Extra full score (Strommen) SCM-1107-01 Laventura Band (Kooyman) 013-0895-00AR $50.00 Laventura Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0405-00AR $50.00 Lawsy Massy Band (Jewell) 013-0638-00AR $50.00 Lazy Luke Band (Galuska) 013-0806-00AR $50.00 Lazy Summer Day Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0020-00AR $50.00 Le Chasseur Maudit Concert Band (Franck/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0013-00 $75.00 Le Cor Concert Band (Flegier/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0643-00 $60.00 Le Cor Extra condensed score (Flegier/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0643-01 $7.00 Le Grand Monarque Band (Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0075-00AR $50.00 Le Grand Monarque Band (Baritone solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0076-00AR $50.00 Le Tambourin Young Band (Rameau/arr. Henderson) 011-1567-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $68.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $30.00 $3.50 $80.00 $6.00 $6.00 $65.00 $7.00 $7.00 $36.00 $3.50 $7.00 Page 130 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Le Tambourin Extra score (Rameau/arr. Henderson) 011-1567-02AR Lead On, O King Eternal Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-3034-00 Lead On, O King Eternal Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3034-01 $6.00 Leader of the Class Young Band (Huckeby) WFR195 015-3092-00 $38.00 Leader of the Class Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3092-01 The Leading Lady Band (Casto) 013-0435-00AR $50.00 Lean Mean Rockin' Machine Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2015-01 031-2636-00 $45.00 Lean Mean Rockin' Machine Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2636-01 $6.00 Leapin' Lizards Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1112-00 $48.00 Leapin' Lizards Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1112-01 Leaps and Bounds Jazz Ensemble (R. Mutchler) 032-0107-00AR Leaps and Bounds Extra score (R. Mutchler) 032-0107-01AR Legacy Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-2828-00 Legacy Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2828-01 Legacy Of An Artist Walking Frog Records CD WFR853 $14.95 The Legacy of John Barnes Chance Walking Frog Records CD WFR755 $14.95 Legacy of the March Composer's Series Walking Frog Records CD WFR871 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Vol. 6 Walking Frog Records CD WFR870 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Volume 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR687 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Volume 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR688 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Volume 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR689 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Volume 4 Walking Frog Records CD WFR690 $14.95 Legacy of the March, Volume 5 Walking Frog Records CD WFR789 $14.95 Legend of Bagu Jazz Ensemble (Pethel) 031-2231-00 $32.00 Legend of Bagu Extra full score (Pethel) 031-2231-01 $3.00 The Legend of Cortez Marching Band (Barton) 050-2526-00 $40.00 Legend of Crystal Lake Young Band (Shaffer) WFR382 011-4308-00 $52.00 Legend of Crystal Lake Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4308-01 $7.00 The Legend of Danny Boy Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR196 012-3094-00 $60.00 The Legend of Danny Boy Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3094-01 $6.00 Legend of Fort Apache Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2191-00 $40.00 Legend of Fort Apache Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2191-01AR Legend of Pirates Cove Young Band (Romeyn) WFR379 011-4186-00 Legend of Pirates Cove Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-4186-01 $7.00 Legend of Starved Rock Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR185,WFR315 012-2760-00 $68.00 Legend of Starved Rock Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2760-01 $7.00 Legend of the Ancient Hero Concert Band (Yeo) WFR358 012-3697-00 $78.00 Legend of the Ancient Hero Extra full score (Yeo) 012-3697-01 $8.00 Legend of the Ancient Hero Oversized spiral-bound score (Yeo) 012-3697-75 $30.00 Legend of the Eagles Young Band (Shaffer) WFR321 015-2812-00 $35.00 Legend of the Eagles Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2812-01 $4.00 Legend of the Eagles Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4437-00 $50.00 Legend of the Eagles Extra Full Score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4437-01 $6.00 Legend of the Ida Glenn Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR180,WFR199 012-2866-00 $68.00 Legend of the Ida Glenn Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2866-01 $6.00 Legend of the Queen Anne's Revenge Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR369 011-3984-00 $54.00 Legend of the Queen Anne's Revenge Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 011-3984-01 $7.00 Legend of the Sword Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR322 012-3237-00 $76.00 Legend of the Sword Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3237-01 $8.00 Legend of the Sword Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3237-75 $30.00 Legend Of The Sword Walking Frog Records CD WFR812 $14.95 Legend, Op. 54, #5 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0563-00 $60.00 Legend, Op. 54, #5 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0563-01 The Legendary Trumpet Virtuosity of Rafael Mendez Walking Frog Records CD WFR719 $14.95 Legends Ensemble Brass sextet (G. McKay) 103-0126-00AR $20.00 Legends String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S006-00 $50.00 Legends Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S006F-01 $7.50 Legends Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB22-00 $40.00 Legends Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB22F-01 Legends of the Galaxy Concert Band (Wilson) WFR388 012-4471-00 Legends of the Galaxy Extra full score (Wilson) 012-4471-01 $8.00 Legends of the Galaxy Oversized spiral-bound score (Wilson) 012-4471-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $2.50 $65.00 $4.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $68.00 $6.00 $7.00 $52.00 $7.00 $6.00 $74.00 Page 131 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Legionnaires Band (Barnhouse) 013-0755-00AR $50.00 The Legionnaires Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0298-00AR $50.00 The Legions of Ancient Rome Concert Band (DeLuca) 013-0933-00AR $80.00 L'Enfilade Concert Band (Montgomery) 012-1287-00AR $60.00 L'Enfilade Extra score (Montgomery) 012-1287-01AR $6.00 Lenora Band (Kiefer) 013-0306-00AR $50.00 Lento Ensemble Clarinet trio (Lotti/arr. Arick) 110-6026-08 $7.50 Lento Ensemble Saxophone trio (Lotti/arr. Arick) 110-6026-20 $7.50 Lento Ensemble Horn trio (Lotti/arr. Arick) 110-6026-28 $7.50 Lento Ensemble Trombone trio (Lotti/arr. Arick) 110-6026-33 Lenz und Liebe Waltz Concert Band (Blon/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1020-00 $65.00 Leonard B. Smith March Concert Band (Van Loan) BOV-S0681-00 $65.00 Leonard B. Smith March Extra condensed score (Van Loan) BOV-S0681-01 $8.00 Leonidas The Spartan Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3547-00 $60.00 Les Adieux Walking Frog Records CD WFR683 $14.95 Les Preludes Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Helfer) BOV-S1100-00 $95.00 Les Preludes Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Helfer) BOV-S1100-01 $10.00 Lest We Forget Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR318,WFR343 012-3166-00 $60.00 Lest We Forget Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3166-01 $6.00 Let Evening Come Young Band (Sheldon) WFR195 011-3036-00 $45.00 Let Evening Come Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-3036-01 $5.00 Let Freedom Ring! Young Band (Huckeby) WFR333 011-3361-00 $45.00 Let Freedom Ring! Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3361-01 Let Freedom Ring! Marching Band (Huckeby) 057-2242-00AR Let Freedom Ring! Extra score (Huckeby) 057-2242-01 $5.00 Let Hope Reign Young Band (Neeck) WFR386 011-4397-00 $52.00 Let Hope Reign Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4397-01 $7.00 Let It Happen Jazz Combo (Steinberg) 038-0184-00 $12.00 Let It Happen Extra full score (Steinberg) 038-0184-01 Let It Happen! Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-MS110-00 Let It Happen! Extra score (Gingery) WA-MS110-01 Let It Ride! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2621-00 Let It Ride! Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2621-01 $4.00 Let The Christmas Season Begin! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR360 024-3753-00 $48.00 Let The Christmas Season Begin! Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-3753-01 $5.00 Let the Good Times Roll Marching Band (Lee/arr. A. Clark) 058-2509-00 $33.00 Let The Holidays Begin! Young Band (Romeyn) WFR386 024-4358-00 $46.00 Let The Holidays Begin! Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4358-01 $6.00 Let The Journey Begin! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR374 023-4006-00 $42.00 Let The Journey Begin! Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4006-01 $6.00 Let The Light of Christmas Shine Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR389 012-4496-00 $74.00 Let The Light of Christmas Shine Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4496-01 $8.00 Let The Light of Christmas Shine Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4496-75 $25.00 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0108-20AR $10.00 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning Solo Cornet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0108-24AR $10.00 Let the Lower Lights Be Burning Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0108-33AR $10.00 Let the Spirit Soar Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102,WFR184 012-2498-00 $35.00 Let the Spirit Soar Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2498-01 $6.00 Let There Be Peace On Earth Young Band (Miller & Jackson/arr. A. Clark) WFR336 011-3457-00 $50.00 Let There Be Peace On Earth Extra full score (Miller & Jackson/arr. A. Clark) 011-3457-01 $6.00 Let There Be Peace On Earth Concert Band (Miller & Jackson/arr. Huckeby) WFR335 012-3459-00 $68.00 Let There Be Peace On Earth Extra full score (Miller & Jackson/arr. Huckeby) 012-3459-01 Lets All Go New Orleans Walking Frog Records CD WFR811 $14.95 Let's Beguine Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB106-00 $45.00 Let's Beguine Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB106-01 $5.00 Let's Celebrate Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0719-00 $65.00 Let's Celebrate Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0719-01 $8.00 Let's Go Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1318-00AR $50.00 Let's Have Some Fun Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2014-01 032-4285-00 $48.00 Let's Have Some Fun Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4285-01 $7.00 Let's Keep A Good Thing Goin' Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2013-01 032-4209-00 $48.00 Let's Keep A Good Thing Goin' Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4209-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.50 $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $50.00 $6.00 $34.00 $7.00 Page 132 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Letter Song Concert Band (Straus/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2200-00 $65.00 Letter Song Extra condensed score (Straus/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2200-01 $8.00 Leviathan Band (Galuska) 013-0805-00AR $50.00 The Levy Anthem Concert Band (Levy/arr. Lax) BOV-S0809-00 $65.00 Lexicon Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR322 012-3187-00 $68.00 Lexicon Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3187-01 $7.00 Lexington Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR174 012-2661-00 $55.00 Lexington Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2661-01 Lexington Band (King) 013-1220-00AR Lexington Extra condensed score (King) 013-1220-01 The Liberty Bell Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3731-00 $60.00 The Liberty Bell WBM-3167-00 $60.00 The Liberty Bell Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137,WFR343 Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) Liberty Fleet Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR385 012-4342-00 Liberty Fleet Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4342-01 $8.00 Liberty Fleet Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-4342-75 $25.00 Liberty Fleet Band (King) 013-1201-00 $25.00 Liberty Fleet Extra condensed score (King) 013-1201-01 Liberty Hall Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3584-00 $60.00 Liberty Hall Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0259-00AR $50.00 Liberty Hall Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0034-00AR $10.00 Liberty Lads Concert Band (L. O. Smith) BOV-S3678-00 $60.00 Liberty Loan Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3732-00 $60.00 Liberty Loan Concert Band (Sousa/arr.Brion) WBM-4355-00 $72.00 Liberty Loan Extra full score (Sousa/arr.Brion) WBM-4355-01 $10.00 Liberty Loan Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr.Brion) WBM-4355-75 $25.00 Liberty Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2314-00AR $50.00 Liberty Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2314-01AR Liberty March Folio Conductor book (King) 072-2050-01 $19.95 Liberty March Folio Piccolo Db book (King) 072-2050-03 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Flute in C book (King) 072-2050-04 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2050-07 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2050-08 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 2nd Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2050-09 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 3rd Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2050-10 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Alto Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2050-12 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Bass Clarinet Bb book (King) 072-2050-13 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Oboe book (King) 072-2050-15 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Bassoon book (King) 072-2050-17 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2050-20 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 072-2050-22 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2050-23 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2050-24 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 2nd Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2050-25 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 3rd Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2050-26 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 072-2050-28 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 3rd & 4th F Horns book (King) 072-2050-30 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st Trombone BC book (King) 072-2050-33 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 2nd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2050-34 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2050-35 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Baritone TC book (King) 072-2050-37 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Baritone BC book (King) 072-2050-38 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Tuba book (King) 072-2050-39 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Drums book (King) 072-2050-41 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Bell Lyre book (King) 072-2050-42 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 072-2050-43 $4.95 Liberty March Folio Bass Saxophone Bb book (King) 072-2050-50 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 072-2050-51 $4.95 Liberty March Folio 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 072-2050-52 Liberty Band (Barnhouse) 013-0680-00AR $50.00 Libiamo, Libiamo a Brindisi Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0105-00 $65.00 Liebeslied, Opus 52, No. 17 Concert Band (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0594-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. WBM-3167-01 $3.50 $65.00 $4.00 $8.00 $65.00 $4.00 $7.00 $4.95 Page 133 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Liebeslied, Opus 52, No. 17 Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0594-01 $7.00 Liebestraum Band (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 013-0994-00AR $50.00 Liebestraum Orchestra (Liszt) 016-0474-00AR $50.00 Liebestraum Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 084-0057-20 $10.00 Liebestraum Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 084-0057-22 $10.00 Liebestraum Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 084-0057-24 $10.00 Liebestraum Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 084-0057-33 $10.00 Liebestraum Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 084-0057-38 $10.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-20 $12.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-22 $12.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-24 $12.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-33 $12.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-38 $12.00 Liebestraum 094-0057-51 $12.00 Liebestraum Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Liszt/arr. C. Smith) 094-0057-52 $12.00 The Lieutenant-Commander Band (King) 014-0116-00AR $50.00 The Lieutenant-Commander Extra condensed score (King) 014-0116-01 $4.00 Life Without You Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 032-3502-00 $50.00 Life Without You Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3502-01 Lifes Golden Hours Waltz Band (Kiefer) 013-0217-00AR $50.00 Life's Golden Hours Waltz Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0045-00AR $50.00 Life's Lighter Hours Band (C. Smith) 013-0980-00AR $50.00 Life's Lighter Hours Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0463-00AR $50.00 Life's Lighter Hours Solo Sax C Melody solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-16AR $10.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble C Melody Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-17AR $12.00 Life's Lighter Hours Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-20AR $10.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-21AR $12.00 Life's Lighter Hours Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-24AR $10.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-25AR $12.00 Life's Lighter Hours Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-33AR $10.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble Trombone or Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-34AR $12.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble Trumpet & trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0058-52AR $12.00 Life's Lighter Hours Ensemble Sax quartet (C. Smith/arr. Holmes) 111-0042-20AR $16.00 Light and Lively Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-2006-00 $19.00 Light and Lively Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-2006-02 Light Cavalry Concert Band (Suppe/arr. C. Godfrey) BOV-S1173-00 $80.00 Light Cavalry Extra condensed score (Suppe/arr. C. Godfrey) BOV-S1173-01 $10.00 Light Cavalry - Poet and Peasant Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3428-00 $60.00 The Light Eternal Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102,WFR184 012-2442-00 $68.00 The Light Eternal Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2442-01 $7.00 The Light Eternal Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-2442-75 $30.00 Light Fantastic Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0703-00 $70.00 Light Fantastic Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0703-01 $9.00 The Light Guard Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3281-00 $60.00 Light Horse Squadron Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3100-00 $60.00 The Light Of Dawn Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324,WFR187 011-2967-00 $45.00 The Light Of Dawn Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2967-01 The Light Of Dawn Walking Frog Records CD WFR324 $14.95 The Lightly Camouflaged Samba Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0368-00 $32.00 The Lightly Camouflaged Samba Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0368-01AR Lightly Latin Young Band (Rowe) WFR355 025-3622-00 Lightly Latin Extra full score (Rowe) 025-3622-01 Lightly Latin Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB123-00 Lightly Latin Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB123-01 $5.00 Lights Out Concert Band (McCoy/arr. Roth) BOV-S3521-00 $60.00 Like A Flower So Fair Band (Watson) 013-0700-00AR $50.00 Like A Flower So Fair Orchestra (song, in C) (Watson) 016-0263-00AR $50.00 Like A Flower So Fair Orchestra (Dance orchestra edition) (Watson) 016-0264-00AR $50.00 Like A Flower So Fair Orchestra (in Eb) (Watson) 016-0272-00AR $50.00 Like A Flower So Fair Vocal Vocal solo (Vocal solo, in Eb) (Watson) 021-7080-00AR $10.00 Like A Flower So Fair Vocal Vocal solo (Vocal solo, in C) (Watson) 021-7103-00AR $10.00 L'il Basie Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1028-00 $47.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $2.50 $5.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $45.00 Page 134 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# L'il Basie Extra full score SCM-1028-01 Lil' Grits String Orchestra (Fletcher) NLSO303 Lil' Grits extra score (Fletcher) NLSO303-01 $5.00 Li'l Liza Jane Marching Band (arr. Huckeby) 058-2794-00 $40.00 Li'l Liza Jane Extra score (arr. Huckeby) 058-2794-01 Lilac Blossoms Concert Band (Wenrich/arr. Losey) BOV-S3800-00 $60.00 Limehouse Blues Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2005-01,WFR348 032-3425-00 $45.00 Limehouse Blues Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3425-01 $7.00 Lincoln Celebration Young Band (Shaffer) WFR187 011-2933-00 $45.00 Lincoln Celebration Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2933-01 Lincolnshire Posey Walking Frog Records CD WFR872 $14.95 Lindbergh Variations Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2369-00AR $80.00 Lindbergh Variations Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2369-01 $5.00 Line Drive Jazz Ensemble (Vuono) 991-2016-01 032-4480-00 $48.00 Line Drive Extra full score (Vuono) 032-4480-01 Line Drive Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB126-00 Line Drive Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB126-01 $6.00 Linger Longer, Band (Leslie/arr. Laurens) 013-0343-00AR $50.00 Linger Longer Orchestra (Leslie) 016-0090-00AR $50.00 Linger Longer Piano Solo (Leslie/arr. Laurens) 017-0040-00AR $10.00 Lip Service, Inc. Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0320-00 $22.00 Lip Service, Inc. Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0320-01 Lisha Band (G. Holmes) 013-1171-00AR $50.00 Listen To This Walking Frog Records CD WFR828 $14.95 Little Band Blues Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1796-00 $21.00 Little Band Blues Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1796-02 Little Bluebell Band (Hazel) 013-1058-00AR $50.00 Little Bluebell Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0496-00AR $50.00 Little Buckaroos Walking Frog Records CD WFR827 $14.95 The Little Bugler Band (Hughes) 014-0078-00AR $50.00 Little Chum Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0076-24AR $10.00 The Little Dipper Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1102-00 $47.00 The Little Dipper Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1102-01 Little Eagle Band (Stacy) 013-1100-00AR $50.00 Little French Suite Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2285-00 $25.00 Little French Suite Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2285-01 The Little Gem Band (Barnhouse) 013-0012-00AR $50.00 The Little Giant Concert Band (Moon) BOV-S3527-00 $60.00 Little Hustle Young Band (Henderson) 011-1580-00 $16.00 Little Hustle Extra score (Henderson) 011-1580-02AR $2.50 Little Ione Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0097-00AR $50.00 Little Ione Band (G. Holmes) 013-0349-00AR $50.00 Little Ione Ensemble Sax quartet (G. Holmes) 111-0015-20AR $16.00 Little Irene Band (Collins) 013-0113-00AR $50.00 Little Mac Marching Band (A. Clark) MB102 $50.00 Little Monster Band (Eisenberg) 014-0108-00 $25.00 A Little More Soul Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB191-00 $40.00 A Little More Soul Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB191-01 $6.00 Little Nell Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0813-00 $50.00 Little Nemo Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0870-00 $65.00 Little Prelude and Fugue Concert Band (Bach/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0008-00 $60.00 Little Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor Orchestra (Bach/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0058-00 $60.00 Little Primrose Band (Hazel) 013-0997-00AR $50.00 Little Primrose Orchestra (Hazel) 016-0470-00AR $50.00 A Little Reverb Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0139-00 $42.00 A Little Reverb Extra score (Lowden) 031-0139-01 $3.00 Little Rock Young Band (Henderson & Stoutamire) 011-1359-00 $12.00 Little Rock Extra score (Henderson & Stoutamire) 011-1359-02 Little Rosebud Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0105-00AR $50.00 A Little Scotch Band (Barnhouse) 013-0878-00AR $50.00 Little Star Young Band (Grice) WFR362 023-3811-00 $44.00 Little Star Extra full score (Grice) 023-3811-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $40.00 $2.50 $5.00 $7.00 $40.00 $3.50 $2.50 $7.00 $2.50 $2.50 Page 135 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Little Suite Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0083-00AR $50.00 Little Suite Extra score (Lowden) 032-0083-01AR $6.00 Little Sweetheart Band (Kiefer) 013-0216-00AR $50.00 Little Traveler Band (Jewell) 013-0571-00AR $50.00 Live A Little Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2708-00 $32.00 Live A Little Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2708-01 Live At The Top-DVD Walking Frog Records CD WFR814 $19.95 Live in Concert, Vol. 1 Walking Frog Records CD WFR603 $14.95 Live in Concert, Vol. 2 Walking Frog Records CD WFR604 $14.95 Live In Recital Walking Frog Records CD WFR829 $14.95 Livin' Easy Jazz Ensemble (Nowak) 031-0397-00 $30.00 Livin' Easy Extra full score (Nowak) 031-0397-01 Living the Dream Walking Frog Records CD WFR784 $14.95 Lo! Hear the Gentle Lark Concert Band (Lax) BOV-S0729-00 $65.00 Loch Lomond Band (Kooyman) 013-0888-00AR $50.00 Loch Lomond Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0398-00AR $50.00 Lodoeska Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3316-00 $60.00 Lohengrin Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Patterson) WFR388 012-4470-00 $94.00 Lohengrin Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Patterson) 012-4470-01 $8.00 Lohengrin Oversized spiral-bound score (Wagner/arr. Patterson) 012-4470-75 $25.00 Lolita Concert Band (Buzzi-Peccia/arr. Barrow) BOV-S0603-00 $65.00 Lolita Extra condensed score (Buzzi-Peccia/arr. Barrow) BOV-S0603-01 Lollipops Walking Frog Records CD WFR417 $14.95 Londonderry Air Young Band (arr. Schaeffer) 011-1787-00AR $50.00 Londonderry Air Extra score (arr. Schaeffer) 011-1787-02AR $5.00 Londonderry Air Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 069-1510-00AR $50.00 Londonderry Air Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MFP110-00 $40.00 Londonderry Air Extra score (Gingery) WA-MFP110-01 $5.00 The Lone Crusader Band (King) 014-0050-00AR $50.00 Lone Star Concert Band (K. Harris) CB226 $50.00 Lone Star extra score (K. Harris) CB226-01 Lonely Days Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1064-00 Lonely Days Extra full score SCM-1064-01 $6.00 The Long and Short of It Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0258-00 $28.00 The Long and Short of It Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0258-01 $3.50 A Long Time Ago Jazz Ensemble (Mintzer) 035-0360-00 $50.00 A Long Time Ago Extra full score (Mintzer) 035-0360-01 $6.00 Look To The Skies Young Band (Swearingen) WFR386 024-4411-00 $46.00 Look To The Skies Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4411-01 Look To The Skies Walking Frog Records CD WFR386 $14.95 Lookin' Good! Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2599-00 $30.00 Lord Baltimore Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3248-00 $60.00 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2871-00 $34.00 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2871-01 $4.00 The Lord's Prayer Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7115-00AR $5.00 Los Altibajos Jazz Ensemble (Lawn) 032-0144-00AR $60.00 Los Altibajos Extra score (Lawn) 032-0144-01AR Los Arcos Young Band (McGinty) 011-1723-00 Los Arcos Extra score (McGinty) 011-1723-02AR Los Banditos Young Band (Hilliard) WFR323 011-3207-00 Los Banditos Extra full score (Hilliard) 011-3207-01 Los Bravos Young Band (Fletcher) CB218 Los Bravos extra score (Fletcher) CB218-01 Los Toros Bravos Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1903-00 $33.00 The Lost Chord Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0915-00AR $50.00 The Lost Chord Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0419-00AR $50.00 The Lost Chord Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0518-00 $55.00 The Lost Chord Extra condensed score (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0518-01 $7.00 The Lost Chord Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S2303-00 $55.00 The Lost Chord Extra condensed score (Sullivan/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S2303-01 Lost Colony Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2576-00 $65.00 Lost Colony Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2576-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $3.50 $8.00 $6.00 $47.00 $6.00 $6.00 $19.00 $2.00 $42.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 136 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Lost Creek Adventure Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2325-00 $45.00 Lost Creek Adventure Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2325-01 Lotsa Bossa Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0116-00AR Lotsa Bossa Extra score (Lowden) 032-0116-01AR $6.00 Lotus Flower Band (G. Holmes) 013-0958-00AR $50.00 Lotus Flower Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0444-00AR $50.00 The Lotus Flower Orchestra (Schumann/arr. Allen) 016-0175-00AR $50.00 Louisiana Be-Bop Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2002-02 033-0180-00AR $70.00 Louisiana Be-Bop Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0180-01AR $7.00 Louisiana Purchase Band (Worrell) 013-0309-00AR $50.00 Love and Loyalty Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0586-00AR $50.00 Love and Loyalty Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1008-00AR $50.00 Love and Peace: A Father's Wish Young Band (Powell) WFR355 011-3635-00 $45.00 Love and Peace: A Father's Wish Extra full score (Powell) 011-3635-01 Love Bug Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 029-0038-00AR $50.00 Love Has Eyes Concert Band (Bishop/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0592-00 $60.00 Love Has Eyes Extra condensed score (Bishop/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0592-01 $7.00 Love Is King Concert Band (Innes) BOV-S3390-00 $60.00 The Love Kiss Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0795-00 $65.00 Love Letters Band (Hoskins) 013-0250-00AR $50.00 Love Like Fire Walking Frog Records CD WFR607 $14.95 Love Me if Not Concert Band (Secchi/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0645-00 $60.00 Love Me if Not Extra condensed score (Secchi/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0645-01 $7.00 Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses Concert Band (Openshaw) BOV-S2077-00 $50.00 The Love She Found In Me Marching Band (Linde & Morrison/arr. Swearingen) 052-1885-00 $35.00 Love Thoughts Waltz Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0803-00 $60.00 Lovers Lane Concert Band (King) 013-0831-00AR $50.00 Lovers Lane Orchestra (King) 016-1015-00AR $50.00 Love's Entreaty Band (Huffer) 013-0401-00AR $50.00 Love's Entreaty Orchestra (Huffer) 016-0109-00AR $50.00 Love's Old Sweet Song Concert Band (Molloy/arr. Glover) WFR354 012-3573-00 $65.00 Love's Old Sweet Song Extra full score (Molloy/arr. Glover) 012-3573-01 Love's Reply Band (G. Holmes) 013-0329-00AR $50.00 Love's Reply Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0117-00AR $50.00 Love's Response Band (Losey) 013-1096-00AR $50.00 Love's Reverie Band (H. Bennett) 013-0273-00AR $50.00 Love's Reverie Orchestra (H. Bennett) 016-0043-00AR $50.00 Love's Secret Band (Losey) 013-0293-00AR $50.00 Love's Secret Orchestra (Losey) 016-0057-00AR $50.00 Love's Way Band (King) 013-0462-00AR $50.00 Love's Way Orchestra (King) 016-0139-00AR $50.00 Low Blow Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB117-00 $40.00 Low Blow Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB117-01 Low Down Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1025-00 Low Down Extra full score SCM-1025-01 $6.00 Low Down Dirty Shame Marching Band (arr. Huckeby) 058-2791-00 $40.00 Low Down Dirty Shame Extra score (arr. Huckeby) 058-2791-01 $2.50 Low Down, Slow Down Blues Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01 031-2992-00 $38.00 Low Down, Slow Down Blues Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2992-01 $4.00 Low Rider Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 030-2289-00 $50.00 Low Rider Extra full score (P. Clark) 030-2289-01 Loyal Americans Band (King) 013-3574-00AR $50.00 Loyal and True Concert Band (Teike/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0030-00 $70.00 The Loyal Legion Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3733-00 $60.00 Loyal Order Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3548-00 $60.00 Loyalty Band (King) 013-0526-00AR $50.00 Loyalty Orchestra (King) 016-0201-00AR $50.00 L'Starr Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0081-24AR $10.00 L.S.U. Tiger Triumph Band (King) 014-0152-00 $25.00 L.S.U. Tiger Triumph Extra condensed score (King) 014-0152-01 Lucia Ensemble Sax quartet (Donizetti) 111-0010-20AR $16.00 Lucky Star Band (Kiefer) 013-0385-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $4.00 Page 137 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Ludovic Concert Band (Herold/arr. Guentzel) 013-1172-00AR $100.00 Ludovic Extra full score (Herold/arr. Guentzel) 013-1172-01AR $10.00 Ludovic Extra condensed score (Herold/arr. Guentzel) 013-1172-02AR Luisa di Montfort Concert Band (Bergson/arr. Glover) WFR378 012-4203-00 Luisa di Montfort Extra full score (Bergson/arr. Glover) 012-4203-01 $8.00 Luisa di Montfort Oversized spiral-bound score (Bergson/arr. Glover) 012-4203-75 $25.00 Luke McGluke Band (Kloepfer) 013-0229-00AR $50.00 Lullaby Band (Bray) 013-0105-00AR $50.00 Lullaby for Band Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR351 024-3670-00 $46.00 Lullaby for Band Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 024-3670-01 $5.00 Lullaby For Christmas String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S009-00 $50.00 Lullaby For Christmas Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S009F-01 $7.50 Lullabye For Christmas Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB33-00 $50.00 Lullabye For Christmas Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB33F-01 $8.00 Lulle Concert Band (Rogers/arr.Leidzen) BOV-C0203-00 $70.00 Lulle Extra condensed score (Rogers/arr.Leidzen) BOV-C0203-01 $9.00 The Lunceford Special Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0018-00AR $50.00 Lustpiel Ensemble Sax quartet (Keler Bela/arr. Holmes) 111-0016-20AR $16.00 Lyric Poem Ensemble Flute trio (F. McKay) 110-0118-04 Lyric Suite Concert Band (Grieg/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1077-00 $90.00 Lyric Suite Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1077-01 $10.00 The Lyrical Trumpet Walking Frog Records CD WFR722 $14.95 M. M. 120 Band (Kooyman) 013-0885-00AR $50.00 M. M. 120 Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0395-00AR $50.00 Macarena Concert Band (Monterde/arr. Reed) WFR129 012-2435-00AR $90.00 Macarena Extra full score (Monterde/arr. Reed) 012-2435-01 Macarena Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) MB138 $50.00 Macedonian Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3226-00 $60.00 Mach One Young Band (J. McBride) WFR390 023-4430-00 $42.00 Mach One Extra full score (J. McBride) 023-4430-01 MacNamara's Band Concert Band (O'Connor) BOV-S3544-00 Macros Solo Multi-Percussion solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0175-00 The Mad Grasshopper Jazz Ensemble (Garvin) WA-SB540-00 The Mad Grasshopper Extra score (Garvin) WA-SB540-01 $6.00 Madame Butterfly Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Becker) BOV-S1139-00 $85.00 Madame Butterfly Extra condensed score (Puccini/arr. Becker) BOV-S1139-01 $10.00 Madame Cherry Concert Band (Hoschna/arr. O'Hare) BOV-S0903-00 $65.00 Madamina il catalogo Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0111-00 $65.00 Madamina il catalogo Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0111-01 Madcap Mallet Mania Young Band (Shaffer) WFR344 015-3554-00 Madcap Mallet Mania Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3554-01 Made In America Walking Frog Records CD WFR623 $14.95 Madiera Band (Barnhouse) 013-0948-00AR $50.00 Madiera Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0434-00AR $50.00 Madonna Band (Baritone solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0009-00AR $50.00 Madonna Band (Cornet solo) (Barnhouse) 013-0008-00AR $50.00 Madrid Marching Band (Cotter) WA-MCE101-00 $50.00 Madrid Extra score (Cotter) WA-MCE101-01 $5.00 Magellan Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB128-00 $50.00 Magellan Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB128-01 Magic Brass Marching Band (Hogan) 050-2797-00 Magic Brass Extra score (Hogan) 050-2797-01 $2.50 The Magic Flute Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Mozart/arr. Siekmann) 111-0205-00 $12.00 The Magic Garden Band (King) 014-0051-00AR $50.00 The Magic In Your Eyes Jazz Ensemble (R. W. Smith) 991-2007-02 032-3676-00 $45.00 The Magic In Your Eyes Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 032-3676-01 Magic Man Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SB515-00 Magic Man Extra score (Gingery) WA-SB515-01 The Magic of Mozart Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Huckeby) WFR328 012-2400-00 The Magic of Mozart Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Huckeby) 012-2400-01 $5.00 The Magic of Mozart Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Mozart/Huckeby) 026-4371-00 $50.00 The Magic of Mozart Extra full score (Mozart/Huckeby) 026-4371-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $68.00 $6.50 $5.00 $6.00 $60.00 $4.50 $45.00 $8.00 $40.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $59.00 Page 138 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Magico! Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2008-02 032-3717-00 $55.00 Magico! Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3717-01 Magnet Band (Jewell) 013-0261-00AR $50.00 A Magnificent Christmas Young Band (Neeck) WFR323 011-3185-00 $45.00 A Magnificent Christmas Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3185-01 The Magnificent Band (Hoskins) 013-0370-00AR $50.00 Magnolia Bloom Band (Rockwell) 013-0099-00AR $50.00 Maid of the Mist Concert Band (Clarke/arr. Gardner) BOV-S2139-00 $65.00 Maid of the Mist Extra condensed score (Clarke/arr. Gardner) BOV-S2139-01 $8.00 Maiden America Concert Band (L. O. Smith) BOV-S3679-00 $60.00 Main Event Jazz Ensemble (J. Williams) 031-2398-00 $32.00 Main Event Extra full score (J. Williams) 031-2398-01 Main Street Blues Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB131-00 Main Street Blues Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB131-01 Main Street Celebration Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326 012-3199-00 Main Street Celebration Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3199-01 Mainliner Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3684-00 $60.00 Majestia Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1730-00 $65.00 Majestia Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1730-01 $5.00 Majestia Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Sochinski) 052-1917-00 $36.00 Majestic Band (King) 013-0707-00AR $50.00 Majestic Orchestra (J. W. Allen) 016-0167-00AR $50.00 Majestic Entry Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2789-00AR $50.00 Majestic Entry Extra score (K. Harris) 058-2789-01 Majestic Harmony Band (Toenniges) 013-0053-00AR $50.00 Majesty of the Mountains Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-2685-00 $68.00 Majesty of the Mountains Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2685-01 $5.00 The Major and the Minor Young Band (Balent) 011-1789-00 $20.00 The Major and the Minor Extra score (Balent) 011-1789-02AR $6.00 Major Boynton Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3391-00 $60.00 Major Robertson's Band (Toenniges) 013-0176-00AR $50.00 Majorettes Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1184-00AR $50.00 Make A Joyful Noise Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337,WFR332 012-3380-00 $72.00 Make A Joyful Noise Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3380-01 $7.00 Make A Joyful Noise Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3380-75 $25.00 Make A Joyful Noise Walking Frog Records CD WFR332 $14.95 Make It Snappy Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2016-01 032-4431-00 $48.00 Make It Snappy Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4431-01 $7.00 Make My Day Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0362-00 $30.00 Make My Day Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0362-01 Make the Most Of It Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 035-0218-00AR Make the Most Of It Extra full score (Niehaus) 035-0218-01AR $6.00 Making America Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0721-00AR $50.00 Making the Rounds Band (Galuska) 013-0808-00AR $50.00 Malaga Marching Band (Kopetz) 050-2374-00 $40.00 Malagon Marching Band (Ballenger) 069-1569-00AR $60.00 Mallet Mambo Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR386 024-4415-00 $48.00 Mallet Mambo Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 024-4415-01 Malsch March Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3392-00 $60.00 Mama Caliente Marching Band (Downey & Hardimon) 052-1831-00 $32.00 Mama Don't Low Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2477-00 $34.00 Mama Don't Low Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2477-01 $4.00 Mambo Cubano Young Band (Swearingen) WFR363 011-3859-00 $52.00 Mambo Cubano Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3859-01 $6.00 Mambo Loops Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1008-00 $47.00 Mambo Loops Extra full score SCM-1008-01 Mambo Pocita Concert Band (Rhoads) 029-1548-00AR Mambo Pocita Extra score (Rhoads) 029-1548-01AR $6.00 The Man Behind The Gun Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3734-00 $60.00 Man of La Mancha Marching Band (Leigh & Darion/arr. Langford) 053-1513-00AR $50.00 The Man of the Hour Band (Huffer) 013-0346-00AR $50.00 Manana Concert Band (Missud) BOV-S0933-00 $55.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $6.00 $3.00 $45.00 $5.00 $68.00 $7.00 $2.50 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $80.00 Page 139 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Manatee Lyric Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR332 012-1845-00 $60.00 Manatee Lyric Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-1845-01 Mandolina Band (Kiefer) 013-0189-00AR $50.00 Mandolina Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0033-00AR $50.00 Mandoline Concert Band (Debussy/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0607-00 $65.00 Mandoline Extra condensed score (Debussy/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0607-01 Manhattan Beach Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1741-00 Manhattan Beach Extra score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1741-02 Manhattan Beach Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3735-00 Manhattan Beach Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3735-01 $6.00 Manhattan Beach Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2819-00 $60.00 Manhattan Beach Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2819-01 $6.00 Manhattan Beach Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2819-75 $30.00 Manhattan Dance Party Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1094-00 $47.00 Manhattan Dance Party (Carubia) SCM-1094-01 Manila Bay Band (King) 013-1229-00AR Manila Bay Extra condensed score (King) 013-1229-01 Manisot Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3101-00 $60.00 Manson Band (Barnhouse) 013-0037-00AR $50.00 The Many Sounds of Christmas Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR364 012-3532-00 $68.00 The Many Sounds of Christmas Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3532-01 Manzoni Requiem Marching Band (Verdi/arr. Morsch) 069-1468-00AR Manzoni Requiem Extra score (Verdi/arr. Morsch) 069-1468-01AR Maoz Tzur Ensemble Brass quintet (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3562-00 $10.00 M'Appari tutt'amor Concert Band (Flotow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0535-00 $65.00 M'Appari tutt'amor Extra condensed score (Flotow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0535-01 Marauders on the High Seas Young Band (Neeck) WFR369 011-3954-00 Marauders on the High Seas Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3954-01 $7.00 March Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4370-00 $50.00 March Extra full score (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4370-01 March 1st Young Band (Chattaway) WA-BCB103-00 March 1st Extra score (Chattaway) WA-BCB103-01 $5.00 March And Chorale Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB133-00 $50.00 March And Chorale Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB133-01 $6.00 March and Chorus Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0804-00 $70.00 March and Chorus Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S0804-01 $9.00 March and Procession of Bacchus Concert Band (Delibes/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2158-00 $85.00 March and Procession of Bacchus Extra condensed score (Delibes/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2158-01 $10.00 March Atlantis Young Band (K. Harris) 015-2419-00AR $50.00 March Atlantis Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2419-01AR March Bopish Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1087-00 March Bopish Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1087-01 $6.00 March Britannia Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 011-2075-00 $38.00 March Britannia Extra score (Huckeby) 011-2075-01 $6.00 March: Celebration & Glory Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196,WFR186 012-2920-00 $60.00 March: Celebration & Glory Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2920-01 $5.00 March Courageous Young Band (Shaffer) WFR379 011-4164-00 $50.00 March Courageous Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4164-01 March Five Concert Band (Latham) 029-1349-00AR March Five Extra score (Latham) 029-1349-01AR March for a Coronation Marching Band (Meyerbeer/arr. A. Clark) MB115 $50.00 March for Moderns Concert Band (Spears) 029-1313-00AR $80.00 March for Moderns Extra score (Spears) 029-1313-01AR $6.00 March from Athalia Orchestra (Mendelssohn/arr. Allen) 016-0171-00AR $50.00 March (from Second Suite in F, Mvt I) Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-3975-00 $50.00 March (from Second Suite in F, Mvt I) Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-3975-01 $6.00 March from the Opera Fidelio Ensemble Brass sextet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 103-0053-00 $12.50 March Futura Young Band (Forsblad) 029-1424-00AR $50.00 March Futura Extra score (Forsblad) 029-1424-01AR March: Grandioso Concert Band (Seitz/arr. Glover) WFR325,WFR316 012-3105-00 March: Grandioso Extra full score (Seitz/arr. Glover) 012-3105-01 $7.00 March: Grandioso Oversized spiral-bound score (Seitz/arr. Glover) 012-3105-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $8.00 $40.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $7.00 $70.00 $6.00 $8.00 $54.00 $6.00 $40.00 $7.00 $47.00 $7.00 $80.00 $6.00 $6.00 $60.00 Page 140 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price March Grandioso Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR351 023-3671-00 $40.00 March Grandioso Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 023-3671-01 March Heroic Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB112-00 March Heroic Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB112-01 March Jubilee Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR379 012-4162-00 March Jubilee Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4162-01 $8.00 March Jubilee Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4162-75 $25.00 March King Medley Young Band (Sousa/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1657-00 $38.00 March King Medley Extra score (Sousa/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1657-02 The March King Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3585-00 $60.00 The March King Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3685-00 $60.00 The March King Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3685-01 March Kings Young Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR351 011-3649-00 March Kings Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 011-3649-01 $6.00 March Kings Concert Band (Glover) 012-3877-00 $75.00 March Kings Extra oversized, spiral-bound conductor score (Glover) 012-3877-75 $20.00 March Mania Young Band (Shaffer) WFR351 023-3641-00 $42.00 March Mania Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-3641-01 March Masterpieces Walking Frog Records CD WFR845 $14.95 March Mystique Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1607-00AR $50.00 March Mystique Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1607-01AR $5.00 March of Freedom Band (King) 013-1266-00AR $50.00 March of Freedom Extra condensed score (King) 013-1266-01 March Of The 22nd Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3625-00 $60.00 March Of The Anzacs Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Taylor) BOV-S3506-00 $60.00 March of the Bersaglieri Concert Band (Eilenberg) BOV-S3223-00 $60.00 March of the Builders Band (Worrell) 013-0772-00AR $50.00 March of the Citizen Soldier Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0174-00AR $50.00 March of the Citizen Soldier Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0022-00AR $50.00 March of the Citizen Soldier Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0012-00AR $10.00 March of the Flats and Sharps Young Band (Wampler) WFR380 024-4172-00 $48.00 March of the Flats and Sharps Extra full score (Wampler) 024-4172-01 $6.00 March of the Kangaroos Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2918-00 $42.00 March of the Kangaroos Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2918-01 March of the Legion Band (Grabel) 013-0992-00AR $50.00 March of the Marines Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3102-00 $60.00 March of the Marionettes Young Band (Gounod/arr. Balent) 011-1857-00AR $50.00 March of the Marionettes Extra score (Gounod/arr. Balent) 011-1857-02 March of the Maroons Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0159-00AR $50.00 March of the Martian Chickens Young Band (Spears) 029-1805-00AR $50.00 March of the Martian Chickens Extra score (Spears) 029-1805-01AR March of the Palace Guards Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2190-00 March of the Palace Guards Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2190-01 $3.00 March of the Roughnecks Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR341 012-3520-00 $65.00 March of the Roughnecks Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3520-01 March of the Royal Trumpets Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Corrie) BOV-S0775-00 March of the Royal Trumpets Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. Corrie) BOV-S0775-01 $8.00 March of the Second Regiment Iowa National Guards March of the Second Regiment Iowa National Guards March of the Space Cadets Band (Toenniges) 013-0107-00AR $50.00 Piano Solo (Toenniges) 017-0011-00AR $10.00 Concert Band (Becker & Byrne/arr. Tatgenhorst) 012-1530-00 $23.00 March of the Space Cadets Extra score (Becker & Byrne/arr. Tatgenhorst) 012-1530-02 March of the Students Band (Waldteufel/arr. Clement) 013-0765-00AR $50.00 March of the Students Orchestra (Waldteufel) 016-0325-00AR $50.00 March of the Toys Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S1062-00 $65.00 March of the Warlords Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB118-00 $45.00 March of the Warlords Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB118-01 $5.00 March of the Yankee Recruits Band (LaRue) 013-0201-00AR $50.00 March of Time No. 1 Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1128-00 $25.00 March of Time No. 1 Orchestra (J. J. Richards) 016-0502-00AR $50.00 March of Time No. 2 Band (arr. J. J. Richards) 013-1195-00AR $50.00 March on an Irish Air Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7835-00 $75.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $68.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $25.00 $6.00 $65.00 $2.50 Page 141 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price March on an Irish Air (C. T. Smith) CTS-7835-01 $12.00 March on an Irish Air (C. T. Smith) CTS-7835-75 $25.00 March Primo Young Band (Eveland) 015-3428-00 $40.00 March Primo Extra full score (Eveland) 015-3428-01 March Religioso - Onward Christian Soldiers Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3177-00 March Religioso - Onward Christian Soldiers Extra condensed score (Chambers) BOV-S3177-01 $6.00 March Religioso No. II - Dominicale Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3178-00 $60.00 March Religioso No. III - McKinley's Memorial Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3179-00 $60.00 March Slav Marching Band (Romeyn) WA-MC132-00 $50.00 March Slav Extra score (Romeyn) WA-MC132-01 $5.00 March to Mecca Band (Jewell) WFR361 013-0715-00AR $50.00 March to the Scaffold Marching Band (Berlioz/arr. Boyd) 052-1465-00AR $50.00 March Winds Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1412-00AR $50.00 March Winds Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1412-02AR $4.00 March, Opus 69 No. 10 Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB156-00 $45.00 March, Opus 69 No. 10 Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB156-01 Marcha-Cumbia Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5-6 players (Tillapaugh) WFR188 121-0164-00 $10.00 Marche alla Turka Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1132-00 $65.00 Marche alla Turka Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1132-01 $8.00 Marche Francaise Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S3624-00 $60.00 Marche Heroique Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2069-00 $75.00 Marche Heroique Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2069-01 $9.00 Marche Indienne Concert Band (Sellenick/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3673-00 $60.00 Marche Joyeuse Concert Band (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S1032-00 $95.00 Marche Joyeuse Extra full score (Chabrier/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S1032-01 $10.00 Marche Lorraine Concert Band (Ganne/arr. Mahl) BOV-S3268-00 $60.00 Marche Militaire Concert Band (Schubert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0129-00 $70.00 Marche Militaire Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0129-01 $9.00 Marche Militaire Francaise Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Lake) BOV-S2070-00 $95.00 Marche Militaire Francaise Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. Lake) BOV-S2070-01 $10.00 Marche Petite Ensemble Brass sextet (Walker) 103-0108-00 $20.00 Marche Russe Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7836-00 $75.00 Marche Russe (C. T. Smith) CTS-7836-01 $15.00 Marche Russe (C. T. Smith) CTS-7836-75 $30.00 Marche Slave Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1185-00 $85.00 Marche Slave Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1185-01 $10.00 Marche Slave Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2053-00 $85.00 Marche Slave Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S2053-01 $10.00 Marches I've Missed Walking Frog Records CD WFR466 $14.95 Marches of America Extra score (arr. Shaffer) 011-2026-02 Marches Of K.J. Alford Walking Frog Records CD WFR834 $14.95 The Marching Band Program Book - Text (Shellahamer, Swearingen & Woods) 071-1993-00 $23.00 Marching Down Main Street Young Band (Huckeby) WFR336 015-3449-00 $40.00 Marching Down Main Street Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3449-01 Marching Matilda Concert Band (Hultgren) WA-FCB177-00 Marching Matilda Extra score (Hultgren) WA-FCB177-01 $5.00 Marching the Mambo Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1303-00AR $50.00 Marching Through Georgia Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0853-00 $65.00 Marching Through Georgia Concert Band (Work/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4247-00 $72.00 Marching Through Georgia Extra full score (Work/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4247-01 $10.00 Marching Through Georgia Oversized spiral-bound score (Work/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4247-75 $25.00 Marching to Pretoria Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-1418-00 $12.00 Marching to Pretoria Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-1418-02 $2.50 Marching to Victory Book Conductor book (King) 072-2052-01 $19.95 Marching to Victory Book Piccolo Db book (King) 072-2052-03 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Flute in C book (King) 072-2052-04 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2052-07 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2052-08 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 2nd Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2052-09 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 3rd Bb Clarinet book (King) 072-2052-10 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Alto Clarinet Eb book (King) 072-2052-12 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Bass Clarinet Bb book (King) 072-2052-13 $4.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $60.00 $5.00 $3.00 $5.00 $45.00 Page 142 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Marching to Victory Book Oboe book (King) 072-2052-15 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Bassoon book (King) 072-2052-17 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2052-20 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 072-2052-22 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 072-2052-23 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2052-24 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 2nd Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2052-25 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 3rd Bb Cornet book (King) 072-2052-26 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 072-2052-28 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 3rd & 4th F Horns book (King) 072-2052-30 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st Trombone BC book (King) 072-2052-33 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 2nd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2052-34 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 072-2052-35 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Baritone TC book (King) 072-2052-37 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Baritone BC book (King) 072-2052-38 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Tuba book (King) 072-2052-39 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Drums book (King) 072-2052-41 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Bell Lyre book (King) 072-2052-42 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book Bass Saxophone Bb book (King) 072-2052-50 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 072-2052-51 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 072-2052-52 $4.95 Marching to Victory Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 072-2052-66 Marching to Victory Band (Cline) 013-0937-00AR $50.00 Marching to Victory Orchestra (Cline) 016-0460-00AR $50.00 Marguerite Waltz Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0956-00 $65.00 Maria, Mari! Concert Band (DiCapua/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0768-00 $50.00 Marianne Concert Band (Arr. Holcombe) WA-FCB179-00 $45.00 Marianne Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB179-01 $5.00 Mariposa Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB203-00 $48.00 Mariposa Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB203-01 $7.00 Excerpt from Maritana Ensemble Brass sextet (Wallace/arr. Guentzel) 103-0039-00AR $20.00 Mark of Triumph Concert Band (Sheldon) 012-1798-00 $48.00 Mark of Triumph Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-1798-01 Maroon and White Band (Russell) 013-1031-00AR $50.00 Mars and Venus Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0794-00 $75.00 Mars and Venus Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0794-01 $9.00 Marshall's Band Band (Kloepfer) 013-0211-00AR $50.00 Marshall's Band Orchestra (Kloepfer) 016-0046-00AR $50.00 Martha Band (von Flotow/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0330-00AR $50.00 Martial Rabbit Concert Band (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0694-00 $70.00 Martial Rabbit Extra condensed score (Leonard/arr. Lake) BOV-S0694-01 $9.00 The Marvel Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3249-00 $60.00 Mary Had A Baby Boy Young Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR336 015-3463-00 $40.00 Mary Had A Baby Boy Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 015-3463-01 Mary Louise Band (Storm) 013-0928-00AR $50.00 Mary Louise Orchestra (Storm) 016-0426-00AR $50.00 Mary Louise Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-20AR $10.00 Mary Louise Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-22AR $10.00 Mary Louise Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-24AR $10.00 Mary Louise Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-33AR $10.00 Mary Louise Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-37AR $10.00 Mary Louise Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Storm) 080-0051-38AR $10.00 Masaniello Overture Concert Band (Auber/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1006-00 $65.00 The Mascot Of The Troop Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3361-00 $60.00 Mask Of The Avenger Young Band (Grice) WFR380 011-4179-00 $52.00 Mask Of The Avenger Extra full score (Grice) 011-4179-01 Masonic Dead Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3282-00 $60.00 Masquerade Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Walker) 111-0089-08 $16.00 The Masquerader Band (King) 013-0786-00AR $50.00 The Masquerader Orchestra (King) 016-0333-00AR $50.00 Mass Brass Marching Band (K. Harris) MB184 $50.00 Massa's In The Cold, Cold Ground Band (Holmes & Smith) 013-0674-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.95 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 143 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0044-20AR $10.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0044-22AR $10.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0044-24AR $10.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0044-33AR $10.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0044-38AR $10.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0044-22AR $12.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0044-25AR $12.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0044-33AR $12.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0044-38AR $12.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground 093-0044-51AR $12.00 Massa's In the Cold, Cold Ground Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0044-52AR $12.00 The Master Builder Band (G. Holmes) 013-0408-00AR $50.00 The Master Builder Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0116-00AR $50.00 The Master Builder Ensemble Sax quartet (G. Holmes) 111-0011-20AR $16.00 Master Class-Jazz DVD Walking Frog Records DVD (Wynton Marsalis) PT-WME005-99 $19.95 Master Class-Trumpet DVD Walking Frog Records DVD (Wynton Marsalis) PT-WME004-99 $19.95 The Master Musicians Collection Classique Duet Book for Bb & Eb TC instruments (arr. Barnard) 074-7131-00AR $15.00 The Master Musicians Collection Classique Piano accomp. Book for Bb TC instruments and BC instruments (arr. Barnard) 074-7131-01AR $25.00 The Master Musicians Collection Classique Piano accomp. Book for Eb TC instruments (arr. Barnard) 074-7131-02AR $25.00 The Master Musicians Collection Classique Solo Book for Bb & Eb TC instruments (arr. Barnard) 074-7131-24AR $15.00 The Master Musicians Collection Classique Solo Book for BC instruments (arr. Barnard) 074-7131-33AR $15.00 Master-A-Arms Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3646-00 $60.00 The Matador Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB111-00 $45.00 The Matador Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB111-01 $5.00 Matchi Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3103-00 $60.00 Matrix Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Grimo) WFR188 121-0213-00 $25.00 Matrix March Young Band (Huckeby) WFR351 024-3656-00 $46.00 Matrix March Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3656-01 A Matter of Time Walking Frog Records CD WFR458 $14.95 Mattinata Concert Band (Leoncavallo/arr. Van Loan) BOV-S0505-00 $70.00 Mattinata Extra condensed score (Leoncavallo/arr. Van Loan) BOV-S0505-01 $9.00 Maximilian Robespierre Concert Band (Litolff/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1103-00 $95.00 Maximilian Robespierre Extra condensed score (Litolff/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1103-01 $10.00 Maximum Impact Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2008-01 032-3687-00 $48.00 Maximum Impact Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3687-01 $6.00 Maximum Mallets Young Band (Shaffer) WFR383 023-4318-00 $44.00 Maximum Mallets Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4318-01 $6.00 Maximus Solo Timpani solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0221-00 $3.50 Maxium Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2124-00 $55.00 Maxium Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2124-01 May Flower Band (A. Buglione) 013-0276-00AR $50.00 May Flowers Band (Laurens) 013-0162-00AR $50.00 A May Morning Concert Band (Denza/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0514-00 $50.00 A May Morning Extra condensed score (Denza/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0514-01 Maybe Next Time Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0358-00 Maybe Next Time Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0358-01AR Maybe Someday Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) 991-2014-01 032-4295-00 Maybe Someday Extra full score (Sherburne) 032-4295-01 Maybe Today Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0329-00AR Maybe Today Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0329-01AR $6.00 Maytime Concert Band (Romberg/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0904-00 $75.00 Mazama Concert Band (Chattaway) WFR381 WA-OCB101-00 $70.00 Mazama Extra score (Chattaway) WA-OCB101-01 Mazeppa Concert Band (Liszt/arr. Kindig) BOV-S1102-00 $105.00 Mazeppa Extra condensed score (Liszt/arr. Kindig) BOV-S1102-01 $12.00 The Best Of W. Francis McBeth Walking Frog Records CD WFR859 $14.95 McBeth Conducts McBeth Walking Frog Records CD WFR857 $14.95 McBeth Conducts McBeth Walking Frog Records CD WFR856 $14.95 McBeth Conducts McBeth Walking Frog Records CD WFR858 $14.95 McGehee Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1133-00AR $50.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets Conductor book (F. McKay) 074-1963-01AR $30.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets 1st Bb Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-08AR $15.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 $28.00 $3.50 $45.00 $7.00 $50.00 $8.50 Page 144 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price McKay Clarinet Quartets 2nd Bb Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-09AR $15.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets 3rd Bb Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-10AR $15.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets 4th Bb Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-11AR $15.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets Eb Alto Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-12AR $15.00 McKay Clarinet Quartets Bb Bass Clarinet book (F. McKay) 074-1963-13AR $15.00 McKinley Inauguration Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S3362-00 $60.00 Me and Pedro Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0335-00 $25.00 Me and Pedro Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0335-01 Me voici dans son Boudoir Concert Band (Thomas/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0647-00 Me voici dans son Boudoir Extra condensed score (Thomas/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0647-01 Mean Gene Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-0395-00 Mean Gene Extra full score (Rowe) 031-0395-01 Mecca Temple Band (Brooks/arr. Merz) 013-0762-00AR $50.00 Mecca Temple Orchestra (E. Brooks) 016-0321-00AR $50.00 Mecklenburg Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1143-00AR $50.00 Medicine Lodge Concert Band (J. Barnes) CB204 $60.00 Medicine Lodge extra score (J. Barnes) CB204-01 Medieval Pageantry Concert Band (DeLuca) 013-0995-00AR $80.00 Meditation Concert Band (Massanet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0525-00 $60.00 Meditation Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0525-01 Meditation and Fantasy Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2688-00 Meditation and Fantasy Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2688-01 $5.00 Meditation and Festiva Concert Band (Spears) 012-1404-00 $65.00 Meditation and Festiva Extra full score (Spears) 012-1404-01 $7.00 Meditation and Festiva Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1404-02AR $2.50 Meditation Religioso Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0109-20AR $10.00 Meditation Religioso Solo Trumpet (Cornet) solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0109-24AR $10.00 Meditation Religioso Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0109-33AR $10.00 Meditation Religioso Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0109-38AR $10.00 Medium Cool Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0253-00AR $50.00 Medium Cool Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0253-01AR Meet Mr. T Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1889-00 Meet Mr. T Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1889-02 $5.00 Meet the Band Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB35-00 $60.00 Meet the Band Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB35F-01 Meet the Flintstones Marching Band (Hanna, Barbera & Curtin/arr. A. Clark) 058-2622-00 $33.00 Meeting Place Jazz Ensemble (Jones) SCM-1046-00 $50.00 Meeting Place Extra full score SCM-1046-01 $6.00 Megadude Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 030-0366-00 $25.00 Megadude Extra full score (Rowe) 030-0366-01 Mein Feld die Welt Concert Band (Blankenburg) BOV-S3393-00 $60.00 Mein Herr und Gott Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0569-00 $60.00 Mein Herr und Gott Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0569-01 $7.00 Meistersinger, Die Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1196-00 $80.00 Meistersinger, Die Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1196-01 Mekong Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR372 012-4025-00 $110.00 Mekong Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4025-01 $10.00 Mekong Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4025-75 $30.00 Melange Walking Frog Records CD WFR524 $14.95 Mellow Mood Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 081-0163-33 $2.50 Mellow March Young Band (Bischmann/arr. Contorno) 011-1459-00 $25.00 Mellow March Extra score (Bischmann/arr. Contorno) 011-1459-02AR $5.00 Melodie Band Book Piccolo Db book (King) 073-6005-03AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Flute in C book (King) 073-6005-04AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 073-6005-07AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 073-6005-08AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 073-6005-09AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Oboe book (King) 073-6005-15AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Bassoon book (King) 073-6005-17AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6005-20AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 073-6005-22AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6005-23AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $60.00 $7.00 $30.00 $3.50 $6.00 $7.00 $63.00 $6.00 $35.00 $8.00 $3.50 $10.00 Page 145 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Melodie Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6005-24AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6005-25AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 073-6005-26AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 073-6005-33AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 073-6005-35AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Baritone TC book (King) 073-6005-37AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Baritone BC book (King) 073-6005-38AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Tuba book (King) 073-6005-39AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Drums book (King) 073-6005-41AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 073-6005-51AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 073-6005-52AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book Eb Cornet book (King) 073-6005-60AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 073-6005-66AR $10.00 Melodie Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (King) 073-6005-67AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Flute book (King) 074-6038-04AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Bb Clarinet book (King) 074-6038-08AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Saxophone Alto Eb book (King) 074-6038-20AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Saxophone Tenor Bb book (King) 074-6038-22AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Bb Cornet book (King) 074-6038-24AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd F Horns book (King) 074-6038-28AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Trombone (BC & TC) book (King) 074-6038-33AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Drums book (King) 074-6038-41AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Piano book (King) 074-6038-43AR $20.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (King) 074-6038-60AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (King) 074-6038-61AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Viola book (King) 074-6038-62AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Cello and Bass book (King) 074-6038-63AR $10.00 Melodie Orchestra Folio Saxophone C Melody book (King) 074-6038-68AR $10.00 Melodrama Walking Frog Records CD WFR675 $14.95 Melody A La King Concert Band (King/arr. Alford) 013-1191-00AR $80.00 Melody A La King Extra full score (King/arr. Alford) 013-1191-01AR $10.00 Melody A La King Extra condensed score (King/arr. Alford) 013-1191-02AR $6.00 Melody in F Concert Band (Rubinstein/arr. Rollinson) BOV-S2095-00 $55.00 Melody Rag Concert Band (C. Johnson) BOV-S3395-00 $60.00 The Melody Shop Ensemble Saxophone choir (10 part) (King/arr. Kastens) 115-3793-00 $15.00 The Melody Shop Extra full score (King/arr. Kastens) 115-3793-01 $6.00 The Melody Shop Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR325,WFR197,WFR191 012-2989-00 $68.00 The Melody Shop Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-2989-01 $7.00 The Melody Shop Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-2989-75 $25.00 The Melody Shop Band (King) 013-0488-00AR $70.00 The Melody Shop Extra condensed score (King) 013-0488-01 Melpomene Overture Concert Band (Chadwick/arr. Fiala) BOV-S1033-00 $125.00 Melpomene Overture Extra full score (Chadwick/arr. Fiala) BOV-S1033-01 $14.00 Memorial March Band (Kiefer) 013-0751-00AR $50.00 Memorials Walking Frog Records CD WFR547 $14.95 Memories of Stephen Foster Young Band (arr. Shaffer) 011-1856-00 $45.00 Memories of Stephen Foster Extra score (arr. Shaffer) 011-1856-02 Memories of Stephen Foster Band (arr. Holmes) 013-0587-00AR Memories of Stephen Foster Extra condensed score (arr. Holmes) 013-0587-01 Memories of Stephen Foster Ensemble Brass sextet (arr. Holmes) 103-0004-00AR $20.00 Memories of Stephen Foster Ensemble Sax quartet (arr. Holmes) 111-0023-20AR $16.00 Memories of the Past Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0029-22 $10.00 Memories of the Past Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0029-24 $10.00 Memories of the Past Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0029-33 $10.00 Memories of the Past Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0029-38 $10.00 The Memphis Blues Concert Band (Handy/arr. Cupero) BOV-S3335-00 $60.00 Memphis the Majestic Band (1900 edition) (Alexander) 013-0227-00AR $50.00 Memphis the Majestic Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0869-00 $25.00 Men of Freedom Band (Cline) 013-1098-00AR $50.00 Men of Honor Band (Russell) 013-0792-00AR $50.00 Men of Honor Orchestra (Russell) 016-0339-00AR $50.00 Men of Iowa Band (Van Doren) 013-1070-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $5.00 $50.00 $4.00 Page 146 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Men of Ohio Concert Band (Fillmore/arr. Schissel) WFR325,WFR191 012-2999-00 $60.00 Men of Ohio Extra full score (Fillmore/arr. Schissel) 012-2999-01 $6.00 Men of Sherwood Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2571-00 $45.00 Men of Sherwood Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2571-01 Men of the Western World Band (Everson) 013-1018-00AR $50.00 Men Of Valor Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3397-00 $60.00 Men Who Served Band (Worrell) 013-0773-00AR $50.00 Menuet and Finale Ensemble Saxophone trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 110-0195-20 $12.00 Menuet and Finale Ensemble Flute trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 110-0196-04 $6.50 Menuetto from Haffner Symphony Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Bright) 012-3936-01 $6.00 Menuetto from Symphony #2 Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Haydn/arr. Holmes) 112-0017-00 $10.00 Menuetto Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Bright) WFR367 012-3936-00 $65.00 Mercury Band (King) 013-0592-00AR $50.00 Mercury Orchestra (King) 016-0234-00AR $50.00 Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MFP102-00 $40.00 Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Extra score (Gingery) WA-MFP102-01 $5.00 Merrily We Rock and Roll Young Band (G. Sebesky) 029-1609-00AR $50.00 Merrily We Rock and Roll Extra score (G. Sebesky) 029-1609-01AR Merry Christmas March Marching Band (A. Clark) MB172 Merry Christmas March Extra score (A. Clark) MB172-01 Merry Christmas Medley Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB107-00 Merry Christmas Medley Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB107-01 Merry Christmas, Everyone! Concert Band (Reineke) WFR349 012-3677-00 Merry Christmas, Everyone! Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3677-01 Merry Dancers Quadrille Band (Kiefer) 013-0319-00AR $50.00 Merry Dancers Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0053-00AR $50.00 Merry Life Orchestra 016-0002-00AR $50.00 The Merry Makers Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3473-00 $60.00 Merry Widow Concert Band (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0888-00 $65.00 Merry Widow Concert Band (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1096-00 $65.00 Merry Wives of Windsor Concert Band (Nicolai/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1133-00 $85.00 Merry Wives of Windsor Extra condensed score (Nicolai/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1133-01 $10.00 Merrymakers Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Scarmolin) 111-0100-08AR $16.00 The Messenger Concert Band (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) WFR101 012-1909-00 $60.00 The Messenger Extra full score (Barnhouse/arr. Paynter) 012-1909-01 The Messenger Band (Barnhouse) 013-0086-00AR The Messenger Extra condensed score (Barnhouse) 013-0086-01 The Messenger Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Allen) 016-0176-00AR $60.00 The Messenger Ensemble Sax quartet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 111-0012-20AR $16.00 Metamorphosis Walking Frog Records CD WFR231 $14.95 Method of Modern Love Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB108-00 $50.00 Method of Modern Love Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB108-01 Metropole Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR179,WFR347 032-2347-00 Metropole Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2347-01AR $6.00 Mexican Hat Dance Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1410-00AR $60.00 Mezclado Solo Timbale solo - Unaccompanied (T. White) 120-0141-00 $4.00 Mi Casa Es Su Casa Young Band (Swearingen) WFR374 023-4012-00 $44.00 Mi Casa Es Su Casa Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4012-01 Mi Rosirene Band (Barnhouse) 013-0351-00AR $50.00 Mia Speranza, La Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S0727-00 $60.00 Miami Valley Anthology Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-2228-00 $60.00 Miami Valley Anthology Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2228-01 Micaela's Aris "Je Dis Que Rien" Concert Band (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0530-00 Micaela's Aris "Je Dis Que Rien" Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0530-01 $7.00 Michael Way Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0042-00AR $50.00 Michigan on Parade Band (King) 014-0129-00AR $50.00 Michigan on Parade Extra condensed score (King) 014-0129-01AR Microphone Band (Eisenberg) 014-0099-00 $25.00 Midnight Avenger Young Band (Neeck) WFR362 023-3810-00 $44.00 Midnight Avenger Extra full score (Neeck) 023-3810-01 $5.00 Midnight Bells Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 034-0314-00 $50.00 Midnight Bells Extra full score (Hooper) 034-0314-01AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $45.00 $5.00 $72.00 $7.00 $6.00 $60.00 $4.00 $5.00 $32.00 $6.00 $5.00 $60.00 $4.00 $3.50 Page 147 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Midnight Escape Young Band (Neeck) WFR342,WFR353 011-3498-00 $50.00 Midnight Escape Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3498-01 Midnight Escape Walking Frog Records CD WFR353 $14.95 Midnight in Bethlehem Concert Band (Barker) WFR319 012-2944-00 $50.00 Midnight in Bethlehem Extra full score (Barker) 012-2944-01 Midnight Passage Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB112-00 Midnight Passage Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB112-01 $6.00 Midnight Quartet Concert Band (Flotow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0654-00 $65.00 Midnight Quartet Extra condensed score (Flotow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0654-01 $8.00 Midnight Special Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3474-00 $60.00 Midnight Sun Jazz Ensemble (Burke, Hampton & Mercer/arr. Mantooth) 035-0382-00AR $60.00 Midnight Sun Extra full score (Burke, Hampton & Mercer/arr. Mantooth) 035-0382-01AR $6.00 Midsummer Eve Band (G. Holmes) 013-0960-00AR $50.00 Midsummer Eve Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0446-00AR $50.00 A Midsummer Morning Band (Barnhouse) 013-0256-00AR $50.00 Midsummer Night's Dream Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1123-00 $90.00 Midsummer Night's Dream Extra condensed score (Mendelssohn/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1123-01 $10.00 Midsummer Night's Dream Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1124-00 $65.00 Midway Plaissance Concert Band (Tobani) BOV-S2126-00 $60.00 Midwest Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1063-00AR $50.00 The Mighty Deep Concert Band (Jude/arr. DeVille) BOV-S0723-00 $60.00 A Mighty Fortress Marching Band (arr. Sochinski) 052-2100-00 $37.00 A Mighty Fortress Marching Band (arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1519-00AR $50.00 Mighty March Marching Band (K. Harris) MB165 $50.00 Mighty Minnesota Band (King) 014-0132-00 $25.00 Mighty Minnesota Extra condensed score (King) 014-0132-01 A Mighty Nimrod Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3549-00 $60.00 Mighty Towers Young Band (Conaway) WFR386 023-4387-00 $44.00 Mighty Towers Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4387-01 Mignon Concert Band (Thomas/arr. Mackenzie-Rogan) BOV-S0772-00 $85.00 Mignon Extra condensed score (Thomas/arr. Mackenzie-Rogan) BOV-S0772-01 $10.00 Mignon Concert Band (Thomas/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1180-00 $80.00 Mignon Extra condensed score (Thomas/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1180-01 $10.00 Mikado Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. W. Winterbottom) BOV-S0900-00 $85.00 Mikado Extra condensed score (Sullivan/arr. W. Winterbottom) BOV-S0900-01 $10.00 Mikado Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3736-00 $60.00 Milady's Pleasure Band (Smith & Holmes) 013-0830-00AR $60.00 Milady's Pleasure Orchestra (Smith & Holmes) 016-0357-00AR $50.00 Milady's Pleasure Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 083-0049-20 $7.50 Milady's Pleasure Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 083-0049-22 $7.50 Milady's Pleasure Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 083-0049-24 $7.50 Milady's Pleasure Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 083-0049-33 $7.50 Milady's Pleasure Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 083-0049-38 $7.50 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-20 $10.00 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-22 $10.00 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-24 $10.00 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-33 $10.00 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-38 $10.00 Milady's Pleasure Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 093-0049-52 $10.00 Milano Concert Band (Ponchielli/arr. Iasilli) BOV-S3564-00 $60.00 Mile-a-Minute Band (English) 013-0298-00AR $50.00 Militant Nation Band (Casto) 014-0148-00 $25.00 Military Life Band (King) 014-0030-00AR $50.00 The Military Maid Concert Band (Corey) BOV-S3214-00 $60.00 Military March Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3398-00 $60.00 Military March Medley Young Band (arr. Schaeffer) 010-1719-00AR $50.00 Military March Medley Extra score (arr. Schaeffer) 010-1719-01AR Military Music of the American Revolution Book - Text (Camus) 079-6060-00 $16.95 Military Tattoo Concert Band (Wely-Kappey/arr. Prendiville) BOV-S2138-00 $65.00 Military Tribune Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0431-00AR $50.00 Milky Way Young Band (Molter) 015-3212-00 $38.00 Milky Way Extra full score (Molter) 015-3212-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $4.00 $40.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 148 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Mill in the Forest Ensemble Sax quartet (Eilenberg) 111-0025-20AR $16.00 Mill in the Forest, The (Idyl) Concert Band (Eilenberg/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S1128-00 $60.00 Millennial Reverie Band (Barnhouse) 013-0718-00AR $50.00 Millennial Reverie Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0281-00AR $50.00 Millennial Reverie Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano (Barnhouse) 080-0048-20AR $12.00 Millennial Reverie Solo Tenor Sax duet with piano (Barnhouse) 080-0048-22AR $12.00 Millennial Reverie Solo Cornet in A duet with piano (Barnhouse) 080-0048-24AR $12.00 Millennial Reverie Ensemble Sax quartet (Barnhouse) 111-0038-20AR Millennium III Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-2997-00 $125.00 Millennium III Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2997-01 $15.00 Millennium III Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2997-75 $30.00 Milton, the Melting Snowman Young Band (Orcino) WFR383 011-4270-00 $52.00 Milton, the Melting Snowman Extra full score (Orcino) 011-4270-01 $7.00 Mind Sets Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR368 012-3966-00 $72.00 Mind Sets Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3966-01 Mind Sets Walking Frog Records CD WFR368 $14.95 Mine O'Melody Band (Russell) 013-1035-00AR $50.00 Miners Only Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 034-0315-00 $23.00 Miners Only Extra full score (Hooper) 034-0315-01AR $6.00 Miniature Suite Ensemble Clarinet trio (Norden/arr. McCathren) 110-0143-08AR $15.00 Minimalist Dances Concert Band (Conaway) WFR381 012-4297-00 $125.00 Minimalist Dances Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4297-01 $15.00 Minimalist Dances Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4297-75 $30.00 Minneapolis Exposition Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3104-00 $60.00 Minnetonka Belles Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3105-00 $60.00 Minor Details Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3348-00 $45.00 Minor Details Extra full score (Molter) 032-3348-01 Minor Incident Jazz Ensemble (LaPorta) 032-0013-00AR $50.00 Minor Romp Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1921-00 $25.00 Minor Romp Extra score (Warrington) 013-1921-01AR Minor Yours? Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1060-00 Minor Yours? Extra full score SCM-1060-01 Minstrel Days Band (G. Holmes) 013-0545-00AR $50.00 Minstrel Days Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0158-00AR $50.00 The Minstrel King Concert Band (Norton) BOV-S3542-00 $60.00 Minuet Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0133-00AR $50.00 Minuet Ensemble Sax quartet (Paderewski/arr. Holmes) 111-0003-20AR $16.00 Minuet - Scherzo Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (DeLuca) 080-0055-20AR $10.00 Minuet - Scherzo Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (DeLuca) 080-0055-22AR $10.00 Minuet - Scherzo Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (DeLuca) 080-0055-24AR $10.00 Minuet - Scherzo Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (DeLuca) 080-0055-37AR $10.00 Minuet - Scherzo Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (DeLuca) 080-0055-38AR $10.00 Minuet and March Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Beethoven/arr. Ayres) 111-0158-08 $10.00 Minuet from Symphony No. 11 Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Haydn/arr. Holmes) 112-0034-00AR $15.00 Minuet in D String Orchestra (M. Haydn/arr. Fletcher) ARC-2277-00 $40.00 Minuet in D Extra full score (M. Haydn/arr. Fletcher) ARC-2277-01 Minuet in G Ensemble Brass quartet (Beethoven/arr. Fraker) 101-0016-00AR_ Minuet, Trio & Finale Ensemble Flute trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 100-0231-04 $6.50 Minuet, Trio & Finale Ensemble Clarinet trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 100-0231-08 $6.50 Minuet, Trio & Finale Ensemble Saxophone trio (Haydn/arr. Merriman) 100-0231-20 Minuetto Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Bizet/arr. Holmes) 112-0038-00AR $15.00 A Miracle Walking Frog Records CD WFR483 $14.95 The Miracle Band (Barnhouse) 013-0775-00AR $50.00 The Miracle Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0007-24AR $10.00 Miraflores Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0038-22AR $10.00 Miraflores Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0038-24AR $10.00 Miraflores Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0038-33AR $10.00 Miraflores Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0038-38AR $10.00 Mirage Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB141-00 $40.00 Mirage Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB141-01 Mirages Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR363 011-3864-00 $54.00 Mirages Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3864-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $16.00 $7.00 $7.00 $4.00 $47.00 $6.00 $6.00 $20.00 $6.50 $6.00 Page 149 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Mirages Walking Frog Records CD WFR363 $14.95 Mirror Lake Legend Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2459-00AR $65.00 Mirror Lake Legend Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2459-01AR $7.00 Mirth Ensemble Woodwind quartet (Scarmolin) 111-0133-00AR $16.00 Mischa Elman Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Lake) BOV-S3270-00 $60.00 Miserare from Il Trovatore Ensemble Sax quartet (Verdi/arr. Holmes) 111-0001-20AR $16.00 Miserere Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0577-00 $65.00 Miserere Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0577-01 $8.00 Miss Dolly Dollars Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0688-00 $70.00 Miss Dolly Dollars Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0871-00 $65.00 Miss Dolly Dollars Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S3363-00 $60.00 Miss Liberty Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR341,WFR366 012-3533-00 $60.00 Miss Liberty Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3533-01 Miss Liberty Band (King) 013-1255-00AR Miss Liberty Extra condensed score (King) 013-1255-01 Miss Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3250-00 $60.00 Missed You Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-2783-00 $32.00 Missed You Extra full score (Rowe) 031-2783-01 Missing in Action Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC137-00 Missing in Action Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC137-01 $5.00 Mission Belles Band (Mustol) 013-0935-00AR $50.00 Mission Belles Orchestra (Mustol) 016-0431-00AR $50.00 Mission Creek Young Band (Spears) 011-2013-00 $35.00 Mission Creek Extra score (Spears) 011-2013-02 Mission of Love Band (Russell) 013-0782-00AR $50.00 Mission of Love Orchestra (Russell) 016-0351-00AR $50.00 Mission To Mars Young Band (Chattaway) WFR390 024-4509-00 $48.00 Mission To Mars Extra full score (Chattaway) 024-4509-01 $6.00 The Missouri Bandman Band (King) 014-0071-00 $25.00 The Missouri Bandman Extra condensed score (King) 014-0071-01 Missouri Mule Concert Band (Blake/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3064-00 $60.00 Mister Nice Guy Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-1999-01 031-2982-00 $38.00 Mister Nice Guy Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2982-01 Mistletoe Magic Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 031-2355-00AR Mistletoe Magic Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 031-2355-01 $3.50 Mistletoe Memories String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7013-00 $40.00 Mistletoe Memories Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7013-01 $6.00 Mixing it Up Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0352-00 $28.00 Mixing it Up Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0352-01 Mixolydian Soul Frog Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0249-00AR Mixolydian Soul Frog Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0249-01AR $6.00 Mlle. Modiste Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1067-00 $65.00 Moana Band (Barnard) 013-0426-00AR $50.00 Moana Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0118-00AR $50.00 Moana Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-04 $2.50 Moana Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-08 $2.50 Moana Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-24 $2.50 Moana Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-33 $2.50 Moana Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-37 $2.50 Moana Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 081-0018-38 $2.50 Moana Ensemble Trumpet duet (Barnard) 091-0018-24 Modal Dance Concert Band (Glazer) 029-1356-00AR Modal Dance Extra score (Glazer) 029-1356-01AR Modal Episode Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2882-00 Modal Episode Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2882-01 Modal March Young Band (Tyra) 029-0117-00AR Modal March Extra score (Tyra) 029-0117-01AR $6.00 Modal Song And Dance Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-FCB157-00 $45.00 Modal Song And Dance Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-FCB157-01 Mojo Young Band (Grice) WFR374 023-4004-00 Mojo Extra full score (Grice) 023-4004-01 $6.00 A Moment Like This Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2013-01 032-4176-00 $48.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $4.00 $4.00 $50.00 $3.00 $4.00 $4.00 $50.00 $7.00 $75.00 $3.50 $80.00 $7.00 $35.00 $4.00 $50.00 $5.00 $42.00 Page 150 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# A Moment Like This Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4176-01 $7.00 Momentations Concert Band (Spears) 012-1483-00 $60.00 Momentations Extra full score (Spears) 012-1483-01 $7.00 Momentations Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1483-02 $6.00 Momentum Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 12 players (Tillage) 121-3896-00 $16.00 Momentum Extra full score (Tillage) 121-3896-01 Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0503-00 Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0503-01 $8.00 Mon Reve Concert Band (Waldteufel/arr. Lake) BOV-S2004-00 $65.00 Monahan Post Band (King) 014-0049-00 $25.00 Monahan Post Extra condensed score (King) 014-0049-01 The Monarch Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3647-00 $60.00 Mongo's Mood Jazz Ensemble (C. Culver) SCM-1019-00 $47.00 Mongo's Mood Extra full score SCM-1019-01 Monona Band (Eisenberg) 014-0100-00AR $50.00 Monongahela Band (Hoskins) 013-0226-00AR $50.00 Monster Rock Young Band (Molter) WFR195 015-3065-00 $38.00 Monster Rock Extra full score (Molter) 015-3065-01 Monte Carlo Band (King) 013-0734-00AR $50.00 Monte Carlo Orchestra (King) 016-0304-00AR $50.00 Montenido Young Band (Chattaway) WA-CS109-00 $60.00 Montenido Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CS109-01 $6.00 Monterey Band (King) WFR174 013-1224-00AR $50.00 Monterey Extra condensed score (King) 013-1224-01 Montero Marching Band (Swearingen) 069-1576-00AR $60.00 Montgomery Band (Toenniges) 013-0052-00AR $50.00 Monticello Young Band (McGinty) 011-1812-00 $45.00 Monticello Extra score (McGinty) 011-1812-01 Moods in Contrast Ensemble Brass sextet (G. McKay) 103-0095-00AR Moods In Tempo Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 082-0153-08 Moonbeams Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 082-0156-20 Moonflower Jazz Ensemble (Johnson) WA-SB508-00 Moonflower Extra score (Johnson) WA-SB508-01 $6.00 Mooning Band (King) 013-0528-00AR $50.00 Mooning Orchestra (King) 016-0203-00AR $50.00 Moonlight in Florida Band (Storm) 013-0780-00AR $50.00 Moonlight in Florida Orchestra (Storm) 016-0332-00AR $50.00 Moonlight In the Patio Band (Clement) 013-0945-00AR $50.00 Moonlight In the Patio Orchestra (Clement) 016-0430-00AR $50.00 Moonlight Magic Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2012-00 032-4121-00 $45.00 Moonlight Magic Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4121-01 $7.00 Moonlight Melodies Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2693-00 $32.00 Moonlight Melodies Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2693-01 A Moonlight Melody Band (King) 014-0139-00AR $50.00 Moonlight on the Nile Band (King) 013-0434-00AR $50.00 Moonlight on the Nile Orchestra (King) 016-0122-00AR $50.00 Moonlight Reverie Serenade Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0366-00AR $50.00 Moonlight Sleigh Ride String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 NLSO315 $40.00 Moonlight Sleigh Ride extra score (Fletcher) NLSO315-01 $5.00 Moonlight Sonata Concert Band (Beethoven/arr. Poor) WFR368 012-3945-00 $68.00 Moonlight Sonata Extra full score (Beethoven/arr. Poor) 012-3945-01 Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement Concert Band (L. Beethoven/arr. Stark) BOV-S1013-00 Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement Extra condensed score (L. Beethoven/arr. Stark) BOV-S1013-01 Moonrock Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-2136-00 Moonrock Extra full score (Lowden) 030-2136-01 $3.00 Moonscape Concert Band (C. McBride) WFR335 012-3408-00 $72.00 Moonscape Extra full score (C. McBride) 012-3408-01 Moonscape Walking Frog Records CD WFR335 Moorish Dances Concert Band (Paine/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0675-00 $100.00 Moorish Dances Extra condensed score (Paine/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0675-01 $12.00 Moose the Mooche Jazz Ensemble (Parker/arr. Niehaus) 035-0380-00AR $50.00 Moose the Mooche Extra full score (Parker/arr. Niehaus) 035-0380-01AR $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $65.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $20.00 $2.50 $2.50 $45.00 $3.50 $7.00 $70.00 $9.00 $25.00 $8.00 $14.95 Page 151 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price More Big Beat Cadences Marching Band (A. Clark) MB146 $20.00 More Blues Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2613-00 $40.00 More Blues Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2613-01 More Cohler on Clarinet Walking Frog Records CD WFR404 $14.95 More Fraternity Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3251-00 $60.00 More Fun Beats For Fun Bands! Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2806-00 $25.00 More Fun Beats For Fun Bands! Extra score (A. Clark) 058-2806-01 $2.50 Moresca: A Symphonic Pantomime Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7837-00 $90.00 Moresca: A Symphonic Pantomime (C. T. Smith) CTS-7837-01 $15.00 Moresca: A Symphonic Pantomime (C. T. Smith) CTS-7837-75 $30.00 Morgen! Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0537-00 $60.00 Morgen! Extra condensed score (R. Strauss/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0537-01 $7.00 Morning Call Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3166-00 $60.00 Morning Funk Jazz Ensemble (De Rosa) SCM-1033-00 $47.00 Morning Funk Extra full score SCM-1033-01 Morning Glory Band (King) 014-0110-00AR $50.00 Morning Journals Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Gressinger) BOV-S2145-00 $65.00 Morning Light Band (Barnhouse) 013-0445-00AR $50.00 Morning Light Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB139-00 $40.00 Morning Light Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB139-01 $6.00 Morning Mist Solo Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 082-0157-15 $2.50 Morning Serenade Young Band (Neeck) WFR183 011-2837-00 $36.00 Morning Serenade Extra full score (Neeck) 011-2837-01 $6.00 Morning Song Young Band (arr. Huckeby) 011-2575-00 $38.00 Morning Song Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 011-2575-01 Morning Star Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0016-00AR $50.00 Morning Tears Band (King) 013-0533-00AR $50.00 Morning Tears Orchestra (King) 016-0208-00AR $50.00 Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1174-00 $80.00 Morning, Noon and Night in Vienna Extra condensed score (Suppe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1174-01 $10.00 Morro Bay Concert Band (Niehaus) WFR105 012-2085-00AR $80.00 Morro Bay Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2085-01 $7.00 Mosaics Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0172-00 $25.00 Mosaics Extra score (Spears) 121-0172-01 Mosaics Walking Frog Records CD WFR176 $14.95 Mose Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3252-00 $60.00 A Most Pleasant Reuniuon Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 032-0282-00 $28.00 A Most Pleasant Reuniuon Extra full score (Mantooth) 032-0282-01AR $6.00 Mostly You Jazz Ensemble (Hogan) WA-SB514-00 $45.00 Mostly You Extra score (Hogan) WA-SB514-01 $6.00 Mother Goose Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3737-00 $60.00 Mother Hubbard Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3738-00 $60.00 Mothers Of Democracy Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3550-00 $60.00 Moto Continuo Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR360 023-3777-00 $40.00 Moto Continuo Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3777-01 Moto Perpetuo Concert Band (Paganini/arr. Barrow) BOV-S0665-00 Moto Perpetuo Extra condensed score (Paganini/arr. Barrow) BOV-S0665-01 Mount Ranier Young Band (Molter) 015-2938-00 Mount Ranier Extra full score (Molter) 015-2938-01 $4.00 Mount Vernon Young Band (Molter) 015-2880-00 $35.00 Mount Vernon Extra full score (Molter) 015-2880-01AR Mountain Band Man Jazz Ensemble (Wolking) 032-0079-00 Mountain Band Man Extra score (Wolking) 032-0079-01 $5.00 Mountain of the Sun Concert Band (Grice) WFR367 012-3944-00 $72.00 Mountain of the Sun Extra full score (Grice) 012-3944-01 Mountain of the Sun Walking Frog Records CD WFR367 $14.95 Mountain Trails Band (King) 014-0021-00AR $50.00 Mountain View Band (Moscato) 013-0794-00AR $50.00 Mountain View Orchestra (Moscato) 016-0341-00AR $50.00 Mournful Maggie Band (King) 013-0790-00AR $50.00 Moventa Concert Band (Jutras) 012-2172-00AR $90.00 Moventa Extra full score (Jutras) 012-2172-01 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $5.00 $70.00 $9.00 $36.00 $6.00 $11.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 152 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Movin' and Groovin' Marching Band (A. Clark) MB168 $50.00 Movin' in Style Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0374-00 $31.00 Movin' in Style Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0374-01 $3.50 Movin' On Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-1717-00 $17.00 Movin' On Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-1717-01 Movin' Out Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB110-00 Movin' Out Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB110-01 $7.00 Mozart Rondo Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP104-00 $30.00 Mozart Rondo Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP104-01 $5.00 Mr. Buzz Saw Band (Kastowsky) 013-0634-00AR $50.00 Mr. Buzz Saw Orchestra (Kastowsky) 016-0224-00AR $50.00 Mr. Buzz Saw Piano Solo (Kastowsky) 017-0049-00AR $10.00 Mr. Casual Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0273-00 $34.00 Mr. Casual Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0273-01 $3.50 Mr. GK Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1079-00 $47.00 Mr. GK Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1079-01 $6.00 Mr. Music Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-2256-00 $65.00 Mr. Music Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2256-01 $5.00 Mr. T. Theme Marching Band (Ruby, Spears, Saban & Levy/arr. Tatgenhorst) 053-1777-00 $27.00 Mr. Tubbs Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0009-00AR $50.00 Mrs. Cliff Jazz Ensemble (Hogan) WA-SB510-00 $45.00 Mrs. Cliff Extra score (Hogan) WA-SB510-01 $6.00 Ms. Bird Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0093-00 Mt. Airy Band (Corbin) 013-0925-00AR $50.00 Mt. Healthy Concert Band (Fillmore/arr. Shaffer) WFR350,WFR366 012-3581-00 $60.00 Mt. Healthy Extra full score (Fillmore/arr. Shaffer) 012-3581-01 Mt. Healthy Concert Band (Beans) BOV-S3059-00 $60.00 Mt. Hood Portrait Young Band (Shaffer) WFR130 011-2589-00 $45.00 Mt. Hood Portrait Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2589-01 Mt. Pleasant Band (Barnhouse) 013-0005-00AR $50.00 Mt. St. Louis Cadets Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S3443-00 $60.00 Mucho Gusto Young Band (Neeck) WFR355 025-3621-00 $50.00 Mucho Gusto Extra full score (Neeck) 025-3621-01 $6.00 Mucho Macho Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2013-01 032-4210-00 $48.00 Mucho Macho Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4210-01 $7.00 Muddy Road Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 032-3601-00 $50.00 Muddy Road Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3601-01 $7.00 Multi Percussion Suite No. 1 Solo Multi-Percussion solo (T. Davis) 120-0165-00 The Multiple Percussionist Book - Method/Study (Fraser) 073-1985-41AR $30.00 Mumbly Peg Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0226-00 $22.00 Mumbly Peg Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0226-01 $3.50 Mumbo Gumbo Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2539-00 $45.00 Mumbo Gumbo Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2539-01 Munal's Band (Cox) 013-0030-00AR $50.00 Munchin Cookies Jazz Ensemble (Lawn) 032-0174-00AR $70.00 Munchin Cookies Extra full score (Lawn) 032-0174-01AR $6.00 Murmers of the Waves Band (Payne) 013-0407-00AR $50.00 Musette Ensemble Woodwind quartet (F. McKay) 111-0102-00 Musette Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0102-08 $7.50 Musette Ensemble Woodwind Choir, Woodwind Quartet (F. McKay) 114-0102-00 $20.00 Music and Mirth Band (Barnhouse) 013-0018-00AR $50.00 Music Box Ensemble Woodwind trio (Tustin) 110-0044-00 Music Festival Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0671-00 Music Festival Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0671-01 Music for a Summer Evening Walking Frog Records CD WFR497 $14.95 Music for Euphonium Choir Walking Frog Records CD WFR786 $14.95 Music from America's Golden Age Walking Frog Records CD WFR111 $14.95 Music Is Worth It Funky Winkerbean Product HLD25 The Music Machine Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1655-00 The Music Machine Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1655-02 The Music of Claude T. Smith Walking Frog Records CD WFR545 $14.95 The Music of H. Owen Reed Walking Frog Records CD WFR766 $14.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $48.00 $7.50 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $7.50 $6.50 $70.00 $9.00 $6.95 $19.00 $2.50 Page 153 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Music of Henry Fillmore and Will Huff Book - Text (Bierley) 079-6062-00 Music of Husa, Rimsky-Korsakov, Prokofiev Walking Frog Records CD WFR442 $14.95 The Music of Leroy Anderson Walking Frog Records CD WFR314 $14.95 Music Of Marines Walking Frog Records CD WFR822 $14.95 The Music of Timothy Mahr Walking Frog Records CD WFR681 $14.95 A Musical Debate Band (G. Holmes) 013-1113-00AR $50.00 Muttering Fritz Concert Band (Losey) BOV-S3516-00 $60.00 Muy Caliente! Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2005-01 032-3452-00 $48.00 Muy Caliente! Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3452-01 My Bonnie Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MCE116-00 My Bonnie Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MCE116-01 $5.00 My Country and My Flag Band (Cline) 013-1022-00AR $50.00 My Favorite Things Walking Frog Records CD WFR292 $14.95 My Favorite Time of the Year Young Band (Huckeby) 011-2873-00 $40.00 My Favorite Time of the Year Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2873-01 $4.00 My Favorite Time Of Year Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4131-00 $50.00 My Favorite Time Of Year Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4131-01 My Grandfather's Clock Concert Band (Foote) BOV-S0738-00 My Grandfather's Clock Extra condensed score (Foote) BOV-S0738-01 $8.00 My Grandfather's Clock Band (Amsden) 013-0826-00AR $50.00 My Grandfather's Clock Orchestra (Amsden) 016-0356-00AR $50.00 My Heart at thy Sweet Voice Band (Saint Saens/arr. Barnard) 013-0918-00AR $50.00 My Heart at thy Sweet Voice Orchestra (Saint Saens/arr. Barnard) 016-0422-00AR $50.00 My Heart Is Filled With Longing Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1900-00 $27.00 My Heart Is Filled With Longing Extra score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1900-01AR $7.00 My Hero Concert Band (Straus/arr. Lampe) BOV-S0767-00 $50.00 My Hero Extra condensed score (Straus/arr. Lampe) BOV-S0767-01 $8.00 My Ideal Band (Rockwell) 013-0100-00AR $50.00 My Ideal Orchestra (Rockwell) 016-0003-00AR $50.00 My Jesus, Oh What Anguish Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1937-00 $35.00 My Jesus, Oh What Anguish Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1937-01 $5.00 My Jesus, Oh What Anguish Extra condensed score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1937-02 My Laddie Concert Band (Thayer/arr. Eiss) BOV-G0415-00 My Laddie Extra condensed score (Thayer/arr. Eiss) BOV-G0415-01 $8.00 My Lady Band (King) 013-0459-00AR $50.00 My Lady Orchestra (King) 016-0136-00AR $50.00 My Man Dan Jazz Ensemble (Bubeck) WA-SC111-00 $30.00 My Man Dan Extra score (Bubeck) WA-SC111-01 $5.00 My Marguerite Band (Fulton) 013-0149-00AR $50.00 My Marguerite Orchestra (Fulton) 016-0034-00AR $50.00 My Marie Band (Bray) 013-0101-00AR $50.00 My Maryland Concert Band (Mygrant) BOV-S3538-00 $60.00 My Maryland Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3551-00 $60.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Band (Laurens) 013-0703-00AR $50.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Orchestra (Laurens) 016-0274-00AR $50.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Orchestra (Laurens) 016-0275-00AR $50.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal March song (in D) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7094-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal March song (in Eb) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7095-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal Waltz song (in D) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7096-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal March song (in F) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7097-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal Waltz song (in Eb) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7102-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal Waltz song (in Db) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7105-00AR $5.00 My Mid-West Yankee Home Vocal Waltz song (in F) (Laurens & Emerson) 021-7110-00AR $5.00 My Old Kentucky Home Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Luscomb) 083-0111-08AR $12.00 My Old Kentucky Home Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2028-00 $65.00 My Old Kentucky Home Extra condensed score (Goldman/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2028-01 My Only Wish Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2002-01 031-3214-00 My Only Wish Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-3214-01 My Pretty One Band (Kiefer) 013-0386-00AR $50.00 My Regards Concert Band (Llewellyn) BOV-S0555-00 $65.00 My Soldier Boy Concert Band (L. Brockton) BOV-S3082-00 $60.00 My Sweet Eileen Band (Maney) 013-0110-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.95 $8.00 $50.00 $6.00 $65.00 $4.00 $65.00 $8.00 $38.00 $5.00 Page 154 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price My Sweetheart Went Down With the Maine Band (Morgan/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0173-00AR $50.00 My Very Good Friend Walking Frog Records CD WFR445 $14.95 Myrtle Band (Jewell) 013-0660-00AR $50.00 Myrtle Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0011-00AR $50.00 Mystery Woman Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB189-00 $40.00 Mystery Woman Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB189-01 $6.00 The Mystic Call Band (King) 013-0551-00AR $50.00 The Mystic Call Extra condensed score (King) 013-0551-01 Mystic Mountain Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB158-00 Mystic Mountain Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB158-01 $5.00 Mystic Night Band (King) 014-0096-00AR $50.00 Mystic River Fantasy Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-2216-00AR $50.00 Mystic River Fantasy Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2216-01AR Mystic Visions Young Band (Huckeby) WFR360 024-3741-00 Mystic Visions Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3741-01 Mythologies Walking Frog Records CD WFR500 $14.95 Nada Mas Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2212-00 $32.00 Nada Mas Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2212-01 Nahant Concert Band (W. Thomas) BOV-S3788-00 $60.00 Name That Christmas Carol String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S001-00 $40.00 Name That Christmas Carol Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S001F-01 $6.00 Name That Christmas Carol Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB01-00 $45.00 Name That Christmas Carol Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB01F-01 Name Those Tunes Young Band (J. Williams) WFR187 011-2300-00 Name Those Tunes Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2300-01 Nancy's Dream Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0032-00AR Nancy's Dream Extra score (Lowden) 049-0032-01AR $4.00 Nanon Selection Band (Genee/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0494-00AR $50.00 Napoleon's Last Charge Concert Band (Ellis-Paull/arr. Schultz) BOV-S3225-00 $60.00 Napolitan Serenade Band (Kooyman) 013-0892-00AR $50.00 Napolitan Serenade Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0402-00AR $50.00 Narcissus Concert Band (Nevin/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0931-00 $50.00 Narrative Sketch Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0117-00AR $20.00 Nashville Brass Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0100-00AR $50.00 Nashville Express Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB120-00 $45.00 Nashville Express Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB120-01 Nasty Blues Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1048-00 Nasty Blues Extra full score SCM-1048-01 National Conclave Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1078-00AR $50.00 National Defense Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3686-00 $60.00 National Defense Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3686-01 $6.00 National Emblem Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3049-00 $60.00 National Emblem Young Band (Bagley/arr. Conaway) WFR382 011-4239-00 $48.00 National Emblem Extra full score (Bagley/arr. Conaway) 011-4239-01 $6.00 National Emblem Concert Band (Bagley/arr. Schissel) WFR325,WFR194,WFR343 012-3058-00 $60.00 National Emblem Extra full score (Bagley/arr. Schissel) 012-3058-01 $6.00 National Emblem Oversized spiral-bound score (Bagley/arr. Schissel) 012-3058-75 $25.00 National Fencibles Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3739-00 $60.00 National Fencibles Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3739-01 $6.00 National Glory Band (King) 014-0103-00AR $50.00 National Guards Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0080-00AR $50.00 National Hook-Up Band (Eisenberg) 014-0131-00 $25.00 Natoma Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1068-00 $80.00 Natoma Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1068-01 $10.00 Natural Blues Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB03-00 $40.00 Natural Blues Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB03F-01 Nature's Fury Young Band (J. McBride) WFR383 023-4262-00 Nature's Fury Extra full score (J. McBride) 023-4262-01 Naughty Marietta Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Fulton) BOV-S1163-00 $65.00 Nautical Scene, Ballad and Capriccio Ensemble Horn quartet (G. McKay) 101-0161-28 $15.00 Naval Brigade M. V. M. Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3206-00 $60.00 Naval Reserve Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3741-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $45.00 $7.00 $48.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $32.00 $4.00 $50.00 $5.00 $47.00 $6.00 $6.00 $44.00 $6.00 Page 155 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Navarro Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR362 023-3870-00 $44.00 Navarro Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3870-01 Navy Blue Band (Edwards) 013-1272-00AR Navy Blue Extra condensed score (Edwards) 013-1272-01 The Navy Forever Concert Band (Maurice) BOV-S3519-00 $60.00 The Navy Hymn Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC119-00 $50.00 The Navy Hymn Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC119-01 Nazir Grotto Band (King) 014-0059-00 Nazir Grotto Extra condensed score (King) 014-0059-01 The NC-4 Concert Band (Bigelow) BOV-S3062-00 $60.00 Nearer My God To Thee Band (Barnhouse) 013-0006-00AR $50.00 Nearer My God To Thee Concert Band (Mason/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0676-00 $60.00 Nearer My God To Thee Extra condensed score (Mason/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0676-01 $7.00 Nebuca Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3283-00 $60.00 Neddermeyer Triumphal Band (King) 013-0495-00 $25.00 Neddermeyer Triumphal Extra condensed score (King) 013-0495-01 Neel's Fashion Plate Band (English) WFR361 013-0275-00AR $50.00 Nemesis Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0092-00AR $60.00 Nemesis Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0092-01AR $6.00 Neptune's Court Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S1038-00 $65.00 Neptune's Court Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S1038-01 $8.00 Neutral Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3475-00 $60.00 The New Annapolis Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0213-00AR $50.00 The New Annapolis Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0051-00AR $50.00 A New Approach to Altissimo Trumpet Playing Book - Method/Study (Lynch) 073-1989-24 $11.95 The New Arrival Band (Jewell) 013-0233-00AR $50.00 The New Arrival Orchestra (Jewell) 016-0040-00AR $50.00 New Century Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3106-00 $60.00 New Century Young Band (K. Harris) WFR192 015-2998-00AR $50.00 New Century Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2998-01 New Century Concert Band (Spears) 012-1746-00AR $80.00 New Century Extra score (Spears) 012-1746-01AR $8.00 The New Church Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-20 $9.95 The New Church Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-24 $9.95 The New Church Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-33 $9.95 The New Church Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-43 $19.95 The New Church Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-44 $11.95 The New Church Gig Vocal book (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-70 $9.95 The New Church Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2954-99 New Classics for Horns Walking Frog Records CD WFR551 $14.95 The New Colonial Concert Band (Hall/arr. Glover) WFR384 012-4401-00 $65.00 The New Colonial Extra full score (Hall/arr. Glover) 012-4401-01 $8.00 The New Colonial Oversized spiral-bound score (Hall/arr. Glover) 012-4401-75 $25.00 The New Colonial Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3317-00 $60.00 New Dawn Ensemble Trumpet quartet (Fraker) 101-0015-24AR $15.00 The New Dawn Band (Russell) 013-0859-00AR $50.00 The New Dawn Orchestra (Russell) 016-0387-00AR $50.00 New Day Rising Walking Frog Records CD WFR352 $14.95 New England Sketches Ensemble Flute trio (Norden/arr. McCathren) 110-0186-04 New England's Finest Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S3207-00 The New First Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-20 $7.95 The New First Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-24 $9.95 The New First Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-33 $7.95 The New First Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-43 $14.95 The New First Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-44 $11.95 The New First Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-98 $9.95 The New First Gig Extra cassette (Clark & Clark) 038-2310-99 The New Freedom Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1118-00AR $50.00 New Frontiers Band (King) 013-1257-00AR $50.00 New Frontiers Extra condensed score (King) 013-1257-01 $4.00 A New Home Full Orchestra (Zhao) ARC-7035-00 $75.00 A New Home Extra full score (Zhao) ARC-7035-01 $8.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $50.00 $4.00 $5.00 $25.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $9.95 $6.50 $60.00 $5.00 Page 156 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price New Hope Jazz Ensemble (J. Smith) WA-SB526-00 $45.00 New Hope Extra score (J. Smith) WA-SB526-01 $6.00 The New Liberty Bell Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3107-00 $60.00 The New Madison Square Garden Band (King) WFR361 014-0027-00AR $50.00 The New Madison Square Garden Extra condensed score (King) 014-0027-01 New Magic Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB165-00 New Magic Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB165-01 New Mambo Loops Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1086-00 New Mambo Loops Extra full score (Ortiz) SCM-1086-01 The New Orient Band (Casto) 014-0093-00AR $50.00 New Orleans Jazz Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1610-00AR $50.00 New Orleans Jazz Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1610-02 New Orleans Salute Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC126-00 New Orleans Salute Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC126-01 $5.00 The New President Band (DeLuca) 013-0798-00AR $50.00 The New President Orchestra (DeLuca) 016-0345-00AR $50.00 New River Suite Concert Band (Spears) 012-1898-00AR $90.00 New River Suite Extra full score (Spears) 012-1898-01 $5.00 The New Swing Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-20 $9.95 The New Swing Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-24 $9.95 The New Swing Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-33 $9.95 The New Swing Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-43 $19.95 The New Swing Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-44 $11.95 The New Swing Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-3100-99 $9.95 New Way of Grooving Book - Method/Study (Berroa) PT-MU10-00 $24.95 The New White House Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0283-00AR $50.00 New World Variations Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR318 012-3160-00 $90.00 New World Variations Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3160-01 $9.00 New World Variations Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3160-75 $30.00 New World Variations Walking Frog Records CD WFR318 $14.95 The New "X" Ray Band (Barnhouse) 013-0128-00AR $50.00 The New "X" Ray Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0009-00AR $50.00 The New "X" Ray Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0009-00AR $10.00 New York Hippodrome Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3742-00 $60.00 New York Hippodrome Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4254-00 $72.00 New York Hippodrome Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4254-01 $10.00 New York Hippodrome Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4254-75 $25.00 New York Journal Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3669-00 $60.00 New York, London and Paris Band (English) 013-0301-00AR $50.00 New York: 1927 Concert Band (Barker) WFR194 012-3060-00 $72.00 New York: 1927 Extra full score (Barker) 012-3060-01 New York's Jubilee Concert Band (Ringle/arr. Briegel) BOV-S3400-00 $60.00 Newport Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3399-00 $60.00 The News-Sentinel Band (Verwiere) 014-0031-00AR $50.00 The Next Gig Eb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-20 $7.95 The Next Gig Bb instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-24 $7.95 The Next Gig Bass Clef instruments book (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-33 $7.95 The Next Gig Bass and drums book (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-43 $9.95 The Next Gig Keyboards & C instruments book & CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-44 $19.95 The Next Gig Extra CD (Clark & Clark) 038-2654-99 Niagara Maid Band (King) 013-0593-00AR $50.00 Niagara Maid Orchestra (King) 016-0238-00AR $50.00 Nibelungen Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Tobani) BOV-S3795-00 $60.00 A Nice Little Waltz Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0216-00 $28.00 A Nice Little Waltz Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0216-01 Nice 'N Easy Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB113-00 Nice 'N Easy Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB113-01 A Nickelodeon Melodrama Young Band (Orcino) WFR359 011-3722-00 A Nickelodeon Melodrama Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3722-01 Nicoletta Band (G. Buglione) 013-1059-00AR $50.00 Nicoletta Orchestra (G. Buglione) 016-0497-00AR $50.00 Nid & Nod Concert Band (Barnes) BOV-S2203-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $40.00 $6.00 $47.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 $9.95 $3.50 $40.00 $6.00 $50.00 $7.00 Page 157 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Night Alarm Concert Band (D. Reeves) BOV-S2073-00 $70.00 A Night at the Blue Note Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1024-00 $45.00 A Night at the Blue Note Extra full score SCM-1024-01 Night At the Opera Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB195-00 Night At the Opera Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB195-01 $5.00 Night Beat Marching Band (Swearingen) 069-1581-00AR $60.00 Night Dancer Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MSA111-00 $40.00 Night Dancer Extra score (Gingery) WA-MSA111-01 $5.00 The Night Engineer Band (Kloepfer) 013-0092-00AR $50.00 Night Flight Band (King) 013-1205-00AR $50.00 Night Flight Extra condensed score (King) 013-1205-01 $4.00 Night Flight to Rio Jazz Ensemble (Pastore) 991-2006-02 032-3509-00 $45.00 Night Flight to Rio Extra full score (Pastore) 032-3509-01 A Night in June Band (King) 013-0548-00AR $50.00 A Night in June Orchestra (King) 016-0161-00AR $50.00 A Night in June Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (King) 082-0041-20AR $12.00 A Night in June Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-04AR $10.00 A Night in June Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-08AR $10.00 A Night in June Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-20AR $10.00 A Night in June Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-24AR $10.00 A Night in June Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-33AR $10.00 A Night in June Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (King) 083-0041-38AR $10.00 A Night in June Ensemble Alto Sax - Tenor Sax duet with piano accompaniment (King) 092-0041-51AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Clarinet duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-08AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-22AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-24AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-33AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-38AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Flute & Clarinet duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-50AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (King) 093-0041-52AR $12.00 A Night in June Ensemble Brass sextet (King/arr. Holmes) 103-0005-00AR $20.00 A Night in June Ensemble Sax quartet (King/arr. Holmes) 111-0029-20AR $16.00 Night Journey Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB155-00 $40.00 Night Journey Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB155-01 $6.00 Night Life Jazz Ensemble (Nowak) WA-YSB114-00 $40.00 Night Life Extra score (Nowak) WA-YSB114-01 Night Lights Jazz Combo (Lowden) 038-0197-00 Night Lights Extra full score (Lowden) 038-0197-01 $2.50 Night Mist Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2015-01 032-4349-00 $48.00 Night Mist Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4349-01 $7.00 Night Ride Through Metropolis Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR364,WFR387 012-3784-00 $74.00 Night Ride Through Metropolis Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3784-01 $7.00 Night Ride Through Metropolis Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-3784-75 $25.00 Night Ride Through Metropolis Walking Frog Records CD WFR364 $14.95 Night Rider Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2000-02 032-3052-00 $60.00 Night Rider Extra full score (Stack) 032-3052-01 Night Shadows Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB193-00 Night Shadows Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB193-01 Night Watch Walking Frog Records CD WFR673 $14.95 Night Winds Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB102-00 $40.00 Night Winds Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB102-01 $6.00 Nightfall Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2206-00AR $50.00 Nightfall Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2206-01 Nightfall Band (King) 013-0601-00AR $50.00 Nightfall Orchestra (King) 016-0241-00AR $50.00 Nightflight Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR357 012-3773-00 $76.00 Nightflight Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3773-01 $8.00 Nightflight Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-3773-75 $30.00 Nighthawk Young Band (Swearingen) WFR383 023-4317-00 $42.00 Nighthawk Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4317-01 Nighthawks - Music of Alec Wilder Walking Frog Records CD WFR536 $14.95 Nightingale Concert Band (Koehler/arr. Barrington-Sergeant) BOV-S0747-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $6.00 $12.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $3.00 $6.00 Page 158 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Nightingale Extra condensed score (Koehler/arr. Barrington-Sergeant) BOV-S0747-01 $8.00 The Nightingale and the Rose Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0117-00 $60.00 The Nightingale and the Rose Extra full score (Saint-Saens/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0117-01 $8.00 Nights in White Satin Marching Band (L. Taylor) WA-MC146-00 $50.00 Nights in White Satin Extra score (L. Taylor) WA-MC146-01 Nightshift Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2005-01 032-3413-00 Nightshift Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3413-01 Nightwatch Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB183-00 Nightwatch Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB183-01 $6.00 The Ninety and Nine Concert Band (Campion/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0601-00 $65.00 The Ninety and Nine Extra condensed score (Campion/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0601-01 $8.00 Nippono Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3476-00 $60.00 No Chance Of Losing Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) SCM-1123-00 $48.00 No Chance Of Losing Extra full score (Sherburne) SCM-1123-01 $7.00 No Holds Barred Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2215-00 $32.00 No Holds Barred Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2215-01 No Looking Back Jazz Ensemble (Dilkey) WA-MS117-00 No Looking Back Extra score (Dilkey) WA-MS117-01 No More Blues Marching Band (Jobim/arr. Sochinski) 052-1765-00 $30.00 No More Hassles Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB124-00 $40.00 No More Hassles Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB124-01 No Problema! Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346,991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3497-00 No Problema! Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3497-01 $6.00 No Scuffle Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177,991-2008-02 032-2476-00 $45.00 No Scuffle Shuffle Extra full score (Spera) 032-2476-01 $5.00 No Speed Limit Blues Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2705-00 $35.00 No Speed Limit Blues Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2705-01 Nobilita Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0082-24AR $10.00 Noble Entry Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2522-00 $30.00 Noble Entry Extra score (K. Harris) 058-2522-01 $2.50 Noble Heritage Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2083-00 $65.00 Noble Heritage Extra score (Shaffer) 011-2083-01AR Nocturne No. 8 Ensemble Horn quartet (Guentzel) 101-0032-28 $15.00 A Noel Night Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR380 024-4242-00 $48.00 A Noel Night Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 024-4242-01 Non piu andrai Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0103-00 Non piu andrai Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0103-01 $8.00 Non so piu cosa son Concert Band (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0529-00 $60.00 Non so piu cosa son Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0529-01 $7.00 Non so piu cosa son Extra full score (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0529-02 $10.00 None But The Lonely Heart Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0582-00 $65.00 None But The Lonely Heart Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0582-01 $8.00 Nonpareil Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0549-00 $70.00 Nonpareil Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0549-01 Noodlin' Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) 991-2011-01 032-3996-00 Noodlin' Extra full score (Strommen) 032-3996-01 Norembega Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3318-00 $60.00 Norfolk Concert Band (Missud) BOV-S3525-00 $60.00 Norma Overture Concert Band (Bellini/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1015-00 $60.00 Norman Dello Joio Walking Frog Records CD WFR701 $14.95 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Conductor book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-01 $16.95 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Flute in C book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-04 Norman Lee Pep Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-08AR Norman Lee Pep Band Book 2nd Bb Clarinet book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-09 Norman Lee Pep Band Book 1st Eb Alto Saxophone book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-20AR Norman Lee Pep Band Book 2nd Eb Alto Saxophone book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-21 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-22 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-23AR $10.00 Norman Lee Pep Band Book 1st Bb Trumpet book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-24AR $10.00 Norman Lee Pep Band Book 2nd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-25 Norman Lee Pep Band Book F Horns book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-28 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Trombone/Baritone BC book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-33AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $42.00 $6.00 $40.00 $3.00 $55.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $70.00 $9.00 $48.00 $7.00 $2.50 $10.00 $2.50 $10.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $10.00 Page 159 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Norman Lee Pep Band Book Baritone TC/Bb Bass Clarinet book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-37 $2.50 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Tuba book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-39 $2.50 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Snare Drum/Bass Drum book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-41 $2.50 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Cymbals book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-47 $2.50 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Tri Toms book (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-48 $2.50 Norman Lee Pep Band Book Cassette (Clark, Harris & Huckeby) 071-2448-99 A Norman Rockwell Suite Concert Band (Hill) 012-1568-00AR $90.00 A Norman Rockwell Suite Extra score (Hill) 012-1568-01AR $10.00 The Normandy Carol Concert Band (Bulla) WA-ECB130-00 $50.00 The Normandy Carol Extra score (Bulla) WA-ECB130-01 North Bay Vistas Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR349 012-3634-00 North Bay Vistas Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3634-01 North Bend Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3401-00 $60.00 North Easton Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3319-00 $60.00 Northern Encounter Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2006-02 032-3560-00 $50.00 Northern Encounter Extra full score (Spera) 032-3560-01 A Northern Legend Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR331 029-0116-00AR $120.00 A Northern Legend Extra score (A. Reed) 029-0116-01AR $10.00 A Northern Legend Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 029-0116-75 $30.00 Northern Lights Young Band (Neeck) WFR195 011-3050-00 $45.00 Northern Lights Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3050-01 $5.00 Northern Lights Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Cowan) 081-0154-24 $2.50 Northpointe Fantasy Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324,WFR195 011-1902-00 $45.00 Northpointe Fantasy Extra score (Swearingen) 011-1902-01 $4.00 Northridge Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1574-00 $60.00 Northridge Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1574-01AR Northridge Marching Band (Shaffer/arr. Salzman) 052-1664-00 $28.00 Northwest Overture Young Band (Chattaway) WA-YB108-00 $60.00 Northwest Overture Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YB108-01 $6.00 Northwest Territory Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2407-00AR $50.00 Northwest Territory Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2407-01AR Northwind Concert Band (Strommen) WFR367 012-3897-00 Northwind Extra full score (Strommen) 012-3897-01 Northwood Overture Concert Band (Del Borgo) WA-OCB104-00 Northwood Overture Extra score (Del Borgo) WA-OCB104-01 $6.00 Norwegian Rhapsodie Concert Band (Svendsen/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2090-00 $85.00 Norwegian Rhapsodie Extra condensed score (Svendsen/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2090-01 $10.00 Nostalgic Happenings in the Three Bands of John Philip Sousa Not So Fast Book - Text (Heslip) 079-6059-00 $9.95 Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2001-01 031-3146-00 $38.00 Not So Fast Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3146-01 Not So Rare Forms Walking Frog Records CD WFR709 $14.95 Not Too Long Ago Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0235-00AR $50.00 Not Too Long Ago Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0235-01AR Nothing But Happiness Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0209-00 $18.00 Nothing But Happiness Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0209-01 $3.50 Nothing But Valves Walking Frog Records CD WFR447 Notre Dame Victory March Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2624-00 Notre Dame Victory March Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2624-01 $5.00 Nottingham Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2703-00 $42.00 Nottingham Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2703-01 $6.00 Nottingham Sketches Young Band (Behrman) WFR336 011-3441-00 $50.00 Nottingham Sketches Extra full score (Behrman) 011-3441-01 $6.00 Novelette Concert Band (Spears) 012-1520-00 $40.00 Novelette Extra full score (Spears) 012-1520-01 $4.50 Novelette Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1520-02 Novelette Ensemble Woodwind quartet (F. McKay) 111-0083-00AR $14.00 Novelty Band (Hughes) 014-0082-00 $25.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (Barnard) 074-6044-08AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Oboe or C Melody Saxophone book (Barnard) 074-6044-15AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (Barnard) 074-6044-17AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (Barnard) 074-6044-24AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Trombone BC book (Barnard) 074-6044-33AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $6.00 $72.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $72.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $6.00 $30.00 $2.50 Page 160 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Drums book (Barnard) 074-6044-41AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Barnard) 074-6044-60AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (Barnard) 074-6044-61AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Viola book (Barnard) 074-6044-62AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Cello book (Barnard) 074-6044-63AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Bass book (Barnard) 074-6044-64AR $10.00 Novelty Concert Orchestra Folio Trombone TC book (Barnard) 074-6044-66AR $10.00 Novena Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1575-00 $60.00 Novena Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1575-01 $7.00 Novena Extra condensed score (Swearingen) 012-1575-02AR Novena Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-1575-75 $25.00 Novena Marching Band (Swearingen/arr. Hopper) 052-1771-00AR $70.00 Novena Extra score (Swearingen/arr. Hopper) 052-1771-01AR Now Hear This Marching Band (K. Harris) MB152 $50.00 Now Playing Walking Frog Records CD WFR538 $14.95 Now Thank We All Our God Marching Band (arr. Hopper) 052-1678-00 $24.00 Now The Winter's Come To Stay Young Band (Shaffer) WFR333,WFR344 011-3341-00 $45.00 Now The Winter's Come To Stay Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3341-01 Now's the Time Jazz Ensemble (Parker/arr. Niehaus) 035-0381-00AR Now's the Time Extra full score (Parker/arr. Niehaus) 035-0381-01AR $7.00 'Nuff Said Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB190-00 $40.00 'Nuff Said Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB190-01 Selections from the Nutcracker Suite, Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2451-00 Selections from the Nutcracker Suite, Extra full score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Longfield) 012-2451-01 $6.00 Themes from the Nutcracker Young Band (arr. Huckeby) WFR192,WFR319 011-3027-00 $42.00 Themes from the Nutcracker Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 011-3027-01 $4.00 The Nuts and Crackers Sweet Young Band (Shaffer) WFR355 011-3629-00 $50.00 The Nuts and Crackers Sweet Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3629-01 The Nyeolion Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3648-00 $60.00 O Canada!/The Star Spangled Banner Concert Band (arr. Bowles) 012-2236-00AR $80.00 O Canada!/The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. Bowles) 012-2236-01AR O Christmas Tree Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02,WFR345 031-3110-00 O Christmas Tree Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 031-3110-01 $5.00 O Come, All Ye Faithful Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR196,WFR319 012-3080-00 $60.00 O Come, All Ye Faithful Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3080-01 $6.00 O Come All Ye Faithful Concert Band (arr. P. Clark) WFR385 012-4385-00 $68.00 O Come All Ye Faithful Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 012-4385-01 $8.00 O Come All Ye Faithful Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. P. Clark) 012-4385-75 $25.00 O Come, All Ye Faithful Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01,WFR345 031-2993-00 $38.00 O Come, All Ye Faithful Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 031-2993-01 O Come, All Ye Faithful Concert Band (Arr. Gingery) WA-FCB170-00 O Come, All Ye Faithful Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB170-01 $5.00 O Dear, What Can The Matter Be? Concert Band (Bax/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0572-00 $60.00 O Dear, What Can The Matter Be? Extra condensed score (Bax/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0572-01 $7.00 O Del Mio Amato Ben Concert Band (Donaudy/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2180-00 $65.00 O Del Mio Amato Ben Extra condensed score (Donaudy/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2180-01 $8.00 O Don Fatale Concert Band (Key of F) (Verdi/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0422-00 $65.00 O Don Fatale Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0422-01 $8.00 O Don Fatale Concert Band (Key of Ab) (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0541-00 $65.00 O Don Fatale Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0541-01 $8.00 O Dry Those Tears Concert Band (T. Del Riego/arr. R. Yeabsley) BOV-S0909-00 $65.00 O du mein Holder Abenstern Concert Band (Wagner/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0546-00 $65.00 O du mein Holder Abenstern Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0546-01 $7.00 O du mein Holder Abenstern Extra full score (Wagner/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0546-02 $10.00 O Holy Night Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3714-00 $48.00 O Holy Night Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3714-01 O Isis und Osiris Concert Band (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0631-00 O Isis und Osiris Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0631-01 $7.00 O Lamb Of God Orchestra (Bizet/arr. Allen) 016-0172-00AR $50.00 O my Love is like a red, red Rose Concert Band (Scottish air/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0639-00 $60.00 O my Love is like a red, red Rose Extra condensed score (Scottish air/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0639-01 $7.00 O paradis sorti de l'onde Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0104-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $65.00 $6.00 $5.00 $42.00 $4.00 $45.00 $6.00 $60.00 Page 161 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# O paradis sorti de l'onde Extra full score (Meyerbeer/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0104-01 $8.00 O Patria Mia Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0527-00 $55.00 O Patria Mia Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0527-01 $7.00 O Promise of a Love Divine Concert Band (Massanet/arr. Stewart) BOV-S0502-00 $45.00 O Promise of a Love Divine Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. Stewart) BOV-S0502-01 O Soave Fanciulla Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0103-00 $65.00 Oakdale Variations Young Band (Earl) WFR342 011-3484-00 $50.00 Oakdale Variations Extra full score (Earl) 011-3484-01 Oberon Concert Band (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2008-00 $85.00 Oberon Extra condensed score (Weber/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2008-01 $10.00 Oberon Concert Band (Weber/arr. Gready) BOV-S2173-00 $90.00 Oberon Extra condensed score (Weber/arr. Gready) BOV-S2173-01 $10.00 Oboe Obsession Walking Frog Records CD WFR589 $14.95 The Observatory Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3477-00 $60.00 Occident and Orient, Op. 25 Concert Band (Saint-Saens) BOV-S1151-00 $80.00 Occident and Orient, Op. 25 Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens) BOV-S1151-01 $10.00 The Occidental Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3743-00 $60.00 The Occidental Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3743-01 $6.00 Ocean Breezes Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1081-00 $55.00 Ocean Queen Band (Losey) 013-0130-00AR $50.00 Ocean Ridge Rhapsody Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2174-00 $63.00 Ocean Ridge Rhapsody Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2174-01 Ocean View Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB187-00 Ocean View Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB187-01 Oceans Of Glory Walking Frog Records CD WFR821 $14.95 Oceanscapes Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR341,WFR387 012-3538-00 $68.00 Oceanscapes Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3538-01 $7.00 Oceanscapes Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-3538-75 $25.00 Octane Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR372 012-4040-00 $76.00 Octane Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4040-01 Octane Walking Frog Records CD WFR372 $14.95 Octave Rock Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0111-00AR $50.00 October Sky Young Band (Romeyn) WFR386 023-4356-00 $44.00 October Sky Extra full score (Romeyn) 023-4356-01 The Octopus and the Mermaid Band (King) 013-0743-00AR $50.00 The Octopus and the Mermaid Orchestra (King) 016-0313-00AR $50.00 Ode and Jubilation Concert Band (G. Sebesky) WFR335 012-3409-00 $65.00 Ode and Jubilation Extra full score (G. Sebesky) 012-3409-01 Ode To Joy Young Band (Beethoven/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1592-00AR Ode To Joy Extra score (Beethoven/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1592-01AR $6.00 Ode To Joy Concert Band (Beethoven/arr. Sayre) WA-ECB112-00 $50.00 Ode To Joy Extra score (Beethoven/arr. Sayre) WA-ECB112-01 Odyssey Young Band (Chattaway) WA-CS106-00 Odyssey Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CS106-01 Of A Distant Star Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2543-00 Of A Distant Star Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2543-01 Of A Distant Star Walking Frog Records CD WFR103 $14.95 Of Castles And Kings Young Band (Romeyn) WFR380 024-4187-00 $46.00 Of Castles And Kings Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4187-01 Of Castles And Kings Walking Frog Records CD WFR380 $14.95 Of Clipper Ships And Sailors Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-ECB134-00 $55.00 Of Clipper Ships And Sailors Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-ECB134-01 Of Heroes And Demons Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR388 012-4434-00 $84.00 Of Heroes And Demons Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4434-01 $10.00 Of Heroes And Demons Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4434-75 $30.00 Of Honor and Valor Eternal Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR334 012-3447-00 $76.00 Of Honor and Valor Eternal Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3447-01 $8.00 Of Kindred Spirit Young Band (Sheldon) WFR183 011-2851-00 $48.00 Of Kindred Spirit Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2851-01 $5.00 Of Kings And Christmas Concert Band (Neeck) WFR195 012-3049-00 $60.00 Of Kings And Christmas Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3049-01 $6.00 Of Pride and Celebration Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-2002-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $65.00 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 162 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Of Pride and Celebration Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2002-01 $6.00 Of Time and Celebration Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1533-00 $13.00 Of Time And Change Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR382 012-4296-00 $78.00 Of Time And Change Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4296-01 $8.00 Of Time And Change Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4296-75 $25.00 Of Time And Change Walking Frog Records CD WFR382 $14.95 Of Courage And Valor Young Band (Huckeby) WFR333 011-3384-00 $45.00 Of Courage And Valor Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3384-01 Offenbach's Oven Marching Band (arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1528-00AR $70.00 Officer Of The Day Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3320-00 $60.00 Officer of the Guard Band (Jewell) 013-0650-00 $25.00 Officer of the Guard Extra condensed score (Jewell) 013-0650-01 Officer of the Guard Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0001-00AR $50.00 Offshore Breeze Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347 032-2704-00 $34.00 Offshore Breeze Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2704-01 $4.00 Oh Western World Vocal Vocal solo (in Bb) (Barnhouse & Rose) 021-7106-00AR $2.00 Oh! That we two were Maying Concert Band (Nevin/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0632-00 $60.00 Oh! That we two were Maying Extra condensed score (Nevin/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0632-01 $7.00 Oh! You Beautiful Doll Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MFP109-00 $40.00 Oh! You Beautiful Doll Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MFP109-01 Oh, What Fun! Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR385 012-4347-00 Oh, What Fun! Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4347-01 $8.00 Oh, What Fun! Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4347-75 $25.00 O-High-O Band (Barnhouse) 013-0970-00 $25.00 O-High-O Extra condensed score (Barnhouse) 013-0970-01 O-High-O Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0455-00AR $50.00 Ohio Division Band (King) 013-0708-00 $25.00 Ohio Division Extra condensed score (King) 013-0708-01 The Ohio Special Band (King) 014-0146-00AR The Ohio Special Extra condensed score (King) 014-0146-01 Oiseau, L' du Bois Concert Band (LeThiere) BOV-S0748-00 Oiseau, L' du Bois Extra condensed score (LeThiere) BOV-S0748-01 $8.00 Okolona Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0490-00AR $50.00 Ol' Blue Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0406-00AR $40.00 Ola Band (Kiefer) 013-0380-00AR $50.00 Old Bill Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0162-00AR $50.00 Old Bill Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0162-01AR The Old Castle Young Band (Mussorgsky/arr. R. W. Smith) WFR376 011-4157-00 The Old Castle Extra full score (Mussorgsky/arr. R. W. Smith) 011-4157-01 The Old Church Organ Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S2078-00 $50.00 Old Colonial Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0204-00AR $50.00 Old Colonial Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0042-00AR $50.00 Old Comrades Concert Band (Teike/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3786-00 $60.00 Old Comrades Extra condensed score (Teike/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3786-01 $6.00 Old Dutch Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0823-00 $65.00 An Old Fashioned Christmas Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-2114-00 $25.00 An Old Fashioned Christmas Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-2114-02 $3.00 Old Folks At Home Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0040-24 Old Folks At Home Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0040-33AR $10.00 Old Folks At Home Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0040-38AR $10.00 The Old Friend Concert Band (W. Thomas) BOV-S3789-00 $60.00 Old Friends Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2006-01 032-3521-00 $42.00 Old Friends Extra full score (Aldrich) 032-3521-01 Old Friendship Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3167-00 $60.00 Old Glory Concert Band (Fanciulli) BOV-S3227-00 $60.00 Old Glory Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2667-00 $38.00 Old Glory Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2667-01 $6.00 Old Glory Triumphant Concert Band (Duble/arr. Glover) WFR340,WFR366 012-3481-00 $65.00 Old Glory Triumphant Extra full score (Duble/arr. Glover) 012-3481-01 $6.00 Old Glory Triumphant Oversized spiral-bound score (Duble/arr. Glover) 012-3481-75 $25.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Concert Band (Fucik/arr. Glover) WFR331,WFR354 012-3350-00 $65.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Extra full score (Fucik/arr. Glover) 012-3350-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $68.00 $4.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $65.00 $6.00 $52.00 $7.00 $3.50 $5.00 Page 163 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-13 $10.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-17 $10.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Baritone Saxophone solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-23 $10.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Euphonium (TC) solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-37 $10.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Euphonium (BC) solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-38 $10.00 The Old Grumbly Bear Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Fucik/arr. Glover) 084-4028-39 $10.00 Old Hickory Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3478-00 $60.00 Old Hickory Band (Sweet) 013-0983-00AR $50.00 Old Home Guards Band (Jewell) 013-0590-00AR $50.00 Old Hundredth Orchestra (arr. Allen) 016-0179-00AR $50.00 Old Kentucky Home Band (C. Smith/arr. Holmes) 013-0845-00AR $50.00 Old Kentucky Home Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0361-00AR $50.00 Old Kentucky Home Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0031-24 $3.50 Old Kentucky Home Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0031-33 $3.50 Old Kentucky Home Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0031-38 Old Ocean Barcarolle Band (Bray) 013-0121-00AR $50.00 The Old Refrain Concert Band (Kreisler/arr. C. Roberts) BOV-S0928-00 $65.00 The Old Refrain Extra condensed score (Kreisler/arr. C. Roberts) BOV-S0928-01 $8.00 Old Reliable Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3479-00 $60.00 Old Texas Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-1454-00 $12.00 Old Texas Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-1454-02 Old Time Favorites Concert Band (Barnard) 013-0850-00AR $50.00 Old Time Favorites Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1021-00AR $50.00 Old Timer's Waltz Concert Band (arr. Lake) BOV-S0820-00 $65.00 Old Vienna Band (King) 014-0128-00AR $50.00 Olde English Carol Young Band (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1605-00 $60.00 Olde English Carol Extra Full Score (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1605-01 $10.00 Olde English Carol Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (arr. R.W. Smith) RWS-1605-75 $25.00 Olde English Hymn Young Band (Swearingen) WFR377 024-4088-00 $46.00 Olde English Hymn Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4088-01 The Olive Branch Band (Sherman) 013-0393-00AR $50.00 Olympia Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1016-00AR $50.00 Olympia Hippodrome Concert Band (Alexander/arr. Glover) WFR349,WFR366 012-3572-00 $65.00 Olympia Hippodrome Extra full score (Alexander/arr. Glover) 012-3572-01 Olympia Hippodrome Band (1898 edition) (Alexander) 013-0181-00AR $50.00 Olympia Hippodrome Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR325 013-0866-00AR $50.00 Olympia Hippodrome Extra condensed score (Alexander) 013-0866-01 Olympia Band (G. Holmes) 013-0965-00AR $50.00 Olympia Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0451-00AR $50.00 Olympic Spirit Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB143-00 $45.00 Olympic Spirit Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB143-01 $5.00 Omar Khayyam Band (King) 014-0134-00AR $50.00 On A Cold Winter's Night Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR328 012-3312-00 $60.00 On A Cold Winter's Night Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3312-01 On A Jazz Mission Walking Frog Records CD WFR846 $14.95 On A Snowy Winter's Eve Young Band (Shaffer) WFR369 011-3892-00 $48.00 On A Snowy Winter's Eve Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3892-01 $7.00 On A Spring Morning Young Band (Shaffer) WFR317,WFR321 011-3171-00 $42.00 On A Spring Morning Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3171-01 On A Summer's Eve Band (King) 013-0579-00AR $50.00 On A Summer's Eve Orchestra (King) 016-0181-00AR $50.00 On Angel Wings Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR334 012-3475-00 $65.00 On Angel Wings Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3475-01 $6.00 On Conducting The Professional Concert Band Book - Text (L. B. Smith) 079-6200-00 $14.95 On Dress Parade Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3168-00 $60.00 On Freedom's Wings Young Band (Shabazz) WFR336 011-3448-00 $50.00 On Freedom's Wings Extra full score (Shabazz) 011-3448-01 $7.00 On Holiday Young Band (S. Watson) WFR336 011-3401-00 $48.00 On Holiday Extra full score (S. Watson) 011-3401-01 On Jersey Shore Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3587-00 $60.00 On Our Way Jazz Ensemble (Parsons) WA-SB527-00 $45.00 On Our Way Extra score (Parsons) WA-SB527-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $2.50 $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 Page 164 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price On Parade Young Band (Glover) WFR390 023-4514-00 $42.00 On Parade Extra full score (Glover) 023-4514-01 On Parade Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3744-00 On Parade Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3744-01 $6.00 On Parade Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB175-00 $45.00 On Parade Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB175-01 $5.00 On the Air Band (Clement) 013-0766-00AR $50.00 On the Air Orchestra (Clement) 016-0378-00AR $50.00 On the Bandstand! Walking Frog Records CD WFR482 $14.95 On The Banks… Concert Band (Conaway) WFR384 012-4396-00 $78.00 On The Banks… Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4396-01 $10.00 On The Banks… Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4396-75 $30.00 On the Boulevard Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0080-08 $14.00 On the Count of 3 Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 035-2197-00 $40.00 On the Count of 3 Extra full score (P. Clark) 035-2197-01 $3.00 On the Edge of the Sword Young Band (Shaffer) WFR363 011-3879-00 $54.00 On the Edge of the Sword Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3879-01 On the Firing Line Band (Jewell) 013-0565-00AR $50.00 On the Hike Concert Band (Brockenshire) BOV-S3081-00 $60.00 On the Line Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-2306-00 $38.00 On The Mountain Top Concert Band (Barnhouse) 013-0728-00AR $50.00 On The Mountain Top Extra condensed score (Barnhouse) 013-0728-01AR $6.00 On The Mountain Top Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0290-00AR $50.00 On The Mountain Top Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-6065-24AR $10.00 On The Mountain Top Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-6065-24AR $12.00 On The Mountain Top Ensemble Brass sextet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 103-0010-00AR $25.00 On The Quarter Deck Concert Band (K. Alford) BOV-S3032-00 $60.00 On the Square Concert Band (Panella/arr. Schissel) WFR329,WFR366 012-3284-00 $65.00 On the Square Extra full score (Panella/arr. Schissel) 012-3284-01 On The Square Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3552-00 $60.00 On the Sunny Side of the Street Marching Band (Fields & McHugh/arr. Pegram) 055-1830-00AR $60.00 On The Tramp Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3745-00 $60.00 On The Warpath Band (King) 013-0614-00AR $50.00 On The Warpath Orchestra (King) 016-0254-00AR $50.00 On The Warpath Marching Band (A. Clark) MB161 $50.00 On The Warpath Extra score (A. Clark) MB161-01 On the Wheel Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3169-00 $60.00 On To Victory Band (Kiefer) 013-0375-00AR $50.00 On Wings of Eagles Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2646-00 $50.00 On Wings of Eagles Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2646-01 $6.00 On Wings of Magic Concert Band (Wada) WFR341 012-3485-00 $68.00 On Wings of Magic Extra full score (Wada) 012-3485-01 On Wings Of Song Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0629-00 On Wings Of Song Extra condensed score (Mendelssohn/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0629-01 $8.00 On Wisconsin Marching Band (Beck & Purdy/arr. A. Clark) 058-2247-00AR $50.00 On Wisconsin Extra score (Beck & Purdy/arr. A. Clark) 058-2247-01AR $5.00 On! To the Goal Band (Barnhouse) 013-0860-00AR $50.00 On! To the Goal Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0388-00AR $50.00 Once I Built a Railroad Marching Band (Herrmann) 056-1646-00 $15.00 Once in a Lifetime Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MC116-00 $50.00 Once in a Lifetime Extra score (Gingery) WA-MC116-01 Once Upon A Time Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3958-00 Once Upon A Time Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3958-01 $7.00 One and a Half O'Clock Jump Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-0317-00 $27.00 One and a Half O'Clock Jump Extra full score (Rowe) 031-0317-01 One Big Happy Family Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 032-0252-00AR One Big Happy Family Extra full score (Hooper) 032-0252-01AR One Christmas Night Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2292-00 One Christmas Night Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2292-01 $4.00 One Flight Up Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2016-01 032-4461-00 $48.00 One Flight Up Extra full score (Barton) 032-4461-01 $7.00 One For Amy Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0140-00 $17.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 $7.00 $65.00 $5.00 $45.00 $3.50 $60.00 $6.00 $27.00 Page 165 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# One For Amy Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0140-01 $3.00 One for Ernie Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1054-00 $47.00 One for Ernie Extra full score SCM-1054-01 One For Hank Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB210-00 One For Hank Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB210-01 One For Ned Jazz Ensemble (Beal) WA-SB544-00 One For Ned Extra score (Beal) WA-SB544-01 $6.00 One For Run Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1308-00AR $50.00 One For Woody Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177,991-2007-02 035-2565-00 $68.00 One For Woody Extra full score (Spera) 035-2565-01 140th Infantry Band (King) 014-0055-00AR $50.00 147th Field Artillery Band (King) 014-0065-00AR $50.00 133rd Infantry Iowa National Guard Band (Laurier) 014-0095-00AR $50.00 121st Field Artillery W. N. G. Band (Boyer & Van Loan) 013-1049-00AR $50.00 One in a Million Walking Frog Records CD WFR503 $14.95 One More Days Work Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0113-20 $3.50 One More Days Work Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0113-24 $3.50 One More Days Work Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0113-33 $3.50 One More Days Work Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0113-38 One More Revival Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0124-00AR One More Revival Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0124-01AR $6.00 One More Song Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB127-00 $40.00 One More Song Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB127-01 One O'Clock Rock Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2894-00 One O'Clock Rock Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2894-01 $4.00 One Special Moment Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2002-01 031-3183-00 $38.00 One Special Moment Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3183-01 One Sweetly Solemn Thought Orchestra (Ambrose/arr. Allen) 016-0169-00AR One Sweetly Solemn Thought Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7112-00AR One to One Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0177-00 One to One Extra full score (Tatgenhorst/arr. Carney) 032-0177-01 $3.50 One With The Wind Concert Band (Conaway) WFR367 012-3969-00 $72.00 One With The Wind Extra full score (Conaway) 012-3969-01 $7.00 One, Two, Ready, Swing! Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2004-01 032-3377-00 $45.00 One, Two, Ready, Swing! Extra full score (Molter) 032-3377-01 One, Two, Three, Four Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S2033-00 $50.00 Oneita Polonaise Band (Barnhouse) 013-0103-00AR $50.00 The Only Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Lake) BOV-S0872-00 $65.00 The Only Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0873-00 $75.00 The Only Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Lake) BOV-S3364-00 $60.00 Only Yesterday Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB164-00 $40.00 Only Yesterday Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB164-01 $6.00 Only You Waltz Band (Rockwell) 013-0219-00AR $50.00 Onward Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3402-00 $60.00 Onward and Upward Band (Ripley) 013-0272-00AR $50.00 Oops! Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst) 032-2553-00 $38.00 Oops! Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 032-2553-01 Open The Gates Of The Temple Concert Band (Knapp/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0575-00 Open The Gates Of The Temple Extra condensed score (Knapp/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0575-01 Open Thy Heart Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Glover) WFR381 012-4303-00 Open Thy Heart Extra full score (Bizet/arr. Glover) 012-4303-01 $8.00 Open Thy Heart Oversized spiral-bound score (Bizet/arr. Glover) 012-4303-75 $25.00 Open Wide Jazz Ensemble (Ellis/arr. Lowden) 036-0279-00AR $50.00 Open Wide Extra full score (Ellis/arr. Lowden) 036-0279-01 Open Wide Marching Band (Ellis/arr. Tatgenhorst) 052-1670-00AR $50.00 The Opener Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 032-2620-00 $30.00 The Opener Extra full score (K. Harris) 032-2620-01 Opening Fanfare Concert Band (Van Loan) BOV-S0951-00 $40.00 The Optimist Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0010-00 $65.00 Orangotango Young Band (Henderson) 029-1479-00AR $50.00 Orangotango Extra score (Henderson) 029-1479-01AR $6.00 Oregon Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 032-0113-00AR $90.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $4.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $35.00 $5.00 $50.00 $2.00 $22.50 $6.00 $4.00 $60.00 $7.00 $68.00 $7.00 $3.50 Page 166 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Oregon Extra score (Nordal) 032-0113-01AR Orientale Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 8 players (O'Connor) WFR188 121-0182-00 Orientale Extra score (O'Connor) 121-0182-01 Orion Band (G. Holmes) 013-1080-00AR $50.00 Orion's Last Battle Young Band (J. McBride) WFR382 011-4259-00 $52.00 Orion's Last Battle Extra full score (J. McBride) 011-4259-01 Orontus Band (Daniels) 013-0369-00AR $50.00 Orpheana Concert Band (Boyer) 013-1073-00AR $50.00 Orpheana Extra condensed score (Boyer) 013-1073-01AR $6.00 The Orpheum Concert Band (E. Mutchler) BOV-S3537-00 $60.00 Orpheus Concert Band (Offenbach/Neeck) WFR385 012-4365-00 $68.00 Orpheus Extra full score (Offenbach/Neeck) 012-4365-01 $8.00 Orpheus Oversized spiral-bound score (Offenbach/Neeck) 012-4365-75 $25.00 Orpheus in the Underworld Concert Band (Offenbach/arr. Lake) BOV-S2096-00 $85.00 Orpheus in the Underworld Extra condensed score (Offenbach/arr. Lake) BOV-S2096-01 $10.00 Orpheus Ensemble Sax quartet (Offenbach/arr. Holmes) 111-0017-20AR $16.00 Ortron Invasion Concert Band (Moss) WA-FCB134-00 $45.00 Ortron Invasion Extra score (Moss) WA-FCB134-01 Oscar Mike March Young Band (Bankston) RWS-1602-00 $60.00 Oscar Mike March Extra Full Score (Bankston) RWS-1602-01 $10.00 Oscar Mike March Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (Bankston) RWS-1602-75 $25.00 Ostinato Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0096-00AR $20.00 Ottumwa Concert Band (Worrell/arr. A. Clark) 012-4339-00 Ottumwa Band (Worrell) 013-0413-00AR $50.00 Our Bugler Concert Band (Missud) BOV-S3526-00 $60.00 Our Colonel Band (Vandercook) 013-0262-00AR $50.00 Our Colonel Orchestra (Vandercook) 016-0065-00AR $50.00 Our Columbia Forever Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3170-00 $60.00 Our Commander Concert Band (McEvitt) BOV-S3522-00 $60.00 Our Creed Is Our Shield String Orchestra (C.T. Smith) CTS-7864-00 $40.00 Our Creed Is Our Shield Extra full score (C.T. Smith) CTS-7864-01 $6.00 Our Creed Is Our Shield Oversized, spiral-bound score (C.T. Smith) CTS-7864-75 $25.00 Our Director Concert Band (Bigelow/arr. R. Hildreth) BOV-S3063-00 $60.00 Our Director Concert Band (Bigelow/arr. Swearingen) WFR328,WFR366 012-3287-00 $60.00 Our Director Extra full score (Bigelow/arr. Swearingen) 012-3287-01 $6.00 Our Director Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2804-00 $35.00 Our Director Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2804-01 $2.50 Our Father Who Art In Heaven Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) WFR184 012-2092-00 $60.00 Our Father Who Art In Heaven Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-2092-01 Our Favorite Banner Band (Kiefer) 013-0377-00AR $50.00 Our Fighting Men Concert Band (Rocereto) BOV-S3629-00 $60.00 Our First Band Concert Young Band (Shaffer, Swearingen, R. W. Smith, Grice) 028-4244-00 $98.00 Our First Band Concert Extra full score (Shaffer, Swearingen, R. W. Smith, Grice) 028-4244-01 $10.00 Our First Christmas Concert! Young Band (Swearingen & J. Williams) 028-4332-00 $98.00 Our First Christmas Concert! Extra full score (Swearingen & J. Williams) 028-4332-01 $12.00 Our First Jazz Concert Jazz Ensemble (Lowden, A. Clark, Aldrich, Harris) 028-4245-00 $60.00 Our First Jazz Concert Extra full score (Lowden, A. Clark, Aldrich, Harris) 028-4245-01 $12.00 Our First Spring Concert! Young Band (Harris, Swearingen, Shaffer & Huckeby) 028-4333-00 $98.00 Our First Spring Concert! Extra full score (Harris, Swearingen, Shaffer & Huckeby) 028-4333-01 $12.00 Our Flag To The Front Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3454-00 $60.00 Our Flag Unfurled Band (Barnhouse) 013-1000-00AR $50.00 Our Flag Unfurled Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0469-00AR $50.00 Our Flag Unfurled Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0114-00AR $10.00 Our Flirtations Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3746-00 $60.00 Our Flirtations Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3746-01 $6.00 Our Friends Band (A. Buglione) 013-0304-00AR $50.00 Our Gallant Infantry Band (Edwards) 013-1271-00AR $50.00 Our Governor Band (G. Buglione) 013-1056-00AR $50.00 Our Greeting Band (duet for Alto & Baritone) (Barnhouse) 013-0135-00AR $50.00 Our Greeting Band (duet for Alto & Tenor saxes) (Barnhouse) 013-0136-00AR $50.00 Our Heritage Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR174 012-2836-00 $55.00 Our Heritage Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2836-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $15.00 $5.00 $7.00 $5.00 $0.00 $6.00 Page 167 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Our Heritage Band (King) 013-1268-00AR $65.00 Our Heritage Extra condensed score (King) 013-1268-01 $4.00 Our Heritage Marching Band (King/arr. A. Clark) 057-2141-00 $30.00 Our Heritage Extra score (King/arr. A. Clark) 057-2141-01 Our Leader Orchestra (G. Buglione) 016-0286-00AR $50.00 Our Mascot Band (Jewell) 013-0564-00AR $50.00 Our Maud Concert Band (T. Short/arr. W. Smith) BOV-S0739-00 $65.00 Our Maud Extra condensed score (T. Short/arr. W. Smith) BOV-S0739-01 $8.00 Our Merchant Marine Band (G. Holmes) 013-0350-00AR $50.00 Our Merchant Marine Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0147-00AR $50.00 Our National Patrol Concert Band (Fanciulli) BOV-S3228-00 $60.00 Our National President Concert Band (Celfo) BOV-S3132-00 $60.00 Our Nation's Guard Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3108-00 $60.00 Our Native Land Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3365-00 $60.00 Our Own Make Concert Band (Levy) BOV-S0732-00 $65.00 Our Senator Band (E. Brooks) 013-0206-00AR $50.00 Our Senator Orchestra (E. Brooks) 016-0029-00AR $50.00 Our Senators Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3171-00 $60.00 Our Special Band (Jewell) 013-0313-00AR $50.00 Our Special Orchestra (Jewell) 016-0084-00AR $50.00 Our Standard Band (Rockwell) 013-0112-00AR $50.00 Our Victorious Nation Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3480-00 $60.00 Out Behind the Barn Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0169-00AR $50.00 Out Behind the Barn Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0169-01AR Out of Control Walking Frog Records CD WFR243 $14.95 Out Of Darkness Concert Band (Hilliard) WFR332 012-3317-00 $70.00 Out Of Darkness Extra full score (Hilliard) 012-3317-01 Out of the Blue Walking Frog Records CD WFR490 $14.95 Out of the Woods Concert Band (Bulla) WA-FCB204-00 $45.00 Out of the Woods Extra score (Bulla) WA-FCB204-01 Out Sitting In His Field Walking Frog Records CD WFR741 $14.95 Outa Soul - Outa Sight Marching Band (T. Davis) 069-1378-00AR $50.00 Outback Rhapsody Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB14-00 $50.00 Outback Rhapsody Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB14F-01 $8.00 The Outlook Band (Jewell) 013-0563-00AR $50.00 Ouverture Internationale Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR335 012-3465-00 $68.00 Ouverture Internationale Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3465-01 $7.00 Over Easy Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1125-00 $48.00 Over Easy Extra full score (Strommen) SCM-1125-01 $7.00 Over The Edge Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2005-01 032-3438-00 $45.00 Over The Edge Extra full score (Barton) 032-3438-01 Over the Stars Band (King) 013-0460-00AR $50.00 Over the Stars Orchestra (King) 016-0137-00AR $50.00 Over The Stone Young Band (Neeck) WFR379 011-4170-00 $52.00 Over The Stone Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4170-01 Over the Waves Band (Rosas/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0017-00AR $50.00 Over There! Concert Band (Cohan) BOV-S3212-00 $60.00 Overbrook Young Band (R. Foster) 011-1782-00AR $50.00 Overbrook Extra score (R. Foster) 011-1782-02AR Overtino Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1660-00 Overtino Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1660-02 Overtura Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2458-00AR Overtura Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2458-01 $7.00 Overtura Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4228-00 $50.00 Overtura Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4228-01 $6.00 Overture A La Russe Concert Band (Barker) WFR105 012-2152-00 $65.00 Overture A La Russe Extra full score (Barker) 012-2152-01 Overture Defiance Band (Rockwell) 013-0114-00AR $50.00 Overture for a Festival Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7838-00 $70.00 Overture for a Festival (C. T. Smith) CTS-7838-01 $12.00 Overture for a Festival (C. T. Smith) CTS-7838-75 $25.00 Overture Psyche Band (Barnhouse) 013-0142-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $20.00 $2.50 $80.00 $7.00 Page 168 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Overture Royal Purple Band (Rockwell) 013-0116-00AR $50.00 Overture to a New Millennium Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR186,WFR199 012-2929-00 $68.00 Overture to a New Millennium Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2929-01 Overture To Freedom Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB108-00 Overture To Freedom Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB108-01 Oxford Point Overture Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7839-00 $70.00 Oxford Point Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7839-01 $12.00 Oxford Point Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7839-75 $25.00 Oxford Pointe Young Band (Huckeby) WFR187 011-2563-00 $45.00 Oxford Pointe Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2563-01AR Oyeme Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1035-00 Oyeme Extra full score SCM-1035-01 Ozark Trails Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0842-00AR $50.00 Pace, pace mio Dio Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0419-00 $70.00 Pace, pace mio Dio Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0419-01 $8.00 Pace, pace mio Dio Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0419-02 $10.00 Pachelbel's Carols Young Band (arr. A. Clark) 011-2564-00 $40.00 Pachelbel's Carols Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 011-2564-01 $4.50 Pachyderm Peanut Posse Young Band (Orcino) WFR342 015-3427-00 $40.00 Pachyderm Peanut Posse Extra full score (Orcino) 015-3427-01 The Pacific Fleet Band (Vandercook) 013-0402-00AR The Pacific Fleet Orchestra (Vandercook) 016-0112-00AR Pacific Heights Concert Band (Gorham) WFR365 012-3825-00 $150.00 Pacific Heights Oversized spiral-bound score (Gorham) 012-3825-75 $30.00 Pacifica Young Band (Wada) WFR342 011-3486-00 $48.00 Pacifica Extra full score (Wada) 011-3486-01 Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit-Bag Concert Band (Powell/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S3565-00 $60.00 Paddywack Young Band (Balent) 011-1838-00AR $50.00 Paddywack Extra score (Balent) 011-1838-01AR $5.00 Pa-Doo-Dah Jazz Ensemble (Brown) WA-SB511-00 $45.00 Pa-Doo-Dah Extra score (Brown) WA-SB511-01 Pageant for Winds Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-2315-00 Pageant for Winds Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2315-01 $6.00 Pageant of Light Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-2154-00 $65.00 Pageant of Light Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2154-01 $6.00 Pageantry Ensemble Brass quartet (F. McKay) 101-0145-00 $10.00 Pageantry Band (King) 014-0076-00 $25.00 Pageantry Extra condensed score (King) 014-0076-01 $4.00 Pageantry Concert Band (Edmondson) WFR328 012-1348-00 $60.00 Pageantry Extra full score (Edmondson) 012-1348-01 $6.00 Pageantry Extra condensed score (Edmondson) 012-1348-02AR Pageantry Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1696-00 $25.00 Pagliacci Concert Band (Leoncavallo/arr. Glover) WFR378 012-4202-00 $72.00 Pagliacci Extra full score (Leoncavallo/arr. Glover) 012-4202-01 $8.00 Pagliacci Oversized spiral-bound score (Leoncavallo/arr. Glover) 012-4202-75 $25.00 Pagliacci Concert Band (Leoncavallo/arr. E. Brooks) BOV-S1097-00 $70.00 Pagliacci Extra condensed score (Leoncavallo/arr. E. Brooks) BOV-S1097-01 $9.00 Pagliacci Concert Band (Leoncavallo/arr. Wright) BOV-S2037-00 $95.00 Pagliacci Extra condensed score (Leoncavallo/arr. Wright) BOV-S2037-01 $10.00 Pahson Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3253-00 $60.00 Pajaritos Young Band (Huckeby) WFR390 024-4465-00 $46.00 Pajaritos Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-4465-01 $6.00 Palimpsest Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR328 012-3252-00 $76.00 Palimpsest Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-3252-01 $8.00 Palimpsest Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-3252-75 $30.00 Pall Mall Famous Concert Band (Alexander) BOV-S3403-00 $60.00 Palm Garden Rag Band (Huffer) WFR361 013-0399-00AR $50.00 The Palm Limited Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3481-00 $60.00 Palmetto Bug Jazz Ensemble (Prince) 031-0084-00 $30.00 Palmetto Bug Extra score (Prince) 031-0084-01 Paloma, La Concert Band (Yradier/arr. Tobani) BOV-S2009-00 $60.00 Paloma, La Concert Band (Yradier/arr. Hartmann) BOV-S2159-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $42.00 $6.00 $5.00 Page 169 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Pan American Young Band (King/arr. A. Clark) WFR363 011-3789-00 $48.00 Pan American Extra full score (King/arr. A. Clark) 011-3789-01 $6.00 Pan American Oversized spiral-bound score (King/ arr A. Clark) 011-3789-75 $25.00 Pan American Band (King) WFR174 013-1204-00 $25.00 Pan American Extra condensed score (King) 013-1204-01 Panama Pacific Concert Band (H. Alford) BOV-S3029-00 $60.00 Panamericana Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0837-00 $65.00 Panel in Oil Color Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0149-00AR $20.00 Panic Button Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 031-3281-00 $45.00 Panic Button Extra full score (Barton) 031-3281-01 $5.00 Panis Angelicus Concert Band (Franck/arr. Reed) WFR129,WFR184 012-2059-00 $40.00 Panis Angelicus Extra score (Franck/arr. Reed) 012-2059-01 Panis Angelicus Concert Band (Franck/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0520-00 Panis Angelicus Extra condensed score (Franck/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0520-01 Panorama Walking Frog Records CD WFR729 $14.95 Panorama Band (Barnhouse) 013-0767-00AR $50.00 Panorama Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0327-00AR $50.00 Panther In The Sky Young Band (Swearingen) WFR333 011-3390-00 $50.00 Panther In The Sky Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3390-01 $6.00 Parable Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Siekmann) 084-0177-39 $5.00 Parade of the Bumbling Wooden Soldiers Young Band (Shaffer) WFR323,WFR344 011-3215-00 $45.00 Parade of the Bumbling Wooden Soldiers Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3215-01 $6.00 Parade of the Palominos Young Band (Shaffer) WFR360 023-3705-00 $40.00 Parade of the Palominos Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-3705-01 Parade of the Tall Ships Concert Band (Chattaway) WFR384 WA-CB107-00 Parade of the Tall Ships Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CB107-01 $6.00 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Concert Band (Jessel/arr. C. Williams) BOV-S1092-00 $65.00 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Extra condensed score (Jessel/arr. C. Williams) BOV-S1092-01 Parade Set No. 1 Marching Band (arr. Shaffer) 057-2064-00 $29.00 Parade Set No. 2 Marching Band (Shaffer) 057-2171-00AR $50.00 Paradigm Concert Band (Caruso) 012-1482-00AR $80.00 Paradigm Extra score (Caruso) 012-1482-01AR Paradigm Walking Frog Records CD WFR621 $14.95 Paradise Cove Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB174-00 $40.00 Paradise Cove Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB174-01 Paradoodles Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2612-00 $20.00 Paradox Band (Hagans/arr. Barnard) 013-0410-00AR $50.00 Paradox Orchestra (Hagans/arr. Barnard) 016-0126-00AR $50.00 Paragon Band (Barnard) 013-0353-00AR $50.00 Paragon Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0100-00AR $50.00 Paragraph III Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1175-00 $70.00 Parallel Universe Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3955-00 $48.00 Parallel Universe Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3955-01 Paramount Band (Russell) 013-1041-00AR $50.00 Paramount Orchestra (Russell) 016-0494-00AR $50.00 Paramour of Panama Concert Band (Alexander) BOV-S3019-00 $60.00 Pardon My Blues Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB150-00 $40.00 Pardon My Blues Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB150-01 $6.00 Paris Exposition Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0192-00AR $50.00 Paris Exposition Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0031-00AR $50.00 Park Point Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3109-00 $60.00 Park Street Celebration Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324,WFR195 011-1834-00 $32.00 Park Street Celebration Extra score (Swearingen) 011-1834-02 Partita Allegro Ensemble Woodwind choir (Holsinger) 114-0178-00AR $40.00 Party Line Marching Band (Lutz) WA-MCE118-00 $50.00 Party Line Extra score (Lutz) WA-MCE118-01 $5.00 Party Time Jazz Ensemble (Mintzer) 035-0383-00AR $60.00 Party Time Extra full score (Mintzer) 035-0383-01AR $7.00 Pas Redouble Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Josneau) BOV-S2068-00 $65.00 Pasadena Day Concert Band (Vessella/arr. Mondrone) BOV-S3793-00 $60.00 Pasquinade Concert Band (Gottschalk/arr. T. Carter) BOV-S3404-00 $60.00 Pass It Along Band (Jewell) 013-0573-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $7.00 $60.00 $7.00 $5.00 $65.00 $8.00 $8.00 $6.00 $7.00 $5.00 Page 170 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Passacaglia Concert Band (Bach/arr. Glover) WFR381 012-4302-00 $72.00 Passacaglia Extra full score (Bach/arr. Glover) 012-4302-01 $8.00 Passacaglia Oversized spiral-bound score (Bach/arr. Glover) 012-4302-75 $25.00 Passacaglia for Band Concert Band (McGinty) 012-1711-00 $40.00 Passacaglia for Band Extra score (McGinty) 012-1711-01AR Passages Walking Frog Records CD WFR446 $14.95 Passing of the Red Man Band (King) 013-0641-00AR $50.00 Passing of the Red Man Orchestra (King) 016-0227-00AR $50.00 Passions Walking Frog Records CD WFR810 $14.95 Past Commander Concert Band (Casey) BOV-S3131-00 $60.00 Pastoral Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0079-00AR $16.00 Pastorale Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR185,WFR199 012-2744-00 $55.00 Pastorale Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2744-01 Pastorale Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0373-00AR Pastorale Moderne Ensemble Woodwind trio (Tustin) 110-0098-00 Path of Honor Band (Jewell) 013-0561-00AR $50.00 The Pathfinder Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB188-00 $45.00 The Pathfinder Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB188-01 The Pathfinder of Panama Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4508-00 $74.00 The Pathfinder of Panama Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4508-01 $10.00 The Pathfinder of Panama Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4508-75 $30.00 The Pathfinder Of Panama Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3747-00 $60.00 Patricianne Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0075-24AR $10.00 Patrie Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Seidel) BOV-S1019-00 $90.00 Patrie Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. Seidel) BOV-S1019-01 $10.00 The Patriot Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Glover) BOV-J0103-00 $65.00 The Patriot Extra condensed score (Pryor/arr. Glover) BOV-J0103-01 Patriotic Finale Concert Band (R. Foster) CB217 Patriotic Finale extra score (R. Foster) CB217-01 Patriotic Finale Marching Band (R. Foster) MB157 $50.00 A Patriotic Treasure Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Stanton) 026-3885-00 $50.00 A Patriotic Treasure Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Stanton) 026-3885-01 $6.00 A Patriotic Trilogy Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2653-00 $32.00 A Patriotic Trilogy Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2653-01 Patriots of the Potomac Band (1903 edition) (Alexander) 013-0282-00AR $50.00 Patriots of the Potomac Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0872-00AR $50.00 Patriots on Parade Young Band (K. Harris) WFR323 015-3216-00 $38.00 Patriots on Parade Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-3216-01 $5.00 The Patriots Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2395-00 $48.00 The Patriots Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2395-01 Patrol '76 Concert Band (Butts) 013-1331-00AR Patrol '76 Extra score (Butts) 013-1331-01AR $6.00 Patterns in Jazz Conductor book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-01AR $20.00 Patterns in Jazz Field routines book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-02AR $20.00 Patterns in Jazz Flute/Piccolo book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-04AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Bb Clarinet book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-08AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Oboe book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-15AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Alto Saxophone Eb book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-20AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Tenor Saxophone/Bb Bass Clarinet book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-22AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Baritone Saxophone Eb book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-23AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz 1st Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-24AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz 2nd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-25AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz 3rd Bb Cornet/Trumpet book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-26AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz F Horns book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-28AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz 1st Trombone book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-33AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz 2nd Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-34AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Tuba book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-39AR $10.00 Patterns in Jazz Drums book (Davis & Miller) 071-6017-41AR $10.00 Patterns in Pastels Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1922-00 $25.00 Patterns in Pastels Extra score (Warrington) 013-1922-01AR $4.00 Paul Revere's Ride Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3553-00 $60.00 Pauline's Romance Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0646-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $7.50 $5.00 $8.00 $60.00 $8.00 $3.50 $4.00 $50.00 Page 171 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Pauline's Romance Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0646-01 The Paynter Years Walking Frog Records CD WFR496 $14.95 Peace and Liberty Band (Barnard) 013-0506-00AR $50.00 Peace and Liberty Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0152-00AR $50.00 Peace Conference Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3482-00 $60.00 Peace Jubilee Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR350,WFR366 012-3576-00 $60.00 Peace Jubilee Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3576-01 Peace Jubilee Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0182-00AR $50.00 Peace Jubilee Band (King) 013-1270-00AR $50.00 Peace Jubilee Extra condensed score (King) 013-1270-01 Peace Jubilee Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0023-00AR $50.00 Peace Jubilee Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0013-00AR $10.00 Peace Like A River Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR362 023-3855-00 $42.00 Peace Like A River Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 023-3855-01 $5.00 A Peaceful Christmas Young Band (Swearingen) WFR377 024-4095-00 $48.00 A Peaceful Christmas Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4095-01 $6.00 Peaceful Moments Jazz Ensemble (P. Lee) SCM-1016-00 $47.00 Peaceful Moments Extra full score SCM-1016-01 $6.00 Peacemaker Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR331,WFR366 012-3336-00 $60.00 Peacemaker Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3336-01 Peacemaker Band (King) 013-1259-00AR Peacemaker Extra condensed score (King) 013-1259-01 $4.00 Peanuts & Peanut Butter Young Band (Martin) 015-2677-00 $35.00 Peanuts & Peanut Butter Extra full score (Martin) 015-2677-01 $3.50 Pedal to the Metal Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2005-01 032-3402-00 $50.00 Pedal to the Metal Extra full score (Stack) 032-3402-01 $8.00 Pee Wee's Back In Town Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2000-02 032-3056-00 $60.00 Pee Wee's Back In Town Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3056-01 Peer Gynt Concert Band (Grieg/arr. Matthey) BOV-S1078-00 $90.00 Peer Gynt Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. Matthey) BOV-S1078-01 $10.00 Peer Gynt's Nightmare Band (Buchtel) 013-1158-00AR $50.00 Pegasus Concert Band (Halferty) WA-OCB107-00 $60.00 Pegasus Extra score (Halferty) WA-OCB107-01 $6.00 Pellom Place Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 032-0035-00AR $50.00 Pembroke Castle Young Band (Huckeby) WFR385 011-4421-00 $52.00 Pembroke Castle Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4421-01 $7.00 Pennington Gap Young Band (Shaffer) WFR183 011-2753-00 $48.00 Pennington Gap Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2753-01 Pentacrest Band (Van Doren) 013-1071-00AR $50.00 Pentatonic Jazz Combo (Haerle) 032-0097-00AR $30.00 Pentatonic Polka Young Band (Tyra) 029-0118-00AR $50.00 Pentatonic Polka Extra score (Tyra) 029-0118-01AR $6.00 The P.E.O. Band (Barnhouse) 013-0224-00AR $50.00 The P.E.O. Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0212-00AR $50.00 The P.E.O. Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0019-00AR $10.00 Peoria Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3110-00 $60.00 Pep Band (Amsden) 013-0647-00AR $50.00 Pep Orchestra (Amsden) 016-0229-00AR $50.00 Pep Piano Solo (Amsden) 017-0100-00AR $10.00 Peppers Band (Amsden) 013-0787-00AR $50.00 Peppers Orchestra (Amsden) 016-0334-00AR $50.00 Perantoni Plays Perantoni Walking Frog Records CD WFR471 $14.95 Percussion Discussion Marching Band (R. Foster) MB137 $60.00 Percussion for Five Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Butts) 121-0162-00 $10.00 Percussion Portrait Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB102-00 $45.00 Percussion Portrait Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB102-01 Percussion Time Ensemble Full set (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 121-3373-00 $50.00 Percussion Time Extra full score & CD (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 121-3373-01 $19.95 Percussion Time Extra Part "A" book (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 121-3373-42 $9.95 Percussion Time Extra Part "B" book (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 121-3373-43 $9.95 Percussion Time Extra CD (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 121-3373-99 A Perfect Fit Walking Frog Records CD WFR105 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $4.00 $5.00 $9.95 $14.95 Page 172 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Perfect Storm Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2013-01 032-4188-00 $48.00 The Perfect Storm Extra full score (Barton) 032-4188-01 $7.00 The Performing Percussionist - Book 1 The Performing Percussionist - Book 1 (Coffin) 073-1967-41 $12.95 The Performing Percussionist - Book 2 The Performing Percussionist - Book 2 (Coffin) 073-1968-41 $9.95 The Performing Percussionist Solo Album The Performing Percussionist Solo Album (Coffin) 073-1977-41 $11.95 Perilous Voyage Concert Band (C. McBride) WFR328 012-3249-00 $72.00 Perilous Voyage Extra full score (C. McBride) 012-3249-01 $8.00 Perilous Voyage Oversized spiral-bound score (C. McBride) 012-3249-75 $30.00 Perilous Voyage Walking Frog Records CD (CD) WFR328 $14.95 Pernod Jazz Ensemble (Ayoub) 032-0207-00 $24.00 Pernod Extra full score (Ayoub) 032-0207-01 Perpetual Commotion Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0193-00AR Perpetual Commotion Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0193-01AR Perpetual Motion Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3283-00 Perpetual Motion Extra full score (Barton) 032-3283-01 $5.00 Perpetual Notion String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7014-00 $40.00 Perpetual Notion Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7014-01 Perpetual Notion String Orchestra (Fletcher) 993-2002-01 NLSO314 Perpetual Notion extra score (Fletcher) NLSO314-01 $5.00 Perpetuum Mobile Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Reed) WFR320 012-3125-00 $68.00 Perpetuum Mobile Extra full score (Strauss/arr. Reed) 012-3125-01 Persevere Walking Frog Records CD WFR208 $14.95 Pershing's Crusaders Concert Band (Paull) BOV-S3559-00 $60.00 Persian March Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Knudson) BOV-S0685-00 $50.00 Persian Moonlight Band (King) 013-0625-00AR $50.00 The Pet Of The Petticoats Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3748-00 $60.00 Pete Pepper Band (Watson) 013-0712-00AR $50.00 Peter And the Wolf Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP102-00 $30.00 Peter And the Wolf Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP102-01 $5.00 Pete's Bossa Nova Concert Band (Rhoads) 012-1367-00AR $80.00 Pete's Bossa Nova Extra score (Rhoads) 012-1367-01AR Petite Pieces for Trumpet Walking Frog Records CD WFR694 $14.95 Petite Suite Ensemble Flute trio (Scarmolin) 110-0120-04AR $15.00 Petite Suite Ensemble Clarinet trio (Scarmolin) 110-0120-08AR $15.00 Petite Suite Solo Timpani solo - unaccompanied (Corcoran) 120-0222-00 Petite Suite de Concert Concert Band (Coleridge-Taylor/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2141-00 $95.00 Petite Suite de Concert Extra condensed score (Coleridge-Taylor/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S2141-01 $10.00 Pevensey Castle Young Band (Sheldon) WFR130 011-2527-00 $42.00 Pevensey Castle Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2527-01 $7.00 Pevensey Castle Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Sheldon) 026-4132-00 $50.00 Pevensey Castle Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Sheldon) 026-4132-01 Phantasy Concert Band (Mathewson) 012-1401-00AR Phantasy Extra score (Mathewson) 012-1401-01AR $2.50 The Phantom Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MSA105-00 $40.00 The Phantom Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MSA105-01 $5.00 Phantom Bells Band (Laurier) 013-0683-00AR $50.00 The Phantom Herd Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR379 011-4221-00 $52.00 The Phantom Herd Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4221-01 $7.00 The Phantom Train Young Band (Huckeby) WFR359 011-3767-00 $54.00 The Phantom Train Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3767-01 $7.00 Phases Ensemble Brass quartet (Roberts) 101-3260-00 $10.00 Phases Extra full score (Roberts) 101-3260-01 $5.00 Phat Chance! Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1061-00 $47.00 Phat Chance! Extra full score SCM-1061-01 $6.00 Phedre Concert Band (Massanet/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1118-00 $85.00 Phedre Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1118-01 $10.00 The Philistine Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0028-22AR $10.00 The Philistine Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0028-24AR $10.00 The Philistine Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0028-33AR $10.00 The Philistine Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0028-38AR $10.00 Phillipian Festival Band (King) 014-0136-00AR $50.00 Phillipian Festival Extra condensed score (King) 014-0136-01 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $50.00 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $6.00 $3.50 $6.00 $80.00 $4.00 Page 173 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Philomena Band (Barnhouse) 013-0013-00AR $50.00 Philomena Concert Band (Expanded, 21st century concert band instrumentation) (Barnhouse) 013-3952-00 $60.00 Philomena Extra full score (Barnhouse) 013-3952-01 $8.00 Phoenix Overture Young Band (Yeo) WFR369 011-3937-00 $54.00 Phoenix Overture Extra full score (Yeo) 011-3937-01 $7.00 Photo Finish! Young Band (Swearingen) WFR383 024-4329-00 $48.00 Photo Finish! Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4329-01 Theme from Piano Concerto in C Major Young Band (Mozart/arr. Mitchell) 011-1417-00AR Theme from Piano Concerto in C Major Extra score (Mozart/arr. Mitchell) 011-1417-02 $2.50 Piano Power Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2922-00 $38.00 Piano Power Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2922-01 $4.00 The Picador Young Band (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 011-2897-00 $40.00 The Picador Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 011-2897-01 The Picadore Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3749-00 The Picadore Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3749-01 $6.00 Piccolo Pic Concert Band (Slater/arr. Lake) BOV-S0927-00 $55.00 Pick-Me-Up Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0190-00 $16.00 Pick-Me-Up Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0190-01 $3.50 Pictures At An Exhibition Young Band (Moussorgsky/arr. Sebesky) 011-1502-00 $20.00 Pictures at an Exhibition: Gnomus & Promenade Concert Band (Moussorgsky/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0034-00 $60.00 Pictures at an Exhibition: Promenade III & IV Concert Band (Moussorgsky/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0035-00 $60.00 Pictures at an Exhibition: Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle Picturs At An Exhibition Concert Band (Moussorgsky/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0036-00 $60.00 Extra score (Moussorgsky/arr. Sebesky) 011-1502-01 $2.50 Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons Young Band (Command series edition) (Reineke/arr. Conaway) WFR376 011-4154-00 $54.00 Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons Extra full score (Command series edition) (Reineke/arr. Conaway) 011-4154-01 $7.00 Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326 012-3227-00 $90.00 Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3227-01 $9.00 Pilatus: Mountain of Dragons Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3227-75 $30.00 Pilgrim's Chorus Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Reed) WFR129 012-2380-00 $65.00 Pilgrim's Chorus Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Reed) 012-2380-01 Pilgrim's Chorus Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0913-00AR $50.00 Pilgrim's Chorus Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0417-00AR $50.00 Pilgrim's Chorus Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Salzman) 052-1756-00 $30.00 Pilgrim's Chorus Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Boyd) 069-1466-00AR $50.00 Pilot Me Band (Barnhouse) 013-0985-00AR $50.00 Pine Apple Rag Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 8 players (Joplin/arr. Roy) 121-3393-00 $20.00 Pine River Trilogy Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2517-00 $65.00 Pine River Trilogy Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2517-01 $6.00 The Pinnacle Young Band (Shaffer) WFR195 011-3087-00 $45.00 The Pinnacle Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3087-01 Pioneer Limited Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3483-00 $60.00 Pioneer Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0079-24AR $10.00 The Pioneer's Passage Young Band (Sheldon) WFR195 011-3079-00 $48.00 The Pioneer's Passage Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-3079-01 Pipes O' Pan Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0037-22AR $10.00 Pipes O' Pan Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0037-24AR $10.00 Pipes O' Pan Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0037-33AR $10.00 Pipes O' Pan Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 080-0037-38AR $10.00 Pique Dame Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1176-00 $80.00 Pique Dame Extra condensed score (Suppe/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1176-01 $10.00 The Pirates of Penzance Concert Band (Sullivan/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4278-00 $125.00 The Pirates of Penzance Extra full score (Sullivan/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4278-01 $15.00 The Pirates of Penzance Oversized spiral-bound score (Sullivan/arr. Sousa/ed. Brion) WBM-4278-75 $35.00 Pit Stop Marching Band (Wakeley) WA-MP112-00 $30.00 Pit Stop Extra score (Wakeley) WA-MP112-01 $5.00 Pitch In Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0405-00AR $40.00 Pizzicato Humoresque for Strings String Orchestra (Wampler) ARC-7024-00 $40.00 Pizzicato Humoresque for Strings Extra full score (Wampler) ARC-7024-01 $6.00 Pizzicato Polka from "Sylvia" Concert Band (Delibes/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0018-00 $60.00 Pizzi-Taco String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7001-00 $40.00 Pizzi-Taco Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7001-01 Plaintive Meoldy Walking Frog Records CD WFR682 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $5.00 $7.00 $6.00 $14.95 Page 174 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Planets/Appalachian Spring Walking Frog Records CD WFR474 $14.95 Platinum Promenade Ensemble Clarinet trio (Spears) 110-0208-08 Platinum Promenade Ensemble Flute trio (Spears) 110-0210-04 Play That Funky Tuba Right, Boy! Walking Frog Records CD WFR691 $14.95 Playin' With Fire Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2012-00 032-4122-00 $48.00 Playin' With Fire Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4122-01 Playmates Band (Russell) 013-1040-00AR $50.00 Playmates Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3484-00 $60.00 Pleasant Memories Band (Barnhouse) 013-0096-00AR $50.00 Pleasant Memories Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0001-00AR $50.00 Please Don't Shoot the Trombone Players! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) WFR178 032-2850-00 $38.00 Please Don't Shoot the Trombone Players! Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-2850-01 Pleiades Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0032-24AR $10.00 Pleiades Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0032-33AR $10.00 Plight of the Bumbling Bee Young Band (Orcino) WFR330 011-3306-00 $40.00 Plight of the Bumbling Bee Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3306-01 Plucking Roses Band (King) 013-3678-00AR $50.00 Plus grand dans son obscurite Concert Band (Gounod/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0557-00 $65.00 Plus grand dans son obsurite Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0557-01 Poco la Moco Young Band (Orcino) WFR330 011-3307-00 Poco la Moco Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3307-01 Poet and Peasant Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S1177-00 $80.00 Poet and Peasant Extra condensed score (Suppe/arr. Meyrelles) BOV-S1177-01 $10.00 Poet and Peasant Concert Band (von Suppe/arr. Barnard) 013-0832-00AR $80.00 Poet and Peasant Ensemble Saxophone quartet (von Suppe/arr. Holmes) 111-0026-20AR $16.00 Poetic Structures For Band Concert Band (Schlabach) WA-CB106-00 $60.00 Poetic Structures For Band Extra score (Schlabach) WA-CB106-01 Poetics Walking Frog Records CD WFR809 $14.95 The Polar Sun Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3554-00 $60.00 Polish Dance No. 1 Ensemble Sax quartet (Scharwenkai) 111-0007-20AR $16.00 Polka Arabesque Ensemble Trumpet trio (Scarmolin) 100-0084-00AR $15.00 Polka de la Reine Concert Band (LeThiere) BOV-S2058-00 $60.00 Polka de la Reine Extra condensed score (LeThiere) BOV-S2058-01 $7.00 Polka Dots Band (Buchtel) 013-1154-00AR $50.00 Polka Dots Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0022-24 $12.00 Polka Dots Ensemble Trombone trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0022-33 $12.00 Polka Giacosa Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Scarmolin) 082-0088-39 $10.00 Polonaise and Finale Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 111-0200-08 Polonaise from Eugen Onegin Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Lebede) BOV-S0828-00 $80.00 Polonaise Militaire Band (Kooyman) 013-0894-00AR $50.00 Polonaise Militaire Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0404-00AR $50.00 Polonaise Militaire Concert Band (Chopin/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1036-00 $65.00 Polonaise No. 4 Ensemble Brass sextet (Guentzel) 103-0012-00AR $20.00 Poltergeists & Moonbeams Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2223-00AR $60.00 Poltergeists & Moonbeams Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2223-01 Polytonal Parade Young Band (Tyra) 029-0124-00AR Polytonal Parade Extra score (Tyra) 029-0124-01AR $6.00 Pomona Concert Band (G. Holmes) 013-1193-00AR $50.00 Pomona Extra full score (G. Holmes) 013-1193-01AR $10.00 Pomona Extra condensed score (G. Holmes) 013-1193-02AR Pomp and Circumstance Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Elgar/arr. Stanton) 026-4066-00 Pomp and Circumstance Extra full score (Elgar/arr. Stanton) 026-4066-01 Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 1 in D Concert Band (Elgar) BOV-S1052-00 $80.00 Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 1 in D Extra condensed score (Elgar) BOV-S1052-01 $10.00 Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 2 in a minor Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 2 in a minor Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 4 in F Concert Band (Elgar/arr. C. Evans) BOV-S1053-00 $90.00 Extra condensed score (Elgar/arr. C. Evans) BOV-S1053-01 $10.00 Concert Band (Elgar/arr. Retford) BOV-S1054-00 $90.00 Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 4 in F Extra condensed score (Elgar/arr. Retford) BOV-S1054-01 $10.00 Pomp & Pipes! Walking Frog Records CD WFR273 $14.95 Pond Lillies Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1003-00AR $50.00 Ponderoso Band (King) 013-0467-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.50 $6.50 $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 $40.00 $5.00 $5.00 $8.50 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 Page 175 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Ponderoso Extra condensed score (King) 013-0467-01 $4.00 Ponteio Marching Band (Lobo/arr. Shaffer) 053-1721-00 $27.00 Pop the Cork Jazz Combo (Hooper) 038-0374-00 $32.00 Pop the Cork Extra full score (Hooper) 038-0374-01 $3.00 Pop Top Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2916-00 $36.00 Pop Top Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2916-01 Poppies Concert Band (Moret/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3532-00 $60.00 Poppin' Fresh Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2004-02 033-2211-00 $50.00 Poppin' Fresh Extra full score (Hooper) 033-2211-01 Pops! Walking Frog Records CD WFR464 $14.95 Popular Airs of the Philippines Band (Ruiz) 013-0212-00AR $50.00 The Popular Swing Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3111-00 $60.00 Port Conway Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1134-00AR $50.00 Port Henry Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3112-00 $60.00 Portly Penguin Parade Young Band (Orcino) WFR317 015-3113-00 $38.00 Portly Penguin Parade Extra full score (Orcino) 015-3113-01 Portrait for Clarinet Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1941-00AR Portrait for Clarinet Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1941-02AR A Portrait in Blues Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1888-00 A Portrait in Blues Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1888-02 Portrait of a Lady Jazz Ensemble (Iwanusa) 032-0166-00AR Portrait of a Lady Extra full score (Iwanusa) 032-0166-01AR Portrait Of An Artist Walking Frog Records CD WFR863 $14.95 Portrait of an Old Country Town Concert Band (Grice) WFR357 012-3701-00 $72.00 Portrait of an Old Country Town Extra full score (Grice) 012-3701-01 $7.00 Portrait of Freedom Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326 012-3190-00 $76.00 Portrait of Freedom Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3190-01 $8.00 Posandola Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-2296-00 $31.00 Posandola Extra full score (Hooper) 033-2296-01 Post Bellum Rhapsody - 1865 Concert Band (Leidzen) BOV-S0709-00 Post Bellum Rhapsody - 1865 Extra condensed score (Leidzen) BOV-S0709-01 $8.00 Post Dispatch Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3588-00 $60.00 Potomac Heritage Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB185-00 $45.00 Potomac Heritage Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB185-01 Poultry Guest Jazz Combo (Hooper) 038-0377-00 Poultry Guest Extra full score (Hooper) 038-0377-01AR Poultry In Motion Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 032-3602-00 $50.00 Poultry In Motion Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3602-01 $7.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-04 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-08 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Bassoon solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-17 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-20 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-24 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-33 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-37 $5.00 The Powdered Wig Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 081-0094-38 $5.00 Power And Pride Young Band (Conaway) WFR390 023-4499-00 $44.00 Power And Pride Extra full score (Conaway) 023-4499-01 Power Drive Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-ECB121-00 Power Drive Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-ECB121-01 Power Play Marching Band (Barton) 058-2597-00 $30.00 Power Play Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB135-00 $40.00 Power Play Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB135-01 $6.00 Power Source Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0332-00AR $60.00 Power Source Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0332-01AR $6.00 Power Station Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2149-00AR $50.00 Power Station Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MCE108-00 $50.00 Power Station Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MCE108-01 Power Trip Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 031-2942-00 Power Trip Extra full score (Barton) 031-2942-01 Powhatan's Daughter Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3750-00 $60.00 Pozieres Concert Band (Lithgow) BOV-S3507-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $80.00 $6.00 $40.00 $3.00 $50.00 $6.00 $3.00 $65.00 $5.00 $35.00 $5.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $36.00 $4.00 Page 176 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Praeludium Concert Band (Spears) 012-1859-00AR $80.00 Praeludium Extra score (Spears) 012-1859-01AR Praeludium Concert Band (Järnefelt/arr. Glover) WFR388 012-4502-00 Praeludium Extra full score (Järnefelt/arr. Glover) 012-4502-01 $8.00 Praeludium Oversized spiral-bound score (Järnefelt/arr. Glover) 012-4502-75 $25.00 Praeludium Concert Band (Jarnefeldt/arr. Winterbottom) BOV-S1085-00 $70.00 Praeludium Extra condensed score (Jarnefeldt/arr. Winterbottom) BOV-S1085-01 Prairiescape Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR185,WFR315 012-2759-00 $68.00 Prairiescape Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2759-01AR $15.00 Praise Be Good Marching Band (Shaffer) 050-1904-00 Praise Jerusalem! Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR190 012-2108-00AR Praise Jerusalem! Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2108-01 $10.00 Praise Jerusalem! Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2108-75 $35.00 Praise the Lord Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7120-00AR Prayer and Gloria Solo Flute solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 080-0147-04 $5.00 Prayer and Proclamation Concert Band (Spears) 012-1712-00 $60.00 Prayer and Proclamation Extra score (Spears) 012-1712-01AR Prayer for Asia Concert Band (LaBounty) 012-4030-00 Prayer for Asia Extra full score (LaBounty) 012-4030-01 $8.00 Prayer for Asia Oversized spiral-bound score (LaBounty) 012-4030-75 $25.00 Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7114-00AR $2.00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Concert Band (Kremser/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0523-00 $60.00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Extra condensed score (Kremser/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0523-01 $7.00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Marching Band (L. Taylor) WA-MCE110-00 $50.00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Extra score (L. Taylor) WA-MCE110-01 $5.00 Pre aux Clercs, Le Concert Band (Herold/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0856-00 $75.00 Preach It! Jazz Ensemble (Elefante) 991-2016-01 032-4428-00 $48.00 Preach It! Extra full score (Elefante) 032-4428-01 $7.00 The Preacher Man Jazz Ensemble (Swearingen) 991-2000-01 031-3104-00 $40.00 The Preacher Man Extra full score (Swearingen) 031-3104-01 The Preacher Man Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1708-00AR $50.00 Precious Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 034-0278-00AR $50.00 Precious Extra full score (Hooper) 034-0278-01 $2.50 Precious Cargo Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0074-00 $8.00 Precious Cargo Extra score (Lowden) 049-0074-01AR $5.00 Precious Promise Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0267-00AR $50.00 Preferencia Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3172-00 $60.00 Prelude & Fugue in C Major Concert Band (J. Bach/arr. Falcone) BOV-S2198-00 $95.00 Prelude & Fugue in C Major Extra condensed score (J. Bach/arr. Falcone) BOV-S2198-01 $10.00 Prelude and Allegro Ensemble Brass sextet (G. McKay) 103-0111-00AR $20.00 Prelude And Canon Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB104-00 $50.00 Prelude And Canon Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB104-01 Prelude And Celebration Young Band (Chattaway) WA-YB104-00 Prelude And Celebration Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YB104-01 Prelude And Dance Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB144-00 Prelude And Dance Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB144-01 Prelude & Energico Young Band (Swearingen) WFR187 011-2822-00 Prelude & Energico Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-2822-01 Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor Concert Band (Bach/arr. Moehlman) 029-1340-00AR Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor Extra score (Bach/arr. Moehlman) 029-1340-01AR Prelude and Fugue No. 2 Ensemble Sax quartet (Bach/arr. Carlsten) 111-0173-20 $16.00 Prelude and Primal Danse Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR103 012-2604-00 $68.00 Prelude and Primal Danse Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2604-01 $6.00 Prelude and Rondo Concert Band (Holsinger) WFR316 012-1443-00 $80.00 Prelude and Rondo Extra score (Holsinger) 012-1443-01 $8.00 Prelude and Rondo Oversized spiral-bound score (Holsinger) 012-1443-75 $25.00 Prelude and Rondo Ensemble Brass quartet (Whear) 101-0129-00 $7.50 Prelude and Toccata Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7840-00 $90.00 Prelude and Toccata (C. T. Smith) CTS-7840-01 $15.00 Prelude and Toccata (C. T. Smith) CTS-7840-75 $30.00 Prelude for Band Concert Band (C. T. Smith) WFR388 CTS-7841-00 $85.00 Prelude for Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7841-01 $15.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $74.00 $9.00 $33.00 $275.00 $2.00 $7.00 $98.00 $5.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $48.00 $4.00 $80.00 $6.00 Page 177 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Prelude for Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7841-75 $30.00 Prelude from L'Arlesienne Suite Ensemble Brass sextet (Bizet/arr. Holmes) 103-0035-00AR $20.00 Prelude in Bb Minor Solo Oboe solo with piano accompaniment (Bach/arr. Tustin) 082-0106-15AR $10.00 Prelude No. 4 Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1715-00AR $60.00 Prelude No. 4 Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1715-01AR Prelude on a German Hymnsong Young Band (Conaway) WFR377 024-4093-00 Prelude on a German Hymnsong Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4093-01 $6.00 Prelude on an Old English Hymn Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR194,WFR315 012-3035-00 $72.00 Prelude on an Old English Hymn Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-3035-01 $7.00 Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2 Concert Band (Rachmaninoff/arr. Longfield) 012-2241-00 $39.00 Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2 Extra full score (Rachmaninoff/arr. Longfield) 012-2241-01 $3.50 Prelude, Opus 28, No. 4 Concert Band (Chopin/arr. Huckeby) WFR341 012-3539-00 $65.00 Prelude, Opus 28, No. 4 Extra full score (Chopin/arr. Huckeby) 012-3539-01 $6.00 Preludio Concert Band (Forsblad) 012-1817-00 $46.00 Preludio Extra full score (Forsblad) 012-1817-01 Premier Band (Losey) 013-1051-00AR $50.00 Premier Polka Concert Band (Llewellyn) BOV-S1164-00 $60.00 Premiere Concertante Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-1827-00AR $80.00 Premiere Concertante Extra score (Cacavas) 012-1827-01 Prep Band (Russell) 013-1028-00AR $50.00 Presenting Beethoven Young Band (Beethoven/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2118-00 $23.00 Presenting Beethoven Extra score (Beethoven/arr. Schaeffer) 011-2118-02 President Garfield's Funeral March Concert Band (Sousa/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0705-00 President Garfield's Funeral March Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0705-01 $8.00 Presidential Polonaise Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0957-00 $70.00 The President's Choice Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3412-00 $60.00 The President's Own Band (Cline) 013-1045-00AR $50.00 The President's Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey & Seredy) BOV-S3366-00 $60.00 Press Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3173-00 $60.00 Pressure Cooker Jazz Ensemble (Tatgenhorst) 035-0147-00AR $60.00 Pressure Cooker Extra score (Tatgenhorst) 035-0147-01AR Pressure Point Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02,WFR346 031-3255-00 $42.00 Pressure Point Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3255-01 $5.00 Prestidigitation Solo Snare Drum solo (Roy) 120-0142-00 $7.50 Prestige Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB05-00 $40.00 Prestige Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB05F-01 Prestissimo Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR367 012-3930-00 Prestissimo Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-3930-01 Prestissimo Band (King) WFR366 014-0106-00AR Prestissimo Extra condensed score (King) 014-0106-01AR $4.00 Presto Band (Barnhouse) 013-0044-00AR $50.00 Pretty Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 031-0071-00AR $50.00 Pretty Extra score (Martino) 031-0071-01AR Prevailing Winds Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR362 024-3849-00 Prevailing Winds Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 024-3849-01 Pride & Glory Young Band (K. Harris) CB235 Pride & Glory extra score (K. Harris) CB235-01 Pride and Glory extra score (K. Harris) MB176-01 Pride and Glory Marching Band (K. Harris) MB176 $50.00 The Pride Of America Concert Band (Goldman/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3271-00 $60.00 Pride of Arizona Band (King) 013-0606-00AR $50.00 Pride of Arizona Extra condensed score (King) 013-0606-01AR $4.00 Pride of Missouri Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0991-00AR $50.00 Pride of Pittsburgh Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4275-00 $76.00 Pride of Pittsburgh Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4275-01 $10.00 Pride of Pittsburgh Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4275-75 $25.00 The Pride of the Illini Band (King) 014-0058-00 $25.00 The Pride of the Illini Extra condensed score (King) 014-0058-01 The Pride of the Illini Piano Solo (King & Dvorak) 014-0068-00AR $12.00 Pride of the Marines Band (Edwards) 013-1253-00AR $50.00 Pride of the Third Band (Worrell) 013-0253-00AR $50.00 Pride of Victory Band (Grabel) 013-1004-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $48.00 $5.00 $3.00 $3.00 $65.00 $6.00 $6.00 $65.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $48.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 Page 178 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Prima Donna Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0687-00 $70.00 Prima Donna Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0874-00 $65.00 Prima Donna Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S3367-00 $60.00 Prima Rock Concert Band (Huckeby) CB227 $50.00 Prima Rock extra score (Huckeby) CB227-01 Prime Time Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347,991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3493-00 Prime Time Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3493-01 $6.00 Prime Time Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1758-00 $50.00 Primeval Stormfront Concert Band (Conaway) WFR367 012-3943-00 $72.00 Primeval Stormfront Extra full score (Conaway) 012-3943-01 Primrose Band (G. Holmes) 013-0515-00AR $50.00 Primrose Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0159-00AR $50.00 Primrose Ensemble Sax quartet (G. Holmes) 111-0020-20AR $16.00 Primus Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB07-00 $40.00 Primus Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB07F-01 $6.00 Prince Ananias Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S0875-00 $65.00 Prince Ananias Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3368-00 $60.00 Selection From Prince Charming Band (King) 013-0618-00AR $50.00 Selection From Prince Charming Orchestra (King) 016-0253-00AR $50.00 Prince Imperial Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3649-00 $60.00 The Prince of Pilsen Concert Band (Luders/arr. Fulton) BOV-S1107-00 $65.00 Prince of Wales Young Band (Orcino) WFR317 011-3114-00 $45.00 Prince of Wales Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3114-01 Prince Royal Band (Barnard) 013-0549-00AR $50.00 Prince Royal Orchestra (Barnard) 016-1001-00AR $50.00 Princess Clotilde Orchestra (English) 016-0089-00AR $50.00 Princess of India Band (King) 013-0546-00 $40.00 Princess of India Extra condensed score (King) 013-0546-01 Princess Oskaloosa Band (Barnhouse) 013-0719-00AR $50.00 Princess Oskaloosa Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0287-00AR $50.00 Princess Pat Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S0876-00 $65.00 The Princess Pat Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Sanford) BOV-S3369-00 $60.00 Princeton Variations Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1807-00AR $90.00 Princeton Variations Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1807-01 $10.00 Princetonian Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0083-00AR $50.00 The Prize Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS118-00 $55.00 The Prize Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS118-01 $6.00 The Prize Beauty Band (Casto) 013-0517-00AR $50.00 Prize Winners Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3113-00 $60.00 Procession Concert Band (Elwell/arr. R. Nelson) 029-1282-00AR $90.00 Procession Extra score (Elwell/arr. Nelson) 029-1282-01AR Procession of the Gladiators Young Band (Neeck) WFR377 023-4084-00 Procession of the Gladiators Extra full score (Neeck) 023-4084-01 Procession of the Nobles Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MC118-00 Procession of the Nobles Extra score (Gingery) WA-MC118-01 $5.00 The Procession Concert Band (Franck/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0621-00 $65.00 The Procession Extra condensed score (Franck/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0621-01 $8.00 Processional Ensemble Trumpet Quartet (Guentzel) 101-0029-24 $7.50 Proclamation Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 8 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0216-00 $17.00 Proclamation Extra full score (Spears) 121-0216-01 $5.00 Proclamation & Symphonic Decree Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR185,WFR199 012-2826-00 $68.00 Proclamation & Symphonic Decree Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2826-01 The Progressive American Band (Jewell) 013-0566-00AR $50.00 Prologue and Festiva Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR341 012-3528-00 $68.00 Prologue and Festiva Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3528-01 Prologue in E Flat Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0078-00AR $20.00 Promenade Solo Multi-Percussion solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0135-00 $10.00 Prometheus Young Band (McGinty) WFR386 011-1768-00 $50.00 Prometheus Extra score (McGinty) 011-1768-02 $5.00 Promise Of A New Sunrise Young Band (Shaffer) WFR390 024-4467-00 $46.00 Promise Of A New Sunrise Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4467-01 $6.00 The Promise of Hope Young Band (Wada) WFR351 011-3628-00 $45.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $45.00 $7.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 $44.00 $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 179 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Promise of Hope Extra full score (Wada) 011-3628-01 $6.00 Promising Skies Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR368 012-3880-00 $150.00 Promising Skies Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3880-01 $10.00 Promising Skies Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3880-75 $30.00 Promoter Band Book Piano book (Kiefer) 072-6007-02AR $20.00 Promoter Band Book Piccolo Db book (Kiefer) 072-6007-03AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book Clarinet Eb book (Kiefer) 072-6007-07AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (Kiefer) 072-6007-08AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (Kiefer) 072-6007-24AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (Kiefer) 072-6007-26AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (Kiefer) 072-6007-33AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (Kiefer) 072-6007-35AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book Baritone TC book (Kiefer) 072-6007-37AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book Tuba book (Kiefer) 072-6007-39AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book Drums book (Kiefer) 072-6007-41AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 1st Eb Horn book (Kiefer) 072-6007-51AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (Kiefer) 072-6007-52AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 2nd Eb Horn book (Kiefer) 072-6007-53AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (Kiefer) 072-6007-66AR $10.00 Promoter Band Book 3rd Trombone TC book (Kiefer) 072-6007-67AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Flute book (Kiefer) 074-6043-04AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (Kiefer) 074-6043-08AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Oboe or C Melody Saxophone book (Kiefer) 074-6043-15AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (Kiefer) 074-6043-17AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (Kiefer) 074-6043-24AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Horns F book (Kiefer) 074-6043-28AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Trombone BC book (Kiefer) 074-6043-33AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Drums book (Kiefer) 074-6043-41AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Piano book (Kiefer) 074-6043-43AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (Kiefer) 074-6043-60AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (Kiefer) 074-6043-61AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Viola book (Kiefer) 074-6043-62AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Cello book (Kiefer) 074-6043-63AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Bass book (Kiefer) 074-6043-64AR $10.00 Promoter Orchestra Folio Trombone TC book (Kiefer) 074-6043-66AR $10.00 Prosperity Band (A. Buglione) 013-0257-00AR $50.00 Protectorate Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0989-00AR $50.00 Protocol Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1659-00 $27.00 Protocol Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1659-01AR Proud Spirit Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2290-00 Proud Spirit Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2290-01 Proudly We Hail Band (Cline) 013-1168-00AR $50.00 Provincetown Band (Casto) 013-0825-00AR $50.00 Provincetown Orchestra (Casto) 016-0355-00AR Psalm 92 Concert Band (LaBounty) 012-4352-00 $125.00 Psalm 92 Extra full score (LaBounty) 012-4352-01 $10.00 Psalm 92 Oversized spiral-bound score (LaBounty) 012-4352-75 $30.00 Puerto del Sol Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1091-00 $47.00 Puerto del Sol Extra full score (Strommen) SCM-1091-01 $6.00 Pulling Punches Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-2362-00 $48.00 Pulling Punches Extra full score (Hooper) 033-2362-01 $3.00 Pulling Strings String Orchestra (Niehaus) 993-2002-01 130-2269-00 $40.00 Pulling Strings Extra score (Niehaus) 130-2269-01 $5.00 Pump It Up! Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2838-00 $36.00 Pump It Up! Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2838-01 Punch and Judy Band (Barnard) 013-0478-00AR $60.00 Punch and Judy Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 080-0021-08AR $10.00 Punch and Judy Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 080-0021-24AR $10.00 Punch and Judy Solo Clarinet Eb solo with piano (Barnard) 080-0021-99AR $10.00 Punch and Judy Ensemble Clarinet duet with piano (Barnard) 090-0021-08AR $10.00 Punch and Judy Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnard) 090-0021-24AR $10.00 Punchinello Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR328 012-1934-00AR $150.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $45.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 Page 180 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Punchinello Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-1934-01AR $20.00 Punchinello Extra condensed score (A. Reed) 012-1934-02AR $15.00 Punchinello Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-1934-75 $35.00 Punctuate Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0208-00 $20.00 Punctuate Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0208-01 Puppet Parade Band (Buchtel) 013-1152-00AR $50.00 Purple Heart Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR350 012-3566-00 $65.00 Purple Heart Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3566-01 Purple Mist Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0007-00AR $50.00 The Purple Pageant Concert Band (King/arr. Paynter) WFR101 012-1685-00AR $80.00 The Purple Pageant Extra score (King/arr. Paynter) 012-1685-01 The Purple Pageant Band (King) 014-0112-00AR The Purple Pageant Extra condensed score (King) 014-0112-01 $4.00 Pursuit Concert Band (Conaway) WFR365 012-3819-00 $78.00 Pursuit Extra full score (Conaway) 012-3819-01 $8.00 Pursuit Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-3819-75 $25.00 Pursuit Walking Frog Records CD WFR365 $14.95 Pursuit Squadron Band (King) 013-1207-00AR $50.00 Pursuit Squadron Extra condensed score (King) 013-1207-01 Pushing On Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3751-00 $60.00 Pyramids Concert Band (Liberati/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2056-00 $65.00 Pyramids Extra condensed score (Liberati/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2056-01 The Pyramids Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1958-00 The Pyramids Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1958-01 $6.00 Quality Plus Concert Band (Jewell/arr. Longfield) WFR101,WFR197 012-2598-00 $55.00 Quality Plus Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Longfield) 012-2598-01 Quality Plus Band (Jewell) 013-0560-00AR Quality Plus Extra condensed score (Jewell) 013-0560-01 Quality Plus Counterpoint Drum & Bugle Corps (Jewell/arr. Latey) 013-6051-00AR $25.00 Quando le sere al pacido Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0679-00 $60.00 Quando le sere al pacido Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0679-01 $7.00 Quandro me'n vo Concert Band (Key of E) (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0122-00 $65.00 Quandro me'n vo Extra full score (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0122-01 $8.00 Quandro me'n vo Concert Band (in Eb) (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0139-00 $65.00 Quandro me'n vo Extra full score (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0139-01 Quartal Caper Young Band (Tyra) 011-1930-00 Quartal Caper Extra score (Tyra) 011-1930-01 Quartal Sinfornia Concert Band (Coakley) WA-OCB103-00 Quartal Sinfornia Extra score (Coakley) WA-OCB103-01 $6.00 Quarter-Back Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3174-00 $60.00 Quartermaster Barnes Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3405-00 $60.00 Quartet in G Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Norden/arr. McCathren) 111-0187-08 $12.00 Quartex Ensemble Trombone quartet (Spears) 101-0214-33 $8.50 Quartex Ensemble Brass quartet (Spears) 101-0215-00 Quartz Mountain Concert Band (Dillon) 012-1322-00AR Quartz Mountain Extra score (Dillon) 012-1322-02AR $6.00 Quasimodal Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB211-00 $40.00 Quasimodal Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB211-01 $6.00 Que Pasa? Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB123-00 $40.00 Que Pasa? Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB123-01 $6.00 Queen of Flowers Band (G. Holmes) 013-0308-00AR $50.00 Queen of Flowers Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0075-00AR $50.00 Queen of Flowers Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 080-0013-33AR $0.00 Queen of Flowers Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (G. Holmes) 080-0013-99AR $10.00 Queen of Sheba, Ballet Suite Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2134-00 $95.00 Queen of Sheba, Ballet Suite Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2134-01 $10.00 Queen of the Night Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0424-00 $70.00 Queen of the Night Extra condensed score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0424-01 $8.00 Queen of the Night Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Strasser) BOV-G0424-02 $10.00 Quel guardo il Cavaliere Concert Band (Donizetti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0534-00 $75.00 Quel guardo il Cavaliere Extra condensed score (Donizetti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0534-01 Quesada Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1710-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $6.00 $5.00 $60.00 $4.00 $8.00 $60.00 $7.00 $65.00 $4.00 $8.00 $36.00 $6.00 $60.00 $8.50 $50.00 $9.00 $25.00 Page 181 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Quest for Greatness Young Band (Conaway) WFR390 024-4486-00 $48.00 The Quest for Greatness Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4486-01 $6.00 Quest of the Undaunted Knight Concert Band (Hillis) WFR331 012-3359-00 $70.00 Quest of the Undaunted Knight Extra full score (Hillis) 012-3359-01 $7.00 Quest To The Summit Concert Band (Yeo) WFR384 012-4379-00 $78.00 Quest To The Summit Extra full conductor score (Yeo) 012-4379-01 $8.00 Quest To The Summit Oversized, spiral-bound score (Yeo) 012-4379-75 $30.00 Quest To The Summit Walking Frog Records CD WFR384 $14.95 The Quest Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR175 012-2747-00 $68.00 The Quest Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2747-01 The Quest Walking Frog Records CD WFR175 $14.95 Questo o quella Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0123-00 $65.00 Questo o quella Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0123-01 $8.00 Quicksilver Jazz Combo (R. J. Lowden) 038-0195-00AR $30.00 Quicksilver Extra full score (R. J. Lowden) 038-0195-01 $2.50 Quiero Más Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1126-00 $48.00 Quiero Más Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1126-01 $7.00 A Quiet Journey Home Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR340 012-3549-00 $65.00 A Quiet Journey Home Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3549-01 $6.00 A Quiet Song Young Band (Swearingen) WFR390 023-4482-00 $44.00 A Quiet Song Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4482-01 Quiet Time Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB176-00 Quiet Time Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB176-01 $6.00 Quiet Valley Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0003-00AR $50.00 Quincy Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1142-00AR $50.00 R. L. I. B. Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3321-00 $60.00 The Racer Band (E. Mutchler) 013-0425-00AR $50.00 Radetzky Concert Band (J. Strauss/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0763-00 $50.00 Radetzky Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Reed) WFR129,WFR190 012-2557-00 $60.00 Radetzky Extra full score (Strauss/arr. Reed) 012-2557-01 $4.00 Radetzky Oversized spiral-bound score (Strauss/arr. Reed) 012-2557-75 $25.00 Radiant Band (Kiefer) 013-0630-00AR $50.00 The Radiogram Band (Eisenberg) 014-0089-00AR $50.00 Radiola Band (Clement) 013-0796-00AR $50.00 Radiola Orchestra (Clement) 016-0343-00AR $50.00 Rafael Mendez: The Legacy Walking Frog Records CD WFR720 $14.95 The Rag Baby Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3429-00 $60.00 Ragged Rozey Concert Band (King/arr. Boyd) 012-1416-00AR $60.00 Ragged Rozey Extra score (King/arr. Boyd) 012-1416-01AR $6.00 Ragged Rozey Band (King) 013-0553-00AR $60.00 Ragged Rozey Extra condensed score (King) 013-0553-01 Raggy Trombone Band (Kiefer) WFR197 013-0697-00AR Raggy Trombone Extra condensed score (Kiefer) 013-0697-01 Raging Thunder Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-1870-00AR Raging Thunder Extra score (Shaffer) 012-1870-01AR Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Ensemble Brass quintet (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-00 $60.00 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Full score with CD book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-01 $15.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet 1st Trumpet book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-24 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet 2nd Trumpet book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-25 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Horn book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-28 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Trombone book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-33 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Trombone (F Horn sub.) book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-34 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Tuba book (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-39 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet CD only (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-98 $9.95 Ragtime Classics for Brass Quintet Cassette (arr. A. Clark) WFR182 102-0226-99 $5.00 Ragtime Renegades Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 3 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0175-00 $10.00 Ragtime Rockin' Roll Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2697-00 $35.00 Rain Dance Young Band (Molter) 015-2879-00 $35.00 Rain Dance Extra full score (Molter) 015-2879-01 $4.00 A Rainbow Bridge Concert Band (Root) 012-2113-00 $60.00 A Rainbow Bridge Extra full score (Root) 012-2113-01 The Rainbow Division Concert Band (Nirella) BOV-S3541-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $40.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 $80.00 $8.00 $5.00 $60.00 Page 182 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Rainbow Division Extra condensed score (Nirella) BOV-S3541-01 $6.00 Rainbow Dreams Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB171-00 $45.00 Rainbow Dreams Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB171-01 $5.00 Rainbow Hues Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0067-20 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0067-22 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0067-24 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0067-33 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0067-38 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-20 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-22 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-24 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-33 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-38 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-51 $3.50 Rainbow Hues Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0067-52 $12.00 Rainbow Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1175-00AR $50.00 The Rainbow March Concert Band (Maurice) BOV-S3520-00 $60.00 Rainbow Pier Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1242-00AR $50.00 A Rainbow Shower Band (Eisenberg) 014-0087-00AR $50.00 Raise My Rent Jazz Ensemble (Goodwin) 035-0178-00AR $75.00 Raise My Rent Extra full score (Goodwin) 035-0178-01AR Raise Your Joys And Triumphs High Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR372 012-4055-00 Raise Your Joys And Triumphs High Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-4055-01 Raisin' the Roof Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0373-00AR Raisin' the Roof Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0373-01AR $3.50 Rakoczy Concert Band (Keler Bela/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2019-00 $80.00 Rakoczy Extra condensed score (Keler Bela/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2019-01 $10.00 Raleigh Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1151-00AR $50.00 Rameses Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0513-00AR $50.00 Ramona Band (Ramsdell) 013-0387-00AR $50.00 The Ramparts of Courage Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR341 012-2712-00 $76.00 The Ramparts of Courage Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2712-01 Randolph Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3322-00 $60.00 Rap-Sody for Band Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2382-00 $32.00 Rap-Sody for Band Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2382-01 $4.00 Raptors: Birds of Prey Young Band (Neeck) WFR383 024-4313-00 $48.00 Raptors: Birds of Prey Extra full score (Neeck) 024-4313-01 Rat Race Jazz Ensemble (Slonaker) WA-SB542-00 Rat Race Extra score (Slonaker) WA-SB542-01 Rattle Snakes Young Band (Molter) 015-2877-00 Rattle Snakes Extra full score (Molter) 015-2877-01 $4.00 Rattle The Cage Young Band (Neeck) WFR390 011-4491-00 $52.00 Rattle The Cage Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4491-01 Rattler Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3114-00 $60.00 Raw Emotion Jazz Ensemble (Carney) 031-0307-00 $25.00 Raw Emotion Extra full score (Carney) 031-0307-01 Raymond Concert Band (Thomas/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1181-00 $80.00 Raymond Extra condensed score (Thomas/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1181-01 $10.00 Razzazza Mazzazza Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3589-00 $60.00 Razzle Dazzle Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3115-00 $60.00 Razzle Dazzle & Rock Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Tatgenhorst) 121-2028-00AR $25.00 Read It And Wail Jazz Ensemble (Wolking) 035-0078-00 $14.00 Read It And Wail Extra score (Wolking) 035-0078-01AR $6.00 Read My Lips Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR348 031-2471-00AR $50.00 Read My Lips Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2471-01AR Readin' Between The Lines Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1117-00 Readin' Between The Lines Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1117-01 $7.00 Real People Young Band (Gingery) WA-YB109-00 $50.00 Real People March Extra score (Gingery) WA-YB109-01 Rearview Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0102-00 Rearview Extra score (Steinberg) 032-0102-01 Reception Band (Barnhouse) 013-0029-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $68.00 $7.00 $60.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $42.00 $7.00 $3.50 $7.00 $48.00 $6.00 $14.00 $3.00 $50.00 Page 183 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Recession Depression Holiday Blues Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR363 011-3875-00 $48.00 The Recession Depression Holiday Blues Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3875-01 $6.00 Reciprocity Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1083-00 $47.00 Reciprocity Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1083-01 $6.00 Recital for Vibraharp Book - Solo Collection Book of 11 multi-mallet solos - Unaccompanied (T. Davis) 074-1966-41 $15.00 Recollections Walking Frog Records CD WFR633 $14.95 Recorder Rag Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB31-00 $50.00 Recorder Rag Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB31F-01 Re-Cycle Jazz Ensemble (Wilkins) 032-0153-00 Re-Cycle Extra full score (Wilkins) 032-0153-01 Red Creek Marching Band (Rizzo/arr. Tatgenhorst) 055-1634-00AR $50.00 Red Earth Dances Young Band (Romeyn) WFR386 024-4405-00 $46.00 Red Earth Dances Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4405-01 The Red Man Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0858-00 The Red Man Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0858-01 $9.00 The Red Men's Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3323-00 $60.00 Red Mill, The Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0878-00 $65.00 Red Mill, The Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0879-00 $65.00 The Red Mill Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S3370-00 $60.00 Red Rock Canyon Young Band (Sheldon) WFR187 011-2608-00 $44.00 Red Rock Canyon Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2608-01AR $8.00 Red Wagons Band (M. Evans) 013-1243-00AR $50.00 Red, White and "Blues" Band (Barnhouse) 013-0640-00AR $50.00 Red, White and "Blues" Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0226-00AR $50.00 Red, White and "Blues" Piano Solo (Barnhouse) 017-0050-00AR $10.00 Red, White and "Blues" Ensemble Sax quartet (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 111-0031-20AR $16.00 Red, White and Blues Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2318-00 $27.00 Red, White and Blues Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2318-01 Reeves Concert Band (Apelles) BOV-S3406-00 $60.00 Reflections Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR196 012-1791-00 $45.00 Reflections Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1791-01 $4.00 Reflections String Orchestra (Niehaus) 130-2337-00 $30.00 Reflections Extra score (Niehaus) 130-2337-01 $4.00 Reflections String Orchestra (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S002-00 $45.00 Reflections Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark arr. Laurett) PT-S002F-01 $7.00 Reflections Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB04-00 $40.00 Reflections Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB04F-01 Reflections Walking Frog Records CD WFR864 $14.95 Reflections From The Wall Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR389 012-4451-00 $74.00 Reflections From The Wall Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4451-01 $8.00 Reflections From The Wall Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4451-75 $25.00 Reflections of Asia Young Band (Phillips) WFR377 011-4111-00 $50.00 Reflections of Asia Extra full score (Phillips) 011-4111-01 $7.00 Reflections on the Missouri River Young Band (Grice) WFR374 023-4010-00 $44.00 Reflections on the Missouri River Extra full score (Grice) 023-4010-01 Refuge Band (Barnhouse) 013-0355-00AR Refuge Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0114-20 $3.50 Refuge Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0114-24 $3.50 Refuge Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0114-33 $3.50 Refuge Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0114-38 $3.50 Regalia Young Band (Lowden) 011-2087-00 $24.00 Regalia Extra score (Lowden) 011-2087-02 Regatta Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3175-00 $60.00 Regatta For Winds Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR105,WFR175 012-2544-00 $65.00 Regatta For Winds Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2544-01 Regatta Band (Worrell) 013-0487-00AR $50.00 The Regent Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3176-00 $60.00 Regimental Review Concert Band (F. Panella) BOV-S3555-00 $60.00 The Regulars Band (Barnhouse) 013-0987-00AR $50.00 The Regulars Extra condensed score (Barnhouse) 013-0987-01 The Regulars Orchestra (Barnhouse) 016-0468-00AR $50.00 Reign Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR383 023-4283-00 $42.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $19.00 $3.00 $6.00 $75.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $3.00 $5.00 $4.00 Page 184 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Reign Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4283-01 $6.00 Reindeer Galop Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR382 011-4325-00 $52.00 Reindeer Galop Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4325-01 $7.00 Reindeer Rhumba Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR382 012-4311-00 $52.00 Reindeer Rhumba Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-4311-01 $8.00 Reindeer Rhumba Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-4311-75 $25.00 La Reine De La Mer Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S1000-00 $65.00 Reine De La Mer, La Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S1000-01 Rejoice The Season! Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR389 012-4488-00 Rejoice The Season! Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-4488-01 $8.00 Rejoice The Season! Oversized spiral-bound score (Romeyn) 012-4488-75 $25.00 Relativo Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR373 011-4070-00 $54.00 Relativo Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-4070-01 Relpetrom Concert Band (English) BOV-S3407-00 $60.00 Remember When? Young Band (Washburn) 015-2637-00 $25.00 Remember When? Extra full score (Washburn) 015-2637-01 Remembrance Concert Band (Whitcomb) 011-1426-00AR Remembrance Extra score (Whitcomb) 011-1426-01AR $6.00 Remembrance Band (King) 013-0540-00AR $50.00 Reminiscin' Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 WA-YSB204-00 $40.00 Reminiscin' Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB204-01 Renaissance Men Walking Frog Records CD WFR253 $14.95 Rendezvous Walking Frog Records CD WFR609 $14.95 A Rendezvous in the Forest Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0099-08AR $10.00 A Rendezvous in the Forest Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0099-13AR $10.00 A Rendezvous in the Forest Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (F. Harris) 081-0099-20AR $10.00 Renegade Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR389 012-4466-00 $74.00 Renegade Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4466-01 $8.00 Renegade Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4466-75 $25.00 Renegade Dances Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330,WFR344 011-3293-00 $42.00 Renegade Dances Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3293-01 Renegade Dances Walking Frog Records CD WFR330 $14.95 Repasz Band Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Glover) WFR358,WFR366 012-3680-00 $68.00 Repasz Band Extra full score (Lincoln/arr. Glover) 012-3680-01 $7.00 Repercussions Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR355 011-3664-00 $50.00 Repercussions Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3664-01 Reptile Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB160-00 Reptile Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB160-01 $6.00 The Request Band (Jewell) 013-0324-00AR $50.00 The Request Orchestra (Jewell) 016-0088-00AR $50.00 The Residual Fire Dance Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0210-00AR $60.00 The Residual Fire Dance Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0210-01AR $6.00 Resilient Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3324-00 $60.00 Rest For The Brave Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3180-00 $60.00 Resumption Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3752-00 $60.00 Resurrection Band (Kiefer) 013-0243-00AR $50.00 Retrospectives Walking Frog Records CD WFR753 $14.95 Return of the Cheetah Jazz Ensemble (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2672-00 $50.00 Return of the Cheetah Extra full score (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2672-01 $4.00 Return of the Crusaders Concert Band (Neeck) WFR358 012-3692-00 $78.00 Return of the Crusaders Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3692-01 $8.00 Return of the Crusaders Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-3692-75 $25.00 Return of the Troops Band (LaRue) 013-0193-00AR $50.00 Return to the Planet Zentaur Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 030-2392-00 $30.00 Return to the Planet Zentaur Extra full score (A. Clark) 030-2392-01 Reve d'Amour, La Concert Band (Millars/arr. Prendiville) BOV-S2079-00 $70.00 Revelation Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 035-0073-00 $12.00 Revelation Extra score (Lowden) 035-0073-01AR $2.50 Revelation Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3181-00 $60.00 Revelry Band (Jewell) 013-0632-00AR $50.00 Revenge of the Swarm Young Band (Neeck) WFR382 011-4263-00 $52.00 Revenge of the Swarm Extra full score (Neeck) 011-4263-01 $7.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $8.00 $74.00 $7.00 $3.50 $80.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $40.00 $3.00 Page 185 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Reverie Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Debussy/arr. Siekmann) 083-3259-04 $7.50 Reverie Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Debussy/arr. Siekmann) 083-3259-08 $7.50 Reverie Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Debussy/arr. Siekmann) 083-3259-20 Reverie Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB115-00 Reverie Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB115-01 Reverie Walking Frog Records CD WFR820 $14.95 Reverie, Op. 22, No. 3 Concert Band (Vieuxtemps) BOV-S0720-00 $65.00 Reverie, Op. 22, No. 3 Extra condensed score (Vieuxtemps) BOV-S0720-01 $8.00 Revival Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3753-00 $60.00 Rhapsodic Concertante Concert Band (Niehaus) WFR329 012-2224-00 $60.00 Rhapsodic Concertante Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2224-01AR Rhapsodic Episode Concert Band (Carter) 012-1366-00 $80.00 Rhapsodic Episode Extra full score (Carter) 012-1366-01 $10.00 Rhapsodic Episode Extra condensed score (Carter) 012-1366-02 Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 2 Ensemble Saxophone quartet (Liszt/arr. Holmes) 111-0030-20AR $16.00 Rhapsodie Norvegienne Concert Band (Lalo/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2035-00 $95.00 Rhapsodie Norvegienne Extra condensed score (Lalo/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2035-01 $10.00 Rhapsody in Bassoon Walking Frog Records CD WFR774 $14.95 Rhapsody in Silver Walking Frog Records CD WFR568 $14.95 Rheingold, Das Concert Band (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1197-00 $80.00 Rheingold, Das Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1197-01 $10.00 Rhoda Map Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1093-00 $50.00 Rhoda Map (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1093-01 $6.00 Rhythm of the Cosmos Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-2404-00 $55.00 Rhythm of the Cosmos Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-2404-01 Rhythm Party Walking Frog Records CD (Recreational Music CD) PT-RMM001-99 $12.95 Rhythm Party Guide Book/CD Book - Method/Study (Recreational Music Book) PT-RMM004-00 $24.95 Rhythm Party Hand Drum Walking Frog Records DVD (Recreational Hand Drum DVD) PT-RMM003-99 $19.95 Rhythm Party Sound Shape Walking Frog Records DVD (Recreational Music DVD) PT-RMM002-99 $19.95 Rhythm X Young Band (Shaffer) WFR355 023-3630-00 $40.00 Rhythm X Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-3630-01 $5.00 Rhythmic Configurations Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 9 players (Roy) 121-3392-00 $20.00 The Richmond Bee Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3325-00 $60.00 Rico-Chet Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0349-00AR $50.00 Rico-Chet Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0349-01AR Ride Walking Frog Records CD WFR836 $14.95 Ride of the Valkyries Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Longfield) WFR194,WFR320 012-3069-00 $90.00 Ride of the Valkyries Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Longfield) 012-3069-01 $10.00 Ride of the Valkyries Oversized spiral-bound score (Wagner/arr. Longfield) 012-3069-75 $25.00 Ride of the Valkyries Marching Band (Wagner/arr. Sochinski) 052-2102-00AR $50.00 Ride of the Valkyries Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2003-00 $90.00 Ride of the Valkyries Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2003-01 $10.00 Ride of the Valkyries Walking Frog Records CD WFR320 $14.95 Riders For the Flag Walking Frog Records CD WFR703 $14.95 A Ridiculous Rondo Young Band (Whitcomb) 029-1522-00AR $50.00 A Ridiculous Rondo Extra score (Whitcomb) 029-1522-01AR $6.00 Ridin' De Goat Band (Fisk) 013-0717-00AR $50.00 Ridin' De Goat Orchestra (Fisk) 016-0280-00AR $50.00 Riding High Marching Band (Ballenger) 069-1599-00AR $60.00 Rienzi Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Grabel) 013-1086-00AR $90.00 Rienzi Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Grabel) 013-1086-01AR $10.00 Rienzi Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Grabel) 013-1086-02AR Riff Rap Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 031-2481-00 Riff Rap Extra full score (Spera) 031-2481-01 The Rifle Brigade Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3650-00 $60.00 The Rifle Range Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3485-00 $60.00 The Rifle Rangers Band (King) 013-0451-00AR $50.00 The Rifle Rangers Extra condensed score (King) 013-0451-01 The Rifle Rangers Orchestra (King) 016-0128-00AR $50.00 The Rifle Regiment Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1740-00AR $60.00 The Rifle Regiment Extra score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1740-02 The Rifle Regiment Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3754-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.50 $50.00 $6.00 $7.00 $3.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $32.00 $4.00 $4.00 $3.00 $60.00 Page 186 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Rifle Regiment Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3754-01 $6.00 Right Forward Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3755-00 $60.00 Right Forward Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3755-01 $6.00 Right Of The Line Concert Band (Peckham) BOV-S3561-00 $60.00 Right-Left Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3756-00 $60.00 Rigoletto Fantasy Concert Band (L. Bassi/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0704-00 $75.00 Rigoletto Fantasy Extra condensed score (L. Bassi/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0704-01 $9.00 Quartet from Rigoletto Ensemble Sax quartet (Verdi/arr. Holmes) 111-0036-20AR $16.00 Rim Shot Concert Band (D. Young & A. Spika) WFR354 012-3605-00 $70.00 Rim Shot Extra full score (D. Young & A. Spika) 012-3605-01 Ring Out, Wild Bells Concert Band (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0583-00 Ring Out, Wild Bells Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0583-01 Ring the Bells on Christmas Day Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR341 012-3543-00 Ring the Bells on Christmas Day Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3543-01 Ringling Bros. Grand Entry Concert Band (Sweet) BOV-S3781-00 $60.00 Ringling Brothers Grand Entry Concert Band (Sweet/arr. Glover) WFR340,WFR366 012-3480-00 $65.00 Ringling Brothers Grand Entry Extra full score (Sweet/arr. Glover) 012-3480-01 $6.00 Ringling Brothers Grand Entry Oversized spiral-bound score (Sweet/arr. Glover) 012-3480-75 $25.00 Ringwood Lake Overture Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB166-00 $45.00 Ringwood Lake Overture Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB166-01 Rio Brazos Marching Band (K. Harris) MB166 $50.00 Riptide Young Band (Shaffer) WFR377 024-4082-00 $46.00 Riptide Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4082-01 $6.00 Rise of the Firebird Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR316 012-3134-00 $68.00 Rise of the Firebird Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3134-01 $7.00 Rise of the Firebird Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3134-75 $25.00 Rise of the Firebird Walking Frog Records CD WFR316 $14.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Flute solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-04 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Clarinet solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-08 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Oboe solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-15 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Alto or Baritone Saxophone solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) Tenor Saxophone solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-20 $12.95 080-3999-22 $12.95 Trumpet or Euphonium (Baritone) TC solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) Horn in F solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-24 $12.95 080-3999-28 $12.95 080-3999-33 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Trombone/Bassoon/Euphonium (Baritone) BC solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) Tuba solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-39 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Mallet percussion solo book (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-41 $12.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician 080-3999-90 $14.95 080-3999-91 $14.95 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Piano accompaniment book (for Flute, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba, Mallets) (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) Piano accompaniment book (for Oboe, Horn) (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) Extra CD (R. W. Smith, Grice, Swearingen, Huckeby, Shaffer) 080-3999-99 $9.95 Rising Star Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2948-00 $45.00 Rising Star Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2948-01 $4.00 Rising Stars Band Book/Method-Instruction Guitar book (Stanton) 038-4158-00 $11.95 Rising Stars Bass Guitar/Bass Clef/Percussion book (Stanton) 038-4158-33 $11.95 Rising Stars Keyboard Accompaniment book (Stanton) 038-4158-44 $11.95 Rising Waters Young Band (Connor) RWS-1612-00 $50.00 Rising Waters Extra Full Score (Connor) RWS-1612-01 $8.00 Rising Waters Oversized, spiral-bound score (Connor) RWS-1612-75 $25.00 Ritorna Vincitor Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0118-00 $75.00 Ritorna Vincitor Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0118-01 Ritual and Capriccio Concert Band (Spears) 012-1954-00 $65.00 Ritual and Capriccio Extra score (Spears) 012-1954-01 $10.00 Ritual Celebration Concert Band (Coakley) WA-CB114-00 $65.00 Ritual Celebration Extra score (Coakley) WA-CB114-01 $6.00 Ritual Dance Young Band (Whitcomb) 011-1458-00AR $60.00 Ritual Dance Extra score (Whitcomb) 011-1458-02AR $2.50 Rival Rovers Band (1899 edition) (Alexander) 013-0183-00AR $50.00 Rival Rovers Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) WFR361 013-0867-00AR $50.00 Solos for The Rising Band Musician Solos for The Rising Band Musician Solos for The Rising Band Musician Solos for The Rising Band Musician Solos for The Rising Band Musician All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $65.00 $8.00 $65.00 $6.00 $5.00 $8.00 Page 187 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Rivals Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0375-00AR $50.00 River of Life Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR185 012-2692-00 $68.00 River of Life Extra full score (Reineke) 012-2692-01 $6.00 River of Life Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-2692-75 $25.00 River of Life Walking Frog Records CD WFR185 $14.95 Riverbend Rhapsody Young Band (Shaffer) WFR321 015-2383-00 $40.00 Riverbend Rhapsody Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2383-01 $6.00 A River's Fury! Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR376 012-4136-00 $76.00 A River's Fury! Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4136-01 $8.00 A River's Fury! Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-4136-75 $25.00 Riverside Drive Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB157-00 $40.00 Riverside Drive Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB157-01 $6.00 Rivola Band Book Piccolo Db book (King) 073-6006-03AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Flute in C book (King) 073-6006-04AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Clarinet Eb book (King) 073-6006-07AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 1st Bb Clarinet book (King) 073-6006-08AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (King) 073-6006-09AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Oboe book (King) 073-6006-15AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Bassoon book (King) 073-6006-17AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Bb Soprano Sax book (King) 073-6006-19AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Alto Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6006-20AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Bb Tenor Sax book (King) 073-6006-22AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Baritone Saxophone Eb book (King) 073-6006-23AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Solo Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6006-24AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 1st Bb Cornet book (King) 073-6006-25AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 2nd & 3rd Bb Cornets book (King) 073-6006-26AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (King) 073-6006-33AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 3rd Trombone BC book (King) 073-6006-35AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Baritone TC book (King) 073-6006-37AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Baritone BC book (King) 073-6006-38AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Tuba book (King) 073-6006-39AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Drums book (King) 073-6006-41AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (King) 073-6006-51AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (King) 073-6006-52AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book Eb Cornet book (King) 073-6006-60AR $10.00 Rivola Band Book 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (King) 073-6006-66AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Flute book (King) 074-6042-04AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Clarinets Bb book (King) 074-6042-08AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Oboe book (King) 074-6042-15AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Bassoon book (King) 074-6042-17AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio 1st & 2nd Cornets Bb book (King) 074-6042-24AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Horns F book (King) 074-6042-28AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Trombone BC book (King) 074-6042-33AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Drums book (King) 074-6042-41AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Piano book (King) 074-6042-43AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio 1st Violin book (King) 074-6042-60AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio 2nd Violin book (King) 074-6042-61AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Viola book (King) 074-6042-62AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Cello book (King) 074-6042-63AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Bass book (King) 074-6042-64AR $10.00 Rivola Orchestra Folio Trombone TC book (King) 074-6042-66AR $10.00 The Road Less Traveled Walking Frog Records CD WFR375 $14.95 The Road Less Traveled Concert Band (Longfield) WFR375 012-4098-00 $98.00 The Road Less Traveled Extra full score (Longfield) 012-4098-01 $10.00 The Road Less Traveled Oversized spiral-bound score (Longfield) 012-4098-75 $30.00 The Road To Damascus Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR378 012-4168-00 $78.00 The Road To Damascus Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4168-01 $8.00 The Road To Damascus Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4168-75 $25.00 Road Trip Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3795-00 $50.00 Road Trip Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3795-01 Robbin's Bros. Triumphal Band (Gilson) 013-0967-00AR $50.00 Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR370 023-3904-00 $42.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 Page 188 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 023-3904-01 Robin Hood, selection Concert Band (DeKoven/arr. Weigand) BOV-S2112-00 Robin Hood, selection Extra condensed score (DeKoven/arr. Weigand) BOV-S2112-01 Robin's Song Jazz Ensemble (Steinberg) 032-0167-00 Robin's Song Extra full score (Steinberg) 032-0167-01 $3.00 Robinson's Grand Entrée Concert Band (King/arr. Schissel) WFR174,WFR197 012-2793-00 $60.00 Robinson's Grand Entrée Extra full score (King/arr. Schissel) 012-2793-01 Robinson's Grand Entrée Band (King) 013-0498-00AR Robinson's Grand Entrée Extra condensed score (King) 013-0498-01 $4.00 Robotics Young Band (Romeyn) WFR383 024-4274-00 $46.00 Robotics Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4274-01 Rock Away Young Band (Nowak) WA-YB102-00 Rock Away Extra score (Nowak) WA-YB102-01 $5.00 Rock America Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB21-00 $50.00 Rock America Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB21F-01 Rock Around the Block Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2178-00 $28.00 Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2007-01 032-3615-00 $45.00 Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Extra full score (Barton) 032-3615-01 Rock Encounter Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-CB101-00 Rock Encounter Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CB101-01 Rock Fever Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB124-00 Rock Fever Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB124-01 $5.00 Rock Island Express Marching Band (Lowden) 069-1603-00AR $60.00 Rock It & Lock It Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2912-00 $36.00 Rock It & Lock It Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2912-01 Rock It! Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2367-00AR $50.00 Rock My Bach String Orchestra (arr. Barnett) PT-S004-00 $45.00 Rock My Bach Extra score (arr. Barnett) PT-S004F-01 $7.00 Rock 'n Roll Is Here To Play Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-3219-00 $40.00 Rock 'n Roll Is Here To Play Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3219-01 Rock 'N Roll Music Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MB113-00 Rock 'N Roll Music Extra score (Gingery) WA-MB113-01 $5.00 Rock of Ages Band (Barnhouse) 013-0284-00AR $50.00 Rock of Ages Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Holmes) 016-0079-00AR $50.00 Rock of Ages Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0115-24 Rock of Ages Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 090-0115-24 $4.50 Rock On! Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3957-00 $45.00 Rock On! Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3957-01 $7.00 Rock On! Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1815-00 $28.00 Rock On! Extra score (Swearingen) 050-1815-01 Rock Rondo Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0080-00AR Rock Rondo Extra score (Lowden) 032-0080-01AR The Rock Routine Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1799-00 $29.00 Rock Slide Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0269-00 $45.00 Rock Slide Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0269-01 Rock Solid! Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB181-00 Rock Solid! Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB181-01 Rock The Halls Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3956-00 Rock the Halls Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3956-01 $7.00 Rock The Halls With Drums And Cowbell Young Band (Huckeby) WFR385 011-4380-00 $52.00 Rock The Halls With Drums And Cowbell Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-4380-01 $7.00 Rock Til' Ya Drop! Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2411-00 $34.00 Rock Til' Ya Drop! Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2411-01 $4.00 Rock-A-Bye Your Baby Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2005-01,WFR348 032-3445-00 $45.00 Rock-A-Bye Your Baby Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3445-01 $6.00 Rockamania Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1110-00 $48.00 Rockamania Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1110-01 $7.00 Rock-A-Saurus Rex! Young Band (Molter) 015-2878-00 $35.00 Rock-A-Saurus Rex! Extra full score (Molter) 015-2878-01 Rockaway Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3182-00 $60.00 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S2142-00 $60.00 Rockero Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-2305-00 $38.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $70.00 $9.00 $18.00 $4.00 $70.00 $6.00 $50.00 $8.00 $6.00 $60.00 $5.00 $45.00 $4.00 $6.00 $50.00 $4.50 $2.50 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $48.00 $4.00 Page 189 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Rockero! Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1591-00AR $50.00 Rockero! Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1591-01AR $5.00 Rocket Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1185-00AR $50.00 A Rockin' Merry Christmas Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2014-01 032-4267-00 $48.00 A Rockin' Merry Christmas Extra full score (Neeck) 032-4267-01 $7.00 Rockin' Minor Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1021-00 $45.00 Rockin' Minor Extra full score SCM-1021-01 $6.00 Rockin' Nutcracker Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR383 024-4328-00 $46.00 Rockin' Nutcracker Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 024-4328-01 $6.00 Rock-It Science Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2896-00 $36.00 Rock-It Science Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2896-01 Rocklet Éclair Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0146-00AR Rocklet Éclair Extra score (Lowden) 032-0146-01AR $6.00 Rockman Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MFP112-00 $40.00 Rockman Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MFP112-01 $5.00 Rockman Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB166-00 $40.00 Rockman Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB166-01 The Rockmeister Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2530-00 $30.00 Rockspagnol Concert Band (Balent) 012-1933-00 $14.00 Rockspagnol Extra condensed score (Balent) 012-1933-02 $2.50 Rocky Mountain Holiday Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2550-00 $50.00 Rocky Mountain Holiday Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2550-01 Rocky Road Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB187-00 Rocky Road Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB187-01 Rococo Rondo String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7006-00 Rococo Rondo Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7006-01 Rodeo Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB114-00 Rodeo Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB114-01 Roger Behrend, Euphonium Walking Frog Records CD WFR634 Roi d'Ys, Ls Concert Band (Lalo/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S2013-00 $110.00 Roi d'Ys, Ls Extra full score (Lalo/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S2013-01 $12.00 Roll Of Honor Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3183-00 $60.00 Roll of Honor Band (King) 013-0461-00AR $50.00 Roll of Honor Extra condensed score (King) 013-0461-01AR $4.00 Roll of Honor Orchestra (King) 016-0138-00AR $50.00 Roller Coaster! Young Band (Glover) WFR379 011-4204-00 $52.00 Roller Coaster! Extra full score (Glover) 011-4204-01 $7.00 Rollin' In My Sweet Baby's Arms Marching Band (Huckeby) 050-2551-00 $40.00 Rollin' On Down The Road Jazz Ensemble (Molter) 991-2009-01 032-3830-00 $48.00 Rollin' On Down The Road Extra full score (Molter) 032-3830-01 $6.00 Rollin' With the Punches Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-2769-00 $36.00 Rollin' With the Punches Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2769-01 Rolling Thunder Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3254-00 $60.00 Rolling Thunder Concert Band (Fillmore/arr. Glover) WFR325 012-3176-00 $65.00 Rolling Thunder Extra full score (Fillmore/arr. Glover) 012-3176-01 $6.00 Rolling Thunder Oversized spiral-bound score (Fillmore/arr. Glover) 012-3176-75 $25.00 Roll'n String Orchestra (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7008-00 $40.00 Roll'n Extra full score (Fletcher/arr. A. Clark) ARC-7008-01 Romaine Orchestra (Gounod/arr. Allen) 016-0166-00AR $50.00 Roman Carnival Concert Band (Berlioz/arr. Safranek) BOV-S0894-00 $90.00 Roman Carnival Extra condensed score (Berlioz/arr. Safranek) BOV-S0894-01 $10.00 Roman Conquest Marching Band (J. Williams) MB155 $50.00 Roman Opener Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1583-00 $20.00 Roman Races Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3486-00 $60.00 Roman Trilogy Walking Frog Records CD WFR668 $14.95 Romance & Caprice Walking Frog Records CD WFR826 $14.95 Romance, Il lacerato spirito Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0107-00 $65.00 Romance, Il lacerato spirito Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0107-01 Romancing the Flute Walking Frog Records CD WFR436 $14.95 Romanesque Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1639-00 $60.00 Romanesque Extra score (Swearingen) 012-1639-01 Romantic Band (Kiefer) 013-0518-00AR All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $5.00 $14.95 $7.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.00 $50.00 Page 190 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Romantic Connections Walking Frog Records CD WFR579 $14.95 Romantic Horn Concertos Walking Frog Records CD WFR765 $14.95 Romantic Masterworks Walking Frog Records CD WFR514 $14.95 Romantic Mural Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0057-00AR $20.00 Romantic Music for 2 Flutes & Piano Walking Frog Records CD WFR407 $14.95 Romantic Sensibilities Walking Frog Records CD WFR423 $14.95 Romany Life Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0115-00 $60.00 Romany Life Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0115-01 $7.00 The Romany Rye Concert Band (Paull) BOV-S2075-00 $50.00 Romanza Concert Band (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) WFR180,WFR320,WFR354 012-2844-00 $60.00 Romanza Extra full score (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) 012-2844-01 Romanza Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Fiala) BOV-S0509-00 Romanza Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. Fiala) BOV-S0509-01 $6.00 Romanze and Minuette Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 083-0160-22AR $10.00 Romanze and Minuette Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 083-0161-08 $10.00 Romanze, Op. 26 Concert Band (Svendsen/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0943-00 $70.00 Romanze, Op. 26 Extra condensed score (Svendsen/arr. Mollenhauer) BOV-S0943-01 Rompin' Stompin' Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2590-00 Rompin' Stompin' Extra full score (Spera) 032-2590-01 $4.00 Rondeau Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Mouret/arr. Stanton) 026-4306-00 $50.00 Rondeau Extra full score (Mouret/arr. Stanton) 026-4306-01 $6.00 Rondino in D Ensemble Flute quartet (Norden/arr. McCathren) 111-0192-04 $7.50 Rondo Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Presser) 082-0108-39 $7.50 Rondo Capriccioso Solo Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Spears) 084-0143-37 $6.50 Rondo Capriccioso Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Spears) 084-0143-38 Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 14 Concert Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Puffholdt) BOV-S0944-00 $75.00 Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 14 Extra condensed score (Mendelssohn/arr. Puffholdt) BOV-S0944-01 $9.00 Rondo For Drumset Solo Drum Set solo - unaccompanied (Snider) 120-0140-00 $5.00 Rondo for Horn Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. Glover) WFR365 012-3682-00 $76.00 Rondo for Horn Extra full score (R. Strauss/arr. Glover) 012-3682-01 $8.00 Rondo for Horn Oversized spiral-bound score (R. Strauss/arr. Glover) 012-3682-75 $25.00 Rondo for Percussion Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (T. Davis) WFR188 121-0168-00 $12.00 Rondo for Solo and Wind Band Concert Band (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) WFR332,WFR354 012-3355-00 $65.00 Rondo for Solo and Wind Band Extra full score (Mozart/arr. A. Clark) 012-3355-01 $7.00 Rondo for Strings String Orchestra (Niehaus) ARC-2336-00 $40.00 Rondo for Strings Extra full score (Niehaus) ARC-2336-01 Rondo for Winds and Percussion Concert Band (Edmondson) 012-1957-00AR Rondo for Winds and Percussion Extra score (Edmondson) 012-1957-01AR Rondo on a Modal Theme Young Band (Chisham) WFR336 011-3442-00 Rondo on a Modal Theme Extra full score (Chisham) 011-3442-01 Rondo Polka Concert Band (Donjon) BOV-S1048-00 $65.00 Rondoletto Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0374-00AR $50.00 Rosalind Band (Barnhouse) 013-0474-00AR $50.00 Rosalind Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0190-00AR $50.00 Rosamunde Concert Band (Schubert/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1156-00 $85.00 Rosamunde Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1156-01 $10.00 Rosamunde Concert Band (Schubert/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2067-00 $95.00 Rosamunde Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2067-01 $10.00 The Rosary Concert Band (Nevin/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0770-00 $50.00 Rose Ballet Dance Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3184-00 $60.00 Rose Bower Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0369-00AR $50.00 The Rose enslaves the Nightingale Concert Band (Rimsky-Korsakow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0644-00 $60.00 The Rose enslaves the Nightingale Extra condensed score (Rimsky-Korsakow/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0644-01 $7.00 The Rose Queen Band (Kiefer) 013-0214-00AR $50.00 The Rose Queen Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0059-00AR $50.00 The Rose Queen Piano Solo (Kiefer) 017-0024-00AR $10.00 Roselia Band (Barnhouse) 013-0024-00AR $50.00 Rosemary Band (Jewell) 013-0657-00AR $50.00 Rosemary Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0009-00AR $50.00 Rosenkavalier, Der Concert Band (R. Strauss/arr. Doebber) BOV-S2089-00 $75.00 Roses and Orchids Band (King) 013-0530-00AR $50.00 Roses and Orchids Orchestra (King) 016-0205-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $50.00 $9.00 $36.00 $6.50 $6.00 $85.00 $9.00 $45.00 $6.00 Page 191 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Roses of Memory Band (Jewell) 013-0661-00AR $50.00 Roses of Memory Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0012-00AR $50.00 Roses of Picardy Concert Band (Wood/arr. Clark) BOV-S0821-00 $50.00 Rosewood Jazz Ensemble (Shaw/arr. Lowden) 036-0236-00 $48.00 Rosewood Extra full score (Shaw/arr. Lowden) 036-0236-01AR $7.00 Rossessa Band (Lambert) 013-0366-00AR $50.00 The Rotarian Band (Buys) 013-0838-00AR $50.00 The Rotarian Orchestra (Buys) 016-0359-00AR $50.00 Rouet d'Omphale Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1152-00 $80.00 Rouet d'Omphale Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1152-01 $10.00 Rogue River Rhapsody Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330 015-2596-00AR $50.00 Rogue River Rhapsody Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2596-01AR Rough Riders Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR174,WFR343 012-2752-00 Rough Riders Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2752-01 Rough Riders Band (King) 013-1228-00AR Rough Riders Extra condensed score (King) 013-1228-01 $4.00 A Round the Band Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2167-00 $25.00 A Round the Band Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2167-01 Round the Christmas Tree Walking Frog Records CD WFR632 $14.95 Roundtable Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0715-00 $65.00 Roundtable Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0715-01 $8.00 Round-Up March Band (Alexander) 013-0646-00AR $50.00 The Roundup Band (Eisenberg) 014-0092-00 $25.00 Rovin' in the Dew Concert Band (Butterworth/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2186-00 $65.00 Rovin' in the Dew Extra condensed score (Butterworth/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2186-01 $8.00 Royal Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S3050-00 $60.00 Royal Australian Navy Concert Band (Lithgow) BOV-S3508-00 $60.00 The Royal Blue Line Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3185-00 $60.00 Royal Bridesmaids Band (Casto) 013-0406-00AR $50.00 Royal Brigade Concert Band (Wall) WA-OCB109-00 $60.00 Royal Brigade Extra score (Wall) WA-OCB109-01 $6.00 Royal Decree Band (English) WFR197 013-0635-00AR $50.00 Royal Emblem Young Band (Swearingen) 011-2122-00 $45.00 Royal Emblem Extra score (Swearingen) 011-2122-01 Royal Emblem Band (King) 013-0531-00AR $50.00 Royal Emblem Orchestra (King) 016-0206-00AR $50.00 Royal Empire Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2492-00 $40.00 Royal Empire Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2492-01AR Royal Entry Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2674-00 $35.00 The Royal Escort Band (Kiefer) 013-0371-00AR $50.00 Royal Festival Ensemble Brass sextet (Guentzel) 103-0070-00AR $20.00 Royal Garden Blues Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2000-01,991-2000-02 032-3091-00 $45.00 Royal Garden Blues Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 032-3091-01 Royal Garden Blues Marching Band (Williams & Williams/arr. Pegram) 069-1677-00AR $50.00 The Royal Grenadiers Young Band (Nowak) 011-2177-00 $26.00 The Royal Grenadiers Extra full score (Nowak) 011-2177-01AR $6.00 Royal Guests Band (Barnhouse) 013-0172-00AR $50.00 The Royal Highway Band (Mustol) 013-0981-00AR $50.00 The Royal Highway Orchestra (Mustol) 016-0464-00AR $50.00 Royal Hippodrome Band (King) 014-0060-00 $25.00 Royal Hippodrome Extra condensed score (King) 014-0060-01 Royal Hussars Band (King) 013-0523-00AR Royal Hussars Extra condensed score (King) 013-0523-01 Royal Hussars Orchestra (King) 016-0198-00AR $50.00 Royal Lancer Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7842-00 $70.00 Royal Lancer (C. T. Smith) CTS-7842-01 $12.00 Royal Lancer (C. T. Smith) CTS-7842-75 $25.00 Royal Legend Band (Losey) 013-1047-00AR $50.00 Royal Pageant Band (Barnard) 013-0550-00AR $50.00 Royal Pageant Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0162-00AR $50.00 Royal Palm Band (King) 013-0602-00AR $50.00 Royal Regiment Young Band (Jarvis) WFR382 011-4255-00 $52.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $55.00 $4.00 $65.00 $2.50 $5.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 $50.00 $4.00 Page 192 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Royal Regiment Extra full score (Jarvis) 011-4255-01 Royal Scotch Highlanders Band (King) 014-0003-00AR Royal Scotch Highlanders Extra condensed score (King) 014-0003-01AR Royal Welcome Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0375-00 Royal Welcome Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0375-01 The Royalist Band (King) 013-0527-00AR $50.00 The Royalist Orchestra (King) 016-0202-00AR $50.00 Ruby Red Band (Barnhouse) 013-0470-00AR $50.00 Ruby Red Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0186-00AR $50.00 Rudiments, Rudiments Walking Frog Records CD WFR740 $14.95 Rule of the People Band (Rosenkrans) 014-0035-00AR $50.00 Rumba-Rama Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1504-00AR $50.00 Rumba-Rama Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1504-01AR Run With It Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2005-01 032-3422-00 Run With It Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3422-01 $6.00 The Runaway Sleigh Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR357 012-3774-00 $68.00 The Runaway Sleigh Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3774-01 $7.00 The Runaway Sleigh Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR355 024-3665-00 $48.00 The Runaway Sleigh Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 024-3665-01 Rupsy Goop Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3116-00 $60.00 Rushmore Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR194,WFR343 012-1956-00 $65.00 Rushmore Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-1956-01 Rushmore Walking Frog Records CD WFR194 $14.95 Russian Christmas Music Marching Band (Reed/arr. Hopper) 069-1496-00AR $60.00 Russian Christmas Music Extra score (Reed/arr. Hopper) 069-1496-01AR $5.00 Russian Easter Overture Marching Band (Rimsky-Korsakov/arr. Pegram) 052-1663-00AR $50.00 Russian Peasant Dance Concert Band (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0846-00 $65.00 Russian Peasant Dance Extra condensed score (Lehar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0846-01 Russian Portraits Walking Frog Records CD WFR788 $14.95 Russian Rag Concert Band (Cobb/arr. Klickmann) BOV-S3209-00 $60.00 Russian Sailor's Dance Concert Band (Gliere/arr. Longfield) 012-2781-00AR $90.00 Russian Sailor's Dance Extra full score (Gliere/arr. Longfield) 012-2781-01 Russian Sailor's Dance Marching Band (Gliere/arr. Swearingen & Brown) 052-2093-00AR $60.00 Russian Sailor's Dance Ensemble Trombone quartet (Gliere/arr. Siekmann) 101-0197-33 $12.00 Russian Sailor's Dance Ensemble Brass sextet (Gliere/arr. Siekmann) 103-0157-00 $25.00 Russian Sailors' Dance Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC144-00 $50.00 Russian Sailors' Dance Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC144-01 $5.00 Rustic Dance Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Scarmolin) 112-0122-00AR $18.00 Rustic Wedding Symphony, Serenade Concert Band (Goldmark/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1079-00 $70.00 Rustic Wedding Symphony, Serenade Extra condensed score (Goldmark/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1079-01 $9.00 S. H. S. Band (Worrell) 013-0279-00AR $50.00 S. I. B. A. Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3326-00 $60.00 Sabre And Spurs Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3757-00 $60.00 Sabre And Spurs Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3757-01 $6.00 Sabre and Spurs Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-3018-00 $60.00 Sabre and Spurs Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3018-01 $6.00 Sabre and Spurs Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-3018-75 $30.00 Sabre Dance Marching Band (Wilson) WA-MC141-00 $60.00 Sabre Dance Extra score (Wilson) WA-MC141-01 The Sacred Euphonium Walking Frog Records CD WFR472 $14.95 A Sacred Set Young Band (arr. Spears) 011-1689-00AR $50.00 A Sacred Set Extra score (arr. Spears) 011-1689-01AR Sadie's Sister Jazz Ensemble (McGuinness) SCM-1089-00 Sadie's Sister Extra full score (McGuinness) SCM-1089-01 Safari Concert Band (G. Holmes) 013-1120-00AR Safari Extra condensed score (G. Holmes) 013-1120-01AR Sagebrush Saga Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 011-3291-00 Sagebrush Saga Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3291-01 Sailabration Concert Band (Chattaway) WFR384 JCM-2501-00 $125.00 Sailabration Extra oversized, spiral-bound score (Chattaway) JCM-2501-75 $25.00 A Sailor's Tale Concert Band (Eastmond) WFR335 012-3411-00 $72.00 A Sailor's Tale Extra full score (Eastmond) 012-3411-01 $8.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $50.00 $3.00 $32.00 $3.50 $4.00 $45.00 $5.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 $47.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $40.00 $5.00 Page 193 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price St. Lawrence Chronicles Concert Band (Eastmond) WFR357 012-3699-00 $72.00 St. Lawrence Chronicles Extra full score (Eastmond) 012-3699-01 $7.00 Saint Mihiel Band (King) 013-1232-00 $25.00 Saint Mihiel Extra condensed score (King) 013-1232-01 $4.00 Saints Go Second Line String Orchestra (arr. Barnett) PT-S008-00 $50.00 Saints Go Second Line Extra score (arr. Barnett) PT-S008F-01 $7.50 Saint-Saens Closer Marching Band (Saint Saens/arr. Sochinski) 052-1862-00 $35.00 Sakima Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3670-00 $60.00 Sakuntala Concert Band (Goldmark/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1073-00 $85.00 Sakuntala Extra condensed score (Goldmark/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1073-01 $10.00 Sakura Young Band (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) WFR351 011-3590-00 $48.00 Sakura Extra full score (Hilliard & D'Alicandro) 011-3590-01 $6.00 The Salamander Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 083-0069-39 Sally Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3256-00 Sally Trombone Extra condensed score (Fillmore) BOV-S3256-01 $6.00 Sally Band (G. Holmes) 013-1102-00AR $50.00 Sally Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0501-00AR $50.00 Salsa Nights Jazz Ensemble (McGuinness) SCM-1114-00 $48.00 Salsa Nights Extra full score (McGuinness) SCM-1114-01 Salsa Nueva Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB201-00 Salsa Nueva Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB201-01 Salseros Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-2123-00 Salseros Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-2123-01 $4.00 Salt & Pepper Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 032-2634-00 $34.00 Salt & Pepper Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-2634-01 $4.00 ¡Salta! Extra full score (Stanton) 032-4448-01 $7.00 ¡Salta! Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2016-01 032-4448-00 $48.00 Saltair Band (G. Buglione) 013-0485-00AR $50.00 Salty Sam Young Band (A. Clark) CB203 $50.00 Salty Sam extra score (A. Clark) CB203-01 Salut d'Amour Concert Band (Elgar/arr. Glover) WFR388 012-4492-00 Salut d'Amour Extra full score (Elgar/arr. Glover) 012-4492-01 $8.00 Salut d'Amour Oversized spiral-bound score (Elgar/arr. Glover) 012-4492-75 $25.00 Salut d'Amour Concert Band (Elgar/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1055-00 $50.00 Salut! Demeure chaste Concert Band (Gounod/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0119-00 $65.00 Salut! Demeure chaste Extra full score (Gounod/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0119-01 Salutation Young Band (Seitz/arr. A. Clark) WFR359 011-3750-00 Salutation Extra full score (Seitz/arr. A. Clark) 011-3750-01 Salutation Concert Band (Seitz) BOV-S3671-00 $60.00 Salutation Band (Kiefer) 013-0215-00AR $50.00 Salutation Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0054-00AR $50.00 Salute the Band Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-1797-00 $18.00 Salute the Band Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-1797-02 Salute to Alexander Band (English) 013-0254-00AR $50.00 Salute To America Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Isenman) BOV-S3487-00 $60.00 Salute To Atlanta Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3371-00 $60.00 Salute To Boston Concert Band (T. Rollinson) BOV-S3631-00 $60.00 A Salute to Buddy Rich Walking Frog Records DVD WFR795 $19.95 Salute to Freedom Young Band (A. Clark) WFR323 011-3230-00 $45.00 Salute to Freedom Extra full score (A. Clark) 011-3230-01 $5.00 Salute to Freedom Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2384-00 $30.00 Salute to Freedom Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2384-01 Salute To Glenn Miller Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC121-00 Salute To Glenn Miller Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC121-01 $5.00 Salute to Mexico Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3118-00 $60.00 Salute to Montreal Concert Band (Boisvert) BOV-S3068-00 $60.00 Salute to Seattle Band (1905 edition) (Alexander) 013-0337-00AR $50.00 Salute to Seattle Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0874-00AR $50.00 Salute to Sterling Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1164-00 $25.00 Salute to Sterling Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1164-01 Salute To Steven Foster Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB145-00 $45.00 Salute To Steven Foster Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB145-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.50 $60.00 $7.00 $40.00 $6.00 $21.00 $6.00 $68.00 $8.00 $50.00 $6.00 $2.50 $5.00 $60.00 $4.00 Page 194 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Salute to the Colors Concert Band (Anthony-King/arr. Glover) WFR335,WFR343,WFR366 012-3406-00 $60.00 Salute to the Colors Extra full score (Anthony-King/arr. Glover) 012-3406-01 Salute to Washington Band (Kiefer) 013-0372-00AR Salute to Washington Extra condensed score (Kiefer) 013-0372-01AR $4.00 Salute To Whitman Concert Band (Sharp) BOV-S3675-00 $60.00 The Salute Concert Band (Levy/arr. DeVille) BOV-S2057-00 $60.00 Salvation Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR375 012-4142-00 $76.00 Salvation Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4142-01 $8.00 Salvation Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4142-75 $25.00 Samba Di Minor Jazz Ensemble (Dilkey) WA-SB539-00 $45.00 Samba Di Minor Extra score (Dilkey) WA-SB539-01 Samba Domingo Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0323-00 Samba Domingo Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0323-01 Samba Jamba Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB136-00 Samba Jamba Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB136-01 Samba Kinda Way Jazz Ensemble (Labarbera) 035-0367-00 Samba Kinda Way Extra full score (Labarbera) 035-0367-01 $3.50 Samba La Bamba Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0291-00 $23.00 Samba La Bamba Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0291-01 Samba Pacifica Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0118-00AR Samba Pacifica Extra score (Lowden) 031-0118-01AR Samba Para Aqua Azules Jazz Ensemble (Ortiz) SCM-1034-00 Samba Para Aqua Azules Extra full score SCM-1034-01 $6.00 Samba Samba Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0265-00 $21.00 Samba Samba Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0265-01 Sambita Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB162-00 Sambita Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB162-01 Sammy's Groove Jazz Ensemble (Parsons) WA-SB536-00 Sammy's Groove Extra score (Parsons) WA-SB536-01 $6.00 Samson and Delilah Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1153-00 $90.00 Samson and Delilah Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1153-01 $10.00 Samson Band (King) 014-0042-00 $25.00 Samson Extra condensed score (King) 014-0042-01 Samsonian Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0242-00AR $50.00 San Carlos Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0330-00 $40.00 San Carlos Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0330-01 San Marino Band (Casto) 013-0417-00AR $50.00 San Sebastian Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0242-00 $19.00 San Sebastian Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0242-01 $3.50 Sanctus Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR374 023-4005-00 $42.00 Sanctus Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4005-01 $6.00 Sanctus String Orchestra (arr. R. W. Smith) ARC-7022-00 $40.00 Sanctus Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) ARC-7022-01 Sand in My Shoes Young Band (Gingery) WA-BCB101-00 Sand in My Shoes Extra score (Gingery) WA-BCB101-01 Sandcastle Sketches Young Band (Sheldon) WFR380 011-2003-00 Sandcastle Sketches Extra score (Sheldon) 011-2003-01 $6.00 Sandpaper Symphony Young Band (Shaffer) WFR192 015-3002-00 $38.00 Sandpaper Symphony Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3002-01 $4.00 Sands of the Sahara Concert Band (Neeck) WFR375 012-4119-00 $72.00 Sands of the Sahara Extra full score (Neeck) 012-4119-01 $8.00 Sands of the Sahara Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-4119-75 $25.00 Sansketch Young Band (Spears) 011-1955-00AR $50.00 Sansketch Extra score (Spears) 011-1955-01AR Santa And The Blizzard Young Band (Romeyn) WFR369 011-3961-00 $50.00 Santa Anna Jazz Ensemble (Cortner) 032-0054-00AR $50.00 Santa Anna Extra score (Cortner) 032-0054-01AR Santa Loves To Cha-Cha Young Band (Huckeby) WFR330 011-3285-00 $40.00 Santa Loves to Cha-Cha Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3285-01 $5.00 Santa In The Blizzard Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3961-01 $7.00 Santa Loves To Cha-Cha! Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4229-00 $50.00 Santa Loves To Cha-Cha! Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Huckeby) 026-4229-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $25.00 $3.50 $45.00 $5.00 $40.00 $3.50 $50.00 $6.00 $47.00 $3.50 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $4.00 $7.00 $6.00 $40.00 $5.00 $60.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 195 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Santa Rocks The House! Young Band (Young band) (P. Clark) WFR355 011-3612-00 $45.00 Santa Rocks The House! Extra full score (P. Clark) 011-3612-01 $6.00 Santa Rocks the House! Jazz Ensemble (Jazz Ensemble) (arr. P. Clark) 991-2007-01 032-3585-00 $45.00 Santa Rocks the House! Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3585-01 Santa Rosa Band (Kiefer) 013-0384-00AR $50.00 Santa Visits the Caribbean Young Band (Swearingen) WFR342 011-3454-00 $48.00 Santa Visits the Caribbean Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3454-01 Santana Wind Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0008-00AR $50.00 Santa's Angry Elves Young Band (Grice) WFR383 023-4294-00 $42.00 Santa's Angry Elves Extra full score (Grice) 023-4294-01 $6.00 Santa's Big Adventure Young Band (Shaffer) WFR344 011-3453-00 $48.00 Santa's Big Adventure Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3453-01 $6.00 Santa's Got a Brand New Bag Young Band (P. Clark) WFR357 025-3733-00 $50.00 Santa's Got a Brand New Bag Extra full score (P. Clark) 025-3733-01 $6.00 Santa's Holiday Favorites Young Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR362 023-3856-00 $42.00 Santa's Holiday Favorites Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 023-3856-01 $5.00 Santa's Sleigh Ride Young Band (Huckeby) WFR360 023-3740-00 $40.00 Santa's Sleigh Ride Extra full score (Huckeby) 023-3740-01 $5.00 Santa's Wild Ride Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR379 011-4241-00 $50.00 Santa's Wild Ride Extra full score (R. W, Smith) 011-4241-01 $7.00 Santiago Carnival Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7843-00 $70.00 Santiago Carnival (C. T. Smith) CTS-7843-01 $12.00 Santiago Carnival (C. T. Smith) CTS-7843-75 $25.00 Santiago Band (King) 013-1230-00AR $50.00 Santiago Extra condensed score (King) 013-1230-01 Santilla Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3119-00 $60.00 Sapphire Band (Collins) 013-0137-00AR $50.00 Sarabande Concert Band (Debussy/arr. R. Nelson) 029-1292-00AR $60.00 Sarabande Extra score (Debussy/arr. Nelson) 029-1292-01AR $6.00 Sarabande Young Band (Handel/arr. Gingery) WA-YB103-00 $50.00 Sarabande Extra score (Handel/arr. Gingery) WA-YB103-01 $5.00 Sarasota Band (King) 013-0689-00AR $50.00 Sarasota Extra condensed score (King) 013-0689-01AR $4.00 Sassy Lassy Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0011-00AR $50.00 Sassy Strutt Marching Band (Lutz) WA-MC138-00 $60.00 Sassy Strutt Extra score (Lutz) WA-MC138-01 $5.00 The Satellite Band (C. Smith/arr. Holmes) 013-0844-00AR $50.00 The Satellite Orchestra (C. Smith) 016-0360-00AR $50.00 The Satellite Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0036-24 $3.50 The Satellite Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0036-33 $3.50 The Satellite Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0036-38 $3.50 Saturday Night Blues Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01 032-3028-00 $38.00 Saturday Night Blues Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3028-01 $4.00 Saturday Night Disco Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-1544-00 $16.00 Saturday Night Disco Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-1544-02 $2.50 Saturn: The Ringed Planet Concert Band (Romeyn) WFR368,WFR387 012-3938-00 $76.00 Saturn: The Ringed Planet Extra full score (Romeyn) 012-3938-01 Saucy Susan Concert Band (Buys) 013-0921-00AR $50.00 Sault Saint Marie Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3186-00 $60.00 Saved By The Bell Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-2082-00 $22.00 Saved By The Bell Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-2082-01 $5.00 Sax Attack! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR359 011-3756-00 $50.00 Sax Attack! Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3756-01 $6.00 Sax Cymbal Young Band (A. Clark) 015-2193-00 $25.00 Sax Cymbal Extra full score (A. Clark) 015-2193-01 $3.50 Sax Education Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2008-02 032-3716-00 $55.00 Sax Education Extra full score (Stack) 032-3716-01 $7.00 Sax Serenade Concert Band (Schwartz) 012-1273-00 $48.00 Sax Serenade Extra score (Schwartz) 012-1273-02 Saxational! Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB194-00 $45.00 Saxational! Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB194-01 $5.00 Saxercise Walking Frog Records CD WFR410 $7.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $4.00 $8.00 $4.00 Page 196 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Saxes On The Seas Young Band (Conaway) WFR385 011-4390-00 $52.00 Saxes On The Seas Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4390-01 $7.00 Saxes Will Rock! Young Band (Neeck) WFR374 011-3998-00 $52.00 Saxes Will Rock! Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3998-01 Saxi Maxi Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0408-00AR $40.00 Saxophone Colors Walking Frog Records CD WFR223 $14.95 Sax-O-Rama Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2739-00 $45.00 Sax-O-Rama Extra full score (Spera) 032-2739-01 $4.00 Saxsational! Young Band (Huckeby) WFR363 011-3866-00 $52.00 Saxsational! Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3866-01 Say What? Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0327-00AR Say What? Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0327-01AR Sayin' Goodbye Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-0345-00 Sayin' Goodbye Extra full score (Rowe) 031-0345-01AR Says Who? Jazz Ensemble (Stack) 991-2010-01 032-3894-00 Says Who? Extra full score (Stack) 032-3894-01 $7.00 Scamper Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (Spears) WFR176 121-0166-00 $10.00 Scarborough Fair Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2730-00 $35.00 Scarborough Fair Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2730-01 Scarborough Fair Young Band (arr. Henderson) 029-1358-00AR Scarborough Fair Extra score (arr. Henderson) 029-1358-01AR Scarborough Fair Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2015-01 032-4360-00 Scarborough Fair Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4360-01 Scenario Concert Band (R. Johnson) 012-1346-00AR Scenario Extra score (R. Johnson) 012-1346-01AR $6.00 Scene and Air Concert Band (Bergson/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0742-00 $65.00 Scene and Air Extra condensed score (Bergson/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S0742-01 $8.00 Scene, duet and Finale, Act IV Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Smith) BOV-S0651-00 $75.00 Scene, duet and Finale, Act IV Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Smith) BOV-S0651-01 $9.00 Scenes Napolitaines Concert Band (Massanet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1119-00 $110.00 Scenes Napolitaines Extra condensed score (Massanet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1119-01 $12.00 Scenes Pittoresque Concert Band (Massenet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1120-00 $110.00 Scenes Pittoresque Extra condensed score (Massenet/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1120-01 $12.00 Scheherazade Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC103-00 $65.00 Scheherazade Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC103-01 $5.00 Scherz Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0007-00 $60.00 Scherzando Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS10-04 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS11-08 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS12-20 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS13-22 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS14-24 $9.95 Scherzando Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS15-28 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS16-33 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS17-39 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS18-53 $9.95 Scherzando Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS19-41 $9.95 Scherzo Ensemble Woodwind trio (Tustin) 110-0043-00 $15.00 Scherzo Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Guentzel) 112-0019-00AR $18.00 Scherzo for Santa Concert Band (Conaway) WFR373 012-3990-00 $65.00 Scherzo for Santa Extra full score (Conaway) 012-3990-01 $7.00 Scherzo on American Themes String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2158-00 $40.00 Scherzo on American Themes Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2158-01 $6.00 Scherzo-Phrenia Young Band (G. Sebesky) 011-2081-00 $22.00 Scherzo-Phrenia Extra score (G. Sebesky) 011-2081-01 $3.00 Schiref Band (Verwiere) 014-0047-00 $25.00 Schmerzen Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0566-00 $60.00 Schmerzen Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0566-01 $7.00 Schmied, Der Concert Band (Brahms/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0413-00 $65.00 Schmied, Der Extra condensed score (Brahms/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0413-01 $7.00 Schmied, Der Extra full score (Brahms/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0413-02 $10.00 School Bus Blues Young Band (Gingery) WA-BCB108-00 $40.00 School Bus Blues Extra score (Gingery) WA-BCB108-01 $5.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $25.00 $5.00 $50.00 $3.50 $50.00 $4.00 $48.00 $7.00 $80.00 Page 197 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price School Memories Band (Russell) 013-1033-00AR $50.00 School Sports Band (Schlabach/arr. Alford-Ruhl) 013-0929-00AR $50.00 Schoolmates Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3488-00 $60.00 The Music of William Schuman Walking Frog Records CD WFR808 $14.95 Schumann Fantasy Walking Frog Records CD WFR532 $14.95 Schumann's Soldiers March Concert Band (Arr. Nowak) WA-FCB199-00 $45.00 Schumann's Soldiers March Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB199-01 $5.00 Scintilita Concert Band (T. Perkins) BOV-S0752-00 $65.00 Scorpion Marching Band (Barton) 050-2786-00 $40.00 Scotch Plaid Young Band (arr. F. Nelson) 011-1509-00 $42.00 Scotch Plaid Extra score (arr. F. Nelson) 011-1509-02AR A Scott Joplin Retrospective Concert Band (Joplin/arr. A. Clark) WFR180 012-2884-00 A Scott Joplin Retrospective Extra full score (Joplin/arr. A. Clark) 012-2884-01 $6.00 A Scottish Closer Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 052-1760-00 $30.00 Scottish Lullaby Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR383 023-4292-00 $42.00 Scottish Lullaby Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 023-4292-01 $6.00 A Scottish Portrait Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR373 012-4032-00 $76.00 A Scottish Portrait Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-4032-01 Scoutmaster Band (Jewell) 013-0655-00AR $50.00 Scoutmaster Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0006-00AR $50.00 The Screamer Band (Jewell) WFR197 013-0365-00AR $50.00 The Screamer Extra condensed score (Jewell) 013-0365-01 $4.00 Screamin' Jazz Ensemble (R. W. Smith) 991-2007-02 032-3675-00 $45.00 Screamin' Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 032-3675-01 Scufflin' Marching Band (Edmondson) 069-1602-00AR $50.00 Sea Breeze Concert Band (Gingery) WA-ECB111-00 $50.00 Sea Breeze Extra score (Gingery) WA-ECB111-01 Sea Drift Walking Frog Records CD WFR441 $14.95 Sea King Young Band (Whitcomb) 011-1475-00AR $50.00 Sea King Extra score (Whitcomb) 011-1475-02AR Sea of Tranquility Young Band (Shaffer) WFR351 011-3639-00 Sea of Tranquility Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3639-01 $7.00 Sea Song Fantasy Concert Band (Wasson) WFR372 012-4056-00 $98.00 Sea Song Fantasy Extra full score (Wasson) 012-4056-01 $10.00 Seagate Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR102 012-2101-00 $65.00 Seagate Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-2101-01 $6.00 Seagate Oversized spiral-bound score (Swearingen) 012-2101-75 $25.00 The Search Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0065-00 Seascape Concert Band (Whitcomb) 029-1555-00AR Seascape Extra score (Whitcomb) 029-1555-01AR $6.00 Seascape Concert Band (Nowak) WA-ECB120-00 $50.00 Seascape Extra score (Nowak) WA-ECB120-01 Seasons Walking Frog Records CD WFR639 The Seasons Concert Band (Glazounov/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S0785-00 $110.00 The Seasons Extra condensed score (Glazounov/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S0785-01 $12.00 Seawind Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (O'Connor) WFR188 121-0228-00 $10.00 Sebastian, the St. Bernard Ensemble Tuba/Euphonium quartet (Stauffer) DSP-0070-00 $15.00 Theme From Sechs Kinderstrucke Young Band (Mendelssohn/arr. Mitchell) 011-1480-00AR $50.00 Theme From Sechs Kinderstrucke Extra score (Mendelssohn/arr. Mitchell) 011-1480-02AR $6.00 Second Century Concert Band (A. Reed) 012-1858-00AR $80.00 Second Century Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-1858-01AR $9.00 Second Fantasy Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0135-00AR $25.00 Second Line: 100 Years of New Orleans Drumming Book - Text (Aukes) 070-3267-00 $24.95 The Second Phase Ensemble Brass quartet (Roberts) 101-3297-00 $10.00 Second Race Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1014-00 $50.00 Second Race Extra full score SCM-1014-01 $6.00 Secret Agent Young Band (Romeyn) WFR390 024-4463-00 $48.00 Secret Agent Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4463-01 Secret Signal Concert Band (Fuhrer) BOV-S3263-00 $60.00 The Secrets of McDougal's Cave Young Band (Huckeby) WFR333 011-3368-00 $50.00 The Secrets of McDougal's Cave Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3368-01 $6.00 Sedona Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR194 012-3030-00 $72.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $60.00 $8.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $5.00 $80.00 $6.00 $14.95 $6.00 Page 198 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Sedona Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3030-01 $7.00 Sedona Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3030-75 $25.00 Seize The Day! Young Band (J. Johnson) WFR379 011-4217-00 $52.00 Seize The Day! Extra full score (J. Johnson) 011-4217-01 Selika Band (Logheder/arr. Worrell) 013-0274-00AR $50.00 Sells - Floto Triumphal Band (King) WFR361 013-0583-00AR $50.00 Sells-Floto Triumphal Concert Band (King/arr. Glover) WFR375 012-4100-00 $68.00 Sells-Floto Triumphal Extra full score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4100-01 $7.00 Sells-Floto Triumphal Oversized spiral-bound score (King/arr. Glover) 012-4100-75 $25.00 Semiquaver Serenade String Orchestra (Fletcher) NLSO312 $40.00 Semiquaver Serenade extra score (Fletcher) NLSO312-01 Semiramide Concert Band (Rossini/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1195-00 $80.00 Semiramide Extra condensed score (Rossini/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1195-01 $10.00 Semper Fidelis Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3758-00 $60.00 Semper Fidelis Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3758-01 $6.00 Semper Fidelis WBM-2733-00 $60.00 Semper Fidelis Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137,WFR343 Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2733-01 $5.00 Semper Fidelis Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2733-75 $30.00 Semper Fidelis Drum & Bugle Corps (Sousa/arr. Latey) 013-6052-00AR $25.00 Semper Paratus Band (Kooyman) 013-0884-00AR $50.00 Semper Paratus Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0394-00AR $50.00 Semper Vivax Concert Band (Laurendeau) BOV-S3444-00 $60.00 Sempre Libera Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0104-00 $65.00 Senator Cameron's Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3187-00 $60.00 Send In The Clones Marching Band (A. Clark) MB110 $50.00 Send Out Thy Light Concert Band (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0625-00 $60.00 Send Out Thy Light Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0625-01 Senioritis Marching Band (A. Clark) MB113 $50.00 Senor Smoke Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-2388-00 $40.00 Senorita Blues Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2005-01 033-0229-00 $50.00 Senorita Blues Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0229-01 $7.00 Senorita Fajita Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2004-01 032-3323-00 $45.00 Senorita Fajita Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3323-01 $6.00 Sensational Snare Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS20-41 $9.95 Sensei's Ride On The Cherry Blossom Express Concert Band (R.W. Smith) WFR368 012-3960-00 $76.00 Sensei's Ride On the Cherry Blossom Express Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 012-3960-01 $8.00 Sentinel Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB16-00 $40.00 Sentinel Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB16F-01 $6.00 The Sentinel Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3328-00 $60.00 Septagon Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR373 012-4041-00 $72.00 Septagon Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4041-01 $8.00 September Concert Band (Mogensen) WFR368 012-3967-00 $98.00 September Extra full score (Mogensen) 012-3967-01 $10.00 September Oversized Spiral-Bound Score (Mogensen) 012-3967-75 $25.00 September Rain Jazz Combo (Steinberg) 038-0185-00AR $30.00 September Rain Extra full score (Steinberg) 038-0185-01AR Sequence for Band Young Band (A. Clark) CB202 Sequence for Band extra score (A. Clark) CB202-01 Sequidilla Concert Band (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0562-00 Sequidilla Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0562-01 $8.00 Serenade Band (Schubert/arr. Barnard) 013-0919-00AR $50.00 Serenade Orchestra (Schubert/arr. Barnard) 016-0423-00AR $50.00 Serenade Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Mozart/arr. Merriman) 083-0164-22 Serenade Ensemble Sax quartet (Schubert/arr. Holmes) 111-0004-20AR $16.00 Serenade and Dance Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7844-00 $90.00 Serenade and Dance (C. T. Smith) CTS-7844-01 $15.00 Serenade and Dance (C. T. Smith) CTS-7844-75 $30.00 Serenade For Trumpet Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB128-00 $45.00 Serenade For Trumpet Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB128-01 Serenade for Violas String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2415-00 Serenade for Violas Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2415-01 A Serenade Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Mahl) BOV-S0911-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $5.00 $7.00 $4.00 $50.00 $6.00 $65.00 $4.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $50.00 Page 199 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Serenade Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1088-00 $80.00 The Serenade Extra condensed score (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S1088-01 $10.00 The Serenade Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S3372-00 $60.00 Serenata Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB146-00 $45.00 Serenata Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB146-01 Serengeti Sunrise Young Band (Wasson) WFR374 023-4015-00 Serengeti Sunrise Extra full score (Wasson) 023-4015-01 Serious Songs, Sad Faces Walking Frog Records CD WFR715 $14.95 The Service Flag Band (Van Doren) 013-1072-00AR $50.00 The Seventh Day Concert Band (Shaffer) 012-2449-00 $65.00 The Seventh Day Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2449-01AR 7th Street Swing Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2549-00 $30.00 Sevilla Marching Band (Hopper) 051-1802-00 $30.00 Sewall's Band (Barnhouse) 013-0021-00AR $50.00 Sextet Concert Band (Donizetti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0611-00 $75.00 Sextet Extra condensed score (Donizetti/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0611-01 Sextet from Lucia Concert Band (Donizetti/arr. Glover) WFR365 012-3802-00 Sextet from Lucia Extra full score (Donizetti/arr. Glover) 012-3802-01 Sextet in A Major Ensemble Brass sextet (F. McKay) 103-0060-00AR $20.00 Sha Doo Bop Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3332-00 $45.00 Sha Doo Bop Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3332-01 Shades of Blue Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0234-00AR Shades of Blue Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0234-01AR Shades of Gold Young Band (Huckeby) WFR362 024-3845-00 Shades of Gold Extra full score (Huckeby) 024-3845-01 $5.00 Shades On, Roof Down! Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2003-02 032-3301-00 $50.00 Shades On, Roof Down! Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3301-01 Shadow Dance Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1126-00 Shadow Dance Extra condensed score (Meyerbeer/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1126-01 $8.00 Shadow Dancer Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-0292-00AR $50.00 Shadow Dancer Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-0292-01 $3.50 Shadow Gold Jazz Ensemble (Wolking) 032-0110-00 $18.00 Shadow Gold Extra score (Wolking) 032-0110-01 $3.00 Shadow Rider Young Band (C. McBride) WFR359 011-3720-00 $54.00 Shadow Rider Extra full score (C. McBride) 011-3720-01 Shadowland Concert Band (Gilbert) BOV-S2144-00 Shadowland Extra condensed score (Gilbert) BOV-S2144-01 Shadowplay Concert Band (Buckley) WFR375 012-4114-00 Shadowplay Extra full score (Buckley) 012-4114-01 $8.00 Shadowplay Oversized spiral-bound score (Buckley) 012-4114-75 $30.00 Shadows and Dreams Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2010-01 032-3889-00 $45.00 Shadows and Dreams Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3889-01 $6.00 Shadows on the Street Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2006-01 032-3496-00 $45.00 Shadows on the Street Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3496-01 Shadwell Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1135-00AR $50.00 Shag Bag Jazz Ensemble (Farber) SCM-1109-00 $47.00 Shag Bag Extra full score (Farber) SCM-1109-01 Shake and Bake Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0219-00AR Shake and Bake Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0219-01AR Shaker Settings Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB40-00 Shaker Settings Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB40F-01 $6.00 Shaker Tune Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1518-00AR $60.00 Sham Rock Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0270-00 $19.00 Sham Rock Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0270-01 Shanghai Band (E. Mutchler) 013-0469-00AR $50.00 Shanghai Orchestra (E. Mutchler) 016-0124-00AR $50.00 Shapin' Up Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-2322-00 $34.00 Shapin' Up Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2322-01AR Shared Reflections Walking Frog Records CD WFR535 $14.95 A Shared Vision of Excellence Walking Frog Records CD WFR232 $14.95 Shark Bait Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR348 031-2258-00AR $50.00 Shark Bait Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2258-01 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $44.00 $6.00 $7.00 $9.00 $68.00 $7.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $46.00 $7.00 $65.00 $7.00 $70.00 $9.00 $98.00 $6.00 $7.00 $50.00 $7.00 $40.00 $3.50 $6.00 $6.00 Page 200 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Shawnee Creek Legend Young Band (Huckeby) 015-2573-00AR $50.00 Shawnee Creek Legend Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-2573-01 $4.00 Shazam Jazz Ensemble (Barton) 991-2009-01 032-3824-00 $48.00 Shazam Extra full score (Barton) 032-3824-01 She Alone Charmeth My Sadness Concert Band (Gounod/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0558-00 She Alone Charmeth My Sadness Extra condensed score (Gounod/arr. R. Davis) BOV-S0558-01 Sheep May Safely Graze Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1953-00 Sheep May Safely Graze Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1953-01 The Sheffordshire Regiment Concert Band (Whitcomb) 012-1419-00AR The Sheffordshire Regiment Extra score (Whitcomb) 012-1419-02 Sheik Parker's Triumphal Concert Band (Chenette) BOV-S3408-00 $60.00 Shenandoah Concert Band (arr. Bond) WFR376 012-4147-00 $68.00 Shenandoah Extra full score (arr. Bond) 012-4147-01 $7.00 Shenandoah Oversized spiral-bound score (arr. Bond) 012-4147-75 $25.00 Shenandoah Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (arr. Stanton) 026-4384-00 $50.00 Shenandoah Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 050-2469-00 $40.00 Shenandoah Extra score (arr. Swearingen) 050-2469-01 $5.00 Shenandoah Marching Band (arr. Metzer) 057-2038-00 $28.00 Shenandoah Ensemble Woodwind quintet (arr. Brown) 112-0167-00 $16.00 Shenandoah Fantasy Concert Band (Chattaway) WFR388 JCM-2502-00 $125.00 Shenandoah Fantasy Extra full score (Chattaway) JCM-2502-01 $12.00 Shenandoah Fantasy Oversized spiral-bound score (Chattaway) JCM-2502-75 $30.00 Shenandoah Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (arr. Stanton) 026-4384-01 Shepherd of the Hills Band (G. Holmes) 013-1085-00AR $50.00 A Shepherd's Dream Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Vereecken) 084-0005-20AR $10.00 Shepherd's Hey Concert Band (Grainger/arr. Schissel) WFR318 012-3152-00 $68.00 Shepherd's Hey Extra full score (Grainger/arr. Schissel) 012-3152-01 Sheridan's Ride Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S0781-00 $80.00 Sheridan's Ride Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S0781-01 $10.00 Sherman Strut Jazz Ensemble (Garvin) WA-SB528-00 $45.00 Sherman Strut Extra score (Garvin) WA-SB528-01 She's Gone Away Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB109-00 She's Gone Away Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB109-01 Shhhhh! Jazz Ensemble (Potts) WA-SB516-00 Shhhhh! Extra score (Potts) WA-SB516-01 Shield of Liberty Concert Band (J. J. Richards/arr. Glover) WFR358,WFR366 012-3681-00 Shield of Liberty Extra full score (J. J. Richards/arr. Glover) 012-3681-01 Shield of Liberty Band (J. J. Richards) WFR198 013-1169-00AR Shield of Liberty Extra condensed score (J. J. Richards) 013-1169-01 Shimmering Spangles Band (Casto) 013-0449-00AR $50.00 Shine Young Band (Grice) WFR360 023-3706-00 $40.00 Shine Extra full score (Grice) 023-3706-01 Shoot the Chutes Band (Alexander) 013-0238-00AR $50.00 Shooting Star Young Band (K. Harris) 015-2195-00AR $50.00 Shooting Star Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2195-01AR $6.00 Short and Sweet Concert Band (T. Short/arr. G. Reeves) BOV-S2045-00 $55.00 Short and Sweet Walking Frog Records CD WFR724 $14.95 Short Circuit Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-1999-01 031-2981-00 $38.00 Short Circuit Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2981-01 $4.00 A Short History of Jazz Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3953-01 $7.00 A Short History of Jazz Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-2010-01 032-3953-00 $50.00 Short Prelude With Perspectives Concert Band (Caruso) 012-1383-00 $60.00 Short Prelude With Perspectives Extra full score (Caruso) 012-1383-01 $6.00 Short Prelude With Perspectives Extra condensed score (Caruso) 012-1383-02 $5.00 Shortnin' Bread Marching Band (Herrmann) 056-1693-00 $15.00 Short-Zadi Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0027-00 $60.00 Shoulder To Shoulder Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3413-00 $60.00 Shout It Out Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0272-00 $20.00 Shout It Out Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0272-01AR Shout It Out Marching Band (A. Clark) MB170 $50.00 Shoutin' Liza Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3576-00 $60.00 Show and Tell Jazz Ensemble (Henry) 031-2766-00 $34.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $65.00 $8.00 $60.00 $6.00 $80.00 $6.00 $6.00 $8.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $68.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 Page 201 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Show and Tell Extra full score (Henry) 031-2766-01 The Show Piece Concert Band (Bowles) 029-1320-00AR The Show Piece Extra score (Bowles) 029-1320-01AR $4.00 Show World Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0416-00AR $50.00 Showcase Concert Band (Schwartz) 029-1276-00AR $60.00 Showcase Extra score (Schwartz) 029-1276-01AR $6.00 Showers of Gold Concert Band (Clarke/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S1090-00 $65.00 Showers of Gold Extra condensed score (Clarke/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S1090-01 $8.00 Showtime Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1309-00AR $50.00 Showtime! Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2002-02 032-3240-00 $50.00 Showtime! Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3240-01 The Shriner's Parade Band (DeLuca) 013-0800-00AR $50.00 Shuffle for the Count Jazz Ensemble (T. Brown) 032-0109-00AR $50.00 Shuffle for the Count Extra score (T. Brown) 032-0109-01AR A Shuffle for Uncle Guido Jazz Ensemble (Spera) 991-2001-02 032-3141-00 $50.00 A Shuffle for Uncle Guido Extra full score (Spera) 032-3141-01 $7.00 Shuffle On Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0095-00 $7.50 Shuffle on Down Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-0371-00 $29.00 Shuffle on Down Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-0371-01 $3.50 Shuffle, Cut and Deal Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0248-00 $22.00 Shuffle, Cut and Deal Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0248-01AR The Shuffle Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-2115-00 The Shuffle Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-2115-02 Si, mi chiamano Mimi Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0113-00 Si, mi chiamano Mimi Extra full score (Puccini/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0113-01 Siberian Express Young Band (Phillips) WFR390 011-4462-00 Siberian Express Extra full score (Phillips) 011-4462-01 The Siberian Skateboard Young Band (Whitcomb) 029-1474-00AR The Siberian Skateboard Extra score (Whitcomb) 029-1474-01AR $6.00 Sicilian Vespers Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2082-00 $95.00 Sicilian Vespers Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2082-01 $10.00 Siciliana Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Telemann/arr. Ayres) 082-0115-13AR $10.00 Siciliano Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 082-0116-04 Siciliano Ensemble Flute trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0116-04 $6.50 Sideline Shuffle Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-2714-00 $40.00 Sideline Symphony Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2391-00 $30.00 Sidetracked! Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4057-01 $6.00 Sidetracked! Young Band (Conaway) WFR374 024-4057-00 $48.00 The Siege of Arundel Young Band (J. McBride) WFR385 011-4261-00 $52.00 The Siege of Arundel Extra full score (J. McBride) 011-4261-01 $7.00 Siege of the Dark Castle Young Band (Weller) WFR374 024-4059-00 $48.00 Siege of the Dark Castle Extra full score (Weller) 024-4059-01 Siegfried Concert Band (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1198-00 $90.00 Siegfried Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1198-01 $10.00 Siegfried's Funeral Music Concert Band (Wagner/arr. Whear) 012-1316-00AR $80.00 Siegfried's Funeral Music Extra full score (Wagner/arr. Whear) 012-1316-01AR $7.00 Siegfried's Funeral Music Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. Whear) 012-1316-02 $4.00 Siesta San Anton Young Band (Harris) WFR370 024-3981-00 $48.00 Siesta San Anton Extra full score (Harris) 024-3981-01 The Siffleur Coquette Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3430-00 $60.00 Sightreading 101 Conductor book (Huckeby) 073-4375-01 $16.95 Sightreading 101 Flute book (Huckeby) 073-4375-04 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Bb Clarinet/Bb Bass Clarinet book (Huckeby) 073-4375-08 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Oboe book (Huckeby) 073-4375-15 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Eb Alto Saxophone/Eb Baritone Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4375-20 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Bb Tenor Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4375-22 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Bb Trumpet/Baritone TC book (Huckeby) 073-4375-24 $9.95 Sightreading 101 F Horn book (Huckeby) 073-4375-28 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Huckeby) 073-4375-33 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Tuba book (Huckeby) 073-4375-39 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4375-41 $9.95 Sightreading 101 Keyboard Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4375-42 $9.95 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $50.00 $7.00 $6.00 $3.50 $23.00 $3.00 $65.00 $8.00 $52.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.50 $6.00 $5.00 Page 202 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Sightreading 101.1 Assessment Pack Sightreading 101.1 Assessment Pack (Huckeby) 073-4436-00 $60.00 Sightreading 101.1 Assessment Pack Extra Assessment Pack Full Conductor Score (Huckeby) 073-4436-01 $7.00 Sightreading 201 Conductor book (Huckeby) 073-4475-01 $16.95 Sightreading 201 Flute book (Huckeby) 073-4475-04 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Bb Clarinet/Bb Bass Clarinet book (Huckeby) 073-4475-08 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Oboe book (Huckeby) 073-4475-15 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Eb Alto Saxophone/Eb Baritone Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4475-20 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Bb Tenor Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4475-22 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Bb Trumpet/Baritone TC book (Huckeby) 073-4475-24 $9.95 Sightreading 201 F Horn book (Huckeby) 073-4475-28 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Huckeby) 073-4475-33 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Tuba book (Huckeby) 073-4475-39 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4475-41 $9.95 Sightreading 201 Keyboard Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4475-42 $9.95 Sightreading 201.1 Assessment Pack Sightreading 201.1 Assessment Pack (Huckeby) 073-4490-00 $60.00 Sightreading 201.1 Assessment Pack Extra Assessment Pack Full Conductor Score (Huckeby) 073-4490-01 $7.00 Sightreading 301 Conductor book (Huckeby) 073-4575-01 $16.95 Sightreading 301 Flute book (Huckeby) 073-4575-04 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Bb Clarinet/Bb Bass Clarinet book (Huckeby) 073-4575-08 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Oboe book (Huckeby) 073-4575-15 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Eb Alto Saxophone/Eb Baritone Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4575-20 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Bb Tenor Saxophone book (Huckeby) 073-4575-22 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Bb Trumpet/Baritone TC book (Huckeby) 073-4575-24 $9.95 Sightreading 301 F Horn book (Huckeby) 073-4575-28 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Trombone/Baritone BC/Bassoon book (Huckeby) 073-4575-33 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Tuba book (Huckeby) 073-4575-39 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4575-41 $9.95 Sightreading 301 Keyboard Percussion book (Huckeby) 073-4575-42 $9.95 Sightreading 301.1 Assessment Pack Sightreading 301.1 Assessment Pack (Huckeby) 073-4590-00 $60.00 Sightreading 301.1 Assessment Pack Extra Assessment Pack Full Conductor Score (Huckeby) 073-4590-01 Signatures Walking Frog Records CD WFR806 $14.95 Signora Band (Laurens) 013-0299-00AR $50.00 Signora Orchestra (Laurens/arr. Holmes) 016-0087-00AR $50.00 Sigurd Jorsalfar Concert Band (Grieg/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1076-00 $90.00 Sigurd Jorsalfar Extra condensed score (Grieg/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1076-01 $10.00 The Silent Friend Band (W. Lewis) 013-0332-00AR $50.00 Silent Night Concert Band (Gruber/arr. Shaffer) WFR319 012-3010-00 $55.00 Silent Night Extra full score (Gruber/arr. Shaffer) 012-3010-01 $4.00 Silent Night Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR357 012-3760-00 $68.00 Silent Night Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3760-01 $7.00 Silent Night Young Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR370 024-3915-00 $46.00 Silent Night Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 024-3915-01 $5.00 Silent Night Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR345 031-2849-00 $34.00 Silent Night Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2849-01 $4.00 Silent Noon Concert Band (Vaughan Williams/arr. Huckeby) WFR375 012-4112-00 $68.00 Silent Noon Extra full score (Vaughan Williams/arr. Huckeby) 012-4112-01 $7.00 Silent Noon Oversized spiral-bound score (Vaughan Williams/arr. Huckeby) 012-4112-75 $25.00 The Silent Rose Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0758-00 $50.00 Silhouettes Concert Band (Hadley/arr. Lake) BOV-S0852-00 $90.00 Silhouettes Extra condensed score (Hadley/arr. Lake) BOV-S0852-01 $10.00 Silken Bands Waltz Concert Band (Bischoff/arr. Sousa) BOV-S2018-00 $50.00 Silver Walking Frog Records CD WFR742 $14.95 Silver Walking Frog Records CD WFR762 $14.95 The Silver Anchor Concert Band (Osborne) WA-CB109-00 $60.00 The Silver Anchor Extra score (Osborne) WA-CB109-01 $6.00 Silver Crescent Band (Russell) 013-0783-00AR $50.00 Silver Crescent Orchestra (Russell) 016-0350-00AR $50.00 The Silver Fountain Band (King) 013-0744-00AR $50.00 The Silver Fountain Orchestra (King) 016-0314-00AR $50.00 The Silver Lining Band (Barnhouse) 013-0358-00AR $50.00 The Silver Lining Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 080-0016-33AR $0.00 The Silver Lining Solo Trumpet, saxophone or baritone TC solo with piano (Barnhouse) 080-0016-99AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 Page 203 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Silver Plume Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0064-00AR $50.00 The Silver Ring Concert Band (Chaminade/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0602-00 $65.00 The Silver Ring Extra condensed score (Chaminade/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0602-01 Silver Sable Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2288-00 Silver Sable Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2288-01 Silver Sails Band (C. Smith) 013-0833-00AR $50.00 Silver Salutation Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7845-00 $90.00 Silver Salutation (C. T. Smith) CTS-7845-01 $15.00 Silver Salutation (C. T. Smith) CTS-7845-75 $30.00 Silver Spring Soliloquy Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR315 012-2434-00 $65.00 Silver Spring Soliloquy Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2434-01AR $7.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Band (Smith & Holmes) 013-0993-00AR $50.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Orchestra (Smith & Holmes) 016-0473-00AR $50.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Solo Sax C Melody solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-16AR $10.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Ensemble C Melody Sax duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-17AR $12.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-20AR $10.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-21AR $12.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-24AR $10.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-25AR $12.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Solo Trombone or Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-33AR $10.00 Silver Threads Among the Gold Ensemble Trombone or Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Smith & Holmes) 080-0059-34AR $12.00 Silver Wings March Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR390 011-4487-00 $52.00 Silver Wings March Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 011-4487-01 $7.00 Silverado Concert Band (Barker) 012-2020-00 $60.00 Silverado Extra full score (Barker) 012-2020-01 $5.00 Silvercrest Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR138 012-1892-00 $48.00 Silvercrest Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-1892-01 $7.00 Simple Dreams Young Band (Romeyn) WFR390 024-4449-00 $46.00 Simple Dreams Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4449-01 Simple Gifts Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1431-00AR $50.00 Simple Gifts String Orchestra (arr. Balent) ARC-7025-00 $40.00 Simple Gifts Extra full score (arr. Balent) ARC-7025-01 Simple Gifts Walking Frog Records CD WFR705 $14.95 Simply Swing It! Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2536-00 $32.00 Simply Swing It! Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2536-01 $3.50 Sin Palabras Jazz Ensemble (Iacona) SCM-1013-00 $47.00 Sin Palabras Extra full score SCM-1013-01 Sincerity Band (Barnard) 013-0359-00AR $50.00 Sincerity Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0103-00AR $50.00 Sing Along With Santa! Young Band (A. Clark) WFR359 011-3719-00 $50.00 Sing Along With Santa! Extra full score (A. Clark) 011-3719-01 Sing, Oh Sing This Blessed Morn Band (arr. Barnard) 013-0779-00AR $50.00 Sing, Oh Sing This Blessed Morn Orchestra (arr. Barnard) 016-0220-00AR $50.00 Singapore Band (Eisenberg) 014-0070-00AR $50.00 The Singing Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0880-00 $65.00 The Singing Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Heed) BOV-S2031-00 $65.00 The Singing Girl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S3373-00 $60.00 The Singing Samba Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black) 039-2205-00 $40.00 The Singing Samba Extra full score (Bellson & Black) 039-2205-01 Sing-O-Rama Concert Band (arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0855-00 $90.00 Sink or Swing Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2000-01 031-3081-00 $40.00 Sink or Swing Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-3081-01 The Sinnissippi Golf Club Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0244-00AR $50.00 The Sinnissippi Golf Club Orchestra (J. S. Taylor) 016-0049-00AR $50.00 The Sinnissippi Golf Club Piano Solo (J. S. Taylor) 017-0029-00AR $10.00 Sir Galahad Commandery Concert Band (T. Rollinson) BOV-S3632-00 $60.00 Sir Galahad Band (King) 013-0666-00AR $50.00 Sir Henry Band (King) 013-0735-00AR $50.00 Sir Henry Orchestra (King) 016-0305-00AR $50.00 The Siren Band (King) 013-0455-00AR $50.00 The Siren Orchestra (King) 016-0132-00AR $50.00 Sirocco Young Band (J. Williams) WFR195 011-3040-00 $48.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $39.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $3.00 $6.00 Page 204 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Sirocco Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-3040-01 Sittin' Pretty Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0344-00AR Sittin' Pretty Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0344-01AR Six String Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02 032-3335-00 Six String Shuffle Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3335-01 Six-Shooter Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SC108-00 Six-Shooter Extra score (Gingery) WA-SC108-01 Six-Shooter Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB156-00 Six-Shooter Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB156-01 $6.00 Sixty Miles An Hour Concert Band (Hager/arr. E. Evans) BOV-S3291-00 $60.00 Skater's Holiday Concert Band (Butts) 029-1370-00AR $50.00 Skater's Holiday Extra score (Butts) 029-1370-01AR The Skaters' Waltz Concert Band (Waldteufel/arr. Longfield) WFR381 012-4252-00 The Skaters' Waltz Extra full score (Waldteufel/arr. Longfield) 012-4252-01 $8.00 The Skaters' Waltz Oversized spiral-bound score (Waldteufel/arr. Longfield) 012-4252-75 $25.00 The Skaters Concert Band (Waldteufel/arr. Safranek) BOV-S2208-00 $65.00 Skeleton Dance Young Band (Phillips) WFR386 011-4376-00 $52.00 Skeleton Dance Extra full score (Phillips) 011-4376-01 Skidoo Band (Jewell) 013-0396-00AR $50.00 Skipperjack Dance Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3590-00 $60.00 Skunk Creek Holler Young Band (Lowden) 011-1873-00 $20.00 Skunk Creek Holler Extra score (Lowden) 011-1873-02 Sky Jockey Band (Edwards) 013-1254-00AR $50.00 Sky Parade Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S3687-00 $60.00 The Sky Pilot Band (Laurens) 013-0241-00AR $50.00 The Sky Pilot Drum & Bugle Corps (Laurens/arr. Latey) 013-6056-00AR $25.00 The Sky Pilot Orchestra (Laurens) 016-0052-00AR $50.00 Sky Ranger Band (King) 013-1203-00AR $50.00 Sky Ranger Extra condensed score (King) 013-1203-01 Skyhook Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB128-00 Skyhook Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB128-01 $6.00 The Skyrocket Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3284-00 $60.00 Skyscapes Concert Band (D. W. Moore) WFR186 012-2941-00 $68.00 Skyscapes Extra full score (D. W. Moore) 012-2941-01 $6.00 Slammin' & Jammin' Marching Band (A. Clark) 058-2602-00 $30.00 A Slavic Pageant Ensemble Brass sextet (Walker) 103-0090-00AR $20.00 Slavonic Dance #1 Concert Band (Dvorak/arr. Longfield) WFR320 012-3124-00 $72.00 Slavonic Dance #1 Extra full score (Dvorak/arr. Longfield) 012-3124-01 Slavonic Dance #1 Marching Band (Dvorak/arr. Salzman) 052-1701-00AR $60.00 Slavonic Dance #3 Marching Band (Dvorak/arr. Herrmann) 056-1686-00 $16.00 Slavonic Dance #8 Concert Band (Dvorak/arr. Longfield) WFR129 012-2381-00AR $90.00 Slavonic Dance #8 Extra full score (Dvorak/arr. Longfield) 012-2381-01AR $8.00 Slavonic Rhapsody Concert Band (Friedemann/arr. Lake) BOV-S1069-00 $90.00 Slavonic Rhapsody Extra condensed score (Friedemann/arr. Lake) BOV-S1069-01 $10.00 Sledders' Carnival Young Band (Orcino) WFR342 011-3489-00 $45.00 Sledders' Carnival Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3489-01 $6.00 Sleddin' Hill Young Band (Shaffer) WFR390 024-4453-00 $48.00 Sleddin' Hill Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4453-01 $6.00 Sleepers, Awake! Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) WFR388 012-1784-00 $55.00 Sleepers, Awake! Extra full score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1784-01 Sleeping Beauty Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Eilhardt) BOV-S0798-00 $90.00 Sleeping Beauty Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Eilhardt) BOV-S0798-01 $10.00 Sleigh Bell Fantasy Young Band (J. Williams) 011-2372-00 $32.00 Sleigh Bell Fantasy Extra full score (J. Williams) 011-2372-01 $4.00 Sleigh Bells & Reindeer Young Band (Kopetz) 011-2479-00 $32.00 Sleigh Bells & Reindeer Extra full score (Kopetz) 011-2479-01 Sleigh Ride Walking Frog Records CD WFR495 $14.95 Slick Stuff Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SC113-00 $30.00 Slick Stuff Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SC113-01 $5.00 Slickeryet Band (E. Mutchler) 013-0439-00AR $50.00 Slide Ride Walking Frog Records CD WFR816 $14.95 Slide Show Young Band (Huckeby) WFR187 011-2962-00 $38.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $60.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 $30.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $68.00 $7.00 $3.00 $4.00 $40.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.00 Page 205 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Slide Show Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2962-01 Slide's Blues Jazz Ensemble (Miller) WA-SB517-00 Slide's Blues Extra score (Miller) WA-SB517-01 $6.00 Slidin' Sid Concert Band (Losch/arr. Barry) BOV-S3513-00 $60.00 Slidus Trombonus Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3431-00 $60.00 Slightly Saxy Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0138-00AR $50.00 Slightly Saxy Extra score (Lowden) 031-0138-01 $3.00 Slim Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore/arr. Shaffer) WFR357,WFR366 012-3689-00 $68.00 Slim Trombone Extra full score (Fillmore/arr. Shaffer) 012-3689-01 Slim Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3257-00 $60.00 Slip Slidin Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1012-00 $47.00 Slip Slidin Extra full score SCM-1012-01 $6.00 Slippery Elm Rag Young Band (Woods/arr. Rhoads) WA-YB107-00 $50.00 Slippery Elm Rag Extra score (Rhoads) WA-YB107-01 $6.00 A Slippery Place Concert Band (Hacker/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3289-00 $60.00 Slippery Sam Band (Barnard) 013-0405-00AR $50.00 Slippery Sam Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0110-00AR $50.00 Slippery Slide Rag Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 011-3529-00 $48.00 Slippery Slide Rag Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3529-01 Sliversuckers Parade Band (F. Holmes) 013-0245-00AR $50.00 Slowly & Quietly, Please Jazz Ensemble (D. Sebesky) WFR179 032-2858-00 $38.00 Slowly & Quietly, Please Extra full score (D. Sebesky) 032-2858-01 $5.00 Slumberland Band (Eisenberg) 014-0090-00 $25.00 Sly Jazz Ensemble (De Rosa) SCM-1076-00 $47.00 Sly Extra full score SCM-1076-01 Smile Walking Frog Records CD WFR735 $14.95 Smilin' Through Concert Band (Penn/arr. Trinkaus) BOV-S2074-00 $50.00 Smiling Eyes Band (Kooyman) 013-0890-00AR $50.00 Smiling Eyes Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0400-00AR $50.00 Smith and Holmes Favorites Solo Bb Cornet book (Smith & Holmes) 074-6026-24AR $20.00 Smith and Holmes Favorites 2nd Bb Cornet book (duet part) (Smith & Holmes) 074-6026-33AR $20.00 Smith and Holmes Favorites Piano accompaniment book (Smith & Holmes) 074-6026-43AR $30.00 Smithsonian Band (C. Smith) 013-0899-00AR $50.00 Smithsonian Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0054-20 $3.50 Smithsonian Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0054-22 $3.50 Smithsonian Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0054-24 $3.50 Smithsonian Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0054-33 $3.50 Smithsonian Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 083-0054-38 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Alto Sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-20 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-22 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-25 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-33 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-38 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-51 $3.50 Smithsonian Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 093-0054-52 $12.00 Smoke-Up Honey Band (Derville) 013-0307-00AR $50.00 Smoke-Up Honey Orchestra (Derville) 016-0081-00AR $50.00 Smokey Mountain Rhapsody Young Band (Huckeby) WFR323 011-3174-00 $48.00 Smokey Mountain Rhapsody Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3174-01 $6.00 Smooth Touch Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0385-00 $31.00 Smooth Touch Extra full score (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0385-01 $3.50 The Snake Oil Man Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 031-0365-00 $29.00 The Snake Oil Man Extra full score (Rowe) 031-0365-01 $3.50 Snakebite! Young Band (Conaway) WFR359 011-3703-00 $48.00 Snakebite! Extra full score (Conaway) 011-3703-01 Snapshots of West Point Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1067-00AR $50.00 Snarendipity Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB23-00 $50.00 Snarendipity Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB23F-01 $8.00 Snarendipity Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS50-41 $9.95 Snares, Traps & Other Hunting Devices Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 5 players (T. Davis) WFR188 121-0154-00 $15.00 Snares, Traps & Other Hunting Devices Walking Frog Records CD WFR188 $14.95 Sneaker Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB115-00 $40.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $4.00 $45.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 206 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Sneaker Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB115-01 Snoozin' Jazz Ensemble (Stanton) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3280-00 Snoozin' Extra full score (Stanton) 032-3280-01 $5.00 Snow Angels Young Band (Orcino) WFR330 011-3305-00 $40.00 Snow Angels Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3305-01 $5.00 Snow Day Young Band (Orcino) WFR323 011-3225-00 $45.00 Snow Day Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3225-01 $6.00 Snow In A Silent Wood Concert Band (J. McBride) WFR384 012-4344-00 $74.00 Snow In A Silent Wood Extra full score (J. McBride) 012-4344-01 $8.00 Snow In A Silent Wood Oversized spiral-bound score (J. McBride) 012-4344-75 $25.00 A Snowy Christmas Day Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2189-00 $25.00 A Snowy Christmas Day Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2189-01 Snuffles Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 030-0346-00AR Snuffles Extra full score (Rowe) 030-0346-01 So This is Dvorak! Band (Buchtel) 013-1159-00AR $50.00 So You're the New Band Director: Now What? Book - Text (Wise) 079-3009-00 $29.95 Soar With The Dragons Young Band (Romeyn) WFR386 023-4374-00 $42.00 Soar With The Dragons Extra full score (Romeyn) 023-4374-01 $6.00 Soaring Above The Clouds Young Band (Swearingen) WFR377 023-4075-00 $42.00 Soaring Above The Clouds Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4075-01 $6.00 Soaring Above the Clouds String Orchestra (Swearingen) ARC-7018-00 $40.00 Soaring Above the Clouds Extra full score (Swearingen) ARC-7018-01 Soaring Above The Clouds Walking Frog Records CD WFR377 $14.95 The Soaring Spirit Young Band (Grice) WFR370 023-3911-00 $44.00 The Soaring Spirit Extra full score (Grice) 023-3911-01 $5.00 Soaring! Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR357 012-3696-00 $68.00 Soaring! Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3696-01 The Social Whirl Band (G. Holmes) 013-0420-00AR $50.00 Society One Step Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3432-00 $60.00 Soft Shoe Rag Young Band (Lowden) 011-1868-00 $20.00 Soft Shoe Rag Extra score (Lowden) 011-1868-02 $3.00 Soft to Touch Jazz Combo (Steinberg) 038-0181-00 $12.00 Soft to Touch Extra full score (Steinberg) 038-0181-01 $2.50 Sojourn Jazz Ensemble (D. Black) 032-0334-00 $27.00 Sojourn Extra full score (D. Black) 032-0334-01AR Sojourns Walking Frog Records CD WFR597 $14.95 Sol Invictus Young Band (Conaway) WFR362 024-3863-00 $48.00 Sol Invictus Extra full score (Conaway) 024-3863-01 $5.00 Sol Invictus Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 024-3863-75 $25.00 Solaris Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR357 012-3742-00 $76.00 Solaris Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3742-01 $7.00 Solaris Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3742-75 $25.00 Soldier Of Fortune Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3586-00 $60.00 A Soldier's Dream Concert Band (Rogers) BOV-S0806-00 $65.00 Solera Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02 032-3274-00 $42.00 Solera Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3274-01 Solid Men To The Front Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3285-00 $60.00 Solid Men To The Front Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3759-00 $60.00 Solid Soul Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0034-00AR $50.00 Soliloquies and Celebrations Solo Marimba solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0145-00 Soliloquy Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Faure/arr. Merriman) 083-3343-20 Solitude Band (King) 013-0599-00AR $50.00 Solitude Young Band (Phillips) WFR380 024-4222-00 $48.00 Solitude Extra full score (Phillips) 024-4222-01 $6.00 Solo Flight Young Band (Neeck) WFR187,WFR353,WFR354 011-2914-00 $40.00 Solo Flight Extra full score (Neeck) 011-2914-01 Solos Around The World Solo Grade ranges 2-3 (Harden) RWS-1661-00 $12.95 Solos For Horn Players Walking Frog Records CD WFR850 $14.95 Sombrero Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB116-00 $40.00 Sombrero Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB116-01 $6.00 Some Band Rag Band (Jewell) 013-0608-00AR $50.00 Some Juice for Bruce Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2270-00 $34.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $40.00 $3.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $8.00 $3.50 $5.00 $4.50 $7.50 $7.00 Page 207 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Some Juice for Bruce Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2270-01 $3.00 Some Like It Blues Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0290-00 $50.00 Some Like It Blues Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0290-01AR $7.00 Some Like it Cool Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0002-00AR $50.00 Somerset Young Band (Swearingen) WFR383 023-4331-00 $44.00 Somerset Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4331-01 Something for Shelly Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0053-00AR Something for Shelly Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0053-01AR Something Old, Something New Walking Frog Records CD WFR769 $14.95 Something Special Walking Frog Records CD WFR585 $14.95 Something You Said Jazz Ensemble (Parsons) WA-SB529-00 $45.00 Something You Said Extra score (Parsons) WA-SB529-01 $6.00 Sometimes When We Touch Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MC104-00 $50.00 Sometimes When We Touch Extra score (Gingery) WA-MC104-01 Sometimes You Have To Fly Away Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3847-00 Sometimes You Just Have To Fly Extra full score (Aldrich) 032-3847-01 Somewhere A Cow Is Bawling Band (Fisk) 013-0748-00AR $50.00 Somewhere A Cow Is Bawling Orchestra (Fisk) 016-0295-00AR $50.00 Somewhere A Voice Is Calling Concert Band (Tate/arr. Halle) BOV-S0761-00 $50.00 Somewhere in the Night Jazz Ensemble (Jennings & Kerr/arr. Lowden) 036-0114-00 $14.00 Sonata for Clarinet and Piano Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Handel/arr. Merriman) 084-0179-08 $4.50 Sonata for Winds Concert Band (Carter) 012-1341-00 $60.00 Sonata for Winds Extra full score (Carter) 012-1341-01 $7.00 Sonata for Winds Extra condensed score (Carter) 012-1341-02AR $6.00 Sonata No. 6 Solo Bass Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Vivaldi/arr. Ayres) 083-0092-13 Sonatas for Clarinet and Piano Walking Frog Records CD WFR556 $14.95 Sonatina Solo Flute - Oboe Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS51-04 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Clarinet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS52-08 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Alto Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS53-20 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Tenor Sax Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS54-22 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Trumpet Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS55-24 $10.95 Sonatina Solo F Horn Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS56-28 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Trombone Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS57-33 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Tuba Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS58-39 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Keyboard Percussion Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS59-53 $10.95 Sonatina Solo Snare Drum Solo (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YSS60-41 $10.95 Sonatina Giocosa Ensemble Flute quartet (G. McKay) 111-0127-04 $15.00 Sonatine #2 Solo Flute solo with piano accompaniment (Donahue) 082-0117-04 Song and Dance Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0136-08AR $15.00 Song for Karen Jazz Ensemble (Bliege) 032-0244-00 $19.00 Song for Karen Extra full score (Bliege) 032-0244-01 A Song For My Children Jazz Ensemble (Langford) 032-0155-00AR A Song For My Children Extra full score (Langford) 032-0155-01AR $6.00 Song For My Daughter Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB136-00 $40.00 Song For My Daughter Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB136-01 A Song For Peace Young Band (Swearingen) WFR380 023-4194-00 A Song For Peace Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4194-01 $6.00 A Song For Peace String Orchestra (Swearingen) ARC-7021-00 $40.00 A Song For Peace Extra full score (Swearingen) ARC-7021-01 $6.00 Song for Sam Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0339-00 $25.00 Song for Sam Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0339-01AR A Song of Goodbye Young Band (Glover) WFR385 011-4404-00 $52.00 A Song of Hope Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 011-3195-00 $55.00 A Song of Hope Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3195-01 $6.00 With Honor and Pride Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3276-01 $5.00 Song of Solace Young Band (Neeck) WFR342,WFR353 011-3545-00 $45.00 Song of Solace Extra full score (Neeck) 011-3545-01 The Song of Songs Concert Band (Moya/arr. S. Deshon) BOV-S2011-00 $50.00 Song of the Flea Concert Band (Moussorgsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0542-00 $65.00 Song of the Flea Extra condensed score (Moussorgsky/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0542-01 $8.00 Song of the South Band (Alexander) 013-0321-00AR $50.00 Song of the Telegraph Young Band (Shaffer) WFR333,WFR344 015-3372-00 $40.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $5.00 $45.00 $6.00 $8.00 $7.50 $3.50 $70.00 $6.00 $42.00 $7.00 $6.00 Page 208 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Song of the Telegraph Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3372-01 Songbird Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-ECB122-00 Songbird Extra score (Chattaway) WA-ECB122-01 Songs and Dances Walking Frog Records CD WFR619 $14.95 Songs (from the Second Suite in F, Mvt. II and Mvt. III) Songs (from the Second Suite in F, Mvt. II and Mvt. III) Songs Of Christmas Cheer! Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4133-00 $50.00 Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Holst/arr. Stanton) 026-4133-01 $6.00 Young Band (Swearingen) WFR380 023-4214-00 $44.00 Songs Of Christmas Cheer! Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-4214-01 Songs of Grace and Songs of Glory Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137,WFR184 WBM-2710-00 Songs of Grace and Songs of Glory Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2710-01 Songs of Grace and Songs of Glory Walking Frog Records CD WFR184 $14.95 Songs Of The Earth Walking Frog Records CD WFR838 $14.95 Songs, Dances & Incantations Walking Frog Records CD WFR674 $14.95 Sonic Ascent Young Band (Weller) WFR380 023-4182-00 $42.00 Sonic Ascent Extra full score (Weller) 023-4182-01 Sons Of Australia Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Brockton) BOV-S3509-00 $60.00 Sons of Liberty Young Band (Neeck) WFR192,WFR353 011-2984-00 $45.00 Sons of Liberty Extra full score (Neeck) 011-2984-01 Sons Of New Zealand Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Lake) BOV-S3510-00 $60.00 Sons of Tavistock Band (Verwiere) 014-0084-00AR $50.00 Sons of the Desert Band (Cline) 013-0897-00AR $50.00 Sons of Veterans Band (King) 013-0443-00 $25.00 Sons of Veterans Extra condensed score (King) 013-0443-01 Sons of Veterans Orchestra (King) 016-0146-00AR $50.00 Soul Brother Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 032-0044-00AR $50.00 Soul Brother Extra score (Martino) 032-0044-01AR $4.00 Soul Food Marching Band (Tatgenhorst) 029-0128-00AR $50.00 The Soul of the Surf Band (C. Smith) 013-0649-00AR $50.00 The Soul of the Surf Solo Trumpet or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0035-24AR $10.00 The Soul of the Surf Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (C. Smith) 084-0035-33AR $10.00 Soul Sauce Marching Band (Warrington) 013-1927-00 $25.00 Soul Sauce Extra score (Warrington) 013-1927-01AR Soul Sister Jazz Ensemble (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2600-00 Soul Sister Extra full score (D. Sebesky/arr. A. Clark) 032-2600-01 Soul Sister Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0043-00AR $50.00 Soul Squeeze Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB103-00 $40.00 Soul Squeeze Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB103-01 Soul Train Marching Band (A. Clark) MB103 $50.00 Soul-ar Powered Band Young Band (G. Sebesky) 010-1790-00AR $50.00 Soul-ar Powered Band Extra score (G. Sebesky) 010-1790-02 Soulero Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC105-00 Soulero Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC105-01 $5.00 Soulful One Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SB541-00 $45.00 Soulful One Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SB541-01 $6.00 Soulful Swagger Jazz Ensemble (McGuinness) SCM-1127-00 $48.00 Soulful Swagger Extra full score (McGuinness) SCM-1127-01 $7.00 Soulin' Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2011-01 032-3994-00 $48.00 Soulin' Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3994-01 Soulmates Young Band (G. Sebesky) 029-1413-00AR Soulmates Extra score (G. Sebesky) 029-1413-01AR $6.00 Soulsville Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0114-00AR $50.00 Sound an Alarm Concert Band (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0127-00 $65.00 Sound an Alarm Extra full score (Handel/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0127-01 $8.00 The Sound of Bells Concert Band (Sivanich) 012-1339-00AR $80.00 The Sound of Bells Extra score (Sivanich) 012-1339-02AR Sound of the Italian Saxophone Quartet Walking Frog Records CD WFR771 $14.95 The Sound of Trumpets Walking Frog Records CD WFR221 $14.95 Sound Off Concert Band (Sousa) BOV-S3760-00 $60.00 Sound Off Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3760-01 $6.00 Sound Off Concert Band (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4253-00 $72.00 Sound Off Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4253-01 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $76.00 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $4.00 $4.00 $38.00 $5.00 $6.00 $5.00 $50.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 Page 209 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Sound Off Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion) WBM-4253-75 $25.00 Sounding Off Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1307-00AR $50.00 Soundings Walking Frog Records CD WFR624 $14.95 Sounds from the Hudson Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S0849-00 $65.00 Sounds from the Hudson Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S0849-01 $8.00 Sounds From The Orient Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3489-00 $60.00 The Sounds of Christmas Joy Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337 012-3236-00 $60.00 The Sounds of Christmas Joy Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3236-01 $6.00 The Sounds Of Liberty Young Band (Swearingen) WFR390 024-4450-00 $46.00 The Sounds Of Liberty Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-4450-01 $6.00 Sounds of the Sea Ensemble Clarinet quartet (Roden) 111-0130-08 $20.00 Sounds of the Season Young Band (Swearingen) 015-2217-00 $45.00 Sounds of the Season Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-2217-01 Soundscapes Walking Frog Records CD WFR610 $14.95 Sourwood Mountain Young Band (arr. Henderson) 029-1365-00AR $50.00 Sourwood Mountain Extra score (arr. Henderson) 029-1365-01AR Sousa Walking Frog Records CD WFR652 $14.95 Sousa Medley March Drum & Bugle Corps (Sousa/arr. Latey) 013-6054-00AR $25.00 Sousa Spectacular Young Band (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) WFR380 011-2153-00 $37.00 Sousa Spectacular Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 011-2153-01 $3.00 Sousa Spectacular Marching Band (arr. Shaffer) 058-2721-00 $35.00 Sousa! Sousa! Sousa! Young Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR321 011-2559-00 $36.00 Sousa! Sousa! Sousa! Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 011-2559-01 Sousa's Triumphal Band (Boyer) 013-1042-00AR South 21st Shuffle Extra full score (Wiest/arr. Lowden) 037-0324-01 $3.50 South Beach Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2004-02,WFR347 032-3334-00 $45.00 South Beach Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3334-01 $6.00 South Dakota State College Band (King) 014-0109-00 $25.00 South Dakota State College Extra condensed score (King) 014-0109-01 A Southern Beauty Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3651-00 $60.00 Southern Blossoms Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3591-00 $60.00 Southern Exposure Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2010-01 032-3929-00 $48.00 Southern Exposure Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3929-01 $7.00 Southern Fried Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 032-3156-00 $45.00 Southern Fried Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3156-01 Southern Rhapsody Concert Band (Hosmer) BOV-S2042-00 $95.00 Southern Rhapsody Extra condensed score (Hosmer) BOV-S2042-01 $10.00 Southern Roses Band (King) 013-0468-00AR $50.00 Southern Roses Orchestra (King) 016-0121-00AR $50.00 Southern Salute Concert Band (Huffnagle) 013-1278-00AR $60.00 Southern Salute Extra score (Huffnagle) 013-1278-01AR $6.00 A Southern Wedding Concert Band (Lotter/arr. Winterbottom) BOV-S1104-00 $75.00 A Southern Wedding Extra condensed score (Lotter/arr. Winterbottom) BOV-S1104-01 $9.00 The Southerner Concert Band (Alexander/arr. Bainum) 012-1332-00AR $80.00 The Southerner Extra condensed score (Alexander/arr. Bainum) 012-1332-02 The Southerner Band (1908 edition) (Alexander) 013-0415-00AR $50.00 The Southerner Band (1926 edition) (Alexander) 013-0876-00 $50.00 The Southerner Extra condensed score (Alexander) 013-0876-01 The Southlanders Concert Band (Lithgow/arr. Lake) BOV-S3511-00 $60.00 Southside Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) WFR347,991-2015-01 032-2453-00 $45.00 Southside Shuffle Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2453-01 $6.00 Southside Swingers Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2006-01,991-2006-02 032-3492-00 $45.00 Southside Swingers Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3492-01 $6.00 Southwest Saga Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR357 012-1919-00 $65.00 Southwest Saga Extra score (Sheldon) 012-1919-01 $6.00 Southwest Saga Oversized spiral-bound score (Sheldon) 012-1919-75 $25.00 Southwest Summer Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR364 012-3872-00 $78.00 Southwest Summer Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3872-01 $8.00 Southwest Summer Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3872-75 $25.00 Souvenir Concert Band (Drdla/arr. Harger) BOV-S0663-00 $60.00 Souvenir Extra condensed score (Drdla/arr. Harger) BOV-S0663-01 $7.00 Souvenir Concert Band (Drdla/arr. Lake) BOV-S2115-00 $65.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $4.00 $4.00 Page 210 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Souvenir Extra condensed score (Drdla/arr. Lake) BOV-S2115-01 Souvenir Walking Frog Records CD WFR540 $14.95 Space Junk Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1082-00 $47.00 Space Junk Extra full score (Carubia) SCM-1082-01 $6.00 Spania Young Band (Shaffer) WFR336,WFR344 011-3467-00 $45.00 Spania Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3467-01 $6.00 Spania Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4129-00 $50.00 Spania Extra full score (Build-A-Band Edition) (Shaffer) 026-4129-01 $6.00 Spania! Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2273-00 $40.00 Spania! Extra score (Shaffer) 058-2273-01 Spanish Caprice Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-C0204-00 Spanish Caprice Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-C0204-01 $9.00 Spanish Dance Concert Band (Nowak) WA-FCB186-00 $45.00 Spanish Dance Extra score (Nowak) WA-FCB186-01 $5.00 Spanish Dances No. I, II, III Concert Band (Moszkowsky/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1131-00 $80.00 Spanish Dances No. I, II, III Extra condensed score (Moszkowsky/arr. Tobani) BOV-S1131-01 $10.00 Spanish Fever Young Band (Chattaway) WA-CS104-00 $65.00 Spanish Fever Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CS104-01 $5.00 Spanish Fever Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MC106-00 $50.00 Spanish Fever Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MC106-01 $5.00 Spanish Fire! Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MFP107-00 $40.00 Spanish Fire! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MFP107-01 $5.00 Spanish Fort Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3120-00 $60.00 Spanish Opener Marching Band (Hopper) 052-1564-00AR $50.00 Spanish Romance Band (King) 013-0669-00AR $50.00 Spanish Romance Orchestra (King) 016-0284-00AR $50.00 Spark of Youth Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0364-00AR $50.00 The Sparkler Band (Casto) 013-0423-00AR $50.00 Sparkling Lights Concert Band (Conaway) WFR388 012-4505-00 $74.00 Sparkling Lights Extra full score (Conaway) 012-4505-01 $8.00 Sparkling Lights Oversized spiral-bound score (Conaway) 012-4505-75 $25.00 Sparks Concert Band (Simons) BOV-S1161-00 $60.00 The Spartan Band (J. S. Taylor) 014-0150-00 $25.00 Spectacular Trombones Walking Frog Records CD WFR646 $14.95 Speed Trap Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR177 032-2825-00 $50.00 Speed Trap Extra full score (Spera) 032-2825-01 Speedway Band (J. J. Richards) 013-0519-00AR $50.00 Sphere of Fire Young Band (Shaffer) WFR344 011-3544-00 $50.00 Sphere of Fire Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3544-01 Sphere of Fire Walking Frog Records CD WFR344 $14.95 Spick and Span Band (Jewell) 013-0713-00AR $50.00 Spinning Song Young Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR342 011-3526-00 $50.00 Spinning Song Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 011-3526-01 $6.00 A Spirit Eternal Young Band (Shaffer) WFR379 011-4206-00 $52.00 A Spirit Eternal Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-4206-01 Spirit Lake Young Band (Sheldon) 011-2324-00AR Spirit Lake Overture Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2324-01AR $6.00 Spirit of '76 Marching Band (arr. Boyd) 069-1432-00AR $50.00 Spirit of '76 Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MC143-00 $50.00 Spirit of '76 Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MC143-01 Spirit of America Marching Band (Nowak) WA-MSA112-00 Spirit of America Extra score (Nowak) WA-MSA112-01 Spirit of America Young Band (K. Harris) WFR317 011-3127-00 Spirit of America Extra full score (K. Harris) 011-3127-01 Spirit of America Band (Hazel) 013-0644-00AR $50.00 The Spirit of Christmas Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR319 012-2959-00 $68.00 The Spirit of Christmas Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2959-01 Spirit Of Independence Concert Band (Holzmann/arr. Lampe) BOV-S3383-00 $60.00 Spirit of New Orleans Jazz Ensemble (Classen) 991-2007-02 032-3660-00 $50.00 Spirit of New Orleans Extra full score (Classen) 032-3660-01 Spirit Of Peace Concert Band (Goldman) BOV-S3272-00 $60.00 Spirit of Peace Band (Kiefer) 013-0627-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $8.00 $4.00 $70.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $60.00 $5.00 $40.00 $5.00 $42.00 $5.00 $7.00 $7.00 Page 211 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Spirit of Springtime Band (King) 013-0547-00AR $50.00 The Spirit of St. Frederick Jazz Ensemble (Lane) 991-2015-01 037-0202-00 $70.00 The Spirit of St. Frederick Extra full score (Lane) 037-0202-01 Spirit of the Dance Band (G. Holmes) 013-0588-00AR $50.00 Spirit of the Dance Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0183-00AR $50.00 Spirit of the East Band (Clement) 013-0797-00AR $50.00 Spirit of the East Orchestra (Clement) 016-0344-00AR $50.00 Spirit of the Heartland Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR199 012-2787-00 $58.00 Spirit of the Heartland Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-2787-01 $7.00 Spirit of the Pioneers Concert Band (Hillis) WFR335 012-3397-00 $68.00 Spirit of the Pioneers Extra full score (Hillis) 012-3397-01 $7.00 The Spirit of the Solitary Defender Concert Band (Galvin) WFR385 012-4406-00 $78.00 The Spirit of the Solitary Defender Extra full score (Galvin) 012-4406-01 $8.00 The Spirit of the Solitary Defender Oversized spiral-bound score (Galvin) 012-4406-75 $25.00 Spirit of the Sphinx Young Band (Huckeby) WFR323 015-3244-00 $38.00 Spirit of the Sphinx Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3244-01 Spirit Of The Times Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3652-00 $60.00 Spirit of the Trumpeter Walking Frog Records CD WFR672 $14.95 Spirit of the Winds Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR351 011-3637-00 $50.00 Spirit of the Winds Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 011-3637-01 Spirit of the Winds Walking Frog Records CD WFR351 $14.95 Spirit of Unity Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR329 012-3275-00 $65.00 Spirit of Unity Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3275-01 $6.00 Spirit of Unity (Huckeby) WFR329 012-3275-75 $30.00 The Spirit of Victory Band (Cline) 013-0976-00AR $50.00 The Spirit Soars Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0094-00 $5.00 Spirits of the Heavens Young Band (Shaffer) WFR390 024-4424-00 $48.00 Spirits of the Heavens Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-4424-01 $6.00 Spiritus Young Band (Shaffer) 011-1913-00 $48.00 Spiritus Extra score (Shaffer) 011-1913-02 Sploofy Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 031-0059-00AR Sploofy Extra score (Martino) 031-0059-01AR Spontaneus Combustion Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2004-01 032-3339-00 Spontaneus Combustion Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3339-01 $7.00 Spoon River Concert Band (Grainger/arr. Sheldon) WFR191,WFR315 012-2970-00 $68.00 Spoon River Extra full score (Grainger/arr. Sheldon) 012-2970-01 Sportland Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1186-00AR $50.00 Spotlight Walking Frog Records CD WFR354 $14.95 The Spotlight Concert Band (Klohr) BOV-S3815-00 $60.00 Spring Fever Young Band (Shaffer) WFR333 015-3320-00 $40.00 Spring Fever Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-3320-01 Spring Lake Concert Band (Ballenger) 012-1645-00AR Spring Lake Extra score (Ballenger) 012-1645-01 $7.00 Spring Lake Oversized spiral-bound score (Ballenger) 012-1645-75 $30.00 Spring Symphony: Scherzo Concert Band (Schumann/arr.Stauffer) DSP-0020-00 $75.00 Springfield Mountain Young Band (Spears) 011-1780-00 $20.00 Springfield Mountain Extra score (Spears) 011-1780-02AR $5.00 Spring's Awakening Orchestra (Bach/arr. Allen) 016-0173-00AR $50.00 A Springtime Celebration Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR140 012-2357-00AR $160.00 A Springtime Celebration Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-2357-01AR $20.00 A Springtime Celebration Oversized spiral-bound score (A. Reed) 012-2357-75 $30.00 The Squealer Concert Band (Huff) BOV-S3385-00 $60.00 St. Agnes Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0363-00AR $50.00 St. Andrew's Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3188-00 $60.00 St. Bernard Concert Band (Carter) BOV-S3128-00 $60.00 St. Croix Rag Young Band (Olson) 011-2555-00 $32.00 St. Croix Rag Extra full score (Olson) 011-2555-01 St. Edmund Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3255-00 $60.00 St. Louis Band (Heidenfelder - Gruenenfelder) 013-0671-00AR $50.00 St. Louis Extra condensed score (Heidenfelder - Gruenenfelder) 013-0671-01 $4.00 St. Louis Blues Jazz Ensemble (Handy/arr. A. Clark) WFR178 032-2891-00 $36.00 St. Louis Blues Extra full score (Handy/arr. A. Clark) 032-2891-01 $4.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $8.00 $5.00 $7.00 $4.00 $50.00 $6.00 $45.00 $7.00 $5.00 $80.00 $4.00 Page 212 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price St. Louis Blues, The Concert Band (Handy/arr. Still) BOV-S3336-00 $60.00 St. Louis Expositon Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3117-00 $60.00 St. Maarten Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1055-00 $47.00 St. Maarten Extra full score SCM-1055-01 Stadium Echoes Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1183-00AR $50.00 Stand Up And Be Counted Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 043-0403-00AR $40.00 Stand Up And Be Counted Marching Band (A. Clark) MB123 $50.00 Stand Up & Cheer! Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 058-2670-00 $50.00 Stand Up & Cheer! Extra score (arr. Swearingen) 058-2670-01 $5.00 Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus Young Band (arr. A. Clark) WFR342 011-3559-00 $45.00 Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 011-3559-01 The Standard Band (arr. J. J. Richards) 013-0481-00AR $50.00 Stan's the Man Jazz Ensemble (Spera) WFR179,991-2015-01 032-2890-00 $45.00 Stan's the Man Extra full score (Spera) 032-2890-01 Stapes Jazz Ensemble (Mantooth) 035-0357-00AR Stapes Extra full score (Mantooth) 035-0357-01 $7.00 Star March Young Band (Spears) 011-1697-00 $19.00 Star March Extra score (Spears) 011-1697-02 Star Pointer Band (Platt) 013-0158-00AR $50.00 Star Song Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7846-00 $60.00 Star Song (C. T. Smith) CTS-7846-01 $12.00 Star Song (C. T. Smith) CTS-7846-75 $25.00 The Star Spangled Banner Concert Band (arr. Swearingen) WFR337,WFR343 012-3410-00 $60.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. Swearingen) 012-3410-01 $6.00 The Star Spangled Banner Young Band (arr. R. W. Smith) WFR362 024-3860-00 $48.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. R. W. Smith) 024-3860-01 $5.00 The Star Spangled Banner Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (arr. Stanton) 026-4383-00 $50.00 The Star Spangled Banner Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3761-00 $45.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3761-01 Star Spangled Banner Opening (11 bars) Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S2204-00 Star Spangled Banner Opening (11 bars) Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S2204-01 $5.00 The Star Spangled Banner Young Band (arr. Balent) 011-1414-00AR $50.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra score (arr. Balent) 011-1414-02AR The Star Spangled Banner Young Band (arr. Shaffer) 015-3188-00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 015-3188-01 The Star Spangled Banner Orchestra (arr. Allen) 016-0180-00AR The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (arr. Stanton) 026-4383-01 $6.00 The Star Spangled Banner Marching Band (arr. Swearingen) 050-1692-00 $30.00 The Star Spangled Banner extra score (arr. Swearingen) 050-1692-01 $2.50 The Star Spangled Banner Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2245-00 $36.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2245-01 The Star Spangled Banner Marching Band (arr. Bowles) 069-1403-00AR The Star Spangled Banner Extra score (arr. Bowles) 069-1403-01AR $5.00 The Star Spangled Banner Concert Band (Damrosch/Sousa/Brion) WBM-4246-00 $65.00 The Star Spangled Banner Extra full score (Damrosch/Sousa/Brion) WBM-4246-01 $8.00 The Star Spangled Banner Oversized spiral-bound score (Damrosch/Sousa/Brion) WBM-4246-75 $25.00 Star Spangled Christmas Young Band (arr. R.W. Smith) WFR386 023-4398-00 $44.00 Star Spangled Christmas Extra full score (arr. R.W. Smith) 023-4398-01 $6.00 Starburst Fanfare Young Band (Shaffer) WFR370 023-3908-00 $42.00 Starburst Fanfare Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-3908-01 Starflight Overture Concert Band (Gingery) WA-FCB159-00 Starflight Overture Extra score (Gingery) WA-FCB159-01 Stargazer Young Band (Shaffer) WFR333,WFR344 011-3365-00 Stargazer Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3365-01 Starlight Fancies Band (Barnard) 013-0360-00AR $50.00 A Starlit Night Young Band (Swearingen) WFR370 023-3912-00 $44.00 A Starlit Night Extra full score (Swearingen) 023-3912-01 $5.00 Stars and Angels Young Band (Conaway) WFR370 023-3909-00 $42.00 Stars and Angels Extra full score (Conaway) 023-3909-01 Stars and Stripes and Sousa! Walking Frog Records CD WFR137 $14.95 The Stars and Stripes Forever Concert Band (Armstrong) BOV-S3037-00 $60.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3761-00 $60.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $70.00 $4.00 $6.00 $35.00 $2.50 $38.00 $5.00 $50.00 $3.00 $50.00 $5.00 $45.00 $5.00 $50.00 $7.00 $5.00 Page 213 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Stars and Stripes Forever Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3761-01 $6.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever WBM-2818-00 $60.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137,WFR343 Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2818-01 $6.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2818-75 $30.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever Full Orchestra (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2820-00 $60.00 The Stars and Stripes Forever Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2820-01 $6.00 Stars in a Velvety Sky Concert Band (Clarke) BOV-S2170-00 $65.00 Stars in a Velvety Sky Extra condensed score (Clarke) BOV-S2170-01 $8.00 Starship One Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB101-00 $45.00 Starship One Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB101-01 Starting Point Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0399-00 Starting Point Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0399-01 $3.50 Starwatcher Young Band (Huckeby) WFR355 011-3650-00 $50.00 Starwatcher Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3650-01 $6.00 State of the Art Young Band (K. Harris) WFR130 015-2673-00 $50.00 State of the Art Extra full score (K. Harris) 015-2673-01 $4.00 State Street Stomp Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2004-01,991-2004-02,WFR346 032-3322-00 $45.00 State Street Stomp Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3322-01 The Statesman Concert Band (Fulton) BOV-S3266-00 $60.00 Stealing the Show Walking Frog Records CD WFR730 $14.95 The Steel King Concert Band (St. Clair) BOV-S3636-00 $60.00 The Steeple Chase Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3490-00 $60.00 Steeplechase Jazz Ensemble (Lathan) 032-2421-00 $36.00 Steeplechase Extra full score (Lathan) 032-2421-01 The Steeplechase Band (Alexander) WFR361 013-0203-00AR $50.00 Stehe Still! Concert Band (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0584-00 $60.00 Stehe Still! Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0584-01 Step By Step Young Band (P. Clark) 015-2633-00 Step By Step Extra full score (P. Clark) 015-2633-01 Step On It! Band (King) 013-0788-00AR $50.00 Step On It! Orchestra (King) 016-0335-00AR $50.00 Steppin' Out Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) WFR179 032-2500-00AR $50.00 Steppin' Out Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-2500-01 $3.50 Steppin' Up! Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2008-02 032-3766-00 $55.00 Steppin' Up! Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3766-01 Stick Figures Young Band (Chattaway) WA-CS110-00 Stick Figures Extra score (Chattaway) WA-CS110-01 Stick Shift Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2000-01 031-3083-00 Stick Shift Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-3083-01 $6.00 Sticks & Stones Young Band (A. Clark) WFR357 025-3731-00 $50.00 Sticks Alive Marching Band (Swearingen) 069-1532-00AR $50.00 Sticks & Stones Extra full score (A. Clark) 025-3731-01 Still Alarm Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3491-00 $60.00 Still, Still, Still Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2004-01,WFR345 032-3331-00 $48.00 Still To The Front Concert Band (Liberati) BOV-S3455-00 $60.00 Still Wie Die Nacht Concert Band (Bohm/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0515-00 $55.00 Still Wie Die Nacht Extra condensed score (Bohm/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0515-01 $6.00 Still Wie Die Nacht Concert Band (Bohm/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2310-00 $55.00 Still Wie Die Nacht Extra condensed score (Bohm/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2310-01 Still, Still, Still Concert Band (arr. Huckeby) WFR350 012-3643-00 Still, Still, Still Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 012-3643-01 $6.00 Still, Still, Still String Orchestra (arr. P. Clark) ARC-7033-00 $60.00 Still, Still, Still Extra full score (arr P. Clark) ARC-7033-01 $7.00 Still, Still, Still Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3331-01 $7.00 Stillmeadow Young Band (Eveland) WFR317 011-3116-00 $48.00 Stillmeadow Extra full score (Eveland) 011-3116-01 Stinsonian Band (Whaley) 013-1095-00AR $50.00 Stomper Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2202-00 $42.00 Stomper Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2202-01 $7.00 Stone Creek Episode Young Band (Huckeby) WFR187 011-2935-00 $45.00 Stone Creek Episode Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-2935-01 Stone Gardens Concert Band (R.W. Smith) RWS-1601-00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $42.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $35.00 $3.50 $7.00 $55.00 $6.00 $42.00 $6.00 $7.00 $65.00 $6.00 $5.00 $75.00 Page 214 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Stone Gardens Extra Fulll Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1601-01 $10.00 Stone Gardens Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1601-75 $25.00 Stone Mountain Fantasy Young Band (Huckeby) WFR317 011-3106-00 $48.00 Stone Mountain Fantasy Extra full score (Huckeby) 011-3106-01 $6.00 Stone Mountain Overture Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7847-00 $60.00 Stone Mountain Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7847-01 $12.00 Stone Mountain Overture (C. T. Smith) CTS-7847-75 $25.00 Stonybrooke Variations Young Band (J. Williams) 015-2309-00 $27.00 Stonybrooke Variations Extra full score (J. Williams) 015-2309-01 $4.00 Stop Time, Go Time Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0239-00 $20.00 Stop Time, Go Time Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0239-01 $7.00 Storm Clouds Young Band (Swearingen) WFR362 024-3871-00 $46.00 Storm Clouds Extra full score (Swearingen) 024-3871-01 $5.00 Storm Front Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2750-00 $36.00 Storm Front Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2750-01 $4.00 Storm Warning Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 032-0148-00 $19.00 Storm Warning Extra full score (Nordal) 032-0148-01 $3.00 Stormchasers Concert Band (Neeck) WFR341,WFR353 012-3500-00 $76.00 Stormchasers Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3500-01 $7.00 Storming of El Caney Concert Band (Modern concert band edition) (Alexander/arr. Glover) 012-4156-00 $60.00 Storming of El Caney Extra full score (Modern concert band edition) (Alexander/arr. Glover) 012-4156-01 Storming of El Caney Band (Alexander) WFR197 013-0281-00AR $50.00 Stormy Point Young Band (Spears) 011-2109-00 $37.00 Stormy Point Extra score (Spears) 011-2109-01 $6.00 Stormy Seas Young Band (Swearingen) WFR359 011-3743-00 $50.00 Stormy Seas Extra full score (Swearingen) 011-3743-01 $6.00 Storybrook Mountain Young Band (Sheldon) WFR187 011-2925-00 $45.00 Storybrook Mountain Extra full score (Sheldon) 011-2925-01 Storyteller Walking Frog Records CD WFR657 $14.95 Stradella Concert Band (Flotow/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2026-00 $75.00 Stradella Extra condensed score (Flotow/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S2026-01 $9.00 Strasser's Band (Toenniges) 013-0090-00AR $50.00 Stratford Cove Young Band (Lowden) 011-1814-00 $21.00 Stratford Cove Extra score (Lowden) 011-1814-01 $2.50 Stratford Point Ensemble Brass quartet (Spears) 101-0209-00 Stratoliner Band (G. Holmes) 013-1194-00AR $50.00 Strauss Walking Frog Records CD WFR825 $14.95 The Streamliner Band (Latey) 013-1197-00AR $50.00 The Streamliner Drum & Bugle Corps (Latey) 013-6053-00AR $25.00 Street Dance Concert Band (J. Taylor) WA-FCB160-00 $45.00 Street Dance Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-FCB160-01 Streets of Laredo Young Band (arr. Huckeby) WFR382 011-4310-00 Streets of Laredo Extra full score (arr. Huckeby) 011-4310-01 Streets of Laredo Concert Band (arr. Weiner) 029-1406-00AR Streets of Laredo Extra score (arr. Weiner) 029-1406-01AR $6.00 Stride la vampa Concert Band (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0526-00 $55.00 Stride la vampa Extra condensed score (Verdi/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0526-01 String Along String Orchestra (Niehaus) 993-2002-01 130-2276-00 String Along Extra score (Niehaus) 130-2276-01 $5.00 String Fever String Orchestra (Niehaus) 993-2002-01 130-2134-00 $40.00 String Fever Extra score (Niehaus) 130-2134-01 $5.00 String Orchestra Recordings Compact Disc 993-2002-01 Strollin Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0004-00AR $50.00 Struttin' Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1297-00AR $50.00 Struttin' Jazz Ensemble (Huckeby) 032-2707-00 $32.00 Struttin' Extra full score (Huckeby) 032-2707-01 $4.00 Struttin' Marching Band (Huckeby) 050-2291-00 $38.00 Stubborn Cinderella Concert Band (Howard/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S2119-00 $65.00 Studio and Big Band Drumming Book - Text (Houghton) 070-1990-44 $25.00 Studio and Big Band Drumming CDs only (Houghton) 070-1990-98 $14.95 The Stylist Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Lynes) 080-0085-24AR $10.00 Subway Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-2007-01 032-3609-00 $45.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $7.00 $8.50 $5.00 $52.00 $7.00 $50.00 $7.00 $40.00 $9.95 Page 215 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Subway Shuffle Extra full score (Rowe) 032-3609-01 The Success Concert Band (Holt) BOV-S2122-00 $60.00 Suffragette Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0575-00AR $50.00 Suffragette Orchestra (J. S. Taylor/arr. Barnard) 016-0184-00AR $50.00 Sugar and Spice Concert Band (Logan) 029-1281-00AR $60.00 Sugar and Spice Extra score (Logan) 029-1281-01AR Sugar Blues Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3839-00 Sugar Blues Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 032-3839-01 Sugar Plum Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0010-00AR $50.00 Sugarloaf Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-0298-00 $20.00 Sugarloaf Extra full score (Lowden) 030-0298-01 $3.50 Sugarplum Rock from the Nutcracker Suite Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2010-01 032-3928-00 $48.00 Sugarplum Rock from the Nutcracker Suite Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3928-01 Suite Algerienne Concert Band (Saint-Saens/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1148-00 $110.00 Suite Algerienne Extra condensed score (Saint-Saens/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1148-01 $12.00 Suite for Flute and Piano Walking Frog Records CD WFR577 $14.95 Suite for Four Equal Clarinets Ensemble Clarinet quartet (T. S. Smith) 111-0064-08 $12.00 Suite for Four Horns Ensemble Horn quartet (F. McKay) 101-0027-28 $15.00 Suite for Solo Flute, Clarinet, and Alto Saxophone Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7857-00 $150.00 Suite for Solo Flute, Clarinet, and Alto Saxophone Extra full score (C. T. Smith) CTS-7857-01 $15.00 Suite for Solo Flute, Clarinet, and Alto Saxophone Oversized, spiral-bound score (C. T. Smith) CTS-7857-75 $30.00 Suite Matinale Ensemble Flute quartet (G. McKay) 111-0151-04 $15.00 Suite of Appalachian Folk Songs Concert Band (R.W. Smith) RWS-1615-00 $95.00 Suite of Appalachian Folk Songs Extra Full Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1615-01 $15.00 Suite of Appalachian Folk Songs Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1615-75 $30.00 Suite of Four Selected Pieces Concert Band (Friml/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0838-00 $90.00 Suite of Four Selected Pieces Extra condensed score (Friml/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0838-01 $10.00 Suite Pastorale Ensemble Flute quartet (G. McKay) 111-0156-04 Suite Romantique Young Band (Schumann/arr. Spears) 011-1688-00AR Suite Romantique Extra score (Schumann/arr. Spears) 011-1688-02AR $5.00 Summer Dreams Band (Rockwell) 013-0223-00AR $50.00 Summer Etching Ensemble Clarinet quartet (F. McKay) 111-0082-08AR $16.00 Summer in Rio Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7848-00 $65.00 Summer in Rio (C. T. Smith) CTS-7848-01 $12.00 Summer in Rio (C. T. Smith) CTS-7848-75 $25.00 Summer Nights Concert Band (R.W. Smith) RWS-1611-00 $75.00 Summer Nights Extra Full Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1611-01 $15.00 Summer Nights Oversized, Spiral-bound Score (R.W. Smith) RWS-1611-75 $15.00 Summer Night's Dream Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1168-00 $75.00 Summer Soulstice Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) SCM-1130-00 $48.00 Summer Soulstice Extra full score (Sherburne) SCM-1130-01 Summerhill Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1145-00AR $50.00 Summer's End Marching Band (Ballenger) 069-1613-00AR $60.00 Sumus Futuro Concert Band (A. Reed) WFR191 012-3000-00 $68.00 Sumus Futuro Extra full score (A. Reed) 012-3000-01 $6.00 Sun Dancing Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR350 012-3620-00 $72.00 Sun Dancing Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3620-01 $7.00 Sun Dancing Oversized spiral-bound score (Shaffer) 012-3620-75 $30.00 Sun Dancing Walking Frog Records CD WFR350 $14.95 Sun Island Concert Band (Spears) 012-2090-00 $60.00 Sun Island Extra full score (Spears) 012-2090-01 Sun of Glory Band (Russell) 013-0947-00AR $50.00 Sun of Glory Orchestra (Russell) 016-0433-00AR $50.00 Sun Seekers Jazz Combo (R. J. Lowden) 038-0194-00AR $30.00 Sun Seekers Extra full score (R. J. Lowden) 038-0194-01 $2.50 The Sun Still Shines Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0295-00 $45.00 The Sun Still Shines Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0295-01 The Sunbeam Band (Clement) 013-0411-00AR $50.00 The Sunbeam Orchestra (Clement) 016-0115-00AR $50.00 Sunbeams Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1087-00AR $50.00 Sunbeams Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0376-00AR $50.00 Sunbeams Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-08 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $48.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.50 $50.00 $7.00 $5.00 $3.50 $3.50 Page 216 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Sunbeams Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-20 $3.50 Sunbeams Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-22 $3.50 Sunbeams Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-24 $3.50 Sunbeams Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-33 $3.50 Sunbeams Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (J. J. Richards) 083-0063-38 $3.50 Sunbird Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7849-00 $70.00 Sunbird (C. T. Smith) CTS-7849-01 $12.00 Sunbird (C. T. Smith) CTS-7849-75 $25.00 Sunburst Marching Band (Barton) 058-2763-00 $40.00 Sunburst Extra score (Barton) 058-2763-01 The Suncatchers Jazz Ensemble (Nordal) 035-0077-00AR The Suncatchers Extra score (Nordal) 035-0077-01AR $6.00 The Suncatchers Marching Band (Nordal/arr. Tatgenhorst) 069-1461-00AR $70.00 Suncoast Carnival Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR105,WFR175 012-2385-00AR $80.00 Suncoast Carnival Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-2385-01AR $10.00 Sundance Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) WFR348 032-2393-00 $32.00 Sundance Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-2393-01 Sundance Jazz Ensemble (DiBlasio) WA-SB533-00 $45.00 Sundance Extra score (DiBlasio) WA-SB533-01 $6.00 Sunday Concert Funky Winkerbean Product HLD11 Sunday Drive Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB121-00 Sunday Drive Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB121-01 Sunday Song Young Band (Spears) 011-1804-00 Sunday Song Extra score (Spears) 011-1804-02 Sunflower Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB153-00 Sunflower Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB153-01 $6.00 Sunkissed Band (Barnhouse) 013-0475-00AR $50.00 Sunkissed Orchestra (Barnhouse/arr. Barnard) 016-0191-00AR $50.00 Sunny South Concert Band (Lampe) BOV-S1095-00 $65.00 Sunny Spain Band (King) 014-0044-00AR $50.00 Sunnyland Band (Mustol) 013-0923-00AR $50.00 Sunnyside Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-0316-00 $27.00 Sunnyside Extra full score (Rowe) 032-0316-01AR $6.00 Sunride Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB115-00 $45.00 Sunride Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB115-01 $5.00 Sunrise on the Mountain Band (G. Holmes) 013-0957-00AR $50.00 Sunrise on the Mountain Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0443-00AR $50.00 Sunrise Over Kilimanjaro Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR381 012-4309-00 $78.00 Sunrise Over Kilimanjaro Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-4309-01 $8.00 Sunrise Over Kilimanjaro Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-4309-75 $25.00 Sunset Glow Band (Russell) 013-1034-00AR $50.00 Sunset Limited Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3492-00 $60.00 The Sunset Limited Band (G. Holmes) 013-0955-00AR $50.00 The Sunset Limited Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0441-00AR $50.00 Sunset on the Sahara Young Band (Molter) 015-2876-00 $35.00 Sunset on the Sahara Extra full score (Molter) 015-2876-01 Sunshine Band (King) 013-0556-00AR $50.00 Sunshine South Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0230-00 $26.00 Sunshine South Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0230-01 $3.50 Super Mom Symphony Young Band (Huckeby) WFR333 015-3374-00 $40.00 Super Mom Symphony Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3374-01 Super Street Beats Set #1 Marching Band (Tuthill) WA-MPC101-00 Super Street Beats Set #1 Extra score (Tuthill) WA-MPC101-01 $5.00 Superb Concert Band (Graffula) BOV-S3286-00 $60.00 Superbone Meets the Badman Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS102-01 $6.00 Superbone Meets the Badman Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS102-00 $50.00 Super-Duper-Dude Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 031-0072-00 Super-Duper-Dude Extra score (Martino) 031-0072-01 $3.50 Theme From Superfriends Marching Band (Hanna, Barbera & Curtin/arr. Hopper) 052-1770-00 $30.00 Super-Sized Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2005-01,WFR346 032-3414-00 $45.00 Super-Sized Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3414-01 A Supersonic Ensemble Walking Frog Records CD WFR470 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $5.00 $65.00 $3.00 $6.95 $40.00 $6.00 $21.00 $2.50 $40.00 $4.00 $5.00 $35.00 $8.00 $6.00 $14.95 Page 217 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Sur La Mer Waltzes Band (Vereecken) 013-0322-00AR $50.00 Sur La Mer Waltzes Orchestra (Vereecken) 016-0080-00AR $50.00 Sure Foot Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-2265-00 $32.00 Sure Foot Extra full score (Hooper) 033-2265-01 The Surf Concert Band (Steinhauser/arr. Arbuckle) BOV-S0764-00 The Surf Extra condensed score (Steinhauser/arr. Arbuckle) BOV-S0764-01 $7.00 Surf's Up Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0040-00AR $50.00 Surge Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR374 023-4011-00 $44.00 Surge Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-4011-01 $6.00 Surprise Symphony Young Band (Haydn/arr. Huckeby) WFR317 015-3136-00 $38.00 Surprise Symphony Extra full score (Haydn/arr. Huckeby) 015-3136-01 $4.00 Surprises Young Band (Parish) WFR333 011-3367-00 $45.00 Surprises Extra full score (Parish) 011-3367-01 Sursum Corda Concert Band (Elgar/arr. Kappey) BOV-S1091-00 Sursum Corda Extra condensed score (Elgar/arr. Kappey) BOV-S1091-01 $7.00 Susanna Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1147-00AR $50.00 Suspension I Marching Band (Herrmann) 056-1687-00 $15.00 Susquehanna Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3189-00 $60.00 Susquehanna Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3493-00 $60.00 Swag-tastic! Jazz Ensemble (Briody) SCM-1128-00 $48.00 Swag-tastic! Extra full score (Briody) SCM-1128-01 Swamp Stomp Jazz Ensemble (Haerle) 032-0070-00AR Swamp Stomp Extra score (Haerle) 032-0070-01AR Swamp Water Blues Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 991-1999-02 032-3029-00 Swamp Water Blues Extra full score (Hooper) 032-3029-01 Swan Lake Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1186-00 $90.00 Swan Lake Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1186-01 $10.00 Swang Thang Jazz Ensemble (Shanklin) 032-0130-00 $14.00 Swang Thang Extra score (Shanklin) 032-0130-01AR Swans Island Sojourn Concert Band (Reineke) WFR326,WFR185 012-2827-00 Swans Island Sojourn Extra full score (Reineke) 012-2827-01 $6.00 Swans Island Sojourn Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-2827-75 $25.00 Swedish Hymn of Praise Young Band (arr. Longfield) WFR336 011-3400-00 $45.00 Swedish Hymn of Praise Extra full score (arr. Longfield) 011-3400-01 Sweet Birdie Polka Concert Band (Cox) BOV-S0755-00 $65.00 Sweet By-and-By Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0117-20AR $10.00 Sweet By-and-By Solo Trumpet (cornet) or Baritone TC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0117-24AR $0.00 Sweet By-and-By Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0117-33AR $10.00 Sweet By-and-By Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Barnhouse) 083-0117-38AR $10.00 Sweet Dream Band (Kiefer) 013-0180-00AR $50.00 Sweet Dream Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0030-00AR $50.00 Sweet Home Chicago Jazz Ensemble (Johnson/arr. A. Clark) WFR178 032-2736-00 $48.00 Sweet Home Chicago Extra full score (Johnson/arr. A. Clark) 032-2736-01 $4.00 Sweet Home Chicago Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 050-2767-00 $45.00 Sweet Home Chicago Extra score (arr. A. Clark) 050-2767-01 $5.00 Sweet Land of Liberty Concert Band (Sochinski) 012-2058-00 $56.00 Sweet Land of Liberty Extra score (Sochinski) 012-2058-01 Sweet Land of Liberty Marching Band (Sochinski) 052-1911-00AR $60.00 Sweet Lucy Brown Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1066-00 $47.00 Sweet Lucy Brown Extra full score SCM-1066-01 Sweet N Steady Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0012-00AR $50.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Conductor book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-01AR $20.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Piccolo Db book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-03AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Flute in C book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-04AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Clarinet Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-07AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st Bb Clarinet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-08AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 2nd & 3rd Bb Clarinets book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-09AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Alto Clarinet Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-12AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Bass Clarinet Bb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-13AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Oboe book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-15AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Bassoon book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-17AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Alto Saxophone Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-20AR $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $3.00 $60.00 $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $30.00 $6.00 $38.00 $4.00 $3.00 $75.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 Page 218 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Bb Tenor Sax book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-22AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-23AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st Bb Cornet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-24AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 2nd Bb Cornet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-25AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st & 2nd Trumpets (3rd & 4th Cornets) book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-26AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st & 2nd F Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-28AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 3rd & 4th F Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-30AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st & 2nd Trombones BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-33AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 3rd Trombone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-35AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Baritone TC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-37AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Baritone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-38AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Tuba book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-39AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Drums and bells book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-41AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 Bass Saxophone Bb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-50AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-51AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-52AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 1 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6023-66AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Conductor book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-01AR $20.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Piccolo Db book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-03AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Flute in C book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-04AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Clarinet Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-07AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st Bb Clarinet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-08AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 2nd Bb Clarinet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-09AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 3rd Bb Clarinet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-10AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Alto Clarinet Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-12AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Bass Clarinet Bb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-13AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Oboe book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-15AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Bassoon book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-17AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Alto Saxophone Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-20AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Bb Tenor Sax book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-22AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Baritone Saxophone Eb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-23AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st Bb Cornet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-24AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 2nd Bb Cornet book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-25AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st & 2nd Trumpets (3rd & 4th Cornets) book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-26AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st Trombone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-33AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 2nd Trombone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-34AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 3rd Trombone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-35AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Baritone TC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-37AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Baritone BC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-38AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Tuba book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-39AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Drums and bells book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-41AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 Bass Saxophone Bb book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-50AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st & 2nd Eb Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-51AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 3rd & 4th Eb Horns book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-52AR $10.00 Sweet Sixteen March Folio No. 2 1st & 2nd Trombones TC book (J. J. Richards) 072-6024-66AR $10.00 Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer Band (Wallace/arr. Barnard) 013-0912-00AR $50.00 Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer Orchestra (Wallace/arr. Barnard) 016-0416-00AR $50.00 Sweet, Sweet Lord Marching Band (Kerchner) WA-MCE113-00 $50.00 Sweet, Sweet Lord Extra score (Kerchner) WA-MCE113-01 $5.00 The Sweetest Name Vocal Quartet or chorus (Halter) 021-7113-00AR $2.00 Sweetest Story Ever Told Concert Band (R. Stults/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0642-00 $65.00 Sweetest Story Ever Told Extra condensed score (R. Stults/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0642-01 $8.00 Sweetheart Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S0698-00 $20.00 Sweetheart Extra condensed score (Lake) BOV-S0698-01 $4.00 Sweetheart Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S3592-00 $60.00 Sweethearts Concert Band (Herbert/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0881-00 $70.00 Swift Kicks 'n Hot Licks Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 991-1999-02,991-1999-01 032-2986-00 $38.00 Swift Kicks 'n Hot Licks Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2986-01 Swing! Marching Band (Edmondson) 050-1691-00AR Swing! Extra score (Edmondson) 050-1691-01AR $5.00 Swing Along Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-1153-00AR $50.00 Swing It Again, Sam! Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2629-00 $32.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $4.00 $50.00 Page 219 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Swing It Again, Sam! Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2629-01 $4.00 Swing it Like Ya Mean It Jazz Ensemble (D. Black) 032-0355-00 $29.00 Swing it Like Ya Mean It Extra full score (D. Black) 032-0355-01AR $3.50 Swing Lightly Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1306-00AR $50.00 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) 991-2005-01 032-3451-00 $42.00 Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 032-3451-01 $6.00 Swing Machine Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2003-01,991-2003-02,WFR346 031-3256-00 $40.00 Swing Machine Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3256-01 Swing Machine Walking Frog Records CD WFR346 $11.95 Swing March from The Nutcracker Jazz Ensemble (arr. P. Clark) 991-2009-01,991-2009-02 032-3836-00 $48.00 Swing March from The Nutcracker Extra full score (arr. P. Clark) 032-3836-01 The Swing Set Marching Band (Bowles) 069-1328-00AR $50.00 Swing Shift Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-0396-00 $33.00 Swing Shift Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-0396-01 Swing Shift Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB167-00 Swing Shift Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB167-01 Swing Shot Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2002-01,991-2002-02 032-3196-00 Swing Shot Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3196-01 $6.00 Swing Street Young Band (Schaeffer) 010-2110-00 $21.00 Swing Street Extra score (Schaeffer) 010-2110-02 Swing Street Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MSA114-00 Swing Street Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MSA114-01 Swing the Songs of Christmas Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2008-02,991-2008-01 032-3679-00 Swing the Songs of Christmas Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3679-01 $6.00 Swing Thing Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2450-00 $30.00 Swing, Swang, Swung Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2004-01 032-3362-00 $42.00 Swing, Swang, Swung Extra full score (K. Harris) 032-3362-01 $7.00 Swingdom Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1056-00 $47.00 Swingdom Extra full score SCM-1056-01 $6.00 Swingin' At Greenstreets Jazz Ensemble (Pemberton) WA-SC103-00 $30.00 Swingin' At Greenstreets Extra score (Pemberton) WA-SC103-01 $5.00 Swingin' at the Club Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1052-00 $47.00 Swingin' at the Club Extra full score SCM-1052-01 Swingin' Easy Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1296-00AR $50.00 Swingin' Low Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-SC105-00 $30.00 Swingin' Low Extra score (Gingery) WA-SC105-01 Swingin' Low Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB101-00 Swingin' Low Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB101-01 $6.00 The Swingin' Saints Marching Band (arr. Tatgenhorst) 053-1700-00AR $50.00 Swing's the Thing Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 991-2000-01 031-3046-00 $45.00 Swing's the Thing Extra full score (Neeck) 031-3046-01 $6.00 Swingville, USA Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2002-01 031-3245-00 $42.00 Swingville, USA Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-3245-01 The Swiss Boy Concert Band (Bent/arr. DeVille) BOV-S0728-00 The Swiss Boy Extra condensed score (Bent/arr. DeVille) BOV-S0728-01 $8.00 The Swiss Boy Concert Band (DeVille) BOV-S2171-00 $65.00 The Swiss Boy Extra condensed score (DeVille) BOV-S2171-01 Switch About Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 031-0222-00 Switch About Extra full score (Lowden) 031-0222-01 $3.50 Sword of Fire Young Band (Romeyn) WFR383 024-4288-00 $46.00 Sword of Fire Extra full score (Romeyn) 024-4288-01 $6.00 The Sword of Kings Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR351 023-3667-00 $40.00 The Sword of Kings Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 023-3667-01 Sylvan Rapids Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0084-00AR $50.00 Sylvan Rose Band (Kiefer) 013-0486-00AR $50.00 Sylvia Concert Band (Speaks/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0826-00 $55.00 Sylvia Extra condensed score (Speaks/arr. T. Clark) BOV-S0826-01 $7.00 Sylvia Concert Band (Delibes/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1047-00 $75.00 Sylvia Extra condensed score (Delibes/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1047-01 Symbol of Freedom Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2323-00 Symbol of Freedom Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2323-01AR $6.00 Symbol of Freedom Concert Band (Chattaway) WA-FCB147-00 $45.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $45.00 $2.50 $40.00 $5.00 $48.00 $6.00 $5.00 $40.00 $5.00 $65.00 $8.00 $17.00 $5.00 $9.00 $50.00 Page 220 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Symbol of Freedom Extra score (Chattaway) WA-FCB147-01 Symphonia 3 Walking Frog Records CD WFR630 $14.95 Symphonia Band (M. Evans) WFR197 013-0793-00AR $50.00 Symphonia Orchestra (M. Evans) 016-0340-00AR $50.00 Symphonic Celebration and Dance Concert Band (R. Foster) 012-1748-00 $55.00 Symphonic Celebration and Dance Extra score (R. Foster) 012-1748-01AR Symphonic Episode String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2131-00 Symphonic Episode Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2131-01 Symphonic Excursions Walking Frog Records CD WFR654 $14.95 Symphonic March on an English Hymn Tune Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7850-00 $75.00 Symphonic March on an English Hymn Tune (C. T. Smith) CTS-7850-01 $15.00 Symphonic March on an English Hymn Tune (C. T. Smith) CTS-7850-75 $30.00 A Symphonic Narrative Concert Band (Sheldon) WFR104 012-2433-00 $65.00 A Symphonic Narrative Extra full score (Sheldon) 012-2433-01 $6.00 Symphonic Scenario Concert Band (Cacavas) 012-1852-00 $58.00 Symphonic Scenario Extra full score (Cacavas) 012-1852-01 $5.00 Symphonic Variations on In Dulci Jubilo Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7851-00 $85.00 Symphonic Variations on In Dulci Jubilo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7851-01 $15.00 Symphonic Variations on In Dulci Jubilo (C. T. Smith) CTS-7851-75 $30.00 Symphonic Wind Music from the 90's Walking Frog Records CD WFR438 $14.95 Symphonies Walking Frog Records CD WFR861 $29.90 Symphonium Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR364 012-3820-00 $78.00 Symphonium Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3820-01 $7.00 Symphonium Oversized spiral-bound score (Huckeby) 012-3820-75 $25.00 Symphony #25 (Minuetto) Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0024-00 $60.00 Symphony #4 (Scherzo) Concert Band (Schumann/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0026-00 $60.00 Symphony #40 in G Minor" Minuetto Concert Band (Mozart/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0021-00 $60.00 Symphony #5 in C Minor (1st Mvt.) Concert Band (Beethoven/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0022-00 $75.00 Symphony #5 in C Minor (1st Mvt.) Extra score (Beethoven/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0022-01 $6.00 Symphony #83 (The Hen) - Mvt. 1 Concert Band (Haydn/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0011-00 $70.00 Theme from Symphony #9 Marching Band (Beethoven/arr. Hopper) 069-1563-00AR $50.00 Symphony No. 1 Theme Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB25-00 $40.00 Symphony No 1 Theme Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB25F-01 City of Gold (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. I) Concert Band (Reineke) WFR352 012-3577-00 City of Gold (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. I) Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3577-01 $8.00 City of Gold (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. I) Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3577-75 $30.00 Nocturne (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. II) Concert Band (Reineke) WFR352 012-3578-00 $80.00 Nocturne (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt II) Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3578-01 $7.00 Nocturne (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt II) Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3578-75 $25.00 And the Earth Trembled (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. III) And the Earth Trembled (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. III) And the Earth Trembled (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. III) New Day Rising (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. IV) New Day Rising (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. IV) New Day Rising (Symphony 1, New Day Rising, Mvt. IV) Symphony No. 1, Theme from Concert Band (Reineke) WFR352 012-3579-00 $100.00 Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3579-01 $8.00 Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3579-75 $30.00 Concert Band (Reineke) WFR352 012-3580-00 $80.00 Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3580-01 $7.00 Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3580-75 $25.00 Marching Band (Brahms/arr. Hopper) 052-1457-00 $11.00 The Quest (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. I) Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR356 012-3725-00 $100.00 The Quest (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. I) Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3725-01 $10.00 The Quest (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. I) Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3725-75 $30.00 Dulcinea (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 2) Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR356 012-3726-00 $80.00 Dulcinea (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 2) Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3726-01 $7.00 Dulcinea (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 2) Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3726-75 $25.00 Sancho and the Windmills (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 3) Sancho and the Windmills (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 3) Sancho and the Windmills (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 3) Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR356 012-3727-00 $80.00 Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3727-01 $8.00 Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3727-75 $25.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $6.00 $100.00 Page 221 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price The Illumination (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 4) The Illumination (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 4) The Illumination (Symphony No. 3, "Don Quixote," Mvt. 4) Symphony No. 4 Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR356 012-3728-00 $100.00 Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3728-01 $8.00 Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3728-75 $30.00 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1187-00 $110.00 Symphony No. 4 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1187-01 $12.00 Symphony No. 4 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1189-00 $95.00 Symphony No. 4 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. D. Godfrey) BOV-S1189-01 $10.00 Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Finale Marching Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Brown & Swearingen) 052-1822-00 $30.00 Symphony No. 40 Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Mozart/arr. Stanton) 026-4067-00 $50.00 Symphony No. 40 Extra full score (Mozart/arr. Stanton) 026-4067-01 $6.00 Symphony No. 5 in C Minor Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Beethoven/arr. Stanton) 026-4305-00 $50.00 Symphony No. 5 in C Minor Extra full score (Beethoven/arr. Stanton) 026-4305-01 Symphony No. 5 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1188-00 $85.00 Symphony No. 5 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1188-01 $10.00 Symphony No. 6 Concert Band (Tschaikowsky/arr. Fletcher) BOV-S1190-00 $95.00 Symphony No. 6 Extra condensed score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Fletcher) BOV-S1190-01 $10.00 The Symphony of Souls Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR349 012-3627-00 $76.00 The Symphony of Souls Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3627-01 $7.00 The Symphony of Souls Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-3627-75 $25.00 Symposium Band (J. S. Taylor) 013-0361-00AR $50.00 Synergy Jazz Ensemble (E. Richards) 991-2004-02 032-3376-00 $55.00 Synergy Extra full score (E. Richards) 032-3376-01 $7.00 Synopsis for Band Concert Band (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1405-00 $25.00 Synopsis for Band Extra full score (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1405-01 $4.50 Synopsis for Band Extra condensed score (Forsblad/arr. Livingston) 012-1405-02 $2.50 T. D.'s Boogie Woogie Concert Band (Dorsey & Kincaide/arr. A. Clark) WFR179 012-2722-00 $60.00 T. D.'s Boogie Woogie Extra full score (Dorsey & Kincaide/arr. A. Clark) 012-2722-01 T.J.'s Boogie Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB119-00 T.J.'s Boogie Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB119-01 Tableau String Orchestra (Fletcher) 130-2416-00 Tableau Extra score (Fletcher) 130-2416-01 Tacea la notte Concert Band (Verdi/arr. Rogers) BOV-R0101-00 Tacea le notte Extra full score (Verdi/arr. Rogers) BOV-R0101-01 Taco Time Young Band (Huckeby) WFR195 015-3076-00 Taco Time Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3076-01 $4.00 Tailspin! Young Band (Romeyn) WFR369,WFR387 011-3942-00 $52.00 Tailspin Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3942-01 Tailspin Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0145-00AR Tailspin Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0145-01AR Tailspin! Walking Frog Records CD WFR369 $14.95 Take 9 Walking Frog Records CD WFR775 $14.95 Take Care Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 049-0100-00 $13.00 Take Care Extra score (Lowden) 049-0100-01 Take Care Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-YSB144-00 Take Care Extra score (Chattaway) WA-YSB144-01 Take It From The Top Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 031-2737-00 $34.00 Take It From The Top Extra full score (A. Clark) 031-2737-01 $3.50 Take Off! Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3922-01 $5.00 Take the Time Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 033-0217-00 $24.00 Take the Time Extra full score (Hooper) 033-0217-01 Take This Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3121-00 $60.00 Take Three Jazz Ensemble (Fenno) 032-0022-00AR $50.00 Take Your Best Shot! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2009-01 032-3803-00 $48.00 Take Your Best Shot! Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3803-01 $6.00 Take Your Time Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 031-2945-00 $36.00 Take Your Time Extra full score (K. Harris) 031-2945-01 $4.00 Takeoff! Young Band (Shaffer) WFR370 024-3922-00 $48.00 Takin' it to the Top Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2160-00 $30.00 Takin' The Plunge Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) WFR346,991-2006-01 032-3495-00 $45.00 Takin' The Plunge Extra full score (Neeck) 032-3495-01 $6.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $5.00 $40.00 $6.00 $40.00 $4.00 $70.00 $8.00 $38.00 $7.00 $50.00 $6.00 $3.00 $40.00 $6.00 $7.00 Page 222 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Tale of the Comet Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2898-00 $45.00 Tale of the Comet Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2898-01 Tale of the Czar Marching Band (Gingery) WA-MC108-00 Tale of the Czar Extra score (Gingery) WA-MC108-01 $5.00 Tales of Hoffman Concert Band (Offenbach/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1134-00 $90.00 Tales of Hoffman Extra condensed score (Offenbach/arr. Safranek) BOV-S1134-01 $10.00 Tales of Hoffman Concert Band (Offenbach/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1135-00 $65.00 Tales of Sea and Sail Concert Band (Neeck) WFR328 012-3270-00 $68.00 Tales of Sea and Sail Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3270-01 $7.00 Talisman Young Band (Forsblad) 011-1905-00 $23.00 Talisman Extra score (Forsblad) 011-1905-02 $3.00 Talkin' Back Marching Band (Huckeby) 058-2792-00 $35.00 Talkin' Back Extra score (Huckeby) 058-2792-01 Tallalula Band Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3494-00 $60.00 Talons of Fire Concert Band (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB28-00 $40.00 Talons of Fire Extra score (Feldstein & L. Clark) PT-YCB28F-01 Tambourin Concert Band (Gretry/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0015-00 $65.00 Tampico Concert Band (Brooke) BOV-S3122-00 $60.00 Tampico Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1119-00 $48.00 Tampico Extra full score (Strommen) SCM-1119-01 $7.00 Tanglewood Concert Band (Tatgenhorst) 012-1377-00 $65.00 Tanglewood Extra full score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1377-01 $7.00 Tanglewood Extra condensed score (Tatgenhorst) 012-1377-02AR $3.00 Tannhauser Concert Band (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1199-00 $85.00 Tannhauser Extra condensed score (Wagner/arr. F. Winterbottom) BOV-S1199-01 $10.00 Selection from Tannhauser Band (Wagner/arr. Russell) 013-0934-00AR $50.00 Selection from Tannhauser Orchestra (Wagner/arr. Russell) 016-0429-00AR $50.00 Tannhauser March Ensemble Sax quartet (Wagner/arr. Holmes) 111-0006-20AR $16.00 Tantalusqualen Concert Band (Suppe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1178-00 $80.00 Tantalusqualen Extra condensed score (Suppe/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S1178-01 $10.00 Tantrum Young Band (Conaway) WFR383 011-4280-00 $52.00 Tantrum Extra full score (Conaway) 011-4280-01 Taps Band (Barnhouse) 013-0208-00AR $50.00 Tarantella Concert Band (arr. Reed) WFR185,WFR320 012-2814-00 $68.00 Tarantella Extra full score (arr. Reed) 012-2814-01 $6.00 Tarantella Ensemble Woodwind trio (Tustin) 110-0042-00 $12.00 Tarantella Ensemble Woodwind quintet (Guentzel) 112-0013-00AR $18.00 Tarantella Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 4 players (Grimo) WFR188 121-0199-00 $15.00 Tarantelle Walking Frog Records CD WFR564 $14.95 Target Practice Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB207-00 $40.00 Target Practice Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB207-01 Tater Hill Shuffle Jazz Ensemble (Neeck) 031-2578-00 Tater Hill Shuffle Extra full score (Neeck) 031-2578-01 The Tattooed Man Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Clarke) BOV-S0882-00 $65.00 T-Bird Blonde Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-0340-00 $27.00 T-Bird Blonde Extra full score (Rowe) 032-0340-01AR $3.50 Te Volvi A Ver Band (Estrada/arr. Barnhouse) 013-0102-00AR $50.00 Teamwork Band (Russell) 013-1037-00AR $50.00 Tearemloose Band (Fisk) 013-0769-00AR $50.00 Tecumseh Band (Jewell) 013-0328-00AR $50.00 Teddy After Africa Concert Band (Pryor) BOV-S0814-00 $55.00 Teddy Bear's Picnic Concert Band (Bratton/arr. O'Hare) BOV-S0789-00 $65.00 Teddy Trombone Concert Band (Fillmore) BOV-S3258-00 $60.00 Telemann Suite Young Band (Telemann/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1624-00AR $50.00 Telemann Suite Extra score (Telemann/arr. Schaeffer) 029-1624-01AR Tempest Rising Young Band (Shaffer) WFR330,WFR344 011-3266-00 Tempest Rising Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-3266-01 The Tempest Concert Band (Sanglear) BOV-S3653-00 $60.00 Tempestas Concert Band (Halferty) WA-ECB107-00 $50.00 Tempestas Extra score (Halferty) WA-ECB107-01 $6.00 The Temple of Euterpe Band (Kooyman) 013-0852-00AR $50.00 The Temple of Euterpe Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0381-00AR $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $6.00 $50.00 $2.50 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $42.00 $4.00 $6.00 $48.00 $6.00 Page 223 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Temple of Faith Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0377-00AR $50.00 Temple Of The Gods Concert Band (Taneyev/arr. Glover) WFR384 012-4402-00 $68.00 Temple Of The Gods Extra full score (Taneyev/arr. Glover) 012-4402-01 $8.00 Temple Of The Gods Oversized spiral-bound score (Taneyev/arr. Glover) 012-4402-75 $25.00 Ten Big Beat Cadences Marching Band (A. Clark) MB109 $20.00 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Ensemble Brass quintet (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-00 $60.00 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra full score & CD (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-01 $16.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra 1st Bb Trumpet book (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-24 $11.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra 2nd Bb Trumpet book (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-25 $11.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra F Horn book (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-28 $11.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra Trombone book (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-33 $11.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra Tuba book (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-39 $11.95 Ten Holiday Favorites for Brass Quintet Extra CD (arr. Z. Smith) 102-3558-99 $9.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet Ensemble Sax quintet (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-00 $52.00 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet Full score with CD (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-01 $19.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet Soprano Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-16 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet 1st Alto Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-20 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet 2nd Alto Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-21 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet 1st Tenor Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-22 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet Bari Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-23 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet 2nd Tenor Sax book (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-24 $7.95 Ten Popular Classics for Saxophone Quintet CD (arr. A. Clark) 111-2955-99 Tender Thoughts Orchestra (Barnard) 016-0367-00AR $50.00 Tennessee Jubilee Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3190-00 $60.00 The Tennessee Whistler Young Band (Whitcomb) 011-1523-00 $14.00 The Tennessee Whistler Extra score (Whitcomb) 011-1523-02 Tent City Concert Band (English) BOV-S3816-00 $60.00 10th New York Infantry March N.Y.N.G. Band (Collins) 013-0395-00AR $50.00 Tenth Regiment Concert Band (R. Hall) BOV-S3329-00 $60.00 Testimonium Concert Band (McGinty) 012-1874-00 $62.00 Testimonium Extra full score (McGinty) 012-1874-01 $6.00 Teutonic Tales 084-3987-39 $25.00 Teutonic Tales Solo Tuba solo with piano accompaniment Tuba solo with piano accompaniment (R. W. Smith) WFR371 Digital Download Texarkana Band (G. Holmes) 013-0768-00AR $50.00 Texarkana Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0326-00AR $50.00 TGIF Marching Band (A. Clark) MB118 $50.00 Thank You Band Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 035-0075-00AR $50.00 Thank You Band Extra score (P. Clark) 035-0075-01AR Thank You, Leon Walking Frog Records CD WFR453 $14.95 Thanks Be! Young Band (Schaeffer) 011-2117-00 $23.00 Thanks Be! Extra score (Schaeffer) 011-2117-02 $3.00 Thanks, Jack! Jazz Ensemble (Lathan) 032-2502-00 $35.00 Thanks, Jack! Extra full score (Lathan) 032-2502-01 $3.50 That Cat Jazz Ensemble (Clancy) SCM-1031-00 $45.00 That Cat Extra full score SCM-1031-01 That Christmas Tree Jazz Concert Band (arr. Holcombe) WA-ECB127-00 That Christmas Tree Jazz Extra score (Holcombe) WA-ECB127-01 That Demon Rag Walking Frog Records CD WFR493 $14.95 That Flying Rag Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Laurendeau) BOV-S3593-00 $60.00 That Hindu Rag Concert Band (Cobb) BOV-S3817-00 $60.00 That Old Dixie Feeling Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 032-0223-00AR $50.00 That Old Dixie Feeling Extra full score (Lowden) 032-0223-01AR That Rainy Day Feeling Jazz Ensemble (Aldrich) 031-2537-00 That Rainy Day Feeling Extra full score (Aldrich) 031-2537-01 $6.00 That's A Plenty Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2012-00 032-4126-00 $48.00 That's A Plenty Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4126-01 That's a Wrap! Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB181-00 That's a Wrap! Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB181-01 $6.00 That's Soul Marching Band (Warrington) 029-0102-00AR $50.00 Theme for Stacey Jazz Ensemble (MacDonald) SCM-1037-00 $45.00 Theme for Stacey Extra full score SCM-1037-01 $6.00 Theme From Borodin Marching Band (J. Taylor) WA-MC133-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. WFR371 $9.95 $2.50 $9.99 $6.00 $6.00 $50.00 $6.00 $6.00 $45.00 $7.00 $40.00 Page 224 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Theme From Borodin Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-MC133-01 Themes from the Nutcracker Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Tschaikowsky/arr. Huckeby) 026-3950-00 Themes from the Nutcracker Extra full score (Tschaikowsky/arr. Huckeby) 026-3950-01 Then You'll Remember Me Concert Band (Balfe/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0571-00 Then You'll Remember Me Extra condensed score (Balfe/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0571-01 $7.00 There Is a Happy Land Young Band (Bulla) WA-BCB109-00 $40.00 There Is a Happy Land Extra score (Bulla) WA-BCB109-01 $5.00 There Once Was An Owl Concert Band (Herbert/arr. Langey) BOV-S0818-00 $55.00 Theresen Waltzes Band (Faust) 013-0582-00AR $50.00 These Boots Are Made for Marching Marching Band (Hazelwood/arr. A. Clark) 057-2246-00 $30.00 They Came Sailing Concert Band (Jutras) WFR318 012-2649-00 $68.00 They Came Sailing Extra full score (Jutras) 012-2649-01 $10.00 They're Off! Concert Band (Jewell/arr. Glover) WFR366 012-3801-00 $65.00 They're Off! Extra full score (Jewell/arr. Glover) 012-3801-01 They're Off Band (Jewell) 013-0664-00AR $50.00 They're Off Orchestra (Jewell) 019-0016-00AR $50.00 Thine is My Heart Concert Band (Schubert/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0510-00 $55.00 Thine is My Heart Extra condensed score (Schubert/arr. Wonson) BOV-S0510-01 Third Set for Band Concert Band (Spears) 012-1373-00 $60.00 Third Set for Band Extra full score (Spears) 012-1373-01AR $10.00 Third Set for Band Extra condensed score (Spears) 012-1373-02 Third Time Around Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB133-00 Third Time Around Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB133-01 $6.00 34th Division Band (Latey) 013-1116-00AR $50.00 34th Division Drum & Bugle Corps (Latey) 013-6049-00AR $25.00 This Is My Country Marching Band (Cotter) WA-MFP103-00 $40.00 This Is My Country Extra score (Cotter) WA-MFP103-01 This Little Light of Mine Jazz Ensemble (arr. A. Clark) WFR178 031-2562-00 This Little Light of Mine Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 031-2562-01 $3.50 This Old Dude Young Band (Neeck) WFR355 023-3663-00 $42.00 This Old Dude Extra full score (Neeck) 023-3663-01 This Old Man Concert Band (arr. Chattaway) WA-CB103-00 This Old Man Extra score (arr. Chattaway) WA-CB103-01 $6.00 This Old Man Variations Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 4 players (Roy) 121-0179-00AR $16.00 This Rockin' Band Young Band (Shaffer) 015-2286-00 $25.00 This Rockin' Band Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2286-01 $2.50 This Train is Bound For Glory Marching Band (A. Clark) 057-2249-00 $30.00 Thomas A. Hendricks Campaign Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3192-00 $60.00 Thor's Hammer Concert Band (R.W. Smith) 012-4249-00 $80.00 Thor's Hammer Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 012-4249-01 $10.00 Those Daring, Dueling Drummers Concert Band (Bobrowitz) WA-FCB198-00 $45.00 Those Daring, Dueling Drummers Extra score (Bobrowitz) WA-FCB198-01 $5.00 Those Fabulous Flutes Concert Band (Holcombe) WA-FCB189-00 $45.00 Those Fabulous Flutes Extra score (Holcombe) WA-FCB189-01 Those In Peril On the Sea Concert Band (Glover) WFR318 012-3115-00 Those In Peril On the Sea Extra full score (Glover) 012-3115-01 $7.00 Those Magnificent Marches Young Band (arr. Shaffer) WFR321 011-2427-00 $32.00 Those Magnificent Marches Extra full score (arr. Shaffer) 011-2427-01 $4.00 Thoughts of You Jazz Ensemble (Lowden) 030-2138-00 $29.00 Thoughts of You Extra full score (Lowden) 030-2138-01 $3.00 Three and One Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1030-00 $47.00 Three and One Extra full score SCM-1030-01 Three Bach Chorales Young Band (arr. Mitchell) 011-1539-00AR $50.00 Three Bach Chorales Extra score (arr. Mitchell) 011-1539-02AR $6.00 Three Cadets Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0103-24 $6.50 Three Cadets Ensemble Saxophone trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 110-0103-20 $6.50 Three Chorales for Christmas Young Band (Bach/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1593-00 $21.00 Three Chorales for Christmas Extra score (Bach/arr. Schaeffer) 011-1593-02 $2.50 Three Christmas Miniatures Concert Band (Tyra) 012-1924-00 $60.00 Three Christmas Miniatures Extra condensed score (Tyra) 012-1924-02 $4.00 Three Chums Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0021-24 $6.50 Three Contrasts for Solo Horn and Wind Ensemble Concert Band (C. T. Smith) CTS-7861-00 $95.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $6.00 $3.00 $40.00 $5.00 $42.00 $5.00 $60.00 $5.00 $68.00 $6.00 Page 225 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Three Contrasts for Solo Horn and Wind Ensemble Extra full score (C. T. Smith) CTS-7861-01 $10.00 Three Contrasts for Solo Horn and Wind Ensemble Oversized, spiral-bound score (C. T. Smith) CTS-7861-75 $30.00 Three Contrasts for Solo Horn and Wind Ensemble (solo horn with piano accompaniment) Three English Carols Solo Solo F horn with piano accompaniment (C. T. Smith) CTS-7862-00 $25.00 Young Band (arr. Schaeffer) 010-2112-00 $21.00 Three English Carols Extra score (arr. Schaeffer) 010-2112-02 Three English Folk Songs Young Band (arr. Edmondson) WFR369 011-1724-00AR Three English Folk Songs Extra score (Edmondson) 011-1724-01AR Three Folk Miniatures Concert Band (Jutras) 012-1899-00 Three Folk Miniatures Extra score (Jutras) 012-1899-01 Three for Jack Concert Band (Squire/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0617-00 Three for Jack Extra condensed score (Squire/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0617-01 Three For The Road Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0343-00 Three For The Road Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0343-01AR $6.00 The Three Graces Band (Kooyman) 013-0891-00AR $50.00 The Three Graces Orchestra (Kooyman) 016-0401-00AR $50.00 The Three Graces Concert Band (Cline) 013-1104-00AR $50.00 Three Irish Folksongs Young Band (McGinty) WFR385 011-1846-00 $60.00 Three Irish Folksongs Extra score (McGinty) 011-1846-01 $6.00 Three Jazzy Kings Concert Band (Shaffer) WFR373 012-3991-00 $65.00 Three Jazzy Kings Extra full score (Shaffer) 012-3991-01 $7.00 Three Jesters Ensemble Saxophone trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0092-20 $10.00 Three Jesters Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (F. McKay) 100-0092-24 Three Moods of Hanukkah Concert Band (Niehaus) WFR319 012-2503-00AR Three Moods of Hanukkah Extra full score (Niehaus) 012-2503-01 The Three Musketeers Band (King) 014-0016-00AR The Three Musketeers Extra condensed score (King) 014-0016-01 The Three Musketeers Orchestra (King) 014-0018-00AR $50.00 Three Nautical Characters Ensemble Woodwind quartet (G. McKay) 111-0110-00 $12.00 Three Nautical Characters Ensemble Woodwind quintet (G. McKay) 112-0110-00 $12.00 Three Noels String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2262-00 $40.00 Three Noels Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2262-01 $6.00 Three O'Clock Rock Young Band (Romeyn) WFR359 011-3751-00 $48.00 Three O'Clock Rock Extra full score (Romeyn) 011-3751-01 $6.00 Three of a Kind Ensemble Trumpet trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0026-24 $12.00 Three of a Kind Ensemble Trombone trio with piano accompaniment (Buchtel) 100-0026-33 $7.50 Three Recital Duets Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 2 players (T. Davis) 121-3325-00 $19.95 Three Recital Episodes Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (St. Jacome/arr. Brom) 082-0174-24 $10.00 Three Recital Episodes Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (St. Jacome/arr. Brom) 082-0174-33 $4.50 Three Ring Circus Young Band (Orcino) WFR363 011-3828-00 $48.00 Three Ring Circus Extra full score (Orcino) 011-3828-01 Three Rockin' Rodents Young Band (Gingery) WA-BCB104-00 Three Rockin' Rodents Extra score (Gingery) WA-BCB104-01 $5.00 Three Scottish Folk Songs Young Band (arr. Edmondson) WFR369 011-1767-00AR $60.00 Three Scottish Folk Songs Extra score (arr. Edmondson) 011-1767-02AR Three Sea Sketches Ensemble Woodwind quintet (G. McKay) 112-0096-00 $16.00 Three Serenaders Ensemble Trumpet trio (Buchtel) 100-0033-00AR $12.00 The Three Solitaires Concert Band (Herbert) BOV-S2023-00 $65.00 The Three Solitaires Extra condensed score (Herbert) BOV-S2023-01 Three Southern Vignettes Concert Band (Huckeby) WFR328 012-3311-00 Three Southern Vignettes Extra full score (Huckeby) 012-3311-01 Three Star Polka Concert Band (Bagley) BOV-S0552-00 $65.00 Three Trumpet Concertos Walking Frog Records CD WFR530 $14.95 Three-Four-All Ensemble Percussion ensemble - 6 players (T. Davis) WFR188 121-0152-00 $12.00 Threesome Ensemble Trumpet trio (Huber) 100-0052-24AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Clarinet solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-08AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Alto Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-20AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Tenor Sax solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-22AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Trumpet solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-24AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Trombone solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-33AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Solo Baritone BC solo with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 083-0043-38AR $10.00 Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Clarinet duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-08AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Tenor sax duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-22AR $12.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $2.50 $60.00 $6.00 $60.00 $5.00 $70.00 $9.00 $38.00 $6.50 $80.00 $5.00 $50.00 $4.00 $6.00 $40.00 $6.00 $8.00 $72.00 $7.00 Page 226 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Trumpet duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-25AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-33AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Baritone BC duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-38AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales 093-0043-51AR $12.00 Through Shadowed Vales Ensemble Alto and Tenor Saxophone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) Ensemble Trumpet and Trombone duet with piano accompaniment (Holmes & Smith) 093-0043-52AR $12.00 Through the Air Concert Band (Damm) BOV-S0756-00 $65.00 Thumbs Up! Young Band (Shaffer) 011-2239-00 $36.00 Thumbs Up! Extra full score (Shaffer) 011-2239-01 $3.00 Thumbs Up! Marching Band (Shaffer) 058-2531-00 $30.00 Thumbs-Up U.S.A. Band (King) 013-1215-00AR $50.00 Thumbs-Up U.S.A. Extra condensed score (King) 013-1215-01 $4.00 Thunder and Lightning Concert Band (Strauss/arr. Reed) WFR320 012-2995-00 $65.00 Thunder and Lightning Extra full score (Strauss/arr. Reed) 012-2995-01 $7.00 Thunder Bay Legend Young Band (Shaffer) WFR321 015-2665-00 $35.00 Thunder Bay Legend Extra full score (Shaffer) 015-2665-01 $6.00 Thunder Drums Young Band (Shaffer) WFR386 023-4373-00 $44.00 Thunder Drums Extra full score (Shaffer) 023-4373-01 $6.00 Thunder Mountain Overture Young Band (Spears) 011-1662-00 $45.00 Thunder Mountain Extra score (Spears) 011-1662-02 $6.00 Thunderbolt Galop Young Band (Huffer/arr. Glover) WFR390 011-4507-00 $52.00 Thunderbolt Galop Extra full score (Huffer/arr. Glover) 011-4507-01 The Thunderbolt Band (Huffer) WFR361 013-0418-00AR $50.00 The Thunderer Young Band (Young band edition) (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) WFR362 024-3832-00 $46.00 The Thunderer Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Shaffer) 024-3832-01 The Thunderer Young Band (Command series edition) (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1508-00AR The Thunderer Extra condensed score (Sousa/arr. Contorno) 011-1508-02 $2.50 The Thunderer Concert Band (Build-A-Band Edition) (Sousa/arr. Stanton) 026-3980-00 $50.00 The Thunderer Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Stanton) 026-3980-01 The Thunderer Concert Band (original edition) (Sousa) BOV-S3762-00 The Thunderer Extra condensed score (Sousa) BOV-S3762-01 $6.00 The Thunderer Concert Band (Sousa Centennial Series edition) (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WFR137 WBM-2952-00 $60.00 The Thunderer Extra full score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2952-01 $6.00 The Thunderer Oversized spiral-bound score (Sousa/arr. Brion & Schissel) WBM-2952-75 $30.00 Thunderhead Young Band (Shaffer) WFR355 024-3646-00 $48.00 Thunderhead Extra full score (Shaffer) 024-3646-01 $5.00 Thunderstompers Marching Band (Metzer) 050-2253-00 $18.00 Thus Do You Fare, My Jesus Concert Band (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1944-00 $45.00 Thus Do You Fare, My Jesus Extra score (Bach/arr. Reed) 012-1944-01 Thy Beaming Eyes Concert Band (MacDowell/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0403-00 Thy Beaming Eyes Extra condensed score (MacDowell/arr. Weiss) BOV-G0403-01 $8.00 Thy Beaming Eyes Concert Band (MacDowell/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0531-00 $60.00 Thy Beaming Eyes Extra condensed score (MacDowell/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S0531-01 Tic - Toc - Rock Young Band (Shaffer) 010-2079-00 Tic - Toc - Rock Extra score (Shaffer) 010-2079-01 $5.00 Tickle Ya! Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 031-2863-00 $34.00 Tickle Ya! Extra full score (P. Clark) 031-2863-01 $4.00 Tidings of Comfort and Joy Concert Band (Swearingen) WFR337 012-3462-00 $60.00 Tidings of Comfort and Joy Extra full score (Swearingen) 012-3462-01 $6.00 Tiger Rag Marching Band (arr. A. Clark) 058-2461-00 $40.00 Tiger Rag Extra full score (arr. A. Clark) 058-2461-01 $5.00 Tijuana Dance Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0312-00 $30.00 Tijuana Dance Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-0312-01 "Til This Day Jazz Ensemble (Pastore) 991-2006-02 032-3510-00AR "Til This Day Extra full score (Pastore) 032-3510-01 $7.00 Tillana Concert Band (Stauffer) DSP-0031-00 $60.00 Time Marching Band (Woolfson & Parsons/arr. Hopper) 052-1772-00 $32.00 Time - Tone - Tune - Technique Oversized spiral-bound score (R. W. Smith) 012-4322-75 $25.00 Time For a Change Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB132-00 $40.00 Time For a Change Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB132-01 Time For Trumpets Young Band (R.W. Smith) WFR390 023-4497-00 Time For Trumpets Extra full score (R.W. Smith) 023-4497-01 $6.00 The Time is Right Jazz Ensemble (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0387-00 $50.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. $7.00 $5.00 $50.00 $6.00 $60.00 $3.50 $65.00 $7.00 $45.00 $3.50 $45.00 $6.00 $44.00 Page 227 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# The Time is Right Extra full score (Bellson & Black/arr. Bellson) 039-0387-01 $3.50 Time Out Jazz Ensemble (K. Harris) 991-2010-01 030-2304-00 $45.00 Time Out Extra full score (K. Harris) 030-2304-01 $5.00 Time Out Marching Band (K. Harris) 057-2180-00 $40.00 Time Out Jazz Ensemble (Strommen) SCM-1032-00 $45.00 Time Out Extra full score SCM-1032-01 Time Out for Swing Marching Band (Swearingen) 050-1557-00AR $50.00 Time Out - March Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1182-00AR $50.00 Time Pieces Walking Frog Records CD WFR626 $14.95 A Time To Grow Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 032-0086-00AR $60.00 A Time To Grow Extra score (P. Clark) 032-0086-01AR A Time To Say Goodbye Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2005-01,WFR348 032-3444-00 A Time To Say Goodbye Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-3444-01 $6.00 Time Traveler Young Band (Neeck) WFR370 023-3914-00 $44.00 Time Traveler Extra full score (Neeck) 023-3914-01 $5.00 Time Will Tell Jazz Ensemble (Rowe) 032-2807-00 $36.00 Time Will Tell Extra full score (Rowe) 032-2807-01 $4.00 Time, Tone, Tune, Technique Concert Band (R. W. Smith) 012-4322-00 $72.00 Time, Tone, Tune, Technique Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-4322-01 Timeless Trombone Tales Walking Frog Records CD WFR666 $14.95 Timetable Jazz Ensemble (Gingery) WA-YSB202-00 $40.00 Timetable Extra score (Gingery) WA-YSB202-01 $6.00 Tiny Tips Waltz Band (Daniels) 013-0364-00AR $50.00 Tip Toe Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1098-00 $50.00 Tip Toe Extra full score (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1098-01 Tis the Season, Book 1 Conductor book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-01AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 C instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-04AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 Eb instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-20AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 Bb instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-24AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 F instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-28AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 Bass clef instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-38AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 1 Percussion book (Schaeffer) 074-1998-41 Tis the Season, Book 2 Conductor book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-01AR Tis the Season, Book 2 C instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-04 Tis the Season, Book 2 Eb instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-20AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 2 Bb instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-24AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 2 F instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-28AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 2 Bass Clef instruments book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-38AR $18.00 Tis the Season, Book 2 Percussion book (Schaeffer) 074-2244-41AR $18.00 To a Forgotten Friend Jazz Ensemble (Bellson/arr. Mantooth) WA-MS116-00 $50.00 To a Forgotten Friend Extra score (Bellson/arr. Mantooth) WA-MS116-01 To A New Beginning Young Band (Swearingen) WFR324 015-3178-00 To A New Beginning Extra full score (Swearingen) 015-3178-01 Serenade To Alice Band (Bray) 013-0120-00AR $50.00 To All The Girls I've Loved Before Marching Band (Hammond & David/arr. Metzer) 053-1876-00 $35.00 To Be Or Not To Bop Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 031-0301-00 $25.00 To Be Or Not To Bop Extra full score (Niehaus) 031-0301-01 $3.50 To Conquer The Kraken Young Band (R. W. Smith) WFR380 024-4243-00 $48.00 To Conquer The Kraken Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 024-4243-01 To Have, To Hold, To Love Concert Band (Ball/arr. Levy) BOV-S1009-00 To Have, To Hold, To Love Extra condensed score (Ball/arr. Levy) BOV-S1009-01 $7.00 To Her Ladyship Jazz Ensemble (Hubbard/arr. Carubia) SCM-1103-00 $50.00 To Her Ladyship Extra full score (Hubbard/arr. Carubia) SCM-1103-01 To Montevideo March Band (Barnhouse) 013-0160-00AR $50.00 To Oliver Jazz Combo (Haerle) 038-0067-00AR $25.00 To Rock For Admiral Shunk Solo Drum Set solo - unaccompanied (Snider) 120-0139-00 $5.00 To Tame the Unknown Concert Band (Nagy) WFR316 012-3129-00 $68.00 To Tame the Unknown Extra full score (Nagy) 012-3129-01 To the Frontier - March Band (J. J. Richards) 013-1069-00AR $50.00 To The Max Concert Band (R. W. Smith) WFR364 012-3833-00 $72.00 To The Max Extra full score (R. W. Smith) 012-3833-01 $7.00 To The Stars! Concert Band (Poor) WFR372 012-4054-00 $68.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $6.00 $6.00 $42.00 $8.00 $7.00 $3.95 $18.00 $3.95 $6.00 $38.00 $5.00 $6.00 $60.00 $7.00 $7.00 Page 228 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# To The Stars! Extra full score (Poor) 012-4054-01 To The Winds Marching Band (T. Davis) 013-1299-00AR $50.00 To Victory Concert Band (Hadley/arr. Lake) BOV-S3290-00 $60.00 To You Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1131-00 $50.00 To You Extra full score (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1131-01 $7.00 Toboggan Run Young Band (Conaway) WFR374 024-4026-00 $46.00 Toboggan Run Extra full score (Conaway) 024-4026-01 $6.00 Toca La Musica! Marching Band (Metzer) 057-2039-00 $28.00 Toccata for Strings String Orchestra (Fletcher) ARC-2275-00 $40.00 Toccata for Strings Extra full score (Fletcher) ARC-2275-01 $6.00 Toccatare Solo Marimba solo - unaccompanied (Spears) 120-0220-00 Tod Sloan's Galop Band (Kiefer) 013-0196-00AR $50.00 Tod Sloan's Galop Orchestra (Kiefer) 016-0041-00AR $50.00 Toe Tapper Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2015-01 032-4359-00 $48.00 Toe Tapper Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4359-01 Tom Cat Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-SB518-00 Tom Cat Extra score (Chattaway) WA-SB518-01 Time Passages Walking Frog Records CD WFR642 $14.95 Tommy, Lad! Concert Band (Margerson/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2179-00 $65.00 Tommy, Lad! Extra condensed score (Margerson/arr. L. B. Smith) BOV-S2179-01 Tomorrow is Always a Good Day Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2015-01 032-4361-00 Tomorrow is Always a Good Day Extra full score (P. Clark) 032-4361-01 $7.00 Tomorrow's Memories Jazz Ensemble (P. Clark) 991-2011-01 032-4043-00 $45.00 Tomorrow's Memories Extra full score 032-4043-01 Tomorrow's Memories Jazz Ensemble (Joe Smith) WA-SB519-00 Tomorrow's Memories Extra score (Joe Smith) WA-SB519-01 $6.00 Tongue 'N Groove Jazz Ensemble (Chattaway) WA-MS109-00 $50.00 Tongue 'N Groove Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MS109-01 Tonka Bean Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 034-0325-00 Tonka Bean Extra full score (Hooper) 034-0325-01AR Too Beautiful For Words Young Band (Grice) WFR360 024-3708-00 Too Beautiful For Words Extra full score (Grice) 024-3708-01 $5.00 2 Hip 2 B Blues Jazz Ensemble (Iacona) SCM-1018-00 $47.00 2 Hip 2 B Blues Extra full score SCM-1018-01 $6.00 Too Late For Goodbyes Marching Band (Chattaway) WA-MB109-00 $50.00 Too Late For Goodbyes Extra score (Chattaway) WA-MB109-01 Too Scared to Play! Walking Frog Records CD WFR515 $14.95 Tool Time Tango Young Band (Huckeby) WFR342 015-3458-00 $40.00 Tool Time Tango Extra full score (Huckeby) 015-3458-01 Toondoor Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3194-00 $60.00 Toot Your Own Horns Jazz Ensemble (Sherburne) 991-2012-00 032-4099-00 $50.00 Toot Your Own Horns Extra full score (Sherburne) 032-4099-01 Top Brass Marching Band (F. Miller) 013-1310-00AR $50.00 Top Brass Jazz Ensemble (Hooper) 034-0276-00AR $60.00 Top Brass Extra full score (Hooper) 034-0276-01AR Top Notch Marching Band (K. Harris) 058-2782-00 Top Notch Extra score (K. Harris) 058-2782-01 $2.50 Top Secret! Young Band (Neeck) WFR360 024-3757-00 $46.00 Top Secret! Extra full score (Neeck) 024-3757-01 $5.00 Topsy Turvy Jazz Ensemble (Niehaus) 032-0285-00 $29.00 Topsy Turvy Extra full score (Niehaus) 032-0285-01AR Torch Dance Ensemble Trumpet quartet (German/arr. Fraker) 101-0014-24 Torch of Liberty - Overture Band (Clement) 013-0936-00AR $50.00 Torch of Liberty Concert Band (King/arr. Swearingen) WFR174,WFR343 012-2977-00 $60.00 Torch of Liberty Extra full score (King/arr. Swearingen) 012-2977-01 Torch of Liberty Band (King) 013-1206-00AR Torch of Liberty Extra condensed score (King) 013-1206-01 $4.00 Torch Processional (Fackeltanz #3) Concert Band (Meyerbeer/arr. Stauffer) DSP-0014-00 $70.00 Toreador Humoresque Concert Band (Lake) BOV-S3818-00 $60.00 Toreador's Song Concert Band (Bizet/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0121-00 $75.00 Toreador's Song Extra condensed score (Bizet/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0121-01 $10.00 Toreador's Song Extra full score (Bizet/arr. Barrow) BOV-B0121-02 $10.00 All amounts are USD. Prices are subject to change without notice. Price $7.00 $4.50 $7.00 $45.00 $6.00 $8.00 $48.00 $6.00 $45.00 $6.00 $23.00 $6.00 $46.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $3.50 $35.00 $3.50 $7.50 $6.00 $70.00 Page 229 of 257 7/8/2016 C.L. Barnhouse Company - Product Catalog Title Description Catalog# Price Tornado Concert Band (Chambers) BOV-S3195-00 $60.00 Torrents of Fire Concert Band (Neeck) WFR364 012-3786-00 $72.00 Torrents of Fire Extra full score (Neeck) 012-3786-01 $7.00 Torrents of Fire Oversized spiral-bound score (Neeck) 012-3786-75 $25.00 Torrey Pines Jazz Ensemble (Martino) 049-0033-00AR $50.00 Torture Marching Band (Wakefield & Jackson/arr. Sochinski) 052-1829-00 $32.00 Tosca, La Concert Band (Puccini/arr. Becker) BOV-S1140-00 $80.00 Tosca, La Extra condensed score (Puccini/arr. Becker) BOV-S1140-01 $10.00 Total Marching Percussion 1 (Snider) 071-1969-41AR $20.00 Total Marching Percussion 2 (Snider) 071-1970-41AR $20.00 Total Marching Percussion 3 (Snider) 071-1971-41 $12.00 Toucan Dip Jazz Ensemble (Rood) 032-0028-00AR $50.00 Toucan Tango Young Band (Orcino) WFR317 015-3159-00 $38.00 Toucan Tango Extra full score (Orcino) 015-3159-01 Touch of Dixie Jazz Ensemble (J. Taylor) WA-YSB145-00 Touch of Dixie Extra score (J. Taylor) WA-YSB145-01 $6.00 Touchdown - March Band (G. Holmes) 013-0954-00AR $50.00 Touchdown - March Orchestra (G. Holmes) 016-0440-00AR $50.00 Touchin' All The Basses Jazz Ensemble (A. Clark) 991-2001-01,991-2001-02 032-3163-00 $45.00 Touchin' All The Basses Extra full score (A. Clark) 032-3163-01 $7.00 Tough Stuff Marching Band (P. Clark) 058-2591-00 $30.00 Tough Stuff Extra score (P. Clark) 058-2591-01 The Tournament Concert Band (Lincoln/arr. Losey) BOV-S3495-00 $60.00 Tourterelle, La Concert Band (Damare/arr. Lewis) BOV-S2039-00 $65.00 Tourterelle, La Extra condensed score (Damare/arr. Lewis) BOV-S2039-01 $8.00 Toute La Nuite Concert Band (Pryor/arr. Lake) BOV-S3594-00 $60.00 Tow Away Zone Jazz Ensemble (Jones/arr. Carubia) SCM-1026-00 $50.00 Tow Away Zone Extra full score SCM-1026-01 $6.00 Toward the North Star Concert Band (Shabazz) WFR358 012-3748-00 $78.00 Toward the North Star Extra full score (Shabazz) 012-3748-01 $8.00 Toward the North Star Oversized spiral-bound score (Shabazz) 012-3748-75 $25.00 Toward the North Star Walking Frog Records CD WFR358 $14.95 Towards a New Horizon Concert Band (Reineke) WFR352 012-3662-00 $76.00 Towards a New Horizon Extra full score (Reineke) 012-3662-01 $7.00 Towards a New Horizon Oversized spiral-bound score (Reineke) 012-3662-75 $25.00 Town Crier Concert Band (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0714-00 $65.00 Town Crier Extra condensed score (L. B. Smith) BOV-S0714-01 The Toymaker's Workshop Concert Band (Jarvis) WFR384 012-4388-00 The Toymaker's Workshop Extra full score (Jarvis) 012-4388-01 $8.00 The Toymaker's Workshop Oversized spiral-bound score (Jarvis) 012-4388-75 $25.00 Traces of Blue Jazz Ensemble (Carubia) SCM-1043-00 $47.00 Traces o
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