August 2015 Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce
August 2015 Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce
ATHENS BUSINESS AUGUST 2015 Volume 29 No. 8 THE CHAIRMAN’S CORNER with Shane Sewell Greetings, fellow Chamber members! It is hard to believe I am writing our August newsletter and the kids are back in school. I hope everyone had a great start to the new school year. Remember to “Shop Local” as you purchase needed school supplies and clothes. On that note, I want to thank our local United Way and the McMinn County Education Foundation for their help in organizing our local Stuff the Bus campaign to gather school supplies in order to distribute them to our local schools. This is always a great opportunity to Shop Local, help less fortunate children, and support our local school systems! On a somber note, our hearts are saddened by the recent shootings at the two military centers in Chattanooga. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims’ families and our neighboring city. Many of us have asked the question, “How can we help?” One way is to make a contribution to the Chattanooga Heroes Fund recently established by Peyton Manning in memory of those who lost their lives and in honor of those wounded in the shootings. Funds donated will be used to support the victims’ families. Your Chamber will be making a monetary contribution and I would encourage you to consider contributing, as well. We will be sending an email out to our membership with information regarding this fund. You may also visit the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga’s website at for more information. Our first joint “Rise and Learn” breakfast seminar with the Etowah Chamber of Commerce was a tremendous success. I want to say a special thank you to Sandy Lambert and Durant Tullock with the Etowah Chamber for their partnership and efforts to make this event a success. Thank you, as well, to Brian Silber and the Etowah Community Center for hosting our first event. Plans are for the Athens and Etowah Chambers to host at least one more “Rise and Learn” breakfast seminar this year. We welcome your suggestions for potential topics. You may send suggestions to [email protected] or [email protected]. We are excited to announce an upcoming “Lunch and Learn” seminar to be held Wednesday, August 26th from 11:45a.m. to 1:00p.m. in the Glenn Lowe Room in Sherman Hall on the campus of Tennessee Wesleyan College. The topic will be “Energy Conservation” and the presenter will be Wayne Scarbrough, Assistant General Manager of Athens Utilities Board. Reserve your seat now by contacting the Chamber office at 423.745.0334 or email [email protected]. This is no charge for this seminar. Attendees will go through the cafeteria line and take their lunch to the Glenn Lowe Room for the seminar. The 2015 Summer Job Fair co-sponsored by Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, City of Athens, McMinn County Economic Development Authority, Southeast Tennessee Development District, Tennessee Career Center, and Tennessee College of Applied Technology Athens was held July 30th and was a rousing success with over 450 people having an opportunity to talk with local businesses and industries about job opportunities. This is another example of our community’s focus on workforce development. We have been fortunate with the business investment and job creation that have occurred over the past year. There are jobs available in the Athens area and the Summer Job Fair is always a great way to connect people to those opportunities. Thanks to all who worked to make this event a success. I hope to see you at an upcoming Chamber meeting or event this month. In addition to the ones already mentioned above, The Cash Mob will be shopping Thursday, August 13th at United Wholesale Discount located at 12 South White Street in Athens and Business Before Hours will be Thursday, August 20th at Brookdale Living located at 120 Keith Lane in Athens. The Cash Mob is a great way to support local businesses and our local economy, and Business Before Hours is a fantastic opportunity to network and meet other chamber members. For more information about the Chamber or any upcoming meetings or events, please call 423.745.0334 or email [email protected]. To learn how the Chamber can benefit you and your business, please call 423.745.0334 or email Kay Simmons at [email protected]. A Publication of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce ——————— 423-745-0334 The August Spotlight is shining on... Dear Athens Area Chamber of Commerce Members, Are you looking for ways to showcase your business on the internet? Let the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce help you! Through our partnership with CGI Communications we can film a brief one minute video about your business and post it on the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce’s website home page. This is a great opportunity for you to personally get the word out about your business in a quick, fun, and creative way. How do you take advantage of this membership benefit? 1. Call the Chamber to schedule a filming time with Rob Preston or Kay Simmons - 423.745.0334. 2. Create a one minute promo for your business. 3. Film your video at your scheduled time. We’ll do the rest! Visit the Chamber’s website at to view some videos and then call the Chamber office and schedule a time for Rob Preston or Kay Simmons to film your video. We appreciate your membership and support of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce and we look forward to helping you promote your business with a GoCast video! Helping to connect the community and build business, Your Chamber Board of Directors and Staff ATHENS CHAMBER BUSINESS PARTNERS & INVESTORS Because members renew memberships at different times throughout the year, listings are provided on a monthly basis. These members renewed their memberships during July 2015. Ascension Life Church Athens Auto Logic Bobbye Billings C & D Tire C & E Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Caldwell Paving & Grading Camp Living Stones Carolyn Foree Cleveland Tent Company Dave Kirk Chevrolet Davidson Dental Center Denso Manufacturing of Athens Tennessee East Tennessee Auto Outlet East Tennessee Construction Service, Inc. East Tennessee Properties, LLC Fairview Christian Academy Foothills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery H2O Vape Shop Hiwassee Utilities Commission Hydratane of Athens Jake Marshall, LLC JimBob Contracting J.M. Huber Starr Regional Medical Center U.S. Cellular Willow Springs Self Storage Whatever the occasion or need… Please, consider shopping with Chamber members first! Advantage Resourcing Faith Pike 907 Congress Parkway N Athens, TN 37303 Employment Agency Mayfield Academy Diana Beverley 14 Congress Parkway S Athens, TN 37303 Non-Profit Private School Snip N Time Jennifer Frederick 724B Congress Parkway S Athens, TN 37303 Hair Salon Country Mouse Yarns Marie Bindrim 118 N Jackson Street Athens, TN 37303 Yarn Shop / Knitting, Crochet, Weaving Classes Pair A Dice Games Eugene “Johnny” Johnson 2 E Washington Avenue Athens, TN 37303 Retail Game Shop / Gaming Nights & Events Valley Insurance Service Louise Barnes 111 Walnut Street Sweetwater, TN 37874 Insurance Agency Silver Key Realty Jeremy Cansler, Broker 213 Washington Avenue, Suite 102 Athens, TN 37303 Real Estate The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who invest their time and money in a community development program working together to improve the economic, civic and cultural well being of our community. Why I Should Belong to The Chamber of Commerce? Active Membership in the Chamber of Commerce carries with it a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from the knowledge you are doing your share of an important job. Although everyone in the community benefits from the work of the Chamber of Commerce, you can accept those benefits with a sense of pride only if you have had a part in bringing them about. Build your business by building your community. Benefits of membership in the Chamber include a wealth of advertising and exposure through participation in various events, inclusion in the Chamber website, newsletter, and networking opportunities. For information about becoming a Chamber member, please call (423) 745-0334. Upcoming Chamber and Community Events Athens Area Chamber of Commerce CASH MOB! United Wholesale Discount Date: Thursday, August 13th Time: 12:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. Location: 12 South White Street, Athens For more info: Call 423.745.0334 or Athens Area Council for the Arts EVENING WITH THE STARS XII Date: Friday, August 14th Time: 7:30p.m. Location: The Arts Center 320 North White Street Athens Tickets: $10 Adults $5 Students For tickets or more info: Call 423.745.8781 or Sounds of Summer HOT NIGHTS, COOL JAZZ Date: Saturday, August 15th Time: 7:00p.m. Location: Market Park Pavilion Downtown Athens Admission: FREE - Bring your own lawn chair or blanket Athens Area Chamber of Commerce BUSINESS BEFORE HOURS Hosted by Brookdale Living Athens Date: Thursday, August 20th Time: 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. Location: 120 Keith Lane Athens (formerly Wellington Place of Athens) For more info: Call 423.745.0334 or Sounds of Summer PACK OF WOLVES Date: Saturday, August 22nd Time: 7:00p.m. Location: Market Park Pavilion Downtown Athens Admission: FREE - Bring your own lawn chair or blanket Athens Area Chamber of Commerce LUNCH & LEARN SEMINAR Topic: Energy Conservation Presented by: Wayne Scarbrough, Assistant General Mgr., AUB Date: Tuesday, August 25th Time: 11:45a.m. to 1:00p.m. Location: Glenn Lowe Room in Sherman Hall at Tennessee Wesleyan College (Attendees will go through the cafeteria line to purchase lunch) To reserve a seat: Call 423.745.0334 or email [email protected] Small Business Development Center IS YOUR BUSINESS GOOGLE-IZED? Join us and get your business Google-ized Date: Wednesday, August 26th Time: 11:30a.m. to 3:00p.m. Location: Cleveland State Community College Athens Campus, Room 122 Registration is required: Call 423.478.6247 or in Special Events section on the home page BB&T FREE COMMUNITY SHRED EVENT Date: Saturday, August 29th Time: 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. Location: Athens Plaza Branch 1604 Decatur Pike Athens For more info: Call 423.745.3476 Athens Area Chamber of Commerce 7th Annual Community Concert presents 2012 Grammy Award Winner for Best Contemporary Christian Song “Blessings” Friday, October 23rd 7:00PM Winner of Four Dove Awards Athens City Middle School Composer of 2004 #1 Worship Hit “Indescribable” Tickets: $10 Adults $8 Students VIP Tickets Available: $50 (includes Meet & Greet & Priority Seating) To order: Call 423.745.0334 or online LUNCH & LEARN Join us and learn about ENERGY CONSERVATION Presented by Wayne Scarbrough, Assistant General Manager Athens Utilities Board Tuesday, August 25th 11:45a.m. to 1:00p.m. Glenn Lowe Room It’s a WIN / WIN to SHOP McMINN! (go through cafeteria line and purchase lunch) Tennessee Wesleyan College Reserve a seat - 423.745.0334 or [email protected] This seminar is free and open to the public. Please plan to join us for Business Before Hours at ATHENS AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 13 North Jackson Street, Athens, TN 37303 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 2015 OFFICERS Chairman Chairman Elect Vice Chairman Treasurer Immediate Past Chairman Shane Sewell Jackie Newman Moises Contreras Brandy Cooper Becky Wattenbarger 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 120 Keith Lane, Athens Becky Wattenbarger Moises Contreras Randy Nelson Rhonda Elkins Patty Weaver Thursday, August 20th 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. Enjoy coffee, morning refreshments, the opportunity to network with other Chamber members, and enter the door prize drawings. Make sure you bring business cards to exchange. Shane Sewell Brandy Cooper Gus Jaibat Scott Cass Todd Harris Jackie Newman Will Estes Pam Perdue Skylar Dean Shayne Whaley EX-OFFICIO Anthony Casteel, Community Development Director, City of Athens John Gentry, Mayor, McMinn County Kathy Knight, McMinn County Economic Development Authority Dana Ferguson, Diplomat Corps Chairman Rob Preston Kay Simmons Lisa Dotson STAFF President/CEO Membership Services Director Program Director ATHENS BUSINESS is a monthly publication for the members of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce.
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