SPrING 2010
SPrING 2010
HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES spring 2010 Someone else believes in me A “People tell me I have this glow about me now.” in this issue: • • • • • • Turning My Life Around One Receipt At A Time Message From Our Director Practical Guide To Volunteerism Afghan Vet Thanks Kids For Letters From Home Mayors Re-united - To Feed The Hungry Upcoming Events fter growing up in the valley, LeAnn left for the Navy full of hope and dreams for her future. She married, had two children, and divorced. Then LeAnn found herself in a domestic violence and alcohol abuse situation and returned home to make a better life for herself and her children and be near family and friends. Once here, unable to find a job, her only option was to move into her parent’s travel trailer. “We had no place to go except that trailer, it got awful small,” said LeAnn. “I looked for a job but no one was hiring. I have never asked for help but I was desperate, I went to the Department of Human Services and they told me about ACCESS. Trini (ACCESS Family Services Specialist) told me about programs that would help me and my children get adequate housing by paying a portion of the rent, deposit fees, and electricity. I work part-time, I am on the TBA program (Tenant Based Assistance) that will help subsidize my rent for one year, and I am in the Nursing Program at Rogue Community College.” In spite of all this, things started to fall apart. “I was stressed and it pushed me in the wrong direction, I would go out with my friends and drink”, said LeAnne. “I was having trouble communicating with Trini and following the rules of the program. One morning, my son asked if I went to a bar… I said yes, but I had an NA. He asked what that was and I told him it was a non-alcoholic beer. He asked why I didn’t drink those all of the time. I made a deal with him that I would stop drinking.” Then things turned around for LeAnne, she confided in Trini that she had a drinking problem but vowed to stop for the sake of herself and her Continued on page 5 STAFF Executive Director Gary Miller: 774-4322 Deputy Director Jackie Schad: 774-4338 Finance Director Steve Weber: 774-4331 Community Planning & Research Director Ed Angeletti: 774-4330 Development Director Logan Bell: 774-4312 Family/Senior Services Director Ellen Gray: 774-4313 Housing Director Cindy Dyer: 774-4319 Department Director Junior Achievement Mary Holbrook: 774-4334 Nutrition Programs Director Philip Yates: 774-4320 Human Resources Director Carlea Campagna: 618-4010 BOARD of DIRECTORS Ken Williams, Chair Bruce Cartmel, Chair Elect John Watt, Vice Chair Pat Huycke, Secretary/Treasurer Grady Singletary, Past Chair Julie Brown Cathie Davis Leigh Johnson Jim Kuntz Ed Miller James L. Patterson Dennis Richardson Steve Shapiro Bob Strosser Hank Williams SPECIAL ADVISORY BOARD Kathy Beckett Les Cracraft Sam Davis Lyn Hennion Sherm Olsrud Wanda Olsrud Rep. Greg Walden Sen. Ron Wyden Message from the Executive Director “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” — Mark Twain Our mission states: Through partnership with a caring community, ACCESS provides immediate and long-term solutions that lead people in need toward selfsufficiency. Volunteers are some of our most important and valuable partners; helping in numerous ways throughout all of our programs. We depend on 600 dedicated volunteers providing over 50,000 hours of service per year. Volunteers help define our success, which is measured by changing lives right here in our community through the essential services and programs that we provide. In this newsletter we highlight our “Breakfast of Champions” honoring all of our volunteers, as well as focus on some great volunteer efforts including an SOU student and Umpqua Dairy manager volunteering with the Junior Achievement program. We also highlight our upcoming Mayors United fundraiser, the successful letter carriers food drive, and a recent grant from the West Family Foundation, which all involve our nutrition program. This program is a big part of our volunteer base with 350 volunteers who help support our food pantry network. Last year these volunteers helped get food to nearly 7,000 hungry families. Some volunteers help in our offices Meet the Board Dennis Richardson, Oregon State Representative, District 4 Rep. Dennis Richardson has been elected to the ACCESS Board of Directors. Richardson’s political leadership and commitment to the community promise to be a valuable asset to ACCESS in fulfilling its mission of providing immediate and long-term solutions that lead people in need toward self-sufficiency. Richardson has been Southern Oregon and were a part of our housing program helping more than 700 families get into affordable homes. Others volunteer with energy assistance which has helped lower the utility bills of over 9,000 families. Our staff of around 60 simply could not help this many people without volunteers’ dedication and we are greatly appreciative. Volunteering is an amazing concept in which people give of their valuable time, energy, and skills … freely. Volunteering is a choice, and in a tough economy, free time to help others is no longer as available as people need to focus more on themselves and their own families. Thankfully, our volunteers have all stepped up to help a community in need. This past year, unemployment and foreclosures have risen, and more people are seeking public assistance. It all adds up to an increasing need throughout our programs, and you have been there to meet that need. I would like to thank all of our volunteers for their generosity, giving spirit, good old fashioned hard work, and support. From the entire staff and board of ACCESS, we thank you and feel blessed to be surrounded by so many caring people. —Warm regards, Gary resident since 1979 and has served in the Oregon House of Representatives since 2002. He is a practicing attorney who owns the law firm of Dennis Richardson, P.C. He is also a decorated Vietnam veteran helicopter pilot. Before serving in the State Legislature, Richardson and his wife Cathy made a conscious decision to pattern their lives after Benjamin Franklin, who believed that a person’s first 50 years of life should be spent learning, earning and raising a family, and their last 50 years should be dedicated to giving back to society in the form of public service. How can I help? A Volunteer’s Story W hen Paul Gibson, a Human Services major at Southern Oregon University, needed practicum hours to graduate, he knew just where to turn. “I worked for ACCESS in the 80’s and liked the idea of volunteering there because there are so many different departments available to work in,” stated Paul. “I knew there was housing, food share, seniors, and energy. I wanted an organization that would give me the best idea of what’s going on in the community and the best resources available, ACCESS is perfect for that.” Paul is no stranger to volunteering; he helps coach young children in football and wrestling and has helped out in various school districts. His first plan was to be a teacher but with recent cutbacks he has refocused his attention to Human Services. His background made him a perfect match for the Junior Achievement Program. According to Paul, “I went to the classroom for 1 hour a week for 5 weeks and introduced a business plan and some fun activities to a second and third grade class. I had a blast, it was real fun.” Paul has also done client intake in the Food Share Department, helped with the Holiday Shoebox program for the Senior Services Department, played Santa at Greystone Court, and, on Saturdays, is a pantry volunteer. When asked about the volunteer process Paul Paul Gibson replied, “Wow, it’s been great! Nicki (Volunteer Coordinator at ACCESS) has been awesome, she walked me through it. There was a criminal background check and then an interview with her to get a feel for where I would be best suited…which department. I understand the expectations of a volunteer. It’s not about me; it’s about the community, clients, and ACCESS. I look at it as how can I help? Not what can I do for myself, but how can I help the community.” “ACCESS has been a great experience,” stated Paul. “I’ve learned that despair can be replaced by relief because there are people in the community that are working for them. I am looking forward to coming back next term.” How You Can Become Involved Take A Tour – Learn more about ACCESS and what we are doing. This is a great way to get started. Call Logan Bell at 541-774-4312 for more information. Donate Money – For every $1 you donate, ACCESS can provide 5 lbs. of food to feed the hungry. Go to www. access-inc.org to donate securely on line or mail your donations to ACCESS, PO Box 4666, Medford, OR 97501. Donate Food – Thanks to your support, ACCESS was able to distribute 2.6 million pounds of food to people in Jackson County. Drop your donations off at ACCESS during business hours, Monday – Friday 8:30 am until 4:30 pm. Organize a Food Drive – Food drives raise awareness about hunger and poverty in our community as well as collect thousands of pounds of food. Call Philip Yates at 541-774-4320 for more information. Volunteer – ACCESS is powered by over 600 dedicated volunteers who provided nearly 60,000 volunteer hours last year. To learn how to volunteer as an individual or group call Nicki Bell at 541-618-4003. Sponsor an Event – We have sponsorship opportunities at all levels for events such as our ACCESS Golf Tournament and Mayors United. Contact Logan Bell at 541-774-4336 for more information. Scan-a-Coupon – For our Ashland friends, you can scan a $1, $2, or $5 coupon at the check stand at Ashland Co-op or Market of Choice. w hat vol u n teeri n g m ea n s to m e : To be a volunteer you need to have passion and belief in what you are doing. For me I get a good feeling when people say “Thank You for all you do” or “We appreciate your time to help us” I love what I do and I hope that I can continue to brighten other peoples days. —Ginny Rigel, manager, Shady Cove Food Pantry ACCESS Volunteers Honored I Brian McQuade and Ms. Lightle at Jefferson Elementary School A Special Volunteer B rian McQuade, Corporate Sales Manager for Umpqua Dairy, has been an ACCESS Junior Achievement (JA) volunteer for 8 years. “I’m passionate about JA and the work that they do,” stated Brian. “Lately, I’ve been teaching financial literacy through the JA Program to fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classes, teaching them how to spend less money than they make, how to budget and not spend too much, and how to allocate money for unexpected expenses. It helps them to get a grip on how things work in our country.” This year, Ms. Lightle’s 5th and 6th grade class at Jefferson Elementary School not only received financial advice from Brian but a special visit from his daughter, Lieutenant JG Lindsay McQuade. Lindsay was stationed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, for 7 months serving as a Navy nurse. Brian asked Ms. Lightle’s class if they would like to write letters of encouragement to Lindsay which they enthusiastically did. They told her about what they were learning in her dad’s JA class and shared some things about themselves. The day after Lindsay arrived home, she visited the children who had written her such beautiful letters and made her time away a little brighter. “I was very thankful for your letters,” Lindsay said to the class. “It gave me a picture of what was happening back home so it was really nice to hear. I really appreciated that; they were definitely a bright spot in my time in Afghanistan.” Junior Achievement volunteers teach students in grades K-12 about financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work-readiness. JA provides the materials and training. We want to thank Brian for all of his years of volunteerism and for sharing his daughter’s life with his JA class. It’s caring volunteers like Brian that make ACCESS programs such a huge success. n appreciation of our over 600 volunteers, ACCESS hosted a “Breakfast for Champions” at the Red Lion Inn on April 7th to recognize and honor the invaluable contributions of these dedicated and hard working individuals. Kingsley Kelly from KTVL was the emcee for the event and two ACCESS volunteers, Gary O’Neal (Foreclosure Counselor) and Ginny Rigel (Shady Cove Pantry Manager), were the guest speakers. We cannot thank enough the many wonderful volunteers who have shared their skills and their time. Without their passion, commitment, and hard work we could not offer all of the programs that we do. Thank you for stepping up and becoming an integral part of our ACCESS family. Kingsley Kelly as emcee of Volunteer Appreciation event O Letter Carriers Break All Records n Saturday, May 8th, through the annual National Letter Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger!” Food Drive our local letter carriers in Jackson County collected over 85,000 pounds (39 tons) of food, generously donated by the community to help hungry individuals and families in the valley. This was a huge coordination effort by food drive coordinator Donna Sanderson, the Local Letter Carriers Union, Rural Carriers Union, and Post Office managers. The 85,000 pounds were a record for Jackson County, and up from 72,000 pounds of food raised in last year’s drive. West Family Foundation Supports Nutrition Programs Last month, ACCESS Nutrition Programs received a $10,000 grant from the West Family Foundation. $5,000 will be used to support the starting of 6 Food Share Gardens in Jackson County that will produce high yields of fresh produce for hungry families and $5,000 will be used to support the work of the ACCESS Nutrition Programs. In addition, the following community partners made sure that we had the equipment and volunteers to recover and sort all the food: Cross Creek Trucking, Central Equipment, Big Time Trucking, Space, LLC, City of Medford, Wells Fargo, US Cellular, Rogue Federal Credit Union. Through your donations and the work of the letter carriers we will have enough food to provide thousands of hungry families with emergency food boxes throughout the summer months and into the fall. SOMEONE ELSE BELIEVES IN ME Continued from Cover children. “Trini didn’t give up on me and told me exactly what was expected,” stated LeAnne. “Now I turn in receipts for everything I spend money on each month. Trini is very strict but she has a lot of patience and is supportive, she helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. It helps to know that someone else believes in me.” “People tell me I have this glow about me now,” said LeAnne. “That’s because of ACCESS, being sober, school, my kids… all of it! I have things to strive for and alcohol is just a hindrance. ACCESS is helping me get on my feet, make it by myself, and develop wings to fly on my own. They are helping me build my confidence and self esteem so I know what I am capable of. ACCESS is holding me up for a minute and then, when I am standing, will let me go.” w hat vol u n teeri n g m ea n s to m e : Volunteering must mean a lot to me, because it keeps me from fishing, which I know means a lot to me! Why do I volunteer instead of fish? I don’t really know, but it’s certainly worth thinking about. —Gary O’Neal, Housing Counselor Jackson County Will Re-Unite To Feed the Hungry L ayoffs, medical debt, foreclosures, and lost retirement are just a few of the reasons why hunger has become a key issue in our community. With so many economic challenges facing us, it has taken a tremendous toll on our seniors, families, and persons with disabilities. To address this issue, the Mayors in Jackson County will band together again to issue a proclamation declaring August 9th - 13th Mayors United, Helping Feed Our Community Week. The Jackson County Mayors and Wells Fargo, the Title Sponsor, will hold a Kickoff Announcement Event on August 2nd at the Olsrud Nutrition Center at ACCESS Inc. The campaign will culminate in a Mayors United Crescendo Event on Sunday, September 12th from 4 pm until 7 pm at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. You can party with the Mayors, vote for your favorite “Tapas”, dance, and bid on auction items all while helping our neighbors and friends in need. All proceeds will go to the ACCESS Food Share pantry system. The goal of the campaign is to raise $50,000 to feed the hungry in Jackson County. Last year, ACCESS served the nutritional needs of 7,000 families with 2.6 million pounds of food. The need is increasing and we need your help. How You Can Help: $25 donation – receive 1 ticket to the Mayors United Crescendo Event. $50 donation – receive 2 tickets to the Mayors United Crescendo Event. $100 donation – receive 2 tickets to the Mayors United Crescendo Event (Your donation provides 500 meals, enough to feed 32 families for one day) $250 donation – receive 4 tickets to the Mayors United Crescendo Event (Your donation provides 1,250 meals, feeding 80 families for one day) $500 donation – receive 6 tickets to the Mayors United Crescendo Event (Your donation provides 2,500 meals, feeding 160 families for one day) $1,000 donation - receive 8 tickets to the Mayors United Crescendo Event (Your donation provides 5,000 meals, feeding 320 families for one day) Donate a gift for the auction or make a cash contribution to ACCESS Food Share by calling 541-779-6691. Tickets will also be on sale on the ACCESS website at www.access-inc.org , Sherm’s Thunderbird Market, Food For Less, or ACCESS Inc. after August 2nd. Sign Up For the ACCESS Golf Tourney O ur 7th Annual ACCESS Golf Tournament, presented by Boise Cascade, will be held at the Rogue Valley Country Club on Monday, June 28th. The format will be a four-person scramble with a double shotgun start, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The lowest net team score (GHIN handicap is required to be eligible) will win two nights lodging for four at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort and twelve rounds of golf. The first hole-in-one will win $15,000. For more information please call Logan at 541-774-4312. DONORS: Partners who make help possible Businesses 2 Hemispheres Inc 3B’s Forestry, Inc 4-H Club A & M Tax Services Corp AAA Oregon/Idaho Abbey Funeral, Inc. Abraham Lincoln Elementary School Abyss Ace Hardware - Rogue River Adair Homes, Inc. Adroit Construction Company, Inc. Adult & Family Services (Ashland) Adult & Family Services (Medford) Advanced Tree Service & Landscaping Aiken & Sanders, Inc Airport Chevrolet Albertsons Alicia MacArthur Trust All Phase Weatherization & Construction Allen Alley for Governor Allied Solutions by Kupillas LLC American Hearing Aid Systems American Linen Amy’s Kitchen Anjou Club Arbor Place Asante Health System Asante Infusion Services Ascension Lutheran Church Ashland Community Hospital Ashland Construction, Inc. Ashland Food Co-Op Ashland Homes Real Estate, Inc. Ashland Money & Metal Ashland Springs Hotel Ashwood Senior Home, Inc. Associated Fruit Avista Corporation Avista Foundation Avondale Gardens Bank of The Cascades Bayliss Family Trust Beecher Carlson Insurance Agency Best Tel, LLC Beta Sigma Phi Bill Maentz Agency Inc Black Oak Pharmacy Block Buster Video Boise Cascade Corporation BP Fabric of America Fund Braaten Living Trust Brad Youngs Construction Breeze Financial Group Inc Brian J & Christie A. McQuade Trust Brian Law Firm LLP Brophy, Mills, Schmor, Gerking & Brophy, LLP Burger King Burrill Real Estate LLC Burwell Family Trust Butler Automotive Group Butler Ford BYB Brands California Oregon Broadcasting, Inc Calvary Chapel of Rogue River Cardiology Consultants Pc Care Source/Mid Rogue Health Plan Cascade Investment Council Cash & Carry Castle Cottage Central Equipment Century Link Charter Communications Chateaulin Child Welfare Jackson County Christensen Insurance Services, LLC Church of Latter Day Saints Clifford A & Grace Costa Trust Climate Control Mini Storage Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Cole Rivers Hatchery Commercial Property Management Community of Christ Church ComNet Marketing Group Consumer Credit Counseling Costco Wholesale Country Meadows Study Group Courtyard by Marriot Crater Lake Ford Lincoln Mercury Crater Lake Motors, Inc Curtis Investigations Curves Curves - Central Point Dan Wooton Landscape Maintenance Darex, LLC David Wicks Distributing DEQ DHS - Self Sufficiency Dixie Hackstedde - Realtor Dollar Tree Don Kinderman Living Trust Don Pinkham, CPA Dutch Brothers Eagle Point Interact Class Eagle Point Lady Rogues Redhats Eastman Family Charitable Fund Edmands Uptown Paint & Paste Emerald Hills Beef Erickson Air Crane Co Events Interior Design Evergreen Federal Everything Possible Express Employment Professionals Faith Lutheran Church Family Insurance Service Inc Farmhouse Treasures First Presbyterian Church FM Sheet Metal Inc. Foley Roads Inc Food Stamp Processing Center Fraternal Order of Eagles #2093 Fred Meyer FV Martin Trucking Company FWCC INC. Gary W Dorris Inc General Equipment Company General Mills Gerald Niles Golden-Fields Construction & Design Golf Etc Golf Savings Bank Grange Co-Op Great White Tees Hanhart Massage Harry & David Herbel Family Trust Heritage Motors, Inc. Highcrest Wood Products, Inc. HM, Inc. Holland Capital Management LLC Home Buyers Fair Home Instead Senior Care #476 Horizon Village Active Retirement Comm. Hornecker, Cowling, Hassen, & Heysell Horton Plaza Housing Authority of Jackson County Huycke, O’Connor, Jarvis & Lohman Inside Nine, Inc Iris M Charley Trust Ivory Harp J C Penney Jackson County Horse 4-H Jacksonville Applegate C E T, Inc James W. Dietz Attorney at Law JC Penney JC Penney Company Fund Jerry & Donnis Lausmann Foundation Jerry & Elizabeth Stark Trust Jim Wise Golf Shop Joe Hinkler John Watt & Associates Jones & Associates Junior Achievement Katherine M Thomas Trust Keller Williams Realty Kelly’s Technical Automotive Kids Time Discovery Experience Kindred Healthcare Knife River Materials KOGAP Enterprises Inc LaClinica Larry Nicholson State Farm Agency Laser Surgical Eye Center Leeroy J Speice Trust Liberty Tax Service Lily Hindawi Trust Lithia Artisans Market of Ashland Lithia Automotive Group Little Caesars Little Red Barn Montessori School Lock & Key Mini Storage Lovejoy Hospice Macy’s Macy’s West G.I.F.T. Mahar Homes, Inc Mail Tribune Martha Fipps Living Trust Martin Luther King Celebration - Ashland/Medford Martinizing Dry Cleaners Martinizing Dry Cleaning McEachron Family Trust McKenzie River Gathering Foundation McKinney Sly Family Trust Medford BMX Medford Child Support Medford Child Welfare Annex Medford Disability Services Medford Medical Clinic Medford Plate Glass & Mirror Medford Plating Inc Medford Senior Services Medical Eye Center, Inc. MedLine Merlin Self Storage Micro Train Lines Monty G. & Carol L. Holst Rev. Trust Morgan Wealth Management Mountain Christian Fellowship Mountain Management LLC Mt Ashland Mutual of Omaha Mycorrhizal Applications, Inc. Myer Memorial Grant Myra Lynne Mobile Home Park National Letter Carriers Association (Branch #1433) Naumes, Inc. Network for Good New Beginnings Church New Sammy’s NIDEB Inc DBA TLC Solutions North Medford High School North Medford High School English Dept North Medford Torch Honor Society Norton Lumber Co NW Community Credit Union Oak Street Station B&B ODF&W ODOT Old Dominion Freight Line Olive Garden OR OSHA Orchards Assisted Living Oregon Artisan Foods Oregon Community Foundation Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Oregon Department of Forestry Oregon Dept. of Forestry Oregon Food Bank Oregon State Police Oregon Swiss Precision Inc Ostrander Our Foster Kids OUS Pacific Door & Sash Pacific Footwear Company PacifiCorp Paden Eye Care Center Papa John’s Papa Murphys Pizza Paul & Susan Moen Living Trust Payroll Specialties, Inc. Penfield Family Trust People’s Bank of Commerce Pepperidge Farm/Shinkle Dist Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Perl Funeral Services Pipe Dreams PremierWest Bank Priceless Foods Pro Club Inc Providence Medford Medical Center Providence Medford Pediatric Providence Regional Rehab. Services Push Enterprises Qwest Foundation Ray’s Food Place Reed & Carolee Walker Fund* Reflective Hearts Childcare, Inc. Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield Retail Profit Systems Inc Robert Burstein Construction Roberts Family A Trust Roe Motors Inc Roger Armstrong Design Rogue Disposal & Recycling Rogue Family Center Rogue Federal Credit Union Rogue River School Rogue Senior Volunteer Program Rogue Valley Manor Rogue Valley Professionals Rogue Valley Sleep Center Rogue Valley Soccer Club Rogue Valley Soccer Club-Kids Clinic Rogue Valley cash and in-kind donations received between january 1, 2010 - may 31, 2010. *Oregon Community Foundation administrated. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. donor list, continued Transportation District Rotary First Harvest Royal Oak Retirement Center Roy’s Pioneer Club LLC RSB Investments RSVP (Rogue Senior Volunteer Program) Ruch Country Store Ruth Hockersmith Trust RVCOG Safeway Salon Vivid Sams Valley FCE Group Sandra Coyner & Joseph Graf Fund Santo Community Center Sappo Hill Soapworks Scan Design Shady Cove Select Market Sherm’s Food 4 Less Sherm’s Thunderbird Market Sights & Sounds Unlimited Signature Home Health & Home Care Siskiyou Real Estate Appraisal Sky Research Inc Smart Family Foundation, Inc SODEXHO Food Service SOS (Cross Creek Trucking) South Mountain Friends Meeting South Valley Bank & Trust South Valley CHS Southern Oregon Dental, LLC Southern Oregon Humane Society Southern Oregon Insulation, LLC Southern Oregon Runners Southern Oregon Select Produce Southern Oregon University Spiege & Diarmid LLP Spring Air Inc St Peter Lutheran Church Stabler Living Trust State Employees of Jackson County State of Oregon Steven E Rich Stewart State Park Stewarts Fire Fighter Food Catering Stop N Go Superior Windows & Doors Inc Table Rock Kiwanis Tanager Ranch Temple Emek Shalom Tetra Tech, Inc The Abyss The Betty De Forest Trust The Blue Giraffe Day Spa The Chamber of Medford/ Jackson County The Friend Group The Hannah J. LaLande Living Trust The Kris Ellie Charitable Fund The Little Red Barn Montessori School The Mathews Living Trust The Professional Lawn Center Thomas B. Gau Enterprises Ticor Title TLC Foster Care Town & Country Chevrolet Trail Christian Fellowship Turrell Family Trust Twin Creeks Retirement Twin Creeks Retirement Umpqua Bank Umpqua Dairy Products Upper Rogue Independent US Bankcorp US Cellular V R Inc Val-Pak of Southern Oregon Vehicle Inspection Station Veranda Park Wal Mart Store #01-2029 Walgreens Wall Enterprises Wal-Mart Washington Federal Savings Wells Fargo Bank West Family Foundation West Medford Family Center White City Community Improvement Assoc White City Medical Clinic, LLC Willamette Dental Mgmt Corp Winco, #44 Wong Potatoes Woolsey Family Trust Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Individuals Gerald Ackles Preston & Betty Ackley Sue & Kurt Acuff Rosemary & Paul Adalian Henry Adams Paul Adams Virginia Adams Gerald & Linda Adamson Judith & Robert Addington Guy Affriseo Jeanie Aguirre Matthew Aguirre Gerry Ahman Kyle & Roiann Ahrberg Peggy & Jerry Aikins John & Carmen Aitken Rich Alexander Russell & Wilma Alfrey Tim Alger Rhoda & Michael Allen Patricia Alley Frank & Evangeline Allison Wayne Alper Jack & Beverley Altman Heidi & David Alvarez Michael R Yondorf & Muriel Ames Bill & Jo Ann Anderson Patricia Anderson Christine Andrews Donna Andrews George Andries Edward & Sara Angeletti John & Carolyn Anhorn Glenn & Donnalee Archibald Stephen & Debra Kalmakav Armitage, Jr. Randy & Billie Arnold Shirley Artadi Albert & Sharon Ashker Joan & Jeffrey Smith Austin Frances Aversa Paul & Eva Avery Richard & Joan Avery Regina Ayars Georgia Ayres Nicole Bachek Barbara & Robert Baehr Janet Bagley Ed & Mary Jo Baich George & Ginny Bailey Andrew & Tara Baker Delbert & Dawn Bakerink Dorothy Baldauf Donald & Diane Baldrica Jeffrey & Kristine Bales Susan Ball Elizabeth Ballentyne Jeanne Bandong Smith Sandra Bangs Elizabeth Bardossi Cecile Baril Lisa Barker Philip & Margaret Barker John & Tirzah Barlow Joanne Barnard Bruce & Nancy Barnes Joseph Barrett Marlene & Mike Barrett Theodore & Jean Barss Barbara Basden Jennifer Bateman Rick Bayouth Eugene & Wilma Beard David Beaudoin Phil & Dena Beavers L. H. & Carol Beckendorf Kathleen & Robert Beckett Angela Beeks Elaine Behrendt Shelyea Belfiore Logan & Nicki Bell Elizabeth & Jeffrey Bender Donald & Carolyn Bendinelli Shirley D Bennett Ted & Kristina Bennion Adam Benson Gordon & Beatrice Bentson James & La Juana Berdanier David Berger Kathleen & Dan Berryman Donald & Felising Bietz Brian Bilford Charles & Lila Billings Roy Bingham Daniel & Suzanne Bissey Donald & Mary Ferrari Black Leslie Black Robert & Janice Blacketor Laura Blackfeather Kathryn Blackman John & Alice Blair Erik & Alicia Blake Richard & Carol Blaser Bob Bleasdell Laurel & Milton Bloombaum Dave & Mary Mann Bloomsness Michael & Beverly Boehm William & Jacqueline Boehm Kurt & Gail Boetzle Leonard Bogorad Kenneth & Janet Bohn Stephen & Deborah Boles Michael Bonville Roger Booth Bennett & Joyce Borden Lars Borosund Leslie & Bonnie Botham Shirley Botham Cleon & Marie Botsford Jim Botsford Rosellen Bounds Alice Bowen Gloria Boyd Melvin & Judith Boyd Andrew Boyle Marilyn Brady Rusell Branham Elizabeth & Garrett Brauer J M Brenenstall Shawn & Francie Breshears Larry Bressler Madeleine Brevenstall Steve Brewer Ronald & Sandy Briery Janice & Buck Brigham Aiko Briles Martin Briles Keith & Nelda Bristlin William & Carol Brock Eric Brorby Nicholas & Diana Broussard Linda Brouwer Jaryl Brown Philbern & Dorothy Brown Ruth Brown Wendy Brown Lindsay Emily & Jason Bruggeman Jeanne & Aaron Vanderwerff Bruland Kelly Bryant Vicki & Bruce Bryden Katherine Bryon Alfred Buck Franny & DJ Buell L Daniel & Marjorie A Bulkley Richard & Monica Bullard Leslie Bullock William & Betty Bullock Robert Bullwinkel Marvin & Joanne Burg Brian Burgess Paul & Myrl Burkholder Bruce & Barbara Burnett Buddy & Cynthia Burns Derick Burns Rachael Burton Glenda Busch George Bushnell Patti & Rodger Busse Robert Butterfield Stephen Buttolph Loren & Catherine Byer Cornelia Byers Lilia Caballero Brenda Cabrera Susan Cain Jason & Amanda Cake Jeanette Cake Grace Ella Calkins Le Roy & Alice Calkins Bernadette Callahan Carlea & Tucker Campagna John & Eileen Campbell John & Mary Campbell Russell & Esthie Campbell Sue Campbell Mel & Sheila Canal Mary Canfield Thomas & Carolyn Cannon Leota Cantrall Carl & Ruth Ann Schwada Caplan Pete & Linda Capriola Tanya & Rob Carpenter Gordon & Donna Carrigan Alison Carroll Monica Carroll Ace & Margaret Carter Jim & Jean Carter Thomas & Glenne Carter Bruce & Pam Cartmel Juliana Cartwright Shirley Casey Marla Cates Donald & Mona Cato Lynn & Kathy Caughey David Cessnun Richard Chambers Bettina Champlain Sydney Chandler Janis & Kenneth Chapman Susan Chapman Wesley & Karen Chapman Hugh & Kathy Charley JoAnne Chase David Cheney Thomas Chenoweth Ronald & Renate Cherry Victor & Eileen Chieco Ellen Cholewa Sherry & Lillian Christofferson James & Mary Lou Clark Rob & Lois Clark Kathleen Clayton Debra Cleland Karla Clements Randy & Suanne Cleveland Judy Clinton Harold & Barbara Cloer Lisa Cogswell Barbara Cole Marsha Cole James D. Coleman Mark Collins Ed Colson Christopher & Lisa Combs Dennis & Dorothy Compton Gary & Cassie Conner Marilyn Connor Scott & Lorna Conroy Michele Console Gerald Cook Geri Cook Harry & Lue Anne Cook Dennis K Cooper Larry Cope Duncan & Natalie Coppedge Mariane Corallo Lynn & Donna Corwin Clifford & Grace Costa Lynn Costantino Patricia Coulston Lorraine Courtney Robert & Brande Cowden Ray & Janice Cox cash and in-kind donations received between january 1, 2010 - may 31, 2010. *Oregon Community Foundation administrated. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. donor list, continued Toni Cox Les & Paula Cracraft Larry Cranford Bill & Joyce Crockett Norton & Linda Croft Frank & Darlene Crouch James & Mary Cruickshank Meghann Crum Robert & Saundra Crum Kandi Crumm Ana Rosa Cruz Lorrin & Donna Outler Culver Lily Curtis Mary Cutler Diane C Daley Gerald & Suzan Darby Tim & Sandy Darland Frank & Frances Darnell Debra Ann Darrigo Gladys Daugherty Joan Davenport Joan & Ken Davenport Robert Davidson Cathie Davis Clarence & Sandra Davis Linda Davis Mary Davis Richard & Patricia Davis Ross & Kathleen Davis Sam & Mary Ann Davis Judith Day Ronald & Kathleen De Korte Jeff & Luwa DeBoer Milton Decker Sandi Decker Sigismund & Diane Dekany James & Pat Dekoekkoek Marjorie Delap-Johnson Wayne Delp Diana DelRio Susan Denbo Keegan & Jennifer Denn Elizabeth Dent Anthony & Rosa DePorben-Platon Kenneth & Llyssa Deveney Cathy DeWolfe Dorothy Deyoung Julia DiCarlo Billie & Gordon Dickerson Velda Dickey Joyce Dickinson Ines Diez Richard Dill Sharon Dillingham Alexandra Dilworth Lloyd & Kathleen Dingwall Andrew & Mary Dixon Lucy Dobson Evelyn M Dollarhide Jeff Dombrowsky Nona Donahue Teresa Dopyera Gary & Mary Dorris Jeffrey Dorris Dennis & Ellen DouBrava Ruth Dougherty Paul Doughty Phyllis & Grail Douglas Valerie Doull Lenore Drake Charles & Ruby Drobkiewicz Toni Drummond Chris & Amanda Dubose Wayne & Mary Duda Carlyn Duffy Brenda Dufour-Gieg Elaine Plaisance & James Duncan Keith Dunn Marilyn Dunne Arlene Dunston Andrew Durst Eric & Regina Dusenbury George & Betty Dwyer Cindy & Donald Dyer Delores Dysart Donna Earle Adrian & Shantell Ebacher Christine Eberhardt Kathryn Eberhardt Robin & Robert Eckert Pamela Edwards Mary Ehlers Carol & William Eibner Shirley Eidswick William & Ethel Eissler Audrey Eldridge Gary Elkinton Kathy Ellena David P Elliot Sidney & Monica Elliot Catherine Ellis Dave Ellis Ronald & Nancy Enger Gordon Enns Alberto & Sara Enriquez Steve Erb Birgitta Ericsson Eva Ericsson Virginia & David Erion Alan & Myra Erwin William & Maureen Esser David Glen & Kathy Esslinger Armstead & Mary Evans Michael & Carolyn Evans Janet Evensizer James & Sharon Everson Madelaine Fabris Dennis & Beverly Fadling Judith Faulkner Chester & Deanne Faurholt Thomas Fealy Jeni Feinberg Christine Feldman Carmen & Harvey Fendelman Kathleen Fennell Stephen Fenwick Stephen Fenwick John & Jacqueline Ferch Debra D Ferguson Larry W Ferguson Diane Feskens Elaine Fielder Echo Fields Michael & Carol Fischer Anita Fitch Clint & Lola Fjarli George & Arlene Fletcher Mary & Ken Fletcher Eethel Flock Jack & Lorraine Florey Nancy & Tom Flowers Norman & Karen Foeller Kathleen Foley Rita Fossen Cheryl Foster Karen & Stuart Foster Richard Foster Ruth Foster Terry & Helen Foster Kathryn & Bill Fowler Kathy Fowler Michelle Fowler Robert & Elizabeth Fowler William Foy Chick Francis Mary Francis Charlotte Franklin Deanna Fraughton Tyler Freed Joann Freeland Cheryl French Lana Freudenthaler Richard & Wendy Frey Annette Fried Larry & Carolyn Friend Steven Frost Larry & Marianne Fuller Annaruthe Gabrielle Phil Gahr Kelly Gail Jeff & Christina Galante Gail Gallaher Lynn Garbert Mayra Garcia Devan Garlock William Garner Laura Garrett Joseph Garside Gail Gasso Harry & Dorothy Geil Margaret Gelatt Phillip & Linda George Ruth & Thomas Gerety Timothy & Cathy Gerking Cathy Gerlitz Martha Germer Corrine Gibson Judy Gifford Clayton & Connie Gillette Thomas & Diana Gilley John Glaser Hayden & Mary Glatte Kay & Mark Goeres Robert & Frieda Golding Pamela & Milt Goldman Dennis Goldstein Dale & Claudia Gooding Patricia Gordon Irene Gorham R E & Velma Gould Judith Gourley Amelia Govea Jesse Grabowski Linda Grafton Donnie Graham Gary & Georgianna Graham Mercedes Graham Roberta Graham Maria Grahn Brenda Grant Brian Graunke Ellen Gray Grace & Gerald Green Linda Green Marcy Greene Dan Gregory Carla Griffin Dee & Susan Griffiths Garl & Winifrid Grigsby Jennifer Grinde Deb Groskreutz Stanley & Marlene Grout Maie Grynick Richard Guches Jana Gunn Bryan & Emmerentia Guthrie Renate & Richard Gyuro William A & Melanie Haden Warren & Sarah Cornett Hagen Ronald & Michael Hale Linda Hall Mark & Brenda Hall Pamela Parks Hall Elizabeth Hallett David & Colette Hamann Tamara Hamann Dee Hamilton S Genita Hamilton Carol Hamlin Mary & Tom Hanenburg Elizabeth J Hanlin Christy Hannaford Edward & Susan Hanscom Lee Hansen Lynda Hansen Mary Hansen Susan Hansen Amy Hanson Jane Hanson John Hanson Jesse Hanwit Kacy Harding Nancy Hargrave Robert & Jan Harrie Linda Harris Marla Harris Richard Harris Shona Harris Wayne & Susan Harris Robert & Carolyn Harrison John & Merry Hart Jaime Hartt Cate Hartzell Jean Harwood Don & Elizabeth Peterson Haslett Neva L Hastings Clarence & Phillis Haugen Roger Haught Travis & Bethany Hawes Lloyd Hayes James Hays Barbara Heckman Daniel & Meridel Hedges Dick & Mary Heimann Beth & Marc Heller Jesse Heller Robert Hemus Michael & Mary Lou Henderson Ralph Hendrickson Leah Henigson Evelyn Hennion Lyn Hennion Patrick & Lori Henriksen Anthony Herman Maryen Herrett Charlotte & Mike Hersh Thomas & Mary Lou Heumann Jerre & Barbara Hewitt Jennifer & Jason Hickingbottom Starlyn I Hicks Carol Higgins John Higley Jerry Hilger Jerry & Jo Ann Hilger Karin Hilger David & Heather Hill Dennis & Christine Hill Lincoln Hillman Michael Hines Charles & Patricia Hinks Cheryle Hite Chris Hjerrild Michelle Hobbs Todd Hobbs Polly Hodges Eric & Laura Hodnett Aaron Hoefling Seth & Kathleen Hofstetter Jacquelynn Holbrook Mary & Elroy Holbrook Bruce Holmes Monty & Carol Holst George & Karlene Holt Heather Holt Mary Holt Doug & Jeanine Holtby Patricia Holtz Ron & Carole Holzkamp Audrey Homler Scott Honeywell Susanna Hood Joseph Hoppe Robert & Mary Horton Joan House Steve & Kris Howard William & Margit Howell Carrie Lee Hoxmeier Rae Hudspeth Katherine Huffman Harvey & Marie Hukkanen Judy Humphrey Frank Hungate Ralph & Margaret Hunkins George Hunt William & Nancy Hunt Robert & Katherine Hunter Roberta L Hupp James Hutchins Leslie Hutsell David Hyatt R.B. Hynes Lester & Louise Ingber Ed Istel Sarah Ivey Peter & June Jack Mary Ellen Jackson Paul Jacob Janet Jacobs Carl & Joan Jacobson Roberta Jaffe Peggy Jahnke Jim & MaryLue Jeffrey Alvin & Patsy Jenkins Peter & Marie Jensen Randy Jewell Jim Shames Heidi Parker Charles & Janice Johnson Cheryl Johnson cash and in-kind donations received between january 1, 2010 - may 31, 2010. *Oregon Community Foundation administrated. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. donor list, continued Christopher Johnson Gail Johnson Gunnar A & Mary Ann Johnson Leigh & Nancy Johnson Theresa Johnston Herman & Nancy Joling David & Michele Jones Jeffrey & Shari Jones Mary Ann Jones Mary J Jones Roxanna Jones Richard Joseph Gloria Juhnke Robert Julian Louis & Josefina Junghans Robert Kaczor Duane & Ruth Kain Shelley Kaldunski Harry & Shirley Kannasto Phyllis Kappeler Jeffrey Kapple Mary & Joseph Karcich Mark & Faith Kashishian Warren & Dorothy Kathary Melissa Katsikis David & Cathleen Katz Thelma Kayser Richard Keck David & Mary Keiser Barbara Kelberlau Kingsley & Diana Kelley Richard Kelley Lynn & Daniel Kellogg Willard & Florence Kemp Floyd & Janie Kenaston Marva Kentner John & Mary Keyser Jerry Kilby Katie Kincaid Michael Hughes Carole Anne King Dianne King Earl & Victoria King Carolyn & Bob Kingsnorth Jeffrey Kinsella M M & Flora Kinyon Joan P Kirkpatrick Curtis & Susan Kline Richard Knights Curtis & Angela Knips Thomas & Patricia Knox Don & Natalie Knudsen Greg & Patricia Knudson RM & KA Knutson Carl & Myra Koell Ray & Ann Koistinen Robert & Edna Kokanour Barbara Kontur Debra Koutnik Jean Kraft Darlene Krake Susanne Krieg Richard Kuehl Iris & Eugene Kulesza James Kuntz Wie-peng Kuo Candace Lacy Betty LaDuke Tami & A Nick Lallo Robert & Dorothy Lammert Susan Landfield Thomas & Marcy Landis Jeff Lang Janet Langley Lois Langlois Olive Lansburgh Donavon & Shirley Larson Robert & Joan Larson Susan Larson Mary Lasley Vicki & Thomas Lavagnino John Laybourne Kristine Layman Walter & Winnifred Laymance Erma J. & Gordon L. Layton Erica & Herman Le Bleu Nora & Alan Ledoux Haydn & Cora Lee Jennifer Lee Johnnie Lee William & Nancy Leever Cathy Lehma Sandra Leigh George Lescher Deborah Levy Susan Lichtenwalner Bill & Janet Ligon John & Janice Limb Wesley Lincoln Bradford Lind Larry & Judy Linderman Sally Lindsay Dale & Judy Lininger Ronald Little Loretta Livaudais-Mayes Mitzi Loftus Marla & Kermit Lohr-Flanders Porter & Corinne Lombard Brian Long Carolyn Loos Donald Lori Ida Loring Laura & Kurt Lotspeich Caroline Lowry Diane Loyd Andrea Lucas Gary & Rose Lucas Christopher & Vera Lucey Judy Luker Mildred Lundgren Jay & Carol Lunt Vicki Lupton Georgianna Lynn Sheila Lyon Tim Lyon Gwendoline Lyons Jean Maack John & Therese MacGregor Dan Mackay Cynthia Maclaren Gerald & Sandra MacLeod Dick & Barbara MacMillen Shirley Maddox Erika Madsen Barbara Magee Cirilina Magpantay Leila Mahurin Joan Majeski Alex & Lillian Maksymowicz Raymond & June Malahy Katrina Mallams Sharon Malley Frank & Barbara Mania Patrick Manion James & Kelly Mannenbach Kathleen Manus Loretta Livaudais Mapes Margaret Mapes Daniel & Shereen Marshall Christina Marsilia Douglas Martin Myra Martin Janice Marvin Arne & Barbara Mason Douglas Mason George & Barbara Massey Richard & Mary Mastain Bruce & Alice Matheny Margery & David Mathewson William Matthews Paul & Kathleen Lynne Mattson Toni Mawhirter Jo Ann May Donna Maybee Grace Mayer Roland Mayer Richard & Sharon Mazza Elaine Mc Bennett Selma McAlaster Russ & Janice McBride Ann & Susan Kiefer McCaughan Sharon McChrystal Pamela McCleery Michael Smith & Karen McClintock Amy Mccoy Debbie McCuin Judy McCulloch Mary & Dan McCulloch Mike McDermott Jim McDonald Jim McDonald Steve & Betsy McDonald Beverly McDougall Olan & Sharron McFarland Edwin McGahn Margaret McGeary Daniel McGoldrick Frances McGovern Douglas & Kathleen McKee Kathy McKiernan Russell & Nancy McKinley Glenn McKinney Jackie McKinney John & Joy McLaughlin Angela & Brian McLemore Don & Donna McNair Robert Devoe & Carol McNair Dennis Mcnamara Brian & Christie McQuade Pat McSpadden Myrna Meeds William & Rose Meisburger Chris & Michael Melton Jose & Mayra Mena James & Sue Mencum Monte & Susan Mendenhall Nancy Mendenhall Paula Mendoza Emmy Lou Merriman Todd & Nancy Merriman Theresa Mershon Linda Messal Penny Metropulos Darrell Meyer Joan Meyer Lia Meyr Donald & Lee Michalak CarolAnn Mickey Terry Middleton Mara & Nikos Mikalis Victor Milhoan Cathy & Bruce Millbank Susan Millbank Carl A. Miller Debbie & Terry Miller Edward & Jan Miller Emily Miller Gary & Barbara Miller Karen-Lynn Miller Michael & Barbara Miller Sue Miller Barbara & Tim Milton Rick & Judy Minear Mickie Miner Irvin Minten John Mitchell Jeffrey Mix Dale Mlasko Ronald & Jorene Modrell Gerald Molinaro Anthony Molle Sandra Molzen Donald & Traute Moore Harlan & Donna Moore Marvin & Suzanne Moore Warren H Moore Field Morey Matthew & Carla Morey Edward Morgan Michael & Jean Morgan G Brett & Diane Morris Robert & Beverly Morris Preston & Hindeynina Moser Celia Moss Christine Mott Stephanie Moyer George & Marilyn Mozingo Ted Mularz Robert Mullin Lee & Diana Murdoch Joseph & Debbie Murphy Yolanda Murphy Gail Myers Marjorie Myers Regina Nakamura Michael & Susan Naumes Terry Nelsen Karla Nelson Kip Nelson Marianne Nelson Paula Nelson Robert Nelson Mike Neuenschwander Yvonne Neuenschwander Douglass & Rebecca Neuman Susan & Pablo Neusch Daniel & Caroline Spear Newberry Dave & Ginny Newell Kate Newgard Bettie Newland Gary & Diana Newland Renee Newman Ruth Newman Beverly Newton Richard D & Tresa A Nichols Theodore & Volandta Nick Paul Niedermeyer D. Nielson Michael & Kim Nietopski Shirley Niikura-George Thomas Nixon John & Dianne Norris Krista & Kent Norton Myrna Nowers Victoria Nuss Dicki Nuttall Lelia Nyberg Michael & Sara O’Brien Harold O’Connors Hank & Karen O’Dougherty Elizabeth Ogden Richard Erik Oline Traci & Jeffrey Olson Sherm & Wanda Olsrud Gary & Kathleen O’Neal Julie Ormand Shannon Orozco Ken & Barbara Orsow Katie O’Shea John & Colleen Osolkowski William M Ostrander Authur & Donna Outler Ingrid Overlock Doug & Tara Owen John & Perii Hauschild Owen Beverly Ownby Brian S Page Jim Pagnini Alan & Dorothy Palamara Douglas Palko Jeff & Kim Palmer Michael & Cheryl Paradis John Parent Jack & Betty Parker Janna Parra Jackie Parrish Judson Parsons Noel & Joni Parsons Thomas Paterson Andrea Patterson Laura Patterson Cecelia Patti Darrell & Joyce Paxson Melvyn & Diane Peat Selma Peck Charles L Peckerman Joan Peek Regula & Peter Pepi Linda Perez Michael & Nadine Petel David & Kathy Peterson Doris Peterson Lesley & Brian Peterson Raimond & Elizabeth Peterson Reider Peterson Lois Pettinger Sherry Pfaff Doug & Molly Philips Jeff & Pam Philips Paula Phillips Douglas & Ruth Pickell Les & Cynthia Pickering Judy Pitts Francis & Gail Plowman Samuel & Jere Plumer Jennifer Poe Alice Mae Poirier John & Marcia Polacek Claudia Poletto Warren & Ruby Poling June & Anne Pollack Patricia M Popow Daniel & Margaret Portrait cash and in-kind donations received between january 1, 2010 - may 31, 2010. 10 *Oregon Community Foundation administrated. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. donor list, continued Phil Potter Charlotte Poulos Louis & Kareen Powell Sharon Powell Elizabeth Powers Carrie Prechtel Patricia & John Preston Judy Primasing Perry Prince Robert & Diane Probert June Pucci Margie D Puckett Donovan Puffer Adam & Patricia Pulsipher Sharrol Pyle Ronald & Mary Quackenbush Angela Quintero Pat Rabjohn Connie Ralph James & Jessie Randall Richard & Jayne A. Randleman Charles & Kathryn Ransdell Valerie Rasmusson Wendy Ray Geri Read Scott & Tami Reed Sabrina Reich Gary Reid William Reilly Norman & Candy Renner Melvin & Nancy Rennick Steven & Patricia Rennick John Renz Kathryn Reppond Jennifer Rettman Sonia Revitt Roberta Reyes Don & Phyllis Reynolds June Rich Jack Richard Lori Richardson Will Richardson James & Doris Rickards De Rider Nicholas Rigirozzi John Rinaldi Jeff Roberts Kathy Roberts Marie Roberts Steven & Gretchen Roberts Terry Roberts James Robertson Judith & James Robinson Michael & Cynthia Robinson Pamela Robinson Richard & Patricia Rodermund Stephen Roe Pamela Roessler Chellis Rogers Susan & Wayne Rolle Kelly Romero Betty Root Dianne Root Terrill Roper Judith & Donald Rosen Gary & Shauna Rosendaul Juanita Rosene Judy Rosenzweig Stephen & Barbara Ross Joan Roth Bonnie & Dean Rott Gilbert Rounds Sherry Rowberry Paul & Kathleen Rowland Keith & Vonda Rowling Susan Rust Barbara Sackett Stephen Sacks Samantha & Mark Sager Milo Salgado Robert Salladay Winter & Sally Salsig Ken & Marilyn Salter Mary Jenny Saltmarsh Dorothy & Carl Sandberg Amy Sander Lisa & Eric Sandrock Howard & Elaine Sands Jocelyn O’Neill & Daniel Sarr Susan Sauerwald Rochelle Savitt Susan Scarborough Jacqueline Schad Bryan Frink & Diane Schaffer Ronald Scharback Agnes Schares Dolores & Robert Scheelen Richard & Kay Schefers Jerry & Mary Scheffler Cynthia Scherr Robert & Eleanor Schlapfer, Sr. Herman & Sylvia Ann Schmeling Barry & Beverly Schneider Karen Schoessow Catherine Scholz John & Eleanor Scholz Nathan Schreiner Paul Schroeder Karen Schroeter Barbara Schuerman Sharon Thorpe & Maydene Schwietert Lee or Kristi & Kimberly Seater Victor Seeberger Jean Seibert George Sendelbach Thomas & Catherine Serpa James & Janice Servoss R L & C J Seus Carolyn Shaffer Jack & Carole Shaffer Arnold Shanti Steve & Andrea Shapiro Georgia Sharron Betty & Richard Shave Don Shaw Robert & Darlene Sheets Tom Sheets Dominique Shelton Derek & Christina Shetterly Thomas Shope Robert & Florence Shores Billy & Marjorie A Showalter Dorothy Shugart Loretta & Arnold Sias Jennifer Sieg Karina Silva Christine Sinclair Margaret Sjogren Lynn & Doris Sjolund Phyllis Skinner Don & Sharon Skundrick Anne Sky Kathryn Slyt Norman & Helen Smedes Betty Smith Charles & Claudia Smith Dennis & Dorothy Smith John & Bertha Smith Karen Smith Kathryn Smith Kay Smith Mario D Smith Nancy & Frederick Smith Vicki L & Dan Smith Corren & Ronna Smith-Hileman Gary & Pamela Snow Harriet & Dennis Snyder Herbert Sockman Stan & Kristi Solmanson Steven Sorensen Barbara Sorich Jorge & Sandra Sotelo Janice Sousa Shirley South Katherine & Roger Sperle Karen & Robert Staal Donnetta & Douglas Staples Kim Stearns Sherri Steele David Steinfeld Ronald & Wanda Stelle Keith & Amy Steva Cynthia & James Sharp Stevens Douglas Stewart Jeanette A Stewart Dick Stieber Roxie Stimson Sidney Stitt Lucille Stockton Patricia Stoddard R W Stokes James & Chris Stough Sam & Norma Stovall Melanie & Ronald Stranahan Sam & Jacquelyn Street Janet Stringer Bonnie & Randall Stroh Stanley Stromberg Robert & Phyllis Strosser Wayne Struble Jim & LaVonne Stumbo Elizabeth Sturgill Shannon Stuver James & Gwynn Sullivan John & Linda Sullivan Patrick & Beverly Sullivan Janet Sutherlin Don & Marilyn Sweet Robert & Dale Sylva Jeanette Tate Wilda Taucher Barbara Taylor Geraldine Taylor Janet Taylor Darrell Teel Roger Tell Clinton & Gaynell Tempel Keith & Betty Templeman Creed Terry John & Nancy Thiebes Buzz & Shari Thielemann Karen Thielges Lynn & Sandra Thirtyacre Daniel & Julie Thomas Joline Thomas Julie Thomas Rex & Patricia Thomas Jeffrey & Carrie Thompson Jeffrey & Maggie Thompson Marcella Thompson Thomas & Stephanie Thomson Gary & Janet Thorley Bill Thorndike Walter & Cecilia Thorp James Throne Orpha & Donald Thumler Richard & Dixie Tibbets Todd & Cleo Tibbutt Julie M Tiffany Paul & Janis Tipton Sandra Tipton Donald Todd Frances Tolson Ronald & Pamela Torrey Malcolm Towns Valeska Townsend Debbie Trautman Dana & Maureen Travers Constance Travesi Helen Trew Dwight & Donna Tribelhorn Peter & Cathy Tronquet Julia Tucker William & Shirley Turner Pamela Turnipseed Tom Tynan Judy Uherbelau Michael & Rhonda Updike Tom & Anne Upton Barbara Ure Edgar & Ingeborg Utesch Gretchen Vaatveit Chad Valiquette Larry Van Ausdall Linda Van Fossen Maura Van Heuit Darcy Van Vuren Randy Vandeberg Darci Vanduzer James & Jane Verdieck Emilie Vest William & Carla Vidaurri Karine Cabrielle & Dale Vidmar Natasha Vilas Claudio Villa Gomez William Smith & Carol Vincent Dina & Roy Vinyard Lu Vobora Joseph & Kristi Vollmar Janet Angeles & Ronald Von Tauffkirchen Michael & Rebecca Vose Michelle Wachter Teddi Wade Diana & Karen Barton Wadsworth Katrina Wagner Marilyn Waldeck Charles & Jean Walker Jack & Andrea Walker Karen L Walker Lois Walker Roselle Walker Aileen Walsh Cheri A & C Lee Clark Jr Walsh Warren Walsh Harry & Terry Walters Claude & Mary Ward J Allen Wardleigh Marjie Warner John & Barbara Wasson Sandra Watkins Libby Watson Matthew & Jennifer Watson Stacy & Ramana Waymire Sharon Weagel Kenneth Wearstler Shawn & Lori Weatherford Alice Weaver Margaret Webster Darrell & Marlys Weinman Faye Weisler Kristi Welburn Dana & Jodi Wells Gladys Wells Karl & Kelly Wells Nancy Wempen Dale Wessels Jenelyn Wessler Roland Westgate Pamela & Lance Westland Stephen Wetmore Colin & E. A. White Frank & Joan White Jerome & Elizabeth Ellingson White Raymond White Neil & Marion Whiteford Gerald & Dixie Wicks Ken & Karin Wicks Roberta Wilda Philip & Connie Wilkes Henry Williams Kenneth & Betty Williams Terry Williams William & Brenda Williams Betty Wilson Cathy & Steve Wilson Harry & Kathryn Wilson Mel & Viva Winkelman Clifford Winkler Chris & Susan Winney Carol Wirt Don Witt Brian Witter Chloe Wood Nancy Woods Carl & Liz Worden William & Shirley Worthington Michael & Nannette Wrede Richard & Beth Wright Bryan Wu Jason & Kimberly Yaeger William Yarbenet Arthur & Diane Loye Yarrish Herm & Carole Yates Patricia Yeager Janet Yost Leonard & Rudy Yost Rudy & Leonard Yost Shirley Yost Steve L Young Alberta Zajack Amelia Zarosinski Lee Ann & Robert Zeulner Xing Chang Zhn Helenann & Zeke Ziegler Warren & Nancy Zitzner Judith Zoll Harriet & Orville Zollman Leo Zupan cash and in-kind donations received between january 1, 2010 - may 31, 2010. *Oregon Community Foundation administrated. If we failed to list your name, or if we have listed it incorrectly, please accept our apologies and let us know so we can correct our records. 11 NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID MEDFORD, OREGON PERMIT NO 226 Helping People Help Themselves 3630 Aviation Way, P. O. Box 4666 Medford, OR 97501 MANY THANKS TO OUR GOLD SPONSORS OF THIS YEAR’S ACCESS GOLF TOURNAMENT: ACCESS UPCOMING EVENTS June 19: ABC’s of Homebuying Class June 25: Project Homeless Connect online calendar Saturday, June 19th at the Rogue Community College, Table Rock Campus, White City, $35 fee for two people. Contact RCC at 541-245-7616 to register. (ACCESS Inc. is a Title Sponsor) Friday, June 25th at the Medford Armory, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. For more information call Ed at 541-774-4330. June 28: ACCESS Golf Tournament July 24: ABC’s of Homebuying Class access golf tournament Monday, June 28th at the Rogue Valley Country Club. For more information call Logan at 541-774-4312. Saturday, July 24th at the Rogue Community College, Grants Pass Campus, Grants Pass, $35 fee for two people. Contact RCC at 541-245-7616 to register. Kick-off event for Mayors United august 2: Monday, August 2nd at the Olsrud Nutrition Center, ACCESS Inc. Jackson Co. Mayors and Wells Fargo, title sponsor, will officially kick off Mayors United. For more information call Logan at 541-774-4312. www.access-inc.org sept. 12: title sponsor of the 7th annual platinum sponsor Mayors United Sunday, September 12th, 4 until 7 p.m. Mayors United Crescendo Event with dancing and tapas at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. For more information call Logan at 541-774-4312. FIGHTING POVERTY AND HUNGER IN JACKSON COUNTY SINCE 1976
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