Solicitation RFI 060-C005923-LQ Live/Scan


Solicitation RFI 060-C005923-LQ Live/Scan
County of Orange
Bid RFI 060-C005923-LQ
Solicitation RFI 060-C005923-LQ
Live/Scan Biometric Capture Stations
Bid Designation: Public
County of Orange
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Bid RFI 060-C005923-LQ
Bid RFI 060-C005923-LQ
Live/Scan Biometric Capture Stations
Bid Number RFI 060-C005923-LQ
Bid Title Live/Scan Biometric Capture Stations
Bid Start Date
Jul 16, 2015 11:19:44 AM PDT
Bid End Date
Aug 17, 2015 4:00:00 PM PDT
Question & Answer
End Date
Aug 17, 2015 4:00:00 PM PDT
Bid Contact Lorena Quirarte
[email protected]
Standard Disclaimer The County of Orange is not responsible for and accepts no liability for any technical difficulties or failures
that result from conducting business electronically.
Addendum # 1
New Documents Appendix 1.pdf
Appendix 2.pdf
The County of Orange is requesting information for Live/Scan Biometric Capture Stations. 6
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RFI NO 060-C005923-LQ
Date of Issuance: July 16, 2015
Responses Due:
August 17, 2015
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Sheriff’s Department
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Live Scan/Biometric Capture
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RFI –060-C005923-LQ for
Live Scan/Biometric Capture Stations
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... - 3 -
ANTICIPATED SCHEDULE ....................................................................................... - 3 -
CONTACT INFORMATION ....................................................................................... - 3 -
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................... - 3 -
DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................ - 4 -
ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................... - 4 -
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... - 4 -
RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... - 5 -
QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................................................ - 5 -
APPENDIX 1 - Scope of Work, Orange County Live Scan/Biometric Capture Stations - 7 APPENDIX 2 - Guidelines for RCMP Fingerprint Image Quality Certification v1.4 ..... - 8 -
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The County of Orange, Sheriff-Coroner Department (OCSD) is seeking information and
feedback from vendors that provide portable and fixed live scan stations that capture multiple
biometrics and associated data, for the primary purposes of search and enrollment. The
responses and feedback to this Request for Information (RFI) will be used to assist the
County in improving clarity, accuracy, appropriateness, and reasonableness of the draft
documents that may form the core of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain live scan
Note: This is not a solicitation for Mobile ID.
July 16, 2015
August 17, 2015
Distribution of RFI packages
RFI closing date - responses due by 4:00 pm. PDT.
NOTICE: These dates represent a tentative RFI Time Line. The County reserves the right
to modify these dates at any time.
For any questions regarding the content of this RFI, responders may send their questions via
email to the single point of contact for this RFI: Lorena Quirarte [email protected]
 The County shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by responders in the
preparation or submission of information. The County shall not, in any event, be
liable for any expenses incurred by any responder prior to the date of award and
execution, if any, of a Contract. Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses
incurred by the bidder in: a) Preparing its response to this RFI; b) Submitting that RFI
to the County; c) Discussions with the County in any matter related to the RFI; and d)
any other expenses incurred by the responder prior to the date of award and execution,
if any, of a Contract.
 All responses received may be public record after opening. Responses are not to be
marked as confidential or proprietary. Responses submitted in response to the RFI
may be subject to public disclosure. Additionally, all responses shall become the
property of the County. The County reserves the right to make use of any information
or ideas in the responses submitted.
 The County encourages respondents to provide a price estimate for the solution. Pricing
should be inclusive of all services referenced in the Questionnaire and as described in the
attached Scope of Work.
 All Respondents understand and agree that the County is not obligated to thereby include
any Respondent in any future solicitation process by distributing an RFI to them, nor is
the County obligated to contract with any Respondent.
 The responder agrees that it will not issue any news releases in connection with either the
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RFI or any subsequent amendment of or effort under this RFI without first obtaining
review and written approval of said news releases from the County through the County’s
project manager.
While the County appreciates the time and effort that goes into the responses, it should be
understood that the sole purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather
information. There will not be an evaluation or scoring of the materials submitted. All
information received in response to this RFI will not be returned. No award will be made
based on the results of this process. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses
associated with responding to this RFI. Any procurement by the County will be the subject
of a separate solicitation process and subject to budget approval.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) is headquartered in Santa Ana, California.
With about 3,600 employees, OCSD serves 12 contract cities and the unincorporated areas of
Orange County. This includes about 700,000 residents in 350 square miles.
The Orange County Crime Laboratory (OCCL) is a Division of the Orange County Sheriff’s
Department and is also located in Santa Ana. The Cal-ID Bureau of the Crime Lab serves 26
Orange County police agencies and the county’s 3.1 million residents by maintaining the
local criminal fingerprint database and criminal live scan fleet. Cal-ID has been maintaining
the current criminal live scan devices for 9 years. There are forty-two (42) Identix
3800XCH-HDs located in twenty-six (26) custody facilities and administrative areas of
police departments, the Sheriff’s Department, Juvenile Hall, and the Probation Department.
Fingerprints and palmprints are being captured for the following services:
 Criminal Bookings in custody facilities
 Court Ordered Bookings at Sheriff’s Public Counter
 Court Ordered Criminal Registrations in both custody and public facing police and
Sheriff’s facilities
 Applicant submissions as part of employment criminal records checks
 Identification Only transactions in both custody and public facing police and Sheriff’s
The Orange County Remote Access Network (RAN) Board has decided to replace the
County’s aging fleet of live scans with multi-biometric capture stations that can collect
fingerprints; palmprints; mug photos; scar, mark & tattoo photos; and iris images and
transmit that information as NIST standard transactions to the county’s Automated Biometric
Identification System (ABI System), a MorphoTrak MorphoBIS, for forwarding to the
California Department of Justice (Cal-DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The ABI System performs fingerprint and
palmprint matching. Facial matching and iris matching are planned future capabilities.
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The new services to be offered by the replacement systems include:
 Capture of mug photos, send to local ABI System and copy to agency specified mug
photo system(s)
 Capture of Scar, mark, and tattoo photos, send to local ABI System
 Capture of iris images and send to local ABI System
 Cal-DOJ Option II DNA collection, integration with local ABI System
 Rapid DNA collection at booking (Future capability within 1-3 years)
It is the intention of the County is to replace the existing forty-two fixed location live scan
devices and add table top or portable devices to offer the following new services:
 Submission of Deceased Type of Transaction (TOT) from Coroner Division
 Submission of Criminal bookings in the field (Mobile Booking)
 Tactical Identification (e.g. pre-booking ID, ID verification at release)
Responders shall submit responses to the Questionnaire. RFI responses should be submitted
as a PDF or MS Word email attachment sent to Lorena Quirarte [email protected] with
subject line Live Scan/Biometric Capture Stations. Respondent should identify the title of
the Response, date of Response, name of Respondent, address, telephone number, fax
number, E-mail address and name of primary contact. FAX (facsimile) responses are not
Considering the Overview given above, Responders shall submit responses to the following
questionnaire. It is anticipated that responders will answer each question as completely and
concisely as possible.
Company Information:
1. Company Name and Headquarters Mailing Address.
2. Company Website URL.
3. Contact Name, telephone, email.
4. Location of Customer Support Staff for an Orange County, CA. customer.
5. How long has the company been in business in its current form?
6. How long has this company been selling live scan/biometric capture solutions?
7. Does company conduct in-house or third party implementation?
8. Please provide any product demo CDs/related brochures/literature.
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System Information:
1. Please provide feedback on the content of the Scope of Work (Appendix 1) and
suggest a schedule for development and deployment.
2. Orange County is interested in learning about how live scan designs meet strict
quality requirements and specifically reduce or eliminate the problems
highlighted in the Guidelines for RCMP Fingerprint Image Quality Certification
v1.4 (Appendix 2), please comment.
3. Orange County is considering a future implementation of Rapid DNA at booking.
Please provide a concept of operation for integrating this new technology into the
booking process.
4. What operating system (platform) and databases is your solution based on?
5. List interfaces your company has implemented with existing systems, such as
mobile platforms, Jail/Law enforcement systems, imaging systems.
6. How are workflow processes established within the system? How are they
7. Describe the flexibility available for customers to customize or produce ad-hoc
Current Customers:
1. How many government/law enforcement agencies currently use your live
scan/biometric capture solution(s)? How many users are there at these agencies
that are similar in size?
2. List the names and contacts for agencies using your solution(s) that most closely
match the size and scope of this project.
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APPENDIX 1 – Scope of Work, Orange County Live Scan/Biometric Capture Stations
RFI Live Scan SOW
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APPENDIX 2 – Guidelines for RCMP Fingerprint Image Quality Certification v1.4
Scanner Block
Certification Specifications _ Final_2.pdf
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Scope of Work
Orange County Live Scan/Biometric Capture
Orange County Sheriff-Coroner
Crime Laboratory Division, Cal-ID Bureau
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Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ................................................................................................................................... 1
Payment Milestones ..................................................................................................................... 2
Applicable Documents .......................................................................................................................... 2
Reference Documents................................................................................................................... 3
Project Management ............................................................................................................................ 3
Project Organization ..................................................................................................................... 3
Project Planning ............................................................................................................................ 4
Project Management Plan ........................................................................................................ 4
Integrated Master Schedule ...................................................................................................... 4
Project Reporting and Reviews ..................................................................................................... 5
Security ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Configuration Management.......................................................................................................... 6
Quality Assurance ......................................................................................................................... 6
Implementation, Delivery, and Acceptance.......................................................................................... 7
Implementation ............................................................................................................................ 7
Delivery ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Acceptance .................................................................................................................................... 7
Factory Acceptance Test ........................................................................................................... 8
System Acceptance Test ............................................................................................................ 8
User Acceptance Test ................................................................................................................ 9
Transition .............................................................................................................................................. 9
System Design ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Requirements Review ................................................................................................................. 10
Functional and Technical Requirements ..................................................................................... 10
General Requirements ............................................................................................................ 11
Finger and Palm Capture......................................................................................................... 14
Mug Photo/ Scars, Marks and Tattoo Capture ....................................................................... 15
Iris Capture .............................................................................................................................. 15
Performance Requirements ........................................................................................................ 15
Interface Requirements .............................................................................................................. 16
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Network and Environment Requirements .................................................................................. 16
Sustainment ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Preventative Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................... 17
Training ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A – List of Deliverables................................................................................................................ 20
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Scope of Work
1. Introduction
1.1. Scope
This Scope of Work (SOW) defines the work to be performed by the Contractor responsible for the
development, deployment and sustainment of a new Orange County criminal live scan fleet. For this
project, the Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all personnel, facilities, equipment, material,
supplies, support, and management and shall perform all functions necessary to design, develop,
document, integrate, test, and deploy all live scan devices as set forth in this SOW.
1.2. Background
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) is headquartered in Santa Ana, CA. With about 3,600
employees, OCSD serves 12 contract cities and the unincorporated areas of Orange County. This
includes about 700,000 residents in 350 square miles.
The Orange County Crime Laboratory (OCCL) is a Division of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department
and is also located in Santa Ana. The Cal-ID Bureau of the Crime Lab serves all Orange County police
agencies and residents by maintaining the county’s local criminal fingerprint databse and criminal live
scan fleet. Cal-ID has been maintaining the current criminal live scan devices for 9 years. There are
forty-two (42) Identix 3800XCH-HDs located in twenty-six (26) custody facilities and administrative areas
of police departments, the Sheriff’s Department, Juvenile Hall, and the Probation Department within
Orange County. Fingerprints and palmprints are being captured for the following services:
Criminal Bookings in custody facilities
Court Ordered Bookings at Sheriff’s Public Counter
Court Ordered Criminal Registrations in both custody and public facing police and Sheriff’s
Applicant submissions as part of employment criminal records checks
Identification Only transactions in both custody and public facing police and Sheriff’s facilities
The Orange County Remote Access Network (RAN) Board has decided to replace the county’s aging fleet
of live scans with multi-biometric capture stations that can collect fingerprints; palmprints; mug photos;
scar, mark & tattoo photos; and iris images and transmit that information as NIST standard transactions
to the county’s Automated Biometric Identification System (ABI System), a MorphoTrak MorphoBIS, for
forwarding to the California Department of Justice (Cal-DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The ABI System performs fingerprint and palmprint
matching. Facial matching and iris matching are planned future capabilities.
The new services to be offered by the replacement systems include:
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Capture of mug photos, send to local ABI System and copy to agency specified mug photo
Capture of Scar, mark, and tattoo photos, send to local ABI System
Capture of iris images and send to local ABI System
Cal-DOJ Option II DNA collection, integration with local ABI System
Rapid DNA collection at booking (Future capability within 1-3 years)
It is the intention of the County to replace the existing forty-two fixed location live scan devices and add
table top or portable devices to offer the following new services:
Submission of Deceased Type of Transaction (TOT) from Coroner Division
Submission of Criminal bookings in the field (Mobile Booking)
Tactical Identification (e.g. pre-booking ID, ID verification at release)
1.3. Payment Milestones
Orange County Sheriff’s Department (OCSD) has identified three (3) Payment Milestones for the
Development and Deployment phases of the project. Upon successful completion of Milestone 1, the
Contractor will be paid 10 percent of the Development and Deployment price. Upon successful
completion of Milestone 2, the Contractor will be paid 15 percent of the Development and Deployment
price. Upon successful completion of Milestone 3, the Contractor will be paid the remaining
Development and Deployment price. Successful completion of a Payment Milestone requires
acceptance by the OCCL of all Contract deliverables associated with the milestone review and
deliverables that are due at any time prior to that review. The Payment Milestones are defined as
1. Payment Milestone 1 – Successful completion of the System Design Review (SDR).
2. Payment Milestone 2 – Successful Completion of the Pre-Ship Review (PSR).
3. Payment Milestone 3 – Successful Completion of the System Acceptance Review (SAR)
OCSD anticipates a warranty period to begin after System Acceptance Review and a sustainment phase
to begin after the warranty period. All sustainment terms, conditions, and pricing shall be included in
this Contract. At the end of this Contract term, OCSD expects to renew the Contract limiting the scope
to the appropriate terms of a Sustainment phase (e.g. performance requirements, sustainment terms).
2. Applicable Documents
The Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth in the current applicable local, state, and
federal specifications for biometric transmissions. Throughout this effort, the Contractor or the OCCL
may propose following newer standards and their associated data items that replace or supersede those
below. To substitute newer standards and their associated data items the Contractor shall: 1) identify
existing standards and data items to be replaced; 2) identify new standards and associated data items
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proposed for use; 3) provide a rationale for using the new items including cost, schedule, performance,
and supportability impact; and 4) receive OCCL approval.
2.1. Reference Documents
California DOJ Live Scan Data Submission Requirements:
o LS-1-Table of Contents
o LS-2-Introduction
o LS-3-General Information
o LS-4-Logical Data Record
o LS-5-Part1 FP Cards
o LS-5-Part2 FP Cards
o LS-5-Print Specifications
o LS-6-Data Transmission Requirements_V9
o LS-7-Data Element Tables
o LS-8-Code Tables
o LS-9 Palm-Hand Requirements
o LS-10 Photo Requirements
FBI Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification (EBTS) V10.0
DNA Live Scan Automation Project – Technical Specification
Orange County Automated Biometric Identification System Design Specification
ABI System ICD
California Department of Justice Guidelines for Submitting Applicant Live Scan
California Department of Justice Guidelines for Submitting Criminal Live Scan
California Department of Justice Guidelines for Submitting Live Scan Sex and Arson
Offender Registration Transactions
California Department of Justice APP/CRM/REG Test Transaction Procedures when Live
Scan Device is currently in GTC Production
3. Project Management
The Contractor is responsible for providing appropriate and sufficient project management
services to plan, monitor, report, track, and manage the successful execution of the Contract.
All work shall be performed within the territory of the United States and shall be performed by United
States citizens or Lawful Permanent Residents of the United States. Data and information provided by
the OCCL shall not be communicated to anyone who is not a United States citizen or Lawful Permanent
Resident of the United States.
3.1. Project Organization
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The Contractor shall establish a formal organization responsible for executing the total effort required
by the Contract. A clear line of project authority shall exist among all organizational elements (including
subcontractors). Roles, responsibilities, authority, and reporting requirements shall be established for
each organizational element.
The Contractor shall appoint a Contractor Project Manager (CPM) who is a full time paid employee of
the Contractor. The CPM shall serve for the duration of the development and deployment phases of the
Contract effort and shall have responsibility for the accomplishment of all tasks to be performed under
the Contract. The CPM shall be responsible for the Contractor’s technical, cost, and schedule
performance. The CPM shall have full authority over all Contractor project activities and resources. The
CPM shall be the principal interface between the project and the Contractor’s corporate organization,
between the project and its associated contractors, and between the Contractor and OCCL project
management for all matters relating to the Contract.
3.2. Project Planning
The Contractor shall prepare and submit detailed plans governing all activities to be performed under
the Contract.
3.2.1. Project Management Plan
The Contractor shall develop and maintain the Project Management Plan (PMP, OC-01). The PMP shall
provide details on activities that will be completed in each phase of the Contract. The PMP will:
Establish the project organization, structure, authority, roles, responsibilities, and internal
reporting relationships;
Define the interfaces between the Contractor and OCCL project management;
Establish reporting mechanisms and documentation;
Identify Contractor resources (requirements and assignment);
Establish project management procedures and policies;
Incorporate the project Integrated Master Schedule;
Identify any constraints or assumptions.
3.2.2. Integrated Master Schedule
The Integrated Master Schedule (IMS, OC-02) is an integrated and resource loaded schedule containing
the detailed tasks necessary to ensure successful program execution, including all dependencies and
inter-task relationships. The IMS shall be traceable to the SOW, the Program Management Plan, and all
development, test, and transition plans required by the Contract. The IMS shall be used to verify
achievability of Contract objectives, to evaluate progress toward meeting program objectives, and to
integrate the program schedule activities with all program components.
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The IMS shall contain the Contract milestones, accomplishments, and discrete tasks/activities from
Contract award to the completion of the Deployment Phase of the Contract. It shall display summary,
intermediate, and detailed schedules, and shall accommodate periodic analysis of progress to date.
The IMS shall include significant external interfaces and critical items from suppliers, teammates, or
other detailed schedules that depict significant and/or critical elements and OCCL furnished equipment
or information dependencies for the entire contractual effort in a single integrated schedule. The
determination of significant and critical shall be agreed to by the OCCL and the Contractor.
The IMS shall be statused according to the Contractor’s management control system and shall be
submitted no less frequently than monthly. The IMS shall be formatted as a Microsoft Office Project
2007 schedule. This plan will form the basis for discussions at each status meeting.
Meetings and reviews shall be per the location and timeframe in the following table.
10 days after Contract
Project Kickoff
OCCL facility
System Requirements Review
OCCL Facility or Contractor Facility
System Design Review
OCCL Facility or Contractor Facility
Factory Acceptance Test Readiness
Contractor Facility
Factory Acceptance Test
Contractor Facility
Pre-Ship Review
Contractor Facility
System Acceptance Test Readiness
OCCL Facility
System Acceptance Test
OCCL Facility / OC Police Agencies
System Acceptance Review
OCCL Facility
OCCL Facility
Two weeks prior to UAT
3.3. Project Reporting and Reviews
The Contractor shall provide Management and Technical Reports (OC-03) and conduct Management
and Technical Reviews and other meetings throughout execution of the Contract. Attendees at
management and technical reviews and meetings will include OCCL project personnel, OCCL support
contractors, the Contractor, and subcontractors as necessary to meet the objectives of the meeting or
review. Contractor shall produce meeting agendas, presentations materials, and detailed minutes for
each meeting (OC-04).
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The Contractor shall participate in a project kickoff meeting at the OCCL facility within 10 working days
after Contract award. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce key OCCL and Contractor personnel,
to discuss plans, to discuss the status of any risks or issues, to discuss proposals for further tailoring (if
any) of the Contract, and to address any other issues OCCL project management or the Contractor wish
to discuss.
3.4. Security
The Contractor shall implement a security program in compliance with the CJIS Security Policy. All
Contractor supplied personnel, facilities or systems shall provide protection and control of all OCCL
provided information, equipment, documentation, and network access.
3.5. Configuration Management
The Contractor shall develop a Configuration Management Plan (OC-05) and implement a Configuration
Management (CM) program in accordance with that plan. The CMP shall identify the organization
responsible for the CM function. The CMP shall establish Configuration Management responsibilities
and authority, identify Configuration Management resources and tools, establish Configuration
Management policies, and define Configuration Management phasing and milestones. The CMP shall
establish procedures for Configuration Identification, Configuration Control, Configuration Status
Accounting, and Configuration Audits and Reviews. The CPM shall implement controls to ensure that
only authorized changes are made to the CMP.
The Contractor shall develop and maintain control of deliverables until accepted by OCCL. The
Contractor shall recommend configuration control tools for use on the project. Subject to OCCL
approval, the Contractor shall procure and use the approved tools to perform their configuration
control functions. The Contractor shall procure the approved tools and provide them to OCCL (OC-22).
The Contractor shall turn change control of deliverables over to OCCL when the deliverables are
3.6. Quality Assurance
The Contractor shall develop a Quality Assurance Plan (OC-06) and implement a Quality Assurance (QA)
program in accordance with that plan. The Contractor’s QA program shall provide for a Contractor QA
organization that is independent of the Contractor’s Program Manager. The Contractor’s QA program
shall assure that all supplies and services submitted to the OCCL for acceptance conform to Contract
requirements. The Contractor shall ensure product quality by inspection, controlling nonconforming
material, controlling subcontractor quality assurance, and by having effective control of calibrated
equipment. The Contractor shall perform and document inspections prior to requesting acceptance of
the work by the OCCL.
OCCL reserves the right to perform audits and inspections of Contractor (and subcontractor)
conformance to any or all contractual requirements at any time during the performance of the Contract.
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Due notice will be provided to the Contractor prior to conducting audits or inspections. Subcontract
requirements shall permit participation in audits and inspections by OCCL and OCCL support
4. Implementation, Delivery, and Acceptance
4.1. Implementation
Contractor shall provide system implementation services, including but not limited to system setup,
installation, testing, training, baseline customizations and/or baseline interfaces, and other services
through Final Acceptance of the System, as required for the successful implementation of the system, as
specified in this Scope of Work and elsewhere in the Contract.
Contractor shall provide the licenses for all system software, system hardware, and associated system
implementation services (OC-18). Contractor shall install and configure at each site with all related
components of the system. Contractor shall provide all equipment and software necessary to satisfy the
system requirements at all operational sites. Contractor shall develop the OC Live Scan Bill of Materials
Contractor shall provide County with a comprehensive set of user, system and management
documentation (OC-19). Contractor shall provide the documentation in both electronic and hard-copy
Staff will be on site to assist the Contractor during system deployment, software installation, and user
training. Contractor must coordinate with staff for all onsite work.
4.2. Delivery
All deliverables shall be subject to County approval and acceptance in order to satisfy the terms and
conditions of the Contract. Unless otherwise noted, all electronic documents shall be delivered in
Microsoft Word 2007.
During installation and deployment of new systems, different support personnel other than the primary
installers should be available to troubleshoot residual issues following each station install to help
prevent delays to the installation schedule.
4.3. Acceptance
The Contractor shall develop Test Plans and Test Procedures (OC-08 though OC-11) in cooperation with
the County for the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and System Acceptance Test (SAT). The Contractor
shall conduct Test Readiness Reviews to demonstrate to OCCL their readiness to conduct the tests. At
the culmination of the Contractor presentations during the reviews, and after approval of the
corresponding test procedures, the OCCL Project Manager will authorize – or not authorize – the
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Contractor to conduct the tests. OCCL will observe the tests, using the approved test procedures. The
Contractor shall document the results of the tests and deliver a FAT Report and a SAT Report (OC-12,
Upon successful completion of the SAT, OCCL will conduct the User Acceptance Test over a period of 60
4.3.1. Factory Acceptance Test
The Contractor shall conduct a Factory Acceptance Test at the Contractor facility. The purpose of the
Factory Acceptance Test is to ensure that the Contract requirements have been met, that the system
works in a factory setting, and that the documentation associated with the system reflects the design
and is usable.
The Contractor shall conduct a Test Readiness Review (TRR) to demonstrate their and the OC ABI
System’s readiness to conduct FAT. The Contractor shall:
Provide an overview/walk-through of the FAT activity, which is to occur.
Describe the test environment (equipment, software, databases, and interfaces) and how it
differs from the operational environment (e.g., the use of simulators to represent external
Identify and discuss the rationale for and implications of any proposed redlines to documents
(i.e., test plans, test procedures, user documentation, installation documentation).
Report on the status of all action items, risks, and issues that are currently open or have been
closed since the previous PMR. Plans and/or options for their resolution will be addressed.
Identify any test procedures that the Contractor expects will fail or be incomplete during FAT
execution, address the implications of those failures/incompletes for operations, and discuss
plans/options for correcting the cause(s) of those failures
Contractor shall conduct FAT with the fully assembled to-be-delivered system(s).
Contractor shall not expect any live connections to the County network or any end user networks during
the FAT.
After successful passage of the FAT at Contractor’s facility, Contractor shall present the results at a PreShip Review (PSR). Upon successful completion of the PSR, OCCL will authorize the Contractor to ship
the system(s) to the operational site(s).
4.3.2. System Acceptance Test
The Contractor shall conduct the System Acceptance Test. The SAT shall include thorough testing of
unique configurations among all sites. The purpose of the SAT is to demonstrate that the equipment was
installed correctly and operates at the functional and performance levels verified at FAT; to verify the
requirements that could not be verified at the factory; to verify the performance requirements; to verify
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that the integrated sum is at least as functional as the sum of the individual parts and to verify that endto-end work flows execute as anticipated.
Contractor will ensure the connection between the fingerprint system and the state is functioning
properly and in accordance with all policies, procedures, and protocols of the state.
SAT shall include systematic end to end testing for each TOT, including all return message types,
rejects/resends, record updates, central admin server, reports, RMS/JMS push/pull, mugshot and scars,
marks, and tattoo, iris.
4.3.3. User Acceptance Test
The OCCL will conduct User Acceptance Test (UAT). The purpose of UAT is to demonstrate that the
system, the supporting documentation, and the user training are adequate for their intended purpose.
The equipment must function properly for all workflows, must be successfully interfaced with
computerized records/jail management systems and the OC ABI System. All functions required by the
county, or additional functions included in the vendor’s proposal, must be demonstrated prior to device
The OCCL will conduct a Test Readiness Review to assess OCCL’s readiness to conduct UAT. If the OCCL
Project Manager determines that OCCL is ready to conduct UAT, she will direct that UAT begin. UAT will
be conducted for a period of sixty (60) days. Upon completion of UAT, the OCCL will conduct a System
Acceptance Review (SAR) to assess whether the system, documentation and training are adequate to
allow OCCL to declare the systems fully operational.
The Contractor shall provide a level of effort support throughout the period of UAT. The support
personnel shall be able to assist users in the performance of user functions and shall document
problems encountered in the course of UAT. The level of support shall be provided for all shifts.
5. Transition
Contractor shall conduct, with OCCL, pre-install site visits to determine network, power, interfaces,
device location, accessibility, delivery options, and training options. Contractor shall develop
Installation Drawings (OC-14) for all sites and make recommendations for site enhancements to make
the mug photo capture comply with ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011: UPDATE 2013.
The Contractor shall develop a comprehensive Transition Plan (OC-15) that guides the process of
migrating the County’s live scan operators from the current Identix devices to the new multi-biometric
capture systems. The plan shall address operations (parallel or not), timing of training relative to going
operational, the sequence of switching services, transition objectives, activities, required resources,
schedule (may be included in the IMS), tools, assumptions, OCCL furnished items (e.g., equipment,
information, data, facilities, secure network connectivity, or personnel), and external dependencies.
The Contractor shall provide on-site engineering and IT support for interfaces and network connectivity
at each site.
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6. System Design
The Contractor shall design, develop, and document the new OC Live Scans to satisfy the requirements
of this SOW. The Contractor shall design, develop, and fabricate or procure all hardware, software, and
data components of the system(s), with the exception of the operational data to be provided by OCCL.
The Contractor shall, to the maximum extent feasible, use non-proprietary hardware and software in
developing and implementing the system. To the maximum extent feasible, the equipment shall be
available commercially from third party vendors as well as through the Contractor.
The Contractor shall develop the OC Live Scan System Design Specification (OC-17). The Contractor
shall conduct a System Design Review (SDR) and present their design for OCCL approval. The SDR shall
be a comprehensive and in-depth review of the design as documented in the OC Live Scan System
Design Specification and the Bill of Materials.
6.1. Requirements Review
The Contractor shall review the OC Live Scan requirements and conduct the analyses and modeling
necessary to validate the requirements. The Contractor shall identify errors, ambiguities, conflicts,
incompletes, and other defects in the requirements. The Contractor shall recommend changes to the
requirements where those changes would correct defects or result in benefit to the OCCL (e.g., enhance
the overall functionality, performance, or reliability of the OC ABI System, reduce life cycle costs,
increase maintainability, shorten the schedule, or reduce program risk).
The Contractor shall conduct the analyses necessary to develop the interface requirements between the
OC Live Scans and agency records/jail management systems. The Contractor shall document those
requirements in an Interface Definitions Document (OC-16).
The Contractor shall conduct a System Requirements Review (SRR). At SRR, the Contractor shall present
the results of the verification effort and the supporting data. The Contractor shall document
recommended changes to the OC Live Scan requirements and shall support these recommendations
(e.g., with trade study results and cost benefit analyses).
Upon successful completion of the SRR, the OC Program Manager will authorize the Contractor to
proceed with system design. OCCL will incorporate any approved changes in a revision to the OC Live
Scan requirements.
6.2. Functional and Technical Requirements
Live scan devices used in the County’s booking facilities provide an efficient alternative to ink and paper
booking records and a timely mechanism for human identification. As such, the devices must be
designed for a hostile environment, ergonomic, and with officer safety and ease of operation in mind.
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6.2.1.General Requirements
Requirement ID
General Requirements
Contractor shall have a criminal live scan certified by Cal-DOJ for all desired Types
of Transactions (TOTs) in use in California before responding to RFP
System shall comply with ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 with Update 2013 or more
current published version
System shall comply with FBI EBTS 10.0 (including updates) or more current
published version and be backward compatible
System shall comply with current California Department of Justice live scan
transmission specifications
System shall have appropriate FBI Appendix F and California DOJ certifications. A
copy of each letter of certification must be provided with proposal.
System shall comply with OC ABI System - System Design Specification, Interface
Control Document, and Data Dictionary
System shall include a Central Administration Server that:
1. Allows an OCCL administrator to remotely access and view the activity on
any device in the fleet
2. Includes dynamic administrative reporting on:
 Operator performance
 Sequence override
 Image quality override
 Number of transactions
 Rejection rates
3. Allows user management, to include authorizing a single user on multiple
4. Allows remote software updates/deployment
5. Submits automatic error/network issue notifications to the Administrator
6. Allows single screen overview of all the devices network connectivity and
7. Performs system back up
System shall pull table updates automatically from the OC ABI System and
automatically deploy/implement on the live scans
System shall perform demographic data validation against current active tables
prior to transmitting to the OC ABI System
System shall scan the image portions of the fingerprint and/or palmprint forms at
1,000 ppi using FBI certified EBTS Appendix-F scanner systems and FBI
compression guidelines, automatically assigning the image(s) to Type-14/15
records, as appropriate.
The FBI/CJIS expects 1000 ppi scanned Type-14 and Type-15 images to be
compressed with the JP2L algorithm and Type-10 photo images to be compressed
with the JPEGB algorithm.
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System shall be capable of transmitting the following standard Types of
Transactions (TOTs):
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General Requirements
System shall receive the following standard response TOTs:
Local SRE
Local ERRT
DHS response
System shall be capable of “transforming” completed IDN transactions to CRM
and DCD transactions.
System shall incorporate hands free options (e.g. foot pedals), with flexible
placement on either side of the cabinet for easy access from either side
System shall offer flexible placement of frequently used on-screen buttons,
configurable per user
System shall offer frequently used hardware buttons in more than one location
on the cabinet for easy access from either side
System shall include a barcode reader for reading DNA swab barcodes produced
by Cal-DOJ
System shall include optional readers for Driver Licenses and Passports
System shall have an adjustable keyboard tray to support ergonomic use
System shall include a standalone mouse, not integrated into the keyboard
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Cabinets or cases shall be:
1. Ruggedized
2. Space-saving
3. Able to withstand harsh chemical cleaners
4. Height adjustable
All components shall be secured to the cabinet or, with extension cables, be
secured to another portion of the facility
Systems shall be flexibly designed as “all-in-one” stations or have various
components located in various areas of a facility, as appropriate per site (e.g. live
scan with a fixed mounted photo capture camera or live scan with photo capture
camera located in an adjacent room due to booking area size limitations)
System shall provide the capability for a biometric log on for the operator that
does not require the operator to handle the same surfaces handled by subjects in
custody. Operators will likely be wearing gloves, making a fingerprint log on the
least desirable.
System shall accommodate configurable settings by operator, to include:
1. Save and auto populate Official’s signature with biometric log-on
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General Requirements
2. Auto-advance through image and data collection once completed
System shall include duplex printers that:
1. Have additional tray options
2. Print standard FBI and Cal-DOJ formatted fingerprint and palmprint cards,
as appropriate per TOT
3. Print to hard card or plain paper
4. Print all images plus the appropriate template to plain paper, print all
images plus the appropriate template to blank hard cards, or print all
images and text data (e.g., demographic data) on pre-formatted hard
5. Print all messages to plain paper
6. Print screen captures of the desktop/screen via single Print Screen key
7. Accommodate custom default settings to allow operators to set individual
devices to printing on, off, or print manually transaction by transaction.
8. Are configurable as network printers for numerous devices within the
same location
9. Connects to the live scan wirelessly or via USB
10. Are configurable for printing various booking forms with populated
demographics and images
System shall have a color coded Home Screen that clearly identifies the
transactions in various states, such as:
 New
 Complete and successful
o Finger capture
o Palm capture
o Demographics
o Printing
o Transmitting
 Error(s)
o Finger capture – finger number
o Palm capture – position and hand
o Demographics
o Printing
o Transmitting
 SRE message(s) received
 Error message(s) received
System shall have a training or practice mode for each TOT to facilitate hands-on
System shall be capable of auto generating a unique OCA Field 2.112, in sync with
all devices in the fleet, as determined by customer per TOT
System shall collect all available biometrics and send a single transaction to the
local identification system and be capable of sending a subset of data and or
images to an external system as determined by each agency (e.g. a mug photo
sent in the booking record as well as to an agency mug photo archive)
System shall allow the deletion of records and/or jobs to be completed manually
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General Requirements
or automatically based on specific record retention time frame, record counts, or
command sent via RMS/JMS
System shall have the ability to send submission information to various systems
(e.g. “prints submitted to ABI” message to the OCSD Data Exchange Service.
System shall allow transmit or print jobs to be stopped manually
System shall be able to complete the DNA, DNS and DNR transactions
automatically in the background and display “Collect” or “Don’t Collect” results in
a demographic screen while the operator is completing a criminal booking or
other appropriate TOT
System shall have a single screen to show all jobs in process and the status, e.g.
System shall prompt for next item to capture or enter data for with clear
onscreen visual queues
System shall provide clear real time feedback and direction for correcting
sequence, quality, and rolled finger capture vs flat finger capture to avoid image
inconsistencies, e.g. right index is in the 4-finger flats but missing from the rolled
images, inconsistent annotations, etc.
System shall display a real time preview of captured images
System shall perform a real time image quality check and display the appropriate
quality metric onscreen
System shall accommodate demographic interfaces from a variety of jail or
records management systems
System shall be able to queue up demographic records waiting for image capture
System shall have the option to identify and open the subject’s record via a single
biometric capture, i.e. subject’s iris or thumb captured at pre-booking, used to
open the subject’s record on the live scan to ensure the correct subject is live
scanned under that record
System shall allow system administrators to set and change criteria for
acceptable image quality. Criteria can be set and changed by accessing the
system via password-type security or other security method.
System shall prohibit access to the operating system commands and changes by
non-administrative users, i.e. non-administrative users shall not be able to use
Ctl-Alt-Delete to access the desktop
6.2.2.Finger and Palm Capture
Requirement ID
Finger and Palm Capture System Requirements
System shall have moisture discriminating optics
System shall have anti-smear technology
System shall have auto calibration
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Requirement ID
Finger and Palm Capture System Requirements
System shall have no moving parts
System shall have sealed platens
System shall be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act
System shall have finger and palm capture at 500ppi and 1000ppi
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System shall be capable of capturing rolls, flat slaps, flat single fingers, flat single
thumbs, and two thumbs flat simultaneously
System shall be capable of capturing all palm detail, including upper palm, lower palm,
and writer’s palm
System shall perform roll to slap comparison and also verify the fingers match the palm
System shall be capable of selecting best print from multiple re-rolls
System shall auto center the scanned image, regardless of the position of the hand on
the platen
System shall have an auto contrast adjustment
System shall allow annotations on individual images and full hand
If annotations are placed on the palm image, the system shall logically apply those
annotations to the corresponding finger scans (e.g. if the right palm is AMP and fingers
are captured after the palm, the system shall annotate the right fingers and not require
action by the operator)
System shall perform a real time sequence check and alert the operator that the wrong
image is being captured
6.2.3.Mug Photo/ Scars, Marks and Tattoo Capture
Requirement ID
Mug Photo/Scars, Marks, and Tattoo Capture
System shall use Internet Protocol (IP) cameras that meet or exceed the ANSI/NIST
Annex E requirements
System shall be able to capture and transmit mugshots and scars, marks, and tattoos as
ANSI/NIST and EBTS compliant Type-10 records
6.2.4.Iris Capture
Requirement ID
Iris Capture
System shall capture and transmit iris images as ANSI/NIST and EBTS compliant Type-17
System shall capture the iris images from a distance of 4-6 feet
6.3. Performance Requirements
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System shall demonstrate an accuracy and performance level that is equal to or
exceeds existing live scan devices
System shall perform with high reliability and availability. Overall equipment
availability shall be 99%.
6.4. Interface Requirements
Requirement ID
System shall send transactions to the OC ABI System and receive and display messages
from the ABI System in accordance with the ABI System ICD
System shall accommodate demographic interfaces with Records Management and Jail
Management Systems (RMS/JMS) currently interfaced to live scans, including but not
limited to:
 Computer Deductions, Inc. (CDI) – OCSD’s jail management vendor
 Spillman
 Sungard
 Versaterm
 Intergraph
 Computerized Arrest and Booking System (CABS)
 Public Safety Systems, Inc. (PSSI)
 Advanced Technology Information Management System (ATIMS)
System shall accommodate image file interfaces with various end user mug photo
database systems
System shall accommodate push or pull transfer mechanisms from RMS/JMS vendors to
live scan stations
6.5. Network and Environment Requirements
Requirement ID
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Network and Environment
System shall send all transactions as ANSI/NIST standard packages as a MIME
encoded attachment to the OC ABI system via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
System shall retrieve mail from the OC ABI System mail server by using Post
Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4)
protocol. The OC ABI System will host a mail server for which each submitting
Live scan device will be assigned an account.
System shall retrieve the current Cal-DOJ Live scan tables via File Transfer
Protocol (FTP) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) protocol from the ABI
System, which automatically downloads the files from the State daily
System shall have the latest version of Symantec Antivirus protection software shall
be installed in each device. The Antivirus Central Management Console shall be
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installed in OCSD Antivirus Server, which will update and manage the Antivirus client
software in each device.
The Antivirus annual subscription licenses cost shall be included in the sustainment
System shall conform to the most current FBI Criminal Justice Information Services
(CJIS) Security Policy
7. Sustainment
The Contractor shall provide all upgrades to their deliverables whenever new Contractor product
releases are introduced during the life of the Contract, at no additional cost to the County. The
Contractor shall provide corrective maintenance for any error, malfunction, or defect in Contractor
supplied equipment, software, or documentation which, when used as delivered, fails to perform in
accordance with Contractor’s officially announced, written or published, technical specifications through
the life of the Contract.
1.1. Preventative Maintenance
The Contractor shall periodically perform inspection and adjustment of the equipment and replacement
of defective parts thereof by dispatching maintenance personnel at the minimum frequency
recommended by the manufacturer or the custom frequency as determined by OCCL, in order to keep
the equipment in good operating condition. The machine time required shall be scheduled on a monthly
basis during working hours agreed to by OCCL or the end user.
Scheduled down time for performing preventative maintenance at any shall not exceed two (2) hours in
any month unless agreed to in advance by OCCL.
1.2. Troubleshooting
The maintenance coverage for all sites shall be 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Contractor shall provide to all sites appropriate user troubleshooting support personnel on call, 24
hours a day, seven days a week via a Help Desk and shall accept such requests telephonically or via
email and document them in trouble tickets. The Help Desk personnel shall perform triage on the
trouble tickets and provide responses on those that are known problems with workarounds or systems.
The others are to be forwarded to Contractor support personnel.
The Contractor shall provide to all sites appropriate hardware and software support personnel on call,
24 hours a day, seven days a week in response to Trouble Tickets and shall acknowledge them
telephonically or by email within fifteen (15) minutes and respond remotely via a secure link or on site
within thirty (30) minutes, after notification of a problem which requires their presence. In the event
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maintenance personnel cannot be reached, a Contractor representative shall return the call based upon
an established escalation policy.
Contractor will resolve all support calls reported to the Contractor as soon as possible from the time
they are reported, not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours. If the Contractor cannot re-establish successful
end to end processing within forty-eight hours, devices shall be replaced with similar device at no cost.
Contractor may have remote connectivity to the County’s network to troubleshoot reported issues with
advanced coordination with OCCL. Contractor should not expect instant access to the County’s network.
Remote access will be limited to an as-needed basis. Contractor will not be granted direct Virtual Private
Network (VPN) connectivity to the County’s network and shall not connect non-county owned
equipment to the County’s network.
Contractor shall provide monthly reports of all Help Desk/service calls with full description of the issue
and resolution.
Contractor shall send an auto-generated e-mail to assigned agency contacts when a Help Desk ticket is
generated or closed with full description of the issue and resolution.
8. Training
The Contractor shall develop User Manuals addressing all user functions for all user types. User
documentation shall describe the components, functions, and operations of each system type.
Operations descriptions shall include a list and description of all error conditions, as well as the
associated error messages displayed and the action required of the operator for each error condition.
Each system shall be provided with online user documentation that is resident on the workstation or
accessible via the agency’s internal networks.
The Contractor shall prepare a Training Plan (OC-20) and Training Materials (OC-21) – for example,
hands-on; computer based training, videos, guides, manuals and conduct ad hoc user training to support
testing, as well as the courses described below. Training courses shall be conducted at the OCCL central
There are approximately four hundred (400) operators to receive basic training. Of those,
approximately sixty-five (65) shall receive supervisor level training. Of those, there are two to five
individuals to receive administrator training. The training is to take place in Orange County no earlier
than two weeks prior to the start of UAT. The frequency and hours of the training classes shall be
adequate to cover availability of personnel on day and evening shifts.
The Contractor shall conduct three types of courses:
1) Live Scan Operators – This course shall cover all basic system functionality. The course shall
provide hands-on instruction on the live scan station, to include fingerprint, palmprint,
photo, and iris workflows.
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2) Live Scan Supervisor Training – This course shall cover advanced system functionality
through a hands-on, one-on-one or one-to-few formatted course. The course shall provide
instruction on basic troubleshooting of problem records, adding users, and deleting records.
3) Live Scan Administration Training – This course shall cover administrative functions, second
tier troubleshooting, tools to resolve problem records, the Central Administrator Server,
reports, user management, and security administration.
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Appendix A – List of Deliverables
Project Management Plan
Integrated Master Schedule
Management and Technical Reports
Meeting Agendas, Presentation
Materials, Minutes
Configuration Management Plan (CMP)
Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)
Bill of Materials
Factory Acceptance Test Plan
Factory Acceptance Test Procedures
(5) hard copies and electronic
System Acceptance Test Plan
System Acceptance Test Procedures
(5) hard copies and electronic
Factory Acceptance Test Report
System Acceptance Test Report
Installation Drawings
(1) hard copy and electronic
Transition Plan
Interface Definitions Document
System Design Specification
Hard copies
User Guides/Manuals
One hard copy per operator
and electronic to OCCL
Training Plan
Training Materials
Configuration Control Tools
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One hard copy per operator
and electronic to OCCL
Electronic, hard copy, license
as appropriate
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Canadian Criminal Real
Time Identification Services
Guidelines for RCMP Fingerprint
Image Quality Certification
Date: 2014-12-12
Status: Final
Version: 1.4
Biometric Business Solutions
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Intentional Blank Page
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PART 1 – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
BACKGROUND (I) ........................................................................................................... 1
PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 2
CAVEAT ........................................................................................................................... 2
PART 2 – REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 2
PREREQUISITES .................................................................................................................... 2
FBI CERTIFICATION........................................................................................................ 2
RCMP NPS-NIST-ICD COMPLIANCY VERIFICATION .................................................... 2
IMAGE QUALITY CERTIFICATION......................................................................................... 2
HARDWARE/SOFTWARE................................................................................................ 3
REQUESTS ............................................................................................................................. 3
NPS-NIST-ICD COMPLIANCY VERIFICATION ............................................................... 3
SCANNER CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................ 3
PART 3 – SCANNER BLOCK TESTING ......................................................................................... 3
TEST STRATEGY.................................................................................................................... 3
WORKSTATION ............................................................................................................... 3
TEN PRINT AND PALM PRINT CAPTURE ...................................................................... 4
TYPE-14 (ID FLATS) ........................................................................................................ 4
PART 4 – IMAGE EXAMINATION AND ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 4
IMAGE EXAMINATION............................................................................................................ 4
CRITERIA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 5
ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 7
ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................ 7
EVALUATION COMPILATION ......................................................................................... 7
CRITERIA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 7
FREQUENCY ................................................................................................................... 7
CONTRAST ...................................................................................................................... 8
FEATHERING .................................................................................................................. 9
ASSESSMENT SCORES ................................................................................................. 9
OBSERVABLE 3RD LEVEL DETAIL ASSESSMENT ......................................................... 9
FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................... 10
EXAMPLES OF ARTIFACTS OR ANOMALIES .................................................................... 11
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Image Quality Specifications
Table 1 - Anomalies ......................................................................................................................... 8
Table 2 – Contrast Table.................................................................................................................. 8
Table 3 – Feathering ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 4 – Overall Achieve Scores .................................................................................................... 9
Table 5 – 3rd Level Detail ............................................................................................................... 10
Table 6 – 3rd Level Detail Observations .......................................................................................... 10
Figure 1 – Friction Ridge Stretching or Smearing ........................................................................... 11
Figure 2 – Unnatural Friction Ridge Flow (Wave) ........................................................................... 11
Figure 3 – Grey Background Shading ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 4 – Pixilation ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 – Image Centering............................................................................................................ 13
Figure 6 – Halo Effect .................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7 – Blur Mask ...................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8 – Friction Ridge Misalignment .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 9 – Friction Ridge Superimposition...................................................................................... 15
Figure 10 – Dirty Platen ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 11 – Feathering in Rolled Impression .................................................................................. 16
Figure 12 – Feathering in Plain Impression .................................................................................... 16
Figure 13 – Poor Contrast .............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 14 – Lack of 3rd Level Detail ................................................................................................ 17
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Image Quality Specifications
This part describes the background and purpose of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
fingerprint scanner image quality certification process.
Potential clients of the RCMP Real Time Identification (RTID) system are required to undergo a
verification process that examines their software applications ability to successfully meet the
compliancy requirements of the National Police Services National Institute of Standards
&Technology Interface Control Document (NPS-NIST-ICD) specifications. Vendors are required to
complete an application form for verification of their application software for NPS-NIST-ICD
compliancy. Once the application is received, the vendor is scheduled for compliancy verification
The RCMP has traditionally relied on Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Appendix F 1 conformity
regarding fingerprint image quality as captured on a scanner block. The RCMP modified its image
integrity requirements and has now initiated a scanner block certification process from a forensic
perspective which compliments the FBI Appendix F certification. Specifically, reference is made to
Section 2.6 under the caption of “Requirement – Fingerprint Artifacts and Anomalies”
“Artifacts or anomalies detected on the fingerprint images that are
due to the scanner or image processing shall not significantly
adversely impact support to the functions of conclusive fingerprint
comparisons (identification or non-identification decision),
fingerprint classification, automatic feature detection, or overall
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) search
Therefore, prior to enabling a client to interface with RTID, their application software and associated
scanner block must have successfully met the requirements of the new RCMP image quality
certification process.
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Image Quality Specifications
The RCMP require that each scanner block that captures ten print rolled/plain and palm print
images must undergo an in-depth forensic examination of the images it captures and processes.
This forensic examination is conducted at the individual image level as represented in an
associated NIST packet the application software compiles. The forensic examination is conducted
by two senior RCMP fingerprint examiners in isolation and subsequent examination results are then
Each image is examined against some thirteen potential anomalies and the results are documented
accordingly. Images are also compared to ink and paper images of the same donor which are used
as a baseline for comparison to the electronic images. Scanner blocks that introduce extraneous
information or do not reproduce the friction ridges accurately may not be certified.
This is a living document and subject to update at any time. Updates will be made when
evaluations or analysis identify any new factors which need to be incorporated into the evaluation
and certification process.
This part describes the prerequisites for RCMP image quality certification and the request process.
In order to apply for RCMP scanner image quality certification the vendor must have first undergone
and successfully completed the following:
The vendor’s scanner block must be FBI Appendix F certified and listed on the IAFIS Certified
Products List.
The vendor’s application software when used in conjunction with a specific scanner block must
have successfully completed a suite of RCMP NPS-NIST-ICD compliancy verification tests and be
supported by a RCMP Verification letter. Verification will be executed in one of two ways: a) RCMP
will dispatch testers to the vendor’s site, or b) vendor will provide the RCMP with a workstation for
execution of the test suite at the RCMP site in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
In order to apply for RCMP Image Quality Certification a vendor must demonstrate that the
prerequisites have been successfully met when completing an Application for RCMP image quality
certification. Image quality certification will always be executed at the RCMP in Ottawa, Ontario.
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Image Quality Specifications
It is the vendor’s responsibility to supply the necessary hardware and software to create CARN
NIST transactions. The hardware must be delivered to the RCMP Forensic Science and
Identification Services in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada where it will be set-up and configured based on
the vendors direction and specifications. The required number of test cases will be generated on the
equipment. It is the vendor’s responsibility to provide the RCMP with any best practices for the
capture of ten prints and palm print images on their proposed scanner block. The cost of shipping
the workstation to the RCMP in Ottawa and return will be the responsibility of the vendor.
Vendors or integrators wishing to submit CARY, CARN, REF and/or MAP transactions to RTID
must have their application software verified for NPS-NIST-ICD compliancy. Vendor’s requesting
NPS-NIST-ICD compliancy verification may send an email request to [email protected]. You will be provided with an application form that you will need to complete and return.
Once the completed form is reviewed and no other information is required, you will be provided with
a suite of test cases for the type of transaction(s) for which you requested compliancy verification.
You will also be advised of an approximate date that compliancy verification can begin and
instructions on how to connect to the RCMP RTID Test Environment. Once the verification has
been successfully completed the RCMP will issue a letter to the vendor confirming successful
completion of the NPS-NIST-ICD compliancy verification. Vendors who are not successful will be
provided an opportunity to re-enter the verification process once identified issues have been
The RCMP further requires that vendors or integrators who have completed NPS-NIST-ICD
compliancy verification also need to apply for and successfully complete scanner block certification.
This certification of the scanner block will apply when the scanner block is controlled by a specific
version of the vendor’s application software. Vendors or integrators may send an email to
[email protected] and request scanner block certification. You will be provided
with an application form that you will need to complete and return. Once submitted, the form is
reviewed and if no other information is required the RCMP will schedule the certification process.
Vendors or integrators are required to provide a work station to the RCMP. Once the certification
process has been successfully completed the RCMP will issue a letter to the vendor or integrator
with the results of the scanner certification process and return the workstation to the vendor.
Vendors who are not successful will be provided an opportunity to re-enter the image quality
certification process once identified issues have been resolved.
This part describes the test strategy.
Once the workstation has been fully staged, a configuration audit will be conducted to document all
settings relative to scan resolution, image quality settings, CPU speed, RAM, scanner model, serial
number etc.
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Image Quality Specifications
The workstation will be configured to create and store a CARN transaction. The vendor’s scanner
Certification Application will identify the type of certification required, for example:
500 ppi with membrane
500 ppi without membrane
1000 ppi with membrane
1000 ppi without membrane
1000 ppi with membrane sub-sampled to 500 ppi
1000 ppi without membrane sub-sampled to 500 ppi
Twenty-five individuals will be fingerprinted to create 14 Type-4 records and either 4 or 6 Type-15
records. The same individuals will be used whenever possible. The images will be captured using
the vendor’s provided best practices for capturing images.
RCMP staff familiar with Livescan operations will enroll all twenty-five individuals. The enrollment
process will document at the finger level any instances where the image quality did not achieve
required quality threshold levels and whether overrides needed to be engaged.
The NIST packet for each test case will be extracted from the workstation and labelled accordingly
to align with the test case. Once the twenty-five test cases have been captured as NIST packets
they will be delivered to RCMP Fingerprint Services for examination and analysis. The examination
will focus on contrast (clarity) and 3rd Level Detail (Poroscopy and Edgeoscopy) along with other
Devices capturing and submitting ID Flats will be required to undergo this certification process in the
future. Devices submitting ID Flat images for retention on the AFIS will be the first priority once this
ID Flat certification process commences.
This part describes the image quality evaluation criteria, definitions, assessment measurement and
Each of the 14 Ten Print and 4 or 6 Palm Prints will be individually assessed against each of the
following criteria:
Ridge Stretching or smearing
Unnatural ridge flow (Wave)
Ridge Count
Grey Shading
Image Centering
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Image Quality Specifications
Halo effect
Blur Mask
6.1.10 Ridge Misalignment
6.1.11 Ridge Superimposition
6.1.12 Dirty Platen
6.1.13 Issue Source
Ridge Stretching or smearing
Friction ridge or ridges that exhibit unclear friction ridge detail due to stretching appear out
of focus (Figure 1). These features are normally witnessed at the top of the image or at
either outer edge.
Unnatural ridge flow
Friction ridge or ridges that exhibit curvatures similar to waves which may involve a large
area of the print (Figure 2). Normally found near the upper portion of the image.
Ridge Count
An agreement in the number of friction ridge formations in sequence between two
This feature is similar to passing a dry brush over a wet canvass (Figures 11 and 12). It
does not always appear in the same area and can be found in various areas of the finger
and can appear slight or more pronounced. This feature has also been found on inked
impressions to some degree. This feature can be exaggerated on scanned images to the
extent that forensic examiners are unable to compare or identify latent fingerprint images.
Grey Shading
An image that displays a shadow of light grey behind the image itself or at the outer edges
of the captured image (Figure 3).
A feature that can best be compared to an image being produced by a dot matrix printer
(Figure 4). The entire image can be pixilated or only portions of the image.
Image Centering
Images should be centered within the box. If any of the four sides are abruptly cut in a
straight line this would be considered as inappropriate centering (Figure 5).
Halo Effect
An area around the outside of the image that exhibits a grey area that does not touch the
edges of the image (Figure 6). This is normally witnessed where the temperature difference
between the platen and fingers results in condensation.
Blur Mask
A firmware introduced overlay applied to a region of the fingerprint image where potential
distortion may exist within the friction ridges which occurred during the enrollment process
(Figure 7). This overlay then becomes part of the NIST fingerprint image.
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Image Quality Specifications
6.2.10 Ridge Misalignment
A scanned fingerprint displays areas where the friction ridge path is abruptly stopped and
then restarted with an offset in the ridge path (Figure 8). This distortion negates the
continuous agreement of ridge characteristics in sequence.
6.2.11 Ridge Superimposition
A fingerprint image which displays duplicated and or overlapped friction ridges within the
current image being analyzed which are not present in the plain impression (Figure 9).
6.2.12 Dirty Platen
Residual images or artifacts visible in the background of the captured fingerprint or outside
of the captured image (Figure 10). May be referred to as ghost images.
6.2.13 Issue Source
Can the issue be attributed to the operator who enrolled the image or can it be attributed to
the scanner. If unable to specify operator or device “Undetermined” will be selected.
6.2.14 Contrast
Contrast is measured in the ability of the device to capture friction skin and record it with
clarity. Clear contrast is when the ridges appear dark, and the furrows (spaces between the
ridges) are much lighter or white. The higher the clarity, the easier it is for an AFIS system
and examiner to differentiate ridges and the details within them.
Contrast can also be affected by pressure at time of enrollment (Figure 13). Lower pressure
would record as lighter colored ridges, whereas higher pressure darkens them. The
negative to additional pressure however is that the furrows narrow as the ridges are spread
across the surface making it difficult to differentiate between them.
To maintain relative consistency, a single experienced enroller is assigned to enroll each
candidate. The same image is forensically compared to the identical image capture through
another means. Either ink and paper or captured electronically.
6.2.15 3rd Level Detail
Levels of detail in a fingerprint image are graded according to an internationally recognized
scale (SWGFAST, IFRG, and RCMP).
Level One: refers to the overall pattern and shape of a print. Level One detail, on its own,
is not used for identification purposes, but can assist in pattern classification, or narrowing
down a search.
Level Two: includes minutiae, such as ridge endings, bifurcations, enclosures that present
themselves in the friction skin. Level Two, in conjunction with Level One detail, can
provide basic information for identifications.
Level Three: includes finer details of the friction skin (Figure 14). Friction skin has pores
located on the ridges. The size, shape and location of these pores can be used for
identification and is referred to as “Poroscopy”. The edges of each ridge, when clearly
defined, can also show very unique details that when compared to an unknown can also
assist in identification. This is called “Edgeoscopy”.
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Image Quality Specifications
The following sections describe the ratings associated to the ten print analyses. Only the rolled and
plain finger impressions are evaluated using a scale.
The findings of the overall evaluation will be compiled into a single report. The report will consist of
the results of analysis of up to 350 individual Type-4 images.
Each criterion in Section 6 will be assessed for presence, frequency of occurrence and whether the
presence of such an anomaly conflicts with the spirit and intent of the Appendix F definition of
“Artifacts and Anomalies”.
The following table will be used to document the number of anomalies that are observed within a
subjects set of 14 images. These assessments are conducted by senior ten print and latent
examiners for AFIS searchability relative to the correct plotting of minutiae and ridge flow/detail. The
images are also examined from a latent perspective in terms of sufficient contrast of ridges and
furrows for ridge to ridge comparison along with an evidentiary value in a court setting. The severity
of the anomaly will be documented as either “High”, “Medium” or “Low”. Images that exhibit a
“High” severity level will be deemed unacceptable for both forensic and identification purposes.
Images that exhibit a “Medium” severity level will be deemed acceptable for identification purposes
however may have limited forensic evidentiary value. Images that exhibit a “Low” severity will be
deemed acceptable for both purposes.
Ridge Stretching or smearing
Unnatural Ridge flow (Wave)
Ridge Count
Grey Shading
Image Centering
Halo Effect
Blur Mask
Ridge Misalignment
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Image Quality Specifications
Ridge Superimposition
Dirty Platen
Table 1 - Anomalies
The fingerprint examiners will provide an opinion on whether they can assess the source of the
anomaly. This opinion will be documented as: Operator, Scanner or Undetermined. Anomalies
deemed to be operator generated will not negatively impact the assessment of the vendor’s
Prior to any formal assessment of a set of electronic images, the fingerprint examiners will examine
the ink and paper fingerprints of the donor and use those images as a baseline. This comparison
will allow the examiners to determine whether the electronic image quality is consistent with the
ridge detail on the inked prints.
The following scale is used for assessment to a corresponding image captured on ink and paper:
Clear contrast between ridges throughout print
Mostly clear (2/3) print contrast
Moderate clarity between ridges
Poor Contrast between ridges
No contrast (unable to see print images)
Not applicable (Finger Number)
Table 2 – Contrast Table
Contrast is evaluated and assessed to ensure there is sufficient contrast to differentiate ridges from
furrows on an AFIS and allow a latent examiner to do a ridge to ridge comparison for court
purposes. The overall contrast score is calculated by adding the individual scores for all fingers
evaluated then dividing by the actual number of fingers scored. For example, the sums of all scores
equals 47 and 14 images were evaluated for contrast then 47/14= 3.4. If the sums of all scores
equals 28 and 10 images were evaluated for contrast then 28/10= 2.8. If the sums of all scores
equals 18 and 10 images were evaluated for contrast then 18/10= 1.8. The minimum acceptable
assessment for contrast is 2.0.
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Image Quality Specifications
The following scale is used for assessment:
No feathering
Minimum or limited feathering (does not touch or impact
other ridges or barely touches of impacts other ridges).
Moderate feathering (ridge edges are still visible and
Severe feathering (ridges still visible for flow, but lacking
Extreme feathering (ridges not visible, no detail, makes
image unusable for comparison).
Table 3 – Feathering
Feathering is evaluated and assessed relative to the impact on identification. This may include a
negative impact on an AFIS search or a latent identification and future presentation in a court room
setting. The overall feathering score is calculated by adding the individual scores for all fingers
evaluated then dividing by the actual number of fingers scored. For example, the sums of all scores
equals 47 and 14 images were evaluated for feathering then 47/14= 3.4. If the sums of all scores
equals 30 and 10 images were evaluated for feathering then 30/10= 3.0. If the sums of all scores
equal 27 and 10 images were evaluated for feathering then 27/10= 2.7. The minimum overall
acceptable assessment for feathering is 3.0.
The following table identifies the description of the assessment, the required minimum score and
the score achieved:
Required Score
≥ 2.0
≥ 3.0
Table 4 – Overall Achieve Scores
The following scale is used for assessment and is only applicable when comparing a device using
two different configuration settings:
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Image Quality Specifications
3 level detail fully visible and recorded
Moderate (2/3) of 3 level detail visible
Poor (1/3) of print has 3 level detail
No 3 level detail visible
Table 5 – 3rd Level Detail
This assessment is only conducted from a latent perspective. Considerations are Poroscopy and
Edgeoscopy. The overall 3rd level detail score is calculated by adding the individual scores for all
fingers evaluated then dividing by the actual number of fingers scored. For example, the sums of all
scores equals 36 and 14 images were evaluated for 3rd level detail then 36/14= 2.6. A
recommended minimum score for 3rd level detail is 2.0.
This level of detail of the friction skin captured by the scanner block will be examined and compared
to the ink and paper fingerprints obtained from the donor or from the donor using a different
configuration setting on the same device.
This assessment is not used in the overall pass/fail assessment but to document observations
during this comparison. The assessment results may however form part of the overall
recommendation for certification.
3 Level Detail
≥ 2.0
Table 6 – 3rd Level Detail Observations
The RCMP will prepare a letter of findings at the conclusion of the image quality assessment. The
letter will identify whether the scanner block with associated software achieved the necessary
thresholds to be deemed successful.
Should the evaluation demonstrate that the scanner block does not meet acceptable image
integrity, the vendor or integrator will be formally advised in writing and provided the opportunity to
validate and rectify the concern(s). When the vendor or integrator feels the concerns have been
addressed, a second round of testing and evaluation will be conducted.
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 1 – Friction Ridge Stretching or Smearing
Figure 2 – Unnatural Friction Ridge Flow (Wave)
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 3 – Grey Background Shading
Figure 4 – Pixilation
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 5 – Image Centering
Figure 6 – Halo Effect
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 7 – Blur Mask
Figure 8 – Friction Ridge Misalignment
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 9 – Friction Ridge Superimposition
Figure 10 – Dirty Platen
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 11 – Feathering in Rolled Impression
Figure 12 – Feathering in Plain Impression
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Image Quality Specifications
Figure 13 – Poor Contrast
Figure 14 – Lack of 3rd Level Detail
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Question and Answers for Bid #RFI 060-C005923-LQ - Live/Scan Biometric Capture Stations
Overall Bid Questions
Question 1
Can not get embedded Appendix 1 or 2 to open within PDF file. Can you please post separately. Thank you.
(Submitted: Jul 16, 2015 2:29:29 PM PDT)
- Appendix 1 and 2 have been posted separately. (Answered: Jul 16, 2015 2:34:18 PM PDT)
Question Deadline: Aug 17, 2015 4:00:00 PM PDT
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