May 2013 - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and


May 2013 - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Tech cetera
Hot links to the information for which you are looking…
Principal’s Letter
President’s Letter
I nfo from Other TJ Offices
R enovation I nform ation
PTSA Update
Serving the TJ Com m unity
Academ ic New s
Class New s
New s R ound-up and Aw ards
TJHSST Partnership Fund
TJ Boosters
Useful Link s
TJ M arketplace
Notew orthy Dates
TJHSST Tech cetera
Page 1
May 2013
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Principal’s Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and
The flowers are blooming, and our
students are zooming! We have had
great success in April through our
science fair participation. An
extraordinary number of students have
advanced to the International Science
and Engineering Fair as a result of
receiving grand prizes at the regional
and state science fairs: Suhas Gondi,
Zach Hosseinipour, Rohan Banerjee,
Archis Bhandarkar, Jake Cui, Manotri
Chaubal, and Andrea Li. This month
students are not only sharing their
culminating research projects but also
entering testing season for summative
standardized tests.
Advanced Placement (AP) exams will
be administered at TJ from May 6
through May 17, 2013. The
administration and faculty expect
students to attend all of their classes
during exam weeks since teachers will
continue to present new material in their
courses during that time. Class work
during AP weeks tends to be project or
lab-based, allowing flexibility while also
maintaining accountability for results.
We recognize that students who are
taking multiple exams or have exams
TJHSST Tech cetera
scheduled on back-to-back days may
need time to prepare for testing
situations; accordingly, we followed a
pre-arranged absence process in April
in order to give feedback to staff and
students so they can prepare better.
During AP weeks we will run a slightly
modified schedule by shifting different
periods among the days to
accommodate exam start and end times
and also to balance instructional time
across classes. Students who have
conflicts with other classwork during AP
exam weeks should approach teachers
at least a week before the AP exam to
discuss an extension. If someone in
your household is taking an AP exam(s),
please make sure they obtain plenty of
rest and nourishment before the exam.
An alert and rested mind will do more to
improve a score than late night and last
minute studying. The PTSA will also
provide some light snacks during exam
break times.
Following AP exams our students will be
taking SOL exams until May 24. Based
on the new state standards we expect
the exams to be more challenging than
in the past. We have implemented
several measures to determine student
readiness so they can be successful on
these exams. Students who do not
score well on a pre-assessment will be
asked to use 8th period time for
additional help until they can
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demonstrate their new understanding on
another pre-assessment.
On May 29 we will celebrate our
students’ research at tjSTAR, the
Symposium to Advance Student
Research, modifying the school day to
an all-day conference with student
presentations, design competitions, tech
exhibits, interactions with STEM
professionals, alumni speakers, and
more. The symposium is intended to
inspire students and give them a sense
of what they can accomplish at TJ and
beyond and also give our community a
sense of the rigor and innovation in our
students’ work. Parents of presenting
students (mostly seniors and freshmen)
should approve the professional attire
that is worn by their student during the
day. Those parents are welcome to
attend their child’s session but please
attend only during that time period as
parking will be limited. Parents of nonpresenting students should discuss at
home the types of sessions the student
should attend. Look at the offerings
provided on the online registration,
reflect on the topics related to future
learning opportunities in research at TJ,
and then locate student and
professional speakers in those fields.
Thank you for your continuous support
throughout this year, encouraging and
mentoring students to do their best. As
May 2013
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a result of working together we can set
students up for success. Feel free to
contact me at Evan.Glazer at
with your ideas to make TJ an even
better place for learning and growing.
Evan Glazer
Renovation Information
Thomas Jefferson’s long awaited
renovation is about to begin! The
supervisors from Henley Construction
are on site working with FCPS
specialists to finalize the tactical
planning for the first demolition and
building phase. By late May we will see
construction staging set up on the lower
practice field area behind our school.
After the AP and SOL testing window is
closed work will begin in earnest.
Summer construction will be extensive;
we will communicate any changes to our
summer office location entrance and
egress soon. The design for our new
school has been years in the making, it
is very exciting to know that we will soon
begin a project that will greatly expand
and improve our instructional
environment. The entire Thomas
Jefferson community thanks the
taxpayers for supporting our renovation
Useful Links
TJHSST Home Page:
TJ PTSA website:
TJ Booster Organizations:
Academic Boosters:
Athletic Boosters:
Band Boosters:
Choral Boosters:
Crew Boosters:
Orchestra Boosters:
Theatre Boosters:
TJ Partnership Fund:
TJ Alumni Association:
FCPS Blackboard:
FCPS Keep in Touch (KIT):
FCPS School Board:
Fairfax County Supervisors:
TJHSST Tech cetera
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May 2013
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President’s Letter
As we welcome our incoming Freshmen
Class of 2017 and encourage them to
support the PTSA, I realize once again
how much we have to be proud of as
members of the TJ community. Where
else can you find gumdrops, toothpicks,
mirrors, lasers, nails, puzzles, paper
scraps, magnets and dancing robots
waiting to be transformed? Were you
able to attend TJ’s Science and
Techstravaganza on Saturday, April 20?
If so, you were surely amazed as these
simple items were reconfigured by
elementary and middle school students
into air powered cars, newspaper towers
reaching towards the stars (or maybe
the Gym 2 ceiling for now), geodetic
structures, digital circuitry, all at the
hands of a school full of enthusiastic
youngsters, their faces beaming with
joy. With the assistance of 100’s of TJ
students, parents, faculty and
sponsoring corporations, the annual
event was a terrific outreach success.
The PTSA is proud to help sponsor this
event each year at TJ.
In another few days, the PTSA is
preparing for another annual outreach
event at TJ. Parent, student and faculty
volunteers, along with TJ Admissions
representatives will be presenting the
Diversity Committee's Outreach
TJHSST Tech cetera
Information Session, Saturday, May 4
from 9am-12 pm. This is a great
community event for current 4th through
7th grade students who may be
interested in applying to attend TJ in the
future. There will be a resource fair for
families to gather information about
community resources available to
elementary and middle school students.
The students will enjoy the hands on
science demonstrations in Gym 1, while
parents attend breakout sessions for
each grade level to hear how they can
learn more about STEM activities, math
enrichment and the TJ admissions
process. Please pass the informational
flyer (Spanish version) along to
someone you might know who would be
interested in attending this important
event. We also need volunteers to make
this event successful. Please sign up by
contacting Michele Gonzalez at
micheledgonzalez4 at to
help support TJHSST's efforts to ensure
that talented students of all backgrounds
apply to TJHSST. Help make a
This summer, TJ will once again host its
Middle School Technology Institute.
Over 600 students sign up for one-week
seminars with inquiry based learning
approaches. Here is the link for the
institute for you to pass along to any
middle school student who may be
interested. The program has been
Page 4
expanded because of Dr. Glazer’s
active pursuit of 200 scholarships for
economically disadvantaged and
underrepresented populations.
Northrop Grumman is supporting the
program again this year with a generous
grant. Any student interested in
applying for a scholarship may contact
the PTSA for the form.
As you probably know, Dr. Glazer is a
huge proponent of TJ’s outreach efforts.
It is one of the many reasons we
nominated him for two awards this year:
the FCPS Principal of the Year and the
Bruce Oliver Partnerships in Education
Award. The votes are in for the FCPS
Principal of the Year and Dr. Glazer was
one of only two finalists. The decision
for the second award will be announced
on May 20. Stay tuned!!
Our PTSA works hand-in-hand with TJ
to promote events like the ones
described above, along with many other
outstanding programs. Please
consider becoming an active member
and remember to renew your
membership each year. In the 2013-14
school year, we will include a free online
and hardcopy of our TJHSST Student
Directory along with your membership
Celeste Fritzson
PTSA President, 2012-13
May 2013
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Items from other TJ Offices
Athletic Trainer’s Office
Get out your planners and register for
Wednesday, June 5, to get your
student’s annual sports physical at TJ.
Medical professionals will perform the
comprehensive physicals. The
screening will check height, weight,
body fat, vision, posture, vital signs,
upper and lower body assessments and
see the medical professional for
clearance. Every athlete needs a new
athletic physical EVERY SCHOOL
YEAR so, save a trip to the doctor’s
office and come out and support TJ
Athletics. This is a great way to ensure
that you the physical is completed
before summer out-of-season practices
start. EVERYONE will need a new
physical in order to participate after July
1. Got questions? Email
heather.murphy at
Make sure you have the correct
There is a NEW VHSL physical form.
We can ONLY accept the March 2013
version. Please do not use an old
version. Make sure it is the MARCH
2013 version. We have updated the
TJHSST Tech cetera page with
the new form if you need it.
There has been a change to the out of
season practice rules. Every athlete
needs a valid VHSL physical to
participate in out of season conditioning
(lifting/running/practice). Your child’s
current VHSL physical will expire on
June 30, 2013. If they are going to do
summer activities with a TJ team, they
will need to have a NEW physical
completed after May 1, 2013. Come
and take care of it at TJ on June 5!
Thank you in advance for your $50
donation to help Thomas Jefferson
Athletic Training Program and Thomas
Jefferson Athletics!!!!!
Volunteers Needed for Physicals!
We need medical and non-medical
parents to help make the sports
physicals a successful event! If you are
a physician (MD or DO), physician
assistant (PA), physical therapist (PT) or
nurse practitioner (NP), please consider
helping out with physicals on June 5th .
We also need non-medical parents who
want to help with working a station or
check-in/out desk. Your expertise and a
few hours of your time will greatly
benefit our TJ athletes! Free advertising
for medical professionals that help!
Email heather.murphy at
Page 5
PTSA Update
Nominating Committee
During the May 2nd PTSA meeting, the
Nominating Committee will present the
following slate of officers to serve on the
PTSA Executive Committee for the
2013-2014 school year:
President: Grace Chung Becker(2015)
1st Vice President: Michele Gonzalez
2nd Vice President: Robin Hatanpää
(2013 and 2015)
Treasurer: Enit Lulushi (2016)
Recording Secretary: Natalie Goldring
(2013 and 2015)
Corresponding Secretary: Lakshmi Bala
The Nominating Committee was
approved by vote at the PTSA meeting
on March 7, 2013. The committee
searched for candidates by posting
announcements on the PTSA website,
in the Tech Cetera, and in This Week at
TJ. They also solicited
recommendations from past and present
PTSA Board members and the TJ
community, and requested nominations
at the PTSA meetings. Drawing from
the pool of experienced and highly
qualified nominees, the committee has
May 2013
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put together a slate of candidates who
are representative of the diversity of the
TJ community in terms of geographic
location, TJ club and academic interests
and affiliations, and graduating class, as
well as representative of a variety of
volunteering and PTA/PTSA leadership
experience at TJ and other schools.
Grace Chung Becker, from McLean,
has served as TJ PTSA 1st Vice
President for the past year and has
volunteered at TJ in many other
capacities including the College and
Career Center, the Partnership Fund,
and the front office. Grace has also
served on the Fairfax County School
Board’s Advanced Academic Programs
Advisory Committee, Human Resources
Advisory Committee, and the
Superintendent’s Business and
Community Advisory Council. In
addition, she has served as the
President of the Fairfax County
Association for the Gifted. Grace also
speaks conversational Korean.
Michele Gonzalez, from Manassas,
comes to us with many years of prior
PTO experience. She was the PTO
President of Parkside Middle School for
8 years, and the PTO Athletic Booster
Representative and Auction Co-Chair
for a number of years at Osbourn Park.
Additionally, she served on numerous
PTO committees in the schools of her
TJHSST Tech cetera
other three children throughout their
years in Prince William Public Schools.
At TJ, Michele has been involved in the
STEMbassadors program, volunteers in
the front office, and is the Prince William
Cluster Representative.
Robin Hatanpää, from McLean, has
served as the PTSA Corresponding
Secretary (2011-12) and Recording
Secretary (2012-13). Additionally, Robin
performs numerous other PTSA duties
for the TJ community including serving
as the coordinator for the incoming
freshmen class’s welcome parties, the
PTSA Roundtables, and co-coordinator
of TJ’s Back-to-School Bash. She is
also a member of the This Week at TJ
team, is a TJ PTSA liaison to the Safe
Community Coalition, is chairing the
ticket sales for this year’s All Night Grad
Party, is JV Field Hockey parent liaison,
and is assisting in the PTSA Volunteer
Coordinator and Hospitality duties.
Finally, Robin has been instrumental in
implementing the use of Signup Genius
for many of our PTSA events.
Enit Lulushi, from Oakton, has a
Masters Degree in math and computer
science and has had extensive
accounting and tax experience while
performing the duties for her own
company. At TJ, she is involved in the
Jefferson Learning Community, the
Partnership Fund Parent Advisory
Page 6
Board, STEMbassadors, and Crew
Natalie Goldring, from Arlington,
served as the PTSA Corresponding
Secretary this past year. Additionally,
she is part of the This Week at TJ team,
is a Vice President of the Academic
Boosters, and a member of the Faculty
Allocations Committee. In Arlington
County, Natalie is a Vice Chair of the
Advisory Council on Instruction and its
liaison to the Budget Advisory Council
and serves on the Gifted Services
Advisory Committee
Lakshmi Bala, from Great Falls, served
as PTSA 2nd Vice President this past
year. She also has been the PTSA
Hospitality Co-Chair for the past three
years, and is the PTSA liaison for the
Health and Wellness initiative.
Voting on these nominees will take
place at the General Membership PTSA
meeting on Tuesday, June 4, beginning
at 7:30p.m.
Landscape Committee
The renovations will soon be upon us,
and our landscape will be forever
changed. It has been a wonderful
May 2013
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experience sharing the cultivation of our
campus with the dedicated students,
parents and faculty who have made it
possible to keep TJ blooming.
The past few months, with the help of
TJ’s Cultivators of the Earth Clu,b we
have raced to rescue much of the plant
material we have cultivated over the
past seven years. We plan to conserve
these plants during the construction and
we hope to integrate them into the new
TJ campus.
With the help of Bruce Butler, the
Fairfax County Renovation Liaison, in
May we will remove and conserve our
memorial trees; the azaleas grown from
seed by TJ students and faculty sponsor
Don Hyatt in 1985; and some of the
large-scale shrubs.
Thank you to the Cultivators of the
Earth: Kevin Chaplin, Andrew Choi,
Henry Ellis, Jack Fang, Richard Hage,
Andrew Haymaker, George Lo, Grace
TJHSST Tech cetera
Liu, Ray Liu, Javed Shaik, Siddarth
Anand, Erik Song, Nita Takanti, Jade
Traiger, Darren Xue, Alison Yu, Emily
Zhou, and sponsor Lona Klein. Without
you all we would not have been able to
maintain the campus grounds and
rescue our plants.
If you would like to help us in these
efforts, please contact Landscape
Chairs Eleni Silverman at eleni1 at or Carol Miranda at csmiranda
Serving the TJ Community
The following groups are looking for
volunteers. Please consider donating
some time:
ANGP: Underclassmen parents should
volunteer to shadow a senior parent to
learn what is involved in planning the
ANGP or anyone can volunteer to help
at the party. Senior Class parents are
needed to volunteer to chaperone the
party. Click here to volunteer.
Class of 2016: The Class of 2016
needs volunteers for the class Lock-out
next weekend. Please volunteer at
Lock-Out Volunteers.
Page 7
They are also working to fill volunteer
positions for both now and in the future.
Please go to TJ2016 Parent Volunteer
Sign-up to see what is available and
volunteer some time.
Free Money
Please remember to do all of your shopping through the
PTSA's link – – to
earn free money for TJ! This link can
also be found on the Support the PTSA
web page. Bookmark it now and use it
every time you shop! Questions? Email
joe at
May 2013
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It’s almost here….
Can it really be true? Graduation on
June 15 is nearly here and so is the All
Night Graduation Party!! That’s right
the ANGP is only 6 weeks away! And
believe it or not, there are STILL seniors
that have not bought tickets and parents
that have not signed up to be a
volunteer and be part of the fun. Please
send in your check and sign up today.
As this goes to print there are still 70
seniors who have not purchased tickets
for the ANGP. We want EVERYONE to
share in this fun and SAFE way to
celebrate graduation. Please buy your
tickets NOW to help us with planning.
Tickets will only be sold until June 1
and will NOT be sold at the door.
Ticket forms are available on our
Mail or drop your completed form
(signed by BOTH student and parent)
together with a check for $135***
TJHSST Tech cetera
(marked “ANGP”) in the ANGP mailbox
in the front office of the school.
cannot be returned so please send us a
copy. Don’t miss out on this fun activity!
***No student will be denied a ticket
because of financial need. Tickets will
be available at lower or no cost to
students with demonstrated financial
need. Contact your guidance counselor
in confidence. ***
In addition to volunteering, parents can
help make the ANGP a success in other
ways as well. Because of the
renovations at TJ, the costs associated
with hosting the ANGP offsite are
increased this year. As a result, the
ANGP steering committee is seeking
monetary donations for the ANGP.
Please consider donating any amount,
small or large, to help us make the party
a success. All donations are tax
deductible and go directly to help defray
the cost of the party. Your donation will
be recognized on the ANGP website as
well as on the Donor Wall of
Recognition at the ANGP.
We cannot host this fabulous party
without your support. We urgently
need 26 volunteers for the 2am-6am
shift! Please join us on this incredibly
fun evening with our kids for one last get
together before we all go our separate
Last call for your favorite photo of your
senior when they were between 2 and 4
years of age. Send us your photo by
May 15. Send scanned/digital photos to
TJToddlers at If you are
not sending a digital photo, please be
sure your student’s name is marked
clearly on the back of the photo. Photos
may be sent to school and placed in the
ANGP mailbox in the front office. Photos
Page 8
Again, because of our offsite location
this year, we are unable to prepare food
for the ANGP onsite. Some of the food
will be catered, but as you can imagine,
that is quite costly. To keep our
expenses down, we are asking EVERY
senior family to consider a food
donation. Please go to
0D48ADA629A20-food and select a
May 2013
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Show off your pride in your TJ
graduate and help offset the cost of
the ANGP by purchasing a 2013
Graduation Lawn Sign or a TJHHST
Custom Picture Frame. See the TJ
Marketplace at the end of this issue of
Techcetera or the ANGP website for
more details. Part of the proceeds from
each sale will go to support the ANGP.
Follow us: The ANGP has launched a
Facebook page and we are conducting
surveys to get your input for some of the
party details. Follow us on Facebook at
TJ angp Please climb aboard and help
us out!
Academic News
French News
The French department is organizing
the yearly exchange with a French HS
located in Reims, France. To this effect
we are looking for 20 TJ families willing
to host the visiting French students
(ages 15-17, male and female) from
October 21, 2013 to November 3, 2013.
Contact gjdelfosse at if you
are willing to participate. This is a great
opportunity for our TJ students to create
lasting friendships and to have the
TJHSST Tech cetera
opportunity later on to use the language
learned in the classroom and
experience directly the French culture
while living with a French family for a
During spring break 2014, a group of TJ
students will visit the French HS and
Reims. Students do NOT have to host
to participate to this trip and likely, they
can host without going to France during
spring break. The total cost of the trip is
much lower than trips organized by
travel companies.
There will be an organizational meeting
in June, but now, we need to locate our
hosting TJ families so that the French
teachers who sponsor this exchange
can move ahead with their planning.
French Honor Society
So far this spring, the French Honor
Society (FHS) has had several
celebrations. After February’s
International Night performance of “Le
sens de la vie” and “Tekitoi,” FHS also
handed out festival beads throughout
the school during one JLC for Mardi
Gras, and had a cheese-tasting event
during an eighth period.
Page 9
Seniors Sajala Shukla, Mallika Patkar,
Kyler Blodgett and Rachel MerrimanGoldring
However, one of the main things FHS
has celebrated has been the results of
the French National Exam, or “Grand
Concours.” This year, there were
SEVEN gold medal winners(Médaille
d’or), SEVENTEEN silver medal
winners (“Médaille d’argent”), and
EIGHTY-ONE bronze winners
(Médaille de bronze).
The gold medal winners were freshmen
Tiger Zhang, Lavanya Shukla,
Phoebe Whitemore, Paula Jaramillo,
Abbigail Peterson and sophomores
Alexis Gillmore and Jacopo Gliozzi.
The silver medal winners were
freshmen Allen Cheng, Anthara
Gnanakumar, Chantal Iosso, Asha
Krishnakumar, Thuy-vi Nguyen, Ming
Ray Xu, Michael Blumenfeld, Kevin
May 2013
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Chaplin, Rashid Lasker, Jessica
Nguyen, Joseph Karaki, Arthur
Tisseront; sophomores Alec Jessar,
Katherine Salamido, Adrien Bernard;
and juniors Dhruv Gaba and Aditya
For lack of space, we will not list all 81
Bronze medal winners but we
congratulate them!
The Grand Concours is a multiple
choice exam offered for six different
levels of French. This year, it was taken
in March by more than 96,000 students
nationwide and abroad. It assesses
students’ abilities to understand spoken
and written language.
In the upcoming month, FHS will be
preparing for officer elections and
accepting new members’ applications
for the Induction Ceremony in May.
Japanese News
The Japanese program has been quite
active and busy lately. During the
month of March, we had exchange
students from two schools home stay
with almost 40 TJ families! One school
was our long-time friend, Chiben HS
(Wakayama prefecture). We celebrated
the 20th year of this exchange program
by inviting our former principal Elizabeth
TJHSST Tech cetera
Lodal. Later in the month, we had
Meikei HS (Ibaraki prefecture) visit us
for three days. They visited us in
exchange for our students visiting their
community last summer as a part of
Japan’s 3-11 disaster study trip hosted
by the Foreign Ministry of Japan. The
Meikei students also had a chance to
visit the State Department along with
several TJ students. Upon returning
home, they presented their experiences
to help their school and community in
Ishinomaki City. During their visit, we
had one of their graduates, Dr. Hoshide,
visit our school on behalf of JAXA and
NASA. He talked about his recent
mission with his fellow astronaut, Capt.
Sunita Williams. We had about 300 TJ
students come to listen to their inspiring
story. The whole month of March was
truly full of great experiences and
excitement! Shortly after we said
goodbye to the exchange students, we
were still busy preparing for the National
Japan Bowl and the Cherry Blossom
Festival. This year, the Japan Bowl
teams won the national champion title
for the level 3 (Emily Zhou, Christine
Tsou, Elizabeth Chang), and the level
4 won the 2nd place (Ian Lin, Justin
Lee, Colton Sears). The day after the
competition, another group of students
performed calligraphy as a street
performance with dance and music at
the Cherry Blossom Festival. The
audience was surprised to see the
Page 10
modern style of performing calligraphy
on the 8 ft x 11 ft size paper.
Class News
2013 – Seniors
Happy May Class of 2013! By the time
you read this, most of our students will
have decided on where they will be
headed next year. Congratulations!
They will also be about to begin their AP
exams and their final month of high
school! Even more amazing is that
graduation is right around the corner on
June 15. Please remind your students
to take their AP exams ‘in stride’ and to
remember that just like the rest of their
high school careers, no one expects
them to do any more than their best (but
we DO expect their best – no Senioritis
for AP weeks!).
There is a lot of important information
and dates to keep track of between now
and graduation, so let’s get to it:
May 15: May 15 is the last day to send
in your senior’s toddler picture for
inclusion in the ANGP photo contest.
Please send in a favorite photo of your
senior when they were between 2 and 4
years of age (please be sure your
student approves it). Send
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
scanned/digital photos to TJToddlers at If you are not sending a
digital photo, please be sure your
student’s name is marked clearly on the
back of the photo. Photos may be sent
to school and placed in the ANGP
mailbox in the front office. Photos
cannot be returned so please send a
Prom: The TJ Senior Prom will be held
on Saturday, June 1 at the Key Bridge
Marriott in Arlington. The Prom is free
for all current TJ seniors. Tickets for
non-TJ seniors and all underclassmen
attending as guests are $75 and will
require completion of a permission form
signed by an administrator from both
TJHSST and the non-TJ student’s
school (if applicable). Forms will be
available in the front office and can be
turned in once completed along with a
check to TJHSST, “Class of 2013 Prom”
in the memo, to Mrs. Hamblin in Student
Senior Class Dues: There are still a
handful of seniors who have not paid
their Senior Dues. Please be aware that
these fees are collected to cover the
cost of graduation cap and gowns and
the Senior Class Picnic and need to be
paid ASAP. ALL seniors need a cap
and gown to process at graduation.
The dues are $25 and payable to
“TJHSST”. Please place a check in an
TJHSST Tech cetera
envelope with your student’s FULL
name, student ID number and “Senior
Dues” written in the memo and on the
envelop and have your student place it
in the box outside Mrs. Hamblin’s door
in Student Services.
Financial obligations: There are 79
seniors who still have outstanding
financial obligations, including payments
for unreturned library books, missing
textbooks, etc. These obligations must
be cleared with the TJ Finance Office
before graduation rehearsal on June
13 or students will not be issued a cap
and gown. Without a cap and gown,
you cannot process at graduation!
Students can check if they have any
outstanding obligations in Room 201
Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal,
June 13: ALL seniors are required to
attend the mandatory graduation
rehearsal on Thursday, June 13 from 13:30pm in the TJ Gym. Caps and
gowns will be issued at rehearsal and
remember, no one can process at
graduation without a cap and gown.
Be there on time!
Senior Picnic, June 13: The Senior
Class Picnic will be held immediately
following graduation rehearsal on June
13. Stay tuned for more information on
Page 11
the location (the renovation is playing
havoc with the planning).
Graduation: Graduation will be held on
June 15 at the Patriot Center at George
Mason University on Braddock Road in
Alexandria. Graduation starts at 7pm
but seniors must arrive no later than
5:30pm. No tickets are required to
attend graduation.
ANGP Needs Senior Parent Help:
Volunteers: The All Night Graduation
Party committee still needs several
volunteers to make the party a reality.
The committee is counting on every
senior family to do their part and
volunteer for a shift. Please go to:
s and select a shift. Food Donations:
The ANGP needs food donations for the
party as well and is counting on every
senior family to donate something,
large or small. Please go to:
0D48ADA629A20-food and select your
ANGP Tickets only available until
June 1: Tickets for the ANGP on June
15 are still available for $135 and must
be purchased before June 1. Tickets
will not be sold at the door. This will be
a wonderful celebration for ALL TJ
graduates and a last chance to be
together to celebrate with classmates.
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Please see the ANGP article in this
edition of Tech cetera for more details
on this spectacular event.
Please feel free to contact either of us
should you have any questions.
Pam Cooper
cooperlaw at
703-450-0321 and
Yun Pang
yunjungp0201 at
TJHSST Class of 2013 co-liaisons
2014 – Juniors
The All Night Grad Party is quickly
approaching! Parent volunteers are
needed to volunteer for the ANGP which
will be on June 15 for the 8pm to 11pm
shift; and also to consider becoming a
committee "shadow" in one capacity or
another. Junior parents, you still have a
chance to “shadow” the senior parents
and learn the ropes for next year when
your students will be attending, and you
are in charge of running the ANGP.
Parents can sign up to volunteer on the
night of ANGP or to serve as a shadow
We hope that your student has signed
up for May 18 Kings Dominion trip for
TJHSST Tech cetera
the Junior and Sophomore classes. It
takes place all day on the Saturday right
after AP tests are done. Buses will be
provided for the trip. For questions,
please contact student council at
tjclassof2014 at
faye at
Junior Class Liaisons
Anita Rezazad
(arezazad at
Vicki Ruiter
(theruiters at
You may have heard about a freshman
lock-in, an event that has been a
tradition at TJ for an x amount of years
(they can do the calculus on the final
number). This year, due to renovation,
there cannot be a lock-in. However, the
class of 2016 has decided to start a new
tradition, lock-OUT! Your students have
waited for this well-deserved, freshmen
lock-out event. This is a fun outdoor
event that is planned for Sunday, May
5th to Monday morning, May 6th. This is
a great opportunity for your child to bond
with his or her classmates and form
memorable, healthy, and lasting
2015 – Sophomores
J-Day (TJ field day) this year is on
Friday, May 31. The school theme is
Toy Story, and our class has chosen
‘Aliens’ as theme. Our class J-Day tshirts, designed by Susie Lee and
Monique Mezher, will be on sale for $10
the week of May 27 - May 31.
Sophomore Sizzle, an 8th period and
after school outdoor party, will be held
on Friday, June 7. The event is free and
will include activities such as sponge
wars. Be on the lookout for more
information about that in the morning
announcements and on intranet.
2016 – Freshmen
Dear Parents,
Your child was given the registration
form that was due by April 16th.
We want to ensure that the kids enjoy
the occasion in a safe environment;
therefore we will need parent
volunteers to chaperone this
event. Please sign up today.
Happy Spring!
Jim and Faye Henris
Class of 2015 Parent Liaisons
Page 12
Freshman Lock-OUT! Parent
Volunteer Sign-up
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Grab the opportunity to be outdoors, get
to know the other parents, and spend
time with friends and nature!
Here are more details:
When: On Sunday, May 5, students will
need to arrive at TJ by 11:30am. After
staying the night, we will arrive back at
TJ during lunch on Monday, May 6. If
the student lives fairly close to Camp
Highroad, Middleburg, Virginia, they
may be dropped off at the camp by
What to Bring: Sleeping bag, pillow,
change of clothes, lunch (For Sunday),
backpack for Monday, toiletries,
flashlight, sunscreen, bug repellent,
snacks, sensible walking shoes (closed
toe), there will be a lot of
walking. Students using their own
transportation will need to bring their
school bags.
Meals: Dinner and breakfast will be
provided. Accommodations will be
made for vegetarians.
Please see sign-up for breakfast food
Freshman Lock-OUT! Parent
Volunteer Sign-up
Overnight Accommodations: We will
need parent chaperones on Sunday and
overnight throughout Monday morning.
TJHSST Tech cetera
Please indicate your availability. We
appreciate your effort to make this event
happen. The students have put a
tremendous amount of time and effort in
organizing and planning this welldeserved event!
Freshman Lock-OUT! Parent
Volunteer Sign-up
*Students not staying overnight may be
picked up from the camp at 7:00pm. at
the main office of the camp.
If you have any questions, please send
an email to 2016TJclasscouncil at
News Round-up and Awards
tjToday reporters given national
Congratulations to the following five
reporters from tjTODAY who've been
declared National Winners in the 2013
Quill and Scroll International Writing and
Photo Contest:
Ellen Kan, grade 10: Feature Writing
"Exchange Students Break Barriers"
Tahmina Achekzai, grade 12: News
Writing "Beijing Jefferson"
Page 13
Colleen Marshall, Class of 2012: Photo
Sports "Saitta to Continue Diving at
Amy Ahn, grade 12: Infographics
"Partisan Consumption"
Joshua Baquedano, Class of 2012:
Editorial "What Admissions Statistics
TJ Sweeps Grand Prizes in Virginia
State Science and Engineering Fair
Junior Andrea Li won the Governor’s
Award and Grand Prize in the Virginia
State Science and Engineering Fair,
held recently in Lexington. Li’s project,
IFN in Breast Cancer and Leukemia Cell
Proliferation, also won first prize in the
Biochemistry category.
The Second Grand Prize went to
Manotri Chaubal for Reprogramming
Dental Pulp Stem Cells into Hepatocy,
which also took first prize in the Cellular
and Molecular Biology category. The
Third Grand Prize was awarded to
Archis Bhandarkar and Rohan
Banerjee for their project, On the
Stability of Lung Parenchymal Lesions,
which also took first prize in the
Mathematical Sciences category.
Other students who were named
category award winners were:
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Jennie Kim and Julie Kim, Chemistry.
Alec Brenner, Earth and Planetary
Sarthak Sahu, Physics and Astronomy.
Several TJ students were also named
Special Award winners. The complete
list can be found here.
Ho wins VSBA Regional Art Contest
Senior Zachary Ho, has been named
the winner at the high school level of the
Virginia School Boards Association
(VSBA) Northeastern Regional Art
Ho submitted a digital photograph titled
“Clinging” for the competition. Ho takes
photos for the school yearbook,
newspaper, and magazine, and won a
Silver Key award for his photography in
the 2013 Regional Scholastic Art
Awards competition.
TJ Team Named Governor’s
Challenge Champions in Economics
and Personal Finance
The TJ team of Scott Gibson, Hamil
Shah, Catherine Shi, and Robert
Wang won first place in the David
Ricardo Division (economics). They are
coached by teacher Haywood Torrence.
TJHSST Tech cetera
The Governor’s Challenge is conducted
in partnership with the Virginia Council
on Economic Education, an organization
that focuses on enhancing economics
and financial education for students in
grades K-12. More than 2,100 high
school students in Virginia competed in
preliminary rounds of the competition;
160 students qualified for the day-long
championship held at Virginia
Commonwealth University last week.
to complete app development and
release their app on the market.
Roodberg given Fairfax County
Volunteer Service Award
TJ Senior Benjamin Roodberg was
awarded the Fairfax County 2013 Youth
Volunteer Award for his work in
obtaining, refurbishing, and installing
computers in local non-profit learning
centers. The full article can be found
Other Student News
(The following information was submitted to
Tech cetera on behalf of the students.
Activities in this section are not connected
to TJ or FCPS.)
TJ Students Finalists in
Technovation Challenge 2013
Tara Abrishami, Kira Becker, Emily
Moschella, and Anna Venetianer are
finalists in Technovation Challenge 2013
(sponsored by Iridescent and the Office
of Naval Research). They are one of ten
finalist teams who will be presenting
their business plan to a panel of judges
at Twitter's offices in San Francisco on
May 2, 2013. If they win, they will
receive $10,000 in funding and support
Page 14
Atluri to participate in We Model
United Nations in Beijing
Congratulations to Sreya Atluri, who
has been chosen by the College
Apprentice Program to participate in this
summer’s We Model United Nations
(WEMUN) Exposition Conference in
Beijing, China! She was selected as a
member of the College Apprentice
Program’s All-American Model United
Nations Team.
Foley attends Commissioning
Ceremony for new Navy ship
Peter Foley (2013) joined other scouts
and leaders from Boy Scout Troop 111,
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Arlington, VA, at the commissioning
ceremony for the U.S.S. Arlington in
Norfolk, VA, on April 6th, 2013. The
U.S.S. Arlington is one of three San
Antonio class ships named for the
communities impacted by the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The other two are the U.S.S. New York
and the U.S.S. Somerset.
Members of Boy Scout Troop 111
TJHSST Partnership Fund
Join the Growing TJ Network: LinkIn
to TJ Partnership Fund
THE FINISH LINE: The JLA has raised
nearly $30,000 towards our $54,000 goal
for all 13 labs. Several labs have already
raised more than enough to purchase
their target items, and the Captains of the
remaining labs are pulling out the stops –
making phone calls, offering incentive
matches, lifting huge boulders and
TJHSST Tech cetera
looking under them for parents who
haven’t identified themselves as
belonging to their lab. Show your support
for your junior’s hard work by donating
online right now; just choose “Junior Lab
Appeal” as the appeal and then select
your junior’s lab from the drop-down list.
Your kids will thank you for it.
FOR TJ: Many parents assume that the
School has corporate contacts at every
large and mid-size defense and
technology firm in the region and that we
know about every private and
governmental foundation that might be
interested in supporting our mission. We
do not. We need your connections and
your time in order to do the research and
make the contacts that will help our
School. With our upcoming renovation,
we are entering the most critical moment
in our history, and we need more parents
to become involved in order to make the
most of this opportunity.
We are using a LinkedIn group called
"TJ Partnership Fund" to extend our base
of support from companies and
government entities with an interest in
supporting STEM education and
outreach. If you'd like to be included in
the virtual group as a representative of
your company, please LinkIn to Jennifer
Page 15
Simpson (our Corporate Board Chair),
noting that as the reason.
We have several Internet research
opportunities available, from looking for
potential alumni donors to searching for
grant opportunities. Projects can be done
remotely on your own time, so don’t
hesitate to inquire simply because you
work during the day or live far from the
TJ’s Mentorship Program is the crown
jewel of our corporate, government and
foundation partnerships. At TJ’s
Mentorship Fair on April 3rd students
presented their projects and shared a
buffet lunch with their mentors.
Nathan Kodama ‘13 embraces Dr. Nadine Kabbani,
his mentor from George Mason University’s Krasnow
May 2013
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CONTACT: The source of all PF
knowledge is Rachael Estep, PF
Development Manager. She can be
reached at 703.750.8317 or rcestep at or simply visit her at school.
The PF Office is on the main level in the
back, next door to the Energy Systems
Callahan, 6th place in Poetry
Interpretation, and Katie Earl, 1st
place in Dramatic Interpretation. The
TJ speech coaches were thrilled that all
three of our states competitors broke to
the final rounds and led TJ to 3rd place
in the state of Virginia for AAA Forensics
Thank you for supporting to one of
the most WORTHY causes around!
Congratulations to Miranda Callahan
who broke to the semi-final round at the
Virginia District NFL Tournament in
humorous interpretation of literature.
TJ Boosters
Academic Boosters
The Forensics Team is now preparing
for our Speech Fest, April 24th, as well
as for competitors Kyle Angelotti,
Extemporaneous Speaking, and
Matthew Sun, Original Oratory, who
will be competing at the Grand Nationals
Tournament of NCFL in May.
The Future Problem Solving Club is
excited to announce that four teams
(one middle division team and three
senior division teams) qualified to
compete at the Virginia Future Problem
Solving State Bowl! The topic this year
is “Ocean Soup”.
The qualifying teams and their members
for the State Bowl include:
Middle Division Team: Christopher
Hoang, Olivia Zhang, MinJoo Kang,
Joyce Duan
Senior Division Team: Andreas
Butler, Parth Chopra
Senior Division Team: Arisa Smith,
Ian Lin, Christine Xu, Michelle Chang
Senior Division Team: Katherine Lee,
Lauren Huang, Jessica
Wang, Andrew Li
Chemistry Olympiad
Congratulations to Janice Ong, Emily
Schneider, and Kalki Seksaria, our
national finalists who took the National
Chemistry Olympiad exam at Catholic
University on April 11th.
The teams will be joined by Pegah
Moradi, Aaron Zhou, and Melissa Wu
when they compete at the State Bowl on
April 19-20. The State Bowl will take
place at Granby High School in Norfolk,
Forensics Speech
Congratulations to our VHSL States
Competitors: Kyle Angelotti, 1st place
in Impromptu Speaking, Miranda
TJHSST Tech cetera
Future Problem Solvers
Kyle Angelotti, Katie Earl, Miranda Callahan at
VHSL States
Page 16
May 2013
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Japan Bowl
The Japan Bowl teams competed at the
21st National Japan Bowl in mid-April at
the National 4H Center. All of the teams
did very well again this year among 250
participating schools from around the
country (including Guam!).
The level 3 team won the national
champion title for the second year and
the level 4 team won 2nd place with a
very narrow margin. They showed good
teamwork throughout the year preparing
for the event.
This year’s team members were:
Level 2: An Zeal, Allison Ko, Thai Le
Level 3: Elizabeth Chang, Emily Zhou,
Christine Tsou
Level 4: Ian Lin, Justin Lee, Colton
Congratulations on another excellent set
of performances, Japan Bowl!!
Odyssey of the Mind
At the Odyssey of the Mind State
Competition, two TJ Odyssey of the
Mind teams qualified for the World
Finals in Michigan from May 22-25!
Each team had to solve a problem with
significant engineering and creative
challenges, with a strict limit on material
cost and without adult participation. For
more information on this year’s
problems, see:
The team competing in problem #1 –
“Pet project” consisted of Sravani
Korupolu (10), Surya Gourneni (11),
and Naveen Ambati (11), Samiksha
Kosaraju (10). Team members who
competed on problem #4 –
“Tumblewood” were Jay Gupta, Shrey
Gupta, Tarun Vippa, Shubham Gupta,
and Kaushik Venkatesh (all freshmen).
Best of luck at Worlds, OM teams!
TJHSST Tech cetera
On March 23rd, TJ Quizbowl sent two
teams to the National Academic
Quizbowl Tournament (NAQT) state
Page 17
tournament. The TJ A team consisted of
Raynor Kuang and Sidharth Verma.
The TJ B team consisted of Luke
Waddell, Niharika Dar, and Justin
Yum. The TJ A team placed fourth, with
a 2-3 win-loss record in the playoffs, and
the TJ B team placed second, with a 4-2
win-loss record. Raynor Kuang was the
second highest scoring individual of the
day, out of 86 individuals, while Luke
Waddell was the third highest scorer of
the day.
Both teams that TJ sent to states
qualified for the Partnership for
Academic Competition Excellence’s
National Scholastics Championship
(PACE NSC) and the National
Academic Quiz Tournaments’ High
School National Championship
Tournament (NAQT HSNCT).
In addition, the It's Academic team
consisting of Raynor Kuang, Betsy
Goodwin, and Sidharth Verma and
alternate Kunal Debroy beat out
Georgetown Day School and Bullis
School in the playoff rounds. The team
thus clinched a spot in the semifinals!
They then triumphed in itheir semifinal
match against Langley and Montgomery
Blair high schools on April 27 to
advance to the It’s Academic finals to be
taped on May 18. The match ended in a
tie between Blair and TJ. A tiebreaker
put TJ over the top. Congratulations go
May 2013
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Mega Math Challenge. They were
among 43 honorable mentions out of
over 1000 papers submitted. The Math
Challenge is an applied math contest in
which students use mathematical
models to propose a solution to a global
problem. This year’s problem was
"Waste Not, Want Not: Putting
Recyclables in Their Place".
to seniors Raynor Kuang and Sarah
Eltinge and junior Sid Verma. Put May
18 at 11am on your calendars to come
out and support the team.
It’s Academic Semi-Final
NASA Space Launch Initiative and
Team America Rocketry Challenge
At this writing, a team of TJ students is
preparing to compete in NASA’s Student
Launch Project Challenge. They’re
among just 20 high school teams in the
United States that qualified for the
Two of TJ’s rocketry teams qualified for
the Team America Rocketry Challenge
(TARC) National Competition. They
were among just five teams from the
Commonwealth of Virginia to make it to
nationals. They’ll compete in the
National Finals in mid-May.
Varsity Math Team
The photo below shows the happy – and
relieved -- team after they passed their
flight readiness check.
Five TJ students qualified for the USA
Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO):
Victoria Xia, Sohail Farhangi, Robin
Park, Ildoo Kim, and Lucas Kang. In
addition, TJ had eight qualifiers for the
USA Junior Mathematical Olympiad
(USAJMO): Matthew Park, Sara Kim,
Samuel Kim, Samuel Hsiang, Allen
Cheng, Sushrutha Reddy, Saroja
Erabelli, and Kevin Lin.
TJHSST Tech cetera
The team of Archis Bhandarkar,
Rohan Banerjee, Nalini Singh,
Sreenath Are, and Julie Kim received
an honorable mention in the Moody’s
Page 18
The challenge includes building their
own rockets with working, retrievable
payloads, and ensuring that they can
reach a target altitude of one mile.
Colonial Athletic Boosters (CAB)
Our spring season is racing by and we
are fast approaching District and
Regional competitions. Good luck to our
athletes as they wrap up their regular
seasons, celebrate their Seniors, and
prepare for playoff challenges!
$1000 scholarships each spring to four
student-athletes (two girls and two
boys). The application form is now
available on the CAB website,, and the
deadline for submission of applications
is May 21, 2013. Please take
advantage of this opportunity, and
remind your friends!
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Get out your calendars and book your
appointment now for Wednesday, June
5, 2013, to get your student’s annual
sports physical at TJ! Appointments are
available at 4:30, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00 and
6:30pm. To register for your desired
time slot, go to the CAB website, and
follow the link to the Sports Physicals
information, or go to
and click on Sports Physicals.
Medical professionals will perform the
comprehensive physicals. The
screening will check height, weight,
body fat, vision, posture, vital signs,
upper and lower body assessments, and
will clear the athlete to play. All student
athletes are required to have a new
physical every SCHOOL year,
performed after May 1. They must have
a valid physical for out of season
conditioning as well!!
Questions? Call the Athletic Trainers at
(703) 750-8387, or email Heather
Murphy at hrmurphy at
Spring Membership Contest! Second
place is still not claimed, but Varsity
Girls Soccer and Varsity Softball remain
competitive, while Varsity Girls and
Varsity Boys Lacrosse teams are close
Your team can still win the Second
Place prize of $200 for your coach to
spend on your sport, if you continue to
encourage your team families to join
CAB. Remember even a Basic
Membership ($50) counts toward your
team membership totals!
For all the team standings in the
membership contest, please visit the
Boosters tab on the CAB website, and
click on “Contest”.
Important upcoming CAB events:
May 8: CAB Monthly Meeting
May 11: TJ Penultimate
May 21: Scholarship Applications
June 4: Spring Sports Award
June 5: Sports Preview Night
June 5: Sports Physicals for Next
**CAB Team Membership Contest –
Spring 2013**
And now for the team news…
Congratulations Varsity Baseball for
winning First Place and $500 in the
TJHSST Tech cetera
Page 19
Varsity Baseball: The Varsity
baseballers ignited their Liberty District
season with a stirring win over perennial
district powerhouse Stone Bridge by the
score of 6-4. Ian McConnell and
Michael Chan combined to pitch 6
innings of 3-hit ball, and Mookie
Goodson closed to earn the save.
Offensively, Goodson had a big night,
going 3-4 with 2 doubles, Alex Dalzell
had two doubles, and Bill Swift and
Darren Bolduc had key hits to produce
runs. As the season has progressed,
the Colonials have had mixed success,
but have been more competitive than
their 3-8 record would suggest. Playing
in the Let’s Play Two spring break
tourney, the Colonials lost two extremely
close games to Osbourn Park and Lee,
4-2 and 2-1. In both games, the
outcome was undecided until the 7th
inning, with TJ being victimized by a
horrible umpire call in the Lee game that
squelched what appeared to be a gamewinning rally.
Jack Brown has had a great season on
the mound thus far. He is 2-1, with a
microscopic earned run average of 1.18.
Offensively, shortstop Bill Swift has
been on fire, leading the team in every
significant offensive category, batting
.579, with 7 runs batted in and 10 runs
scored. Other significant contributors to
the offense have included Darren
Bolduc (.485), Daniel Suzuki (.364),
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Mookie Goodson (.350) and Alex
Dalzell (.344). The team has been
without last season’s top hitter Daniel
Fritzson for almost the entire year, but
he is expected to return soon from a
hamstring injury, which undoubtedly will
help the offense as the team moves into
the second half of its season.
Lacrosse Varsity Boys: The team has
been playing hard, but with a
challenging schedule, their efforts have
yet to result in a victory. The Colonials
began district play with losses to Stone
Bridge, McLean, Fairfax, and South
Against Stone Bridge junior Devan Kim
got TJ on the scoreboard on a great
individual effort, aggressively rushing
the crease and firing a shot past the
goalie. Senior Bohe Hosking scored
twice, senior Justin Hwang added
another, and freshman Matt Conway
netted his first varsity goal.
In the next game TJ took a 1-0 lead
within 8 seconds when Hosking won the
opening face-off, sprinted down the field
and as the defense converged on him,
passed to sophomore Matt Gibbs, who
fired the ball past the McLean goalie.
Gibbs scored again and senior Alex
Kim added three goals (one on an
assist from fellow senior Robby Vasta),
TJHSST Tech cetera
but it was not enough against the highpowered McLean offense.
Senior Attackman Robby Vasta (#13) set to fire a
shot at the South Lakes Seahawks' goal
Junior defenseman Miles Oakley (#35) keeps South
Lakes away from the goal
Against Fairfax Gibbs scored twice and
Hwang added a third goal, and they
each scored once in the following
contest with South Lakes. A highlight of
that game occurred when senior
midfielder Quark Wei unselfishly
manned the goal for a brief time and
recorded a save. The strength of the
team has been its defense led by senior
goalie Gordon Hart, who has been
impressive all season. He has been
ably assisted by senior defenseman
Josh Stein, juniors Miles Oakley,
Brian Welch, and Josh Fang, and
sophomore Parsa Zand.
With a more favorable schedule
remaining, the Colonials hope to pick up
a few victories. Come root them on as
they finish the regular season at Stuart
(April 24th) and then at home against
Langley (April 26th), Marshall (April 29th),
and Madison (May 1st)!
Lacrosse JV Boys: JV boy’s lacrosse
faced an experienced squad from Stone
Bridge at home on April 5. Strong play in
the first half from Andrew Howard,
Dean Gumas and Wills Song were no
match for the opposing team. In the
second half Aneesh Reddy and John
Nguyen moved into the Stone Bridge
zone. Nikhil Patla intercepted a Stone
Bridge pass and Wyatt Bahm had an
excellent shot on goal. Final score
Stone Bridge 15, TJ 0.
JV boy’s lacrosse hosted McLean on
April 8. Jafr Kazmi blocked several
attempts at goal. Julian Villacorta and
Page 20
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
John Nguyen fought to obtain
possession of the ball. Dean Gumas,
Akash Kalimili, Alex Wendt and
Dennis Park slowed McLean. A 4th
quarter change of goalies saw Peter
Rohrer making several saves and TJ
attempting to move the play down the
field to hold the final score to McLean
12, TJ 0.
Sam Desmarais (#25) and Jacob Gonzalez (#31)
fight for a ground ball against the South Lakes
The JV boy’s lacrosse team traveled to
South Lakes on April 16. The game
started with a furious assault on the
Colonial’s goal. Peter Rohrer blocked
several shots and teammates Wills
Song, Dean Gumas, Wyatt Bahm,
John Nguyen, Akash Kalimili, Srikar
Kosuri tried to move the action to the
opposing goal. In the second half
Fudong Fan and John Nguyen were
aggressive in trying to steal the ball but
were unable to get traction. Final score
South Lakes 17, TJ 0.
TJHSST Tech cetera
Lacrosse Varsity Girls: The Girls
Varsity Lacrosse team continues their
strong 2013 season under coaches
Vivian Tan and Samantha Rittenberg.
The team played well and beat Hayfield
9-8 thanks to some sweet goals by
Hunter Clark, Allison Chou, and Molly
Hemenway. As usual, Tessa Muss
dominated in ground ball controls and
Kleo Greenwood was strong on
shutting down Hayfield when they came
down on attack.
The TJ Girls Varsity also beat
Washington and Lee 8-7 for the first
time since 2010. MVP of that game was
Hunter Clark for 5 goals, excellent draw
control, and a crucial check that resulted
in a turnover toward the end of the
game to win it for TJ. When Washington
and Lee did manage to get the ball
down near TJ’s goal, goalie Caroline
Culberson shut them down with a total
of 7 saves. Junior starters Quinnlan
Sweeney and Care Shoaibi were
defensive mavens knocking down
passes and preventing goals and it
made a huge difference.
Unfortunately, TJ lost in a frustrating
game against McLean 11-14 despite a
strong showing. Allison Chou caused 4
turnovers, Molly Hemenway scored 4
goals, and Kleo Greenwood secured 4
Page 21
ground balls, but it was not enough to
overcome the Highlanders.
TJ lost to Stone Bridge 10-17 despite
the valiant efforts of Allison Chou with 6
goals and 4 draw controls and Tessa
Muss and Hunter Clark’s ground ball
TJ had an amazing game against
Fairfax High beating them 18-9. Nearly
half of the goals were scored by the
unstoppable Allison Chou whose
dodges and bursts of speed left
defenders in the dust. Also scoring were
Hunter Clark, Molly Hemenway,
Amanda Lim, Sarah Shan, Toni
Stapleton, and Kleo Greenwood.
Hunter Clark and Kleo Greenwood also
led the team in draw controls -- is there
anything those captains can’t do?
Sarah Shan’s speed and determination
on both ends of the field served her
team well. Lucky for the team, Goalie
Lizzy Woods also had 5 saves to clinch
the game for TJ.
There are only five games left in the
regular season, so come watch the TJ
Girls play the fastest growing sport in
the country!
Soccer Varsity Boys: The Thomas
Jefferson Boys Varsity Soccer team has
had a strong season with a current
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
record of 1-4-3, and 5 regular season
games left.
both overtimes. Recently, they beat
Annandale 1-0 despite the injury of
starting defender, Romain Debroux,
thanks to a stunning goal by Alex
Overall, this team plays with
great heart and intensity. They work
hard every day to make themselves
better and are looking forward to moving
on to the regional tournament at the end
of the season.
Andrew Freix leading the charge against Chantilly
Pedram “Weezzey” Pejman proved his
offensive abilities right off the bat, with a
goal and two assists that gave TJ their
first three goals of the season. They've
all had to work extremely hard since
their Senior Goalie, Chris Piller, has
been out for several weeks due to a
concussion. Taking his spot is
sophomore, Nikhil Gupta, who has
been doing a great job in the box. Even
in the absence of both Piller and Gupta,
Tarun Prabhala has proved himself an
excellent keeper, making save after
save in the game against Stuart.
Their game against McLean was
arguably the best game played by the
team, ending in a 1-1 tie due to a
magnificent header by defender Nick
Johnson. In this game the team
showed remarkable perseverance and
passion as they fought hard for the
entire duration of the game, including
TJHSST Tech cetera
Soccer JV Boys: The JV Boys Soccer
Team continued to slog it out this month
with a tough couple of losses to the
McLean Highlanders, 1-3 and the Stuart
Raiders, 1-3. The Raiders game was a
particularly physical one and though the
Colonials fought hard, they eventually
fell to their opponents. The team held
their own, however, in two other games
this month, coming away with ties
against the Marshall Statesmen and the
Annandale Atoms. With some
teammates coming back from injuries,
and with renewed energy, Coach
Stickler is now gearing the team up for
the Madison, South Lakes and Fairfax
games. The Fairfax match will be on
the TJ pitch at 5:30 so come out and
support the team. Go Colonials!
Soccer Varsity Girls: With scattered
injuries and a young team, Varsity Girls
Soccer has had its ups and downs on
Page 22
the scoreboard so far this
season. Before spring break, TJ beat
Stuart 4-2 with goals by Katie Valery (3)
and Meena Rezazad (1). Against
Marshall, TJ lost 1-2 with a goal by
Laura Brouckman, but showed
potential with their intensity in the
second half. A close contest with
Washington Lee was followed by losses
to Herndon (TJ goal by Katie Valery)
and McLean. Most recently, TJ lost to
Annandale 0-1 with great effort on both
ends of the field and strong offensive
action in the second half. The
remaining five games are all district
games and we expect the team to
continue to improve and display their
never-give-up attitude.
Rena Mazur and Lucy Bullen against McLean
At a double header against South Lakes
with Boys Varsity at home on April 19,
the team hosted the second annual
fundraiser to support the Phil M. Keating
Fund for the Future. The girls raised
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
money, wore special shirts, and held a
silent auction at the field to honor the
memory of this wonderful man, and
support the numerous organizations
where he graciously gave his time and
Ours. The girls suffered a very close 2-1
loss against Herndon where a goal was
scored by Katherine Yan (1) and saved
by Carolyn Ours. Finally, the girls played
a fantastic game for a 4-1win against
Annandale where goals were scored by
Katherine Yan (2), Kaila Stein (1), and
Paris Mitzelfeld (1), and saved by Izzy
since the Hayfield Spring Break
Tournament. She has held opponents in
check with good defensive play behind
her, resulting in close games with Stone
Bridge, Fairfax, and Marshall which
have presented strong hitting line-ups.
TJ plays Stuart next at home, followed
by a game at South Lakes. Go TJ
Goalies Izzy Roscoe, Ceci Vollbrecht and Carolyn
The team looks forward to several in
district games and Senior Night on May
2, which will honor the 7 seniors on the
team. Come out and join us that
Soccer JV Girls: Girls Junior Varsity
Soccer is having a very competitive
season. There have been four good
games since the last update. The girls
suffered a tough 6-2 loss against
Marshall where goals were scored by
Katherine Yan (1) and Kaila Stein (1),
and saved by Carolyn Ours. The girls
suffered another tough 4-0 loss against
McLean with goals saved by Carolyn
TJHSST Tech cetera
Varsity Softball: The Varsity Softball
Team has played some very tough
games this season. The girls are playing
teams in the Liberty District that are
some of the best softball teams in
Virginia and TJ has been competitive in
the majority of those games.
Fired up and ready to play!
Senior Charlotte Sheridan has led the
defense and carried the pitching load
Page 23
Seniors Charlotte Sheridan (#4), Maggie Engler
(#10), Rachel Dyment (#34),
Crystel Calderon (#12)
The TJ hitting leaders are junior Clara
Pitts and sophomore Jessie Heise and
they both lead the team in doubles.
Freshman Maya Pabilonia follows
closely and has a homerun batting from
the left side of the plate. Seniors Rachel
Dyment, Charlotte Sheridan, Crystel
Calderon, and Maggie Engler, along
with junior Ellen Mule and sophomores
Kayleigh Vance and Jessica Guo
round out the offensive production, with
Mule having the team's only triple. The
speedy freshman An Smith has
contributed to the scoring as a pinch
May 2013
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Sophomore Jesse Heise goes for an extra base
The girls have been playing new
positions to maximize the strengths of
the overall team. Heading into the
second half of the regular season, the
TJ Varsity Softball Team is looking to
convert the close games into wins.
JV Softball: The JV softball team at
mid-season is becoming a more
cohesive team. Our sophomore pitcher,
Marie Anderson has powered through
two weeks with back to back games and
come out with 16 strike outs!
Punya and Kathy Jaing all helping out
at one RBI each. Shortstop Sam
Cadd’s ball handling has been
instrumental in the infield plays over the
last month. Third baseman Pooja
Rathnashyam has had 3 unassisted
double plays. Ruhee Shah has become
one of our consistent hitters, along with
Jane Werntz, who has the highest on
base average of .857%. Additionally,
team captain Amelia Griese has hit a
triple and a double in the last two
games. The JV team has also been
blessed with a team manager Gwen
Blasco. The second half of the season
promises continued improvements as
we battle tough teams in the Liberty
The second half of the season started
with another decisive win over Marshall,
but the highlight of the month so far was
the April 10th rematch with McLean at
Wakefield Park, TJ’s home court this
season. Instead of the bitter cold
conditions of the first meeting, the
rematch was played under much hotter
conditions – so hot that the Gatorade
was gone by the end of the first round of
six singles matches. The Gatorade
must have helped because the team
moved to the doubles round with a 5-1
lead and victory assured. The squad
completed the afternoon with a sweep of
all three doubles matches for an
impressive 8-1 rout.
Boys Tennis: The Boys Varsity Tennis
Team finished the first half of the
season with a perfect 7-0 record. The
team had a surprisingly lopsided win
over Langley (8-1) on another cold and
windy day, reminiscent of the earlier
McLean match.
Freshman Danny Wang with Coaches John Myers
and Rick Whittenberger
The team record is currently 9-0. Coach
Myers and Coach Whittenberger are
hoping the great performances continue
as the team finishes the regular season
in April, and prepares for Regional
Tournaments in May. Go Colonials!
Marie Anderson pitching to catcher Amelia Griese,
backed up by Sam Cadd (shortstop), Kiran Girish
(LF) and Shreya Punya (CF)
Every member of our team has
contributed to the RBIs. Freshman
Kiran Girish has led the way with 5
RBIs, with Sami Kosaraju, Shreya
TJHSST Tech cetera
Preparing for the rematch with McLean
Page 24
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Girls Tennis: The first half of the girls’
tennis season was by all measures a
success, with only one loss on the
record at the hands of the mighty
Langley Saxons. The girls departed on
their various family adventures for the
spring break holidays with the seasonlong message in tow: volley, volley,
volley! They have worked hard on their
volleying skills and doubles play. The
Friday before the end of spring break
the team returned in good spirits to a
practice that focused on nothing but
volleys and getting ready to steam
ahead into the second half of the
The first match back was against a
feisty Stone Bridge team that was
tougher than expected, but the girls
managed to pull ahead for a comfortable
7-2 victory. Next on the schedule was
Marshall, who, for the second time this
season, TJ soundly defeated 9-0. The
next opponent for the Lady Colonials
was McLean, who to this point in the
season had provided the only real
contest. The Colonials were missing
number two player and freshman
Ankitha Yamanandra, and knew the
second meeting with the Highlanders
would be difficult. With a 4-2 lead after
great singles matches, T.J would need
to win one of the three doubles matches
to secure the team victory. The
Highlanders strategically split up their
TJHSST Tech cetera
number one doubles team to give
themselves two top players on two
different courts. The TJ teams of Rena
Liu and Victoria Xia at number one
doubles and Anna Venetianer and
Hanna Tso at the number two spot
played brilliantly and almost made the
McLean strategy backfire on them. In
the end the McLean’s more experienced
top two doubles teams pulled out the
victories, making the team match 4-4
with number 3 doubles still on the court.
The TJ team of Natalie Cheng and
Schyler Pa started off rolling with
aggressive net play from Pa. The
Highlander duo gathered themselves,
the tide started to turn and the Colonials
dropped a couple of games in a row.
However, after taking a moment to
regain their focus, the TJ team stood
steadfast and finished off the match to
earn the team victory 5-4. Coaches
Harrington and Grau both said how
proud they were of the whole team, who
truly had to come up with great tennis to
pull off the win.
Outdoor Track: TJ participated in its
seventh meet on April 12-13, the
Northern Virginia Invite, held at
Robinson High School. At least 22
Personal Bests were achieved by TJ’s
athletes at that meet, a tribute to their
hard work and improvement over the
course of the season.
Page 25
Kevin Zeng on hurdles
Outstanding performances at the meet
include Sean Waterton’s 2nd place in
Triple Jump (over 42 feet!), and
Monique Mezher’s 5th place in Pole
Vault (8 ft.!). Both the Girls’ and Boys’
Distance Medley Relays did well (Boys
were 5th: Matt Wattendorf, Jesse Cai,
Nick Hayes, Steven Kool; and Girls
were 6th: Heather Lukas, Christine
Mayuga, Emily Moschella, Grace
Cheyanne Rivera in the 400M Dash
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
View the complete meet results on at
You can watch your classmates run,
jump, throw and hurdle at the
Penultimate Challenge Track Meet, to
be held at TJ on May 11th
(Saturday). We hope to see you
there! Liberty District Championships
will be held at South Lakes on May 1415, and the Northern Region
Championships will be at Robinson on
May 23-24. The State Championship
meet will be in Richmond this year, on
May 31 and June 1.
The Orlando Trip was a magical
experience for the TJ Choir, Drama and
Music Theory students where they
enjoyed both their educational time with
professional composers and directors
from Disney and the University of
Central Florida and some fun time in the
Disney theme parks.
TJ Choir, Drama and Music Theory students at the
University of Central Florida
TJ Choir students sang several different
songs in the TJ April Talent show.
Congratulations to Hannah Pho for
being selected to sing in the 2013 All
Virginia Chorus in Mechanicsville,
Virginia which took place on Saturday,
April 26th.
More Opera please - TJ Curricular
Choir students will have the opportunity
to perform MACBETH along side
professional D.C. area singers from The
Riverbend Opera Company. There will
be four performances in May and June
and the ticket prices for the three public
performances will vary by venue:
May 31 at 7:30pm at Providence
Presbyterian Church at 9091 Little River
Turnpike in Fairfax, Virginia
June 2 at 4:00pm at Rodef Shalom at
2100 Westmoreland St. in Falls Church,
June 11 at 7:30pm at St. Augustine’s
Church at 600 M St. SW in D.C.
June 14 at Lake Barcroft - time TBD
(not open to the public)
Alyssa Bruce preparing to throw the discus
Choral Boosters
MACBETH performances - see above
Service Choir students singing Bohemian Rhapsody in
TJ Talent show”
TJHSST Tech cetera
Page 26
Spring Show at TJ on Friday, June 7
which will include Choir students and
May 2013
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parents. Practice times for the Choir
parents are May 6/13/20/28 and June 3
(mandatory) from 7-8pm at TJ. Parent
run through at 6pm night of show.
Senior Breakfast at TJ on Friday, June
7. Details TBD.
Choir Pot Luck - end of year get
together for students and parents on
Sunday, June 9 from 1 -5pm at the
Parsell/Wilcher home in Oakton,
Virginia. Details to follow and a Sign Up
Genius will be emailed out to the
parents where they can volunteer to
bring food/beverages.
Graduation at GMU - TJ Choir will sing
on June 15 at 7pm.
Check out for the up-to-date
calendar, detailed information on cocurricular choirs, and photos and videos
of past TJ Choir performances.
there are just two more regattas on the
Occoquan to go. The support of parents
at the river has been outstanding,
despite parking challenges and
changeable weather. TJ supporters are
always welcome at Sandy Run. Wear
your TJ Crew gear, and consult the
team’s webpage ( for
up to date regatta information.
TJ Crew booster board nominations for
next year are underway. Because the
boosters support all aspects of the
team, opportunities are available for
volunteers at all levels of interest.
Members of the crew booster board
support the team at Sandy Run during
races and practices, with fundraising,
traveling to away regattas, freshman
recruitment and parent outreach. There
is a way for every family to contribute.
The rowers will appreciate your efforts!
To nominate an individual for a position,
contact Jennifer Downs at jdowns321
Crew Boosters
Curious about what the TJ Crew
Booster board does at the monthly
meetings? Join us on May 8 at TJ in
room 106 at 7:00pm. All are welcome.
With five regattas under our belts, the
TJ Crew team is more than halfway
through the spring season, and now
TJHSST Tech cetera
Page 27
Orchestra Boosters
Everyone is invited to attend the
upcoming orchestra booster meeting on
Wednesday May 15 at 7pm. The
orchestra boosters support the program
in a variety of ways and we need
parents to become involved in carrying
on the good work of the boosters.
Several of our board members have
seniors graduating this year and we
need new people to step into the
leadership roles. Please consider taking
a more active role in the boosters and
come to our meeting to learn more.
Meetings are usually held in the
Principal's conference room and last
about one hour.
The final concert of the year will be on
Thursday, June 6 at 7pm. This date was
changed from what was originally
announced because of a calendar
conflict at the school. Please make a
note on your calendars and join us for a
wonderful end-of-year program.
Theatre Boosters
Spring show a success
On April 19 and 20, drama students
presented "Don't Count on Forever" a
contemporary play by Nancy Pahl
May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Gilsenan. Zachary Roberts directed the
play with support from TJ's drama and
music educator Molly
Khatcheressian. The Saturday show
was a Cappies event, a county-wide
Other Club News
May 3 and 4 at 7pm: A unique and
unusual rendition of Shakespeare's
"MacBeth" referred to as "MacBatman"
will be performed and directed by TJ
students in the auditorium: $10 or $5 for
Congratulations to TJ's Chemathon
team consisting of juniors Thai-Co
Nguyen, Angela Wang and David Liu
and sophomores Matthew Barbano,
Bridget Park and Ashwin
Subramaniam, who placed fourth in the
overall level 2 standings at the
University of Maryland Chemathon
Competition on April 27. The event
standings were as follows: 1st place in
Le Chatelier's Lunacy and Avogadro's
Tiebreaker, 3rd in Chemical Jeopardy
and Treaded Ions (Crystal forming), 4th
in Make My [Fara]day, and 5th in The
Balancing Act.
Sophomore Gavin Moore, seniors Emily Kelly and
Zach Moser performed in the spring show "Don't
Count on Forever".
TJHSST Tech cetera
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May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
TJ Marketplace
Crew Boosters
Sprucing up your garden this spring? Wondering what to get for
Father’s Day? Looking for gifts for teachers or coaches, or
housewarming presents? Merrifield Garden Center gift cards
are the perfect solution. Cards are available in $25, $50, $100
and $500 denominations. The gift cards can be used same as
cash and NEVER expire! A 10% discount on orders of $500 or
more. For more info, check out the TJ crew team website,, or email tjcrewgiftcards at
ANGP Fundraisers
POST A YARD SIGN: Show your pride and support of your
student’s accomplishments and hard work. Orders are being
taken for yard signs congratulating the Class of 2013 for $20.
Contact Nancy Roodberg at dn4roodberg at for more
Order a TJHSST Frame now! The frames are a wonderful
keepsake for your students’ favorite TJ photos and a great idea
for their college dorms. Contact Nancy Roodberg at
dn4roodberg at to order a frame.
TJHSST Tech cetera
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May 2013
Click Here to Return to First Page
Noteworthy Dates
June 2013
May 2013
6 - 17
20 - 24
ANGP Meeting 6:30pm in Room 217
PTSA Meeting 7:30pm in Room 240
McBatman 7pm in Auditorium
Diversity Committee Outreach 9am
McBatman 7pm in Auditorium
Freshman Class Lock-OUT at Camp High Road
AP Exams
Traffic Safety Program 6:30pm in Auditorium
Athletic Boosters Meeting 7pm in Room 215
Crew Boosters Meeting 7pm in Room 106
Academic Boosters Meeting 7pm in Room 224
Diversity Committee Meeting 7pm in Conference Rm
SOL Testing
Theatre Boosters Meeting 7pm in Music Room
Band Concert 7pm in Auditorium
Macbeth 7:30pm at Providence Presbyterian Church
TJHSST Tech cetera
Page 30
Prom 8pm at Key Bridge Marriott
Macbeth 4pm at Rodef Shalom
PTSA Meeting 7:30pm in Room 240
Spring Sports Award Ceremony
Sports Physicals
Sports Preview Night 7pm in Gym 1
ANGP Meeting 6:30pm in Room 217
Orchestra Concert 7pm in Auditorium
Choral Spring Show 7pm in Auditorium
Macbeth 7:30pm at St. Augustine’s Church
Athletic Boosters Meeting 7pm in Room 215
Crew Boosters Meeting 7pm in Room 106
Diversity Committee Meeting 7pm in Conference Room
Final Exams, Half Day Release (12:50pm)
Graduation 7pm at GMU Patriot Center
ANGP 10pm at GMU Patriot Center
Last Day of School, Early Release (10:50am)
May 2013
Senior Issue 2013
Hey, seniors and parents! The year is coming to an end sooner than we realize, and the time has come for
your newspaper staff seniors to get working on the Class of 2013 senior issue. For those of you who don’t
remember what the senior issue is, it basically celebrates our graduation from the school and our
successes over the past four years, while serving as a device to help us remember these fine four years in
high school.
In the issue, we will have photo essays from our last four years, superlatives, a spread on everyone’s
college destinations, and most importantly, aphorisms and accomplishments that will be submitted by
each of you. Many parents like to buy ads in the senior issue congratulating you guys on your
accomplishments and graduation. These ads must be in to us by May 18 for inclusion guaranteed in the
issue. The sheet for this is attached. Have your parents contact our adviser, Jennifer Seavey at
[email protected] or at 703-750-8375 with any questions. They have also received an e-mail with all the
pertinent information. Make your checks out to TJHSST, memo: senior issue ad.
In addition to the aphorisms and accomplishments, we will also need you guys to turn in photographs
from all four years to include in the issue. Photos should be given to any of the five students listed below
in hard copy, preferably on a disc, or e-mailed [email protected]. All senior advertisement
photos must be e-mailed directly to Jennifer Seavey at [email protected].
Since the most important part of this process is input from you guys, we wanted to let you all know of the
deadlines. It’s very important that you get information to us on time so that you can be included in this
issue of tjTODAY. This is how it works:
April 8 – May 18: Enter your aphorisms, accomplishments and college destinations on the Intranet.
April 8 – April 26: The final round of superlatives is available on the Intranet for voting.
May 18: Final aphorisms, accomplishments and college destinations are due. All senior ad
submissions are due.
June 13: Papers are passed out at graduation rehearsal.
We’re asking that everyone honor the above deadlines – it will make life much easier for all of us and the
paper better for all of you. If you have questions, feel free to e-mail us or stop by Room 107. Our adviser,
Jennifer Seavey, is also available as a contact person.
Mallika Patkar, Thrisha Potluri, Tahmina Achekzai, Arya Dahal, Jennifer Walter, Sunny Kim,
Michael Chao, Jenny Chen and Amy Ahn
Dear Seniors/Parents,
We’re almost into the final quarter of our senior year, and the senior issue of tjTODAY has started
production. Eleven years ago, tjTODAY started a new policy of allowing seniors to place personal ads in
this issue. The product was highly successful so we are offering this opportunity to you again. Go to, and look at older senior issues for ideas.
Suggestions for Advertisement Design
Take a look at advertisements printed in
older and current editions of tjTODAY. Look
for advertisements that appeal to you. You
can access our rolling PDF of last year’s
paper at the TJ homepage.
Collect pictures and photos that you would
like to use in your advertisement.
The simpler the advertisement design, the
better. Pictures should generally be the same
size and shape to retain a professional layout
in your advertisement. Collages are not
always the best choice.
Make sure to select lighter colored
photos, as advertisements will be
printed in black and white. Dark photos
may not show up as easily as lighter
photos in the print edition.
Your advertisement must be fully
laid out and camera ready.
Digital/electronic submission is
preferred. Send to
[email protected]
Advertisement Packages
A: Full page ($400)
10.25” x 15”
B: Half page ($250)
10.25” x 7.5”
C: Quarter page
($150)5.125” x 7.5”
D: Eighth page
($100) 5.125” x
B half page
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Please bring your check made out to TJHSST to our adviser, Jennifer Seavey, in Room 107, or mail it to
her attention at:
6560 Braddock Alexandria, VA 22312-2206
(703) 750-8375
Deadline for submissions: Friday, May 17, 2013. Return the form below with payment.
Please retain a copy of all materials submitted, as tjTODAY will not return submissions.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student’s name: ___________________ Parent’s name_________________________
Telephone number: (__ __ __) __ __ __ -- __ __ __ __
Package (circle one only): A
D Amount of check: $ __ __ __ . __ __
Today’s Date: ________________________
Thank you for your order!
Your tjTODAY seniors: Mallika Patkar, Thrisha Potluri, Tahmina Achekzai, Sunny Kim, Amy Ahn,
Michael Chao, Arya Dahal, Jenny Chen and Jennifer Walter