March 2015 - Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and
TECHCETERA MARCH 2015 Principal’s Letter President’s Letter Dear parents/guardians, teachers, and students, In February, I had the opportunity to accompany 14 TJ students to Richmond to meet with legislators and their staffs to remind them about Virginia’s “governor’s schools” and to show them how TJ excels. In last month’s Techcetera, I wrote about some of the ways that TJ is so special, but during the Richmond visit, I found a new way to summarize a well-rounded, “normal” four-year high school with a commitment to world class STEM education and research merely by introducing one of our football players who already holds a patent! Over the last two years we have been focusing on our culture of integrity as part of our school goals. Integrity is always an important value to promote, rather than a problem to fix, and we want to ensure students have tools available to support them in their decision making and resolution efforts. Students are sometimes conflicted to make difficult decisions regarding the rigor of their course selections, managing time, studying for assessments, and completing homework as they pursue highly competitive colleges, a well-balanced array of activities, and an appropriate amount of sleep. Managing these interests is not easy, and we need all facets of the community to support these efforts. Midyear we issued a survey to the community surrounding our culture of integrity. Overall, community perceptions are increasing since May continued on page 2 HOT LINKS TO THE INFORMATION FOR WHICH Y O U A R E L O O K I N G …. Info from Other TJ Offices Academic News PTSA Committee Updates Serving the TJ Community Campaign for TJ Class News News Round-Up and Awards TJ Boosters Other Student News Marketplace Useful Links Noteworthy Dates There are many different groups and individuals that contribute to TJ’s success. Without taking anything away from our committed and hard-working students and staff, I’d like to reiterate how the PTSA helps provide ingredients for the “frosting” used in TJ’s “cake” – frosting that helps hold the base layers together, as well as to provide extra sweetness on top of the core. I’m hoping that you will indulge this review of PTSA activities, because we’re currently working on creating the PTSA network for next school year, which won’t happen without a new roster of parents willing to volunteer. I truly believe that most of our volunteer positions are more doable and more rewarding than most parents think. Allow me to illustrate some of the ways that the PTSA helps to make the school special and ask you to think about how volunteers are involved. The PTSA supports the school: • • • Operations (front desk, JLC, AP proctors, CCC) Morale (teacher/staff lunches, the Back-toSchool Bash) Extracurriculars (hospitality during events continued on page 3 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Principal’s Letter continued from page 1 2014. The average increase in "agree" and "strongly agree" responses in the midyear survey was 10.3% among students, 8.9% among parents, and 10.8% among staff. I’d like to focus on those survey topics where we can still make positive strides with parent involvement, namely the advocacy policy, discussions about integrity, and where to find more information. The advocacy guidelines are intended to support the relationship between students and teachers so there are clear and reasonable expectations. They are intended to offer suggestions to students on how they can resolve academic conflicts and whom they should address their concerns. 29% of parent respondents felt they help students maintain a manageable workload, and 46% are still unsure. Please read over the guidelines, discuss them at home, and role play a student-teacher conversation to help students practice these advocacy skills. Discussions about integrity are valuable at both home and school. 86% of parent respondents stated they hold conversations with their student about school integrity issues. That’s actually a 9% drop from last May. If you are new to TJ this year or have not had these discussions, please inquire with your student: Do they understand when collaboration is acceptable by the teacher and when it’s considered cheating? How have they dealt with situations involving cheating at school? As parents, you serve as valuable role models who can guide students through ethical decision making by sharing your past experiences, lessons learned, and tips to sort through difficult situations. 32% of parent respondents are unsure where to find more information about TJ’s honor code and integrity policy on our website. Follow this link if you are reading online, or search the Internet for “TJ integrity policy” to read about the policy, consequences, a process for online reporting, and a video overview of the honor council. You are also welcome to contact your student’s administrator to answer specific questions regarding our policies and procedures, which are intended to be fair with due March 2015 process and consistent to follow Students Rights and Responsibilities. During the second semester we are working on improving the implementation of student advocacy guidelines, and plan to hold focus group meetings with students, parents, and faculty to discuss areas where we can improve. You should anticipate seeing a presentation at the March PTSA meeting on this topic. In addition, teachers, parents, administrators, and students have been brainstorming recommendations surrounding homework expectations with the intent to reduce some academic ethical conflicts. The anticipated outcome of the committee work will be reviewed by the TJ leadership team with anticipated implementation the following school year. Integrity is a pretty important topic to shape the lives of our youth, and this month’s column just scratches the surface of the work we have been doing over the past two years. I hope the tips provided will help you get more engaged with us in educating your student about integrity. Please don’t hesitate to offer additional ideas with me directly at Evan.Glazer at to join us in our efforts to prepare our students to make good ethical decisions. Sincerely Yours, Evan Glazer Principal Mark Your Calendar PTSA Meetings (Tentatively scheduled in the library) Friday, March 13 –9:00-11:00am – Principal’s Coffee Thursday, April 9 – 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, May 6 – 7:00-9:00 pm Wednesday, June 10 – 7:00-9:00 pm Refreshments served at 7:00 pm and meeting begins at 7:30 pm Page 2 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Useful Links TJHSST Home Page: TJ PTSA website: TJ Booster Organizations: Academic Boosters: Athletic Boosters: Band Boosters: Choral Boosters: Crew Boosters: Orchestra Boosters: Theatre Boosters: TJ Partnership Fund: TJ Alumni Association: Other: FCPS Blackboard: FCPS Keep in Touch (KIT): • • such as Science Fair & tjSTAR) Staff development (faculty allocations) Advocacy (budget and staffing – from local to State) The PTSA supports parents: • Introduction to TJ (spring cluster meetings, Freshman Orientation & green packet) • Networking (cluster communications, the Student Directory) • Information and support (PTSA website, weekly & monthly newsletters, Navigating TJ panel, Health & Wellness) • Advocacy (Homework Expectations, School Improvement Plan) The PTSA supports students: • Health and Wellness • Morale • Planners • Advocacy Many of these tasks directly involve parent volunteers and all of them require volunteers to oversee and organize our efforts. Without volunteers, these contributions won’t happen next year. We’ve already had some parents step forward, and we’re starting their training by showing them how those jobs work this year. We’re also creating this year’s Nominating Committee that will recruit, interview, and nominate candidates for next year’s Executive Committee (i.e., officers). If you’re interested in learning more, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Robin Hatanpää (ptsa.volunteers at or any of the officers. Eric Malès TJ PTSA President 2014-15 FCPS School Board: Fairfax County Supervisors: March 2015 Page 3 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Renovation Update Phase 2 of the renovation continues as significant construction takes place in the center of the building. With increased construction coupled with slick road conditions, vehicles on campus must drive slowly (15 mph). In order to avoid major traffic backups and to promote safety in the mornings, please remember to drop students off only at the kiss and ride area on the access road. After dropping students off, proceed up the access road and turn right on to Little River Turnpike. Please direct any questions regarding the renovation to Assistant Principal Shawn Frank: sjfrank at March 2015 Page 4 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Academic News PTSA Committee Updates Spanish Honor Society Health and Wellness The month of February saw the return of Bulería, the Latin dance hosted by Spanish Honor Society (SHS). On Friday the 13th, the night before Valentine’s Day, students danced various Latin styles with help from dance instructor Carlos, dined on delicious Latin treats such as arroz con pollo and empanadas, and had a great time all around. The event was a success and SHS is looking forward to hosting Bulería in the coming years as well. Students salsa dance with partners at Bulería on February 13. We are now looking forward to welcoming new members into SHS in the spring. Interested Sophomores (and Juniors that aren’t already members) received applications for the honor society from their Spanish teachers, and they are currently being reviewed by the SHS officers and sponsors. Accepted students and their parents will be notified as soon as possible, and the induction ceremony is currently set for Wednesday, April 8, 2015, during 8th period in the auditorium. More information will be coming out soon. March 2015 Highlights of Discussion on TJ Youth Survey Results At the February PTSA meeting, TJ psychologist Greg Myers reviewed the Jefferson survey results. The two main areas of concern were: • About 20% overall of 10th and 12th grade students surveyed felt sad for consecutive days during the past school year. • Only about 10% of students surveyed at TJ sleep 8+ hours, compared to more than 30% in FCPS overall. This trend has been consistent from 2010 to 2013. It was noted that the 20% difference is alarming since other FCPS high schools are also among the top tier schools of the region. Six assets, pointed out by Greg, can drastically reduce key risks, especially depressive symptoms, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide rates, and other risks including cigarette use, alcohol and drug use, and bullying. The more assets a student has, the lower the risks. These six assets are: • High personal integrity • Performing community service • Having community adults to talk to • Participating in extracurricular activities • Having teachers recognize good work • Having parents available for help We all know that sleep deprivation can have long term health effects. Greg suggested that we parents do the following simple things to help our children get more sleep. • Set firm rules at home on bedtime • Set firmer rules not to break bedtime rules in consecutive days • Remove electronics from bedrooms, such as cell phones and computers, and put them in the hallway outside of the bedroom • No caffeine in the evening • Take a short walk for fresh air in the evening Here is the link to the Jefferson Youth Survey Results. Page 5 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Youth Mental Health First Aid Course at TJ Greg Myers, TJ psychologist, has received many responses from parents interested in taking the course. He will soon work on setting up the date for it. Anybody interested can still contact Greg. Please see the PTSA Health and Wellness website for details. FCPS Webinars for Parents Address Student Mental Health Issues As part of FCPS’s continuing focus on student mental health and wellness, several activities are planned for parents. Two parent webinars are planned, along with the second Community Conversation on Teen Stress, scheduled for May 9. The first webinar was on February 23. The second one is scheduled for March 23 at 4:00 pm. The topic is Helping Children Recover from Tragic Losses. The webinars feature Dr. Scott Poland, a nationally recognized expert on school crisis, suicide intervention, self-injury, parenting, and the delivery of psychological services in schools. He will be joined by Richard Lieberman, the lead consultant for the CalMHSA Student Mental Health Initiative for the Los Angeles County Office of Education and author of articles on youth suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and responding to self-injurious students in the schools. Find more details about the webinars here. More information about the upcoming Community Conversation on Teen Stress is available here. Article on Parenting “Parents, Let Harvard Go” Recommended Reading “Excellent Sheep” by Bill Deresiewicz This book is a groundbreaking manifesto for people searching for the kind of insight on leading, thinking, and living that elite schools should be—but aren’t— providing. As a professor at Yale, Bill Deresiewicz saw something that troubled him deeply. His students, some of the nation’s brightest minds, were adrift when it came to the big questions: how to think critically and creatively and how to find a sense of purpose. March 2015 Serving the TJ Community Volunteer Opportunities A big shout out of thanks to all the volunteers who contributed food and helped judge the successful Science Fair in February. The cold weather shouldn’t discourage anyone from getting out of the house and office to VOLUNTEER at TJ! Hopefully, one of the below opportunities will fit into your schedule and if you can’t find a way to serve the school, please reach out to Robin Hatanpää, Volunteer Coordinator (hatanpaa6 at Thursdays, JLC, 8-9am: We Need You! With the school year half over, we still need parents to monitor the student areas during Thursday morning JLC time, from 8:00am – 9:00am. The school has recently resorted to using counselors and substitute teachers to assist during JLC. Let’s free up our staff, so they can meet with students during this planning time instead of monitoring students. We are not asking for a weekly commitment but even if you can volunteer once a month, we would appreciate it. Consider volunteering by contacting the JLC coordinator, Kiran Pothapragada (gkraksha at Participants Needed for TJ FLOW Day, March 20, 2:20-3:50 pm It's EASY - all you need to do is talk about what rocks your world; what gives meaning to your life; what you daydream about when you're grading papers, or doing laundry, or mowing the lawn; what you do . . . just because . . . What gives you FLOW? Have we got your attention? Then consider being a speaker. You will be assigned a room, students will come to you in groups of 4-34, you will talk for three 20-minute sessions and encourage, inspire, and Page 6 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 stimulate the minds of TJ students by sharing what gives you FLOW. Sessions may be structured any way you like--share physical examples of what you do, give a slide show, activity, or just sit in a circle and share stories! Join the fun. RSVP! News Round-Up and Awards Reflections Volunteer Call for ANGP It takes a team of volunteers to produce TJ's All Night Grad Party. The big night is June 20, and we need help...starting now! Parents, give the Class of 2015 a stellar sendoff by volunteering. Sign up here and join us in planning this once-in-alifetime event for our graduating Seniors. Junior parents are especially needed so you can prepare for next year's event. Hospitality News Hello to our TJ community! On February 4, we successfully hosted refreshments and a light dinner for the Science Fair’s judges in the library. Many treats were contributed by you all, the wonderful parents, to both the students and the judges. They really enjoyed them--we have received many compliments from the judges! The Valentine’s Day luncheon for teachers was cancelled twice because of the cold, chilly weather. It was rescheduled for the third time on February 27. I’m sorry for all the inconveniences! There were over 50 parents stepping in for the originally scheduled luncheon. Please know that you are appreciated and your continuous support is the only way we keep our mission moving forward. Thank you! Best regards, Jane Hsu Check out the Marketplace page for great items! Proceeds benefit TJ programs. Congrats to our students who won Outstanding Interpretation Award in NOVA district for Reflections and went to State. Rebecca Merriman-Goldring for Photography Kyle Gatesman for Music Composition The award ceremony is on March 18. Scholastic Writing Awards Congratulations to all the Scholastic Writing Awards regional winners announced this week by Writopia Lab DC. These students were sponsored by the following members of the Humanities/English Department: Jill Burdick-Zupancic, Denise Castaldo, Maria Gilbert, Nancy Glover, Mary Beth Kochman, Kate Lewis, Mike Miller, Emily Orser, Vincent Pollet, Jennifer Seavey, and Sherwood Williams. The students below will be lauded on March 8 at the Gala Theatre in DC, and all Gold Key recipients have been sent to national competition for consideration. For the second year in a row, TJ had the most recognized students in the region! Gold Keys: Joyce Hong, Mei Baek (2), Tara Abrishami, Jonathan Zheng, Suzie Bae, Pooja Chandrashekar (3), Richa Gupta, Ahnaf Khan, and Anna Weidman. March 2015 Page 7 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The Busboys and Poets $1,000 Senior Portfolio Scholarship was awarded to Senior Pooja Chandrashekar for her collection “The Road to Discovery.” Every year graduating seniors are invited to submit of portfolio of work, and this year, Pooja’s was selected by Busboys and Poets Director of Poetry Events Bomani Armah as the most outstanding out of a very competitive pool of portfolios. He described her portfolio as “absolutely amazing writing.” Silver Keys: Shreya Nandi, Megan Do, Katherine Ahn, Victoria Yang (2), Jonathan Zheng, Zara Batalvi (2), Shani Cave, Caroline Heilbrun, Katrina Junta, Ellen Kan, Caitlyn Ling, and Thinh Tu. Honorable Mentions: Katherine Ahn, Aliana Gungor, Tara Abrishami, Debi Das, Jennifer Lee, Jonathan Zheng, Shadin Ahmed, Pranav Baderdinni, Pooja Chandrashekar, Joyce Choi, Deepshika Dhansekar, Jana El-Sayed, Ed Fortunato, Quintin Frerichs, Hriday Kamshatti, Caitlyn Ling, Christian Tae, Anna Weidman, Michael Woon, Justin Yum, Maddy Zug, and Rebecca Merriman-Goldring. Other Student News A section for articles on achievements outside of TJHSST, submitted on behalf of students. TJ Senior’s Drawing on Exhibit at Smithsonian Institution Senior Maya Chung is one of 56 artists—and the only one under 18—featured in the Artists at Work exhibit now open at the Smithsonian Institution’s Ripley Center on the National Mall in Washington. This juried show, the Smithsonian Community Committee’s fourth, pan-Institutional art exhibition, is designed to highlight the often hidden talents within the Smithsonian community. Maya’s black ink drawing entitled Redbay (Persea borbonia) was inspired by a botanical sample collected in the museum’s butterfly garden, and is in the style of a scientific drawing. Are You Wondering What to Do for Dinner Tonight? Here are 3 easy solutions that also raise funds for ANGP: GLORY DAYS GRILL – through April 1, simply ask your server for a copy of your check and drop it in the box in the Aud Lob and 10% or your order will be donated. TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFÉ – on March 4 from 4 to 7, turn in this flyer when you order and 20% of your order will be donated. FIREHOUSE SUBS – on March 4 from 4 to 7, mention TJ when you place your order and 20% of your order will be donated. During two summers as an intern at the museum— one mounting botanical specimens and another working with invertebrates collected from hydrothermal vents—Chung was inspired to sketch the samples she was preparing. More than 170 entries were submitted for the exhibition which runs through May 1. Now that’s a win-win solution! March 2015 Page 8 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CAMPAIGN FOR TJ // LEADING THE FUTURE SUPPORT TJ AND BUILD COMMUNITY SPIRIT AT THE SAME TIME Come celebrate Lunar New Year with the whole TJ community! Enjoy Dim Sum and Cantonese dishes, informative panels, entertainment, and prizes at our second annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Sunday, March 8th at Rosslyn’s famous China Garden restaurant. Over 200 parents, students, siblings, and friends have already signed up. Register soon! Come out for the second annual Campaign for TJ Golf Tournament and have a great time for a good cause! This year’s tournament will be held on April 6, 2015, at Reston’s Hidden Creek Country Club. Colonial Athletic Boosters and the Partnership Fund co-host the tournament, bringing parents, corporate partners, and alumni together for a fabulous day of friendly competition. The tournament features an excellent 18-hole course with complimentary carts, breakfast, snacks and sodas on the course, and a buffet dinner. Members of TJ’s champion Varsity Golf Team will be available for putting and Par-3 contests. Raffles, prizes, and a silent auction round out the fun. Register online (or by check/mail using sponsorship link). Corporations and small businesses are encouraged to sponsor this well-attended gathering of the extended TJ family. March 2015 We look forward to seeing you at one or both of these fantastic events. – The Partnership Fund, TJ’s non-profit foundation Page 9 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 ALL NIGHT GRADUATION PARTY Saturday, June 20, 2015 VOLUNTEERS! Not a Senior Parent This Year? The 2015 ANGP Needs You! We are in urgent need of junior, sophomore, and freshman parents to pitch in and make the 2015 ANGP a safe, fun celebration for our seniors who have worked so hard. Undergraduate volunteers are especially needed for all the set-up and decoration activities that happen when senior parents are busiest -- on graduation day! Please sign up now! We have an urgent need for an undergraduate Volunteer Chair to replace the one who recently had to step down. The work is straightforward, and up until the party, most of it can be done at home: • • • • • Communicate with other committee chairs and make sure the Sign-Up Genius form lists the volunteers they need. Monitor the volunteer Sign-Up Genius form and keep committee chairs informed of the volunteers for their committees. Work with ANGP Committee on recruitment messages for volunteers for This Week at TJ and Tech cetera. Create badges for volunteers. Check volunteers in and out during the party. The ANGP Committee is also seeking a Fundraising Chair to relieve the person who is filling in as Acting Chair. You won’t be starting from scratch; several fundraisers are already in full swing, and there are ideas in the pipeline just waiting for a little enthusiastic leadership! If you are willing to take on either of these Chair positions, please contact Lisa Savage at tj2015angp at There is plenty of information for volunteers on the ANGP website. March 2015 MARCH 4 FUNDRAISERS AT FIREHOUSE SUBS AND TROPICAL SMOOTHIE CAFÉ (4-7 PM) Going to the winter sports banquet? Eat dinner before you go! Mention TJ when you place your order at Firehouse or turn in this flyer when you order at Tropical Smoothie and 20% of your order will be donated to support the ANGP. TAKE A CHANCE ON THE TJ ALL-NIGHT GRAD PARTY RAFFLE...NOT ON THE ROADS! Parents of All Grades: Support ANGP by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win a $499 Complete Virginia Behind-the-Wheel Training Package with “I Drive Smart.” Even if you do not win, hold onto and use your raffle ticket to receive a $50 discount on any IDS package purchased by June 30! You have two years to use your package once you are registered. Only one ticket can be redeemed per package, by entering the promotion code that we will share at the completion of the raffle. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 raffle tickets for $20. Ticket forms are online or you can purchase via PayPal by visiting this page. Tickets will also be available at the Partner for Safe Teen Driving Assemblies on March 20 and May 5. The drawing will be held May 13. This package consists of a total of seven (7) 100minute behind-the-wheel training sessions that meets and exceeds Virginia DMV requirements. I Drive Smart is the only company where police officers provide 100% of the instruction. Each session consists of 50 minutes of driving time and 50 minutes of observation of another student driver. Virginia law requires that each session involve two students in the vehicle, alternating driving and observing. Expiration: Certificate provided to winner must be redeemed by June 30, 2016 (so freshman parents can use it too!). Once Page 10 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 registered, you have two years to complete the course. For more information, here’s the website, or call 855-IDS-COPS. WHO NEEDS A DRESS? Does your daughter need a dress for the next TJ dance or prom? The Senior Class and ANGP are jointly sponsoring a gently used dress sale. We’ll be accepting dress donations through April 24. Please bring your dresses to the donation bin in the aud lob. All dresses should be dry-cleaned before they are donated. The dress sale will be held during 8th period on April 29 and JLC on April 30. All dresses will be sold for $10. If you have any questions, contact Robin Hatanpää at hatanpaa6 at TODDLER PICTURES Senior parents: We'd like a picture of each senior from when he/she was between 2 and 4 years old for the ANGP. You can email digital/scanned pictures to tjbabypics at Please include your son or daughter's full name and nickname in your email. PLEASE get your son or daughter's approval for the picture you send. Prints can be mailed to TJHSST ANGP – Baby Pics, 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria VA 22312. Prints cannot be returned. TICKETS It’s not too late to buy tickets! $125/student. Even if you are not sure if your child wants to attend ANGP, please purchase a ticket to support this event! Ticket forms are available here. Please remember that BOTH the student and one parent need to sign the form. The TJ PTSA is committed to ensuring that all students can attend. If you need financial assistance, please contact your guidance counselor. All requests are kept confidential. Arlington Magazine Extraordinary Teen Awards Do you know an extraordinary teen who lives in Arlington, Falls Church, or McLean? Arlington Magazine is seeking nominations for students who are talented, creative, well rounded, passionate, compassionate and academically driven for its second annual Extraordinary Teen Awards competition. To be eligible, students must be in high school (public, private, or home school) and live in Arlington, Falls Church or McLean as of June 1, 2015. Click here to read about last year's amazing winners! Nominations may be submitted by anyone who knows the student well, including school principals, counselors, teachers, coaches, parents, relatives, peers, and friends. All nominations must be submitted via our online nomination form, which you can find here. The deadline for nominations is March 17, 2015. Winners will be notified in April and profiled in the July/August 2015 issue of Arlington Magazine. Do You Need to Buy Something Green? Shop and Earn Free Money for TJHSST! LAWN SIGNS Senior Parents: Congratulations Graduate Lawn Signs for $20. Click here to find the order forms or purchase one via PayPal. March 2015 Shop at and earn free money for TJ. Please bookmark this site on your browser and use it every time you shop! Questions? Email Helenia Pan at helenia.pan at Page 11 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Class News 2015 – Seniors Just four months left until graduation!! And there are many events and activities that both parents and seniors should know about. Senior Night was a success and parents got information on very important things to students and parents. All the details can be found here. SENIOR DUES: Dues will be paying for many important upcoming events including graduation and prom. Each Class of 2015 family should have received an email regarding the (mandatory) class dues. If you have not paid already, please submit a check for $100 made out to TJHSST and put ‘Class of 2015 Dues’ along with the student’s name in the “For” line. Students can drop them off in Dr. Osborne’s trailer (32). ALL NIGHT GRAD PARTY (ANGP): VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Please help! Sign up to volunteer at ANGP. Questions? Email the ANGP co-chairs Lisa Savage and Ginger Bugaighis at tj2015angp at Non-senior parent volunteers needed also - ask your friends or family to volunteer a shift with you. Our students deserve a fun-filled event with all their fellow TJ seniors. CAPS AND GOWNS: Balfour, the company that handles class rings and graduation announcements/invitations for TJ, must have the student’s order as soon as possible, otherwise the personalized graduation announcements with the TJHSST official crest may no longer be available. PICTURES: Don't let your senior be left out of the fun! We'd like a picture of each senior from when he/she was between 2 and 4 years old for the ANGP 'Guess the TJ Senior Contest'. You can email digital/scanned pictures to tjbabypics at Please include your son or daughter's full name and nickname in your email. Please send in photos as soon as possible. DRESS SALE: The Senior Class and ANGP are jointly sponsoring a gently used dress sale. We’ll be accepting dress donations through May 1. Please bring your dresses to the parent volunteer or Mrs. West at the front desk. The dress sale will be held in May during 8th period on April 29 and JLC on April 30, and all dresses will be sold for $10. If you have any questions, contact Robin Hatanpää at hatanpaa6 at Good luck to all our students as they begin to hear back from colleges. Ginger Bugaighis gingerreich at 2016 – Juniors The TJHSST Pi-Miler is just a month away (March 14, 2015), and the Class of 2016 needs your help! TJStar: June 9th This year, the TJHSST Pi-Miler is being sponsored solely by the Class of 2016. Not only is it going to be a great event for the community, but also a big fundraiser for the class. The students have been working hard to get corporate sponsors – and they have done a great job! Now it’s your turn to get involved. As parents and family members of the class, please consider becoming a sponsor of the event. Click on this link to learn more about sponsorship. SENIOR PICNIC: June 18th or 19th (date not yet confirmed) right after the mandatory graduation rehearsal. Have you registered to run in the Pi-Miler? It is sure to be a fun-filled event! Don’t miss it, register today! GRADUATION: June 20th: Patriot Center, George Mason University, 7:00. Event Details When: Saturday March 14th, 2015. 9:00 A.M. Where: Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Course: 5k (~3.14159 Miles) PROM: May 30th at the National Building Museum. BACCALAUREATE: Date TBD. An optional inclusive, non-denominational service to celebrate graduation March 2015 Page 12 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Questions about the event? Please contact [email protected] If you haven’t sent in your $35 class dues donation, we’ll still take it! Checks must be made payable to “TJHSST Class of 2016” in order to be properly credited to the class fund. Please write your student’s name in the memo line of the check. If submitting cash please label the envelope with your student’s name. All dues should be turned in to Mrs. Rosenblum in Room 136. If you prefer to mail your $35 dues, please send to: TJHSST Mrs. Rosenblum - Class of 2016 6560 Braddock Rd Alexandria, VA 22312 Jamie Korelitz JamiekorelitzTJ2016 at you would like to receive a copy. We will be announcing lockout plans soon. We will be happy to hear from anyone who would like to help with this fun freshman event. Remember to sign up for the TJ celebration of Lunar New Year sponsored by the TJ Partnership Fund on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at China Garden. You won’t want to miss this exciting event which will include great food and entertainment. See your emailed invitation for details. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will try our best to help with answers. Nancy Yang & Silvija Strikis Class of 2018 Parent Liaisons chaonanyang at sstrikis at 2017 – Sophomores Hello Sophomore families! We hope that you and your students enjoyed February’s snow days. Thanks to those who have mailed class dues in. If you have not, it is not too late! In addition to dues, the Sophomore class has been raising funds by selling 2017 spirit wear, hot chocolate on JLC mornings, and Valentine’s Day carnations. We are also putting on a pre-Mr. Colonial mixer after school on March 27. Thanks for your support of the class of 2017! Ann Carr and Lan Fan mandacarr at fanlan at 2018 – Freshmen We hope that all parents and students had the chance to review the information sent to the PTSA and parents about important health information during Mental Wellness week. Some summary information can be found on the PTSA website. TJ counselor Greg Myers sent more detailed information to class email lists, please let us know if March 2015 Page 13 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Parent Information Relating to Special Education All these opportunities are free unless noted. Register and Go to the FCPS Special Education Conference March 7, 8:00 am - 2:30 pm, Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria Parents can chose from over 45 workshops and attend 80 exhibits to learn about special education services, strategies, and community resources for students with disabilities. Information and registration can be found here. FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) The PRC helps parents of students with disabilities. It sponsors workshops, has a lending library, and has Parent Liaisons to help solve problems. This month the “2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter” focuses on building on the strengths of gifted children with disabilities. Find more information here; English: 703-204-3941; Español: 703-2043955. NAMI Basics Saturdays, March 7, 14, 21, 28, & April 11, 1:00 3:30 pm, Arlington This 5-session class is for parents and caregivers of children who have a behavioral, emotional, or mental health condition. Curriculum is by the National Alliance for Mental Illness. Registration required: contact Sheila at 703-5242914 or jimsheilamack at Self-Propelled: Promoting Self-Motivation in Kids with Social and Self-Regulatory Difficulties Wednesday, March 11, 7:30 pm, The Auburn School, 13525 Dulles Technology Dr., Ste 101, Herndon Clinical neuropsychologist Dr. William Stixrud will be speaking. Registration required. Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan? March 10, 6:30 pm, Formed Families Forward, 4031 University Dr., Fairfax This workshop will guide parents in how to talk with their students about their future, including high school and beyond. Free workbook provided. Register here or 703-539-2904. March 2015 Safety & Community Inclusion Thursday, March 19, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, JCCNV, 8900 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax An overview of various strategies to help disabled individuals stay safe in the community. RSVP to Carey Alford at calford at or 703865-6502. Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together Alternate Thursdays at 6:30 - 8:00 pm in Fairfax Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peerto-peer support group for youth ages 14 - 22 meets twice a month through May. Parents, caregivers, and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served. Register here or 703-539-2904 CHADD: Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Support Group for High School Students with ADHD meets the first Sunday of each month, 3:30 - 5:00 pm, 4031 University Drive, Fairfax. Enter on South Strett. No parents! Call 703-403-3335 to enter the building. Contact: coach at, 703-641-8940 Support Group for Parents of Teens and Young Adults with ADHD Monday, March 23, 7:30 pm, Fairfax Circle Church, 3110 Chichester Lane, Fairfax For more information phone/text 703-489-4626 or ocgreulich at NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness works to build better lives for those affected by mental illness. Oakton Family Support Group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month, 7:30-9:00 pm in Room 9 of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd. Contact: Joanna Walker at 703-620-2633 or joanna.walker at For other Family Support Groups visit this website. Page 14 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 TJ Boosters ACADEMIC BOOSTERS Academic Boosters needs you!! We need your memberships to help us fund the sponsors’ travel to key competitions and help us support student registration fees. Your contributions are taxdeductible, and may be matched by your employer. Click here to join today. Certamen TJ Certamen attended the infamous Flint Hill Certamen, the first Certamen of the New Year. The Latin I’s were outstanding, accumulating 520 points in the preliminaries and making it to the final round, where they claimed first place, a feat all the more impressive when considering this is only their second Certamen. The team consisted of Kevin Le, John Kim, Minyoung Hwang, Henna Nam, Stephan Seo, and Katherine Yang. players and finished with 70 points. The A team performed extremely well during preliminaries, taking 520 points, before falling in the finals and taking third place. The A team consisted of June Ge, Ryan Golant, Junyoung Hwang, and Peter Kim. The B team consisted of Bill Tang and Hyungju “Hector” Moon. Congratulations! Future Problem Solving With the arrival of the winter holidays and a new year, TJ Future Problem Solving has been bustling with activity. Right after winter break, students were preparing for the Qualifying Problem (QP), which took place on January 28 at TJ. Some students have volunteered to present their research to the club, and many others are being proactive by completing practice packets. In addition, results from Practice Problem 2 in December came in, and they were fantastic -- three senior division teams and one middle division team placed first in their sample groups. Aside from the competitions, FPS is also preparing for club's upcoming hot cocoa sale, the first sale of the 2014-2015 school year. Numerous students are involved in the sale, volunteering to bring in supplies, serve drinks, and advertising across social media. The Latin II’s sent three teams to Flint Hill, where they had the unfortunate occurrence of all having to play each other in the first round. The A team finished with 210 points and placed 5th, the B team ended with 130, and the C team with 280 and a 4th place finish. The A team consisted of John Erskine, Katherine Barbano, Joseph Park, and Milana Wolff. The B team consisted of Anna Lulushi, Vanshika Narala, Anirban Mahanty, and Prodyuta Padmanabhan. The C team had Rohan Valluri, Militsa Sotirova, Medhini Rachamallu, Supriya Savaram, and Adithi Ramakrishnan. TJ Model United Nations had many remarkable performances at the thirty-first annual Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC), held by the University of Pennsylvania’s International Affairs Association. Two Latin III teams competed at Flint Hill. The B team finished 4th overall, with 115 points. The A team claimed 445 points in the preliminaries and qualified for finals, where they took second place. The A team consisted of Arjun Guidroz, Rebecca Mays, Sanjeevani “Sanji” Bhavsar, and Adam Kim. The B team consisted of Kristin Myers, Katie Tam and LeeYung Chang Novice Committee Two Upper teams also competed at Flint Hill. The B team did not fare very well as they were missing two March 2015 Model United Nations TJMUN is proud to have earned the Secretary General’s Best Large Delegation Award, the Franklin Cup!! This was the best TJMUN performance at the ILMUNC conference in recent memory, and we look forward to the remaining conferences of the year. United Nations Development Programme Honorable - Ishaan Dey (USA) Honorable - Ian Moritz (Ethiopia) Verbal - Millen Welman (Thailand) Verbal- Niharika Vattikonda (Dominican Republic) Page 15 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 General Assembly Committees Honorable - Stav Nachum (Dominican Republic) Legal Verbal - Arthur Browne and Bailey Knight (Dominican Republic) Peace of Westphalia Gavel - Sage Teasley and David Hu (Swedish Empire) Outstanding - Shreya Mandava and Geetika Mahajan (Duchy of Cleves) World Bank Outstanding - Sreya Atluri (USA) Economic and Social Council United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Outstanding - Cheryl Mensah and Jake Gonzalez (USA) Verbal - Holly Frank and Jeewoo Kim (Thailand) Social, Humanitarian, and Culture Committee Honorable - Sahana Ramani and Shreya Bhatia (USA) Verbal - Akash Raju and Nikhil Patla (Togo) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Verbal - Shruti Anant and Subul Malik (Ethiopia) Verbal - Juliana Bain and Rahul Batra (Comoros) Verbal - Chris Cao and Dan Qi (Togo) Special Political and Decolonization Committee Verbal - Richa Gupta and Roma Chitko (USA) Verbal - Alex Lewis and Sachin Jain (Togo) Verbal - Aidan San and Colin Murphy (Comoros) United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America Gavel - Will Frank (USA) Verbal - Giancarlo Valdetaro (Dominican Republic) Specialized Agencies and Regional Bodies Organization of American States Outstanding - Suzie Bae and Mara Casebeer (Dominican Republic) Verbal - Azeez Abdikarim and Rohin Dewan (USA) Third Plenum Outstanding - Vikram Sardana (Ye Jianying) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Outstanding - Patrick Ryan (Ethiopia) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Gavel - Chitra Kokkirala and Rushi Shah (USA) Outstanding - Will Ryu and Kritika Singh (Ethiopia) World Health Organization Gavel - Abhi Chadha (USA) Outstanding - Swetha Prabakaran (Togo) Honorable - Nora Thompson (Ethiopia) Verbal - Frank Sammartino (Dominican Republic) TJ’s ILMUNC Delegation March 2015 Page 16 Crisis Simulation Committees ADHOC Gavel - Andrew Howard (Sushma Swaraj) JCC: Apple Gavel - Shohini Gupta (Dan Riccio) JCC: Google Gavel - Spencer Weiss (Lazlo Bock) Knights Templar Gavel - Becca Merriman-Goldring (Master of Antioch) National Football League Team Owners Gavel - Aidan Hennessey-Niland (Dan Snyder) United Nations Security Council 2060 Honorable - Noah Shin (USA) Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Ocean Bowl After many months of hard work, the two TJ Ocean Bowl teams coached by Ms. Lisa Wu competed in the 18th Annual Chesapeake Bay Bowl on February 7th at George Mason University. Team A members Jared Nirenberg, Emily Sun, Virginia Pan, Jennifer Baily, and Katherine Barbano placed 1st and will advance to the 2015 National Ocean Sciences Bowl in late April in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Team B members Mohammed Ihssan, Lowrey Peyton, Emma Cuddy, Stephen Seo, and Richard Pan were undefeated in the round robin games. Congratulations to all the members! Science Bowl On February 7, the TJ Science Bowl Team of Janice Ong, Ross Demsey, Franklyn Wang, Tiger Zhang, and Matthew Barbano competed in the Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl at the Jefferson Lab in Newport News. The team, led by their coach, Ms. Donohue, placed 1st in the state and won an allexpense paid trip to Washington, D.C., for the 2015 U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl in late April. In addition to the first place trophy, the team was awarded $750.00 for TJ. BAND BOOSTERS Congratulations to TJ Students selected to perform with the District Band! TJ was fortunate to have a large number of students performing at this year’s District Band concert, which was held on 5 February, 2015. These students participated in a rigorous audition process to be selected. Symphonic Band performers were: Orchi Banerjee (Flute), Bradford Case (Bassoon), Sam Cho (Clarinet), Maya Chung (Clarinet), Linda Diaz (Flute), Aaron Geldert (Bass Trombone), Peter Gunnarson (Oboe), Arthur He (Clarinet), Brian Junttila (Trombone), Minjoo Kang (Flute), Christine Li (Clarinet), Ethan Lowman (Oboe), Michael Mace (Trumpet), Wassim Omais (Clarinet), Bobbie Sheng (Clarinet), Kai Smith (Tuba), Jasper Treakle (Percussion), and Sara Warrington (Clarinet). Concert Band performers were: Habeen Chang March 2015 Page 17 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 (Trombone), Kevin Chaplin (French Horn), Nina Chung (Trumpet), Noemi Glaeser (Flute), Juliana Gruver (Flute), Emily He (Clarinet), Catherine Im (Oboe), Jean Kim (Oboe), Rachel Lee (Clarinet), Andrew Li (Clarinet), Elizabeth Li (Flute), Lucy Li (Clarinet), Olivia Marcantonio (Clarinet), Alex Rudin (Trumpet), Kody Stremick (Clarinet), Kevin Wen (Alto Sax), Grace Yang (Bass Clarinet), and Sarah Zhou (Clarinet). Congratulations to all of these outstanding musicians! Joe Broom Runner Up in the “President’s Own” United States Marine Band Concerto Competition: High school students from all over the country applied to the Marine Band’s 2015 Concerto Competition, and TJ student Joe Broom (Euphomium) was one of six applicants chosen to compete in the final round, which was presented as a recital open to the public on 14 February. As the runner up winner of the competition, Joe will also receive a cash prize from the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation. Well Done Joe! Many Thanks to all who attended and volunteered in the TJ Bands “Winter Showcase”: Many thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers who made Winter Showcase a success! About Band Boosters: The band boosters support TJ's wonderful curricular bands (Symphonic Band, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band) and extra-curricular ensembles (Marching Band, Drumline, and Color Guard) through volunteer and fundraising activities that help provide student scholarships, purchase equipment and supply uniforms. For more information on how to support TJ's band programs, please see our website. TJ THEATRE BOOSTERS Susan Hodges of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation presenting award to Joe Broom. Winter Drum Line and Color Guard Competitive Season off to a great start! After an arduous winter spent rehearsing and learning new routines, the TJDL and TJWG completed their first competitions in February. Their first Atlantic Indoor Association (AIA) competition was held on February 14th at Mount Vernon High School where both units performed very well. Two weeks later, the Drum Line performed at our own “Winter Showcase” while the Winter Guard left for Pittsburgh to perform in a Winter Guard International (WGI) Regional competition. Both units are gearing up for a busy March full of competitions; culminating in the “World” competitions in April. March 2015 The 28th Annual Knight of One Axe was presented on Feb. 6 and 7. One of the plays was also performed before the Virginia High School League (VHSL) in Fairfax County and featured seniors Misha Ryjik and Kira Becker in "I Dream Before I Take the Stand" by Arlene Hutton. These students took 2nd place in this competition and advanced to the regional VHSL competition where the One-Act was flawlessly performed. Congratulations to these seniors and to their director, Vincent Pollet. Misha Ryjik and Kira Becker Page 18 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The next TJ Theatre production is “Fiddler on the Roof” with performances on April 30, May 1, and May 2. Jennifer Lowery will musically and theatrically direct a cast of more than 50 students in this timeless story. This is a large production, and we will need the support of many parents. TJ Theatre Boosters will meet on Thursday, March 5, at 6:30 pm in the Band Room. We desperately need non-senior parents to become involved NOW for a smooth transition into the next year. Please plan on attending if your student is new or has already participated in TJ Theatre. COLONIAL ATHLETIC BOOSTERS (CAB) Junior Varsity Girls Basketball The JV Girls Basketball team finished their season with two final away games. ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS Moving into March, students in both TJ Orchestras continue to prepare for District Assessment, scheduled for Saturday, March 21 at Centreville High School. Philharmonia will perform at 12:40 pm; Symphonic will perform at 4:50 pm. While there will not be a pre-Assessment concert at TJ as in the past, family and friends are encouraged to attend the Assessment performances (free of charge). Looking further into the semester, the TJ Orchestras’ Spring Concert will be on Friday, June 12, at 7:00 pm in the TJ auditorium. Save the date and join us for this final concert of the year! Orchestra Boosters is a group of friends and families of students who are interested in promoting orchestral music at TJ. Boosters volunteer their time and energy throughout the year, and monetary donations go toward the needs of the program. Currently, Booster funds are being used to cover much-needed repairs to the school’s cellos and basses. If you have not yet joined and would like to, or would just like more information, check out our website; or contact Barb Malès, President, at tjorchboosters at It’s never too late to join! March 2015 Pictured here after the game against Mount Vernon are (Back L-R) Christine Wang, Rachel Ma, Shweta Mohanty, Coach Chet Bracuto, Maya Parker, Isha Ghodgaonkar, and Sunny Truslow. (Front L-R) Bailey Knight and Ruchi Maniar. (Not Pictured: Jo Lee) Varsity Girls Basketball The Varsity Lady Colonials finished the 2014-2015 basketball season strong, with close games against Mt. Vernon and Jeb Stuart. The team demonstrated aggressive defense, strong rebounding and focused free throw shooting. Page 19 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 As the season concludes, the team would like to thank Tom Connally for his home game announcing, and all our parents, grandparents, siblings and fans that supported and cheered for the team each week. We wish our seniors Rebecca ClarkCallender, Julia Dunbar, Michelle Namkung, and Adrian Robertson (aka best manager ever) success in college and look forward to the return of our underclassmen next year. Chase Brown ready to shoot. Chase Brown showed his three-point shooting prowess knocking down 6 three pointers in a high scoring game against Lee. This in part, led to the team reaching its highest season scoring total of 80 points. High Five! Reserve Jashan “Jeetman” Matharoo knocked down a clutch three pointer before the end of the third quarter against Marshall to secure a win against their rivals. This game was especially great, as Marshall had beaten the boys earlier in the year. Even a loss to a super tough Mount Vernon squad could not dampen their enthusiasm. Lead by the superb shooting of Matt Jennings with 35 points, the boys put in a great effort against an excellent team. Matt Jennings was 9 for 11 at the 3-point line, possibly a new TJ basketball record. Junior Varsity Boys Basketball After a series of disheartening losses mid-season, the JV boys basketball team rallied and finished the season strong with 9 wins and 7 losses, a high for any TJHSST JV squad in recent years. Wins against Wakefield, Lee, Falls Church, and rival Marshall boosted their confidence and gave them belief that they could finish the season on a strong note. Or could it have been those team outings to Jukebox Diner after weekend practices for some burgers and fries? Either way, the boys have truly bonded and become a better team over the past four months. Matt Jennings muscles through traffic to the basket. March 2015 Page 20 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 The squad finished out the season with an exciting win against JEB Stuart. The team played well together. Their hard work and skill development at practice over the past four months showed. Great Success! Varsity Boys Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball is looking to do promising things as they move into their post-season games. In the conference they have won two games against George C. Marshall High School as well as a crushing defeat against J.E.B. Stuart! Although it was Stuart’s senior night, Jefferson came out with an intensity that silenced their home crowd and crushed them 56 to 38! Seth Jaffe, Ryan Morris, and Sharan Arkalgud, all three-year veteran varsity players, combined to score 50 points! Ryan Morris scored 18 points, Seth Jaffe scored 18 points, and Sharan Arkalgud scored 20 points. Parth Desai, Nikhil Gupta, Sean Lee, and Addison Dunn came across very strong. The team showed some very good team work and defense to contain the opponent. The TJ crowd on hand were treated to Seth Jaffe’s repeat of mid-court throw to make a goal a second before half time. In the last one minute the juniors added to the lead with very good play. This game is the perfect springboard into the postseason where they first play Edison High School. In their last matchup, Jefferson fought hard against Edison but ended up losing by a small margin. This time, the boys of the Jefferson Basketball team expect to go at them with the energy, technique, and class that they beat J.E.B Stuart with Wishing all the Seniors good luck in their future adventures and welcoming a new team for the next season. Go Colonials!! Junior Varsity Wrestling Junior Varsity wrestlers closed out their season with the Regional Tournament at Annandale High School. Conditions were a little crazy with power (and heat) out and only backup generators. Freshman Matthew Bergman (106) was the top performer, winning to the semi-finals before taking a loss, but then wrestling back through the consolation bracket March 2015 to take 3rd place. Antioch Sanders and David Cho also competed in the tournament. Varsity Wrestling Varsity Wrestlers competed in the very tough Joe Versigilio Tournament at Chantilly High School. This tournament featured some of the toughest competition in Northern Virginia. This tournament featured pool wresting followed by four man minitournaments for the highest placing wrestlers. Junior Vikram Gupta (152) had the best result with a 4th place finish. Senior Charlie Maier (106) took 6th place. Freshman Matthew Bergman, moving up a weight class to 113, took an excellent 7th place. Senior (but first year wrestler) Parsa Zand (182) took 8th in a fine performance. Snow cancelled the North Stafford Duals, but TJ Varsity finished the season with dual meets against George C. Marshall, Thomas Edison, Wakefield, JEB Stuart, and Robert E. Lee. TJ lost the Marshall and Edison meets, squeaked out a one point victory against Wakefield, lost to Falls Church, and won over Robert E. Lee. Sophomore Andrew Yoder (120), Vikram Gupta, and Donnie Waymire (160) notched wins by a pin in the Wakefield meet. At the end of the dual meet season the Varsity team competed at the 5A Conference 13 championship. Charlie Maier and Donnie Waymire got the best results with 2nd places. Vikram Gupta and Parsa Zand took 3rd places at 152 and 182 lbs respectively. Andrew Yoder took 4th at 120 and Freshman Owen Barnett got 5th place and advanced to the Regional Championship. Senior Jafr Kazmi is an alternate for Regionals with a 6th place finish. Swim and Dive The TJ Swim and Dive (TJSD) team swept the remaining regular meets beating Marshall, Stone Bridge, McLean and Fairfax to end the regular season dual meet schedule at 7-0 for the boys and 5-2 for the girls. Starting off the post season, both the boys and the girls were crowned Conference 13 Page 21 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Champions for the second year in row. Continuing their success, the boys won the Region 5A Northwest Championship and the girls took third. included Seliskar (200 IM, 100 fly), Harrington (100 fly), Thorsell (100 free), Heilbrun (100 free), boys 200 medley relay (Thorsell, Doran, Seliskar, Pollock), boys 200 free relay (Pollock, Quintin Frerichs, Sison, Thorsell), boys 400 free relay (Frerichs, Gerry Wan, Sison, Seliskar), and girls 400 free relay (Heilbrun, Grace Liu, Lertlumprasert, Harrington). The dive team cruised through regions and advanced 4 swimmers to the State Dive meet including Wilson 9th, Lohr 2nd, Chen 3rd, and Monette 4th. TJSD Girls – 2015 Capitol Conference Swim/Dive Champions Event champions at the Conference 13 Meet included Sydney Harrington (200 free, 100 fly), Emilio Sison (200 IM), Carrie Heilbrun (200 IM), Jonathan Pollock (50 free), Jared Nirenberg (500 free), Sophie Bennett (500 free), Luke Thorsell (100 back), boys 200 medley relay (Thorsell, Andrew Seliskar, Joe Doran, Tai Kao-Sowa), girls 200 medley relay (Heilbrun, Bennett, Harrington, Charlie Lertlumprasert), boys 200 free relay (Seliskar, Thorsell, Sison, Pollock), boys 400 free relay (Sison, Thorsell, Seliskar, Pollock), and girls 400 free relay (Harrington, Bennett, Heilbrun, Lertlumprasert). The dive team has a successful conference meet as well placing CJ Wilson 7th, Valentina Lohr 2nd, Callan Monette 3rd, and Gloria Chen 4th. TJSD Boys – 2015 Region 5A North Swim/Dive Champions For the state meet on February 21, TJSD is preparing for more success and the conclusion of another fantastic swim/dive season. Gymnastics The TJ Gymnastics team placed 3rd out of 8 teams at the Conference 13 Gymnastics Championships with a score of 118.45. TJSD Boys – 2015 Capitol Conference Swim/Dive Champions Event champions at the Region 5A Northwest Meet March 2015 Amanda Chao Page 22 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 CREW BOOSTERS The registration for TJ Crew 2015 Spring Season was again a success - 115 novice and returning rowers/coxes registered. A big Thank You to our dedicated coaches and enthusiastic Booster Board members for putting together an organized, informative, and successful Family Sign-up Night! Lilly Ko Emily Everhart Amanda Chao placed 8th on beam. Emily Everhart placed 6th on beam, bars, and floor. Carolyn Wang placed 7th on beam and bars. Great job Colonials! March 2015 The annual Million Meter Ergathon fundraiser was held on Thursday, February 12 – our rowers rowed 1 million meters to raise money for the team. It’s not too late to support your favorite TJ rower or coxswain. Simply note the student-athlete’s name on your check and mail it to: TJHSST Crew Boosters, Inc., Attn: Ergathon Chair, 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22312. TJ Crew is not funded by FCPS, so your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated! Spring rowing season opened late February; our athletes are traveling daily after school, including Saturdays mornings, to Sandy Run Regional Park to practice on the Occoquan River. The first regatta of the season is the Polar Bear Regatta at Sandy Run on March 21. The full regatta schedule and directions to racing venues are posted on the TJ Crew website. Parents, don’t forget to volunteer at least once at an Occoquan regatta at – “SignUp Genius” now for best volunteer slots. Congratulations to our athletes who got an early acceptance to colleges and committed to row/cox for their universities: Sara Mueller was accepted to Wellesley College, where she will be on the crew team; Lily Wittle signed a National Letter of Intent Page 23 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 with University of Miami, where she will be coxing next fall; and Peter Zablocki was recruited to row for Yale University. Peter Zablocki (pictured with Coach Bill Randall) was recruited to row for Yale University heavyweight team. For questions about TJ Crew, students should contact the Crew Captains at TJMensCaptains at and TJWomensCaptains at Questions may also be emailed to our team’s head coach Kim Ehrman at kimehrman at, and/or TJ Crew President Lee Wittle at TJCrewpresident at Parents are always welcome at the Crew Booster Board Meetings, which are held at TJ on the second Wednesday of each month. The March Board meeting will be held on March 11 at 7 pm at TJ Trailer #10. Sara Mueller and Coach Matt Shoop celebrate Sara's acceptance to Wellesley College. Going to the Winter Sports Awards Ceremony? Eat dinner before you go! Mention TJ when Lily Wittle (pictured with Coach Matt Shoop) signed a National Letter of Intent with University of Miami. you place your order at Firehouse Subs or turn in this flyer when you order at Tropical Smoothie Café and 20% of your order will be donated to support the ANGP. March 2015 Page 24 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Marketplace WHO NEEDS A DRESS? Does your daughter need a dress for the next TJ dance or prom? The Senior Class and ANGP are jointly sponsoring a gently-used dress sale. We’ll be accepting dress donations through April 24. Please bring your dresses to the donation bin in the Aud Lob. All dresses should be cleaned before they are donated. The dress sale will be held during 8th period on April 29 and JLC on April 30. All dresses will be sold for $10. If you have any questions, contact Robin Hatanpää at hatanpaa6 at What is TJ’s Band Scrip Program? Scrip is a fundraising program where you buy gift cards to use at your favorite stores, gas stations, and restaurants. You pay face value for the gift cards, and a percentage of your purchase goes to support the TJ Marching Colonials, Curricular Bands, and Winter Drum Line and Guard. Take a Chance on the TJ All-Night Grad Party Raffle ...Not on the Roads! Parents of All Grades: Support ANGP by purchasing raffle tickets for a chance to win a $499 Complete Virginia Behind-the-Wheel Training Package with “I Drive Smart.” Even if you do not win, hold onto and use your raffle ticket to receive a $50 discount on any IDS package purchased by June 30! Only one ticket can be redeemed per package by entering the promotion code that we will share at the completion of the raffle. Tickets are available for $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held on May 13. Additional details can be found on the ANGP Fundraising webpage. POST A YARD SIGN Show your pride and support of your student’s accomplishments and hard work. Orders are being taken for yard signs congratulating the Class of 2015 for $20. Click here to download an order form. How important is Scrip to TJ Bands? VERY important! TJ Bands can earn thousands of dollars in Scrip rebates to help defray the cost of uniforms, instruments, competition fees, instruction, and trips. The key is for ALL of our families to participate. If you buy groceries, you can help! March 2015 Page 25 Click H ere to Return to H ot Links on Page 1 Noteworthy Dates March 2015 1-31 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 11 13 14 14 16 20 21 28 30-31 March 2015 ANGP fundraiser at Glory Days Grill (see page 13) ANGP fundraisers at Firehouse Subs and Tropical Smoothie Café, 4:00-7:00pm (see page 8) Theater Boosters, 6:30pm, Band Room VBODA Symphonic Band Concert, West Springfield HS; 7:00pm, free/open to the public. Citrus Pick-up, 10:00 am, TJ Band Room VBODA Symphonic Band Concert, West Springfield HS; 4:00pm, free/open to the public. Lunar New Year, China Garden restaurant, (see page 8) Daylight Savings Time Begins Crew Booster Board Meeting, Trailer #10, 7:00 – 10:00pm Principal’s Coffee, Library, 9:00-11:00am TJHSST Pi-Miler, 9:00 am, Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station (see page 12) Winter Drum Line Competition, Powhatan High School, Richmond Student Holiday Strategic Planning Day for Staff TJ FLOW Day, March 20, 2:20-3:50 pm (see pages 6-7) Winter Drum Line/Color Guard Competition, Broad Run High School, Ashburn Winter Drum Line Competition, Robinson High School, Fairfax Spring Break April 2015 1-3 Spring Break 6 Campaign for TJ Golf Tournament (see page 9) 9 PTSA Meeting, Library, 7:00-9:00 pm 16-19 Color Guard Winter Guard International Championship Competition, Dayton, OH 24-25 Pride and Prejudice, 7:00 – 11:00pm, Auditorium 29-30 ANGP fundraiser Gently-Used Dress Sale (see page 11 and 25) 30-2 “Fiddler on the Roof,” Auditorium Page 26
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