Communicator 10-18-10
Communicator 10-18-10
The Communicator NORUP INTERNATIONAL EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF: Monday, October 18 - Friday, October 22, 2010 WEATHER INFO MONDAY Monday, October 18 - F DAY H: 56 L: 40 Picture Retake Day!!! - Please bring your original picture package. MYP Share Your Care Assembly during ACES 4:15 PM Girls MS Basketball @ East Middle School 4:30 PM Boys/Girls Cross Country vs. East Middle School Tuesday, October 19 - 3-8 Grade MEAP Testing WORD OF THE WEEK: THINKER 4:15 PM Girls MS Basketball vs. Dunckel Middle School 4:30 PM Boys/Girls Cross Country - 6th Grade Invitational @ Cranbrook 4:30 PM Boys MS Football @ Royal Oak Middle School Wednesday, October 20 - MEAP 3-8 Grade MEAP Testing Thursday, October 21 - A DAY Curriculum Corner “Daily 5 Cafe” The Daily 5 is is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence. 3: Read to Someone Reading with someone helps readers, especially developing readers, become more self-sufficient and less reliant on the teacher for assistance. Research shows that taking turns while reading increases reading involvement, attention, and collaboration." For more information, log onto TUESDAY H: 59 L: 43 WEDNESDAY H: 63 L: 48 THURSDAY H: 56 L: 37 4:30 PM Boys/Girls MS Cross Country - League Meet @ Cranbrook FRIDAY Friday, October 22 - B DAY H: 56 L: 37 ANNOUNCEMENTS New Kindergarten Pick Up Procedures: With the coming of bad weather, the Kindergarten Team has instituted a new pick up procedure for all Kindergarten students. Please note the following: • Kindergarten teachers and aides will escort Kindergarten children to the Gym Doors (southwest corner) at 3:20 p.m. Latchkey children will be delivered to the Latchkey room on the way. • Parents may pull into the Staff Parking Lot off of Manhattan at 3:15 p.m. • Please post your child's name on a piece of paper on the passenger side of the dashboard. • Please pull all the way up into the circle so not to block traffic on Manhattan • DO NOT PARK in the circle • Teachers or aides will escort your child to the car - please stay in the car - and if possible please put the chid's seat on the passenger side • Once your child is secure, please carefully leave the parking lot • If you have other children at NIS, please proceed to their door. This service is ONLY for Kindergarten students. The goal is to have all Kindergarten students in cars by 3:30 p.m. to help avoid congestion. The team is implementing this system now to work out the details prior to the first day of nasty weather. Please be careful when entering and exiting the lot for children and staff. Attached is a diagram for your convenience. MYP ACES: Students will receive their MYP ACES course selection schedules next week! The first day of MYP ACES classes will be held on Monday, October 25. Jab Shadowing Volunteer Needed: If you are interested in representing NIS and collaborating with Anderson MS on a job shadowing program, please contact Marsha Swayze, NIS Main Office Secretary at 248.837.8300 or [email protected]. NIS Football T-Shirts For Sale: Please purchase a NIS football t-shirt for $10 to support the team. Contact Coach Greer for more information at [email protected] Hot Cocoa for Camp: On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 7:50 - 8:05 a.m., Mr. Greer’s fifth grade students will be selling “Hot Cocoa for Camp”. All profits will benefit the fifth grade camp Y.M.C.A. Camp Storer trip in February. Each cup is only $.50 and mini marshmallows can be added at no additional cost! :) Picture Retake Day: Monday, October 18 - Please bring original picture packages. If your child lost or registered after IDs were taken, please plan to have ID pictures taken as well. NIS Athletic Schedule - Please follow the link below. MYP Homework Blogs and Information Sixth Grade: Seventh Grade: and Eighth Grade: Spanish: IB Fit Walk Thank you to all of our IB Fit Walk parent volunteers! We really appreciate all of your assistance and support! Technology Grant Writing Committee Thank you to all who attended our technology grant writing committee meeting. Our next meeting will be held in early November. If you have connections to any tech related companies who may be willing to assist or donate, please email Jennifer Frazier, parent at [email protected]. Thanks again for supporting NIS! WHY JOIN NORUP INTERNATIONAL'S PTSA? Reprinted with Permission from National PTA Data as of Friday, October 15th. We are at 40.8% to our goal of 100%. Please send in your $10.00 today. Norup International School PTSA Welcome to a new year at Norup International School! NIS is a great school and remains so because of the dedication to excellence that our administration and staff provide. Being part of the PTSA is the best way for you to have input into educational programs, policies and issues that will affect your child now and in the future. The PTSA is proud to be able to provide educational enrichment programs for the students. Our goal is to have 100% membership for 100% of our students. Please join PTSA by completing the application below! • • • You can turn in your membership at Parent Teacher Conferences You can turn it in by having your child deliver it to their teacher You can drop it off at the school office For more information about Norup International School PTSA contact C.J. Morrell at (248) 967-3285, or email at [email protected] Norup International PTSA Membership Application PTSA membership: $10.00 per person. (We recommend additional membership for our Middle School Students.) Email address __________________________________________ (used to inform you of Norup School updates) PTSA member name_______________________________________ PTSA member name_______________________________________ PTSA member name_______________________________________ PTSA member name________________________________________ Total Membership Dues $_________STUDENTS NAME_______________________ Grade of your oldest Norup student ________ K-5 Teacher’s name_____________________________________ Please check the appropriate box below: ________1 directory needed _____2 directories needed (for memberships of 2 or more) Please Make Checks Payable to: Norup PTSA Turn page over for Directory Change Form October 4, 2010 Dear Parents of Third through Ninth Graders: Your child will be taking one or more Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) tests beginning October 12th. Berkley curricula are aligned with the State Benchmarks so that your child is learning the concepts and skills that are tested on the MEAP. The test schedule is very specific, with specified make-up days for unavoidable absences. Parents often ask what they can do to help their children be successful on the MEAP tests or on tests in general. The most important thing you can do is have your child in school, on time, every single day. It is critical that your child is there to hear the directions from the teacher; often your child will hear something clarified when another student asks a question. When your child is on time, he/she feels comfortable and not rushed like we all do when we run late. Please get your child to bed in time to get plenty of rest, and feed him/her a nutritious breakfast. When your child arrives home, ask them about their day and the tests they took. In this day and age of high stakes testing, I want to remind you the MEAP tests are just one measure of your child’s achievement. You should also take into account the information you receive from your child’s teacher at conferences, report card grades, scores on quizzes, tests and projects, and various other data you have on your child when determining his/her academic success. You should receive your child’s MEAP test results mid-year. If you have any questions, you can call your child’s teacher, principal, or me. Sincerely, Mary Beth Fitzpatrick Director of Curriculum, Technology, Assessment, and Grants NORUP INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL N 14450 Manhattan Oak Park, MI 48237 W E (248) 837-8300 115 RECEIVING 111B 111A BAND CAFETERIA 113 GYM OFFICE GIRLS LOCKER ROOM STAFF PARK ING Only ORCHESTRA 108 !"#$%&'(&)%#*)+$%#),-%&%()./012343 TEAM LOCKER ROOM BATH ROOMS 118 116 114A 7$+)($%/0))1 23&/04$5())6 200 101 100 .+&$(%/0))1 23&/04$5())6 103 202 204 102 105 104 107 STAFF 206 109 Staff Lounge Music Room MAIN OFFICE STAFF S E C O N D F L O O R 112 Room 110 KDG Pick Up Area S 130 128 3rd – 5th Grades NE Entrance 114B No Drop-off or Pickup 126 210 201 203 205 207 209 E E 7th -8th Grade SE Entrance GYMNASIUM BOYS LOCKER ROOM GYM OFFICE 6th Grade Entrance NT FRO R DOO GARDNER NORUP STAFF PARKING 124 L A B INNOV. LAB MEDIA CENTER Elevator -- E !"##$%&$''()*)++,)-$ 117 122 COURTYARD Grades K-2nd NW Entrance and Latch Key Entrance Tyler Street Pick Off Circle for 1-2nd students 120 Boys Restroom -- TYLER Girls Restroom -- Crossing Guards MANHATTAN NEW KINDERGARTEN PICK UP PROCEDURES: Please come into the first lot off of Manhattan no earlier than 3:15 p.m. Pull all the way up and around the pick up circle. Have your child’s name clearly in the window on the passenger side. The teacher or aide will escort your child to your car. Please DO NOT PARK in this lot or in the pick up circle. This is not a good time for an in depth discussion with the teacher. If possible, please have your car seat on the passenger side for safety. THIS IS FOR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS ONLY. Other grades need to be picked up at their respective doors. Crossing Guards October 2010 Dear Parents, I am pleased to inform you that your child has the opportunity to participate in the Northwestern University’s Midwest Academic Talent Search (NUMATS). In the past and in most school districts, this opportunity is only afforded to select students recognized as meeting high achievement thresholds on past standardized, nationally normed tests or the MEAP, and/or have achieved high levels of performance as recognized by school personnel. We have decided to “raise the bar” and present this opportunity to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in the Berkley School District. The voluntary participation in the NUMATS program offers above grade level tests to students including the EXPLORE, ACT and SAT. All 8th grade students in our district will already take the EXPLORE on December 7, 2010, as part of Berkley’s annual assessment schedule. Why would you want your child to take the ACT or SAT now as an above grade level exam? Students who take the test(s): -acquire experience and practice in taking rigorous exams in a group setting; -receive important information that most regularly scheduled assessments do not provide; -receive information mailed to your home regarding other educational programs generally marketed to gifted students. A packet of information is available online at or from the counselor’s office. The fee schedule is as follows: -ACT: -SAT: NUMATS fee ($35) + ACT test fee ($33) = $68 NUMATS fee ($35) + SAT test fee ($47) = $82 Financial Aid is available for students who participate in a federally subsidized free or reduced lunch program. Teen Court Application 2010-11 Applicant name: _______________________________________________________ Email (yours or your parent): __________________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________ Phone number (yours or your parent):___________________________________ TC Oakland County Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades Only Please list your current schedule: 1st hour:_____________________ 2nd hour:_____________________ 3rd hour:_____________________ 4th hour:____________________ 5th hour:____________________ 6th hour:____________________ OAKLAND COUNTY TEEN COURT Teen Court members need to: ! Be Open Minded and listen to the case at hand without prejudgment ! Be Reflective and consider all the options ! Be Principled and come prepared to court each time ! Be Caring and realize that the defended and fellow team members are counting on you to demonstrate justice with compassion ! Be a Communicator and present the cases clearly ! Be Knowledgeable about how Teen Court works and your job ! Be an Inquirer and ask questions that help you understand the case and your job ! ! ! Be Balanced and present and judge each case with fairness Be a Risk-Taker and speak before a judge in a real court room Be a Thinker and consider all sides of the case On the back of this page or on another sheet of paper, please write a one page essay describing why you think you would make a good Teen Court member. Attach it to this form. This application is due by 3:30 on Thursday, October 14. Please turn it into the mailbox outside of Mrs. Fairman’s office. Late applications will not be accepted. Student Safety Patrol Application 2010-11 Applicant name: _______________________________________________________ Email (yours or your parent): __________________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________ Phone number (yours or your parent):___________________________________ Fifth and Sixth Grades Only Please list your 1st hour and/or classroom teacher: ________________ Safeties Norup International School NIS STUDENT SAFETY PATROL Student Safety members need to: ! Be on post by 7:55 a.m. until 8:15 and 3:25 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. ! Wear appropriate clothing for the weather ! Be kind, courteous and honest ! Maintain good grades ! ! Know and follow all safety rules and ensure others do the same Understand that Eeach post will rotate every two to three weeks In addition, all Student Safeties need to demonstrate the IB Learner Profile: • Reflective • Caring • Principled • Knowledgeable • Communicator • Balanced • Risk-taker • Thinker • Inquirer • Open-minded On the back of this page, please write one paragraph describing why you think you would make a good Student Safety member. This application is due by 3:30 on Thursday, October 14. Please turn it into the mailbox outside of Mrs. Fairman’s office. Late applications will not be accepted. Student Ambassadors 2010-11 Applicant name: _______________________________________________________ Email (yours or your parent): __________________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________ Phone number (yours or your parent):___________________________________ SA Norup International School Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades Only Please list your current schedule: 1st hour:_____________________ 2nd hour:_____________________ 3rd hour:_____________________ Or classroom teacher: ___________ 4th hour:____________________ 5th hour:____________________ 6th hour:____________________ STUDENT AMBASSADORS Student Ambassadors are called on to greet guests to the building and serve as hosts during special events. Some Student Ambassador assignments are in the evening and some are during the school day. Student Ambassadors events include but are not limited to: • Conferences (passing out water and directing parents) • Concerts (handing out programs and greeting guests) • Babysitting services during conferences and special events • Tours of the building • Hosting shadow/visiting students for a portion of the school day • Assisting with elementary events like the Friendship Feast and Teas • Hosting and Greeting Parents during the incoming Sixth Grade Parent Night • and other special events as they arise. If selected, Student Ambassadors will be given a list of choices for upcoming events. This list will be reviewed with parents at home to avoid any conflicts with family events. Student Ambassadors, as representatives of the school, must be in good academic and behavior standing, and demonstrate the IB Learner Profile traits daily. There are a limited number of Student Ambassador positions and the process is selective. Teachers have input in the selection process. Please complete both pages of this application completely. This application is due by 3:30 on Thursday, October 14. Please turn it into the mailbox outside of Mrs. Fairman’s office. Late applications will not be accepted. !""#$%& '( !")*++*,-./012)34#"$%&'(%')%*"+,$" -&*.#"/!$%').#".01,,2."!'*",3$"/2!'%)4 659*6-:3/-;30*:8 *567*6+-+3-1.*508 • 5,"6,$%"*&$)7#"%68!$$!..&'9" 23'018!9.",$"8,:%.;""<1%"=,,*87'" 23'018,:"&."%!.&27"@!.1%*"87"1!'*" 83)"&."!2.,"A762B562*,C65D*4 EFG-6+71H*,6-701./A*A8 • <1%$%"!$%",(%$"DEF".)&0-%$."&'.&*%" %!01"=,,*87'"23'018,:#".,"7,3$" 01&2*"0!'"/%$.,'!2&G%")1%&$",@'" =,,*87'4 =??K-,*1:1.5).*8 • M1%'"7,3B$%"*,'%"@&)1"7,3$" =,,*87'"23'018,:#"&)"0!'"8%"$%0702%*" &'.)%!*",+"9,&'9"),"!"2!'*+&224 65D*-D3,-*9*,:30*8 • <1%"=,,*87'"23'018,:"&."6!*%"+$,6" !22"N?OP!//$,(%*"6!)%$&!2.#"!'*"&." +$%%",+"QIO.#"/1)1!2!)%.#"!'*"2%!*4 • >!'3+!0)3$%*"!'*" /!0-!9%*"$&91)"1%$%"&'" >&01&9!'444 • ?&*"7,3"-',@")1%"!(%$!9%" 1,3.%1,2*"./%'*."<=>?-,'" /2!.)&0"8!9."!'*"*$&'-"8,:%." @*,-127.A-%!01".01,,2"7%!$A • <1%"=,,*87'"23'018,:B." &'*&(&*3!227".%!2&'9" 0,6/!$)6%')."!'*"$%+&22!82%" *$&'-"8,))2%".,2(%")1%"&..3%C"" /!0-"!'7)1&'9"@&)1,3)"3.&'9" /2!.)&0"8!9."!'*"*$&'-"8,:%.4 • H!$'"6,'%7"+,$"5,$3/"@1&2%" /$,)%0)&'9")1%"%'(&$,'6%')4"" • I3$01!.%")1%"=,,*87'" 23'018,:",'2&'%"),*!7"!)" 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