Coyote Howler
Coyote Howler
April 2013 Volume 12, Issue 8 CASCADE RIDGE PTSA 2.6.2 SAMMAMISH, WASHINGTON Coyote Howler PTSA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Calendar of Events April: 3: As this edition of the Howler hits the website, we are close to starting Spring Break. Time is certainly flying this year and once we return our kids will be starting the last third of their school year. I know from past experience that those last few months fly by, but the great news is that we still have a lot planned at the school and our PTSA will continue to avidly support the school and our children’s experiences through the school year. Back by popular demand, our Talent Show will be Thursday & Friday, April 25 -26th. This will be our second year hosting this event and tons of fun was had by all so even if you’re not participating in the show, please mark your calendars and come see all the amazing talent Cascade Ridge has to offer. As you have heard throughout the year, we owe our ongoing success to the many volunteers who provide their time, energy, and passion to ensuring great programs and opportunities for our kids and community. Every year we recognize volunteers who go above and beyond and who eagerly and tirelessly say “yes” for the benefit of others through the PTSA Golden Acorn awards. Many congratulations and thanks to our recent winners: Ann Brooks, Helen DiMeco, Angie Lukens, Bona Park, and Nichole Wengert! If you see any of our winners around, please give them a hearty “congratulations” and “thank you”! Speaking of great volunteers, what amazing events and programs we had in March: Book Fair, Spelling Bee, Eager Reader, Science Fair, and Fine Arts night!! We hope you were able to make time in your busy schedules to participate in at least one of the events—hopefully all of them!! Thanks again to all of our volunteers who made these events possible. Also this month, we will have the third of our four planned General Membership meetings on Friday, April 19th right after drop-off. This is another important meeting to have a great turnout as we will be electing our Board members for the next school year and voting on changes to our standing rules. We have a strong slate of nominees who will continue to lead our PTSA in the next school year and it is important to recognize them and show our support through attendance at the meeting. We hope to see you there! Finally, don’t forget that the annual ISF Nourish Every Mind luncheon us coming up on Thursday, May 9th. We would love to have a great turnout from the Cascade Ridge Community to show all of Issaquah how much we really care about our kids. More information for this can be found on our PTSA site and also at To reserve a table with our Cascade Ridge parents, please contact me directly. Here’s hoping for a great spring for everyone! Deanne King, PTSA President [email protected] Science Tech Open House, 6:00p 5: Dad’s Play Day 8-12: Spring Break 19: Coffee with Principal/ PTSA General Membership Mtg, 8:30a 25-26: Talent Show, 6:00p 26: Spirit Day - Tacky/ Mismatched Day May: 1: 3rd Grade Concert, 6:30p 1-17: MSP Testing 3: Dad’s Day 6-10: Staff Appreciation Week 6: Site Council, 6:00p 7: 1st Grade Concert, 6:30p 9: ISF Luncheon, 11:00a 14: Camp Chaperone Mtg, 6p 16: Gen Member Mtg, 7:00p 21: KG Concert, 6:30p 27: Memorial Day-NO SCHOOL 29-31: 5th Grade Camp Inside this Issue PTSA News 2 Golden Acorn Winners 3 Spelling Bee/5th Grade 4 Mark Your Calendar 5 Programs 6 ISF 7 Fundraising / Parent Ed 8 Volunteer Recognition 9 Editor: Nichole Wengert President: Deanne King April 2013 1 PTSA News PTSA General Membership Meeting & Coffee with the principal Friday, April 19th @ 8:30 am Coyote Cafe Please plan to attend our next PTSA General Membership Meeting & Coffee with the Principal, on Friday, April 19th at 8:30 am in the Coyote Café. This is an important meeting for the community as we will be electing the 2013–2014 PTSA Executive Committee and voting on our Standing Rules. As always, it is also the perfect forum for gaining insight into the PTSA activities and for providing feedback. Please let Deanne King ([email protected]), PTSA President know if you have any questions and we hope to see you there! 2013-2014 PTSA Executive Committee Nominees The 2013 Cascade Ridge Nominating Committee proudly submits the following slate of nominees to the general membership for election to the 2013-2014 PTSA Executive Committee. President Ann Brooks VP Fundraising Nathalie Fusaro Executive Vice President Helen DiMeco Co-VPs Programs Kelly Huber Secretary Laura Fortner VP Volunteers Erinn Chapman Treasurer Juli Kubicki Co-VPs Community Relations Ganga Pingli & Marci Bartholomae VP Communications Monica Futty Many Thanks to this year's PTSA nominating committee: Juli Kubicki, Helen DiMeco, Erinn Chapman, Lauri Kinnan April 2013 2 PTSA News Cont. Congratulations to our 2012-2013 Cascade Ridge Golden Acorn Winners! The Golden Acorn is a PTSA award given every year to outstanding volunteers for their service to our school and community. The Golden Acorn specifically recognizes the contributions individuals have made at Cascade Ridge Elementary and within our local community. Congratulations to this year’s Golden Acorn Winners! We acknowledge and appreciate your commitment to Cascade Ridge and our community! Nichole Wengert, Angie Lukens, Helen DiMeco, Ann Brooks, and Bona Park were honored at a reception held at Pacific Cascade Middle School on March 26 th. When you see these deserving recipients, please give them a pat on the back and thank them for all of their hard work on behalf of our school and community – and look for their names on the Golden Acorn plaque displayed in the front hall of our school. … Many employers match your charitable contributions to our school, but did you know that many of them also match your volunteer time? Many of our area employers--Amazon, Boeing, Costco, Expedia, Microsoft, Nordstrom, to name only a few--will pay our school $17 per hour for your volunteer time. This can be time helping out in your child's classroom and/or helping out at one of our PTSA sponsored events. This is "free" money to our school to support our programs and your children. So, if you are volunteering your time in any way, please check with your employers HR dept to see if they match volunteer hours and submit your hours today. Please contact our matching funds chair, Janet Jacobson at [email protected], if you have any ques- April 2013 3 Special Recognition Students and Volunteers Make 2013 Spelling Bee an Unbeelievable Success!! The first weak of March was a wirlwind of exsitement as nearly 180 Cascade Ridge studants took center stage and brilliently spelled words like reverseable and desendant. We’re so prowd of each of you! Additional thanks to Zahid Arab, reporter for KING TV/channel 5 who guest announced and to all the volunteers who helped make a buzz-worthy event: Susan Sansing, Kevin Bartholomae, Erick Pong, Lori Harnick, Kimberlee Hansen, Krystl McCandish, Kelly Taaffe, Sanji Munoth, Neena Rana, Nancy TrappChen, Bhavani Arutla, Nathalie Fusaro, Teresa Mundel, Rajeev Goel and Ann Brooks!! Special congratulations go to the following spellers: Kindergarten Winning word: “below” 1st – Ethan Go 2nd – Andrew Scurrell 3rd – Dave Yoon 3rd grade Winning word: “interrupt” 1st – Jeslyn Chen 2nd – Nayantara Vijay 3rd – Jordan Ballo 1st grade Winning word: “carefully” 1st – Allyse Nguyen 2nd – Lauren Kwak 3rd – Ronan Belding 4th grade Winning word: “reversible” 1st – Pranav Kammili 2nd – Jane Huber 3rd – Karina Lam 2nd grade Winning word: “chorus” 1st – Albert Weng 2nd tie – Sunny Xu & Kevin Yin 5th grade Winning word: “multiplication” 1st – Anjali Goel 2nd – Nabiya Alam 3rd – Bryce Harnick Thank you to Jaycee Cooper and Diana Verrue for organizing the 5th grade service project. We are so proud of the 5th graders for raising over $6,000 for Children of the Nations and for packing 24,000 meals for children around the world. Thank you to all of the parents and the teachers who were there that day and helped out! April 2013 4 Mark Your Calendar So you think you have what it takes to be on the next America's Got Talent? Well, practice makes perfect so Get Ready to Shine at Cascade Ridge's 2 nd Annual Talent Show. All acts welcomed - Individual or Group performances – Students and Staff. For more information visit the PTSA website. Register by April 1st. DAD’S PLAY DAY April 5th 10:55-11:20 (3rd/4th) 11:20-11:45 (1st/2nd) 11:45-12:10 (Kindergarten) 11:50-12:15 (5th/Science Tech) Questions? Lynette Springborn April 2013 5 Programs We pulled it off! What an amazing few months leading up to a great day and night! We wanted to personally thank all our Scientists that participated in this year's Science Fair. Their Science Projects were AMAZING!! The Science Fair needed everyone's help to make sure every exhibit was stationed and fun activities were available to all our young scientists and their families. We were able to judge approximately 300 kids in some tight and narrow pathways. A big thank you goes out to all the teachers for the tireless hours they put into helping our kids realize their full potential. Their support and personal involvement in our Science Programs and Fair are so important to our future! Thanks to all our great exhibitors this year: Microsoft XBOX Kinect, Kate Poaster Science on the Go, NASA with Mike Powell, Water Rockets, Issaquah Valley Rock Club, Strawberry DNA, First Lego League, Pacific Northwest Herpetological Society, and all our scientists. This event would not be the same without you! Lastly, thank you to all the parents and middle school volunteers who made this event a HUGE SUCCESS!!! We could not have done it without them! Thank you again for making Science Fair 2013 a great success! April 2013 6 Got Lunch? Want to enjoy the most energizing, informative and inspiring lunch of the year? Join us at the Issaquah Schools Foundation’s 15h Annual Nourish Every Mind Benefit Luncheon, Thursday, May 9 from 11 am – 1 pm at the Issaquah Community Center. Nourish Every Mind is THE place to meet, mingle and learn how much our students benefit from your support. Everyone is invited and there are no tickets to buy in advance. To join us, contact your PTSA or ISF Rep to reserve a seat at your school’s table. We are extending a special invitation this year to our Kindergarten parents! We are saving seats at all our school’s tables for our existing and incoming Kindergarten parents. Contact Cathia Geller, [email protected]. She’ll give you all the details. See you on May 9. What Makes a Great School? Leadership … grades … graduation rates? Share your thoughts and discover what the State Board of Education and local legislators think about great schools at the next Community Conversations, Thursday, April 4 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the Issaquah High School Theatre. Learn about the Achievement Index and a proposed law to ‘grade’ all schools, then participate in a panel discussion with District staff, parents and students. Community Conversations is free and sponsored by the Issaquah Schools Foundation, Issaquah PTSA Council, Issaquah School District and Issaquah Education Association. Call 425-391-8557 for more information. Our Version of March Madness Foundation volunteers bearing balloons and cheer surprised winners of Kateri Brow Big Idea/Biggest Need Grants on March 15. Awards ranged in amounts from $1,000 - $10,000 and covered a myriad of projects (see complete list at We found Grand Ridge teacher Darrel Nichol’s proposal for student created animated math tutorials especially exciting. Check out the Issaquah Reporter's article on the grants, then watch a video created by one of Darrel Nichol’s students. What a Year The Foundation’s Annual Report to the Community was mailed to all donors the week of March 18. If you did not receive your copy, or would like an extra, contact Michelle Weldon, [email protected]. Thank you for support. April 2013 7 Passive Fundraising Get ready to take the challenge. From April 1st to June 1st bring in your box tops in Ziplocs or brown paper bags clearly marked with your teacher’s name and grade. I n J une we w ill tally all the box tops and the class with the highest number of box tops submitted will win an extra recess in June! Get a clean car, save money and earn $$ for Cascade Ridge PTSA! For every $5 ticket purchased CRE PTSA earns $3.50 (normal price for basic exterior car wash is $6.39). To purchase tickets email Nathalie Fusaro at: [email protected] and provide the following information: We will need a few volunteers to help with tallying in the first week of June, if you are interested please contact: [email protected]. • • • • • Your name Your email address Your child’s name Your child’s teacher How many tickets you would like to purchase Then place a check payable to CRE PTSA ($5/ticket) in the black PTSA box in the school foyer. Tickets will be delivered to your child’s classroom within a week of your payment being received. PARENT EDUCATION DATE TIME LOCATION CLASS CONTACT 4/29 11:30am1:30pm Boys & Girls Club Teen Center, EX3 Sammamish Plateau Parents Networking Group Cherry O’Neill [email protected] or 206-550-3809 cell 4/29 7:00pm9:00pm Boys & Girls Club Teen Center, EX3 Sammamish Plateau Parents Networking Group Cherry O’Neill [email protected] or 206-550-3809 cell The LOST AND FOUND is overflowing with coats, jackets and miscellaneous items. Please swing by and take a look for anything your child may be missing. ALL REMAINING ITEMS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY DURING SPRING BREAK IN APRIL. April 2013 8 A huge thank you to Kelly Huber for organizing and executing the 3rd Annual Spelling Bee! Kelly stepped up to chair this popular event, even though this is her first year at Cascade Ridge and she had never been part of the bee! Kelly’s amazing promotion of this year’s bee led to record school participation and even a guest announcer from KING TV/channel 5, Zahid Arab. Thank you so much Kelly! Thank you Melanie Kusmik for launching the new Scratch Club that began a few weeks ago. It is people like Melanie who are passionate about ideas that they feel would benefit our students that keep Cascade Ridge programs exciting and models for other elementary schools in our district! We look forward to expanding this club next year. Thank you to Peter Wengert, aka Science Pete, for chairing the Science Fair for the 3rd year in a row! Under his visionary leadership, the Science Fair continues to be one of the most talked about and well attended events at Cascade Ridge. Thank you Pete for the countless hours spent organizing this event and making it such a success! A special thank you to his committee: Jaycee Cooper, Stephen Rozmiarek, Mary Jo Webb, Rajeev Goel, Angie Lukens, Neena Rana, Krista Gale, Nichole Wengert, and Grace Lee. The 2013 Science Fair would not have come together without an amazing team of individuals who have been working behind the scenes for months in preparation for the event! Anyone who attended this year's fair recognized the tremendous amount of effort it took to pull off such a great day and night for our young scientists. We'd like to thank all of the parents, teachers, staff, students, exhibitors and all other volunteers for their help! Many thanks to Michelle Brady and Grace Lee for organizing our Book Fair! The many hours each of them put into the fair resulted in a very successful event, with excited kids walking out with new books to enjoy. And thank you also to our librarian, Ms. Moore, for graciously letting us take over the library for a week. Thank you to all the Book Fair Volunteers- we couldn’t do this without YOU! Kudos to Kristin Hunter for chairing our Library volunteers for the year!! Ms. Moore gets amazing help in the Library thanks to all your hard work!! And to our PTSA Board Nominating Committee: Ann Brooks, Erinn Chapman, Helen DiMeco, Juli Kubicki, and Lauri Kinnan, THANK Y OU for pulling together a great slate for the next school year ’s Board! Way to go, Golden Acorn Committee (Jaycee Cooper, Angie Lukens, and Mary Jo Webb) and everyone who submitted nominations for the award. We have so many worthy candidates in the community, and thankfully we have a great scoring process that helps to make a subjective review more objective. Thank you for your participation in the process! Thank you 5th grade service project Coordinators Jaycee Cooper and Pam Gross, and all the volunteers who helped organize the 5th graders as they packed all those meals! Awesome! April 2013 9
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