sales resource guide - Creative Channel Services
sales resource guide - Creative Channel Services
L A MER UN ICA D R ’S B E Y ST BR S E L A LIN N G D* A DUET HIGH-EFFICIENCY LAUNDRY PAIRS ® SALES RESOURCE GUIDE *Euromonitor International, 2010. A HIGHER STANDARD IN FABRIC CARE AND EFFICIENCY HISTORY DRIVEN INNOVATION With over 100 years of experience, Whirlpool brand delivers the ultimate cleaning, gentleness and efficiency your customers are looking for. Equipped with our 6th Sense ™ technology, Whirlpool® Duet® washers and dryers sense and adapt to provide optimal cleaning and efficiency. FEATURE FINDER 1 Key features and benefits of Duet® washers and dryers 2 Advanced efficiency and top-notch features (Duet® WFW9351Y & WE/GD9371Y) 4 Performance you can trust (Duet® WFW9151Y & WE/GD9151Y) 6 Washer and dryer consoles and demos 8 Efficiency savings for the pair 9 Duet® laundry model lineup and parts & accessories Models: WFW9351YL & WE/GD9371YL ? ? DID YOU KNOW ? Our 100-year history includes countless steps taken to design smarter, more eco-friendly appliances. In 1970, Whirlpool Corporation established its own Office of Environmental Control to develop more efficient products and methods of manufacturing. Cover models: WFW9351YL & WE/GD9371YL, shown with stack kit 8572546 Models: WFW9151YW&WE/GD9151YW, WFW9351YL&WE/GD9371YL Shownwithoptionalpedestals XHP1550VW&XHP1550WL OPENING THE DOOR TO FRONT LOAD LAUNDRY IntroduceyourcustomerstofrontloadlaundrywithWhirlpool®Duet®HEwashers andHEdryers.Theyaregreatforcustomerswhowanttoreplacetheiroldtopload modelswithoutbreakingthebank.Nowyoucansendhometheadvanced technology, energy efficiency and chrome stylingyourcustomerswant,atapricetheycanafford. ULTIMATE EFFICIENCY * • CEETier3 rated,thebestwaterandenergyrating • Saveenergywithhigh-efficiencysensordrying • Seetheeco-friendlinessofeachwasher cycleoroptionwiththeEcoMonitor • EcoBoost™optionuseslessenergy anddeliversgentlecleaning • Theeco-efficientColdWashandEcoNormal dryercyclessavemoneyonutilitybills 6TH SENSE™ TECHNOLOGY • Sensesandadaptstoprovideoptimal cleaningandefficiency • Evaluatesthesizeoftheloadanddetermines howmuchwaterisneededforcleaning • Senseshowfasttheloadisdryingandautomatically stopsthecyclewhenclothesaredry SPECIALTY CYCLES • Removedustandpetdander withtheNSFCertified Allergencycle • Washsportsclothing withtheActiveWearcycle • Relaxwrinklesandreduceodors naturallywithsteam-enhancedcycles • NSFCertifiedSanitizeoptioneliminates 99.9%ofcommonhouseholdbacteria ** WRINKLE PREVENTION • TumbleFresh ™optioninthewasherhelps keepclothesfresh †andhelpsreducewrinkles • WrinkleShield ™optionhelpspreventwrinkles fromsettingintodry,cleanfabrics NOTE:Notallfeaturesareavailableonallmodels. *BasedontheConsortiumforEnergyEfficiencyqualifiedproductratings.Visitcee1.orgformoreinformation. **BacteriatestedwereK. pneumonia, P. aureginosaandS. aureus.†Intermittenttumblinginthewasherhelpsreducethegrowthofodor-causingbacteria. 1 Whirlpoolbrandcontinuestoleadthewayinstylish,energy-savingapplianceswith Duet®laundrypairs.Thislineboastsahigh-efficiency dryerwithadvancedeco-friendly cyclesandstyleupgrades,likeLEDdisplaysandchromeaccents. ADVANCED EFFICIENCY AND TOP-NOTCH FEATURES WASHER FEATURES WFW9351Y ECO MONITOR Seeeachcycle’seco-friendlinesswith theEcoMonitor.Itrates energy and water use toshowyourcustomeroveralleco-performance. ECOBOOST ™ OPTION Thisoptionlowerswatertemperature,increases tumblingactionanduses less energy to deliver great cleaning and gentle performance. NSF CERTIFIED SANITIZE OPTION Thisoptioneliminates 99.9% of common household bacteria.* EXPANDED OPTIONS EcoBoost™andNSFCertifiedSanitizeoptionscannow beusedwiththreedifferentcycles.Pairthemwith WhitestWhites,HeavyDutyandBulkyItemscyclesto saveenergyandeliminatecommonhouseholdbacteria. 3.5CU.FT. CAPACITY COLD WASH CYCLE Thiseco-efficientcyclecleans as well as a normal warm water wash, usinglessenergyandahighdetergent concentrationtoremovetoughstains. HIGH-EFFICIENCY WASHERS Duet®frontloadwashersarekeeping theirCEETier3 **ratingevenas efficiencystandardscontinuetorise. 2 NOTE:Notallfeaturesareavailableonallmodels. *BacteriatestedwereK. pneumonia, P. aureginosaandS. aureus. **BasedontheConsortiumforEnergyEfficiencyqualifiedproductratings.Visitcee1.orgformoreinformation. GET VIBRATION UNDER CONTROL Customersareoftennervousaboutwherethey canplacealaundrypair,butwithourvibration controlsystemtheydon'tneedtobe.These Whirlpool ®Duet®modelsareequippedwith QuietSpinenabledby6thSense ™technologyto reducenoiseandvibration.Yourcustomerscan install these models virtually anywhere, even on the second floor or stacked. DRYER FEATURES WE/GD9371Y ECO NORMAL CYCLE Usesupto35% less energythanatraditionaldryer’s normalcyclewhenpairedwithaDuet®washer.† 2 STEAM DRYER CYCLES OurQuickRefreshsteamcyclenaturally refreshes clothesinjust15minutes,whileourEnhancedTouch Upsteamcyclerefreshes dry clothes and reduces wrinkles.ThespecialY-connectormeansthereisno needtomanuallyfillbeforestartingasteamcycle. WRINKLE SHIELD™ OPTION Thisoption tumbles the drum every 5 minutesafter thecycleiscompletetopreventwrinklesfromsetting intoclean,dryfabricsandlasts for up to 90 minutes. 6.7CU.FT. CAPACITY GREEN FUN FACT HE SENSOR DRYING Models:WFW9351YL&WE/GD9371YL †Comparedtoaconventionaltoploadlaundrypair,electricmodelsonly. DidyouknowthatWhirlpoolCorporation isintroducinghigh efficiency to the dryer?Nowcustomerscansaveenergy andtimewiththeAccelerCare ®drying systemenabledby6thSense ™technology. Itautomaticallystopsthecyclewhenthe clothesaredrytopreventoverdrying. 3 SEND HOME AMERICA’S BEST PERFORMANCE YOU CAN TRUST Yourcustomerscantakehomethe best of front load laundryat a great price withWhirlpool®Duet®HEwashersandHEdryers.Theyaredesignedtotakecareof everythingfromjeanstodelicatesanddeliverhigh-efficiency savingsatthesametime. Models:WFW9151YW&WE/GD9151YW ASK TELL •Whatisthecapacityofyour currentwasheranddryer? Whirlpool Duet washershave enoughcapacitytowashupto16 pairsofjeansinasingleload,**and youcantakehomethatsamegreat performancewitha6.7cu.ft.HE dryer.WiththisDuet®laundrypair, youcannowwashlarger,fewer loads,savingbothtimeandenergy. •Whatitemsaretoobigtowashand dryinyourcurrentlaundrypair? 4 NOTE:Notallfeaturesareavailableonallmodels. *Euromonitor International,2010.**Varioussizes. SELL ® ® Availableonmodels: WFW9151Y&WE/GD9151Y WFW9351Y&WE/GD9371Y SELLING LAUNDRY BRAND * WASHER FEATURES DRYER FEATURES WFW9151Y WE/GD9151Y ACTIVE WEAR CYCLE ECO NORMAL CYCLE Washbikingshorts,tank topsandotherperformance clothingwiththeActiveWear cycle.Ituseslow-speed tumbling and medium-speed spinforgentlefabriccare. ALLERGEN CYCLE Uses up to 35% less energythanatraditionaldryer’s normalcyclewhenpairedwithaDuetwasher.†† HIGH-EFFICIENCY SENSOR DRYING SaveenergyandtimewiththeAccelerCare ® dryingsystemenabledby6thSense ™technology. Itautomaticallystops the cycle when clothes are drytopreventoverdrying. TheAllergencycleiscertifiedbyNSFInternational toremove up to 95% of dust mites and pet dander. WRINKLE SHIELD™ OPTION ESTIMATED TIME REMAINING DISPLAY Thisoptiontumblesthedrumevery5minutesafter thecycleiscompleteforupto90minutestohelp stop wrinkles from setting in to dry, clean fabrics. Adigitaldisplayontheconsolecountsdownthe amountoftimeleftinthecycle,socustomers can always tell how long their clothes will be washing. TUMBLEFRESH™ OPTION Help keep clothes fresh and reduce wrinkleswiththe TumbleFresh ™option.Ittumblesclothesperiodically afterthecyclestopsforupto6hours.† WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? Everwonderwhatamodelnumberactuallymeans?Havenofear,thishandy toolhelpsyoudecodeWhirlpoolbrandfrontloadlaundrymodelnumbers. W F W 9151Y W W BRAND CLASSIFICATION 9151 W=Whirlpool ® FW LAUNDRY PLATFORM FW=FrontLoadWasher ED =ElectricDryer GD=GasDryer Y FEATURE SET Rangesfrom9151to9371. Thehigherthenumber,the morefeatures. W COLOR W = White L = LunarSilver YEAR OF LAUNCH Y=2011 †Intermittenttumblinginthewasherhelpsreducethegrowthofodor-causingbacteria.††Comparedtoaconventionaltoploadlaundrypair,electricmodelsonly. 5 KNOW YOUR WASHER MODEL SHOWN: WFW9351YL ITEMSTOWASH CYCLE WASH TEMP. SPIN SPEED AVAILABLE OPTIONS CYCLEDETAILS CYCLE TIME* Soiledwhitefabrics EcoWhitest Whites Hot ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Providesenergysavingsonhotorwarm washtemperaturesettingsbylengthening thewashtimebyonly18minutes. 2:12 Soiledwhitefabrics Whitest Whites Hot ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Hotwashingtemperaturesassureoptimal 1:51 chlorinebleachactivity.Anadditionalrinse providesoptimalrinseperformancetoavoid chlorineresidues. Heavilysoiledunderwear, towels,shirts,etc.,made ofcotton EcoHeavy Duty Hot ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Providesenergysavingsbyreducinghot waterusage,whilelengtheningthewash timebyonly18minutes. 1:59 Heavilysoiledunderwear, towels,shirts,etc.,made ofcotton HeavyDuty Hot ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Combinesfast-speedtumbling,longerwash timeandextrahigh-speedspintoshorten dryingtimes. 1:38 Normallysoiledblankets, comforters Bulky Warm Medium DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Thoroughlysaturatesthelargeload, followedbymediumwashactionandspin speedstomaintainloadbalance. 2:00 Normallysoiledblouses, Normal shirts,overalls,etc.,made ofpolyester,nylon,cotton, linenorcottonblends Warm ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Combinesmedium-speedtumbling,extra high-speedspinandaloadcoolingprocess toreducewrinkling. 0:56 Smallloadsof2–3lightly soiledcotton,polyester, nylonorcottonblends Warm ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Largewashloadswillresultinthemachine increasingthewashtime. 0:28 Curtains,delicateclothing, Delicate dresses,skirts,shirts, blouses,specialcareitems marked"HandWashable" Cold Low DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Combineslow-speedtumblingand low-speedspin.NOTE:Usemesh garmentbagstowashundergarments, itemswithstringsandsmallitems. 0:36 Silkorultradelicate fabricslabeledasmachine washable Silk Cold Low DelayStart TumbleFresh™ Gentlytumblesanddrainswiththelowest spinning.Garmentswillcontainahigher amountofwaterattheendofthiscycle. 0:37 Allloads Rinse/Drain &Spin Cold ExtraHigh DelayStart ExtraRinse TumbleFresh™ Combinesfast-speedtumblingandextra high-speedspin(spinspeedmaybe reduced).Usefulforloadsthatneedrinsing onlyandforaddingfabric. 0:26/ 0:14 Allloads Soak Warm NoSpin DelayStart Extrawater,ashorttumblingphaseanda soakingtimewithoutdrummovementhelp improvetheremovalofstains. 0:30 Noclothes Clean Washerwith affresh® N/A ExtraHigh DelayStart Useonceamonthtokeeptheinsideof yourwasherfreshandclean.NOTE:Donot placegarmentsorotheritemsinthewasher duringthecycle. 0:56 SmallLoad SPIN DEMO (WASHER) ENTERINGDEMOSFORMODELS: WFW9351Y,WFW9151Y This mode will run a spin demo for approximately 3 minutes as follows: 30seconds—TumbleatlowRPM 30seconds—TumbleatmediumRPM 120seconds—TumbleatmaximumRPM NOTE:Sensorswillnotallowforan out-of-balancedemo. To enter the Spin Demo mode: 1. Press and hold TEMPERATUREfor5 seconds.Releaseand waitfor5seconds. 2. Repeatstep1. 3. Repeatstep1. AfterholdingTEMPERATUREforthethirdtime, “Sd” will appear on the displaytoindicatethe unithasenteredSpinDemomode. ToexitSpinDemomode,press POWERforfiveseconds. 6 NOTE:Notallfeaturesareavailableonallmodels. *Cycletimesvaryautomaticallybasedonwaterpressure,watertemperature,detergentandload.Cycletimewillbeextendedifoversudsingoccursoriftheloadisunbalanced. AND DRYER CONSOLES MODEL SHOWN: WE/GD9371YL ITEMSTODRY CYCLE DRYING TEMP. DRYNESS LOAD LEVEL SIZE CYCLEDETAILS CYCLE TIME Workclothes,casualwear, Normal mixedcottons,sheets, corduroys Medium More Normal Less Large UsesMediumheattodrylargeloadsofmixedfabrics anditems.Normalisthepreferredenergycycle. 35 Workclothes,casualwear, Eco mixedcottons,sheets, Normal corduroys Medium More Normal Less Large Recommendedforaverage-sizedloadsofmedium-weight 35 itemswhereimprovedenergysavingsaredesired. Heavyweightitemssuch astowels,jeansorheavy workclothes Heavy Duty High More Normal Less Large OfferssteppeddryingstartingwithHighheatfollowedby Mediumforenhancedfabriccareandenergysavings. 40 Shirts,blouses,permanent Casual press,synthetics, lightweightitems Low More Normal Less Large UsesasteppeddryingtemperaturefromMediumtoLow forimprovedmoistureremovalandenhancedfabriccare. 35 Undergarments,blouses, lingerie,performance wear,washablewoolens Delicate Extra Low More Normal Less Medium UsesExtraLowheattogentlydrydelicateitems. 30 Clothestocomeout suitableforironing DampDry Low Normal Medium Usethiscycleforitemsthatyoudonotwishtodry completely,suchasitemstobeironed. 20 Anyload(NOTE:select AirOnlytodryfoam, rubber,plasticorheatsensitivefabrics) TimedDry High N/A Medium Low ExtraLow AirOnly Large Usetodryitemstoadamplevel,orforitemsthatdonot requireanentiredryingcycle.Ifyouareunsureofthe temperaturetoselectforaload,selectthelowersetting ratherthanthehighersetting. 40 Shirts,blouses,slacks Quick Refresh Medium N/A Small Usetoreduceodorsandlightwrinkles. NOTE:Donotadddryersheets. 15 Mixedloads Enhanced TouchUp High Medium N/A Medium Usetoreducewrinkles,includingfromloadsleftinthe dryertoolong.CycleruntimeandTemperatureare selectable.NOTE:Donotadddryersheets. 20 Bold type indicates default settings All Duet® washers and dryers feature similar cycles and options. CONTROL PANEL DEMO (DRYER) ENTERINGDEMOSFORMODELS: WE/GD9371Y,WE/GD9151Y Inthismode,allkeysfunctionnormallyexceptSTART,whichisdisabledsotheunitcannot accidentallybeginacycle.To enter the Control Panel Demo mode: 1. Press MORE TIME. 2. Press WRINKLE SHIELD. 3. Repeatstep1. TheCONTROL LOCK LED LIGHTwillbegin flashingtoindicatetheunithasentered ControlPanelDemomode. ToexitControlPanelDemomode,remove power to the unit. 4. Repeatstep2. NOTE:TheWrinkleShield ™optionisavailablewithalldryercycles. 7 LIFETIME SAVINGS MORE THAN PAY FOR THE PAIR! LET’S DO THE MATH! WASHER SAVINGS Up to + Up to $ 122.71 $ 68. 09 x 11 $ 2,098. 80 in water savings per year DRYER SAVINGS Up to $ in energy savings per year years Up to $ 81. 08 x 12 972. 96 in energy savings per year years in lifetime energy savings** in lifetime water & energy savings* WASHERS USE UP TO 76% LESS 77% LESS WATER* TAL O T D N A GR r Save ove $ 3, 0 0 0 ENERGY* DESIGNED TO DELIVER ULTIMATE EFFICIENCY TheentireDuet®washerlineupexceeds ENERGY STAR® qualificationswithaneco-friendly CEETier3 †rating.Whirlpoolbrandisalsoproudtobringhigh-efficiency to the dryer. Efficiencystandardsmayhave changed,butourwasher’s CEE Tier 3 † ratinghasn’tthanks toeco-friendlyfeatureslikethe EcoBoost™optionandtheEcoMonitor. 8 Ourhigh-efficiencydryersfeature theEcoNormalcyclethatuses up to 35% less energythana traditionaldryer’sNormalcycle whenpairedwithaDuet®washer.†† *Comparedtopre-2004traditionaltoploadwashers,normalcycle,basedonaverageuse,11-yearaveragewasherlife. **Comparedtopre-2004traditionaltoploadpairs, normalcycle,basedonaverageuse,11-yearaveragewasherlifeand12-yearaveragedryerlife,electricmodelsonly. †BasedontheConsortiumforEnergyEfficiency qualifiedproductratings.Visitcee1.orgformoreinformation.††Comparedtoatraditionaltoploadlaundrypair,electricmodelsonly. MODEL LINEUP Bold text in chart indicates a step-up feature. WASHER MODEL WFW9151Y NEW! EcoBoost™ option NEW! NSF Certified Allergen cycle LED Display Capacity (cu. ft. DOE) ENERGY STAR® qualified CEE Tier rating† Stainless steel wash drum • • • • NEW! 3.5 • Tier 3 • • Clean Washer cycle with affresh® Washer cleaner Bulky Items cycle Active Wear cycle Heavy Duty cycle Whitest Whites cycle 13 • • • • • • • • • • • • Number of temperatures Care Control temperature management Quiet Spin technology (suspension system) Max spin speed (RPM) Quiet Wash noise reduction system Automatic dispensers Adjustable end-of-cycle signal Delay Wash option Estimated time remaining display Dimensions (H × W × D) COLORS LED Display Eco Normal cycle Capacity (cu. ft.) AccelerCare® drying system Number of cycles 3 • • Up to 1,200 • Detergent, Bleach, Fabric Softener • Heavy Duty Casual Delicate Normal Timed Dry Touch Up Small Load Quiet Dry noise reduction system Estimated time remaining display Wrinkle Shield™ option Adjustable end-of-cycle signal Dimensions (H × W × D) 4 • • Up to 1,200 • Detergent, Bleach, Fabric Softener • W W|L • • • 6.7 • 9 • • cycle cycle cycle cycle cycle cycle cycle • • • 36" × 27" × 301⁄2" • NEW! • 6.7 • 9 Quick Refresh Steam cycle • Up to 15 hours • 36" × 27" × 301⁄2" Up to 10 hours WED9371Y WGD9371Y Enhanced Touch-Up Steam cycle Heavy Duty, Whitest Whites, Bulky NSF Certified cycles and temperatures WED9151Y WGD9151Y NEW! High-efficiency dryer 3.5 • Tier 3 • 12 Silk cycle Delicate cycle Small Load cycle DRYER MODEL • Water heater Number of cycles WFW9351Y • NEW! Eco Monitor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Up to 90 minutes • 36" × 27" × 29" • Up to 90 minutes • 36" × 27" × 29" W W|L COLORS PARTS & ACCESSORIES 15" Pedestal with chrome handle models 15" Pedestal models 10" Pedestal models Worksurface models Duet® dryer door reversal kit (All colors) LP Gas conversion kit Duet® laundry pair stack kit 4-Way internal vent kit, back standard (left, right and bottom) XHPC155XW/L XHP1550VW & XHP1550WL WHP1000SQ XW29000XW/L 8579666ARP W10317689 8572546 W10186596 Models WFW9151Y & WE/GD9151Y shown with 10" Pedestals Models WFW9351Y & WE/GD9371Y shown with 15" Pedestals COLOR OPTIONS Available colors listed in chart W | White L | Lunar Silver CLEANING CARE ESSENTIALS ® affresh Washer cleaning kit Remove or reduce odor-causing residue from the washer. (Part No. W10306172) †Based on the Consortium for Energy Efficiency qualified product ratings. Visit for more information. 9 Need a quick and easy way to share product info with customers? Look no further! These handy one-liners in quotes are great phrases to use on the floor. Get the the best water and energy rating* in a washer Save time and energy with high-efficiency sensor drying SALES MATERIALS For support materials, call 1-800-643-3444, or order online 24 hours a day at the Whirlpool Corporation Trade Fulfillment Center via or Please have the form numbers ready for the items you desire. To learn more about Whirlpool ® laundry pairs, visit The Loop ™ Appliance Connection for video demonstrations or 2011 Factory-Installed P-O-P Kits SEE WHEN YOU’RE SAVING WITH ECO MONITOR ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 4/11. Form No. WL100398C. Part No. W10405054 | REFRESH INSTEAD OF REWASH Use steam cycles to reduce odors and wrinkles ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 4/11. Form No. WL100398D. Part No. W10403260 | T BES H HIGENCY CI I F F E Y ERG D EN* re. AN n mo TER TINGefficiency eve WA R A reases ™ ive Eco Exclus Boost option ER! DRY r e ove to sav * sher costs. HE waenergy & h the er wit e water HE dry lifetim in this Pair $3,000 IN A inc *Based on the Consortium for Energy Efficiency qualified product ratings. Visit for more information. ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 3/11. Form No. WL100398A. Part No. W10404990 | *Compared to pre-2004 traditional top load washers and dryers, based on average use, using normal cycle, 11-year washer life and 12-year dryer life, electric models only. ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 3/11. Form No. WL100398B. Part No. W10403257 | WFW9351Y & WE/GD9371Y Form No. WL100398-KIT Cost: FREE 2011 Accessories Catalog Form No. WA100301 Cost: FREE Duet® Laundry Specifications Sheet T BES N AT I Y R even more. ERG efficiency D EN reases AN option inc TER EcoBoost WA Exclusive H HIG NCY IE EFFIC R! save DRYEwashergyto costs. IN Ar with ethewateHEr & ener * * G HE dryelifetim this 00 in Pair $3,0 over *Compared to pre-2004 traditional top load washers and dryers, based on average use, using normal cycle, 11-year washer life and 12-year dryer life, electric models only. ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 3/11. Form No. WL110016B. Part No. W10403256 | ™ *Based on the Consortium for Energy Efficiency qualified product ratings. Visit for more information. ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 3/11. Form No. WL110016A. Part No. W10404989 | Form No. WL100404 Cost: $1.00 per pad of 25 2011 Whirlpool ® Full-Line Kitchen & Laundry Catalog Form No. WX100415 Cost: $3.00 Advantage Magazine Form No. XT110065 (Summer 2011) Form No. XT110090 (Fall 2011) Cost: FREE WFW9151Y & WE/GD9151Y Form No. WL110016-KIT Cost: FREE *Based on the Consortium for Energy Efficiency qualified product ratings. Visit for more information. NSF is a registered trademark of LF, LLC. ®Registered trademark/™Trademark of Whirlpool, U.S.A. ©2011 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies. TRG11139A/B. Printed in the U.S.A. 6/11. Form No. WT100405