FORT WAYNE, INDIANA CELEBRATION OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK January 25—31, 2015 ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH T h e t h e m e , Communities of Faith, Knowledge and S e r v i c e , encompasses several concepts that are at the heart of a Catholic ed u c at io n . F i rst , schools are communities—small families in their own rig h t , but al so members of the larger community of home, church, city and nation. Faith, knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school can and should be judged.” The logo features a sw irl of colors interacting around a cross, which is at the center of all Catholic education. “The vibrancy of the colors and the movement and shadows in the logo portray the innerco n n ect iv it y an d community life that are present in any Catholic school.” THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 ST. CHARLES FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2015 January 18, 2015 Vigil, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Deceased of the Hoehn Family Sunday, January 25, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Jon 3.1-5,10/1 Cor 7.29-31/Mk 1.14-20 7:30 a.m. Felipe Gustavo 9:00 a.m. For Our Parish Community 11:00 a.m. Letha & Gary Adang 5:00 p.m. Milton & Margaret Fields 7:00 p.m. Rosary Monday, January 26, Sts. Timothy & Titus, Bishops 2 Tm 1.1-8/Mk 3.22-30 6:15 a.m. Ignacio Plasencia 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Everett & Helen Grimes 7:00 p.m. Barbara Harper Tuesday, January 27, Weekday, St. Angela Merici, Virgin Heb 10.1-10/Mk 3.31-35 6:15 a.m. Genevieve Wilson 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Thomas Rutzinski 6:30 p.m. St. Monica Prayer Novena (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. Deceased of the Sliger Family Wednesday, January 28, St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church Heb 10.11-18/Mk 4.1-20 6:15 a.m. Janice Dabbelt 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Msgr. Edward Hession 9:00 a.m. Adoration 2:15 p.m. Benediction 7:00 p.m. James & Kathleen Kartholl Thursday, January 29, Weekday Heb 10.19-25/Mk 4.21-25 6:15 a.m. Michael Baron 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Peter Rutzinski 7:00 p.m. Helen Keenan Friday, January 30, Weekday Heb 10.32-29/Mk 4.26-34 6:15 a.m. Norma Macy Bennett 7:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:15 a.m. Victor & Mary Bobay 7:00 p.m. Dr. James Berghoff 7:30 p.m. Adoration and Benediction Saturday, January 31, St. John Bosco, Priest Heb 11.1-2,8-19/Mk 4.35-41 8:15 a.m. Mary Redding 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Confessions Vigil, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Edward Hiatt Sunday, February 1, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 18.15-20/1 Cor 7.32-35/Mk 1.21-28 7:30 a.m. For Our Parish Community 9:00 a.m. Gertrude & Joseph Stefanick 11:00 a.m. Donald, Faye & Mary Kiep 5:00 p.m. Deceased of the Joseph Bruck Family 7:00 p.m. Rosary Budgeted Collection Needed January 18 Collection Electronic Withdrawals-Weekly Electronic Withdrawals-Monthly $ $ $ $ 38,300.00 29,413.36 2,834.50 16,777,67 Electronic Withdrawals-Quarterly $ Electronic Withdrawals-Annual $ Envelopes Used Weekly - 591 Electronic Withdrawals-Weekly - 80 Electronic Withdrawals-Monthly - 135 Electronic Withdrawals-Quarterly - 1 Electronic Withdrawals-Annual - 1 Percentage of envelopes/withdrawals - 40% 195.00 100.00 Total Collections $ 49,340.53 This Week + $ 11,040.53 TOTAL - $ (70,411.97) THANK YOU For Your Support of St. Charles Borromeo Saturday, January 31 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Mary Ellen Gentis, Edward Koors, Margo Ludwig, Gene & Marilyn Tippmann Servers: Bridgette Black, Charlie Downey, Sammy McLaughlin, Owen Potosky (MC Bradley Black) Lector: Sarah Hunnefeld, Dr. Tom Ryan Offertory: Eric & Nicole Kelker Family Sunday, February 1 7:30 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Barbara Kluz, David Pierre, Judy Sherron, Margie Stier (C Jane Relue) Servers: Nolan Fischer, Michael Herald, Lyle Yaggy (MC Justin Braselton) Lector: Dorothy Oross, Marie Lothamer Offertory: Tom & Annette Jones 9:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sam Buckley, Andrea Fisher, Colleen Krohn, Dan Vought (C Arlene Burgener) Servers: Laura Eckrich, Joseph Fisher, Victoria Fisher, Lucas Fisher (MC Luke Maskal) Lectors: Bev Peters, Dennis Redding Offertory: Bill & Michelle Meyer Family 11:00 a.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Stewart & Debbie Schenkel, Ric & Gail Stoner (C Norma Baisinger) Servers: Logan Chappell, Sam Horine, Mary Horine, Isabelle White (MC Brian Pearson) Lectors: David Lonsway, Leanne Mensing Offertory: Ted & Jodie Christle Family 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sheila Barchak, Kathy Bennett, Jeff & Beth Schneider (C Teresa Burke) Servers: Emma Pillie, Drew Reiling, Olivia Trimbur, Allie Trimbur (MC Adam Lehn) Lectors: Leo Thrower Offertory: Jeff & Beth Schneider Family USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY ARE TEAM E. USHERS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY ARE TEAM A. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH JANUARY 25 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Repent and Believe † Reading I Jonah 3.1-5,10 (Conversion of Nineveh) † Reading II 1 Corinthians 7.29-31 (Encouragement within a hostile world) † Gospel Mark 1.14-20 (Call of the first disciples) KEY PASSAGE: After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Adult: What part of your life is Jesus calling you to change right now? Child: In what way do you think you can be a better follower of Jesus? ADORATION AND BENEDICTION FORT WAYNE, INDIANA Redeemer Radio 106.3 Hiring Corporate Development Executive Redeemer Radio, a non-profit, Catholic Radio Group is seeking a motivated and customer focused sales professional to grow their base of underwriting and sports advertising partners as Corporate Development Executive for its 106.3 FM & 89.9 FM listening areas. The chosen candidate will work closely with the Director of Development to establish new business relationships and grow existing underwriting partners through a variety of sales strategies. To learn more about Redeemer Radio and this position, go to RedeemerRadio.com and click on the careers tab found under About Us. Interested candidates should send resume, references, salary history, and salary requirements (necessary for consideration) to: Redeemer Radio, Attn: Dir of Development, 4618 East State Blvd., Ste. 200, F.W., IN 46815. You may also choose to email all of the above information to [email protected]. ST. CHARLES VOCATION COMMITTEE Lives of Service. Lives of Joy. Come after Me. Jesus called Andrew and Peter and James and John. He calls still in our day. Are you willing to drop your nets and follow? (Mark 1.14-20) Wednesday, January 28 After the 8:15 a.m. Mass, there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction at 2:15 p.m. All parishioners are welcome to stop by Church and spend time with our Lord. BAPTISM CLASS FOR PARENTS A Baptism class will be held at St. Charles Wednesday, January 28, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Parish Office Basement. To register, please call the Parish Office, 4822186. Next Baptism class is Mon., March 23. Baptisms are not performed during Lent. ANNULMENTS “An Explanation of What Makes Marriage Null and the Annulment Process.” Do you wish to know what an annulment is? Are you confused or concerned about what might be involved in pursuing an annulment? Does the prospect of pursuing an annulment seem overwhelming? Fr. Mark Gurtner from the diocesan Tribunal is making a presentation on Wednesday, January 28, 7:00 p.m. at St. Vincent Church, F.W. The presentation will be held in the Church. No RSVP required. For more information, contact Julia Thill, [email protected] or (260) 489-3537, ext. 208. HASA 300 Club $150 Winner January 19 Pat & Lavonne Gerardot License No. 136113 “It is a good and holy thought to pray for the dead.” 2 Macabees:12 We extend our sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of Joseph Stefanick, Jerry Dehner and Norm Milligan. VOCATION CROSS PROGRAM Next weekend, February 1, Terry and Cindy Stults will take home the Vocation Cross. They will pray daily throughout the week for an increase in vocations. THANK YOU FROM CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY Dear Msgr. Suelzer and Parishioners of St. Charles, On behalf of the Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne, I would like to thank you and your parishioners for the donations of items collected through your annual “Giving Tree” event and shared with our Crib Clubs at the Women’s Care Centers. These gifts will assist our many efforts in helping Fort Wayne children have a happier life and are graciously accepted. Thank you again for the joy your parishioners bring to the children we serve and to our many volunteers who assist in sorting and distributing the items. God Bless, Judy Hein Christ Child Society of Fort Wayne FATHER - DAUGHTER DANCE Daddy…..It is Time for a Date with your “favorite” valentine! Join us for the 2015 FatherDaughter Dance at St. Charles on Friday, February 6, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The cost is $15.00 per couple ($5 for each additional daughter (Age 4 and up). Enjoy refreshments, dancing & a rose for each daughter! To pay in advance for the dance, please email [email protected] for an order form. Walk Ins are welcome the night of the dance but to guarantee a flower for your daughter, please plan to pay in advance. St. Charles Borromeo Parish Office Monday thru Friday-8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 4916 Trier Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 (260) 482-2186 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 Christmas Flowers 2014 In Loving Memory Msgr. Edward I. Hession Joseph & Marie Zielinski Julie, Thomas & Robert Sweet Amy Frick Florin, Lackner & Heinrich Families Margaret & Anna Ditlinger Bernadette Heck John & Marge Smith Nicolas Scalzo Robert & James Barrand John Becker Ewald & Hohenbrink Families William H. & Alice Livingston Stacy, Mark & John Tyndall Ginny & George McKenzie Fran Roberts Jerry, Jean, Bernie, Gene Niemeyer Richard Stanton Warren Wilhelm Pat Gill Pauline & Gail Denney Virgil Merkel Morrey Hester Hoffman & Sanger Families William P. Davenport William F. MacDonald Betty & Bob Groves Christy Rudny Richard W. Rounds Robert & Jeanne Steigmeyer John McKenna Becky Hitzeman Edmund Kwiatkowski Jerzy Gabrys Fr. Jim Koons Midge Vodde Dorothy Tillotson Oross/Metzger Families Everett J. & Mary M. Redding Walter Baron Terry Baron Becky Baron Hitzeman Edward Sr. & Isabelle Lubormirski Frank & Josephine Tratnyek Louise Green Ed Shell Joseph Origer DeGrandchamp & Mettler Families Katherine, Louis & Gerard Walter Carrie & Ben Meisel Ruth Jeffords Fannie Mae & Larry Knapp Arthur Myers Holly Huettner Keys William Rozzo All Military Personnel Leland & Ramona Snyder Fenker & Kleinrichert Families Christine Frick Hay Raymond & Catherine Heck John & Mary Ditlinger Joyce & Richard Smith John J. Heck Angelo & Josephine Scalzo Michael Bond Kloka & Szymanski Families Bierbaum Family Jane Yancoskie Herman & Lucille Koors Jeffrey Davis Jeanne & Michael Henry Alphonse & Rosemary Niemeyer Dan Hipskind Janice Dabbelt Charles & Helen Berry Jerome & Randall Muldoon Judy Schaefer O’Sullivan Family Ralph Millhouse Harry & Avis Wright Emma A. MacDonald Larry Brost Doc & Sue Blume John & Regina Mattes Raymond & Pearl Heimann Dorothy Eicher Madge Hessert Danuta Gabrys W. Ptak Charles & Margaret Lawrence Letha Adang Gary Vanderbilt O’Neil & Herald Families John & Helen Sled Catherine Baron Tom Baron R. E. Van Winkle Ervin & Eileen Castleman Zane Edgar Casimir Green Davidson Family Agnes Origer Mildred & Bernard Dockus Katherine & Edward Huber Fred & Ann Jeffords Joe & Lucille Walter Jessie Mae & Ben Short Mary Ann Rowe Kilian Oberstar Doris Treharn Sondra Wuttke Nemeth James Snyder Robert & Mary Frick Edward & Michelle LaRocque Joseph & Kathryne Heck Bernard & Vivian Pepe Lawrence & Myrtle Crowe Dale Schipper Stanley & Thelma Jones Joseph Becker Betty White John & Josephine Sabolsky Glen Yancoskie Pat & J. D. Usina Sharon Feeney Shelia Nix David Turk Gary Zoch Luke Dabbelt Peter Piersant Fr. John Gillig Carol Brock Hester Family Norman Drew Nick Bloom Sandra J. MacDonald Bethay Leonard & Lorenc Families Bill Nelson John & Viola A. Tagtmeyer John Bragg Mike Baron William Hessert Julian Gabrys Michael Dawley Ernest & Rita Ludwig Gary Adang Jerry Wiederholt Imen & Faye Bojrab Bill Boesch Jim Baron Paul Bellis Sophia Pogozelska Donald & Helen Wirth Victoria Davidson Madeline Sapp Sapp Family Mark Origer Edwin Huber Frank & Eleanor Walter Charlie & Ruth Jeffords Russell & Cletus Rowe Martha Jean Custer Mary & Barney Sithen Madelane Rozzo Julia Bruno ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH FORT WAYNE, INDIANA Christmas Flowers 2014 (cont’d) Ceaser & Jean Stravinski Ceaser Stravinski III Cletus & Dorothy Junk Howard & Wally Fritz Mary Federspiel Victor & Florence Grothouse Clarence & Madonna Rouch Gary Jacob Daniel Murphy Margaret Fortier Edward & Mary Stefanek Sandra Reiling John McKenna Tony Tippmann Thomas & Lavon Hague Roselyn Bowser James & LaVerne Murphy Bill Nimtz Jean Robison Daniel Pikel Bill & Helen Keefer Marie Davis Dave Mensing Stephen Elick Samual McKenna Mary White Rocco & Anna Ciocca Michael K. Hague Jessica Murphy Donald Junk Nicholas Hackman Carl Hogan James Pikel George & Lucille Collins Tom Gilbert Jack Boreani Marlene Sabo Mitchell Hammon David Stefanek Phillis Didannia SCRIP NEWS (260)969-4027 Catholic Schools Week - This weekend we begin a celebration of Catholic schools. • Join us in the celebration after all the Sunday morning Masses for coffee & donuts as well as SCRIP sales. It will be a great opportunity to pick up your SCRIP credit statement as well as up-to-date info on Kroger. SCRIP sales will take place in the back of church following the Saturday evening Mass, as usual. • As part of our celebration of Catholic schools, we will be giving away a big screen TV. Simply place an order of $100 or more January 24 - 31. You can have your new television just in time for the Super Bowl! Kroger - We have received our organization number for Kroger's new reward program. Please stop by the SCRIP table for this number and information on how to link your Kroger Plus Card to St. Charles. Kroger will send quarterly rewards for all grocery purchases made by our customers that have registered their Kroger Plus Card. You can no longer reload your "Reloadable Card". If you still have a reloadable card with funds on it, continue to use the card until it is empty; however, you will not be able to reload it after that. If you do reload, you will not receive credit for that purchase. We have regular gift cards in $25 & $100 denominations with a 3% profit for your current Kroger purchases. SCRIP Credit Statements: The SCRIP credit statements are ready! School families' statements were sent home with their students on Friday. If you don't have a St. Charles student, your statement can be picked up at the SCRIP sales table at your convenience. Merchant News: We are happy to welcome the following merchants: Fresh Thyme - $25 cards with a 5% profit; Agave restaurants - $10 gift cards with a 10% profit. Subway has increased their contribution from 3% to 6%. A Discover Universal Card with a value of $100 and a rebate of 1.25% is available from Great Lakes. Bandidos Taqueria, located in Glenbrook Commons at 4122 Lima Rd. is now open and accepts Bandido's gift cards. VOLUNTEERS: Mon., Jan. 26 Fri., Jan. 30 Fri., Jan. 30 Sat., Jan. 31 Sun., Feb. 1 CLASSROOM DELIVERY - Audrey Clauser L. Gerardot, K. Johns, G. James, A. Copeland CLASSROOM DELIVERY - Kelly Tippmann Stephanie Keefer, Tricia Lilly, Leslie Schamberg Arianne Davis, Nancy Hartig, Lisa York The ladies of St. Charles Rosary Sodality ask for your help in providing small gifts for men and women for their Annual Byron Center Bingo Party, Monday, February 16. Suggested donations include: jewelry, new bottles of shaving lotion, inexpensive perfume, hand lotion and soap, toothpaste, facial tissues, boxed greeting cards and NEW small stuffed animals. For your convenience, boxes will be available at both the north and main entrances of church to place your donation. For further information or questions, call Carol, 4906401. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK SCRIP PROMOTION JANUARY 24 THRU JANUARY 31 Place an order of $100.00 or more You will be entered for a chance to WIN a Big Screen TV! THIS MONTH ONLY: FREE $20 to spend with Shutterfly and ANY Market Day purchase. Also, earn a FREE Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough with any purchase of three cookie dough flavors….and, FREE Cheese Ravioli with a $90 purchase (use promo code FEB BONUS) this month. Finally, buy three times and earn a set of collapsible dishwasher safe storage bowls. Make two purchases of $40 between February and April, then place a third order of $40 in May to receive your FREE bowls at our May sale pick up. Order through Wednesday, February 4; pickup is Tuesday, February 10, 5:30 p.m. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 25, 2015 ST. CHARLES YOUTH MINISTRY Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stcharlesoratio YDisciple Small Groups meet weekly. If you are interested in joining a small group, or interested in training to be a small group leader, please contact Stacey. And on Twitter: @StCharlesTeen *** HOMELESS MISSION*** We will also be serving the homeless on Thursday, January 29. Please contact Stacey for a permission form if you are interested in attending. We will leave the Youth Center at 7:30 p.m. and return by 9:00 p.m. Email: [email protected] Office Phone: (260) 484-7307 Google Voice (Text): (260) 207-4677 BISHOP DWENGER HIGH SCHOOL SAINTS SPOTLIGHT VOTE NOW FOR THE NEW BDHS CHAPEL STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Bishop Rhoades has chosen the top twenty Saints from the essays we received in the fall. The entire Dwenger Family is invited to vote for their top five male and five female Saints to be depicted in the stained glass windows of our new chapel. Visit www.bishopdwenger.com for descriptions of each Saints and to vote. Voting ends Feb. 1, 2015. Rekindle the Fire Men’s Conference (Bishop Dwenger H.S.) (Steamatic) ON THE LAST PAGES OF OUR BULLETIN are business ads. Because of them, this bulletin is cost-free to the parish. When you patronize one of them, tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. Men of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend are encouraged to attend the Rekindle the Fire Men’s Conference, which will be held Sat., February 7,at the Century Center in South Bend, New this year will be a young adult session. The day begins at 9:00 a.m. with a welcome. With the theme, “Encouragement, Strength, Fellowship,” this year’s conference will include international Catholic speakers—Steve Ray, Dr. John Wood and Ruben Quezada—opportunities for Confession and concludes with a 4:00 p.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Kevin Rhoades. Cost for the Saturday men’s conference is $35 and includes lunch. Registration is available online at www.rekindlethefire.net. Visit the website for information of call Joe Witulski, (260) 452-6875.
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