Human Services - Pierce County
Human Services - Pierce County
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday October 20, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of September 22, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Discuss and take action to approve new Human Services Economic Support Specialist position in the 2017 budget and forward to Finance and Personnel committee. Discuss and take action to approve updated Human Services Staffing Plan to include a new Economic Support Specialist position and forward to Finance and Personnel committee. Director’s report: Adult and child placement data, Comprehensive Community Services revenue report, Admin/Finance review of mental health placements budget. Closed session discussion and/or action: The Board will convene into closed session pursuant to Section 19.85(1) (c) Wisconsin Statutes, for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: Human Services Director 2015-16 Annual Review. Return to open session and take action on closed session item if Necessary. Future agenda items –Board presentation Child Protective Services programs or other program units based on scheduling. Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Billeter Billeter Members Members Schmidt Members Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS: 10/13/16 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday September 22, 2016 @ 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of August 18, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Discuss and encourage attendance at advocacy training event on 10/12/16 sponsored by the ADRC's of Pierce and St. Croix County. Director’s report: Adult and child placement data, Comprehensive Community Services revenue report, 9/6/2016 County Admin budgetary meeting, and 2016 YTD and 2017 proposed budget report. Discuss and/or take action to approve and forward to F&P a request to amend/change Pierce County Human Resources policy concerning temporary employment. Discuss and/or take action to approve and forward resolution IN SUPPORT OF INCREASED FUNDING IN THE CHILDREN AND FAMILY AIDS ALLOCATION. Discuss and/or take action to forward a 2016 YTD and 2017 proposed budget report to F&P for further information and consideration. Future agenda items – Director Annual Review, Board presentation Child Protective Services programs. Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Billeter Billeter Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 9/16/16 Approved 9/22/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, August 18, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Chairman Kahlow called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Members Michael Kahlow present: Ogden Rogers Robert Mercord Ben Plunkett Ruth Wood Carolyn Sorenson Stephanie Stark Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Motion by Rogers, seconded by Mercord, to approve the August 18, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Mercord, to approve the July 21, 2016 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. None. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previously approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Sorenson, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Mr. Schmidt asked the board to consider approving an out of state training request for two staff to attend the MN Child Welfare Forensic Interviewing training. The cost is approximately $1,000 per staff. This is not currently offered in Wisconsin. No additional funds would be needed as this will come out of the 2017 training budget. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Mercord, to approve the out of state training request for two staff to attend the MN Child Welfare Forensic Interviewing training in Minneapolis, MN in 2017 and forward to Finance and Personnel for consideration. Motion carried. Meeting convened Roll Call Also Present: Stephanie Stark arrived at 5:06 p.m. Ms. Billeter distributed the July 2016 Accounts Payable Invoice Report for the board to review. Ms. Billeter presented the June 2016 financial report to the board. Expenditures are right at or slowly above average. The Winnebago placements are only recorded through April at this point. Adult & child placement data – Adult placements are pacing over budget especially at Winnebago. Many residents have been discharged from Winnebago. Mr. Schmidt cautioned that there could be additional placements yet this year. There are many kids in placement; however most of them are in level 1 and 2 foster homes which are less costly than Residential Care Center (RCC) or treatment foster home placements. As a result, placements for children are pacing appropriately at this time. Comprehensive Community Services revenue report – Chippewa County has had 1 Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel Out of State Training Request Review Monthly Vouchers Financial Report Director’s Report Approved 9/22/16 some turnover in its financial department so revenue is lagging. We should receive payments for the first three quarters by October. Final state reconciliation should be completed by the end of 2016. Presentation of 2017 proposed department budget – Mr. Schmidt presented the proposed 2017 Human Services budget to the board. The current proposal includes an 8.1% levy increase and maintains the current level of service. This budget contains the 3.6 FTE positions that were approved by Finance and Personnel as well as the 15% increase in health insurance. The 8.1% increase includes the 15% health insurance increase of $103,792 and the levy funded portion of the new position requests of $73,867 for a total of $177,659. Motion by Wood, seconded by Stark, to approve the 2017 proposed Human Services budget with an 8.1% levy increase to department programs including the 15% health insurance increase and the 1.6 FTE levy funded positions and the 2.0 FTE federal/state funded positions as presented and forward to the Finance and Personnel Committee for consideration. Motion carried. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Wood, to approve the 2017 proposed Human Services staffing plan which includes the 3.6 FTE new positions and forward to the Finance and Personnel Committee for consideration. Motion carried. Manager presentations The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Mercord, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:27 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 2017 Proposed Department Budget 2017 Proposed Staffing Plan Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment 12 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday August 18, 2016 Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of July 21, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Discuss and/or take action to approve and forward to F&P an out of state training request – Minneapolis, MN Child Welfare Forensic Interviewing for 2 staff. Additional funds are not needed. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Director’s report: Adult and child placement data, Comprehensive Community Services revenue report, presentation of 2017 proposed department budget. Discuss and/or take action to approve and forward 2017 proposed departmental budget. Discuss and/or take action to approve and forward 2017 proposed staffing plan. Future agenda items 13 14 Next meeting date Adjourn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Presenter Members Members Members Members Schmidt Billeter Billeter Schmidt Schmidt Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. *Amended item. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 8/12/16 Approved 8/18/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, July 21, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Chairman Kahlow called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Dan Reis present: Michael Kahlow Robert Mercord Ben Plunkett Ruth Wood Ogden Rogers Carolyn Sorenson Also Present: Meeting convened Roll Call Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manage Jeremy Hernandez – Positive Alternatives Patty Draxler – Family Resource Center A Public Hearing was held for the purpose of receiving the public’s input relative to the 2017 Human Services budget. Patty Draxler was available from the Family Resource Center. Their program focuses on the importance of early childhood and investment. They provide services to the residents in Pierce County. She thanked the board for their support and the resources that have been given to the agency. This is the main prevention expense for children and families in our county and the funding comes from the Preserving Safe and Stable Families grant. Public Participation Hearing Jeremy Hernandez was available from Positive Alternatives to discuss the services that they provide which include: group home, prevention, and intervention services. Pierce County uses three of the group homes. Aftercare services are also provided for long-term placements. Recently Positive Alternatives has been providing mentoring and supervised visitations to Pierce County residents as well. Mr. Hernandez looks forward to the continued partnership with Pierce County. Motion by Reis, seconded by Wood, to close the Public Participation Hearing at 5:37 p.m. Motion carried. Chairman Kahlow called the Human Services Board meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. Motion by Reis, seconded by Rogers, to approve the July 21, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Wood, to approve the June 9, 2016 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. None. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Reis, seconded by Rogers, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Ms. Billeter distributed the June 2016 Accounts Payable Invoice Report for the board to 1 Close Public Participation Hearing Meeting Convened Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel Review Monthly Approved 8/18/16 review. Ms. Billeter presented the May 2016 financial report to the board. Expenditures are slightly above average. Mental Health placements are trending high at this point due to some hospitalizations at Winnebago. The board received the information as presented. Mr. Schmidt discussed the 2017 proposed new positions and program priorities with the board. Finance and Personnel approved the Court Services position and three other requests were deferred until the next meeting. The Court Services position requires a 25% cash match. Two Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) social worker positions are being requested. There is no levy required. The board instructed Mr. Schmidt to move these positions forward to Finance & Personnel since no levy is required. The final position request is for a .6 FTE Social Worker for foster care licensing and recruitment. The county already has a .4 FTE Social Worker for these duties; however there is a need for a full-time staff. This would require 100% levy. Due to not having enough local licensed family foster homes, kids will be placed in more restrictive and expensive homes. Motion by Plunkett, seconded by Rogers, to make the foster care licensing and recruitment Social Worker position the top priority and forward to Finance & Personnel for consideration. Motion was defeated by voice vote. Mr. Schmidt asked the board to consider a reorganization of the Human Services Worker to a Social Worker position in the Community Behavioral Health (CBH) Unit (CCS program). The current Human Services worker has resigned and will leave employment on 8/1/16. The Masters level CCS Service Facilitator will be on maternity leave August – November 2016. The agency lacks the service facilitation capacity Rneeded to safely serve the currently enrolled clients thus requiring the immediate attention to this matter. The increase in cost would be approximately $10,280 which would require no county levy. Motion by Wood, seconded by Rogers, to reorganize a currently budgeted Community Behavioral Health Human Services Worker position to a CBH Social Worker position and forward to the Finance and Personnel Committee for further consideration. Motion carried. 2017 Human Services budget presentation The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Wood, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 Vouchers Financial Report 2017 Proposed Positions & Program Priorities Community Behavioral Health Position Reorganization Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 10 11 12 AMMENDED AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday July 21, 2016 Immediately following Public Participation Hearing at 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of June 9, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Discuss and/or take action – 2017 proposed positions and program priorities. Discuss and/or take action to reorganize a currently budgeted Community Behavioral Health Human Services Worker position to a Community Behavioral Health Social Worker position and forward any action taken to the Finance and Personnel Committee for further consideration. Future agenda items 2017 proposed departmental budget Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Billeter Billeter Schmidt Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. *Amended item. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS: *7/20/16 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARING Thursday, July 21, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI # 1 2 Action Public Participation Hearing to solicit public input on the 2017 budget planning process Close Public Participation Hearing (The Public Participation Hearing will be followed immediately by the Pierce County Department of Human Services regular monthly board meeting.) Presenter Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS: 07/14/16 Approved 7/21/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, June 9, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Chairman Kahlow called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Michael Kahlow present: Ogden Rogers Robert Mercord Ruth Wood Dan Reis Stephanie Stark Ben Plunkett Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Motion by Rogers, seconded by Wood, to approve the June 9, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Wood, seconded by Mercord, to approve the May 19, 2016 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. None. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Mercord, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Ms. Billeter presented monthly vouchers for May, 2016 to the board for review. Meeting convened Roll Call Also Present: Ms. Billeter presented the April 2016 financial report to the board. Expenditures are right on target at this point. They are trending higher at this point than in previous years. The state revenues are no longer given to counties in advance so revenues will start to trend below budget until year-end close. Mr. Schmidt presented the 2016 semi-annual report to the board. He stated that he met with all of the managers to discuss priorities for the 2017 budget. This report includes the trends and issues of each program and highlights 2017 budget priorities based on these meetings. Several new staff members are being requested in the 2017 budget as a result including: 1.0 Child Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Social Worker, 1.0 CCS Adult Social Worker, 1.0 Court Services Worker, and a .6 FTE Foster Care Coordinator, in addition to the 1.0 Community Behavioral Health (CBH) Social Worker that was approved in mid-2016. Levy may be needed to pay for the .6 FTE Foster Care Coordinator, the 1.0 FTE CBH Social Worker and the 25% match for the 1.0 FTE Court Services Worker. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Reis, to receive the director’s semi-annual report. Motion carried. 1 Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel Review Monthly Vouchers Financial Report 2016 Director’s Semi Annual Report Approved 7/21/16 Motion by Rogers, seconded by Reis to approve the 2017 proposed staffing plan as presented which includes the requested new positions and forward to Finance and Personnel for consideration. Motion carried. Detail of 2017 Budget Priorities 2017 Proposed Department Budget The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for July 14, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Wood, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 2017 Proposed Staffing Plan Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday June 9, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order - Welcome New Board Member Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of May 19, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Discuss and/or take action - 2016 Director’s Semi Annual Report Discuss and/or take action - 2017 proposed staffing plan Future agenda items 2017 proposed departmental budget Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Billeter Billeter Schmidt Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 6/3/16 Approved 6/9/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, May 19, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Temporary Chairman Reis called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. The board welcomed new member, Ben Plunkett. Members Robert Mercord present: Ruth Wood Dan Reis Stephanie Stark Carolyn Sorenson Ben Plunkett Also Present: Meeting convened Roll Call Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Motion by Wood to nominate Dan Reis as temporary Chairperson. Motion by Mercord to close nominations and cast unanimous vote, seconded by Wood. Motion carried. Motion by Mercord to nominate Michael Kahlow as Chairperson. Motion by Wood to close nominations and cast unanimous vote, seconded by Mercord. Motion carried. Motion by Wood to nominate Ogden Rogers as Vice Chairperson. Motion by Mercord to close nominations and cast unanimous vote, seconded by Wood. Motion carried. Carolyn Sorenson entered at 5:08 p.m. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Stark, to approve the May 19, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Sorenson, to approve the April 14, 2016 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. Plunkett abstained from the vote. None. Mr. Reis introduced Ben Plunkett who is new to the Human Services board. He was previously on the Human Services board several years ago. Introductions were made. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Wood, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Ms. Billeter presented monthly vouchers for April, 2016 to the board for review. Ms. Billeter presented the March 2016 financial report to the board. Expenditures continue to be below target at this point. The auditors are currently finishing up the audit for 2015 and finalizing adjustments. At this point, Human Services will end the year with a positive balance of approximately $87,000 which will be transferred into the county’s general fund. The audit report will be given at the Finance and Personnel committee meeting on June 6th. 2016 child and adult placement trends – trending slightly under budget at this 1 Elect Temporary Chairman Elect Chairperson Elect ViceChairperson Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel Review Monthly Vouchers Financial Report Director’s Report Approved 6/9/16 point. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update – The interim money has been received from Chippewa County which was about $106,000. The state will reconcile with counties and will pay us the average rate of the actual expenses incurred by the counties. The Wisconsin Medicaid Cost Recovery (WIMCR) process may also generate revenue for the program. River Falls School District/St. Croix/Pierce Collaboration update – The job description is being developed for the Social Worker position that would be shared between River Falls School District, Pierce County, and St. Croix County. A meeting is scheduled to review the description. This item will be brought forward at a future Human Services board meeting for review and/or approval. 2016 Director’s Semi Annual Report 2017 Budget Priorities The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for June 9, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Wood, seconded by Sorenson, that the meeting be adjourned at 5:56 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday May 19, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order - Welcome New Board Member Elect Temporary Chairperson Elect Chairperson Elect Vice-Chairperson Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of April 14, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Review monthly vouchers Financial Report Director’s Report – 2016 child and adult placement trends, Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update. River Falls School District/St. Croix/Pierce Collaboration update. Future agenda items 2016 Director’s Semi Annual Report – 2017 budget priorities Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Members Members Members Billeter Billeter Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 5/5/16 Approved 5/19/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, April 14, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Temporary Chairman Reis called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Robert Mercord present: Ruth Wood Dan Reis Stephanie Stark Carolyn Sorenson Brian O’Connell Meeting convened Roll Call Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Mary Kelly – Drug Court Coordinator Samantha Brill – Court Services Worker Chris Babbitt, Psy.D. Motion by Wood, seconded by Stark, to nominate Dan Reis as the temporary Chairman Temporary for the meeting due to the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair. Motion carried. Chairman Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Mercord, to approve the April 14, 2016 agenda. Agenda Motion carried. Motion by Wood, seconded by Mercord, to approve the February 11, 2016 board Minutes meeting minutes. Motion carried. The Finance and Personnel Committee approved the Community Behavioral Health Public comments social worker position using existing 2016 budget funds which will come out of the Mental Health placement line items. The position will be considered at the full county board meeting with requested approval on first reading. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes Out of County from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Stark, to Travel approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Stark, to approve and the out-of-state training request for Out of State Training four staff to attend the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference April 24-26, 2016 in Request Duluth, MN and forward to Finance and Personnel for consideration. Motion carried. Dr. Chris Babbitt, Psy.D. from the Baldwin Area Medical Center was available to discuss the Success by Six Success by Six project through the United Way. This program focuses on supporting Presentation families and children in the early years. The board received the information and thanked Dr. Babbitt for his presentation. Also Present: Carolyn Sorenson arrived at 5:19 p.m. Ms. Billeter presented monthly vouchers for February and March, 2016 to the board for review. Ms. Billeter presented the February 2016 financial report to the board. Expenditures are below target at this point. The auditors are currently finishing up the audit for 2015 and 1 Review Monthly Vouchers Financial Report Approved 5/19/16 finalizing adjustments. The preliminary report should be available sometime in May or June, 2016. Staffing plan update – The new staffing plan was distributed which includes the new Community Behavioral Health social worker position. News article on family teaming – Mr. Schmidt met with Bill Kirk from the Pierce County Herald and discussed the Partnership for Family teaming concept. The article was distributed for the board to view. 2016 child and adult placement trends – Placements are trending even at this point. A few kids have gravitated to a higher placement level. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update – The agency has received $100,000 with the original approved Medical Assistance rate. The reconciliation process will take place later in the year. The state has put out a $300,000 grant that the consortium will apply for that would help to cover the start-up costs of the program if approved. Mary Kelly was available to discuss the Drug Court program. The program only takes high risk offenders. Currently the felony Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) offenders are not being served. The original intent was to apply for a federal grant that would pay for the start-up of an OWI court. After reviewing the details of the grant, the decision was made to not apply for the federal OWI Court grant due to the levels of complexity to administer the grant. The OWI Court will still be implemented using current resources. No action was taken. Samantha Brill was hired in 2014 as the Court Services worker funded by the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) grant. This grant will be competitive beginning in 2017. The grant application will be due on June 30th and will be awarded by the end of August/early September, 2016. There have been 189 referrals to the program, averaging 101 referrals per year which is much higher than anticipated. This grant application would include the request for a second Court Services worker. There is a required 20% match for the grant that can be in-kind. Motion by Wood, seconded by Sorenson, to approve the Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) grant submission. Motion carried. Mr. Schmidt presented the 2015 Annual Report to the board. Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Wood to approve the 2015 Annual Report as presented. Motion carried. Board Reorganization Board term discussion Mr. Reis thanked Brian O’Connell for his time and commitment to the board. The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for May 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Wood, seconded by Mercord, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 Director’s Report Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) Court Implementation and Grant Submission Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Grant Submission 2015 Annual Report Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday April 14, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Presenter Call to order Members Elect temporary chairperson Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Members Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of Members February 11, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Members Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education Members requests. Discuss and take action to approve out-of-state training/education Members requests for four staff. Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference April 24 - 26, 2016 Duluth, MN Success by Six presentation Chris Babbitt, Psy.D. Review monthly vouchers Billeter Financial Report Billeter Director’s Report – staffing plan update, news article on family Schmidt teaming, 2016 child and adult placement trends, Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update. Discuss and/or take action to approve Operating While Intoxicated Members (OWI) Court Implementation Grant submission. Discuss and/or take action to approve Treatment Alternatives and Members Diversion (TAD) Grant submission. Discuss and/or take action on 2015 Annual Report Members/ Schmidt Future agenda items Members Next meeting date Members Adjourn Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS: 2/29/16 # 1 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday March 10, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Presenter 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Members 14 Members 15 Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 3/3/16 Approved 4/14/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, February 11, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Chairman Kahlow called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Michael Kahlow present: Robert Mercord Ruth Wood Dan Reis Stephanie Stark Brian O’Connell Carolyn Sorenson Ogden Rogers Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Jamie Benson – Superintendent, River Falls School District Tami Stifter – UW Social Work graduate Alex Lindstrom – UW Social Work graduate Fred Johnson – Director, St. Croix County Dept of Health & Human Services Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Mercord, to approve the February 11, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Reis, to approve the January 14, 2016 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. None. Meeting convened Roll Call Also Present: Ruth Wood entered at 5:03 p.m. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Reis, seconded by Mercord, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Ogden Rogers arrived at 5:04 p.m. Motion by Rogers, seconded by Reis, to approve and forward to Finance and Personnel the out-of-state training request for four staff to attend the 2016 National Association of Drug Court Professionals training June 1-4, 2016 in Anaheim, California. Motion carried. Ron Schmidt, Fred Johnson and Jamie Benson were available to discuss a possible collaboration pilot project between Pierce County, St. Croix County, and the River Falls School District. The cost implications of hiring 1 FTE social worker would be divided three ways. This employee would be hired by the River Falls School District. The focus for the position would be on early prevention and outreach for families and kids in the River Falls school district. The goal would be to prevent deeper-end placements and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences. 1 Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel Out of State Training Request School Based Collaboration Pilot Approved 4/14/16 This idea has been presented to the St. Croix County Health and Human Services board and will be addressed at the River Falls School District board meeting on February 15, 2016. A detailed plan for the project will be forthcoming. The board supported the idea of moving forward with the pilot project planning. No action was taken. Carolyn Sorenson entered at 5:08 p.m. Ms. Billeter presented monthly vouchers for January, 2016 to the board for review. The 2016 Purchase of Service Contract list was presented to the board. Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Rogers, to approve the 2016 Purchase of Service contracts. Motion carried. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update – The Center for Medicaid Services (CMS) made a determination that CCS start-up costs would not be reimbursed by Medical Assistance (MA). There may still be recourse for reimbursement. Pierce County has about $50,000 in total costs including administration and indirect. The expected revenue from Chippewa County is still on track for April – December 2015 and should be received in early 2016. Mr. Schmidt asked the board to consider hiring a full-time social worker in the Community Behavioral Health unit. This position was asked for previously in the 2016 budget process, but was put on hold at that point. Pierce County is performing the same work with 40% less staff than other surrounding counties. Mr. Schmidt is concerned that workload management is not able to meet administrative and professional standards. There has been a nearly 80% increase in the crisis workload from 2014 to 2016. Motion by Reis, seconded by O’Connell to approve the increase in staffing of 1.0 FTE Social Worker using existing levy from mental health placements in 2016 and to ask for new levy in the 2017 budget and forward to the Finance and Personnel Committee for consideration. Motion carried. Dan Reis left the meeting at 6:43 p.m. Board discussed draft strategic plan. Motion by O’Connell, seconded by Rogers , to approve the 2015-17 Strategic Plan. Motion carried. None at this time. The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for March 10, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Wood, seconded by Mercord, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:15p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 Review Monthly Vouchers 2016 Purchase of Service Contracts Director’s Report Behavioral Health Social Worker Request 2015-2017 Draft Strategic Plan Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment 12 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday February 11, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of January 14, 2016 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Discuss and take action to approve out-of-state training/education requests for four staff. 2016 National Association of Drug Court Professionals June 1-4, 2016 in Anaheim California. River Falls School District, St. Croix County Department of Health and Human Services, and Pierce County Human Services Department School Based Collaboration Pilot Review monthly vouchers Discuss and/or take action on 2016 Purchase of Service Contracts Director’s Report – Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update. Discuss and/or take action on 1.0 FTE Behavioral Health Social Worker request. Discuss and/or take action on draft 2015-17 Strategic Plan 13 14 15 Future agenda items Next meeting date Adjourn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Presenter Members Members Members Members Members Members Jamie Benson Fred Johnson Schmidt Billeter Members Schmidt Members Members/ Schmidt Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 2/2/16 Approved 2/11/16 HUMAN SERVICES BOARD Thursday, January 14, 2016 – 5:00 p.m. Lower Level Meeting Room – Pierce County Office Building STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF PIERCE The Pierce County Human Services Board met in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building, Ellsworth, WI. Chairman Kahlow called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Members Michael Kahlow present: Robert Mercord Ruth Wood Dan Reis Stephanie Stark Brian O’Connell Ronald Schmidt – Director Tami Billeter – Operations Manager Kristi Bechtel – West CAP Motion by Reis, seconded by Wood, to approve the January 14, 2016 agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Mercord, seconded by O’Connell, to approve the December 10, 2015 board meeting minutes. Motion carried. None. The out of county travel requests were presented to the board as well as follow-up notes from previous approved trainings/meetings. Motion by Stark, seconded by Reis, to approve the out of county travel requests for Human Services staff as presented. Motion carried. Ms. Kristi Bechtel from West Central Wisconsin Community Action Agency (West CAP) was present at the meeting to discuss the Social Security, Outreach, Access & Recovery (SOAR) program in Pierce County. This program helps homeless individuals who have a mental health or physical disability apply for social security benefits and is administered by Ms. Bechtel. There is no commitment of county funds needed for this program. Motion by Reis, seconded by Mercord, to approve a resolution authorizing the initiation of the SOAR program in Pierce County using the Community Development Block Grant and forward to Corporation Counsel and Finance and Personnel for consideration. Motion carried with Stark and Wood abstaining from the vote. Mr. Schmidt discussed the proposed Senate Bill 326 and Assembly Bill 429 that suggest that all reports of suspected or threatened child abuse received by Human Services agencies be forwarded to law enforcement within 12 hours. Many reports that the agency receives now are screened out and determined that no child safety issues are present as they do not meet the criteria of child abuse and neglect. Mr. Schmidt does not believe that these bills are feasible given our current resources. There is concern that the bills compromise child welfare and best practices. Motion by Reis, seconded by Mercord, to approve the draft resolution as amended, Opposition to Senate Bill 326/Assembly Bill 429 affecting Child Welfare practice, and forward to Corp Counsel and Finance and Personnel for consideration. Motion carried. The board requested that the resolution be approved on first reading at the County Board meeting. Meeting convened Roll Call Also Present: 1 Agenda Minutes Public comments Out of County Travel SOAR Program Resolution Opposition to Senate Bill 326/Assembly Bill 429 Approved 2/11/16 Ms. Billeter presented the November 2015 financial report to the board. Expenses are below target through November. December expenses are generally higher due to payroll accruals and longevity. Revenues for 2015 that are receipted in 2016 will be booked back to 2015. The Accounts Payable Invoice report for December 2015 was also available for review. Mr. Schmidt added that the agency received the second quarter Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) payment in the amount of $32,000 in December. The remaining payments will be forthcoming. Semi-annual report – 2015 operations were very similar to the previous years. The expansion of Mental Health services continues. Child and Adult Placements – Children and adult placements finished slightly over budget. Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) Revenue Update – discussed above. Board discussed draft strategic plan. Director to make additional revisions and bring plan back for additional review. Motion by Wood, seconded by O’Connell to approve Director’s 2015-2106 performance goals. Motion carried. 2016 Purchase of Service Contracts Human Services Board Strategic Plan River Falls School District collaboration The next regular meeting of the Pierce County Department of Human Services Board is scheduled for February 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Level Meeting Room of the Pierce County Office Building. Motion by Mercord, seconded by Reis, that the meeting be adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ Tami Billeter 2 Financial Report Director’s Report 2015-2017 Draft Strategic Plan Director’s 20152016 Performance Goals Future Agenda Items Next meeting date Adjournment # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AGENDA HUMAN SERVICES Thursday January 14, 2016; 5:00pm Lower Level Conference Room, Pierce County Office Building 412 West Kinne Street, Ellsworth, WI Action Call to order Discuss and take action to establish and approve the agenda Discuss and take action to approve meeting minutes of December 10, 2015 Public comments—members of the public wishing to address the Board must register in writing before the meeting begins Discuss and take action to approve staff training/education requests. Discuss and/or take action on resolution authorizing the initiating of the SOAR program in Pierce County and using the Community Development Block Grant. Discuss and/or take action on draft resolution Opposition to Senate Bill 326/Assembly Bill 429 Affecting Child Welfare Practice. Financial Report – review monthly vouchers Director’s Report – Director’s semi-annual report, child and adult placement updates, Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) revenue update. Discuss and/or take action on draft 2015-17 Strategic Plan Discuss and/or take action on Human Services Director’s 2015-16 performance goals. Future agenda items Next meeting date Adjourn Presenter Members Members Members Members Members Schmidt Kristi Bechtel Schmidt Billeter Schmidt Members/ Schmidt Members Members Members Questions regarding this agenda may be made to Pierce County Human Services at 715-273-6766. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities requiring special accommodations for attendance at the meeting. For additional information or to make a request, contact the Administrative Coordinator at 715-273-6851. A quorum of County Board supervisors may be present. RS:mjb 1/6/16