here to Print - Bristol Bronze
here to Print - Bristol Bronze
01 Oct. 2007 Price List PRICE ITEM NO. NAME. Anchor, Anchor, Herresho£f pattern, 7 1/2#, 2 piece Herreshoff pattern, 5#Anchor, Herreshoff pattern, 25#Anchor Line Chock Anchor Roller, Bowsprit Anchor Roller, Rail Mount Backstay Carr Backstay Carr, two piece Backstay Track Stop, 1 1/4" Track Bail, Sheet Block, fits HMO021 Block Base, Halyard Block Base, Halyard Block, large Becket Becket, (Sold fits only attached to block) BB1992 Cage Block Becket, fits BBO193 Cage Block Becket, Block, fits HMOO05Block Belaying Pin, 9" Belaying Pin, 7" Belaying Pin, 7 1/4" Bilge Pump, Bronze, Herreshoff pattern Bit, Bow Bit, Line Block Deck Strap Block, Deck Swivel Block, Deck Swivel, large Block, Fast Eye, 1/4" Block, Double, Fast Eye, 1/4" Block, Fast Eye, Double, 3/8" Block, 1/2" Line Block, 3/B" Line Block, 3/B" Line, DoUble Block, 3/B" Line Block, 3/B" Line, Double Block,. 3/B" Line, Double, Deck Mount Block, 3/B" Line, Elongated Block, 3/8" Double, Fixed Eye Block, 3/8", Fast Eye Block, 3/8", Centerboard Pennant Block, 7/16" Centerboard Pennant Block, 3/8", Pivoting, Swivel Block, 5/8", Pivoting, Swivel Block, Shell, 1/4" Line Block, 7/16" Line Block, 7/16" Line, DoUble Block, 7/16" Line, Double Ended Block, 1/2", Fixed Eye Block, 9/16" Line Block, 9/16" Line, Double Block, 5/16" Line Block, 5/16" Line, D°u?le P.O. Box 101 .Tiverton, 08 R.I 02878 425 00 HMOO20 00 300600.300.355.250.145.250. HMOO44HMOO71BB2701 00 00 BB3402 BB2502 HMOO37 HM9912BBO889 00 00 00 00 40 00 20.125.255. 00 00 HM4757.5 BBO195 00 BB620l 25 00 HMOOO6 25 00 BB2092C 25 00 BB2192C 25 00 HMOO50BBO498BB5399 90. 00 BB1902 HMOO30 BBO704 BBOIO6 BBO293 HMOO77 HMOI08 BB3898 BB3798 BB1897 HM4218 HM3186 HM3186A HMOOO5 HMOOO5A BB3893 HMOO53 BBO295 BB3894 BB5699 BBO407 BB3206 BB2808 HMOO21 HMOO32 HMOO32A HMOO51 BBO395 HMOO68 HMOO68A HMOO36 HMOO36A .Telephone [401] 85. 00 DO 85.450.250. DO 00 215 00 30125.185. 00 00 DO 45. 00 65. DO 85 00 155 00 125 00 175 00 75 00 14.5. 00 75. 00 125 00 185 00 55 DO 90155.125. 00 DO 00 225 00 60 00 155 00 205 00 155 00 155 00 195 00 255 00 75 DO 135 00 625-5224 BB1494BB6601 Block, Block, Block, Block, Block, Snatch, 5/16" Line Cage, 3/8" Line Cage, 1/2" Line Cage, .7/16" Line Cage, 5/8" LineBlock, Cage, 5/8" Line, Double Block, Double, 1/2"Block, Light Weight, 1/4" Block, Light Weight, 3/8" Block, Light Weight, 7/16" Block, Outhaul Track, 5/8"Block, Outhaul Track, 7/8"Block, Shell, 5/16" Line Block Hook, Mouseable, Small Block Hook, Mouseable, Medium Block Swivel Hook, 3 3/4" Block Toggle Boom Bail, Curved Base Boom Bail Boom Bail Boom Bail, 1 1/2", Rectangular Boom Boom Bail, Boom Bail, Boom Boom 1 11/16", Rectangular 2 1/4", Rectangular Boom Bail., 2 1/2", Rectangular Boom Boom BaIL, 2 3/4", Rectangular Boom Boom Bail, 3 1/2", Rectangular Boom Boom Bail, ~djustable Boom Crotch End Fitting Boom Crotch/Sheet Eye Boom Crotch End Fitting, Large Boom Crotch Eye Large Boom Crotch Socket Bow Chock, Port Bow Chock, Stbd. Bow Chock, Stbd. Bow Chock, Port Bow Eye, 3/8" Dia. Shaft Bow Eye, 5/16" Dia. Shaft Bow Eye Strap Brummel Hook, Small Brummel Hook,. Medium Brummel Hook, Large Builders Plate, Herreshoff, Early Builders Plate, Herreshoff, Middle Builders Plate, Herreshoff, Late Builders Plate, Pearson Yachts, Early Builders Plate, Pearson, Late Builders Plate, Cape Dory 10 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 14, Handy Cat Builders Plate, Cape Dory Typhoon Builders Plate, Cape Dory Typhoon Senior Builders Plate, Cape Dory 22 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 22D Builders Plate, Cape Dory 25 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 25D Builders Plate, Cape Dory 26 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 27 BB1992 BBO193 BB6401 BB6401A BB0393 BB5094 BB1892 BB4994 BB4795 BB4503 HMO045 HMOO14 HMO054 HMO112HT BB3186E BB0306 BB0789 BB8895 BB8695 BB0296 BB0396 BB6498 BB6598 BB6698 BB3797 HMO028 HM7274 HMO085 HMO086 HM12483 HMOOU HMOO18 HM10935 HM10936 BB8301HT BB3604HT BB4796 BB1794 BB4701 BB4801 HMO062 HMO060 HMO066 BB0394 BB0706 BB1801 BB6200 BB0601 BB0701 BB1201 BB1401 BB0101 BB7800 BB5803 BB0201 65. 00 95. 00 155. 00 145. 00 185. 00 245. 00 165. 00 45. 00 55. 00 72. 00 65. 80. 65. 25. 30. 65. 25. 42. 60. 00 00 00 00 00 30. 55. 60. 96. 115. 142. 110. 25. 25. 48. 48. 130. 54. 54. 00 00 00 77. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 172. 00 172. 00 77. 00 66. eo 68. 25. 45. 65. 36. 00 00 ea 00 ea 00 ea '36. 48. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 66. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 28 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 30 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 30 MKII Builders Plate, Cape Dory 31 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 32 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 33 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 330 Builders Plate, Cape Dory 36 Cam Cleat, 1/2" Line Cam Cleat, 3/8" Line, Oval Base Cam Cleat, 3/8" Line, Rectangular Base Cam Cleat, 3/8" Line, Small Oval Base Cam Cleat, Swivel, 35 Degree Angle Cam Cleat, Swivel, 3/8" Line Cam Cleat Caulking Support Bracket, (fits Iron, Bronze, Size 0 Caulking Iron, Bronze, Size 1 Caulking Iron, Bronze, Size 00 Chain Plates, "S" Boat, Set of 8 Chain Plates, Herreshoff 12 1/2 Chain Plate, Cat Boat Chain Plate Chain Plate, 11" Canoe Gudgeon Canoe Upper Pintal Canoe Lower Pintal Canoe Gooseneck Canoe Tail Nut Canoe Leaboard Brac~et Cheek Block, 3/8" line Cheek Block, 3/8" Line, double Cheek Block, Double, 7/16" line Cheek Block, 1/2" Line Cheek Block, 1/4" Cheek Block, 3/16" Chock, Closed Chock, Closed Chock, Closed Chock, Mid-Rail Chock, Quarter, Closed Chock, Open, 8" long Chock, Open, 3 3/4" long Chock, Open, 6" ldng Chock, Skeene, Port, 3/8" Line Chock, Skeene, Stbd. 3/8" Line Chock, Semi-Skeene, Stbd. 3/4" Chock, Semi Skeene, Port, 3/4" Chock, Skeene, Stbd, 1/2" Line Chock, Skeene, Port, .1/2" Line Chock, Skeene, Stbd, 3/4" Line Chock, Skeene, Port, 3/4" Line Clamp, Rigging Cleat, Double Pedestal, 3" Cleat, Double Pedestal, 4" Cleat, Double Pedestal,S" Cleat, Double Pedestal,S 1/2" Cleat, Double Pedestal, 7 1/2" BB0693) BB2101,00 BB76 BB1301 BB2201 BB69100:01 BB03 BB77 00 BB04 01 HMOO '08 HMOO 109 HMOO '46 HMOO 155 BB21 96 BB06;93:93 BB42 BB6194 BB39195 BB80195 HMOO 102113 HMOO BB12:95 BB10195i01 BB36 BB66;95'95 BB67 BB64 95 BB65,95 BB23:99 BB29~99'57195 HM47 HMOO BB36;97 BB80100 BB46;94 BBOS ,96 BB05192 BB41 .06:00 BB32 BB43:97 BB0897,OS BB55 BB54 98 BBS8:99 BB41.94A BB4194B BB23:98A:98B BB23 BB32:04A BB32:04B BB1404A BB1404Bi97 BB5E BB66;97 BB33:00 BB3400101 BB73 BB8197 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 150.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 235.00 220.00 99.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 300'.00 78.00 77.00 90.00 115.00 30.00 42.00 30.00 55.00 25.00 105.00 75.00 135.00 145.00 95.00 55.00 45.00 54.00 84.00 \146.00 125.00 156.00 150.00 42.00 108.00 48.00 48.00 72.00 72.00 96.00 96.00 125.00 125.00 60.00 30.00 48.00 66.00 78.00 85.00 198795 Cleat, Fender Cleat, Fender Cleat, Hollow, Herreshoff, 8" Cleat, Herreshoff, 4" Cleat, hollow, Herreshoff 9 1/2" Cleat, hollow, Herreshoff 6 1/4" Cleat, hollow, Herreshoff 5 1/4" Cleat, hollow, Herreshoff 12" Cleat, hollow, Herreshoff 15" Cleat, Horn, 2 1/2" Cleat, Jamb, Herreshoff, 3 1/2" Cleat, Jamb, 4" Cleat, Jamb, 4 3/4" Cleat, Jamb, 1/2" Line Cleat, Jamb, 2 3/4" Cleat, Jamb, Toe, 31/2" Cleat, Jamb, Pedestal, 3" Cleat, Hinged, Osborne Cleat, Hinged, Osborne, Large Cleat, Lawley, 8" Cleat, Pedestal, 4" Cleat, Pedestal,S" Cleat/Chock, Rail, Open, 3 1/2" long Cleat/Chock, Rail, Open,S 1/2" long Cleat, Rigging, Small (Hound) Cleat, Rigging, Medium (Hound) Cleat, Rigging, Medium Large (Hound) Cleat, Rigging, Large (Hound) Cleat, Rigging, Very Large (Hound) Cleat, Spar, Small Cleat, Spar Cleat, Stay, Curved Base Cleat, Tube, Right Cleat, Tube, Left Cleat, Toggle 8 5/8" X 3" Cleat, Yacht, Double Pedestal,S 3/4" Cleat, Yacht, Double Pedestal, 7" Cleat, Yacht, Double Pedestal, 7 3/4" Cleat, Yacht, Double Pedestal, 8 3/4" Cleat, Cockpit Coaming Clevis Pin, 3/16" X 7/8" Clevis Pin, 1/4" X 1 1/4" Clevis Pin, 5/16" X 1 1/4" Clevis Pin, 3/8" X 1 1/4" Clew Outhauj" 5/8" Track Clew Outhaul, 5/8" Track Clew Outhaul, 7/8" Track Clew Outhaul, 1 1/4" Track Clew Outhaul, Large, 1 1/4" Track Coaming Bracket, Herreshoff 12 1/2 Coaming Logo, Pearson Ensign Coaming Logo, Pearson Ariel Coaming Logo, Pearson Commander Coaming Logo, Pearson Vanguard Coaming Logo, Peasron Electra Cockpit Bow Bracket Cockpit Bow Bracket, Heavy BB4: BB2' HMO!029031347 30.00 30..00150.00 54.00 150.00 115.00 HM4' 768544 110.00 HM5 275.00 HMOI 073074 390.00 HMOI 30.00 BB2 292 30.00 HMI 0602 60.00 BBO590 72.00 BBl 292 102.00 BBl 202594 36.00 BB2 42.00 BB21 394994 42.00 BB2~ 60.00 BBll 089 90.00 BBOI 696 150.00 BB2. 492 48.00 BB?: 195 60.00 BB?:295004 60.00 BB61 78.00 BB5~904 42.00 HMO! 064 55.00 065 HMO! HMO I098 66.00 102.00 HMO' 088 135.00 HMO,089 30.00 BB5'099 42.00 BB31094 48.00 BB4: 803 42.00 BB6 397 42.00 BB6 497 215.00 BB5299 78.00 BBO502301401501404 120.00 BB2 172.00 BB2 270.00 BB2 55.00 BB3 6.00 BBO892 7.00 BBO992 8.00 BBl 092 BB2893 9."00 96.00 BBO890 120.00 BB2 892 150.00 HMO043 BB4000304 220.00 305.00 BB4 36.00 HMO027 90.00 BB? 500 BB4902 90.00 105.00 BBO:304 105.00 BBS' 704 HMO! HM3 BBO: 307 BBl: 392 BBO' 796 95.00 18.00 25.00 Cockpit Cockpit Rising Rising Compass Rose, Countersink Deck Bow Deck Bow Deck Bow Deck Bow Deck Bow Deck Bow Deck 3 1/4" Fairlead, 3/8" 5/8" Fairlead, Flange I" (Mast Line Line Line Collar) Desk Set, Herreshoff Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, 1/4" 1/4" 5/16" Eye Bolt, 5/16" Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" Eye Bolt, Eye Bolt, With Ring Lag Screw, Eye Nut, Decorative Set (complete) Deck Fairlead, Deck Deck Gaff Gaff Gaff Gaff Gaff Gaff Gaff Bridle Bridle Bridle Bridle Bridle Toggle, Toggle, Gooseneck, ID ("S" Boat) X 2" "HT" Bronze X 4" "HT" Bronze X 2" "HT" Bronze X 4" "HT" X X X X Bronze 2 1/2" "HT" Bronze 4 1/2" "HT" Bronze 6" "HT" Bronze 8" "HT" Bronze Shoulder, Eye Eye 5" Cleat With Ring 1/2" Fairlead, Mast Fairlead, Mast, Fairlead, Mast, Fairlead, Mast, large Fairlead, Hawse Fairleader, Mast Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Eye Flange Flange HM7898 HM7899 BB3805 Knee, Stbd. side Knee, Port side 3 1/2" 4 1/-4" Dia. Dia. Heavy Extra Base Heavy Base Sadd~e, Small, Herreshoff Saddle, Medium, Herreshoff Saddle, Very Large, Herreshoff Saddle, Large, Herreshoff Saddle, Very Small, Herreshoff Herreshoff 12 1/2" Main Boom, Fixed, 4" Dia. Mast Gooseneck, Main Boom, Fixed, Mast Section Gooseneck, Main Boom, Fixed, Mast Section Gooseneck, Main Boom, Sliding, 1 1/2" Track Gooseneck Boom Strap Gooseneck, Main Boom, Fixed, 4W Dia. Mast Gooseneck, Jib Boom, (Boom Section) Gooseneck, Jib Boom, (Stay Section) HMOO22 98HT98HT88BHT97HT97HT 84.00 84.00 40.00 95.00 30.00 12.00 HMOO24 55.00 HMOO42 20.00 HM5659HMOO90HMOO91 25.00 20.00 36.00 HMOOO7 HM5657HMOIO4 48.00 72.00275.00145.00 HMOO67 36.00 BBOl 41.00 BBO2 48.00 HM42 54.00 BBO6 60.00 BB57 72.00 BB23 93HT 96.00 BB48 96 135.00 BB78 97 60.00 BB57 93 60.00 BBO79704HT 65.00 BB46 30.00 BB48 97 BB34 94A94B94.94 30.00 35.00 BB34 48.00 BB35 72.00 BB62 36.00 BB24 96 41.00 38 HMOO 60.00 HMOO 63 90.00 HM3190.5 175.00 HMOO 79lS1701 25.00 HM42 20.00 HM96 30.00 HMOl HMOl0078793441 36.00 185.00 HMOO 245.00 HMOO 55.00 HMOO 60.00 HMOO 145.00 HMOO S6 HMOO 120.00 80 36.00 HMOO 84 25.00 HMOO 5994 BB13 30.00 365.00 81 HMOO HM4288 365.00 36.00 HM5676 395.00 BBO389 15.00 HM5678 265.00 BBOl 96 115.00 HM90 90 99.00 HM9091 275.00 HM9944 Gooseneck, Fixed, Main Boom, (Boom Section)Gooseneck, HMl1755 Jib Boom, (Boom Section) BB6593 Gooseneck, Sliding, 5/8" Sail Track (Dinghy) BBl192 Gooseneck, Sliding, 5/8" Sail Track BB2592 Gooseneck, Sliding, 7/8" Sail Track HM12533 Gooseneck Tack Clevis BBO489 Gooseneck Track, fits BB0389, 1 1/2" X 18" long HMOO15 Gudgeon, Herreshoff 12 1/2 HM4435 Gudgeon HM6067 Gudgeon, "S" Boat BB4396 Gudgeon BB7597B Gudgeon, 1/2" BB3297B Gudgeon, 3/4" BBO398B Gudgeon, 7/8" BB7697B Gudgeon, 1" BB7797B Gudgeon, 1 1/2" BB6398 Gudgeon, Screw, Small BB3802 Gudgeon, Screw, Medium BB3902 Gudgeon, Screw, Large BB3197 Handle, Utility BB3896 Handle, Curved BB6204 Hinge, Butt 3 3/4" X 3 3/4" Heavy Duty BB1592 Hinge, Butt, 3 1/8" X 3" BB4306 Hinge, Butt, 3" Xl" HM6854 Hinge, Door, Detatchable, Right HM6855 Hinge, Door, Detatchable, Left BB5694 Hinge, Skylight, Double, Concordia BBO599 Hinge, Skylight, Double BBO803 Hinge "T" Strap BBO189 Hyfield Lever HM12142 Jib Club Hook (12 1/2) HM5661 Jib Club Hook (Fish Class) HM9096 Jib Boom Outhaul ("S" Boat Early Type) BB2305HT Jin Hank #6 HMOOOl Keel Straps "S" Boat, Set of Eight HM4289 Knockle, Fixed Gooseneck HM5677 Knockle, Fixed Gooseneck BB3393 Lifting Ring, Deck Hatch BB4294 Lifting Ring, Deck Hatch BB6096 Lifting Ring, Deck Hatch BB4706 Lifting Ring, Deck Hatch BB6796 Lifting Ring. Deck Hatch, Very Large BB5304 Line Keeper \. BB7497 Marlinspike HMOO25 Mast Band, Hinged, Herreshoff 12 1/2 HM12482 Mast Band, Solid, Herreshoff 12 1/2 BB4595 Mast Hoop Toggle, Small BBO894 Mast Hoop Toggle, Large HMl1582 Mast Yoke, Halyard Block HMOO82 Mast Wythe/Cranz Iron 2 1/2" I.D. HMOO83 Mast Wythe/Cranz Iron 2 7/8" 1.0. HMOO92 Mast Wythe/Cranz Iron 3 3/4" I.D. BBO999 Mast Wythe, 2 3/4" 1.0. BB2499 Mast Wythe, 2 1/2" I.D. BBO199 Mast Wythe, 1 7/8" I.D. BBO500 Mast Wythe, 1 3/4" I. D. BB6403 Mast/Boom Eye 78.00 78.00 115.00 295.00 36.00 125,00 54.00 54.00 205.00 85.00 22.00 48.00 54.00 78.00 90.00 25.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 60.00 97.00 42.00 36.00 42.00 42.00 115.00 125.00 48.00 205.00 30.00 48.00 65.00 145.00 385.00 36.00 20.00 48.00 40.00 36.00 90.00 125.00 60.00 90.00 150.00 115.00 25.00 42.00 150.00 150.00 160.00 305.00 120.00 115.00 110.00 105.00 78.00 Nut, BB3602 Pedestal, 3/8" NC Thread Oar Lock HolderOar Lock HolderOar Lock HolderOar Lock HolderOar Lock Holder Oar Lock HolderOar Lock Holder Oar Lock Holder Oar Lock Holder, Davis Oar Lock Holder, Large, StraightOar Lock Holder, Strap Type Oar Lock Holder, Rangley Oar Lock Holder, Kayak, Angled Oar Lock, Rangley Oar Lock, Ribbed HornOar Lock, Ribbed Horn, RaisedOar Lock, Ribbed Horn, MediumOar Lock, Ribbed Horn, LargeOar Lock, Traditional Oar Lock, Traditional, Raised Oar Lock, Pedestal Oar Lock, Pivoting, (Includes Base)Oar Lock Base, Pedestal Oar Lock, Closed Oar Lock, Davis Oar Lock, Oval, Raised Oar Lock, Kayak, Raised Oar Lock, Square Oar Retainer, Double Outboard Motor Bracket Outboard Motor Bracket Herreshoff 12 1/2 Outboard Motor Bracket Outboard Motor Clamp Ring Pad Eye Pad Eye Pad Eye Pad Eye, Rectangular, 2 1/8" Pad Eye, Rectangular, 4 3/4" Paper Weight, Sperm Whale Pelican Hook, small Pelican Hook, medium Pintal, Herresho'ff 12 1/2 Pintal Pintal, Lower, "S" Boat Pintal, Upper, "s" Boat, 5/16" Keyway Pintal, 1/2" Pintal, 3/4" Pintal, 7/8" Pintal, 1" Pintal, 1 1/2" Pintal, Pintal, Upper Cat Boat Pintal, Lower Cat Boat Plug Cutter Set (complete) Portlight, Cape Dory Typhoon Port Glass Retainer BB1692 HMOO19 HMO269 BBO905 HMOO94 BB6894 BB2996 BB3895 BBO905 BB5897B BB7799 BB7501 BB2595C BBIOO4 BB2595 HM7309 HMOO87 HMOO92 HMOO93 BB4697 BB4297HT BB5795A BB4399 BB5795B BB5597 BB5897 BB3198 BBIOO3 BB4804 BBS997 BBO289 BBO390 BBO496 BBO497 BBO690 BB6796 BB5194 BB1304 BB6104 BB2993 BB1295 BB6094 HMOO16 HM1504 HM6068 HM6069 BB7597A BB3297A BBO398A BB7697A BB7797A BB1396 BB1203 BB1303 HMOO23 15.00 40.00 36.00 38.00 115.00 48.00 48.00 38.00 38.00 42.00 36.00 54.00 36.00 75.00 90.00 36.00 54.00 60.00 90.00 36.00 78.00 42.00 99.00 48.00 36.00 42.00 55.00 55.00 42.00 60.00 405.00 415.00 375.00 30.00 36.00 48.00 120.00 30.00 53.00 25.00 48.00 60.00 54.00 54.00 165.00 195.00 36.00 54.00 60.00 90.00 135.00 78.00 60.00 60.00 95.00 90.00 54.00 BB0598 72. Port Glass Retainer Port Glass Retainer Port Glass Retainer Port Dog Port Dog Rail Support Rudder Head, I"Rudder Post FlangeRudder Shoe Rail Clip, Stern, Ensign Rail Clip, Bow, Stbd., Ensign Rail Clip, Bow, Port, Ensign Sail Lashing Hook Sail Lashing Eye Sail Track Carr Seat Strut, 7" Seat Strut/Oar Holder, 7"Shackle, Bow, 3/16"Shackle, "0", 3/16"Shackle, "0", 3/16", Pin Shacklel Twisted, 3/16"Shackle, Bow, 1/4"Shackle, "D", 1/4"Shackle, Elongated, 1/4"Shackle, Twisted, 1/4" Shacklel Bow, 5/16" Shackle, "0"1 5/16"Shackle. Elongated, 5/16" Shackle, Double, Lifelinel 5/16"Shackle, Rigging, 3/8", fits HMOO32BlockShackle, 3/8" "0" Shackle, 3/8", fits BB1992 Cage Block Shackle, 5/16" Bow, Rigging, fits BBO193 Block Shackle, 3/8"Bow Shackle, Snap, Ring Swivel Shackle, Snap I Clevis Shackle, Shackle, Twisted, Twisted, 3/16" 1/4" Shackle, Twisted, 5/16" Shackle, Twisted, 3/8" Sister Sister Hooks Hooks, Large Sister Hooks, 90 \de.gree (Coleman Hooks) Slide, BackstaYI 2 piece locking set Slide, Jib Carr, for 1" "T" Track Slide, Jib Carr, with eye, for 1" Track Slide, Sail, 5/8", Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 7/8", Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 1" Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 1 1/4" Lt. Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 1 1/4" Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 1 1/2" Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 2" Heavy Duty, Cast Slide, Sail, 2 1/4" Heavy Duty, Cast Snubbing Winch, 3/8" Line max. Snubbing Winch, SDinnaker Halvard Attachment BB0698 BB0798 BB2095 BB2296 BB0597 BB3901 BB3201 BB3506 BB2498 BB2904A BB2904B BB1894A BB1894B BB1796 BB4199 BB3599 BB1993 BB2195 BB2695 BB1896 BB2093 BB5393 BB2295 BB6298 BB2193 BB5493 BB2393 BB1999 HMO033 BBO192 BB2092 BB2192 BB0893 BB1693 BB1793 BB1896 BB6298 BB0895 BB0995 HMO035 HMO052 BB0689 HM9912 BB2793 BB5296 BB0595B BB0795B BB7899 BB2203 BB2303 BB1901 BB2801 BB2001 HMO010 BB7296 HM11773 00 96.108. 00 00 00 30. 00 48.245. 00 00 95.385. 00 00 42. 00 36. 36. 00 35. 00 18. 00 18. 00 65. 65. 00 00 90. 00 14. 00 14. 00 14. 00 18. 00 24. 00 24. 00 30. 00 30. 00 27. 50 27. 50 30. 00 35. 00 36. 00 36. 00 36. 00 30. 00 36. 00 99. 00 95.00 25. 00 30. 00 36. 00 45. 00 30. 00 43. 00 30.275. 00 00' 99.110. 00 00 15. 00 20. 00 25. 00 30. 00 40. 00 65. 00 95. 00 145. 00 00 255.295. 00 25. 00 Pole ClipSpinnaker Pole Slide Spinnaker Pole Attachment, Herreshoff 12 1/2 Spreader StrapSpreader Yoke Spreader Tip, Upper Spreader Tip, Lower Spreader Tip, Light Duty Spreader Tip, Medium Duty Stanchion, Deck, Herreshoff pattern Stanchion Base, Coaming Stanchion Base, Triangular Stanchion Base, Ornate Stanchion Base, Square Stanchion Base, Half Round Stanchion Eye Stanchion Eye Stanchion Eye Stem Strap, Herreshoff 12 1/2 Stem Strap Stem Strap Stem Strap Stem Strap Stem Strap Stem Strap, Cat Boat Swivel, 1/4" Eye & Eye Swivel, 1/4" Eye & Jaw Tang, Mast Thimble, Semi-solid, 1/4" Thimble, Semi-solid, 5/16" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 1/8" 1 X 19 Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 3/16" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 1/4" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 5/16" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 3/8" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 3/8" 1 X 19 Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 7/16" Thimble, Rigging, Solid Body 1/2" Thimble, 1/4", Line Thimble, 5/16", Line Thimble, 3/8", Line Thimble, 1/2", Line Tiller Yoke \ Tiller Strap/Rudder Post Cap Tiller Strap/Rudder Cap Tiller Flange Nut, 5/8" NC Thread Tiller Socket Tiller Strap, Large Tiller Strap, Small Track Carr, 1" Track Track Carr, 1 1/4" Track Track, Spinnaker 1 1/4" X 24" Track, Sail, Bronze 5/8" Track, Sail, Bronze 7/8" Track Stop, 5/8" Sail track "Tn Track Stop 3/4" "T" Track Stop .1 1/4" 110.00190.00 BBO191BB2794BB4798 Spinnaker HM6717A HM6717B HMO075 HMO076 BB0801 BB1893 HMO072 BB3001 BB1406 BB2006 BB2495 BB1104 BB9695 BB3501 BB1204 HMO011 HM5419 BB0493 BB1195 BB7103 BB2106 BB0503 BB0997B BB0997A BB8595 BB1097 BB2896 BB4693 BB0292 BB3593 BB3693 BB0494 BB0594 BB0694 BB0794 bb1905 BB1792 BB6494 BB6594 BB3101 BB3303 BB9795 HMO039 HM5662 BB4893 BB7896 BB2406 BB3102 BB1189 BB0495 BB0695 BB0989 BB0593 BB0993 95.00 65.00 75.00 160.00215.00 65.00 78.00 200.00 65.00 160.00 195.00 175.00 165.00 30.00 36.00 48.00 8-4.00 215.00 72.00 72.00 250.00 375.00 96.00 30.00 30.00 48.00 24.00 33.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 42.00 48.00 51.00 60.00 66.00 18.00 22.00 30.00 36.00 215.00 355.00 420.00 30.00 225.00 120.00 75.00 110.00 150.00 145.00 11.40 ft 13.80 ft 7.50 12.00 18.00 Traveler Traveler Traveler Traveler Traveler Base Base Base Base Base, Traveler, 3/8JJ Rod Traveler, Traveler, 7/16" Rod (Specify 1/2JJ Rod (Specify Traveler Traveler HMO026 HM1228 HM1228B HM1228C BB1603 Plate, Early 12 1/2 Plate, Later 12 1/2 Plate, Medium Plate, Large Square LinkJ Link, (Specify height & length) height height & length) & length) fits 3/8JJ rod Large, fits up to Turnbuckle Turnbuckle Body, 7/16" Herreshoff Body, 5/8" Herreshoff Turnbuckle Nut, HMOO40 5/8JJ rod HMOO58 pattern pattern HM3119 HM3515 HM1953 HM9335 BB5596A BB5596 BB5396 BB5496 3/8JJ Turnbuckle, 3/8", Herreshoff Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle,S Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle, 3/8JJ, 3/8", 5/16JJ, 1/4", / 8 JJ, 5/8JJ, 7/16J', 7/16", Quick 7/16" 1/2J' 5/8JJ Elongated, Lawley Lawley Lawley Lawley Upper Screw Lower Screw Upper Screw Lower Screw Adjust, 3/8" Turnbuckle, Turnbuckle 3/4" Toggle, Turnbuckle Toggle, 5/16'J Turnbuckle Toggle, 3/8" 1/4" Turnbuckle Toggle, 7/16JI Turnbuckle Turnbuckle Toggle, Toggle, 1/2" 5/8" Turnbuckle Toggle, 3/4" Vent, Vent, Vent, Winch Winch Winch, Clamshell, Clamshell Mushroom Base, Fits Base, Fits Main Winch, Jib Halyard, Winch Crank, fits Winch Pall, fits Wing Nut, Small, Lawley, 3/4" HM9680 Winch HM9767 Winch Halyard, Winch Crank, fits Winch Pall, fits pattern "S" Boat HM9680 Winch HM9680 Winch J'S" Boat HM9767 Winch HM9767 Winch 1/2JJ thread HMI0481A HM1O481B HM1O693A HMI0693B BBO602 BBO804 BBl199 BB1399 BB5200 BB6099 BB6199 BB6299 BBO904BBl199 BB3100 BB5600 BB3794 BB5796 BB1500 HM2913 HM9768 HM9680 HM9681 HM9682 HM9767 HM9769 HM9770 BBO492 78.00 48.00 90.00 120.00 42.00 Inquire Inquire Inquire 54.00 72.00 185.00 245.00 48.00 144.00 150.00 144.00 125.00 96.00 11D.00 84.00 96.00 78.00 225.00 192.00 192.00 250.00 420.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 48.00 75.00 105.00 24.00 78.00 65.00 150.00 156.00 360.00 144.00 30.00 300.00 100.00 24.00 20.00
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