Dream Builders Society - Joe Dimaggio Children`s Hospital


Dream Builders Society - Joe Dimaggio Children`s Hospital
Keep the dream of world-class
community healthcare alive by
becoming a Dream Builder today.
Dream Builders
Zigmont “Ziggy” Rosinsky
Ziggy Rosinsky has
contributed to Joe DiMaggio
Children’s Hospital in many
ways, including Charitable
Gift Annuities, the “gift
that gives back,” providing
fixed payments for life in
exchange for a contribution. “I can supplement my
income and the remainder goes to an organization
that I am so proud to be associated with, ensuring
a healthy future for our community.”
Sarah “Sally”
Sally Stowers has served
her community well and
believes in giving back.
She has a provision in her
will for the benefit of Memorial Foundation. “This
is a wonderful way to make a difference. I think I
can help others, and if I can make any contribution
to helping the elderly in our community, I will be
thrilled.” Sally Stowers is making a difference as
a proud member of the Dream Builders Society.
She is ensuring healthy tomorrows for families
by creating a legacy today.
A lasting commitment for a healthy
community — from the tiniest of babies
to the greatest generation
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation
and Memorial Foundation salute members
of the Dream Builders Society for recognizing
the importance of gifts that leave a legacy.
Through thoughtful planning, these donors
have named one or both of the Foundations
in their estate plans as a beneficiary to a trust
or will, a retirement plan or other financial
account, a life insurance policy, or charitable
gift annuity — all to ensure that the mission
of Memorial Healthcare System continues
into the future — caring for families from the
tiniest of babies to the greatest generation.
Linda Rogers
Linda Rogers is an active
volunteer, and she is a
member of the Dream
Builders Society with her
designation of Joe DiMaggio
Children’s Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary
of her IRA. “I’d like to see a world without cancer,
but until then, I hope that I can help to provide
something to support children and families fighting
the fight against cancer.” Through her planned gift
today, Linda is ensuring a future of compassionate
care for families in our community.
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation
Memorial Foundation
3711 Garfield Street
Hollywood, FL 33021
JDCHFoundation.org | MHSFoundation.org
Please complete the form below electronically. You can either print it out and mail in the form OR select the SUBMIT button in the lower right corner.
Dream Builders…
Thank you for remembering Joe DiMaggio Children’s
community. Leave a legacy and
The Dream Builders Society is for anyone
who wants to make sure that world-class
healthcare is available for the community
of Memorial Healthcare System.
build a dream!
Regardless of the size of your gift, this special
commitment to our community’s health — from the
contribution will have a lasting impact on countless
tiniest of babies to the greatest generation.
a lasting commitment for a healthy
To donors who have already included Joe DiMaggio
Children’s Hospital Foundation or Memorial
children and families for generations to come.
Hospital Foundation and/or Memorial Foundation
with a planned gift. Dream Builders Society gifts have
helped to build Memorial Healthcare System facilities
and programs, and they will help to sustain a lasting
We wish to recognize your support of our mission
Foundation in their estate plans, we thank you and
Dream Builders Society members have committed
through membership in our Dream Builders Society.
would appreciate your completing and mailing this
to gifts that extend beyond their lifetimes, making
Your identification as a Dream Builder may inspire
form, so that we may update our records.
excellence in healthcare a reality now and in the future.
others to remember us in their estate plan.
□ I have made a provision in my planning
documents for the following:
□ Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation
□ Memorial Foundation
□ I have named the Foundation as a beneficiary
in my will or living trust.
□ I have named the Foundation as a beneficiary of
E-mail address
an IRA, retirement plan, brokerage account,
banking account, insurance policy or other
financial asset.
□ I have designated the Foundation as a beneficiary
Best time and method to reach me
of a charitable lead trust, charitable remainder
trust, charitable gift annuity or other charitable
planned giving arrangement.
May we publish your name in our listing honoring
the Dream Builders Society and for the Foundations’
□ YES, please print name(s) as follows:
□ NO thank you, please keep my gift anonymous
For those who have an interest in the Dream Builders
Society, please let us know:
□ I have not arranged a bequest or other deferred
gift to the Foundations, but I would like to
consider one. Please send me information about
“Ways to Give.”
□ I would like a referral to a professional advisor
and would appreciate the Foundations’ assistance
in locating one.
□ I would like to support the Foundations in the
future, and TODAY. My contribution is enclosed.
Date(s) of birth
Signature and Date
Signature and date (second signer, if applicable)
□ I have included the Foundation(s) in my estate
plan or other deferred gift, but prefer to keep the
details private at this time.
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Foundation
Memorial Foundation
3711 Garfield Street
Hollywood, FL 33021
Zip Code