2015-2017 ECN Strategic Plan
2015-2017 ECN Strategic Plan
Enoch Cree Nation Maskêkosak – “people of the land of medicine” STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-2017 Vision Statement We strive to be a self-sufficient, unified, and prosperous Nation. Mission Statement We, the Enoch Cree Nation, proud member of Treaty No. 6, actively seek to preserve and promote our culture, language, history, and spirituality while advancing our economic, education, health, and social well-being of our people. Our Core Values Respect – manâcihtowin Transparency – ê kanawapatêhiwêhk Honesty – kwayask itâtisiwin Growth – ê akamêmototamihk Balance – mîyo pimâtisiwin Integrity – kwayaskâtisîwin Fairness – wapasowin Commitment – asotâmawin Mutual Support – sîtoskâtowin Empowerment – mâmawi wîcihitô TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Chief Morin .................................................................................................................. 3 Enoch Cree Nation Profile ................................................................................................................... 4 SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 4 Priority #1: Governance ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Develop an Enoch Cree Nation Constitution ................................................................................. 5 1.2 Develop a Code of Conduct for Chief & Council ........................................................................... 5 1.3 Develop a Financial Law with a Policy & Procedure Manual ......................................................... 5 1.4 TransAlta Negotiations ................................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Yekau Lake Bombing Range Land Claim ..................................................................................... 6 1.6 Create Partnerships...................................................................................................................... 7 Priority #2: Infrastructure & Economic Development ....................................................................... 8 2.1 Complete Lapotac Boulevard ....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Develop Enoch Cree Nation Land Use Plans ............................................................................... 8 2.3 Economic Development ................................................................................................................ 9 2.4 River Crossing & Commercial Development ................................................................................. 9 2.5 Infrastructure Master Planning .................................................................................................... 10 2.6 New Elders Centre ..................................................................................................................... 10 2.6 Develop Health as a Business Model ......................................................................................... 11 Priority #3: Redefine Band Operations............................................................................................. 11 3.1 Operational Review .................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Financial Restructuring ............................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Re-evaluate KEA Board ............................................................................................................ 12 3.4 Revise Housing Policy & Procedures ......................................................................................... 12 3.5 Communication Strategy ........................................................................................................... 13 Priority #4: Unity through Culture .................................................................................................... 14 4.1 Cree Language Initiative ............................................................................................................. 14 4.2 Establish an Elders Advisory Council ......................................................................................... 14 4.3 Mental Health & Addictions Strategy .......................................................................................... 15 2 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 MESSAGE FROM CHIEF WILLIAM (BILLY) MORIN Tansi Maskêkosak, I am pleased to provide you with Chief & Council’s 2015-2017 Strategic Plan for our Nation. This document is a result of a fundamental review of our Nation’s current position and is designed to reflect the goals of our Nation and guide leadership and management in its decision making over these next 18 months. The world around us is forever changing and with that come challenges and great opportunities for our Nation. Our Strategic Plan looks at addressing some of these challenges and capitalizing on opportunities by focusing on the following four priorities designed to ensure a better tomorrow for our Nation and our children: 1. Stronger Governance 2. Infrastructure and Economic Development 3. Improved Band Operations 4. Unity through Culture Now, this plan won’t make everybody rich, it won’t relieve every hardship. That’s not the job of Chief & Council. Our job is to set the strategic direction for our Nation over the long-term, giving every single Enoch Cree Nation member an equal opportunity at a better quality of life. We know, over time, our Strategic Plan and priorities must and will evolve to meet new challenges and opportunities. Until then, we ask that Membership support these ones to bring our Nation’s vision to of being a “self-sufficient, unified, and prosperous Nation” to a reality. Hiy-hiy, Chief William (Billy) Morin Enoch Cree Nation 3 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 ENOCH CREE NATION PROFILE Enoch Cree Nation #440 Treaty Signed: Membership Population: Total Land Base: Chief: Council: Maskêkosak No. 6 in 1877 2,087 (2015) 12,933.5 acres Industries Served: Revenue: William (Billy) Morin Amanda Morin, Lorna Morin, Lyle Morin, Shane Morin, Kirby Peacock, Shane Peacock, John Thomas, Nola Wanuch, Michelle Wilsdon Government, For-Profit Organizations, Nonprofit Organizations $62 M (2015) Employees: 470 (2015) 2015/2016 SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Land Location Treaty Rights as Aboriginal Peoples 100% ownership of River Cree Resort & Casino Significant amount of revenues Growing population Human capital Lack of governance & structure Government restrictions Land mass Lack of infrastructure Revenue diversification Culture Opportunities Threats Land development to create economic opportunities Adjacent to one of the largest Aboriginal populated cities in Canada (Edmonton, AB) New governments willing to work with First Nations (federal, provincial, municipal) Opened to creating partnerships Located in one of the wealthiest provinces in Canada (Alberta) Rapid rate of land development around us Governmental Acts and Policies being imposed on First Nations that effect our Treaty Rights Downturn in oil prices Downturn in oil prices 4 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 PRIORITY #1: GOVERNANCE THE ROLE OF LEADERS 1.1 DEVELOP AN ENOCH CREE NATION CONSTITUTION Purpose: Establish a Cree constitutional basis of governance which will specify who we are and the overall design of Enoch Cree Nation’s government, its structure and the distribution within it of rights and authority. Action: Establish a working committee, led by Dr. Wilton Littlechild, to engage Membership and develop ECN’s very own constitution. Responsibility: Chief Billy Morin. Support: Dr. Wilton Littlechild, Working Committee. Timeframe: Draft completed by May 2017 to present to Membership. Ratification by June 2017. 1.2 DEVELOP A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CHIEF & COUNCIL Purpose: Establish acceptable standards of behavior and ethics that is required by ECN Chief & Council in carrying out their daily duties and responsibilities. A Code of Conduct will ensure a Council that works for the Nation as a whole and keeps each other accountable to Membership. Action: Draft Code of Conduct. Coordinate three readings for Council and table a motion for approval. Present to Membership. Responsibility: Chief Billy Morin. Support: Dr. Wilton Littlechild. Timeframe: Draft completed by the end of March 2016. Ratification by April 2016. 1.3 DEVELOP A FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LAW WITH A POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL Purpose: Assemble and identify the policies, regulations and procedures respecting the financial affairs of Enoch Cree Nation; authorize and enable ECN authorities/officers to make decisions pertaining to the Nation’s public funds; provide for effective financial 5 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 Elected leaders create a climate in which success can occur. They set a vision of where the Nation is headed. They create a government capable of effectively implementing a national vision. They create rules of the game under which Membership and outsiders must “play.” They send signals that decisions will be made by the rules and their fair interpretation. What Governments Do They establish and enforce the rules by which communities and their citizens organize action, cooperate, and interact with each other and with outsiders. planning, sound financial management and open accountability to Membership. Action: Draft Financial Management Law, accompanied by a Policy & Procedures Manual, with support of a working committee and external organizations. Coordinate three readings for Council and table a motion for approval. Present to Membership. Responsibility: Councilors Amanda Morin & Nola Wanuch. Support: Chief Financial Officer, Working Committee. Timeframe: Ratification by 2017. 1.4 TRANSALTA NEGOTIATIONS Purpose: Achieve a resolution on the TransAlta dispute which has been unresolved for over four years. A resolution will position Enoch Cree Nation to focus more time and resources towards the Yekau Lake Bombing Range Land Claim. Action: Retain Ed Molstad of Parlee McLaws LLP to assess the strengths and weaknesses of TransAlta’s rights and provide legal advice regarding terms of a negotiated settlement. Form a negotiating team as required to seek a negotiated settlement with TransAlta. Responsibility: Councilors Michelle Wilsdon & Shane Peacock. Support: Legal Counsel Ed Molstad & Dr. Wilton Littlechild, Negotiating Team. Timeframe: Resolution by March 2016. 1.5 YEKAU LAKE BOMBING RANGE LAND CLAIM Purpose: Negotiate on a without prejudice basis for the settlement of the Yekau Lake Bombing Range Specific Claim and in the event that the claim is not settled, advance the claim to the Specific Claims Tribunal. Action: Appoint Wilton Littlechild Q.C., Edward H. Molstad, Q.C. and Parlee McLaws LLP as legal counsel to represent ECN in relation to the Yekau Lake Bombing Range including the negotiation of the resolution of this claim on a without prejudice basis. Form a negotiating team to support the land claim and negotiations. Responsibility: Chief Billy Morin. Support: Legal Counsel Ed Molstad & Dr. Wilton Littlechild, Negotiating Team. Timeframe: Draft settlement to present to Membership by 2017. 6 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 “Governance is how we organize ourselves, how we make decisions, how we resolve disputes, and the message we send about how the Nation works.” 1.6 CREATE PARTNERSHIPS Purpose: To create partnerships between Enoch Cree Nation, governments, organizations and the business community. These partnerships will help ECN accomplish goals, achieve economic diversification and bring more opportunities for Membership. Intergovernmental relationships bind organizations together in a positive way that encourages collaboration and helps ensure potential conflict is resolved more effectively when it arises. Action: Continually seek out new partners, maintain positive relationships and eliminate bad partnerships. Responsibility: Chief & Council. Support: All ECN departments. Timeframe: Ongoing. 7 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 PRIORITY #2: INFRASTRUCTURE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2.1 COMPLETE LAPOTAC BOULEVARD Purpose: Extend Lapotac Boulevard from the River Cree Resort & Casino to 231 Street, providing a safer alternative to 79th Avenue for Membership to access Edmonton. Action: Review the RFP that was sent out in 2015 and obtain a qualified construction company for the project. Integrate road upgrade activities with training for employment initiatives for Membership. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Shane Peacock. Support: HRD, O&M, Infrastructure. Timeframe: November 2016. 2.2 DEVELOP ENOCH CREE NATION LAND USE PLANS Purpose: To develop an Integrated Land Use and a Traditional Land Use Plan that involve community engagement and that capture the past, present and future land use needs of ECN. It will project the population, housing and land use requirements of our Nation up to a 100 years from now. The goal is to develop a well understood and supported document that is used by the Nation as a guide in making land related decisions for our Reserve lands. Action: Retain Urban Systems to coordinate a land use planning project. Assemble a working committee to support community engagement and development of the plan. Responsibility: Councilors Michelle Wilsdon & Shane Peacock. Support: Urban Systems, Lands, Housing, RCDC, Infrastructure. Timeframe: Final draft complete by June 2016. 8 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 2.3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Purpose: To undertake a collection of initiatives that will establish a foundation for sustainable economic development and attract investment opportunities into Enoch Cree Nation. Action: Establish a team to lead negotiations for a Master Servicing Agreement between Enoch Cree Nation and the City of Edmonton. Undertake specific planning and engineering (Area Development Plans) for the North East Development Area and Village Area. Begin to work on the Land Use Bylaws for ECN and related land use designation referendum. Responsibility: Councilors Michelle Wilsdon & Shane Peacock. Support: EUL, RCDC, Infrastructure. Timeframe: Ongoing. 2.4 RIVER CREE CROSSING & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Purpose: To take necessary actions required to successfully complete Phase 1 of the River Cree Crossing commercial development. As well as begin preliminary concept design for Phase 2 and examine additional business development opportunities. Action: Retain qualified consultants to assist with market analysis, economic modeling, and preliminary design work. Responsibility: Councilors Michelle Wilsdon & Shane Peacock. Support: Infrastructure, RCDC, Urban Systems. Timeframe: June 2017. 9 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 2.5 INFRASTRUCTURE MASTER PLANNING Purpose: The Integrated Land Use Plan (ILUP) will include a high level understanding of the water demands and sewer flows of Enoch Cree Nation. In order for advance planning for ECN’s infrastructure, it is necessary to evaluate the basic servicing scenarios from cost, timing and political perspectives. These scenarios are expected to include water and sewer connections to the existing commission systems to the north, additional connection to the City of Edmonton to the east, on reserve treatment or expanded capacity at the Northeast Development Area tie-in. This will involve discussions between Enoch Cree Nation and the City of Edmonton, EPCOR, Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission and Capital Region Parkland Water Services Commission. Action: Direct Urban Systems, ECN’s retained engineering and design firm, to proceed with Infrastructure master planning after the Land Use Plan is finalized. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Shane Peacock. Support: Urban Systems, Infrastructure, EUL, RCDC. Timeframe: Infrastructure Master Plan complete by October 2016. 2.6 NEW ELDERS CENTRE Purpose: To increase the wellness and enjoyment of life for ECN Elders by improving social, mental and physical health. This is done by getting the Elders together, stimulating their interests by participating in cultural activities, mobilizing them both physically and mentally. The construction of a new Elder’s Centre will provide the physical gathering space required. Action: Engage engineering firm to complete a conceptual plan which will form the basis for consultation with Elders. Appoint a Project Manager to oversee project. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Shane Peacock. Support: Infrastructure, Elders, Housing. Timeframe: Concept design work to be completed by August 2016. Engineering and detailed planning complete by June 2017 2.7 10 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 DEVELOP HEALTH AS A BUSINESS MODEL Purpose: To provide Membership with the needed health services locally, by owning health care related businesses. Accreditation of ECN health care services will provide evidence that ECN services are comparable to those available to other Canadians, and will work to create a business case for developing health care related businesses. Action: Improve and revise quality management processes of ECN’s health services to a level that is required for accreditation. Responsibility: Lorna Morin, Shane Morin, Kirby Peacock Support: Health. Timeframe: March 2017. PRIORITY #3: REDEFINE BAND OPERATIONS 3.1 OPERATIONAL REVIEW Purpose: Complete a comprehensive Operational Review of ECN’s entire organization. This review will identify key management, operational and financial issues, generate recommendations for improvement and outline a plan for implementation. The review is being undertaken to ensure that ECN resources are utilized to their fullest potential thereby ensuring ECN members receive the most effective and efficient service possible. Ultimately, a review of ECN’s internal operations will improve sustainability, transparency, accountability and employee relations. Action: Engage Nichols Applied Management to provide an objective, third party review of ECN operations. Assemble a Review Team to support Nichols throughout the review process, and to support employee and committee engagement activities. Responsibility: Chief Operating Officer Support: Nichols Management, Review Team, Chief & Council Timeframe: Review complete by March 2016. Implementation of recommendations to begin April 2016. 11 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 3.2 FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING Purpose: To provide accountability and transparency through effective financial management. Action: Review recommendations arising from the Operational Review and work towards implementation throughout 2016-2017. At a minimum, restructuring shall include consolidation of existing debt, new budgeting process, clear roles and responsibilities for staff, more efficient systems (technology). Responsibility: Councilors Nola Wanuch & Amanda Morin. Support: Chief Financial Officer, Treasury Committee. Timeframe: Implementation to begin April 2016. 3.3 RE-EVALUATE KEA BOARD Purpose: Look at removing Chief & Council as the Board of Directors for the Kitaskinaw Education Authority, to ensure that politics never interferes with our children’s right to a quality education. The goal is to implement a new Board of Directors that is comprised of individuals with the necessary competencies, expertise and time that our children deserve. Action: Examine options for removing Chief & Council from the KEA Board, and select the option that is in the best interest of students, and the Nation. Establish partnerships with Edmonton Public and Catholic School Boards to access the expertise needed to accomplish this goal. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Nola Wanuch. Support: Executive Director of Education. Timeframe: Options presented to Council by September 2016. 3.4 REVISE HOUSING POLICY & PROCEDURES Purpose: To ensure Membership have equal access to affordable housing on/off Reserve and to establish criteria that is fair, transparent and consistent for all ECN members. Action: Draft new criteria for housing selections, develop an equitable rent subsidy program and draft any additional amendments as deemed appropriate. Coordinate three readings for Council and table a motion for approval. Present to Membership. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Shane Peacock 12 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 Support: Housing, Finance. Timeframe: Policy amendments drafted by May 2016. Policy amendments ratified by August 2016. 3.5 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Purpose: Leadership of Enoch Cree Nation require the engagement of the community in order to govern effectively and efficiently. Chief & Council need to encourage Membership to get involved and show genuine interest in furthering the Nation’s goals. For individuals to become engaged, there needs to be a positive emotional attachment to the Nation. Membership needs to feel that their contribution makes a real difference, that their presence is noticed, and that their voice is heard. A communication strategy will guide Chief & Council and ECN management in ensuring effective communications, accountability and transparency to Membership. Action: Develop a communication strategy for Enoch Cree Nation and undertake any additional initiatives that will establish new channels for communicating with Membership. Responsibility: Chief Morin, Councilors Amanda Morin & Nola Wanuch. Support: Chief of Staff, Echo, IT. Timeframe: Strategy completed and implemented by August 2016. 13 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 PRIORITY #4: UNITY THROUGH CULTURE 4.1 CREE LANGUAGE INITIATIVE Purpose: Our vision is that all areas of Enoch Cree Nation work together, doing what we can to help one another speak and retain our traditional Cree language. This will help build our Nation by strengthening our individual and community identity, increasing our sense of belonging, and valuing the wisdom and strength in the gift of our language. Our goal is to identify, increase and develop what is working well in language learning. Action: Establish a working committee to undertake the development of a framework that will chart out the steps towards revitalizing the Cree language at ECN. Responsibility: Councilors John Thomas & Nola Wanuch. Support: Cree Language Initiative Project Manager, all ECN departments. Timeframe: Ongoing. 4.2 ESTABLISH AN ELDERS ADVISORY COUNCIL Purpose: To provide insight and advice to leadership in the areas of governance, traditions, cultural undertakings and dispute resolution. Chief & Council will be accountable to our Elders and with their guidance, C&C can work together to build a stronger Nation. Action: Engage with Elders, facilitate a series of working sessions to establish a terms of reference document. Responsibility: Chief Billy Morin Support: Wilton Littlechild, Elders, Council. Timeframe: August 2016. 14 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 4.3 MENTAL HEALTH & ADDICTIONS STRATEGY Purpose: To develop a framework for improving programs, services and community supports that will work to address the mental wellness and substance abuse concerns within Enoch Cree Nation. These services are envisioned to be a part of a broader wellness system – a system that does not treat illness in isolation but recognizes the importance of changing the status quo “medical model” to a “wellness model.” This is necessary in order for our Nation to become a healthy, selfdetermining and prosperous Nation that can achieve the highest level of personal and collective wellness. Action: Establish a cross-departmental committee to initiate discussions and begin drafting a community wellness model that focuses on mental health and addictions. The model shall include an education, prevention and aftercare plan. Responsibility: Councilors Lorna Morin, Shane Morin and Kirby Peacock. Support: Health Division. Timeframe: Complete strategy by March 2017. 15 ECN Strategic Plan 2015-2017 Enoch Cree Nation PO Box 29 Enoch, AB T7X 3Y3 Tel: 780 470 4505 Web: enochnation.ca
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