How many times have you heard someone say Quivira Falls is a
How many times have you heard someone say Quivira Falls is a
Monthly Newsletter Vol. 1, lssue1 March2008 President'sCorner 1 Letter from the Editor Z mmmunity, ontheother hand, someone Ina condo Howmany timeshaveyouheard entity ownseverything, including Fallsisa condo community? a single sayQuivira (inside the land, buildings and out), streets, is not mndo community, but Falls a Quivira Monthly Minutes 3 roads, andamenities. Thisentity canbea UnitDevelopment. rathera PUD,or Planned Financials 4-5 corporation, association, orprivate entity. between a condo In the entity butthe Whet are the difrercnces short, owns everylhing NeighborhoodNews 6 personal property. owners' The is and a PUD? entity community 7 Catendarof Events responsible foralltaxes, insurance, and purchases PUD, an owner a unrt In a maintenance, including interior fl oors, Ads/CtassifiedSection 8 plumbing undertheunitandany walls, including theground systems, airconditioning, patioarea,allfloors, walls, siding, andelectrical enclosed systems. When anowner porches, and purchases roofing, balmnies, basement, a unit,heorshepurchases a anyotheritemattached totheunit.Inmulti- percentage ofa whole.Forexample, if there RyanRader, President pleattached buildings, theowner alsoowns are'100 units, theowner willpurchase units.Theownerowns ownership of 1/100th oftheentity, andis i,larty Jorgensen,Vice-President halfthewallbetween a deedtothe theentire unitandreceives therefore notpurchasing anyactualproperty. Jody Lamping,Secretary property. Owners mustmaintain allintedors,Theowner isthenresponsible for1/'l00th plumbing, walls, floors, electrical, insurance, maintenance cosb, structure, of all taxes, Vern Schweder,Treasurer A noffor-profit andotherexpenses systems. owedtotheentity. andallmechanical RichardKettey, Member payduestocover ownsandmaintains allthe corooration Similar to a PUD,owners grounds, paysalltaxes sidewalks and amenities streeb, these costs. Since the entity Tom Maittard, Member Likea thelimits oftheunits. andinsurance ormortgage interest onthe beyond John Parks,L ember home, in property, standard single family anywhere owners ofcondos maynotdeduct theownermustpayrealestate taxesorinterest thecountry, Daid.Since condo owners Ruth Paulsen,Member provide allcasualty, liability, and taxes, land, in donotownany theunits a condo property r\4ickSechter,l,tember insurance ontheunit.Owners are canbestacked, oneovertheotherintohighofhe mrporation rises.Since paysallinsurance required tobemembers theentity theirdeeds andmustpayduesto costs, through theindividual owners onlyneedto forthecostofthemainte- insure thecomoration muchlikea renter in theirproperty, QuiviraFatls mayberequired to anapartment nance.Thecorporation mmplex. Theowners only CommunityAssociation mainiain certain itemsownedbytheowner ownthepaint, wallpaper, drapes, carpet, 10990Westgate roofing, balconies, etc.,as andpersonal property. suchassiding, andbylaws. outlined inthecovenants Phone:913-469-5463 inlegal There isa significant difference arealmost Planned unit develoDments Emait:qfca@sbcgloba[.net structure between a condocommunity and i.e.,unitssit tiedtotheground, always planned development. I hope this ground, a unit they are not stacked. directly on the "You may etect to receivethis helps clariffthedifferences and tues,owners discussion Whenit comes toincome newsletter in etectronicformat explains why Falls is a PUD and Quivin ontheir maydeduct themstofinterest each month. P(easecontact the nota condo mmmunity. paid. mortgages and taxes Associationoffice to be added to RyanRader, President the e-mai([ist. Page1 M E E TTH E N EWB ITSA N D P IE C E S EDITOR Editor Hello... I'mJodyLamping andI havebeennamed oftheBibandPieces, themonthly Inorderto produce it isnecessary newslefter fortheQuivira FallsCommunity. a newsletter, to have people. (Angi) thehelpofseveral Onmyteamare:Angela Diehl, RuthPaulsen, Barbara Butler, Nancy Vickie Munsey, EdithFajdetich, andFayTomczyk. Goodhart, you Wewillbebringing thelatest newsandimportant information starting withthisissue. pagesaswellastheinmmeandexpense Theminutes areonthefollowing ofthelastboardmeeting report. Wewillhavea mlumnbyourPresident andotherup{odatenewsfromaround thecommunity. Thenewsletter, beingtoolargeandexpensive to mail,willbeavailable to anyhomeowner orprospecparking intheclubhouse lot. lf youwishto receive tivehomeowner bystopping atthemailbox it via youmaydosobyinforming email, theAssociation office. Wealsohaveadvertising space available toanyresident whoisinbusiness andwishes toadvertise, inaddition retailers lf youuseanyofouradvertise/s tonearby andbusinesses. services, don'tforget t0tellthemyou sawtheiradintheQuivira FallsBitsandPieces.TheNewsletter Committee isexcited to beableto bringyouthisnewendeavor pains.lf youhaveanyquestions, andhopethatyouwillbepatient withusthrough ourgrowing comments orsuggestions forthe newsletter, feelfree tocontact me,JodyLamping orbye-mail at913'469-1239 [email protected]. T H A N K YOU F OR READING!! FCAVolunteerCommittees Withvested effortsto improve ourcommunity, theBoardof Directocrecently formed thefollowing committees: Architectral and GroundsCommittee MartyJorgensen, Chairman Finance andAuditComnittee VemSchweder, Chairman Contrac{orsand ContracisCommittee Richard Kelley, Chairman UnitMainbnance Committec TomMaillard, Chairman Facilities l{aint€nance Commifr ee MickSechler, Chairman l{er|slefrerCommittee JodyLamping, Chainnan Welcoming andSocialCommittee RuthPaulsen, Chairman BoardNews Mr.JamesLeBaron, member oftheBoardof Directors of Quivira Fallsformanyyears,has oficiallyresigned hisposition andwewantto thankhimforhisyears ofdedication toour community. Theexisting Boardhasnamed RuthPaulsen, community activist, himandhas toreplace alsonamed herChairman oftheWelmming andSocial Commiftee. Shewillserve the remainder ofMr.LeBaron's termwhich will expire thiscoming June. Elections! TheBoardof Directors FallsHomes ofQuivira Association hasopenings everyyearforthree Homeowners whowishto serveonanyofthesemmmiftees should contact newboard memben. Thenominees were theChairman ortheAssociation office. askedtosendtheirresume totheAssociation '15sothattheslatemaybe officebyMarch TheCommittee Policies areasfollows: assembled. During he month ofMay,there . Committees willbelimited including oftheslateanda toten(10)members, theChairman. willbeanannouncement . Commiftee willbeheldforthevotersto meet members mustbeingoodstanding withnooutstanding dues. receotion . A homeowner mayserve ononlyonecommittee, withtheexclusion of thenominees. Thevoting takesplace inJune Chairmen whomayneedtoattend toensure andoroxies areallowed. othermeetings compatibility attheClubhouse Watch forrelated announcements between committees. . Three meetings willtrigger invourAorilBitsandPieces .FZ missed committee without cause dismissal. . Commiftees Newsererano ror havenoauthority tospend funds. Theymayonlyadvise te cnecx |SXZ Board todoso. signsposted around the L Z . Committee Chairmen shallprepare anddeliver a Committee reporl at Cruonouse. I eachBoard meeting. -- Page2 Minutesfrom February'sBoardMeetinq J Boardof DirectosMeeting QuiviraFallsHomesAssociation 21,2008 Thursday, February present Richard Kelley, Jody members JohnParks, wihhe following Marty Jorgensen wascalled byMcePresident, [4eeting Themeeting began wihanOpenForum. TomMaillard andRyanRader. Absent lrcreVemSchr,veder, Lamping andMickSechler. Park, wouHbe s home, whichhd beeneprtedb he CityofOvedand rotonDaveSchulz iftle vrood RutrPaulsen, resident, asked get it back to her. gave said he trculd check on and l. Richard Kelley him of May bytre deadline tre City repaired plan.SinceTomMaillad, ChairoftheUnitMaintenance iftrerrorkorders hada master Weslgate, asked C.J.Sullivan, 10967 upwihMr.Maillard athattime.Shecanfollow wasunavailable wasnotpresent, thatanswer Commrftee, informed tob€rnoved up,dueb uoodtot.Richard shehadasked date,which asked abouthersfucco Renata t\,'lcKay, 10749 Oakmont, priortothe rot$ouldberepaired bestuccoed his yearandhe tr\tood (11)onhe move-up listandshould eleven herfratsheisnumber workcommencing. sfucco priortosttccouorkbeing started andRichard Kelley assured rotunuldberepaired asked ifurood 10967 Westgate, C.J.Sullivan, herituouldbe. J Kelley, mnfaclor. Rit:hard amount duewastotheslucco whathe oubtanding asked he Board Goodhart, I 0999Bradshaw, Nancy ppsent he dftl not have exact figure but at he time an respnded bysaying that Committee andContracb oftheContractor Chairman Falls since forQuivin andhe mnt'actor it wasa win-win sifuation troughout trewinter ontosayhatpaying he stucmcontractor $/ent inpaying t|e bill. gavesometaxadvantage andalloued QFsomeleeway atLakeLotawana andtheyhd wted hathehada house tre Boadandannounced Westgate, addressed BobAnderson, 10913 pointed legal. out JodyLamping haddoneandhatitwasperfecty nottohaveanauditfortre pasteightpars,tre sameashis board should heydeemitwasin mulddeviate fromtheBylaws, hadtoldtremttrathe Board attomey forttreAssociation, tratJeffKincaid, tnebestinterest ofhe Association. lt wasmoved byJohnParks andseconded by prcceeded meeting agenda. wihhe regular wasclosed andhe Board TheOpenForum canied, aswritten.Ivlotion meeting beapproved oftlEprevious Richard Kelley hattre minutes pertaining Inorder tomakeuphe totaled receivable toforeclosures $50,560. announced hathe accounb VicePresident Joqensen assessment in the amount of 00bepresenbd by Mick hat an by John and seconded $1 it was nroved created bytheforeclosures, deficit partial paymenb The motion canied unanimously. if needed. muldbemadein forheir\ote.Theamount b tfremembership 2000Series, forapproval. lt wasmoved byJody cutofa sbrmdmr,Andersen a catalog at 12318 W.107hSfeetsubmitted Resirjent Motion canied unanimously. forinstallation. Kelley frathe doorbeapproved byRichard Lamping andseconded Parkforapprotral andthenhe b he CityofOvedand a bidbytre contr*{orb bepresenbd wallonRosehill isawaiting Therebining rrcrkuouldbegin. 4tt Meeting willbeheldTuesday, March ThenextBoard session ensued. andexecutive wasadjnumed Public Session oftre meeting leveloftheclubhouse. at6:30pm intre upper .-rf submitted, Respecttully JodyLamping, Secrehry Page3 Financials FALLSCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION QUIVIRA INCOME ANDEXPENSE STATEMENT FEBRUARY 2OO8 INCOME Lineltem Monthly BaseDues(2) LawnCarelncome Water Poollnmme AreaLighting Inmme Storage LotFeeIncome Assessments Special LegalFeesIncome Misc. lncome Water Balance Wastewater lncome Finance Charges Clubhouse Rental Concession Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES(1) Lineltem Wages-Office Wages-Pool Mgr. Wages-Fulltime Grounds Wages-Season Grounds Wages-Unit Maint. Wages-Pool Attendants Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits CopyiPrinting Advertising Income Budqet Lineltem Eioense Budqel Legal Fees 1862.17 833.33 84,000.00 84,901.50 3150.00 2916.67 989.00 989.00 tnsurance 780.98 125.00 47400.58 6122.50 Mileage 15.55 333.33 507.00 512.50 Postage Pool(Units) 7049.07 5933.33 20.00 500.00 Water Pool 639.90 3166.67 0.00 10079.33 Wastewater Water cvc.Iz 416.67 0.00 41.67 Association (143.85X3) 900.00 38.83 0.00 Telephone 0.00 Gas/Electric0.00 Clubhouse-South Pool 1290.45 625.00 2448.00 3166.67 Gas/Electric-Maint. Bldg 1445.74 416.6Y 15M.50 625.00 Gas/Electric-North Pool 39.97 125.00 150.00 666.67 (Units) TrashRemoval 0.00 4333.33 0.00 6.25 TrashRemoval (Association) 0.00 416.67 StreetLightReimbursement 410.00 450.00 94,457 .91 '107,611.11 OfiiceSupplies 543.14 125.00 Misc. Adminishative 1M5.76 291.67 Personal Property Tax 0.00 83.33 Exoense Budoet RealEstate Taxes 0.00 0.00 4143.M 3500.00 Taxes andLicenses 0.00 10.42 0.00 0.00 Concession Supply 41.01 0.00 6515.40 6416.67 Janitorial Supply 0.00 41.67 2240.N 1640.00 Contract Labor 120.00 166.67 4875.74 5000.00 Maintenance andClaims 0.00 166.67 0.00 0.00 Claims andSettlements 0.00 83.33 2580.42 2833.33 PoolMaintenance (1e71.43X3) 0.00 5000.00 7531.54 Clubhouse Maintenance 18.76 125.00 135.80 166.67Maint. BldgRepairs 129.52 41.6is 0.00 50.00 FALLSCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION QUIVIRA INCOME ANDEXPENSE STATEMENT FEBRUARY 2OO8 Lineltem Exoense UnitPainting 2255.00 UnitRoof 0.00 UnitSiding 0.00 UnilMisc. 1549.45 PoolFumiture 0.00 Yardlightexpense 4.93 Trees andshrubs 0.00 Grounds supplies 6415.56 SnowRemoval supply 2555.92 Asphalt Pavement 0.00 AsphaltDrives 0.00 Curbs & Gutter 0.00 Retaining Walls 0.00 SiteCleanup 100.00 GasandOil 1584.97 Tools Small 0.00 Equipment Rental 1'13.49 Misc.Supplies 200.01 Equipment Repairs 181.72 Funding 10000.00 Siding/Deck Siding/Deck Non-sub 0.00 Budqet 500.00 833.33 208.33 1208.33 0.00 12s.00 0.00 833.33 41.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1166.67 83.33 125.00 625.00 833.33 0.00 0.00 OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION OFINTEREST TotalBudgeted Income YeartoDate: 838,072.00 TotalAcfual Income toDate: 715,880.00 TotalExoenses YeartoDate: 749,4U.23 Budgeted Expenses forYea(6): 1,292,8c/.00 Total Budget ExpensesYearto Date: 861,869.30 Accounts Receivable toDate: 105,864.37 Accounts Receivable thismonth: 3002.09 Accounts Payable endthismonth(4): 101,518.66 Accounts Payable BEL(5): 61,987.00 Number ofunitsinforeclosure: 15 Number ofunits delinouenl: 116 (AllCunent) Cunent Liabilities Pickup LoanBalance 40,526.84 Cunent Assets PropertyandEquipment 555,675.00 Notes: 1. Expenses inthemonth areentered checks arepaid,not inmonth incuned. Several months maybeincluded in monhly total. 2. Income isactualcash received. TOTAL EXPENSES 67,705.52 106,U2.20 3. Negative reprcsent numbers a refund totre Association onhat particular lineitem. newwalltobebuiltonRosehill. PROFIT/LOSS FORMONTH 26,752.39 4. Includes paidinMarch. 5. Doesnotinclude anymonies 6. lncludes stucco, decks, water, &wastewater chaqes. Page5 N E WS N E I G H B OR H OOD Have You Ghecked The Batteries in Your Smoke Alarms This Month? A FireSafetyMeeting alarm, withone. Theonlydifierence between thenewdualsensor washeldintheClutr fr+safecigarettes andhe onescunently partphotoelectric tocatchslow-buming house 6. isthepaperin firesandtheotherpartanionization onMarch forsaleto localconsumers faslbuming fires. 2008.Three Overlandwhich thetobacco iswnpped. Thepaper sensor fordetecting ParkFireDeoartment isperforated atintervals. Thesmoker has These alarms costaround $20butar€ offices, TriciaRoberb, MarkSweaney, to puffvigomusly to getpasteachsetof woft theadditional mst. andCaptain ontheir perforations. TimBymes, reported lf thatpuffisn'tthere, the goesout. investigation ofthefre thatoccuned on cigarette DearNeighbors: youselfandyour February 21at 10911 Gillette St. Toprotect It becomerimmediately home ftom a firc, working smoke detectors how important smoke apparent Sadly, theresident, 84yearold There be a smoke are essential. should deteclorr can be in savinglives. I perished Bonnie Sawyers, ina firecaused in and one on each alarm each bedroom would like to put toSethera lirt of bya smoldering cigarette. Captain Bymes level. Don't foqet to check the batteries volunteerrwho could arrist reported cansmolder for thata cigarefte every month and replace the alarms every neighborrwith installingimoke aslongaseighthours and,iffE smoke years. installa 9 to 10 You should also detectorr if they do not already alarmdoesnothavefreshbatteries, as carbon monoxide alarm. This battery have them. or iust checking/ happened inhis case,fp resident canbe year be changed every and the should if necesrary.lf changing batteries totally unaware ofthedanger. Careless years. you are interestedin helpingyour itself replaced every 6 to 8 alarm smoking isthe#1causeof household fire Placethecarbon monoxide detectol neighborsor you are a residentin inthenation. 22states havealready need of there iervicer.pleareemail nearest bedoom. tp passed smoking legislation requiring fireme at qgq9dba4.(qkel!.egm or call Make sureto havea battery safecigarettes he onlyandthatprohibit me at 8311892. if youhaveanelectric smoke saleandtransport ofregular cigarettes. back-up you lf are a alarm system. replacing Thank you. Nancy Goodhart Kansas Legislature hasnotyetpassed would smoke alarm, thebestchoice be thisgpeoflaw. HITMAN SCAM Atticbpu ishedby theOvelandPatuPoliceDepa nent ***AT T ENT I ON*** ALL DOG OWNERS Park TheAnimal Control Division oftheOverland A deaththreatscamiscunently beingperpetrated Police Department emphatically states, that all dogs must be through emailinthisarea.Therearetwodocumented casesin on leash when out oftheh owne/s enclosed a oremises. Olathe, andoneeachinSpringHill,Ovedand Park,Meniam and There arcseveral owners whowalkseveral dogsconcurKCK.Thisisnota newscam,having beenfrst documented in rently and Animal Control reiterates that the ownerMUST 2006.Thescam basically involves anemail threatening to havecontrol oftheirdogsatalltimes. paysseveral assassinate therecipient unless theindividual hundred dollals tothesender. Thesender claims to thousand Recently, twolargedogsgotawayfroma woman havebeenfollowing thevictimforsometime,having beenhired whowaswalking themandtheyattacked a smalldogwho to killthevictimbya ftiendorco-worker ofthevictim.The waswalking ona leashwithib owner.Thedamage suffered sender hrcatenstocanyouttheassassination if thevictimgoes by thesmaller including veterinary billsin dogwasextensive, quickly tothepolice, respond andrequesb thatthevictim and theneighborhood of$3,000. Theowners ofthelargedogs provide number. a telephone areliableforthisdamage bytn small suffercd dog and could for relief in coult. be sued providing TheFBIisaware oftrisscamandwamshat youridentity anypersonal information cancompromise and your Please whenwalking becareful makeyoua viclimoftheft.Theyhaverequested lhatanyone dog,ordogs.lf youhaveanyproblems receiving filea mmplaint withthe his typeofemailshould walking multiple dogs,perhaps it would Intemet lf youwantto CrimeComplaint Center bebesttowalkthemoneata time. readmoreabout thisscam, Please useyourbestjudgment for 'Theonlyhitbeing hitman.asp. TheFBIadvises: thegoodof everyone, human contemplated isuponyourwallet." andcanine, inthismmmunity. Page6 TUE ioN SUN THU WED FRI _) SAT 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 FileSafety ireeinE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 72 St PaticksDay Bo€rd[,leetirE 5r30pm llevrslctterAvailable GoodFfitay 24 25 27 28 23 26 29 Easter Sunday 30 31 toN SUN J TUE 1 T HU WED 2 3 FRI 4 7 13 14 5 LaeeTrashPkl0p Board l,leetim6:30pm 6 SAT 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 12 19 Passover Boardireeiing6:30p.n 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 Large-item TrashPickupApril5th,2008 24 25 26 MORE COMAUNITY Night Fallshasa Bunko onthesecond! EVENTS Spring hassprung andits timelo gaherupandgetridofalltloseitems ! Quiuira Park hticlepublished bytheCityof Ovetand I i BunkoBabes : ofevery monhattheclubhouse. i COMING ! Wednesday youryardorgafEring orbasement. On cluttering dustinyourgarage (12ladies), Theyhavethreetables but : a special largFitem trash ! Murday,April5,2008,thecitywillprovide sooN! areofteninneedofsubstitutes. pickup free. I toryourneighborhood. Thebestpartis$at itsabsolutely 7 a.monApril5, Allyouhavetodoisbringyourjunk tohe curbbefore broken fumiture, tee limbs,I forpickup. Sorounduphoseoldappliances, interested inbeino Anyone a substtute, yourhouse. For raikoad tiesandanyotherlarge fashorjunkaround EdihFajdetidr contact a191346S9051. : please orvisitwww.opkansas.oro. moreinformation call(913)895-5160 Page7 Fa.rrrotrs Nails Pofesslonal Nail Car€ OREATFRIENDLYSDRVICB COMPLEIBNAIL CAN.E iOR L{DIIS & CANTLEMBN t to NDY, r Rt,9 :r oM .7 :to PM i 5 At:9 :r O M .6 : r o Pil r slNDAYt2Pfi, t Pr{ :? f ()t APPOIMMENT WALXII{SWEI-COMD , tsErwrtNQtnvrk &co[EcEl ' P R((S6621r 1,0.OQ{JlvlR^ iD., O\€RIAND (9r3) 696-0909 Vita Gredinberg,owner 1-TO-NERDS-OO0 (1-866-373.7000) www,nerdstogo,com residential business FAYS HOME CoMPANIoN BosTuae€L ELDERLYCARE UIDATUBAa! lllBOBb PAnoooon REFAIR Need assistance with daily activities? Reliable part-time services{or your needs. (913)262-9552 6721 w 601 9 . Orta(M Pd( kS 06204 FAYTOMCZYK 913-338-5925 AndreB. Maxvvell *Ms*imtM"$la' eg&.\Y.{l14t\Ytlsvt}7r!twl 7t n,ullfiR\^r PJ{liih,\tl ff3/I oDDS 'N ENDS,ETC. CarpentryPalnting Yard,Deck,PatioMainlenance t_::::i ::rrlr AfM COIIFUER SEFTiEFS . COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Family O$n€d & Operated '12616 Donahoo Road. KansasCity,KS66'109 . 913-338-2110 816-33t-?825 Pat Whalen Email:[email protected] Tet:9i3.78&8270 Temite Spe.iali.1. Traircd & Uce$ed TechDcies (913124+3/,02 Far: 9'13-788-8271 ,A, F ra, & cnsao^t C i i -; flSr i O' r ill lAll\l) :Y Slr ivr ' .:i 5829 LlNt 'GSStti tarntAi l{J 6620J 9!3132 !72t . FrX 9!3132-2727 {tv* r0(0Al,l0 c0lr AtAt€ll0(oauTo (o|l Free Estimates SteYeReheis- Owner ffi FEPAIRSAND ' GarbaoeDi!Dosor6 . Fauc6t]!. Toifets . olher Phmbf ng nepalrs Scning Joht\ton County (n .! otta 06 i, t . fi 't - nls 11801 Colleg. OvcrlondPork, KS 66210 (913)469-8405 Qdinti B a .f Wdffpdpet Citlol Int.iofs 28+ Jrrs1nA .sil?ss I- - 6CgE;l not already on sa.le I *Offer good 4 months from print date* I Avon Beauty Center | | | 1034QuiviraRd tl OB College & Quivira, behind McD's I I | 913-344-9959 I D&'PBUSTtr&S GUTTERING biee tstimotes 1-785-883-.4370 913 4517446 FN 913-451-7442 11050OuiviraSoad sales@de anciparksrg ns com Overand Pa'q. (ansas 662I0 tvw d ela.opar^si?rs con ndependenry Ownedand Operarod :- t=_ 20% OFF any one item I RICCO'' . Ovc.drd rlrk KS 66213 Far 91:l397 15Ca "_ .*:ijs:"T3'"'^'913-432-3220 G E N EH A D E L '3246 Long Src.r Rusr 913.etr600. STiri* 1" sai-^nnuot Qeddrt ' si*i,-*tt TouchServiceCo, Personal AI.AI{HERIFORD lJ€ iAs1Er TE(l' (lrri t,,?dio' Munr^b, .SEAMLESSALUMINUTI. Ross Starcher 913-724-2852 1-888-415-3465 ",96e'14/or$l{artfor tfie h'loney' To Advertise in Bits and Pieces... lr I Contact JodyLamping at (913)469-1239 or [email protected] dte|/]rl Publishing or endorsement byQuivira Falls of classified advertising doesnotmnstitute agreement Community Association. Residents mavasktheseadvertisers foradditional information or references. ni s r c nr: l+ AngelaDiehl C ra p h i cAr ti sl €yediehlc, tdeal a srandar.r of eellmc Visit me online at* Page8