a guide for investors
a guide for investors
A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 THE CITY OF SOMBOR A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 1 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Contents ADVANTAGES OF THE CITY OF SOMBOR .....................................................5 Geographical advantages .......................................................................................................5 - Sombor facts…………………………………………………………………….5 - Geographical position…………………………………………………………………………..6 - Transport network…………………………………………………………….6 Advantages of the local business environment .................................................................... 7 - Taxes ..................................................................................................................... 8 - Tax reliefs……………………………………………………………………………………………….9 - Local concessions and incentives....................................................................10 - Financial stimuli……………………………………………………………………..……………11 - Agreements ........................................................................................................ 14 Advantages of workforce .....................................................................................................15 - Human resources............................................................................................... 15 Advantages of the environment ...........................................................................................16 HOW TO START A BUSINESS…………………………………………….17 HOW TO PROCURE BUILDING PERMITS ..................................................... 18 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES……………………………………………….19 Industrial estate……………………………………………………………………………..19 Brownfield locations ..............................................................................................................21 THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 2 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Welcome speech of the Mayor Dear Friend, The City of Sombor has always occupied an important place on the map of this part of Europe. The status of free royal city was conferred to the city by Empress Maria Theresa in 1749. It also became the administrative center of Bacs - Bodrog County, the second largest county in Austria-Hungary. The spirit of that time is still felt at every step while walking through the old city centre, which is under the auspices of the State. Sombor is well known as a leafy city as well as a city of culture and great but unused potential. Our mission is to preserve its green environment, improve and promote its culture and exploit its potential to the maximum, especially its prominent geo-strategic position. Sombor lies in a region bordering Hungary and Croatia, where the Danube enters Serbia, boasting of over 100,000 acres of high quality farmland and the Special Nature Reserve of the Upper Danube Basin. Leafing through the pages of this Guide for Investors you will see that the local government is ready to cooperate with both domestic and foreign investors. Such an indispensable strategic document as the Local Sustainable Development Strategy passed by the Local Assembly has put the Department for Local Economic Development, the Department for Land Development and Construction of Sombor, Public Company Urbanism as well as the city administration in the service of investors in order to supply all the necessary information and facilitate procurement of documents required for the implementation of their projects in the shortest possible time. This Guide for Investors aims to familiarize you with our city and offer a brief introduction to our resources and potentials. With all this in mind, I cordially invite you to find your place in the business environment of the city, but also to enjoy the beauty of our old, noble Sombor. Yours faithfully, Sasha Todorovic The Mayor of Sombor THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 3 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 ADVANTAGES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SOMBOR Geographical advantages SOMBOR FACTS Location Area Budget Population Address Telephone Email Website Coordinates: between 46°34'15" and 45°46'27" N and 19°06'44" E - North-Eastern Serbia 1178 km²; 82,65 % farm land, 5,07% non-arable land, 13,99% woodland RSD 2.7072 billion; 14,69% investment in capital assets 85,903 1 Trg cara Urosa, 25000 Sombor +381 25 468 111 [email protected] www.sombor.rs THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 4 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Distances from bigger cities Belgrade Vienna Budapest Istanbul Sofia Thessaloniki 175 km 345 km 223 km 1138 km 573 km 813 km Distances to the nearest border crossings 25 км 28 км Croatia Hungary TRANSPORT NETWORK Motorway (Corridor Х) Trunk roads Railway lines (Corridor Х) The river Danube (Corridor VII) Airport Е-662 (roadlink to Croatia) further link to Е-75 Network of trunk roads (М17.1 и М18) totalling 89 kms, major roads (Р101, Р105 и Р105.1) totaling, 67 kms and minor roads totaling 110 kms Subotica, Vrbas, Bogojevo and Apatin Port of Bezdan at a distance of 18-20 kms Military airport – 7 kms, Nikola Tesla Airport – 170 kms THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 5 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Advantages of the local business environment Program of certification of municipalities with favourable business environment Presentation campaign of certified municipalities and cities at Nikola Tesla airport Improvement of the local business environment via the reform of regulations Number of companies Company size Prevalent business sectors The biggest domestic companies Most prominent foreign investors 1087 business companies and 2.287 entrepreneurs 93,88% small, 5,3% midsize and 0,82% big companies Trade 35,40%, processing industry 16,33%, agriculture 10,99%, construction industry 6,33% 1. “Boreli” Sombor – Footwear manufacturer 2. Concern Farmakom – Car battery factory 3. “Severtrans” Sombor – Passenger transportation 4. Public Utility Company “Cistoca”, Sombor 5. PUC “ Zelenilo”, Sombor 6. PUC “Prostor”, Sombor 7. PUC „Vodokanal“, Sombor 8. PUC “Parking servis”, Sombor 9. PUC “Energana”, Sombor 10. “Meteor komerc”, Sombor – Fodder producer 11. “Mara” Sombor – Food processing 12. “Sombormlin” Sombor – Food processing 13. “Zadrugarka” Sombor – Animal feed producer 1. “Fiorano” Sombor (Calzedonia) - Textile industry, Italy 2. “Progetti” Sombor - Footwear parts manufacturer, Italy 3. PP Sombor – Agriculture, Republic of Ireland 4. “Somboled” Sombor (Lactalis group) - Food processing, Croatia 5. Shipyard “Bezdan”, Bezdan – Croatian investor 6. “Holo company” Doroslovo - Fuel briquette and pellet producer, Czech Republic 7. “Ferrari plast” Sombor - Plastics producer, Italy THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 6 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 TAXES Standard rate of VAT - 20%; reduced rate - 10% Value added tax Corporate tax Income tax Annual income tax Social security contributions Corporate profit tax - 15%; Taxes on dividends, shares in profits, royalties, interest and capital gains - 20% Salary tax and income from self-employment including activities in agriculture, forestry, professional and other services - 10%; Income from copyright and related rights and rights of industrial ownership are taxed - 20%; Capital incomes and capital gains - 15%; - on amounts of up to six-fold average annual income - 10%; - on amounts exceeding six-fold average annual income - 15%; 1) Mandatory pension and disability insurance - 26%; 2) Mandatory health insurance - 10,3%; 3) Unemployment insurance - 1,5%. Value added tax 30% 25% 20% 20% 20% 21% 27% 25% 24% 23% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Serbia Bulgaria Slovakia Czech Republic Poland Romania Croatia Hungary Source: www.siepa.gov.rs Corporate profit tax 23% 25% 19% 20% 15% 15% 19% 19% 20% 16% 10% 10% 5% 0% Bulgaria Serbia Romania Czech Republic Poland Hungary Croatia Slovakia Source: www.siepa.gov.rs THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 7 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 TAX OFFSETS Investnment incentives Tax offset for employing new applicants Tax offset for employing a physically or mentally challenged person Оther tax offsets A ratepayer who invests their assets directly or the one whose assets invested by an other party exceed the amount of RSD one billion and are utilized for prevailing or registered activities entered into the Memorandum of Association or stated in other related documents that define the ratepayer’s activities at the time of investment and they permanently employ the minimum of 100 persons, is exempt from corporate profit tax for a period of 10 consecutive years, proportional to the level of their investment. An employer – a legal entity or entrepreneur who employs a new applicant is entitled to a refund of a part of profit tax for the newly employed person paid before 30 June 2016. A tax offset may be acquired by an employer who employs a new applicant and the number of employees compared to the number that existed on 31 March 2014. A tax offset may also be acquired by an employer who commenced their business March 2014. An employer has the right for refund of paid tax as follows: 1) 65% if they concluded employment service contracts with the minimum of one and the maximum of nine new employees. 2) 70% if they concluded employment service contracts with the minimum of 10, and maximum of 99 new employees. 3) 75% if they concluded employment service contracts with the minimum of 100 new employees. According to the law that regulates prevention of discrimantion against physically or mentally challenged persons, proven by corresponding valid legal and medical documents, an employer who enters into a permanent employment service contract with such a person is exempt from tax on the person’s income for a period of three consecutive years from the date of commencement of the person’s employment. Depreciation on fixed assets is recognized as expenditure. Assets are divided into five categories as per depreciation rate: 1) group I - 2,5%; 2) group II - 10%; 3) group III - 15%; 4) group IV - 20%; 5) group V - 30%. Depreciation on fixed assets of group I is calculated using the linear calculation method. Depreciation on fixed assets of groups II-V is calculated using the declining balance depreciation method.Contributions for health security, education, science, humanitarian aid, religious purposes, environment protection, sport as well as social security, according to the Social Security Act, are recognized as expenditure to the maximum of 5% of the total income. Expenses for advertising and presentation are recognized as expenditure to the maximum of 10% of the total income. Entertainment costs ar recognized as expenditure at 0.5% of their total annual income. THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 8 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 LOCAL CONCESSIONS AND INCENTIVES Established as per the Decision on Local Communal Taxes on the Territory of the City of Sombor (Official Gazette of the City of Sombor, issue 10/13). Entrepreneurs and legal entities that are categorized, as per the Local tax on firm sign corresponding accountancy act, into small legal entities with annual display income of up to RSD 50,000,000.00, are exempt from local communal tax on firm sign display at their premises. Newly founded sole businesses and companies, whose main activity is manufacturing, are entitled to a 50% reduction on local communal tax on firm sign display in the first year of their business operations. For the second and all subsequent firm sign display outside the main office of the ratepayer, in case their main office is situated in the City of Sombor, local tax is reduced by 50%. It is determined as per the Decision on the Fee for Environment Management on the Territory of the City of Sombor (Official Special fee for Gazette of the City of Sombor, issues 10/2010, 4/2012 and environment 11/2013). management Special fee for environment management is dependable on the area of business premises. In case a business entity performs activities that affect the environment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, issue 109/09) they are charged a corresponding fee at 0.4% of their total annual income Local concessions and incentives Tax offsets THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 9 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 FINANCIAL INCENTIVES The Republic of Serbia The City of Sombor 1. Grants for investment (The Republic of Serbia) On the basis of the Directive for Conditions and Modes of Attracting Direct Investment, of 2014, the Budget of the Republic of Serbia allocated funds for investment projects in the manufacturing and services sectors, which may be subjects of international trade agreements, as well as of strategic projects in tourism. The amounts that may be granted for the said projects are determined by the Directive, with respect to reasonable investment charges or reasonable costs of gross salaries for new employees within two years upon implementation of the investment project. Funds aimed at big business entities are determined at up to 50% of reasonable costs of project implementation. For small business entities, amounts to be granted may be increased by maximum 20%. For midsize entities this percentage is 10%. The upper limit for grants for investments exceeding EUR 50 million is 25% of reasonable investment costs. For investments over EUR 100 million the upper limit for investment grants is 17%. They are determined as follows: For reasonable costs of up to EUR 50 million – up to 50% of the costs, For reasonable costs of EUR 50-100 million – up to 25% of the costs, For reasonable costs exceeding EUR 100 million – up to 17% of the costs. Application for participation in the procedure of approving a grant shall be submitted to Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) upon invitation to tender. More at: http://siepa.gov.rs/ci/index-ci/finansiranje/finansijska-podrska-za-investitore/ THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 10 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 2. Аutonomous Province of Vojvodina 2.1. Subsidies to employers for new job openings Primarily in the private sector, for companies that recruit new workforce among the unemployed. Subsidies granted by APV via tender imply an RSD 130,000.00 grant on a one-time basis or RSD 150,000.00 for persons older than 50. It is realized via independent APV funding. Subsidies are paid on a one-time basis in compliance with joint procedures by the Secretariat and NEA (National Employment Agency) aimed at employing unemployed persons. 2.2. Subsidies to the unemployed for self-employment They comprise both funds and professional assistance for self-employment. Funds are approved in the form of subsidy for start-ups or entrepreneurship involving one or more unemployed persons as well as for foundation of a company in case the founder has concluded a contract service agreement with the company. All through the year 2014, a subsidy of RSD 160,000.00 per user is approved on a one-time basis. It is realized via independent APV funding. The unemployed person is entitled to receive professional assistance aimed at incitement of their self-employment via information and counseling services at business centres, training for entrepreneurship, mentoring and specialist training. 2.3. Trainee programs They facilitate employment of young job seekers without experience in their respective trade for a period of 6-12 months. Funds allocated for this purpose are directed solely to employers in the private sector and it is realized via pooling of APV and local self-government resources. 2.4. Public works In 2014, they are organized for periods totalling six months only within social, humanitarian, cultural and other activities; maintenance and renewal of public infrastructure and environment management. The right to participate in organizing public works belongs to agencies of territorial autonomy as well as to agencies of local self-government units, public institutions and public companies, companies, entrepreneurs, cooperatives, social organizations, civil associations. Funding is realized via pooling of APV and local selfgovernment resources Source – The 2014 Employment Plan of Action for the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina / Provincial Secretariat for Labour, Employment and Gender Equality. THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 11 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 3. National Employment Agency – Sombor Office 3.1. Subsidies for self-emoployment They are approved, in the form of an RSD 160,000.00 grant, to an unemployed person for starting a sole proprietorship business, cooperative, company or other types of entrepreneurship. In case physically or mentally challenged persons are employed in such a business the subsidy is to amount to RSD 200,000.00. The conditions required for application are as follows: the applicant shall be registered as unemployed at the NEA and has to complete instructive training for commencement of their business. They shall conduct their respective business activities for the minimum of 12 months from the date of commencement and pay their mandatory social security contributions regularly. The user of a subsidy may also benefit from mentoring and specialist training services in the first year of their business. The beneficiary of a financial support may receive a one-time amount for self-employment. Those beneficiaries who conclude a permanent contract service agreement receive a one-time amount representing 30% of the total (contributions for mandatory social security deducted), and the rest of the amount is paid before expiry of the period of entitlement to subsidy. 3.2. Subsidies to employers Employers in the private sector who conclude contract service agreements with applicants for newly opened posts may be granted subsidies on one-time amount basis depending on the degree of the development of self-government units, determined by special regulations of the Serbian government. Amounts of subsidies are as follows: • RSD 300,000.00 or RSD 400,000.00 for OSI in municipality group IV (up to 10 persons) • RSD 200,000.00 or RSD 250,000.00 for OSI in municipality group III • RSD 100,000.00 or RSD 150,000.00 for OSI in municipality groups I and II Subsidies are approved to employers on the following conditions: if they employ a person registered at the NEA, if they have not laid off any employee in the last three months, if they pay their social security contributions in due time, if their balance is on the positive side, if the person in whose name the subsidy is applied for has not been employed in the same company in the last 6 months and if the employer’s business entity has not experienced legal difficulties in terms of check-up and approval of a state subsidy. THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 12 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 AGREEMENTS CEFTA Free Trade Agreement with the Russian Federation Free Trade Agreement with Belarus Generalized system of preferences Free Trade Agreement with Turkey Free Trade Agreement with EFTA Countries Free Trade Agreement with Kazakhstan The CEFTA Agreement covers Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Moldavia, Serbia and Montenegro. It was signed on 19 2006, ratified by all the parties and it is still valid. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ Serbia is the only European country, apart from from a few members of CIS that has concluded a free trade agreement with the Russian Federation. The list of products, excluded from the Free Trade Agreement, is revised annually. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ The five-year Agreement signed on 31 March 2009 in Minsk anticipates mutual abolishment of customs and non-customs duties in trade between the two countries on the majority of goods from the tariff list. The Agreement will be automatically extended upon expiration of the term. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ Trade with the USA is conducted mainly on the basis of the Generalized system of preferences (GSP) approved for Serbia on 01 July 2005. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ The Agreement was signed on 01 June 2009 coming into force on 01 September 2010. године. Due to diagonal communication, Serbian businesses may procure raw materials and semi-finished products, process them in Serbia and sell them in the EU, Turkey and CEFTA member countries free or with preferential customs duties. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ Free trade agreement with EFTA member countries (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) signed on 17 December 2009 in Geneva. Due to the specific ratification procedure, the Agrement between Serbia and Switzerland and Lichtenstein came into force on 01 October and between Serbia and Norway and Iceland in 2011. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ The Agreement was signed on 07 October 2010. It came into force temporarily on 01 January 2011. This Free Trade Agreement was concluded in order to improve and deepen mutual trade and economic ties between the two countries. For more info visit: http://siepa.gov.rs/sr/index/sporazumi/ THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 13 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Advantages of workforce HUMAN RESOURCES Workforce Educational structure Faculties School 58.785 12,52% - university and post-secondary school, 50.89% - high-school, 23.71% - primary school, 10.51% - non-complete primary school, 2.26% - no school. Faculty of Pedagogy, Sombor Megatrend University – Faculty for Business Management Studies, Sombor Grammar School „Veljko Petrovic“, Scondary Textile School „St. Sava“, Secondary School of Agriculture and Food Processing Secondary Technical School Secondary Medical School „Dr. Ruzica Rip” Secondary School of Economics, Sombor Unemployed workforce 7,214 unemployed, unemployment rate 25.22% Average gross salary EUR 435 /a month THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 14 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Advantages of the environment Soil Farming land comprises 82.65% of the total area of the City of Sombor, an important potential for intensifying agricultural production. The territory of the City of Sombor is of different pedologic composition comprising various types and subtypes of soil, chernozem being the most fertile type due to its great porosity. With its subtypes, chernozem occupies the major part of the area of the city. Waters The river Danube is tangent to the territory of the City of Sombor intersecting it by the Bezdan-Vrbas Canal as well as the Bezdan-Srpski Miletic reach of the DTD Canal offering opportunity for intensive water traffic. The regional canal port is situated to the south of Sombor, at the Bezdan-Vrbas Canal. The river Danube is also the main hydrographic feature of the territory of the City of Sombor with its meanders, numerous armlets, marshes, islands and wetlands. Climate Temperate continental with the average annual temperature of 12,3°C, average temperature of the coldest month (January) of 2,0°C and average temperature of the hottest month (July) of 25,1°C. One of the main features of flora and fauna in the area is the interrelationship of ecosystems: acquatic, lentic, wetland, grassland and forest, which make a mosaic of different assemblages of plant species. The microtopographic features of the Upper Danube Basin make it highly characteristic in terms of variety of species since the smallest differences in latitude result in a great variety of species and affect their survival. Due to its exceptional natural values, the Upper Danube Basin Flora and fauna became a registered international bird area (IBA) in 1989. As a constituent part of the potential “Drava-Mura” reserve biosphere the Upper Danube Basin is a candidate for recognition as a Ramsar area (Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat). The Upper Danube Special Reserve was put under state protection on 20 July 2001 as a 1st-category natural treasure of exceptional importance. It is of great ecologic importance in conservation, protection and improvement of natural treasures THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 15 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 HOW TO START A BUSINESS (One-stop shop) A single copy of Application for registration of a business entity shall be filed together with corresponding documents, directly or by post, to the Serbian Business Registers Agency. Documents required for company registration: 1. Application for registration; 2. Proof of founder’s identity (photocopy of ID card or passport); 3. Memorandum of association (decision or contract), certified by court and furnished with founders’ signatures; 4. Bank certificate of the deposit of EUR 250 to a temporary account – stated in euros and expressed in RSD at the exchange rate on the day of payment. An additional amount of EUR 250 shall be deposited within two years from the date of registration; 5. Decision on appointment of a company reopresentative if not defined in the Memorandum of Association; 6. Certified signature of the representative (ОP form); 7. Proof of payment of the fee for registration. A note for investors: 1. Documents certified by a legally authorized entity in the investor’s country of origin has to be furnished with an apostille stamp; 2. All documents written in a foreign language have to be translated into the Serbian language and certified by a court interpreter. Fee for registration: RSD 4,900.00; fee paid for registration of the employer’s ID number: RSD 1.700,00 Documents required for entrepreneur registration: 1. Application for registration; 2. Photocopy of founder-entrepreneur’s ID card or passport (of the all the partners in case of a partnership); 3. Proof of payment of the fee for registration (RSD 1,500.00); 4. In case the entrepreneur is applying for a business for which approval of a government agency is required as condition for registration, a corresponding certified original and a copy of the decision by the agency shall be submitted as well. With registration at the Serbian Business Registers Agency business entities receive the following: Employer’s identification number Tax identification number – PIB (in case conditions for entry into the Companies Register are met) The business entity shall have, upon receipt of the decision on registration, a business seal made and shall open a permanent bank account. For all additional information please visit the Internet presentation of the Serbian Business Registers Agency at www.apr.gov.rs THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 16 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 HOW TO PROCURE BUILDING PERMITS 1. LOCATION INFORMATION 2. LOCATION PERMIT 3. BUILDING PERMIT 4. USE PERMIT Steps to procurement of building and exploitation permits: 1. Selection of location; 2. Collection of location data (building possibilities and limits for the corresponding cadastral plot in compliance with the existing Development Plan – the investor shall submit a copy of the cadastral plot); 3. Procurement of location building permit, which contains conditions and data required for drafting of technical documents – the investor shall provide proof of ownership i.e. building land rental agreement ; 4. Main design drafting; 5. Payment of fees for the building permit; 6. Issuance of the building permit; 7. Notice of commencement of building works and their actual commencement; 8. Connection to the infrastructure network – payment of fees prescribed by corresponding public companies; 9. Тechnical check-up of the structure and procurement of exploitation permit; 10. Entry of the structure into the Real Estate Cadastre. THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 17 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Industrial estate Brownfield locations Investment Oppurtunities INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Area of the location 5,000,000 м² construction land Lend use Block 102 – warehousing zone, free trade zone and entrepreneurial zone. Block 103 – next to road South 3 (Jug 3), services zone and entrepreneurial zone in the lower part. Block 104 – business, manufacturing, services and warehousing Block 82 - business, manufacturing, services and warehousing next to the bypass and multifamily residence facilities in the northern part. Blocks 114,115 – entrepreneurial zone. Block 127 - entrepreneurial zone, logistic centre and warehousing zone. Structures built at the location Block 102 – Warehouse of Naftagas Co. (refined products pipeline terminal); Block 103 – petrol station „Knez petrol“ (sales facility), Droga Portoroz (manufacturing and services), Produktkomerc (sales), Soforebo (sales of slaughterhouse equipment), Magnet (services), Dunav (insurance and services), RM (used car parts), Regeneracija (polyester products), Customs, Intersped office (transport), Boreli (manufacturing), Magnetron (services), Aleksandro TPA Duga (sales facility), Carrena (processing of basic oils), Merkur (industry), Meteor komerc (agriculture), Zitomedija (agriculture), Mara (food processing), Ferro casa (manufacturing), Bane Sekulic, Fiorano (manufacturing), Toplana heating plant (moved). Block 104 - Sinagoga (trading), Proteinka, recycling centre, TC KTC (trading). Block 82 - TC Idea (trading), TC Maksi (trading), A part of the block contains multi-family residence facilities, next to the bypass vacant plots with fully constructed infrastructure. Blocks 114, 115 and 117 - Panonka (food processing), Sunce (manufacturing), Sombormlin (production), Zadrugarka (agriculture) THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 18 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 Ownership structure Block 102, 103, 104 - 49% private 51% state-owned Block 82 - 20% private, 80% state-owned Block 114, 115 and 127 - 58% private, 38% complexes, 4% state-owned Infrastructure Water supply, sewage, gas pipeline, high-voltage line, access road, TT installations, Internet (a part of the stated infrastructure already exists, another part is planned and for yet another building and technical documents have been completed); Price and basis of procurement Starting price: RSD 660 – 720/м2, for sale or to rent; Landscaping fee in the industrial park. Commercial structures (plot with full acces to infrastructure) ~ € 25 Manufacturing structures (plot with full acces to infrastructure) ~ € 16,2 Petrol and gas stations (plot with full acces to infrastructure) ~ € 40,5 In case a structure is built, extended or upgraded in the services/manufacturing/warehousing zones as well as industrial parks the a/m values, depending on the value of investment, are reduced by: - 10% for investment worth € 1 million - 25% for investment worth € 1 - 3 million - 50% for invrestment worth € 3 – 5 million - 100% for investment worth more than € 5 million THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 19 A GUIDE FOR INVESTORS 2014 BROWNFIELD LOCATIONS Location Settlement Milcic Nn Karadjordjeva Str. 2 Radisiceva Str. 3 Djure Jaksica Str. Nn Josifa Marinkovica Str. Nn Staparski put Str. Sonja Marinkovic Str. Nn Filipa Kljajica Str. 87 Filipa Kljajica Str. 75 XII Vojvodjanske udarne brigade Str. 133 Centrala 81 Bezdanska Str., Бачки Моноштор 78 Konjoviceva Str. Type House with accessory structures, Shed for machines Production hall; office building, Boiler room, canopy; reception, Other structures Office building Office building with reception canopy; concrete reinforcement and locksmith workshop locksmith warehouse, transport, overhauling, tyre repair shop, locksmith warehouse, transport, overhauling, tyre repair shop, Tyre repair shop, Petrol station building, sawmill, reception and boiler room, office building and warehouse, sales premises and warehouse, warehouse office building, locksmith workshop, accessory building, 4-silo cement plant, sand and gravel separation, vaporeks room, vehicle ramp, canopy, assembling platform, shed with canopy Business premises office block; boiler room, Service station Sawmill with canopy, Office block workshop Single-level house with accessory structures Catering facility Office building; production halls Production hall Area 800 м2 4498 м2 1001 м2 398 м2 3453 м2 1345 м2 360 м2 6030 м2 360 м2 185 м2; plot 3300 м2 112,8 м2; plot 800 м2 4640 м2; plot 23264 м2 6057 м2 For all additional information please visit the Internet presentation of the City of Sombor - Catalogue of Brownfield Locations at www.sombor.rs THE CITY OF SOMBOR | 20
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