The Textile Collection of the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
The Textile Collection of the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
Study of Indo-Portuguese silk bedspreads of 16th to 17th century from the collections of MNAA and NMS Crocus sativus L. Teresa Pacheco Pereira MNAA Carmo Serrano E.A.N. 6/8/2007 1 The Textile Collection of the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga Indian embroideries for the Portuguese market. End of 16th century / beginning of 17th century 6/8/2007 2 1 Monochrome quilts The Justice of Solomon 2 The Pelican feeding its young 3 "Dé "Décadas de Tito Livio" Livio" (Zaragoza (Zaragoza,, Coci, Coci, 1520). Trasladadas por fray Pedro de la Vega 4 5 6 7 Scope of the Work The global aim of this project was to identify the original material used in the process of ancient Indo-Portuguese bedspread, in 16th - 18th centuries, from the collections of MNAA and NMS to confirm an origin. Despite extensively studied from the viewpoint of the history of the decorative arts, the Indo-Portuguese bedspreads have not been analyzed in detail as a material object until now. 8 Indo-Portuguese bedspreads: Characteristics Indian Portuguese Coat of arms Flowers motives Animals motives: parrots, peacocks Popular influence and Arab NMS N. 391 (Modejar) Modejar) MNAA N. 710 War Scenes NMS N. 159 Hunting Scenes in early 17th century Portuguese and Oriental costumes Floral motives with central medallions a influence on Islamic rugs Vegetative and geometric ornamentation Mystic animals: dragons, exotic birds and MNAA N. 2232 hybrids.. NMS N.392 MNAA N. 4582 MNAA N. 710 MNAA N. 4575 MNAA N. 710 NMS N. 390 How many bedspreads? 13 Indian bedspreads 16th-18th - MNAA - 3 polychromatic 1 - 16th/17th 2 – 18th - 3 bichromatic: bichromatic: Yellow and blue - 16th/17th Yellow and red - 17th Red and blue - 16th/17th - 7 monocromatic 6 yellow:16th/17th 1 red 17th 3 Portuguese bedspreads 17th/18th – MNAA - 3 polychromatic 4 IndoIndo-Portuguese bedspreads 18th - NMS - 4 polychromatic Yellow red MNAA 112 Yellow blue MNAA 3750 Yellow MNAA 4583 9 Questions to solve - Where were these bedspreads dyed? Portugal or India? NMS N. 390 - Are the Indians yellow bedspreads dyed? MNAA N. 4583 MNAA N. 4582 Art Historians and curators commonly believed that the yellow color was obtained without dyeing, i.e., it was the color of the natural silk used. Identification of embroidery fibers by optical microscopic: Portuguese bedspreads Whole amount N. 710 - 18th century N. 3465 - 18th century Bombyx mori - silk Cross section N. 2137 - 17th /18th century 10 Identification of embroidery fibers by optical microscopic: Indians bedspreads Cotton Cotton N.3413N.3413-16th/17th century Whole mount Cross sections Tussah silk Tussah silk N.2237 16th/17th century Tussah silk Tussah silk Tussah silk Tussah silk Tussah silk N.3750 16th/17th century N.4581 16th/17th century N.3692 16th/17th century N.2281 17th century N.4582 17th century Identification of embroidery fibers by optical microscopic: Indians bedspreads Whole mount N. 112 - 17th century N. 2226 17th century Bombyx mori silk N. 4575 - 16th/17th century N. 4583 17th/18th century 17 Cross-sections N. 1926 - 18th century N. 2232 18th century 11 Conclusions: Identification of embroidery fibers Portuguese bedspreads (17th/18th century) Bombyx mori silk MNAA NMS N. 710 N. 2137 N. 3465 N. 390 N. 391 N. 392 Indian bedspreads M.N.A.A. (16th/17th century) Cotton N. 3413 Tussah silk N.2237 N.2281 (17th) N.3750 N.3692 N. 4581 N. 4582 (17th) Bombyx mori silk N. 112 (17th) N. 2226 (17th) N. 4575 N. 4583 Indian bedspreads (18th century) Bombyx mori silk N. 1926 N. 2232 N. 159 (NMS) The Tussah silk and the cotton identified in the embroidery fibers on the bedspreads means they were made in India.. The Bombyx mori silk identified in the embroidery fibers on the bedspreads means that we can’t attributing an origin (India or Portugal), this type of silk exist in both countries at that time Conclusions: Identification of embroidery fibers Bedspreads analysed 100% 1 2 75% 4 3 50% 2 25% 2 0% Séc. XVI/XVII Bombyx mory Séc. XVII Séc. XVIII Tussah Algodão Distribution of embroidery fibers analysed in Indian bedspreads in different centuries 12 Portuguese dyes Common name Source Major component dye Weld Reseda luteola L. Luteolin, Luteolin, Apigenin Young Fustic Cotinus coggygria Scop. Scop. Fisetin, Fisetin, fustin e sulfuretin Rhus cotinus L. Sumac Rhus coriaria L. Tannin gallic, gallic, myricetol Woad Isactis tinctoria L. Indigotin, Indigotin, Indirubin Brazilwood Caesalpinia brasiliensis L. Brazilin, Brazilein Kermes Kermes ilicis, ilicis, Coccus ilicis L. kermesic acid, flavokermesic acid Madder* Rubia tinctorium L. Alizarin, Purpurin, Purpurin, Pseudopurpurin, Pseudopurpurin, xanthopurpurin Cochineal* Datylopius coccus (O. Costa) Carminic acid, traces of kermesic acid, flavokermesic acid and unknown dcII Published in “Regimento da Fabrica dos Panos de Portugal, Ordenado no anno de 1690” 1690” Lisboa. Lisboa. *Published in “VITERBO, S. - Historia da tinturaria em Portugal, Lisboa, Typografia da Academia Real das Sciencias, Sciencias, 1902. Indian dyes – Red and blue Common name Source Major component dye Date Kamala Mallotus philipinensis Muell Rottlerin ? Toon Cedrela toona Rox. Rox. Nycanthin and quercetin ? Safflower red Carthamus tinctorius L. Carthamin Since antiquity Henna Lawsonia alba Lam. Lawsone ? Ventilago Ventilago madraspatana Gaertin. Gaertin. Physcion, Physcion, ventilagine ? ? Ratanjot Arnebia nobilis Rachingar Munjeet Rubia cordifolia L. Munjistin, Munjistin, purpurin, purpurin, alizarin, pseudopurpurin Since antiquity Suranji Morinda citrifolia L. Monrindone, Monrindone, Soranjidiol Since antiquity Sappan wood Caesalpinia sappan L. Brazilin, Brazilein Since antiquity Lac dye Kerria Lacca (Kerr) Laccaic acid A, B, C, D, E D=Flavokermesic D=Flavokermesic acid Since antiquity Chay root Oldenlandia umbellata L. Alizarin Since antiquity Madder Rubia tinctorium L. Alizarin, Purpurin, Purpurin, Pseudopurpurin, Pseudopurpurin, xanthopurpurin Since antiquity Red sandalwood Pterocarpus santalinus L. Santalin A, B Since antiquity Indigo Indigofera tinctoria L. Indigotin 13 Indian dyes – Yellow Common name Source Major component dye Dates Turmeric Curcuma longa L. Curcumin, Curcumin, Demethoxycurcumin Since antiquity Saffron Crocus sativus L. Crocetin Since antiquity Safflower yellow Carthamus tinctorius L. Carthamone Since antiquity Jack wood Artocarpus integrifolia L. Morin ? Palas Butea frondosa Roxb. Roxb. Butin ? Fustic Chlorophora tinctoria L. Morin, Kampherol, Kampherol, maclurin Since antiquity Pomogranate Punica granatum L. Constitution unknown ? Bengal catechu Acacia catechu wild. Catechin ? Bombay catechu Areca catechu L. Catechin ? Myrobalans Terminalia chebula Retz. Ellagic acid ? Babul bark Acacia arabica Wild. Constitution unknown ? Publication in Studies in Conservation 33 (1988) 11-8 VARADARAJAN, L - Arboreal Sources for Traditional Red Colour Brazil and India, personal notes. Identification of Dyes by HPLC-UV-VIS: Yarn Extraction The HPLC-UV-VIS data, indicate that saffron (Crocus sativus L.) can’t be identified after acid extraction. Crocetin, Crocetin, the colored component from saffron, hydrolyzes in 15 min in acid extraction. The T extraction of saffron from silk, following the commonly employed procedures is not the best choice. Crocetin EDTA/DMF solution can be applied to extract crocetin from the saffron yarn dyed samples without degradation, so it is an alternative method in which concerns silk dyed with saffron. 14 Analysis of the accelerated aged dyed saffron silk samples EDTA/DMF solution can be applied to extract crocetin from the saffron (Crocus artificial ageing? (Crocus sativus L.) yarn dyed samples after a Silk samples dyed saffron Saffron Days of artificial aging Tussah silk without mordents (4) 3 days; 6 days; 9 days; 12 days Tussah silk mordant - Al (4) 3 days; 6 days; 9 days; 12 days Bombyx mori silk without mordents (4) 3 days; 6 days; 9 days; 12 days Bombyx mori silk mordant - Al (4) 3 days; 6 days; 9 days; 12 days Results: Saffron dyed samples without aged 0.0025 245 nm Acafrao Acid extraction Bombyx moriacida silk – dyed with saffron hidrolise 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.008 crocins 0.0010 0.0005 262.6 20.504 16.248 0.002 562.9 626.6 641.3 555.6592.3607.0 653.6 651.2 683.1 634.0 697.8 700.3 715.0 720.0 747.0 734.7 589.8 609.4 262.6326.9 331.7 24.371 0.0000 13.999 0.004 2.080 2.569 2.965 AU 0.010 0.006 Tr=16,4min 0.0015 AU 0.012 441.1 441.1467.8 Tr=14,6 min e 467.8 0.0020 300.00 400.00 0.000 500.00 nm 600.00 436.2 460.5 Crocetin 0.006 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Minutes 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 700.00 30.00 Tr=22,2 min 0.004 AU 0.002 715.0 629.1 747.0 528.7 614.3680.6 553.1 260.2 326.9 29.174 0.002 428 nm 14.640 15.86716.403 17.044 18.480 19.971 21.365 22.225 23.842 23.987 24.534 26.019 AU 0.004 EDTA/DMF extraction 1.322 1.710 1.433 1.575 0.006 0.000 350.0 300.00 0.012 Luteolin Tr=18,5min 255.0 0.000 0.010 400.00 500.00 nm 600.00 700.00 AU 0.008 -0.002 Bombyx mori silk – dyed with saffron 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 Minutes 0.006 0.004 558.7 0.002 651.4 700.4 666.17 15.0 451.9493.1 590.4634.3680.8 522.2536.8617.2 739.5 0.000 300.00 400.00 5 00.00 600.00 700.00 15 Results: Saffron dyed samples with accelerated aging 428 nm 0.006 Tr=22,3 min 0.005 AU 651.2 518.9550.7 653.6668.3 722.4 685.5 582.5619.3747.0 705.2 0.0000 300.00 400.00 500.00 nm 600.00 700.00 14.717 0.001 0.000 29.150 0.000 23.992 24.555 0.002 29.157 16.427 0.001 700.00 0.004 255.5 326.9 0.003 22.251 600.00 23.998 24.559 500.00 nm 19.978 400.00 14.681 300.00 21.399 0.002 18.514 AU 727.3 565.4 540.9602.1636.4 707.7 673.3 744.5 260.2 317.3 Tr=22,3 min 0.0004 0.0002 0.0000 Crocetin 19.991 AU Crocetin 0.0005 0.003 433.8 458.1 0.0006 21.390 22. 248 0.0010 0.004 428 nm Aging 6 days 0.008 0.007 436.2 458.1 0.0015 16. 447 Aging 3 days 0.005 AU 0.006 -0.001 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Minutes 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.0 Minutes EDTA/DMF extraction 0.00015 264.9 AU -0.0001 0.003 300.00 400.00 500.00 nm 0.002 319.7350.8 558.0 621.7 0.00000 0.003 -0.00005 0.002 600.00 663.4 646.2 702.7 727.3 504.3538.5 0.00005 262.6 -0.00010 Crocetin Tr=22,3 min 438.7 455.6 0.00010 0.004 717.5 744.5 AU 310.2341.3 0.0000 0.004 Crocetin Tr=22,3 min 300.00 400.00 500.00 nm 700.00 600.00 0.000 0.000 16.428 14.645 0.001 22.237 14.665 0.001 16.413 AU 678.2 511.6 499.4 560.5 0.0001 0.005 0.005 663.4 700.00 24.059 436.2 460.5 0.0002 0.006 AU 0.007 428 nm Aging 11,5 days 0.006 22. 239 0.008 -0.001 428 nm Aging 9 days 0.009 -0.001 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 2.00 Minutes 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 Minutes 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.0 Sample no. 4583 15.819 28.045 28.423 28.830 19.951 20.177 20.724 21.232 18.037 18.679 13.243 0.000 14.426 15.542 10.823 11.375 11.531 11.930 6.219 2.108 2.433 2.960 3.460 4.080 4.375 AU 0.005 26.075 26.208 26.446 a 254 nm 0.010 24.433 24.933 0.015 8.722 0.020 1.332 1.613 Results: Historical samples -0.005 -0.010 EDTA/DMF extraction 255.5 5.00 silk bombyx mori 10.00 15.00 Minutes 0.002 0.025 Tr=2,9 min 4-hba methyl ester 350.8 255.5 0.020 0.001 0.015 570.3 665.9 385.4 462.9 528.7 592.3636.4742.1 366.2397.5438.7 0.010 550.7 715.0 683.1 AU AU 0.003 0.000 300.00 400.00 500.00 nm 600.00 20.00 Tr=4,7min Tr=14,4 min, Tr=15,8min 0.006 Tr=18,7min e Tr=21,3 min 0.004 Luteolin 436.2 484.8509.2 257.8 350.8 438.7 504.3545.8 555.6 526.3540.9 562.9 705.2 705.2 744.5 727.3 700.3 255.5 348.4 419.3462.9465.4526.3629.1 641.3 683.1 643.8 680.6 665.9 0.000 584.9 619.3599.6 700.00 0.005 300.00 400.00 500.00 nm 600.00 700.00 AU -0.015 0.002 25.00 30.00 341.3 267.3 338.9 267.3 343.7 269.7 Tr=4,3min Tr=6,3min, Tr=10,8min,Tr=11,5min e Tr=11,9 min,Tr=13,2min 346.0 Tr=18,0 min 269.7 341.3 269.7269.7 267.3 341.3 343.7 0.000 300.00 Apigenin 526.3 475.1 533.6543.4 668.3 436.2 584.9 560.5 575.1 567.8 594.7 594.7 597.2 599.6 609.4 611.9 614.3 619.3 626.6668.3 553.1 690.5 722.4 744.5 739.6 558.0 533.6 673.3 678.2 702.7 705.2 742.1 732.2 670.8 458.1518.9550.7 453.2 460.5 506.7 482.4 475.1 460.5 516.5 497.0 480.0 514.1 494.6 470.2 631.5 636.4 641.3 646.2 651.2 653.6 634.0548.2 465.4462.9634.0 462.9499.4 400.00 500.00 nm 600.00 700.00 16 Comparison EDTA/DMF solution and hydrolyze acid EDTA/DMF EXTRACTION ACID EXTRACTION – Simultaneous extraction of several classes of compounds: anthraquinons, anthraquinons, carotenoids, carotenoids, indigoids e flavonoids – Method routinely used for 20 years for anthraquinoid (red) and flavonoid (yellow) dyes – Extraction of a high number of carotenoids and flavonoids – Process less efficient for indigoides which are more hydrophobic but still allow the identification – Fiber sufficiently intact for use in further examinations as well as some minority components. – Destroys protein and cellulosic fibers as well as some dyes: carotenoides, carotenoides, antocyanins, antocyanins, neoflavanoid, neoflavanoid, and liquen dyes – Degradation produts for flavonoids and anthraquinoid well known Results: 17th/18th Portuguese bedspreads from MNAA Yellows 17th /18th 18th N. 2137 – Weld + Madder N. 710 - Weld N.3465 - Weld + yellow dye Browns N. 2137 – Weld N. 3465 18th century N. 710 - Weld + Young fustic N. 710 - Weld + Indigotin Reds N. 710- 18th century N. 710 – Safflower, Cochineal and Cochineal + weld N. 3465 - Safflower + weld Greens N. 2137 Weld + Indigotin Madder+ Madder indigotin N. 710 - Weld + Indigotin N. 3465 – weld + indigotin Blues N.2137 - Indigotin + elagitanins N.2137 17th/18th century N. 710 and N.3465 - Indigotin N. 710 and N.3465 – Indigotin + elagitanins N. 710 - Indigotin + weld 17 Results: 18th IndoIndo-Portuguese bedspreads from NMS Yellows Browns N. 159 – Turmeric N. 390 – Weld and N. 390 – Weld + Brazilwood Brazilwood N. 391 - Weld N. 392 – Weld + Brazilwood Reds N. 159 - Kermes NMS N. 390 NMS N. 391 N. 390 and N. 391 - Safflower + weldN. 710- 18th century N. 392 - Brazilwood N. 391 - Brazilwood + weld Greens N. 159 - Cochineal + turmeric N. 390 e N. 392 - Weld + indigotin N. 390 - Weld + Madder+ indigotin Blues N. 390 e N.391 - Weld + indigo N. 390 - Indigotin + Madder NMS N.392 N. 392 - Indigotin + elagitanins NMS N. 159 Conclusions: Identification of dyes from Portuguese bedspreads of MNAA and NMS The data obtained in the bedspreads N. 710, N. 2137 and N. 3465 from MNAA and N. 390, N. 391 and N. 392 from NMS agrees agrees with the results published in “Regimento da Fabrica dos Panos de Portugal” Portugal” Ordenado no anno de 1690” 1690” Lisboa: Lisboa: Dyers after 1690 are not allowed to: Add Madder to Weld Use brazilwood alone Yellows • Weld, and/or Young fustic N. 710 (18th century) N. 2137 (17th/18/th century) N. 3465 (18th century) •Weld N. 390 (18th century) N. 391 (18th century) N. 392 (18th century) Indicate that this bedspreads could be dyed in Portugal • Turmeric N. 159 (18th century) (NMS) Indicate this bedspread could not be dyed in Portugal • Weld, and Madder N. 2137 (17th/18th century) • Weld, and Brazilwood N. 390 (18th century) N. 392 (18th century) Indicate that this bedspreads were dyed before 1690 Reds • Cochineal N. 710 (18th century) • Brazilwood N. 390, N. 391 and N. 392 (18th century) Indicate this bedspreads could be dyed in Portugal after 16th century 18 Results: 16th -18th Indian bedspreads in acid extraction Reds 16th /17th 18th N. 112 - Lac dye N. 1926 - Lac dye, cochineal, N. 3413 - Madder N. 4575 – Lac dye N. 4581 – Lac dye safflower, madder N. 2232 - Lac dye, cochineal, safflower, madder N. 159 - Kermes MNAA N. 2232 Results: Indian bedspreads in acid extraction and EDTA/DMF solution Yellows 16th /17th MNAA N. 1926 18th N.112 – Weld N. 1926 – Fustic N. 2226 - Weld N. 2232 – Fustic N. 2237 – Madder and weld and luteolin N. 2281-Degradation products N. 3692 – Madder and luteolin N. 3750–Degradation products N. 4582 – No dye N. 4583 - Weld Are the Indians yellow bedspreads dyed? Tussah silk Bombyx mori silk N. 2237 and N. 3692 (16th/17th century) N. 2226 and N. 4583 Dyed with madder and luteolin (18th century) N. 2281 (17th century) Degradation products indicate there was a dye N. 4582 (17th century) No dye components Indicate that the yellow color was obtained without dyeing, it was the color tussah silk Dyed with weld 19 Conclusions: Identification of dyes from Indians bedspreads of MNAA and NMS • Lac dye Yellows Reds N. 112 (17th century) N. 1926 (18th century) N. 2232 (18th century) N. 4575 (16th/17th century) N. 4581 (17th century) Indicate that this bedspreads were dyed in India • Madder and safflower N. 3413 (16th/17th century) N. 1926 (18th century) N. 2232 (18th century) • Fustic N. 1926 (18th century) N. 2232 (18th century) Indicate that this bedspreads, could be dyed in India ●Turmeric N. 159 (18th century) Indicate that this bedspreads, could be dyed in India • Weld N. 2226 (17th century) N. 4583 (17th/18th ?century) This dyes can’t be used of attribute an origin, they were common as dyes in India and in Portugal, since antiquity The use of weld in India is not known This bedspreads could be dyed in Portugal or in 18th century in India where the commercials changes were common Conclusions: •The identification of the materials used in the process of ancient ancient IndoPortuguese bedspread in 16th - 18th centuries from MNAA and from NMS allow the confirm of an origin: –The identification of the fibers of the embroidery of the bedspreads allows: -Attribute India as origin when the fibers is Tussah silk and/or cotton -Attribute unknown origin when the fibers is Bombyx mori silk - The identification of dyes of the embroidery of the bedspreads allows: allows: -Attribute Portugal as origin if there is Weld and/or Young fustic as dyes, mentioned and ruled in a publication from 1690. -Confirm or refute the dates of the bedspreads if there is mixtures of Weld and madder or Weld and Brazilwood, mentioned and ruled in a publication from 1690. - Attribute Portugal as origin if there is Cochineal and Brazilwood as dyed, mentioned since 16th century. - Attribute India as origin if there is Lac dye, Fustic and Turmeric as dyes, mentioned since antiquity. 20 Team project Estaç Estação Agronó Agronómica Nacional (E.A.N.): – Lisboa: Lisboa: Carmo Serrano Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (M.N.A.A.): - Lisboa: Lisboa: Teresa Pacheco Universidade da Beira Interior (U.B.I.): – Covilhã: Covilhã: Dr. Ana Lopes Instituto Português de Conservaç Conservação e Restauro (I.P.C.R.): – Lisboa: Lisboa: Dr. Ana Isbel Seruya National Museums of Scotland: - Edinburgh: Dr. Anita Quye 21
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