The IES Paper - IES Eskilstuna
The IES Paper - IES Eskilstuna
The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free GlobalWarming Almostallicehasmelted.Thispolarbearhastoswimtolandbeforeallicemeltstohuntforfood. lobalwarmingisabig problem in the world right now. It is a big problemforourclimate.The climate is getting hotter and hotter. Ifitgetshotteralltheiceon our planet will melt. If it melts the sea level will increase and some countries near the sea will be under water. Hundreds of years ago the arctic was full of ice and snow. If we look at it today we will not see as much snowandiceashundredsof years ago. All the animals that live on land will maybe alsodie.Polarbearsand G other animals that need ice andsnowtolivewilldie. Inthefuturethepolarbears willgotothelastareaofice andwhenthatareameltsthe polar bears will have no placetogo.Thecoralsinthe sea that have been there for a long time will be destroyed.Globalwarmingis everyone’s fault not just one person’s. We started global warming so we have to stop it. What causes warming? global A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs the radiation from the sun and trap it in theatmosphere.Sowhenthe heatistrappedtheEarthwill get hotter and global warmingishappening.Sowe do not want too much of these gases. Examples of greenhousegasesarecarbon dioxide and methane. We create these gases by for example burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal. We use fossil fuels for example electricityordrivingcars. Globalwarmingiscausedby greenhousegases. 1 The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free How can we stop global How can I help to stop warming? globalwarming? To stop global warming we have to stop using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are energy sources that are non renewable. That means that whenwehaveusedit,itwill takealongtimetogetmore of it. Instead we can use renewable sources such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass, tidal power, hydro powerorgeothermalenergy. But it is hard to convince other people that they should use these. They are good and clean but some people are not convinced that these energy sources will not give the same amountofelectricityasfossil fuels.Sowehavetoconvince other people about these energy sources. We can also stop using so much electricity. If we just save a littleamountofenergyitwill helpalot. Many people think that only one person can not do any difference. But only one person can save a lot of energy and that will help to stop global warming. If you choose to use renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels, that will help a lot. Instead of driving a car, you could walk, bike, take thebusortrainandthatwill also help. When you are leavingaroomrememberto put the lights off so we do not use energy that is unnecessary. So one person candoalotofdifference. Isabella,6B. Sources:,, 34Nation's counterterrorism coalition audi Arabia has confirmed that 34 muslim-majority countries to form a military against terrorist also known as ISIS. The announcement appeared on a Saudi press and it said. ‘’it should be foughtwithanymeans.’’The statements says that terrorism is a violation against human rights. The nations involved are Turkish,Pakistan,Egypt,Libya and many more. They want the world to know that they arenotsupportingterrorism and that they are against it. Because the terrorist does stuff in the name of Islam they have to prevent it because they are Islamic countries. They are not supporting ISIS in anyway but now they have to take action against them to clear their reputation and for the people'ssafety.SaudiArabia istryingtomaketheworlda better place. They also allowed a woman to be a candidate in a vote which is abigstepforward. S Dekan,9B. Thedevastatingeffectsofglobalwarmingontheenvironment 2 The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages USPresidential Campaign101 herehasbeenalotof talk about who really should become the president of the United States of America in 2016 and the four leading candidates are right now, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton,TedCruzandBernie Sanders.SandersandClinton are both Democrats and Trump and Cruz are Republicans. All of them have different views on how they want America to be. Let’s take a look at some of themostdiscussedtopics. T Immigration Donald Trump believes that thebestthingforAmericais to deport all illegal immigrantsfromUSAandhe is actually alone with this opinion, even among all other popular candidates. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay and make their way to getting legal american citizenship. Ted Cruz wants illegal immigration to just not be legal, but he doesn’t want to deport them all, he shares this opinion with two other Republicans. GunLaws Just as in the previous topic, Clinton and Sanders are on the same side and want to make the gun laws tighter whilst Trump and Cruz believethattheyshouldstay thewaytheyare. ClimateChange Hillary and Bernie are willingtotakeactionagainst global warming and other climate changes whilst DonaldTrumpandTedCruz still stand together and doubtthatglobalwarmingis even man-made, meaning thattheywon’tactuallytake actionagainstit. SyrianRefugees Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clintonarebothfortakingin the syrian refugees that are fleeing from the war, whilst Trump does not want to allowthat.Strangelyenough, Ted Cruz, along with Jeb Bush, wants to only allow christianrefugeeswhichisa verystrangeopiniontoalot ofpeople. HealthCare The only topic Sanders and Clintondisagreeonsofarare Health Care, about which Berniesays that the government pays for health carecostswithtaxes(likein Swedenforexample).Trump and Cruz say that they think 3 Free everyone should pay their own hospital bills with no help from the government along with the rest of the republican party. Hillary Clinton wants the governmenttopayforalittle bit of health care and you wouldpaytherest. DeathPenalty Strangely, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley are the only candidates who are against the act of death penalty whilst Trump is for deathpenaltyinsomecases, along with the whole republican party, except for BenCarsonandRandPaul. Taxes The Democrat party is for making wealthy people pay more taxes whilst Trump along with one half of the Republican party is for reducing taxes in general and Cruz is changing the current taxes to flat taxes, which means that you remove the income tax that exists now and replace it with 23-30% tax on the money that you spend, which also basically lowers thetaxes,butindirectly. Oscar,7C. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Newflag,new possibilities Has the school lived up to yourexpectationssofar? Oh yes, the school has definitely lived up to my expectations and even more so. Have you worked at any other schools, if so, what schools? Ihaveworkedatotherschools in America before starting here, I think their names were North Carolina State University and also WIlkes Community College where I worked as a professor.Inmy younger years I also worked as ajournalist. If you could change one thing about the school, what woulditbe? Hard question, but if I could change one thing I would put junior and senior school in onebuildingbecauseitwould be better if the students weren’tsofarawayfromeach other. What is your favourite part aboutworkingatthisschool? I really enjoy interacting and getting to know the students, sinceI’msonewtotheschool, butIthinkthatthefactthatI don’t know so much swedish hinders me from getting to knowthemwell,Ialsohavea 4 ew Zealand has chosen a new flag design that will replace the current one. However it requires the people of New Zealand to voteforit.Thenewflaghasa very unique design and will replace the Great Britain symbol on the flag. The new flag will have a silver fern and red stars with a blue background.Thisdesignwas the winner out of 10.000 different flag designs. It will now compete against the current flag in march. The newflagwillshowtherestof the world that it is possible to change flags and might inspire other countries to also renew theirs. However the flag still has to compete against the current flag so it might not even be the new flagofNewZealandafterall. Dekan,9B. N NewAPatIESK or some weeks now, the school has had a new Assistant Principal.TheIESPapermet withMr.Lindo. F Free lotofworksothereisn’tmuch time for me to come say ‘hello’toeveryone. Are there any particular activities you enjoy doing in yoursparetime? Well, back when I was in the US I was trying to write a historical fiction novel called Marcia, Mother of Rome, it is played out in first century Rome which is about the time when Jesus died. Now when I movedtoSweden Ihaven’thadalot of time to work on it so I’m still only halfway through finishing it. I also used to dance and go ice skating, but not anymore. How long have you been in Sweden for and how do you likeitsofar? Let’s see, I believe I’ve been here for about 6 weeks now and currently I’m feeling a little homesick, you know, I missmyhomebackintheUS. Isthereanythingyouwantto add? Iknowthatafterschool,alot of students don’t have anything to do so I am considering to add some new after-school activity clubs whereyoucanplaychessand dosportsandsuch. Oscar,7C. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages TheParisAttacks riday November 13th 2015 there were severalattacksinParis. ThefirstattackwasatStade de France at 21.20. France andGermanywereplayinga football game when they heard explosions. A man with an explosive vest on tried to enter the stadium but the security found the bombs. The man backed away from the security and detonatedthebeltandkilled himselfandapersonnearby. F At 21.30, the same thing happened at another entrance. The French president François Hollande was watching the game and after the second explosion wastakentosafetyandthey had to have an emergency meeting. At 21.25, there were shootingsatabarcalledLe Carillon. The gunmen arrived in a black car at the back of the bar according to witnesses. The police later found the car abandoned. Witnesses say that the men then started shooting at the restaurant Le Petit Cambodge that is on the othersideofthe road. There were15peoplekilledandat least15peopleinjuredinthe attack at the restaurant and bar. At 21.32, there was another attack at some restaurants. Here, 5 people were killed. According to witnesses the gunmenweredrivingablack car. At 21.36, there were shooting at La Belle Equipe bar.Thegunmendrovetheir black car and started shooting at the terrace. A witness said that after they had shot, they jumped in their car and drove against Charonne station. Here, 19 people were killed and at least9wereinjured. At 21.40, another attacker killed himself with a suicide bomb at the restaurant Le Comptoir Voltaire. Another person was injured by the bomb. At 21.53, another gunman blew himself at a restaurant neartheStadedeFrance. 5 Free All three gunmen wore the samekindofvest. At 21.40, the biggest attack happened. It was at the big concert hall Bataclan where Eagles of Death Metal were playing. Three men shot at the crowd. Some people wereluckyenoughtoescape through an emergency exit and some escaped to the roof. Here, 89 people were killed and at least 99 people were taken to hospital. The concerthallwassoldoutand it has 1500 seats. A witness heard one of the gunmen blaming the French president for what happens in Syria. That was the first evidence that Paris was the targetofIslamists. At 22.15, the police arrived. The gunmen held the crowd hostage. At 00.20 one policeman shot one of the men and then the other two blewthemselves. Over 130 people died in Paristhatnightoftheattacks andhundredswereinjured. Isabella,6B,, The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages E-sport–sport ornot? f you did not know esports are basically people or teams playing video games against other players. They are playingtowinandonlysome games can be called an esport. It has to be multiplayerbecauseithasto be competitive. Games such a League of Legends, Dota2 and Starcraft are considered anesportandtheybelongto the MOBA genre. Shooting gamesalsohaveabigrolein esport games such as CounterStrikeGOandCallof Duty. But Counter Strike is most considered an e-sport fortheshootinggenre.There aremanyproteamsthatare competinginbig I tournaments with prize money and a trophy. The Tournaments for CSGO are notcreatedbyValve(creator of CSGO) itself but by other esportssiteswhileLeagueof Legends hosts their own tournaments. Many people have different thoughts about e-sports not being a sport. First we have to see what they have in common. E-sports and sport players need to have a strategy in order for them to succeed. They need to know how to play before they start playing. Everybody knows how to kick a football but you need to know the different tricks and strategies in order to win. The same goes for e-sports in order for you to win you need to know at least the basictricksandstrategies. 6 Free They both need great reaction time. Because you need to take fast actions before the opponent gets a chancetomakesomekindof counter. They do have their similarities but the main differenceisthefactthatthe e-sports players sit behind a screen and compete, which iswhypeoplegetmad.Sport players go out and play face against face. That is why people have different opinions about this, even though they are both aiming forthesamegoal,towin. So what do you think, sport or not? According to 63% think it is a sportand37%disagree. Dekan,9B. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free Video-Games TheteamatTheIESPaperhasreviewedforyousomeofthemostpopularvideo-gamesofthemoment. We rate Fallout 4 as a very exploring game. Its possibilities of Adventure and exploring are massive, and the fun never ends. A very good game for new adventurers.Aperfectsingle player game! Available on: PC, PS4 and XboxOne. Starcraft II, is an sequel of Starcraft. The game is all about thinking strategically anddoingtacticstowin against your opponents. It is a creative game with three gamemodes and three different heroes to choose between. Get into a game, and right after that you can jump into another one!An awesome tactic game, for all brains up for a challenge! Availableon:PC. A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build, is a very different game. It is all about building snowmans. Puzzle and explore your way through the snow to build a snowman with you little monster. The game itself is very special, but it is a bit trickyasfurtheryougo,and the game is not that long. Available on: IOS, Android andPC. Oskar,8F. 7 Just Cause 3 is a really good action/adventure game. You canflyanduseahelicopter. This game is awesome. You canuseaharpoonsoyoucan climb on hills. You can also fly with a parachute. If you want to, you can get some wings. The wings allow you to jump from where you want. You can jump from wherever you want. This game is a sister to MadMax. In Mad Max, you have to uppgradeyourcarandusea harpoon to open doors. You have to go to some districts to get to your home but you need to watch yourself. You will see some enemies. Just Cause is just a fun game. They made that game because pepole love to fly andexplodethings. Availableon:PS4,XboxOne, andPC. Sebastian,6F. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages TheElderScrolls History he Elder Scrolls is a well known title in the gaming industry and it has been around for 21yearsasof2015,mostof the games are developed by Bethesda and are categorized as an openworld role playing-game. Bethesda released the first ElderScrollsgamein1994,it was called ‘TheElderScrolls: Arena’, which wasn’t such a big success, but still attracted new players as the category open-world wasn’t very common in the 90s. After that came TES II : Daggerfall and TES III : Morrowind, it was at this time that the Elder Scrolls series started blowing up as Bethesda and games in general had become a lot more advanced, this was goodforespeciallytheopen- world games because you could do so much more. The latest official games developed by Bethesda are TESIV:OblivionandTESV: Skyrim,Oblivionwasafairly popular game for it’s time, but it wasn’t as big of a success as Morrowind. Skyrim on the other hand is easily the most successful T game in the whole series as it was released in 2012 and wasinalmostallwaysbetter than the sequels. Graphics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), while some may argue that the storyline still is beaten by some of the sequels, it was definitely a great game overall. In 2014 in April, the absolute newest TES game was released, the name of that game is TES : Online or ESO,shortened.Asyoucould probably already guess, it is an online game, it was developed by ZeniMax StudiosandnotbyBethesda and that is most likely why they made it online, because Bethesda has never developedanonlinegame. Gameplay Since the TES series falls underroleplaying-gameand open-world, there is definitely a lot of things to do. To start it all off, you create your own character and choose what race you want to be such as Nord, Argonian (lizard-like human) and Khajiit (cat-like human) after that you always need to do at least one quest in the main storyline and then you can reallygowhereveryou’dlike and follow the smaller storylinesorkeepgoingwith the main one. Every Elder Scrolls game has a unique leveling system so that everything won’t get too 8 Free easy or too hard. You level up by using certain abilities such as magic, armour and beingstealthandbyleveling them up those abilities also get better so that you can keepupwiththeenemies. Storyline All the games have different unique storylines and it would take too long to summarize them all so we willjustfocusonthenewest Bethesda developed game, because most people will recognize it. It all starts off with you being sent to an execution for illegally crossingaborderandjustas youareabouttobeexecuted, a dragon by the name of Alduin flies above you and spews fire at everything around you and you need to escape with other prisoners to safety. After escaping to the large capital of Skyrim calledWhiterun,youneedto tellthekingofwhatyousaw and soon you go onto slay a dragonjusttolearnthatyou aretheDragonborn,aspecial person who can absorb the soul of dragons and thus savetheworld. Oscar,7C. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages StarWars Battlefront The most anticipated video game of the year. AvailableonXboxOne,PS4 4 and PC, this is the third Battlefront game in the Star Wars universe and is nowissuedbyEA. efore I start talking aboutthegameitself,I am going talk about the 50$ DLC, only 10$ cheaper than the actual game. If you don`t know what DLC is it stands for “downloadable content” and it gives developers the opportunity to put more content into a game after its release. This might sound good for everybody but this can make developers cut some of the game out and sellittousinstead. B FighterSquadron Now i will start with the game. Star Wars Battlefront is a multiplayer shooter where players compete in matches with up to 20 players in each team. The aimsistotakecontrolofthe galaxywithoutevergoingto space. Let’s start with the modewhereyouflyvehicles, calledFighterSquadron. In order to win this mode your team must fly around and eliminate more of the opposing team. You can also beaherooravillainandthe herointhismodeisHanSolo andhisshipisTheMillenium Falcon. The Villain is Bobba Fett and his spacecraft the Slave.Ifyougetoneofthose ships you get 20 free kills because those ships have so much armor and are really strong. The rebels have two ships to choose from and they are the X-Wing and the 9 Free A-Wing. The A-Wingisabit faster but the X-Wing has better weapons. The imperial ships are pretty much the same and are worse than the rebels ships. The ships are the TIE fighter or the TIE Interceptor. The controls areeasy.Ifyouseesomeone do a speedy backflip they don’t have skill they just pressedabutton. Walkerassault The Games main mode is walkerassault,whichisa20 vs. 20 battle on only four maps. After one hour, you have seen all of the maps. The mode is from the battle on Hoth where rebels are trying to defend their base from AT-AT walkers. When the rebellion has taken out theAT-ATs,theywinbutthe Empirewillwin8/10walker assault matches. In this and almost every mode you can also get 20 free kills by findingablueballandifyou are lucky, it’s a hero or villain and you can become LukeSkywalker,HanSoloor Leia.FortheEmpire,youcan be Darth Vader, The EmperororBobbaFett.How The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages to win if you are with the empireisthatyouInorderto win with the Empire, you needtomakesuretheuplink stations are offline and kill rebelsuntiltheAT-ATcomes anddestroystheRebelbase. Uplinks are small radio towersandiftherebelskeep them active they can call YWings who come and damage the walkers and then all the rebels can damage the AT-AT. Nothing can damage an AT-AT until the uplink stations are up andtheY-Wingshavecome. Heroesvs.Villains This is a 6 vs. 6 game mode where 3 players in each teams are villains or heroes. The Rebels have Han Solo, LukeSkywalkerandLeiaand 3 normal infantry units that get killed easily. The Empire haveBobbaFett,DarthVader and the Emperor with 3 infantryunits.Ifyoudie,you canrespawnasaheroguard. TherebelsgetHonorGuards and the Empire gets Shock troopersbuttheyareweaker than heroes but have more health and better weapons thaninfantryunits.Whenall the villains or heroes are dead the other side wins. This might be the most fun modeinthegame. OtherModes Therearesomeothermodes thatarenotthatgood.There are more maps for these modes but they are just cut out pieces of the big walker assault maps. They are team deathmatch that is called Blast and it’s pretty bad. Then there is Hero hunt whereoneplayeristhehero andgetstokilleveryoneand feellikeaboss.Supremacyis that there are 5 control points and your team must first capture the first, the second and so on until you drive the enemy off the planet. It’s a fun mode but notsospecial. Then there is cargo mode whereyoucapturecargoand defend your own. It’s capture the flag with a differentname. ThelastmodeiscalledDroid run where you need to get controlover3droids. Star Cards, Guns and PowerUps Instead of inventory you have star cards and you get those by playing the game and buying them with credits you earn. But some areclearlybetterthanothers like the pulse cannon. It is a one shot sniper rifle or homing shot and it follows the enemy. The guns are laser blasters in this game and there are s only 11 of them. The last gun you get canbeboughtfor10$andby buying it you get it instantly instead of playing the game. Powerupsareblueballsthat give you extra stuff in battle and you can also get cool vehicles like AT-ST or an 10 Free awful speeder bike that crashes you in hilarious ways.Ialwaystriedtorunto apowerupearlyinthegame becausethat’swhenyoucan get cool vehicle or heroes but there is ALWAYS someone that spawns 10 meter in front of me and always gets the cool power ups and that is really annoying. Thesmallsingleplayer There is a small bit of single player with the awful training mode where you fly X-Wings, AT-ST ,Speeder bikes, snowspeeders or just running on the ground. Nobodyshoulddothismode , it is not worth it. There is survival where you and a friend survive against 15 waves of enemies. Then there is hero battle or normal battle where you fight against your friend using heroes or just normal infantry units. This mode shouldbeplayedifyouhave afriendwithyou. Overall Thegameismediocreandit will probably get better for those who get the DLC because there is going to be somuchmorecontentwhen it comes out. The game is mainly aimed at Star Wars fans. It is fun for maybe 10 hoursbutnotmore. Emil,6F. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free Cinema Atasteofsomehighlyexpectedupcomingmoviesandtheteam’sreviews. FindingDory hat can she remember? Who are her parents? And where did she learn to speakwhale? Finding Dory takes place six months after Finding Nemo, Dory suddenly remembers herchildhoodmemories.She rememberssomethingabout “the jewel of Monterey, California”. Accompanied by Nemo and Marlin, she sets out to find her family. She arrives at the Monterey Marine Life institute, where she meets Bailey, a white belugawhale.Shealsomeets Destiny, a whale shark and Hank the octopus, who becomesherguide. W In July 2005 it was reported that Andrew Stanton was creatingasequelforFinding Nemo, with Victoria Strouse writing the script. However the same day that the news broke about a potential sequel, the director Andrew Stantonpostedamessageon his personal Twitter about the news being fake. Years later,September2012,itwas confirmed by Andrew Stanton that there would be asequel. In February 2013 it was confirmed by press that Albert Brooks will be taking overtheroleofMarlininthe sequel. Also April 2013 the sequel,FindingDory,was announced by Disney. In November25th2015,itwas 11 confirmed that Ellen DeGeneres and Albert Brooks would replay their rolesasDoryandMarlin. Ellen DeGeneres had a long campaign on her talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres show aboutwantingasequel. DeGeneresstated: “Ihavewaitedforthisdayfor a long, long, long, long, long, long time. I know that the people at Pixar were busy creatingToyStory16.Butthe time they took was worth it. The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one, it’s got a lot of heart, it’s really funny, and the best part is- it’s got a lot moreDory” On September 18th 2013, it was announced that the moviewouldbepushedback toaJune17th,2016premier. Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur wasmovedtotheNovember 25th, 2015 slot to allow more time for production of thefilm. In August 2015, at Disney’s bigmeetingaboutthemovie about the sequel, it was announced that Hayden Rolence would voice Nemo, replacing Alexander Gould fromthefirstmovie. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Don’t forget to keep your eyes open for more information about Finding Dory. It will be out in cinemas on June 17th 2016, gowatchit,it’llbegreat. Maja,8A. Avatar2 he first avatar movie was very good, it had somegreat3Deffects foritstimeofrelease(2009) and the movie was very appreciated by sci-fi fans. Thereisnotrailerjetbutitis confirmedthemovieisbeing released 2017. James cameronhaveputalmost 2.7 billion us dollars on this movie. For James’ sake this moviebetterbegood.... T ”You don’t vote forkings” Oldie but goodie, here is the team’s review of the Monty Pythonclassic,MontyPython andtheHolyGrail. onty Python and the Holy Grail starts of withkingArthurand his servant galloping across a field and reaching a castle. At least that's how it was supposed to go if the movie could afford horses, so it actuallyisArthurpretending M to ride a horse while his servant runs behind him banging coconuts. They arriveatacastle,Arthurasks if there is anyone willing to join him as a knight of the round table . After a discussion about swallows and coconuts they send him awayandnoknight.Then,he recruits his Knights of the Round Table: Sir Bedevere the Wise, Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Galahad the Pure, Sir Robin the Not-Quite-SoBrave-As-Sir-Lancelot, and the aptly named Sir Notappearing-in-this-film. On the way, Arthur battles the Black Knight who heedlessly ignores his wounds and continues to fight, saying “ ‘tisbutascratch”. The knights reach Camelot, but following a song-anddance cutaway, Arthur decidesnottoenter,because " 'tis a silly place". They are instructedbyGodtoseekthe HolyGrail. I can't think of another moviethatmademelaughso muchinsuchlittletime.Ido not want to say any more abouttheplotinordernotto spoil the movie (even though it is quite old), so I amjustgoingtosaythis: 12 Free YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS FILM. George,7E. Kung Fu Panda hestoryisabouta lazy,fatpandacalled Po.Heisworking withhisdadinnoodleshop. Polikeskungfuanddreams tobeakungfumaster.Po's dreambecomesrealitywhen hestudieskungfualongside hisidols,thelegendary FuriousFive:Monkey, Tigress,Mantis,Viperand Crane.Tailungescapesfrom aprisonandPoistheonly onecapableoffightinghim... SequelsincludeKungFu Panda2,wherePoisknown astheDragonWarriorand hastolearnabouthisorigins todefeathisnewenemies andKungFuPanda3. Abdullahi,7D. T The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free Sports LatestresultsandinformationaboutthemostsuccessfulteamsinEurope. That is the most interesting games of the upcoming round of 16 in the ChampionsLeague. My guess is Arsenal 0-3 Barcelonaonaggregate. Champions League round of 16Draw Chelsea vs. Paris Saint Germain hesameteamsaslast years’ round of 16 battle again but with Chelsea almost in a relegation spot in Premier League and PSG dominating the French League 1 so Zlatan and the rest of PSG have an advantage against JoseMourhino’sside. T My guess is PSG 3-1 Chelsea onaggregate. Juventus vs. Bayern Munchen Probably the most interesting draw of them all when Juventus goes up against the Bayern machine. Bayern owns the Bundesliga with almost no competition andtheyareinfirstplace.As for Juventus, it’s another story as they started the seasonpoorlyandhavesince then tried to get back to the top spot of the league. Bayern Munchen are probably going to win both ofthegames. MyguessisBayernMunchen 4-2Juventusonaggregate. Arsenalvs.Barcelona Barcelona is most likely to win both of the games but with Arsenal playing well in almost every game in the Premierleaguewillmakefor an interesting game but Messi, Suarez and Neymar up front for Barcelona will give Arsenal a lot of problems. Barcelona has a much better team and they aremostlikelytoprogressto thequarterfinal. 13 Good weekend/Bad weekend ood weekend/ Bad weekend is about the teams who are strugglingandthosewhoare thriving in the Bundesliga, LigaBBVAandSerieA. G Goodweekend Dortmund has been great thisseasonandis2ndinthe german Bundesliga and almost no hope of winning the league and nobody will probably take Dortmund’s second spot in the league, which means the new first place in the league is to the team who is in 3rd place since Bayern and Dortmund aredominating.Theywon41againstFrankfurt. Badweekend RealMadridisfallingbackin the title race for the Liga BBVA while Barcelona and Atletico Madrid are going The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages ahead. Real Madrid had another poor game against Villarealwhentheylost1-0. scored2goalsandmadethis game something Barcelona wantstoforget. Goodweekend Juventus started the season of with loses but are now chargingforfirstplaceinthe leaguewitha3-1winagainst Fiorentina who are also in thetop5. Goodweekend Bayer Leverkusen won 5-0 against Monchengladbach. Hernandez scored a hattrick and are making Manchester United regret they sold him. Gladbach is not a bad team andwereundefeatedintheir last 10 games and is in 4th place while Leverkusen is in 5thplace. Badweekend Roma and Napoli are in the top 5 of the Serie A with Roma who had a good season but has started to draw most of their matches anddroppedtothefifthspot in the league while Napoli are 3rd in the league.Roma and Napoli played against each other and the boring and disappointing game endedwith0-0. Goodweekend Bayern Munchen won against Ingolsdat with goals fromthegoalmachineRobert Lewandowski and Philipp Lahm. They continue to dominatetheleagueandwill winiftheycontinuelikethis. Goodweekend AthleticoMadridhadatough game against Athletic Bilbao buttheywonandare2ndin Liga BBVA right after Barcelona. BadWeekend Barcelona was leading 2-0 against Deportivo and everyone thought the win wasinthebagbutDeportivo Goodweekend Hertha BSC won 4-0 against Darmstadt and has been greatintheleagueandwent from a bottom league team to a really good team this season. Goodweekend Inter had an easy game against Udinese and smashed them 4-0 and their great form does not seem to stop.Theyareleagueleaders intheitalianSerieA. Thatisallfromthisweekend offootball. Emil,6F. PremierLeague n Premier League, this season it has not been how people thought it wouldbe.Thesurpriseteam, Leicestercityisonthetopof the table! Another reason is I 14 Free that the last Premier League winners Chelsea is on sixteenthplaceinthetable! Leicester City is in fantastic form, they won against Swansea with 3-0, against Newcastle with 3-0 and againstChelseawith2-1! Chelsea is in very bad form because they lost against verybadteamslikeLeicester 2-1 and Bournemouth 1-0 and they played a draw 0-0 with Tottenham. When Chelsea lost against LeicesterCity,Mourinhowas angry and said that Diego Costa had forgotten how to play forward and that Hazard’s injury was not that serious. He said that he was betrayedbyhisownplayers. In the Premier League table like I told you Leicester city is on first place and Arsenal is second. Arsenal has fast players like Theo Walcott and their young defender HectorBellerin. Arsenal has bought the old but experienced keeper Peter Cech. Last year, Arsenal bought Alexis Sanchez that did a fantastic season 2014/15 and started good2015/16. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages At third place we have Manchester City that has been very active on the transferslastsummer. They have bought the fantastic defender Nicolas Otamendi for 32 million euros and the young pace and dribbling talent Raheem Sterling for 50 million euros and the last and most expensive is Kevin De Bruyne that was the assist king in Bundesliga. Manchestercity bought him for 72 million euros! On fourth place, we have Manchester United but most people think that United does not play well because they play boring and defensivefootball. Like Manchester City, Man United has also been active in the transfers, they have bought dribbling skilled players like Anthony Martial and Memphis Depay.They havealsoboughttheBayern Munchen star Bastian Schweinsteiger. That was all about Premier League. Jonathan,6D. AneyeonBayern Munchen Bayern’sbestmoments he best Bayern moments were when they won the European Cup (Champions league) three times in a row in the years 1974,1975 and 1976. In 2013 Bayern won the treble, which happens if youwinthedomesticleague and cup and Champions league. T WhatBayernhaswon Bayern have the most Bundesligatitlesofallteams with their 25 trophies and 17 DFB pokals and the DFB pokal is Germany’s domestic football cup. They have won fiveChampionsLeaguetitles. Legends Bayern a lot of legends but herearejustafew. The most well known is FranzBeckenbauerwhowas the captain of FCB for 7 years between 1970-1977 and won 3 Champions Leagues and is called Der Kaiser(TheEmperor)andhe got the name from his style 15 Free of play, leadership and dominanceonthefield. Lothar Mattheus is another legendwhowon4CLtitles,4 Bundesliga titles and twice liftedtheDFBpokal. He was a great midfielder who was named best player intheworldtwice. New players in summer 2015transferwindow. Douglas Costa 30 million euros Arturo Vidal 35 million euros Kingsley Coman on loan fromJuventus SvenUlreichFREE Goalkeepers Bayern has 4 goalkeepers in their squad. World class goalkeeper Manuel Neuer is currently the world’s best goalkeeper and has won pretty much everything a club can win with Bayern. Bayern also has old but experienced Tom Starke. 27 years old Sven Ulreich was bought from Stuttgart this season. The goalkeeper that playsthemostisNeuer. Defenders Bayern has a few of the world’s best defenders like JeromeBoatengandBayerns currentcaptainPhillipLahm. Bayerns defense when everyoneisfitisverystrong. The best defenders are Jerome Boateng who is fast and plays as a central defender next to Medhi The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Benatia and left defender most often is David Alaba butheandMedhiBenatia are injured. Right defenderiscaptainPhillip Lahm. Another great defender is Javi Martinez whoalsoisinjuredandhe is Bayern’s most expensivesigningever.Some of the more average defenders like Juan Bernat,Rafinha and Jan Kirchoff are starting more games because of all the injuries. If everyone is fit they line up like this in defense.Adefenderthatwas injured for two years was Holger Badstuber but he is finallybackathisbest. Midfielders Bayernhasoneyoungsterin midfield that often plays whenothersareinjuredand this is Joshua Kimmich. 22 year old World Cup winner Mario Gotze is currently the only injured midfielder. Bayern only has one benchwarmer at midfield and his name is Sebastian Rodewhocandogood things but he is not as good as the other midfielders. ThiagoAlcantaraisgoodand he is 24 years old and he switches between starting games and being on the benchbutthisseasonThiago has been great and he has started a lot of games becauseofGotzesinjury.The people who dominate Bayernsmidfieldandusually play there are Xabi Alonso whobeatarecordinhisfirst game at Bayern with the most touches on the ball in one game. Arturo Vidal who playedatJuventusinSerieA and became one of the world’s best players and he is now playing at Bayern where he has been really good. Then there is World CupwinnerMarioGotzewho isinjuredbutheisgreatand when he plays is a great additiontoanyteam. Wingers Bayern might have the world’sbestlineupofworld class wingers in their team. Bayern has at most 4 wingers and they are all world class. The most famousonesareRobbenand Ribery and both are around 32 years old and they have been playing at Bayern for a long time and together they have been named “Robberry”. They are great players but Ribery is often injuredanddoesnotplayas much anymore. Robben is one of the world’s best players and he still plays a lot at Bayern but he is currently injured. The other two are new at Bayern and 16 Free they are Douglas Costa who is really really fast with his feet and when he is running. He was signed from Shaktar Donetsk for 30 million euros. He has beengreatandnobodycan stop him this season at Bayernandhewasthebest signing at this summer transfer window. The last option is Kingsley Coman whoisonly19yearsoldbut world class and he has played at PSG, Juventus and nowBayern.Comanisreally fast but he is only on a loan from Juventus but when the loan expires Bayern can buy himfor20millioneuros. Strikers Bayern has two great strikers and two youngsters. The youngsters are Julian Green and Sinan Kurt. Bayern’s best striker is Robert Lewandowski who thisseasonscored5goalsin nine minutes. That’s a big record.Hegotfourguinness world record awards for scoring 5 in 9. Thomas Muller is Bayern’s comedian and he often tells jokes but he is a great footballer and can play striker,midfielder andwinger. Emil,6F. The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages FCBarcelona arcelona was unstoppable the season 2014/15. Becausetheywonthetribble that means that they won LigaBBVA,CopadelReyand UEFA Champions league. Barcelona has a very good squad but Luis Enrique always reaches higher and buysnewplayers. B Goalkeepers Barcelona has two world class goalkeepers .One of them is Marc Andre Ter Stegen and the other one is Claudio bravo. Ter stegen playsforGermanyandBravo plays for Chile. Another goalkeeper that does not playsomuchisJordiMasip. Defenders In the defense Barcelona is verygood.RightbackisDani Alves, he is a very good defender and he is also skillful. Left back is Jordi Albawithlightningpaceand a good defender. Central defenderisJavierMascerano he is a very smart defender. The other one is Gerard Pique, he is a strong defenderwithgoodtackles. Midfielders Midfield is one of Barcelona’s strongest side, Barcelona has very smart and technical midfielders with an eye for the game. Xavi Hernandez and Andres Iniestaplaywelltogether. Attack Barcelona has a wonderful attacking trio With Messi Suarez and Neymar. They play so smart together and they are not playing egoistically. They are are also individually good. Left wingerNeymarisyoungand very very skillful and can playwithbothfeetandheis alsonominatedtotheballon d’or 2016. Striker is Luis Suarez and maybe the best striker in the world. He is strong, hard shooting and a clinical finisher. Right winger is Lionel Messi the genius world class football player. Messi is the best football player in the world because he has fantastic techniqueandhehastheball so close to his feet. Messi Suarez and Neymar is the besttrioBarcelonaeverhad. ElClasico Real Madrid have always been Barcelona’s biggest rivals in La Liga and every time they are playing a match against each other, it isarealfightforthevictory. Last El Clasico, Barcelona won against Real madrid with 4-0 at Santiago Bernabeu.InElClasicoMessi and Ronaldo are often very active and score goals and it 17 Free isalwaysarivalry,butMessi haswonmoreBallonsd’or. Jonathan,6D. Basketball, youknow? did t was on December 15, 1891 that James Naismith introduced the first version of the sport basketball. Within two weeks, using a soccer ball, two peach baskets, a ladder and ten written rules he created the sport, after he was asked to come up with an indoor game to keep the students active during the severe New England winter. This exciting game spread quickly through American Universitiesinthebeginning of the 1900. James himself only played it a handful of times but lived long enough to see his sport become international, making its Olympic debut in 1936. In 1891 the first professional league was founded. The National Basketball League containedsixteams.In1949, almost 60 years later the National Basketball Association or more known as the NBA was founded. Since then basketball has been a beloved sport through the whole wide world. Henrik,9F. I The IES Paper IssueNr.1 Eskilstuna,Sweden─ThursdayDecember17,StudentChoice2015─18pages Free Comic-strips ByGeorge,7E. The IES Paper Theeditorialteam: Isabella,6B,Sebastian,6F,Emil,6F,Jonathan,6D,Oscar,7C,George,7E,Maja,8A,Oskar,8F, Dekan,9B,Henrik,9F. Supervisedby: Mr.Duchêne 18