ADVERTS 1950s - St Edwards College Magazines
ADVERTS 1950s - St Edwards College Magazines
l Choir r fy I )erV<?YS' Oui~t~ SEND FOR CATALOGUE. BRO""NE BO""ES 22 RICHMOND STREET Tel~rams " VESTMENTS " LIVERPOOL I. Telephone ROYAL 3162 WINES SPIRITS BEERS FOR YOUR PARTY WILLIAM GUINAN & CO. LTD. 15 SLATER STREET, LIVERPOOL, I. Telephone ROYal 7628-9 DAILY DELIVERIES • • • • • • • • • ON • • • • • • • THE • • SPOT • • FOR • • YOUR LOCAL NEWS! VIEWS! THE CATHOLIC PICTORIAL Official Newspaper of The Archdiocese of Liverpool 39 Stafford Stre~t. Liverpool 3 Associate Editor - Rev. Honsi,nor Cyril Taylor Telephone: NORth 2855 PICTURES! 1,000,000 plus More than one millioll Catholics read The Universe and Catholic Times every week. They find it filled with news from all parts of the world, pictures, picture feat~res, informative articles and pages for every member of the family. A special Merseyside edition every week gives all the Catholic news for Liverpool and district. If you are not in the 1,000,000 plus class buy a copy this week and see for yourself. THE UNIVERSE and CATHOLIC TIMES Printed in Liverpool for Catholics everywhere JOSEPH KENNAN LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR LIVERPOOL ST. HELENS 93 DALE STREET CHURCH STREET Tel. CENTRAL 4706 Tel. 2348 Established over 70 years McLAINES DIAMOND MERCHANTS PAY HIGH PRICES FOR OLD AND MODERN JE\VELLERY AND SILVERWARE 17 RICHMOND STREET, LIVERPOOL 1 Tel. ROYal 1516 COLOUR PHOT06RAPHYby ORBIT WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN BLACK AND WffiTE AND COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY May we quote you for your Wedding Groups~ Commercial and Industrial Photography WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE AT ALL TIMES Tel. BOOTLE 3283 ORBIT PHOTOGRAPHIC PRODUCTS LTD. 423/427 STANLEY ROAD (Macbeth Street) KIRKDALE, LIVERPOOL 20 Telephone CENtral 7810. FOUNDED 1900. T. R. JONES & CO. 145 DALE (Liverpool) LTD. STREET, L I V ER P 0 0 L I 2. Clerical and Civil Tailors. CONTRACTORS Colleges and Institutions. MANUFACTURERS OF Clerical Clothing and Outfitting. COLLEGE BLAZERS, BADGES & CAPS IN COLOURS. ESTIMATES AND SAMPLES FREE. CURRY & PAXTON, LTD., DISPENSING OPTICIANS An Old Established Catholic House A number of specially designed frames in a variety of materials is available for school and sports use, and we suggest that an unsplinterable glass be used in making up the lenses to the Ophthalmic Surgeon's prescription. 8 Engaged in the Manufacture and Supply of Superior CHURCH CANDLES AND ALL OTHER CHURCH REQUISITES HARDMAN STREET LIVERPOOL 1 ENQUIRIES ARE INVITED Telephone-Royal 5572/3. 30/38 Vernon St., Liverpool 16 TEMPEST HEY 465 RICE LANE, AINTREE Weekdays 9-5 p.rn, Hayes &Finch, Ltd. Tel.: CENtral 3114 Saturdays 9-1 p.m. And at LONDON, GLASGOW and MANCHESTER Telephone CENtral 7810. FOUNDED 1900. T. R. JONES & CO. (Liverpool) LTD. CLERICAL AND CIVIL TAILORS Contractors Colleges and Institutions College Blazers~ Badges &; Caps in eolou,.s Manufacturers of Clerical Clothing and Outfitting ESTIMATES AND SAMPLES FREE. 145 DALE STREET, L I V ER P 0 0 L 2. I THE LAST SERVICE. The Firm of Daly & Co., Ltd., is one of the oldest yet the most modern Funeral Service in Liverpool and Bootle. For nearly fifty years, it has rendered a useful duty to the community, unfailing in tact and courtesy, efficient and painstaking. PRICES ARE ALWAYS MODERATE. DALY & CO., LTD. LIVERPOOL'S LEADING FUNERA L DIRECTORS. 346/348 SCOTLAND ROAD, LIVERPOOL. 261 MARSH LANE, BOOTLE. Tel.: NORTH 0991. Tel.: BOOTLE 3198. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. "LEYCOTT" SCHOOL STRICTLY CLOTHING ~OLESALE (REGD.) WE specialise in all classes of School Clothing} which we manufacture in our Factory at Leeds} under Co-parmership conditions. Blazers, Caps, Silk Ties, Hat Bands, Football Jerseys, Physical'Training Outfits. c. G. SOUTHCOTT (CO.PARTNERSHIP) LTD. Telephone: 28456-7 Leeds. Established over Telegrams: "Canvas}" Leeds. 70 years. LEYTON MILLS, HUNSLET, LEEDS 10 A. R. SMITH, High-class Family Butcher 114, TOWN. ROW, WEST DERBY, 12. Telephone: STOneycroft 4289 Orders called for and promptly delivered. Home-made Beef and Pork Sausages a Speciality. TAYLOR BROS.(Liverpool) LTD. IRONMONGERS AND TOOL DEALERS. We have Good Stocks of all the Best Makes of Tools for GARDENERS AND TECHNICIANS AND AMATEURS, HANDYMEN. 5, PRESCOT STREET, LIVERPOOL, 7, Est. 1839. 'Phone: ANF. 1359. J. B. DEY, M.P.S., F.S.M.C. Consulting Optician, 621, Prescot Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. (On same block as Curzon Cinema.) Telephone: STONEY-CROFT 4010. All Classes of Optical Work carried out. Oculists' Prescriptions Dispensed We have the widest range of new and second-hand text books on all subjects A. E. PARRY & 23-25, BROWNLOW HILL, co., LIVERPOOL, 3 Tel.: ROYAL 1632. J JACK SHARP LTD. Expert Sports Outfitters Suppliers of Sports Equipment to St. Edward's College 36 ..38, WHITECHAPEL, THE ALBANY, OLD HALL ST., LIVERPOOL 1 LIVERPOOL 3 Telephone: ROYAL 4793 Telephone: CENTRAL 4120 MORATH BROTHERS FAMOUS FOR CLOCKS AND WATCHES FOR OVER 100 YEARS 8 DAY AND ELECTRIC CLOCKS FOR DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL USE . BAROMETERS IN OAK, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY BEST POSSIBLE VALUE IN DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS, GOLD OR PLATINUM WEDDING RINGS SIGNET RINGS, BANGLES, CHARMS, Etc. CENTRE SECOND STOP WATCHES FOR SPORTS, LABORATORIES, Etc. LADY'S & GENT'S WRIST WATCHES WITH ACCURATE 15 JEWELLED MOVEMENTS CUPS" MEDALS, PENCILS, BAROMETERS, CUTLERY, ETC. FOR PRIZES MORATH BROTHERS, GOLD AND SILVERSMITHS AND JEWELLERS 71, Dale Street, Liverpool, 2. Te:ephone: CENTRAL 1339 Open Saturdays until 1 p.m. Old Gold, Jewellery, Silver, etc. bought for cash or taken in exchange HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN THE 6BOWIN6 BEMAND HANSON~S MILI( In Horne Brothers wellappointed shop you may vie"w a t your leisure a whole range of Blazers, Suits, Shirts, Hose, Shoes, Caps-everything a young man wears. HORNE BROTHERS ·LIMITED 77/79 Dale Street, LIVERPOOL Telephone: Central 4979 TAYLOR BROS.{Liverpool) LTD. i' t : IRONMONGERS AND TOOL DEALERS. We have Good Stocks of all the Best Makes of Tools for GARDENERS AND AMATEURS, TECHNICIANS AND HANDYMEN. : 5, PRESCOT STREET, LIVERPOOL, 7, E.t. 1839. 'Phone: ANF. 1359. J. B. DEY, M.P.S., F.S.M.C. Consulting Optician, 621, Prescot Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. (On same block 'as Curzon Cinema.) Telephone: STONEYCROFT 4010. All Classes of Optical Work carried out. Oculists' Prescriptions Dispensed We recommend our readers to support our Advertisers who support us in the publication of the Magazine. We can guarantee the quality of their goods. . PHILIP, SON & NEPHEW, LTD. (Founded 1834) English and Foreign Booksellers Stationers and Artists' Colourmel1 EDUCATIONAL AND MEDICAL BOOKS SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL BOOKS MAPS, ATLASES AND GUIDE BOOKS • The Latest Novels and Plays always in Stock BOOK TALLIES & BOOK TOKENS SOLD AND EXCHANGED Central Premises-7 Whitechapel, Liverpool New Extension-5 & 7 BUTTON STREET I . Telephone: CENTRAL 0246 0247 & 0248 University Book Room-3 Bedford Street North, Liverpool 7 Telephone ROYAL 2663 HUNT & BROADHURST LTD., School Stationery. Manufacturers and Patentees of the (( Loxonian)" (( Loxon " and ((; Loxit" Loose-leaf Exercise Book) Binders) etc . IDEAL WORKS •• •• . OXFORD. CURRY & PAXTON, LTD., DISPENSING OPTICIANS An Old Established Catholic House A number of specially designed frames in a variety of materials is availablefor school and sports use, and we suggest that an unsplinterable glass be used in making up the lenses to the Ophthalmic Surgeon's prescription. 8 HARDMAN STREET LIVERPOOL 1 Telephone-Royal 5572/3. 16 TEMPEST HEY 465 RICE LANE, AINTREE Weekdays 9-5 p.rn Hayes & Finch, Ltd. Saturdays 9-1 p.m. Engaged in the Manufacture and Supply of Superior CHURCH CANDLES AND ALL OTHER CHURCH REQUISITES ENQUIRIES ARE INVITED 30/38 Vernon St., Liverpool Tel.: CENtral 3114 And at LONDON, GLASGOW and MANCHESTER CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY, AIR MINISTRY, MINISTRY OF SUPPLY, ETC. WINSTANLEY & LAMBERT LTD. Electrical;, Radio and Mechanical Engineers Head Office and Works: 30-36 PARK LANE, LIVERPOOL I Telephone: ROYal 2507/8 45.47 EDGE LANE, LIVERPOOL 7. 8 ENDBUTT LANE, CROSBY, LIVERPOOL 23. Telephone: ANField 2030/1 Telephone: Gt. Crosby 2263 Quality costs less at COSTIGAN'S POPULAR STORES Branches throughout Liverpool and District WILLIAM COSTIGAN & SONS LTD., 86/96 HIGHFIELD STREET, LIVERPOOL 3 Multiple Provision Merchants Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Food Distributors INSTITUTIONS, CANTEENS AND HOTELS SUPPLIED ENQUIRIES INVITED. Telephones: Head Office CENtral 4456/7/8 A. E. PARRY & co., Educational and General Booksellers_ NEW and SECOND-HAND APPROXIMATELY A QUARTER OF A MILLION TEXT..BOOKS ALWAYS IN S1OCK-ALL SUBJECTS. 23.25, BROWNLOW HILL, LIVERPOOL, 3 (THE SHOP UNDER THE CLOCK). Tel.: ROY AI". 1632. Nos. 4, 4a and 40 Cars pass the door. TAYLOR BROS.(Liverpool) LTD. IRONMONGERS AND TOOL DEALERS. We have Good Stocks of all the Best Makes of Tools for GARDENERS AND AMATEURS, TECHNICIANS AND HANDYMEN. 5, PRESCOT STREET, LIVERPOOL, 7, Est. 1839. 'Phone: ANF. 1359. HUNT & BROADHURST LTD. School OXfORD Stationery. and ((Loxit)J Loose Leaf Exercise Book, Binders, etc. Manufacturers and Patentees of the ((Loxonian " (CLoxon " SERIES IDEAL WORKS OXFORD, •• •• We have the widest range of new and second-hand text books on all subjects A. E. PARRY & 23-25, BROWNLOW HILL, Tel.: ROYAL 1632. co., LIVERPOOL, 3 Travel by LAND SEA AIR For your business or holiday requirements consult:- E. E. lEWIS (liverpool) ITO. 434/436 QUEENS DRIVE STONEYCROFT LIVERPOOL Telephone: STONEYCROFT 1269 . 13 NO BOOKING FEE Quality costs less at . COSTIGAN'S POPULAR STORES Branches throughout Liv;erpoo/ and District WI LLIAM COSTIGAN & SONS LTD., 86/96 HIGHFIELD STREET, LIVERPOOL, 3 Multiple Provision Merchants Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Food Distributors INSTITUTIONS, CANTEENS AND HOTELS SUPPLIED ENQUIRIES INVITED. Tel~phones: Head Office CE Ntral 4456/7/8 liTO PARRY" "PARRY, v.t. Ward off,· avert (weapon, blow, awkward question)" and also the meaning missed by THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY To Sell Books as in 113 ~() ~() 11\~ 4• •• LIVERPOOL • I 49 HARDMAN STREET • lao BROWNLOW HILL • LIVERPOOL • I ROYal 1458 ALLENS (DISINFECTANTS) LTD. THE SOAPERY, LEAR ROAD, LIVERPOOL, 7. LIQUID SOAP (all grades) • • • •• • • • • • • • .,.tppollflnlfflllG lH, M(Jj,.~·11 ,hl QUC17I 'i,'q"Uil MtllfJJtll,·IWf",. C"" " C"",,",,:I Lilll/w .. KREDIS" FLUID • ANTISEPtiC SPRAY PINE SANITARY FLUID .. FLlTDUST If SANITARY SWEEPING COMPOUND BAR. SOFT and TOILET SOAPS RED INDIAN PUMICE SOAP FLOOR .POLISHES "SUNRAY" METAL POLISH II MAKERS OF FINE BISCUITS IN CARLISLE FOR 132 YEARS ZIP" SCOURING POWDER ALLEN'S SUPER CLEANSER SYNTHETIC DETERGENTS 'phone - Stoneycroft 4218 CARR AND COMPANY LIMITED· CARLISLE . Gallenkamp STUDENTS' BALANCES • ACCURATE • INEXPENSIVE • ROBUST • WELL FINISHED Ple.s. write for our Balance List qallenLClm~ SUPPLY THE WORLD'S LABORATORIES A. GALLENKAMP (Northern) " CO. LTD. 'Victoria House . Widnes Tel. WIDNES 2040 ADVENTURE··AND A CAREER The Regular Army offers you the adventure, variety and comradeship of a fine service spread over the world's most exciting places. '- ROYAL SIGNALS With these go free training and every opportunity for progress in your chosen career as a member of either a fighting unit or a specialist corps. INFANTRY There are openings for school Ie avers and young men and women up to 30 years of age. ,;=--~= ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS Full details from Major G. B. Duffy, Army Information Office, 96 London Road, Liverpool 3. Tel: Royal 2757. )bUR OWN NEWS, SfbRr, VIEWS, AND PICTLARE==9 F'RESENTEO fN A WAY )t:)u WILL UKE. THE NEW : ./ CATHOLIC.. PICTORIAL APPEARING . Associate Editor - LATE' SUMMER Rev. Monsignor Cyril Taylor Telephones:STON EYCROFT 5391/2 after hours: CHlldwall 7558 FAIRFIELD HAULAGE co. LTD. . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . REFRIGERATED HAULAGE CONTRACTORS Directors: M. E. SAMPSON MICHAEL E. SAMPSON STANLEY MEAT MARKET LIVERPOOL 13 TELE.PHONE: 20595 SHEFFIELD TELE.GRAMS: .. GENDERS 20595 SHEFFIELD" W. H. GENDERS l"rD . TIMBER IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS COLLIERY REQUIREMENTS IN ALL CLASSES OF TIMBER BOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MAPPIN BUILDINGS NORFOLK STREET SHEFFIELD I SERVOHEAT (S: A. Gibb) HOME HEATINB CHURCH HEATING FACTORY HEATING SCHOOL HEATINB INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE CONVERSIONS SERVICE OIL BAS • SOLID FUEL • ELECTRICITY Enquire about our . .. Domestic Oil-Fired Central ~eating Maintenance Scheme, which includes FREE replacement of all parts becoming defective to the oil-burner, electrical ancillaries, -circulating pump, etc. Domestic Warm-Air Heating System. which pervades the whole house with gently diffused fresh warm air. It can also be used·as an air-conditioning plant in the summer months. CAN WE CONVERT YOUR BOILER! Away with stoking troubles, clinker and ash dumps, and man-power troubles! Solid Fuel Boilers converted to fully automatic and oil-fired burners swiftly and efficiently. SPECIFICATIONS AND QU·OTATIONS SUBMITTED Telephones: BIRkenhead 6807; After hours - SIMonswood 3007 .SERVOHEAT (8. A. GIBB) 17 DERBY· ROAD • BIRKENHEAD FREE FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS, CONSUL T - E. RAYMOND &, CO., LTD. (Managing Director: M. J. Waring) 36 DALE STREET LIVERPOOL 2 Telephone CENtral 2960 L I V E R P 0 0 L 'S LEA DIN G CAT H 0 Lie T R A VEL A G_E N C Y Official Booking Office - Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes RAIL, STEAMER and AIR TICKETS SUPPLIED for home and abroad Official Agents for: SIR HENRY LUNN LTD.; SWANS TOURS; WAYFARERS; HORIZON, BLUE CARS, WING, C.I.T. (England) LTD.; SMITHS; RIBBLESDALE and BATTY-HOLT; LYONS; ETC .• ETC. AER - LlNGUS IRISH AIRLINES; BRITISH EUROPEAN AIRWAYS; B.O.A.C.; AIR FRANCE; SWISSAIR; ETC., ETC. BRITISH & IRISH S.P. CO. LTD. and BELFAST S,P. CO.; BERGEN LINE; P. & O. LINE; UNION CASTLE LINE, ETC., ETC. Personal Service Guaranteed ACE RADIO TAXIS ORTH 3071 Contractors to the Ecclesiastical Profession Pay only from Point of Hire 24 HOUR SERVICE • • • The Beauty Warmth and To".e Timber •• 0' R·E S TOR E S YOUR FULL STRENGTH AND CONFIDENCE Yours restfully WALTER HOLME & SONS LIMITED STAND UP AND REASON YOU CAN EXPLAIN AND DEFEND YOUR FAITH if you know its content and reasoning. ~thol~c literature these days is- fresh, clear and practical and aU 'of it is avaHahle from BURNS OATES RETAIL LTD. 30 MANCHESTER ST. • LIVERPOOL NATIONAL COAL BOARD Retail Sales Serriae y : ,"";,~ ,00/. For all your SOLID FUEL requi rements Smokeless Fuels always in stock Retail Order Offices and Information Centres: STATION YARD, HUYTON ROSE lANE, MOSS lEY HILL Telephone: Huyton 68 Telephone: Allerton 2216 l64a AIGBURTH ROAD 509 WEST D·ERBYROAD, TUEBROOK Telephone: lark lane II SO T~lephone: Anfield 5647 DOCK ROAD, GARSTON 98 BOWRING PARK ROAD, BROAD GREEN Telephone: Garston 7708 Telephone: Childwall 3899 c. J. DOYLE & SONS LIMITED , I Builders i I '12 PRESCOT ROAD FAIRFIELD . LIVERPOOL 7 TELEPHONE: ANFieid .11634/6 Corned Beef and Sausages a Speciality w. H. SAMPSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEAT SALESMAN 37, ST. JOHN'S MARKET, LIVERPOOL, 1. Telephone: ROYal 1055 Hotels and Shipping Supplied everything for the 'cyclist at L:SOENS BROS 14 PRESCOT ROAD LIVERPOOL 7 BURTON'S Gold Medal BISCUITS PENNY CHOCOLATE TEACAKES CARNIVAL 2d. CHOCOLATE SHORTCAKE BINGO MINT/ORANGE CHEESNAX 2d. CHOCOLATE DIGESTIVE and other delightful Biscuits made to perfection by BURTON'S '::::.. BISCUITS ------------------------------------------------LTD. QUALITY HOUSE BLACKPOOL and EDINBURGH RYDER OR TROUBLE DON'T RUIN YOURSELF DRY ROT MUST BE CUT OUT The" Surgeon H for this job is W.A. RYDER - a local man who has made a study ofthis U disease" Ask him to inspect your property NOW! PROMPT ACTION MAY SAVE YOU POUNDS! GET IN TOUCH WITH-:;.;. w. A. RYDER (THE DRY ROT MAN) Z Ashbourne Crescent Roby 'phone HUYTON 4786 19 Upper Beau Street Liverpool, 5 'phone NORTH 0427 The go-ahead LIFE that is ROYAL NAVY you, find it as a NAVAL OFFICER You can enter for a permanent commission in anyone of the many branches of the Royal Navy. These include: Seaman, Fleet Air Arm~ Engineering, Supply and Secretariat, and Royal Marines. , Short service commissions are also available. ' For, full par-, ticulars, write to: Captain G. C. Mitchell, R.N., Officer Eritr-ySection, FSM/19, Admiralty, London, S.W.l. IUlntllllllllHl!lIIliIllllllllllllllfllIlIlIlllllllllumlmmnmm!!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllIIlIIlllIIlI!!l1I1111111lfUlllllllllllilflIHIIIJllIIIIllllllllllllllllliinlUIllInrnnllmmmnnIHlllllrmllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIlIIllillJJIlIllllllllflllllliillllllllllillilffillllli!llllll alB The chair of reason The most erudite professors declare a liking for the services of The National Bank, which is ever expanding-for there, everyone is met with courtesy, understanding, prompt and personal service. Local Branches: 2, 4, 6 & 8 JAM·ES STREET, and 107 SCOTLAND ROAD, LIVERPOOL Manager: Mr. F. J. Power Head Office: 13-17 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C.2 General Manager: Mr. H. J. Woollard Secretary: Mr. A. J. Prendergast EST. 1835 BRANCHES MEMBER OF THE LONDON BANKERS' CLEARING HOUSE IN ENGLAND, WALES AND THROUGHOUT IRELAND W.P.S.311 lYONS MAID ELDORADO NEILSON LIMITED Glacier House, Hammersmith Grove, London. W.6 Telephone: Riverside 3030 Telegrams: Lyonsmaid, London LYONS MAID ELDORADO NEILSON All That's Best in Ice Cream Merseyside & North Wales Area Office: 8 LABU RNUM ROAD. LIVERPOOL. I Telephone: Sl;"Oneycroft 546E Trade LE.YCOTT Mark Telegrams: Telephom CANVAS LEEDS 10 LEEDS 284S6/j (2 lines ~. G.SOUTD~OTT co. PARTNERSHIP LTD. (Established over 70 years) Manufacturers of School and College Clothing LEYTON MILL, PYM STREET, LEEDS, 10 Banish the Kipps! NORTON " SONS use Paints, Itallpsper. SULFIDOGEN Ladders for '.1. HS2 from a Test Tube Ladders for Hire DETAILS FROM, Deoor.tors Roofs, Butters, etc. ALDERMAN" Co. Ltd. 416 QUEENS ROAD BATTLEBRIDGE HOUSE 87-95 TOOLEY STREET LIVERPOOL LONDON, S.E.I. Telephone: STO 7336 HAYES & FINCH LTD. An Old Established House London's N.w.stT.yShop • James GALT & Co. Limited Makers of SUPERIOR CHURCH CANDLES AND ALL OTHER REQUISITES Designers and Makers of HIGH QUALITY CHURCH PLATE. OAK FURNITURE. BRASSWORK, etc. have opened a Toy Shop in London at lOJ]1 GT. MARLBOROUGH ST. - behind liberty'S • FOR THOSE WISHING TO SHOP BY POST A COMPREHENSIVE CATALOGUE IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST TO DEPT. SM • LIVERPOOL: 30/38 VERNON STREET, 2 Telephone MARitime 2486 (3 lines) and at London Birmingham. Manchester. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Glasgow GALTS make good toys • James GALT and Co. Ltd. 30-31 Great Marlborough Street. London. W.I Regent 0829 STANDISH & COMPANY JACK SHARP LTD. (Wine Merchants) LTD. Expert Sports Outfitters The Catholic Altar Wine Shippers Suppliers of Sports Equipment to St. Edward's College HOCKEY. TENNIS LACROSSE . BADMINTON and ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT • Altar Wine suppliers to St. Edward's College • All our Altar Wines are fully certificated and guaranteed • We also hold stocks of best quality Table Wines, Port, Sherry, etc. • Assorted cases sent Carriage Paid • Write for prices and samples quoting this advertisement Specialists in School Colours. Ties, Badges, etc, Showrooms at: 36-38 WHITECHAPEL, LIVERPOOL, 1 Telephone ROYal 4793 3 TITHEBARN STREET, LIVERPOOL, 2 School Supplies Department at: LOMBARD CHAMBERS, ORMOND STREET, LIVERPOOL, 3 Telephone CENTRAL 7968 Telephone CENtral 2905 Established 1834 ENGLISH and FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS EDUCATIONAL AND MEDICAL BOOKS AND STATIONERS 7 WHITECHAPEL SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL BOOKS MAPS. ATLASES AND GUIDE BOOKS LIVERPOOL 1 PRIZE BOOKS AND LIBRARY BOOKS • The latest Novels always in Stock Telephone CENtral 0246 (3 lines) ESA * EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT * STATIONERY * TEACHING AIDS THE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLY ASSOC. LTD. School Materials Division PINNACLES • . HARLOW . . ESSEX * Showroom: 233 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C.2 G. A. MOFFAT & SON LTD. CHEMISTS 160 Derby Lane, Liverpool, 13 /0'1, all gour Pkotograpkic ·anJ Co3metic J(equi,.,ement~ Established 40 years Phone: STO.4218 ALLENS (DISINFECTANTS) Manufacturers of: Soaps THE Disinfectants - LTD. Polishes - Etc. SOAPERY LEAR ROAD, LIVERPOOL, 7 ALLENS SUPER CLEANSER AND RED INDIAN PUMICE SOAPS Are bookshops quadrangular ? Perhaps some are, but if you • look at us carefully we think you will see that we tend towards THE OVOID PARRY'S BOOKSHOPS 49 Hardman Street, Liverpool I • 160 Brownlow Hill Liverpool 3 ROYal 1458/59 (Both Shops) CASSOCKS. LOUNGE SUITS, TWEED JACKETS and SPORTS TROUSERS ~trnarb ~!,rnt & ~on Civilian, Uniform and Clerical Tailors and Outfitters 41 NORTH JOHN STREET LIVERPOOL 2 Telephone: CENtral 0298 UNIFORMS REGIMENTAL, CLUB, SCHOOL TIES, CRESTS and BLAZERS BURNS., OATES Retail Ltd. The largest Catholic Booksellers Books may be ordered by letter or telephone and can be posted to any address Altar Missals and Breviaries in all editions Missals Medals Prayer Books Statues Rosaries : Pictures : Fonts Crucifixes Religious gramophone recordings Memoriam Cards, and special printing for Marriages and Jubilees Complete Church Furnishers FOR EVERYTHING CATHOLIC enquire at our Liverpool Branch 60 MANOHESTER STREET LIVERPOOL 1 (Tel. C~ntral 1011) Corned Beef and Sausages a Speciality w. H. SAMPSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEAT SALESMAN 37., ST. JOHN"S MARKET, LIVERPOOL., 1. Telephone: ROYal 1055 Hotels and Shipping Supplied FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS CONSULT: E. RAYMOND & CO., LTD. (Managing Director: 36 DALE STREET, M. J. WARING) LIVERPOOL, 2 Telephone: CENtral 2960 LIVERPOOL'S LEADING CATHOLIC TRAVEL AGENCY Official Booking Office - Liverpool Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Rail, Steamer and Air tickets supplied [for home and abroad Official Agents for : SIR HENRY LUNN LTD.; SWANS TOURS; WAYFARERS; HORIZON, BLUE CARS, WING, C.I.T. (England) LTD.; SMITHS; RIBBLESDALE and BATTY-HOLT ; LYONS; ETC., ETC.; AER-L1NGUS IRISH AIRLINES; BRITISH EUROPEAN AIRWAYS; B.O.A.C.; AIR FRANCE; SWISSAIR; Etc., Etc., BRITISH and IRISH S.P. CO. LTD. and BELFAST S. P. CO.; BERGEN LINE; P. and O. LINE; UNION CASTLE LINE. ETC. Personal Service Guaranteed MANY LEADING SCHOOLS & COLLEGES ARE USING BROWN'S COMPLETE MIXTURES YOU SIMPLY ADD WATER THE MIXTURES CONTAIN ALL NECESSARY INGREDIENTS COMPLETE CAKE Be PUDDING MIXTURE COMPLETE SHORT CRUST PASTRY MIXTURE COMPLETE YORKSHIRE PUDDING Be PANCAKE MIXTURE EASILY AND QUICKLY MADE REQUIRES NO SPECIAL SKILL SCHOOLS - COLLEGES - RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS HAVE EXPRESSED COMPLETE SATISFACTION PACKED IN SPECIAL MULTI-PLY BAGS 28LBS. EACH SEND FOR TRIAL ORDER OR FREE SAMPLE JAMES BROWN & CO. WAREING ROAD AINTREE LIVERPOOL, 9 ESTABLISHED 1878 LEEMAN & MOSS LTD. QUEEN SQUARE LIVERPOOL Telephones: ROYAL 6356 and 2678 Telegrams: MUSHROOM FRUIT IMPORTERS WHOLESALERS AND COMMISSION SALESMEN Also at VICTORIA STREET and NORTH MARKET THE GROWING DEMAND I-IA~ISO~I "IILK TRY OUR CREAM, ORANGE CRUSH AND EGGS J. HANSON & SONS LTD., LONG LANE, LIVERPOOL 9 Telephones AINtree 3696 (10 lines) CASSOCKS. LOUNGE SUITS, TWEED JACKETS and SPORTS TROUSERS ~trnarb ~!,rnt & ~on Civilian, Uniform and Clerical Tailors and Outfitters 41 NORTH JOHN STREET LIVERPOOL 2 Telephone: CENtral 0298 UNIFORMS REGIMENTAL, CLUB, SCHOOL TIES, CRESTS and BLAZERS BURNS., OATES Retail Ltd. The largest Catholic Booksellers Books may be ordered by letter or telephone and can be posted to any address Altar Missals and Breviaries in all editions Missals Medals Prayer Books Statues Rosaries : Pictures : Fonts Crucifixes Religious gramophone recordings Memoriam Cards, and special printing for Marriages and Jubilees Complete Church Furnishers FOR EVERYTHING CATHOLIC enquire at our Liverpool Branch 60 MANOHESTER STREET LIVERPOOL 1 (Tel. C~ntral 1011) MANY LEADING SCHOOLS & COLLEGES ARE USING BROWN'S COMPLETE MIXTURES YOU SIMPLY ADD WATER THE MIXTURES CONTAIN ALL NECESSARY INGREDIENTS COMPLETE CAKE Be PUDDING MIXTURE COMPLETE SHORT CRUST PASTRY MIXTURE COMPLETE YORKSHIRE PUDDING Be PANCAKE MIXTURE EASILY AND QUICKLY MADE REQUIRES NO SPECIAL SKILL SCHOOLS - COLLEGES - RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS HAVE EXPRESSED COMPLETE SATISFACTION PACKED IN SPECIAL MULTI-PLY BAGS 28LBS. EACH SEND FOR TRIAL ORDER OR FREE SAMPLE JAMES BROWN & CO. WAREING ROAD AINTREE LIVERPOOL, 9 ESTABLISHED 1878 LEEMAN & MOSS LTD. QUEEN SQUARE LIVERPOOL Telephones: ROYAL 6356 and 2678 Telegrams: MUSHROOM FRUIT IMPORTERS WHOLESALERS AND COMMISSION SALESMEN Also at VICTORIA STREET and NORTH MARKET J. T. PARI(INSON LTD. 183 CROWN STREET, LIVERPOOL, 7. LIVERPOOL Royal 7828 WALLASEY WaUasf\y 21 WEST KIRBY Hoylake 649 COAL - COKE - ANTHRACITE, ETC., AND FUEL OIL FOR CENTRAL HEATING Deliveries all Districts Liverpool and Wirral For first class service in matters appertaining to· travel consult E. RAYMOND & CO. LTD. PRUDENTIAL BUILDINGS, 36 DALE STREET, LIVERPOOL, 2. (Managing Director: G. T. Waring) Tel. CENtral 2960 RESERVATIONS EFFECTED BY AIR, RAIL AND SEA. PASSPORTS, FOREIGN CURRENCY, ETC. LIVERPOOL ARCHDIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES BOOKING OFFICES JACK • SHARP LTD. EXPERT SPORTS OUTFITTERS • Suppliers of Sports Equipment to St. Edward's College FOOTBALL, CRICKET, TENNIS, BADMINTON, ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT & SCHOOL GAMES CLOTHING Specialists in School Colours, Ties, Badges, etc. Special School Supplies Department at Head Office LOMBARD CHAMBERS, ORMOND ST., LIVERPOOL 3 36 .. 38 WHITECHAPEL, LIVERPOOL 1 Telephone CENtral Z90S Telephone ROYal 4793 DECORATOR --THOMAS 207 SOENS-- HILARY AVENUE LIVERPOOL 14 Telephone HUYton 3885 PAPER HANGING . SIGN WRITING . GRAINING We recommend our readers to support our Advertisers who support us in the publication of the Magazine. We can guarantee the quality of their goods. . PLASTIC AS USED AT MANY SCHOOLS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, CANTEENS, BROWN'S complete cake mixture One Mixture for all kinds of Cakes and Steamed Puddings JUST ADD WATER • • SIMPLE ECONOMICAL • CONSISTENT Contains only the finest ingredients Saves TIME • Saves LABOUR PROMPT DELIVERIES ANYWHERE IN 281h. HYGIENIC PACKS Write for sample to JAMES BROWN & CO. WAREING ROAD, AINTREE, LIVERPOOL, 9 Telephone AINtrec 7610 SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY APPARATUS SPECIALITIE,) : - ANALYTICAL BALANCES AND WEIGHTS. ELECTRIC OVENS AND FURNACES. PURE ACIDS AND ANALYTICAL REAGENTS. GRADUATED GLASSWARE. HYDROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS. ELECTRIC HOTPLATES AND STIRRERS. INTERCHANGEABLE GROUND JOINTS. THERMOSTAT BATHS. SCIENTIFIC GLASSWARE OF ALL TYPES. LABORATORY BENCHES AND FITTINGS. J. W. TOWERS & CO. LTD. Scientific Apparatus and Pure Chemical Manufactures HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: VICTORIA HOUSE, WIDNES, LANeS. (WIDNES 2201) BRANCHES : LIVERPOOL • MANCHESTER • STOCKTON JACK SHARP LTD. Expert Sports Outfitters Suppliers of Sports Equipment to St. Edward's College 36-38, WHITECHAPEL, LIVERPOOL 1 THE ALBANY, OLD HALL ST., LIVERPOOL 3 Telephone: ROYAL 4793 Telephone: CENTRAL 4120 CURRY & PAXTON, LTD., DISPENSING OPTICIANS A Background Anthology of English Poetry D. PROTHERO, B.A. J. W. ROCHE, M.A., B.Sc. A number of specially designed frames in a variety of materials is available for school and sports use, and we suggest that an unsplinterable glass be used in making up the lenses to the Ophthalmic Surgeon's prescription. A new anthology embracing the whole field of English poetry from the fifth and sixth centuries to the present day. The poems are arranged as far as possible in chronological order and the book is divided into nine sections, each section being prefaced by a concise account of the literary history of that particular period. 8 HARDMAN STREET LIVERPOOL 1 Cr.8vo. Telephone-Royal 5572/3. E.J. Arnold & Son Ltd. 16 TEMPEST HEY 465 RICE LANE, AINTREE Weekdays 9-5.30 p.m. Saturdays 9'-1 p.m. Cloth boards. Price 78. 6d. LEEDS • LONDON • EDINBURGH BELFAST THE 6BOWIN6 BEMAND HANSON~S MILI'- A. & J. McLAINE Je\vellers and Diamond Merchants Fine selection of Solid silver trophy cups, bowls, etc. Diamond engagement and dress rings and modem and antique jewellery and silver-ware. High class repairs to watches, clocks, jewellery and silver-ware. Re-plating, gilding and engraving at lowest prices. 17 RICHMOND STREET (off Whitechapel) LIVERPOOL ESTABLISHED OVER 70 YEARS Open All Day Wednesday 1 'Phone ROY. 1516 Closed Saturdays 1 o'clock Valuers for Probate and Insurance FOR BEST HOUSE & STEAM COAL J. T. PARKINSON LIMITED LIVERPOOL, WALLASEY & WEST KIRBY CROWN A. R. SMITH High-class Family Butcher 114, TOWN ROW WEST DERBY, 12 Office and wharf 183 Telephone: STOneycroft 4289 STREET (Opposite Myrtle Street) Telephone: ROYal 7828 82 KING ST., EGREMONT, WALLASEY Telephone: W ALlasey 21 25 GRANGE ROAD, WEST Telephone: HOYlake 649 KIRBY Orders called for and promptly delivered Home-made Beef and Pork Sausages a Speciality FOUNDED 1900. T. R. JONES & CO. (liverpool) LTD. CLERICAL AND CIVIL TAILORS Contractors Colleges and Institutions College Blazers~ Btulges & Caps in colours Manufacturers of Clerical Clothing and Outfitting ESTIMATES AND SAMPL.ES 145 DALE FREE. STREET, L I V E R P 0 0 L, Telephone CENtral 7810. 2. ·Quality costs less at COSTIGAN'S POPULAR STORES Branches throughout Liverpool and District WILLIAM COSTIGAN & SONS LTD., 86/96 HIGHFIELD STREET, LIVERPOOL 3 Multiple Provision Merchants Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Food Distributors INSTITUTIONS, CANTEENS AND HOTELS SUPPLIED ENQUIRIES INVITED. Telephones: Head Office CENtral 4456/7/8 JACK SHARP LTD. Expert Sports Outfitters Suppliers of Sports Equipment to St. Edward's College 36-38, WHITECHAPEL, LIVERPOOL 1 THE ALBANY, OLD HALL ST., LIVERPOOL 3 Telephone: ROYAL 4793 Telephone: CENTRAL 4120 CURRY & PAXTON, LTD .. DISPENSING OPTICIANS A Background Anthology of English Poetry J. D. PROTHERO, B.A. W. ROCHE, M.A., B.Sc. A number of specially designed frames in a variety of materials is available for school and sports use, and we suggest that an unsplinterable glass be used in making up the lenses to the Ophthalmic Surgeon's prescription. of English poetry from the fifth and sixth centuries to the present day. The poems are arranged as far as possible in chronological order and the book is divided into nine sections, each section being prefaced by a concise account of the literary history of that particular period. 8 HARDMAN STREET LIVERPOOL 1 Cr.8vo. Telephone-Royal 5572/3. E.]. Atllold & Son Ltd. 16 TEMPEST HEY 465 RICE LANE, AINTREE Weekdays 9-5.30 p.m. Saturdays 9-1 p.m. A new anthology embracing the whole field Cloth boards. Price 7s. 6d. LEEDS • LONDON • EDINBURGH BELFAST THE 6BOWIN6 DEMAND HANSON~S MILK Careers in the Coal Industry.-Modern Coalmining is very largely a new industry. More accurately, it is an old -and vital industry which is being reconstructed to serve the present and future needs of the nation. While other forms of energy will help, the main source of power in the foreseeable future wUI continue to be coal. Technical Careers.-Many well-paid and absorbing jobs afe available and the Coal Board are ready to train you for them, either through a University Scholarship or-if you prefer to earn and learn at the same time-by taking you into the industry straight from school and providing technical training without loss of pay. University Scholarships.-Highly-trained mining engineers are urgently needed. The National Coal Board offer a hundred University Scholarships a year: most are in Mining Engineering, but some are available in Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering and in Fuel Technology. They are worth about the same as State Scholarships and successful candidates receive them in full-parents' financial position makes no difference to the value of the awards. Practical Training.-When you have qualified-either through the University or through technical college while working-you are eligible for a ~wo or three year course under the Coal Board's management training scheme. Each trainee has a course mapped out for him personally and a senior engineer gives him individual supervision. If you come in to the industry on the mining engineering side, you have a very good chance of becoming, between the ages of 25 and 30, a colliery undermanager at a salary between £900 and £1,200 a year-or even a colliery manager with a salary in the range £950 to £1650. Other Careers.-There are also good Careers in the Board's Scientific Department and in administrative posts. Young men and women of good educational standard (who have preferably spent some time in the sixth form or have attended a university) are also needed in such fields as marketing, finance and labour relations. Flllr, dBtail. con be obtained from any Divisional Headquarter. 01 the BOtJrd or from the Notional Coal Boord, Hobart House, London, S.W.l. A. & J. McLAINE Je\vellers and Diamond Merchants Fine selection of Solid silver trophy cups, bowls, etc. Diamond engagement and dress rings and modern and antique jewellery and silver-ware. High class repairs to watches, clocks, jewellery and silver-ware. Re-plating, gilding and engraving at lowest prices. 17 RICHMOND STREET (off Whitechapel) I. IVERPOOL I ESTABLISHED OVER 70 YEARS Open All Day Wednesday 'Phone ROY. 1516 Closed Saturdays 1 o'clock Valuers for Probate and Insurance FOR BEST HOUSE & STEAM COAL Telephone: STOneycroft 4289 J. T. PARKINSON A. R. SMITH LIMITED LIVERPOOL, WALLASEY & WEST KIRBY 114, TOWN ROW WEST DERBY, 12 Office and wharf 183 CROWN High-class Family Butcher STREET (Opposite Myrtle Street) Telephone: ROYal 7828 82 KING ST., EGREMONT, WALLASEY Telephone: WALlasey 21 25 GRANGE ROAD, WEST Telephone: HOYlake 649 KIRBY Orders called for and promptly delivered Home-made Beef and Pork Sausages a Speciality J. W. TOWERS & CO. LTD. Established 1882 Manufacturers and Suppliers of all Scientific Laboratory Equipment ANALYTICAL BALANCES GRADUATED GLASSWARE MICROSCOPES BIOLOGICAL . EQUIPMENT THERMOMETERS PURE ACIDS & CHEMICALS Liverpool Branch-I34 BROWNLOW HILL Telephone No.: ROYal4074j5 A Background Anthology of English Poetry J. D. PROTHERO, B.A. W. ROCHE, M.A., B.Sc. A new anthology embracing the whole field of English poetry from the fifth and sixth centuries to the present day. The poems are arranged as far as possible in chronological order and the book is divided into nine sections, each section being prefaced by a concise account of the literary history of that particular period. Cr. 8vo. Cloth boards. Price 7s. 6d. E.J. Arnold & Son Ltd. LEEDS • LONDON • EDINBURGH BELFAST w. H. LUNT & CO. Wire Work Specialists WROUGHT IRON GATES RAILINGS DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON WINDOW BACKINGS DISPLAY STANDS MACHINE GUARDS WINDOW GUARDS WIRE BASKETS FIRE GUARDS SPLINTER SCREENS WIRE FENCING, ETC. BROOKHILL WORKS 169 BROOKHILL ROAD LIVERPOOL 20 Mal~e • a pOInt of • lool~ing In Horne Brothers~ windows Our school outfitting department offers a comprehensive service to discriminating school principals, teachers and parents. Our reputation for value is well-founded and has led to our appointment as School Outfitters to hundreds of schools and colleges throughout the Country for many years. 77-79 DALE STREET, LIVERPOOL Tel. Centra] 4979 OUTFITTERS TO HUNDREDS OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN THE U.K. WE TO SUPPORT OUR IN WE RECOMMEND CAN THE OUR READERS ADVERTISERS PUBLICATION GUARANTEE THE WHO OF THE SUPPORT US MAGAZINE QUALITY OF 'THEIR GOODS SOLUTIONS TO PUZZLES CROSSFIGURE CHESS (a) R x Kt ... (b) B-K3 (d) ... if K-BS then Q-BS mate follows. if K-Q4 then Q-K B7 mate follows. move forced Kx Ktthen B-Q4(mate). Gilchrist (4th)