September - Southampton
September - Southampton
The Official Newsletter of the Southampton Neighborhood Association • September 2006 Next Southampton Neighborhood Association Meetings Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2006 Time: 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 8, 2006 Location: Refreshments will be served Southampton Presbyterian Church Lower level gymnasium 4716 Macklind Avenue (at Nottingham) SNA Officers, Board Members & City Officials Chad Stockel, President 752-9972 • [email protected] Ron Coleman, Vice President & Newsletter Editor 832-3872 • [email protected] Andrew Barrett, Treasurer 351-6343 • [email protected] Grand Opening Celebration Southwest City Dog Park to Open Saturday, September 23 Everyone Welcome After over a year of planning and fundraising, Southwest City Dog Park is now open for business in Willmore Park and dogs are barking with delight! The 1.2 acre dog park was constructed in August at the northwest corner of Willmore Park. The dog park is enclosed by a five foot tall green vinyl-coated chain link fence and has a double entry gate, a water source, and multiple trees for shade. The Grand Opening Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, September 23 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Activities will include an opening ceremony, goody bags, attendance prizes, raffles, Canine Coolers and snow cones from Tropical Moose Shaved Ice, and various vendors. Attendees may also sign up for membership at the grand opening. Please bring up-to-date vaccination and rabies records in order to enter the dog park. St. Louis City leash laws will apply outside of the ‘off leash’ fenced dog park. Please come and help us celebrate this new amenity to Southwest City! If you would like to apply for a membership now, application materials and instructions can be obtained on the dog park’s website or by calling Missy Krauss at 481-0308. Thanks to Missy Krauss, Cara Liles-Baker, and all the dog park volunteers for their tireless effort, and to the generous individual and corporate donors. You have added a great benefit to our corner of the city. Only one year after conception, the Southwest City Dog Park will be “open for business” on September 23. Marie Robinson, Secretary 667-5268 • [email protected] Pat Theodore, Block Captain Chair 352-7137 • [email protected] Stephen Gregali, 14th Ward Alderman (includes Macklind to Kingshighway) 622-3287 • [email protected] Donna Baringer, 16th Ward Alderman (includes Macklind to Hampton) 641-8377 • [email protected] Sandy Colvin, Neighborhood Stabilization Officer 613-3169 • [email protected] Nancee Nocchiero, Public Affairs Officer St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department 444-0168 ext. 1 • [email protected] A view of the double entry gate with security key-pad for members. Landscaping will be added as membership grows. A look from inside the one acre dog park looking north along River des Peres. Summer Picnic Pictures Attendance increased this year at the SNA Summer picnic in Willmore Park. It was a nice break from the power outages and generally hot weather, as a cool front moved in just in time for the picnic. JOIN THE SNA AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Join or renew your membership to the Southampton Neighborhood Association today. Simply fill out this form and mail it with your annual membership dues of $10 per household. New Member Membership Renewal Name_______________________________ Address:_ ____________________________ __________________________________ Homeowner Renter Business/Property Owner Phone (optional):___________________________ Email (optional):_ __________________________ Please make your check payable to: “Southampton Neighborhood Association” and mail to: Southampton Neighborhood Association, Inc. P.O. Box 5183 St. Louis, MO 63139 4 Easy Steps to Join the Free Southampton Yahoo! Group 1 Type into your browser window. 2 Under the heading, “Join a Group,” type: Southampton Neighborhood Click the Search Button. 3 In the resulting window, click on the link: Southampton Neighborhood. 4 In the next window, follow the instructions and complete the subscription form. View messages via the group website or have them emailed to you weekly, daily or individually. You will never receive junk emails! President’s message Community Updates Business and Commercial Development Hello all, Chad Stockel, President, Southampton Neighborhood Association I hope everyone came through the storms okay. I’d like to thank all the workers, those from St. Louis or on loan from elsewhere, who put in all the hours trying to restore power and clean up the debris left by the storm. While we’re on the subject of thanks, I’d also like to thank everyone who donated items for the raffle at the Southampton Neighborhood Association Picnic, all the volunteers who made it a successful event, and everyone who came out and had a good time. We’ve had someone step forward to volunteer as the new Neighborhood Association Secretary. Her name is Marie Robinson, and she brings a lot of prior leadership experience and energy to the job. Without any more delay, I’ll let her tell you more about herself. Chad Stockel President, Southampton Neighborhood Association The Macklind Avenue Deli, the new incarnation of Dick and Carol Krekeler’s Market, is near completion and they hope to open for business by the end of September. Interior work continues but the exterior and attractive signage have been painted, new awnings installed, and a new patio for outdoor seating created. • Work on the soon to be open Murdoch Perc Café at Murdoch and Macklind is progressing and they should be serving coffee, pastries and sandwiches by the end of October. Equipment and furnishings are arriving in the next couple of weeks. Signage should be installed by early October and they are now choosing the landscaping, paint colors, flooring, and furniture. • Phase one of the Macklind Business District plan stretching from Devonshire to Nottingham is becoming a reality. Trash receptacles were installed and planters are soon to follow. Remember to keep walking the district so you can see the progress unfolding daily. There are many storefronts that are ready to be filled as Macklind Avenue makes a comeback. If you have thought about opening your own business, now may be the time. The Board of Public Service hearing on the Avalon was August 10th. Per Matt Moak, the city’s attorney, and owner Greg Tsevis’s attorney, the city will hold off on citing Tsevis for property violations for 120 days, to allow him to market the property at a “reasonable” price. We’ll have to wait and see if this actually happens, but its a step in the right direction. • Union Pacific Railroad will be painting the top part of the train trestle (near Home Depot) sometime between September 18th and September 21st. The work will take 8-10 hours, and they’ll be closing South Kingshighway at that site during painting. They are hoping to have it done in one day, but it may take longer. • As the Sansone Co. (the marketing arm for Southtown Centre) is unsure when the contracts they’re negotiating with retailers will be ready, the Southtown Business Boosters are lobbying retailers directly. A letter of interest is being drafted for Hobby USA, a national hobby shop chain. The group is also looking at other retailers to approach directly. No word on the police substation discussed for Southtown Centre. • The Jubilee Church is still set on purchasing the former Kriegshauser Mortuary property. They’re working with the city on occupancy and building permits before closing. The Starbucks Coffee Company at Chippewa and Lansdowne officially opened for business on September 8th. Recycling Update from Alderman Donna Barringer SNA Has a New Secretary Marie Inez Robinson Hello Neighbors! My name is Marie Robinson. I am originally from California and moved to St. Louis with my husband Chris about a year and a half ago. We bought our home in Southampton last October and had our baby Charles in November. We love living in the area and I am pleased to be your new Executive Secretary. My husband and I are looking forward to being involved in neighborhood activities like the new Mommy group being created by some of us new moms, block parties and all the other activities of the neighborhood. I have previous experience as an executive officer at the collegiate level and am prepared to take on the position to serve our neighborhood. Look for me at the next meeting. I will be sitting at the executive table with the rest of the officers probably holding my baby boy. Come and talk to me, I can’t wait to meet all of my neighbors! Recently, constituents received my newsletter which contained an article on recycling. The response I received was overwhelming. As a follow up, the Recycling Program Manager for the City of St. Louis and I will host a meeting on what recycling options are available in our area. Please join us Saturday, September 23rd at 9 a.m. at Bishop DuBourg High School. Not only will we have examples of different bins for storage, but a recycling pick up company will be there to tell us the costs of curbside pick up. The more who participate in a given geographical area the less the cost to you. We will also have a representative from our very own neighborhood store, Home Eco, on hand with information about other recycling lifestyle options. We will have sign up sheets, samples and other items for people to review. If you cannot make the meeting but want to get on the list either to have curbside pick up or purchase bins, please email me at [email protected] or call 641-8377. If you have to ask yourself why should we recycle, here’s one reason. It saves your tax dollars! Each year the City of St. Louis dumps 200,000 tons of trash into landfills. If we recycled, our Refuse Division could spend more time picking up recyclables rather than refuse, and the City would have less landfill tonnage resulting in lower fees. Recycling costs are on the decrease while landfill costs are on the increase so I hope we have widespread participation in the recycling effort from Southampton residents. I’ll see you on September 23rd! Familiar Faces Familiar Places Lisa Chiodini-Stewart Branch Manager at The Hill Terri Seipp Branch Manager at Southtown With Southwest Bank at Southtown and The Hill for 25 years With Southwest Bank at Southtown for 10 years Increased Patrols at Kingshighway and Chippewa The 2nd District has permanently detailed some patrol cars for the Chippewa/Kingshighway area after an August 21 shooting. Two men were arguing when one man fired a shot, grazing a seven year old girl who was walking home with her brother. She was taken to the hospital and released the next day. The suspect was taken in to custody the same evening. Some of the residents in that area are now willing to feed police and neighborhood stabilization officers information pertaining to the ongoing concerns near that intersection. If you see any activity that concerns you please call 911 and/or email officer Brian Conlon at [email protected]. Officers have the ability to access email via laptops in the patrol cars, so if you see something of concern near that area, just drop him an email with the specifics. The Southampton board and many residents are committed to targeting this area of neglect and will continue to work with the police and city officials. The problem is very complex and there are no quick fixes, however, some good ideas were discussed on the Yahoo! Group this month. In addition to enforcing city codes and occupancy requirements, one suggestion was to encourage residents to consider purchasing an apartment building as an investment, maintaining it as you would your own home. Another suggestion was to take an extra bag along on a walk to pick up all the old newspapers and trash you may come across – also a good way to teach kids the importance of keeping their neighborhood nice. Together, we can all make a huge difference. Remember, we own the community, not just our own property. edicare Part D edco GHP/Caremark For the financial services you need, from people who truly know the neighborhood, call or come by and see us! Member FDIC © 2006 Southwest Bank of St. Louis The Hill • 2301 S. Kingshighway • (314) 776-5200 Southtown • 4210 S. Kingshighway • (314) 352-5797 Southampton Neighborhood Association is a non-political, nonprofit, neighborhood group dedicated to improving the quality of life and promoting community spirit in Southampton Neighborhood. The Association exists solely for the benevolent and educational benefit of the Community and in no manner for financial gain or profit. Its objectives are to advance and promote the public interest of Southampton Neighborhood. The Association shall advocate zoning in land use that is proper and appropriate for the community and it shall oppose the action of any individual or institution which is detrimental to the community. Southampton’s boundaries are Kingshighway on the east, Hampton on the West, Chippewa on the north and Rhodes on the south. As property owners and residents, we strongly advocate the preservation of real estate property values. Street Name Snapshot Spotlight On Business Rhodes Scholar, Rhodesia... Rhodes Avenue Rhodes Avenue is named for Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902), a British statesman who founded the Rhodes Scholarship program. Rhodes was an English financier, statesman, and empire builder with a philosophy of mystical imperialism. He used his wealth to pursue a dream of creating a British Empire in Africa and was instrumental in the development of a Cape-Cairo railway route. His philosophy was to “paint the map (British) red.” As prime minister of the Colony of South Africa, he tried to achieve that dream. Rhodes was the effective founder of the state of Rhodesia which was named in honor of him. Rhodesia eventually became Zambia and Zimbabwe. BessAdJuly2 Home Eco Makes It Easy Bein’ Green From the pages of Newsweek to The New York Times, everyone is buzzing about the latest Green Revolution. Americans— spooked by skyrocketing gasoline prices, fed up with dependence on foreign countries for our energy needs, worried about global warming and generally just eager to do the right thing—are turning once again to renewable energy, environmentally friendly products and other ways to tread more softly on the earth. But if you think this is just another fad washing in from the coasts, think again. In our own Southampton neighborhood, two green pioneers—Terry Winkelmann and Phil Judd—have brought the revolution close to home at Home Eco, their “green general store” at 4611 Macklind. Opened in February, the store features a full range of green products, from flooring systems to solar panels to greeting cards made of recycled, bleach-free paper—and everything in between and on the edges. In fact, Home Eco has evolved from one store to two—a green building store on one side, and “green boutique” on the other. “Our original concept was to open a store to help people learn about and install solar systems,” says Judd. “However, we quickly realized that the market isn’t quite there for that, so we decided to broaden our focus.” Home Eco’s attractive storefront includes window flower boxes and a bamboo door, hand made by co-owner Phil Judd. Rhodes went to South Africa in 1870 to farm with his older brother following graduation from grammar school, but ended up a diamond miner. In 1873 Rhodes left his diamond fields in the care of his partner, Charles D. Rudd, and sailed for England to complete his studies. His university career engendered in him an admiration for the Oxford “system” which was eventually to mature into his scholarship scheme: “wherever you turn your eye – except in science – an Oxford man is at the top of the tree.” Winkelmann and Judd first expanded into natural building materials to support those who either want to “build green” from the ground up or start making their homes more environmentally friendly. Staying true to their original solar focus, the two are currently installing a solar demonstration area in the store, and they will conduct in-home consultations with customers to help them determine the solar potential of their homes to help nurture the solar market. Another growth area Winkelmann sees is Home Eco’s green gardening area. “A lot of people are interested in gardening without all the chemicals that come with it,” Winkelmann says. “We offer organic weed and pest controls, as well as composting kits. We plan to be adding a lot more for next spring.” Rhodes profited greatly by exploiting Southern Africa’s natural resources, proceeds of which founded the Rhodes Scholarship upon his death. In 1880 Rhodes and Rudd launched De Beers Mining Company, and by 1891 their company owned ninety percent of the world’s diamond mines. –Article by Carol Keller, Milentz Avenue On the green boutique side, works by environmentally friendly artists—jewelry, ceramics, soy and beeswax candles and more—sit side-by-side with the latest in earth-friendly clothing, including Teko socks and hempwear. “Soil from a cotton field is as depleted in 10 years as soil from a hemp field is in 100,” explains Winkelmann, citing the additional chemicals and pesticides needed to raise cotton commercially. But as cutting-edge as Home-Eco is, in many ways the store is a throwback to the neighborhood general stores that Winkelmann remembers from her youth in South St. Louis. “To me, ‘shopping’ always meant Macklind and Kingshighway,” she remembers. “There were all these great little stores—a paint store next to a beauty parlor next to a hardware store. We wanted to bring that general store feeling back to the city.” Curious about another street? Some of the information for these articles was taken from The Streets of St. Louis, a History of St. Louis Street Names by William B. and Marcella C. Magnan. So far, the concept has been a hit. Home-Eco scored a write-up in the St. Louis Business Journal, and Winkelmann and Judd say their customers come from all over the Missouri and Illinois area. “Our next step will probably be more e-tailing on the Internet, so people don’t have to come in their cars to buy our products,” Winkelmann says. “But those who do come always say the same thing: ‘We’re glad you’re here.’” – Article by Tim Fox, Neosho Street. Next issue: Tom Bess Automotive. SALE PENDING We Don't Just Fix Your Car, We Make It Better. Labor Discount One hour of labor 10 OFF $ 5228 Lindenwood The DIFFERENCE Between For Sale & “SOLD” SALE PENDING • With coupon only • Includes oil change, new oil filter and complete lubrication. • 4-point vehicle check • Up to 5 quarts of oil Plus $2 disposal fee Most Vehicles • See Store for Details • Expires 10/31/06 Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 Air Conditioning Service Lawnmower Tune Up 49 $ 95 39 $ • Labor to evacuate and recharge • Freon Extra 99 Includes: • oil change, • air filter cleaning, • spark plug replacement, • blade sharpening & • deck cleaning Most Vehicles • See Store for Details • Expires 10/31/06 See Store for Details • Expires 10/31/06 Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 State Inspection 5 00 OFF Most Vehicles • See Store for Details • Expires 10/31/06 Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 Sandi Taschler 457-6777 13 Most Vehicles See Store for Details Expires 10/31/06 $ 7070 Whitworth Lube, Oil & Filter 99 $ SUMMER SPECIAL Flush & Fill Your Radiator 49 $ 95 Dexcool Extra Tom Bess Automotive • 4922 Macklind • St. Louis, MO 63109 We are an authorized repair facility for extended warranty vehicle work. Home of the $13.99 Oil Change! 4922 Macklind, St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 353-9936 • 24-Hour Towing Service n Street Name Snapshot: Rhodes Avenue n Business Spotlight: Home Eco Updates nCommunity Message n President’s nSummer n Grand Picnic Pictures Opening, Southwest City Dog Park In This Issue... Postmaster: Dated material. Please deliver PROMPTLY P.O. Box 5183 St. Louis, MO 63139 Southampton Neighborhood Association NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT No 9161 Please patronize the advertisers who support our neighborhood newsletter. &20,1*6221 Macklind avenue deli Package pricing starting at $129 Packages include: • Frames • Lenses • 2-year warranty and catering coMpany (formerly Krekeler’s Market) Dine in or Carry Out Beer & Wine • Ice & Snacks Soups • Salads • Hot & Cold Sandwiches Meals to Go • Bar-b-que Daily Specials • Desserts Catering • Party Trays & Sandwiches SMall private dining rooM for up to 50 people coMing Soon Make an appointment today for an eye exam! party trayS • party SandwicheS corporate catering Many of the SaMe SpecialtieS you loved at KreKeler’S MarKet and More 481-2435 4721 MacKlind avenue St. louiS, Mo 63109
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832-3872 • [email protected]
Curtis Miller, Treasurer
480-6314 • [email protected]
Landon Shaw, Secretary
435-7760 • [email protected]
Melissa Hendriksen, Board Member