2012 Community Benefits Report


2012 Community Benefits Report
Creating a healthy community
2012 Community Benefit Report
“A caring community
benefits us all.”
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital has served Menomonee Falls and the
surrounding communities since 1964. We take our responsibility as a health care provider,
community resident and neighbor seriously. It is with that responsibility in mind that I am
pleased to share our 2012 Community Benefit Report.
Community benefit is a planned and organized approach to a health care organization’s
participation in meeting identified community health needs. It means we collaborate with
the “community” to “benefit” its residents. Our collective efforts improve quality of life by
focusing on the health status of the poor, minority and other underserved populations. At
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital we are proud of the role we play in bringing
health to the community we serve.
Committed to the diverse communities in our service area, Community Memorial Hospital
reaches beyond the walls of our hospital into Waukesha and Washington counties. We
partner with area school districts, non-profit health and human service agencies, churches,
police and fire departments and county public health departments to improve the health of
our community residents. Based on our 2011/2012 community health needs assessment,
we focused on four programs this past year, they included:
•access to primary and specialty care
•chronic disease management
•prevention and wellness
•mental health
I invite you to read more about our community outreach programs on the following pages.
Highlighted programs in this report include the Community Garden and the Community
Outreach Health Clinic. Our Community Outreach Health Clinic served more than 2,550
people in 2012. This is a 10% increase from 2011 and the highest annual volume that our
clinic has ever seen. This clinic is possible because of the support it receives; donations of
time and money from dedicated professionals and the community contribute to its success.
While we pride ourselves on what we give back to local residents in the form of our various
community outreach programs, we cannot do it alone. We value the partnerships we have
built and appreciate the efforts of all involved. A caring community truly does benefit us all.
Dennis Pollard
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital
Community Outreach
Steering Committee
The Community Outreach Steering Committee (COSC) fulfills the mission of
Community Memorial Hospital through community benefit activities that improve
the quality of life and meet the health needs of our community. The committee
is appointed annually by the hospital president; membership appointments
are made each June with members serving a one-year term. Functions of the
committee include facilitating and supporting community and health care
partnerships. Members provide a leadership role in advocating community-wide
responses to health care needs. The committee identifies unmet health needs,
promotes universal access to health care and guides new community benefit
opportunities. Ultimately the COSC determines the allocation of the Community
Outreach Services Fund. The COSC meets quarterly and is composed of hospital
and board representatives and community members representing various
constituencies in the hospital’s service area. Current committee members include:
Ronald Bertieri
Susan Borden
Maggie Brennan
Clarence Dittmar
Andy Dresang
David Drewek
Joan Erickson
John Evans
Andrea Faulkes
Kerry Freiberg
Jeffrey Hevey
Peter Hoell
Deb McCann
Meredith Musaus
Keith Nerby
Randy Newman
Robert Pieters
Dennis Pollard
Anna Ruzinski
Kathleen Sitzberger
Timothy Smykal
Robyn Turtenwald
Kathryn Wagner
John Wandschneider
Menomonee Falls School District
Germantown School District
Community Advocate
Dittmar Realty, Menomonee Falls
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital
Menomonee Falls Community Education and Recreation
Sales & Marketing Associates, Slinger
North Middle School, Menomonee Falls
Froedtert Health Community Hospital Division
Menomonee Falls Fire Department
Germantown Police Department
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Menomonee Falls
Hamilton School District, Sussex
Froedtert Health Medical Group
Community Advocate
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital
Menomonee Falls Police Department
Germantown Village Greetings
Chiropractic Care Center
Community Advocate
Sussex Area Chamber of Commerce
Community Advocate
2012 Contribution to Health
Total Community Benefit: $8,106,701
Government Sponsored Health
Care (Medicaid Shortfalls) $3,762,801
Charity Care
Community Outreach Steering Committee Grants
Financial Contributions
Community Benefit Operations
Community Building Activities
Financial data, while unique to Community Memorial Hospital, is based on reporting methodology similar
to that used by Catholic Health Association of the U.S. and VHA Guide for Planning and Reporting
Community Benefit. All patient care figures reflect the actual cost of care, not hospital charges.
Our Kids’ Closet
Clothing for low income
Falls Area Food Pantry
Stock the pantry
Family Promise / Interfaith
of Washington County
Provide emergency shelter,
meals, transportation and
case management for
homeless children and
their families
Friends of Abused Families
Dating violence and sexual
assault education prevention
Community Health Services
Health Professions Education
Waukesha County Community Oral hygiene outreach and
Dental Clinic
Safe Babies Healthy
Case management
Community Outreach
Health Clinic
Operational expenses
Total Grants
Community Outreach
Health Clinic meets the
needs of the uninsured
When Kristi Mesick was diagnosed with
diabetes 11 years ago, it was the beginning
of a long and difficult struggle with a
myriad of health problems that also included
hypertension and depression. Her diabetes
proved to be an extreme type that has been
difficult to control, taking an increasingly
severe toll on her health and ability to
function. Kristi, 46, and living with friends
in the area, has worked at a number of
jobs over the years, but recurring health
issues have made permanent employment
difficult to maintain.
With nearly half of all uninsured nonelderly
adults suffering from a chronic condition,
Kristi’s situation is increasingly typical of
the 2,500 patients the Community Outreach
Health Clinic at Froedtert Health Community
Memorial Hospital serves each year.
Patients with chronic illnesses require
ongoing disease management and
medications to prevent their condition
from deteriorating into a crisis, benefits
that are out of reach without health insurance.
Patients’ weakened health often prevents
them from maintaining steady employment
that would offer health insurance benefits.
Fortunately, Kristi found out about the
Community Outreach Health Clinic at
Froedtert Health Community Memorial
Hospital eight years ago, and her life
changed. Here she found caring, supportive
people who were committed to working
Loss of health insurance leads patient
to Community Outreach Health Clinic
Nurse Practitioner Anita W. and Kristi Mesick
with her multiple health concerns and
finding solutions. She not only gets regular
check-ups, affordable insulin and other
essential medications through the Prescription
Assistance Program, but moral support and
education that have helped her improve
her diet and make other lifestyle changes.
Kristi tests her glucose levels three times
a day and adjusts her medication accordingly;
in addition she is being treated for her
recurring depression. “They are wonderful
people,” Kristi says about nurse practitioner,
Linda, and volunteer registered nurse,
Anita. “They go out of their way to help
in any way they can, above and beyond
what’s necessary. Without the clinic, I
wouldn’t be alive today.”
“Without the clinic,
I wouldn’t be alive today”
Scott Makowski never thought he’d need the services of a free
clinic. He had health insurance through his job and a doctor who
helped him maintain good health despite his multiple medical issues.
Then Scott was laid off from his job in food sales. In his late 50s,
finding work proved to be a challenge in a tough economy. He
could no longer afford health insurance on his own, particularly
with his chronic conditions. Then Scott heard about the Community
Outreach Health Clinic at Froedtert Health Community Memorial
Hospital in Menomonee Falls. “Everyone at the clinic was very
helpful and very informative,” he said. “Linda Smith, clinic
coordinator/nurse practitioner, and Diane Smith, nurse practitioner,
helped me get the medications I needed through their prescription
assistance program and kept my Crohn’s disease and diabetes
under control with monitoring and the right medications.”
Two years ago, Scott had a blood clot in his lungs, lost consciousness
and fractured his back. He spent a week in the ICU (Intensive
Care Unit) at Community Memorial Hospital and was in a body
cast for six months, including three months in a rehab facility
before he was able to return home. “I didn’t know if I was going
to make it,” Scott reflected. “The moral support from the folks at
the clinic is incredible. Diane Smith even stopped by to visit me
in the hospital. At a time when you’re feeling down and hopeless,
it makes a big difference to know that people care.” Clinic staff
worked with Scott and his wife to help coordinate his treatment
and recovery, and make sure he had the medications he needed at
an affordable cost.
Scott recently turned 65, qualifies for Medicare and is again under
the care of his previous physician. Yet he says he’ll always be
grateful to the Community Outreach Health Clinic and staff for
providing life-saving, compassionate care when he had nowhere
else to turn.
Quick Takes
Bobbie Nick Voss Charitable Foundation
Thanks to the support of the Bobbie Nick Voss Charitable
Foundation, Froedtert Health Community Memorial
Hospital was able to provide free colonoscopies to
at-risk individuals without health insurance. This fiscal
year, 20 people received a free colonoscopy and 86
free colonoscopies have been performed since the
inception of this program in 2008. Funding from the
grant allowed Community Memorial to raise awareness
about colorectal cancer and the importance of early
detection at 28 public events – including flu clinics,
health fairs, community events, senior forums and a
variety of non-profit health and human service agencies.
event held April 28, 2012, at Community Memorial
Hospital, which partnered with the Menomonee Falls
Police Department. Nearly 1,300 pounds of medications
from 705 households were collected for proper disposal,
keeping them out of the environment and the hands
of children.
Leadership Commitment to the Community
As an indication of the Community Memorial Hospital
executive team’s commitment to the community,
78 hospital leaders provided more than 1,000 hours
of support to over 80 local initiatives, not-for-profit
organizations and community events. More than 100
hours alone were dedicated to supporting the leadership
programs in Germantown, Menomonee Falls and the
Falls/Sussex Youth program. An additional 110 hours
were spent in the Community Outreach Health Clinic.
WTKM Radio Program
As part of a monthly health and wellness radio program
on WTKM radio in Hartford, listeners are invited to
call in and ask questions. Community Memorial Hospital
provided health care professionals as the monthly
topic health expert. Total benefit to the community
valued at $1,053.
Drug Collection
Area residents were provided a safe, efficient way of
disposing of unwanted and expired prescription and
over-the-counter medications at a drug collection
Health Fairs & Community First Aid Events
Between health fairs and community first aid events
throughout the hospital service area, Community
Memorial Hospital provided 295 hours of service at
22 events, including senior events and wellness fairs,
for a community benefit value of nearly $27,948.
Health Care Career Academy
The Health Care Career Academy provides qualifying
high school students entering their junior or senior
year with the opportunity to expand their knowledge
base as it relates to a wide array of professional health
care career options. During the three-week program
students shadow and learn from professionals in various
departments at Community Memorial Hospital. Through
observation, hands-on experience and classroom
discussion, students are able to expand their awareness
and interest in specific health care careers. This fiscal
year three area school districts had a total of 24
students participate in the program; school districts
included Germantown, Menomonee Falls and Sussex
Hamilton. This program offered community benefit
value of $86,433.
Athletic Trainers Lend Support
Local athletes from both Menomonee Falls High
School and Germantown High School benefit from
services provide by experienced athletic trainers from
Community Memorial Hospital. In the past year, 900
athletes worked with the hospital’s athletic trainers;
more than 2,232 staff hours were devoted to supporting
our area athletes. This service provided a value of
$92,681 to the community.
Community Outreach
Growing a Healthy Community
Froedtert Health Community Memorial Hospital’s on-campus garden provided
fresh produce to members of the local community. Together with the help of
community partners and many volunteer hours, an idea grew into a reality.
Area individuals who may not have fresh vegetables readily available were
given the harvested produce. A community health survey conducted by the
hospital in 2011 identified a need for affordable and healthy nutrition options
for people who use the Community Outreach Health Clinic, located on the
Community Memorial Hospital campus, and clients of area food pantries.
The garden project was a great way to help those individuals in the area gain
access to nutritious vegetables. This summer’s harvest included tomatoes,
cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and beans. It was distributed directly to
patients who use the outreach clinic as well as Sussex, Germantown and
Menomonee Falls food pantry clients.
“This truly was a community effort, with Shady Lane Nursery in Menomonee
Falls providing plants and seeds, our hospital volunteers who planted,
tended and harvested the garden, and others who helped distribute the food
to those who need it,” said Sue Schuelke, RN, director of Volunteer Services
at Community Memorial Hospital. “Members of the Community Health and
Wellness Initiative helped coordinate the effort, and it has been, quite literally,
a fruitful enterprise.”
It was estimated that the harvest yielded 540 pounds of fresh produce; all
donated back to residents within the hospital service area. The community
benefit value of this project was $15,834. The community garden was such
a huge success that there are plans to add berry bushes to next year’s crop.
Foundation supports world-class health care
in our own community
Community Memorial Foundation raises support for Community Memorial
Hospital to preserve, enhance and advance quality health care in our local
community. The hospital was founded 48 years ago by a group of visionary
community residents who saw the growing need for a local hospital and
mobilized like-minded neighbors to make Community Memorial Hospital a
reality. Since that time, the hospital has grown into a nationally acclaimed
health care facility, yet remains firmly rooted in the community we serve.
Community contributions – from individuals, corporations and foundations
– allow the hospital to go beyond the standard services, care for all patients
regardless of ability to pay, and stay on the leading edge of medical care in
the area.
The Foundation’s board of directors, composed of interested community
volunteers, allocates funds to support areas of greatest need, including the
Community Outreach Health Clinic for low-income, uninsured patients; the
latest technology and equipment to ensure optimal patient safety and outcomes;
service enhancements that support patients and their families throughout
treatment and recovery; specialized training for health care professionals to
ensure a skilled workforce for the future; and more.
Among the projects made possible by the Foundation in 2012 were new monitors
for Emergency Department patients; personalized audio systems for inpatient
rooms in the Mental Health
Center; scholarships to prepare
more than 20 area students for
careers in health care; and an
innovative concussion evaluation
and management program in
local high schools.
Thanks to the support and
commitment of thousands of
donors who take pride in
having world-class health care
accessible in their own community, Community Memorial Hospital will continue
to lead the way in meeting the changing needs of the community we serve.
Community Partners
Special thanks to the following organizations.
•Drug Free Communities Waukesha County
•Germantown Youth Futures
•Waukesha County Health Improvement Plan
•Falls Area Food Pantry
•Sussex Area Outreach Services
•St. Boniface Food Pantry
•Leadership Germantown
•Elmbrook Community Health Coalition
•Spring Fest
•Community Health & Wellness Initiative
•Leadership Menomonee Falls
•Waukesha County Specialized Transportation Providers Network
•Better Together – Sussex Community Summit
•Falls Sussex Youth Leadership
•Germantown Park & Recreation Department
•Hamilton School District
•Menomonee Falls High School
•Menomonee Falls Little League
•Town of Lisbon
•Tri-County YMCA
•Celebrate Families
•Rotary Club of Washington County
•Hartford Area Chamber of Commerce
•Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County
•Schauer Arts & Activity Center
•Sussex Area Chamber of Commerce
•WTKM Senior Fair
•Germantown Community Scholarship Fund
•Horizon Home Care & Hospice
•Menomonee Falls Rotary Club
•Menomonee Falls Scholarship & Educational Foundation
•Roger’s Memorial Hospital
•American Cancer Society
•Kiwanis of Germantown
•Menomonee Falls Kiwanis Club
•National MS Society – Wisconsin Chapter
•Richfield Youth Basketball & Softball Association
•Village of Sussex Recreation Department
•Washington County Fair
W180 N8085 Town Hall Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
w w w.c o m m u n i t y m e m o r i a l .c o m 2 6 2 - 2 5 1 - 1 0 0 0
Fiscal 2012 – July 2011 to June 2012