2014 Annual Report - Anti


2014 Annual Report - Anti
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A n n u a l
R e p o r t
The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society
“SPCA of Illinois”
Founded in 1899 by Rose Fay
(Mrs. Theodore Thomas)
Our Mission
Building a community of caring
by helping pets and educating
Adoption Center/Animal
510 North LaSalle Drive
Chicago, IL
Phone: (312) 644-8338
Fax: (312) 644-3878
Receiving Hours
10 a.m.–6 p.m., 365 days a year
The Anti-Cruelty Society is a
private, independent, 501(c)
(3) non-profit organization.
We are not funded or operated
by any parent organization
or governmental agency.
Contributions are tax deductible
according to IRS laws.
Mailing Address
157 West Grand Avenue
Chicago, IL 60654
Become a friend, fan, or follower
on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, or
Adoption Hours
Mon.–Fri. Noon–7 p.m.
Sat. & Sun. Noon–5 p.m.
The Anti-Cruelty Society Board of Directors
W.B. Martin Gross
Daniel S. Jaffee
Immediate Past Chairman
Barbara McLucas
Vice Chairman
Freeman Wood III
Sandra P. Manne
Executive Committee
Celeste (Candy) Stevens
Executive Committee
Elliott Otis
Executive Committee
Michael Grossman
Constance Steinhaus
Executive Committee
Barbara Provus
Steven H. Klein
Steve Shanker
Carole Wood
Sheldon Rubin, D.V.M.
The Anti-Cruelty Society Magazine A publication of The Anti-Cruelty Society
Michael Garrity
John-Ryan Griggs
Art Direction
Editorial Staff
Paul Adee
Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M.
Tatiana Garrett
Tracy Hamilton
Lydia Krupinski
Trisha Teckenbrock
Leslie Villasenor
Cover Photography
Todd Rosenberg
Arleen Burke
MK Jansen
Cynthia Lynn
Todd Rosenberg
The Society Photo Archives
Lester E. Fisher, D.V.M.
Shirley Gambill
Michael Kuzma
Alvin Shapiro
Gloria Vaughan
Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M.
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Leading the Way
The Anti-Cruelty Society has certainly evolved in the last 116 years,
but our commitment to caring remains the same. The opening lines of
the President’s Message in the 1936 Annual Report, written by John J.
Roberts (pictured above), still hold true today.
I am proud of our history and all that we have accomplished. We
have been here for 116 years and will be here as long as the animals
need us! I am also proud of our goals for the future. Our construction
projects will enhance our guest experience and provide better facilities
for the animals in our care. Although our spay/neuter services and
public education initiatives have significantly decreased the number of
homeless pets in the Chicago area, there will always be a need for our
adoption services. Education still remains a vital part of our mission,
and we go far beyond just “cooperating with teachers” as stated in our
1936 Annual Report – we are also shaping the next generation of animal
advocates. YOU make all of this happen. Thank you!
Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M.
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Chicago’s Animal
Welfare Organization
We’ve been Chicago’s animal welfare organization since
1899! In 1910, we moved into our first permanent home
located at 155 Indiana Avenue (now Grand Avenue). This
building (pictured right, top) contained a kennel area,
administrative offices, classrooms, and a humane library.
In 1936, that structure was torn down, and a new one
erected in its place. This new building (pictured right,
bottom), made of Indiana limestone, was made possible
through a bequest from Mrs. Marion McConnell.
Although it was much larger than its predecessor, even
this new complex was not enough to accommodate our
constant growth. A generous bequest from Mrs. Emily
Hulbert allowed the shelter to expand with the opening
of the Hulbert Memorial Annex in 1954.
In 1979, we broke ground on our largest architectural
endeavor to date, and just 2 years later, a whole new
shelter (attached to the 157 West Grand building) opened
on the corner of Grand Avenue and LaSalle Street. This
was funded in large part by Robert R. McCormick and
designed by the noted architect Stanley Tigerman and is
still in use today. Expansion continued through the end
of the 20th century, and in 2000, the Education & Training
Center was added, complete with an auditorium and a
large dog training room. With this construction, we also
added a free parking garage for our guests. The Society
now stretched the entire length of a city block.
The façade on the shelter and a dog quarantine room
were renovated in 2011. In 2013, we opened a new
veterinary clinic in what used to be the basement of the
157 West Grand building. At the end of this past year,
we opened our new Animal Intake area, which allowed
us to modernize and update our intake procedures.
We also updated our old and failing heating and
ventilation equipment.
In 2015, we will begin construction on Phase III/IV
of our 5 year plan. This re-model will expand our
adoption counseling areas, provide cat meet-and-greet
rooms, enlarge our volunteer and staff support areas,
and add some much needed storage space. Although
this will complete our current construction plan, we are
continually assessing the status of our facilities so that
we can always provide optimal care and comfort for our
animals, guests, and staff.
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
An Open Door
When we were founded in 1899, we were one of the
first organizations dedicated to pursuing a more
humane community for all, including those with fur
and four legs. Initially, we were primarily focused on
taking care of Chicago’s nearly 50,000 work horses.
Some of these animals were old, sick, and poorly cared
for, often carrying heavy loads all day. We provided
“helper” horses to help ease their burdens. Another
initiative was to purchase troughs and place them
around the city, providing fresh, clean drinking water
for the horses.
As work horses started to disappear, we changed our
focus to pets. We take in thousands of cats and dogs
every year and work tirelessly to care for them until
they find their forever homes. As an open-admission
facility, we will not turn away any animal, no matter
his or her age, condition, or temperament. We are
committed to be an open door for any animal in need.
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Creating Love
Since Nancy Ellen Evans adopted her two cats in 1947 (pictured
above), the adoption process has changed significantly. Visitors now
peruse our adoption candidates online and have the ability to select
potential pets before they even enter the shelter. This is possible
because of our website, which displays all of the available animals in
real time. We are also committed to the open adoption movement,
which reduces barriers to adoption and replaces them with more
assistance from staff and volunteers to make sure every adopter selects
the right companion. The Society also offers an adoption guarantee:
adopters can return a pet if the expectations of the family are not met.
When the expectations are successfully met, the results are moving!
Just look at Calypso (pictured left and on the cover), a pit bull mix
that was brought to the Society at the end of February 2014. After
spending 1 month in our care, Calypso’s wish came true when she
found her perfect match, a young couple who instantly fell in love
with her sweet, fun-loving personality. Calypso’s mom and dad,
Lauren and Oscar, couldn’t have asked for a better dog to bring into
their home. For us, watching someone come to our shelter (or one
of our satellite locations) and give a cat or dog a second chance for a
happy life is the ultimate reward!
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Teaching Compassion
The Anti-Cruelty Society has been setting itself ahead of other
animal shelters since we were founded. Continuing this trend,
we hired our first Humane Educator, Virginia Sedgwick, in 1937.
We remain one of the few shelters with a dedicated education staff,
because we recognize that proactive public programs do make
a difference for animals and the communities they live in. For
decades, the Humane Education Department has been providing
programs like Pet First Aid (pictured right is a Society veterinarian
showing scouts how to apply bandages to an injured dog in 1948).
Over time, this department has grown and now partners with
organizations such as Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Public
Libraries, Chicago City of Learning, and Hive Chicago to reach
nearly 20,000 individuals each year with a message of empathy,
compassion, and caring. In addition, we provide programs in three
different juvenile detention facilities, working to reduce recidivism
and teach patience and coping skills through animal interactions.
Teen programs have also seen increased attention in recent years,
and today we offer student service learning opportunities (open to
all ages), an anti-violence after school program, and the Veterinary
Mentoring Program, a partnership with the University of Illinois
College of Veterinary Medicine.
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Saving Lives
The Field Services Department provides one of the
most important links to our community. We acquired
our first four-wheeled rescue vehicle in 1914 (pictured
above) and have been on the streets of Chicago and
surrounding communities ever since, providing rescue
and assistance to animals. Our staff of trained, Illinoisapproved humane investigators respond to hundreds of
reports of abuse and neglect each year to improve the
care that these animals receive or to rescue them from
dangerous situations. This work entails a level of strong
cooperation with law enforcement agencies throughout
the area. In addition to this essential function, our staff
moves hundreds of animals each month into our facility
from other agencies and from our shelter into the hands
of more than 100 partner organizations. They ensure
that our satellite adoption facilities (like Lambs Farm
and the PetSmart® Everyday Adoption Center) have
plenty of cats and dogs available for adoption. To prevent
abandonment, we will transport found or unwanted pets
for people unable to travel to the shelter. Then and now,
the Field Services Department responds to the needs of
the Society, community, and the animals.
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
A Healing Hand
We opened our first charity clinic in 1916, at a time when veterinary
facilities for small animals were virtually nonexistent. The Clinic has always
been a leader in small animal care (see the picture to the right from the
early 1930s), and in 1937 we became one of the first veterinary facilities in
the Midwest to install radiology (X-ray) equipment, which was also made
available to other local veterinarians.
In 2014, we celebrated the 1-year anniversary of our new Clinic. Today,
the Clinic provides spay/neuter surgeries and veterinary care to animals
waiting to be adopted. But that’s not all! Our veterinarians also provide
affordable spay/neuter services to the general public, as well as veterinary
care for qualifying low-income clients.
In the past fiscal year, 3,237 shelter animals were sterilized, plus an
additional 5,443 cats and dogs through the affordable spay/neuter program.
There were 1,572 veterinary outpatients, a number that includes both postadoption care (courtesy of the Society’s 15-day free post-adoption health
care program) and wellness visits through the charity clinic. A total of
534 cats were admitted into our Bruckner and Butts-Berger rehabilitation
rooms this year for upper respiratory and other manageable illnesses, where
they were treated until they were healthy and ready for adoption.
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
A Helping Hand
Providing resources and assistance to pets and owners in
need has long been an integral part of our mission. By the
early 1990s, it became apparent that behavior issues were
one of the main reasons that pets were being surrendered.
As a result, we began our Behavior Hotline and Resource
Center to provide reliable information and guidance to
pet owners keep pets in their homes. At the same time, we
established the Behavior and Training Department. Our
specialists evaluate and address the behavioral well-being
of the animals in our care, assist with adoption matching,
hold “meet-and-greets” that gauge compatibility between
two dogs, and implement behavior modification and
enrichment programs.
Although we have offered instruction in basic obedience
training for decades, the School of Dog Training was
created in 2000 to formalize our dog training instruction.
Our certified trainers offer affordable classes for dogs of
all ages and training experience, from puppy manners to
AKC Canine Good Citizen certification. Using positive
reinforcement methods, our classes help participants
strengthen the bonds with their dogs.
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
A Caring Team
People have always been at the heart of what
we do at The Anti-Cruelty Society. Behind
every rescue story, animal photo, successful
adoption, and public service that we offer
there are hard-working and dedicated staff
members. Although caring for animals
can be tiring, dirty work (such as tackling
mountains of laundry), our team keeps
everything running smoothly and efficiently.
Every day, they go above and beyond to
provide tender loving care to each animal
and exemplary customer service to all of our
guests. Like the Society’s physical building,
our staff has grown significantly over the
years. In 1974, there were just 40 paid staff
members (pictured below). Today we have 117
people on staff, all of whom play an integral
role in our continuing success. We thank our
staff for all that they do!
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
A Devoted Team
The Anti-Cruelty Society is committed to
building a community of caring, and that
mission is embodied by our volunteer team,
who so generously give us their time and
energy. Whether it’s making an adoption
follow-up phone call, reassuring a shy cat,
fostering an underweight pup, or assisting
the staff in our clinic and adoption centers,
our volunteers allow us to continue the
evolution of our care and expand our
programs and services. In this past fiscal
year, we had 691 volunteers log 32,839 hours
in 36 different programs and projects. That is
equivalent to 17 full-time employees! Thanks
to their dedication and tireless efforts, 2014
has been a record-breaking year. We thank
our passionate volunteers for everything
they do on behalf of all the cats and dogs!
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
The Anti-Cruelty Society is
Supported by Generosity
The Anti-Cruelty Society would not have been able to continue
its important work without our many generous donors. At the
time we were founded, middle- and upper-class women like
Jane Addams were taking the lead in establishing groundbreaking social institutions and reforms. Rose Faye Thomas
(pictured right) – the wife of Theodore Thomas, the conductor
of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra – was one of those
women. She founded The Anti-Cruelty Society along with
five other Chicagoans. Although we don’t have a great deal
of information about our earliest donors, much of our initial
funding came from other wealthy Chicago residents who
cared about animals and improving the community. Their
legacy lives on, and in 2013, we were able to raise more than
$10.5 million to continue to pursue our mission of building a
community of caring by helping pets and educating people.
On an annual basis, we receive gifts from more than 30,000
caring individuals, which proves that we can still count on the
generosity of our community even after all this time. And for
this, we are grateful.
The Anti-Cruelty Society is YOU!
You make all of this happen!
It’s because of your ongoing support that we are able to
continue our life-saving and life-changing work. In addition to
a financial contribution, there are so many other ways to join
our community of caring. Volunteering on-site, making cat
beds and dog toys at home, or bringing your co-workers in for
a group volunteering event, are just some of the ways for you to
We encourage you to further your involvement this year.
Consider joining our volunteer team and meet other caring
people who share your passion for helping animals. Sign up
for one of our off-site projects, such as helping with our many
special events (picture above is a photo from our 1989 Centennial
Celebration), becoming a virtual foster, or joining the Street
Team. Open your heart and home by fostering an animal in
need. Or host a mini-fundraiser on our behalf by participating in
an event such as Cupcake Day. Spread the word and tell all your
friends about what you support.
We invite you to tour our facilities, visit the cats and dogs, and
meet our dedicated team who share your love of animals. See
what you make possible! After all, we couldn’t do it without you.
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
2014 by The Numbers
Operating Budget
Fiscal 2014 was a banner year for The Anti-Cruelty Society. Not only were we able to complete the second phase of our Facility
Improvement Plan but we were able to pay for it through the increased generosity of our annual supporters and donors. Our annual
public support increased by 10% over 2013 and represents one-third of our operating revenues. Estate Income (Non-recurring
Support) funds the capital needs of the Society in both projects and additions to the investment portfolio. We are also proud to report
that spending on Direct Programs increased by 8% over the previous year while other expenses remained relatively constant. Our
audited financial statements can be found on our website, www.anticruelty.org.
Our accomplishments would not be possible without the generous and continuing donations of those who are faithful to our mission
of building a community of caring by helping pets and educating people.
General Public, Corporate and Foundation Support
Estate Income
Special Event Revenues
Program and Other Service Income
Investment Income
Retail Sales and Other Revenue
Total Operating Revenues and Other Support
$3,102,026 $5,423,229 $352,953 $846,951 $804,677 $58,791 29%
$3,300,301 $2,175,395 $503,281 $75,377 $971,580 $165,038
$611,015 $3,261,897 30%
< 1%
$11,063,884 100%
Animal Intake and Shelter Services
Hospital and Veterinary Services
Humane Education
Auxillary Services
Fundraising and Development
Special Events
General and Administrative
Animal Intake Renovations
Total Expenses
Asilomar Numbers
We are proud of what we do and work to be as transparent as possible.
Several years ago, The Anti-Cruelty Society signed the Asilomar
Accords, guidelines that facilitate the data collection process and
assure consistent reporting across animal welfare agencies. A
summary of our fiscal year 2014 statistics are included here. For
details, please visit our website, www.anticruelty.org.
Intake from public
Intake from other organizations
Total Intake
Transfers to other organizations
Honor Roll of Donors
November 1, 2013 — October 31, 2014
The Anti-Cruelty Society operates on a fiscal year that begins on November 1 and ends on October 31. Gifts listed are based on our
2013–2014 fiscal year and include gifts received from November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014. In an effort to be cost conscious,
good stewards of our donors’ contributions, as well as environmentally conscious, we include gifts of $250 or more in our Annual Report.
We are fortunate to have thousands of donors who are not listed here, but their gifts are greatly needed and sincerely appreciated.
Individual Donors
$100,000 +
Mr. Stuart J. Meshboum
Individual Donors
$25,000 to $99,999
Dr. Paul M. Lisnek
Mr. Stephen Parenti
Individual Donors
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Mary M. Bayles
Sandra & Jerry Manne
Ms. Fredericka A. Meyer
Barbara L. Provus
Ms. Deborah Stephen
Ladd J. Vosahlik, Jr.
Individual Donors
$5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Jennifer Alleman
Ms. Block & Mr. Uvena
Angel Calderon
Tim Clancy
Ms. Linda Detweiler
Ms. Susan Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Krueger
Vincent Kueffner &
David Johnson
Adam Labkon
Barbara & Don McLucas
Mr. Alan Minnick
Mr. Hugo Ralli
Andrew & Cynthia Rolfe
Dr. Shelly & Paulette Rubin
Ms. Valerie Turner
Jack Vanhattem
Mr. Robert Vrshek
Dr. Elliot Weisenberg &
Dr. Clara Orban
Bill & Eileen Wilson
Freeman & Kim Wood
Roswitha Wood
Individual Donors
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. Kevin Alsup
Jennifer Arneson
Catherine Bannister
Robyn B. Barbiers, D.V.M.
Ms. Holly Bradley
Ms. Lisa H. Brenner
Ms. Laura Britton
Ms. Sheree Brooks
Ms. Jennifer Busse
Ms. Nicole Byrd
Mr. Roy J. Calvert
Ms. Judith A. Carter
Mr. Jason H. Chernoff
Howard S. Cheskin
Mr. Andrew Dankovich
Daria Darczak
Mr. Chuck Detrie
Jodi Dettbarn
Mr. Daniel Dirnberger
Ms. Sophia Drivalas
Mr. Cole R. Duncan
Deborah Eades
Ms. Melinda Eiseman
Ms. Sue A. Fearing
Mr. Christopher Freeman
James Fuller
Deborah Golan
Mr. Seth Goodchild
Mr. Douglas Graye
Christina M. Grigsby
W. B. Martin Gross
Constance Halachoulis
Mr. & Mrs. Herrnreiter
Linda L. Hime
Fawn Hines
Mrs. Anita E. Hufnagel
Adelle Infante
Richard & Shirley Jaffee
Steven Jancovic
Mariola A. Janek
Armen Kesheshian
Mr. Steven Klein
Ms. Patricia Komorowski
Ms. Cheryl Koritko
James E. Kostro
Gregg & Samantha Lange
Mr. Timothy S. Lasiewicz
Ms. Denise Leighton
Miriam Lerner
Ms. Rebecca K. Levine
Mr. Andrew Magnatowski
Ms. Mary Ann Mahoney
David March
Ms. Connie Masselink
Mr. Christopher McNair
Ms. Jessica Morrison
Mr. Don Myketiak
Alice Nichols
Ms. Deidre O’Donohue
Ms. Katherine E. O’Hara
Mr. Sean Reilly
Jaymie S. Romack
Mr. Aaron Russo
Jermyn Santos
Ms. Gabrielle Sarsok
Susan Schauwecker
Ms. Janet Scotellaro
Ms. Sharon Seivert
Patricia Sershon
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Shapiro
Ms. Diane Shuman
Ms. Erin Sines
Mr. Mark Spence
Julia Stasch
Orin & Constance Steinhaus
Ms. Ashley Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone
Mr. Hector Suarez
Mr. Calvin Swartzentruber
Linda F. Tomchuck
Ms. Diane Valek
Ms. Jennifer Vander Plaats
Ms. Jana Varman
Ms. Nancy Vickroy
Laura Voyt
Frederick W. Wackerle
Ms. Catherina Walker
Ms. Beth A. Weigus
Linda T. Wiener
Ms. Mary Rose Wiertel
Drs. Henry & Carolyn Wiggins
Barbara Williams
Laura Wurtz
Boon Yeap
Lisa Mei Zambito
Individual Donors
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Mary Aspegren
Mr. Carlos Bahena
Dr. Robert Bailey
Ms. Jacqueline Banfield
Ms. Shelly Barrad
Ms. Sandra Bass
Alma Bautista
Ms. Pamela Bavester
Frank Becvar
Mr. Brian Bielarz
Ms. Lee Biernat
Ms. Margaret Biggs
Ms. Sharon Binstock
Gary & Beth Birnbaum
Ms. Lynn A. Blessing
Mr. Richard A. Blessing
James F. Blinder
Ms. Denice C. Bocek
Mr. William Bockelman
Mr. Michael H. Bogal
Ms. Judith Bonacker
Mr. Alan Boughton
Ms. Rita Brief
Ms. Mary Lee Brinegar
Ms. Amy Brinkman
Ms. Vernia Bronaugh
Ms. Barbara Brown
Laurie Brown
Ms. Lynn Brown
Ms. Leslie Browne
Kathylynn Brunner
Ms. Sherice Brunson
Ms. Karen Burggraf
Ms. Theresa Buysse
Mr. Francisco Cambray
Ms. Nancy L. Carr
Ms. Josephine Caruso
Jon & Karen Cashen
Eva Cerritos
Mr. David Childers
Ms. Jane Christino
Ms. Reneta Chwalisz
Kevin Cofer
Julian A. Coleman
Ms. Susanne H. Coriden
Ms. Lavonda Cortez
Ms. Linda Craig
Mr. Bruce Cronander
Dr. Christopher Culp
Ms. Lois E. Czech
Ms. Liese A. Dallbauman
Ms. Tammy Davis
Mr. William C. Davis III
Dr. Theresa L. DePorter
Pratik Desai
Ms. Pricilla Dixon
Mr. Joseph Dombrowski
Ms. Lorraine Dostal
Ms. Penny Dunne
Mark Eggerding
Ms. Cherelynn A. Elliott
Pam Eskra
Ms. Sue Ettelson
Ms. Mary Faber
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Faron
Ms. Kate A. Feinstein
Ms. Shea Finnegan
Dr. Lester Fisher
Ms. Judy Flater
Ms. Lani Flesch
Mr. Raul Flores
Patricia A Foglia
Ms. Loretta Forsner
Ms. Jane G. Fouser
Ms. Joan Franklin
Mr. Nicholas A. Frattaroli
Robert H. Fredian
Mr. James Funderburgh
Ms. Carolyn Garbacz
Mr. James Gerber
Ms. Hiawatha Gibbs
Ms. Erika K. Gibson
Ms. Dorothy Gicela
Mr. Rick Gillies
Ms. Lisa Gilmore
Ms. Susan Glad-Anderson
Stanford & Ann
Dudley Goldblatt
Ms. Laurel Goodman
Cynthia Graham
Keith & Mary Grant
Mr. Douglas Graye
Mr. & Mrs. Grayson
Delta A. Greene
Ms. Kimberlee Grisham
Ms. Bridget Gulotta
Sheila M. Gut
Miss Alison Guy
Mr. Juan Guzman
Christopher T. Hamilton
Ms. Janice N. Hamilton
Ms. Kallie Haney
Mr. Mike Hankwitz
Heather Hansen
Ms. Nancy Hartung
Ms. Eve Heffer
Rachel Heilbrunn
Mr. Marcus Helms
Ms. Nancy Hencke
Ms. Katherine G. Hill
Michele Hines
Ms. Susan R. Hirschberg
Ms. Ann P. Hobel
Joyce E. Hodel
Ms. Janice Honigberg
Ms. Christy Hradek
William & Lillian Ibe
Daniel & Heidi Jaffee
Ms. Nikolina Jankovska
Jeffrey Arthur Jens
Mr. Joseph Johnson II
Ms. Rachel Jordan
Debbie Jurcy
Ms. Sandra J. Kalemba
Mr. Robert Kanonik
Mrs. Barbara Kappler
Mr. Paul Kelley
Mr. Rich Kerby
Jeff & Jaime Kicklighter
Ms. Kristen M. Killackey
Maryellen Klang
Mr. Thomas W. Klehr
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Konopinski
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kottka
Lawrence Krivak
Ms. Georgine Krizek
Kimberly Kuhns
Mr. William H. Kuntz
Mr. Kevin H. Kurtz
Amy LaBan
Ms. G. A. Lagana
Ms. Tammy Lai
Ms. Jennifer Langston
Ms. Laura M. Lauzon
Mr. Mark Lavender
Ms. Karen L. Lemke
Ms. Kaleema Levy
Ms. Patricia L. Loeffler
Pete & Renate Loeffler
Ms. Charlotte Long
Michelle Lozins
Donald Lyon
Maria Maglio-Ahady
Ms. Maureen Maher-Pendry
Ms. Perry Maiorana
Mr. Mark Majd &
Becky Perlman
Richard & Gertrude Makarski
Violet R. Margly
Ms. Cynthia J. Marienthal
Richard Mazola
Ms. Deborah S. McCann
Ms. Melanie McCreary
Kevin & Wanda McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Andy McDonough
Camille & Ian McLeod
Mr. William F. Melka
Mr. Timothy G. Merges
Mr. Raymond G. Meyer
Stephanie Miller
Mr. Frank Miloslavich
Mrs. Mary Ann Mings-Tennant
Sylwia Mleczko
David Moes & Jani Lesko
James & Suzanne Moller
Jens & Larissa Mommsen
Ms. Juliana Monsalve
Mr. Timothy Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray
Mr. Jerome F. Mytych
Mr. Calvin Nakata
Ms. Julia C. Navarre
David & Sharon Neff
Ms. Deana Neubeck
Mr. Andrew Noha
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Norden
Miss Gayle Novak
Anna Nowak
Mr. Jim Obermann
Mr. Jerome J. O’Donnell
Mr. George W. O’Malley
Ms. Carol M. Overman
John W. Parizek
Mr. Anthonly Paskon
Kenneth R. Paulan
John & Brooke Peoples
Mr. Joseph P. Perez
Becky Perlman
Mr. Thomas Perrett
Ms. Joan W. Placke
Anne R. Pramaggiore
Rick & Noreen Prenzler
Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Preze
Andy Prodanovic
Sue Puffpaff
Ms. Emily Pukala
Ms. Christina Quirin
Ms. Gretchen Rakowicz
Gary & Angela Rappeport
Syed Razvi
Joseph Rekas
Mr. Thomas M. Remec
Ms. Sharon Renchof
Jan Reynolds
Ms. Dawn Rich
Gail D. Riihimaki
Barbara Robbins
Jillian Romanowski
Myron Rosenthal
Ms. Heather Ruxton
Ms. Mary A. Samyn
Mrs. Jill E. Schlindwein
Jack & Renata Schuler
Ms. Julie M. Schwalge
Janet Scotellaro
Ms. Sheryl S. Seaton
Mr. Steve Shanker
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The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
Mr. Wade Shanley
Mr. Kenneth Sharigian
Nicole & Kevin Sheasgreen
Ms. Regina Shifman
Ms. Carolee Shudnow
Glenn Silverman
Elizabeth Simpkin
Ms. Julie Simpson
Ms. Kimberly Simpson
Ms. Sybil Skinner-Robertson
Ms. Wilma Jean Smelcer
Kevin & Dawn Smith
Ms. Susan J. Smith
Ms. Susan V. Stacey
Thomas E. Stankus
Mr. Richard Stasiek
Mr. Christian Staudinger
Mr. Robert T. Stephens
Bruce & Celeste (Candy) Stevens
Constance Stewart
Mr. Robert Stocker
Ms. Sharon Stolfa
Katherine A. Strama
Mr. Mark A. Sukacz
Edith J. Szorc
Mr. Robert V. Szramek
Ms. Linda I. Szymaniak
Shila Tantra
Ms. Helen Taylor
Mr. David Thomas
Ms. Helen Thomas
John Thomas &
Julie Ann Hurvis
Ms. Pamela Thompson
Ms. Wendy Thompson
Ms. Mary Thorson
Ms. Carol Tichy
Ms. Suzanne Tinaglia
Mr. Thomas Tinor
Nancy Torres
Mr. Steven Towbin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ungar
Mr. Juan Valle
Kurt & Edith Vandervoort
Lavonne Van Gerpen
Ms. Gloria Vaughan
Ms. Barbara Vershure
Mr. Andrew Vesselinovitch
Mr. Charles M. Weiss
Ms. Elizabeth Weller
Ms. Beverly White
Dr. Georgiana White
Mr. Robert J. Wiebking
Dr. Paul Williams
Ms. Rachel B. Williams, FDN
Kenneth Witek
Ms. Linda Wochadlo
Mr. Frank V. Woelfel
Ms. Dianne M. Yaconetti
Mr. Joseph Yastrow
Marina Yesilevich
Ms. Martha Yungmeyer
Ms. Kristi Zimmerman
Individual Donors
Mrs. Shirley Addison
Ms. Lisa Amidei
Ms. Jennifer Anderson
Ms. Roni Anderson
Mr. George A. Angelillo
Ms. Dianne Appel
Ms. Pamela Arcand
Mr. Kevin Au
Ms. Lisa M. Autry
Dr. Jacob Avraham &
Rachel Gerson
Jeffrey Baker
John & Sharon Baldwin
Lew & Renee Baltzell
Stephen & Wendy Ban
Ms. Jill Barbieri
Ms. Catherine Baumann
Sophie & Carl Beinoras
Ms. Mary Beiter
Ms. Sue Benitez
Bruce A. Benson
Mrs. Marjorie Benton
Ms. Sylvia A. Berger
Ms. Lori Bergmann
Richard & Carol Bernard
Ms. Julie A. Berthold
Mrs. Maryann Betz
Mr. Thomas Biermann
Mr. Richard Bigelow
Ms. Donna L. Bilek
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bless
Silvia Bobeica
Konstantin Boheme
Mr. Eugene W. Bonds
Mr. Karl Borchers
Timothy Boudreau
Mr. Fred Bousquette
Sally & David Bowers
Ms. Geraldine Bowman
Robert Boylan
Julie Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Braun
Ms. Mary Brennan
Mr. Anthony Bridges &
Ms. Mary Gallo
Linda K. Brierre
Thomas A. Britton & Debra J.
Ms. Lauren L. Brosius
Ms. Carol Brown
Ms. Suzanne Browne
Mr. Aaron T. Brubaker
N. A. Brzezinski
Nancy Bubula
Marilyn Bubula Harvey
Mr. Glenn Bucher
Bruce Burger
Mrs. Emmarie Burger
Mr. Lawrence Butterfield
Mr. John Bye
Frank & Laurel Byrne
Miss Margaret Cahoon
Michelle Calvanese
Mr. Don Calvin
Ms. Sierra Campbell
Mr. Jeffrey Campion
Dr. William H. Cannon, Jr.
Kathleen & James Capone
Phyllis Caprio
Ron Capua
Ms. Diane Carlson
Ms. Linda Carson
Robert Castle
Eileen Hess Cavalaris
Mr. Stan G. Cebrzynski
Beverly A. Centella
Ms. Kimberly Cerny
Ms. Linda Chadaranek
Austen Chai
Toni Chan
Bill & Kathryn Chapman
Ms. Alma Chomsky
Mr. Steven R. Chrapla
Ms. Elizabeth S. Clark
Mr. Fraser Clark
Ms. Sarah Clark
Mrs. Raymond Clasen
Ms. Karen Clausen
Ms. Gloria Clay
Ms. Maureen Clifford
Jodi M. Clute & Erwin Pearlman
Roy Coleman & Dianna Uchida
Ms. Kay Collier
Mrs. Adrian W. Collins
Thomas Condon & Erin
Ms. Sue Connaughton
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Cooke
Michael & Florence Corkell
Ms. Colleen E. Currigan
Miss Colleen Curtis
Ursula Czop
Gregory Dado
Mr. Neal David
Ms. Mary Louise DeBoer
Jolien Dellafaille
Michelle Demita
Laura Demoor
Ms. Diana N. Derige
Ms. Mary Derrig
Ms. Joyce DeWinter
Ms. Carolyn Disko
Mr. Brian Dolan
Mrs. Dorothy Domuray
Mr. Stephen P. Donahue
Ms. Susan Donnelly
Mrs. Lynn Doyle
Ms. Marilyn Drury-Katillo
Michael Dudeck
Ms. Janess N. Dulinski
Mr. Richard DuMay
Ms. Jennifer A. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Eldred H. Dusold
Daria Dzura
Mr. Nathan Elwell
Mr. Frederick J. Emmett
Mr. & Mrs. John Engstrom
Mr. Harley Esposito
Ms. Marisa Fabbri &
Timothy Miller
Ms. Karen C. Farm
James & Phyllis Faul
Ms. Sheryl Favia
Mr. Glenn L. Felner
Ms. Kelly Fetzer
Mr. & Mrs. James Fijolek
Mr. Illia Filev
Mr. Thomas Findlay
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Ms. Kathy M. Flanagan
Ms. Nina Flax
Ms. Heather Fleitz
Ms. Clarine B. Fleming
Ms. Molly Fogarty
Ms. Margo A. Ford
Carly Forsthoefel
Dr. & Mrs. William Fox
Ms. Kristine L. Frankard
Lester Frankenthal
Ms. Leslie Fredericks
Ms. Lainchen Friese
Ms. Debbie Fryer
Linda M. Fuller
Ms. Jane Gade
Robert & Jane Gallagher
Teresa Gallo
Mrs. Shirley Gambill
Dr. Kathryn Gamble
Jeanne & Bob Ganchiff
Bhupen & Charu Gandhi
Beth & Ryan Gandre
Mr. William Gardner
Laurie & Will Garrett
Florence Gawin
Kenneth & Sharon Gawron
Ms. Therese Gedwill
Mr. Jason Geiselhart
Ms. Nancy E. Gensky
Ms. Renee C. Gerami
Russ Goldenberg
Ms. Deborah Gordon
Mark Grabiner
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Gray
Ms. Leila Green
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Greenspon
Timothy Gregg
Rochelle Grimbau
Heidi Grinney
Ms. Wendy Griswold
Thomas & Virginia Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gruebnau
Alexandra Gulliver
Jessica Gurinas
Mr. & Mrs. William Guswiler
Marjorie E. Habermann
Caryn K. Habley
Ms. Susan Haddad
Ms. Karen Hafstrom
Mr. Matthew Halawa
Mrs. Thomas Halpin
Ms. Judy Hambrick
Ms. Linda Hamen
Linda H. Hampton
Ms. Judith Hanus
Ms. Joanne J. Hanwell
Ms. Marguerite D. Hark
Ms. Marla Harris
Elaine Haymaker
Michael Heene
Ms. Elizabeth Hennessey
Skip Herman
Donna Hershey
Mr. Louis Hetrovicz
Mr. Robert S. Hevey, Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. Hickey
Ms. Deborah Hill
Ms. Melanie Hilley
Mr. Richard Hoffman
Frances & Rey Hoffmann
Dr. Elizabeth A. Holland & Mr.
Gene S. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Holleran
Mrs. Victoria Hollister
Ms. Lisa Howard
Mary C. Howe
Gary & Carrie Huff
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hunderman
Ms. Mariana Ingersoll
Ms. Mallery Ingmire
Peter & Helen Iosue
Mr. Robert Izzo
Bonnie Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jaman
Mr. Eric James
Mr. Eric Jensen
Erica Jensen
Mr. Richard J. Johannes
Martin & Barbara Johanson
William L. Johns
Ms. Julie Johnson
Ms. Ruth Ann Jones
Ms. Debra C. Jurich
Tim Kabot
Ms. Evelyn Kadlub
Ms. Theresa Kajtsa
Ms. Florence Kalupa
Joseph Kane
Ms. Brice Kanzer
Smica Kapur
Carrie Kauck
Mr. Gary I. Kaufman
Polly Kawalek
Ms. Janet Kearney
Mr. Robert F. Keenan
Irvin M. Keller, Jr.
Mr. Joseph P. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. William Kenny
Robert & Ursula Kewer
Cherie Kielba
Ms. Pearl Ann Kikos
Mr. Michael Killam
Mr. Glenn A. Killoren
Ms. Mary A. Kinsella
John E. Klapper
Lisa & Andrew Klein
Mrs. Lindsay Kleinick
Meghan Kludt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Kobetsky
Mrs. Thomas Koenig
Mrs. Mary Pat Kohberger
Mr. Edward J. Kolar, Jr.
Ms. Mary Kolb
Mr. Marcelo Kotzman
Mr. Robert Kozar
Thomas & Ardelle Kraus
Ms. Virginia Kreger
Mrs. Arthur Kretchmer
Mrs. Brenda Krus
Mr. Glen Kubica
Mr. Ryan Kubly
Ms. Christine Kuczynski
Winnie Kuo
Valerie J. Kuster
Vidyaranya Kannada Kuta
Ms. Charlotte Kwint
Heidi Labuszewski
Ms. Susan Landwer
Gene Larcker
Mr. & Ms. Larry Larsen
Ms. Jean V. Larson
Burt & Caryl Lasko
Ms. Grace Soyon Lee
Ms. Susan E. Lee
Bryan Lehner
Ms. Christina Lemonides
Mr. Rafael Leon
Ms. Carolyn S. Levin
Ms. Betty Lewis
Mr. Stan Lindberg
Ms. Lorelle Lindo
Mrs. Lois Lindquist
Ms. Wendy A. Lindquist
Ken Liss
Mr. Nicholas Listello
Ms. Ellen Lochhead
Ms. Sarah Logan
Christopher Long
Mr. Welton Luecke
Mrs. Kari L. Lusk-Basick
Judith Lux
Mrs. Carole Lynam
Ms. Madelyn MacMahon
Ms. Pamela Madden
Rajagopalan Mahadevan
Mr. Mitchell Makowksi
Ms. Carole Malinski
Mr. Daniel H. Mallmann
Mr. Thomas Malmquist
Kathy Manofsky
Ms. Jennifer Marek
Ms. Patricia Marek
Diane Marsh
Mr. Thaddeus Marusarz
Mr. James Maslowski
Kevin Maszaros
Ms. Elizabeth Maxeiner
Ms. Arlene Mazurek
Ms. Laura McCormac
Carol McGury
Elaine McKenzie
Ms. Kay McMackin
Ms. Janette A. McMahan
Mr. Tim McMahon
Mr. Timothy Memet
Mrs. Terri Mertz
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Metzger
Ms. Joan Migliorese
Brian & Catharon Miller
Ms. Karen Miller
Ms. Rita M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Keith & Lisa Minor
Ms. Mary Ellen Mitchanis
Mr. Christopher G. Mitchell
Ms. Elizabeth L. Mitchell
Laura Moffitt
Mr. Gregory L. Monti
Ms. Cynthia A. Moody
Ms. Catherine Moran
Barbara Young Morris
Judy Mossholder
Allan Mott
Jerome Mrowca & Lois Carlson
Ethel Mullin
Ms. Jean P. Murphy
Ms. Kristin Nagaro
D.M. Neely
Ms. Dorothy A. Nelson
Ms. Anne Nelson
Ms. Patricia Nemeth
Paula Nessel
Suzanne Neumann &
Andrew Kimmel
Ms. Nancy Newberger
Layhooi Jan Ng
Leif & Valerie Nielsen
Daniel & Anne Marie Novak
Mr. Robert L. Noven
Ms. Joyce L. Nyberg
Mr. & Mrs. Rick O’Dell
Ms. Janet O’Neil
Mr. Patrick O’Reilly
Mr. Jeffrey Oshona
Elliott & Jane Otis
Kerry Overton
Ms. June Maguire Ozmon
Mr. Jonathan Paetsch
Stacy Pak
Anthony Pallot
Ms. Amanda Palmucci
Ms. Christine H. Patek
Mrs. Holly Patterson
Laura R. Peppers
Roger Perry
Ms. Joanne Persha
Mr. Dan W. Persinger
Mary Jo Pesut
Ms. Elizabeth Peters
Myra K. Ping
Mr. Eugene Plaza
Ms. Carolyn M. Pogar
Ryan & Alissa Pohlman
H. V. Posniak
Mr. William Potocek
Mr. Igor Povorozniouk
Mr. Joseph Power
Ms. Noreen Prenzler
Ms. Gail Principe
Mr. Mike Prochnow
Ms. Eve M. Pusateri
Jayant Radhakrishnan
Mrs. Robert Rainer
Ms. Ernestina M. Ramos
Rashmi Rampuria
Dennis P. Randall
Mr. Raymond Ratajczak
Terry Ready
John & Eileen Reger
Thomas & Diane Richards
Mr. Andrew Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Robertson
William & Kay Rollett
Steve Rosenbloom
Ms. Wendy Rosenstock
Mr. David Roth
Ms. Jean L. Rothbarth
Lesley S. Russell
Mr. Douglas A. Ryan
Robert & Shelia Ryan
Roger & Kathy Saltzman
Vicki L. Santoro
Mr. Michael Saunders
Penny Sawczak
Ms. Cecil H. Schatte
Ms. Jennifer Schmidt
Elden & Doris Schnur
Ms. Dorie Schwertz
Mrs. Joan Scimeca
Ms. Rita Service
Ms. Tatyana Sgibneva
Jason Shah
Ms. Shelley Shaw
Mary Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. James Shier
Ms. Joyce Shrailberg
Owen Sidaway
Ms. Gloria V. Sidman
Mr. & Mrs. Romolo Sidoli
Ms. Jeanne Siekowski
Casimir J. Sieronski
Ms. Maria Silva
Mr. Murray A. Simon
John Simon
Ms. Jane Sims
Ms. Sheryl Sims
Cornelius Sippel
Mr. Kenneth C. Skudlarek
Deborah Slaton
Mrs. Nancy E. Smerz
Mr. Paul Smit
Mr. Alan F. Smith
Dan & Cherie Smith
Donna Smith
Ms. Lesley Smith
Ms. Marilyn Smith
Mr. Phil Smolinski
Mr. Anthony M. Smyth
Susan K. Snowden
Ms. Elizabeth Snyder
Kelly Snyder
Ms. Carina Sokalski
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sorensen
Kimberly Spata
Ms. Jennifer Spice
Denis & Roselyn Springer
Ms. Geeta Stack
Ms. Laurel Stanley
Mr. Thomas Staray
Ms. Barbara Starr
Victor & Barbara Stasica
Ms. Linda M. Stawicki
Mr. Matthew W. Stefanich, Jr.
Mark & Margaret Stenftenagel
Mr. Gary Stern
Morton & Anne Stern
Mr. James Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stubbe
Ms. Divya Subramaniam
Ms. Diane M. Szczurek
Ms. Marilyn Szekendi
Rose Szulaka
Mr. Joseph Szymczak
Gloria M. Tadman
Ms. Patti K. Taft
Ms. Carol Taylor
Mr. Reginald D. Taylor-Ochoa
Ms. Catherine Terry
Cherryl Thomas
January Thomas
Ms. Kimberly Thomas
Monica Thomas
Ms. Diane Thornton
Ms. Linda Thurmond
Jennifer Tippins
Ms. Maureen Tokar
Mr. Fred Tokowitz
Ms. Tracey Trofimuk
Kathy Tuite
Ms. Josie Tuzzolino
Christina Twardowski
Ms. Sara Ungari
Gabriela Urquiza
Ms. Paula M. Uscian
Elizabeth Valdez
Ms. Sharon Valko
Ms. Barbara J. Valocik
Curtis & Marie Verschoor
Ernest & Michelle Wagner
Robert F. Walbridge
Carla N. Walker
Mr. Donald Walsh
John & Barbara J. Walsh
Mrs. Linda Weber
Nancy & Cliff Weber
Mr. Edward Wegrzyn
Philip Wells
Heidi Westland
Linda Wexler
Marianne Wheeler
Ms. Alexandria Wick
Mr. Craig Wilbanks
John and Sandra Williams
Patricia Williams
J. Scott Winston
Gordon & Pamela Wojdyla
Mr. Robert Wollmann
Carole C. Wood
Ms. Sharon Wsol
Geninne M. Yacullo
Mark & Heather L. Yeager
Dr. Azade Yedidag
Nickalus Zielinski
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Ziemer
Mr. R. E. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zwolinski
Individual Donors
$250 - $499
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Cheryl Abbott
Mr. Steven Abelson
Larry Ableman
Ms. Veronica Abraham
Hilde Achepohl
Mr. Roy Ahlgren
Farida Ahmed, M.D.
Humberto & Eugenia Alcantara
Gus & Kathleen Alexandrakis
Ms. Gerilyn M. Alfe
David J. Aliosius
Ms. Zoe Allen
Ms. Judith Almand
Dr. Gil Altman
Ms. Maryann Alton
Delilah Altun
Brian & Jennifer Alves
Perry Ander
Ms. Jane F. Anderson
Ms. Judith W. Anderson
Ms. Lynn Anderson
Lynne Anderson
Steven Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Andreoni
Niki Anos
Mr. Earl Anschicks
Susan Armitage
Mr. & Mrs. John Arnold
Ms. Lori Arp
Ms. Susan Arra
Ms. Hollee Askew
Judy Avila
Daniel & Marian Azzaro
Mr. Rex Babiera
Ms. Audrey Bach
Ted & Kathy Bachman
Mr. William Bader
Ms. Ann B. Baker
Ms. Hetty Balanoff
Melanie & John Balzer
Ms. Anne Barclay
Barbara S. Barker
Julie Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Rotchford L. Barker
Mr. Steve Barrett
Mr. Michael J. Barry
Mr. Roger Bartulis
Mr. Brian Bates
Jennifer Bauer
Ms. Robin Baugher
Jeffery & April Baxter
Mr. Theodore Bechrakis
Ms. Carolyn Beia
Mr. Daniel Beimer
Larry Bell
Mr. Robert Beltz
Mr. Alan L. Bennett
Laura Benward
Ms. Jeanette Benziger
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bergetz
Marion Berglund
Laura Thomas Bergman
Wendy Berkson
Ms. Lynn Besser
Ms. Jennifer Best
Mr. Richard Biancalana
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bierwirth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bills, Jr.
Leah Bindig
Mrs. Kim Bingham
Ms. Georganne Binnie
Ms. Stacey Kruger Birndorf
Jeanine & Scott Bischoff
Ms. Sally J. Black
Ms. Sally Blair
Roberta Blash
Mrs. Deborah Blennerhassett
Walter & Tina Bloomenthal
Mrs. Michael C. Bodzewski
Roy & Veronica Boffo
Mr. Bruce Bordner
Barbara Bowen
Ms. Carolyn Bowman
Mr. Frederick Boxa
Ayla Boyd
Ms. Janice Bozzelli
Mr. Owen Randolph Bragg
Ms. Johanna Brainin
Angela & Michael Brauneis
Mr. Peter Bray
Stacey Braybrook
Mr. Martin H. Brennan
Mr. William D. Bresingham
Rick Brickwell
Ms. Delores Brigham
Mr. William G. Brill
Ms. Carolyn J. Brna
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Broitzman
Ms. Diane A. Broniarczyk
Bonnie J. Brousil
Ms. Kathleen W. Brown
Ms. Lavinia Brown
Marilyn K. Brown
Renate Brown
Mr. Matthew F. Bryla
Mr. & Mrs. John Buchalo
Mr. David Buck
Mr. Chester P. Budd, Jr.
Ms. Joyce I. Budd
Ms. Barbara Budinger
Mr. Andrew Buege
Ms. Dona R. Bugielski
Molly Bukowski
Barbara Ann Bultinck
Mr. Joseph Burman
Adele Burns
Ms. Marie T. Burns
Ms. JoEllen Burns-Muntz
Ms. Christine E. Burrer
Ms. Kathy Burston
Ms. Sonja D. Butler
Alan Butman
Ms. Elinor G. Bye
Michael & Judith Cahill
Ms. Sandy Calabrese
Mr. William Cales
Mr. Robert F. Callbeck
Mr. Christopher Camacho
F. M. Cameron
William D. Caminiti
Ms. Mary Campbell
Mr. Charles D. Canington
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Canning
Ms. Clara Carls
Lawrence Carney
Kimberly A. Carter
Ms. Ann S. Carton
Ms. Linda Cary
Dr. Caroline Casey
Mr. Nicholas Casey
Mr. & Mrs. James Castelli
Ms. Andrea Cattarin
Ms. Nancy M. Celestino
Kimberly Chance
Hui-Ching Chang
Ms. Joan S. Cherry
Mrs. Nageswari Cherukonda
Janet Chitjian
Jean Churchman
Ms. Barbara Chwastek
Ms. Jean G. Ciavattone
Ms. Sarah Cicak
Ms. Andrea Ciccone
Ms. Vivian Cielak
Mr. Charles Cisner
Ms. Donna Clark
Ms. Lisa Clark
Lisa & Colin Clark
Mr. Neil Clark
Ms. Sonja Clark
Mr. Ronald Cleveland
Ms. Audrey M. Clinton
Ms. Cynthia Cobbs
Ms. Janet Cohn
Ms. Elaine Collina
F. P. Concepcion
Mr. Michael Conklin
Ms. R. Sue Connolly
Ms. Claudia Cook
Ms. Judith L. Cook
Ms. Pamela Cook
William R. & Nancy Coole
Dr. Cheryl Cooper
Ms. Merle Cooper
Ms. Bernadette H. Coppola
Shereen P. Corbett
Ms. Anne Cornejo
Mr. Lawrence O. Corry
Ms. Elvira Coszach
Ms. Barbara A. Coussement
Mr. & Mrs. George Covington
Ms. Jennifer Cox
Judy L. Cox
Ms. Elizabeth Crandall
John & Maria Crawford Scott
Mr. Thomas D. Creigh
Dean & Gail Crue
Mrs. Carole Cummings
Ms. Carol Currie
Kelly Cutler
Ms. Marilyn Cutler
Mr. James E. Dahl
Catherine J. Damme
Robert & Janet Daniels
Ms. Marilyn B. Darnall
Ms. Laura Davis
Mrs. Wesley Day
Michelle Dea
Ms. Mary Lou DeBoer
Robert & Grace Degrand
Mr. James Deignan
Mr. Alfredo de los Reyes
Mr. John DeMilio
Ms. Sherlyn Denise
Jesse Depirro, Sr.
Ms. Bertha Depriest
Ms. Linda DeRaad
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Derwent
K. Deschamps
Ms. Leona M. Destefano
Mr. Paul DeWoskin
Edgar Diaz
Susan & Hal Dickens
Mr. James R. Dickes
Donald & Shirley Diersen
Ms. Amy E. Diller
Ellen J. Dillon
Ms. Yvonne Dimucci
Ms. Kathy Dittmann
Mr. Keith E. Dixon
Christine Dobbins
Ms. Virginia T. Dobey
Ms. Janice E. Doell
Michael & Diane Dolesh
Ms. Marilyn S. Domke
Mr. Michael F. Donahue
Kate Donaldson
Ms. Jerry A. Donlin
Mr. Timothy Doody
Mr. John G. Doolen
Ms. Carol Dopke
Mrs. Christine Doriott
George E. Douglas
Ms. Christie L. Doyle
Ms. Deborah A. Drayton
Ms. Kristen J. Drewke
Ms. Candace Drimmer
Ms. Sharon Duchaj
Ms. Patricia Duff
Joseph & Kathleen Dunigan
Mr. Allen Dunitz
Ms. Delores Dunlap
Gerald & Teresa Dunphy
Ms. Debra Dunstan
Enrique Duran
Chris Dyess
Diane Dzik
Mr. Jim Eaton
Christine Keltner Ecklar
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Edwards
Ms. Heidi Eichler
Ms. Emily Eisenkramer
Jennifer Eklund
James N. Eligator
Sarah Elliott
Lorrie & Marcus Elliott & Clark
Mr. Joel Elmer
Mr. Gregory Else
Brian Elstner
Emmanuel Elvira
Ms. Kathryn Emmerson
Ms. Tim J. Emmitt
Ms. Lucia Engle
Kerry Enloe
Ms. Patricia Erd
Ms. Lynda Erickson
Ms. Griselda Espinosa
Ms. Marion Evans
Mrs. Marta Evans
Mr. Robert Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Even
Ms. Lane Evensen
Mr. Bernard Fafinski
Ms. Bonnie A. Fallen
Mr. Robert Fassbender
Messrs. Robin & Ryan Fellers
Mr. Mike Ferrante
Michael Ferro
Mr. Wally Fiebiger
Ms. Linda M. Finland
Mrs. Gerry Finley
Ms. Suzanne Fiscina
Ms. Diane Fisher
Mr. Keith Fisher
Ms. Eva Fitz
Mr. William G. Fitzgerald
Mr. Jim Fitzmaurice &
Mr. Doug GeBraad
Ms. Maria Flanagan
Mrs. Traci Flanders
Leslie Fletcher
Ms. Lauren Flocken
Ms. Jan Flynn
Linda L. Follansbee
Mr. Daniel Forbes
Mr. Jeffrey Forgos
Ms. S. Forkins
Mr. John S. Fox
Ms. Nancy Fox
Ms. Sally Frantz
Mike Frasor
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Frayer
Ms. Margaret S. Freel
Mr. Robert D. Frisk
Mr. Jason Froehner
Mr. David Fryk
L. J. Fudacz
Ms. Meryl Fulara
Mrs. Lynda J. Fuller
Ms. Lynne Galia
Ms. Cynthia B. Galiga
Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Galliart
Daniel & Karen Gallo
Mary Gallucci
Patricia A. Garry
Mr. Carlos Gasca
Ms. Amy Gawura
Mr. Juan Gaytan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Geake
Renee Gehm
Ms. Sandi Geiger
Barbara J. Geist
Page 19
The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
Glen Geist
Ms. Edith Gentry
Ms. Karen Gershon
Ms. Carol A. Gertig
Ms. Catherine Giannakis
Mr. Maximilian Gibbons
Ms. Dianne Gibraski
Daryl & Joe Giganti
Edward & Lissa Gilaty
John Gilchrist
Mr. Michael Gill
Ms. Julie Gillespie
Randilyn W. Gilliam
Ms. Karen L. Ginter
Joseph Glaser
Char & Jerry Glashagel
Mr. & Mrs. James Glasser
Mr. Werner Goelz
Mr. Russell M. Goldenberg
Randy & Helen Goldman
Judith A. Goldrick
Martin Goldstone
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Goldwater
Anndrea Golightly
Myron E. Gomberg
Mr. Fred Gonzalez
Alexander & Cynthia Goodrich
Ms. Debra C. Gorman
Ms. Eve M. Gorman
Ms. Nancy C. Gorman
Ms. Mary H. Gormley
Ms. Susan Graff
Ms. Fe Granada
Janet Green
June Gregory
Brent & Karen Greider
Maxine Grief
Ms. Mary P. Griffin
Ms. Marilyn J. Grodski
Ms. Marda J. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grossklags
Sharon Grottkau
Mr. Glenn Grzonka
Stefano Guandalini
Jodi L. Gunther
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gwyer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hagen
Mr. Samuel J. Haik
Sana Hakim
Ms. Helen Halfen
Matthew Hall
Rebecca Haller
Beverly Hamm
Ms. Alexandra Han
Mr. Joel L. Handelman
Ms. Jeanne Hansen
Richard V. Hardin
Ms. Virginia Hardy
Karen Haro
Susan M. Harrigan
Christine Harris
Ms. Colleen C. Harris
Dennis Harris
Ms. Phoebe Harris
John Hart
Mrs. K. Harvey
Norma J. Harvey
Ms. Kristine Hassmer
Howard & Mette Hattemer
Ms. Ellen Havdala
Martin & Vanessa Hayden
Ms. Laura Hazelwood
Ms. Anne Hazlehurst
Mr. Paul S. Heckerling
Ed & Cindy Hegarty
Mr. Ernest F. Heilemann
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Heiligman
Peter & Patricia Held
Ms. Myrna Henggeler
Susan J. Hennicke
Dennis & Cheryl Henry
Mr. William Henry
Priscilla C. Hensel
Catherine A. Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Herman
Kathleen Hermann
Ms. Lauren Hermanowicz
Niloofar Hessami
Mr. Howard Heyman
Mrs. John P. Higginson, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Hill
Ms. Joan A. Hill
Ms. Katharine Hill
Ms. Rachel Hill
Michele R. Hilsenbeck
Donald & Judith Hockemeyer
Jerome Hoffman
Ms. Ruth Hoffman
Mrs. Sharon Holihan
Mr. David Holm
Mr. Gordon Holt
Ms. Barbara Holton
Dean Holtz
Ms. Harriet Hora
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Horn
William O. Horn
Ms. Julie Horvath
Mr. Mark Horwitz
Ms. Jeanne M. House
Ms. Janice D. Houston
Deanne Howard
Gail Howden
Susan Howell
Mr. Michael Hrickiewicz
Doreen Hsu
Ms. Gina Hubberts
Lois Hudson
Mr. Wayne Huladek
Harry & Robin Hunter
John Huntington
Mr. David Hutchins
Heath Hutchins
Ms. Ruth B. Hutchison
Mr. Joseph Isenbergh
Heath Izenson
Mr. Mitchell & Traci Jacobs
Ms. Nina Jacobsen
Ms. Nancy M. Jacobson
Mr. Kenneth W. James
Mr. Daniel Jania
Ms. Dorothy L. Janousek
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Jaris
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Jarosh
Mr. Louis V. Jarosh
Mr. James J. Jarosz
Mrs. Kathy Jayred
Ms. Patricia Jennings
Mr. Russell J. Jersey
Mr. William W. Jewell
Mr. Joseph Johnson
Marilyn Johnson
Paul & Nancy Johnson
Mr. Russell Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Jones
Robert & Patricia Jones
Ms. Phyllis Jurgovan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Juza
Joyce Kaczmarek
Mr. Fred Kaempfer
Ms. Ruth C. Kaisto
Tom & Esta Kallen
Ms. Adrienne M. Kane
Ms. Linda M. Kania
Ms. Alice W. Karl
Ms. Julie M. Karstrand
Mr. Lawrence Kart
Ronald & Frona Kassens
Ms. Mary F. Kaufman
Ms. Tammy Kavalir
Ms. Elizabeth Kawior
Ms. Judy A. Kearney
Ms. Barbara Keck
Mr. Michael C. Keenan
Thomas Keenan
Ms. Nina Keinberger
Mrs. Kevin Kellen
Thomas Keller
Ms. Sally A. Kelley
Mr. Benjamin Kelsey
Ms. Marylou Kennedy
Patricia & Richard Kent
Mrs. Patricia Kerber
Mr. Thomas E. Kernan
Dale & Amy Kerner
Ms. Elizabeth Kerr
Mr. Keith Kessel
M. R. Kidder
Mr. Richard S. Kimmel
Scott Kinzie
Mr. Mark Kipnis
Mr. Jon Kirkeleit
Ms. Therese Kitt
Ms. Mary Klonowski
Marty Kluth
Dr. Ruth L. Knight
Fredrick & Louise Knox
Ms. Corinne Kogut
Ms. Pamela J. Kokenis
William & Shirley Koloseike
Vicky Koncir
Stephanie M. Konkol
Cameron Konop
Don & Barbara Konrath
Ms. Beverly Kopala
Greg Korte
Ms. Phyllis V. Kosick
Ms. Patricia Kowalczyk
Ms. Martha C. Krainyk
Harold & Pat Kraske
Mr. Thomas G. Krause
Ms. Jacqueline M. Krefft
Kelly Krob
Ms. Grace Kroll
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kroll
Steve & Susan Kroll
Mr. Arthur J. Krumrey
Mr. & Mrs. Pamela Kruse
Mrs. Anastasia Krutilla
Ms. Kathryn Kubis
Mr. Robert J. Kudder
Ms. Chrisanne Kuenzel
Ms. Roberta Kulesza
Lanis Kuyzin
Ms. Virginia M. Kviz
Ms. Barbara A. Kwiecinski
Ms. Robin Labancz
Ms. Carol D. Lacy
Jeanne M. Ladd
Ms. Wendy Lakoskey
Mrs. Diljit Lall
Robert A. & Yolanda Lambert
Christine H. Lamut
Ms. Barbara Lane
Louise Lane
Mr. Alfred Lange
Mr. David Lass
Carl Laub
Ms. Cecile M. Lauer
Ms. Nancy J. Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Laukaitis
Ms. Shawn Lauritzen
Ms. Mary Lawson
Mr. Bruce Layton
Jane Lazar
Deborah Lazzara
Mr. John Lee
Linda Legac
Tom Leiding
Terrance & Linda LeKander
Ms. Susan Lenius
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Leonard
Ms. Janet W. Leopold
Miss Nancy Lerner
Asa T. Lett
Eden Levinson
Ms. Janet T. Lewis
Mrs. Beverly Liberti
Ms. Lorri Ligocki
Mrs. Regina Lillie
Gerald Lincocke
Landon Lindsay
Ms. Phyllis G. Linning
JoAnne & Ian Linsell
Ms. Judy Lipp
Marilyn Litteria
David Lobocki
Ms. Ellen Lockwald
Ms. Mary Loftus
Mr. Lloyd Logsdon
Ms. Sandra Lombardi
Ms. Kelly M. Lombardo
Ms. Laura Long
Mr. Michael Long
Holly Love
Ms. Patricia Lowe
Deborah & Michael Luethy
Ms. Joan Lynch
Arthur & Wendy Lynn
Mrs. Karen Lyons
Ms. Carol Maccabe
Mr. David Mackimm
Ms. Kathy MacLachlan
Mr. & Mrs. E. MacLaughlin
Andrew Magnatowski
Mr. Gregg Maier
Mr. Vincent Maiorano
Anthony Maiore
Georgia Majors
Mrs. Noreen Makaryk
Mr. Andrew Makowski
Ms. Miriam Malinowski
Mr. James Malnar
Ms. Mary J. Malone
Ms. Therese M. Maloney
Ms. Cheryl Maluta
Ms. Therese Mann
Jadwiga K. Manning
Mr. James J. Maracek
Ms. Kathleen P. Marchese
Mrs. Sharon Marchiori
Frank W. Mareska
Ms. Paula Markanich
Melissa Markey
John & Sharon Marlin
Mrs. Pamela Marroquin
Mr. Randy L. Marti
Mr. Thomas Martin
Jeanne Martineau
Ms. Laura Martinez
Carol Marusarz
Ms. Betty Marzec
Dr. Louise Mason
Mr. Jeffrey P. Mathe
Mr. Daniel Matlin
Ms. Marcia L. Matson
Michael Mattson
John & Dianne Maul
Ms. Susan M. Mayer
Mr. Melvin Mayster
Ms. Joan M. Mazurek
Ms. Katherine McCorkle
Ms. Ann McCue
Nancy A. McDaniel
Lyn M. McHugh
Ms. Janet McIntosh
John R. McNamara
Jolanta M. McNamara
Pat McNamara
Ms. Joan McShane
Terry J. Medhurst
Ms. Judith Meguire
Mrs. Kate Melnick
Mr. John Merriman
Mrs. Elaine Metzger
Ms. Laura L. Metzger
Eileen A. Meyer
Mr. Jack L. Meyer
Ms. Janet G. Meyer
Kathleen Meyer
Mrs. Lee F. Meyer
Ms. Pam Meyer
Kathleen M. Mezera
Ms. Joyce E. Micco
Ms. Jan Michalec
Mr. John H. Michalek
Ms. Sandra Michel
Mr. Randall Migut
Eveline Mikolajczyk
Ms. Jacqueline Miller
Mary Jane Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Ms. Lucy Minor
Mr. Richard C. Minto
Mr. Michael L. Miodonski
Mr. David A. Misenhimer
Stuart & Nancie Mishlove
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Missimer
Ms. Andrea F. Mitchel
Ms. Janice Mix
Mr. Raymond V. Mlecko
Terry & Betty Modlin
Mr. Scott Moller
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Molton
Ms. Louise Momani
Jean Monigal
Ms. Carla W. Montgomery
Kenneth & Nancy Moran
Ms. Catherine Morgan
Ms. Elaine J. Morgan
Sydney Morgan
T. K. Moriarty
Mr. Frank Morlan
Mr. John Morris
Ms. Nancy K. Morrison
Ms. Jacqueline Mosby
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Moss
John Mousseau
Ms. Suzanne Mroch
Gayle A. Mrock
Todd & Janice Much
Tim & Tracy Muellemann
Mr. Richard V. Muhlethaler
Ms. Anne Mulholland
Ms. Monica Munaretto
Robert J. Murphy
Ms. Sheryl Murray
Ms. Henrietta Neeley
Ms. Deanna Nehmzow
Ms. Linda Neilson
Linda Nellett
Kurt & Melissa Neubauer
Ms. Mallory K. Neuberg
Mr. Richard Neville
Dr. Christopher Newman
Ms. Elaine T. Newquist
Myron & Jill Nicholson
Ms. Kathleen M. Niemi
Ms. Therese Nikodem
John & Elizabeth Nolan
Ms. Alena Nolte
Ms. Donna Norkus
Ms. Armella Norton
Ms. Karen A. Notaro
Ms. Jackie Novak
Ms. Marilyn K. Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Novak
Susan & James Nugent
Ms. Elaine Obergfell
Ms. Donna O’Brien
Ms. Sarah Odeh
Mr. Ron O’ Donnell
Mr. Richard Oginski
Sandy O’Kane
Ms. Janice Oldach
Ms. Donna Oleson
Ms. Karin Olsen
Ms. Darlene Olson
Mr. Jim Olson
Ms. Pamela Omay
Mr. Patricia O’Neil
Ms. Mira Opsenica
Barbara J. Ostroski
Ms. Gail Oszakewski
Ms. Mary Jo O’Toole
Mr. John Ozuk
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Paczosa
Ms. Elaine Pagels
Dana Palmer
Ms. Kathy Palmer
Ms. Lisa Palmleaf
James & Gail Panger
Susan & Ronald Panzer
Jen & Tom Papahronis
Ms. Angela Papassavas
Ms. Janet Paradiso
Mario & Erika Pardo
Sue E. Parker
Ms. Carolyn Parratt
Charles & Kathryn Pasco
Paul J. Pasinski
Mary B. Pattison
Ms. Priscilla Patton
Ms. Patricia Nelia Paulauskas
B. Pavell
Eugene C. Peace, Jr.
Tekla Pedigo
Ms. Jennifer Pehling
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pena
Mr. John W. Penachio
Margaret M. Pendry
Mr. Charles Penhaligen
Robert Pepper
Renee Perez
Ms. Betty J. Perkins
Ms. Marie-Anne Perlia
Mr. David Perry
Ms. Yvonne Peterka
Barbara Peterlin
Ms. Jo Ann Peters
Ms. Susan Peters
Mr. Justin Peurye-Hissong
Ms. Donna Pfleeger
Michael & Jennifer Pichla
Ms. Eleanor Pick
Ms. Linda Pienta
Ms. Margaret C. Pierce
Ms. Liza M. Pilch
Ms. Susan Pinkus
Mr. Kirk Pion
Mr. Ernest Pirtle
Frances Polick
Mr. Jerome Pollan
Mrs. Lisa Pope
Ms. Kimberly Porter
Mr. William V. Porter
Erica Portnoy & David Bishaf
Ms. Gigi A. Posejpal
Mr. Drew Poulos
Mr. James Prendergast
Richard S. Price
Ms. Sarah C. Pritscher
Mr. Greg & Sherri Proehl
Mr. James Purdy
Ms. Marcie Pytlarz
Gloria Quinlan
Ms. Nancy K. Quinn
Ms. Nancy Quiroz
Mr. Mike W. Raia
Ms. Carol Stafford Ralph
Ms. Jann C. Ralph
Helene & Dorothy T. Rantz
Ms. Jacqueline Rapp
Mr. Phillip E. Raskin
John & Jean Ray
Ms. Nancy Ray
Dr. Suzan L. Rayner
Ms. Patricia Reavy
Jackie Reed
Mr. William Rehberg
Kell & Barb Reimann
Ms. Barbara J. Reise
Mr. Matthew S. Renczarski
Ms. Lynn Rendall
Ms. Deborah C. Retondo
Mary J. Revak
Ethan Revsin
Rita Rexing
Ms. Jacqueline Reynolds
Mr. Robert Rhein
Vivian L. Rhodes
Mr. John Richardson
Ms. Evelyn R. Richer
David & Kathleen Riddell
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott C. Robbins
Mr. James E. Robbs
Ms. Marilynn R. Robinson
Mr. Carlos E. Rocha
Ms. Mary Roddy
Cynthia J. Rodgers
Ms. Judith Rodgers
Ms. Kathy Rodgers
John Rogers
Mr. Daniel J. Ronchetti
Ms. Anne Rorimer
Heidi Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Valerie Rose
Leah Rosemergy
Ms. Sandra Rosendo
Ms. Diane Ross
Mr. Charles Rosseter
Mr. Fred Roth
Warren & Jan Rouse
Ms. Violet Rowe
Stephen & Sandra Ruby
Ms. Carol A. Ruppert
Mr. Patrick Rupsch
Linda Rutili
Julie & Tod Ruxton
Ellen Ryske
Mr. Edward L. Sachs
Michael Sackar
Karen D. Samek
Ms. Jacquelin E. Samp
Elliot Samuels
Ms. Irene Betty Samuels
Ms. Cynthia Sanchez
Manuel & Danielle Sanchez
Leslye Sandberg
Ms. Heidi W. Sandgathe
Mr. Jamal Sangster
Mr. Samuel Santora
Dominic & Mary Beth Saraceno
Ms. Paula Sargis
Ms. Pamela Sasser
Ms. Judith Satkiewicz
Ms. Shanti Satra
Frank Scardino
Ms. Gloria Scardino
Ms. Ann M. Scesnewicz
Ms. Jill Schafer
Ms. Roberta S. Schaffer
Ms. Cynthia A. Schalk
Theresa Scheuermann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schilling
Mr. & Mrs. David Schmitt
Ms. Sandy Schneider
Mr. Robert E. Schnuckel
Ms. Carolyn Schoeller
Mary J. Schrader
Ms. Catherine M. Schranz
Mr. Anthony Schreck
Ms. Susan Schricker
Mr. Warren T. Schriks
Alice B. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schwartz
Ms. Jennifer Schwer
Ms. Jane Scollay
Mr. Joseph Scott
Mrs. Jody M. Scott-Harris
Mr. Dale A. Sedivec
Mr. John Selep
Darlene J. Seligmann
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Selix
Marilynn Selk
Ms. Sharon Sellers
Mr. Gary Semjamin
Ms. Jacqueline Sesso
Mr. Harold Shade
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shapiro
Ms. Carolyn Sheridan
Jean E. Sheridan
Mr. Dan W. Sherry
Mr. Richard H. Shoemaker
Ms. Barbara Shomaker
Elizabeth A. Shubeck
Ms. Virginia A. Shuder
Owen Sidaway
Ms. Linda J. Siebrandt
Ms. Sandra Siegel
Joseph & Gay I. Silder
Mr. Robert Simon
Mr. Scott Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Simunich
Ms. Mary Singelman
Vincent Sinisi
De Borah Sirilla
Antis Sirmbardis
Mr. Tom Skees &
Ms. Lisa Wingler
Ms. Theresa Smigura
Ms. Dorothy Smith
Ms. Judith Benesch Smith
Lee Smith
Linas Smulkstys
Mr. David Snyder
Deborah Soloman
Ms. Cynthia Soltes
Terry Sonenberg
Carole Sorensen
Ms. Beverly Butz Sosa
Mr. Daniel Spaulding
Ms. Carol M. Speckman
Ms. Pam Speidel
Mr. Nick Spencer
Ms. Mary Spicer
Ms. Selena Spiegel
Mr. David J. Stagman
Mr. Ronald Stankiewicz
Mr. Charles Stanley
Ms. Leslie Star
Ms. Patricia Staszak
Ms. Nathalie Steelberg
Ms. Anne M. Stefan
Ms. Jennifer Stegmaier
Ms. Ruth Stella
Ms. Deborah M. Stephanites
Phillip & Leslie Stern
Shirley Stitt
Ms. Cheri Stockhausen
Janet M. Stoerger
Ms. Nancy Stogsdil
Ms. Elizabeth Stojek
Ms. Diana A. Stokes
Ms. Karen Stolzman
Ms. Katherine A. Strama
Dr. Joshua Straus
Maurice & Laura Strom
Ms. Margaret M. Strysik
Ms. Ida Sularz
Mr. John B. Sullivan
Ms. Christine S. Sumida
Adrian D. Summers
Ms. Eleanor T. Sunseri
Ms. Corrine Surma
Ms. Shirley Swanson
Mr. Daniel Swartz
Mr. Jim Swenson
Ms. Mariola Swietochowska
Ms. Gina Szalay
Malgorzata Szostek
Mr. Joe Szymczak
Mr. James R. Tansley
Ms. Cheryl Tantillo
Ms. Bonnie Tarry
Carolyn & David Tayabji
Ms. Melany Telleen
Dr. Richard Terp
Mr. Ron Tesarik
Mr. Mel Thachuk
David Thacker
Beau Thalheimer
Ms. Carol A. Thoma
Robert & Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. Albert V. Thompson
Mr. Edward J. Thompson
Phillip & Eloise Thompson
Mr. Roger Tieman
Ms. Eileen Tierney
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Timian
James Tobin
Ms. Lisa T. Toerne
Richard Toft
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Tokowitz
Cathy Tomczak
Ms. Carol J. Townsend
Ms. Julie Trainor
Mr. Thomas Tranckitello
Ms. Charlotte Trattner
Ms. Laura Traven
Ms. Margie Tucker
Robert M. Turf
Ms. Elaine Turso
Ms. Joanne F. Twomey
Ms. Fedora Tyler
Henry & Diane W. Tymick
Mr. Ralph A. Uidl
Raymond W. Ulbrich
Shelly A. Uslenghi
Ms. Helga Vakkinen
Thomas Vales
Dr. Hans Van Den Broek
Ms. Kathy Van Ormer
Mr. Timothy J. Vara
Ervin Varga
Ms. Wanda Verban
Ms. Janet Vetter
Ms. Leslie Villasenor
Ms. Francene Vincent
Ms. Janice A. Wachtler
Nancy Wagner
Patricia Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Wagner
Mr. Robert Wagner
Ms. Mary B. Wainwright
Malgorzata Walczak
Ms. Renee T. Waliczek
Allison Dean Walker
Dr. Carol Kyros Walker
William & Susan Wall
Valerie Wall
Kathleen M. Walsh
Oliver Walsh
Ms. Dawn Maria Warren
Ms. Margaret Warren
Ms. Sandra L. Warren
Ms. Diane Warzecha
Mr. Brian Wasielewski
Ms. Catherine Wasylenko
Brian Watson
Mr. Brooks Watson
Sr. Randy Wear
W. William D. Weaver, Jr.
Ms. Jeanne M. Webster
Frances M. Wedge
Deborah Weedan &
Shirley Franson
Ms. Ann Weidner
Mr. Patrick Welch
Mr. Craig Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wells
Mr. Bob Weninger
Mr. Bryan Westhaus
Ms. Marsha L. Wetmore
Marilyn White
Ms. Delphia J. Whitfield
Mr. Dennis L. Wideman
Ms. Clara J. Wieloch
Ms. Mary Rose Wiertel
Ms. Connie Wiggins
Ms. Joyce Wildman
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wilger
Barbara A. Williams
Mr. David D. Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Dr. Mary Pat Williams
Mr. Jeff Wilson
Ms. Nancy B. Wilson
William & Debra Windisch
Ms. Jodie Winnett
Ms. Elizabeth F. Wippman
Ms. Jean Wirth
Mr. William P. Wirth
Mr. Orville Wiseman
Ms. Elizabeth Wisnicki
Ms. Grace A. Witt
Mr. Richard Witt
Laura Wittman
Mr. Steven Wohl
Ms. Suzanne M. Wojcik
Mrs. Shirley Wolfe
Ms. Linda Wolgamott
Ms. Catherine V. Wolszczak
Ms. Mary L. Wright
Nancy Wulfers
Mr. Richard Yack
Ms. Joanne Yangas
Mr. Joseph Yastrow
Helen Ylagan
Mr. Jay Maitland Young
Mrs. Mary A. Young
Ms. Susan K. Young
Perry Youngs
Ms. Barbara Younkes
Ms. Anna Zajac
Denise Zak
Michael Zak
Rita Zambon
Mr. Damian Zavala
Mr. Evan Zdunek
Ms. Kimberly Zick
Ms. Nancy Ziegler
Annuity & Estate Gifts
Bernice M. Abel
Orjan & Eva Bergstrom
Lucille Bernot
Mildred Block
Margaret Bloom
Sally Brozenec
Diane Callegari
Lorraine J. Carter
Caroline Cepak
Elizabeth A. Cheval
Lucille Chomacke
John Delegan
Billie Dale Delevitt
Henrica Demarais
Dorothy Dimick
Helen V. Dimmick
Georgia Lee Dvorak
Donna Ficcardi
George E. Freytag
Mary Gibbs
Frances Gilmore
Lorene Grant
Evelyn L. Harvey
Irene Herrick
Paul Hojdik
Evelyn Holinka
Jeanne Ingersol
Ruth Jacobs
Carol Rose Jasinski
Carolyn S. Johnson
Frank Juraska
Nettie Juraska
Lucille Karella
Betty H. Keoughan
Edward Kleinhammer
Ruth E. Konitzer
Irmingard Korbelak
Wilma H. Lehmann
Virginia Little
Carol B Michael
Janet Miller
Irma Pancheri
Daisy Patt
Mary J. Paveza
Clifford Poots
Lucile Roehl
Marion Schmidt
Donald R Schreiber
Robert Shea
Edward J. Steinhauser
Susan Stepan
Frances M. Swanson
Carl N. Thornrose
Theodore Twarog
Margaret White
Marilyn Williams
Marion Witte
Marcia L. Wunderlich
George H. Zendt
Caerus Foundation, Inc.
Helen Brach Foundation
John R. Halligan Charitable Fund
Aspegren Charitable Foundation
Bank of Montreal
Chicago Community Trust
Darling Family Foundation
Hill’s Pet Nutrition
The Grover Hermann Foundation
Allstate The Giving Campaign
Animal Medical Center of Chicago
AT&T United Way/Employee
Giving Campaign
Chamois Animal Foundation
Chicago Area Combined Federal
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Leo Burnett
Leo Burnett Company Foundation
Leopardo Companies, Inc.
TIF Foundation Fund
Abbvie Inc. Employee Giving
American Endowment Foundation
Bank of America United Way
Chicago Veterinary Emergency &
Specialty Center
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
General Iron Industries Charitable
IBM Employee Services Center
Insight Studios
Jaffee Family Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
National Philanthropic Trust
Network for Good
Nick & Howard, LLC
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Pets For The Elderly Foundation
PetSmart Charities
Polk Bros. Foundation
The Lyon Family Foundation
Abbott Employee Giving
American Express Charitable Fund
AT&T Illinois
Blum Animal Hospital
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica,
Cardinal Health Foundation
Carol Lavin Bernick Family
Page 21
The Anti-Cruelty Society 2014 Annual Report
Central Church of Chicago
Chicago Signature
Properties, LLC
Clarence Michels Trust
Dan & Micki Chapin Fund, Inc.
Edward & Verna Gerbic Family
Exelon Corporation
FM Global Foundation
Forest Security
GE United Way Campaign
Heestand Foundation Incorporated
Hinsdale Pet Memorial Services
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Katten Muchin Rosenman
Foundation, Inc.
Lincoln Financial Foundation
Mammel Family Foundation
Mary V. Duffy Char Foundation
McMaster-Carr Supply Company
Mesirow Financial
MNR Fund
Nikkinen Family Fund of
the Lutheran Community
Nuveen Investments
Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts
Petco Foundation
Plante Moran
Premier Veterinary Goup
Proteus Group, LLC
Raymi Productions
Realtors To The Rescue
Reed Family Foundation
River Shannon Corp.
Roma-Dakini Alexander Living
Sheldon & Pearl Leibowitz
Silbrico Corporation
Suzanne Smelcer Robinson Family
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP
The Advise Us Fund
The Alben F. Bates & Clara G. Bates
The Cicone Family 2002
Declaration of Trust
The Hibel Family Charitable Fund
Thomson Reuters
True North Consultants, Inc.
Tucker Pup’s Dog Activity Center
United Way Of Central Ohio
Urban Pooch Canine Life Center
US Charitable Gift Trust
YourCause, LLC
Great American Insurance
Houghton Mifflin Matching Gift
Kirkland & Ellis LLP Foundation
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Lower Electric, LLC
McGrath Lexus of Chicago
Meredith London Pet Portraiture
Oracle Matching Gifts Program
Patricia Locke, Ltd.
Pepsico Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Charitable Fund
Prudential Foundation
The Frye Foundation
The Maurice Foundation
The Rose F. and Alice M. Koffend
The Slaton-Hunderman Fund
Travelers Matching Gifts Program
Twin Rinks Ice Pavilion, Inc.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Walter Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support
William Harris Investors, Inc.
Best Western River North Hotel LLC
BIN 36
Blackfinn Ameripub
Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Bottle & Bottega, Inc.
Bring Fido
Burrito Beach
Canal Productions
Center for Athletic Medicine
Chicago Bears
Chicago Cubs
Chicago History Museum
Chicago Shakespeare Theater
Chicago White Sox
Chuck’s: A Kerry Simon Kitchen
Clearedge Solutions
Crate & Barrel
Cubby Bear
Cynthia Lynn Photography
Doggy Paws Chicago
Ebel Inc.
Eli’s Cheesecake
Fetch Portraits
Galleria Marchetti
Giles School
Gino’s East
Goodman Theatre
GT Fish & Oyster
Heaven on Seven
A Living Bond: Mobile Senior
High Hopes
Veterinary Care & Hospice
AIG Matching Grants Program
Kozy’s Cyclery
Alliance Creative Group
Altagracia Medical Center
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
American Express Company
LICKS Pill Free Solutions
Ayco Charitable Foundation
Lou Malnati’s
Bark Bark Club
Lyric Opera
Barker & Meowsky, Inc.
Marathon Sportswear
Bentley’s Corner Barkery
Matrix Partners
Bill Dillard Insurance Agency
Mercat a la Planxa
Board of Education of the City of
Meredith London Pet Portraiture
Mike Krukowski Photography
BP Fabric of America Fund
Modern Luxury
C & A Auto Body Co., Inc.
CDW Coworker Matching Gifts
Nick’s Fishmarket Grill & Bar
North Shore Country Day School
Chicago English Bulldog Rescue
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Chiro One Wellness Centers
Old 5th
Discover Financial Services
Old Town Oil
Eric Holby Animal Welfare
Pam’s Pet Massage
Paradise 4 Paws, LLC
Henry Schein Animal Health
High Hopes
Pops For Champagne
Highlands Elementary School
Pretzel Crisps
HSBC Matching Gift Program
Printing Arts
ING Corporation
Red 7 Salon
Allstate Insurance Company
K-Brothers Fence, Inc.
Roosevelt University
Ameriprise Financial Employee
Martin J. & Susan B. Kozak Fund
Schulze & Burch
McDonalds Corporation
Sprouts Academy Preschool
Aon Foundation
Molyet Crop Production, Inc.
Stanley’s Fruits & Vegetables
AT&T Services, Inc.
Native Foods Café
Bank of America Charitable
Ovie Bar and Grill, LLC
Stella & Chewy’s
Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co.
Sunda: New Asian
Barbara Notz Hines Foundation
PETCO Marketing &
Tampa Airport Marriott
Baxter Employee Giving Campaign
Merchandising Company
BNY Mellon Community
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Tête Charcuterie
The Claro Group
Shirley L. Koch Charitable Fund
The Drake Hotel
Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Spark Communications
The Goddess and Grocer
Bottle & Bottega, Inc.
The Mary C. Martini Trust
The Spice House
Castaways Foundation
Trading Technologies
The Palmer House Hilton Hotel
Cat Hospital of Chicago
International, Inc.
The Westin Michigan Avenue
Charity First INS Services
Uline, Inc.
The Word Works Church
Chicago Community Foundation
Urban Leash
Trianon Salon
City Of Chicago Department of
Val Realty
TSG Media, Inc.
Veterinary Specialty Center
TyKu Sake
Constellation Brands, Inc.
Wendella Sightseeing Boats
Dayton Foundation
Wrigley Company Foundation
West Town Walkers
Dog-A-Holics Inc.
Yelp Foundation
Whitehouse Post
Duda Family Foundation
Ernsteen Family Foundation
Corporate In-Kind Donations
Individual In-Kind Donations
Fairpointe Capital, LLC
Fireman’s Fund
Gabrielle Abena
ABC7 Chicago
Frank B. Foster Charitable Trust
Ariel Alexovich
Adler Planetarium
GE Foundation
Mr. Tom Angecakos
Animal Communicator Carol
Evelyn Arkebauer
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ms. Margaret Arnold
Arei Fitness
Ms. Lorraine Arvin
Mr. Carl Austin
Lee Baker
Ms. Janice Balgemann
Mr. Michael Bane
Ms. Carol Barrettsmith
Angel Bauer
Chris & Judy Beardsley
Ms. Carolyn Beia
Ms. Carole Bekken
Hallie Belt
Karen & Lee Berenbaum
Ms. Jennifer Best
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bierwirth
Ms. Donna Birch
Ms. Block & Mr. Uvena
Bryan Bonanate
Ainsley Bond
Ms. Karen M. Boykin
J. Bozarth
Ms. Jean Brizzolara
Terry Brugger
Ms. Jennifer Bruzan
Jason Buis
Ms. Roseann S. Buttita
Amy Byerwaltev
Dale Cabreira
Ms. Jennifer Calik
Ms. Paula Calzolari
Dr. William H. Cannon, Jr.
Ms. Paige Carpenter
Eileen Hess Cavalaris
Ms. Clare Cavanaugh
Ms. Christine Ceballos
Mr. Michael Cedillos
Ms. Carolyn Chang
Ms. Vicki Noe Chikow
Amanda Childers
Mr. Alexander Chudnovsky
Ms. Kathleen Clark
Ms. Jessika Coe-Wuthenow
Ms. Barbara L. Cohen
Mr. Ross Colby
Joseph Colello
Mr. Robert Conway
Ms. Bonnie E. Cook
Ms. Bernadette H. Coppola
Mr. Bruce Cronander
Ms. Sally Cruz
Ms. Alexandra Danielewicz
Ms. Dawne Davenport
Ms. Joyce Day
Ms. Ashley DeBoer
Ms. Lisa Demos
Mr. Jabari DeRon
Homer Desat
Ms. Jacqueline Detrida
Diana Packman
Dresden Dickie
Mr. Patrick Dixon
Ms. Ophelia Dodd
Marcella Renee Dub
Clement Durkes
Mr. Phillip Eloff
Ms. Margaret Enger
Mr. Jack R. Epstein
Erwin Helfer
Ms Joan Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Faron
Evelyn Finn
Ms. Jenny Flondor
Ms. Brenda Flores
Ms. Sally Frantz
Robin French
Kelly Furr
Lisa Gantos
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Garrett
Minghai Geng
Ms. Melissa Gerber
Helen Gibbons
Dana Gibbs
Ms. Inna Glatman
Mr. Michael Grossman
M. J. Hall
Mr. David A. Harbin
Ms. Olivia Harrell
Mr. Michael Harris
Ms. Tasha Harris
Ms. Allison Hausbden
Pam Havel
Ms. Michelle Hayward
Jackie Headrick
Michael Heene
Ms. Angeline Heisler
Mr. John Hillesland
Minh Hoang
Ali Hodson
Ms. Daneen L. Holcomb
Ms. Laura Homan
Ms. Justine Hood
Karla Hood
Mr. Wayne G. Hoppe
Rachel Hoselton
Korbin Houston
Mr. Charlie Howard
Mr. Christopher Huemmer
Ms. Mary Hurley
Carol Iwaoka
Ms. Susan Jacks
Ridgely Jackson
Daniel S. Jaffee
Daina Jaras
Ms. Nellie & Anna H. Jaskewycz
Ms. Julie Jensen
Joe Lauck
Joseph Dombrowski
Ms. Lisa Ju
Ms. Michele Jurenka
Eric & Kelly Kalseth
Mr. Evan Karnes
Kathleen Boege
Roy & Susan Kissel
Melissa Klett
Chris Knight
Ms. Jessie Knoll
Lasse Koerm
Mrs. Mary Pat Kohberger
Betty Kollar
A. Kramer
Emily Kulas
Loren Laflar
Ms. Pamela Lammel
Ms. Christy Landgraf
Tracy Larrison
Ms. Diana Laskaris
Mr. Terry Leja
Ms. Sharon Lentine
Pamela Levin
Ms. Diane Link
Ms. Kiki R. Linschoten
Ms. Rebecca Lorenzen
Ms. Diane Maier
Mr. Angelo Makris
Ms. Joanne Manshreck
Vivienne Marie
Mr. John Markowicz
Diana Marta
Ms. Natalie Martinez
Stefanie Mayeri
Ms. Joan M. Mazurek
Jonathan McClintock
Ms. Erin McWilliams
Ms. Judith Meguire
Mr. Carl Meyer
Ali Miller
Ms. Laura Mishkin
Ms. Christine Moragener
Ms. Debbie Morowski
Janel Morrow
Ms. Samantha Murphy
Mr. Christopher Navarette
Ms. Elaine Neverauskas
Ms. Stephanie Norberte
Mr. Andrew Noser
Mr. Robert Oda
Denise Oldevr
Harry Olsen
Lorie Olszak
Mr. Andrew Ong
Mr. Joseph Pantaleon
Ms. Janet Paradiso
Mr. James Parelly
Kevin Parker
Ms. Debra Peck
Julian Perlmutter
J. P. Persico
Ms. Anna Pietraszek
Ms. Jill Placko
Barbara F Potter
Tracy Powell
Ms. Rachael Prank
Samira Puskar
Ms. Liz Quilici
Ms. Jessica Quinby
Ms. Sandra Racich
Dianne Goren Radtke
Ms. Alison Ramelb
Mr. Jeff Rayburn
Linda Reaven
Ms. Nicole Rigan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Roberts
Ms. Judith Rodgers
Ms. Nancy Rosengard
Ms. Hilary Rosenthal
Mr. Chester Rozanski
Ellen Ryske
Ms. Diane Santoria
Ms. Dalia R. Saulys
Ms. Natasha Sawlani
Ms. Rachael Scaccia
Mr. Ralph Schatz
Mr. David Schechterman
Ms. Kristina Schramm
Ms. Elissa Schwartz
Mr. John Senica
Carol Septow
Ms. Lori Setnan
Eryn Siegel
Ms. Sherry Silvers
Ms. Alice Singleton
Ms. Monica Sisi
Ms. Candice Smith
Ms. Holly Smith
Kevin & Dawn Smith
Ms. Eileen Smyth
Mr. Joseph Spizzo
Mr. Jon Sprague
Ms. Susan V. Stacey
Jessica Staff
Mr. Steven Steilberg
Kristen Stilt
Ms. Jennifer Stoker
Ms. Jennifer Strait
Ms. Shirley Surf
Amy Sutton
Eileen Sweeney
M. L. Sydel
Ms. Leslie Szymczak
Ms. Heather Tarczan
Ms. Pamela Tarte
Ms. Jacqueline Taylor
Ms. Janette Tepas
Juliana Thewis
Courtney Thomas
Karen Thorpe
Myles Tobin
Natalie Torres
Ms. LeeAnn Trotter
Shirley Valentine
Mr. Vijay Vasudevon
Ms. Roseann Veith
Ms. Stacy Vincent
Ms. Audriana Violante
Donald & Debra Wagner
Mr. John Walbaum
Laura J. Walsh
Mary Walters
Miriam Waltz
Nadia Webb
Mr. Tim Wesch
Ms. Leslie Whinery
Jen Wiatr
John & Jolene Wilkosz
Ms. Nora Winsberg
Felix Wu
Ms. Susan Young
Ms. Nancy Zahn
Denise Zak
Rosalie Zaransky
Ms. Sandra Zawada
Ms. Margie Zuger
Veterinary Ambassadors
Ambassador Animal Hospital
Animal Care Center of Chicago
Animal Medical Center of
Blum Animal Hospital
City Cat Doctor
Delta Animal Hospital
Family Pet Animal Hospital
Green Bay Animal Hospital
Oak Park Animal Hospital
The Rose Fay Thomas Society
About Our
Rose Fay Thomas
Named after our founder, The Rose
Fay Thomas Society recognizes caring
individuals who have remembered the
Society through a planned gift.
In addition to a bequest in your will, you
may also support the Society through your
life insurance, IRAs, or real estate.
A gift annuity can provide you with income
during your lifetime while helping the
animals now and in the future.
As a member of The Rose Fay Thomas
Society, you will receive the following
• Recognition on the Rose Fay Thomas
Society plaque;
• Listing in The Anti-Cruelty Society
Annual Report;
• Priority invitations to The Anti-Cruelty
Society’s benefits and parties;
• Discount at the Society’s retail store;
• Discounts and priority scheduling for dog
training classes;
• The reward of knowing that you are an
important part of a community of caring.
Your gift helps to ensure that we will
continue to be here for any animal in need
for another 116 years.
For information, please contact the
Development Department at (312) 645-8036
or email [email protected]
Anonymous (29)
Mrs. Louise Aumiller*
Sam Backus
Harriet M. Baird
Beth J. Baldwin
Shelly Barrad
Patrick J. Bell*
Josephine Benes*
Daphne Benos*
John C. Barrett
Carleton M. Bergere*
Susan Bernstein
Rev. Dr. Warren F. Best
Lee Biernat*
Gladys Blaydes
Bunny Block*
Margaret Bloom*
Stephanie Blythe*
Charles Bozett*
Geoffrey W. Breyley
Diane Broniarczyk
M. Diane Brown, Ph.D.
Lavinia Brown
May L. Brown*
Patricia Brown
Virginia Brown*
Judith A. Buntain*
Marie E. Buss*
Jeffrey A. Byrne
Dr. William H. Cannon, Jr.
Trudy Cantu
Shelby Carlson
Kathryn Mozden
Deanna R. Cash
Diane Cash
Marion Catron
Dr. F. Elizabeth Challis
Mrs. Ruth Chase
Harriet R. Choice
Charlotte C. & Richard
P. Cody
Carol Ann Conforti
Claire C. Cook*
M. Jean Cooper
Alice Cooperman
Ann M. Cortese
Barbara Coussement
Leona & Douglas
W. Dancer
Lillian Davison
Anthony L. Dearechaga*
Maureen E. O’Shea Detty
Bob Douglas
Mary K. Duffy
Dr. Florence Dunbar*
Mrs. Alfred V. Dunkin, Jr.
Eleanor K. Ehling*
James Albert Engdahl
Pamela Erbe
Anne Ferree
Donna Ficcardi*
Chris Fitzgerald*
Dr. Oksana Folwarkiw*
Todd Fox
Barbara G. Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Frisch
Marie Fugiel
Steve Galantiere
Lillian H. Gembyk*
Maria J. George
Betsy Gertz
Carol A. Getman
Lyle Gillman
Doug & Linda Gilpin
Jack Goggin
Sonya Flyer Goldfein
Adrianne Graff*
Edith B. Gregsamer
Michael Grossman
Jerry Hagerty
Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Harmon
Cynthia S. Harris
Lonna L. Harris
Madelon & Mel Hart
Germaine Hartz*
Shirley A. Heckelmann*
Marty & Carole Hegarty
George F. Hirschmann
Vicki Hlavacek
Richard & Kathryn Husarik
Irene Imus*
Carl E. Jacobson*
Arlene Jerstad
Luise Jochum
Donald & Lynn Johnsen
Jane L. Johnson
Patricia R. Johnson
Ruth Ann Jones
Mr. Frank S. Juraska*
Mrs. Frank S. Juraska
Ms. Anne Kahle
Arthur Kane
Dorothy H. Karmowski
Lyn B. & David J. Kaufman
Jean L. Klein & Family
Muriel Kolinsky*
Louise M. Kruse*
Laura M. Lamar
Curtis J. Leach
Wilma H. Lehmann*
Eva A. Logan*
Mrs. Elaine Lowell*
Jane (Stern) Luiso
Pamela Lukens*
Elyse J. Mach
Cathryn Mann*
Sandra P. Manne
Mrs. Anita Marschalek
David S. Mazur
Edna Mae McCarthy*
John McCauley
Kay McClure*
John McNamara
Marion Meganck
Mr. & Mrs. George Mikasen
Jan Miller
Nancie & Stuart Mishlove
Margaret Mitchell
Chris Mitts
Myra S. Moglowsky
Susan C. Morris
Renate Moser
Frederick Nix*
John P. Norton
Susan (Estes) & Mel Novit
Tamara Novosad
Franklin Nussbaum
Patricia A. O’Brien &
James Wirkus
Arlene W. O’Callaghan
Joni O’Connell
Laura Odette-Clemons
Judith C. Olson
Miss Lynn Orschel
Elliott N. Otis
Carol M. Overman
Joseph A. Paradiso
John & Margaret Parke
Donna M. Parker
Darlene J. Patrick
Marla & Scott Peckler
Betty Perez*
Carol A. Petersen
Ann S. Peterson, M.D.
Charles & Lynn Phillips
Alan & Barbara Pokrzywa
Bill Prewitt
Barbara Provus
Ralph Radley
Carol Stafford Ralph
Lisa Richards
Evelyn R. Richer
Elaine F. Robbins*
Donald J. Rogers
Robert & Sarine Rohde
Michele Roumell
Roberta V. Russo
Angie Samborski
Carl Sandin*
Mrs. Sharon Scalise
Harold Schessler
Charlotte Schmitt*
Jim Schneider
Kathleen J. Schumacher
Carol Seaton
Evelyn B. Seyk*
Alvin Shapiro
Lenore Shapiro*
Susan L. Shipman
Terrence A. Simale
Debra Simon
Barbara J. Sloane*
David Wm. Smitches*
Christine E. Soderberg
Mary Spina
Rosemary Sprenger
Susan Stacey
Rosemarie Stefaniw
George A. Steindl, Jr.*
Mary-Helen Steindler
Connie & Orin Steinhaus
Helene E. Strobel
Barbara Stuart
Lee Sullivan*
Cynthia J. Sultz
Carol A. Szablewski
Ms. Lisbeth Ann Tarrant
Kiyoshi Tateyama
Lorraine Tateyama
Dr. Ian W. Taylor
Mary Anne Taylor
Charlotte ThiemeckeFloyd, Ed.D.
Marisa Timm
Tod & Lori Turle
Bernice S. Tyler
Gloria Vaughan
Ronald & Janice Vleck
Edward & Rose Voska*
Frederick W. Wackerle
Anne M. Wall
Carmen W. Walsh*
Robert S. Wardzala
Andrea I. Washington
Betty Weber*
Lillian Weber
Dorothy Webster
Lucille Weinress*
Margaret Wendeler*
Angela West, Esq.
Georgiana Donase White
Edmund J. Williams
Freeman Wood, Jr.*
Patricia A. Wood
Evelyn Woods*
Alyce M. Wozinski
Dale F. Zander*
Sandra Zotti
Page 23
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to join our community of caring.