40 Day Devotional Guide - Bethel Free Will Baptist Church


40 Day Devotional Guide - Bethel Free Will Baptist Church
We hope this personal daily devotional guide will
bless you on your spiritual journey during our
launching for Bethel Church’s Legacy Project and
continue to bless you throughout your life. Please
make it a regular part of your time with Him each
day. While there are a variety of ways you can use
this guide, it was written to be used five days a week
beginning on March 22 and ending on May 15. It is
intended as a compliment to our Life Group
Curriculum and messages during our worship
services. However, you will still find it beneficial even
if you are not able to stick precisely to this plan.
Our hope and prayer is that you faithfully complete
all 40 of the daily devotions and God blesses your
efforts in this regard. We are looking forward to
hearing and seeing where God takes all of us on this
spiritual journey called The Legacy Project.
Day One
You + Bible + Prayer = Success
“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.”
Psalms 119:133
There are at least two essentials to the Spirit-filled life – prayer and the
Word of God. As the old song says, “They go together, you can’t have
one without the other.” Prayer finds its very foundation in Scripture.
You could not pray with purpose, conviction, or direction without the
revelation of God that you find in the Bible. Therefore, you must study
the Bible and be a person of prayer.
In Psalm 119, almost every verse refers to the Scriptures. Verse 133 is
a prayer for direction. The Psalmist here pleads for guidance from the
Word of God.
Have you ever considered that God desires to guide every step you
take? He desires to guide not only the big steps in your life, but even
the mundane steps you take every day in the kitchen or your
workplace. He will also guide you to the friend who needs
encouragement, the neighbor who needs Jesus, and the co-worker who
needs a witness of God’s love.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Take a moment and thank God for where he has brought
Bethel Church thus far. As we read the Bible and pray more and
more… ask the Lord to continue to give Pastor Chris, the Deacons, staff
and our entire church a heart for God and all He has in store for The
Legacy Project. Pray for wisdom and discernment BEYOND our
collective years and experience. Thank God for His guidance in your
steps as you read and pray, as well.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Two
God is Bigger Than the Boogey Man
“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God
Acts 4:31
Who knows the full extent of what God has in store for our church
through the Legacy Project. We truly believe this is much more than a
capital stewardship program. Only God knows! But He longs to reveal
more and more of His plan to us as we act in faith and see He is greater
than all.
Acts Chapter 4 describes the bold ministry of Peter and John, and the
price they paid for proclaiming the Message. Because they would not
keep quiet about their Lord... because they were convinced their
silence would carry eternal consequences... because their faith was in
the One whose Name is above all others... they didn’t give up or give in.
Even though the authorities demanded they cease to teach about Jesus
or even to speak His name, they refused and were seriously
When Peter and John were released that day, they returned to their
fellow Christians and joined them in praying to the God who is greater.
All the believers recognized the risks they were taking, but in the larger
context, the threats didn’t matter. As a result, their prayer was not
filled with expressions of anxiety; instead, it overflowed with the
promises of Scripture. Their emotions and thoughts were anchored in
the reality of who God is. No one pretended the circumstances were
pleasant, but everyone confessed two essential truths —God is
sovereign and He is forever the Creator.
40 Day Devotional Guide
The same God these first century disciples devoted their lives to, that
same Sovereign Lord and Creator, is our God. And when we pray to
Him, we are confessing confidence in the One who is greatest. In
response to our prayer, He can change the hearts of our enemies. He
can create a thirst for Jesus in the hearts of those who once rejected
the Gospel. He can create circumstances to override our prevailing
circumstances. And He can do all this because He is greater than all.
Prayer Focus: We all face mountainous challenges at Bethel Church
from time to time. How do we respond with the spiritual vision to see
Him, as the God who is greater, who can cast those mountains into the
sea or reduce them to a level path? Pray about a “mountain” you are
facing, and pray also about the “mountain” we face in our important
Legacy Project. Let’s believe together that God can make a mole hill
out of all our mountains… because He can!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Three
Giving Worship
“The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they
had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also
rejoiced greatly.”
1 Chronicles 29:9
First Chronicles 29:10-20 is one of the greatest expressions of worship
found in God’s Word. Read this prayer in its entirety and reflect on the
essence of true stewardship: the realization that God owns everything.
After you have read and reflected on this passage, take some time to
consider the significance of being in partnership with God. Recognize
Him not only as the senior partner but also as the sole financial backer
of your life’s venture. David was completely captivated by the reality
of this, and as a result, he became unreservedly focused on building the
temple for God’s glory. His leadership influenced others to contribute
in the same spirit of sacrifice and praise. See 1 Chronicles 29:9, above.
Relative to your situation, plan a worship time alone, with your family,
or a small group of friends that includes the following three features of
true worship.
1. Gratitude: The recognition that all we have has come from His
hand. We are but channels through which the work of God is
carried out. When one’s life is lived primarily in consideration
of Him, it is less likely that what He provides for Kingdom work
will be squandered on self-gratification.
2. Sacrifice: David said, "I will not sacrifice to the LORD my God
burnt offerings that cost me nothing" (2 Samuel 24:24).
Sacrifice always involves cost. It has little to do with how much
one gives. What is more important is the measure of one’s
40 Day Devotional Guide
sacrifice. Did it truly cost us something? When it does, then
we have set aside something and made it sacred.
3. Praise: The distinction between gratitude and praise is this—
Gratitude is appreciation for what God has done while praise is
appreciation for who God is. David was not only giving thanks
in his prayer, he was expressing praise. "Now, our God, we
give you thanks, and praise your glorious name" (1 Chronicles
29:13). As you conclude your worship time, recognize God for
the Provider He is and commit yourself to becoming a good
steward of His provision.
Prayer Focus: Seriously, I bet the first thing you think of when you hear
“stewardship” is, “He wants us to give an offering.” And you’re right…
an “offering of your time.” Today, tonight… sometime over the next
24 hours… give God a sacrificial offering of your time, for real.
Whether its 10 minutes or 2 hours. Go above and beyond for Him.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Four
Out of the Box Vision
“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.”
Ephesians 5:17
Historical records are filled with the amazing (and often amusing)
words of men whose vision was clouded on some important subjects.
On World Population...“The population of the earth decreases every
day, and, if this continues, in another ten centuries the earth will be
nothing but a desert.” Montesquieu, 1743.
On Anesthesia...“The abolishment of pain in surgery is a chimera. It is
absurd to go on seeking it today. Knife and pain are two words in
surgery that must forever be associated in the consciousness of the
patient. To this compulsory combination we shall have to adjust
ourselves.” Dr. Alfred Velpeau, 1839.
On the Atomic Bomb...“That is the biggest fool thing we have ever
done. The bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in
explosives.” Admiral William Leahy to President Harry Truman, 1945.
Though well meaning, these men just didn’t see things with an open
mind. They looked at the natural world and concluded that certain
things simply were not possible. As we consider their words, be
challenged to not look at the spiritual world and conclude that certain
things are not possible; for, with God, all things are possible.
Today, it’s time to think out of the box. Hindsight is 20/20. So is
spiritual hindsight. Pray that on our spiritual journey the entire church
family will experience the unifying power of seeing and believing God
for something that is beyond what we could ask or think.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Get alone with God and ask Him for spiritual vision. Ask
God to help you see with His eyes. Reach Up to God in prayer for
wisdom and insight to think what God can do through you in this
spiritual journey we are all on! Believe God for something way beyond
the ordinary… what we can think of and count on! Let him speak into
your life with a challenge … and then take the challenge!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Five
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ
1 Thessalonians 5:18
An attitude of gratitude puts everything in the proper perspective. It
enables us to see the big picture and helps us to focus on God and His
glory rather than on ourselves and our personal trials or triumphs.
Such an attitude, openly expressed and lived-out, sends a powerful
message to our family and friends: God is in control and I’m glad He is!
Otherwise, we can become self-focused and lose sight of what God is
accomplishing in the greater scheme of things.
Baking a cake requires using a number of ingredients, which, if eaten by
themselves, are mostly distasteful: flour, raw eggs, baking powder, etc.
But, if these same ingredients are carefully blended together and baked
for the right period of time, you end up with a delicious dessert. God is
at the "mixing bowl" of our lives. Our "flour and raw eggs"
experiences, however distasteful, are the ingredients of a wonderful
creation. We can give thanks in all circumstances because of our faith
in God, knowing the end result of all our experiences will be a perfect
blend for our good and His glory.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Individually and in your family, encourage each member
to identify at least one good experience and one bad experience they
have had recently. Take the time to give God thanks for both,
remembering that from God’s perspective they are equally beneficial.
Read Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and
He will make your paths straight." Do you believe that? Live it!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Six
Can You See That?
“Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you,
open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
John 4:35
Imagine this scene....
Jesus is gathered with a small group of followers on a hillside
overlooking the area. With a sweeping gesture of His hand, He says
“Some think there are still four months until harvest, but I say, lift up
your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest.”
The followers squint their eyes, straining to see what Jesus sees, but
they recognize no gleaming fields of grain. With puzzled expressions
they turn to Him, as if to ask, “Where exactly is the grain ready to
harvest?” Knowing their hearts, He says, “I’m not talking about a
physical harvest of grain, but a spiritual harvest of people.” Patiently,
He continues, “Dear ones, you must look above and beyond the
distractions to see the people. It is to them that I came to give life and
give it abundantly.”
Just as He wanted them to see the spiritual harvest, He wants us to do
the same today. And, just as they needed to look above and beyond,
so do we.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Right now, at this crucial moment in the history of our
church, God is checking our vision. As we continue this spiritual
journey, He’s determining if we can see what He really wants us to see.
And He’s challenging us to be obedient to Him as we carry out what His
spiritual vision demands that we do.
Today, ask yourself, “What can I do to check my spiritual vision and
ensure that what I see is right?” What do I need to see? Who do I
need to chat with?
What action should I take? Where does he want you to go? When?
Are you open to saying “yes” before He even asks?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Seven
Are You Dangerous?
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you
wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
When we are called by God our Savior out of sin’s bondage, we begin
to journey with Him. We follow Him as our Lord and Boss into the
promised purpose of the future, our destiny. Along the way, God will
stretch us and enlarge the horizons of our vision.
Jim Elliot, the great missionary who gave his life trying to reach the
Auca Indians said, “Am I Dangerous?”
If we are honest with ourselves, we may feel we are utterly ordinary
and commonplace. We profess to know a power the world cannot
reckon with. But, we are often spiritual pacifists in this battle to the
death with principalities and powers in the heavenly places. Oh, that
God would make us dangerous! That He would stretch us to places of
How do we get there? According to Joshua there are several principles:
Choose to be strong.
Choose to be courageous.
Choose to be obedient.
Read Joshua 1 and write down everything God commands him to do.
Then reflect how these commands compare with what the Lord is
calling you to do.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray 2 Chronicles 15:7 for our church, “But as for you, be
strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
Ask God to equip you with strength, courage, and submission to Him to
follow the path He has placed before you. Pray these traits for our
church, as well.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Eight
Un-Finished Dreams
“….so I sent messengers to them with this reply: ‘I am carrying on a
great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I
leave it and go down to you?’”
Nehemiah 6:3
Dr. Haller Nutt of Natchez, Mississippi, had a dream. He wanted to
build one of the greatest plantation houses in all of the South. Being a
doctor and cotton farmer gave him the wealth needed to accomplish
this dream home. He made his sketches and searched the nation for
the best architect to make his dream a reality. He found Samuel Sloan
in Philadelphia to design it. It was going to be an octagon-shaped
mansion with eight rooms on each of the six floors. All of that was
going to be grouped around a middle piece, a six story rotunda that
would be capped with a 16-sided Byzantine onion-shaped dome. It was
going to be beautiful with nothing else like it in all the South. Dr. Nutt
went all over the world to purchase the very best furnishings for this
As soon as construction had begun, tragedy struck. The Civil War
erupted. All the workers left to fight. Dr. Haller Nutt lost everything
during the course of the war.
During that time, he moved his family into the basement of this grand
mansion so that they might be safe and have shelter. Dr. Nutt died in
1865 before the war was over. The family continued to live in the
basement. In fact, they lived there for over a century, 111 years!
Finally, some relatives donated it to the local historical society. To this
day, it stands as a monument to an unfinished dream.
In chapter 6 of Nehemiah, enemies tried to stop him from completing
the dream that God had laid on his heart – that of rebuilding
Jerusalem’s walls. But Nehemiah stayed focused. He completed his
40 Day Devotional Guide
God-given dream in record time to the praise of His glory. He is a role
model for us today.
Prayer Focus: Pray God will enable us to complete the dream He has
given us in such a way as to bring Him glory and expand His kingdom.
Pray He will remove any enemies or naysayers who try to steal our
dream and prevent it from happening. Ask the Lord how you can take
ownership of this vision using the time, talents, and treasures He has
given you. Where do you feel God is leading you to fulfill God’s calling
on impacting people? You are a part of this body and definitely needed
to fulfill the vision.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Nine
"Yet the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from my whole family to be
king over Israel forever."
1 Chronicles 28:4
This expression from 1 Chronicles followed the greatest
disappointment of King David’s life. He had just learned from God that
he would not have the honor of providing leadership for the building of
God’s Temple. David had said in 1 Chronicles 28:2 that his heart had
been set on building a magnificent dwelling-place for the God of Israel.
Later, he describes the energy, enthusiasm, and unbridled generosity
he had already invested in this God-honoring project: "With all my
resources I have provided for the temple of my God — gold for the gold
work, silver for the silver, bronze for the bronze…Besides, in my
devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of
gold and silver…" (1 Chronicles 29:2-3).
After all of this sacrifice and preparation, David learns that he would
not be the man to build God’s Temple. What was his response? What
would we do in the face of such disappointment? His response teaches
us one of life’s greatest priorities: focusing on the goodness of God.
Instead of throwing a "pity party," reflect on how wonderfully gracious
God has been to you. That’s exactly what David did. Upon learning he
would not be personally involved in building the Temple, he reminded
himself and others around him of the incredible honor he already
enjoyed: "Yet the LORD, the God of Israel, chose me from my whole
family to be king over Israel forever" (1 Chronicles 28:4).
David did not allow this disappointing circumstance to rob him of his
joy, nor did he regret having sacrificed so much to build the Temple.
He did not pout over his loss; he rejoiced in the honor that had been
given to him as king and gave generously to the Temple project.
David’s lost opportunity could have made him resentful or bitter.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Instead, he maintained an attitude of gratitude and remained focused
on the big picture of God’s purpose and glory.
Prayer Focus: Regardless of the disappointments you are faced with
today, take some time to reflect on all the special expressions of God’s
goodness in your life. Put perspective on your disappointment. How
many good things are still a part of your life and your family’s life? Are
there others suffering more? Thank God for how he has already
blessed you.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Ten
A Path of Trust
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
God expects His people to trust Him, and He is a trustworthy God! We
were created to live our lives in dependence on Him. Our knowledge is
incomplete, our wisdom is inadequate, our power is ineffective; so…
we need our Creator. Sin in its very essence is failing to trust God.
These verses in Proverbs tell us how we are to trust Him.
We are to trust Him entirely (verse 5). God wants us to trust Him “with
all of our heart.” That means everything from our salvation to physical,
mental, and social needs. That includes trusting Him with our families,
marriages, jobs, relationships, finances, abilities, weaknesses, health,
accomplishments, and failures.
We are to trust him exclusively (verse 5). God commands us to not
depend on our own understanding. Why? Because it’s fundamentally
flawed with an infection of sin. God knows it all from beginning to end.
He even knows the number of hairs on your head.
So follow His leading from His Word, prayer, and Godly counsel. He is
on your side, so trust Him! In all you do, in every decision you make,
you are to trust His wisdom, not just with big things, but also with the
little things.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church will be fully convinced of His
trustworthiness. Take time to praise Him today for who He is and what
He does. Take time to thank Him today for His direction on your path
and the path of our church.
Truly, we are making a difference together. Pray this continues and
even expands.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Eleven
More Changed Lives
“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he
considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.”
1 Timothy 1:12
After Watergate, there was an abundance of books that were
published by the various personalities involved. One of the most
famous was Chuck Colson who wrote the very famous “Born Again.”
This book detailed his conversion to Christ. All of these years later, we
think of Chuck Colson as a great man who has had such an impact on
the world through his prison ministries. We forget that before his
conversion he was known as “the hatchet man.” It was a common
saying in Washington that Colson would walk over his own mother for
Nixon! Another player in the Watergate scandal was the very
boisterous G. Gordon Liddy. One of the great quotes from his book
tells of a time when a certain court date came around. Everyone had
been discussing Colson’s conversion to Christianity. As Colson walked
into the courtroom, Liddy was overheard to say, “Oh, no, if Colson
would walk over his own mother for Nixon, just think what he will do
for Jesus!”
Time has proven Colson’s conversion genuine. He certainly is one more
example of how God can change a life. In 1 Timothy, the Apostle Paul
is encouraging Timothy in the faith to cherish, protect, and preach the
Gospel. The reason is the Gospel’s message changes lives. Indeed at
impact, the Gospel is taught so the goal of seeing more lives changed
can be met.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray our church will always be a place that impacts the
world for Jesus. Pray each one of us will join together to help expand
God’s kingdom.
Be more like Christ as we do our part to accomplish the Lord wills for us
to accomplish. What is God doing in your heart with regard to the
future? Listen to Him. Is He challenging you some place?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twelve
The Proof is in the Living!
“Trust in the Lord…Fear the Lord…Honor the Lord”
Proverbs 3:5-9
In order to receive the blessing of God, we must trust Him. Trusting
God is not some mere token confession you make from time to time.
Trusting God must be complete, total, daily reliance upon the promises
of God. Every day you will face the choice of either relying on your
own understanding or trusting in Him.
You and I must choose to trust God. When you come to those places in
life where the line is drawn and the question is “Can I trust God?” your
answer determines whether you grow or shrivel spiritually. The issue
is, “Which am I going to choose?” When God told Noah to build the
ark, it had never rained. Noah chose to trust God. Abraham left
everything behind because he chose to trust God. Joshua was faced
with a decision, and he said, “Choose today whom you will serve… but
as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Do you have this kind
of trust in the Lord?
You can prove your trust in Him. Trusting Him is real when you (1)
acknowledge Him, (2) depart from evil, and (3) honor the Lord with
your time, talent, and treasures.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Claim the following scripture today and personalize it for
our Legacy Project and for yourself:
Hebrews 10:35-39, “So do not throw away your confidence; it
will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when
you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has
promised. For in just a very little while, He who is coming will
come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith.
And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we
are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of
those who believe and are saved.”
How does this apply to you personally? Let God speak into your life.
How does it apply to The Legacy Project? What do our people need to
keep doing to move the ball forward at Bethel?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirteen
Big News at Bethel
“When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, ‘Surely the Lord is in
this place, and I was not aware of it…and this stone that I have set up
as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you
a tenth.’”
Genesis 28:16,22
Today’s passage finds Jacob running from the consequences of his
actions and falling asleep at a place called Bethel. While he was asleep,
God revealed Himself to him in a personal way. It was then the God of
his fathers became his personal God too.
Before we see how this destiny moment changed his perspective about
giving, let’s look at the point where God showed up in Jacob’s life.
God reveals Himself when we are at the end of ourselves. Jacob’s
scheming and trickery had brought him nothing but failure and
rejection. When he stopped running and fell asleep at Bethel, he had
nothing. It is when you are at the end of your rope God reveals Himself
to you in a personal way.
God also reveals Himself when we are alone. God came to Moses
when he was alone with his flocks in Midian. God came to Isaiah while
he was alone in the temple praying. God uses our alone time to reveal
Himself to us because that’s when He has our undivided attention.
Jacob was forever changed at Bethel. When God became personal to
him, he immediately vowed to give God a tenth of everything. This
personal encounter with God changed Jacob from a taker in life to a
tither. Personal encounters with God result in changed lives.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray everyone touched by Bethel Church will experience
a personal relationship with God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ask
the Father how the giving of your time, talent, and treasures can reveal
your personal faith in Him. Don’t wait to get to the end of your rope
before you realize God is in control. Surrender now. Your life, your
heart, your finances, your family, your church… It’s all His! 100%!
Maybe you’re already at “Bethel.” When you wake up – look for God.
He’ll meet you there!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Fourteen
The Absurdity of Going Back
“Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying
to attain your goal by human effort?”
Galatians 3:3
On Thursday, August 1, 1985, a room full of America’s top intelligence
officials were gathered outside the office of the director of the CIA for a
farewell reception of a retiring colleague. However, the topic was not
about the retiree. Whispers were flying around the room that the
highest ranking KGB agent, Vitally Sergeyevich Yurchenko, had
defected. He was most important because he was in charge of all KGB
operations in the United States and Canada. Now, he would be able to
provide extremely important information about Soviet spies in
After presenting himself to the American Embassy in Rome, he was
quickly flown to the United States in a military plane. Once in the U.S.,
he was taken to a “safe house” in northern Virginia where he was
interrogated for hours and provided very sensitive information.
The most startling and amazing part of this story took place three
months later on November 2nd. Yurchenko had been spurned by a
girlfriend in Canada and was growing increasingly impatient with his
situation. During the evening he persuaded the CIA agent assigned to
him to take him to Georgetown for dinner and a movie. During dinner
Yurchenko asked the agent, “What would you do if I got up and walked
off? Would you shoot me?” The CIA agent replied, “We don’t shoot
defectors.” Yurchenko countered, “I will be back in 15 to 20 minutes, if
I am not, it is not your fault.” With that he walked out of the
restaurant and presented himself to the Russian Embassy where he undefected.
40 Day Devotional Guide
The world watched in amazement a few days later as this man boarded
a Russian Aeroflot jet, stopping briefly on the boarding steps to wave
good-bye to freedom.
He then returned to the confines of
communism. Why would anybody who had enjoyed freedom return to
communism? Yet that which amazes us in the political arena is met
with the same acceptance in the spiritual arena. Why would anyone
who has tasted the freedom stemming from the grace of God return to
the confines of legalism regulating that relationship? What kind of
relationship do you have with the God of grace? Have you came close
to defecting?
Prayer Focus: Pray we will continue to live our Christian lives in the
Spirit and not by our own human effort. Ask the God of grace to help
you deepen your relationship with Him by you submitting daily to His
Holy Spirit. Open your eyes to what you have in Christ… don’t even
consider going back to your pre-Christ days!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Fifteen
The Past Has Passed
“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord
worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that
accompanied it.”
Mark 16:20
At first they didn’t believe the reports of the women. “Jesus is alive,”
they said. The disciples were disturbed and filled with doubt. Then,
one by one, they recognized Him, fell at His feet, and worshiped Him.
He was alive! Hope resurrected from the dead… just like He said.
But what about the past? Would He remember how they had deserted
Him... how they had bailed on Him at the moment of danger? How
could they have been so faithless and unbelieving?
Jesus quietly reaffirmed His love for them. He spent time with them on
several occasions. He allowed them to touch His hands and His side, to
settle their doubts and be convinced of His reality. He helped them in
their daily needs: directing them to the location of fish when they had
caught nothing and fixing them breakfast on the shore. He opened
their eyes to the Scriptures. He gave them the promise of His Spirit, to
be with them forever. And then, He gave them a mission.
When the disciples were renewed in faith and secure again in His love,
He gave them a charge. Those who had so glaringly failed Him in His
moment of trial were now entrusted with the greatest work the world
would ever know: the spreading of the Gospel. The past didn’t
sabotage the present or the future. Their failures would always be a
reminder of the weakness of the flesh and the power of sin, but they
would not be a barrier to future usefulness. These men, renewed by
love and mercy, went on to turn the world upside down.
40 Day Devotional Guide
As we look back at all God has done for us in the life of our church, our
hearts are filled with gratitude for the Lord’s goodness. He has always
been faithful and forgiving! And, like our counterparts in the first
century, we have a mission to carry His truth to our community and to
regions beyond. As we renovate and expand while planning for the
future, imagine what the next 5-10 years will look like.
Prayer Focus: What is the most significant lesson God has ever taught
you about the importance of staying committed and not giving up? Let
that victory soak in… let the feeling of the win be etched in your mind…
and hold on to that as we move forward in expanding the Kingdom
through Bethel Church.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Sixteen
Faith Above Knowledge
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do
not see.”
Hebrews 11:1
The believer must exercise faith by acting in obedience to God’s Word.
As the Apostle Paul explained to the Romans, “faith comes by hearing,
and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17, NKJV). Such a
response allows you to enter into partnership with God, and gives the
assurance of success even though you may not see the end in sight.
When Noah was directed by God to build an ark, he obeyed by starting
a project that lasted for 100 years. Noah had never experienced a
flood, nor had he even seen rain, yet he obeyed the Lord with reckless
abandon. Since the command of God came without a specific
schedule, Noah had to believe and act accordingly because authentic
faith has no time limit.
Hebrews 11:7 says that Noah, “when warned about things not yet
seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.” The fear wasn’t fright,
but a deep and abiding respect for the Lord and a confidence in His
Word. Faith was the only reasonable response for Noah, as it is for us
today. As we look to the church’s future we can’t see it perfectly, but
we can know God will honor our obedience to Him in the commitments
we make.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Encourage each member of your family or life group to
ask, “Lord, what do you want me to do in this spiritual journey?”
However He is leading you, respond in faith.
Would you be willing to ask God right now, “Lord, how are you going to
challenge me to participate in The Legacy Project?” Don’t settle yet…
continue the journey and be open to His leading.
And when He leads… even if it requires faith above your knowledge…
above common sense… respond with obedience!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Seventeen
Famous Last Words
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
Moments before the resurrected Jesus returned triumphantly to
heaven, He left His disciples with this promise: “You will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”
(Acts 1:8). After He spoke these words, Jesus ascended before their
very eyes.
With this scene fixed in your mind, consider this question: Was Jesus’
promise only for those disciples who were physically present that day?
The answer carries implications for us as believers today.
Those assembled with Jesus that day were no doubt profoundly
affected by everything He did and said following the Resurrection.
They took it all to heart. But the promise wasn’t exclusively for them,
any more than hundreds of other promises in God’s Word were meant
only for the relative handful of people who originally heard or read
In the “true” Lord’s Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for
spiritual fruitfulness and unity among the disciples. And He said, “My
prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in
me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as
you are in me and I am in you” (John 17:20-21). Many of the plans and
the promises of God encompass all believers, not just those who were
blessed to literally see and hear the Messiah.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray today our entire church family will have the
spiritual vision to see the reality of these truths and to act in obedience
to them. With that in mind – we have received power in the Holy Spirit
to be witnesses. Everyone is a witness even though we are not all
evangelists. Sharing our faith is 100% imperative.
Talk to God right now about your witness. How are you doing? If the
last words Jesus spoke were about us having power for witness… don’t
you think that is something you should do? Now? What does that look
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Eighteen
Wounds Don’t Equate to Drop Out
“In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: ‘Flee like a bird
to your mountain.’”
Psalm 11:1
In the 1984 Olympic Games hosted by Los Angeles, there was a
memorable event in the women’s 3000 meter race. Two premier long
distance runners were entered: Zola Budd, a South African running for
Great Britain, and Mary Decker from the U.S.A. During the race, the
two bumped. Budd landed awkwardly and was cut deeply by Decker’s
spikes, but was able to continue. She finished a disappointing seventh.
Mary Decker suffered a pulled left hip stabilizer muscle. Her injury put
her out of the race.
In a spiritual sense, there are many Mary Deckers today. Wounded,
they have quit running the race. Among the many images of life found
in Scripture, there is the image of the runner and the image of battle.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we begin with a birth, but we discover
quickly this journey we are on is more like a battle. It is very difficult to
persevere in a battle. In 1 Kings, chapter 22, the Bible records the time
when King Ahab of Israel joined with Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, to
battle against Syria. In the midst of the chaos, Ahab is struck by an
arrow. He groans to the driver of his chariot, “Wheel around and get
me out of the fighting. I’ve been wounded” (verse 34).
There are many like Ahab (and Decker) who have been wounded in the
battle for souls and have forgotten their place. The Scriptures are full
of these warnings and admonitions. Galatians 5:7 says, “You were
running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the
truth?” A disturbing part of our culture today is an aversion to any kind
of commitment. Our society is short on longevity and long on shortterm, quick, instant “what have you done for me lately” attitudes. God
40 Day Devotional Guide
teaches us differently through His Word. We are to persevere – no
matter what the battle brings us.
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church will persevere what the Lord has
entrusted to us. Ask the Lord whom you can encourage to persevere
today. Proverbs 11:25 says, “…he who refreshes others will himself be
refreshed.” Claim this promise as you act on it. Go ahead – make the
call, write the note, send the email OR do whatever it takes to
encourage the wandering. And if you are the one about to drop out of
the battle – for goodness sake… tell someone now so you can be
encouraged to persevere yourself.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Nineteen
Why Do We Need Faith?
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who
comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those
who earnestly seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6
A personal relationship with God is established by faith and a
continuous fellowship with God is maintained by faith. Paul told the
Colossians, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so
walk in Him” (Colossians 2:6, NKJV). We receive Him by faith, and we
walk in Him by faith. Without faith we cannot please God, and we
cannot live effectively for Him. “Without faith,” the Bible says, “it is
impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).
Second Kings, chapter 5, records the story of Naaman, a powerful
Syrian military leader who was suffering from the most dreaded
disease of that era, leprosy. Someone told him Elisha, the man of God,
could possibly heal him, so he sought the prophet’s help. Elisha
instructed Naaman to wash himself seven times in the Jordan River to
be healed. The great soldier became angry at such a ridiculous
suggestion. “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand
and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot
and cure me of my leprosy,” said Naaman to his servants (2 Kings 5:11).
At first he refused, but without any other remedy, Naaman at last went
into the river and was healed. The act made no human sense, but in
the divine plan, it was an act of faith.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Why do we need faith? It’s how we relate to God. In His
infinite plan, He has determined “the just shall live by faith.” On your
own or with your family, identify one thing you consider would be an
act of faith.
Determine to do that thing, and keep a record of the evidence of God’s
blessing on obedience in that behavior. Then tell someone about it!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty
The Anointing Brings Unity
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! It is
like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes. It is
as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord
bestows His blessing, even life forevermore.”
Psalm 133:1
Remember the television show M*A*S*H? It was based on an
American emergency medical unit in the Korean War. This group of
people was composed of some very different personalities. There was
Hawkeye Pierce, B.J., and Father Mulcahy. There was Colonel Potter,
Radar, and Hotlips Houlihan. They were always playing jokes on one
another and arguing over different political views and the war. But
there was always one thing that brought these characters together. It
did not matter what particular argument was going on or what
particular practical joke was being pulled, when they heard the sound
of the choppers bringing in wounded, they always were united in the
In our day of hurting and wounded people, we cannot afford to be one
more church that spends all of its time arguing over things that will not
matter in the light of eternity. We must bring our differences together
and allow the Lord to merge them in unity of the Spirit.
Just as Aaron, the high priest, was anointed on his head and the oil ran
down his body, so the Holy Spirit descends from our great High Priest,
Jesus Christ. Anointing always brings harmony.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray that, throughout the fulfilling of the vision God has
given Bethel Church, we will experience genuine harmony resulting
from the Holy Spirit’s presence among us. Ask God to show you
specific ways you can contribute toward the unity of believers at Bethel
Church. Do you know anyone who adds to the disharmony of the
church? How is God guiding you to respond to that division? Are you
divided? Many times people just need their questions answered. Ask
God to help you lead a unified cause to see more lives changed…
starting with your own!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-One
Faith in Futile Circumstances
"’Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.”
Mark 11:22
George Mueller hadn’t faced a situation quite like it. Before him were
120 orphans, expectantly seated at long dinner tables. But something
at this mealtime tested the mettle of Mueller’s heart. On the dinner
plates at that table was...nothing but water. Eager faces looked toward
him, as if to say, “What’s for dinner?” But he didn’t know; the
cupboard was bare and the icebox was empty. There was no milk, and
no money to buy food or drink.
What was George to do? It didn’t take long for him to decide. He
would do what he had done every other mealtime. He would instruct
the children to bow their heads and join him in thanking God for the
meal they were about to eat. He would praise God for the faithfulness
of His provision. And so he did. Mueller prayed simply, directly, and
with a heart filled with faith.
When the “amen” was pronounced, the plates were still empty. But as
the eyes of those 120 youngsters turned again to the head table, a
knock sounded at the door. One of the boys was sent to answer. A
moment later, he called out, “Mr. Mueller, it’s the vegetable man! He’s
got a lot of stuff for us!” “Coincidentally,” there were many vegetables
that would spoil if he didn’t do something with them. While the
vegetables were being unloaded, another person came to the door —
the butcher! He had run out of ice at the end of a hot day and faced
the prospect of awful, rotting meat. Could the orphanage use it? No
sooner had he spoken the words than another amazing “coincidence”
occurred. The milkman’s wagon pulled up, overloaded with milk and
dairy products and needing desperately to do something with them!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Needless to say, it was quite a banquet that night. And it was the finest
lesson in faith those orphans ever received. Would the same thing
have happened had Mueller not prayed, believing God for His provision
and thanking him ahead of time for it? We don’t know, but we do
know Jesus said we have not because we ask not. And we know His
will for us is to walk by faith, not by sight.
Prayer Focus: God is calling each attendee of Bethel Church to answer
a vital question: “Do you have the faith to trust God for His provision?”
No matter what the circumstances are? No matter how gloomy your
future may seem? Do you trust God to provide? Talk to Him about
that right now. Spend at least 10 minutes (minimum) and share your
heart about your faith in His provision. Oh yeah… and be honest!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Two
What if Everyone Does It?
“Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will
praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the
gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with
everyone else.”
2 Corinthians 9:13
As we look to the future, we see thousands upon thousands of people
all around us who need Jesus. Some are falling away. Many, many
more are waiting to be reached out to by loving laborers. Elk Grove
and south Sacramento continue to grow with thousands of new
residents. Who will reach out to these precious souls with the good
news of Jesus?
We must take on this challenge. We must invite them in and open our
hearts to receive them with love and acceptance. But we have a
difficulty that must be overcome: Our home is not big enough. We
must have more space for more people. We must adjust what we
currently have and make plans for a future move or expansion to bring
more people into a relationship with God! How can we do this? First,
by seeing this as a challenge and not a problem. This demands the
right spiritual vision. In the days ahead, together, we are going to
believe God will give us the insight — and the foresight — to do great
things for His sake.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Today, think about a close friend, family member or
someone you can see being reached with the Gospel — someone you
are praying will one day worship the Lord with us at Bethel Church.
Pray about what it will take to get them in the Kingdom. Then envision
them in a seat at Bethel. Awesome isn’t it? Now envision about 1000
other current attenders at Bethel doing the same thing. Wow! Where
will we put them? Let that simmer with you and God for a while!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Three
Acting on a Promise
“Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out,
Jehoshaphat stood and said, ‘Listen to me, Judah and people of
Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld;
have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.’ "
2 Chronicles 20:20
William Tyndale is perhaps the most important person in the illustrious
history of the English Bible. He was, in fact, the father of the modern
English Bible. His translation, first published in 1525, and used
subsequently in virtually every other major translation for hundreds of
years to follow, was the new standard for English expression. By
quoting the Bible, Shakespeare quotes Tyndale more than 5,000 times!
William Tyndale did not live an easy life. He was hunted, persecuted,
and eventually killed by those who considered his work evil. Can you
imagine? Putting the Scriptures in a language common people could
read? Preposterous! Yet he pursued this goal because he was
motivated to communicate what he considered the “lost message of
the church” — the message of faith. Tyndale defined faith as “acting
on the promises of God.” It’s doubtful we could come up with a better
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: As you consider that phrase — acting on the promises of
God — how are you exercising faith today? What promises are you
claiming, and how are you living out that reality? For today, identify
one specific promise of God that is especially important and significant.
Sit down right now, for real, and make a phone call or send an email to
someone and share that promise. Then, consider how you can act on
that promise… to be a doer of the Word!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Four
Joyful in Jail
“Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been
encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and
Philippians 1:14
Prisons today are five-star resorts compared to those in which Paul
suffered. He enjoyed no heated cell with private toilet and sink. There
was no mattress for sleeping, no TV room for relaxing, no well-stocked
library for reading and study. There was only the dark encasement of
rough stones, filled with putrid odors and the pungent reminders of
human depravity. Perhaps worst of all were the chains, their rusty
coarseness scraping his skin raw, constantly tugging at him.
As if imprisonment weren’t painful enough, Paul had to endure
something worse: the stinging criticism of those who called themselves
his Christian brothers. They dared to attack God’s apostle even while
he was held captive.
Stop and imagine yourself in Paul’s situation. Feel the weight of the
chains on your raw skin. Taste the nauseating daily food. Listen to
those dreadful sounds of suffering that filled his ears day and night.
Look into the menacing eyes of the Roman prison guards.
You are there. You are suffering. You are chained. You are Paul the
apostle. Now, what’s your attitude? What fills your heart through the
weary hours? Here’s what Paul wrote to his friends in Philippi:
“Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to
me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has
become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to
everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my
chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged
40 Day Devotional Guide
to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly”
(Philippians 1:12-14).
What an attitude! Rather than being furious and inflamed with selfpity, Paul is encouraged by the positive impact of his negative
condition. In spite of the severity of the circumstances, Paul is joyful.
Prayer Focus: What a lesson Paul teaches us! We have troubles and
trials, sure; but what is our attitude, and what is our commitment?
Paul was joyful and he kept on advancing the gospel. What is God
teaching you today about joyfulness and the priority of advancing the
gospel – reaching out? Most certainly this spiritual journey will end in
God moving on all of our hearts to provide a 3 year financial
commitment of some kind to further the kingdom. Are you seeing the
joy of giving even in difficult times? Paul did! Pray for God’s wisdom
and grace, in this regard.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Five
Freedom Compels Us to Reach Out
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
2 Corinthians 3:17
Several years ago in the unlikely town of Fulton, Missouri, the town
fathers directed huge chunks of concrete to be hauled onto the local
college campus. They knew there would be no better backdrop for a
historic speech to be given in their little city.
As chunks of concrete go, they weren’t particularly attractive. In fact,
they were pitted, scarred by blows, and smeared with graffiti. But to
those who saw them, carefully situated behind a podium on the broad
green campus lawn, they were beautiful.
The speech was by Mikail Gorbachev, former leader of the former
Soviet Union, in commemoration of another speech given decades
before in that same place by Sir Winston Churchill. In that earlier
speech — on the same campus, behind the same podium — Churchill
coined the phrase “Iron Curtain” to describe the conditions in Eastern
Half a century later, an ex-Soviet strongman stood at the microphone
to talk about freedom... against a backdrop of large chunks from a
fallen Berlin Wall, the actual remnants of that once-daunted “Iron
Curtain.” What a visual of freedom.
Freedom. Such a wonderful word. Here in the U.S., we are blessed
with a measure of freedom that is remarkable in the annals of modern
history. Yet this social freedom pales in comparison with the spiritual
freedom we know and experience in Jesus Christ. In Him, we have
been liberated eternally.
40 Day Devotional Guide
And, because of the freedom He has given us, we are motivated to
commit wholeheartedly and unreservedly to Him.
As we seek God in this spiritual journey, we ensure the message of
freedom in Jesus Christ continues to go forth from this place. It is
because we are free we must do everything possible to spread the
message of freedom to our community and beyond.
Prayer Focus: What are some practical ways you can share the joy and
reality of your freedom with others? To go deeper in our walks, we
must not forget the tens of thousands of lives within driving distance of
our church that need that freedom in Jesus too. It’s because we’re free
we can go and reach out to our community and invite them into a walk
with Christ as well!
What is one practical way you can reach out to someone today… right
now? For real! They need the freedom you have! What will you do?
Send an email? Make a call? Write a letter? Pay a visit? Do something
today to reach OUT!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Six
You Gotta Light?
“Why is the house of God neglected? Then I called them together and
stationed them at their posts.”
Nehemiah 13:11b
When the Olympics came to America a decade ago, part of the
experience was to see the Olympic flame. At each Olympics, a flame is
lit from the eternal Olympic flame in Greece and then carried to
wherever the Olympics are being held. The flame made its way to
Atlanta for the opening ceremonies after traveling all over America
Volunteers and heroes from all over America carried the flame from
place to place. While it was passing through Tacoma, Washington,
Harley Sheffield had the honor of carrying it on his bicycle. As he was
crossing the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, the expansion grates on the
bridge blew a tire out on his bike. The torch popped out of its holder,
fell onto the bridge, and broke into pieces. The Olympic flame was
Sheffield was horrified. They would have to go all the way back to
Greece and start over again! He would go down in history as the man
who allowed the flame to go out! His panic was unnecessary because a
“mother flame” was present in a trailing van as well as a replacement
torch. Thus he could resume his duty, and the Olympic flame traveled
This story provides a great illustration of our walk with God. Too many
times we stumble and allow our flame to go out. If your flame has
been doused, there is not a “mother flame” to restore it. But there is a
“Father flame” who stands ready to light your torch today, and He will
keep it lit.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray God will light our spiritual torches with the oil of
the Holy Spirit. Pray Bethel Church will always be on fire for the Lord.
Ask God to make your spiritual flame burn brighter (increase your
faith). Our Scripture today tells how God enabled Nehemiah to restore
the priests to their duties. Ask Him how He can help you restore,
rekindle, or resume something for Him that will give Him glory.
quiet time
studying scripture
forgiving someone
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Seven
Don’t Short Your Dreams
“The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered.”
Genesis 39:2a
In 1930, two young brothers named Dick and Maurice McDonald
moved from New Hampshire to California to pursue the American
dream of being successful. After a few failed ventures, they struck gold
when they opened a small drive-in restaurant. By the mid-1950’s, their
annual revenue was $350,000, and the brothers split $100,000 in
You might think, yes, the rest is history. But you may be surprised to
know the rest of the story. In 1954, a man by the name of Ray Kroc
came into the picture. Ray Kroc saw potential the brothers did not see.
In 1961, Kroc bought the exclusive rights to McDonald’s for the sum of
$2.7 million – now with 21,000+ restaurants worldwide, the rest of the
story is history indeed.
The lessons learned from this story are:
Don’t pull up short of your God-given dream.
Don’t allow someone to out-dream you.
Don’t allow someone else to finish your dream.
Christians look to Joseph as the role model for dreaming big. Genesis
39 holds important lessons for all dreamers. Some lessons in this
chapter can keep us from stopping short of accomplishing our dreams
Know God is with us (verses 2, 21, & 23).
Know God is aware of our actions (verse 9).
Know God can make the bitter things in life sweet (verses 2123).
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church will pursue our God-given dream to
the fullest potential. Pray that through the achievement of this
spiritual journey we will become better Christ followers for the
kingdom of God. Ask God to show you ways in which you have stopped
short of His best for you. Ask for the boldness to identify and follow
through with eliminating what is stopping you.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Eight
Hey Now, Hey Now – Don’t Dream It’s Over
“Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her
Genesis 30:22
Rachel was Jacob’s dream wife. They were very much in love. Like
many married couples, they desired to have a child. God listened to
Rachel’s dream for a child, and He answered her prayer by giving them
a son. Their dream became a reality named Joseph.
It is impossible to overestimate the power and role of dreams in human
existence. Dreams have brought us lifesaving medical breakthroughs
and soul-stirring revival movements. Some of our greatest athletic
achievements are the result of a personal dream. The United States of
America is the result of a dream of real democratic government by a
group of patriots. Martin Luther King changed the course of a nation
because he had a dream. Your world and “the” world can be changed
because of the dream inside you.
I’m specifically talking about your daytime dreams – your vision, your
hopes, your aspirations, and your desires. A God-given dream won’t go
away. Search your heart and mind to get in touch with the dream God
has put inside you. Then pray about it and take action!
Impact’s dream is to inexpensively expand right now; pay down the
mortgage; plan for our future; and bless our community… In this,
countless more lives are going to change, to God’s glory.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray our church’s vision will become a reality in God’s
perfect timing. Pray our dreams of saving friends and family through a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ will come about because of our
spiritual journey. Ask God to reveal or clarify your personal dream that
is His will for your life and direct you in acting on it. Seriously – what is
God tugging on your heart to do?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Twenty-Nine
House of Love
“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his
John 15:13
George Matheson was a bright, promising young musician when he
received the most devastating news of his life. He was going blind.
For several months, as his vision worsened, he had suspected the
worst. But more painful than the crushing reality of his impending
blindness was the reaction of his fiancée. When he told her of his
condition, she tearfully returned the engagement ring. She said she
could not live the rest of her life with a blind man.
Stunned by her reaction and overwhelmed with self-pity, Matheson
was reeling like a boxer falling to the mat. Then, it was as if he were
literally swept into God’s arms, encouraged and uplifted. Still
disappointed, yet buoyed in spirit, Matheson sat down and composed a
In one poignant moment, George Matheson knew more deeply than
ever what is the true mark of the Christian — the unmistakable mark of
That’s what his song was all about. It’s a song sung by believers all over
the world, even to this day — the great hymn, “O Love That Will Not
Let Me Go!” Through a hurtful trial, he was reminded of the love that
would remain forever unaffected. In so doing, he was even able to love
the one who had rejected him, as his Lord had loved those who took
His very life.
40 Day Devotional Guide
There are so many reasons for us to express our commitment as
members of this church body. We have been forgiven, blessed,
protected, and encouraged. But most of all, we’ve been loved. Our
heavenly Father has demonstrated His love for us in that, while we
were yet sinners, His own Son died for us! The commitments we make,
the monies we give, the energies we devote, are simply expressions of
our thanksgiving for all He has done.
Prayer Focus: In these crucial days, let’s look with gratitude to the
past, let’s exercise faith in the present, let’s have true vision for the
future; but, above all, let’s show a commitment to the challenge before
us because of the love He’s shown for us. He has used this church and
its people in so many incredible ways. Our response is tangible
gratitude! What does that look like?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty
Everyone Has A Dream
“He said to them, ‘Listen to this dream I had.’”
Genesis 37:6
In 1989, a movie called “Field of Dreams” was released. Kevin Costner
played Ray Kincella, a 37 year-old man who had never done a crazy
thing in his life until he heard a voice one day that said, “Build it and he
will come.” You see, Ray had had a stormy relationship with his dad.
As a rebellious child of the 60’s, he scorned his dad who loved baseball,
refusing even to play catch with him. His father died before he could
make things right. When Ray plowed his cornfield over and made a
baseball field, everyone said he was crazy for following his dream, but
through the magic of the movie he could be reunited with his father as
a young man. The theology is certainly not correct, and the plot is
nowhere near reality, but that is what makes the movies fun to watch.
One thing is for certain; people will come to a place where their dreams
can be fulfilled. God’s field of dreams is not in Iowa, but rather in the
hearts of His people. How do we know what a dream looks like? This
list below gives us a good description of what a God-given dream looks
A God-given dream will stir your passion.
A God-given dream will be humanly impossible to accomplish.
A God-given dream will make an impression on you for a
A God-given dream will cause you to exercise strong faith.
A God-given dream can be very scary.
The enemy of our soul will attack a God-given dream.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church will be a true “field of dreams” where
people can find and fulfill their dreams. Pray the whole congregation
will be united in our dream to see more changed lives. Pray we can be
one so the world can be won. Pray for church leaders to have
discernment for decisions that affect this dream. Ask God to protect
our dream from the enemy.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-One
Delayed Dreams
“‘Here comes that dreamer!’ they said to each other. ‘Come now, let’s
kill him…Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.’”
Genesis 37:19-20
Joseph found out what every dreamer finds out – not everyone is
happy about your dream. Joseph found out people can envy your
dream, conspire against it, speak against it, and even attack your Godgiven dream. Joseph’s brothers put him in a pit and then sold him as a
slave to go to Egypt. Don’t you imagine that at that time, Joseph
wondered just what in the world God was doing and if his dream would
actually become a reality?
Remember, every God-given dream must die a human death. That is,
every dream from God will come to a place where it is impossible to
accomplish the dream in human ability alone. God is sovereign and His
timing is perfect. Remember Habakkuk 2:3b, “It (our plan to build) will
certainly come and will not delay.” Therefore, when we run out of
resources and get to a place where we realize the dream cannot
happen unless God steps in, then God alone will get the glory when the
dream is accomplished. And, as scary as that type of position is… it’s
the best place to be.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church will continue to move forward with
changing more lives. Pray God will give us the endurance and stamina
needed to face any temporary setbacks. Pray all involved will
experience joy on this spiritual journey of faith. Ask God to strengthen
you also as you continue to pursue your lifelong goals, despite the
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Two
Enemy Takedown
“And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”
Matthew 6:13
Jesus taught us much about prayer in word and in action. “The
Disciple’s Prayer,” is a part of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the
Mount. It’s the model prayer, and it gives us an outline of the subjects
we should pray over.
At the close of the prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray for the Father’s
direction for our day. It includes a healthy understanding of our enemy
and his ability to deceive us away from the Father’s will for our lives.
Satan loves to bring the child of God into the place of temptation and
ultimately, after we have surrendered to temptation, to the place of
bondage. Not cool!
We should pray every day for God to lead us in the paths of
righteousness. Pray He will give us daily deliverance from the enemy’s
power and deceit. The enemy never ceases his relentless attacks.
Therefore, prayer should be a vital part of our daily life.
Of course, we have opportunity for complete victory over all of the
enemy’s attacks. As believers in Jesus Christ, we know the King of the
Kingdom. It’s His kingdom to which we belong, and after prayer, we
are refocused on kingdom priorities.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray God will give the people of Bethel Church a spirit of
revival and prayer. Pray He will clearly direct us and protect us from
the evil one.
Take time to focus on God’s greatness and thank Him for the vision He
has given our church. Pray during this spiritual journey, He will reveal
to you how you can use your time, talents, and treasures to further this
vision for His glory.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Three
Galilee Christians
“A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be
Proverbs 11:25
There are two seas in the Holy Land. The northern sea, called the Sea
of Galilee, is one of the land’s most beautiful features. Fed by the
Jordan River, it waters fertile valleys and helps produce a bounty of
fruits and vegetables. Fishermen still search its depths, for food and
This is the sea Jesus loved. He knew its waters, in stillness and in
storm. On its banks, He taught many parables, spent many nights, and
worked His miracles of love and compassion.
The southern sea, further down the Jordan River, is totally different
from Galilee. Its air is filled with the stench of debris and filth. No man
or beast will drink from its bitter waters. No children play along its
polluted shores, for this is a lifeless sea. Its very name reveals its
nature: The Dead Sea.
Both seas are fed by the same river. But why the stark difference? It’s
because the Dead Sea has an inlet to receive the fresh waters, but no
outlet to send them on. The fresh waters pour in... only to stagnate
and decay.
Do you know people like this? People who are greedy and selfish,
thinking only of getting more and more for themselves? They are like
the man in the parable who sought to build bigger barns to protect his
increase, never realizing the true nature of his riches (Read Luke 12:1621).
40 Day Devotional Guide
Our challenge, and our commitment, is to be “Galilee Christians” —
giving out as freely and readily as we take in. For only by living in this
way will we be as healthy and joyous as God desires us to be. As
Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes
others will himself be refreshed.”
As we give freely and generously to expand the ministry of our church,
we are living out this lesson of Scripture. We are discovering the joy of
the Galilee principle—not to mention the clear Biblical directive to be
generous givers, let alone tithers.
Prayer Focus: Have you thought of yourself as a Galilee Christian? Or
would you describe yourself as more of a “Dead Sea” Christian? What
challenge do you sense God is putting on your heart? How will you
obey that and express that in the form of a commitment? Is it time to
share that burden of what God is placing on your heart?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Four
In God We Trust
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
There are two ways people live their lives as they pass through this
world – either remembering God or forgetting Him. They either
acknowledge His presence and live their lives in dependence on Him, or
they pay no attention to His claims on them and live a life on the basis
of their own understanding and abilities. The worst tragedy and
cruelest deception is the man who says feebly with his lips, “I trust
God,” but an examination of his calendar and checkbook shows no
difference between him and the man who does not make that claim.
The question we must ask ourselves today is, “Do we trust God?”
The very nature of this question produces two possible meanings: First
– “Can you ‘trust’ God?” That is, is He trustworthy? Can He handle the
decisions and the problems in your life? Secondly – “Can ‘you’ trust
God?” That is, do you have the ability to trust Him?
These verses reveal some important things about trusting God:
 The matter of trust is an all or nothing thing. Notice how many
times the word “all” is used.
 The command to trust precedes the promise. Blessing comes
after trust is expressed.
 The promise is conditional. Unlike many of the unconditional
promises in the Bible, this promise of direction is given only to
those who exercise trust in God.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray your faith and trust in God will grow. Pray you will
allow God to be in control and you will utterly depend on Him and
desire His will to be done. Pray the fruits of our deepened trust in Him
will result in guidance from Him. Ask God to identify an area of your
life where you need to yield to Him. Then give it to Him and look for
His provision. Hey – we say we trust God. We want to trust God. And
now it’s time to actually take that to the next level.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Five
A Contribution or A Sacrifice?
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your
bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your
spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you
will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing
and perfect will.”
Romans 12:1-2
Did you hear the story of the chicken and the pig who were walking
together down the road? They came upon a beggar who was nearly
starved to death. He hadn’t eaten in days. The chicken and the pig
decided to help him. The chicken said, “I have an idea. Let’s fix him
some breakfast - some ham and eggs!” The pig thought about that a
moment and then said, “I don’t like that idea very much because it only
requires you to make a contribution, but for me it is a complete
As the Apostle Paul writes, he describes a turning point in his letter to
the believers in Rome. He is finally giving an application to the truths
he has been telling about in previous chapters. He is stating how we
should respond to the knowledge God has procured our salvation and
saved us from the wages of sin through Jesus Christ. He’s telling us to
lay it all on the altar for God; surrender completely. Don’t simply make
a contribution like the chicken, but sacrifice it all like the pig.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray Bethel Church is a body of believers willing to totally
surrender to God. Pray it all starts with you. What does it look like to
surrender all? What might you need to sacrifice?
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Six
Communication of God’s Goodness
"Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for
Mark 5:19
Jesus spoke these words after casting demons out of a man from
Gadarene. His command was simple: Go and tell others what I have
done for you. What a powerful reminder this gives us of the need to
express God’s goodness to others—even in public settings.
All believers face the danger of forgetting "how much the Lord has
done for us." Our spiritual journey is a great opportunity for us to
strengthen and renew our appreciation to a good God. Communicating
gratitude is important for at least two reasons:
1. It makes us more reliant on God. Romans 1:21 tells of those
who “although they knew God, they neither glorified him as
God nor gave thanks to him.” Thankfulness occurs inwardly, in
what our heart expresses. Glorifying God happens publicly, in
what our mouth confesses. Public expressions of gratitude
strengthen our commitment to God while counteracting our
human tendency to self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
2. It has a profound impact on those around us. Family and
friends need to hear our successes are not of our own making,
but we are beneficiaries of the goodness of God. Read David’s
words in 1 Chronicles 29:11-13 to see how his gratitude set in
motion a great celebration of sacrifice and praise among God’s
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Following David’s example, take the time to identify
some examples of God’s goodness in your life and then express your
gratitude to God in the presence of a friend or family member today!
Don’t delay. Just step up and do it. Go tell your family or a friend how
much the Lord has done for you. You’ll grow… and be glad you did!
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Seven
How Much Is Too Much?
“She broke the jar and poured the perfume on His head.”
Mark 14:3b
The story of the Bethany anointing is one of the few stories of Jesus’
life that is contained in all four of the gospels. So impressive was this
event that it was indelibly written upon the disciples’ hearts so they
never, ever forgot this act of devotion. Mark uses it as a prelude to the
passion events. It contrasts the hatred and rejection Jesus was
receiving at the hands of the rulers and the people. This act of worship
and devotion stood out as an act of love that the Lord deserved from
all, but was only given by a few.
May this deed be received as a call to worship for us today. May this
deed make us ask ourselves the question, “How much is too much?”
This woman’s act set a standard of sacrifice, which none can better, but
all can match. That alabaster bottle was worth a year’s wages. Plus, it
was to be saved for the most important occasion of one’s life. What is
the most extravagant thing you have done for the Lord? What can we
learn from this Scripture?
Real love is always extravagant.
Extravagant love is always criticized.
Jesus always comes to the defense of and blesses those who
are criticized for being extravagant in their devotion toward
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Pray the people connected to our church will love Jesus
so much they will be extravagant with their giving of their time, talents,
and treasures. Oh Yeah… and pray that the extravagance starts with
you. Can you do that? What does that look like for you and/or your
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Eight
Remember God’s Power
"These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever."
Joshua 4:7b
Joshua had instructed the people to carry large stones from the bed of
the Jordan River and place them on the Canaan side of the river. These
stones provided a memorial of God’s power, provision and purpose for
the children of Israel. The Israelites would periodically return to this
place, Gilgal, to express their gratitude for victories won in this new
land. They were commanded to bring their children with them on
these occasions.
Carefully read Joshua 4:19-24. When the people of Israel were
obedient to God’s instruction regarding these twelve stones, it
provided a great opportunity to teach and instruct the next generation.
"He said to the Israelites, ‘In the future when your descendents ask
their fathers, ‘What do these stones mean?’" (Joshua 4:21). A child’s
natural curiosity opens the door for a parent to testify of God’s
remarkable power. Parents should lead their children back to the place
where God has demonstrated His timely provision. It may be a story, a
place, or even a picture, but whatever it is, let them see it over and
over again until it becomes a defining moment in their lives and a
monument to God’s grace.
The Legacy Project is an excellent opportunity for the entire church
body, member by member, to build a "memorial of gratitude."
Communicate to your family members and friends that this memorial is
not merely a building or a piece of property; it is, more importantly, the
experience of trusting God and seeing Him come through. Gilgal was
not just a pile of rocks. It was a powerful reminder of our indebtedness
to God. The greatest heritage we can leave to the next generation is
such a memorial of God’s goodness.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Take some time to reflect on some memories of God’s
power and goodness in your life. Was it an event? A Baptism? A
worship song? Message? Was it a special prayer time? Some special
blessing? Remember Him.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Thirty-Nine
“Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the
mountains I will tell you about”
Genesis 22:2
Abraham had to wait 25 years before His promised son was born. By
then he was 100 years old; his wife, Sarah, was 90. Yet God
superseded the laws of nature to allow the birth of a child to an elderly,
barren couple. They named their son Isaac, meaning “laughter,” for he
brought unspeakable joy to them.
After Isaac had grown into a young man, God once again said to
Abraham. “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go
to the region of Moriah.” The message continued, “Sacrifice him there
as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about”
(Genesis 22:2).
Still believing, Abraham obeyed the voice of God and took his boy on
that long, agonizing trip to the bleak slopes of Moriah. Though he did
not comprehend God’s purpose, Abraham’s faith was not shaken. He
complied with the instructions, placing his dear son on the altar and
raising a knife to plunge into his only son’s chest. In the very act of
lifting the knife to slay his son, God stopped him, commanded him to
kill instead a ram caught in a nearby bush.
Would Abraham have gone through with it? Would the old man have
actually killed his own beloved son? We need not wonder. Hebrews
11:19 provides the answer: “Abraham reasoned that God could raise
the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from
death.” Yes, he would have done it, because he was already
anticipating God to raise his son from death!
40 Day Devotional Guide
What an extraordinary story, which causes us to wonder, what could
we possibly have in common with Abraham? Many things! As God
spoke to Abraham, He speaks to you. As God called Abraham to a life
of obedience, He calls you. As God tested Abraham, He tests you. As
God called Abraham to a life of faith, so God calls you. As Abraham
obeyed … so should you.
Prayer Focus: Think about the parallels between yourself and Abraham.
If possible, identify some specific ways these are revealed in your life.
Seriously! Just because this is a Bible story doesn’t negate the
obedience God expects from us! Has God tested your faith? Did you
pass? If He tested you again, in the very near future, do you have what
it takes to say “yes” – before he even asks the question? Take a
moment right now to say “yes” to God. Even before he asks… sincerely
say, “Yes.”
40 Day Devotional Guide
Day Forty
Increasing Prayer
“…The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16
Can prayer really make a difference? Can my prayers actually change
things? Is it possible for the will of God to be thwarted because I don’t
pray? These are legitimate questions. The answers you give them
reflect the very foundation of your relationship with the Lord. On one
hand, if God is Sovereign, He’s going to do everything the way He
wants, so why pray? On the other hand, if He is waiting on my prayers
to execute His will, then I had better get serious about praying really
quick. How does His Sovereignty and my prayers go together?
God uses prayer to make the impossible, possible and the ordinary,
extraordinary. Prayers make our efforts effective and help us to define
God’s will more clearly. C.H. Spurgeon said, “Whenever God
determines to do a great work, He first sets His people to pray.”
Faithful praying releases the Holy Spirit to act.
Someone once said, “God does things when we pray that He does not
do when we do not pray.” May today’s devotional be an inspiration for
you to seek the Lord in prayer.
40 Day Devotional Guide
Prayer Focus: Thank God for hearing all the prayers that have been
lifted up on our church’s behalf. Thank Him in advance for answering
them. Pray God’s people at Bethel Church will pray more than ever
before and that everything we do as a church will be labored over in
prayer and may that start with you! Make sure you have been and
continue to connect with Him through prayer. What is He leading you
to do now for Him and His ministry?
40 Day Devotional Guide