Over 100 breakthrough innovations to enhance


Over 100 breakthrough innovations to enhance
Creating the future of sustainable energy today
21-22 October, 2015 Berlin
Event programme and exhibitors catalogue
Over 100
breakthrough innovations
to enhance your
company’s product portfolio
The Netherlands
04 Foreword
06 TBB.2015 The Business Booster
08 TBB. Agenda
10 Let our key speakers inspire you
14 General plan
16 Exhibition Area
18 Pitching sessions Agenda
T he KIC InnoEnergy Exhibitors
by Technology Area
20 Renewable Energies
52 Energy Storage
62 Energy Efficiency
78 Smart Electric Grid
90 Smart and Efficient Buildings and Cities
120 Clean Coal and Gas Technologies
126 Energy from Chemical Fuels
136 Sustainable Nuclear and
Renewable Convergence
140 About KIC InnoEnergy
144 Index of exhibitors
On behalf of KIC InnoEnergy, I am delighted to welcome all
of you to Berlin for the third edition of The Business Booster
Innovation in sustainable energy is the lifeblood of
KIC InnoEnergy – since 2011 we have endeavoured to
strengthen this culture in Europe by accelerating the creation of
high-growth companies and bringing innovative products and
services to life.
What better city than Berlin to host such an event! It is truly inspiring
to see Berlin taking the lead as one of Europe’s most up-and-coming
communities supporting start-ups, the investor community and
innovation institutions. I hope that the combination of TBB.2015,
coupled with your stay in Berlin, inspires each and every one of
you to seek out opportunities with our innovators so that we can
contribute to a sustainable energy future together.
That is, after all, the reason we are here – through collaboration, we
are able to achieve far more than if we were to innovate in isolation.
No one individual or company can tackle the complex challenges
Europe faces alone – success, underpinned by the development
of sustainable energy solutions, will come from everyone working
At KIC InnoEnergy, this concept is ingrained in all that we do – we
are dedicated to promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and
education in sustainable energy, and we do this by bringing together
academics, business and research institutes. This has resulted in 24
solutions being adopted by industry, 47 new companies created, 80
new start-ups supported and 17.4€m in external investment raised.
We are proud of this success, but what does it all really mean? For
me, it means that we are able to present you – the industry and the
venture capital community – with tangible, world-class solutions that
you can adopt and invest in. Not only will this contribute to our joint
goal of a sustainable energy future – collaboration has also been
proven to generate revenue and profit for companies.
So with this in mind, I hope that in its fourth year, The Business
Booster event proves to be yet again another win for all of us. I hope
that we will all leave with renewed perspective and motivation. And,
I hope that we will use this renewed energy to fuel the fire so that
we can continue in our endeavour to challenge the status-quo and
start to create the future of sustainable energy together.
Diego Pavia
CEO, KIC InnoEnergy
For this reason, I am delighted to welcome each and every one of
you to The Business Booster, 2015 – where innovation meets industry,
with the joint aim of exploring future collaboration to create a
sustainable future.
With a focus on looking at how the only limit to innovation in the
energy industry is imposed by our mind – this year’s event will
endeavour to push these boundaries by bringing you face-to-face
with over 100 innovative start-ups and projects.
All the innovations you will find at TBB.2015, which have been
designed to address challenges such as the price of energy; a
shaky autonomy of supply and system security; and, reducing GHG
emissions, have received ongoing coaching, support and access to
KIC InnoEnergy’s network of over 150 partners.
By providing our entrepreneurs with the opportunity to collaborate
with our partners, including university professors, engineers and
representatives of the business community, they have been able to
work as a much more powerful team and achieve far greater results.
This collaborative innovation platform, encompassing all the agents
along the value chain, also encourages our entrepreneurs to launch
their solutions and innovations into the market. It is in this way that
they are making their small, yet significant, contribution to our global
demand for energy.
So, whether you are from industry, government, a VC or a startup, I hope that The Business Booster will inspire you to begin a
dialogue with our innovators, motivate you to turn a great idea into
a commercial reality, and enable you to bring added value to your
business. In doing so, we won’t solve the energy problem
– we can’t – but we will all be contributing to a sustainable future.
Elena Bou
Innovation Director
Welcome to Europe’s leading
market place for sustainable
energy innovation
A forum where demand meets offer and creative ideas bloom! Collaboration,
open innovation, and future trends is what this event is all about.
“I was impressed
by the high quality
of the startups
Valérie Floridia-Taskin
Head of Open Innovation
EDF Europe
So, start creating the future of sustainable energy with us today!
minutes of pitiching
What will you find at TBB?
show room and pitching
• Asessions
with over 100 innovations
• B2B meetings
inspiring programme of
• Anconferences
class networking with
• World
industry leaders and innovators
“TBB. is a unique place
to identify qualified
innovative solutions
to boost your project
Nathalie Collignon
R&D External Partnership manager,
Companies who attend include
“It is critical for large
corporations to scout for
new technologies and
innovations. At The Business
Booster corporations will
get the opportunity to
find out about these new
minutes of
B2B meetings
minutes of networking
countries represented
Gina Domanig
Managing partner, Emerald ventures
TBB. agenda
21 October
22 October
08.30 - 09.30 Accreditation & Welcome
Showroom Area
09.00 - 10.00 Networking
Showroom Area
09.30 - 10.00 Opening Speech. Room C01 – Level C
Diego Pavía, CEO of KIC InnoEnergy
Elena Bou, KIC InnoEnergy Innovation Dir.
10.00 - 11.00 Pitching Sessions. Room B05 and Room B09
Paralell Sessions
10.00 - 11.00 Opening Conference. Room C01 – Level C
What lessons and opportunities corporations can learn
from the frugal innovators and their successes?
Dr. Jaideep Prabhu
Key note Speaker on Frugal Innovation
11.00 - 12.00 Networking. Showroom Area
12.00 - 13.30 Pitching Sessions. Room B05 and Room B09
Parallel Sessions
13.30 - 15.00 Networking & Lunch. Showroom Area
15.00 - 16.00 Innovation in the field. Room C01 – Level C
Session moderated by Stefan Smets, Business Creation Officer, KIC InnoEnergy Benelux
Open Innovation, how big corporation can collaborate successfully
with start-ups and SMEs
Dr. Inken Braunschmidt
RWE Chief Innovation Officer Valery Prunier, Head of Open Innovation, EDF R&D. Thibault Gouache, CEO. Cornis.
Valery Prunier, Head of Open Innovation, EDF R&D
Thibault Gouache, CEO Cornis
11.00 - 12.00 Networking & Coffee Break. Showroom Area
12.00 - 13.00 The innovations that will transform European energy system. Room C01 – Level C
Panel debate moderated by
Karel Beckman. Editor-in-chief, Energy Post.
David Arfin, founder and CEO of First Energy Finance
Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk, Professor of Future Energy Systems, Faculty of Applied Sciences, TU Delft
Anil Srivastava, CEO, Leclanché
Jean-Luc Dormoy, Energy and IT innovator
Top-level experts will speak about the technological, marketing,
social and systemic innovations that will transform the European energy system.
They will engage with the audience and each other in an open conversation.
13.00 - 15.00 Networking & Lunch. Showroom Area
15.00 - 16.00 Pitching Sessions Contest & Awards. Room C01 – Level C
16.00 - 16.30 Closing Ceremony. Room C01 – Level C
16.30 End of TBB.2015. Room C01 – Level C
16.00 - 17.00 Networking & Coffee Break. Showroom Area
17.00 - 18.00 Pitching Sessions. Room B05 and Room B09
Parallel Sessions
18.00 - 18.30 Networking. Showroom Area
18.30 End of the Day. Showroom Area
20.30 Social Dinner. Room C01 – Level C
The social dinner is a great way to meet new people
and network over a delicious evening meal
Let our key speakers inspire you
Learn from our key note speakers: renowned thinkers, experts in energy markets,
successful entrepreneurs and first line institutional leaders, about the market trends,
future regulations, and new answers to energy challenges. Get from them the
inspiration and vision on how the world is evolving and what the future panorama
of energy will look like.
Th ibau lt G ouach e
CEO, Cornis
Jaideep Pr ab h u
I n ke n B r au nsch midt
Co-author of Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible,
Generate Breakthrough Growth.
Head of RWE Innovation Hub (RWE Group Innovation)
Jaideep Prabhu is Professor of Marketing, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor
of Indian Business and Enterprise, and Director of the Centre for India
& Global Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.
He has a BTech degree from IIT Delhi and a PhD from the University
of Southern California, and has held positions at Cambridge, Imperial
College London, Tilburg University (the Netherlands), and UCLA.
His research interests are in marketing, innovation, strategy and
international business. In particular, he studies various cross-national
issues concerning the antecedents and consequences of radical
innovation in high-technology contexts. His current research is mainly
on how multinationals are using emerging markets in Asia, Latin
America and Africa as a lab to do affordable and sustainable innovation
for global application. He has published in and is on the editorial board
of leading international journals such as the Journal of Marketing and the
International Journal of Research in Marketing. He has appeared on BBC
News24, BBC Radio 4 and Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and his work has
been profiled in BusinessWeek, BBC World Service, The Economic Times,
The Economist, The Financial Times, Le Monde, MIT Sloan Management
Review, The New York Times, The Sunday Times and The Times. He has
consulted with or taught executives from ABN Amro, Bertelsmann AG,
Barclays, BP, BT, the UK Government, EDS, Egg, IBM, ING Bank, Laird, the
NHS, Nokia, Philips, Roche, Shell, Siemens, Vodafone and Xerox, among
others. He is the co-author of Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible,
Generate Breakthrough Growth, described by The Economist as “the most
comprehensive book yet” on the subject of frugal innovation.
Today Inken Braunschmidt is heading the RWE Innovation Hub, the
platform and team to develop RWEs innovative business models of
the future enabling them to become the innovation leader in the
future energy system. She started working for RWE in 2004 within the
internal Management Consultancy, RWE Consulting. She began with an
innovation project which had the goal of finding new and innovative
services for the external market. One of her next tasks was heading the
RWE Consulting Office in Frankfurt am Main and being responsible as
an account manager for the RWE Effizienz (innovative Energy+ products
and services) and the German regional RWE companies. She developed
expertise in the areas of reorganisation, restructuring, merger and
acquisition and business transformation and change. Next she became
Managing Director (Finance) of RWE Consulting in Essen and supported
the set-up of RWEs Transformation and Change Journey for two years.
Before joining RWE she worked at the Kiel Institute for Innovation
Research. Working with case studies she explored technology induced
innovations and analysed the intra-company technology or IP transfer as
a very successful way to innovate. In her case studies she worked mainly
with technology and R&D driven big corporates and with technology
driven start-ups. Inken Braunschmidt studied Business Administration,
especially Innovation and Technology Management and Politics in Kiel,
Finance in London and Business Coaching in Hamburg.
Thibault Gouache is CEO and cofounder of Cornis. Cornis is specialized
in inovative data processing and data management solutions for
infrastructure O&M. Their flagship product is a wind turbine blade
inspectoin and management solution. Thibault obtained his PhD in
mechanical engineering. He conducted his PhD with ISAE (Supaéro –
the French aerospace engineering institute) and with the University
of Surrey (United-Kingdom) for the European Space Agency (ESA). He
did his undergrad at Ecole Polytechnique in France. He has lived in the
United-States, in the United-Kingdom, in the Netherlands, in India and in
China. He loves swimming, triathlon and chocolate.
Valé ry Pru n ie r
Innovation Director Europe and Middle East-EDF R&D
Valéry graduated from ESPCI Paris cum laude and started his career
as a material scientist at EDF, focusing mostly on R&D related to
generation (nuclear and fossil) and distribution. As his interests evolved
towards international collaboration and leverage, he became one of
the founders of NUGENIA, an integrated framework for Nuclear R&D.
After spending two years working in Japan, Valery spent eight years
working in the USA. Firstly for a start-up company called American
Superconductor. He then worked for Bicron, and most recently he
undertook the post of Innovation Director for North America serving
the whole EDF Group. After reinforcing the EDF Group presence in the
dynamic North American innovation eco-system, Valery is now back
in Paris with the same position for Europe and the Middle East. Valery
has a passion for international collaboration toward innovation global
deployment in energy and is working to create a dedicated vehicle with
key Silicon Valley stakeholders.
David Ar fi n
CEO, First Energy Finance
David Arfin is driven to create innovative finance offerings that
accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies. David invented
SolarCity’s SolarLease, the game-changing financing program that
enabled over 200,000 homeowners, commercial, and government
customers to adopt solar power and drove SCTY to a market
capitalization of over $5 billion. He received the first-ever Innovation
in PV Financing Award from the Solar Energy Industry Association. He
is a partner and co-founder of SolarVento (Mexico) and serves on the
Board of Directors of Simpa Networks (India), WattzOn (Palo Alto), and
is an Advisor to Everyday Energy (San Diego) and UnitedWind (New
York). David was co-founder and CEO of GlooLabs (acquired by Cisco),
co-founded Flywheel Communications, and was founder and CEO
of CLE Group (acquired by PLI). David received an MBA from Stanford
University, a MA in Public Policy Analysis from Claremont Graduate
University and a BA in Political Science from UCLA where he graduated
phi beta kappa.
Ad van Wijk
J ean - Luc D o r moy
Professor of Future Energy Systems TU Delft
Energy and IT Innovator
Prof. Dr. Ad van Wijk (1956) is one of the most influential sustainable
energy entrepreneurs and innovators in Europe. In 1984 he co-founded
the sustainable energy knowledge company Ecofys, which grew into
Econcern. As chairman of the executive board he led and developed
Econcern into a company with 1200 people in more than 20 countries,
sharing the mission ‘A sustainable energy supply for everyone’.
Econcern developed and marketed many new products and services in
the field of sustainable energy. Examples include the 120 MW offshore
wind farm Princess Amalia, several multi-MW solar farms in Spain,
BioMCN (a bio-methanol plant in Delfzijl) which is the largest second
generation biomass plant in the world, the Closed Greenhouse (an
energy producing greenhouse) the console (an innovative and cheap
support structure for solar systems), the Energy Mirror (visualizing
energy consumption in buildings) and Quicc (an electric van).
Jean-Luc Dormoy has devoted his professional life to research and
innovation, and has worked in research institutions, large companies
and innovative companies (startups). He is a co-founder of Kalray,
a startup created in 2008, which produces ‘super-computing’ on a
chip and VESTA-SYSTEM, a software company for energy efficiency
in buildings. He was director for “Smart Electric Systems” for the
commercial branch of EDF Group in Europe. Former to this, he
worked at CEA Tech from 2003 to 2008, and was in charge of software
programmes. In 2007 he participated in the launch of ARTEMIS, the
Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) of the European Commission for
Embedded Systems , and formed part of its evaluation panel in 2013
for the EU Commissioner. For 17 years he worked at EDF in R&D on
Artificial Intelligence applied, in particular, to nuclear plant control, on
software automatic synthesis, and on numerical simulation. He also
spent three years part time at the CSLI at Stanford University in 19992002 and worked on a joint France-China programme on processors
in 2005-2006.Today he advises companies on how to face disruptive
competition, in particular from Silicon Valley players, by preparing them
to integrate the design and marketing methods of innovative products
and services.
Ad van Wijk achieved many important prizes for excellent
entrepreneurship. Amongst others he was entrepreneur of the year
in the Netherlands and received the Amsterdam Private Equity Club
Award, both in 2007. In 2008 he was top-executive of the year in the
Today, Ad van Wijk is an independent sustainable energy entrepreneur,
advisor and Professor in ‘Future Energy Systems’ at the Delft University
of Technology. He is member of the Economic Development
Board Rotterdam and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and
An i l Sr ivastava
E le na BOU
CEO - Leclanché
Innovation Director, KIC InnoEnergy
Anil Srivastava has been CEO of Leclanché since June 2014. He was
the Chief Executive of Areva Renewables and a member of the Areva
Group’s executive committee from January 2009 to December 2011.
Prior to that, he was the Chief Executive of a large offshore wind
business in Germany. As an experienced executive with a strong track
record in building global businesses, Srivastava has also held senior
executive positions in companies such as TomTom group and AlcatelLucent. He obtained a master’s degree from the National Institute of
Technology in India and graduated with an Executive MBA from the
Wharton School of Business in the USA.
Elena Bou is the Innovation Director of KIC InnoEnergy. Before becoming
part of the executive board of KIC InnoEnergy, she was member of
the founder team of this company. Prior to that, she developed her
professional career in the field of management consulting in both
private and public companies, nationally and internationally, giving her
the opportunity to manage and develop many European Multinational
Projects involving a high degree of complexity and stakeholders and
including the creation of two spin-offs.
Elena is also Associate Professor of ESADE Business School since 1998.
Former Director of the Executive Master of Operations and Services
and cofounder and former director of the GRACO Research Group
(IIK) at ESADE. Consultant and researcher in the field of knowledge
and Innovation Management and author of several publications.
Elena Bou holds a PhD in Management Sciences from ESADE-URL
(Doctor Europeus) and has a degree in Business Administration and
Management and an MBA from ESADE Business School. She also
studied in Florida University and Copenhagen Business School.
K ar e l B eckman
Editor-in-chief. Energy Post
Karel Beckman (1958) is founder and editor-in-chief of the independent
international open-access website Energy Post (www.energypost.
eu), which he started in June 2013. Energy Post offers news, analysis
and debate on energy policy, market strategy, innovations and trends,
written by specialized journalists and top-level experts from across
the globe. Before this Karel was editor and intellectual founder of
European Energy Review (EER) from its inception in November 2007
until February 2013 and energy editor at the Dutch financial newspaper
Financieele Dagblad from 2000-2006. In 2011 he won the 2010 Award
for Excellence in Written Journalism from the International Association
for Energy Economics. Having written about energy for over 20 years,
Karel has built up a unique international network in the energy sector
and a wide international following of readers.
D iego Pavía
CEO, KIC InnoEnergy
Diego Pavía, born 1963, studied electrical engineering and specialised
in electronics and automation at the Polytechnical University of Madrid.
Additionally, he brings all the experience of a long career working in
private companies. Diego has headed multicultural working groups all
over the world in the field of energy for Schlumberger. His last post was
that of CEO of Atos Origin, a leading international IT service provider,
where he was responsible for Spain and South America, for about 9.000
employees, and for an annual turnover of EUR 450 million. Diego, as a
serial entrepreneur, has created no less than 7 companies.
Exhibition area
Booth numbers
Energy Efficiency
1 Cascade Drives
2 Cereus Technology
3 Composite Dynamics
6 EcoDryer Systems
13 ZaaK Technologies
Sustainable Nuclear and
Renewable Convergence
76 68
59 52
77 69
78 70
79 71
60 53
61 54
63 56
81 73
64 57
40 39 38 37
105 106
46 47
62 55
80 72
51 EP Tender
53 Daylight Solutions
54 Ecotropy
66 P&H Adviseurs
70 Sit&Heat Sports
Smart and Efficient Buildings
and Cities
86 Infinite Fuels
17 Arol Energy
18 Clean Streams Energy
19 CorPower Ocean
21 Dracula Technologies
22 Uni Heat
26 EPC Solaire
32 Nano Technology Solar
39 Solelia Greentech
41 Tandem Sun
43 EP Tender
105 VIS Energia
106 Leunamme Engineering
Energy Storage
11 12 13 14
Renewable Energies
Clean Coal and Gas
Level B
30 31 32 33
51 50 49 48
Showroom area
Welcome desk
Staff room
Press room
Pitching sessions
Showrrom area
Pitching sessions
Exhibition area
101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94
Level C
Booth numbers
Smart Electric Grid
100 Enerlin
104 Superstore
93 92 91
Energy from Chemical Fuels
87 Demo SNG
90 Imecal - Perseo
Conference Room
Lounge Area
Speakers Room
Pitching sessions agenda
The pitching sessions facilitate investments, transactions and connections.
Exhibitors pitch live on stage and have 4 minutes to present essential USP’s of their
solutions. The sessions allow you to get a global view of all the innovative solutions
available at TBB.2015.
How do the pitching sessions work
After the first round of speeches, 5 companies will be selected by the audienece as finalists.
These 5 finalists’ companies will present their speech to the jury during the “TBB.2015 Pitching Contest”.
From these 5 finalists, 3 ventures will be awarded with the final prize.
Pitching Sessions will be held as parallel sessions
at Room B09 and Room B05
The finalist selection will be held at the
Main Conference Meeting Room, C01
21 Wednesday
Room B05
Room B09
Room B05
From 11.30 - 13.30 (120 minutes)
From 11.30 - 13.30 (120 minutes)
From 10.00 - 11.00 (60 minutes)
Renewable Energies
Smart and Efficient
Buildings and Cities
Smart Electric Grids
Arol Energy
Clean Stream Energy
CorPower Ocean
Dracula Technologies
EPC Solaire
Nano Technology Solar
Sensus Energy
Solelia Greentech
Tandem Sun
VIS Energia
Leunamme Engineering
From 17.00 - 18.00 (60 minutes)
Energy Storage
Infinite Fuels
Energy from Chemical Fuels
22 Thursday
Daylight Solutions
P&H Adviseurs
Sit&Heat Sports
Clean Coal Technologies
From 17.00 - 18.00 (60 minutes)
Energy Efficiency
Cascade Drives
Composite Dynamics
Cereus Technology
Ecodryer Systems
Zaak Technologies
22 3Ssolar
23 AgroNergy
24 Arol Energy
25 Clean Streams Energy
26 CorPower Ocean
27 Cysalys Technologies
28 Dracula Technologies
29 Delphos
30 Enetech
31 enOware
32 Eolos
33 EPC Solaire
34 Equalite
35 Gramma
36 Helioslite
37 Leunamme Engineering
38 NTS-NanoTechnologySolar
39 Nnergix
40 Permavit
41 Pro-Drone
42 RVE.Sol
43 Sensus Energy
44 Solardynamik
45 Solelia Greentech
46 Steadysun
47 Tandem Sun
48 Turbulent
49 VIS Energia
50 Fascom
51 KAStrion
3Ssolar · Germany
AgroNergy · France
Electrical storage
solutions for SMB’s to
bridge omnipresent
blackouts in
developing countries
From Agro-waste
to Energy
3SSolar UG develops electrical storage solutions for
Small and Medium Businesses, Offices, Medical Practices,
Domestic Houses as well as Police Stations and Public
Services to bridge omnipresent blackouts in southern
Africa and other developing countries. 3SSolar UG sells as
well larger storage solutions from other brands based on
Li-Ion or Redox-Flow technology.
Schoenstr. 94
13086 Berlin
[email protected]
110 rue des Poissonniers
75889 Paris Cedex 18
T. (+33) 659 115 600
[email protected]
The BBBOX is perfect for Small and Medium Businesses, offices, medical
practices, domestic houses or even police stations or public services who
are not able to place small generators or want to replace them to reduce
air pollution. The working time depends on installed battery capacity and
connected loads. The integrated electronic with its battery temperature
sensor controls the charging and discharging process to provide the
optimal battery life time. Optional a generator can be connected that starts
automatically when battery power becomes low.
The need. Almost 85% of the energy consumed in France comes from
non-renewable energy sources, which contributes to its expense. Three
basic requirements appeared when confronting this situation: the better
control and reduction of energy expenditure from heating, the reduction
of C02 emissions by using a renewable energy source, and the need for a
technical solution that was easy to understand and failsafe.
THE SOLUTION. AgroNergy makes one global offer to its customers:
renewable heat based on the installation of poly-fuel boilers, biomass agropellets that can be used as fuel, and audit and maintenance services that are
customised to each specific need.
The need. In most development countries there is a lack of electrical
energy what results in controlled “load sheddings” (South Africa) or
uncontrolled blackouts.
THE SOLUTION. The 3SSolar UG BBBOX keeps the business running
during Blackouts. It is connected between the main grid and the loads.
Heavy loads stay connected to the main and shut down with the blackout,
all other for the business essential loads are connected to the BBBOX. In case
of a blackout the BBBOX switches in less than 20 milliseconds from grid to
battery power and back. That’s fast enough to keep computers running. The
most essential devices such as electronic cashier systems, security systems
and a basic LED illumination will stay up and keeps your business running.
AgroNergy recycles dry agricultural by-products into
agropellets in order to offer complete heating services to
medium-size buildings, (such as social housing, schools,
office blocks), and small industries.
This innovative solution is both economical
and ecological.
Value proposition. Agronergy has developed a turnkey solution to
supply renewable heat. This comes at no extra cost for the user, as there is
no initial investment. What’s more, there is no environmental impact, since it
is a complete process based on recycling agricultural waste.
Wolfgang Ackenhausen
Wolfgang holds an apprenticeship certificate in
industrial electronics and a degree as certified
mechanical engineer. He has developed his
professional career as mechanical designer in the
electronic sector and later has worked more than
25 years as project manager in the automotive and
finally in the solar industry
Stephane Vidaillet
CO-Founder and CEO
Graduated from HEC Paris, has 15 years
experience with various technical and
financial functions in innovative SMEs. He
created three companies successfully and
initiated the AgroNergy project.
Anne Vandeput
Anne holds a commercial college certificate and a
degree as high-school teacher for the languages
Dutch, French, English and German. Anne has
worked in different companies and European Institutions in Belgium and as a high-school teacher.
Value proposition. The BBBOX (Blackout-Bridging-Box) is specially
designed for SMB’s where currently no solution is available. It provides a cat.
II UPS that keeps computer systems running in case of blackout.
Arol Energy · France
Clean Streams Energy · Sweden
Products and services
for plants that purify
biomass gases for
energy and biofuel
Kinetic Hydro power
plant developer
Arol Energy offers turnkey solutions articulated
around proprietary products and services related to
the Biogas market. Arol Energy takes responsibility for
design, construction and commissioning of the entire
biogas purification and energy-conversion part of a
biomethanation project.
17 rue du Lac Saint-André
73375 Le Bourget-du-Lac
T. (+33) 983 011 220
[email protected]
Value proposition. Arol Energy is specialised in gas processing
and renewable energy production, project management and turnkey
engineering design (standardised design or design adapted to the
customer’s needs), on-site construction and installation, and plant
commissioning and maintenance. Arol Energy has developed an innovative
business model based on, a) “Turnkey solutions” (the concept of “black
box”), addressing both the economical and technical issues of a customer,
and b) the capabilities required to address the three “conversion” segments,
(electricity + gas injection + biofuel).
[email protected]
Thomas Grönskog
Rolf Zander
The need. Current biogas producers experience uncertainty in their
expected return when investing in technical solutions to transform biomass
into energy resources.
THE SOLUTION. Arol Energy offers complete technical solutions that
enable biogas producers to reduce their environmental impact and improve
their overall financial return, by reducing energy consumption and total
costs over the life-time of the project.
Arol Energy proposes an innovative business model based on turnkey
solutions, addressing both the economical and technical issues of a
customer. In addition, Arol Energy has the capability to address the
three conversion segments: conversion into electricity + conversion into
biomethan for gas injection + conversion into biomethan for biofuel.
Sågvägen 38 E
184 40 Åkersberga
Elias Jacobson
Uno Alfredéen
Hydrodynamic ENERGY. Kinetic energy from water is one
of the energy options that have the least impact on its
immediate surroundings and the wider environment.
Yet, despite its great potential, it is also an option that
has developed at a slower pace than wind power, for
Clean Streams Energy is an energy company that
has chosen to develop a simple modular system for
hydrodynamic energy. The system is based on the
principle that the high density of water, its speed, is the
determining factor for efficient energy recovery. Thus,
this system can achieve better economic productivity
than any other commercially available system.
The need. The energy market always looks for the most
economical available system. Clean Streams plans to be the
leading player in the 45-250 kW range.
THE SOLUTION. A system that easily obtains environmental permits, that can
be easily installed, that is cheap to maintain and that has a long lifespan.
David Bossan
Manager Director
Value proposition. We approach the market from all sides:
manufacturing, installation, permits and finance.
Our goal is to become the leading energy company in the 45-250 kW range.
Solid experience in the management of
small and medium-sized companies.
Specialised in engineering and
environmental sectors, he is competent in
diverse roles in management, commercial
and technical projects.
CorPower Ocean · Sweden
Cysalys Technologies · France
wave power
Smart hybrid power
solutions for off-grid
telecom sites
Inspired by the pumping principles of the human heart,
CorPower Ocean AB has created a compact, highefficiency Wave Energy Converter (WEC). Wave power
plants with CorPower’s technology can generate fivetimes as much energy per device tonne at less than a
third of the cost of competing solutions. The company
aims to establish the next generation of wave power
solutions for utility-scale energy generation that can
compete with conventional energy resources. Wave
farm projects are provided in collaboration with leading
partners in infrastructure engineering. It represents
a cost-effective and highly resilient way to generate
electricity from ocean waves.
Osquars Backe 31, 4tr
100 44 Stockholm
T. +46 701 772 101
Value proposition. CorPower Ocean’s technology offers
exceptionally high power density; five times higher than that of competing
wave power solutions.
The WEC systems enable utility customers to build reliable wave power
farms to harvest ocean energy, with a cost-of-energy that can compete with
established energy sources. Wave farms based on CPO technology require
less capital investment, less ocean area, less materials and delivers a higher
annual energy output for a given generation capacity. All enabled by system
efficiency and smart control.
[email protected]
[email protected]
CYSALYS designs green and smart power products
and features aimed at mobile operators in emerging
countries, in order to help them reduce their
operational costs.
CYSALYS also offers other services, such as onsite
installation of their Hybrid Cubes, training for
Cubes installation and maintenance, and audit of
optimisation of telecom energy solutions
The need. In emerging countries, the commercial electricity network
is either not sufficiently developed or failing. Mobile operators use fuel
generators to power their mobile sites. Operating costs are very high, and
many network failures occur owing to these generators. What’s more, fuel
is subject to theft and fraud.
The need. There is an urgent need for competitive renewable energy
production systems. The effective harvesting of nature’s vast resource of
energy contained in ocean waves could potentially produce 2000-4000 TWh
of electricity per year - some 10-20% of the world’s electricity, propelling us
towards a more sustainable future, fuelled by clean and economical energy.
THE SOLUTION. The Wave Energy Converters (WECs) have a unique
design with low inertia, combined with advanced control systems that make
the WEC oscillate in resonance with incoming waves. This allows for small
and light devices with a high power output, and effective energy absorption
over a broad range of sea states. The concept, incorporating many small
units, enables mass production to drive down device cost, and has an
effective maintenance scheme. The system has an excellent survivability rate
in storms, thanks to its robust construction.
Tel: +33 (0)6 80 47 55 58
Sarkis Armoudian
Founder and CEO
Patrick Möller
Entrepreneur and technologist with
experience of building VC-funded
technology start-ups from their first
conception to their establishment as
multinational operations, that employ the
services of more than 80 people.
Stig Lundbäck
Founder and senior technologist
The inventor behind the technology.
Serial entrepreneur, M.D., Ph.D. with
a background in heart mechanics,
pumps, turbines and power-generation
Expert in mobile networks deployment
(France and international). Experience
in management of operational teams,
implementation and management of
projects with strong constraints.
Cyrille Le Floch
General manager and founder
Experience in business development in
telecoms / emerging countries. Steering
of the company Qowisio.
THE SOLUTION. CYSALYS offers an independent power supply unit for
mobile telecom operators in emerging countries. Our Smart Hybrid Cube
is secure and dramatically reduces operating costs. It integrates patented
technological innovations and also value-added services, such as the
refilling of mobile handsets.
Value proposition.
CYSALYS’ Smart Hybrid Cube offers the following features:
- All-in-one smart power unit (including monitoring and supervision).
- Dramatically deduces diesel consumption (hybrid).
- Less maintenance (6 months autonomy).
- Reliable energy source.
- Theft secured.
- Cost effective ( ROI < 1 year).
- Reduces environmental footprint.
It also has a new dimension ‘eco-citizens’ service for local populations,
such as a refilling module for mobile handsets and an internet
consultation screen.
Dracula Technologies · France
Printed solar cells that
produce power to
charge small devices
Dracula Technologies uses a source of renewable energy
and integrates it with electronics in many mobile
products of everyday use. The company aims to energise
and produce light in new products without altering their
primary function, making such devices energetically
4, rue Georges Auric
26000 Valence
T. 334 757 826 65
[email protected]
Tracking the impact
of innovation
The need. The short lifespan of batteries and the depleted charges of
small devices, especially in isolated areas, can prove a critical problem for
users. Many items used in outdoor and indoor contexts, such as anoraks,
camping equipment or backpacks, would gain significant value were they
able to generate power to recharge such devices.
THE SOLUTION. Dracula Tecnologies has developed printed, flexible
solar cells that fit perfectly into the design of each such product. Once these
solar cells are fitted, they allow them to produce enough power to recharge
small devices, such as phones, GPS, lamps, etc.
Value proposition. Dracula Technologies proposes the following
to its clients: “Endow your products – whatever their shape, size and
material – with solar power”. The company offers to produce organic
and/or electroluminescent photovoltaic modules that are based on the
product materials used by a client. These materials are endowed with an
autonomous means to provide light and energy, without compromising a
product’s initial function. Organic Photovoltaic, through digital printing, will
appeal to clients for whom slight thickness, lightness, suppleness/flexibility,
transparency, capacity to take very various shapes and indoor-outdoor
portability, are important factors.
Do you want to know the impact your
innovation has on the cost of energy?
Brice Cruchon
Scientist. Through 15 years of professional
experience he has acquired expertise in
running and guiding Innovation projects.
He has worked both in the field of mass
consumption products as well as that of
industrial activities.
KIC InnoEnergy’s cost evaluation platform, DELPHOS, is a reference tool
providing a simple but exhaustive methodology for evaluating the impact
of an innovation on the Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE).
DELPHOS, which consists of a series of cost models and datasets, will improve the analysis in the
renewable energy technologies sector: onshore and offshore wind, solar thermal electricity and
With more than 150 active users globally, today DELPHOS allows the research community,
industry, policy makers and investors to make robust decisions about the role of innovation in the
energy sector.
Bernard Calisti
Innovation Strategy
Professor at the EM- Lyon, CEO and
founder of several industrial companies.
He has worked for more than 20 years
in 5 continents on missions to develop
enterprises through innovation.
The journey starts here:
Also, check out the “future renewable energy
costs” report series, elaborated with Delphos.
Developed in collaboration with
Enetech · Poland
enOware · Germany
Controller for better
grid interaction for the
power curtailment of
PV panels
Mobile sensor systems
for fluid applications
including energy
and environment
The aim of establishing our enterprise is to promote
and foster energy related R&D projects and emerging
technologies into becoming real assets for our
customers, that payback in the short-term. Our vision
is to accommodate the best solutions developed at the
University of Science and Technology and to transform
them directly into implementations that fit the needs
and the budget of our clients. At the moment, we focus
on PV grid interaction and waste heat recovery.
The need. The problem addressed is the inability of a grid infrastructure
to host large-scale distributed generation without negative impacts, such
as overvoltage that results in the unequal distribution of power losses
among PV system owners.
THE SOLUTION. The goal of Enetech Ltd. is to provide the means and
the control platform to address the overvoltage and PV power control
problem with minimum hardware and cost.
Value proposition.
The uniqueness of our product can be summarised as follows:
1. Loss reduction - net power output of your PV increases.
2. Sharing losses - we guarantee an equal loss distribution across the
network by the use of Output Power Loss Sharing technology.
3. Controller bases on the existing power electronics that can be easily
adapted to further advancement in micro inverters.
4. No additional expensive equipment required.
5. Control algorithm failure that will not cause the PV installation to go
ul. Lublańska 34
31-476 Kraków
[email protected]
Emmy-Noether-Straße 17
76351 Karlsruhe
T. +49 721 6634 513
[email protected]
Michał Lubieniecki
Michał is co-founder of Enetech Ltd. and
he puts into effect the promising results
of the R&D projects he took part in while
working in the AGH University of Science
and Technology.
Low power
Karl G. Linder
Managing Director
Entrepreneur and 25 years experience
Simeon Meier
Managing Partner
Experienced R+D manager
Philipp Linder
Managing Director
Mechatronic and renewables experience
Dr. Roman Zorn
Managing Partner
Geothermal expert and research
Andreas Beaucamp
Managing Partner
enOware is developing sensors for fluid applications.
The main elements include a mobile miniaturised sensor,
a read-out and charging bypass, a monitoring portal and
a professional validation kit to ensure the integrity of the
probe during erection. The first application is geothermal
probes. Further applications could be environmental,
such as in water systems, in bio-gas or in bio-pharma.
The need. Geothermal probes have no solution for continuously
monitoring the internal condition of the probe. In situ monitoring can be
used to optimise efficiency of the system as well as monitoring the overall
state of the probe, enabling alarms to be triggered in case of malfunction or
geological problems.
THE SOLUTION. enOware offers a miniature pig measurement
solution for geothermal probes. By measuring temperature and pressure
throughout the system, rather than just input and output with no
knowledge of the location, both the state of the probe and location of
faults can be localised.
Value proposition. Wireless communication and charging of
the fully enclosed measurement pig (20 mm diameter) enables in situ
monitoring and measurements. Because of their compact size and
geometry, our sensors can be installed at any accessible point of the system
without its partial demolition, which can be costly. This enables new
instalments without increased planning input. It also enables easy refits in
existing probes that can inspect the state of the application and monitor its
energy efficiency.
Coach and Business development
Eolos · Spain
EPC Solaire · France
Tackling the current
challenges of offshore
wind measurements
Heat recovery
supports for standard
photovoltaic panels
for large industrial,
commercial or
agricultural roofs
Offshore wind farm investments need reliable wind
assessments in order to estimate the wind energy
potential of the site where the wind turbines are to be
installed. Performing wind assessments with no high
quality on-site data increases uncertainty, hindering the
project’s bankability and increasing the financial risks of
the project.
Jardins de les Dones de Negre, 1
08930 Sant Adrià del Besós
Rue Chapoly – Bureau des Chênes
[email protected]
T. +33 (0)4 78 51 96 52
69290 Saint Genis les Ollieres
[email protected]
The best photovoltaic module (PV) in the world can
provide 22% yield. This means 78% is lost, mainly
through heat. Our solution allows for the recovery of heat
dissipated by a conventional photovoltaic module: this
can offer up to twice the overall energy efficiency!
The need. Offshore wind farm investments need reliable wind
assessments in order to estimate the wind energy potential of the site where
the wind turbines are to be installed. Performing wind assessments with
no high quality on-site data increases uncertainty, hindering the project’s
bankability and increasing the financial risks of the project.
The current costs for performing offshore on-site wind measurements is
very high, as it includes the installation of costly bottom fixed met masts.
Additionally, these systems are stationary, only allowing them to take
measurements at a single coordinate point.
Challeyssin Gerard
THE SOLUTION. EOLOS LiDAR buoy offers a low cost, accurate and
reliable offshore wind data source, allowing for the performance of
measurements at heights of more than 200m above sea level, and at much
lower costs (up to 10 times less) than conventional bottom-fixed offshore
met masts. In addition, it offers positional flexibility and can be reused in
other areas within a wind farm site (or on other sites), potentially reducing
the uncertainties of wind speed measurement.
Value proposition.
EOLOS’s competitive advantage relies on the precision, availability and
completeness of data acquisition as well as its sturdy and optimised
structure designed to withstand offshore operations and, at the same time,
ease its transportation. It also offers an advanced data processing tool based
on a purposely-developed wind, wave and current combined numerical
model, providing an integral solution for the current challenges of offshore
wind assessment.
Electronic engineer, Gérard CHALEYSSIN has
developed his professional career in the electronics sector for 20 years in different positions in sales
departments and as CEO.
Bousquet Jean Paul
Rajai Aghabi
Founder and CEO
Bachelors degree in Physics and MSc degree
in Wind Energy . Extensive experience as
wind energy consultant.
Carles Gayán
Degree in Industrial Engineering major
in Structural Mechanics by the UPC
and extensive experience in structural
design engineering, and design project
Graduated with a Master degree in science,
microelectronics + MBA, Jean Paul BOUSQUET has
developed his professional career in the electronics sector for 15 years and renewable energy for 5
years, in different positions in sales departments,
marketing and product development.
The hot air collected can be used for: Heating the building in winter; heating
water in summer; drying processes (cereals, tiles, wood...). After two years
of R&D in collaboration with the University of Lyon, EPC Solar presents the
hybrid iNovaPVT and iNovaBacPVT, mounting structures specially designed
for heat recovery for PV modules that are dedicated to large commercial flat
mounting roofs, or industrial and agricultural tilted roofs. Furthermore, EPC
Solar has developed the dedicated software iNovaSunSoft, able to predict
the efficiency of the solution in the process or the buildings of its customers.
The need. With the decreasing and, probably, the eventual
disappearance of the feed in tariff of PV electricity, the photovoltaic market
is moving toward self-consumption. Yet the investment return is still low,
particularly in countries like France (with its low standard electricity price)
or in northern Europe, (due to low irradiation). Developers are waiting for
solutions that are able to increase the IRR of the projects.
THE SOLUTION. The best photovoltaic module (PV) in the world can
provide 22% yield, which means 78% is lost, mainly through heat. Our
solution allows for the recovery of heat that is dissipated by a conventional
photovoltaic module.
Value proposition. After two years of R&D in collaboration with the
University of Lyon, EPC Solar presents the hybrid iNovaPVT and iNovaBacPVT,
mounting structures specially designed for heat recovery for PV modules
that are dedicated to large commercial flat mounting roofs, or industrial and
agricultural tilted roofs. Furthermore, EPC Solar has developed the dedicated
software iNovaSunSoft, able to predict the efficiency of the solution in the
process or in the buildings of its customers. Overall energy efficiency can be
up to twice as efficient as before!
Equalite · Germany
Large scale,
inexpensive genuine
sunlight in any part of
any building
Equalite is developing technology and installations
for large scale, low cost collection and provisioning of
sun light. Sunlight will be available within buildings
in scalable and limitable wavelengths and intensity.
We will bring to market the availability of sunlight as
an affordable commodity and significantly reduce
imbalance in brightness between sunlit and dark
locations of buildings.
The need. Sunlight is required in various places such as homes, office
work places, points of sales and inside buildings. Availability and allocation
of natural light is a challenge for architecture, putting obstacles in the way of
efficient interior design.
THE SOLUTION. Based on a technical novelty for sunlight collection,
Equalite will introduce sunlight farms resembling PV plants and redistribute
large amounts of sunlight to industrial or private points of use. Sunlight will
be transmitted to any location.
Value proposition. Sunlight will be available anywhere at planned
cost in specific quantities. All positive effects of natural light on well-being,
health and working performance will prevail in all circumstances of everyday
life. Status differences of sunlit and shady spots of buildings will be balanced
out. Architecture will know a genuinely new degree of freedom of creativity
and technical solutions.
Gramma · Italy
Diamantstraße 10
65468 Trebur
[email protected]
Via del Lauro 8
20121 Milano
T. +39 02 7600 4176
[email protected]
Thomas Bardos
Graduated in Economics at the University
of Heidelberg, Thomas has developed his
professional career in different operational
and executive positions in sales
departments, and product management.
Jacopo Rubbia
Co-Founder and CEO
Responsible for the marketing activities in Italy.
He was one of the co-founders of PRV Energy
and previously worked for 7 years in finance in
London. Graduated in computer engineering in
the Politecnico di Milano.
Develops and markets
solutions, based on the
patented Effective PV
The company’s solutions are built around the EU patent
2294910A1. The innovative characteristic of the Effective
PV Greenhouse is that it allows for the installation of a
significant amount of PV power whilst at least matching
the full agricultural potential of a non-PV greenhouse.
Our products:
• Can use any kind of PV panel technology (key to
maintain lowest price point).
• Allow more than 90% of sunlight to reach the cultivated
surface (our tomato yields are >48kg/sqm).
• Use standard poly panels, allowing for the installation of
1MWp every 1.1Ha of greenhouse.
The need. Due to harsher weather conditions and increasing
competition, agricultural margins are declining despite the growing demand
for agricultural products. We provide innovative solutions that allow farming
businesses to diversify income streams, without compromising their
agricultural output.
THE SOLUTION. We provide an advanced greenhouse design (intensive
farming) with an asymmetrical roof, which manages to separate the portion
used for agriculture (allowing 90% of light to reach the cultivated surface)
from the part used to produce electricity. As a result, both activities can
achieve optimum yields.
Value proposition. We are the only PV greenhouse supplier that
has experimentally shown it can exceed agricultural yields of non-PV
greenhouses. We have industrialised our solution bringing its costs in line
with traditional greenhouses. Therefore, energy investors can achieve higher
returns, adding the agricultural income stream to energy production, and
advanced farming activities can diversify and increase margins (the return
on equity of selling electricity is higher than most farming business).
Helioslite · France
Leunamme Engineering · Spain
New generation of
solar trackers for solar
farms and turnkey PV
power stations
Craneless equipment
for exchanging main
components of wind
turbine generators
HeliosLite’s activities cover applied research, product
development with performance monitoring, supply chain
management, and marketing and sales of renewable
energy products. The first product is an innovative dual
axis tracker for large solar farms and turnkey mobile PV
power stations, with or without secondary backup energy
sources. Manufacturing, installation and maintenance
are outsourced to well-established partners according to
HeliosLite’s specifications and quality criteria.
Bâtiment Lama 17,
Avenue du Lac Léman
73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac
T. 09 81 73 92 76
[email protected]
Value proposition. HeliosLite trackers meet the entry-level
performance conditions for the mainstream solar markets and strive to
be best available in terms of cost and reliability, with a design lifespan of
20 years and compliant with Eurocodes. The electronic control system for
correcting installation imperfections, optimising power output and early
detection of system underperformance, are other distinguishing, added
value features. A turnkey PV power station solution makes HeliosLite
unique and draws upon the founding partners’ technical and financial
31620 Gorraiz (Navarre)
[email protected]
Emmanuel García de la Peña
Company head. Industrial engineer with Master
in Industrial Organisation from the University of
Navarre. Master in Business Administration at IESE.
15 years experience in the car industry working
for GM under Opel and Saab brands in Spain and
Sweden, in the position of Worldwide Quality
Director at Saab. 7 years experience in the wind
industry working for Gamesa in USA and Spain,
last position Global Director for the reconditioning
of major components, 8 plants reporting.
The need. To unlock the growth potential of solar energy worldwide,
the market needs viable long-term solutions for lowering costs with more
reliable and bankable components. The thorough studies carried out at
HeliosLite show that: firstly, today’s dual axis trackers do not fully meet these
mainstream needs, and secondly, that isolated sites are poorly served by
solar solutions.
THE SOLUTION. HeliosLite tracker combines a new, distributed
mechanical and electronic architecture with proven linear actuators and
cost effective installation techniques. HeliosLite’s tracker has 30% less metal
per m² and greater reliability. The in-house control software drives the
tracker based on optimal electrical output without the use of costly and
unreliable sun sensors.
Rio Urbi, 53
Etienne Menard
Graduate in Electronics from the ENSEEIHT
at Toulouse and PhD degree in chemistry.
He is the lead inventor of Semprius´core
transfer printing technology.
Jay Boardman
Bachelor of Science degree in Economics
(Wharton School) with more than 25
years of industrial & investment banking
The venture Leunamme Engineering is developing a
commercial product registered as the Koala aerolifter.
Koala aerolifter is equipment that enables the exchange
of blades and generators in wind turbine generators
(WTG) of over 1MW, onshore and offshore, without the
need of a high tonnage crane.
The robust Koala aerolifter hugs the tower of the WTG to
provide highly reliable and safe operative value during
the whole procedure.
Koala aerolifter can operate in winds of up to 12 m/s,
reducing the WTG downtime.
In addition to avoiding using a high tonnage crane,
Koala aerolifter can travel together with the blade
transportation and can be operated by 4 operators,
reducing the cost of the corrective maintenance
The need.
To provide an alternative solution to high tonnage cranes for the exchange
of large components in WTG. This reduces cost and increases production
because of the low availability of these cranes, their limitations when it
comes to operating in winds of over 6-7 m/s for such loads, and their huge
asset cost.
A disruptive lifting device that uses the strength of the tower as its support.
Value Proposition.
The drastic cost reduction of the Koala lifter compared to high tonnage
cranes, and its advantageous ability to operate with winds up to 12 m/s.
NTS-NanoTechnologySolar · Germany
Nnergix · Spain
Increasing the
efficiency of PV solar
cells and modules by
improving photonmanagement
Renewable energy
forecasting and
micro smart grid
management solutions
NTS is focused on nanotechnology development. Currently
there are 3 technologies in development that will give
an innovative improvement to photon management,
significantly increasing the efficiency of photovoltaic cells
and modules. The most advanced of our technologies is
our functional surface (FS) on PV cells. The current standard
micro-structuring (pyramids) of the PV cell surface will be
replaced by our nano-structured functional surface with
(optimised) optical nano-antennas. This leads to an increase
in efficiency of the PV cell by about 10%. The patenting of
this technology is filed (Germany and PTC).
The need. The photovoltaic market demands permanently two things:
a significant increase of efficiency, and a reduction of costs of PV cells
and modules (in ct / W). Our technology “functional surface” is placed in
a separate process step (upgrade of existing production lines possible)
implemented in the production line of PV cells and increases the efficiency
of the cells by about 10%.
THE SOLUTION. Our technology of functional surface (FS) is
implemented in the production of the solar cell and leads to increase of cell
efficiency of about 10%. This leads to a quantitative increase in revenue of
10%, as the price is formed performance oriented in ct / W. In addition, the
cells produced now belong to a higher performance class and generate
additional quality revenues by a higher price in ct / W.
Value proposition. The current standard micro-structuring
(pyramids) of the PV cell surface is replaced by our nano-structured
functional surface. The functional surface (FS) works with (optimised in
simulations) optical (nano) antennas designed by us. These nano-antennas
couple well the whole sunlight spectrum (from 280 nm to 1100 nm
wavelength) broadband in the cell and keep the photons longer in the cell
as the microstructures used so far, because the nano-antennas catch the
non-absorbed light in the cell and radiate it back into the cell. This leads to
an increase in efficiency of the PV cell by about 10%.
Werderstr. 87
D-76137 Karlsruhe
[email protected]
Avda. Torreblanca, 57
Building ESADE Creapolis
08173 Sant Cugat. Barcelona
[email protected]
Jaime Lupaca-Schomber
CEO and Managing Director; Founder
PhD at the DFG-Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Assistant at the Institute of Semiconductor
Electronics at the University of Stuttgart.
Jörg Andreas Merlein
Managing Director; Founder
PhD at the chair of Prof. Dr. Leitenstorfer at the
University of Konstanz: “Femtosecond Quantum
Optics with Solid State Nanostructures”.
Marian Neusser
Managing Director; Founder
Diploma in mathematics; IT-specialist mainframe
and database systems at Siemens AG. Account
manager for research and education at Siemens
AG IT. Independent sales representative in financial
Ramon Molera
Co-Founder and CEO
Degree in Industrial Engineering from the
Chemical Institute of Sarria, specialising
in energy. Ramon has managed all
technical and financial analysis for
Renewable Energy Sources projects from
Barcelona and Beijing’s offices at Engy.
In addition, at Finland Futures Research
Center, he has worked as the person in
charge of renewable resource analysis in
areas without power grid access in the
Southeast Asian region.
Joan Miquel Anglès
Co-Founder and Business Development Manager
Degree in Industrial Engineering from
the Polytechnic University of Catalonia,
specialising in energy. Joan Miquel has
strong background in solar photovoltaic and
wind power technical consultancy. He has
been involved in international projects as a
technician, responsible for covering the early
stages to operation phases.
Jordi Vidal de Llobatera
Co-Founder and CTO
Degree in Physics from the University of
Barcelona and Master in Energy Engineering
from the University of Barcelona and the
Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Jordi
has extensive experience as a wind energy
Albert Comelles
Data Analyst
Nnergix helps energy traders, grid/market operators,
self-consumption owners and plant managers integrate
renewable energy production in the power grid, offering
diverse, accurate forecast solutions using big data from
the industry. Nnergix’s technology uses cutting-edge
solutions to mix satellite weather data with energy
production values through customised solution and
specific monitoring designed for energy integration
purposes. Everything is available online and worldwide.
The need. Due to the complexity of renewable energy resources and its
dependence on changeable weather conditions, companies need to predict
their energy production in order to integrate it correctly and efficiently,
while reducing economic costs.
THE SOLUTION. Renewable energies are clean and endless but hard
to deal with due to their unpredictability. Nnergix provides cloud-based
software as a tool that easily integrates and displays key information
from the electricity market. Our solution allows us to forecast short-term
availability of solar and wind power production and monitoring, creating
essential information for self-consumption, electricity grid and supply
Value proposition.
• High accuracy forecasts and customisation
• Monitoring solutions designed especially for electricity grid
integration purposes
• Accuracy and imbalance penalties follow-up through monitoring and
web-based tools
• Variable billing depending on accuracy
Juan Álvarez de Toledo
Business Developer
Permavit · Germany
Pro-Drone · Portugal
Highly efficient,
small wind turbines for
energy generation
Aerial inspections of
energy infrastructure
Permavit GmbH is contributing to the steady
development of renewable energies in their taking on
greater significance. By providing innovative solutions in
the form of novel small wind turbines, Permavit delivers
an affordable maintenance-free and noiseless platform
for developing wind energy. These batch-fabricated,
highly efficient turbines enable the customer to purchase
an independent source of renewable energy that
amortises in less than 10 years.
Sagarder Weg 5
TagusPark, Av. Jaques Delors,
01109 Dresden
Saxony, Germany
Edifício Inovação II 421
2740-122, Porto Salvo
[email protected]
[email protected]
The need. The renewable energy field in general, and wind in particular,
is looking for ways to lower OPEX costs and, as a result, long term margins
to keep it competitive. Inspections to date have remained essentially as
expensive, complex and reliant on specialist intervention as before, which
makes the area one with a huge potential for improvement.
The need. Permavit aims at fulfilling the need to produce enough energy
in areas with low wind appearance by noiseless operation. Wind energy
therefore complements other sources of energy towards being 100% selfsufficient.
THE SOLUTION. The innovative cladding construction and the elaborate
geometric assembly enable noiseless energy generation. Clever electronic
control systems and surge protection in Permavit‘s turbines contributes to
power supply without any carbon emission.
Value proposition. As the innovative construction of Permavit‘s
small wind turbines does not require any mechanics controlling the moving
parts of the turbine, there is no maintenance required at all. Additionally, the
lightweight construction of the rotor ensures a high degree of responsive
The cladding construction avoids rotor blade noise and prevents the risk of
striking birds.
Pro-Drone develops technologies to carry out the
inspection of energy infrastructures, using costefficient, robust and automated airborne solutions.
We are focused on solutions for wind turbine blade
inspections, particularly offshore, and transmission
lines. Our approach is integrated and involves
a customised hardware platform, tuning flight
algorithms, specific sensors and tailored postprocessing software that can streamline and automate
the process.
Martin Urwalek
Martin Urwalek developed his professional career
in the field of financial management. He possesses
more than 20 years experience in managerial
positions and has nurtured special skills in financial
recovery and consulting.
Stephan Dressel
Stephan Dressel contributes his experience in
acquisition and management of customer relations to the company. He gained experience as a
managing director in several companies including
in the field of wind turbines.
André Moura
André has been working in the renewable
energy sector for over 6 years developing
and implementing solutions to help
drive down their O&M costs. He has an
entrepreneurial ‘can-do’ attitude and
experience in technological management
and product development.
Tiago Ferreira
THE SOLUTION. Pro-Drone has an integrated approach to aerial
inspections, drawing from the best technologies available to provide high
quality and robust reports. We customise the whole process, including the
UAV’s, the sensors they carry and the whole post-processing of the data
recovered, in order to deliver unparalleled results.
UAVs offer a whole new range of solutions that can make inspection
operations more efficient, safe and automated.
Value proposition. Our solution stands out for its reliability,
quality and the automation that it offers. By controlling and integrating
the whole process, from data acquisition to report generation, we
can significantly streamline the inspection process and offer a more
efficient and robust technology. This translates into gains in time, quality
and robustness of the services provided, offering a differentiated and
effective solution to our customers.
Joachim Weichselbaum
Chief designer
Joachim Weichselbaum underwent his whole
career development in the field of engineering.
He worked for several mechanical engineering
companies and spent years in positions accountable for their construction work.
RVE.Sol · Portugal
Sensus Energy · The Netherlands
Clean energy and safe
water solutions for
rural, under-developed
Intelligent electronics
for high performance
low-cost solar systems
Deploying a unique, innovative turnkey solution, we
enable access to clean energy - for cooking, lighting
and potable water - and guarantee the lowest level
cost of energy and water for a given location. We create
better rural lives by improving health, decreasing
deforestation and carbon emissions and creating job
opportunities. Our solution, KUDURA, is offered in
four variants for SME businesses, rural communities,
healthcare centres and schools.
The need. Annually, 1.6M+ people die from respiratory illness caused
by open-fire fuel wood and charcoal cooking, which emits over 520Mt
CO2. Waterbone diseases cause 5M+ deaths. Lack of electricity and water
has been shown to stunt improvements on education, healthcare and
THE SOLUTION. KUDURA is a utility in a container, providing clean
water and energy where there is none. It provides cost-effective utility
access in a market characterised by a strong consumer desire to purchase
quality products and services, but that lacks access in places where current
strategies are not cost-effective.
Value proposition. KUDURA is the only holistic, integrated solution
of its kind on the market. We offer lower relative cost and deployment
time coupled with increased scalability, usable life, ISO9000 quality and
sustainability. RVE.SOL’s and our partners’ technical capabilities and access to
the market enable us to quickly assess local needs and availability of usable
raw material, and deploy a complete solution in weeks, rather than months.
Rua da Granja N.10A
Boa Vista, 2420-397
7534JB Enschede
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)22 4 752 055
[email protected]
[email protected]
The need. Presently the performance of typical solar systems drops
dramatically when one or more of the panels are partially or temporarily
shaded. This shading also holds back the massive market introduction of
a clear international trend towards the more aesthetic building integrated
photovoltaics (BIPV).
Vivian Vendeirinho
Founder & Managing Director
Electronic engineer with a seasoned
technology business development, sales
and marketing resume
Henrique Garrido
Environmental and Energy Solution Engineer
Mario Rodrigues
Joint Managing Director & Partner
Dr. Hannington Odame
Rural Development Advisor
Irene Nyamolo Abagi
Social Impact Assessment & Rural Healthcare
Maria Burpee
Lead Marketing Consultant
Sensus Energy develops, produces and delivers
intelligent solar energy-harvesting electronics that
makes solar systems insensitive to shading, while
reducing costs significantly. The technology reduces
constraints when integrating solar cells in the building
structure, enabling the design of the aesthetic solar
integrated constructions. Moreover, the technology
makes it possible to realise high-efficient and
competitive off-grid solar applications (f.e. Solar Home
Systems or Solar EV Charging).
Rolf Huiberts
Successful manager at various spin-off
companies, business developer, strong
know-how of the solar and building
integrated solar markets
Callie Peters
Experienced entrepreneur of several
high tech start-ups, multi -disciplinary
engineer, inventor of several patented
THE SOLUTION. Sensus Energy offers solar energy harvesting solutions
on cell and cell cluster levels. The Sensus technology allows for efficient
parallel connections of solar cells, resulting in optimal performance, even
under partially and/or temporarily shaded conditions.
Value proposition.
Sensus Energy increases the power output of solar systems with up to 15%
in building environments where shading frequently occurs. The Sensus
technology enables extensive panel design freedom and aesthetic BIPV
solutions. On system level, we bring simplifications to the typical solar
systems architecture, reducing component costs up to 20%. The Sensus
products can be remotely switched off, thereby increasing the safety of the
solar installation.
Solardynamik · Germany
Solelia Greentech · Sweden
Renewable energy with
a focus on efficient
carrier systems for
photovoltaic systems
Electric vehicle
charging infrastructure
connected to networks
of photovoltaic power
production plants
Solardynamik GmbH actively researches and develops
innovative ideas and concepts in order to make solar
technology and renewable energies more efficient for
both public authorities and for the market. Currently,
Solardynamik’s main focus is the development of
adapted solar technology and the production of fixed
and dynamic panel systems to create added value for
agriculture, mobility, and advertising.
Rudower Chaussee 29
Dalagatan 36
12489 Berlin
113 24 Stockholm
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The need. Current tracking systems for photovoltaics are ineffective and
cost-intensive. An installation on lightweight roofs is not possible due to the
weight, and the same problem exists for elevation systems. These traditional
tracking systems don’t allow for additional use as circulation areas.
THE SOLUTION. Our tracking systems and elevation systems for
photovoltaics as a lightweight construction concept are based on polymers
or films. The systems are installed on a low pressure and the tracking
technology is operated at low pressure. This technique has a further benefit:
it adds another sealing to the roof.
Value proposition. We achieve high material and system efficiency
thanks to the low air pressure range with which we install and track the
carrier system. Additional beneficial effects, such as the waterproofing of
roofs where the carrier foil is covering the whole roof, increase its value. With
its innovative production process, this technique makes it possible to build
entire stable lightweight roofs, either to be used solely or as a support for
photovoltaic components.
Carolina Wallenius
Chairman of the Board
Strategic executive, Vp Vattenfall.
Chief economist Stockholm County Council
Serial entrepreneur
Carolina Johansson
Strategy & management
Microsoft, Cambridge
Procter & Gamble, Geneve
Research, California
Karl-Friedrich Harter
Karl-Friedrich Harter developed his professional
career in the energy sector since for 7 years.
Wolfgang Ackenhausen
Wolfgang Ackenhausen is an technical expert
in the area of photovoltaics for more than
10 years, working in different positions in
sales departments, marketing and product
Per Wickman
Product development
Energy consultant ATON
35 years experience in energy technology
Daniel Wahlberg
System development
Serial entrepreneur IT
Founder Relations desk
Partner Red & Blond
Experienced IT-consult
Solelia Greentech AB deploys an aggregated system that
links solar energy production to electric charge through a
virtual network of photovoltaic (PV) solar cells to charging
stations for EVs. The system is called the Solar Bank System
and it minimises the dependence of EV charging on
conventional fossil fuel based energy sources.
The Solar Bank System is an internet-of-things solution
that connects solar producers directly with consumers for
solar use on the spot.
The need. While the installation of solar cells, photovoltaic (PVs), is
increasing, most private individuals, real estate companies, cities and
organisations installing PVs, struggle with long payback times. On the
other hand, full deployment of electric vehicles, requires the connection of
renewables to a distributed network in order to minimise the dependence
of EV on non-renewables energy sources.
Value proposition. The Solar Bank system allows:
- to charge electric vehicles through charging with solar electricity from
specific and nearby solar plants.
-to adjust power use to the amount of available solar electricity in a virtual
network. This makes it possible to operate independently from network
owners and local utility companies.
-to adjust the cost of vehicle charging based on how environmentally
friendly it is, for example, by lowering the cost for customers who accept
longer charging time by using only locally produced solar electricity.
In addition, The Solar Bank system results in a new income for renewable
energy producers that reduces the payback time of the investments in
renewable energy.
Steadysun · France
Tandem Sun · Sweden
Steadysun provides
a solar production
forecast from a few
minutes to several days
in advance
low-cost multi-junction
solar cells
Steadysun makes management of power grids and
photovoltaic power plants easier, enabling its customers
to reduce their operating costs by using its solar
forecasting systems. Combined with meteorological
models, satellite imaging and instrumentation on site,
SteadySun technology generates forecasts ranging from
a few minutes to a few days. Operators of photovoltaic
power plants and power grid managers can therefore
better predict the power generated and reduce financial
or technical risks related to variable weather conditions.
The need. Solar plant operations result in higher operating and
maintenance costs due to the low performance of solar cells, originated by
the variable and unpredictable solar resources.
THE SOLUTION. SteadySun offers solar forecasting solutions to
anticipate solar resources, The SteadySun method combines physical
modelling and mathematics: artificial intelligence, expert system, fuzzy
logic, image processing.
Production forecasts are made by linking analysis of photovoltaic power plant
data to meteorological indicators: insolation, wind, pressure, humidity, cloud
cover, temperature; satellite imaging; on-site video images.
The SteadySat and SteadyEye intraday packages are based on image
processing and form recognition. After retrieval of the information, learning
models (artificial intelligence), linked to power plant modelling, are put in
place. They are used to produce statistical analyses, then production forecasts.
Value proposition. Steadysun offers single and combined services
to predict solar production taking into account specific national regulations
and energy mix. Our service modules cover three different time horizons
from few minutes to several days.
Savoie Technolac - BP 328
Bâtiment « Le Lama »
17 avenue du Lac Léman
73377 Le Bourget Du Lac Cedex
[email protected]
[email protected]
Yanting Sun
Dr. Sun is a researcher at the Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH). Dr. Sun has served in
several senior engineering positions in the
semiconductor component industry.
Sebastian Lourdudoss
Senior Technical Specialist
Professor Lourdudoss is Head of the
Department of Materials and Nano Physics at
the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Le Pivert Xavier
Eyraud Jean-marc
Sales Director
Abello Alain
Operation Manager
Tandem Sun employs the most efficient solar harvesting
technology available today – multi-junction solar cells
(MJSCs). MJSCs currently have a proven efficiency of
over 43%, but high cost restricts their use. Tandem Sun
has therefore developed a unique patent-pending
technology able to cut the costs of MJSCs while at the
same time increasing their efficiency. The company
believes that MJSC technology can now achieve Grid
Parity at utility scale and, in a longer perspective, in
rooftop applications.
The need. Many low-cost PV technologies display poor efficiency, while
high-efficiency PV technology requires scarce and costly materials, making
the final product expensive.
THE SOLUTION. Tandem Sun’s silicon-based multi-junction solar cell
(SiMJSC) concept is based on a unique coherent III-V/Si heterojunction
with superior synergetic electrical and optical properties. Because silicon
is abundant in nature and cost of crystalline silicon is continuously falling,
high-efficiency, multi-junction solar cells can be realiSed on Si substrates at
substantially lower costs than existing products. The company’s proprietary
technology, developed at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Sweden, therefore goes a long way to contribute to sustainable and
economic green energy. It takes full advantage of the Si subcell for near 1.0
eV spectrum absorption and its optimum bandgap combination assures
high efficiency.
Value proposition. Tandem Sun’s cost-effective, high-efficiency
SiMJSC products will provide a sustainable green energy solution for any
space-constrained application such as concentrated photovoltaic (CPV)
and rooftop distributed PV markets. A 90% material cost reduction, plus an
efficiency that surpasses state-of-the-art MJSC technology, will reduce the
LCOE of CPV technology.
At a cost equivalent to c-Si technology, but with efficiency greater than 30%,
SiMJSC technology-based products bring distributed solar energy closer to
grid parity.
Turbulent · Belgium
VIS Energia · Poland
Designing the
next generation
powerplant, based on
Integrated system for
managing wind farms
Turbulent is developing a new and efficient
hydropower technique to deliver affordable, renewable
energy. These hydropower plants range from 1kW to
200kW and are being built using standard components
combined with our specifically modelled propeller.
Standplaats 8
2570 Duffel
T. +32 495 605 300
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ireneusz Białkowski
Strategic management, negotiations and
brand value
Tomasz Forc
Agreements with future partners (incl. licences),
Jerzy wachułka
Designer, constructor, architect and analyst of
IT systems.
The need. Around 1.3 billion people have no access to electricity
and many more rely on diesel generators or other polluting sources
of energy. Renewables like wind or solar are too volatile, which creates
stability problems. Large hydro projects on the other hand cause high
environmental damage.
VIS Energia would like to to offer the RES industry an IT
system for monitoring and managing wind farms. The
eWind will provide analysis of operating parameters
and can predict the turbine’s performance based on the
prediction of the weather conditions and the service
module, ensuring improved efficiency and profitability
in the construction and operation of wind farms.
Additionally, the eWind uses GIS technology to enable
the visualisation of maps of the area with their specific
The need. In our market research we discovered that there is
no system available to manage wind farms that can combine
the functionality of: prediction of energy production, the service
management of wind farms, and the condition of the farms in terms of
both financial and technical analysis.
THE SOLUTION. Turbulent delivers a smart and decentralised, smallscale hydropower plant. Contrary to traditional hydropower they use an
easy to install turnkey product to deliver affordable, reliable and clean
electricity to the most remote parts of the world.
THE SOLUTION. The core of our business is the development and
implementation of our own, highly advanced IT solution – eWind. eWind is
an innovative, integrated and multi-module computer system developed as
a tool for managing single wind turbine as well as entire wind farms.
Value proposition. Turbulent’s competitive advantage lies in
the use of natural flow principles to convert the river’s available energy
into electricity. Furthermore, contrary to most other hydropower
techniques, it is designed to work efficiently on sites with a low height
difference and to be installed without large construction works. Besides
efficiency and easy installation, this is one of the most affordable sources
of energy because of its design requiring no large construction works.
Value proposition.
Single interface - for all modules and languages
Modular Design - characterises the eWind as a tool that develops together
with the production and area capabilities
Determination of production capacity - of a wind turbine according to its
technical condition and the weather forecast for the area
Scheduling of service works - planning of the stoppages on the basis of
long-term forecasts of meteorological conditions and forecasting delivery of
parts based on the estimation of previous failures.
Geert Slachmuylders
Technological manager
Young entrepreneur with a degree in
Industrial Engineering at the GroepT
university college, specialising in
renewable energy products.
Jasper Verreydt
Business manager
Young entrepreneur with background
and degrees in management, finance and
Fascom · Iberia
Advanced concept of
solar streetlight
The need.
The following customer needs have been detected:
• Inexistence of adequate PV streetlights for retrofitting.
• Costs reduction (logistics, operational; costs reduction in purchasing and
installation in comparison with standard solar streetlights).
• Excellent performance.
• Adaptation to the increasingly restrictive legal and environmental
• Inconspicuousness and compactness; better acceptance and less
components vandalism.
• Fulfil SMART CITY requirements.
FASCOM is an advanced concept of solar streetlight.
Its main technical features are:
• Compact dome-shaped design, in which a lightweight composite based
PV module works as the shell itself, avoiding separated parts in the
LED luminaire (non-aesthetic). It also opens the gates of the streetlight
retrofitting market.
• Thin-film CIGS solar cells, based on an innovative and flexible
interconnection system, allowing to electrical customize the PV module
design and adapt it to the desired needs with a competitive cost of
• PV module designed to function regardless of the orientation, thanks to its
domed shape.
• Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms for optimal PV output
in non-planar surfaces.
• Bidirectional micro inverter and charge controller for dual performance:
energy storage/grid connection.
• Integrated communications and software application for remote
management of the streetlight.
• Flexible power supply mode due to the possibility of feeding the luminaire
by means of 3 different sources:
(1) domed PV module which is part of the streetlight,
(2) associated battery and
(3) the electrical grid.
KAStrion · Poland
Commercialising company
SIARQ Advanced Solar Design
Alessandro Caviasca
[email protected]
Project Consortium
• Sunplugged
• Tecnalia R&D
Commercialising company
EC Systems
Project Coordination and
Marcena Wojtas
[email protected]
Condition monitoring
system for wind
The need.
In order to increase the operational availability in the current
wind energy market, reduction in operational and maintenance
costs are needed, as well as a manufacturer-independent
condition monitoring system for wind turbines. This would imply
a higher wind turbine availability and a reduction of operational
expenditures (OPEX).
KAStrion is a condition monitoring system for wind turbines based on
vibration and current analysis, for both electrical and mechanical parts
of the wind turbines drive train. It also has a dedicated software for
data processing, allowing early fault detection based on advanced data
analysis algorithms. Neither human intervention nor operation database
is required for condition analysis.
Energy Storage
54 Atawey
55 Ecovat
56 Elestor
57 HySiLabs
58 Infinite Fuels
59 MarCelLi
60 NawaTechnologies
61 Wattsun
Atawey · France
Ecovat · The Netherlands
Develops renewable
energy storage systems
Thermal storage of
renewable energy
and its integration in a
hybrid microgrid
Atawey proposes to make renewable energy usable in
any season, at any time of day and in any isolated site
in the world. This overcomes the problem of a loss of
stored energy at times when there is no sunlight or wind
available. The Atawey system can store the entire amount
of renewable energy produced in high-capacity and
long-term storage units based on hydrogen technologies.
The need. On a site equipped with battery-run renewable energy receivers
(solar panels, wind-power…) that is isolated from the electrical grid (on
mountains, islands, extended territories, protected natural zones), more
than 50% of annual energy production can be wasted owing to the rapid
saturation of batteries. While one solution is to use genset power generators,
this provokes issues of fuel oil supply, noise and atmospheric disturbance.
Now, for the first time, an isolated site can attain total electrical autonomy
throughout the year, without placing a strain on the renewable energy
production plant or battery storage. This reduces impact on the environment
by managing annual energy reserves and controlling energy costs efficiently
for several years (with no provisioning in fossil fuel necessary).
THE SOLUTION. ATAWEY’s product is a turnkey package comprising
a (daily) short-term storage system based on batteries, and a (annual)
long-term storage system based on a complete hydrogen chain. The
ATAWEY system converts excess renewable power into hydrogen and
stores it for months. The hydrogen can then be converted back into power
upon demand. The whole unit is integrated in a closed and sealed metal
envelope, which allows it to be installed easily outdoors, even in hostile
Value proposition. ATAWEY products are based on three
main characteristics:
a) simplicity: works without any fuel supply; energy reserves that are secure
and available at any time; a system that is flexible over time; liberty of choice
of use, and less demanding maintenance.
b) reliability: longer battery lifespan (20%), higher yield (50%), very large
functional availability, reinforced protection to prevent vandalism.
c) cleanliness: use of eco-responsible components, non-polluting inputs and
outputs (oxygen, water, heat), absence of atmospheric waste (CO2, smoke,
particles) and noise.
Savoie Technolac
Bâtiment Lama - BP335
17, avenue du Lac Léman
73370 Le Bourget du Lac
T. +33 4 57 36 40 33
[email protected]
Loopkantstraat 7a
5405 NB Uden
The Netherlands
T. +31 651 386 511
[email protected]
Ecovat creates an underground storage vessel with an
integrated heat exchange system. This system is designed
to be integrated in a hybrid smart microgrid and consists
of energy generation through cooled photovoltaics,
storage (both heat and electric) and a smart steering
system. It enables net balancing by shaving off peaks
in energy production and storing the energy (mainly as
heat) for use at times of energy shortage.
The need. Renewable energy is not always available when needed. And
just as often when energy is available, the produced quantities add up to
more than is needed at that certain time. Storage is the missing link.
THE SOLUTION. Ecovat is a thermal storage system that enables heat
storage of up to 90°C over the seasons with only minimal energy and exergy
loss. Over a period of > 6 months max. 10% of energy is lost, exergy losses
are at max 7%. Ecovat’s storage system is designed for integration in a hybrid
smart micro grid.
Jean-Michel Amaré
15 years experience as Maintenance,
Industrialisation and Production Director
working in the food, pharmacy and
cosmetics industries.
Pierre-Jean Bonnefond
17 years experience as Project and Technical
Manager working in industry. .
Ing. A.W. (Aris) de Groot
Managing director
Inventor and owner of Ecovat IP –
Bachelor of Built Environment (BBE).
Studied business and engineering at
Tilburg’s university of applied science, the
Value proposition.
• Ecovat is the first storage system that can store up to 90°C and retrieve the
energy after a long period (> 6 months) with only a loss of maximum 10%.
• The construction costs of an Ecovat system are substantially lower than
comparable systems (which are also less efficient).
• The steering system of Ecovat enables net balancing at a so far unknown
Elestor · The Netherlands
HySiLabs · France
Revolutionary low-cost
electricity storage in
a hydrogen-bromine
flow battery
Hydrogen on demand
Elestor offers a zero-emission, high-pressure hydrogenbromine hybrid flow battery system that is modularly
scalable and independent of both energy capacity and
power. This cost /kW(h) competitive system is suitable for
power backups and to cover grid power balancing needs
in all size power/energy applications.
Utrechtseweg 310, building H40
6812 AR Arnhem
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dual Master’s degree in sustainable
development and Innovation
Management, Business developer/
Marketing strategic engineer at Cisbio
and I-stem
The need. We noticed a lack of affordable energy storage solutions that
were able to compensate for the existing mismatches in production and
demand when energy is generated from renewable sources.
THE SOLUTION. The Elestor flow battery enables low cost energy
storage. It combines low cost components with battery electrolyte/
electrode materials and a unique high-pressure hydrogen fuel anode subsystem, to form a system that outperforms f.i. all-vanadium flow battery
systems by a factor of four.
Value proposition.
• 4 x more cost/kW(h) competitive than incumbent systems
• Modularly scalable
• Independent of both energy capacity and power
• More efficient electrochemistry than current battery systems
• An innovative solution for hydrogen handling,
robust membranes and non-corrosive materials
• No oxygen reduction reaction and, as such, no high activation loss
• Completely reversible
• High cycle efficiency
• Zero emissions
• A short start-up time
• 5-10 hour operation period
Pierre-Emmanuel Casanova
Vincent Lôme
PhD in Biotechnologies
Specialist robotization and automatisation
at Bacsreen platform
Wiebrand Kout
Graduated in Automotive Engineering
from HAN – 15 years experience in
R&D working in fuel cell and hydrogen
technology. Actively involved in the startup processes of Nedstack and Hyet.
Hydrogen is considered as an excellent synthetic energy
vector, but until now storing it has involved major
technical constraints that have slowed its widespread
use. Thanks to its unique liquid vector, HySiLabs can
benefit from hydrogen’s energy advantages with no
storage issues by producing gas on demand.
The need. Hydrogen (H2) has always fascinated scientists who have
sought to use its properties in order to create the ideal energy vector.
Thanks to fuel cell technology, H2 can be used to generate electricity. It
is also possible to produce H2 from water using electricity – while theses
technologies are now mature, storing H2 continues to pose major problems.
Alternatives have been developed but safety issues and the high cost of
storage and transportation remain.
THE SOLUTION. The technology proposed by HySiLabs is based on a
patented chemical reaction that releases huge amounts of hydrogen through
the combination of just two liquids. This solution maintains the advantages of
an energy-dense hydrogen vector and adds the following aspects:
• Safety: avoiding the need to store explosive gas by producing it on
demand and as needed
• Transportable: similar to the liquid transportation and storing logistic
• Easy to use: liquids can be stored at room temperature and atmospheric
Value proposition. This solution maintains the advantages of an
energy-dense hydrogen vector and adds the following aspects: safety while
avoiding the need to store explosive gas by producing it on demand and as
needed, transportable while similar to the liquid transportation and storing
logistic, easy to use while liquids can be stored at room temperature and
atmospheric pressure.
Infinite Fuels · Germany
MarCelLi · Poland
Converts biomass
into high value
hydrocarbons that can
be used as liquid fuels
or as energy storage
Technology of
cathode material for
Li‑ion batteries
Infinite Fuels is developing a technology for the
regenerative production of hydrocarbons, which are
chemically identical to those of mineral oil. After scaling
up the Infinite Fuels process combination to the size of
industrial production, Infinite Fuels is planning to build
and operate such facilities. By using its unique process
combination, the company plan to establish sustainable
raw material cycles in various industries worldwide.
The need. There is not enough energy storage for the growing number
of fluctuating renewable energy sources. No other technology can deliver
bio-based fuels in such an efficient way and in substantial quantities. Beside
the fuels, there is also an increasing demand of bio-based chemicals and raw
materials that were formerly derived from petroleum.
THE SOLUTION. We combine biomass or bio-waste with electricity
to produce hydrocarbons such as industrial gases, solvents and liquid
fuels in the boiling range of gasoline, kerosene or diesel. And also for the
conversion of fluctuating wind and solar power (1000 - 2200 full load hours
per year) into stable base load power, with 8000 full load hours per year.
Value proposition. Infinite Fuels technology has been tested by an
independent institute with the following results:
Turnover rate: >75%
Material yields: >75%
Current efficiency: >75%
Selectivity: >85%
The mild reaction conditions simplify plant construction and approval
procedures. More organic raw materials can be processed compared
with competing technologies. The wide range of products with separate
marketing opportunities gives a very good control over economic plant
Kurfuerstendamm 194
10707 Berlin, Germany
T. (+48) 602 435 331
[email protected]
MarCelLi Adv Tech Ltd. activities focus on the research
and development of advanced technologies and
products for energy storage applications. Our first
product is an innovative technology for manufacturing
C/nano-LiFePO4 (C/nano-LFP) nanocomposite cathode
material for Li-ion batteries (LiB). The process of C/nanoLFP nanocomposite formation is a cheap, scalable and
versatile “green” nanotechnology that provides high
performance cathode material for the safe premium class
Li-ion batteries.
[email protected]
Matthias Mueller
(MBA) Mr Mueller has longstanding
experience in business development, and
was responsible for international projects in
the US, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong,
Singapore, the UK and Germany.
Walter Vanselow
Engineer. VP Technology
Mr Vanselow has many years of experience
in engineering and construction of
conventional and renewable energy
systems, with a focus on biomass and the
use of waste as well as energy and power
plant technology.
Andreas Noky
Engineer VP Operations & Market Analysis
Mr Noky is a specialist in energy storage
for renewable energies. In his previous
employment, he was responsible for the
construction of electrolysis plants for
regenerative hydrogen production.
Christian Lohaus
Engineer Pilotplant operations
Mr Lohaus works on the development
and implementation of biotechnological
methods for storing and converting
electricity into renewable raw materials
and fuels.
Marcin Molenda
Assistant professor at Jagiellonian
University’s Faculty of Chemistry. A
specialist in chemistry, materials science
and technology of materials and
nanomaterials, and the co-author of 100
publications and 7 patents.
Joanna Świder
MSc– Member of the Board
PhD student at Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of
Chemistry. A specialist in chemistry and materials
The need. Current lithium ion batteries can be inefficient when used
for more demanding applications such as electric vehicles (EV) and energy
storage systems (ESS) for renewable energy solutions and smart grids. The
market requires better performance, cheaper, safer and environmentally
friendly solutions to meet a growing demand.
THE SOLUTION. MarCelLi’s technology offers a new C/nano-LFP
nanocomposite high performance cathode material with superior
safety value, increased capacity and capacity retention even under high
power application, and reduced environmental impact. C/nano-LFP
nanocomposite is produced in a water mediated “zero” emission scalable
“green” process. The carbon nanocoating provides special “electrical wiring”
that significantly enhances electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite
and improves heat dissipation. Moreover, its unique pore structure ensures
optimal lithium ions permeability.
Value proposition. The wide use of Li-ion batteries with cathodes
made out of the C/nano-LFP material will result in a decreased cost and
improved efficiency of the batteries, which will finally contribute to lower
prices and wider accessibility of products such as ESS and EV. This solution is
designed to increase user safety and decrease environmental impact, thanks
to its non-polluting components.
NAWA Technologies · France
Wattsun · The Netherlands
Ultra-fast batteries
Green pop-up power
for off-the-grid
NAWATechnologies is developing an ultra-fast, long life
green battery to complement and/or replace batteries
in applications where dynamic electricity storage is
privileged. We have developed and are industrialising a
new material with outstanding properties that allows for
the design of electricity storage systems with 3 to 5 times
more energy than existing products.
The need. Today’s batteries are reaching their limits in terms of life cycle,
security and environmental impact. The need for cleaner, safer, reliable and
longer life storage systems is critical in applications where one wishes to
privilege usage, (speedy recharging), over autonomy.
Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
880 route de Mimet
13120 Gardanne
Powerlab H40
Energy Business Park
Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR Arnhem
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Centre de Microélectronique de Provence
THE SOLUTION. Our cells, modules and systems will help increase
uninterrupted power supply reliability in data centres, making renewables
short-term production more predictive and lowering the cost for short
distance transportation electrical vehicles, such as e-buses, e-ferries and
trams, as well as for any future connected mobile usage.
Value proposition.
Our value proposition comes from two breakthroughs (i) first in the material
itself and the way it can be produced on a mass level at low cost, and (ii) as
a consequence, the performance and cost of our ultra-fast storage system,
equivalent in terms of energy density to a lead acid battery but with all
the advantages of an ultracapacitor, and compatible with a cost objective
desirable in today’s market (currently, about 0,01 €/F).
The need. Outdoor events use generators for their power supply. These
generators typically have low energy efficiency, their use of fossil fuels
results in CO2 emissions and they come with a lot of handling costs (and
cables). The most obvious need for sustainable energy solutions at events
can be found in the power supply of sound equipment during calamities, of
standalone, first-aid and promo booths, of wifi spots, cash registers, cameras
and light solutions. As a second plan, an extra sustainable power supply
can support last-minute changes, unexpected peaks in the power plan and
provide energy in extraordinary locations.
Dr. Pascal Boulanger
Co-founder and CEO
Pascal has been researcher for 20
years in several energy domains and
nanotechnologies and technology
Dr. Ludovic Eveillard
Co-founder and VP Sales and Marketing for
Ludovic has occupied many positions
in small as well as large companies
dedicated to business development and
Wattsun offers a broad range of innovative products
and services to harvest and store renewable energy in
outdoors and off-the-grid situations, (for example, music
festivals), as an alternative for the use of classic fossil fuel
powered generators. Wattsun’s first product is a battery
solution (battery pack) that can be used during events.
Other development projects in the pipeline focus on
solar + storage, wearable solar etc.
Christiaan Holland
Serial entrepreneur with a track record
in business development and innovative
projects. 25 years of experience in
innovation policy and innovation
Paul Schurink
THE SOLUTION. Wattsun provides a robust, easy to use and sustainable
off-grid electricity solution with an excellent price/performance, and
without any emissions (DB, CO2, stench). Our solution is scalable and needs
no technician to get the power running.
Value proposition.
• Pop-up Power (for dummies)
• Mobile and flexible
• No cables
• Scalable in capacity
• Cost-effective compared to ‘traditional solutions’ like aggregates on fuel
• User-friendly and no noise
• Safe
Master in Business in Energy Systems.
20 years of experience in international
generator rental business. Large network
in and knowledge of sustainable events.
Koen Olieslagers
Development & design
Student of Industrial Design at the
university of applied science, Arnhem
Nijmegen. Part-time photographer. Handson experience with music festivals.
64 Cascade Drives
65 Cereus Technology
66 Composite Dynamics
67 DoHauw
68 DoM’Innov
69 Eco-Dryer Systems
70 Energiency
71 GulPlug
72 Pamyra
73 Sol-Ionics
74 Tecnoturbines
75 Ve’rtex
76 ZaaK Technologies
77 Ogarniamprad
Cascade Drives · Sweden
Cereus Technology · The Netherlands
High performance
linear drives
Cascade Drives has developed electromechanical linear
drives that use a compact and efficient cascade gearbox
to provide high performance linear motion. Linear
motion is a fundamental function in many different
machines and has a large impact on process cycles,
efficiency and operation costs. The company aim is
to substitute inefficient hydraulic systems in various
applications and facilitate the transition to all-electric
machines and achieve energy savings by a minimum of
20% and also provide productivity and lower life cycle
The need. Today there is an evident trend for transition to allelectric solutions for different industry equipment where the desire is
to have complete electromechanical systems in order to reduce energy
consumption and emissions. This transition is particularly difficult in heavier
equipment because there are no electromechanical solutions within linear
motion that can offer heavy-duty performance.
THE SOLUTION. Cascade Drives electromechanical linear drive utilises a
unique gearbox technology which enables high performance capabilities
of high load and high speed capacity as well as high energy efficiency. The
high performance attributes achieved by Cascade Drives technology make
it suitable for heavy-duty operations.
Value proposition. Cascade Drives’ linear drive offers a unique
performance capacity unmatched by competing solutions. The cascade
gear technology allows for compact linear drive systems with capabilities of
combining high load and high-speed capacity, and with high efficiency. A
linear drive is a critical component in all kinds of machines and the Cascade
Drives solution results in operations with reduced cycle times, energy
consumption, down-time and lower total cost of ownership for end users.
Valhallavägen 79, 5 tr
Soerense Zand Noord 25
6961 RB Eerbeek
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Linn Sevefjord
Business Development Manager
Novel Fuel Injection
Technology for Internal
Combustion Engines
Cereus Technology provides fuel injection technology,
referred to as HICI, that improves the combustion process
inside the combustion chambers of engines, thereby
reducing the fuel consumption and eliminating the
formation of particulate matter (PM) and NOx. HICI fuel
injectors can be (retro-)fitted in any existing internal
combustion engine.
The need. There is global consensus about the need to reduce the
consumption of fossil fuels and to reduce the emissions of CO2, PM and NOx .
Master of science degree in product
innovation management, Linn Sevefjord
has developed her professional career
working with Cascade Drives from the
THE SOLUTION. The HICI solution comprises rotating fuel injectors
which ensure complete combustion by creating a homogeneous fuel-air
mixture in the combustion chamber of engines.
Value proposition.
• At least 25% reduction in fuel consumption and hence in CO2
• Prevention of PM formation and PM emission.
No PM/soot filters required anymore.
• Prevention of NOx formation and emission.
Cereus Technology’s team consists of
three experienced professionals with
complementary knowledge and skills
related to entrepreneurship, combustion
engine technology, intellectual property,
management and finance.
René Prop
Rob van der Jagt
Tjeerd IJsselstein
Composite Dynamics · Germany
DoHauw · The Netherlands
Innovative sports boat
with an active hydrofoil
system to reduce
power consumption
and improve driving
In-house thermal
energy recuperation
from wastewater for
heating and cooling of
climate and tap water
Composite Dynamics develops, produces and sells
sports and business boats with an integrated active
hydrodynamic foil system. This is designed as a
combination of an electronic controlled retraction
mechanism and an adaptive composite wing technology.
The purpose is to lift the vessel out of the water and
to adjust to various cruising situations automatically.
The result is an agile boat with outstanding dynamic
performance and low power consumption due to the low
water resistance of the hydrofoils.
The need. As on other means of transport, customers aim for clean
concepts (less noise and pollution) and lower consumption (fuel costs) on
vessels. The ‘clean’ image has intruded into almost every niche of maritime
applications. There is a strong demand to reduce power consumption by
keeping or even rising overall performance of a craft.
THE SOLUTION. Hydrofoils are a very efficient solution to reduce
power consumption of vessels. With the special help of our self-developed
electronic controlled hydrodynamic foil system, a reduction in power
consumption by 50 % to 70 % can be realised without any restrictions in the
usage of the boat.
Value proposition. This hydrodynamic foil system is electronically
controlled and has adaptive composite foils to achieve agile and dynamic
driving characteristics in any situation. Additionally, highly efficient
combustion or electric outboard engines are used to reduce emissions.
It is designed to be registered as a standard boat.
The patent (pending) can be licensed to other manufacturers and the
adaptive composite technology can be transferred to other markets
(aerospace, automotive, etc.).
Franz von Sickingenstr. 61
D - 75038 Oberderdingen
[email protected]
Zwarte Pad 16
Amsterdam 1069MN
The Netherlands
T. +31 20 619 2131
M. +31 654 774 833
[email protected]
DoHauw is founded by Harry de Brauw and
Donald Louw. Both having a background in
water management and energy consultancy,
they are convinced that addressing energy
loss in waste water is key to reducing the CO2
footprint of urban areas.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Schnauffer
Founder and CEO
Ph.D. and degree in Aerospace Engineering
with 20 years of experience in aircraft
and boat building, plant engineering and
production of composite products, researcher
at the University of Stuttgart.
Oliver Schweizer
Head of Styling/Design
Degree in Product Design, Oliver has more
than 20 years of experience. Since 2000 he
has been running his own bespoke design
studio with automobile and industrial clients
including water sports products.
Michael Thanner
Electronics Development
Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Michael
is an expert in electronic control devices
especially for airborne applications and
Marcus Schwab
Technology Development and Production
Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Marcus is
an expert in composite design, processes and
production facilities.
DoHauw develops, sells and leases a prefabricated
system with scalable components that can recuperate
heat from wastewater to use this energy for heating or
cooling the climate and tap water in houses. Thus, the
DoHauw system offers clear energy savings to hotels
& resorts, cure & care institutions and larger apartment
The need. Every time hot water goes in the sewer hole, energy is literally
washed away. With the DoHauw solution this energy can be recuperated and
used to heat or cool the in-house climate and the tap water.
THE SOLUTION. DoHauw’s system recovers thermal energy from the
wastewater flow where the sewage leaves the building. It then returns this
energy as a hot and cold water flow to the buildings, existing climate and
tap water infrastructure. After its energy has been recuperated, the sewage
is further discharged in the existing sewer system. The DoHauw system is an
add-on to the existing (traditional) heating system and can cover basic heat
demand. The existing system is used to cover peak request and functions as
an emergency back-up system.
Value proposition.
• Reduces primary energy demand = lower cost and CO2 emissions
• Recycles energy
• Smaller footprint
• Continuously monitoring and back-up functionality
• Invisible: the system is installed underground and out of sight,
not claiming any surface space
• Scalable and adjustable until an optimal functionality
for each client is reached
Markus Strube
Business Development
Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Markus
is an expert in interim management and
business development with 17 years of
DoM’Innov · France
A modular structural
wall system offering
high energy
Dom’Innov develops and manufactures an innovative
modular wall system offering exceptional structural and
thermal performance. The goal is to help constructionindustry professionals build single-family homes better
and faster while ensuring the best possible energy
performance for tomorrow’s buildings.
Eco-Dryer Systems · The Netherlands
eco dryer
s y s t e m s . co m
777 Voie Galilée
73800 Ste Hélène du Lac
T. +33 458 14 02 29
Zwanenweg 14,
7311 DS Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Value proposition.
Blokiwood® breaks down load-bearing walls into 60-cm modules while
virtually eliminating thermal bridges and air leaks. This standard product
builds insulation and airtightness right into a building’s load-bearing walls. It
meets construction-industry professionals’ need for a high-performance, easyto-use, lightweight solution.
Eco-Dryer Systems produces a new technique to dry
laundry. The Eco-Dryer technology consumes less
energy, emits less CO2 and has a lower production price
than the usual drying techniques for laundry.
The need. Conventional dryers add heat (energy) to the drum. Drying
with heat gives cause for high energy consumption, a shorter lifetime and
shrinkage of laundry and sometimes even fire.
THE SOLUTION. Instead of vaporising moisture using heat, Eco-Dryer’s
tumble dryer technology dries laundry by blowing the moist out. This results in
a (new) A+++ performance and lower purchase price.
Value proposition.
• Substantial reduction of energy consumption in tumble dryers
• No need for an expensive heat source
• Since the heat source is omitted, significantly less expensive than
traditional heating tumble dryers (in mass production)
• Dries various sensitive fabrics at the same time in one drying session
• Less wear and tear of laundry, no shrinkage
• Fresher smelling laundry
• Hypoallergenic
• Fireproof.
The need.
The Blokiwood® modular wall system is designed specifically for the
needs of single-family-home builders, offering the ease of use and energy
performance only prefabricated building envelope materials can provide.
Blokiwood® features 21 standard modules, lightweight enough to be
hand-carried, and connector units. Custom modules and engineering and
consulting services are also available. The solution can enhance the energy
efficiency of virtually any type of architecture while speeding construction.
Low energy tumble
dryer technology
Joël Menard
Design engineer with 15 years of experience
in wood-based construction, design, and
construction project management.
Koen Koevoets
Responsible for overall control, promotion and
network formation, marketing and contracting
André Koops
Responsible for product development, buying
components and parts, and the protection of
intellectual property rights.
Energiency · France
GulPlug · France
Disruptive cloud
and big data energy
analytics software for
Magnetical electrical
plug and energy
sensor: a new way to
connect, easier, faster
and safer
Energiency is a French cloud software start-up that
develops disruptive energy big data analytics solutions
for industry.
The idea behind Energiency is to provide industrial
manufacturers with analytical real-time web analytics
Energy analytics continuously supplied by
Energiency algorithms allow manufacturers to drive
and extend their own energy management system. This
enables them to achieve, maintain and accelerate up to
20% energy savings without additional investments and
more competitively.
The need. Industrial manufacturers lack energy competitiveness: their
energy bill inevitably increases, and operational teams cannot easily manage
this problem as they lack relevant KPI analytical means. However, data is
all around them! It simply needs to be made accessible so they can make
better decisions.
THE SOLUTION. Energiency operates big data algorithms, machine
learning and predictive analytics that continuously scan all the information
systems in factories (production, maintenance, energy, etc.) and provide real
time energy monitoring, assessment and action plans on web and mobile
devices. This user-friendly and innovative SaaS software suite is customised
for users, from operational (project managers, operators) to decision makers
(plant managers, ExCom).
Value proposition. Energiency offers an innovative business model
and differs from competitors in the following features:
• integration of downstream value chain (audit, action plan) in a
disruptive web software based on data-driven machine learning.
• strict focus on industrial process optimisation with high barriers to entry.
• software functions aligned with ISO 50001 certification requirements.
• interoperability and big data cross-analysis of energy, production
and maintenance information systems.
• financial independence from historic market players.
• disruptive business model based on SaaS recurrent fees.
2 rue de la Châtaigneraie
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
[email protected]
Xavier Pain
Co-founder and CEO
20 years of experience in business development
of innovations.
Eric Marsan
Co-founder and COO
Marketing and customer survey expert
Arnaud Legrand
Food Engineer and Environmental
engineer (AgroParisTech Engref).
MBA (Paris Collège des Ingénieurs).
7 years of experience as an energy
performance consultant at Ernst Young for
manufacturing and industrial companies
(EDF, Dalkia, Vallourec, Saint-Gobain,
Veolia, etc).
Sébastien Duburque
ESIP IT University Paris-East. 5 years of
experience as a software architect at 4D
Concept and BNP Paribas Paris.
François Ducorney
VP Sales
Gulplug rethinks the way in which your machines
connect to electrical power and the internet with new
services: reduction in energy use, increase in factory
competitiveness, ease of connection for the general
The need.
How to connect and measure high power in painful conditions?
Insulated, sealed and buried conditions? Aerial, submersible and explosive
environment ? Painful use for disabled people, seniors, children and
Gulplug provides a disruptive technology based on magnetic electrical
connection with a smart energy sensor in order to plug and measure easier,
faster and safer!
The magnetic electrical connection is a new shape of flat and twistable plug.
The energy sensor is a ready to clamp wireless and self-powered electrical
energy estimator.
Value proposition.
Easier, faster and safer connection and measurement to turn any electrical
device into an energy efficient connected objects.
Food Engineer (Agro Toulouse ENSAT
2003) and MBA (London Business School
2012). 9 years of experience as a IT
sales engineer at Logica (now CGI) for
Aerospace and Automotive industry.
Pamyra · Germany
Sol-Ionics · Sweden
Carpooling for
transport contracts
Ionic lubrication
The company’s business idea is to exchange freight
carriage and cargo space online, making a contract of
carriage between dealers, private customers and carriers
possible. Our platform Pamyra calculates suitable tours
depending on size and quantity of freight, location of the
sender and the destination. Customers advertise their
consignment and receive offers from carriers
Thälmannstr. 5
[email protected]
Sergei Glavatskih
Professor of Machine elements
Tribological optimisation
of lubricant formulations.
The need. Every year some 2.9 billion tonnes of cargo are transported
throughout Germany. Approximately 40,000 lorries travel through Germany
every day and only half of them are fully loaded. That has a negative effect
on traffic density, the environment and the margin of haulage companies.
Oleg N. Antzutkin
Professor in Chemistry of Interfaces, Luleå
University of Technology
Design and synthesis of ionic liquids.
THE SOLUTION. Haulage companies advertise their deadweight capacity
on routes and state the length of detours they are willing to accept.
After a search request the platform calculates the lorries (trucks) with the
shortest detour and displays it to the customer.
Value proposition. Haulage companies can fill their vehicles to
Customers may find suitable transportation for their cargo within minutes,
and without the need to register.
Our standardised prices prevent predatory ‘price dumping’ and spare
customers comparative offers.
Journeys with the least detours are those offered as most advantageous to
the customer.
[email protected]
99085 Erfurt
Faiz Ullah Shah
PhD in Chemistry of Interfaces,
Luleå University of Technology
Design and synthesis of ionic liquids.
Design, synthesis and optimisation of ionic-liquid based
lubricants and additives for lubricants for a wide range of
applications, such as in energy production, automotive,
manufacturing, and aerospace industries.
The need. The market needs an enabling technology for the energy
efficient lubrication of lightweight materials and non-ferrous coatings, and
lubricant formulations for increasingly harsh operating conditions, including
high vacuum and high temperatures.
THE SOLUTION. Sol-Ionics specifically designs halogen free ionic liquids.
Their outstanding properties make them excellent candidates for energy
efficient lubrication of ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
Value proposition. Sol-Ionics has developed and patented a new
class of ionic liquids that have shown excellent lubrication properties. The
new lubricant formulations can be used for energy efficient lubrication of
both ferrous and non-ferrous materials. They have also shown excellent
thermal stability, hydrophobicity and extremely low vapour pressure.
Christine Köhler
CFO, Sales, Service
Educated Shipping clerk
Felix Wiegand
CEO, Project management, Development
Software development and Project management
in eCommerce
Steven Qual
Webdesign, Frontend development,
SEO, Head of Marketing
Many years of experience in eCommerce
Tecnoturbines · Spain
Ve’rtex · Sweden
Development and
of hydraulic
microturbines for
generating electricity
New type of railroad
switch that uses
vertical technology
isolated with concrete
to save energy
Tecnoturbines has patented an electronic control
system based on regenerative braking technology that
recovers energy from the reduction of excess hydraulic
pressure. This, along with a hydraulic turbine, is capable
of producing electrical power in a controlled manner in
different modes, making the process significantly more
efficient and providing it with a high capacity to adapt
itself to current conditions. This reduces costs
and increases efficiency.
Avda. Torreblanca, 57
Building ESADE Creapolis
08173 Sant Cugat. Barcelona · Spain
Sävhultsvägen 40
44896 Tollered
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jaime Lledó
Co-Founder and CEO
The need. Water distribution markets need to reduce the pressure in
the water supply in order to prevent breakage and to increase the energy
efficiency of the process. They need to reduce the costs of water extraction
and distribution due to increasingly high electricity bills. Sites without
access to the electric grid need an electric power supply for monitoring and
commanding remote stations.
Degree in Control Systems & Electronics
Engineering. Jaime has more than 6 years’
experience in product development of
customised solutions in national and
international renewable energy-focused
THE SOLUTION. Tecnoturbines offers an electronically-controlled
regenerative turbine that is able to adapt its operation to the hydraulic
conditions available. This allows the production of electricity from
currently unused hydraulic pressure drops at the pressure control valves.
This energy can be auto-consumed, or sold to the electricity company to
generate income.
Degree in Control Systems & Electronics
Engineering. José Carlos has more than
7 years’ experience in validation and
homologation in the locomotive industry.
Value proposition. The regenerative turbines provided by
Tecnoturbines are extremely flexible. They can work in different control
modes (maintaining pressure at inlet or outlet, regulating flow, maximising
on power generation and on efficiency) so they can be integrated into
complex water distribution systems. The system proves a very attractive
investment for clients, with a payback of 4 - 5 years (depending on the
installed power), clients receive a direct income for the remaining 20 years of
product life.
José Carlos Orts
Co-Founder and R&D Manager
Our company has come up with a new solution
for railroad switches. We are now in the process of
developing a vertical railroad switch that will remove the
problems we have today with snow and ice.
Today we need to spend about 60 million kW hours/year
to warm up the railroad switches in Sweden. With our
solution we have managed to decrease that figure down
to 5 million kW hours/year.
The need.
The need is mostly in European countries that have snow and ice based
It’s a vertical switch which is isolated with concrete and therefore saves
energy and solves a lot of issues in the railroad switch area.
Value proposition.
Our solution is unique because of its vertical technique and its isolation from
ice and snow.
Enrique Ruiz
CTO & Co-Founder
Degree in Industrial Engineering, Enrique has
more than 6 years’ experience in the water
distribution sector. He has executed hydraulic
works of every kind and hydraulic projects.
Joaquín Orts
Production manager & co-founder
Degree in Industrial Engineering. Joaquín
has more than 13 years’ experience in the
homologation, design and manufacturing
of industrial machinery.
Jaume Bonet
Degree and MBA from ESADE Business
School. Jaume has more than 25’ years
experience in Financial and Administration
management of multinational companies.
ZaaK Technologies · Germany
Ogarniamprad · Poland
Recycling of fly ash
from coal-fired power
plants to a value‑added
construction sand
E-commerce platform
that allows customers
and retailers to shop
around for the best
energy - electricity and
gas - deals online and
in real time
ZaaK Technologies GmbH commercializes a
patent‑pending award-winning process to recycle fly
ash, a waste stream from coal-fired power plants, into
ZaaKSand™, a value-added construction sand material.
ZaaK will build, own and operate plants as well as form
partnerships through licensing or Joint Ventures. ZaaK
aims to operate globally and currently focuses on Europe
and India where local presence and strategic partnerships
have been formed.
The need. Fly ash from hard coal is a low-grade waste product with little
commercial value. Fly ash from lignite coal has currently no use at all. On the
other hand, sand mining destroys natural habitats and is met with resistance
from neighboring communities.
THE SOLUTION. ZaaK provides a single step solution to both
environmental and socio-economic impacts from fly ash disposal and fast
depleting natural sand by recycling it into an excellent alternative to natural
sand with added benefits.
Value proposition. This innovation offers a viable route to increase
the commercial value of fly ash. The process features a better control of the
product characteristics and recycles a broader spectrum of fly ash grades.
The key application, ZaaKSand™, replaces natural sand in construction
materials. It can be tailored for added benefits, including thermal and
acoustic insulation, reduced dead-load, and more.
Hermannstrasse 26,
08064 Zwickau
Obornicka Street 330
60-689 Poznań
[email protected]
Dr. Abbas Khan
Founder & CEO
12 years of experience in engineering, R&D,
product design, technology commercialisation
across Australia, Germany and India.
Jochen Kleef
20 years experience in marketing and business
strategy, organizational development, growth
management and operation management
Mr. Greg Vero
Engineering Director
Danuta Staniszewska
30 years experience in process engineering, design
& commissioning pilot and industrial plants across
chemical industries in spreading across Australia,
New Zealand, UK, USA and China.
Graduate of the University of Economics in
Poznan, crazy about the 3rd industrial revolution;
professionally engaged in the energy industry for
the last 5 years.
Dr. Michael Wehrheim
Finance Coach
Daniel Guze
Sales Director
15 years experience in finance, venture capital,
consulting and M&A. Headed finances of global
leasing firm.
Graduate of the University of Łódź in
Management and Marketing; 20 years experience
in marketing; spent 5 respective years in the
energy market. Has a strong track record in sales
Mr. Jagdish Shah
BD Director
Over 35 years of experience in Operation, Business
Development, Marketing, Managing P&L, HS&E,
heading overseas subsidiaries in US, Europe, China
and running JV operations.
Maciej Bettin
Chief IT Officer
Graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz
in Poznań in Computer Science. C #, C ++, Delphi,
Java , JavaScript, PHP (MVC).
Ogarniamprad.pl Ltd is the operator of an innovative
platform that revolutionises the way we buy and
sell energy. Our platform groups together a number
of energy customers (domestic and commercial),
builds their energy profiles based on type, location
and behavioural criteria, and ‘auctions’ in real time
the cumulative and profiled volumes to electricity/
gas retailers in order to obtain a better deal than the
individual un-profiled customer could find.
The need. Energy market liberalisation gives customers the right to choose
from a variety of over 200 electricity/gas retailers. We support consumers
with the most competitive, safe, easy, transparent, remote and 24/7 energy
company-switching procedure.
THE SOLUTION. We make energy purchase and sales competitive,
transparent, secure, comfortable and easy for consumers and retailers.
Customers will have lower bills and retailers lower costs. Win-win like never
before! We support market liberalisation.
Value proposition. We have combined E-bay/Allegro (auctions)
with Groupon (aggregation) and Amazon (logistic and high quality
customer service) and built a platform that makes energy sales and purchase
transactions simple, and gives those on both sides of the transaction a new
quality of service that contributes to the stronger position of consumers in
the liberalised energy market. The platform has been built on an open for
development model.
Electric Grid
80 AmbiBox
81 Enerbyte
82 Enerlin
83 Enervalis
84 Foreseeti
85 Forsnetics
86 Greenely
87 SCiBreak
88 Superstore
89 Prointerface
AmbiBox · Germany
Enerbyte · Spain
Solution for the
smart integration of
photovoltaic batteries
and other direct
current components
into a micro-grid
Generating business
from residential smart
AmbiBox GmbH is a company that develops power
electronics and software for energy systems in buildings
as well as for industrial use. Its team of specialists uses
their profound knowledge of such areas to provide
revolutionary solutions for electrical systems. For
micro-grids they have invented a unique DCDCFlowTM
technology that enables them to be operated
with reduced power losses and without using the
conventional electrical grid.
The need. The substantial increase of electrical energy consumption and
its costs has triggered worldwide efforts to improve energy efficiency. One
of the major upcoming challenges is the reduction of conversion losses
resulting from DC-devices operating in the conventional AC-grid.
THE SOLUTION. The AmbiBox enables plug’n’play connections of
various DC-components and regulates the energy flow in between
completely automatically. As a result, the DCDCFlowTM technology helps
save up to 10% of energy due to the avoidance of AC-DC conversion.
Value proposition. The AmbiBox fulfils customers’ needs in two
respects: on the one hand, the new technology helps save energy and
investment costs, while on the other, it increases comfort by stabilising
performance and energy supply.
Heimstraße 6
55120 Mainz
[email protected]
Avda. Torreblanca 57
Building ESADE Creapolis
08173 Sant Cugat. Barcelona
[email protected]
Manfred Przybilla
CEO | Founder
Degree in mechanical and electronic
engineering, he developed his
professional career in the automotive
industry for 10 years and renewables for 4
years. Manfred is leading his 2nd start-up.
Gabriel Meurer
Degree in business administration, started
his professional career in the infrastructure
industry. More than 10 years experience as
CEO/CFO in the renewable energy sector.
Start-up experience in 5 companies.
Roger Segura
Co-Founder and CEO
Degree in Industrial Engineering from the
Polytechnic University of Catalonia and an
IESE MBA. Roger has wide experience in
general management, project management
and consultancy.
Pep Salas
Co-Founder and CSO
Degree in Agricultural Engineering and PhD
candidate in Technology, Humanism and
Sustainability from the Polytechnic University of
Catalonia. Pep is an independent researcher and
entrepreneur, who founded his first company
in 2004.
Ivan Solé
Degree in Computer Science from the
Open University of Catalonia and General
Management Program from EADA. Ivan has
experience as former CTO of an electricity
retailer with 1.000 million euros turnover
in 2011.
Stefano Zelco
Marketing Director
Toni Cebrián
Marketing Director
ENERBYTE’s technology combines business intelligence
with a series of customer-relations tools (app, web and
report) that contribute to strengthening an electricity
retailer’s marketing, communication and customer care
strategies. Applying Enerbyte’s technology to residential
smart meter roll-out will increase customer satisfaction,
generate valuable data for commercial purposes, and
create new business opportunities.
The need. Electricity retailers are facing new challenges. Competition is increasing due to market liberalisation, environmental factors such as energy efficient directives need to be addressed, new technology opportunities make new business models necessary (net metering, for example), and communication between informed
consumers is on the increase thanks to social networks. Furthermore, residential
customers do not understand the energy billing process, which generates distrust of
energy utility services and low satisfaction, despite the high quality of supply.
THE SOLUTION. ENERBYTE has developed a low-cost hardware-free
suite of customer-relations tools (app, web, report) that combine technology,
behavioural science and an electricity retailer’s own corporate branding. These
tools will improve the energy end-consumer experience by helping retailers
stand out from their competitors. Using social psychology, gamification
and community management strategies, our company has developed
an interactive two-way communication channel to deliver insightful
information to end-consumers, whilst using business intelligence technology
to personalise the customer relationship. This will help electricity retailers
generate new revenues through Enerbyte’s web and app marketplace. Clients
will increase profits by selling their own or a third-party’s energy-related
product and services to a larger and more connected end-consumer base.
Value proposition. End-consumers: Tailored energy saving
plans. Control of energy consumption and saving. Gamification experience:
competitions, rankings, incentives. Social community: interaction and learning
from other users. Education and awareness. Access to relevant energyrelated products and services. Electricity retailers: Business Intelligence.
Client segmentation. Multi-device communication channel. Marketing tool
for branding, sales, etc. Energy distributors: Return on smart metering
investment. Contribution to accomplish regulatory objectives. Contribution to
cost reduction and investment planning. Products & services suppliers: A
new channel with a segmented client portfolio to improve sales success rate.
Enerlin · Spain
Enervalis · Belgium
Electric data
management to
optimise the purchases
and sales of power
Cloud-based software
for electricity producers,
storage providers &
consumers to save or
make money
The Enerlin system enables the real time monitoring
of industrial and business electricity consumption by
installing our electronic device at the communications
port of existing electrical counters/metres. We provide
both real consumption electricity data to the power
retailers, and the web tools to profit from it.
The need. Electricity power retailers need the real time consumption
data of their customers in order to make more accurate and efficient
purchases. We enable such retailers to increase profits by making better
demand forecasts and therefore purchasing the “right” amount of power
each day.
THE SOLUTION. Once the electronic device is connected to the
communication port of the electricity counter, it starts monitoring it and
sending the data on to the web server. All the data is managed in the server.
Power retailers can use the different web applications to obtain value from
the data.
Value proposition.
• The system is an autonomous, fast and remotely programmable system,
able to obtain more variables and information in an economical and more
efficient way than other known alternative systems.
• For big customer networks, alternative systems known on the market
require higher infrastructure costs.
• This service appeals to electric power retailers because they may pay a fixed
amount proportional to their potential savings.
Pol. Ind. nº8, Camino del Mar S/N
Mercovasa, Nave F
46540 El Puig (Valencia)
T. +34 607 722 702
Greenville Campus
Centrum-Zuid 1111
B-3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
T. +32 (0) 11 39 75 79
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sergio Ferrer
Founder and CEO
Master in Industrial Engineering. Five years
experience in the electric power sector.
Entrepreneur from the age of 18. This is
not his first start-up. He is the founder of
Enerlin Ingenieros S.L. and has been CEO
for three years.
Javier Servera
Master in Economics. 6 years experience in
management and international business
experience in organisations such as IVEX
and Deloitte. At the beginning of 2014,
he joined Enerlin as a partner. This role is
combined with that of CFO and COO.
Stefan Lodeweyckx
16 years in high-tech industry / start-ups
Research & Development Team
Frederik van Goolen
Filip Aben
Jeroen Elebaut
Anneleen Scholts
Hussain Kazmi
Business Development
Achaz von Arnim
Luc Larmuseau
Enervalis focuses on 3 markets: Smart Electric Vehicle (EV)
Charging, Energy-Clever Buildings and Intelligent Micro-/
Off-Grids. Their solutions add intelligence to end-to-end
EV propositions, as well as to solar / wind installations,
batteries, building energy management systems & grids
by integrating these into one intelligent & automated
system that can include sun & wind forecasts, the
wholesale energy market and added energy security /
resilience against intrusion & force majeure events.
The need. There is a global shift underway towards sustainable energy
sources, increased demand for energy supply security and independence
from centralistic energy supply models. Enbaling this transition requires more
efficient organisaton & management of all available energy supplies, storage
and demands.
THE SOLUTION. Our cloud-based SMARTPOWER-Suite offers production
& consumption forecasting for optimal green-energy utilisation, wholesale
energy market integration for the lowest energy purchase cost and extensive
interoperability, security, app & user interface layers, which can all be combined
as needed.
Value proposition.
• Minimise EV charging costs, maximise EV availability,
range & overall user experience
• Maximise local electrical connection capacity
to minimise or avoid costly upgrades
• Peak-shaving and reduce net operators’ CAPEX
into infrastructure maintenance & upgrade
• Partial or full (micro-/off-grid) independence
from the grid or diesel generators
• Trading energy on the wholesale market or building-to-building
Foreseeti · Sweden
Proactive management
of cyber security across
complex ICT networks,
such as smart grids
A cyber security assessment and modelling tool – a CADtool for Enterprise Cyber Security Management – that
helps companies (1) understand current cyber security
levels across their networks, (2) proactively model future
design options and impact of architecture changes,
and (3) prioritize investments going forward to get best
security ROI.
The need. Cybercrime is rapidly increasing. With increasingly complex
and interconnected systems, it is ever more important to manage security
proactively from a holistic perspective. Today, this work is typically done
through manual expertise leading to risks, inconstancies, and costs.
THE SOLUTION. securiCAD© - a CAD tool for Enterprise Cyber Security
Management that helps companies objectively and fact based
(1) understand current cyber security levels across their networks,
(2) proactively model design options, and
(3) prioritize investments going forward to get best security ROI.
Value proposition. The value provided to users is access to
expertise, improved security architecture status visualization, improved cost
efficiency in cyber security mgmt, and most importantly improved cyber
security ROI. While similar but yet different solutions exists for analysing
current situation, securiCAD© has its most distinct competitive advantages in
forward looking analyses. A large customer interest prove the business need
and value of the unique tool.
Forsnetics · Sweden
Valhallavägen 79,
11428 Stockholm
T. +46 (0) 704 493 391
[email protected]
[email protected]
Joakim Nydrén
Co-founder and CEO
Background of ~10 years as business and IT
strategy consultant with Accenture.
Pontus Johnson
Co-founder and operational team member
Professor at Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm. Co-inventor of the tool.
Mathias Ekstedt
Co-founder and operational team member
Professor at Royal Institute of Technology,
Stockholm. Co-inventor of the tool.
Robert Lagerström
Co-founder and operational team member
Associate Professor at Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm Research
Associate at Harvard Business School.
Co-inventor of tool.
Khurram Shahzad
Co-founder and software developer
Key developer of the tool.
Dan Gorton
IT Security expert
With ~20 years in commercial cyber
security including financial industry,
defense industry and consulting.
Mikael Modin and Jun Xie
Experienced software developers
Key developer of the tool.
Dan Johansson
Joar Jacobsson
Matus Korman
Margus Välja
securiCAD© consultants
Forsnetics AB
Ringgatan 14 B
752 17 Uppsala
José Perez
MSc in Electric Power. MSc In Electric
Power engineering with focus on
sustainable development and industry
management. PhD candidate in applied
physics to the science of electricity at
Uppsala University. PhD candidate at the
InnoEnergy PhD school
Johan Abrahamsson
PhD in Electricity. More than 6 years
experience in magnetic bearings. Expert
on control and power electronics
Urban Lundin
Professor in Electricity. 10 years in research
in Hydropower systems. Taken product to
full scale at hydropower station. Actively
pursuing the use of novel ideas in the
Björn Lindh
Business developer
Former management consultant at
Accenture. Founder of iku AB, Solelia
Greentech AB, Disruptive Materials AB
Magnetic unloaders for
storage Hydropower
giving improved
efficiency and enabling
friendly lubricants
Forsnetics designs and implements magnetic unloaders
for Hydropower stations. Together with the OEM of the
buyer’s choice we make a design to be integrated in the
station. Forsnetics delivers the magnetic design and
the magnetization equipment and is responsible for
the integration to the station control system. Using the
system the owner can expect improved efficiency and
reduced losses. The Forsnetics system can enable water
lubricated thrust bearings to fulfil the environmental
goals of society.
The need. The continued need to improve on existing solution and
adapt them to tougher environmental requirements means that the
Forsnetics system will be needed in the future. Furthermore, the increased
wear due to frequent start and stop cycles are mitigated using our magnetic
THE SOLUTION. By adding a component that magnetically reduces the
dynamic loads on existing thrust bearings and thus saves energy for the
owner. But most important by adding programmable damping we can
directly address axial vibration issues and problems associated with start and
stop cycles.
Value proposition. The fast track optimization means that different
designs be compared to maximize the customer benefit. The control system
acts on selected parameters in an intelligent way enabling an individually
tuned unit optimized system that delivers maximum customer benefit.
The Forsnetics system delivers:
• Reduced bearing losses
• Improved dynamical control of the shaft, especially during start and stop
• Possibility to change to environmentally friendly lubricants.
Greenely · Sweden
SCiBreak · Sweden
Greenely visualises
households’ energy
consumption in a new
way using research
based algorithms
UItra-fast circuit
breakers for AC and DC
grids at a low cost
Greenely enables utilities to provide their customers with
knowledge about their energy usage in an innovative
way that is effortless for the households. In doing
so, we also solve the needs of utilities to better trade
energy, decrease their costly consumption peaks and
communicate better with customers.
The need. There is a huge information gap regarding a household’s
energy usage today. Repeated efforts have been made in trying to solve
this problem but with expensive hardware that requires unreasonable costs
for the households. Greenely solves this problem without the need for any
hardware while also providing utilities with smart analytics.
THE SOLUTION. Our mobile application tracks, monitors and analyses
energy consumption, and compares users to their neighbours. Our
algorithms learn from energy behaviour over time, providing users with a
newsfeed containing in-depth analysis, warnings and reports. This solution
will also come completely free of charge for the end user.
Value proposition. We help households decrease their energy
consumption without the need for any hardware. Additionally, we increase
profits for energy utilities through our tool for analysis, reports and predictions
of their customers’ energy behaviour. Our demand response program
minimises these utilities’ expenses by decreasing their consumption peaks.
In addition, we provide utilities with more extensive information about
their customers, enabling them to achieve better marketing and trading of
c/o KTH Student Inc.
Teknikringen 26
114 28, Stockholm
SCiBreak AB
Åsundavägen 26
SE-745 71 Enköping
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tanmoy Bari
M.Sc. Sustainable Urban Planning and
Design, KTH.
Mohammed Al Abassi
Smart Grid Manager
M.Sc. Sustainable Urban Planning and
Design, KTH.
The need. SCiBreak’s technology allows for the rapid clearing of shortcircuit faults in AC and DC power grids without disruptions and equipment
damage. Fault currents are limited before dangerous levels are reached.
Staffan Norrga
Founder SCiBreak AB, Associate Professor at KTH
Dr. Staffan Norrga has been active in the
field of power electronics for more than 20
years, in academia as well as in industry.
He is the inventor or co-inventor of 11
granted patents and has authored or
co-authored more than 60 scientific
Fredrik Hagblom
Lennart Ängquist
Founder SCiBreak AB, Professor at KTH
M.Sc. Sustainable Energy Engineering, KTH.
Prof Lennart Ängquist has been active in
electrical engineering for more than 40
years, first at ABB and later at KTH.
Frank Daems
Electronics and telecom engineer
SCiBreak is a spin off from KTH that develops ultra-fast
circuit breakers for medium and high voltage based on
an innovative concept that enables the interruption
of fault currents in both AC and DC grids in a few
milliseconds. Standard AC breakers require tens of
milliseconds, during which disturbances and equipment
damage may occur. Existing DC breakers for high or
medium voltage are generally very costly, and our
solution comes at significantly reduced cost. Patents are
pending regarding the core technology.
THE SOLUTION. Like other hybrid circuit breakers, SCiBreak’s solution
employs a combination of power electronics and mechanical interrupting
elements. The exact details of the technology are confidential, but thanks
to our circuit solution the use of expensive power semiconductors can be
Value proposition. Our solution is less costly compared to other
hybrid circuit breakers. This is achieved by our unique technology through
which the amount of power semiconductors can be reduced tenfold.
These devices tend to be the most costly part of a hybrid breaker. A further
advantage of our solution is that it allows for rapid reclosing so that the
distortion caused by grid faults can be minimised.
KU Leuven
Superstore · The Netherlands
Secure flexibility
for the electricity
of supermarket
refrigeration systems
SUPERSTORE develops a controller for supermarket
refrigeration systems to postpone or accelerate their
electricity consumption to moments when electricity
prices are at their most advantageous. The company
manages, assembles and programmes the controllers,
and markets them in cooperation with European partners
to supermarkets and food retailers throughout Europe.
The need. Supermarkets and food retailers can reduce costs and
generate additional income by influencing the time they consume
electricity. In order to influence this so-called Time of Use of the
refrigeration system, a controller is needed that will ensure that temperature
requirements are always respected.
THE SOLUTION. The SUPERSTORE controller shifts Time of Use of
the refrigeration system towards periods with low electricity cost. The
controller can also reduce refrigeration needs “on demand”. The embedded
intelligence ensures that temperature requirements are respected
throughout these operations.
Value proposition. The SUPERSTORE controller is the only available
Time of Use controller for supermarket refrigeration systems that rigidly
respects food temperature levels. It offers the possibility to profit from variable,
spot market related, electricity pricing. The SUPERSTORE controller also allows
to benefit from third party electricity demand reduction programs.
Prointerface · Sweden
Jan Van Renesseweg 4
4325 GN Renesse
The Netherlands
[email protected]
Sietze van der Sluis
20 years of extensive experience in
supermarket refrigeration research and
developmont in national, European and
international R&D projects
Project Coordination and
Krzysztof Chmielowiec
[email protected]
Project Consortium
• Elsta Elektronika
• JES Energia
• Tauron Dystrybucja
Intelligent Power
Conditioning and
Monitoring Interfaces
for Smart Grid
The need. In recent years the preservation of adequate electrical quality
has become a major problem when operating the electrical power grid,
as well as, power distribution sources and loads. Nowadays, industrial
plants with highly automated production lines cannot operate properly
without sustainable power supply with the precisely defined power quality
parameters. This situation is going to be more difficult as power generation
becomes more and more decentralized. On the one hand, distributed
energy sources are experiencing poor power quality at the connection
point, while have a major impact on the supply parameters. Taking the
above mentioned issues into account, there appear to be a market need
for fast solutions for identifying the disturbance sources and for power
electronic solutions that can provide protection of energy customers from
PQ disturbances and provide intelligent interface for smart grid’s prosumers.
THE SOLUTION. The aim of the project is to develop three products
intended to improve the conditions for the supply of electricity and the
integration of distributed energy sources with supply network. ProInterface
(Prosumer Interface) integrates prosumers with a low voltage electric power
grid for power transmission purposes so as to ensure effective two-way
power transmission. With the ability to operate with energy storage units,
ProInterface is designed to optimize energy cost and maximize financial
profits for the user. It also aims at improving the quality of electric energy
transmitted for a consumer through the grid and ensuring fulfilment of
power quality requirements by an active consumer that supplies energy to
the grid. The interface will additionally provide for generation of reactive
power and filtration of higher harmonic current at a given point of the grid.
Smart and Efficient
Buildings and Cities
92 AEInnova
93 AERspire
94 Daylight Solutions
95 Ecotropy
96 EP Tender
97 e-Street
98 Evolo
99 Gradis
100 Ibertherm
101 ibuildGreen
102 Ionseed
103 IsGreen
104 Lowte
105 M-tronics
106 Octosis
107 P&H Adviseurs
108 Plactherm Technology
109 RumBrum
110 Sadako Technologies
111 Sit & Heat Sports
112 Smartroof
113 Stimergy
114 ThermoSmart
115 upOwa
116 Vestaxx
117 Watch-E
118 EStore
119 Storage
AEInnova · Spain
AERspire · The Netherlands
Energy harvesting
Very aesthetic building
integrated solar energy
roofing solution
AEInnova obtains electricity from waste heat.
Based on its long experience in scientific projects
in microelectronics, this start-up applies high-end
technologies to energy harvesting.
The convenient use of high-efficiency thermoelectrical
transducers applied to a patented controlled, based on
system on chip technology, allows for the generation
of green power from heat, from: heavy industry, power
stations, petrochemical plants, solar and thermal panels
and boilers.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Eureka Building - UAB Research Park
Av. Can Domenech, s/n
08193. Bellaterra. Barcelona
[email protected]
Jan Campertstraat 5, gebouw 7
6416 SG Heerlen
The Netherlands
Het Eeuwsel 6
5612 AS Eindhoven
The Netherlands
[email protected]
The need. Industry faces a big challenge: how to reduce and obtain
profits from their waste heat emissions.
A recent study determined that European industry lost, in 2012, a total of
140TW per hour in wasted heat, the same energy generated by 30 nuclear
stations and 14M of CO2 tonnes.
Depending on the thermoelectric model, heat source and surface
temperature, up to 500W/m2 can be achieved easily with this novel
Moreover, in applying our high-end sensing modules with wireless
technology, it is possible to monitor in real time the whole system
performance and critical parameters with an intuitive APP or via a
customised web.
THE SOLUTION. Redefining waste heat recovery technologies using the
most modern energy harvesting techniques.
Developing a patent using high performance thermoelectric cells and
microelectronic mixed circuits based on our extensive research knowledge in
this area.
Value proposition.
The technology developed by AEInnova has been created by our research
group (Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) based on our experience in
microelectronic and sensing as IEEE members.
It uses System on Chips designed by our company, which allows us to
manage the energy generated by Peltier cells using the most thermally
efficient materials, dynamically and remotely controlled.
Raúl Aragonès Ortiz
Chief Executive Officer
Carles Ferrer Ramis
Communication Executive Officer
Joan Oliver Malagelada
Chief Technology Officer
Andrés Peñalver Núñez
Electronic Leader Engineer
Ramon Voces Merayo
Communitation Unit Leader
Roger Malet Munté
Engineer Leader
José Antonio Molina Rodríguez
Mechanics Leader Engineer
Albert Grau Perisé
Business Analyst
Roger Nicolás Alegret
Firmware Leader Engineer
Alfred van Hese
Responsible for the product development,
engineering, project realisations, selection of
technical partners, production methods and the
industrialization to mass production.
Esther Philipse
Esther is responsible for the general
management activities, marketing and sales,
legal,insurance and finance management.
AERspire is proud to present AER (Aesthetic Energy
Roof ), a very aesthetic roofing solution that generates
electricity and hot water at a reasonable price. Together
with dummy products with the same homogeneous
appearance, AERspire offers a roofing solution that fully
replaces the conventional roofing materials.
The need. With the continuous performance improvements and the
drastic price reductions, solar energy is becoming a main renewable energy
source for the built environment. However, due to the density and limited
availability of optimal locations, the actual products and solar solutions are
restricted in use. Meanwhile, architects and building owners are actively
seeking for more aesthetic ways of integrating solar panels in buildings,
‘building-integrated photovoltaics’.
THE SOLUTION. AER is a roofing system that generates photovoltaic
electricity and hot water (solar thermal heat), integrated in glass panels that
fully replace conventional roofing materials and suit every type of tilted
roof. Dependent on the needed capacity of electricity and hot water of the
customer, the roof surface first will be built up out of active photovoltaic and
solar thermal products. Next, the remaining surface is filled with dummies and
fitting parts. AER is a modular concept of glass panels resulting in a watertight
roof surface with one homogeneous aesthetic appearance. Because of
the simplicity of the total concept, the AER energy roof is competitive with
conventional solutions.
Value proposition.
• Min. equal life span compared to standard roofing materials
• Designed to be a building component
• Optimal water retaining surface, no additional materials such as profiles,
gutters, foils… needed
• Compared to conventional glas-foil PV modules: AER has a longer
guaranteed life span. 25% higher electric output warranty. No high
voltage risk. Limited fire hazard. Limited cell breakage risk during transport
and installation. Higher performance output thanks to AER’s aerodynamic
profile that forces the natural airflow to move along the backside of the
modules to the ridge of the roof, cooling the backside of the glass plate.
• Compared to other tile PV solutions: Suitable to different construction
regulations. Simple. Lower investment costs. Future developments, new
technologies and more efficient cells can be smoothly integrated in the
AER glass-glass product.
Daylight Solutions · The Netherlands
Ecotropy · France
Active control of heat
and light in buildings
Software solution
to analyse energy
performance and
optimise the energy
retrofit of buildings
Daylight Solutions develops electrostatical synthetic
blinds to be used in double or triple glazed windows for
office buildings and atria. This technique is easier to use
and less prone to defects than traditional blind systems.
It actively reduces the need for artificial cooling, lighting
and heating.
The need. Cooling and heating, as well as the lighting of buildings is
often done with artificial instruments such as heaters, air conditioning and
lamps, all energy consuming solutions. The amount of energy needed for
these functions can be reduced if we make better use of the available sun
and shadow. The now existing shading technologies need maintenance and
easily suffer technical defects, making them non-efficient solutions.
Gooischelaan 28
3214 VS Zuidland
The Netherlands
T. +31 6 48 05 26 78
[email protected]
44100 Nantes
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alex Nassiopoulos
Founder and CEO
34 years old, PhD, Alex is an expert in building
physics and numerical modelling. He has spent
several years in academia where he developed
Ecotropy’s core technology.
THE SOLUTION. The electrostatical blinds of Daylight Solutions need no
maintenance and have hardly any mechanical components, thus being an
excellent replacement for current blind systems with pull cords and engines.
Through its excellent control of light and heat, this system reduces the need
for artificial cooling, lighting and heating in buildings and greenhouses.
Value proposition.
• A sustainable solution for cooling, lighting and heating of buildings
• Electrostatic control
• No ropes, no motor, no mechanical parts and no maintenance
• Reflects only the chosen frequencies of sunlight: infrared,
visible light or both in gradations
• Made out of sustainable materials
• Can be mounted horizontally or vertically
• Ultra-low power
• Very fast response time
• Dust and pollution protected
• Almost invisible
• Relatively low cost
118, rue des Renardières
Paul Vienne
26 years old, engineer, Paul was implied in several
research projects concerning optimal energy management and the analysis of human behaviour on
energy performance.
Ed Van Kampen
Engineer in Materials – 12 years
experience in Energy and Construction
(Buildings) – product development,
project and teams management for
groups, SME and start upsEsther Philipse
Roald Vandepoel
Business developer
Master in Science at TU Delft Industrial
Design. Roald started 3 companies,
worked for 8 years as business developer
within research institute TNO and is now
co-owner of a company that is active in
the field of technology valorisation.
Ecotropy provides a complete solution to analyse
energy performance and optimise the energy retrofit of
We are developing innovative software that combines
measurements from a wireless sensor network to highperformance simulation algorithms. This combination
provides an up to ten times more precise energy audit,
with less time spent.
With Ecotropy, energy conservation measures are thus
planned and designed in a more efficient way that
guarantees the predicted consumption gains.
The need. While billions of euros are spent every year in energy
conservation measures in buildings, the energy gains obtained are on
average 50% below target. This means inefficient investments and slower
decisions made on ambitious energy conservation measures.
Existing energy simulation solutions fail to reduce this gap because of their
tricky implementation, leading to inaccurate output results.
THE SOLUTION. Ecotropy changes the way engineers use simulation
to forecast future energy gains. Rather than using a manual collection
of incomplete data, the numerical model is generated based on
measurements from sensors. This measured data automatically constructs
the numerical model, which has then much better prediction capabilities.
Value proposition. The company offers a complete service in
order to provide an easy-to-use and accurate tool for the design of energy
conservation measures. The service includes the installation of a wireless
sensors network, 3D geometry modelling, and access to the unique
simulation software that analyses energy performance. Software is provided
with user-friendly interfaces, both to help the building owner plan his
investments and to help the engineer design efficient energy conservation
EP Tender · France
On‑demand range
extending service
for electric vehicles,
using mobile energy
modules attached
occasionally to the EV
e-Street · Belgium
22 rue Gustave Eiffel
78300 Poissy
[email protected]
Frank Daems
KU Leuven, Electronics and telecom engineer
Held leadership positions in innovation,
product marketing and business
development in consumer electronics,
banking, healthcare and telematics. Frank
owns more than 15 patents.
Philip van Houtte
MSc Computer Sciences, KULeuven
Managed the turn-around of his company
MagicView from digital television into
telematics and mobility, yet applying the
same architectural principles and business
models as found in digital TV.
e-Street develops, deploys and operates the new urban
charging infrastructure and its related services.
Th e n e e d. We enable you to charge your electric vehicle at home or on
an urban shopping street at only 16% of the actual estimated cost.
THE SO LUTI O N. We provide a very simple charging infrastructure
using internet-coupled plugs and a related energy management system for
delivering energy, accompanied by a unique transaction and service system.
Valu e pro positio n. e-Street’s charging infrastructure is a completly
new concept that is very cost-effective to use. We combine it with a unique
energy management system and a new transaction and service technology
specially developed for “seamless” mobility services.
Jean-Baptiste Segard
THE SOLUTION. With the occasional rental of an energy module (a
Tender), the owner of an EV gets access to the same range as a classic
combustion engine yet at a low marginal cost (pay per use). The Tenders will
be available 24/7, every 50km, in the Tender’Lib network.
Graduated in 1984 from EPFL. Has been a senior
executive in asset management until 2012, when
he founded EP Tender.
Value proposition. Own an affordable EV, travel 98% of the time
fully electric, and benefit occasionally from the same range capacity as
classic combustion engine vehicles.
EP Tender is convenient to use: it attaches to the car in one go and offers
easy backing without knife jacking. See a demonstration on this video.
The model is pay per use, and the vehicle’s payload is not impacted by the
range extender.
Graduated in 2007 from ESIGELEC. Joined EP
Tender in 2013 to work on embedded systems
[email protected]
The Tenders will initially carry a combustion engine
generator, and later a fuel cell or a battery (if and when it
is light enough…).
We are launching a field test in 2016 with 50 vehicles and
5 rental points, supported by H2020 SME, ADEME/CGI,
ERDF and the City of Rouen. User acceptance is already
proving excellent among EV owners and prospective
customers. The field test will further evaluate user
demand, create strong dissemination momentum and
widen OEM support.
The need. Electric vehicles are unable to satisfy occasional peak range
requirements. This is proving a prominent limitation to user acceptance. The
marginal cost of an additional range is very high, whereas the frequency of
long distances is low. These dual constraints cannot be compromised!
Berkendreef 3A
3220 Holsbeek
T. +32 (0)484 46 45 50
Operating innovative
urban charging
infrastructure for
electric mobility and
related services
Fabrice Viot
Systems engineer
Yuqi Li, Hancheng Yang, Thais de Lima
Development engineers
Graduated from ESIGELEC and joined EP Tender in
2015 to help Fabrice and fully develop in house the
embedded software and user interfaces.
Evolo · Spain
Gradis · Poland
Electric assisted
tricycles and bikes,
and sustainable urban
mobility solutions
Providing services
of outdoor lighting
system design
and control
EVOLO was created as a result of more than four years of
R&D activity in four different specialised urban mobility
projects. Since its creation, EVOLO has consolidated
itself as a benchmark initiative in the sustainable urban
mobility area.
The need. Demand in the urban delivery industry is growing, yet it finds
no efficient or even effective responses. It consumes too much money, time
and fuel, and makes cities less habitable. Nowadays, oversized transport
solutions are used to solve urban mobility affairs.
THE SOLUTION. EVOLO solves urban logistical problems with sustainable
solutions, offering solutions both effective and efficient in terms of price, time
and energy consumption.
We propose new and cost-effective solutions based on business models
related to urban logistics:
• Freight transport
• Reverse logistics
Value proposition.
We can improve existing urban logistic business models by 25% - 40%,
enabling our customers to save on:
• Vehicle cost (acquisition, maintenance, insurance…)
• Fuel cost
• Availability (time ranges and accessibility)
The technology used by EVOLO is a combination of sustainable alternatives
and its management, especially the use and operation of cargo trikes and
Calle Paduleta, 18
Pol. Industrial JUNDIZ
01015 Vitoria-Gasteiz
84 Czerwone Maki Street
30-392 Krakow
T. +48 605 290 313
[email protected]
[email protected]
Leszek Kotulski
Chair of the Department of Applied Computer Science at AGH University of Science
and Technology. He ran a 150-employee
company specialised in the development
of information management systems for
the largest Polish commercial banks.
Aitzol Fernandez
General Manager. Industrial Engineer
Promoter of EVOLO and other business initiatives.
Extensive experience in product engineering and
business management. He is in charge of leading
the internationalisation project.
Iban Lizarralde
Expert in logistics and distribution.
Promoter of EVOLO
PhD in Industrial Engineering. Extensive
experience in management and coordination
of work teams in R&D projects, mainly in French
companies such as AIRBUS. He is in charge of
managing and coordinating the technical work
Aritz Azkarraga
Product Development and Production Manager
Industrial Engineer and MBA. EVOLO promoter.
Extensive experience in process engineering. As
head of industrialisation and production, Aritz
is responsible for ensuring the quality of the
production processes, organising production
logistics, integrating new developments in
products, and testing, monitoring and validating
the manufacturing processes in order to produce
the best product possible.
Artur Basiura
Operations manager
Program Manager with experience in
Business Development. He cooperated with
companies such as Asseco, Orange, T-Mobile.
Adam Sędziwy
Assistant professor at the AGH University
of Science and Technology. Author
and co-author of works on multiagent systems, design and control of
smart lighting systems, and smart grid
applications. He has cooperated in
international projects (smart lighting
systems, smart grids) with local
municipalities and companies, such as
General Electric, Meralco, EANDIS, Tauron.
Igor Wojnicki
Author and co-author of papers on
artificial intelligence, especially intelligent
control, street lighting and smart grids.
Currently cooperating with companies
such as General Electric or Meralco,
regarding research and consulting.
Gradis has developed a complete solution for outdoor
lighting system optimisation and control, called PhoCa.
Using this platform we are able to provide an energy cost
reduction of more than 20 per cent. The exact reduction
factor depends on a set of parameters and environmental
factors. The system can also focus on the dynamic aspect
of the infrastructure and provides a set of profiles, which
can be dynamically applied to improve performance.
The need. The world market for smart-lighting systems has been
growing rapidly – 18-20% annual growth rate is expected until 2020.
Operators (e.g. administrations, cities) need to create optimal and costeffective solutions for new and existing installations. Solutions need to be
created for more dynamic control, to decrease maintenance cost and to
obtain a better ROI of investment.
THE SOLUTION. The primary field of service is design and optimisation,
using multiple factors such as lamp type, lamp location, installation
parameters, maintenance costs, etc. to provide an optimal design variant.
Clients can choose their criteria and get the best option as a result. They
can use the platform for creating new installations or to optimise existing
ones. PhoCa uses statistical models to provide the best design variant. The
platform can be used for creating dynamic scenarios to control the entire
Value proposition. Gradis can provide cost-effective design, which
allows for low energy costs. Typical projects implemented for commercial
partners provide 10-40% of cost reductions compared to existing installations.
The potential of dynamic control guarantees further improvement.
Sebastian Ernst
He has been involved in numerous
international research projects on AI planning, distributed processing and lighting
system design and control. He worked as
an advisor for MARR (Malopolska Regional
Development Agency) and EuroCentrum
(a company focused on energy-efficient
technologies and buildings).
Ibertherm · Spain
iBuildGreen · The Netherlands
Machinery for industrial
cooling, climate and
heating using natural
gas as a primary energy
Online platform to
configure and calculate
the energy saving
options of residential
Ibertherm designs and produces efficient machinery
for industrial air conditioning, heating, hot water and
refrigeration using Natural Gas as a primary energy. All
our equipment allows for heat recovery from our natural
gas engines to produce heating and hot water at 65 ºC,
while also producing the other industrial processes.
Ibertherm equipment reduces the final economic cost
and also reduces the harmful environmental emissions of
our clients.
Th e n e e d. Ibertherm reduces the amount of energy (such as electricity
or natural gas) that many companies need to produce industrial air
conditioning, heating, hot water and refrigeration. Ibertherm also reduces
the final economic cost that arises from such production.
THE SO LUTI O N. We unite and produce air conditioning, heating, hot
water and refrigeration in one technology, using cheaper energy such natural
gas as a primary energy and always getting heat recovery from our engines to
produce heating and hot water at 65 ºC while also producing other processes.
Valu e pro positio n. Compared to our main competitors we are
more efficient, producing savings on the economic cost on production of
air conditioning, heating, hot water and refrigeration and also producing
savings on the economic cost on electric power term. Our products are tailor
fitted and adjusted to our customers and always use heat recovery from our
engines; that means savings on the demand on primary energy and reducing
the CO2 and SO2 emissions.
Can Peric, 17
00000-Sentmenat. Barcelona
T. 931 436 584
[email protected]
Energy Business Park (building H02)
Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR Arnhem
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0)26 352 30 00
[email protected]
Marc Cañellas
Interested in the implementation
and application of technological and
ecological issues. Specialist in the
industrial sector, with over 8 years spent
researching and implementing energy
efficiency systems to reduce costs and
Jau Puig
Operations Manager
Interested in the energy problems of today’s
society. Architect with over 10 years experience
in the field of energy efficiency in buildings and
cities. Product design. Green building experience
and LEED certifications.
Gregori González
Specialist on the heating/cooling commercial,
residential and industrial sector with over 30 years
of experience dedicated to energy facilities and
Jan van den Brink
Founder and CEO
M.Sc. Architecture and City planning Delft
University 1979. Experienced entrepreneur
with own architectural office since 1985.
iBuildGreen offers a simple consumer interface for
technical construction solutions, finishing and energy
saving options. Its virtual 3D simulation calculates both
cost and energy consumption. Whether it is to plan future
buildings or to make changes to existing structures,
developers and social housing associations can offer their
clients the user-friendly iBuildGreen software to mix and
match different options until they reach the ultimate
combination of taste, budget and energy efficiency.
Th e n e e d. There is a disassociated decision making process between
constructors, owners and residents, when designing and constructing
the more energy efficient buildings of the future. Yet the energy effect
calculation is a complicated exercise of cost versus efficiency, resulting in
non-optimal or postponed agreements regarding energy saving.
THE SO LUTI O N. By using the iBuildGreen 3D simulation, owners and
residents can not only visualise the building they want to construct or
improve, but also calculate the cost and efficiency of each energy saving
option. They can play around until they have drawn the most sustainable
building, to their liking and within their budget.
Valu e pro positio n. iBuildGreen integrates all the actors involved in
the construction of an energy efficient building thanks to the core benefits of
its simulation solution:
• Predictable: calculation of the energy saving efficiency
of a residential building
• Sustainable: calculation of environmental impact
• Univocal interpretation: real-time 3D/4D preview of the building
• Versatile: the possibility to play with different options
• Customised: create the optimal combination of taste,
cost and sustainability
• Replicable: export a tailor-made offer and production specification.
Ionseed · Portugal
IsGreen · Portugal
IOT network for
distributed energy
management and
IsGreen develops
and sells intelligent
technology to save
energy and reduce the
carbon foot print in
Ionseed is a high performance Internet Of Things (IOT)
infrastructure for distributed energy management and
storage enabling disruptive new concepts that will
dominate the energy market in the next decade, such
as Reactive Energy Management, Distributed Energy
Storage and Virtual Power Plants.
Rua Luis Braille, 19 4D
2410-371, Leiria
[email protected]
[email protected]
The need. Renewable energy production is characterized by a variable
power output, with energy being produced at times when the end-user may
not need it. This out-of-phase demand and supply behavior poses control
problems and stress on energy grids and generates a lot of inefficiencies.
THE SOLUTION. With IONSEED energy providers decide when, where,
how much and what energy type is used by the consumer. This is done by
defining energy management rules targeting energy storage devices in a IOT
platform that communicates with proprietary hardware embedded in several
consumer products.
Value proposition. Enable service and energy providers to reduce
costs and increase revenues, develop new products and add more
value to clients. Manufacturers transform a traditional passive device
(ex. hot water vessel) into a cutting-edge reactive appliance that is able
to interact with different players in the value chain. End-users benefit
through more information, better maintenance services and a reduction
of their energy bill.
Carlos Rosario
Co-founder and Executive director
Joao Pinto
Mechanical Engineer. Created successful
enterprises in health and R&D. Has also worked
in renown companies in the thermal and
aerodynamics fields.
Pedro Pinto
Computer Engineer and technology visionary.
Worked in renown multi-national companies in
the IT and telecommunications sector.
• Degree in Electrical Engineer.
• Post-degree in Management.
• ITC developer and Software analyst.
• CMO and CEO.
• Entrepreneur and Business Consultant.
• International experience, Brazil, USA,
France, Spain, Japan
Jaime Sotto-Mayor
Co-founder and Executive director
• Degree in Geophysics
• Master in Energy Economics MBA
• University researcher and field geophysicist.
• Economics Faculty and Environmental
• Third sector manager.
Hugo Silva
System engineer
Paulo Fernandes
System engineer
Sandra Mateus
Accounting and finance director
Marisa Gonçalves
Marketing assistant
IsGreen light is a combined ‘easy to install and easy
to use solution’ to reduce lighting bills in industrial or
commercial buildings, in underground parking lots,
hospitals, hotels and other facilities.
IsGreen light continuously monitors and analyses the
usability of the space under control to provide the right
amount of light where and when needed: never too
bright, never too dark.
IsGreen sells its technology through geographic partners.
It implements pilots and try & buy solutions and also
trains customers and partners.
The need. Lighting in buildings is projected to fit a conceptual generic
usage. As reality always differs from concept, the end result is an inefficient
and expensive lighting system. This issue is compounded with out-of-date
lighting systems in most existing buildings.
Overall, lighting is responsible for 50% of buildings’ electricity bill.
THE SOLUTION. IsGreen light is wireless and can be easily installed close
to lamps or luminaires. To provide the right amount of light each controller has
its own set of rules and analyses, in real time, thanks to a proprietary algorithm
data from its sensors, light, movement, temperature, people present, and
other factors.
Value proposition. Easy to install and easy to use. With any type of
lamp savings in the lighting bill start at 20% and grows to 70% in few days.
IsGreen light is completely autonomous and automatic, guarantees comfort, sends
real time data and generates reports on savings, benchmarks and additional datamining to CFO, CTO and others. Rules can be adapted to changes in space usage
with a smart phone. All the technology can easily reused. The platform can be
adapted to new sources of light.
Lowte · Sweden
M-tronics · Poland
Energy Active window
(BIPVT) and ground
energy storage for
PLUS energy building
Effective management
and use of energy
produced by
photovoltaic panels and
stored in batteries
LOWTE is developing, manufacturing (niche market),
marketing and licensing building envelope components
called DS-BIPVT (Double Slot – Building Integrated PV
Thermal) and a new type of borehole heat exchanger.
The DS-BIPVT can be implemented in different parts of
the building envelope (windows, roof). The DS-BIPVT
is implemented as prefabricated elements but might
be erected in situ too when it comes to the roof. The
product is of interest anywhere in the world in which
there is a need for heating and cooling, or just cooling.
The need. At present, the building needs to be energy efficient and offer a
comfortable indoor climate despite large windows. BIPV (Building Integrating
PV) also requires ventilation to keep temperatures from getting too high.
THE SOLUTION. LOWTE solves these problems with BIPVT (Building
Integrated PV, that is Thermal cold) and a new generation borehole heat
exchanger. The BIPVT solution can also be connected to district heating and
heat, and thus offers energy efficient indoor comfort regardless of the energy
Value proposition. Typically windows are passive components that
cause high-energy consumption and bad indoor comfort both in summer
and winter.
LOWTE solves this problem with an energy active window that acts as a heat
radiator during winter and a cooling panel during summer. The energy (lowExergy Energy) that is used can be harnessed from different (renewable)
energy sources that are very cheap. The cost is, in most cases, offset by the
replacement of alternative technology that also has substantial running
costs. Pay off time is between 0-3 years, depending on which alternative
technology it replaces.
LOWTE’s slogan is: Save Exergy rather than Energy.
Tilskogsvägen 15
193 40 Sigtuna
Katowicka 39/112
45-061 Opole
T. +31 6 52 034 390
[email protected]
[email protected]
Peter Platell
Tekn Lic, CEO has 30 years experience in
energy industry, R&D and marketing and 15
years experience in marketing new disruptive
Ove Platell
Technical Advisory
Senior Technical Advisory, formerly worked as a
rocket scientist in the US, the project leader for
SAAB’s steam engine project in the 1970s, and the
inventor of LOWTE technology.
Mateusz Machnik
General Director
23 years old, founder of M-tronics (in 2011)
and co-founder of Outsoldering.eu (in 2014);
mechatronics technician. Economics student at
the School of Banking in Wroclaw.
Natalia Kryczka
Executive Assistant
22 years old, student of management at the
School of Banking in Wroclaw - with specialisation
in psychology and communication in business.
She is responsible for business affairs and
customer service. In the current phase of the
project she also deals with the development of
user interface and simplifying the system to make
it more customer friendly.
M-tronics has developed controllers and software for
the effective management and use of energy produced
by photovoltaic panels and stored in batteries to power
electrical devices. The innovative product is designed
to have three main applications that are powered only
by renewable energy sources: lighting, active signs and
communications solutions.
The need. The system developed by M-tronics fills the gap in the market
where customers are looking to supply low-power devices efficiently using
photovoltaic cells.
THE SOLUTION. The controller is a device that is connected to the
photovoltaic cells, batteries and energy receiver. Thanks to the integrated GSM
modem, the controller connects to an operating system called Xanron on the
server. Its main function is to transmit data on the amount of energy produced
and consumed, the battery voltage, and the temperature. Using this data and
weather forecasts, the operating system can manage energy as efficiently as
possible, in a way that also extends the lifespan of the batteries. The user can
use a web browser to view the current statistics, detect failures, change the
configuration of devices, and much more.
Value proposition. Key features of the M-tronics device, which
is adapted for use in outdoor conditions, include a user-friendly interface,
no need for regular maintenance checks, full remote control of the power
system, real-time monitoring, intelligent energy management based on
current parameters and weather forecast, extended high efficiency battery
lifetime, resistance to weather conditions, and a burglar alarm.
Octosis · The Netherlands
Smart Integrated
Building Infrastructure
& LED Lighting system
Octosis develops technology for the creation of smart
buildings, integrating infrastructural systems such as
power, telephone, data, illumination, …
The need. In order to reduce energy consumption and lower the
accompanying costs, owners of buildings need better information on the
management of their operational and infrastructural systems.
P&H Adviseurs · The Netherlands
Soerense Zand Noord 26
6961 RB Eerbeek
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Eugene Peeters
Provides advice and management for small and
large construction projects in industry, utilities,
residential and office construction.
Rine Dona
Octosis core team consists of 4
experienced professionals with
complementary knowledge and skills
related to entrepreneurship, marketing,
technology development, management
and finance.
René Prop
De Run 5404
5504 DE Veldhoven
The Netherlands
T. +31 6 21 82 68 67
THE SOLUTION. The Octosis systems use an innovative DC Power
over Ethernet (PoE) cabling system that combines both power & data
communication between various functionalities within an infrastructural
system. This can be applied to several techniques such as power, telephone,
data, illumination, all kinds of sensors (movement, light, temperature,
occupancy, CO2, fire…), heating, ventilation, air conditioning… The systems
will be made available in a basic, medium and premium solution.
Value proposition.
• At least 50% reduction in energy consumption and hence in CO2
• Reduced resource and installation costs
• Improved management tools
• Lower operational and maintenance costs
Of Dona+ Design and Engineering provides
advice on complex technological issues. He has
worked at Philips Research institute “ NatLab” for
over 30 years.
Active Switchable
P&H Adviseurs, together with Dona+, develops
switchable and intelligent insulation to cool and heat
buildings through a natural process. When a building
is too hot inside, and outside it is cold, the insulation
can be switched ‘off’ until the building has cooled
down to the wanted temperature. When the wishedfor temperature has been reached, the insulation can
be switched on again, keeping the most comfortable
temperature inside.
The need. Combined with internal heat sources such as people,
computers and other machinery, the ever thicker insulation in buildings
often gives cause to overheating. Usually this is combated by airconditioning, resulting in extra energy costs - even when the building is
perfectly insulated.
THE SOLUTION. P&H Adviseurs adds an ‘on’ and ‘off’ function to insulation.
A groove or channel structure is added to conventional hard insulation boards
and a forced ventilation switch is placed between both surfaces, allowing for
heat or cold to flow from outside to inside or vice versa. When an intelligent
control system with temperature sensors drives the switch, the insulation
becomes an active element of the building’s heating and cooling installation.
Value proposition.
• Use the natural temperature outside for heating and cooling of buildings
• Substantial energy savings, up to 30%
• Avoid artificial cooling & heating
• Completely closed loop, without external piping or air channels.
• Possibility to cool buildings during summer nights without opening
Plactherm Technology · Spain
RumBrum · Germany
Smart underfloor
heating system
Platform of customer
acquisition and
communication that
offers suitable car
Plactherm is a revolutionary smart underfloor heating
system, controllable remotely, highly efficient,
compatible with renewable energies, environment
friendly and, most importantly, able to generate
independent thermal zones. Each worker will be
able to enjoy his ideal comfort temperature, with
improved performance and savings of over 30% energy
consumption. The system can be controlled through the
cloud using an intuitive application.
The need. It has previously not been possible to create different comfort
areas in a room (different zones with different temperatures). Up to now, the
most common systems warm from top to bottom in contrary to the ideal
method of warming. There has been no usable data to improve customer use
and no form of controlling heating remotely.
THE SOLUTION. We have created a tile with a resistor element and
embedded sensors, an isolation layer and a structure with electronics, to
achieve the first heating system that can be controlled remotely. It is highly
efficient, compatible with renewable energies, has sensors and is able to
create thermal zones.
Value proposition. TWe are creating the most comfortable,
intelligent and efficient heating system. Our patented technology is
disruptive and will have a big impact on the market: heat + domotics +
software analysis for the highest efficiency and relevancy of information for
the user, as well as for other stakeholders - while also achieving savings.
Alameda 22, bajo
28014 Madrid
Rüppurer Straße 94
76137 Karlsruhe
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lluc Martí
Multifaceted engineer with 2 MsC (Project
management and Motorsport). Lluc created 2
previous start-up and COO in another. In the last 6
years has been involved in over 25 projects.
María Saleta Nistal
Hardware Engineer
Electronics engineer with MsC in automatisation
of industrial process, specialised in the
development of hardware/software for domotic
systems. Has worked for over 8 years with
domotics and inmotics.
Pol Zuriñach
Product & Materials Engineer
Product engineer specialised in materials,
CAD&CAE. Has previous experience creating a
start-up and is involved in another one.
Borja Torán
Informatics engineer
Informatics engineer, with more than 2 years
developing apps in IOS and developing software
in different companies. domotics and inmotics.
Miguel Santos
Electronics Engineer
Industrial engineer specialised in electronics, with
a “cum laude” and distinction grade in his degree.
Monica Castaño
CFO & Investor
Laia Martí
Administrator & Energy Efficiency
Sergey Biniaminov
Founder, Strategy
Dipl. rer. pol. Sergey Biniaminov has been
passionate about software solutions since he
was an entrepreneur studying at KIT. He has
several years experience in different projects
in understanding how software changes
economical and political structures and creates
new standards for people.
Peter Hertweck
Founder, CEO
Willi Opp
Founder, CEO
Arthur Opp
RumBrum develops mobile applications for the
marketing of communication and transportation
of people or articles. We connect people with their
interests, we also help them find each other, create
common-interest activities, plan tours or arrange the
transportation of objects.
The need. In general, people always focus on finding the cheapest options
for making a trip or for transporting their objects or articles. Besides that,
they want to get in touch with other people who share the same interests by
driving together to events. In addition, companies wish to offer their products
or services directly to target groups based on their interests. And saving the
environment is a fundamental consideration that interests everybody.
THE SOLUTION. RumBrum is based on a concept of categories and
thereby connects people according to their interests: this means they can
find each other and arrange common activities, and also plan tours or the
transport of objects, e.g. from companies to POS or vice versa. RumBrum is
additionally a tool to win over customers for several companies. And, it forms
a part of environmental economics: offering people the possibility to car share
saves energy and finally reduces CO2 emissions.
Value proposition. United in one app, RumBrum gives people
the possibility to specify their interests and needs in their profiles, so they
can find people with similar interests or they find common events based
on innovative recommender systems. They save money and help the
environment by creating a network of car sharing which uses a modern
method of matching algorithms and high-level usability in the app. Because
of the new way of integration in the sharing economy, RumBrum offers
companies the huge potential to win over new customers and therefore
increase their revenue. At the same time, they can reduce costs and optimise
their investments.
Felipe Velasco
Sales & Marketing Manager
Miriam de Castro
Sadako Technologies · Spain
Sit & Heat Sports · The Netherlands
Robotics and computer
vision for automatic
waste sorting
Energy efficient
outdoor heating
system integrated into
seating cushions
Sadako has developed Wall-B, a device that integrates
state-of the-art computer vision and robotics for
the automatic recognition and sorting of valuable
material in Waste Treatment Plants. Wall-B is intended
to compliment existing machinery and human labour
in order to enhance waste recovery rates, generating
economic, environmental and regulatory benefits in an
increasingly critical sector to society that has had few
recent technological inputs.
The need. Waste Treatment Plants are subject to the loss of huge
amounts of valuable material (2M € per plant/per year on average) because
current processes and technology are not able to recover them in a costefficient way. Waste streams and regulation are increasing.
THE SOLUTION. Wall-B is an automatic sorting system comprised of a robotic
arm with a suction cup and 2D and 3D cameras, all controlled by in-house
developed computer vision software. The system is able to recognise and pick
up any targeted material from an on-going waste stream.
Value proposition. Wall-B is a disruptive technology for waste
sorting processes. It allows Waste Treatment Plants to increase their waste
recovery rate, a critical metric in terms of economic results, environmental
impact and regulatory compliance.
Furthermore, Wall-B is marketed under a revenue sharing model, meaning
that no initial investment is required. In addition, Wall-B enables low
operating and maintenance costs.
Avinguda de Madrid, 63. Esc. B 1-5
08028 Barcelona
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sit & Heat Sports develops and markets electrically
heated seat cushions as well as fully integrated electrically
heated seats. Sit & Heat can deliver ready-made and
custom‑made cushions for private use, leisure, hotel or
catering industries, or sports stadiums.
The need. During a sports match, spectators may wish to enjoy live sport in a
stadium atmosphere, yet in a warm and comfortable way. Currently the seating
areas in stadiums are heated by extremely inefficient and costly gas heaters.
THE SOLUTION. Sit & Heat Sports offers seats that are 95% more energy
efficient and provide additional comfort when compared to the commonly
installed gas-powered radiation heaters. Sit & Heat Sports can deliver both fully
heated integrated stadium seating as well as electrical heaters to be added to
the already installed seats.
Eugenio Garnica
Industrial Engineer. Associate teacher of Project
Management in the Polytechnics University of
Catalonia. Professional experience in services to
the industrial nuclear sector having managed
projects with a total budget over 400 Million
euros in many different countries.
Belen Garnica
Finance & Business Development
Business Administration Degree and Master in
Finance by ESADE Business School. Professional
experience in financial consultancy especially for
SME and start-ups.
Javier de la Ossa
Investors Relationship Manager
Telecommunication Engineer and MBA by IESE
Business School. Experience in Venture Capital,
education and mentoring of entrepreneurs.
Bijsterhuizen 3107
6604 LV, Wijchen
The Netherlands
T. +31 (0) 24 343 0415
Jorg Rijkschroef
Founder, Business/ Product Development
Education: BA, Bachelor Industrial
Product development – HAN (NL)
Kauffmann Global Entrepreneurship
Program – Kauffman Foundation (USA)
Entrepreneurship – HAN (NL).
Value proposition.
Compared to traditional heating systems with gas heaters:
• 95% more energy efficient
• More comfort
• Considerably lower operational costs
• Considerably lower CO2 emissions.
Paul Schurink
Technical Development, Project Management,
Financial Management
Experience: Bredenoord (1992-2013),
Service Engineer, Logistic, Rental and New
Business Manager. Skills: helicopter and
strategic view, creative, passionate and
Smartroof · Belgium
Stimergy · France
Solar roof tiles with
integrated photovoltaic
elements, better
known as Suntiles
Energy neutral
datacentres for
integration in
smart cities
Smartroof is a Belgian company that develops, produces
and installs solar roof tiles. Smartroof’s Suntiles have
an integrated photovoltaic element, to be used for
renovation and construction alike. Thanks to their low
weight the tiles are suitable for both existing and new
roof structures.
Wezestraat 8A
8850 Ardooie
[email protected]
La Côte du Crozet
38770 Monteynard
T. +33 (0)6 68 83 34 63
[email protected]
The need. A lot of people are interested in solar energy but aren’t fond of
the aesthetics of standard solar panels. Smartroof’s Suntiles offer an alternative.
THE SOLUTION. Smartroof’s Suntiles are completely integrated in the roof,
making the photovoltaic elements look very aesthetic and natural. They can
be combined with several sorts of ‘classic’ tiles (Neopan/Renopan, ceramic).
Integrated cooling channels result in an important increase of efficiency and
Value proposition.
• Aesthetic solar panel solution
• Easy to install, no special chassis needed
• Smooth integration with ‘classic’ (ceramic) roof tiles
• Partly made from recycled materials: cradle-to-cradle
• BIPV with internal cooling solution and heat recuperation
• Cost-effective: financial return in 10 years
• Easy to repair
• High efficiency: 125 Wp/m²; full energy coverage is possible
• Modular solution: electrical circuit formed by clicking all tiles together
Stimergy redefines the datacentre as a distributed collection
of computing units interconnected by optical networks.
Each unit, denominated a ‘digital furnace’, integrates several
high performance servers as its heat source.
Our data furnaces are deployed within the secured
technical rooms of buildings, where they deliver their
heat to hot water distribution pipes. Each 2 to 4kW
furnace can cover 60% of the hot water energy needs of a
residential building.
Th e n e e d. In Europe alone, in order to run digital services such as
social media, numerical simulation, web hosting and cloud applications,
datacentres consume as much energy as that of an entire country the size of
The Netherlands – and consumption is set to double by 2020.
Christophe Perron
President and founder
Sound experience in semiconductor
component energy management, IT
system administration and project
management, he has been working for 4
years in innovative start-up environment
interfacing its technical team.
THE SO LUTI O N. Stimergy recycles all the energy consumed by its
datacentres, making our digital world energy neutral.
Valu e pro positio n. We sell an energy-efficient solution that
provides the heat generated by our servers for free. Our customers benefit
from this free heat for hot water production all year long, which can
significantly decrease their energy bill. It represents a 60% saving on the first
energy consumption post of new residential buildings. We also guarantee
their return on investment.
Clement de Meersman
Lode Herreweghe
Michel Deneire
ThermoSmart · The Netherlands
upOwa · France
Good-looking, easy to
program and smart
online thermostat
Solar electricity services
for off-grid villages
ThermoSmart is a user-friendly and sleek smart Wi-Fi
thermostat. It is very easy to operate, both at home and
remote via smartphone, tablet or computer – anytime,
anywhere. The product is independent of energy
suppliers and boiler manufacturers. Privacy is highly
valued, there is no monthly fee and no subscription.
Of course, the consumption data are properly secured.
Westervoortsedijk 73
6827 AV Arnhem
The Netherlands
[email protected]
[email protected]
Energy Engineer (Grenoble INP ENSE3). 2.5 years at
CEA as a marketing engineer / business developer
based at the French Embassy in Washington DC.
Caroline Frontigny
The need. 75% of Dutch homeowners heat their home when they are
not at home. Simply, because they don’t understand their thermostat and
find it a hassle to program. Also, most thermostats have a bad interaction
design and are not good-looking.
Engineer from Supelec. 4 years at the World Bank
as an electricity access analyst. 2 years at the
French Embassy as a policy analyst.
Jean Pierre Viaut
THE SOLUTION. Thermosmart’s solution is an easy to program and
goodlooking thermostat. Since the programming is hassle-free, consumers can
save up to 20% on their heating costs. Since it also has the allure of a gadget,
people use it more often and with joy.
Value proposition.
• Intuitive and super easy with an Outlook/Google-style
drag and drop user interface
• Good-looking
• Helps to save up to 20% on heating costs
• Open innovation: public API, IFTTT channel
• Privacy guaranteed
• Compatible:
- All OpenTherm and on/off central heating boilers,
heating and district heating
- Can be operated from every computer, laptop or tablet,
iPhone, Android and Windows smartphones
- IFTTT, public API.
Kilien de Renty
Electronics engineer with 25+ years in energy
systems design
Hans Kouwenhoven
Co-Founder, CEO
Responsible for commerce, finance and project
David Durman
Co-Founder, CTO
Software and back-end
Elmar Jongerius
Co-Founder, CEO
Hard- and firmware
Kodjo Kouwenhoven
Co-Founder, CDO
(Interaction) design, service
upOwa provides solar electricity services to off-grid
villages in Africa in a new way that suits family and
business needs, and consumption habits. upOwa has
developed smart and robust solar systems that adapt to
local climates and require little maintenance. upOwa’s
business model allows families and businesses to access
electricity by paying for small amounts at a time, without
financial risks. upOwa also works with local municipalities
and organisations to build a sustainable activity that is
embedded in the local economy.
upOwa’s end goal is to bring affordable, sustainable and
clean electricity to everyone as an enabler for further
development opportunities. We want to power people
The need.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, many villages are not connected to the electrical grid.
Kerosene and candles are used for lighting and most activities stop at night.
People charge cell phones on a diesel generator that is often far away from
their place and costly to operate. These families and businesses are looking for
good quality and affordable electricity at their place.
upOwa sells usage of its smart solar home systems (solar panel + box
including LED lamps, phone chargers, cables and payment solutions) to
provide affordable electricity to off-grid villages in Africa.
Value proposition.
upOwa performs on-demand installations, user training and maintenance
with a pre-paid financing model that fits the clients’ means. Clients light up
their place and charge cellphones at home by paying to use the electricity
produced by upOwa systems for a fixed period of time (one week, one
month etc.).
Vestaxx · Germany
Watch-E · The Netherlands
Heating system 4.0:
invisible, comfortable,
cost-efficient and
Creation of a web-based
application for energy
saving through a
system of awareness
and reward
Vestaxx offers with its vestaIR product series a 4.0 heating
system with impressive advantages:
• Reduction in investment costs of 85%
• Reduction in total costs according VDI 2067 of up to 50%
• High comfort level with perfect and healthy air quality
The core of the vestaxx heating system is an innovative
electrically heated smart window. Window installers that
are vestaxx customers will expand their businesses to
that of high-tech heating system suppliers.
Johann-Hittorf-Straße 8,
12489 Berlin
[email protected]
Westervoortsedijk 73
The Netherlands
T. +31 6 52 034 390
[email protected]
The need. Vestaxx satisfies two different market needs. Firstly,
homeowners will obtain a cost effective, comfortable and invisible heating
system, proving that a CO2-neutral home at reasonable costs is possible.
Secondly, energy suppliers will receive a consumer of their excess energy.
THE SOLUTION. The innovative vestaxx heating system is based on
nano-coated heated windows. These smart windows recoup boilers and
circulation completely. This means that homeowners save up to 85% of
investment costs and upgrade their homes to be CO2-neutral buildings.
Value proposition. Vestaxx combines an exceptional high tech
system solution with an innovative sales approach. vestaxx is the only supplier
of heating systems based on windows that completely recoup boilers and
circulation. vestaxx customers (windows producers) can use their standard
production processes. vestaxx sales include exclusive partnerships with the
leading window producers and energy suppliers.
Barbera van der Hoek
Co-Founder and CEO
Andreas Häger
Chief Sales Officer
Andreas Häger has over 20 years
experience in direct sales of building
products. He has held management
positions in sales and technical sales at
leading companies such as Schüco and
Dr. Bradley Tinkham
Chief Technology Officer, Chief Operation Officer
Dr. Bradley Tinkham has over 10 years
experience in manufacturing and applied
research in the fabrication of metallic
oxide layers and devices on large areas of
glass and semiconductor substrates.
Extensive experience in several
assignments on strategy, sustainability
and energy projects within BClimate.
WWF, NUON , Greenpeace, BECO
Milieuadvies (E&Y)
Watch-E is a web-based application where municipalities,
housing corporations, building companies and energy
providers can form a cohesive community with their
end-users – with energy saving as the common goal. Endusers can set energy saving targets, compare themselves
with other consumer groups, monitor a household’s gas
and electricity consumption (and solar yield), and find
customised saving advice. Through a loyalty programme,
end-users can also earn ‘Energy Coins’ to use for personal
or shared goals.
The need. Most people and organisations only become aware of energy
consumption through their invoice. Due to such belated and limited
information, a significant amount of energy and money is unintentionally
wasted, and no action is taken to save energy.
THE SOLUTION. Watch-E’s MyEnergybundle provides end-users with
an overview of their personal energy consumption and compares it with
the benchmarks of other consumer groups. End-users can then set targets
and earn credits for achieving them. By following the clear online advice
provided, users can save up to 10% on their energy bill.
Value proposition.
• One of a kind initiative for energy saving
• Insight in personal energy use via personal energy bundles
• Saving through awareness
• Extra encouragement by setting targets and receiving rewards
• An element of competition through comparisons with similar users
• Monitoring and displaying electricity & gas consumption (and solar power)
• User friendly application
Wiebke Kropp-Büttner
Chief Finance Officer; Chief Marketing Officer
Wiebke Kropp-Büttner holds a degree in
Business and Engineering, she has over 5
years experience working in the field of
strategic business development.
EStore · Benelux
Electrical Energy Storage
Device for Cold Stores
The EStore project is developing a controller for
refrigeration systems that will add flexibility to the grid. It
will do so in the form of an optimum reaction to electricity
market pricing or in that of a fast demand response.
The product (hardware with embedded software) provided by EStore
controls the electrical energy demand of a refrigeration system based on
electricity market inputs, while respecting the temperature limits required
by the refrigerated products. In this way, the surplus of renewable electricity
can be used to lower the temperature of the warehouse thus leading to
lower energy costs for the warehouse owner and the useful exploitation of
excess electricity.
Storage · Benelux
Project Coordination and
Aart de Geus
[email protected]
Project Coordination and
Aart de Geus
Project Consortium
• Cofely Refrigeration
• Saint Trofee
• EnergyVille (VITO + KU Leuven)
• Eandis
Project Consortium
• EnergyVille (VITO + KU Leuven)
• Eandis
• TerraEnergy
• TU/e
• De Beijer Engineering
• Fixsus
• Termofluids
• Technalia
• Technical University Catalonia
• Van Looij groep
[email protected]
Energy storage as an
essential part of energy
balanced buildings and
Excess energy is produced at times of low demand and
low generation cost, as well as from intermittent energy
sources such as solar and wind power. In a functional
world, it would be stored for release at times of high
demand and high generation cost, or when there is no
more generation capacity available. As energy storage
technologies do not presently have the required
functionality at the required cost level, the Storage
innovation project channels what knowledge is available
on thermal energy storage into the market through new
products and services.
These include:
• a control device for electrical heat pumps, enabling a wide
• hard- and software for optimal and effective use of long-term geothermal
storage systems, coupled with heat pumps for the non-residential market.
• compact short-term thermal energy storage systems for the cooling of
dwellings, based on the absorption principle, for effective use of excess
heat from district heating or from excess solar energy.
Based on this research, SolabCool opened its first factory in September 2013.
• A control algorithm for controlling heat pumps.
• Solabchiller: a thermochemical heat pump running on heat from district
heating or waste heat.
• An intelligent controller for borehole thermal energy storage.
• A control algorithm for controlling heat pumps.
Clean Coal
and Gas
122 BonEffice
123 InTherSoft
124 BioEcoMatic
BonEffice · Poland
InTherSoft · Poland
Real time
recommendations to
optimise efficiency
in coal-powered
power plants
Low delay temperature
measurement system
for high frequency
The BonEffice system combines a performance and
decisions-support software with engineering and
economic analyses. This is provided as a continuous
efficiency improvement plan as well as by permanent
help desk support. Unlike existing market systems,
typically advertised as advisory systems, BonEffice
provides real time data on how much fuel can be saved
by measuring how close the process parameters are to
optimal in a given power plan unit. BonEffice model works
even if the data is incomplete and relatively low quality.
The need. The basic need of energy producers is to improve efficiency in order to
reduce costs and meet environmental protection requirements, including meeting
the standards of NOx, CO2, SO2 emissions. Cost efficiency and environmental
protection are crucial factors for power plants to remain competitive.
THE SOLUTION. BonEffice system is an operation decisions support
system applied to power plants that provides real time recommendations to
optimise efficiency, leading to significant operational and fuel cost reduction
and environmental benefits (by reducing CO2, NOx, SO2, HG emissions).
Value proposition. Due to system implementation, consumption
of fuel at a power plant may decrease by 1 - 2%, while the production of
electricity/heat will remain unchanged. The reduction of fossil fuels will
additionally reduce costs incurred for coal and carbon allowance.
Our solution will:
• Define the real time actions necessary to improve the efficiency
of power generation.
• Indicate actions to improve operating practices.
• Verify in real time data the quality of automation and control systems.
• Calculate heat rate deviation in real time.
ul. Koncertowa 3/11
02-787 Warsaw
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jan Taler
Professor of Mechanical at Cracow University of
Author over 300 papers and 3 books in
heat transfer. Research area: heat transfer,
inverse heat transfer problems, dynamics
of large steam boilers and thermal
Jarosław Roszkowski
Managerial experience especially in the
scope of start-up investments. He has
introduced to the market more than a
dozen new undertakings, particularly in
industrial services and IT sectors.
Dr. Lechosław Gładek
For 20 years he has been effectively
engaged in commercial projects of new
technologies, both conceptually and
executively. During his professional work,
he has published several dozen works and
obtained a few patents.
Adam Sury
An expert in dedicated computer
information systems, expert systems and
production control systems, co-author
of numerous research project and
Marek Wojtas
Vice CEO
Karol Urbański
Automation Engineer
InTherSoft proposes a new measurement technique for industrial
plants. The system proposes a new method for determining the
transient temperature of flowing fluid. It improves significantly
on classical thermometers that indicate the temperature of
the medium with a large dynamic error. InTherSoft delivers a
product ideally suited for harsh environments, particularly for
measurements at high pressures and temperatures, and for high
temperature gases flowing at high and low pressures.
Th e n e e d. Many of the components of power plants (Boiler drums,
superheater headers, pipeline junctions, valve housings) are critical pressure
components. The life of the pressure components can be significantly
reduced if heating or cooling rates are too high. The control of these stresses
is not easy due to technical difficulties in the tensometer placement. To
calculate the stresses on critical pressure components, an accurate system
for fluid temperature measurement is indispensable.
THE SO LUTI O N. InTherSoft proposes a sensor adapted to the type of
flowing fluid. The temperature measurement is based on our own unique
method of online determining of the fluid temperature, on the basis of the
temperature measured at the centre of a cylindrical probe and the measured
fluid velocity. The dynamic temperature measurement error is significantly
reduced when compared to conventional thermometers used in the industry.
Valu e pro positio n
Proposed system for transient temperature monitoring with a low thermal inertia will
allow power, petroleum and chemical plant operators to solve the following problems:
• Elimination of metal overheating in boilers, pipelines, turbine components
and other pressure installations.
• Superheated steam temperature control will be significantly improved.
• Optimisation of the heating and cooling processes of the thick wall
pressure elements can be monitored. The optimum temperature changes
are determined from the condition, which states that the maximum and
the allowable stresses at the edge of the opening should be equal.
• Faster and safer start-ups, shut downs, and load changes of the power plant units.
• Lifetime extension of pressure elements in industrial installations.
BioEcoMatic · Poland
Fully automated
biomass-fuelled boilers
for whole bales of straw
Committed to find your
“launching customer”
We do not provide “fast money”, we provide “smart money”.
By financing only the services that contribute to open up a direct
line between you and your customer.
They are easy to operate, have low operating costs and
attain the strictest emissions standards required in the EU.
Project Coordination and
Janusz Cieślak
Bio-Eco-Matic boilers can be fitted to almost any waterbased heating system or can be built in to a building or
application from the very outset. To heat a house – or
cluster of houses – using a biomass boiler is commonplace.
We have the requisite knowledge and experience to assess
the potential of such proposals and can also design a
system to be most cost effective and efficient.
[email protected]
Commercialising partner
“We recently delivered our first turnkey solution, an 11OKW installation
producing renewable heat from agrowaste. KIC InnoEnergy’s contribution
was twofold: firstly, the essential business contacts we made at the
KIC InnoEnergy Business Booster in October 2013. Secondly, KIC InnoEnergy
financed the industrial design and the energetic engineering services we
required to customise our product for this particular client. Agroenergy’s
installation is now running, and will generate annual savings of 10 to 15%
for our client”.
Raphaele Leyendecker Agroenergy (France)
The nee d. The main market need is for cheap and green heating in rural
areas from locally available resources. Bio-Eco-Matic straw-fired boilers solve
this need.
TH E SO LUTI O N. The Bio-Eco-Matic boilers are the most adaptable on the
market as they allow customers to have cheap heating with low operation costs,
without sacrificing the convenience previously reserved for automatic coal and
pellet boilers.
Value proposition. The clear technological advantage of these
boilers produced by the MetalERG company is their modular design, which
allows customers to choose additional modules: an ultra-low emission
filtration system or a dedicated system for automatic loading of whole bales
of straw. What is also important is that the whole bales of straw do not need
shredding so the process of acquisition and preparation of fuel is really
Janusz Cieślak
Project Manager
CEO of MetalERG, one of the project
Energy from
Chemical Fuels
C-Green Technology
AViSpectro · Germany
C-Green Technology · Sweden
Enables coal power
plants to reduce
emissions and increase
ash value using online
Raman detectors
Sludge treatment
services for waste
treatment plants and
bio coal production
AViSpectro works in the energy sector to offer specialised
Raman spectrometers adapted for online usage in coal
power plants, either for continuous or for batch ash
analysis. Additionally, customers can order standardised
Raman measurements in AViSpectro labs as a means of
controlling burning material or ashes, for example. The
service also includes project studies on different burning
process parameters or burning material, in addition to
offering customer staff training.
The need. Coal power plant operations need to reduce operational costs
and also optimise on by-product sales. There are a number of kinds of coal
feedstock inputs, which makes it difficult to choose burning parameters.
Ash commercialisation is strongly dependent on the exclusion of potential
contaminants, such as heavy metal ions.
THE SOLUTION. Customised Raman microspectroscopy is used as a
non-evasive means of optical detection, to measure online production
parameters and to obtain specific information about current production
output. Potential failures or problems can be identified, and online detection
systems can be built to maintain and control target quality.
Value proposition. The method developed is a fast and nonevasive means to identify minute particles (down to 2 micrometres).
No sample presentation is necessary. No dangerous radiation is used
or produced during the measurement process. AViSpectro’s targeted
solutions offer an economical service to industrial customers requiring
high-end spectrometers with a few, yet essential capabilities. AViSpectro’s
customised spectrometers cost some 50% less than those of standard
high-end spectrometers.
Wobachstraße 83
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen
Teknikringen 38A
114 28 Stockholm
T. +49 7142 37 80 691
[email protected]
[email protected]
Erik Odén
CEO and co-founder
Dr. Peter Haug
CEO of AViSpectro UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
+25 years of experience in innovation,
market and business development. A
serial entrepreneur who has founded
more than 5 start-up companies. MSc ME
PhD in chemistry, business administration,
more than 10 years experience in the
chemical and pharmaceutical industry
and M&A. Founding Angel, setting up
technology spin-offs from research
Fredrik Öhman
+15 years of experience in R&D, process
development and implementation in pulp &
paper. MSc CE
C-Green enables wastewater treatment plants to
reduce their operating and capital cost, and to meet
the environmental target for sludge management.
C-Green is also a solid biofuel producer. Our process
service significantly improves sludge dewatering
properties enabling its use for various fuel applications,
for example. Our process further includes the separation
of phosphorous for use in fertilising applications, the
removal of harmful heavy metals and the minimisation of
pharmaceutical activity.
The need. The sewage waste produced in the wastewater plants in
cities all over the world leaves residue sludge that is difficult to dewater,
contains bacteria, pharmaceuticals, phosphorous, toxins and heavy metals.
Today, wastewater plants fail to reach environmental targets and they carry
significant costs for disposing of sludge.
THE SOLUTION. C-green has a compact, robust and efficient process
solution based on hydrothermal carbonisation that separates phosphorous
and heavy metals from sludge, degenerates toxins, deactivates
pharmaceuticals and transforms the remaining sludge into bio coal.
Value proposition.
1.A cost-effective sludge management service that enables the fulfilment
of environmental targets, has high uptime and reliability, and eliminates
the need for the investment that would be required with today’s
available technology.
2.A homogenous biofuel with a high energy density for power production
at CHP plants.
3.A potent fertiliser with a high phosphorus content.
Imecal · Spain
Tegeos · Poland
Sustainable biofuel
and bioenergy from
municipal solid waste
laboratory equipment
PERSEO Bioethanol® Technology has developed a
completely innovative urban solid waste valorisation
treatment that obtains two commercial high value
products for energy use: second generation bioethanol
for fuel vehicle uses, and a high calorific value solid
organic fuel capable of producing heat and electricity by
PERSEO Bioethanol® demonstration plant, located in
L’Alcúdia (Valencia, Spain), has a processing capacity in
wfermentation of up to 25 tons / day of organic fraction
of municipal solid waste.
The need. Biowaste treatment is a big issue in Europe where there is a
demand for a sustainable and competitive waste treatment process (Directive
2008/98/EC). The demand for sustainable biofuels is increasing (Directive
2009/28/EC). The demand for processes that reduce GHG emissions (flagship
initiative SET-Plan).
THE SOLUTION. PERSEO Bioethanol® has developed a biotechnological
process that applies in the field of MSW management and impacts directly the
production of biofuels, with a reduction of GHG.
The business model is based on the development of tailor made projects for
each client: from design to building up.
Value proposition. PERSEO Bioethanol® has developed a process
that is feasible, replicable and profitable:
• Development of a simple biotechnological process with good yields of
bioethanol conversion.
• Process proven at semi-industrial scale: optimisation and improvement to
obtain a feasible and profitable process.
• Biorefinery concept development.
• Solving sorting problems in order to guarantee a stable process.
• Better economical results than current WT technologies.
Avda. de Carlet, 74
46250 L’Alcúdia
Valencia – Spain
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
TEGEOS has created, as its first product, a Scanning
Thermoelectric Microprobe (STM) that is designed to
characterise the homogeneity of the thermoelectric
properties of semiconducting and metallic materials, the
resistance of electrical junctions and interconnectors, as
well as the analysis of the correlation between a material’s
microstructural properties and specific local electrical
properties. The equipment is for use for scientific research
in university laboratories, research and development in
industrial laboratories, and production processes (such as
the quality control of products).
The need. The market lacks specialised equipment for use by companies
that produce semiconductor materials for the energy industry.
Caterina Coll Lozano
Chief Operating Officer
Prof. Krzysztof Wojciechowski
Team Leader
Chemical engineer. Executive MBA at
the business and marketing school ESIC.
Master’s degree in environmental studies.
A stay at the “Institute of Technology
Sligo” in Sligo (Ireland) and on the Biomass
Unit at CIEMAT. Professional experience
of over 15 years in process engineering
and the environment, mainly developed
in CEAM (Centro de Estudios Ambientales
del Mediterraneo) as head of laboratory
and environmental projects, and in
IMECAL as innovation project manager.
She has coordinated and participated
in several projects at national and
international scale and performed
scientific and technical publications in
various journals, books and conference
Professor at AGH University of Science
and Technology. Member of a number of
Polish and international scientific societies
and the co-author of 122 publications and
2 patents.
Vicent Signes Núñez
R & D manager
Mechanical engineer. MBA at the INSEAD
Fontainebleau and different Master’s degrees
in business. He has 40 years experience in the
development and implementation of new
management systems and process control. His
professional career has been mainly developed
at Ford Motor Co., power train operations
and transmissions operations, Europe, with
management positions in process engineering
and plant engineering. Since 2003 he has
worked at IMECAL on the PERSEO project.
Jan Kaczmarczyk
THE SOLUTION. TEGEOS has developed a Scanning Rhermoelectric
Microprobe (STM) that will significantly improve the quality and accuracy of
measuring the thermoelectric properties of materials. The device can be used
for the advanced characterisation of materials used for the production of:
• Fuel cells (SOFC; MCFC; PEMFC, etc)
• Electromechanical bateries (Li-ion, NiH, etc)
• Photovoltaic cells
• Thermoelectric generators TEG
• Thermoelectric heat pumps
Value proposition. STM contains the following unique features
which make it competitive:
• Improved accuracy and resolution (both spatial and electrical).
• Analysis precision: Optical microscope that is equipped with a digital camera,
which enables the precise probe positioning and analysis of the correlation
between microstructural images and maps of thermoelectric parameters.
• Probe tips made of a special alloy of precious metals with heightened
hardness and very low Seebeck coefficiency.
• Precise, switched current source, generating a very wide range of DC and
AC currents.
• Multimodal: Two measurement modes (analysis of Seebeck coefficiency,
analysis of resistivity).
• Stability: High quality temperature control system that reduces noise and
increases the accuracy of analysis of local thermoelectric properties.
• Integrated solution: Advanced software for statistical analysis and the
production of measurement results.
Sunthetics · Sweden
Converting solar
energy, carbon
dioxide and water into
renewable fuel - the
eternal oil well
The Sunthetics solar driven CO2 to CHx system reconverts
CO2 to new hydrocarbons through a new novel cycle, (the
Larsson-Maston cycle), that indicates a very high cycle
efficiency and low investment costs. The project is initiated
by the global need for new petroleum products produced
by renewable energy and that of low cost feedstock in the
future. The new process cycle and its major components
are of new design and are covered by international patent
pending since 2014. The Sunthetics solar driven CO2 to CHx
system (with the Larsson-Maston cycle) can be erected in
desert areas to operate as ‘renewable oil wells’, generating
new energy sources for the petroleum industry that
converts CO2 and produces hydrocarbons at a cost below all
previously known documented cycles.
The need. Renewable fuel that is low cost and in constant supply is,
of course, important in saving the planet in a long term perspective. The
current car and fossil fuel industry does not need to be changed: it can use
the new renewable fuel with a low exchange cost.
THE SOLUTION. Sunthetics S2L technology is based on the use of solar
thermal and electric energy to produce liquid fuel. Carbon dioxide and
water is used as feedstock, and the only waste from the process is pure
water and oxygen.
DeBugger · Germany
[email protected]
Project Coordination and
Stefan Gustavsson
Part owner and Chairman
MBA, 15 years of CEO experience in the energy
sector, solar industry, project management in large
energy projects. CFO experience from ABB.
Stefan Larsson-Mastonstråle
Part owner and board member
An electrical and mechanical engineer, Stefan has
developed his professional career in the energy
sector for 25 years working in different positions in
research, development and product design as CEO
and chairman. Research experience from Dalarna
University and Vattenfall R&D.
Ludwig Hermann
(project manager)
T. +49 6171 9693 – 379
[email protected]
Project Consortium
Outotec AB
Outotec GmbH
University of Stuttgart
Demonstration of
efficient Biomass Use
for Generation of Green
Energy and Recovery of
The need.
High humidity biomass waste flows, such as farmyard manure, digestion
residues and sewage sludge, are spread as fertilisers on cropland in the
vicinity of livestock farms where they are produced. The efficient and safe
exploitation of the nutrient and energy value of excrements is mainly
hampered by their high moisture content, usually exceeding 90%, and the
presence of pathogens and inorganic pollutants. The highly relevant energy
and nutrient potential of manure and digestion residues is currently only
recovered to a very limited extent because of the technological drawbacks.
With the technologies delivered by the DeBugger project, most such waste
materials could be used for energy generation and phosphate recovery,
adding potentially thousands of GWhs of energy from biomass to European
grids. In addition, excessive application of organic fertilisers in the vicinity of
livestock farms would stop and, as a consequence, eutrophication of inland
and coastal waters could be abated. The first innovative product is the
closed loop steam dryer for biomass slurries that may alone save up to 75%
of the average energy required to evaporate water from biomass slurries and
sludge. The second innovation is the Dual Circulating Fluidized Bed (DCFB)
Gasifier used for thermal gasification of the dry substrate.
Value Proposition.
Opening the gateway to an additional 1200 PJ of renewable energy from
waste biomass, which is currently beyond the scope of chemical fuels.
Contributing to solving the manure and digestion residue disposal problem
of large livestock farms and reducing run-off and eutrophication.
Opening up new opportunities for biomass gasification because of highly
efficient drying at a low cost.
Value proposition. The Sunthetics solar driven CO2 to CHx system
reconverts CO2 into new hydrocarbons through a new novel cycle, (the
Larsson-Maston cycle), that indicates a very high cycle efficiency and low
investment costs. There is no need to purchase energy, all the energy
required is produced by the system itself.
1000 W solar energy will be converted to about 300 W methanol, that is,
30 % solar to fuel efficiency. That can be compared to the, at best, 1-5 %
mentioned for artificial photosynthesis of fuel production.
DemoSNG · Germany
of concepts for
SNG‑Synthesis to
store volatile electric
energy produced by
renewable resources
The need.
The increasing emergence of volatile electric energy caused by renewable
sources, is leading to an increasing demand for future energy storage.
• The energy storage capacity of the natural gas infrastructure is higher
than 100 TWh
• Power-to-Gas is one possibility of long term energy storage
• Possible business models:
- supply and regulation of energy
- production of chemical fuels
Project Coordinaton and
An integrated/holistic
approach: A one-stop shop
tailored to your needs
The Highway® process works on four factors simultaneously,
all of which are key to a successful venture: Market, Technology,
People, and Funds / Finance.
Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Bajohr
(project manager)
T. +49 721 608 – 48928
[email protected]
Project Consortium
Cortus Energy
Deutscher Verein des Gas- und
Wasserfaches e.V. (DVGW)
gasNatural fenosa
KTH – Royal Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
“KIC InnoEnergy has helped us better understand market needs: our product,
an outdoor lighting system optimisation and control solution, has evolved
as a result of first contacts with customers, and comparing our vision to real
market needs. We are still working with our customers on challenging the
limits. We are adding new features and integrating the design process with
dynamic, smart control to obtain even better results. Working together with
the client has really allowed us to enhance the technology.”
Leszek Kotulski Gradis (Poland)
Value Proposition.
• New Methanation Process
• New Power-to-Gas Concept
• New Hot Gas Cleaning Process
Storable Fuels
Sustainable Nuclear
and Renewable
138 Adcub
139 Powcell
Adcub · France
Advanced combustion
unit for biomass
The need.
Bioenergy will be playing a key role in renewable heat and power production,
contributing up to 14 % of the European energy mix in 2020. More than 4000
MWe are planned to be installed in Europe between 2010 and 2015.
However nowadays, from an economic perspective, most biomass
technologies have difficulties to compete with fossil fuels for a number of
reasons, mainly related to the level of maturity of some technologies and the
cost of biomass feedstock.
In the “small scale” range of power 2.5 to 6 MWe, the main technical challenge
is to have an efficient solution addressing biomass fuel specificities and
remaining Capital Expenditures competitive to capture the potential market.
The AdCUB project aims at developing an advanced combustion unit for small
scale (2.5-6 MWe) bioenergy power plant in order to:
• lower delivery time
• reduce Capital Expenditures
• increase autonomy and operability of the energy system by developing
an efficient solution using local resources (local feedstock and local
• ensure reduction of greenhouse gases emissions by using renewable fuels
available in biomass
This innovative power plant using combustion unit will be based on an
innovative design featuring a multipurpose modular core in order to:
• adapt to diverse biomass feedstock
• target the worldwide market within 2-3 years
Powcell · France
Project Coordination and
Florian Castagno (project manager)
Tel.: +33(0)4 42 37 22 10
[email protected]
Project Coordination and
Alain Straboni (Project manager)
Project Consortium
• Areva
• Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Project Consortium
• S’tile
• Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
• INSA Lyon
• SiLiMixt
T. +33 (0)5 79 79 60 14
[email protected]
Powder substrate
based photovoltaic
The need. Production costs of PV cells still need to decrease to allow
massive deployment of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity. In PV industry, high
costs are due to the high capital expenditure of the manufacturing steps:
the production of pure silicon, and the cutting of ingot into wafers. Wafering
costs represent around half of the cost of a photovoltaic module.
Furthermore these two processes are energyconsuming, and have a high
environmental impact:
• high consumption of chloride acid and solvent
• 60% of silicon material spoiled during the process
Innovative technologies for PV cell manufacturing are expected to decrease
the price of photovoltaic electricity in € per Watt.
European PV manufacturers also need to recover competitiveness through
innovative, low-cost production techniques.
THE SOLUTION. The POWCELL project focuses on the low cost
production of the Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film solar cell and will develop a
new pilot line of 15 MW. This innovative technology, relying on die-pressed
and sintered wafers from metallic grade powders, combines both the
strengths of wafer and thin-film technologies.
The aim is to reach:
• energy conversion efficiencies beyond 16%
• wafer cost under 0.2 c€/W
• cost of watt-peak: 0.5 €/Wp
This project also allows:
• to decrease the energy consumption of PV cell fabrication by a factor 2
• to mitigate the environmental impact and to reduce the chemical
consumption to a minimum.
Value proposition.
Verdant Chemical Technologies helps increase yields and reduce running
costs for gasification plants by providing the industry with rapid and robust
information about its gasification and combustion processes. Information,
such as tar content and the levels of alkali and other components in the
gas flow is of great value in achieving better production control, optimising
maintenance and handling complex feedstocks. Further end-users can also
be found in the energy sector and oil industry.
About KIC InnoEnergy
Innovation Projects
The challenge is big, but our goal is simple: to achieve a sustainable energy future
for Europe. Innovation is the solution. New ideas and new technologies that make a
real difference, new businesses and new people to deliver them to market.
At KIC InnoEnergy we support and invest in innovation at every stage of the journey
– from classroom to customers. With our network of partners we build connections
across Europe, bringing together inventors and industry, entrepreneurs and markets,
graduates and employers, researchers and businesses.
We work in three essential areas
of the innovation mix
To bring together ideas, inventors and industry to create
commercially viable technologies that deliver real results.
Our Innovation Projects service helps simplify and shorten the
journey from lab to launch. We focus on developing and investing in
innovative and commercially viable technologies or services, and we
finance multi-skilled partnerships that significantly reduce the risks
of product development.
We provide researchers and inventors with access to a deep pool of
complementary skills and resources, and connect them to markets
and commercial opportunities across Europe.
Our collaborative model encourages businesses of all sizes to
participate in innovative partnerships, consider new ideas and
support new research from across Europe.
Solutions used by industry
facilities constructed
Patents filed
Project partners across Europe
Graduates from the
KIC InnoEnergy Master’s School
Applicants to KIC InnoEnergy
Master’s School
Graduates who find a job within
six months of graduating
Average annual salary earnings
over graduates of similar
Early start-ups supported
To help create an informed and ambitious workforce that
understands what sustainability demands and industry needs.
Through our Education service, we connect Europe’s best universities
with its best students, the top business schools and first-class employers.
Together they help us create an education programme that delivers what
the industry and the people working in it need.
Our programmes enable pan-European collaborations and partnerships,
and enhance opportunities for employment and recruitment. We offer
post-graduate education programmes at Master’s and PhD level, as well
as executive programmes and online courses to encourage innovation
and entrepreneurship at every stage of your career.
New companies created
More than
Million: amount in euros of
external investment raised
Business creation
To support entrepreneurs and start-ups who are building
sustainable businesses that expand and enhance Europe’s
energy ecosystem.
Our Business Creation service helps new start-ups and entrepreneurs
create successful, sustainable businesses that bring valuable solutions
to the market.
We assess business ideas, provide tailored business services to
owners and entrepreneurs, connect start-ups to capital and
seed‑funding, and expertise in return for a financial stake.
We provide start-ups across Europe with access to a proven business
development model.
The result is viable technologies, sustainable businesses and
an entrepreneurial spirit that encourages new ways of thinking
throughout Europe’s energy industry.
Cumulated numbers for Business Creation since we started operations mid 2011 until September 30th, 2015
The power of the network
Our strength comes from our Europewide network of partners. They are our
experts, our service providers, the early adopters of innovative solutions, and the
employers of our graduates. Twenty-seven of those partners are also shareholders of
KIC InnoEnergy.
Our community also includes more than 160 associate and project partners who
support our entrepreneurs and innovators with their experience and expertise.
In return, they gain unrivalled opportunities to invest in new ideas and create
commercial opportunities for new solutions.
Together our partners represent the best of Europe’s industry, research, and higher
education – and all are key players within the energy sector.
Brussels Karlsruhe
Stuttgart Kraków
Barcelona Grenoble Amsterdam
We have established co-location
centres across Europe
They encourage cooperation between industry, academia and research –
as well as innovators and entrepreneurs. Each centre provides a consistent
level of support in the areas of Innovation Projects, Business Creation
and Education. Together they offer a seamless series of services for every
stage of the innovation process.
EIT and Horizon 2020
The EIT strongly contributes to the
objectives set out in Horizon 2020,
the EU’s biggest ever research and
innovation programme. Horizon
2020 is a key pillar of the Innovation
Union, a Europe 2020 flagship
initiative aimed at enhancing
Europe’s global competitiveness.
KIC InnoEnergy was established in 2010 and is supported by the European The goal is to ensure Europe
Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
produces world-class science,
Like all Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) established by the removes barriers to innovation and
makes it easier for the public and
EIT, KIC InnoEnergy brings together the three elements of what we call
private sectors to work together in
the Knowledge Triangle – higher education, research and industry – to
delivering innovation.
tackle some of the biggest challenges facing Europe today.
KIC InnoEnergy and the EIT
Country index of exhibitors
83 Enervalis
97 e-Street
112 Smartroof
48 Turbulent
138 Adcub
23 Agronergy
24 Arol Energy
54 Atawey
27 Cysalys
68 DoM’Innov
28 Dracula Technologies
95 Ecotropy
70 Energiency
96 EP Tender
33 EPC Solaire
71 GulPlug
36 Helioslite
57 HySiLabs
60 NawaTechnologies
139 Powcell
46 Steadysun
113 Stimergy
115 upOwa
22 3Ssolar
80 AmbiBox
128 AVISpectro
66 Composite Dynamics
133 DeBugger
134 DemoSNG
31 EnOware
34 Equalite
58 Infinite Fuels
38 NTS-NanoTechnologySolar
72 Pamyra
40 Permavit
109 RumBrum
44 Solardynamik
116 Vestaxx
76 ZaaK Technologies
35 Gramma
124 BioEcoMatic
122 BonEffice
30 Enetech
99 Gradis
123 InTherSoft
51 KAStrion
59 MarCelLi
105 M-tronics
77 Ogarniamprad
131 Tegeos
49 VIS Energia
102 IonSeed
103 IsGreen
42 RVE.Sol
130 Imecal
92 AEInnova
81 Enerbyte
82 Enerlin
32 Eolos
98 Evolo
50 Fascom
100 Ibertherm
37 Leunamme Engineering
39 Nnergix
108 Plactherm Technology
110 Sadako Technologies
64 Cascade Drives
129 C-Green Technology
25 Clean Streams Energy
26 CorPower Ocean
84 Foreseeti
85 Forsnetics
86 Greenely
104 Lowte
89 Prointerface
87 SCiBreak
45 Solelia Greentech
73 Sol-Ionics
132 Sunthetics
The Netherlands
93 AERspire
65 Cereus Technology
94 Daylight Solutions
67 DoHauw
69 Eco-Dryer Systems
55 Ecovat
56 Elestor
118 EStore
101 ibuildGreen
106 Octosis
107 P&H Adviseurs
43 Sensus Energy
111 Sit & Heat Sports
119 Storage
88 Superstore
114 ThermoSmart
117 Watch-E
Alphabetical index of exhibitors
22 3Ssolar
138 Adcub
34 Equalite
118 EStore
42 RVE.Sol
110 Sadako Technologies
92 AEInnova
93 AERspire
23 Agronergy
80 AmbiBox
24 Arol Energy
54 Atawey
128 AVISpectro
124 BioEcoMatic
122 BonEffice
64 Cascade Drives
65 Cereus Technology
129 C-Green Technology
25 Clean Streams Energy
66 Composite Dynamics
26 CorPower Ocean
27 Cysalys
94 Daylight Solutions
133 DeBugger
29 Delphos
134 DemoSNG
67 DoHauw
68 DoM’Innov
28 Dracula Technologies
69 Eco-Dryer Systems
95 Ecotropy
55 Ecovat
56 Elestor
81 Enerbyte
70 Energiency
82 Enerlin
83 Enervalis
30 Enetech
31 EnOware
32 Eolos
96 EP Tender
33 EPC Solaire
97 e-Street
98 Evolo
50 Fascom
84 Foreseeti
85 Forsnetics
99 Gradis
35 Gramma
86 Greenely
71 GulPlug
36 Helioslite
57 HySiLabs
100 Ibertherm
101 ibuildGreen
130 Imecal
58 Infinite Fuels
123 InTherSoft
102 IonSeed
103 IsGreen
51 KAStrion
37 Leunamme Engineering
104 Lowte
59 MarCelLi
105 M-tronics
38 NTS-NanoTechnologySolar
60 NawaTechnologies
39 Nnergix
106 Octosis
77 Ogarniamprad
107 P&H Adviseurs
72 Pamyra
40 Permavit
108 Plactherm Technology
139 Powcell
89 Prointerface
109 RumBrum
87 SCiBreak
43 Sensus Energy
111 Sit & Heat Sports
112 Smartroof
44 Solardynamik
45 Solelia Greentech
73 Sol-Ionics
46 Steadysun
113 Stimergy
119 Storage
132 Sunthetics
88 Superstore
47 Tandem Sun
131 Tegeos
114 ThermoSmart
48 Turbulent
115 upOwa
75 Ve’rtex
116 Vestaxx
49 VIS Energia
117 Watch-E
76 ZaaK Technologies
TBB. Media Partners
KIC InnoEnergy SE
High Tech Campus 69
5656 AG Eindhoven
The Netherlands
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy Benelux
Technical University Eindhoven (TU/e)
Connector 1.08
Het Eeuwsel 6
5612 AS Eindhoven, The Netherlands
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy France
Immeuble L’Alizée
32, rue des Berges
38000 Grenoble, France
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy Germany
Albert-Nestler-Straße 26
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy Iberia
Edifici Nexus II Oficina 0A
Jordi Girona, 29
08034 Barcelona, Spain
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy Sweden
Valhallavägen 79
SE-114 28 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
KIC InnoEnergy Poland Plus
ul. Czerwone Maki 84, Bldg C
30-392 Kraków, Poland
[email protected]
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