2015 Photo Salon Contest - WFIWC.org | Western Forest Insect
2015 Photo Salon Contest - WFIWC.org | Western Forest Insect
2015 Photo Salon Santa Fe, New Mexico Forest Insects Forest Insect Resting group of wax-tailed hoppers or lantern bugs (Pterodictya spp.) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in hardwood forests of Honduras Ron Billings Forest Insect Adults of Agrilus limpiae (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a wood-boring beetle on western soapberry in Texas Ron Billings Forest Insect Image 9 Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Hyles lineata Nick Aflitto Forest Insects Crab spider Nick Aflitto Forest Insects Polistes dominula Nick Aflitto Forest Insects Image 1_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 2_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 3_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 4_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 5_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 6_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 7_Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Image 8 _Kabir & Erbilgin Nadir Erbilgin Forest Insects Chlorachroa sayi feeding on bitterbrush fruit Mal Furniss Forest Insects Female Parthenolecanium scales on Mountain Mahogany Mal Furniss Forest Insects Ladybird beetles congregated in forest Mal Furniss Forest Insects Larva of the concealer moth, Agonopterix sp. (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) on foliage of New Mexico locust, La Veta, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Larvae of western spruce budworm, Wet Mountains, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Larva of Dasylopia saturata (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) on New Mexico locust, Walsenburg CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Douglas-fir tussock moth, adult male, Boulder, CO. Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Colony of western tent caterpillar larvae, Bonanza, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Colony of larvae of Neopdiprion autumnalis, Elbert Co, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Western spruce budworm adult, Wet Mountains, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Larvae of Pseudosphinx tetrio (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), St. John, USVI Bill Ciesla Forest Insects Carpenterworm larva Prionoxystus robiniae in Fraxinus, Rexberg, ID Carl Jorgensen Forest Insects Close up of a carpenterworm larva Prionoxystus robiniae in Fraxinus, Rexberg, ID Carl Jorgensen Forest Insects Elder borer Desmocerus palliatus Jeff Fidgen Forest Insects Nymph of red katydid, Paracyrtophyllus robustus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), a defoliator of live oak in Central Texas Ron Billings Forest Insects Nymph of red katydid, Paracyrtophyllus robustus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), a defoliator of live oak in Central Texas Ron Billings Forest Insects A wheel bug, Arilus cristatus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), feeding on a sawfly larva in East Texas Ron Billings Forest Insects Individual wax-tailed hopper or lantern bug (Pterodictya spp.) (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in hardwood forests of Honduras Ron Billings Forest Insects Larva of imperial moth, Eacles imperialis (Lepidoptera: Saturnidae) feeding on loblolly pine Ron Billings Forest Insects Salt cedar beetle, Diorhabda sublineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a bio-control agent of salt cedar (Tamarixspp.) in West Texas Ron Billings Forest Insects A clerid, probably Enoclerus sphegeus, feasting on a Douglas fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, larva Sandy Kegley Forest Insects Sequoia pitch moth, Synanthedon sequoiae, larva excavated from pitch mass in ponderosa pine Sandy Kegley Forest Insects Larch cone adelgid, Adelges lariciatus, adult and eggs at base of western larch flower Sandy Kegley Forest Insects Eucalyptus borer, Phoracantha recurve, Kingsburg, CA Don Grosman Forest Insect Damage Insect Damag Chaetophloeus heterodoxus galleries in mountain mahogany Mal Furniss Insect Damage Mountain pine beetle in white bark pine, Hoyt Peak, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2004 Jeff Hicke Insect Damage Spruce Budworm webbing in the Salmon NF, Idaho Jim Rineholt Forest Insect Damage Scolytus reflexus gallery Chihuahua Mexico Mal Furniss Forest Insect Damage Defoliation of ponderosa pine by Neodiprion autumnalis, Elbert Co, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insect Damage Defoliation of aspen by western tent caterpillar, Brewery Cr., Bonanza, CO Bill Ciesla Forest Insect Damage Expanding infestation of the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis, on Turkey Hill Wilderness, Texas Ron Billings Forest Insect Damage Damage by an unidentified leaf skeletonizer on post oak in College Station, TX Ron Billings Forest Insect Damage Mass attack of Dendroctonus spp. (probably D. frontalis) on Pinus oocarpa in Honduras Ron Billings Forest Insect Damage Mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, killed ponderosa pine with Trapper Peak in background, near Darby, Montana Sandy Kegley Forest Insect Damage Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, gallery Sandy Kegley Forest Insect Damage Mountain pine beetle at Entiat 2013 Connie Mehmel Forest Insect Damage Mountain pine beetle and gallery Fremont-Winema NF, 2009 Garrett Meigs Forest Insect Damage Mountain pine beetle on lodgepole, Okanagan-Wenatchee NF Garrett Meigs Forest Insect Damage Western spruce budworm damage, Okanagan-Wenatchee NF Garrett Meigs Series Series Douglas-fir tussock moth, Orgyia pseudotsugata (DFTM) Sandy Kegley Adult female DFTM on cocoon DFTM egg mass Newly hatched DFTM larvae 3rd instar larva Mature larva DFTM defoliation on grand fir and Douglas-fir Series Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis (seed bug) Sandy Kegley Adult seed bugs mating Seed bug eggs Newly hatched seed bug nymphs Close up seed bug nymph Adult seed bug Adult seed bug feeding with proboscis in western white pine cone Series Polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB, Euwallacea sp.) on California sycamore Don Grosman Polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB, Euwallacea sp.) bleeding attack on California sycamore (1 of 33 reproductive hosts), Pasadena CA, 2014 PSHB female emerged from California sycamore, Pasadena, CA Characteristic bark staining caused by PSHB on California sycamore, Pasadena, CA Characteristic PSHB attack and sap flow on mid stem of California sycamore, Pasadena, CA Severe PSHB attack on lower bole of California sycamore, Sheraton Fairplex hotel, Pomona, CA Characteristic bark staining caused by PSHB attack on Acacia sp., Huntington Botanical Gardens, Pasadena, CA Characteristic bark staining caused by PSHB attack on Japanese maple, Huntington Botanical Garden, Pasadena, CA A Looper on Mountain Mahogany 1978-1979 Mal Furniss Introduction to sequence of a looper on mountain mahogany. During 1978-79, larvae of a geometrid, Stamnodes animata (Pearsall) defoliated curlleaf mountain mahogany on 4,500 ha at Sheldon Wildlife Range, Nevada. Extensive tree mortality resulted. Predacious tree-climbing ants (Formica integroides) played a major role in the much greater survival of mountain mahogany at higher elevations than at lower areas, where grounddwelling harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex owyheei) were dominant. Furniss, M. M., D. C. Ferguson, K. W. Voget, J. W. Burkhardt, and A. R. Tiedemann. 1988. Taxonomy, life history, and ecology of a mountain mahogany defoliator, Stamnodes animata (Pearsall) in Nevada. USDI, Fish Wild. Serv., Fish Wildl. Res. 3. 26 pp. Mountain mahogany Fruit with plumose styles Defoliated shrubs Stamnodes female at rest Stamnodes male at rest Stamnodes mating Stamnodes eggs & 1st instars Stamnodes green form larva Stamnodes dark form larva Stamnodes pupae in litter Harvester ant nest & defoliated shrubs Harvester ants Formica ant nest & normal shrubs Formica tending scales Controlling Southern Pine Beetle in Honduras Ron Billings Texas A&M Forest Service Salvaging southern pine beetle infestations in Honduras often requires 4-legged skidders to move logs to nearby landings. (Honduras 1997) Oxen teams are capable of hauling logs over steep terrain. (Honduras 1997) Until recently, mechanical loaders were unavailable and salvage crews made use of the steep terrain to load logs. (Honduras 1988) Oxen also are useful for positioning logs in small sawmills (Honduras 1997) A version of the pit saw has been used to turn infested logs into lumber. (Honduras 1982) Infested logs may be debarked by local workers of all ages. (Honduras 2011) SPB tree feller and his transportation (Honduras 2002) Cynipid wasp signs on post oak Ron Billings Texas A&M Forest Service Cynipid sign on post oak leaf (Quercus stellata) in College Station, Texas. Cynipid wasp sign and emergence holes on post oak leaf, ventral view Close up of cynipid wasp emergence holes on post oak leaf. Dorsal and ventral views of cynipid wasp damage on post oak leaves Injection of New Technology Across Borders Ron Billings Salt cedar (Tamarix ramosissima), a non-native invasive plant, has invaded riparian areas along the Rio Grande River near Presidio, Texas. Salt cedar leaf beetles (Diorahbda spp.) were intentionally introduced as a biological control agent and have defoliated large acreages of Tamarix spp. in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Unfortunately, the salt cedar beetles also defoliate and threaten athel trees (Tamarix aphylla), prized by locals and neighboring Mexicans for shade around homesteads and on farms. Dr. Don Grosman, Coordinator of the Forest Pest Management Cooperative at the time, conducted studies to protect high-value athel trees with injections of the systemic insecticide emamectin benzoate. Some of the athel trees were over 3 feet in diameter. While in the area, Don also injected athel trees used to shade campgrounds in Big Bend National Park, at the request of the National Park Service. The Mexican Consol in Presidio became interested in the injection procedure and invited TFS personnel to give a demonstration to city workers from Ojinaga (across the Rio Grande River). Dr. Ron Billings provided Spanish translation. El Fin The demonstrations were well received by two different training groups from Ojinaga, Mexico, and the treatments of athel trees proved effective. Life stages of the salt cedar beetle, Diorahbda sublineata, a biocontrol agent of Tamarix spp. Ron Billings Non-native salt cedar (Tamarix spp.) has invaded extensive areas along the Rio Grande River in West Texas. Salt cedar beetles (Diorhabda sublineata) from Tunisia have been introduced as a biocontrol agent. Eggs Larva Two larvae Pupae in litter Adults Banyan stem gall wasp on Chinese banyan; Honolulu, HI 2014 Don Grosman Banyan stem gall wasp damage on Chinese banyan; Honolulu, HI 2014 Chinese banyon with severe dieback due to banyan stem gall wasp; University of Hawaii – Manoa campus, Honolulu, HI 2014 Polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB, Euwallacea sp.) on California sycamore Don Grosman Other Other Bee killer Mallophora orcina (Diptera: Asilidae) with prey near Balmorhea, TX Ron Billings Other Camouflaged desert grasshopper (Trimerotropis spp.) nymph (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Davis Mountains, TX Ron Billings Other Tiger Lilly and flower flies Darci Dickinson Other Socketed denticles on Dendroctonus valens tibia Mal Furniss Other Utah State University canine biological technicians, Karma and Tashi, take a much needed break Liz Hebertson Other Luna moth (Actias luna) on azalea in East Texas Ron Billings Other Buprestid (Acmaeodera spp.) on flower in College Station, TX Ron Billings Entomologists at Work Entomologists at work Daniel DePinte and Sean Callahan sampling southwestern white pine for cone and insects in the San Francisco Peaks, AZ Daniel DePinte Entomologists at work Andy Eglitis and invertebrate assistant at 2013 I&D training Connie Mehmel Entomologists at work Dr. Ron Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service, conducts training on southern pine beetle for forestry technicians in Honduras Ron Billings Humorous SPLAT SWAT team Joel McMillin Entomologists at Work Dr. Michaela Teich and Andrew Giunta (Utah State University) using snow micro pen technology to study spruce beetle-induced alterations to forest snowpack microstructure and stratigraphy and forest hydrology Liz Hebertson Entomologists at Work Justin Runyon, RMRS collecting Bradyrrhoa gilveolella for Rush skeletonweed Carl Jorgensen Entomologists at Work FHP-CFO personnel lining out for an MCH deployment at Pebble Creek Ski Resort in Idaho Carl Jorgensen Entomologists at Work Carl Jorgensen investigating cause of death of planted sugar pine at Lucky Peak nursery near Boise Idaho Carl Jorgensen Entomologists at Work Retired Texas A&M Forest Service entomologist Joe Pase examines a colony of the Texas leafcutting ant (Atta texana) in East Texas Ron Billings Entomologists at Work Dr. Don Grosman, formerly with the Texas A&M Forest Service, injects a loblolly pine tree at Bastrop State Park to prevent bark beetle attack following the devastating 2011 wildfire Ron Billings Entomologists at Work Dr. Ron Billings, Texas A&M Forest Service, conducts training on southern pine beetle for forestry technicians in Honduras Ron Billings Entomologists at Work Dwight Scarbrough sampling for western pine beetle at the Grandjean CG in Idaho Jim Rineholt Entomologists at Work Tom Eckberg wielding a Hundle hammer in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho, 2008 Jim Rineholt Entomologists at Work Yep, another Berkeley grad Steve Munson Entomologists at Work If I were king Steve Munson Entomologists at Work Joel in Russia Steve Munson Entomologists at Work Roy Magelssen with panel trap Connie Mehmel Humor Humor “El macho” : A southern pine beetle pitch tube in Honduras Ron Billings Humor USFS motor pool at Stehekin orchard Connie Mehmel Humor A Texas-sized mantid targets an atypical prey Ron Billings Humor BoiseBugDay Participants Joel McMillin Humor Laura Lowrey assisting with MCH deployment in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, Idaho Jim Rineholt Humor Snoopy turns into the Red Baron (Barren), thanks to a southern pine beetle outbreak on Indian Mounds Wilderness in Texas. Ron Billings Christine Buhl Jordan Burke Andy Graves James Jacobs Dan Ryerson