Giving Thanks at all Ages


Giving Thanks at all Ages
High School
Middle School
2 ,
2 0 1 1
Back in My Day 4
and Honor
Devil’s Den of
By: Kayla Dusz and Abbey Maroon
Athletes of the 9
From a Guys
Student Of The 11
St. C Spirit
Local, State,
Giving Thanks at all Ages
St. Clairsville
pre-school classes taught by
Mrs. Myser and Mrs. Foster
celebrated Thanksgiving as one
group the Tuesday before
Thanksgiving break. Mrs.
Myser’s class dressed up as
Indians and Mrs. Foster’s class
dressed up as Pilgrims. All
holding hands and gathering in
circle, the children were asked
what they were most looking
forward to for Thanksgiving.
The children also
explained the games they had
played which consisted of a
turkey race, bowling with a
pumpkin, a bear hunt, and
Pilgrim games.
On the other end of the
totem pole, the Indians knew
that they wore animal skins and
jewelry, ate popcorn, and many
other interesting facts.
The Pilgrims then
shared a song with the Indians,
and then the Indians shared
one with the Pilgrims. That led
to the Indians showing the
Pilgrims a dance, in which
The Pilgrims seemed to
everyone got involved. The two
be very anxious to tell what
classes then had their
they knew about the actual
Dino, an Indian, says,
Thanksgiving feast, which they
Pilgrims, the Mayflower, the
“Turkey,” while Kambel, a
were all so excited for. The St.
Speedwell (which sank),
Pilgram, says, “We don’t have to
Clairsville pre-school truly
Plymouth Rock, and that the
knew everything pre-schoolers
go to school.”
Pilgrims had lived in forts.
could know about the holiday.
Logun, a Pilgrim,
explained that he liked the
bowling the best, while Isabella
liked the bear hunt,
Taco Talk
The Preschool classes join as one for a
Thanksgiving celebration.
The “Turkey” Dance
CPR Training Hits St.C High School
By:Katelin Gandee
On October 27th and 28th,
ten St. Clairsville students began a
voluntary CPR training course with
Officer Gazdik. Those ten students
were, Alysha Smith, Brandon
Nickolson, Carlos Sandoval, Devon
Bailey, Emily Delong, John Pyles, Kailb
Goodson, Lucas Knight, Samatha
Cullens, and Teddy Lusk. All of these
students, whose grades range from 9
to 12, learned how to perform CPR by
listening and practicing. The test held
on October 31st showed a passing of
all students. St. Clairsville now has ten
CPR certified students.
Officer Gazdik explained why
CPR is important to learn. “I think it’s
very good for families and friends in
case someone would go down and quit
breathing”, he said. “It’s very important
to start CPR because brain damage can
set in after a person quits breathing
after 2 minutes.” According to Officer
Gazdik, everyone should learn CPR
before they graduate because you
never know when you’re going to need
it. The more people who know it, the
more lives that are saved.
CPR can save lives, and by
knowing it you could save a life. So
hopefully when you get a chance to be
certified you will jump at the chance.
All I know is, that the next time we
have a CPR course, sign me up!
A student learns chest compressions
Young Quiz Team Still Finding Identity
By: Cody Jackson
The St. Clairsville Quiz Team started its season with
an uncertain outlook as nearly all members were new to the
world of quiz team. Nick Mudrak and Sarah Holtsclaw, the
only two returning members from last year look to provide
leadership to the underclassmen, comprised of Josh Yeager,
Elise Wright, Jonathan May, Cody Jackson, Robby Fish, Emily
Vickers, John King, Hayden Fletcher and Frankie Berardi,
with the last two having some Middle School experience. The
team is coached by Mrs. Carrie Marko and Mr. Justin Sleutz.
The team opened up their season with a home match
against Harrison Central. The varsity team suffered a setback
by losing pretty handily. The junior varsity team was idle
because Harrison had no JV team.
The following week, the team headed to Buckeye
Local looking to avenge their season-opening loss with a
defeat of the Panthers. The varsity team fell to 0-2 on the
season, but the JV team, consisting of Cody Jackson, Josh
Yeager and Robby Fish, opened up their season with a
3-round sweep, despite being a team member down the
whole match.
The team will look to right the ship in their next
match, December 8th, against East Liverpool at Eastern
Gateway Community College. In their time off, the team will
review questions and sharpen their skills in hopes of making
the season a success.
L-R: Sarah Holtsclaw, Nick Mudrak, Elise Wright,
Jonathan May, John King, Hayden Fletcher, Robby
Fish, Emily Vickers
Pet Rocks, Boa’s, and Tarantulas Oh My!
By: Sarah Holtsclaw and Katelin Gandee
We all remember back in 6th grade, the infamous
Pet day. Either you brought in a pet or you enjoyed
observing them. Turtles, goldfish, rocks and spiders made
their appearance once a year every year in the 6th grade
hallway. Mr. Biernot, the 6th grade science teacher, has been
putting this on for over 25 years, but this year is by far his
favorite. “This is the first time we’ve ever had a hen lay an
egg and later this afternoon we will be feeding a mouse to
the boa.” Mr. B’s favorite part is that “It really fires up the
The coolest thing that Maggie
Murphy learned at Pet day was that
“The tarantula fights off its enemies by shedding its hair in
their eyes.” Abbie Bringman enjoyed playing with all the
animals. Tyler Harding was very excited to see the boa
eat the mouse.
When asked if an animal had ever gotten loose Mr. B
answered sheepishly, “Yes, a snake and hamster, but we
caught them both after several days. Ms. Thompson had
trouble with that, but it’s a good way to keep the principle
out of your room.” Pet Day was another success and the St.
Clairsville 5th graders can look forward to a
fun Pet Day with Mr. B next year.
Curiouser and Curiouser
By: Lexie Pritchard
“Haven’t you noticed we’re all a little mad?” Well,
after leaving St. Clairsville Middle School’s production of
Alice and Wonderland on November 9th, 11th, and 15th, your
answer to this question could just be a proud “Oh yes!!!”
With Liz Kirkpatick as Alice, the energy surrounding this
show is now radiating on stage and as backstage manager, I
could definitely feel the enthusiasm these performers had as
they were putting on their show.
For only being middle schoolers, what did you think
of the play? Logan Thompson said “I thought it was very
unique and a pretty good play.” They have been working
very hard to make sure that the show is professional, yet fun
for everyone. The production was directed by Wayne Berk
with the assistance of Sara Bigelow. Also, high school tech
crew included Danny Eaton, Alexis Laurine, and Lexie Smith.
The cast includes many 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and
this year’s leads are Laura Bernard, Deana Miller, and Hanna
Vera as Cheshire Cats, Madison Gillotte as Mathilda, Alex
Madzia as the White Rabbit, Jake Schwarz as the Doornob,
Antonia Hummel as the Dodo Bird, and so many more
characters played by these talented performers.
Did it live up to your expectations? Maddie Malin
said “yes, it did” after seeing the performance. It looks like
three months of hard practicing has really paid off! Congrats
to the cast and crew for an excellent performance. After a
total of more than 5 shows, maybe you can finally tell us how
to get to Wonderland!
“Black Friday” Shopping
By: Chalea Habig
Just to be on subject,
let’s talk about “Black Friday”
shopping! Its that time of the
year where people either fight
to the death for what they want
or stand in line early in the
morning just to be the first ones
to start getting at their main
target. In this issue of “Back in
My Day,” we asked the teachers
and staff of the St. Clairsville
Schools, about their shopping
experiences while “Black Friday” shopping “Back in their
The first person t
interviewed for “Black Friday”
shopping was Mrs. Skaggs. After
being asked, “Did you go “Black
Friday” shopping?”, she replied,
“Yes I did, I do every year.” Most
of the time she shopped for
video games and clothes at the
Door Buster sales. The only
moment that Mrs. Skaggs had
witnessed what she considered
“crazy” were two people fighting
over a parking space. She woke
up at a decently early time to
shop; 5:00 am. Usually she went
“Black Friday” shopping with
her mother and spent an
estimate $700-$800. Talking
about big “Black Friday” bucks!
The second person we
interviewed is someone you'd
know to be a hard worker and a
beast at “No-Shave-November”
…. Mr. Baum! “Back in his Day”
he went “Black Friday” shopping
normally by himself or with his
wife and it only took him 2-3
hours! He usually shopped for
his wife and mother, but he
didn't do “No big ticket
shopping.” “Nothing crazy” happened when while Mr. Baum
shopped. Even though, at one
point in time while he and his
wife were shopping, one of his
friends who worked News 9
interviewed them. Mr. Baum
only spent “80 bucks” after
shopping! You can probably
learn a few tips about saving
money when it comes to “Black
Friday” shopping.
From the St. Clairsville
Elementary School, Mrs. Wallace
was the next person to be
interviewed. “Back in her Day”,
she didn't go “Black Friday”
shopping from The Baum. “No, I
actually don't. When I was in
high school, “Back in My Day,”
and throughout college, I
worked part time at the mall
and had to work every “Black
Friday.” Anyone remember
Koening Sporting Goods? Since I
had to work so many, I tend to
stay away from all the craziness!
Now, I do more shopping online
and actually still get the good
holiday deals. Also, I'm not a
morning person, even for a good
sale!” Even though Mrs. Wallace
didn't experience the
“Black Friday” magic, she still
worked hard and got what she
wanted and needed for the
holidays from online retails ….
“pertty” good you might add.
Black Friday shoppers at Wal Mart in the
Black Friday shoppers waiting in line at
Target in the Highlands
What You Didn’t Know About Thanksgiving
By: Katelin Gandee
We all know about Thanksgiving. It’s when the Pilgrims joined the Native Americans for a feast, in no other place
than Plymouth, Massachusetts. But once you hit about 13, you only care about the food. One thing about the food you
didn’t know is that the original Thanksgiving mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, milk, corn on the cob, and cranberries were
not present, but instead lobster, rabbit, chicken, fish, squash, beans , chestnuts, hickory nuts, onions, leeks, dried fruits,
maple syrup, honey radishes, cabbage, carrots, eggs, and goat cheese, not to mention the turkey. Another fact about the
original Thanksgiving is that dinner was eaten with no forks, just knives, spoons, and their fingers!
An interesting fact about Thanksgiving through the years is the holiday has changed dates three times! First was
the original date of the last Thursday of every month, the second on November 23rd every year, and the last one was the
fourth Thursday of the month. So believe it or not our Thanksgiving has had many changes to the date.
Now there are just a few fun facts about today’s Thanksgiving. I in the US alone, about 280 million turkeys are
sold for the Thanksgiving celebrations and each year, the average American eats somewhere between 16 to 18 pounds of
turkey, most of which is consumed during Thanksgiving. You might think that Thanksgiving is an American holiday, But,
it is also celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada.
So did you know all that? No? Well now you have something to think about when your eating all the leftovers
from Thanksgiving dinner.
Veterans Day
By: Olivia DiBetta
There are 24.9 million veterans in the US today.
Veterans Day is a time to remember and honor them, along
with all those who have served our country in the past.
Elmer Davis said, “This country will remain the land of the
free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
The idea of Veterans Day began after World War I.
The war officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles, but
the fighting stopped seven months earlier when an
‘armistice’ or temporary agreement to quit fighting was
declared on November 11, 1918 at 11 am.
In 1938, the president made ‘Armistice Day’ a
National holiday to honor World War I veterans. It wasn’t
until 1953 that is was changed to Veterans Day due to
campaigns led by shoe repair shop owner, Alvin King, who
believed all veterans should be honored on this National
Of the 24.9 million veterans in the US today, 1.7 of
them are women and 2.4 million of them are African
Americans. Every year on November 11th at 11 am, the
National Veterans Day Ceremony is held at the Arlington
Cemetery in Washington DC while parades and ceremonies
happen all over the United States to honor and thank
everyone who serves in the armed forces. St. Clairsville
celebrated Veterans Day with a ceremony at the Belmont
County court house on Friday, November 11, 2011.
Kickin' It To Round 2
By: Mattison Young
The St. Clairsville Red Devil Football team finished
their regular season strong with a 9-1 finish, but the
playoffs were no easy win.
After missing the extra point to pull St. C. up 28-27,
kicker Zach Musilli felt disappointed. With a score of 14-7 at
halftime, the Chesapeake Panthers on top, the game was
"I feel like this is a dream," exclaimed Musilli after
kicking the game winning field goal. The final score was
30-27 with St. C. moving onto round two of the playoffs.
Unfortunately, the season came to an abrupt end with the
Coshocton Redskins Prevailing 42-21.
The clock was ticking in the 4th quarter and the
Panthers had the ball, but thanks to senior, Chase Garan, the
ball was stripped and St. C's Anthony Kuhn recovered. The
game had less than a minute to go with the Devils driving
down the field. With eight seconds left and the game tied
27-27, St. C's kicker had a chance to redeem himself. A 34yard field goal is no easy kick, but sophomore, Zach Musilli,
made it look effortless. As the clock ticked down to zero, the
ball soared through the two posts.
Zach Musilli
Shoot One for the Devils!
By: Dakota Woodford
It’s almost that time again,
where the Saint Clairsville boys put on
their sneakers and are ready to go.
After only losing two games in last
years regular season, some of St.
Clairsville’s athletes are back and
ready to play again.
“Ironton, but every game is a tough
game,” he responded.
This year the basketball team
has been conditioning a lot. “Our style
of play is running a lot, and we have
been shooting a lot,” states Carlton.
Dec. 23 Weir
Dec. 30 Martins Ferry
Jan. 03 @Edison
Jan. 06 @Harrison Central
Jan. 10 Bellaire
We’re all ready and excited for this
Losing seven seniors and
upcoming season of some Red Devil
having no seniors playing this year
basketball. All the hard work will pay
really puts pressure on the junior class,
off for you guys this season. Good luck
considering there isn’t much
experience coming back. The two most
This year’s boy’s varsity
experienced players, Dan Monteroso
basketball schedule:
and Riley Carolton, will lead the team
Jan. 13 @Union Local
this year. These boys have good
Dec. 09 Union Local
experience and know the hard work it
takes. I talked to junior Riley Carolton Dec. 13 @Indian Creek
and asked him about the team and who Dec. 17 @Ironton
is their biggest competition is this year
Dec. 20 Buckeye Local
Jan. 31 Edison
Jan. 17 John Marshall
Jan. 20 Indian Creek
Jan. 24 @Martins Ferry
Jan. 27 @Buckeye Local
Feb. 1 @Steubenville
Feb. 03 Harrison Central
Feb. 07 @Bellaire
Devils Make a Splash
By: Olivia DiBetta
Winter means the
holidays, snow, big coats… and
swimming! The St. Clairsville
swim team has started practicing
for another great season. Last
year, sophomore Michael Eaton
made it to States. Coach Mel is
hoping to see him, along with
others, qualify again this year.
and by the end of the season,
they can swim 100 or 50
(yards),” she explains.
This year the team is
full of new swimmers.
“Swimming is a sport where you
can improve your own times no
matter what level you’re at,” says
Coach Mel. Falon Weidman, a
This is Coach Mel’s third junior, says this year she is
looking forward to “perfecting
year coaching at St. C. She says
her technique and improving her
her favorite part of coaching is
times,” as well as “spending time
seeing the kids advance. “Some
can’t even swim at the beginning with her team mates.”
Coach Melanie Eaton
Preparing for Practice
Pinning Down the Season
By: Kayla Dusz
The 2011-2012 season
has the Red Devil grapplers
hitting the mats to fill the singlet
of last year’s state runner-up
Dominic Prezzia.
The Red Devils have
high standards for senior, Fabio
Cracollici; juniors, Corey Ernest,
Dalton Nolte, Justin Callarik, and
Seth Benge.
Four-year veteran Nick
McEndree explains, “We need to
improve on not giving up and
giving all we got, no matter how
good the kid is. The most exciting
thing for me this year is to give it
my all and prove that you don’t
have to have the best record. If
you want it, go out and get it!”
Goals and expectations
for this up-coming season “are
simple!” Chas explains, ”Our
biggest expectations are to do
are better than last year and to
keep improving.” The Devils are
focusing on rivals Martins Ferry
and Bellaire.
Chas Snider, assistant
coach and St.C alum exclaims,
“We have a team that is young,
but has grown and matured.”
But these Devil wrestlers
have their “eye set on the
Buckeye 8 and aiming to finshing
high in the OVAC’s,” Snider
continues. “The state tournament
wouldn’t be so bad either.”
The 2011– 2012 St. C Grapplers
There is no ‘I’ in TEAM
By: Paige Hashman
They are a team, fifteen hearts
beating as one, and they always work
together. The St. Clairsville Girls
Basketball team players are a family.
Three seniors return for the 2011-2012
season: Alexis Emrisko, Brittanni
Rauschenberg, and Carli Zavatsky.
There are also five returning juniors,
four sophomores, and three new
freshman. Overall, the team hasn’t
changed player wise. They know how
every girl plays and they work well
together. Things flow smoothly when
they just calm down and play.
“There are no star players, we
all shine in one way or another,” said
freshman, Ashten Cenkus and she is
completely right. The Lady Devils are a
well oiled machine that never breaks down.
The 2011– 2012 Lady Devil Basketball Team
Renovation of the Lady Red Devils
By: Paige Hashman
When you think of girls basketball, most think we’re
not as good as the boys, but that will change this year. With
Alicia Freeman as the new head coach, the girls have a bright
future. A graduate from St. Clairsville in 1995, Coach
Freeman bleeds red and gray. After returning to her 8 th grade
coaching position last year, she realized she belonged in high
school. The girls as a whole are glad to have her again, and
are being whipped back into shape.
Most people refer to Stacey Agnew as ‘Aaron
Agnew’s dad’, but the St. Clairsville girls now call him Coach
Agnew. He was chosen by Alicia Freeman as the Reserve
Coach for the girl’s basketball team. As a man who has
coached many teams, boys and girls, he was a spectacular
choice as an assistant coach. Something most don’t know
about him is that he is very deep, reading the Bible in his free
time along with poetry. As a Buckeye South 1979 graduate,
he has had many years to become wise and is an overall
great addition to the program.
Chase Garan’s at it again!
By: Dakota Woodford
Do you know Chase Garan?
Well, if you don’t you’re about to find
out a lot about him because we have
picked him as “Athlete of the Month.”
You may know Chase as Saint
Clairsville’s wide receiver, or maybe
you even “Facebook or Tweet” him, but
do you know him outside of that? St.
Clairsville’s Red Devil Dispatch sat
down to learn a little more about Chase.
RDD: What do you do in your spare
Chase: “Go shopping with Brittanni, I
would make her buy me nice things.”
RDD: What is your idea of a perfect
Chase: “Smart, gorgeous, and an
awesome personality. An example could
be my girlfriend for sure.”
RDD: If you could be a girl for a day
would you? Why or why not?
Chase: “No way, too much drama for
Chase: “I like to hangout with my teamRDD: What’s your favorite thing to eat
mates, and my beautiful girlfriend Britbefore Friday games?
Chase: “A cupcake in the morning, lots
RDD: If you had to play another sport
of water, and a burger from Wendy’s.”
what would it be?
Although football takes up
Chase: “Volleyball, because I think it’s
most of Chase’s time, Chase still finds
really fun to play.”
time to hangout with his teammates
RDD: On Black Friday would you rather and girlfriend. Good luck on the field
go shopping with Brittanni at 2 a.m. or Chase!
sleep all day?
Senior Chase Garan
Running To the Finish
By: Alexis Laurine
Running her way into fall is this
issues “Athlete of the Month,” Junior Amy
Castle. Amy has been an avid Cross
Country runner since the eight grade and
has been leading the pack for the Red
Devils this year. I caught up with her,
thankfully when she wasn’t running, to
find what her other interests are when not
on the trail.
Do you ever get nervous?
Castle: “Oh my gosh, definitely! Especially
at the bigger meets.”
What’s on your iPOD right now?
Castle: “Coldplay, Matchbox 20, The Goo
Goo Dolls, and some Rihanna.”
Castle: “Applebees”
RDD: Any clue what career you’d like to
go into?
Castle: “Nope, not at all.”
RDD: What’s one sport, other than Cross
Country, you wish you could play?
Castle: “Definitely tennis, I think it’d be
Amy was the solo qualifier to the
State Meet for the Lady Red Devil team
this year, making this her third appearance
at states. She finished in 53rd respectively.
Congratulations on a successful season
What’s your favorite place to eat?
Junior Amy Castle
What Women Want
By: Chris Baker, Bryce Burnett,
and Abbey Maroon
November 25th, the day that all
men fear if they have that special
someone. If you have a significant
other on this day you need to skip
town, unless you would like to get up
at 3 a.m. with the said “girlfriend” and
stand in longest lines you have ever
seen. If that’s not bad enough for you,
you’re not in line for things of your
choice like the new Madden game,
you’re in line to be her personal bank
while she’s buying herself clothes.
now if you do not want that “evil eye”
stare they give you when you make
that key mess up. So you’re two biggest
fears, shopping and spending your
money, are combining for a double
shot to the heart.
“Does she feel my pain?
Doesn’t she remember me staying up
all night watching that game that went
into overtime?” Sound like you’re
thoughts? Most men are on the same
page with this, but do women know?
Remember all of that money
Hopefully your lady will feel the same
you had earned by working for it? Well as Freshmen History teacher Mrs.
your best bet is to just hand it over
Maffet who says, “I do not even like
him going grocery shopping with me.”
Or maybe if you’re really lucky, she’ll
follow in the footsteps of Middle School
Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Legenia
Guindon, who says, “I will never go
Black Friday shopping.” Now that
sounds like what most men want to
Black Friday is the day to get
out of town for most men unless you
do not mind being the human clothes
hanger as well as her personal bank.
This dreadful day could truly be your
own personal test of loyalty towards
your relationship.
By: Addy Beaver
Black Friday. A woman’s dream. Getting up at ridiculous hours of the night and spending six to
twelve hours shopping. Although I love shopping, nothing on this God-Forsaken Earth could
possibly make me get out of my bed at one in morning to go fight mobs of people. Nope. Won’t
do it. Besides, I couldn't possibly deny my bed the company.
Words of Wisdom
By: Nathan Teater
Never hunt at night near a farm. Nine times out of ten, you
will think a cow is a deer and you will shoot it. What’s the big
deal? You will have steak rather than deer meat. Looks like
that deer jerkey you promised everyone isn’t going to
Teater’s Hunting Tip:
If it brown with four legs, bring it down!
A Hop and Skip To Graduation
By: Bryce Burnett
Alexis Comas, a member of
St.Clairsville high school, will be
graduating one year early this spring.
“Skipping” her junior year of high
school, or taking both her junior and
senior year of high school in one year is
how she did it. Would you be able to do
RDD: What events led up to you being
able to graduate this spring?
Alexis: “I love the challenge that’s
involved with it. I always found myself
getting good grades and taking the
hardest classes offered for my age. So I
decided to take the hardest of two
grades and college courses at OUE.”
they’re only eight hours.”
RDD: What do you plan on doing after
completing your education?
Alexis: “I haven’t decided yet, but I’m
leaning toward becoming an physical
RDD: Do you ever regret, skipping an
entire year of high school?
Alexis: “Occasionally, but most of the
time I’m happy with my decision.
Skipping an entire year of high
school may sound sad, but according to
Alexis, she doesn’t regret her decision.
Congratulations Alexis!
RDD: How long are your school days?
Alexis: “On Tuesdays and Thursdays
they’re ten hours, but on Wednesdays
ACT/SAT Test Dates:
ACT: December 10
SAT: December 3
Christmas Sprit Week: December 12-16
Middle School Spelling Bee: December 15
Preschool Christmas Program: December 21
Christmas Vacation
Starts December
Christmas In November?
By: Sarah Holtsclaw
Every year, the week before
Thanksgiving , children and families
gather near the Belmont County
Courthouse and watch Mrs. Claus light
the towering Christmas tree. Next, they
line Woodrow Avenue and Main Street
with plastic bags eagerly waiting to
catch candy, hear Christmas music and
last, but not least, wave to Santa.
77 groups were in the 2011 St.
C Christmas parade featuring St.
Clairsville High School’s very own Sweet
Harmony and Red Devil Marching Band.
Sweet Harmony, under the direction of
Mr. Wayne Berk, preformed the songs
(Joy to the World), (Light of The Stable,)
and (For Me and For You) which was
written by Berk. The marching band
also preformed Joy to the World and the
song that brings a smile to every child’s
face; the Snowbird theme song. The
parade judges awarded the marching
band with the honor of being the best
band for the second year in a row.
If you did not get a chance to
come out and see the parade it will be
on FOX Ohio Valley December 10th
from 1 to 2 p.m.
The Other Guys
By: Cody Jackson
The 2011 football post-season
has begun and the St. Clairsville High
School Red Devil Marching Band
prepares for their own post season to
travel with the team to all of the playoff
games. Recent events that have
occurred include the OVAC Showcase of
Sound, Senior Night on October 28 and
the Christmas parades on November 17
and 18.
On Saturday October 22, 14
high school marching bands performed
individual halftime shows at Purple
Rider Stadium for the OVAC Showcase
of Sound. At the conclusion of the show,
all bands joined together on the field
for a total of 1,100 students to play Mr.
Justin Schwertfeger’s arrangement of
“America the Beautiful” with Mr. S
directing from the 50-yard line.
Christmas spirit was in the air
as the band marched in the St.
Clairsville and Wheeling Christmas
parades. We interviewed the Director
of Bands, Mr. Justin Schwertfeger, for
his thoughts on recent events:
RDD: How do you think the
band performed at the OVAC Band
Mr. S: We performed with
great enthusiasm and it was one of our
best shows.
RDD: How do you think the
Senior Night activities on October 28
Mr. S: They went very well.
The seniors for the wind
instruments which consist of brass and
woodwinds are Ethan Kleevic, Victoria
Hall and Emily Porter. We interviewed
these seniors for their thoughts and
opinions on being a senior:
RDD: How have your past
years in band been?
Emily: I’ve learned skills that
I’ll have for the rest of my life and I’ve
been forced to deal with people that I
don’t like.
Tori: They’ve been good, I
Emily has been in marching
band for 5 years while Tori has only
been in for 4.
Ethan Kleevic declined to be
On December 10 the marching
band will be playing for the Wheeling
Nailers game at Wesbanco Arena.
Penny For Your Thoughts
By: Penelope
Dear Penelope,
What are some good stores where I can get cute
clothes, cheap?
madness. If it's too late (which, it probably is), watch some
Bruce Lee and Karate Kid movies. You should be set.
Dear Penelope,
What do I do if a zombie apocalypse happens?
Dear Penny-Pincher,
I get the majority of my clothes from Gabes and
thrift stores. However, Forever 21 also offer cute clothes.
Remember though, in the words of Coco Chanel, "Fashion
fades, Style is forever." So don't go buying what everyone
else is wearing. Buy something that fits your style.
Dear Left4Dead,
Luckily for you, I'm already prepared for when this
happens. Just watch Zombie Land. Or, you could watch the
Jersey Shore and whatever you feel like doing to yourself
(i.e. bashing your brains in with a dense object.,) do it to the
zombies. Viola!
Dear Penelope,
What's your best advice for Black Friday Shopping? Dear Penelope,
How do I maintain my weight over the holidays?
Dear Crazy,
Although I won't deny my bed the quality time to
go Black Friday shopping, My grandmother and aunt do.
Here's a game plan; dress in bright orange hunting clothes,
wait outside the store as soon as you finish dinner (leave
the dishes for later), acquire a blue print of all the stores
you plan on hitting, take walkie-talkies, and finally, take
boxing classes a few months prior to the shopping
Dear Weightwatcher,
Honestly, I don't know. I don't worry about my
weight. I guess just do some cardio while eating sweet potatoes?
Have a question for Penelope? Feel
free to leave it in the Penelope box
inside the door in Room 309.
Fame or Mundane
By: Frankie Berardi
After the expense of the 1.5 million dollar football
stadium, many St. Clairsville residents claim that the new
amphitheater is “too much money for the city,” “a ridiculous
idea,” and “foolish.” Despite these claims, Kevin Barr,
director of parks and recreation, stated, “The money for the
amphitheater came from a 50/50 matching grant of 140,000
dollars from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund
St. Clairsville was one of eleven cities in the state of
Ohio to receive the grant for an amphitheater, allowing for
the city, according to Barr to “have a Blues Fest, Spring Fest,
and a performance space for the St. C singers.” The projected
date for the grand opening of the performance ground is
currently set for June, which means that people will soon
see friends and family on stage and in the spotlight.
The work began after the city council voted seven to
zero to fund the city’s 70,000 thousand dollar part of the
fund, luckily; however, St. Clairsville’s portion will be
covered by in-kind services from the electric department.
Another way the city has kept the amphitheater free of cost
is to receive volunteer work from the East Friends Richland
Church and the First Presbyterian Church.
Aside from all the “great things,” the amphitheater
promises, there have been setbacks. During the summer
months, volunteer work became scare, and progress came to
a near halt causing the opening day of October first to be
pushed back from when anticipated. In addition to volunteer
problems, shipments of materials take eight weeks to be
delivered equating to a “drawn out process.”
Courtesy of
The Veto King
By: Frankie Berardi
The American nation continues
to head on its path toward the election in
the spring that will decide who will lead
the super power country, as people
solidified their opinions and candidate
selections, nearly two months ago, the
newest face in the presidential realm has
joined the race.
which time he vetoed 750 bills, more than
all of the other governors combined, he
set out for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The many arguments people
pose against the politician generally
include that vague descriptions of stances
on many issues. He stated, speaking on
his issue beliefs, “Winning the war on
Garry Johnston, former governor drug abuse, protecting of civil rights,
of New Mexico, or “King of Vetoes” as
revitalizing of the economy, lower the
many Americans are labeling him, is a
taxes, and efficient government” Basically,
businessman, a politician, and a handy
people think that he never goes into detail
man, ready to take the White House. Mr.
and does not give the “how” to any
Johnston’s career began as a door-to-door situation. As the country waits to find out
handyman in Albuquerque, New Mexico. the winner of the election, this
His business eventually grew to a multi
revolutionary conservative waits with his
million-dollar company, in which he sold knowledge of business, which is what he
to pursue a successful political career.
believes “will save America.”
After his second term as governor, in
Courtesy of
Death To Capitalism
By: Frankie Berardi
As the occupy Wall Street protest continues with
veterans, families, and college students, all protesting the
government’s response to the American economy, another
movement has stayed in the shadows, waiting in silence, but
on November third, the Occupy Oakland movement became
more than a whisper of voices.
began arresting individuals, who decided to carry the protest
inside private businesses.
By the time the event had died down, nine people
were arrested and one of them spoke by saying “Our goal
was to stop the flow of capital, the port sends American
goods like wine, rice, and nuts to Asia, while America
The estimated crowd of 3,000 started their
receives Asian electronics.” Police concluded that the
demonstration by chanting, “Shut down the one percent, we demonstration was to protest trade with Asia. After the
are the ninety-nine percent,” and flying banners that read
prisoners were locked up, City Administrator, Deanna Santa“Occupy Everything, DEATH TO CAPITALISM.” After nightfall na summed up the events by stating “It is our hope that the
came, and these shouts continued, the protesters began to
work day can resume tomorrow and it is important to
focus their attention on the Oakland Shipping Port, which is acknowledge that the world is watching Oakland tonight.”
the fifth busiest in the nation. Soon the port was
overwhelmed and fences raised, cars were illegally parked in
front of exits and entrances, and the protesters according to
port spokesman, Issac Kos, “the port was effectively shut
Soon after the closing of the port, fires started to
erupt all around the vicinity in which the sea facility stood,
until the local police arrived and started a clash with
protesters. The officers began to douse the fires, move
illegally parked cars, vacate the premises of protesters and
Courtesy of
Defenders of Corruption
By: Frankie Berardi
In the famed democracy that is America, people
believe that when they make a mistake there are
consequences, and no one is above the law, not even the law
makers. But in New York City, thirteen officers are charged
with allowing friends and families to evade traffic tickets, but
the works of this scandal have gone farther than doing a
friend a favor.
court and the gunrunning ring ended. The public will soon
discover if the prosecutor’s accusations are lawful or vain
fully malevolent, proving if the threat of corruption has
reached its deadly grasp into the heart of our national
In addition to the misconduct of Bronx police, in the
ticket conspiracy, Manhattan prosecutors got involved
because of reports of racism, drunk driving, and a
gunrunning ring. Bronx financial secretary, who remains
anonymous, admitted to the allegations of the officers and
their own involvement, which although cost them forty
vacation days, the individual provided police and law officials
enough evidence to produce a sufficient prosecution
Through the help of the secretary, and loyal
policeman, the corrupt officers were brought before the
Courtesy of
Public Response to the Results of Issue 2
By: Frankie Berardi
Mr. Sleutz (St. Clairsville High School English Teacher) - I am happy it failed, it was constructive and acted with out
the insight of the people it affected.
Miss Jeffries (St. Clairsville High School History Teacher) - I am really happy because I feel like teachers are still
going to have a voice in the school environment.
Anonymous individual-- I think it will continue to boost morale, people now have a voice, and they are able to take
Anonymous individual-- I have mixed feelings.
Anonymous individual-- It doesn’t make much difference.
Courtesy of
Courtesy of
SB5 Dies
will be allowed, and the personal days
cap for union workers will be lifted.
By: Frankie Berardi
Both sides of the Issue 2 debates waited
intently on November 8th for the return
of the vote that would possibly end the
legacy of SB5, and as of approximately
9:30 p.m., the results were in.
To the pleasure of 81 counties,
including Belmont, the referendum
passed 63 percent to 37 percent and
Senate Bill 5 was defeated. After the
removal of SB5, collective bargaining
and arbitration will resume, striking
Judicial Controversy
By: Frankie Berardi
Although Issues 2 and 3 received the most
press attention, another heavily argued issue was
number 1. The bill dealt solely with the court system and passed 61.99 percent to 38.01 percent.
By voting yes, the age for which a judicial
official may assume office would be raised from 72
years of age to 75. In addition, the governor and the
General Assembly would not be allowed to appoint
members to the Ohio Supreme Court.
The bill, proposed by the General
Assembly itself, was unsuccessful so for now, the
judicial system will continue status quo, helping to
preserve Ohio’s peace.
This was good news for many
Ohioans, but supporters of Kasich’s
controversial idea vow to “return with
vengeance,” eluding that this is just the
beginning of the debate over unions.
Ohio Rejects Obama’s
Health Care
By: Frankie Berardi
Since President Obama took office in
2008, he has tried to implement his health care
reform bill, and in early November; Ohio was
given the opportunity to have the President’s
“famous health care plan.”
With votes exceeding 2,000,000, feedback even greater than Issue 2, Issue 3 was
rejected and Ohioans will continue to purchase
and choose their own coverage.
Ohio rejected President Obama’s hand in
its affairs dealing with health care, but much like
the controversial Issue 2, supporters of the
President’s plan intend to try again and next time
“set things right.”
The Angry Beaver:
The Thoughts, the Views and the Opinions of One
Angry Mammal
By: Addy Beaver
Okay, this month’s article isn’t
about being thankful for Thanksgiving,
or being a shopping maniac for Black
Friday. I’m just going to rant about how
stupid the situation is between my best
friend’s ex-boyfriend and herself. She
broke up with him because she was
unhappy. Understandable, right? If
things don’t work, they don’t work. But
No. Apparently, that just makes her even
more of a bad person.
This all snowballed out of
control when he tweeted something
nasty that she thought was about herself. She still believes it is, but he denied
it. Although, when she asked him about
it, she caught him in a lie and he tweeted
it when she walked up to talk to him and
he ignored her. Of course, after she
caught him in an obvious lie, he said it
was about an issue he couldn’t tell her
about. Coincidence? Perhaps. Doubtful.
The tweet isn’t even what set
her off. His mom messaged her on
Facebook saying she used him for his
money and vacations, etc. and yelled at
her for things she didn’t even say. She
works her butt off every day at work
and school all while doing post
secondary. If she was using him, why
would she do that? She’s not the type of
person to rely on other people, let alone
use them. Now. He’s twenty. His mom’s
probably in her forties. Does anyone see
where I’m getting at? A twenty year old
had to cry to his mom, and his forty year
old mother messaged my best friend on
Facebook for breaking up with her son,
and accused her of using him and his
family? ON FACEBOOK. I thought only
teenagers harassed each other with
nasty messages, but I suppose I was
wrong. How immature does it get? He
really had to get his mom involved.
did. Maybe he didn’t care about her like
he said he did. That’s what really bums
her out about all of this. She gave her
heart to this guy, and knowing that she
loved him so much, but she knew she
couldn’t be happy with him is bad
enough, let alone having all this crap
thrown at her. And then to find that he
So, all in all, this situation has
and his mom are doing this when he’s
just gotten way out of hand and now not
already dating another girl? It just
only is he making her feel bad, his
doesn’t make sense.
mom’s just making her beyond irritated.
She had no right to get involved in her
By no means is she the type of
son’s and my best friend’s business, and girl who bashes the girl her ex dates
had certainly no right to accuse her of
after her. She doesn’t know this girl
things and yell at her for things she
personally, so she’s not saying bad
didn’t do or say. It’s ridiculous. I mean,
things about her. She’s more mature
why does she have to get involved in
than that. She’s not creeping his
anything? Then, when she defended
Facebook, or constantly checking
herself as to what she was saying, she
Twitter to see if he’s with her. It just
totally turned around and said “I’m
sucks that someone she thought loved
sorry you’re taking it that way.” What
her and cared about her, a person who
other way is she supposed to take it?
she’s been with for two years can move
on so quickly. Like those two years
But to put the cherry on top of
didn’t even matter to that person.
the sundae, after he and his mom put
her through this, all weekend plus
She thinks she’s just meant to
Monday, she finds out he’s already
be forever alone. I mean, if he’s already
dating someone else on Tuesday. What moved on, it’s either to make her jealous
the flap? I mean, she’s not jealous, or
or he just really didn’t care about her
angry that he’s dating another girl
that much. I’ll go with the latter. If he’s
already– she honestly hopes things work happy, great for him. I’m sure there’s
out for them. But why put her through
someone out there for everyone. She’s
two weeks of depressing tweets, texts,
young, smart, and semi-decent looking.
and posts and then he and his mom
But, if she doesn’t find someone, she’ll
attack her like that, if he’s already
always have her cats. They think she’s
moved on? It doesn’t make sense. The
pretty. Even if they didn’t, they can’t tell
thing that’s really just eating her up is
her. That’s always a confidence boost.
the fact that he moved on so quickly.
Maybe he didn’t love her like he said he
By: Lexie Pritchard
Do you remember back in Kindergarten when we would have Show and Tell? Thinking about that
made me feel so inspired, leading me to this-a much needed revamp. Not only is this a change in the column
but, personally, I’ve gone through a music revamp. In the process, I’ve discovered some new songs, artists, and
music blogs that I feel a great urge to share. So here we go, another little Show and Tell. Enjoy!
First off, I’ve been obsessed with the blog It’s exactly what the website says it isall the music you used to adore. There’s over 300 hundred tracks of just pure
nostalgia- simple yet, purely magnificent. And yes, all those ones you’re
embarrassed to have on your iPod now? They’re on there. You’re not fooling
On the other hand, I have a deep love for undiscovered artists.-the ones that you
scream at your computer and say, “WHY AREN’T YOU
FAMOUS YET?” I feel as though ZACPOOR falls under that
category. Imagine Chris Daughtry’s voice without all the grit
with a hint of Gavin DeGraw’s smooth jazzy voice. Plus, he
looks like a combo of the lead singer of The Script and Enrique
Iglesias. Who can complain there? So, go check out his songs
“Meet Me by the Stairs” and “Silver Screens” off of his new
album, “She’ll Be Breaking Hearts”. Those are his fans’ favorites!
Another one of my recently discovered favorites is Milo Greene. This band of three
boys and one girl has captured the hearts of Indie/Alternative music lovers everywhere. For only being a band
for under a year, their melodic chemistry is sort of breathtaking and most of the dates on their tour are already
sold out. Also, their strategic use of a tambourine in almost every song is
refreshing, to say the least. It has a Grace Potter or Bon Iver type of vibe to it
which I really dig. Their song “1957” definitely shows that resemblance and
“Silent Way” is the perfect “Rainy Day” song, in my opinion.
So, I think that should hold you over for now. It covers both sides of the spectrum- Indie, Alternative, Pop, Rock, and splashes of RnB and Country. But, for
you mainstream go-ers, the top 5 songs right now are We Found Love by
Rihanna, Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO, Someone Like You by Adele, Without You
by David Guetta and Usher, and Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. Until next time,
“Music is my jewely. I put it on and walk about life feeling glamourous. Songs
are like diamonds to me, and aren’t diamonds a girl’s best friend?”
It’s Friday. Gotta Get Down On Friday
By: Ashley Bailey
Violence. This seems to be the only way to get what
you want on Black Friday. Black Friday originating in
Philadelphia in 1966, is the busiest shopping day of the year!
Many retailers open early either around or before four in the
morning to sell very cost-reduced Christmas items. Do not let
the fear of getting stabbed deter you from the savings. This
day marks the start of the Christmas spirit! Take your mom!
Take your friend! If you do not have any, then take your dog!
Get breakfast, wait in line, and waste your money on
non-refundable merchandise because that is the key to
happiness! What can’t money do? Save up your money to go
shopping this Black Friday and give your family and friends a
reason to love you again by giving them a memorable
Christmas Day that you will all cherish forever.
By: Addy Beaver and Morgan Fincham
FORE! Coach of the year coming
your way! Voted on by all the coaches in
the Eastern District of Ohio, Coach
Oberdick, the golf coach for St. Clairsville
High school was rewarded coach of the
year this year. “It’s an honor, but it’s also
a privilege. The only way you become
coach of the year is if you have good
athletes. We were successful.”, says
Oberdick after being asked how he felt
about the situation.
Rick Oberdick is also the high
school art teacher for all the grades, in
which he is also successful. Oberdick is
retiring this year from his teaching and
would like to continue his hobbies, including golf. “I’d like to keep teaching, but
mostly produce art and travel, ride my
bike, go kayaking, and make a bucket
list,” exclaims Oberdick. After retiring,
Oberdick says that he will definitely
coach one more year of golf, and missing
the kids is what he will miss the most
because it’s what he has done
forever. A college class in 1973, and
in need of a golf coach about 6 or 7
years ago, pursued coach Oberdick
to be coach of the year this year and
feel very proud of himself,
encouraging him to go on with his
life after the next couple years.
Congratulations coach Oberdick!
Your students will also miss you.
Top 10 Ways To
Survive Black Friday
10. go to the bathroom at
9. pay with a credit card; it's
8. drink energy drinks.
7. do not pull an all-nighter.
6. be aggressive
5. wear your running shoes
4. believe in the power of
3. get there before the doors
2. do not go alone.
1. have a game plan for what
you are shopping for
The Red Devil Dispatch would like to thank those who have supported us
this year. If anyone is interested in donating or advertising with us, please
call 695– 1584 or email [email protected]
Greg Bizzarri, Richland Township Trustee,
and family
Jackson’s Wrecker Service
Ann Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Red Devil Boys’ Basketball
Red Devil Football
Chase Garan Fan Club
Sarah Gibeaut
Dolores Pytlik
Justin Sleutz
Joyce Zeiher
Rock Hard Mind
By: Isaac Wiley
Body image, two words
people of all ages are familiar with
and battle consciously or
sub-consciously. Those two words
are stressed to children, teens, and
young adults everyday regardless
where you go. You see it
everywhere; you go into a clothing
store and bam! You see airbrushed
poster models to your left and
right. The real question is why?
Why does society stress the
„Barbie and Ken‟ image so much
and who does the „standard of
society‟ affect the most? Some say
teenage girls, others say young
school age children. I personally
say guys are targeted just as much
as girls by this „standard of
Guys, to most people,
appear to be the least affected by
society‟s gun, but in all reality
most people are wrong. Girls crave
and desire the „Barbie image‟
regardless their age and who wants
to be a Barbie without Ken? This is
where the stress towards guys
comes into play. A guy is
repeatedly being pushed into this
image so they receive the approval
of society. Some people are able
to live above this pressure and
some cannot.
Weight is the biggest factor
girls and guys both have in
common and strive to juristic
measures to meet the „standard of
society‟ and fit into that size 0 or
have that ripped body. If you pick
up just about any magazine you
will see some attractive celebrity
who is lean, fit and flat out hot, do
to all of the latest plastic surgeries
and diets, not to mention the
airbrushed effects. What people
don‟t understand is it is not
possible for people to achieve this
look short of harsh diets,
supplements or to the extreme of
going under the knife. Many
celebrities are on diets that put too
much stress on the body or have
some sort of eating disorder. As a
result of this image burned into the
eyes‟ of society at such a young
age, people are set up for failure
and depression because they
cannot achieve this image. It is the
image of the „standard of society‟
„I have to look like this or that for
so and so to like me or to be able to
do this or that‟ „is etched into
peoples‟ minds because people
think they can achieve an
airbrushed look minus the airbrush.
I believe this image is a disease
and the cause of this image is
because of celebrities being bad
role models. It is a disease that
people will always have and will
always be affected by because
people do not understand you can‟t
mirror an airbrushed, implanted,
plastic, spray tanned person no
matter how hard you try.
Guys and girls alike are
striving for this “Barbie and Ken‟
look that is unachievable. People
can come close to achieving this
look but will always find flaw in
their image and want more and that
is why this „standard of society‟ is
UNACHIVEABLE . It is how one
reacts to it that sets one apart from
the envious pack in pursuit of an
unachievable image. “You have to
be unique, different, and shine in
your own way”-Lady Gaga