Taj Mahal of a Dance - St. Clairsville Home


Taj Mahal of a Dance - St. Clairsville Home
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Back in My
Devil’s Den of
Athletes of the 10
By: Alexis Laurine
From a Guy’s
Student of the
St. C Spirit
Local, State,
Taj Mahal of a Dance
Have you ever considered traveling to
India? Whether you have or not, consider the
2011 St. C Homecoming as a way to “Escape to
The Homecoming festivities will start
October 3 with Spirit Week. St. C students will
participate in Pajama Day, Superhero Day,
Nerd/Twin Day, and Hillbilly Day. Spirit Week
concludes with Red and Grey Day, and most
importantly, the Homecoming parade and
football game.
oozes the colors fuchsia, canary yellow, and
brilliant orange.
The crowning of the Homecoming King
will take place at 10PM sharp, as the King
candidates, Eric Eaton, Ben Evick, Greg Parker,
Connor Sherman, Nick Sherman, and Brandon
Snider pick the roses. Then the newly crowned
King and Queen will dance to the Homecoming
song, “Remind Me” by Brad Paisley and Carrie
All in all, the 2011 St. C Homecoming
This year the Red Devils battle the
and its festivities are panning out to be some of
Edison Wildcats in what promises to be a great
the best yet.
gridiron showdown. The annual “picking of the
white rose” by the Queen candidates will take
place at halftime. Queen candidates hoping to
pick the winning rose are Corianne Cain, Taylor
Clark, Lauren Jeffries, Alexis Laurine, Lexie Smith,
and Megan Theaker.
The dance will take place Saturday,
October 8 from 8 to 12. Students will get to
experience an “Escape to Orient” as the school
Front L-R: Corianne Cain, Lexie Smith, Lauren Jeffries,
Alexis Laurine, Megan Theaker, Taylor Clark
Back L-R: Connor Sherman, Nick Sherman, Brandon
Snider, Eric Eaton, Greg Parker, Ben Evick
Photo courtesy of Neil Warren, Design Image Studio
New King Of The Hill
By: Paige Hashman
Luke Smith, junior football
about his students and it’s shown
through his actions.
others, and you’ll always make the right
decision,” this is Mr. Skaggs’ main rule.
Mr. Skaggs is a wonderful
knows everybody, and of course he’s
The rule is definitely working at St. C
the fact that he is our
High School as Skaggs said this has been built very nice!”
principal thrills many people, but what
the easiest start he’s ever had. Most
Skaggs and his habit of
about you?
students and staff have basically the
whistling through the hallways is a sure
same opinion on Mr. Skaggs, saying he
sign of his presence and makes every
was hardworking, nice, and a great
student say, “Better get to class, here
comes Skaggs!”
“Respect yourself, respect
“He makes a real effort to know
everyone’s name, but even if he doesn’t
know it he’ll simply call you ‘bud’,” said
Julia Maffett, the freshman history
teacher. She was thrilled to have him
‘back in the house’ as were most of the
other teachers.
He’s an intimidating superiority
figure, but he’s also very down to Earth.
“It’s important for me to be there as a
support system so the kids know that
I’m not just a principal and superintendent, but that I’m a friend also,”
explained Skaggs. You’ll see him at
every Friday night football game and
Mrs. Wilson, the French
teacher, exclaimed, “We’re lucky to have every play or choir concert; he cares
him back, he’s just super!”
St. Clairsville Principal, Mr. Skaggs
Experimenting with New Elements
By: Abbey Maroon and Lexie Pritchard
Smell something new cooking
down in the chemistry lab? Could it be a
hydrogen bomb or an atom? No, It’s Mr.
Hicks shaping the minds of St. Clairsville
High School!
Who is this man? Mr. Hicks is a
graduate of Buckeye Local High School,
inspired by his high school chemistry
teacher. “He really made (chemistry)
interesting to learn about,” explains Hicks.
Hicks first received his
pharmaceutical sciences degree from Ohio
State University and also received his
teaching credentials from West Liberty
Teachers have a life outside of
school? Many people think this is an
extremely weird thought! Hicks has been
dating his high school girlfriend for ten
years now and is even engaged! When
Hicks is not spending time with his fiancé,
he is usually sleeping, playing computer
games, or planning lessons. He added, “I’m
a big nerd.”
He may think he is a nerd, but his
students think he’s a pretty cool guy.
Welcome to St. Clairsville High School, Mr.
Chemistry teacher, Mr. Hicks
Deans of Students Take Charge
By: Dakota Woodford
Saint Clairsville High School has implemented a new
system to improve the school called “The Deans of Students.”
This program is run by Mr. Bonar, Coach Frye, and Mr.
Sleutz. The program was developed to help with behavior, to
help the school run smoother, and also most importantly to
help out Mr. Skaggs.
Mr. Sleutz says “I want to create a safe learning
atmosphere for students and staff.”
Coach Frye, Mr. Bonar, and Mr. Sleutz all have the
same role for this new system. They’re all assigned to help
out with many things like behavior, tardies and absences,
and help supervise the lunch room and hallways throughout
the day; each has a different time to do so.
“Were basically assistants to the principal,” states
The program has improved the school and will keep
improving it throughout the year. The Saint Clairsville staff
hopes to continue this program next year.
L to R: Mr. Frye, Mr. Bonar, Mr. Sleutz
“Our school is in need of this program and many students
actually want to help prevent and deal with students’
issues. In fact, I believe most of my cases are after school
By: Ashley Bailey
conflicts that are brought to my attention,” Officer Gazdic
Apparently, adults know more than what teenagers reported. He believes that this program will succeed if
students are willing to participate. But would they?
believe, or at least our advisors of the new SADD program
do. “Replacing the former Carteens program, the St.
According to Officer Gazdic, they would. Being a
Clairsville School District approved the SADD program after National High School program, St. Clairsville Schools trusts
the increasing number of harassment, bullying, drug and
its success because of accomplishments of other schools.
alcohol issues brought to my attention,” says Officer Gazdic. Reports say you may sign up to join SADD, but only a group
“Students Against Disruptive Decisions will be a high
of about 40 students will be acting upon this program.
school program that will hopefully keep our children safe
Those students will be talking and deciphering ideas about
and educate these students about the dangers of their deci- how to lower rising peer pressure acts in our schools.
“I feel like students are unaware of the dangers of
With the escalating percentages of disruptive
their decisions. Also, we should do everything in our power
behavior, the boards of education as well as the head
to inform our children about the bad choices they prefer to
administrators of SADD have found the program a very
do and to help prevent a tragic incident. This entire propractical use for those pressured teenagers who are
gram will be dedicated to keeping the teenagers safe and to
desperate for help.
educate them to make the appropriate decisions not only
now, but for the better of their futures.”
Feeling a Little SADD?
Principal Power
By: Frankie Berardi
Have you noticed anything different this year?
As high school students say hello to a new school year,
they say good-bye to Principal Rocchi, who has found a
new home at the elementary school. The former high
school ruler replaced Mrs. Garrison after her retirement
in an attempt to save the district money and fill the
position from within.
Mr. Rocchi states that the adjustment is great
because he gets to spend more time with his family. He
also mentioned that the schools have their goods and
bads. For example, the elementary students are more
needy, whereas the older kids are a bit too independent.
As the year progresses, Mr. Rocchi intends to
make multiple changes to the school, though he has not
yet decided to speak on what these changes are. In
general he believes that it is great to be in a different
environment despite the tremendous change. The
elementary students are also very excited about their
new principal and both students and staff continue to
anticipate big things for their school.
Come Visit Wonderland
By: Lexie Pritchard
Have you ever wanted to take a trip to
Wonderland? With the help of a girl named Alice and her
magical friends- including the Mad Hatter and Cheshire
Cat- you could do just that. With the hope of transforming
normal world into a fantasy land, the middle-schoolers of
St. Clairsville will be putting on the production of Alice in
Wonderland. The production date is aiming toward late
October or early November and rehearsals are already
alongside Alice and all of her friends. It is sure to be
jam-packed with talented performers who are anxious for
you to come and explore Wonderland with them.
The cast includes past leads such as Liz
Kirkpatrick, Andrew Green, and Maddie Dwyer just to
name a few. Also, there are many up-and-coming
performers such as Haley Fletcher, Alexis Toothman, and
Rhyanna Wiethe and many others who are only in the
sixth, seventh, and eight grade.
The show is being directed by Mr. Wayne Berk
with costume design by alumni, Sara Bigelow. With a large
cast of thirty-two actors, everyone in the production crew
Back Row L to R: Hanna Vera, Arica Zavatsky, Antonia Hummer,
is expected to be hard at work. Also, those involved are
and Deanna Miller
working to maintain the high expectation set for St.
Clairsville’s drama department.
Front Row L to R: Lauren Morgan, Laura Bernard, and
The production will take place over one weekend
and is sure to take you on an action filled journey
Liz Kirkpatrick
By: Chalea Habig
From dresses to suits, slow dancing to raving. It’s
around that time again … that’s right … Homecoming!
Everyone is getting ready for this special event and is
planning to have a heck of a time, but as they take time to
make hair appointments and seek out dates, I decided to take
it upon myself to go to the teachers of the St. Clairsville
Richland Schools and ask them about their homecomings;
Back in their day. One of the first people I interviewed was,
none other than, Mr.Sleutz.
Mr.Sleutz said that he went to all 4 homecomings
because he was “Boss” and focused on hanging with friends
and having a good time. That’s the only reason he liked it in
general, and always avoided the drama. Mr.Sleutz is “Boss”,
so of course he had a date to every homecoming.
You’d expect Mr.Sleutz to be busting out the moves,
but no. He only knew how to do the robot, which most likely
explains why he has such a “stiff” personality today.
When talking about seriousness, you think of one of
the most serious and mature people in St. Clairsville High
School; Joyce the secretary. However, it doesn’t mean it was
the same back in her day. Joyce went to two of her
homecomings, junior and senior years. Homecomings were
held in the gym and everyone wore suits. Yes, even Joyce and
the rest of the girls, and they wore them just because they
didn’t want to go “all out.”
When asked, if she liked Homecoming, Joyce replied
in a, yet again, serious voice, “Sure, yes I did.”
Joyce had a date to both homecomings and
mostly slow danced. “Just did that more way back then,” she
stated. The worst part of homecoming for Joyce was when it
was over. She said, “It was done, and it was over too soon.”
Although a band geek in high school, preschool
teacher Mrs. Myser was a knock out at her homecomings and
she had “a full out blast.” She went to three of her
Back in Ms. J’s day, the broadcast journalism teacher, homecomings and she loved the fact of getting dressed up
Homecoming Queen was surely an exciting achievement, but and thought it was “a big deal to get my hair done.”
at some moments, she was ready to give back her crown.
Mrs. Myser went on to say that it was weird to see
Even though Ms. J was a news anchor and witnessed the
her classmates in a “different light.”
9/11 attacks, she said being homecoming queen was a
“surreal” memory that she will never forget. She went to all
Miraculously, her date was her future husband. She
four homecomings with a date for each one. Ms. J loved
danced and memorized the dance of the song “Bye Bye Bye”
getting “getting crazy” and “really grooved” when it came to by N’Sync and the movements and crazy line up for “The
Train.” The worst part of homecoming for Mrs. Myser was
parents getting out of line about taking photos and the
Sadly, one of the worst parts of homecoming was
corsages and awkward slow dancing.
her own friends and other people being jealous of her being
Homecoming Queen. She also didn’t like Homecoming
Mrs. Myser was and is a great example for having a
because it “became more about the money and not about the “pretty good” time at homecoming.
reason.” Ms. J believed homecoming was supposed to be
about getting dressed up and having a great time with your
Can you guess who was celebrating their Homecoming “Back in Their Day?”
Red Devils Continue Their Winning Ways
By: Morgan Finchman
With a final score of 42-12, the Devils bashed
the Bruins Friday September 2 at Red Devil stadium!
Jerrid Marhefka, Jaylon Brown, Matt Kinnick, and Chase
Garan led the Devils with a combined six TD’s.
Lineman Corey Ernest had the highest “grade”
this game. Jerrid Marhefka’s 4-yard touchdown run,
thrown by Matt Kinnick to the end-zone, his 35-yard
touchdown, and his 55-yard touchdown, led him to
receive electrifying play of the week!
“ We have our hopes up high for this season,”
exclaims Coach McLean. “I was excited that our team got
This was the seventh meeting between the
an opportunity to play (a State Runner-up) and to prove Devils and the Bruins. With the Bruins holding a 4-3
that we’re a very good team as well.”
advantage and an eighth meeting scheduled for the 2012
season, in the words of Coach McLean, “We’re hoping to
Continued Coach McLean, “I think it can be a
tie it up.”
10-0 season if we don’t get over-confident, keep our
heads on straight, and stay healthy.”
“Yeah, That’s Right
We’re the Devils”
By: Mattison Young
As said in the cheer,
“cause they save the best for
last,” it was proven to be true
Saturday, September 17. The
Buckeye 8 cheering competition
is fairly new and this is the Lady
Devils third year in a row
placing first.
“I’m not worried about
you girls. I think you’ll be the
typical St. Clairsville cheering
squad,” Coach Shawn Tomlan
told her cheerleaders in a pep
talk before they performed. St.
Clairsville’s biggest rival squad,
the Redskins of Indian Creek,
placed 3rd with Buckeye Local
coming in 2nd.
St. Clairsville’s Jr. High
also placed first for the middle
school division. The St. C.
cheerleaders finished strong
bringing home two trophies.
Front L-R: Shaylyn Cameron, Audra Vrotsos, Claire Slavik,
Alexis Laurine, Taryne, Soukup, Meggan, Burnett, Andrea
Back L-R: Coach Tomlan, Abby Earliwine, Dana Bernard,
Sammy Collins, Kylee Laurine, Sarah Zink, Mattison Young,
Caitlyn Wolfe, Alli Greenwood, Dakota Woodford
Upper 90
By: Izaac Wiley
The St. Clairsville Boys’ Soccer Team is feared by
many and is showing why. The boys’ team has rolled over
many opponents including Edison, with a final score 7-2 in
the season opener on August 22. The team is looking to
surpass the previous years’ record of 9-6 and go far in the
OVAC Soccer Tournament as well as Ohio Sectionals.
When asked how players were preparing for the
game, Brock Ferrell said “I visualize myself playing lights
out in the game while listening to pump up music. When
you start getting chills from it you know you are ready. “
Chris Norman had a different approach. “ I have a
black belt, therefore I need no mental preparation, it’s
already around my waist.”
The team’s success is a group effort, but could not
be possible without the “Iron 5” defense composed of
The boys’ soccer team played their hearts out but
Bryce Bonnette, Austin Holmes, Connor Sherman, Chris
wasn’t on their side. The team fell short 0-1 with
Norman and Ryan Cervelli. The defense is accountable for
many of the failed offensive strikes by teams like Magnolia, the only goal being scored off of a penalty kick. The Devils’
owned time of possession over 60 percent, as well as field
John Marshall, and Tyler Consolidated.
control on the offensive side around 65 percent, and out
Revved up, the Devils took on Weir High School
shot Big Red 3:1
on September 8 and were stopped dead in their tracks
The Devils are still a force to be reckoned with
bringing their undefeated season to an end. The
and still have their sights set on going far. The season is
hard-fought battle was much anticipated by both teams
still young and they are not looking to bow down to teams
and was a physically high intensity game and a huge
that have beaten them. Their heads are still held high and
breaking point for both teams.
they are in the hunt for the OVAC Tournament.
The Red Devils played Steubenville Big Red on
Taylor Wissmann said “ We have to elevate our
September 13 and were eager to bring home a win and get
game to the next level and if that isn’t enough, we have to
their season back on track. Prior to the game, the boys’
take it to the next level of intensity.”
team was preparing for what would be a fierce match .
Morning Fever
By: Mattison Young
L to R: Ryan Cervelli, Bryce Bonnette, Chris Norman, Austin Holmes, Taylor Wissman,
Brock Ferrell, Connor Sherman
“One loss is too many. No
more losses,” says Abbey Maroon,
center of the reserve football team.
Although the boys had a
rough start against Linsly, they
came out on top with a win against
Union Local, 33-20.
“I rely on the coaches to
prepare us for the game, but when
out there I rely on the ten other
guys to do their job,” says Maroon.
Saturday, September 17 is
a battle against Indian Creek and
then a stop against Harrison
Runnin’ Red Devils
By; Brooke Bosworth
On September 17, the boys’ and girls’ cross
country teams made their way to the biggest meet they
have yet to run this season. The boys team was first to
compete at the Spartan Invitational. The first Red Devil to
cross the finish line was senior standout Andy Thornburg,
who finished 5th place overall. Rounding out the scorers
for the boys team were senior Cole Antolak, juniors Drake
Walker and Joey Davies, and sophomore Alex Timko.
There were 293 total runners in the Division 2 race, and
they placed 7th out of 42 teams.
On the girls’ side, there were 282 total runners.
Junior Amy Castle placed an impressive 11th overall finish.
The remaining four Lady Red Devil scorers were senior
Melanie Hannan, junior Juliana Madzia, senior Brooke
Bosworth, and freshman Joanna Vincenzo. Also out of 42
teams, the ladies finished 10th overall in the Division 2
The Red Devils cross country teams show off
their talent next on Saturday, September 24 at the
Lancaster Invitational.
Andy Thornburg, Drake
Walker, and Joey Davies
take control at the Buckeye
8 meet.
Leading the pack at Barnesville is Juliana Madzia
St. C ‘Kills’ Ferry
By: Katelin Gandee
The St.C volleyball team
holds a record of 4-5 as of
Saturday, September 17. Although
the record may not show it, the
Lady Devils are working as a team
and not giving up.
The varsity volleyball
team includes seniors Alexis
Emrisko, Maelani Dennis, and
Taylor Clark; juniors Allie
Harrison, Ashleigh Moulder, and
Johna Borosh; sophomores Brigee
Mick and Summer Gallentine; and
lone freshman Alexis St.Clair.
Tuesday September 13
marked the first meeting of the
Lady Devils and Lady Riders. In a
quick 3-set match the Lady Devils
defeated Ferry with scores of
25-19, 25-11, and 25-14. Ferry
had no idea what hit them, or hit
at them! St.C worked as a team
and it showed.
The Lady Devils talk strategy to secure the win.
Lady Red Devils Sockhair
By: Sarah Holtsclaw
In previous years the St. Clairsville Girl’s soccer
improve as a player. Miller is happy to just be apart of the
team has worn generic socks. “The socks were really thin, team and to learn more soccer skills.
they didn’t form to our feet, and they ripped easily,”
September 14 served as Senior Night, where
Kayla Dusz described the socks. The team now wears
seniors Megan Hendershot and Morgan Young were
Adidas socks that put no strain on their game.
escorted across the field by their loved ones.
Hairstyles on the team have also improved with
Young states, “Staying in shape, having
color and length changes as well as the addition of
something to keep me busy, having fun, and hanging out,”
feathers. The Lady Red Devils are new and improved this
is what she will miss most about high school soccer.
sockhair season.
Hendershot on the other hand will miss,
Michaela Miller and Bond Weidman are
“making memories with my teammates and singing on
freshman starters this year. Miller is clearing the ball on
the bus.”.
defense while Weidman is “Bonding it up of midfield.”
The Lady Devils are currently 6-5 with the hopes
Weidman enjoys having the opportunity to
of increasing this sockhair record in the weeks to come.
Driving Their Way to
By: Abbey Maroon
Up to par? The golf
team is! Zach Keylor, Adam
Jeffries, Caden Myers, Brice
Holler, and Jared Burghy
have all driven the ball to a
great start.
Six year coach,
Rick Oberdick has led the
team to their second OVAC
championship in two
consecutive years, and the
twenty-third in school
St. Clairsville has
also received the bragging
rights to the Buckeye 8 title.
Although golf is a
team sport, there have also
been very many stories of
individual success.
Clockwise from top left: Michaela Miller, Megan Hendershot,
Morgan Young, Bond Weidman
Caden Myers, a
junior at St Clairsville High
School participated in the
Ohio Valley Junior Golf
Academy over the summer.
Senior Brice Holler,
is an all conference golfer.
Jared Burghy, (junior) Adam
Jeffries, (junior) and Holler
have received rights to the
All OVAC team.
“ I golf everyday
because I want to get better.
There is a lot of competition
around here and the only
way you will win is by
practicing everyday,
explains Myers.
Hope Solo Better Watch It: Brianna Sowers’s
In The House
By: Sarah Holtsclaw
Scott Dutton, head coach of the
St. Clairsville girls soccer team once told his
team, “If you’re a forward and you make a
mistake you hear unlucky. If you’re a defender
or goalie you don’t.” However, Brianna
Sowers is such an amazing goalkeeper that
she almost never hears unlucky or silence,
only cheers.
Sowers is ranked first in the state
with 83 saves this season. Sowers also plays
an important part on the field by clearing the
ball up the field with her feet. Her fellow
teammates think very highly of her: “lifesaver,
great person, excellent goalie, Hope Solo in
disguise, brave athlete, amazing talent,
nonstop mac and cheese grasshopper, most
important player on the field, kind, gracious,
relentless athlete, my hero,”were just a few
words used by teammates and coaches to
describe Sowers.
Sowers has been playing soccer for
six years all of it has been goalie experience.
To prepare for games Brianna starts her day
with a cinnamon crunch bagel, the “Breakfast
of Champions.” Right before games she listens
to a “pump up playlist” on her I-pod, including
the song “It’s My Time” by Fabulous. When
asked what goes through her head when a
shot is about to be made on her goal she
answered, “nothing at all, I try to let my
instincts take over and let my body do the
She is inspired by her whole family
and her teammates to play well, because they
are all counting on her.
When asked how she would react if
her team dumped the water cooler on her
after a game, she responded “ I’d get you guys
A word of advice for the Lady Devils:
Do not mess with your goalie, she ain’t scared.
Burning Up the Field
By: Bryce Burnett
Sophomore Goalie Brianna Sowers
Do you smell smoke? Well, it’s
probably Matt Kinnick’s hair, I mean
arm, burning up the field on Friday
nights. There’s more to Matt Kinnick,
varsity quarterback, than meets the
RDD: What is your idea of the perfect
Kinnick: “A hot one.”
RDD: What other activities do you
participate in besides football?
Kinnick: “I enjoy hanging with right
tackle, Tom Parker.”
Junior Quarterback Matt Kinnick
RDD: What do you enjoy about your position
in football?
Kinnick: “I like getting the ball every play.”
RDD: Tell me how you manage to stay calm,
cool, and collected this season?
Kinnick: “It’s really all about focusing on the
enemy, or the other team. Just know that
they’re more afraid than you are.”
RDD: Who is your favorite artist?
Kinnick: “Vango”
Though his hair is on fire, his soul is
calm, cool, and collected. Check him out
burning up the field on Friday nights.
St. C Welcomes New Volleyball Coach
By Katelin Gandee
After coaching Union Local
varsity for three years, Coach Christa
Truchan left and came back to her alma
mater, St. Clairsville High. Her biggest
motto is “Practice hard, so games are
The big question among the
team this season is if the program will
change next year? “No, I think we are
headed in the right direction,” states
Seeing her team succeed and
watching them grow on and off the
court is what Truchan enjoys most
about coaching. But before she was a
coach, she was a player. She played
volleyball here at St.Clairsville in high
school and at Wheeling Jesuit. Outside
of volleyball she enjoys hiking,
swimming, running, and hanging out
with family and friends.
Coach Christa Truchan
A Change Worth
“Cheering” For
By: Alexis Laurine
The St. Clairsville cheering dynasty received a
major change this year, a new coach. However, Coach
Shawn Tomlan is a familiar face to St. C cheering.
Tomlan previously coached twice, making this return
her third.
“I’ve always loved cheering, and I missed it
after I left,” she said. “The girls are hard working and I
like helping them get better,” explains Tomlan about
her return.
If you didn’t know, the St. C cheering
program has become one of the most winning athletic
programs at St. Clairsville, and that “definitely adds
pressure,” Tomlan says.
However, pressure is something the Red
Devils are accustomed too, as defending 4 time OVAC
AAA champs. The championship caliber squad is
working hard to meet the expectations that come with
their success, and to continue that success into the
2011-2012 season.
Dutton Drives On With New
By: Kayla Dusz
The St.Clairsville
girl’s soccer team heads into
the 2011 season under new
leadership. Succeeding retired
coach Joe Kubik, Scott Dutton
is taking over the head
coaching spot with Mrs. Dawn
Weidman as the assistant
Weidman the newbie
explained what sparked her
interest in coaching was that
she “had coached rec ball for
many years and wanted to
move up in the coaching ranks
and saw this as a great
and others and decide where
we need to improve and fill
those spots needed.”
This year’s season,
the girls are down on
numbers and it was thought to
be a threat to the team’s
success. But with Morgan
Young, Alyssa Lodi, and
Brianna Sowers there will be
no stopping these girls.
Currently, the lady
Devils are (6-5) and have
phenomenally increased in
points this year. But Dutton
knows his team has “Faith,
heart and skill.” With these
Dutton is optimistic
qualifications and the ability
this season as being head
to work hard and work
coach. He said, “I prepared for together, this season may
the season by looking at stats prove better than expected.
from last year on our team
What Women Want
By: Chris Baker, Bryce Burnett,
and Abbey Maroon
There are many confusing things in this world caring… you know, all the basic things you would
such as nuclear fission and quantum mechanics but
expect a woman to say.
perhaps the most confusing is what woman really want.
Men on the other hand seem to be absolutely
What do woman want along the lines of homecoming
baffled with knowing what woman want. “If you can
this year?
answer that question you will be a very rich man. I
Do woman want a macho stud, who will pick
know you think I’m old and wise, but I have no clue…
them up in a Chevy Camaro convertible? Or would they Good luck,” regretfully informed 12th grade English
prefer a guy who is himself and drives an every day
teacher, Mr. Clifford.
car? This is one question men may never know!
Money was even offered if this answer was
Men and women obviously have different
found. “ No one knows what (women) want; honestly it
insights to this topic (like everything else in the world) changes everyday. If you find the answer I will pay you
and according to, 8th grade English teacher Mrs.
for it,” said Freshman science teacher Mr. Stiles
Duncan, “ A man with good morals, respectful, and
For years one of the hardest questions to
character is what a man should be.”
answer… one that has stumped the minds of the
Miss Jeffries 10th grade history teacher says,
world’s greatest thinkers and philosophers is what
“ (he should be) very nice, financially stable, with good woman want.
humor. “ All the answers we received from women
seemed to be the same- good personality, loving,
Taking Her to Dance
Words of Wisdom
By: Nathan Teater
What can you do if you can’t afford
a car for the Homecoming Dance?
Ride a bus (the girl thinks you’re a cheapskate)
Rent a limo (the girl thinks your worth $100
By: Kody Barnes
Wait, what do
you mean they
How much are
they asking?
Okay dear,
I’m going
to pick you
up now.
My seat is
would she
slap me?
Yeah...I will
see you at
the dance.
Ride a bike (the girl will ditch you and slap
you in the face)
Walk your butt up to the dance (the girl will
call and say she is sick so she does not have
to look like a bum)
How much
was this?
I dunno, now
let’s leave to the
dance before
we’re late!
I don’t want
to talk
about it.
Grade “A” Sound
By: Bryce Burnett
We are entertained by vision and sight. We watch
things like musicals and plays to grasp our attention. Who
makes these all possible? Danny Eaton with sound and
lighting. Lets learn a little about him.
RDD: What is your idea of the perfect woman?
Danny: “A nice one”
RDD: What exactly do you do to be active in the musical
productions around school?
Danny: “I build all backdrops for St C. Singers and I do all
sound and lighting for the plays and choir groups.”
RDD: How do you manage to keep your grades up and remain an exceptional student during all of your extracurricular work with music?
Danny: “I’m pretty good with time management. I like to
work with singers but I’m always focusing on school.”
Danny: “Leonardo
RDD: If your homework
and all of your school
books were on fire, and
there was a time bomb
with 10 seconds left
attached to all of your
musical equipment,
which would you save?
Danny: “If there’s a fire
and a bomb I’m going to
be running.”
According to
Senior Danny Eaton
this student of the month,
time management is key to
keeping good grades; no matter how much you’re dong
outside of school. Keep up the good work Danny!
RDD: Who’s your favorite artist?
Homecoming Dance tickets on sale now thru Wednesday,
October 5
$15 for a single
$30 for a couple
Homecoming Football Game: Friday, October 7
Homecoming Dance: Saturday, October 8
Columbus Day: Monday, October 10 No school
Lunch with your elementary child October 17-21
Middle School pictures Thursday, October 20
ACT registration deadline: November 4
ACT test date: December 10
SAT registration deadline: November 8
SAT test date: December 3
The Other Guys
By: Cody Jackson and Nathan Teater
The St. Clairsville Red Devil Marching Band and its
The Red Devil Dispatch also interviewed the senior
42 members have begun its second year under the direction Color Guard members for their thoughts on this year:
of Mr. Justin Schwertfeger. Mr. S, as everyone calls him, is a
RDD: What do you think of your first year in Color Guard?
graduate of Brooke High School and attended Notre Dame
University. His ideas have turned the St. Clairsville Red Devil Teddy: It’s great and actually pretty fun.
Marching Band into a more up-beat band then years past.
Megan: It’s been a really amazing experience, I’ve improved
The Red Devil Dispatch interviewed him for some
a lot, it’s been a lot of hard work but I’m glad that I’ve had
thoughts on the instrumental music program:
the chance to experience it.
RDD: What are your thoughts on this year’s band?
Mr. S: We are more organized; we are working really hard
and are very strong.
RDD: How do you think the band did against Brooke’s band
during the football game on September 2?
RDD: Do you think that this year’s color guard will be
compared to years’ past?
Alexxis: It’s a lot better, a lot more improvement and we’re
way ahead of last year.
Dana: We’re probably a little better.
Mr. S: We played very well, both bands have good potential
and a great halftime show.
This year’s color guard is consisted of seven
members including four seniors and three eighth graders.
Two of the seniors, Alexxis Tanley and Dana Sandoval, are
returning members while Megan Hendershot and Teddy
Lusk are first-year members.
Devil In Disguise
By: Olivia DiBetta
You may know him as
Lady Gaga’s biggest fan. Maybe
you’ve seen him perfecting his
piano playing with Mr. Berk.
But to see him pepping up the
crowd on a Friday night… you
may not recognize him under all
those muscles, but yes, it’s Nick
Makris, St. Clairsville’s new Red
Devil mascot!
him and a way to “get the crowd
pumped up.”
When he’s not at games
raising school spirit, Nick also
enjoys St. C Singers, Sweet
Harmony, and is “always listening to music.” According to Nick,
he “really loves being a part of
this school.”
Makris may not be the
typical modern-day Superman,
and in his own words does not
consider himself “very athletic,”
but the transformation into the
Red Devil mascot on Friday
evenings is something fun for
Red Devil mascot, Nick Makris
L-R: Megan Hendershot, Alexxis Tanley, Teddy
Lusk, and Dana Sandoval
The Girls of Fall
By: Mattison Young
“School spirit
from when I was in
school is a completely
different world today,”
says Coach Brett
McLean, founder of the
Touchdown Girls.
couraged to join by
Coach McLean and the
girls involved.
Senior, Tayrne
Soukup exclaimed, “I’m
most excited about
getting involved with
The Touchthe football team and
down Girls was started helping our students
in hopes to boost
have more school
school spirit and get
the student body
The girls ask
pumped for Friday
the rest of the student
night football games.
body to jump up off
Any girls, grades 9-12
their feet and show
can join and are ensome school spirit.
Penny For Your Thoughts
By: Penelope
Dear Penelope,
This school year is my first
year having a job and going to school
at the same time. It’s only the third
week of school, and I’m already
exhausted! I asked my boss to cut
down on my hours, but she just won’t
listen. I’m averaging about four hours
of sleep per night, and then I go to
school, and after that, I work until
around eleven. And, on top of all that, I
have a mountain of homework every
night. It’s crazy, and it’s making me
physically sleep. Help?
work. And if she doesn’t listen? Find
an employer who will. A part-time job
is a part-time job. Your education will
take you a lot further in life.
Dear Penelope,
As a high school boy, I’m
awkward and almost certain most
girls find me annoying. I want to ask
this girl to homecoming, and I really
like her, but I don’t want to mess this
up. Any ideas?
Dear Awkward,
If it wasn’t already too late, I’d
Dear Money Maker,
say find a way to put it in the paper.
However, girls are suckers for the
It sounds like you need to
mushy-gushy poppycock. I don’t care
embark on a long, passionate
if they’re the hardest, most bro-tastic
relationship with your bed. Having a
girl ever- they’ll still fall for that stuff.
job while in high school is tough,
Make a You Tube video of you holding
believe me, I know. Money is
up a huge sign asking her to homeimportant, however, in the wise
coming, and then post it on her face
words of Obe, when your seven dollar
book. Get her locker combination and
and forty cents hourly paying job
stuff her locker with handwritten
becomes more important than your
balloons that say “Go to homecoming
school work, you better learn to like it
with me!” Honestly, kid, watch
because you’re going to have it longer
The Titanic, read up on some Nicholas
than you really want. I deal with this
Sparks and absorb all of that sappy
problem a lot at my job, and my best
feminine idiocy. Embrace it. I’m sure
advice is to talk to your boss again and
you can pull an idea or two out of it.
tell her you need time for your school
Dear Penelope,
I get so embarrassed when
my mom takes me to school or school
-related events. Sometimes, just public
in general. She’s not really weird or
anything, she just treats me like a little
baby. At one of my football games, I
was tackled and she practically ran
onto the field to check on me. How can
I tell her to ease up without hurting
her feelings?
Dear Mama’s Boy,
The difficult thing about this
topic is that you are your mom’s baby.
It doesn’t matter how old you are,
you’ll always be her little baby. I’m
seventeen, and my mom still thinks of
me as her little girl who wore tutus
and tiaras and knew every word and
dance step to Cats the musical. My
best advice? Embrace it. Don’t push
your mom away. She does this
because she loves you, and it may be
embarrassing now, but in the long run,
it’ll work out to your advantage.
There’s nothing wrong with being
your mom’s baby. She’s the one
person who’s obligated to love you,
so you might as well enjoy it.
Have a question for Penelope? Feel
free to leave it in the Penelope box
inside the door in Room 309.
Wild Fire Strikes Texas
By: Frankie Berardi
In late August, wild fires appear throughout the
massive state of Texas. The fires continued to grow, despite
the efforts of emergency response teams and eventually
started destroying homes. As of September eleventh, the
number of destroyed houses reached a staggering 1,554,
which allowed for the national government to declare a
state of emergency.
The brutal and devastating disaster continues to
erupt with no evident sign of stopping. Most inhabitants
within a forty-five mile radius in central Texas were forced
to evacuate. At least four people died. According to USA
Today, the fires are just growing larger and we see no clear
sign of an end to them.
The Texas disaster has now reached a toll of over
1.3 million dollars in damages, which surpasses the 1
million dollar qualification to be declared a state of
emergency. Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) is assisting families in multiple ways. The organization will cover seventy-five percent of firefighting costs as
well as donate up to 30,000 dollars toward each victimized
family to cover hotel bills, temporary housing costs, and
agencies will
continue to fight
fires and
according to
Texas County
Director Mike
Fisher, “The
Photo courtesy of Nicole Faciuto
teams have a
strategy to tame the monstrous flaming death balls, which if
successful, will contain more than half of the fire in little
time at all, possibly days.” This news on the fire’s containment was good for the inhabitants because all are anxious
to see an end to the huge problem sweeping their state.
Once the fire is completely contained, they will be able to go
home and in the first time in months on an account by
homeowner George Heimke, “sleep well.”
Obama Talks Jobs
By: Frankie Berardi
After a history-making rejection
by House Speaker John Boehner to speak
before a joint session of Congress on
Wednesday, September 7, President
Obama moved his much anticipated jobs
speech to Thursday September 8. Obama
released information about a 447 billion
dollar bill that would secure the possible
end to our recession in 2012.
Mr. Obama supported a
continued cut in payroll taxes at an
amount of 240 billion dollars, which
would cut the tax paid by employees in
half through 2012. Small business
owners would receive a cut in payroll
taxes as well as a tax break for taking on
new employees. This plan anticipates a
raise in available jobs and a decrease in
the 9.1 percent unemployment rate.
The president also described
new government spending directed
toward public works including the
motorization of schools, road repairs,
fixing bridges, and other local
commodities. The new spending for
these modifications totals 140 billion
Speaking on the matter of the
recession, President Obama, addressed
that through these new measures the
downfall should end. The economy will
within the next year see a 0.1 percent to
a possible 1.1 percent increase in the
monetary growth.
Conservatives and liberals
continue to discuss and debate the pros
and cons of this bill. Congress will juggle
all the American’s financial situations in
hopes of reaching a solution.
President Obama courtesy of CBS
Egyptian Protesters Attack Israeli Embassy
By: Frankie Berardi
Recently protesters made yet another attempt to
purify their homeland from anything dealing with the
removed Egyptian president Mubarak. On September 10,
protesters made, according to the New York Times, a
“radical political statement in favor of ending a historic
peace treaty between Egypt and Israel signed by Mubarak.”
Citizens of Egypt stated that, in 1979 Israel made a treaty
with Mubarak, and not the country of Egypt. After the two
Arab allies formed their famed friendship, Israel formed a
huge embassy on Mubarak’s land, and even after his
removal from office, the embassy still existed, but
protesters saw fit to fully eradicate any symbol of their
former leader.
The destruction of the embassy and those inside
began at nightfall on the 10th at approximately 10 P.M. Once
inside, the protesters secured the building taking control of
over six employees and throwing Hebrew language
documents out the window.
Within little time, the Egyptian police arrived and
dispersed the angry mob. As the military joined in with the
police, tear gas was launched and about twenty tanks were
moved into the area according to an aid to the Israeli
ambassador. The military began to seize control, but within
no time, the protesters began launching firebombs and
setting police transports on fire. The disruption continued
until the military finally secured the location, according to
the New York Times, at 6 A.M. and arrested nineteen
The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
spoke on the matter of relations with Egypt stating,
according to the Washington Post, the complication caused
a “severe injury to the fabric of peace with Israel.”
After the event in Egypt came full circle around the
globe, the White House released information to the Israeli
prime minister and the public that President Obama
expressed great concern for the complication and that the
U.S. was acting at all levels to resolve the situation. Soon,
explains President Obama, America will take the measures
necessary to end the conflict between our two western
allies in order to ensure peace for years to come.
Senate Bill 5 in Disguise
By: Frankie Berardi
As the November 8th elections approach, are too many variables, for example who is going to decide
a controversial idea will be hiding in the shadows. Last
which people are eligible to work and which are not, it is
spring Senate Bill Five became law, but many upset union
not a fair evaluation, it basically becomes a matter of who
workers are not going to rest until the controversial bill is knows whom.”
repealed. In order to get a referendum, anti-Senate Bill Five
Considered to be the most perplexing problem of
supporters needed over 250,000 signatures, and acquiring
issue 2 is forcing union workers to pay fifteen percent of
almost 2,000,000 signatures, Senate Bill Five will be back
their heath care benefits instead of taxpayers. Traditionally
on the ballet incognito as Issue 2.
the union members would get free health care for their
The heart of Issue 2 begins with the removal of
entire family, but under Issue 2, the unlimited health
collective bargaining, which translates to not allowing
benefits would disappear. To some, this is negative because
union workers to negotiate their own salaries. There will
it takes money from the union, but to others it is positive
be one flat rate for which all workers in any given union
because it returns money to the taxpayers.
will receive. Many employees for example, St. Clairsville
Supporters continue to rally for and against the
High School teacher Mr. Drake believe that “ taking away
highly controversial bill, spending according once again to
collective bargaining harms public employees and the next
Mr. Drake “twenty million dollars on advertising against
step will be to take away the rights of all [private]
the bill, while the supporters for the bill are spending
twenty-five million.” Ohioans have a duty to do what is best
Another complaint about the issue is the thought
for the state and in turn must educate themselves in order
of merit-based jobs. This in the eyes of union workers,
to be a patriot for their respective cause because the
looks good on paper, but cannot work. One such person is
voter’s decision as a state on November 8th will affect
an anonymous schoolteacher, who believes that “rating
everyone for quite sometime. It is evident that through this
teachers in particular on merit is impossible because there bill, the lives of many people could and will be changed.
Republican or Democrat?
By: Frankie Berardi
As the presidential primaries approach, campaign
advertisements for Republicans and President Obama are
constantly seen; however, rarely is anything publicized about
Obama’s competition. There is; however, a second candidate
running against Mr.Obama, Randall Terry. Despite common
practice of Democrats, Terry is actually conservative and
pro-life, but in some people’s minds, he is a little too pro-life.
Terry’s political career first began in 1998
when he ran as a Republican to the House of Representatives
for New York, but lost. He later ran again as a Republican for
the Senate after he moved to Florida, and again lost. He is
now running for president as a Democrat, which
sparked a lot of interest as to why a life-long Republican
and a politically unsuccessful Republican would join the
big leagues as a Democratic presidential candidate.
Although he has never specifically stated why the
changes in parties, many people, according to the
Washington Post, speculate that his sudden decision is
due to a necessity to rally support to his organization
considering its recent unpopularity.
As Randall Terry’s support diminishes, people look
toward his personal life as the answer to why he is so
disliked. Terry has made, as stated by the New York Times,
“many inappropriate remarks and actions regarding his
As Terry hands over almost all his support to
President Obama, conservatives and liberals alike are
already preparing for Obama’s victory because in reality,
most view Randall Terry as a mockery with no chance of
winning. At this point in time, all we can do is sit back and bet
on how long Terry will survive against Barack Obama.
Michelle Backmann courtesy of CBS News
Presidents and Politics
By: Frankie Berardi
Michele Backmann foster mother of twenty-three
teenage girls, is the first republican woman to run for
president. Fifty-five-year-old Michele Backmann started
her political career in 2000 in the Minnesota State Senate.
In 2006 she ran and won a position in Washington D.C. as a
Minnesota Representative. She opposed the stimulus
bailout and additional troops in Iraq. Today she has opted
to forego the illustrious Capital Building in an attempt to
vie for the White House as the first woman president.
Congresswoman Backmann campaigns many
beliefs including those against abortion and funding
toward Mexico to support the fights against the drug war.
She voted in favor of reauthorizing the D.C. Scholarship
Program and agrees with working with India using nuclear
power. She supports free trade, but does not support
funding to individuals whose jobs deal with globalization.
Backmann also promised to repeal Obama Care if elected
and to serve only one term as President. On the other hand
she believes that all people should be weaned off of social
security and health care.
The Minnesota conservative continued to rally
support, but unfortunately her campaign took a turn for
the worst when Texas Governor Rick Perry joined the race.
Perry quickly became a front-runner and took most of
Backmann’s supporters. The Wall Street Journal is now
saying that Backmann holds only eight percent of voters,
while NBC/WSJ states that she has seven percent of tea
party supporters compared to Perry’s forty-five. According
to the New York Times, “If Michele Backmann’s campaign
continues in the direction it is going she will surely lose.”
Randall Terry courtesy of Jill Stanek
The Angry Beaver:
The Thoughts, the Views and the Opinions of One
Angry Mammal
It’s the same thing every
fall. Parent’s pocket out hundreds of
dollars for dresses, nails, hair and
accessories. Girls run around looking
for dates like spastic escapees from
the local asylum. Boys worry about
where they’re going to eat and pray
their date likes the dollar menu. I,
personally, would rather partake in
some heavy music and hang outs with
my friends. However, it seems as
though every year, I find myself
buying a dress, doing my hair and
getting my nails done. Maybe it’s just
because I’m a teenage girl and deep
down inside of my cold, black,
uncaring heart, I want to be pretty
and dress up for that one night.
Maybe it’s because I want to be
noticed for more than that girl who
had the huge plugs in her ears or with
the overly short hair or who is
essentially alone in high school.
Maybe because I want boys to ask me
to homecoming and I have a little dim
shimmer of hope that one would do
that. Or maybe, I just get caught up
in all the hype that comes with it.
on a baby. I’m just too awkward to
even think of allowing myself to
partake in those sorts of festivities.
Whatever the reason, I still
Take me to a Star Wars convention,
don’t understand it. The definition of
and I’ll be one wild hufflepuffer, (yes,
homecoming is the return of alumni
that was a Harry Potter reference for
to their home school. But I mean,
all of you muggles out there,) but I’m
have you been to one of those things?
just not into the drama, the primping
It’s like a teenage dissipation with
and the dancing… if that’s what you
bad music and mediocre cookies and
want to call it.
punch. Girls have their dresses hiked
up, boys have their sunglasses on,
So why do I find myself
(which is another thing I just cannot going every year? I’ll blame it on my
fathom, but we’ll save that for a rainy love for clothes and spending money
day), and then you have those kids
and leave it at that. As a teenager, I’m
who hide out in the bathroom all
still trying to figure myself out. I have
night gossiping about so-and-so’s
a pretty good idea, but maybe,
dress and whoever’s date.
subconsciously, I’m not this awkward
teenage girl that everyone perceives
My freshman homecoming
me to be. Or, maybe, I’m kidding
date, who shall remain unnamed,
myself I’ll remain to be the awkward
attempted to get me to partake in the
and self-proclaimed witty nerd that
mob of grinding teenagers, most of
nobody notices in the hallways. After
which, I didn’t even like to begin with.
all, within every Wookie, there’s a
Conveniently enough for me, the
gentle puppy.
bathroom was just off to my right and
I jumped on that excuse like a dingo
By: Lexie Pritchard
Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head? Whether you’re listening to 95.7 or to music on the Internet, you may
still be craving some new sound! So, find your genre, find your listening space, and find an empty spot in your mind. You
could find something new to get stuck in your head! If anyone has any suggestions for some awesome songs you want to
include in the upcoming issues, write them down and hand them to me in the halls- I can’t do it all alone! ;)
Just in Love- Joe Jonas
All My Life- Foo Fighters
Curl Up and Die- Relient
Stutter- Maroon 5
TOP 10
1. Moves Like Jagger- Maroon 5
2. Someone Like You- Adele
Paris- Grace Potter +
the Nocturnals
Passion for PublicationAnarbor
Are There Giants Too,
In the Dance?Meg + Dia
3. Pumped up Kicks- Foster the People
4. Paradise- Coldplay
5. Stereo Hearts- Gym Class Heroes
6. You Make Me Feel- Cobra Starship
7. You and I- Lady GaGa
8. Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO
9. Cheers (Drink to That)- Rihanna
We Owned the NightLady Antebellum
10. Without You- David Guetta and
Easy- Rascal Flatts ,
Natasha Bedingfield
Heart Like MemphisCarter TwinsBreak
Down Here- Julie Roberts
When Does it Go AwayTravis Garland + JoJo
Strip MeNatasha Bedingfield
The One That Got AwayKaty Perry
Who’s Laughing NowJessie J
Disaster- JoJo
Color the WallsFoster the People
Help I’m Alive!- Metric
Winner- Justin Timberlake + Jamie Foxx
Heavy in Your ArmsFlorence + the Machine
Monster- Kanye West
Lesson Learned- Alicia Keys
Amen- Eden’s Edge
Everything Right Now- Travis Garlan
Wild at Heart- Gloriana
Lions Tigers and Bears- Jazmine Sullivan
When I Get You Alone- Thicke
One- Faith Hill
What Makes You BeautifulOneDirection
Devils- Say Hi
Song for No One- Mike Snow
She Moves in Her Own WayThe Kooks
Homecoming Word Search
q l
u d
r u
m s
s i
e c
i h
n h
i k
l a
p r
o p
o f u n t
e f e a s
r m sm s
o p t a t
h o n r r
u p e d o
s amom
a l e r a
nm t b t
l n i s c
mp c o o
t i x b e
n g e u s
c i o e i
1. An old rich man was counting
all of his money when he got a
phone call. He put it all away
except one 100 dollar bill so he
could test whether or not his
staff was trust worthy. When he
came back, he noticed it was
gone and he asked the maid if
she had seen it. She said yes and
that she had put it in a cabinet
for safe keeping. They checked
but it was gone. They asked the
cook if he had seen it and he said
yes that he had put it under a
vase for safe keeping. They
checked but it was gone. They
asked the butler if he had seen it
and he said yes that he had put it
in a book between the pages 5
and 6 for safe keeping. It was
gone. They asked the gardener and he said he hadn’t seen it
at all. Who stole the money?
2. It is said among my people
that some things are improved
by death. Tell me, what stinks
while living but in death smells
Answer 1: The butler. Why?
Because you can’t put anything
between the pages of 5 and 6.
Answer 2: A pig.
The Red Devil Dispatch would like to thank those who have supported us
this year. If anyone is interested in donating or advertising with us, please
call 695– 1584 or email [email protected]
Greg Bizzarri, Richland Township Trustee,
and family
Jackson’s Wrecker Service
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Wagner
Red Devil Boys’ Basketball
Red Devil Football
Sarah Gibeaut
Dolores Pytlik
Justin Sleutz

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