identifiCation aCCessories
identifiCation aCCessories
identifiCation aCCessories MUCH MORE THAN CARD PRINTERS Signature pads Software Card printers Accessories Services CONTENT Customizable lanyards 3 Lanyards 4 Badge holders 6 Card holders 11 Clips & fasteners 12 Cutting tools 16 Card storage 17 PRICE TAG ACCESSORIES 18 Customizable lanyards Promote your organization and your events thanks to customizable lanyards! For your customizable lanyard project, benefit from: • advice from a team of experts • our commitment on deadlines • a systematic quality control Breakaway feature Breakaway feature Metal swivel hook METAL DOG hook Ribbed polyester lanyard customizable in 1 color on 1 side Polyester lanyard customizable in FULL COLOR on both sides •Customization of the lanyard with the color of your choice and a 1-color design on 1 side •Lanyard width: 15 mm •Fastener: metal swivel hook •With or without breakaway feature •Customization of the lanyard with the color design of your choice on both sides •Lanyard width: 15 mm •Fastener: metal dog hook •With or without breakaway feature Part # Qty Part # Qty 1436000 Lanyard without breakaway feature 100 1437000 Lanyard without breakaway feature 100 1436001 Lanyard with breakaway feature 100 1437001 Lanyard with breakaway feature 100 Packaged per 100, minimum order quantity: 300 units. For orders of more than 10,000 units, please contact your sales representative. Delivery deadline: 4 weeks (according to the quantity). Evolis 3 Lanyards breakaway feature metal swivel hook 12 mm tube polyester lanyard with metal swivel hook 12 mm tube polyester lanyard with metal swivel hook and breakaway feature •Packaged per 100 •Width: 12 mm •Length: 2 x 43 cm + hook •Lanyard thickness: 0.90 mm •Fastener: metal swivel hook •Finish: metal crimp •Packaged per 100 •Width: 12 mm •Length: 2 x 43 cm + fastener •Lanyard thickness: 0.90 mm •Fastener: metal swivel hook •Finish: metal crimp Part # 1437210 White Qty Part # 100 1437240 Qty White 100 1437211 Royal blue (293 C) 100 1437241 Royal blue (293 C) 100 1437214 Red (186 C) 100 1437244 Red (186 C) 100 1437216 Black (Black C) 100 1437246 Black (Black C) 100 1437218 Navy blue (289 C) 100 1437248 Navy blue (289 C) 100 4 Evolis lanyards 12mmtubepolyesterlanyard Withmetaldoghook metal dog hook •packagedper100 •Width:12mm •length:2x43cm+fastener •lanyardthickness:0.90mm •fastener:metaldoghook •finish:metalcrimp Part # 1437280 Qty White 100 1437281 royalblue(293C) 100 1437284 red(186C) 100 1437286 black(blackC) 100 1437288 navyblue(289C) 100 10mmsatinlanyard satinlanyard Withbadgereel(zipCord®) ClosedbreakaWayattaChment thezipCord®ismadeofathinsatinpolyesterlanyard(width:10mm) withbreakawaysafetyfeatureandaretractablebadgereel (diameter:30mm). •packagedper100 •Width:10mm •length:2x43cm+zip •lanyardthickness:0.5mm •badgereelretractablelength:72cm openedbreakaWayattaChment Part # Qty 1437100 black(blackC) 100 1437101 royalblue(293C) 100 Evolis 5 badgeholders idxbadgeholders manufacturedinfrance,theidxrangeofbadgeholdersefficiently protectsyourcards(thickness:0.5mmto1.25mm). thesebadgeholdersaresturdy,light,attractiveandversatile,andare compatiblewithallclipsandfastenersfromourcatalogue. Withtheircrystalfinishonboththefrontandtheback,idx110and120 badgeholdersenhancebothsidesofyourcard. •packagedper100 •material:polycarbonatewithuvtreatment •Cardsize:86x54mm •Capacity:1or2badge(s),accordingtothickness Part # alsoavailable: vertiCalmodel Qty 1454251 idx110:Crystal/crystalfinish,horizontalmodel 100 1454252 idx120:Crystal/crystalfinish,verticalmodel 100 1454256 idx140:Crystal/frostedfinish,horizontalmodel 100 1454257 idx150:Crystal/frostedfinish,verticalmodel 100 badgeholderidx48ready-to-use Withitsids16rmetalsuspenderclipandreinforcedstrap,theidx48 isa«ready-to-use»badgeholder. alsoavailable: vertiCalmodel 6 Evolis •packagedper100 •material:polycarbonatewithuvtreatment •finish:onecrystalside,onefrostedside •Cardsize:86x54mm •Capacity:1or2badge(s),accordingtothickness Part # Qty 1456600 idx48h:horizontalmodel 100 1456601 idx48v:verticalmodel 100 badgeholders idp64badgeholderfor1Card thisbadgeholder,madeofpolypropylene,protectsyourcardononeside. •packagedper100 •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm •Capacity:1card Part # Qty 1455700 idp64h:horizontalmodel 100 1455710 idp64v:verticalmodel 100 slideCardbadgeholder rigidclearbadgeholdermadeofpolycarbonate.retrieve yourbadgeeasilybypushingtheslide. slideCard for1Card •packagedper100 •material:polycarbonate •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm Part # Qty 1454210 for1card,horizontalmodel 100 1454211 for1card,verticalmodel 100 1454215 for2cards,horizontalmodel 100 slideCard for2Cards ids79badgeholderWithdivider theids79isdesignedtohold2cardsseparatedbyadivider. •packagedper100 •finish:onecrystalside,onefrostedside •material:polycarbonatewithuvtreatment •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm •Capacity:1or2cards Part # Qty 1454310 ids79h:horizontalmodel 100 1454311 ids79v:verticalmodel 100 Evolis 7 badgeholders ids90safetybadgeholder thisbadgeholderislockedwithasingleclick!easytohandle,the ids90ensuresyourbadgeslong-termprotection.oncecardshave beeninsertedandlockedinthecase,theycannotberemovedwithout breakingthebadgeholder. alsoavailable: vertiCalmodel •packagedper100 •material:crystalpolystyrene •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm •Capacity:1or2cards Part # Qty 1458001 ids90h:horizontalmodel 100 1458000 ids90v:verticalmodel 100 slidingClosingfeature ids76badgeholderWithsliding Closingfeature youjusthavetounlockthelateralprotectiontoremovethecard. •packagedper100 •material:polycarbonatewithuvtreatment •horizontalorvertical •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm •Capacity:1or2cards Part # Qty 1454230 100 openedbadgeholder openingkey badgeholderpbloCk onceyourbadgeisinsertedinthecase,justusetheopeningkey togetitout. •packagedper100 •material:polycarbonate •horizontalorvertical •finish:crystalonthefront/frostedontheback •Cardsize:86x54mm •Capacity:1or2cards 8 Evolis Part # Qty 1454220 100 badgeholders ids36 professionalbadgeholder transparentpvCsoftbadgeholderwithreinforcedtopforprofessionaluse. •packagedper100 •pre-punchedhole:2roundø5mm+1oblong •material:0.25mmtransparentpvC •Cardsize:86x54mm Part # Qty 1453000 ids36h:horizontalmodel 100 1453001 ids36v:verticalmodel 100 idC40 Crystalbadgeholder(90x58mm) theideallow-costsolutionforquicklyidentifyingavisitor, aspeakeroranexhibitor. •packagedper100 •deliveredwithawhitebristolboardinsert •fastener:croco-typemetalclip+safetypin •material:rigidtransparentacetate •badgesize:90x58mm Part # Qty 1456110 100 eventsbadgeholder fora6badge(105x148mm) transparentpvCbadgeholderfora6sizecardwithreinforcedtopband •packagedper100 •verticalmodel •pre-punchedhole:2roundø5mm+1oblong •material:0.25mmtransparentpvC •Cardsize:105x148mm(a6) Part # Qty 1453210 100 Evolis 9 Badge holders IDC 30 armband badge holder Thick PVC armband badge holder with adjustable elastic band. •Packaged per 10 •Material: thick PVC •Card size: 86 x 54 mm •Color: black Part # Qty 1453604 10 Clearbox Waterproof badge holder with ring Its waterproof and shockproof design keeps your personal belongings away from water, sand and dust. This high quality badge holder provides protection to all your badges and cards (access control badges, banking cards, etc.). •Packaged per 10 •Delivered with a metal ring •Size (H x W): 9.5 x 5.9 cm •Material: premium ABS with silicone gasket •Capacity: up to 8 cards (thickness: 0.76 mm) 10 Evolis Part # Qty 1455000 10 Cardholders idx130&160Cardholder manufacturedinfrance,thiscardholdersrangeismade ofanti-uvpolycarbonateandefficientlyprotectsyourcardsof 0.5mmto1.25mmthick. theidx130hasacrystalfinishbothonthefrontandtheback,which enhancesbothsidesofyourcard. •sturdy,light,attractiveandversatile •packagedper100 •Cardsize:86x54mm •Capacity:1or2badge(s)accordingtothickness Part # idp80 for1Card idp83 for2Cards Qty 1454250 idx130:finishcrystal/crystal 100 1454255 idx160:finishcrystal/frosted 100 idp80Cardholderfor1Card thisultraflatclearpvCtwo-sidedcardholderfitsperfectlyinyour wallet.itistransparentonbothsides. idp83Cardholderfor2Cards thisultraflatclearpvCcardholderistransparentonbothsides. •packagedper100 •material:thermoformedpvC •Cardsize:86x54mm/thickness:0.76mm Part # Qty 1451600 idp80 100 1451620 idp83 100 Evolis 11 Clips&fasteners ids17metalCroCo-typeClip WithplastiCstrap ids15rmetalCroCo-typeClip WithreinforCedstrap thismetalcroco-typeclipwithplasticstrapisideal forsmallbudgetsandshort-termuses. thismetalcroco-typeclipwithreinforcedvinylstrapisrecommended foruseonrigidbadgeholders. •packagedper100 •pressstud:plastic •packagedper100 •pressstud:metal Part # Qty 1412050 100 Part # Qty 1412001 100 ids16metalsuspenderClip WithplastiCstrap ids16rmetalsuspenderClip WithreinforCedstrap thismetalsuspender-typeclipwithplasticstrapisideal forsmallbudgetsandshort-termuses. thismetalsuspender-typeclipwithreinforcedvinylstrapis recommendedforuseonrigidbadgeholders. •packagedper100 •pressstud:plastic •packagedper100 •pressstud:metal 12 Evolis Part # Qty 1411000 100 Part # Qty 1411001 100 Clips & fasteners IDS 22 M Metal clip with adhesive pad Croco-type metal clip with safety pin and adhesive pad. •Packaged per 100 •Size: 22 x 12 mm Front Back Part # Qty 1411001 100 Plastic Magnabadge Magnetic plastic strip with adhesive pad. •Packaged per 100 •Size: 35 x 11 mm Part # Qty 1440040 100 Metal Magnabadge Magnetic steel strip with adhesive pad. •Packaged per 100 •Size: 45 x 13 mm Part # Qty 1440030 100 Evolis 13 Clips & fasteners IDS 940 Colored plastic reel This classic model is very useful for close-up reading of badges. •Packaged per 100 •Stainless steel spring •Zip weight: 10 g •Reel length: 72 cm Front Part # 1460041 Back Qty White 100 1460042 Dark blue (289 C) 100 1460043 Red (186 C) 100 1460044 Black (Black C) 100 IDS 980 translucent rounded Beltzip Retractable rounded Zip with nickel-plated hook for belt loop. •Packaged per 100 •Thickness: 10 mm •Zip weight: 20 g •Retractable cord: 76 cm Part # Qty 1461076 Translucent red 100 1461079 Translucent blue 100 IDS 970 oval Beltzip Retractable Zip with nickel-plated hook for belt loop. •Packaged per 100 •Thickness: 10 mm •Zip weight: 22 g •Retractable cord: 72 cm Part # 14 Evolis Qty 1460072 Royal blue (293 C) 100 1460073 Black (Black C) 100 Clips & fasteners Back IDS 92 Metal badge reel with ring This badge reel is equipped with a nickel-plated key ring. It is in black metal on one side and nickel-plated on the other side, with a stainless steel nickel-plated spring clip. Front •Packaged per 100 •Fastener: key ring, 20 mm diameter •Round case: 40 mm diameter •Zip weight: 43 g •Reel length: 76 cm Back Part # Qty 1460007 100 IDS 92 Metal badge reel This badge reel is equipped with a reinforced badge holder strap. It is in black metal on one side and nickel-plated on the other side, with a stainless steel nickel-plated spring clip. Front •Packaged per 100 •Fastener: reinforced vinyl strap •Round case: 40 mm diameter •Zip weight: 43 g •Reel length: 76 cm Part # Qty 1460006 100 Evolis 15 Cutting tools Multiform punch tool This desktop puncher equipped with a graduated side guide is designed to punch either rounded or oblong or rounded corners on plastic cards (0.80 mm maximum thickness). •Packaged per 1 unit •Oblong hole: 13 x 3 mm •Round hole: diameter 7 mm •Round corner cut: 4 mm radius Approved by the French Ministry of the Interior for photo cutting of passports and other official ID documents Part # Qty 1230120 100 Photo puncher Made of injected plastic, this photo puncher is light and very easy to handle. The cutting tool in premium steel delivers a clean and precise cut for a large number of photos. •Packaged per 1 unit •Cutting size: round corner cut: 33 x 43 mm 16 Evolis Part # Qty 1230060 100 Cardstorage mini-Caseforbadges mini-caseidealtocarry,protect,classifyandpresentbadges foryourvisitorsorattendeestoyourevents. •packagedper1unit •Capacity:86badges(86x54mm)and/orconferencebadges(quantity accordingtocardsize) •material:polypropylenewithcompactfoamandclearcover •dimensions(Wxdxl):375x270x80mm Part # Qty 1457010 1 metalCardraCk 40slotsforhorizontalCards metalgloss-paintedbadgewallrack, designedtohold40cards:employeebadges (forattendanceandaccesscontrol),scholar cards(forstudentattendance),etc.Cardsare presentedinalandscapeformatforaneasy horizontalreading. •packagedper1unit •Capacity:40cards •Cardsize:86x54mm •dimensions(Wxdxl):110x20x800mm pvCCardtray 76badges thistrayisidealtowelcomeyourvisitorsandattendeestoyourevents. Part # Qty 1457013 1 •packagedper1unit •material:blackmoldedpvCwithclearremovablecover •deliveredinarigidcardboardcase •Capacity:76badges(86x54mm)and/orconferencebadges(quantity accordingtocardsize) •dimensions(Wxdxl):360x75x310mm Part # Qty 1457032 1 Evolis 17 priCetag aCCessories priCetagspike polyvalentspiketodisplaypricetag •packagedper25 Part # Qty aC000001 25 WidepriCetagspike Wide easilyupdatable,thewidepricetagisperfecttoaddsignagetoyour fooddisplay •packagedper25 Part # Qty aC000004 25 magnetiCpriCetagholder(8or12cm) magnetiCpriCetagholder Widemagneticstandforperfectstabilityonyourshelves •packagedper25 •2sizes:8cmor12cm Part # Qty aC000002(8cm) 25 aC000005(12cm) 25 18 Evolis priCetagaCCessories priCetagClamps(4or8cm) Caneasilybeattachedtoanycrocks,bowlsanddishes... •packagedper25 •2sizes:4cmor8cm Part # Qty aC000007(4cm) 25 aC000008(8cm) 25 priCetagstand discreetpricetagsdisplay. idealforrestaurants,coffeeshops,delicatessens,dairyshops… •packagedper25 Part # Qty aC000003 25 promobadge+CristalfixingClip promobadge tocliponthepricetag’stoptohighlightpromotions •packagedper25 Part # Qty aC000006 25 Evolis 19 EVOLIS, PARTNER OF CHOICE ANGERS LISBON PARIS MUMBAI MIAMI SHANGHAI SINGAPORE • Headquarters and production site in Angers (France) • Installed base of more than 250,000 card printers • Subsidiaries in Miami (United States), Singapore, Mumbai (India), and Shanghai (China) Createdin2000,theevolisgroupdesigns,produces,andmarketsacompleterangeofplastic cardprintingandcustomizationsolutionsfortheidentificationofpeopleandproperty.Witha presenceoneverycontinent,evolisisnowtheworldleaderforplasticcardprintingsolutions. havingcarriedoutmanysmalltolarge-scaleprojectsinvariousregionsoftheworldandin highly diverse fields, the printing systems and expertise of evolis are widely recognized by manycompaniesandorganizations. • 280 employees worldwide • 400 official distributors in 125 countries • ISO 9001 certified company EUROPE - MIDDLE-EAST - AFRICA evolis-14avenuedelafontaine-ziangers-beaucouzé 49070beaucouzé-france t+33(0)241367606-f+33(0)[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ©2015 Evolis Card Printer. All rights reserved. Actual product(s) may differ from information stated in this document. All specifications or pictures are subject to change without prior notice. All trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. 09/2015. KB-ACC1-134-ENG-A4-B0