March, 2016 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church


March, 2016 - Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Newsletter March 2016
“I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen
yesterday and I love today.”
- William Allen White
From the Pastor
Joy in the Journey!
“There is a joy in the journey
There's a light we can love on the way
There is a wonder and wildness to life
And freedom for those who obey”
Greetings to the beautiful and wonderful people of Bethlehem Lutheran
The passage above is from the song, “Joy in the Journey” by Michael
Card, who is my absolute favorite Christian music artist. These words
have resonated with me through many transitions, tribulations, and
traversing of ways in my life. It speaks of God in Jesus who is the light
that the darkness cannot extinguish and the freedom and grace and love
that comes with following that light Jesus.
This has been an AMAZING ten weeks! My prayer is that you have
found it so as well. As our time together began to draw to a close, I
wondered and asked God – “what was the reason that you put me here?”
As I studied Psalm 27 a few weeks ago – a psalm that was assigned for
the first Sunday in Lent as well as the first “Prayers Around the Cross”
Lenten service, I received my answer in the words of Rabbi Abraham
Heschel. “But to be a prophet means to challenge and to defy and to cast
out fear.”
Now that was certainly different! Ha, me, a prophet? Yah, right. “Telling
people not what they want to hear, but what they need to take to heart to
improve, is the summary of the prophetic voice.” I LOVE the divine
sense of humor – because those are words that I would NEVER choose to
describe myself.
“…To be a prophet means to…cast out fear…” And yet, isn’t that what
the scriptures have been speaking to us over the past few weeks? How
fear can command us? What it does to our brains? What it makes us do?
How it makes us act? The things that it makes us say? And, most
importantly the life that it just sucks out of us.
We have heard the call to defy – defy the forces of
fear. And in the past 10 weeks, I have seen you all
replace fear with joy – a joy in the Lord that has
been contagious in and among you and is
So, here’s the prophetic challenge – keep it and
spread it; hang on to it and share it! Joy begets joy!
On March 13, Pastor Kern, your new interim, will
be here with you. How exciting is that!!! He’ll lead
you beside still waters, he’ll take you to green pastures. He will walk
with you through the valley, where growth occurs! Together you all will
continue your journey of discovery, learning and “metanoia”.
Remember that metanoia is Greek for “changed mind” and often gets
translated as “repent” in the New Testament.
In the first chapter of Philippians, St. Paul writes, “ I thank my God
every time I remember you, 4constantly praying with joy in every one of
my prayers for all of you, 5because of your sharing in the gospel from
the first day until now. 6I am confident of this, that the one who began a
good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus
I am so excited for you all and for the future that God holds before you!
Thank you for taking me into your hearts, for letting me into the sacred
spaces of your lives, for instilling so much trust, for being willing to
enter into relationship, even it was for just a few weeks. Know that I
take so much more with me than I have given you – and I have been
blessed to be on this part of the journey with you. Thank you! Be joyful
in your journey! Godspeed, peace, love and blessings be always with
Pastor Heidi
President’s Page
I was playing outside this past Saturday with Nathalie and Hana. It
felt like spring, although I knew it was only a tease. After all, I’m old
enough to remember quite a few snow storms in March. But it still felt
pretty good and left me thinking of how nice it will be when the
weather finally does turn warmer. That is how I see Bethlehem right
not. Over the past six weeks or so, under Pastor Heidi’s leadership, we
have had a taste of what we can become, and it feels pretty good. And,
to borrow from C.S. Lewis,
I do believe “there are far, far
better things ahead than any
we leave behind.”
“there are far, far
better things ahead
than any we
leave behind.”
During our meeting on
February 14 with our synod
point-of-contact, Pastor Amy
Sevimli, there were a number
of understandable questions
asked and concerns raised
about the length of the
process recommended by the synod for the calling of a new pastor.
While there is no fixed timeline or schedule, we should expect to be
working on this process for at least nine months and probably closer to
twelve. Believe me, I wish we could speed it up, but I recognize the
need for a more deliberate approach, one that deals with past issues
and conflicts and also identifies our future wants and needs. It’s a big
task, and Bethlehem will need everyone’s help.
So what can we do now? For starters, on March 13, we will be joined
by the Rev. Eugene Kern. He will serve as our “intentional interim”
pastor, and he will be our guide through this period of transition. An
intentional interim pastor is an ordained minister who will serve our
congregation full-time while we search for a new pastor and who will
take care of all of BLC’s pastoral responsibilities during this time. IN
addition, an intentional interim pastor is trained to help us work
through all of our problems an issues and help us work on these before
the call committee is formed.
Pastor Kern hails from Columbia, South Carolina, and has spent many
years as a “regular” parish minister. He now has chosen transitional
ministry as his career. Most recently, he served as the intentional interim
pastor for St. Nicholas Lutheran Church in Huntingtown, Maryland.
Prior to that, he was the interim senior pastor at King of Kings in Fairfax.
I hope you will come out to meet Pastor Kern on March 13.
What else can we do? Pray. And I don’t say that jokingly. God’s church
is nothing more than individuals united to serve Christ. Our own unique,
individual relationship with God has somehow brought each of us to
Bethlehem. Reflecting on that relationship and humbly seeking God’s
guidance through worship and prayer – that is how each of us can begin
the process of calling a new pastor to Bethlehem.
Finally, we will be saying goodbye to Pastor Heidi the week of March 6.
We have been blessed to have had her with us since January. Her
enthusiasm has proved infectious, her spiritual leadership much needed.
She has brought smiles to our faces each Sunday and warmed our hearts
with both sermon and song. Please join us on Sunday, March 6 to thank
her for all that she has done for Bethlehem, but perhaps most of all, for
restoring joy to our worship (including group hugs) and leaving us
excited for what lies ahead.
- Jim Trump
Bethlehem Newsletter Mar. 2016
8922 Little River Turnpike
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 703.978.3131
Short Term Interim
Pastor Heidi Moore:
[email protected]
Marie Bakke:
[email protected]
April Newsletter Deadline: Mar. 22nd
Email articles to:
[email protected]
Suji Trump:
[email protected]
This Month...
March 20th: Palm Sunday
Worship with distribution of Palms
8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
March 24th: Maundy Thursday
Worship Service with Holy Communion, 7:30 p.m.
March 25th: Good Friday
Worship Service, 7:30pm
Easter Sunday
This year we will celebration Easter
by bringing the congregation together
in one worship service at 9:30 a.m.
Everyone is then invited
to join us for a
Potluck Easter Brunch
in the Fellowship Hall
at 10:30 a.m.
Please bring a favorite
breakfast item to share.
This Month...
During our Lent observance this year, we are using a
form of worship called “Prayer Around the Cross.”
Here is a description of this quiet, contemplative worship
from Augsburg Fortress:
“From its first days as a Lutheran center for the renewal of
faith and life, Holden Village has followed an ancient rhythm
of daily work and prayer. Every evening the whole community
– whether 60 persons in the middle of February or 350 in
mid-July – gathers for worship.
We hope that everyone can join us for this peaceful service.
We have a simple supper at 6:45 p.m. “Prayer Around the
Cross” begins downstairs in Room 109 at 7:30 pm.
Soup Suppers and Prayer Around the Cross continue
through March 16th.
Lenten Soup Suppers continue through
March 16th, 6:45 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to bring any type of soup
and/or bread for Wednesday suppers.
Please sign up for one or more Wednesdays
at the Welcome Center
After dinner, please join us for:
Prayer Around the Cross
A quiet, completive service
in Room 109
Chancel Choir
In addition to our Sunday rehearsals,
Chancel Choir will again be practicing on
Wednesday evenings, at 7:15 p.m., on an as
needed basis. During the Lenten season, we will move that to
Thursday evenings. Understanding that evenings are difficult
for some of the choir members, if possible, please try to
attend rehearsals on:
Thursday, March 3, 7:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 10, 7:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 17, 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 23, 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday, March 30, 7:15 p.m.
Children’s Music
Sundays, 10:00 a.m.,
Room 116
Children, come!
We're singing about the journey of
little grey donkey who's taking Jesus
into Jerusalem! Come join us!
Hypothermia Shelter
Shelter at BLC
Thank you—all of you BLC members and friends
who have volunteered to help with the Hypothermia
Center at BLC! Partnering with FACETS and with
the Jewish Community Center in Northern Virginia,
we will be hosting the Center the week beginning
Sunday 6 March!
We still could use a few more volunteers, especially to
chaperon over the long nights. Sign up with Margarita
Devlin or with Dave Hartmann or Marie Reed.
Financial gifts are welcome. And we encourage you to
contribute clean, gently used, clothing—e.g. coats, hats,
gloves, shoes, socks, outer wear.
Care Group at BLC
Please let Mike Crum know if YOU are willing to be part of the BLC
Care Group! Mike Crum (Chief of the Fellowship and Group Life
Ministry Team) and Dave Hartmann (Chief of the Evangelism and Outreach Ministry Team) think that we at Bethlehem Lutheran Church can
further strengthen our Caring Activities, ensuring those with problems
know that BLC people care about them, wish them well, and are open
and available to try to help if help is wanted and needed.
Certainly we know that caring people at BLC have often reached out to
support/help/serve members and friends who are facing difficulties. That
happens reasonably well when the people with the problems are well
known, involved. It does not always work as well with folks who are not
as well known, or as connected. Or who are very “private” folk. Or
whose problems are not as obvious. But all of these folks, all of us,
benefit by being reassured that God Cares—and your friends at BLC do,
There are two main steps. The first step is finding out that there is a
problem, sorting out what the problem is, and determining that the
person with the problem is open to being helped. These problems can
be anything: health issues; family concerns; unhappiness with BLC;
frustration with the job situation; loneliness…… An informal “steering
committee”—the pastor, BLC church administrator Marie Bakke, prayer
ring coordinator Mike Jakob, and Mike Crum and Dave Hartmann—will
weekly discuss situations where BLC might be helpful. All of you are
invited to call attention to apparent needs for support.
The second step is to provide the help needed—the Care Group in
action. The help might be anything: providing transportation; delivering
a few hot meals: just listening to someone hurting or confused:
recommending a counselor or some other needed expert; arranging for a
trained person to bring communion to a shut in; or just providing a hug.
Will you be a member of the BLC Care Group—sharing your interest
and expertise?
- Mike Crum
Intentional Interim Ministry
The understanding of Interim Ministry has changed greatly
over the past few decades.
Older View of Interim Ministry — Filling a Gap. In an older
view, the Interim Pastor is merely a caretaker.– someone who
provides necessary pastoral coverage for a congregation which is
temporarily without a pastor. The purpose is to fill a gap.
Newer View of Interim Ministry — Interim Period as a
Positive Opportunity. A newer view, based on research from the
past few decades, sees the Interim Period as a very challenging and
productive period of time in the life of a congregation. It is a time
when the congregation has the opportunity to re-evaluate who it is.
Typical questions to be asked are, “What is God calling this
congregation to be and to do?” and “What does the congregation
need to do to prepare itself for its next pastor?”
Advantage of Interim Pastor with Specialized Training. During
this challenging period, the congregation can benefit from the
assistance of a pastor with specialized training. A pastor with this
specialized training is called an “Intentional Interim Pastor.”
Intentional Interim Ministry is distinguished from other interim
ministry primarily because it is intentional. Intentional Interim
Ministry sees the interim period as a unique opportunity for the
congregation to determine who it is and what its mission is.
An Intentional Interim Pastor can lead a congregation through a
carefully thought-out process that helps the congregation to
determine its own mission and identity. This process is designed
to lead to the selection of its next regularly-called pastor.
May be purchased to decorate our
Sanctuary for Easter
Flowers may be taken home after Easter Worship
Order & Dedication Forms
Available at the Welcome Center and in
this Newsletter. Order must be received by
March 20th to include the dedication.
Please order early to guarantee your choice(s) of plants – it’s possible that the grower
will not be able to increase our pre-order. Deadline to allow for recognition in the
Easter Bulletin: Sunday, March 20th
6”Single Stem Lily, 5+ Blooms
$ 9.00 ea. x
Pink, 4.5 inch pot
$ 5.00 ea. x _______
6” Blue, 2 Blooms
$12.00 ea. x _______
White, 4.5 inch pot
$ 4.00 ea. x _______
Color may be pink, blue,
$ 7.00 ea. x _______
white or mixed depending on availability
I would like to donate $
without purchasing flowers.
TOTAL ORDER: ____________
toward the Easter Flower Fund
(Make checks payable to BLC)
Message for bulletin:
Orders with payment noted “Easter Flowers” may be placed in the
offering plate or mailed to BLC office.
Vestry Update
Summary of Vestry Meeting of February 8, 2016
PRESENT: Jim Trump, Kevin Metzger, Dave Hartmann, Kristin Haynes, Mitzi
Hendrick, Anning Smith, Melanie Smith, as well as several staff and guests.
Prior to the vestry meeting, introduced Pastor Eugene Kern, the Intentional
Interim Pastor presented to BLC by the Synod. Pastor Kern shared his
background and experience with the group, highlighting his spiritual gifts and
specialized training in Intentional Interim Ministry. He explained the focus of
Intentional Interim Ministry is to help the congregation heal current wounds and
to discern what God is calling the congregation to do. Pastor Kern would focus
on an intentional process to help us raise up leaders in the congregation and to
prepare for the call of a pastor. Pastor Kern opened the floor to questions from
the congregation about the process of Intentional Interim Ministry as well as
questions about how he would handle the regular ministry needs of the
The Vestry meeting was called to order at 9:30 p.m.
Jim Trump reviewed the decisions and work currently before the vestry relative
to the Interim Pastor:
a) Should the vestry engage an Intentional Interim Pastor or a rely on
Short-term/Long-term Interims
b) The vestry needs to perform due diligence in reviewing candidate(s)
c) Vestry needs to make budget modifications to accommodate the expense
related to the Interim Ministry
Jim reiterated that the Intentional Interim Pastor would be a fulltime pastor,
indistinguishable from a called pastor, and would also replace the need for a
consultant as was discussed at the December 2015 congregational meeting.
A question was posed about engaging Pastor Kern part-time in order to keep
Pastor Heidi Moore on part-time; Jim explained that this would not be
acceptable to either of the pastors or the Synod. Jim advised that the Synod
encourages BLC to move quickly to begin the process, and that Pastor Kern
would be available early March, 2016. Jim requested that the vestry move
quickly as the Synod should be advised if BLC wanted another candidate.
It was agreed by general acclamation of the vestry that BLC would invite the
Rev. Amy Sevimli to meet the congregation on Sunday, February 14, 2016, at
11:30 a.m. to discuss the Intentional Interim Ministry and the Call process in an
informational session. Jim suggested that the vestry be prepared to meet as
needed the week following February 14 to resolve the financial issues and make
a decision on engaging Pastor Kern so that an announcement could be made to
the congregation on February 21, 2016.
General Business
Fellowship: By unanimous acclamation, the vestry agreed to the recommendation of Mike Crum for Easter 2016 to offer one worship service at 9:30 a.m.
followed by brunch at 10:30 a.m.
Education: Assistance is needed by Helen Crum with Sunday School
Worship: Ministry assistants are needed for the Wednesday Lenten services
Evangelism: Coffee and snacks are being provided for March 1 elections
Facilities Update: from Anning Smith:
a) Vestry should anticipate upcoming budget needs for building maintenance
b) We will need to organize a clean-up and safety analysis prior to June 1 in
preparation for the Pinecrest School rental, June-Sept, 2016
c) If we are going to pursue rentals, we need to begin to think commercially
about how the building is used and managed; Kristin Haynes suggested
we check IRS regulations regarding rental income.
The next vestry meeting will be March 14, 2016, 7:30 p.m.
ADDENDUM: Special Meeting of the Vestry, February 14, 2016
The vestry and guests met with Assistant to the Bishop, Pastor Amy Sevimli to
review the process of engaging Pastor Kern. The vestry reviewed the schedule
and compensation requirements.
On a MOTION made by Dave Hartmann, seconded by Melanie Smith, and
unanimously accepted: “BLC will call Pastor Eugene Kern as our intentional
interim pastor, his ministry to start at Bethlehem at an early time to be negotiated,
and his compensation provided as earlier suggested to the BLC vestry.”
Opportunities for Adults
The Thursday Book Group meets in the church narthex on the
first Thursday of each month, September through June, from
12:00 – 2:00pm. All are welcome to come and join in the
discussion. Bring a brown bag lunch, if you like. Call Zoe
Parker (703-912-7630), [email protected] for more
information. Please invite anyone you think might be interested
in joining the group, even if they haven’t read the book.
The book for March 3rd will be "The Orphan
Train” by Kristine Kline, which is a fascinating
account of what happens to children from
Ireland and other countries, whose parents die
on the way overseas. They are orphaned and
the Children’s Aid Society finds homes for
them in the Midwest, with some undesirable
The book for April 7 will be “Death Comes to
the Archbishop” by Willa Cather be the book
for April 7. This is the story of Father Jean
Marie Latour, who, in1851, comes as the
Apostolic Vicar to New Mexico. What he finds
is a vast territory of red hills and tortuous
Arroyos, American by law, but Mexican and
Indian in custom and belief. In the almost forty
years that follow, Latour spreads his faith in the only way he
knows---gently, although he must contend with an unforgiving
landscape, derelict and sometimes openly rebellious priests, and
his own loneliness. Out of these events Cather gives an indelible
vision of life unfolding in a place where time itself seems
Esther Circle meets
March 22nd, 10:00 a.m.
BLC Narthex/Parlor
All women welcome!
This is a reminder to Thrivent Financial members that you may
have Thrivent Choice dollars in your account. This is an
excellent opportunity to provide an additional boost to our
general income courtesy of Thrivent.
Thrivent Choice dollars for 2015 must be allocated by
31 March so please login to your Thrivent Account to
allocate this contribution.
For all Thrivent members who have allocated Thrivent Choice
dollars to BLC through the years, we sincerely appreciate the
extra support.
Thank you.
Dave Cross
Community Assistance
for Humanity
March 2016 Update
Siding is going on both
houses now. As I mentioned
last month, we are using HardiePlank Lap Siding. It’s already
colored, so there will never be a need to paint it. It’s not a rapid
job for us volunteers, but it’s looking good. We are also finishing
up the interior framing. The shingles are to go on by the end of
February, so drywall work will follow shortly.
We are now working Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Let
me know if you'd like to be part of the workforce. If you like to
install siding, hang dry wall, paint, etc, now is the time to step
forward. Remember, carpentry skills are not the criteria for helping with the building projects. We'll teach you all you need to
succeed and will provide required tools.
Chili Cookoff News - 2016
Three Hurrahs for Mark Barbour, the 2016 winner of the prestigious BLC ChiliMaster Perpetual Cup for his Chili at the recent Chili Cookoff! As the winner, Mark
was required to provide the recipe for his great chili. Mark’s first response was, “I
opened the refrig and tossed in whatever I saw.” On further reflection, he came
clean and provided the recipe. Here it is. Enjoy.
Mark’s Winning Chili
2 15 oz. Cans Dark Red Kidney Beans, drained
2 15 oz. Cans Light Red Kidney Beans, drained
1 4 oz. Can Diced Green Chili Peppers
3 lbs. Ground Beef
1 lb. Sweet Italian Sausage, crumbled
1 grilled Spicy Bratwurst, diced
2 15 oz. Cans Diced Italian Style Tomatoes
6 Garlic Cloves, minced
1 large Onion, diced
1 Green Bell Pepper, diced
2 Packets Lowry’s Chili Seasoning
Chili Powder to taste
Put beans and chili peppers into a crockpot.
In a large fry pan, brown ground beef and Italian sausage. Drain off fat and add
browned meat to crockpot. Add diced tomatoes and juice. Set the crockpot to
Sauté onions, garlic, and bell pepper in frying pan, then add to crockpot.
Add diced bratwurst to crockpot.
Add two packets Lowry’s Chili Seasoning and chili powder to taste to crockpot.
Let cook for 10 hours on Low.
Adjust chili powder as desired.
Sharing God’s Love
Below are some immediate serving needs for
our church community. Can you serve by
providing help to us?
Ministry Assistants:
BLC is always in need of individuals to serve as Lay Assistants,
Ushers, and Acolytes. Any member high school age or up is able
to serve as a Lay Assistant. Children over the age of 10 can serve
as Acolytes. Ushers can be of any age! Laura Smith is available
to provide training, advice, and assistance for any of these
positions that fill critical roles in our worship services. Please
feel free to talk with Laura about it at church or contact her
at [email protected].
Hypothermia Shelter at BLC
Volunteers are needed to help with the Hypothermia Shelter
beginning March 6th. Please see Margarita Devlin, Dave
Hartmann, or Marie Reed on Sunday morning to sign up. Help
needed with meals, supplies, hosting, overnight hosts, etc.
BLC Care Group
A group is forming to add an infrastructure to a ministry that has
long been a part of Bethlehem—Caring for our BLC family.
When help is needed and wanted, the group will step up. The
help might be anything: providing transportation; delivering a
few hot meals: just listening to someone hurting or confused:
recommending a counselor or some other needed expert;
arranging for a trained person to bring communion to a shut in;
or just providing a hug. More details are on page 11. Contact
Mike Crum at [email protected]
Opportunities to Give
As we begin a new year, we may have addition opportunities to
give to support the mission of spreading the Gospel by word and
our hands. Below are some opportunities to support missions
that are either part of our overall church mission or supported by
our church family. If you have an extra opportunity to give this
year, please consider the following programs:
General Budget
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
If there is an extra opportunity to give, consideration of our
General Budget would go a long way to strengthening the
church’s ability to spread God’s word in ministry.
Hypothermia Shelter
Beginning March 6th, BLC will host a Hypothermia Shelter,
serving the critical needs of the chronically and vulnerable
homeless persons when they are in most danger of exposure to
cold and frigid weather. Donations to our week will provide
food, toiletries, and transportation for those in great need.
Golf Update
The Ground Hog, Punxsutawney Phil,
did not see his shadow on ground Hog Day,
2 February, so Spring must be right
around the corner – right?
And that means it’s time to start thinking
about some BLC Golf Outings.
Do I hear any applause?
Keep in mind, though, that since 1988 Phil has been “right” 13
times and “wrong” 15 times. In other words, only 13 times since
1988 did the national average temperature for the remainder of
February match what would be expected based on what the
groundhog predicted. But hope springs eternal, right?
Watch the Welcome Center, the Sunday bulletin insert, and the
Weekly BLC Newsletter for the latest info, and think Spring!
See you at the course!
Dining Out Group
Saturday, March 19th, 7:00 p.m.
Milano’s Restaurant
6230-G Rolling Road, Springfield
Everyone Welcome
Please sign-up at the Welcome Center
or contact Helen Crum: [email protected]
Please join us for lunch
and fellowship at Old Country Buffet
at Fair City Mall
Everyone Welcome—bring your friends.
Please join us at our next luncheon on
March 10, 2016, 1:00 p.m.
For more info, please contact Phil Case:
[email protected]
Bethlehem Family with Special Days in March
March 3:
March 5:
March 8:
March 9:
March 11:
March 14:
March 18:
March 19:
March 24:
March 27:
March 28:
March 30:
March 31:
David Cross
Mark Bakke
Stephanie Ricigliano
Donna Hartmann
Nadine Jones
Harry Chadbourne, Jr.
Jennie Boyd
Barry Uhlig
Henry Odom, V
Cindy Barrett
Barbara Campo
Adrian Barbante
Sinead Isaacson
Nancy McIntyre
March 23: Will & Marie Funk (13th)
March 27: Michael Jakob & Eileen O’Neill (17th)
Jim Trump
Kevin Metzger
Dave Hartmann
Kristin Haynes
Mitzi Hendrick
Anning Smith
Melanie Smith
Pastor Heidi Moore
Discipleship Team Leader
Evangelism Team Leader
Fellowship Team Leader
Resources Team Leader
Laura Smith
David Hartmann
Mike Crum
Julie Hogan
BLC Ministry Team Leaders
Vice President
Interim Pastor
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Vestry 2016
Vestry Position
Sunday Schedule
Worship Service, 8:30 a.m.
Learning Hour, 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service, 10:30 a.m.
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday Worship, 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Maundy Thursday Worship, 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday Worship, 7:30 p.m.
Worship at 9:30 a.m.
Brunch at 10:30 a.m.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (703) 978-3131
The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Newsletter
is published every month and is the
official method of communication for
Bethlehem Lutheran Church.