In Contact, March 2016


In Contact, March 2016
San Mateo High School
In Contact
March 2016
In this Issue
Principal’s Letter Yvonne Shiu
Principal’s Letter
News from Student Spring Wishes, Bearcat Families!
It’s truly incredible how fast the school year passes by. We are already starting
and our preparations for the next school year! Counselors started scheduling 9-11th
graders and later this month, 8th graders will be coming to pick their classes
for the fall! Please be sure to touch bases with your student as to the classes
he/she will be taking for the 2016-17 school year. Parents/Guardians are
CSF Information
required to sign the AP contract, so that should give many of you an idea of the
classes your student is interested in.
President’s There are so many school events that happen. I hope you check our website or
your email for the “blasts” letting you know what is happening at school. It is
never too late to sign up! Just visit our Each year
Jefferson Awards
we will purge the list, so you will have to sign up every year. We hope to
News from:
streamline the list by creating list serves by grade level to keep the inundations
to a minimum.
Art Department
Music Boosters
Athletic Boosters
SMHS Foundation
We hope to see you at Open House on Thursday, March 10th from 7-8:30pm.
Please check our website for all the events taking place at Open House! The
following day, Friday, March 11th is a minimum day; students are released at
At the SMHS Foundation’s annual fundraising event in October, the Bearcat
Benefit, generous families and sponsors bought SMHS a loaner laptop cart
equipped with 36 laptops to check out to students who do not have computers
at home. We have checked out 14 laptops so far. We are the first school to
start this pilot program! If a laptop will help your student academically,
please have them see me for a contract. They will bring it home for your
signature. Please be sure to review the contract with your student. Laptops
are checked out for two weeks at a time, with an opportunity to renew it until
the end of the school year.
We want to support our Bearcats to thrive
Mar 2016
Spring recess is March 26-April 3. The 12 week grading report closes on Friday, March 25 th. Upon
our return from spring recess, there will only be 6 weeks of school left before graduation. Graduation
will take place on Thursday, May 26th at 7pm in the SM Performing Arts Center.
Congratulations to our Bearcats!
Our National Merit Finalists: Geoffrey Ding, Laurel Schuster and Eric Wang!
Carina Halcomb, freshman, (and friends) as a winner in our Congressional District in the
Congressional App Challenge. She created an Allergy App, an original app, and will be honored by
Congresswoman, Jackie Speier for her tech skills and creativity.
Benjamin Cheng, freshman, was awarded a national research grant from John Hopkins Center for
Talented Youth to create a more efficient enzyme that will reduce the cost of producing
biofuels. Biofuels are a promising eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels, but their production is
hindered by the need for costly enzymes called cellulases that degrade and ferment the biomass, a
crucial part of the production process.
Katia Li, senior, for qualifying for the President’s Volunteer Service Award in the 2016 Prudential
Spirit of Community Awards. Katia has spent a significant number of volunteer hours serving her
The Mock Trial Team for finishing 3rd in the County!
The Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball teams for advancing to the second round in the Central Coast Section
2016 Basketball Championships, unfortunately their season also ended there. However, it was a great
So much to be proud of! Thank you for your ongoing support of the World’s Greatest High School!
Counseling News - Jesse Boise
SMHS Open House:
We invite parents/guardians to the annual Open House at San Mateo High School on Thursday,
March 10th from 7:00-8:30pm. The evening gives you a chance to examine your student’s activities,
projects, and coursework in their current classes. You may visit teachers in any order you prefer, or
focus on particular courses. Additionally, a number of events will occur on campus surrounding Open
House. These details can be found within the schoolloop announcements, the school website, and a
letter will come home with students.
Testing Information:
Advanced Placement Exams
Students taking Advanced Placement classes will take their AP Exams from May 2nd – May 12th. Go
to for details on specific times and
dates of the exams, or to download the College Board Bulletin for AP Students and Parents. You may
also visit the SMHS website to view testing dates/locations and to get important AP test-taking tips.
Mar 2016
College & Career Center Update Mr. Hanson, Ms. Kane
All Grades
It’s an exciting time in the Career Center as we have recently launched our Career Center Facebook
page. While we still send key information via School Loop, we know that not everyone keeps track of
their e-mail regularly. We’re encouraging parents and students to follow our Facebook page to be
kept up to date on the latest happenings, such as college visits, guest speakers, important college
related deadlines, and news stories about developments to the college admissions process.
Here’s the link:
Additionally, we send out an updated list of active scholarships on near weekly basis, typically on
Fridays. While there are several scholarships that are limited to seniors, they are not all like this.
Also, many of these scholarships are also open to students who plan to attend a community college.
We encourage students to check up on these updates. They are sent to their School Loop and updated
on our web site as well.
If you have applied to college or will be applying to college, make sure to update your college list in
Naviance with all the schools you’re applying to. Once you are accepted to a school or schools please
update this information in Naviance. We love to hear where our students have been accepted. You
will also want to make sure that you properly mark which school you will be attending once you make
up your mind. This way we know exactly where to send your final transcripts.
Now is the time that many of you will begin thinking about the upcoming college application process.
It might seem like a daunting process. If you weren’t present at our junior night earlier this month,
please feel free to stop by the Career Center for a copy of the high school timeline that will help you
with what you can expect from now until graduation. As you’re going through this process please
don’t hesitate to reach out to Mr. Hanson to schedule an appointment to discuss your college options
and to help you get started.
This is also the time that you should begin to think about taking the SAT or the ACT if you have not
already. You should take the test by June so that you’ll still have the fall to take it a second time if
you’re not happy with your score. Please feel free to stop by the Career Center to learn more about
these tests and to talk about some strategies that you can use on test day.
Thinking about what to do during the summer?
There is an Internship, Summer Camps and Programs listing on the College and Career Center
Website with the most updated information. We will be hosting a Job Fair during lunch on Friday,
April 22nd for students looking for a summer job. There will be more than 20 businesses here with
Mar 2016
information and applications for students to apply for jobs. If students need help with searching for a
job, writing a resume and interview skills , students can come to the Career Center and make an
appointment with Mrs. Kane. If students have a certain interest in working somewhere that is not
listed on the school website, Mrs. Kane can assist students with that. Recently a student came to Mrs.
Kane stating she wanted to work at an art museum, this student now has an interview set-up at the
Peninsula Art Museum in Burlingame.
Work Permits
All students who have not graduated from high school and are under the age of 18 are required by law
to have a valid work permit for employment. Students must remain in good academic standing in
order to receive and maintain a work permit. Feel free to come down to the career center to learn
Counselling News – Ms. Watson
2016-2017 Programming: Counselors are meeting with students in their Social Studies classes to go
over “preliminary scheduling” for the up-coming school year during the last week of February. We will
meet with them throughout the month of March, individually to finalize their selections. In addition
we will go over necessary teacher recommendations to ensure proper placement in selected classes.
Students who are absent for their individual meeting time will schedule at a later date. They must
make arrangements to meet with their counselor. Students as well as parents and guardians can view
the completed schedules on AERIES (you can ask your student to view their on-line schedule
Summer School:
Summer school will be held at Burlingame High School. We are offering a variety of on-line courses so
please check in with your counselor if you need credit recovery. Students will be allowed to make-up
D grades but students with F grades have priority enrollment.
Classes begin on Monday June 6th and conclude Friday, July 14th. Students will be notified at the
end of the school year if they are enrolled. Students attending summer school are NOT excused for
vacations. Monday, July 4th is a holiday. The last day to turn in summer school applications is Friday,
April 15th. Further information regarding late additions will be posted and all other information
regarding summer can be found on the application or the SMUHSD website.
A student planning on attending summer school outside of the San Mateo High School District or at a
community college must consult their counselor BEFORE enrolling. The community colleges
require a concurrent enrollment form and San Mateo High School requires a pre-approval form. Both
forms must be signed by the student’s counselor and Mr. Boise before submission. Not all summer
school courses are accepted by our school district so pre-approval is mandatory. Do not take for
granted any statement in the summer school program’s literature that states “school districts will
give credit”. Check with us first!
Mar 2016
Freshman/Sophomore Student & Parent Night:
The counseling department will host a parent and student information night for 9 th and 10th grade
students. We will cover a wide range of information from graduation requirements to college entrance
exams. Please join us on the evening of March 10th from 5:30 to 6:30pm in the Performing Arts
Center (PAC) and be prepared to meet your student’s counselor.
SMHS Renaissance Activities – Sara Cowey
Leadership activities and events for SPRING 2016:
Fri 3/4
Prom Fashion Show and Theme Reveal
Wed. 3/16 ELECTIONS during Lunch-Bring ID, Rock the VOTE
(ALL voters must present their ID to the polling staff)
Thurs. 3/17 Run-off only if there is a tie
Fri 3/18
Spring Rally/Showcase in the PAC
Mon 3/21- Fri 3/25
International Week (ELD Delegates and the International
Sat. 4/9
Junior-Senior Prom
Theme:Moonlight in Venice, Location: Sequoyah Country Club, Oakland, 8pm-12am
Mon 4/11- Fri 4/15
Green Week (Community Service Commissioners)
Mon 4/18- Fri 4/22
Staff Appreciation Week (Kindness Commissioners,
Leadership and Renaissance Leadership Team)
STRESS-BUSTERS- extended lunch
(Health and Beautification Commissioners, Leadership)
Fri. 5/13
Senior Activity Day for SENIORS ONLY, 8am-2:30pm (’16 Senior Class
Council/PTO & The NEW ’17 Class Council)
Fri. 5/13
Boat Dance for SENIORS ONLY (2016 Senior Class Council)
- Tickets must be purchased ahead of time
Thurs. 5/26 Graduation for the Class of 2016
Any questions regarding Activities, Events, Leadership, Renaissance or the Jefferson Awards,
Students in Action Club – please contact Ms. Cowey: [email protected]
Meet the Squads – there will be a meeting in Mid March for RLT applicants Renaissance Leadership Applications will be available in Mid March. Please see Ms. Cowey, Jonathan
Li or Janet Chen if you are interested in Applying for the Renaissance Leadership Class. Leadership
camp is optional for Renaissance Students.
The Senior Class Council hosted an entertaining PROM FASHION SHOW. The PROM, as organized
by the Senior Class Council and the Prom Committee will be Sat. April 9th from 8 p.m. to 12 am.
Tickets go on sale in late March, early April. All students must complete a clearance form and clear
ALL of their debts before purchasing tickets for Prom and The Boat Dance.
Michelle Kwon and Lauren Hayat who hosted a NEW event this semester, “Stand Up to Cancer”, “Kiss
Cancer Goodbye”. They had agreat turn out and help spread the word about cancer and cancer
Mar 2016
Thanks to Maggie Phillips and Matthew Huang, the Kindness Commissioners who are working hard
getting ready for Open House.
Thanks to Tiger Paik and Courtney Wong for a Great Health Week. We also would like to thank
Tiger’s Mom and Dad for hosting a lunch-time event. Thanks Mr. Paik! It was really special to have
him visit our campus to share his Martial Arts skills with the students.
Thanks to the Tech Team and our Spirit Commissioners, Ankur Kela and Nathan Kruse for the epic
“Star Wars” themed Winter “Showcase”. The Black Light Showcase with black light dances and
performances was really FUN. We recognized Ms. DeRosa and her tutorial for their great success in
this year’s Food Drive! The challenge between Team Green and Team Purple was great way to bond
the students and staff!
APPOINTED POSITIONS for STUDENT GOVERNMENT/Leadership: The soon-to-beelected student body officers will appoint 14-16 other student body leaders. Applications will be
available at this years “Meet the Pros” meeting on March 17th. The following positions will be
available: 2 Community Service Commissioners, 2 Club and Class Coordinators, 2 ELD Delegates
(must be bilingual Spanish and/or Mandarin speakers), 2 Kindness, 2 Health Awareness and
Beautification, Sports Liaison, 2 Spirit Store Managers, and 4 Tech Liaisons. Only students who can
take 4th period Leadership Class should apply. Ask Ms. Cowey, our new President-elect or the
current office holders about the program or any questions you might have regarding these positions.
NOTE: Leadership camp is MANDATORY for ALL Leadership students, this year it will
be held June 1st – June 3rd. Please DO NOT apply if you cannot attend camp.
SENIORS ONLY: Attend the fabulous BOAT DANCE on May 13th. The Senior Class Council is
saving the best for last. It will be their grand finale. Ride the big yellow buses one last time, sail on
the Bay enjoying wonderful sights, eat great food, enjoy a DJ playing music for you to dance to or just
hang out with people who have been your friends for years. It’s a terrific way to begin your last 2
weeks of high school. Share a night of nostalgia out on the BAY. It’s fun for everyone!
Renaissance Leadership Team News: (RLT)
We have hosted one lunch-time rally this semester and will host three more this semester. Listen to
the bulletin to find out about upcoming rallies and events. Some of the latest news this semester,
members of the Renaissance Class volunteered at the district-wide Professional Development Day.
Mar 2016
They did a tremendous job guiding hundreds of teachers around San Mateo High School, making sure
they all knew where to go. In addition, Ms. Cowey was recognized at the Foster City Rotary as the
“Employee of the Month”. It was a surprise and an honor to be recognized by such a prestigious
group. This recognition would not have been possible without Leadership, the Renaissance Leaders,
our fantastic administration, parent community and the amazing staffulty who support our Mission
all year long.
Orange cards for .5 GPA improvement will be awarded in March. We are proud of all of the 2016
Perk–card holders! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
Gratefully yours:
Sara Cowey
Student Government Advisor/
Renaissance Coordinator
[email protected]
Music Boosters News– Toni Saldou
January and February in the San Mateo High School Music Department brought out many talented
performances. Jazz at San Mateo was well attended and showed off our talented musicians as well as
the Jazz musicians from Bowditch Middle School. The Choir Concert show featured many outstanding
solo performers as well as ensembles from the San Mateo and Burlingame choral music departments.
February continues to be an active month for San Mateo music. The Winter Show and Clinic was
hosted at San Mateo in the morning and well into the evening of February 20, 2016. This is one of our
biggest fundraisers and more than 15 other schools participated in drum major and color guard
competitions and clinics. At the end of March all band groups and color guards will be going to
Hawaii to attend the Hawaii Invitational International Music Festival where they will perform, sight
see and have fun in the sun! Support your Music Department by having dinner out. Look for our
restaurant fundraisers on our new website at
Don't miss a chance to see our talented students perform in March
Mar 2016
March 16, 2016 Carnegie in the Library
March 12, 2016 Granada Fiesta, in Livermore (Color Guard)
March 19, 2016 Foothill Winter Show, in Pleasanton (Color Guard)
March 26, 2016 NCBA Winter Champs, in San Ramon
Thank you to all of the Music Department families for volunteering your time and resources to make
all our activities successful. We could not do it without you
PTO President’s Letter - Isabelle Bushman
Although we are only 2/3 through this school year, the SMHS Bearcat PTO is starting to plan for the
2016-2017 school year. Volunteering at school is not a thing of the past. We still need volunteers in
high school. The PTO puts on many events throughout the school year and we need your help! There
are many ways to volunteer - days, evenings, and even work that can be done at home. If you love
giving back to your community and being involved, please email [email protected] to
find out how you can help.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions for the PTO.
Contact us - [email protected]
Follow us on Facebook: SMHS PTO
San Mateo High School Foundation – Harini Krishnan
2016 has been off to a great start! Thanks to the generosity of our amazing Bearcat families, the
Foundation was able to raise more than $150,000 through business and individual sponsorships,
Bearcat Benefit ticket sales and silent & live auction proceeds; $18,000 through Fund-a-Need; and an
additional $30,000 through our annual campaign to
Thanks to your donations, many programs and resources
continue to be funded. The 36 iMac computers fully
functional with Adobe software which were purchased by
the Foundation last year for the Digital Media Lab, were
moved to the new computer lab in the newly renovated
M Building, and continue to be used by Yearbook,
Newspaper, Multimedia and English classes. In their
place, the Foundation was able to purchase & install 36
new Dell computers for the Digital Media Lab, thereby
increasing access to technology for SMHS students.
Furthermore, the Foundation has been able to replace some of the older Smartboards in classrooms
with Smart TVs and purchase newer Smartboards for other classrooms. Lastly, thanks to the $18,000
Mar 2016
collected for this year’s Fund-a-Need, Chromebooks have already been purchased and checked out in
a process similar to textbook checkout, to
those students who lack access to technology
at home.
In addition to technology resources, the
Foundation has also been able to continue
supporting such initiatives as extended
library hours in the morning, thereby
providing students who come early to
campus a place to study, and access to
computers and printers for assignments and
projects. Most significantly, the Foundation is honored to fund the new position of Service Learning
Coordinator/Career Center Assistant this year, filled by Nancy Kane. Nancy has been an invaluable
addition to the staff at SMHS, providing all SMHS students with up to date information on volunteer
& work opportunities, and organizing informative career and volunteer workshops & presentations
over the past 7 months!
For those of you who have not yet had the opportunity to donate to the Foundation, please look out
for our Spring Postcard campaign which lists the various ways through you which you can still make a
contribution including through company matching donations.
SAVE THE DATE: Next Year’s Bearcat Benefit will take place on Saturday, October 29th
at the Bayview Dining Room at CSM, and more details will be provided in the Fall!
In closing, I’d like to leave you with a few photos from two of the many wonderful auction items that
Bearcat families bid on this year at the Bearcat Benefit: The Paint & Sip Pay to Play Event that took
place at Create, Mix and Mingle Paint Studio in San Mateo; and the Hugely Popular Surf & Turf
Dinner Donated by the Incredible Science Department Teachers as a Live Auction Item! This is just a
small incentive for why you should attend the Bearcat Benefit next year!
Mar 2016
Athletic Boosters – Andrew Wadhams
Congrats to all of our Winter Sports teams, athletes and coaches for a great season! Wrestling, Boys’
and Girls’ soccer all show tremendous improvements over last year with all 4 soccer teams posting
winning records. A special congrats to our Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Basketball teams for making the
CCS playoffs and winning their tough first round games on the road!
As we move into Spring, the SMHS Athletic Boosters continue to make improvements to our school’s
facilities. This year the parent-led volunteer group approved donations of over $30,000 that will be
used to construct new dugouts, purchase Bearcat-identified coverings, install a privacy fence on the
new outfield fence, and install a new scoreboard. The softball complex also received funds for new
dugouts and coverings. According to SMHS Booster President Andrew Wadhams, “Upgrading the
Softball / Baseball complex was necessary not only to provide our students with a level playing field,
but also to insure that the north end of campus reflects the beauty of the San Mateo High School
campus as a whole. It also enables us to offer advertising space on the outfield wall to offset some of
the costs.”
The Athletic Boosters raise money by collecting seasonal Participation Donations, operating food and
Bearcat gear concessions, and hosting the annual “Bearcat Bleacher Bash.” This year’s Bearcat
Bleacher Bash will be held March 12, 2016, at the San Mateo Masonic Lodge from 6pm – 11pm.
Purchase tickets online at
Safety Update – Adam Gelb
We conducted an unannounced shelter in place drill during passing period of tutorial. The drill went
very well and we are in the process of collecting feedback from both students and staff. We will
continue to have our announced drills to practice and we hope to implement some other drills in the
future that are unannounced - possibly at brunch or lunch.
Mar 2016
The CAASPP details can be found here : and the dates
for testing will be April 5th-15th) Juniors will be taking the test in English and Language Arts and in
Math. Sophomores will be taking the Life Science test.
Art Department News-Jane McCabe, Julie Stock and Elizabeth Yapp
Grand Opening of the new Art Gallery for the Student Art Show
The Art Show is Opening 3/10! Don’t miss it!
Come see some terrific student artwork in the Art Gallery, M-115/ library. The opening reception is
March 10th at 6:30 -8:30. The show will continue until March 31st.
Come see some terrific student artwork in the Art Gallery, M-115/ library. The opening reception is
March 10th at 6:30 -8:30. The show will continue until March 31st.
Student Winners!
SMHS Art students have been winning art contests around the state.
San Mateo won 3 out of 4 places in the Donor Network Transplant State-wide Contest
1st place: Alice Huang, 3rd place: Carina Lo, Facebook Fav: Jeremiah Salud
Mar 2016
These beautiful designs were done by students in the Art & Multimedia class for the upcoming Art
Show. Kevin Cervantes, Brendan Ha and Grace Sun
Mar 2016
In Concert 2016 District-wide T-shirt, Poster design Contest winner was a San Mateo High student
Timothy Benjamin from the Advanced Art & Multimedia class
Again, San Mateo High School sweeps in North Central Neighborhood Association Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Essay/Poetry and Art Contest 2016....16 of 20 winners are Bearcats!
Ninth-grade essay
First place: Moriah Shih
Ninth-grade art
First place: Gerricka Dacpano and Susan Rangel
Second place: Carino Lo and Drew Svensson
Third place: Laurel Bolts and Caitlin Zhang
Tenth-grade poetry
Mar 2016
First place: Eliana Grant
Tenth-grade art
First place: Stephanie Nguyen
Second place: Valeriya Nasedkina
Third place: Jennifer Mejia
Eleventh-grade essay
First place: Josh DeWitt
Eleventh-grade art
First place: Jessica Fetanatnia
Second place: Cherokee Strauli
Third place: Hannah Choe
Twelfth-grade poetry
First place: Raymond Owens
Second place: Janani Krishman-Jha
Twelfth-grade art
First place: Susanna Gonzalez
Second place: Jezabelle Catig
Third place: Claudia Hollenbeck
2016 Teen Poster Contest Winner for San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking was
also a San Mateo High School Student!
Grace Sun congratulations!
Mar 2016
Great Opportunities:
February 29th - California State Summer School for the Arts Applications!
Anita Lam participated in this enriching summer state program last summer. The summer session is
July 9 – August 5. See Ms. Stock or Ms. Yapp for more information
March 2nd - Stanford Summer Art Institute Applications! Creativity Innovation: June 19 –
July 8 & July 11 –July 30.
Art Certificate Senior Shows:
Don’t miss the chance to see some wonderful student art! Kevin Cervantes has already created a
dynamic shows.
Justine Xi’s art is currently on display
Stop by the Art Certificate showcase in the counseling hallway to see the following senior art shows:
March 1-11: Alice Huang
March 14-25: Mona You
April 4-15: Joseph Dickenson & Sarah Wisnom rotunda display case
April 18-29: Samuel Phillber
May 2-13: Simon Bartos
March 11th - Deadine for the City Arts of San Mateo's High School Art Recognition Program for 2015.
The theme is "Global Challenges." Optional narratives paragraphs will be displayed alongside the
artwork in the San Mateo Main Library from April 1 -30, 2016 - The reception is at 2:00 April 10th,
2016 in the Oak Room of the SM Public Library. All are welcome. City Arts of San Mateo
The Congressional Art Competition: deadline April 15, 2016
San Mateo County California Landscape Contest: deadline May1, 2016
Mar 2016
see Ms. Stock or Ms. Yapp
Art Certificate Program! The art certificate program offers a more enriched art experience in the
visual arts and career pathway explorations opportunities, along with portfolio development. If you
have a student interested in the Art Certificate program, please contact Ms. Stock
at [email protected] or Ms. Yapp at [email protected]
Please check out our art certificate video and other course videos
at or
Art Careers: If you know of a professional working in a visual art-related career who may be
interested in sharing his or her experience, please connect us. We are always looking for guest
speakers and connecting to the current art world.
Mar 2016
In May 2005 San Mateo High School was excited to announce the official implementation of the
Jefferson Awards for Public Service Program. At the time, implementation of this program was one
of the first steps in a Five-Year Plan for the Leadership Class and the SMHS ASB to recognize and
promote community service by San Mateo High School Seniors. In 2006, the program was
expanded in order to give Jefferson Awards for community service to teachers, community leaders
and parents of SMHS students.
What are the Jefferson Awards?
In 1972, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, U.S. Senator Robert Taft, Jr. and Sam Beard founded the
American Institute for Public Service, a public foundation, to establish a Nobel Prize for public and
community service - The Jefferson Awards.
The Jefferson Awards are presented on two levels: national and local. National award recipients
represent a "Who's Who" of outstanding Americans. On the local level, Jefferson Awards recipients
are ordinary people who do extraordinary things without expectation of recognition or reward.
In 1977 the Jefferson Awards began a Media Partnership through which local newspapers and
television stations ran major promotions dramatizing local “Unsung Heroes.” In the first year they
began with 12 Media Partners. Today they have 147 Media Partners in 93 communities, including
CBS-5 in San Francisco.
What role does San Mateo High School play?
In order to increase exposure on the local level, the Jefferson Awards decided to launch the Service
in Schools initiative in four urban markets in the U.S., San Mateo is taking a lead role as one of the
first of 20 schools to begin implementation in the Bay Area. San Mateo essentially works with the
local media partners as an influential proponent of public service, as well as an avenue through
which members of the San Mateo community – teachers, staff, students, and parents – are
recognized for public service and presented with Jefferson Awards. A selection committee selects
one to five students each spring, and presents all winners with the prestigious award at a schoolwide Awards Night. The selection committee will also select one to five parents, teachers or staff for
recognition and these awards will be presented at the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) end of
year celebration on May 3, 2016. San Mateo is in turn recognized by its local media partners and as
a National Leadership School by the organization.
How do I nominate an individual for a Jefferson Award?
The nomination process is simple. Using the nomination form below, please highlight something
interesting or courageous about the nominee and illustrate how your nominee benefits the
school/community. Write a brief, passionate, compelling story and place the completed nomination
form in the PTO mailbox in the main office, mail to Isabelle Bushman, 746 Ranger Circle, Foster
City, CA 94404, or online at by Friday, March 25, 2016. If you
can't fit your nomination on the page, please use as many blank pages as you need and staple them
to the form. That's all there is to it. Thank you!
Mar 2016
Jefferson Awards SMHS Service
in Schools Program
Nomination Form
Full Name of Individual NOMINATED
Street Address
Street Address
Phone Number
email address
Phone Number
email address
Summary Sentence:
Outstanding Personal Acts:
School /Community Impact:
Place the nomination in the PTO mailbox in the main office, mail to Isabelle Bushman, 746 Ranger
Circle, Foster City, CA 94404, or fill out online at by Friday,
March 25, 2016. If you can't fit your nomination on the page, please type up and staple to back of
this form. That's all there is to it. Thanks!
Mar 2016