VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN .\GENDA MUNDELEIN 11001",1 irrOur I'm/... VILLAGE BOj\RD MEETING NO. 2975 December 28, 2009-7:00 P.M. Fire Headquarters, WOO N. t-Iidlothian Rd., Mundelein, II. Rel/chills/ur O"r 1'IIII1r,· '.'CC"A'''':~G''''V£· I!OLCO<lB flOCK<'cuE~' AHCA' ~'u"~CL£I" I. II. C\LL TO ORDER ROLL C\LL III. PLEDGE OF j\LLEGL\NCE IV. .\PPROV.\L OF ilflNl'TFS .\. Village Board 'Ilceting - December 14, 2009 (Exhibit I) V. VI. I'll. VIII. Pl'BLIC COilIt-lENT.\RY PRESENT.\TIONS/j\ WARDS PUBLIC I-IE.\RINGS t-L\ YOR'S IU~PORT .i\' Townline Center 1. ,\ppointment of Trustee to Negotiating Team (Exhibit 2) B. Centennial C011111uttee 1. Motion to pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 08-10-54, an Ordinance Establishing the Village of Mundelein Centennial Celebration Planning Committee. (Exhibit 3) C. Other Reports IX. TRLSTEE REPORTS .\. Public \\lorks Committee (Semple) B. Finance Committee (Sullinn) 1. Motion to approyc the payment of bill, as indicated on DisbufSC111cnts Pending Report dated 12/28/09 for AT&T IIWOlces totaling 53,228.68. (Exhibit 4) Motion to appro"e the pavment of bill paid under protest, as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report dated 12/28/09 for North Shore Gas @ 165 '\. ;\rcher inn,ices totahng 5963.52. (Exhibit 5) C. Public Safety Committee (Meier) D. Comn1unity DC\'e!opnlcnt Committee (Voss) E. Permits Committee (Nutschnig) 1. Motion to approyc the Ininutcs of the l:'\T o\'Clnbcr 23, 2009 Permits C01l1111ittcc Meeting (Exhibit 6) F. Transportation & Infrastructure Comnuttcc (Lentz) l. Motion to apprO\'e the minutes of the November 23, 2009 Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Meeting (Exhibit 7) G. Other Reports X. SCHEDL'LED BCSINESS ~-\. Omnibus Yote Itctl1S 1. Motion to authorize the execution of an .Auditing SC1Tice i\grcclllCl1t between Clifton Gunderson LLP and the Village of ?\!undelcin for fiscal years ending 201 0 through 2013 in conformance with the Village's Request for Proposal and Clifton Gunderson LLP proposal dated December I, 2009. (Exhibit 8) Xl. ~ Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request & Payment for 5824,806.00 from Intergovernmental Risk Management £\gency, Four \X1estbrook Corporate Center, Suite 940, Westchester, IL 60154 for 2010 j\nnual Ilu\L\ Contribution. (Exhibit 9) 3. Motion to adopt a Resolution ;\pproving and Authorizing the Execution of the First Anlcndnlcnt to the Dcvclop111cnt . :\grcctnent bct\vccn the Village of Mundelein and Lake Ridge Townhomes Corporation. (Exhibit 10) 4. Motion to apprO\'C the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 12/15/09 through 12/28/09 in the amount of 51,310,874.92. (Exhibit II) VILL-\GE ST\FF REPORTS :\. Village I. ~-\cll11inistrator TIl' Joint Re"iew Board IIleeting - Januar)' 25, 2009, 6:30 p.m. B. Village Attorney c. Village Clerk 2 XII. EXECTTI\T SESSION .-\. Motion to recess into Exccuti,'c Session to discuss pC~lding litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(1 I), land acquisition pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(S), personnel pursuant to 5 IlLS 120, Section 2(C)(1), and minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2 (c)(21). B. Motion to recom'ene YilJage Board "reeting C. ;\ ttcndancc D. i\ction frotn ExecutlYc Session XIII. OTHER Bl'SINESS XI\'. ,\DJOl:RNMENT 3 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN MUNDELEIN RO<!l,',[ ill O,jrl'"sr. .. Ikllcili"gfor O"r Fur"", "'c"',,,cs Gee·... • "OLCn ... ~ nOC~'H<.U;"· ,'"'",' M,",UCLLJ', UPCO~II0iG .\lEETING SCHEDULE< December 28, 2009 7:00 p.m. Regular \Cilbge Board" feetll1g Januan' 11,2010 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Bo;ud ?\lccting J anuarv 25, 20 I0 (dO p.m. TIF J oint Review Board January 25, 20ll) 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board ~1ceting Februar\' 8, 20 I0 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board ~\[ec[ing Februarv 22, 2010 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board "feeling ~leeLing '" All meetings will be held at Village of Mundelein fire HCJdquartcrs, 1000 N. Midlothian Road, i'vlulldelein. Illinois-~ unless otherwise stated. EXHIBIT 1 The 2974'" Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of ilIundelein was held illonday, December 14,2009 at 1000 Nordl illidlodlian Road, Mundelein. "-layor Kessler called dle meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 2974'" Regular illeeting Clerk Dahlstrom took dle roll. It indicated dlese members present: Trustees Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Village attendance: Village "\dministrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Chief Sashko, ilIFD; Finance Director Hatton, Village Engineer Emmerich, Director of Public Works Miller, Director of Building Schubkegel Sr., and Attorney Matino. .\ttcncbnce Mayor Kessler introduced Mr. Nikhil Dutra, senior at ilIundelein High School whom has been job-shadowing Mayor Kessler for the day. illHS Selllor Job-Shadow illayor Kessler the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge of i\llegiance Motion by Semple, seconded by Voss to approve dle Minutes of dle Regubr Village Board illeeting of November 23, 2009. Cpon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Voss, Lentz, "-leier, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. i\[otion carried. "-lotion to "\ppmve dle illinutes of Regular Board Meeting of 11. 23.09 Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to apprm-e dle Minutes of the Committee of dle Whole Meeting of November 14, 2009. Cpon roll call \Tote, the \'ote \vas as £0110\\75: ~-\ yes: Voss, Nutschnig, Lentz, :0.Jcier, Semple, anJ Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. i\1000n carried. Motion to Approve dle Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of 11. 14.09 Mayor Kessler opened the meeting to the floor for public commentaf)'. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Mel Withrow, 500 SOUdl illcKinley Avenue, Mundelein distributed a list of new laws effective Januaf)' 1, 2010 and asked the Board how residents would be notified and suggested they be printed in dle Mundel,in Alall'n. Mr. Widllow talked about new cell phone restrictions, posing as a landlord, Public .Act 096-005-4, regarding elevator safety and regulations, and adler federal laws regarding the Enviromnental Protection Agency. illr. Withrow stated if the Village were to hold any classes or seminars he would like to attend. Notification of 201 0 Laws illt. Joe Schwan, 28630 Champions Court, Ivanhoe, stated he received a Home SC1Tice \\later notice from Home Senrice for· water serv-ice insurance and he felt it \vas a Insurance Concerns Set\~icc scam. Mr. Schwan stated all residents should read carefullY and consider dllS carefulh-. Mr. Raymond Boldt, 209 East Park Street, "-Iundelein stated he was an attomev in town and his family has li,-ed in Mundelein for 50 years. "-It. Boldt stated he represents A & B illanagement and wanted. to make comments regarding the Rental Housing Ordinance since re,-iewing the ordinance. Mr. Boldt stated his client has a 7 - 8°'0 '-acanc,' in his properties due to dle econom,·. "-Ir. Boldt stated crinUnal matters are prm-ided for in 184 Rental Housing Ordinance Concerns Floor Opened to Public (Continued) 735 ILCS 5/120, not necessary in an ordinance; much more punitive, tlluch more restrictive, and much more protectiyc to the cOlnmuruty and landlord. i\!r. Boldt commented on the code requirements, which landlords are already required to comply witb tbese codes. Mr. Boldt commented on tbe definitions and referred to "rental property", which should be treated as a "mortgage property" according to the Elgin f\ppellate Court. Mr. Boldt questioned whetber corporate apartments and extended stav hotels be governed by the Rental Housing Ordinance. Mr. Boldt questioned the nuisance defmitions stating they were murky at best, vague at worst. i\Ir. Boldt stated if a tenant is charged of a crime, landlords are required to dispossess the tenant, what if the tenant is found innocent. rvIr. Boldt stated courts are not eager to provide names of owners in a land trust situation. Mr. Boldt stated tbe inspection is in control of the tenant, hmve,·er the ordinance places the burden on tbe landlord. Mr. Boldt questioned the provision regarding the violation requirements of fout or more violations, or calls. If a tenant has four or more parking tickets, d,e landlord is now required to dispossess d,e tenant. i\Ir. Boldt stated some of the burdens required of the landlords arc impossible. Mr. Boldt asked if d,ese were issues tbe Village wanted to get involved in' Mr. Boldt questioned d,e time requirements for maintaining personal records. Mr. Boldt suggested renters might not want to rent in Mundelein due to all of tbese requests. l\lr. Boldt questioned d,e posting of landlord's requirement for posting contact information within 6 feet of tbe door; disgmnded tenants may call d,e landlord duoughout tbe night. Mr. Boldt questioned tbe registration of all vehicles to d,e location and d,e problems it would create. Mr. Boldt stated dlis ordinance would create additional problems. Mr. Boldt suggested d,e Village go back to d,e drawing board and asked tbe Board to wait until tbe economy turns around. Rental Housing Ordinance Question Floor Closed to Public Mr. Joel Cervantes, 600 East McKinley Avenue, Mundelein asked if tbe Rental Housing Ordinance required landlords to provide personal information to tbe Village. Tmstee Voss stated tbe Village would require d,at information from d,e landlords in an emergency. No otber comments were made. The public commentary was closed. Mayoral Proclamation Nat'l Crime Stoppers Montb i\!ayor Kessler proclaimed January 2010 as National Crime Stoppers Mandl. Appointment of i\!undelein Communit\" Oars Commission :Motion bv Sullivan, seconded by Nutschnig to appoint \'{'allace Frasier to tbe i\lundelein Community Da\·s Commission. Cpon roll call vote, d,e vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Nutschnig, Lentz, f-.Ieicr, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not ,'oting: none. i\!otion carried. Oath of Office "\dministered Clerk Dahlstrom administered the Oadl of Office to Mr. Frasier. 185 Mavor Kessler introduced Administer Lobaito to discuss the facts of Comcast Public Hearing. Administer Lobaito stated progress is being made with Comcast and they have agreed to continue the Programming for Channel 19 until an acceptable agreement is reached. Administer Lobaito added it would take a couple of more months to come to an agreement. Comcast Public I-Iearing l'pdatc Motion bv ~leier, seconded by Sullivan to adopt A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Mundelein and the Mundelein Park District Regarding the Construction of Centennial Plaza in Kracklauer Park. (Resolution No. 09-12-50) Cpon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Sulli"an, Centennial Phza Project Intergo\~crnnlental Agreement Lentz, Nutschnig, Setnple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. 1\lotioo carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Voss to authorize staff to prepare a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the First Amendment to the De,'c!opment "-\greement for Lake Ridge Townhomes. Lake Ridge T ownhomcs Mr. Hal Francke, DL-\ Piper LLP, attorney was a,'aibble for any questions or concerns. Trustee Sullivan stated the o\vnership of the condominiums from an association to a simple fonn of o\vnership and asked what happens to the governance of the common elements. Mr. Francke stated that is the intent of the client, however that is not being requested at this time. Mr. Francke stated he foresees the same type of Declaration of Covenants managed by a town home association in effectively the same manner. Upon roll call vote, the vote \vas as £o11o\vs: Ayes: Semple, Voss, Lentz, Meier, Nutschrlig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Mayor Kessler announced a ceremony recognizing Veterans of Iraq and Afgharlistan at Fire Station Headquarters, 1000 North j\,licllothian Road at 4:00 pm. Ceremony Recognizing Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Semple to approve the payment of bill, as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report dated 12/14/09 for AT&T in,'oices totaling $13,580.78. Finance Committee Trustee '~Ieier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain from the motion. Cpon roll call ,'ote, the ,'ote was as follows: Aves: Sullinn, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, and Voss; nays: none; abstain: i\Ieier; absent and not voting: none. f-,rotion carried. Motion by Sulli,'an, seconded by N utschrlig to apprm'e the payment of [86 Veterans Motion to £\pprove the Payment of Bills, Dated 12.14.09 for AT&T Inyoices Totaling S l3,580.78 Motion to Approve the Pavment of Bills, Paid Under Protest Dated 12.14.09 for North Shore Gas @ 165 North Archer Avenue Im-oices Totaling S3l2.72 Financial I-lighlights Public Safety Committee ;>.Iotion to Authorize the Mayor & Board of Tmstees to Authorize Bid Waiver for the Purchase of One (1) 2010 Ford Expeclition EL under the IL Joint Purchasing Program as a Fire Department Command Vehicle in an Amount Not to Exceed 533,834 from Landmark Ford bill, paid under protest as inclicatcd on Disbursements Pending Report dated 12/14/09 for North Shore Gas @ 165 Nmth Archer Avenue, invoices totaling 5312.72. Cpon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Nutschnig, Lentz, Meier, Semple and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. :Gracion carried. Trustee Sullivan highlighted the financial expenses. Motion by Meier, seconded by Semple to authmize the ;>.Iayor and Board ofTmstees to authorize bid waiver fm the purchase of one (I) 2010 Ford Expeclition EL under the Illinois Joint Purchasing Program as a Fire Department Command Vehicle in an amount not to exceed 533,834.00 from Landmark Ford, 2401 Prairie Crossing Drive, Springfield, IL 62711. Tmstee Nutschnig asked what was clifferent from the vehicle d,e Fire Department is currently using. Chief Sashko stated this current vehicle is a Fire Prevention Vehicle and tl,e new vehicle would be a Command Vehicle and have a cOlnmand suite. Tmstee Voss asked how many calls this vehicle would go on. Chief Sashko stated it could respond to 50% of the 3,000 plus calls each year. Tmstee Sullivan stated tl,e intent of tlus velucle to go out into d,e field during emergencies and coorclinate all agencies and asked if the vehicle would go on 50% of all calls. Cluef Sashko stated it could be as high as 50% of tl,e calls as the central point of command. Chief Sashko added tl,e Village is required by NFA to have an isolated Incident Command Vehicle and dus vehicle would meet d,at requirement. Tmstee Sullivan asked how many other communities have dus type of vehicle? Cluef Sashko stated i\lundelein is one of the few communities of our size not to have an Incident Command Velucle. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not yocing: none. i\Iotion carried. Motion to Authmize the Mayor & Village Board of Tmstees to Authorize a Bid Waiver for the Build Out of a Command Suite in an Amount not to Exceed 513,685 Motion by Meier, seconded by Nutschnig to audlorize the Mayor and the Village Board of Tmstees to authorize a bid waiver for the build out of a Command Suite and associated support equipment for d,e development of an Incident Command Vehicle in an amount not to exceed 513,685 with SA.E Customs, 13 Winding Branch Road, I-Iawthome Woods, IL 60047. Upon roll call vote, d,e vote was as follows: Ayes: Meier, Nutschnig, Lentz, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. i\'1otion carried. To\-s for Tots Tmstee ;>.Ieier announced d,e Toys for Tots program at the Mundelein Police Department; residents can drop off new, unwrapped toys at the Police Department, 221 North Lake Street until December 15,2009. Shop with a Cop Trustee ;>'!eier stated Shop \Vith .-\ Cop, \\-as held Saturda,- December 12, 187 2009 at Super Target with 50 children participating with our Police Deparunen t. Public Safety Conunittee (Continued) Trustee Meier stated the first annual Citizen's Alumni Spaghetti Dinner and Auction was held, catered bv Luke's, was held Friday December 4, 2009, and raised S2,000. rirst "-\nnual Citizen's Alumni Spaghetti Dinner Trustee i\leier stated there were recent arrests of three groups of offenders with recent car burglaries. Chief Rose stated there had been three arrests, with two warrants issued and stated would hopefulh' be picked up tonight. Chief Rose stated the arrests led to the admission of other crimes in neighboring communities. Car Burglary .Arrests Trustee Meier reminded the Board and audience of the snowfall ordinance, which a notification reminding our residents was issued and had a positive effect. Snowfall OreMance Trustee Meier announced the "Keep the Wreath Red" program focusing on fIre safety practices during the holidays. Keep tlle Wreatll Reel Trustee \/oss announced the follo\ving new businesses opening since Commulllty Development October I, 2009: Comnuttee Gonzalez Inc., DBA Ramirez Bakerr, 668 South Lake Street Neon Moon, 2061 West Maple Avenue True Sound, Inc., 674 South Lake Street KI Martial Arts, 2055 South Lake Street Nurse Express Health Care Services, 281 North Seymour Annue New Businesses Opened Motion by Voss, seconded by Semple to approve an Agreement for Professional Services with Business District Incorporated to serve as the Village's Downtown Strategic Partner for an amount not to exceed 524,000 and authotize the Vilhge Administrator's signature on the Agreement, subject to Village counsel and non-substantive changes. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Semple, Lentz, Meier; Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. ~fotion carried. Business District Incorporated - Downtown Strategic Partner Community Development Committee (Continued) Trustee Voss announced the Images of America - Mundelein written by Shawn P. Killackey is available at Vilhge Hall or Barnes & Noble. Trustee Voss added it is the number one selling book at the Vernon Hills location. Images of America 0.Iundelein Number I Seller Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to pass An Ordinance Providing for the Regulation and Registration of Rental Housing Properties Within the Village of Mundelein. (Ordinance No. 09-12-77) Landlord Registration Trustee Sullivan stated the concerns stated earlier \vete part of an n earlier "ersion of the draft being presented with this motion. Trustee Sulli"an stated the Village must focus on the goals for tllls ordinance not the fears or litigation that rna\, come. Staff has worked "ery hard and is a good starting point for the Village to prevent o\·er occupancy, identify owners, and to 188 Comrnunity Development Committee (Continued) Landlord Regis ua tion (Continued) ha\Te an affect on crune. Tmstee ",-Ieier stated Mundelein could not accomplish our goals of bringing in ne\v businesses without support of existing businesses. The Board will be instituting a fee and penalty based ordinance when unemployment and bankruptcy is at an all time high. The purpose of d,e ord..inance \vas to collect contact infornlation for public safety, and instead turned into an attempt to prc,-cnt over occupancy and crinle and is not business friendly. Trustee ]\..Ieier stated at the very least, the fees should be deferred until 2011. Tmstee Voss thanked Director Schubkegel and his staff for d1eir efforts regarding the ordinance. Trustee Voss stated she felt the final ordinance is a cost neutral ordinance, and is business friendly; it levels the playing field between commercial business that pay the registration fee, and a good first step. Tnlstcc Lentz questioned the supplenlental form, \vhether it was part of the ordinance or application. Director Schubkegel stated the form was not part of the ordinance but addressed Trustee Sullivan's request to pro,-ide occupancy information. Chief Sashko added it would be shared information in a fire emergency. Discussions continued regarding the forms. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: .Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Lentz, Nutschllig, and Sernple; nays: r..Icier; absent and not \Toting: none, 0.-fotion carried. Village i\ussion Statement Trustee Voss noted the Village does not have a mission statement and asked whether d1e Village should have one. Mayor Kessler stated d1e Village just adopted a logo at the last meeting and asked any suggestions be provided to Trustee Voss. Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Motion by Lentz, seconded by Nutschnig to approve and authorize the Clerk's signature on a "Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code" appropriating twenty thousand dollars (520,000) in MFT revenues for replacement of the traffic signal controller at the intersection of Hawley Street and Seymour A,-enue. (Resolution No. 09-12-51) Motion to Approve & i\uthorize the Clerk's Signature on "Resolution for Maintenance of Streets & Highways by i\Iunicipalit:y Under the Illinois Highway Code" .-\ppropriating 520,000 in MFT Re,-enues for Replacement of d1e Traffic Signal Controller at d1e Intersection of Hawlev 5t & Seymour A \Te Tmstee Voss asked of the Village would wair the four to six weeks for the approval process. Administrator Lobaito stated the funds would be taken out of Unrestricted Resen;res and tilen pay us back, ho\\'ever authorization is required. Engineer Emmerich stated he had heard from an IDOT Representati\-es and they stated it was already cO\Tred under our existing resolution. Cpon roll call \Cote, the vote \vas as follows: .Ayes: Lentz, Nutschnig, i\Ieier, Scnlple, Sullivan, and "TOSS; nays: none; absent and not "oting: none. ;\{orion carried. 189 Motion by Lentz, seconded bv Semple to autborize the Village Engineer's signature on the "Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs" itemizing the proposed expenditure for the replacement of the traffic signal controller at the intersection of Hawley 'St. and Seymour A,ce. Upon roll call vote, the yore \vas as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Semple, J\Jeier, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. I\[otion carried. JVlotion by Lentz, seconded by Semple to authorize the Village Administrator to enter into a contract with Meade Electric to replace the traffic signal controller at d,e Hawley Street intersection with Seymour """venue in an amount not to exceed 514,685.00. Transportation & Infrastructure C0111mittee Motion to Authorize the Village Engineer's Signature on the "Municipal Estimate of T\laintenance Costs" Motion to AudlOrize d,e Village Administrator to Enter into a Contract \vith Tmstee Semple asked how soon the signal would be fixed. Engineer Effil11Crich stated one \veek at most. Upon roll call vote, tbe vote was as follows: Ayes: Lentz, Semple, 1',leier, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. JVlotion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to adopt A Resolution of Endorsement of the Unified Vision Document for the Central Lake Thruway by Member Facilities. (Resolution No. 09-12-52) Tmstee Sullivan updated the Boarel regarding tbe Route 120 CPC. Meade Electric to Replace d,e Traffic Signal Con troller in an .1-\mount Not to Exceed 514,685.0 Motion to Adopt A. Resolution of Endorsctnent of the C nified Vision Document for d,e Central Lake Thruwav bv Member Facilities Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Lentz, Meier, Nutschnig, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Mayor Kessler presented tbe Omnibus Vote ,""genda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Omnibus Vote Agenda Trustee Meier removed Items 2 and 3. Items Removed from Omnibus Agenda There \vere no other additions, deletions or corrections. Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to apprm-e the following Omnibus Vote ,""genda, excluding Item 2 and 3. 1. Motion to adopt A Resolution Designating a Director and Alternate Director for the Village of Mundelein to the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County. (Resolution No. 09-1253) (Omnibus Vote) 2. REMOVED 3. REMOVED 190 Motion to ,""pprovc Omnibus Vote Agenda Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote ""genda 4. Motion to pass An Ordinance Granting Conditional Sign Variations to Robert Schwake Stone Company Relating to the Property Located at 1440 TownIine Road, Mundelein, Illinois. (Ordinance No. 09-12-78) (Omnibus Vote) 5. Motion to adopt A Resolution Ratifying a Payment to CDS Office Technologies for the Purchase of Two In-Car Computers for the Mundelein Police Department and a Payment to Target Inc. for the "Shop With A Cop" Program. (Resolution No. 09-12-54) (Omnibus Vote) 6. Motion to adopt A Resolution Waiving the Formal Bidding Process for the Purchase of a Crime Scene Scanner, Authorizing Execution of the Grant Documents, and Approving a Purchase Order from 3'd Tech Inc. of Durham, NC. (Resolution No. 09-12-55) (Omnibus Vote) 7. Motion to appro,-e the Departmental Purchase Request & Payment for 524,831.21 from State of IL Department of Employment Security, 260 East Indian Trail Road, Aurora, IL 60505 for Lnemployment for 2"" & 3'" Quarter Charges. (Omnibus Vote) 8. Motion to apprm"e the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 11/24/09 through 12/14/09 in the amount 01'5677,870.53. (Omnibus Vote) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Nutschnig, Lentz, .i\Ieier, SClnple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion to Pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-11-67 Granting a Special Use Pennit to Allow Sprint to Install Telecommunication Motion by Semple, seconded by Lentz to pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-11-67 Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow Sprint to Install Telecommunication Antennas on the Transmission Tower at the Countryside Fire Station on the Property Located at 801 S. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, IL. (Ordinance No. 09-12-79) Antennas on the Transmission To\ver at the Countryside Fire Station at 801 South I\IidlotlUan Road Trustee i\Ieier stated due to a conflict of interest, she \vQuld abstain [rotTI Motion to pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-11-66 Granting a Special Lse Permit to ,\llow Sprint to the motion. Upon roll call vote, the vote \vas as £0110\V5: Ayes: Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; abstain: n..Ieier; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Lentz to pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 09-11-66 Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow Sprint to Install Telecommunication Antennas on the Transmission Tower at the St. Mary of the Lake Property Located at 1000 E. Maple Avenue, Mundelein, Illinois. (Ordinance No. 09-12-80) 191 Trustee j\leier stated due to a conflict of interest, she would abstain fro111 the tnotion. l'pon roll call \'ote, the ,'ote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Lentz, Nutschnig, Sulli\~an, and \' oss; nays: none; abstain: i\leier; absent and not \'ot111g: none. illotion carried. Trustee Lentz left the boardroom at 7:20 pm. Install Telecolmnurucation .:\ntennas on the Translrussion To\ver at the SI. illm"\" of the Lake at 1000 East Maple A,'enue Administrator Lobaito stated there would be changes in the Freedom of Information Act (FOL-\) effecti,'e January 1,2010 and noted the Village's processes would be amended to accommodate the changes. \'illage Administrator's Report Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Meier to adjourn the 2974,h Regular Motion to c\djourn Board meeting. Cpon unanitnous at 8:32 pm. illotion carried. \~oice \~ote, the meeting was adjourned The 2974,h Regular meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm. Village Clerk 192 c\djournment Exhibit 2 Village of IJ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 440 East Hawley Street Mundelein, Illinois 60060 847-949-3282 ww\ RECEIVED MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Kenneth H. Kessler cc: Ray Semple, Trustee John Lobaito, Village From: fax 847-949-2154 Victor M. Barrera, D~C 1 "I /.t; ( - AO:,1INISTR/TOJ:::'S 0':c:' 7" • .. - Administr~ L Directora/ Planning & Development Date: December 17, 2009 Subject: Townline Center Negotiating Team Please appoint a Trustee to cl,e Negotiating Team for Townline Center to fill the role previously held by Ch.ip Cancelli. Currencly, Ray Semple is the sole member of the Negotiating Team. Townline Center is a retail center proposed for the southwest corner of Townline and Butterfield Roads. The project will require a rezoning, variances, a Development Agreement and a subdivision. VMB/sd Village of Mundelein CONIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 440 East Hawle)' Street, Mundelein, Illinois 60060 • Phone: (847) 949-3282 • Fax: (847) 949-2154. \V\ "1 . . -... '.~ . ' Legend E:ZI C:JViUage Projed Location limits ~ Not Zoned c::J M1 R5 C1 R6 C2 c::J C3 l1 c::JOR c:J P c::J R7 R1 c::J R8 R4 Location Map: Proposed Townline Center Parcels Lakes Centerline o I 100 200 I 400 Feel I Exhibit 3 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN ADMINISTRATION STAFF REPORT To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Mike Flynn ,~ For: December 28, 2009 Village Board Meeting Subject: Ordinance Extending Terms for Centennial Committee Summary: Ordinance No. 08-10-54 set the term limits of the Centennial Celebration Planning Committee's members and officers to expire on December 31, 2009. This ordinance extends the terms of the members and officers one year, to December 31, 2010, in order to continue fundraising efforts for the Stoughton fire truck restoration, to implement the Centennial Plaza design, and prepare a centennial time capsule. Recommendation: Motion to approve An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 08-10-54, an Ordinance Establishing the Village of Mundelein Centennial Celebration Planning Committee For Village Administrator Recommendation: APPROV DATE: -+L..-=jH-""4-'-'-Hr---,-/+-,-BY: ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 08-10-54, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PLANNING COMMITTEE WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 08-10-54 established a Centelmial Celebration Planning Committee to plan, coordinate and implement community activities, legacy projects, programs and events in celebration of the lOath Anniversary of the Village of Mundelein; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 08-10-54 set the term limits of the Centennial Celebration Planning Committee's members and officers to expire on December 31, 2009; and WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees have determined that there is a need to amend Ordinance No. 08-10-54 extending the term limits of the members and officers of the Centennial Celebration Planning Committee to the next calendar year in order to continue fimdraising efforts for the Stoughton Fire Engine Restoration project, to implement the Centennial Plaza Design, and prepare a centennial time capsule. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, that: SECTION I: Section III of Ordinance No. 08-10-54 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: Section III: Terms of Members. The members of the Centennial Celebration Plmming Committee shall be appointed to plan and implement the loath anniversary celebration of the Village. The members' telms shall end on December 31, 20 I a unless extended by the Board of Trustees. SECTION II: Section IV of Ordinance No. 08-10-54 is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: Section IV: Officers of the Committee. The Mayor, with the consent of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint a Chairman of the Centennial Celebration Planning Committee, who shall serve for a term ending on December 31, 20 I a unless extended by the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall elect among its members a secretary and such other officers as it may deem advisable. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form, as required by law. SECTION IV. Except as amended herein, Ordinance No. 08-10-54 is hereby ratified and confirmed. The foregoing Ordinance was adopted by a roll call vote as follows: ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING NAYS President PASSED: APPROVED: __ PUBLISHED in pamphlet form: _ ~ ATTEST: Village Clerk Exhibit 4 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT For Board Meeting of 12/28/09 Date: December 21, 2009 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Dennis J. Murray, Assistant Finance DirectorG-- Subject: Separate Bill For Approval Summary The Village's Bill Approvat policy requires bill approval at each Board Meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The attached was pulled from the Governing Body Report, so the item coutd be voted upon separatety. Recommendation MOTION REQUESTED MOTION to approve the payment of bill, as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report Vendor 12/28/09 AT&T Attachments: None For Village Administrator Recommendation: Invoices Totaling: $3,228.68 Exhibit 5 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT For Board Meeting of 12/28/09 Date: December 21, 2009 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Dennis J. Murray, Assistant Finance Directol~ Subject: Invoice for N0I1h Shore Gas Summary The Village's Bill Approval policy requires bill approval at each Board Meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The attached was pulled from the Governing Body Report at the request of Michael Flynn, so the item could be voted upon separately. (Amount bcing disputed.) Recommendation MOTION REQUESTED: MOTION to approve the payment of bill paid under protest, as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report Dated: 12/28/09 For: North Shore Gas @ 165 N. Archer Invoices totaling: $963.52 ATTACHMENTS: Nonc For Village Administrator Recommendation: /. Exhibit 6 November 23,2009 Permits Committee Meeting Robert Schwanke Stone Company, 1440 Townline Road Pennits Committee I\Ieeting Called to Order The Permits Conunittee of dle Village of Mundelein held a meetl11g Monday November 23, 2009 at 1000 Nordl I\lidlodlian Road, Mundelein. Chairman Nutschnig convened dle meeting at 6:47pm. Attendance Clerk Dahlstrom took dle roll. It indicated dlese members present: Commissioner Sullivan and 'i oss; absent: none. Village attendance: Trustees Lentz, Meier and Semple, Adm.i.tlistrator Lobaito, and Planner Goski. Purpose of Meeting: Robert Schwake Stone Companv, 1440 Townline Road Chairman Nutschnig stated dle Robert Schwake Stone Company was located at 1440 Townline Road. The company has a showroom and contractor yard where they focus on selling 111aSonry products for fireplaces, stone outcroppings, and building veneers, as well as odler home and business fulishings. Recendy, ilie business had been hanging large banner signs on dle front of dle building, which is against dle Sign Code. The petitioner is recluesting a nriation to dle Sign Code to permit ilie installation of several banners permanently on the property \vith the option to change the language on these banners on a periodic basis. Discussion Ms. Carol Schwake-Hodson stated Schwake Stone Company is located near dle Great Escape, in ilie back of dle center. Ms. Schwake-Hodson apologized and stated iliey did not realize ilie signs dlev installed were against the Village's Sign Code. Ms. Schwake-Hodson stated no one knew they ,vere open and to make the conununity a\vare they were open for business, iliey provided the signs. Ms. Hodson stated wlllle dley had dle signs up, there was significant increase in business. Ms. Schwake-Hodson stated ilie iliree signs, totaling 155 square feet to be hung on window space of 650 square feet, 25% of window space. Ms. Hodson stated willie iliey had the signs up, there was significant increase in business. Discussions continued regarding ilie original signs installed and dle difference of ilie signs requested. Chairman Nutschnig clarified wheilier dle signs would be framed. Ms. Schwake-Hodson stated ilie Appearance Review Commission recommended one year to frame the signs wiili an option to change dle signs once framed. Consensus Cb..iarman Nutschnig asked for consensus for dle requested variations to ilie Sign Code. Chairman Nutschnig received consensus regarding dle reques ted varia tions to ilie Sign Code. Motion to Reconunend ApproDI Audl0riZing Staff to Prepare an Ordinance "\pproving ilie Requests for a Variation from Sign Ordinance Section 2UO.01O(c) & Sign Ordinance Section 21.20.010(d) per Appearance Re\~iew Committee's Recon11nendations Motion by Voss, seconded by SuUinn to recommend approval auiliorizing staff to prepare an Ordinance approving dle requests for a variation from (1) Sign Ordinance Section 21.20.010(c) to permit ilie amount of square footage of signage to exceed ilie amount allowed on ilie property; and (2) Sign Ordinance Section 21.20.010(d) allowing temporan' banner signs to become permanent and allow the language on dle banners to change dlioughout the Year, per Appearance Re,-iew Committee's recommendations. CPOIl roll call ,-ate, the vote \vas as [ol1o\\'s: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, and Nutschnig; n:1Ys: none; :1bsenc and noc voting: none. carried. :\focion Permits COl1llruttee (Continued) :\lotion by Voss, seconded b\" SulliYan to adjourn the Permits Committee n1eeting. Upon roll c3.11 vote., the \-ote \V:1S :1S follo\vs: ~\ yes: Voss, Sulliv::ln, and Nutschnig; n:1Ys: none; absenc and noc \'ocing: none. ~fotion curied. :\lotion to c\djourn the Permit ComrrUttee :0.-feetino- The Permits COlTurllttee meeting \vas adjourned at 6:59 pm. :-\djournrnenc Village Clerk " Exhibit 7 ~ovember23,2009 Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Meeting Loch Lomand Area Infrastructure Improvements Canadian ~ational Quiet Zone Improvement Design Transportation & The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of the Village of Mundelein held a meeting Monday Nm'ember 23, 2009 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Chairman Lentz com'ened the meeting at 6:03 pm. Infrastructure Conunittee Meeting Called to Order Attendance It indicated these members present: Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. COlmmssioners Nutschnig and Semple; absent: none. Village attendance: Trustee Sulliyon, Village Engineer Emmerich, and Director tlIiller. Purpose: Loch Lomand Area Infrastructure Itnproycments Chairman Lentz stated the purpose of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meeting was to discuss the Loch Lomand Area Infrastructure Itnpro\'ements and the Canadian National Quiet Zone Improvement Design. Floor Opened to Public Chairman Lentz opened the floor to public commentary. There were no comments made. Floor Closed to Public Loch Lomand Area Infrastructure Improvements Background Chairman Lentz closed the floor to public commentary. Chairman Lentz introduced Village Engineer Emmerich to provide the background for the Loch Lomand Area Infras tructure Improvements. Engineer Emmerich stated the FYE10 Non Water & Sewer Special Project AG has a budgeted amount of $10,000 and the FYE10 Water & Sewer Special Project M also has a bugeted amount of SlO,OOO. The greater Loch Lomand Area consists of the Locah Lomand Subdivision, Loch Lomand Unit 2 Subdivision, Loch Lomand unit 3 Subdivision, 4'" Addition to the Loch Lomand Subdivision and parts of the Seminary View Subdivision. The yost majority of the infrastructure, including panment, drainange, water, sewer, and parkways, are original vintage 1950 - 1960 and has become inadequate and obsolete. The area was built without drainage infrastructure. \'i/ith the exception of areas with significant elevation changes, storm runoff drains poorly and contributes to premature pavement failures and erosion. The area was developed without sidewalks or trails and pedestrians are forced to walk on street pavement. The Village rightof-way is poorly defined contributing to maintenance challenges. In most areas, it is impossible to authoritavely delineate Village owned property from prive property. Engineer Emmerich stated the goal was to improve the unage of the Area, reduce re-work, proyide tTIodern infrastructure to deliycr public serivcs with fewer interruptions, and correct longstanditlg deficiencies to ensure the ulfrastructure remauls safe and reliable. The Agreement with SEC Group, Incorporated for the Loch Lomond Area Infrastructure Modernization Framework Plan would gather im'entoty of exiStlllg ulfrastmcture data, organize the data into a program of logical and defensible unpro\'ement projects, and develop funding recommendations for projects such as eligibilin- for addition and expansion funds. The initial effort includes data collection, initial needs definitions, prelitTl.inary prioritizations, and tllodernization scenario exhibit preparation. The estimate for the initial de,-elopment of the plan is 527,425.00. Loch Lomand Area Infrastructure Impronments (Continued) Commissioner Semple asked if the report would provide a prioritization of p",-ement improvements. Engineer Emmerich stated that would be prm-ided specifically for Loch Lomand and added the goal is to "complete the streets". Commissioner Semple asked if Loch Lomand was originally unincorporated area and annexed. Director I\lillcr stated it was unincorporated and then .in the late 1950's, e1le Village was approached to annex the subdivision. The Village required the developer to install public \vater and sanitary sewer systen1, \vhich is still in place today. Chairman Lentz asked the amount allocated, what percentage would the work provide. Engineer Emmerich stated less e1lan 50%. Tmstee Sullinn asked why e1le Village needs to pay for information staff already has. Engineer Emmerich stated it would take several months for Village staff to provide the information \'CrSllS \'leeks that a contractor \vould need to provide the information. Engineer Emmerich stated it would take several months for Village staff to prm-ide e1le information, Village staff doesn't have surveys or computer-aided drafting and one monells worth of labor. Director ivIiller stated having SEC provide the information would take all of the organizational knowledge and history including all reports provided by multitudes of consultants throughout e1le years, refresh staff and selluenee projects, combinations of projects, and have a matrix of information for the Village to detemnine the priority of each project. Discussions continued regarding Village staff providing the information versus a contractor providing the information, and whether staffing the Engineer Department to be able to provide in-house engineering or utilizing consultants. Commissioner Nutschnig left the boardroom at 6:21 pm. Commissioner Nutschnig returned to e1le boardroom at 6:22 pm. Chauman Lentz asked e1le Committee and Board if e1lere was consensus with e1us project. Chairman Lentz stated he was in support of e1us project as was Conumssioner Semple. Commissioner Nutschnig \vas against the project as was Tmstees Sullivan and Voss. Tmstee Meier stated she needed additional information to make an informed decision. Chairman Lentz Commissioner Nutschnig Left Commissioner Nutschnig Returned Consensus stated since there \vas no consensus he \vould make a motion to remove the motion from the Agenda. Commissioner Semple asked if Engineering Department would take one block and provide the information being requested by the consulting firm and provide the Committee with a sample. COlmmssioner Nutschnig Commissioner Nutschnig left the boardroom at 6:39 pm. Conurussioner NutschlUg returned to e1le boardroom at 6:40 pm. Left Commissioner N urschnig Returned Transportation & Infrastructure C011l1mttee i\leeting (Continued) Hawley Street Improyement Design Public Input i\leeting Update Chairman Lentz announced the Hawley Street Itnproyement Public Input meeting scheduled for Tuesday January 26, 2009 to be held at Carl Sandburg Middle School, 855 West Hawley Street. Chairman Lentz added the time would be determined when the format of the meeting is fInalized and would be announced as S0011 as it \vas determined. Trustee SulliYan asked if the Board would attend the meetmg. Chairman Lentz stated the Board should not attend to prm-ide an open meeting for the public. Purpose: Canadian National Quiet Zone Itnproyement Design Chiarman Lentz reinreoduced Engineer Emmerich to prm'ide the background and scope of the Canadian National Quiet Zone Imprm-ement Design. Canadian National Quiet Zone Improycment Design Background & Scope Engineer Emmerich stated the agreement bet\yeen the Village and Grand Tmnk Corporation resulting from the Canadian National & EJ&E merger prm'ided for the design and installation of "Quiet Zone Improvememts". Grand Trunk Corporation has deposited 5125,000 as their share of the cost to design and build these improyements. Under separate contracts, SEC will assist with the design improyements to the barrier median at the Allanson Road Crossing and the driveway relocation at 1474 South Butterftled Road. The total estimate for the design at both locations is 523,030.00, SEC proyided the lowest bid. Discussion Chairman Lentz stated there would be t\yo separate motions on the Agenda and discussion would be held at that time. tllotion to Adjourn the Transportation & Infrastmcture Committee Meeting Motion by Semple, seconded by Nutschnig to adjourn the Transportation and Infrastrncture Committee meeting. Upon roll call \'ote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Nutschnig, and Lentz; nays: none; absent and not yoting: none. Motion carried. Adjournment The Transportation and Infrastruct\lre Committee meeting was adjourned at 6:46 pm. Village Clerk 3 Exhibit 8 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT Omnibus Agenda Item For Board Meeting of Decem ber 28, 2009 Date: December 10, 2009 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Mary K. Hatton, Finance Director Subject: Audit RFP Results Summary On November 9, 2009, the Board Authorized a Request for Proposal for Audit services for fiscal years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The Village received six (6) proposals: McGladrey & Pullen, LLP; Lauterback & Amen, LLP; Clifton Gunderson LLP; Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP; Sikich LLP; and Wolf & Company LLP. Proposals were evaluated upon general criteria, technical qualifications and prices. General criteria included professionalism, licensing, independence, quality control peer review reports, and adherence to proposal requirements. Technical qualifications include municipal experience with like municipalities, TIF experience, and tenure of staff to be assigned to our audit, adequacy of staffing proposed, and analytical procedures. General Criteria and Technical Qualifications were evaluated prior to opening any of the price proposals. All firms demonstrated their ability to perform Mundelein's engagement. Subsequently, the sealed price proposals were opened and evaluated for initial, component, and over all costs. References were called. Clifton Gunderson having best met the needs of the Village and the most cost effective price is the recommended firm. It would be appropraite for the Village Board approve the proposal for professional auditing services for fiscal years 2010 to 2013 received from Clifton Gunderson LLP. RECOMENDATION: MOTION Motion to authorize the execution of an Auditing Service Agreement between Clifton Gunderson LLP and the Village of Mundelein for fiscal years ending 2010 through 2013 in conformance with the Village's Request for Proposal and Clifton Gunderson LLP proposal dated December 1,2009. Attachments Yes For Village Administrator Recommendation: 2009 Audit RFP Pricing Summary FYE 2009 (Acutal CAFR & TIF) 40,400 CAFR Clifton Gunderson McGladry & Pullen Baker Tilly Wolf & Company Lauterback & Amen Sikich Total 120,500 139,000 140,300 145,850 149,400 154,790 2010 29,000 34,000 34,000 34,850 36,000 37,000 2011 29,600 34,500 34,400 35,900 36,900 38,110 2012 30,500 35,000 35,400 37,000 37,800 39,250 2013 31,400 35,500 36,500 38,100 38,700 40,430 TIF Audit Clifton Gunderson McGladry & Pullen Baker Tilly Wolf & Company Lauterback & Amen Sikich 4,300 4,600 4,150 3,000 9,900 9,955 1,000 1,000 1,000 720 300 2,380 1,050 1,100 1,000 740 3,100 2,450 1,100 1,200 1,050 760 3,200 2,525 1,150 1,300 1,100 780 3,300 2,600 Single Audit - if Necessary Clifton Gunderson 16,600 22,400 McGladry & Pullen 14,300 Baker Tilly 12,600 Wolf & Company 6,600 Lauterback & Amen 19,370 Sikich 4,000 5,000 3,500 3,000 1,500 4,630 4,100 5,400 3,500 3,100 1,600 4,770 4,200 5,800 3,600 3,200 1,700 4,910 4,300 6,200 3,700 3,300 1,800 5,060 34,000 40,000 38,500 38,570 37,800 44,010 34,750 41,000 38,900 39,740 41,600 45,330 35,800 42,000 40,050 40,960 42,700 46,685 36,850 43,000 41,300 42,180 43,800 48,090 Aggregate Clifton Gunderson' McGladry & Pullen Baker Tilly Wolf & Company Lauterback & Amen Sikich 09Proposal Analysis 141,400 166,000 158,750 161,450 165,900 184,115 Summary 12108/2009 • • • • • • •• • . !l.*.*.*·. • * .l•••• **. 91it1!~ Exhibit 9 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT -IL Omnibns Agenda Item For Board Meeting of 12/28/09 Date: December 17, 2009 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees 1..>",,1..-<\\.31/ From: Mary Hatton, Finance Director fill" 0.. On behalf of the Finance Department Subject: Purchase Order Approval Summary The Village's purchase order policy requires the Village Board prior to issuing a purchase order or acquiring the product or service approve all purchases over $10,000. Attached is Departmental Purchase Request exceeding the $10,000 limitation. Board approval is respectfully requested. Recommendation Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request & Payment for From: Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency Four Westbrook Corporate Center, Suite 940 Westchester, IL 60154 For: 2010 Annual IRMA Contribution Attachments: YES (Departmental Purchase Request Form) For Village Administrator Recommendation: $824,806.00 Encumbrance Village of Mundelein Purchase Order # Department Purchase Request Date Purchase From : Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency Vendor # 12/1412009 Village of Mundelein Four Westbrook Corporate Center Slilte 940 Finance Department Westchester, 1160154 440 E, Hawley Street 1120 Mundelein, Itt 60060 ttem OTY Unit 1, 1 2. Description Unit Price 2010 Annual Contribullon Total Distribution Org Acct 442,813.00 442,81300 100,000 260 1 1,320.00 1,320.00 1,100 6,501 3. 1 20,539.00 20,539.00 2,201 6,501 4. 1 11,767.00 11,767.00 2,301 6,501 5. 1 4,020.00 4,020.00 2,400 6,501 6. 1 2,755.00 2,755.00 1,203 6,501 7. 1 5,838.00 5,838.00 4,200 6,501 8. 1 9,493.00 9,493.00 2,801 6,501 9. 1 7,50600 7,506.00 2,901 6,501 10. 1 81,775.00 81,775.00 3,101 6,501 11. 1 44,260.00 44.26000 3,201 6,501 12. 1 24,28900 24,289.00 4,401 6,501 13. 1 3,802.00 3.802.00 4,100 6,501 14. 1 4,707.00 4,707.00 4,300 6,501 Grand Total $664,884.00 Page 1 of 2 , ._. This page only Departmental Authorization /7 /' "-'-\ I" ;lo'A ______ Approved By Requested By Check Applicable litem In Budget Budget Verification I / \j litem Not In Budget I l Ace!. Underl Budget Finance Director - Administrator Board I '" Acet. Over Budget (' YIN Sigrf,,{ure 'I ' jj "I ;: /L.\ ~ 0' x/ A. ~ ' '1 I / lAuthorization Required Signatures Required .{~-/?</~Y ) ( For Finance Use Date ! ,I ~_~ Jl " J I!;-;{. /____ /1 /I d [j c~<1t ~' ./ (/D<: C,J ) Date J2-1! l/tF r / ',. .-,./ 10Contrib PD P9 1 12/14/2009 Encumbrance Village of Mundelein Purchase Order Department Purchase Request 1, Date Vendor# Purchase From : Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency 12/14/2009 Village of Mundelein Four Westbrook Corporate Center Suite 940 Finance Department Westchester, 1160154 440 E. Hawley Street 1120 Mundelein, III 60060 Distribution Item OTY Unit Price Description Unit 106.50800 500,000 260 1 29,81300 29,81300 4,510 6,501 1 23,60100 23,60100 4,610 6,501 1 2. 3. 4. 0.00 5. 000 6. 000 7. 0.00 8. 000 9. 000 10. Page 2 of 2 0.00 11. 0.00 12. 000 13. Acet 0'9 106,508.00 1. 2010 Annual Contribution Total • 000 14. 0.00 Grand Total $15992200 This page only 9, h-l· <,(;" C"", (>'",( f,..ul /,> /';'/ Departmental Authorization ! Requested By Approved By / 'J{ , " For Finance Use Check Applicable litem In Budget Budget Verification I / \/ l Ace!. Undo'l Budget I Finance Director Administrator Board 10Conlrib PO I "! "I Dale ) Jv\ I Acel. Over Budget Ij ! L: -, YIN ,.j rjLcl<'L_ / litem Not I In Budget I Authorization Required Signatures Required t ",c •., " /1/,1-) Signa~'p6 Date ,7 cj{;(jl--==-./----- /,/" ~_p,J~' J /{(/L(-">J. / )- /;7/r; // • <'"--: _J / . r .<::'_0.,/ " Ie U Pg2 II / c; / 12/1412009 Exhibit 10 OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting: December 28, 2009 Return by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday before Board Meeting TO: Mayor Kessler and Village Board FROM: Victor M. Barrera, Director Planning & Development DATE: December 21, 2009 RE: Lake Ridge Townhomes First Amendment to Development Agreement d/.L EXPLANATION: At the December 14, 2009 Village Board meeting, the Village Board approved the requested First Amendment to the Development Agreement and directed staff to prepare a resolution for consideration at its next regularly scheduled meeting. MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of the First Amendment to the Development Agreement between the Village of Mundelein and Lake Ridge Townhomes Corporation. BUDGETED ITEM: YES ATIACHMENTS YES For Village Administrator Recommendation: _ X ---'--'--- NO NO _ --- NtA _--'x-'----_ RESOLUTION NO. _ RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN AND LAKE RIDGE CORPORAnON WHEREAS, on or about January 24, 2006, a Development Agreement (the "Development Agreement") was entered into by and between Lake Ridge Townhomes Corporation and the Village relative to cetiain propetiy legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof comprising 3.02 gross acres; and WHEREAS, a copy of the First Amendment to the Development Agreement for Lake Ridge Townhomes is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, COUNTY OF LAKE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, that said First Amendment to the Development Agreement for the Lake Ridge Townhomes, attached hereto as Exhibit B, is hereby approved and the Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and attest said First Amendment on behalf of the Village of Mundelein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if all of the patiies designated above have not executed this First Amendment and delivered such executed copy to the Village by January II, 20 I 0, this Agreement shall, as of said date, be deemed null and void, and shall have no futiher force and effect. ADOPTED this _ _ day of by a roll call vote. NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING President PASSED: -------------APPROVED: ------------ATTEST: -------,~----=__c_------~ Village Clerk ·• . • . Exhibit II .. ... · . It;.•••. . ..~~ .. ~'!:~•.. • •.:•••• * *• ~ ~ VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN -'L FINANCE DEPARTMENT Omnibus Agenda Item For Board Meeting of 12128/09 Date: December 21, 2009 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Dennis J. Murray, Assistant Finance Direct08 Subject: Bill Approval Summary The Village's Bill Approval policy requires bill approval at each Board Meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The full Governing Body Report has been made available in the Trustee's room for review. This is net of any invoices Trustees have requested be pulled for separate vote. .' I Recommendation MOTION to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 12115/09 through 12/28/09 in the amount of $1,310,874.92. Attachments For Village Administrator Recommendation: