April 2013 - the Congregation Beth Israel


April 2013 - the Congregation Beth Israel
“A Family of Families”
April 2013
Bar Mitzvah of
Sam Edwin Susser
Monday, April 1st
Yizkor Service @ 6:30 pm
Friday, April 5th
Shabbat Service @ 7:30 pm
Lay Led Service
Saturday, April 6th
Friday, April 19, 2013
6:00 pm
Saturday, April 20, 2013
10:00 am
Shabbat Service @ 9:00am
Friday, April 12th
Shabbat Service @ 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 13th
Shabbat Service @ 9:00 am
Friday, April 19th
Shabbat Service @ 6:00 pm
Bar Mitzvah of Sam E. Susser
Saturday, April 20th
Shabbat Service @ 10:00 am
Bar Mitzvah of Sam E. Susser
Friday, April 26th
Shabbat Service @ 6:00 pm
*Family Dinner to follow
Saturday, April 27th
Shabbat Service @ 9:00am
Torah Study
Saturdays @ 11:00am
Sam is an honors student at Baker Middle School in the
Athena Program. Sammy loves all sports…particularly
Longhorn Football. He has grown up playing competitive golf and has recently achieved the "Champs Level"
in tennis. He is an avid basketball fan and enjoys following his favorite team, the Miami Heat. He also enjoys
skiing and collecting and learning about coins. His favorite place is his grandparent's home on Lake Toledo Bend
where he likes to fish morning to night.
Sam's parents are Catherine and Sam L. Susser. He has
an older sister Sophie and a younger brother Eli. His
grandparents are Pat and Sam J. Susser of Corpus Christi
and Edna and George Gilbert of Houston.
Sam will participate in the Shabbat Service Friday night,
April 19th at 6pm. Sam will then be called to the Torah
Saturday, April 20th at 10:00 am. Please join Sam and
his family for services and Oneg Shabbat on Friday and a
kiddush luncheon immediately following Saturday
morning’s service.
Dear Friends:
Passover marks the beginning of a trek that our
tradition says lasted fifty days, a journey from
the shore of the Reed Sea to the foot of Mt.
Sinai where the Israelites received the Torah.
This period of seven weeks plus one day is
called S’firat HaOmer, the counting of the
barley sheaves, in recognition of the fact that
this was a time when the first crop of barley was
harvested in the fields of Judea.
For the first month of the period, there was a lot
of work to do – planting, tilling, weeding, all
sorts of agricultural chores. But
starting on the 33rd day of the cycle
(Lag b’omer), there was little to do
except wait for the growing plants to
mature and produce a crop.
According to tradition, it was on this
day that weddings were held, since
inactivity in the agricultural arena
made this a superb time for a
honeymoon. By the 50th day, it was
time to go back to work!
If you were not planning to get married,
however, the prescribed activity for this time of
the year was study, getting ready for the
revelation of the Torah by planting seeds of
knowledge. And this reality from our tradition
reminds me of something that happened in midApril in the year 1770.
Moses Lindo was a Jewish merchant in
Charleston, SC. Not himself prosperous, he
nevertheless responded to a fund-raising appeal
by giving five pounds to the newly-established
Rhode Island College (later renamed Brown
University). Why did he do this? Because RIC
had decided to admit students without
considering their religious affiliation. When
Lindo had been a young tailor in London, he
had been blackballed from the Merchant
Page 2
Taylors School because he had been Jewish; he
did not forget that slight. So, when RIC assured
him “that the children of Jews may be admitted
into this institution and entirely enjoy the
freedom of their religion,” that they would be
exempt from attending Christian religious
services and that they could establish their own
Hebrew language program with a Jewish
instructor, he was ecstatic.
That latter proposal was never implemented
because there were not very many Jewish
students in Rhode Island; in fact, as the
Revolutionary War broke out, the RI Jewish
community was devastated by British attacks.
But this does not diminish the importance of the
original offer, which marked the first
American proposal for collegiate
Jewish studies. At other schools,
Hebrew was taught as part of the
Christian theological curriculum by
ministers or Jews who converted to
So, here we are in the middle of the
period of the Omer. No one of us has
any sheaves of barley, so what does it
mean to us. We are fortunate to have much the
same kind of leisure that the farmers of ancient
Israel had in the late Spring, and we can look
forward as they did to the revelation of Torah
on Sinai. We can look forward by immersing
ourselves in the books and the magazines that
help us understand what the biblical climactic
moment has meant over the centuries. You
don’t need to go to Brown or any of the other
great universities where there are now Jewish
studies programs; you have that availability
right in your own home. Moses Lindo made a
financial contribution to get the academic ball
rolling. You don’t need to give a dime. All you
need to do is open the book and start learning.
Kenneth D. Roseman, Rabbi
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
President’s Message
Dear Members of CBI,
4402 Saratoga Blvd
Fax: 361.857.8227
Email: [email protected]
Website: bethisraelcc.com
Rabbi Kenneth Roseman
Debbie Bustillo
Office Administrator
Susan Martin
Corpus Christi Community
Religious School Administrator
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Past President
Sisterhood President
Adult Education
Cemetery Co-Chairs
Ritual Committee Co-Chairs
Program Coordinator
Membership Committee Chair
Social Action Committee Chairs
Dues Committee Co-Chairs
Jim Gold
Suzy Hilliard
Gary Blum
Julia Noble
Ed Mange
Maury Wolfson
Robin Adams
David Jacobs
Robert Adler,
Carl Kuehn,
Gary Blum and
Clara Braslau
Andrew Sheinberg
and Joe Loon
Leslie Green
Susan Martin
Building Chair
Jim Gold
Ann Engel
and Leslie Kane
Bill Adams
Grounds Chair
Rikki Schmitchel
Fine Arts
Laurie Mintz and
Ross Burney
We welcomed Spring with a wonderful and meaningful Temple Passover Seder in which Congregants participated by reading portions of the
Haggadah and joyously recited a “Passover Rap.” I want to thank both
Rabbi Roseman for providing us a festive, thoughtful and creative
Passover service and Phyllis Roseman and the Sisterhood for the delicious Passover supper. Coming attractions for the Spring also include
Rabbi Roseman’s Sunday morning lecture series, Yom Hashoa, Israel
Independence day and Shavuot.
Of course, we have Friday night services, Saturday morning traditional
services, and Saturday morning Torah Study. All of these events are
opportunities for each of us to separate from our hectic secular world
and immerse ourselves in our Jewish heritage and traditions. I encourage you to join us to learn, participate in our Jewish traditions or to just
meditate and think—whatever works for you.
This spring members of your Board of Trustees with the leadership of
Julia Noble and Richard Hausman also have been very busy in preparing for the important Town Hall meetings that will be conducted over
the next few weeks. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of your
ideas and opinions regarding the future of the Congregation. Through
this process we will identify the activities and services you feel will
meet our congregation needs over the next 5 years or so. Once that information is studied, the results will be used in three ways:
1. Through the Newsletter we will let you know what the Congregation
members told us.
2. The Board of Trustees will be using the information both to support
and improve current programs and create new programs and activities
the Congregation feels we need in order to serve the diverse needs of
our community.
3. This information will be used by the Rabbinic Search Committee to
help complete our application and create a set of questions to be answered by prospective candidates. This will allow us to find the best
Rabbi available to lead us in providing our congregants the religious,
educational, cultural, social, social action, and interfaith activities and
services we have identified as a community.
We have a wonderful family of families, but like all organizations we
need to see how we can get even better and ensure we are meeting the
needs of our entire Jewish Community.
I look forward to seeing all of you at one of the Town Hall meetings.
Jim Gold
Jack Widder
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
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Strategic Planning Committee
to host Town Hall Meetings
As you know, the Strategic Planning Committee has scheduled three Town Hall meetings. One has already convened. Please make every effort to join us for one of the
next two meetings either on:
Thursday 4/11/13 at 7:00 – 8:30
Sunday, 4/14/13 from 3:00-4:30
These meetings are designed to gather information and opinions that will be given to
the Rabbinic Search Committee as they begin to look for our next rabbi. Town Hall
meetings are designed for the discussion of your ideas, hopes and dreams for our congregation. We shall be discussing ideas like: What kind of community do we want our
congregation to be? What should our future look like? What are the most pressing
needs in our congregation? The answers to these questions and others must come
from you. To gather useful and relevant data about ourselves most effectively, we
need a group that is diverse in mindset and experience. This is your chance to be part
of the process. We invite Jews who are not members of Congregation Beth Israel to
join us in this process as well.
We ask you to participate, collaborate and join together in generating the ideas that
will inform the Rabbinic Search Committee, whose work will be to select the very
best religious leader to match our idea of who we are and who we wish to become.
Julia Noble and Richard Hausman
Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat
We are seeking sponsors for the Friday Night Oneg Shabbats. The Temple will provide the drinks while
the Sponsor(s) will provide the cakes, fruits and other Oneg snacks. We believe this is a wonderful way
to honor people for special days in their lives or to memorialize loved ones on their Yahrzeits.
If you wish to participate, please call Debbie at the CBI office and tell her the date you wish to reserve.
Several families can share each Oneg. The only dates not available are the monthly Family Dinner dates
and B’nai Mitzvah dates.
April Oneg Dates
Friday, April 5, 2013 - 7:30 pm
Friday, April 19, 2013 - 6:00 pm – Bar Mitzvah of Sam E. Susser
Friday, April 12, 2013 - 7:30 pm
Friday, April 26, 2013 - 6:00 pm- Family Dinner to follow
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Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Miriam Zoe Laska
Academic Top 10 Student
Carroll High School
graduating Class of 2013
Miriam will attend
The University of Texas at Austin
McCombs School of Business
Mazel tov!
We know how hard you worked
for this!
We are so proud of you.
From Mom and Family
It is not to late to bring your donation of food to CBI.
I will be collecting can goods and more until the end of
April 15th. Your help is needed.
7, 14, 21 & 28
Dear Friends ...
Also, if you choose to donate money, keep in mind that a
little as $11.00 will feed 77 meals.
Hebrew School
Makes checks payable to: Food Bank of Corpus Christi
Sunday School
10:15 am—12 pm
Neil Levens
1002 Sudan Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Confirmation Class
And, mail to:
Peace ...
Neil Levens
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Page 5
Shabbat Shalom Y'all,
Hope you all had a very Happy Pesach and survived a week of matzah!! It always
warms my heart to come together and share the 2nd night of Passover with all of you.
A big thank you to Phyllis Roseman and all those who helped make this dinner a great
success. We appreciate your hard work and dedication each year … as well as your
dee-licious matzah candy!!!
Our LAST Family Shabbat Dinner will be on Friday, April 26th at 6 pm. Come and
bring in Shabbat with your friends and family and enjoy an evening off from cooking.
Let's load up our dessert table for this last dinner; you can help by bringing a yummy
dessert to share!
SAVE THE DATE: Our 2nd annual Mother's Day Brunch will be on Sunday, May
12th at 10:00 am. We had a wonderful turnout last year and would love for you to join
us again! Please call Debbie to make your reservation.
Do you like to cook? Have some free time during the day? I could always use some
extra hands in the kitchen … Give me a call if you would like to help with either of
these meals.
Leslie Green
Programming Director
(804) 334-5662
On Saturday, June 15, 2013, CBI is going to partner with a number of local churches to
package meals for hungry children and their families.
Here’s how it works. A production line will be set up at the First United Methodist Church
on Shoreline Blvd. The United Way of the Coastal Bend is supplying all the food and
packaging materials, so there is no cost to any participant. The activity will be sponsored
and organized by Outreach-Kids Care, a national philanthropic organization that runs such
programs all across the U.S. The bagged meals will then be distributed to local food pantries. All that is required is that our volunteers show up for a two-hour shift, walk around
tables and put dried food into plastic bags and share in the joy of doing a mitzvah with an
interfaith coalition of like-minded folks.
We expect to package 100,000 macaroni and cheese meals in two two-hour shifts. Our
shift, since this is the Shabbat, will be from 12:00 noon until 2:00 P.M. This is an activity
that is open to people of all ages, grandparents to grandchildren. It is especially suitable
for families.
Please call the CBI office at 857-8181 to tell us that you’ll join our crew and help the
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Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Due to a calendar confusion, the lecture by Rabbi Roseman originally scheduled for Sunday,
April 7 will not be held on that date. Instead, the entire series will be pushed back a week, and
the fourth lecture will be held in early May. We apologize for the need to correct this schedule
and look forward to seeing you on Sunday, April 14 for the start of the series.
The course will be entitled CHALLENGES IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN RELIGION and will deal with some of the most difficult issues and challenges that all American religions confront in the twenty-first century. Here is the tentative schedule of his lectures.
Sunday, April 14 This day happens to be Yom HaShoah, so Rabbi Roseman will be dis
cussing the difficulty of maintaining faith in the light of both scientific
challenges from the last two hundred years and the Holocaust. Does
this difficulty play out differently among Jews and among Christians,
or are the issues the same? Can a Jew remain Jew and, at the same
time, declare himself/herself to be an atheist or an agnostic?
Sunday, April 21 In philosophical circles, scholars talk about epistemology, the study of
how one acquires knowledge. Religious people also have enquiring
minds, and they want to know what to believe, what is true and what is
false. Rabbi Roseman will probe with us the question “How does anyone know anything?” In this regard, he will also talk about how liberal Jews use the classic texts of the Jewish tradition to make judgments
about contemporary issues.
Sunday, April 28 Rabbi Roseman calls this lecture “Barefoot and Pregnant – or That’s
How It Used To Be.” Not just among Jews, but across the American
religious spectrum, the role of women in religious activities has
changed radically in the last fifty years. Some even suggest that
American religion has become a matriarchate. Have men been pushed
to the sidelines? What’s going on? Rabbi Roseman will explore this
subject with us in this talk.
Sunday, May 5 A number of contemporary religious issues have been adjudicated by
the nine black-robed priests in America’s highest temple of justice, the
Supreme Court. In this final lecture of the series, Rabbi Roseman will
help us understand some of the issues that the justices have dealt with
and how they have justified their decisions based on constitutional law
and, especially, the first amendment.
All of these sessions will take place in the Grossman Auditorium at 10:30 AM on
the designated Sundays. Everyone is cordially invited, including guests of members
of CBI. Light refreshments will be available at 10:00 AM.
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Page 7
We are very pleased to announce that Rabbi Lawrence Troster of Teaneck,
NJ will be leading our traditional services for the High Holydays in September of this year. Here is just a little preliminary information about him.
Rabbi Troster was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
in New York City and spent most of his pulpit career in his home town of
Toronto, Canada. After more than twenty-five years, he moved to the New
York area, where he continues to teach and to work with various organizations involved in relating Jewish values to the environment. He is a wellpublished author in the field of Jewish ethics and philosophy.
Rabbi Troster is married, and his wife and he will remain in Corpus Christi
during the entire holyday period. Their children are married and will not
be accompanying them.
Susan Martin has announced her resignation as head of the CBI
religious education program. We are enormously grateful to
Susan for the many ways in which she has enriched the entire
congregation and, especially, our young people. Her dedication and devotion to the responsibilities of this position have been exemplary.
We are very pleased to announce that this position will be filled by Jana
Zager, beginning officially in June. In fact, Jana and Susan have already
been collaborating to assure a smooth and effective transition and to create
an even more dynamic program for next year.
Please congratulate Jana when you see her. More important, please tell her
ways in which you might be able to help strengthen the educational program that we offer to our youth. We can really use your help.
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Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Sabbath of April 5th
*Betty Wiener Blum
*Pearl S. Blum
Gil Cavazos
*Ida Deborah Glanz
*David N. Grossman
*James Harris
*Sherry Katz Hilton
Ethel Horner
*Rachel Katz
*Jack Kaufman
*Sweetie Kins
*Anna Liedeker
Brian Lee
*Esther Mack
*Ben D. Marks
*Jacob "Yakov" Marks
Dorothy Miller
Maurice D. Nast
*Harry Postrong
*Ida Solka
*Mae Weil
Sabbath of April 12th
Frank Androski
*J.W. Castroll
*Isabelle Davis
*Melvin Davis
Ben Ferrell
*Sadie Finkelstein
*Eva S. Goltzman
*Sam Goltzman
*Howard J. Goodman
*Blanche Gordon
*Sadie Herz Hirsch
*Rose Lieberman
Freda Marks
*Yetta Nelson
*Maurice Rednick
*Esther Ruth Schlader
*Simon Sklar
*Minnie Trodlier
*Albert Veenik
*Frances Wasserman
*Michal Wisznia
Morris Wasserman
Rabbi Stephen Elliott Weisberg
Sabbath of April 19th
Sabbath of May 3rd
*Harold Zeitlin Dobrer
*Nettie Eisenberg
*Frieda Falk
*Howard Greenberg
*Max Katz
*Samuel Kins
*Irving Lepow
Sara Reingold
Charles Schwartz
*May Grossman Spitz
*Benjamin Zane
Curtis F. Alward
*Dave Bergman
*Dave Berman
*Sam Braslau
*Leo Braun
*Robert R. Brodkey
Ida Elzweig
*Max Engle
*William Frank
*Arthur Haas
*Ronald Buck Hausman
*Philip Levy
Chinke Lieberman
*Jesse Lieberman
*Leon Sigfried Loeb, Sr.
*Julian Mandelstamm
*William Worth Nance
Gershon Rosenwasser
*Morris Rosenwasser
*Harry Samuels
Philip Sands
*Juliette Susan Scott
Clara Simpkins
Mary Trevino
*Tina Adrian Wisznia
Sabbath of April 26th
*Rosa Alexander
Arch H. Allen
*Louis Blair
*Bertha Brand
*Hannah Levinson Braslau
*Julius Brownstein
*Edna Ducler
*Mose Franklin
*Otto Heffler
*Dwight Marshall Lebowitz
*Joseph A. Maizel
*Harry Maltz
Edith Mange
Henny Mosbach
*Martin Nelson
Rose Primack
*Ida Racusin
*David Roberts
Celia Roosth
*Jacob Samuels
Melville Samuels
Jay Schlaikjer
*Max Schmidt
Jennie Spear
*Eugene J. Steiner
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Page 9
The Congregation thanks you for the following contributions
Yahrzeit Donations
Hebrew Rest Fund
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From
Ebba Spector
Richard Leshin
Leon Loeb
Laura Spector Heinzel
Adam Spector
Frank Androski
Carol & Don Feferman
Mildred Chafetz
LA & Rona Train
Mort Finkelstein
Rebecca & Maurcie Schmidt
Roslie Roberts
Pamela & Lawrence Grassedonio
Dorothy Jessel
Mitzvah Fund
Meredith & David Ryan
Otto Kuehn
Chris & Carl Kuehn
Philip Lieberman
Dorothy Jessel
Susan & Bill Martin
Ann & David Engel
Esther Allen
Dora Wolfson
Leslie Simon Scholarship Fund
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Andy Mange
Serene Lowry Schmidt
Dorothy Schwartz
Elizabeth & Jerry Susser
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Rose Garza
Mille Zalim
Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From
Richard Leshin
Leslie Kane
Iris & Andy Lehrman
Gloria Wolfson
Oshman Family Fund
Roslyn & Maury Wolfson
Shirley Liedeker
Morris Liedeker, Jr.
Jerome Levy
Les Levy
Gerda Yaffe
Alan Yaffe
Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From
Richard Leshin
Oshman Family
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Max Yaffe
Rabbi Gerald Kline
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Maurice Giller
Harry Marks
Ruth & Joe Sheinberg
Andy Mange
Mary Sinclair
In Honor of-------------------------------------------------- From
Adult Education
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Sara Reingold
Harriett & Dee Diaz
Ann Engel on her continuing
on behalf of CBI
Rosalyn & Maury Wolfson
Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From
Recovery of--------------------------------------------------- From
Richard Leshin
Rebecca & Maurice Schmidt
Cemetery Endowment Fund
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Abraham I. Blum
Richard Leshin
Rosalyn & Maury Wolfson
Rabbinical Endowment Fund
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Andy Mange
Ann & David Engel
Delano Lockhart
Lois & Gary Blum
Rabbi Weisman Memorial Fund
Andrew Mange
Delano Lockhart
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Rose Hauer
Endowment Fund
Phyllis Weisman
Seaside Beautification Fund
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
In Memory of------------------------------------------------ From
Pearl Unger
Ada L. Leshin
Robin & Bill Adams
Yetta & Marvin Leshin
Ida M. Levinson
Don’t forget . You can remember a friend or relative with a minimum contribution of $5.00 to one of our many funds.
These funds support camp scholarships, education, cemeteries, fine arts, library, & building improvements, to name a few.
An acknowledgement card will be sent to the honored person or family. Please make checks payable to CBI and specify the
fund. Call the CBI office with any questions.
Page 10
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Yizkor Service
for end of
@6:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Lay Led Service
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Torah Study
11:00 am
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Torah Study
11:00 am
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Shabbat Service
6:00 pm
Shabbat Service
10:00 am
Sam E. Susser
Bar Mitzvah
Sam E Susser
Bar Mitzvah
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Family Services Shabbat Service
6:00 PM
9:00 am
*Shabbat Dinner
To follow
Torah Study
11:00 am
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
May 1
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Congregation Beth Israel Newsletter
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Torah Study
11:00 am
Page 11
L’Dor VaDor Judaica Shop
Call Clara to set an appointment at 854-6798
Yizkor Service
for end of
@6:30 pm
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Lay Led Service
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Torah Study
11:00 am
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Torah Study
11:00 am
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Shabbat Service
6:00 pm
Shabbat Service
10:00 am
Sam E. Susser
Bar Mitzvah
Sam E Susser
Bar Mitzvah
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Family Services Shabbat Service
6:00 PM
9:00 am
*Shabbat Dinner
To follow
Torah Study
11:00 am
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
Hebrew School
9:15 am
Sunday School
10 am– 12 pm
Confirmation Class
12 pm - 1pm
May 1
Shabbat Service
Shabbat Service
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Torah Study
11:00 am
Family Shabbat Dinner
Friday, April 26th
Shabbat Service at 6pm
Family Shabbat dinner to follow
Bring your appetites and a dessert to share,
Can't wait to see ALL of you and break bread
together again
Leslie Green
Programming Director
phone: (361) 452-1902
Our 2nd annual Mother's Day Brunch will be on Sunday, May 12th
at 10:00 am. We had a wonderful turnout last year and would love for
you to join us again! Please call Debbie to make your reservations