Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC
Imagine the result Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Amendment for Startup Periods For the proposed Arecibo Renewable Energy Project Arecibo, Puerto Rico Barrio Cambalache, Arecibo, Puerto Rico Submitted February 2012 Energy Answers Arecibo Renewable Energy Project Arecibo, Puerto Rico PSD Air Quality Modeling Amendment for Startup Prepared for: Energy Answers Arecibo, LLC Prepared by: ARCADIS 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Tel 919.854.1282 Fax 919.854.5448 Our Ref.: NCENRGY1.0005 Date: February 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Project and Site Description 2 3.0 Regulatory Applicability 2 4.0 Source Description and Operating Scenarios 4 4.1 Boiler Operating Load Scenarios 5 4.2 Boiler Startup and Shutdown 6 4.3 Other Sources 7 4.4 Pollutants Evaluated 8 5.0 Modeling Methodology 8 5.1 Model Selection 8 5.2 Meteorological Data 9 5.3 Surface Characteristics 9 5.4 Dispersion Coefficients 10 5.5 Receptor Arrays 10 5.6 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height and Building Downwash 11 5.7 Source Input Data 12 5.7.1 Model Setup – Source and Source Group Naming Convention 15 6.0 Model Results for Evaluating Significance 16 6.1 Identifying the Significant Impact Area (SIA) 18 6.2 Full (Cumulative) Impact Analysis 19 6.2.1 Background Air Quality 19 6.2.2 Off-Site Source Inventory 20 6.2.3 AERSCREEN Concentration Gradient Evaluation for Sources to the South 21 6.3 Evaluating 1-hour NO2 Cumulative Impacts 22 7.0 Environmental Justice 23 8.0 References 24 i Table of Contents Figures 2-1 Project Location Map 2-2 Site Location Map 2-3 Site Layout With Emission Points 5-1 Site and Surface Observation Stations Location Map A Emission Rate Calculations B Air Modeling Files on DVD Appendix ii Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 1.0 Introduction Energy Answers International, Inc. (Energy Answers) is proposing to construct and operate a 77 megawatt (MW) renewable energy facility at the former site of the Global Fibers paper mill in Barrio Cambalache, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, referred herein as the Arecibo Renewable Energy Project (AREP). The proposed facility will consist of two spreader-stoker boilers, each with a heat input rating of 500 million British Thermal Units (MMBTU) per hour. The primary fuel for the plant will be processed refuse fuel (PRF), which is derived from municipal solid waste (MSW) by first shredding the material and then removing much of the metal for recycling. Energy Answers was the developer, owner and co-operator of a similar PRF-fired facility in Rochester, Massachusetts, called the SEMASS Recovery Facility. Energy Answers plans to install state-of-the-art air pollution controls on its boilers for controlling its potential emissions of regulated air pollutants. The proposed power plant falls under one of the 28 named source categories under the New Source Review permitting program with a major source threshold of 100 tons per year. Potential emission estimates for the proposed plant exceed the major source threshold of 100 tons per year. And since the site is located in an attainment area for criteria air pollutants, the proposed plant is subject to the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permitting process. Accordingly, Energy Answers prepared an application for PSD permit to construct, including an ambient air impact analysis using air dispersion modeling methods. The PSD application with a dispersion modeling analysis was submitted to EPA Region 2 in February 2011. Following EPA’s release of an updated version of the AERMOD dispersion model, a revised air modeling analysis was submitted in July 2011 per the request of EPA Region 2. A revised modeling analysis was submitted in October 2011 to address a change in potential emissions of condensable particulate matter and also to address comment to the July submittal. Subsequent changes to the potential emission rate of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) during startup periods warranted further analysis, which is the focus of this submittal. The modeling analysis was completed in accordance with the modeling protocols submitted in May 2011 and September 2011 (PM10/PM2.5 Addendum) and approved July 5, 2011 and October 11, 2011. 1 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 2.0 Project and Site Description Energy Answers is proposing to construct a 77-MW renewable energy facility to be fueled primarily by PRF to produce steam and electricity. The boilers will fire approximately 2,106 tons per day of PRF on average. MSW will be processed to produce PRF, and the PRF will then be combusted to produce steam used to generate electricity. The facility proposes to supplement the PRF with processed urban wood waste, tire derived fuel, automotive shredder residue in amounts limited to 50%, 20% and 20% by weight of the total fuel feed, respectively. The facility will be located in Barrio Cambalache, Municipality of Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Figure 2-1 shows the location of the site on the island, and Figure 2-2 provides the location of the site on a United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map. The approximate UTM coordinates for the facility are 742.688 km E and 2,042.698 km N (UTM Zone 19) with the design plant grade at approximately 20 feet (3.2 meters) above mean sea level (MSL). The facility will be built such that the waste receiving, waste processing, and energy recovery operations are conducted within the boundaries of the site. The topography in the immediate vicinity of the site is generally flat. The shoreline is approximately 1 mile to the north. To the south, the terrain becomes hilly and eventually mountainous (complex). A review of USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle map indicates that most of the surrounding terrain within 5 kilometers (km) of the site is below the proposed stack height. A scaled design site layout is provided in Figure 2-3. The nearest Class I area to the proposed plant site is the Virgin Island National Park on the Island of St. John, located approximately 125 miles to the east. 3.0 Regulatory Applicability Energy Answers is required to obtain a Permit-to-Construct from the EPA and the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (PREQB) prior to beginning construction. Based on the design processing rates, this facility is subject to the requirements under the PSD regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 52.21 since the site location is currently designated in attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) except for lead. Specific regulatory applicability requirements and emission limitations are discussed in the PSD air permit application for the proposed AREP submitted to EPA Region 2 on February 7, 2011 and in subsequent responses to comments. 2 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21(k) and (l), facilities that require review under the PSD regulations must conduct an air quality impact analysis using air dispersion modeling methods for each pollutant emitted in major (significant) quantities. The purpose of the analysis is to demonstrate whether the proposed installation will meet applicable NAAQS and PSD allowable increments during startup conditions. This air quality analysis begins with a preliminary analysis of the significant increase in potential emissions from a proposed new source. The results of the preliminary analysis are compared with accepted significant impact levels (SIL) for each pollutant to determine whether a full impact analysis is necessary and, if so, to define the area where the analysis must be completed. If the preliminary analysis indicates that predicted ambient air impacts are below the SIL, it is deemed insignificant or de minimis, and no further analysis is required. Should potential air quality impacts exceed the SIL, a full impact analysis must be conducted with respect to the NAAQS and PSD allowable increments, including off-site emission sources. The applicable SILs, NAAQS and allowable PSD increments are defined in 40 CFR Part 50 and 51, or provided in New Source Review Workshop Manual (USEPA 1990) and guidance memorandums from EPA (USEPA 2010a-g). Table 3-1 below lists these thresholds used for this air quality analysis. Further details on the air quality analysis procedures are given in Section 5 and in the modeling protocol documents that were submitted to EPA under separate cover. 3 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Table 3-1: Ambient Air Quality Standards, PSD Increments, and Significant Impact Levels Pollutant SO2 PM10 PM2.5 CO NO2 Pb Averaging Period National Ambient Air Quality Standard 3 (µg/m ) 1-hour 196 PSD Increment Class II 3 (µg/m ) --- 3-hour 1,300 512 25 91 5 20 1 24-hour 365 Annual 80 (b) (b) SIL 3 (µg/m ) 7.8 (a) 24-hour 150 30 5 Annual Revoked 17 1 24-hour 35 9 1.2 Annual 15 4 0.3 1-hour 40,000 --- 2,000 8-hour 10,000 --- 1-hour 188 --- 7.5 Annual 3-month (rolling) 100 25 1 0.15 --- --- 500 (c) (a) EPA recommended a non-binding interim SIL of 3 ppb for the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS in August 2010 (USEPA, 2010d). Assuming a conversion based on the 3-hour secondary standards for SO2, the SIL would be 7.8 µg/m3. (b) The EPA is revoking the two existing primary standards of 140 ppb evaluated over 24 hours, and 30 ppb evaluated over an entire year because they will not add additional public health protection given a 1-hour standard at 75 ppb. Nevertheless, this analysis addresses these time averaging periods for reference. (c) EPA provided a non-binding interim SIL of 4 ppb for the 1-hour NO2 NAAQS in June 2010 (USEPA, 2010c). Converting to a mass-based value and rounding to a whole number results in a 1-hour NO2 SIL of 7.5 µg/m3. 4.0 Source Description and Operating Scenarios The proposed AREP will have the following air emission sources: • Two (2) spreader-stoker boilers with a maximum heat input rating of 500 MMBTU/hr each, equipped with three (3) 167 MMBTU/hr No 2 Fuel Oil-fired burners each; • One (1) cooling tower, with 4-cells (air-cooled condenser type); • Fly and bottom ash transfer, processing and storage operations; 4 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup • Three (3) Storage Silos (lime, pulverized activated carbon, flyash); • One (1) diesel fuel-fired emergency generator; and • One (1) diesel fuel-fired emergency firewater pump Energy Answers proposes to install advanced air quality control systems that qualify as the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for its operations. Independently operating air quality control systems will be proposed for each boiler, consisting of the following technologies: An activated carbon injection system to remove heavy metals, including mercury and dioxins/furans; A Turbosorp Dry Circulating Fluid Bed Scrubber system to remove acid gases using lime injection A fabric filter (baghouse) to control particulate emissions (including metals); and, A regenerative selective catalytic reduction (RSCR) system for reducing emissions of NOx and CO. 4.1 Boiler Operating Load Scenarios Under normal operating conditions, the boilers are expected to operate at an average heat input rating of 500 MMBTU/hr each. For the purposes of this air quality impact analysis, 500 MMBTU/hr is defined as the 100% load scenario. This analysis includes multiple scenarios where one boiler is undergoing startup while the second is operating at 80%, 100%, 110% load corresponding to 400 MMBTU/hr, 500 MMBTU/hr, 550MMBTU/hr, respectively, or is inactive. It is noted that the proposed emission rates at these load conditions are based on vendor guarantees and do not depend upon the amount or type of supplemental fuel (ASR, TDF, UWW) used at a given time. In October 2011, Energy Answers submitted the PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis (Revised PM10/PM2.5 Analysis) to USEPA Region 2 which addresses each of these operating scenarios under normal operating conditions. There are no changes to normal operating conditions from what was modeled in October 2011. Details for potential air quality impacts during normal operations are given in that report. This analysis represents a revision to startup conditions only. 5 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 4.2 Boiler Startup and Shutdown The proposed AREP will use No. 2 fuel oil for startup and shutdown, and intermittently during short-term plant upsets in order to maintain boiler temperatures. Each boiler unit will be started up using auxiliary burners firing No. 2 fuel oil (ultra low sulfur content) to preheat the flue gas until the temperature can be maintained at or above 1800°F. At that point, PRF will be introduced into the boiler. Energy Answers estimates that a cold start will take approximately 7 hours. Previously, emission estimations indicated that emissions during startup periods could be expected to be lower than emissions during normal operations while firing PRF. However, a closer examination of the emission factors used for NOx and CO indicated that emissions were likely under-estimated. Furthermore, although Energy Answers initially thought that the RSCR could be brought on line prior to firing the fuel oil burners, the vendor has indicated that the RSCR will not begin to effectively control both NOx and CO during the startup period. This is because the temperature of the boiler flue will not be sufficient to enable proper atomization of ammonia for NOx reduction. There also concern that the flue during startup will have a cooling effect on the catalysts for some portion of the startup period so they will not support the chemical reactions necessary for controlling NOx and CO. Emission calculations for startup periods have been adjusted to account for these uncertainties, conservatively assuming that no control by the RSCR is achieved during startup. The revised emission calculations for startup are given in Appendix A. For the purposes of this modeling demonstration, the startup sequence has been broken down into three phases to represent the gradual ramp-up period of preheating the boiler before reaching the point when PRF can be introduced (80% load). Initially, the boiler will be fired at approximately 35 MMBTU/hr for an estimated 4.5 hours. At that point, the boiler firing rate will be increased to approximately 250 MMBTU/hr. After about an hour, the boiler firing rate will be increased to 400 MMBTU/hr until the proper temperature is reached and PRF is introduced into the combustor. This third phase is expected to require about 1.5 hours. Emission rate calculations for each of the startup periods are provided in Appendix A. Shutdown is expected to take an estimated 6 hours or less to complete. During shutdown events, the general procedure will be to stop feeding PRF and fire fuel oil until the burnout of remaining PRF is completed and the grates are clear. Fuel oil burners will begin firing when PRF feed has stopped. Energy Answers will take measures to minimize emissions during shutdown by keeping the air quality control system functioning until the grates are cleared of PRF and PRF burnout has been 6 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup completed. Emissions during the shutdown process are not subject to change at this time. No additional limits from the proposed BACT for normal operations are requested for shutdown. Therefore, no additional modeling has been completed for the shutdown periods. Emissions estimated to occur during startup were modeled to demonstrate compliance with the short-term averaged standards (1-hour and 8-hour CO, 3-hour and 24-hour SO2; 24-hour PM10 and PM2.5). Due to the increase in potential emissions of NOx from previous estimates, potential impacts of NO2 on a 1-hour average are also provided. Energy Answers expects that each boiler will undergo approximately sixteen (16) startup and shutdown events per year. Modeling was completed for four potential startup scenarios: one each for the emissions while one boiler is undergoing startup and the second boiler is inactive, or operating at 80%, 100%, and 110% load. Energy Answers proposes to accept a timeof-day (TOD) restriction for initiating startup of either boiler. Startup will begin between 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM only. Also, simultaneous startup of the boilers will not occur. It is understood that this proposed TOD limit is consistent with the recent EPA guidance memorandum (USEPA 2011) issued for the purposes of conducting the air quality impact analysis for the 1-hour NO2 and SO2 standards pursuant to the PSD permitting requirements. The three stages of startup are represented in each run, as are the four possible operating conditions for the second boiler (0%, 80%, 100%, and 110%). With respect to the need to address the new 1-hour standard for SO2 during startup and shutdown periods, we reference the approved modeling protocol which requests an exception from evaluating potential impacts of SO2 on a 1-hour averaging period during startup and shutdown. 4.3 Other Sources Emissions from the following sources have not changed from the October analysis: Cooling Tower Ash Processing Operations Storage Silos Firewater Pump Emergency Diesel Generator Fugitive Emissions. 7 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Therefore, please reference the PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis (Revised PM10/PM2.5 Analysis) submitted in October 2011 for further details on emission calculations, assumptions and model input information for these listed sources. 4.4 Pollutants Evaluated The Facility will have a potential to emit CO, NO2, SO2, PM, PM10, PM2.5,VOC, Lead, Beryllium, Fluoride, Mercury, Sulfuric Acid Mist, MWC Organics, MWC Acid Gases and GHG. With the exception of lead, each of these is projected to exceed the applicable PSD significant emission rate (SER) threshold. Potential emissions from the facility are below the applicable PSD SER levels for all other PSD regulated pollutants listed in 40 CFR Subpart 52. Accordingly, the facility is subject to the PSD air quality impact analysis requirements for CO, NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5. There are no applicable ambient air standards for the other constituents and, therefore, no air quality modeling impact analysis is required. This analysis focuses on emissions of CO, NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 during startup periods. 5.0 Modeling Methodology The modeling analysis was completed in accordance with the modeling protocols submitted in May 2011 and September 2011 (PM10/PM2.5 Addendum) and approved July 5, 2011 and October 11, 2011. This section provides a summary of the model selection, land use classification, receptor grid specifications, meteorological data set, receptor grid arrays, Good Engineering Practice (GEP) stack height analysis, building downwash parameters, emission source input data, and the background ambient air concentrations to be used for this analysis. 5.1 Model Selection Energy Answers used the most current version of EPA’s AERMOD (11353) dispersion model to predict ambient concentrations in simple, complex and intermediate terrain. The AERMOD Modeling System includes preprocessor programs (AERMET (11059), AERSURFACE (updated January 2008), and AERMAP (11103)) to create the required input files for meteorology and receptor terrain elevations. AERMOD is the recommended model in USEPA’s Guideline on Air Quality Models (40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W) (USEPA 2005). The regulatory default option was used. Specifically, the regulatory default option directs AERMOD to use: The elevated terrain algorithms requiring input of terrain height data for receptors and emission sources; 8 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Stack tip downwash (building downwash automatically overrides); The calms processing routines; Buoyancy-induced dispersion; and The missing meteorological data processing routines. 5.2 Meteorological Data Careful consideration must be given to selecting a location from which to obtain meteorological data that were representative of conditions at the proposed project site. Per the recommendation of USEPA and the approved modeling protocol, one year of meteorological data (August 1992 to August 1993) obtained from the Puerto Rico Energy Power Authority (PREPA) facility in Cambalache Barrio (located within one mile of the proposed AREP site) was used. Figure 5-1 shows the proximity of the PREPA station to the proposed Energy Answers site. The Cambalache data include wind direction, wind speed, temperature, solar radiation, sigma theta, sigma phi, and temperature difference between levels. Additional meteorological parameters required for executing AERMOD including cloud cover, ceiling height, pressure, and relative humidity were extracted from the 1992-1993 San Juan surface station Hourly US Weather Observation data. Additionally, substitutions for missing data (winds) were extracted from the 1992-1993 San Juan surface station data. The onsite parameters, as well as the National Weather Service (NWS) surface and upper air input files for AERMOD were prepared using the AERMET utility. Further details regarding the meteorological data can be found in the May 2011 protocol. 5.3 Surface Characteristics The inputs to AERMET for surface characteristics (surface roughness, Albedo and Bowen ratio) were determined based on land use in the area surrounding the Cambalache meteorological site. Surface characteristics surrounding the San Juan International Airport are also incorporated as part of the AERMET data substitution technique that is available when processing onsite data. These parameters remain unchanged from what was described in the May 2011 approved protocol. Per EPA direction, the AERSURFACE utility was not used for this project. Rather, surface roughness numbers were calculated per the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Guidance for AERMET Geometric Means, (ADEC 2009) developed by the State of Alaska. Further details on the derivation of the albedo, 9 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Bowen ratio, and surface roughness coefficients used in this analysis can be found in the May 2011 modeling protocol. 5.4 Dispersion Coefficients In addition to surface characteristics for AERMET, it is necessary to select appropriate dispersion coefficients when executing AERMOD (and other dispersion models). Generally, the dispersion coefficients are determined using the USEPA-preferred land use classification technique in 40 CFR 51, Appendix W (also known as the “Auer” technique). Based on a review of land use in the vicinity of the site, approximately 20 percent of the area within three (3) kilometers is urban while rural land use constitutes approximately 80 percent. Given this land use for the area, the “rural” dispersion parameter is selected for this demonstration. 5.5 Receptor Arrays Coarse and fine grid receptors grids are used to evaluate potential impacts. The dense grid is a Cartesian system that covers of 8 km by 8 km in area centered at the proposed project location. Receptors begin at the project boundary. Receptor spacing from the project boundary is specified as follows: Inner grid = 25 m spacing out to a distance of 200 m; Second grid = 50 m spacing out to a distance of 400 m; Third grid = 100 m spacing to 0.5 km; Fourth grid = 500 m spacing out to a distance of 4 km; Outer grid = 1,000 m spacing out to a distance of 8 km. The coarse grid also includes a polar coordinate grid extending out to 24 km from the center of the project location. Grid radials are spaced every ten degrees and rings are placed at 1-km intervals beginning 2 km from the project location center. To ensure that the receptor grid captured the maximum predicted 24-hour PM2.5 impact, the above described grid was revised to extend the 100-meter spaced grid out to approximately 2 kilometers. Receptor elevations are assigned using the EPA’s AERMAP software tool (version 11103), which is designed to extract elevations from USGS National Elevation Dataset data at 1 degree (approximately 90 m) resolution in GeoTIFF format (USGS 2002). While 7.5-minute DEM data would be preferable for better resolution, these data are 10 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup not available for Puerto Rico. The one degree datum is acceptable internationally and adequately captures changes in elevation such as the mountainous region southwest of the subject site. 5.6 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height and Building Downwash Section 123 of the Clean Air Act, as amended, required the EPA to promulgate regulations to assure that the degree of emission limitation required for the control of any air pollutant under an applicable SIP is not affected by that portion of any stack height which exceeds GEP or by any other dispersion technique. These regulations have been promulgated under 40 CFR 51, dated July 8, 1985. A GEP stack height analysis is required for new and existing air pollution sources subject to a modeling analysis in order to determine if wake effect and downwash conditions need to be accounted for in the dispersion modeling analysis. Building wake effects may cause the predicted concentrations near a point source to be higher. The formula for GEP stack height is given as: HGEP = HB + 1.5LB where: HGEP = formula GEP stack height; HB = the building’s height above stack base; and LB = the lesser of the building’s height or maximum projected width. A second definition of GEP stack height is “regulatory” GEP stack height. Regulatory GEP stack height is either 65 meters (m) or formula GEP stack height, whichever is greater. Sources are not allowed to take credit for ambient air concentrations that result from stacks that are higher than regulatory GEP stack height. The EPA Building Profile Input Program (BPIP) (USEPA 1995) was used to evaluate GEP stack height for each of the proposed stacks and to produce the model input parameters necessary to account for building wake effects, based on the dimensions of buildings in the vicinity of the stacks when the stack height is determined to be below GEP. The “PRIME” version of BPIP (BPIPPRM) (Schulman et al. 1997) is used for models such as AERMOD for calculating potential air quality impacts with the building “cavity” region. BPIPPRM requires a digitized blueprint of the facility’s buildings and stacks as well as other nearby structures. The position and height of buildings relative to the stack positions must be evaluated in the GEP analysis. Coordinates for each 11 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup building tier corner were identified using a digitized geo-referenced AutoCAD survey. BPIPPRM input and output files are provided on the attached DVD. The stack heights for all sources at the proposed facility are determined to be below the GEP stack height. Table 5-1 provides a summary of the GEP analysis for the sources included within this study. Therefore, building downwash effects are taken into account in this dispersion modeling analysis. Table 5-1: GEP Stack Height Values Stack Height Base Elevation GEP Stack Height Stack ID (m) Differences (m) Value (m) BOILER1 95.52 1 101.73 BOILER2 95.52 1 101.73 GEN 10 1 65 FIREPUMP 10 0.38 65 COOL1 10.7 1 65 COOL2 10.7 1 65 COOL3 10.7 1 65 COOL4 10.7 1 65 20 1 65 TRANS1 16.5 1 65 TRANS2 16.5 1 65 SILO1 13.1 1 65 SILO2 30.5 1 65 SILO4 38.1 1 65 ASH 5.7 Source Input Data The air dispersion model program AERMOD requires the input of certain site-specific data to produce results that are representative of the actual site conditions. These data include stack coordinates, height, diameter, emission rates exit temperature and exit flow rate. The primary sources of emissions at the new facility are the boiler units. 12 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup The boiler emissions will be exhausted from a tall stack which contains two identical flues (one for each of the two identical boilers). The two identical flues will be adjacent to each other within an outer concrete shell. Table 5-2 provides a list of these data for the maximum, (110% firing rate), average (100% firing rate), and minimum (80% firing rate) operating scenarios. Note that the emission rates represent the worst case emissions regardless of the fuel mix including the proposed supplemental fuels. Emission rates from normal operating conditions remain unchanged from the October 2011 analysis PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis (Revised PM10/PM2.5 Analysis). Figure 2-3 shows the approximate location of each modeled emission point. Whereas the flues were merged for the modeling analysis submitted in October 2011 for normal operations, each flue is modeled separately for the purposes of this demonstration for startup periods. This was necessary since it is no longer appropriate to merge flues when the exit velocities differ appreciably as they will during startup. The following four startup conditions were identified and modeled: 1. One boiler in startup; The second boiler inactive (0% load) 2. One boiler in startup; The second boiler at minimum (80%) load. 3. Once boiler in startup; The second boiler at average (100%) load. 4. One boiler in startup; The second boiler at maximum (110%) load. Emission rate data and stack flow and temperature data for the boiler startup phases are provided in Table 5-3 and in Appendix A. 13 Energy Answers Arecibo PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Table 5-2 Source Input Parameters – Normal Operations Source ID Vent # Load Stack Height (m) Stack Diameter (m) 110% Boilers 1 & 2 P-5 (each unit - P-6 100% 95.52 2.13 80% normal ops) Revised for Startup Exit Velocity (m/s) Temperature (K) 32.17 434.82 1.54 (a) 1.93(b) 1.413(a) 29.09 429.82 1.405 (a) 1.76(b) 22.35 424.82 1.13 (a) 1.41(b) PM10 (g/s) PM2.5 (g/s) NOx (g/s) SO2 (g/s) CO (g/s) 1.93(b) 5.53 4.11 5.61 1.288(a) 1.76(b) 5.04 3.74 5.11 1.034(a) 1.41(b) 4.05 3.01 4.11 Gen P-16 (c) 10 0.152 99.4 779 0.014(c) 0.014(c) 0.032(c) 1.85E-4(c) 0.243(c) Firepump P-17 (c) 10 0.152 49.2 708 0.007(c) 0.007(c) 0.016(c) 1.0E-4(c) 0.122(c) Cool1 P-11 -- 10.7 9.14 7.62 310.93 0.0412 1.44E-4 -- -- -- Cool2 P-12 -- 10.7 9.14 7.62 310.93 0.0412 1.44E-4 -- -- -- Cool3 P-13 -- 10.7 9.14 7.62 310.93 0.0412 1.44E-4 -- -- -- Cool4 P-14 -- 10.7 9.14 7.62 310.93 0.0412 1.44E-4 -- -- -- Ash P-15 -- 20 1.52 15.52 310.93 4.79E-4 4.79E-4 -- -- -- Trans1 P-3 -- 16.5 0.83 17.47 310.93 1.61E-4 1.61E-4 -- -- -- Trans2 P-4 -- 16.5 0.83 17.47 310.93 1.61E-4 1.61E-4 -- -- -- Silo1 P-9 -- 13.1 0.18 18.59 310.93 8.04E-6 8.04E-6 -- -- -- Silo2 P-7 -- 30.5 0.18 18.59 310.93 8.04E-6 8.04E-6 -- -- -- Silo4 P-9 -- 38.1 0.18 18.59 310.93 8.04E-6 8.04E-6 -- -- -- (a) Estimated emissions based on 24 mg/dscm for PM10 and 22 mg/dscm for PM2.5. (b) Estimated emissions based on 30 mg/dscm. (c) A 50% operating factor is applied to the emergency generator and fire water pump to reflect a 30 minute duration of routine equipment testing. For NO2 annual average emissions, an operating factor of 500 hours per year is applied. 14 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Table 5-3 Source Input Parameters – Boiler Startup Startup Phase Stack Height (m) Stack Diameter (m) Exit Velocity (m/s) Temp (K) PM10 (g/s) PM2.5 (g/s) NOx (g/s) SO2 (g/s) CO (g/s) 1 95.52 2.13 1.72 366 0.0725 0.0489 3.09 0.00671 1.96 2 95.52 2.13 13.74 408 0.518 0.349 22.05 0.0479 14.02 3 95.52 2.13 21.93 416 0.828 0.558 35.28 0.0767 22.43 5.7.1 Model Setup – Source and Source Group Naming Convention To represent conditions during the three phases of startup, three sources are specified in the model called “B1SU1”, “B1SU2”, and “B1SU3”. Emissions from each phase of startup are governed by the use of the EMISFACT feature, which provides the control for when each phase begins and ends for the startup sequence described in Section 4.2. For the preliminary SIL analysis, the source naming convention for each startup phase includes a letter A-F to correspond to the six possible start times between 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM. In addition, the active boiler is identified as “B280”, “B2100”, and “B2110” to represent the three loading conditions if the second boiler is active. Twenty-four source groups are specified for each SIL model run, to represent the six possible start times and three possible operating conditions of the active boiler plus a fourth “inactive” condition of the second boiler. The naming convention for the source groups follows the following pattern: “SU” + letter A-F (corresponding to start time of 7AM-12PM) + 0/80/100/110 (corresponding to the firing rate percentage of second boiler) For example, the scenario representing the condition when one boiler is in startup beginning at 7:00 AM while the second boiler is at 80 percent load has the source group name “SUA80”. The same scenario but with a start time of 8:00 AM is called “SUB80”, and so on through “SUF80” representing a start time of 12:00 PM. 15 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup For the NAAQS analysis, separate model runs are provided for each time startup is initiated. Separate runs are provided due to the addition of the offsite sources to the model run and the convenience of specifying the “ALL” source group when specifying the MAXDCONT and other output files. Therefore, six model runs are completed for startup scenario; one for each startup beginning at 7:00 AM through 12:00 PM. The four possible operational conditions for the second boiler are modeled, giving a total of twenty-four model runs. 6.0 Model Results for Evaluating Significance Following USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1990), a preliminary analysis was conducted to determine if the emissions from the proposed facility during startup resulted in a significant impact on ambient air quality. For each of the criteria pollutants subject to PSD review (NO2, SO2, CO, PM10 and PM2.5), the proposed facility’s emissions during startup were modeled using AERMOD. Modeling was completed for twenty-four potential startup scenarios as described above. A time of day restriction is requested for initiating the 7 hour startup, beginning between 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Table 6-1 provides maximum results for startup under the multiple scenarios. Results in Tables 6-1 are limited to the 1-hour and 8-hour CO, 1-hour NO2, 3-hour SO2, 24-hour SO2, 24hour PM10, and 24-hour PM2.5 due to the relatively short period that the boilers undergo startup. Per the approved protocol, Energy Answers did not model 1-hour SO2 impacts during startup and shutdown periods due to the statistical form of the standard and the intermittency of startup conditions. As mentioned previously, this analysis, however, includes a demonstration with respect to the 1-hour NO2 standard due to the change in potential emissions during startup from the previous estimations. 16 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Table 6-1: Model Results - Significant Impact Levels Evaluation – Boiler Startup Parameter 2nd Boiler Operating Level Averaging Period Class II SIL (µg/m3) Maximum Concentration (µg/m3) UTM Northing (meters) UTM Easting (meters) Distance from Stack (meters) 110% 1 2000 126.5 742577.13 2042376.00 158 110% 8 500 28.0 742539.82 2042384.01 167 100% 1 2000 126.1 742577.13 2042376.00 158 100% 8 500 28.1 742539.82 2042384.01 167 80% 1 2000 124.7 742577.13 2042376.00 158 80% 8 500 28.3 742539.82 2042384.01 167 0% 1 2000 106.7 742577.13 2042376.00 158 0% 8 500 23.8 CO 110% 100% PM10 80% 0% 110% 100% PM2.5 80% (a) (b) (c) (d) 24 24 24 24 24 24 5 5 5 2042384.01 167 742402.13 2042601.0 239 (b, c) 742402.13 2042601.0 239 (b, c) 742402.13 2042601.0 239 2.65 2.65 2.65 (b, c) 5 2.65 742402.13 2042601.0 239 1.2 (b) (c) 742658.29 2042987.81 463 (b) (c) 742658.29 2042987.81 463 (b) (c) 742596.19 2042949.99 426 (b) (c) 1.2 1.2 1.14 (1.54 ) 1.12 (1.51 ) 1.04 (1.41 ) 0% 24 1.2 0.47 (0.47 ) 742477.13 2042501.00 154 110% 3 25 19.9 742602.13 2043051.00 526 110% 24 5 3.23 742658.29 2042987.81 463 100% 3 25 19.6 742602.13 2043051.00 526 100% 24 5 3.16 742658.29 2042987.81 463 80% 3 25 18.9 742596.19 2042949.99 426 80% 24 5 2.96 742596.19 2042949.99 426 0% 3 25 0.16 742552.13 2042401.00 147 0% 24 5 0.025 742539.82 2042384.01 167 110% 1 7.5 146 742577.13 2042376.00 158 100% 1 7.5 146 742577.13 2042376.00 158 80% 1 7.5 145 742577.13 2042376.00 158 0% 1 7.5 130.4 742577.13 Includes a 0.8 default ambient ratio per March 01, 2011 Modeling Guidance Memo.. Predicted impacts using estimated PM10/PM2.5 emissions based on 24/22 mg/dscm. Predicted impacts using estimated PM10/PM2.5 emissions based on 30 mg/dscm. Impacts for 1-hour SO2 are not required per approved modeling protocol 2042376.00 463 SO2 (d) NO2 a 24 742539.82 (b, c) 17 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Since the maximum impacts for CO, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 - 22 mg/dscm are predicted to be below significance for all averaging times under all scenarios, no further analysis was necessary. These emissions are not considered to cause or contribute to an exceedance of an ambient air quality standard or PSD increment. A full, cumulative, multisource analysis is not required for these pollutants and averaging times. Since maximum impacts of NO2 on a 1-hour basis were found to exceed the SIL, an additional full impact multi-source analysis is required. The full impact analysis for NO2 on a 1-hour average is discussed in the following sections. Note that the annual averaging periods are not relevant when modeling startup conditions and, therefore, are not evaluated as part of this demonstration. Furthermore, maximum impacts of PM2.5 during startup are shown herein to be below those predicted during normal 3 operations with both units active (equal to 1.95 µg/m at 30 mg/dscm – see PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis (Revised PM10/PM2.5 Analysis) submitted October 2011). Since startup conditions do not represent the worst-case for potential PM2.5 impacts and considering that startup occurs intermittently, requiring less than 24 hours to complete, and results in lower impacts than both units fully operational, a multisource analysis is not included here for the startup emissions. The full multisource modeling demonstration for PM2.5 is provided in the PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis (Revised PM10/PM2.5 Analysis) submitted in October 2011. 6.1 Identifying the Significant Impact Area (SIA) Considering the probabilistic form of the standard and commentary provided in the March 1, 2011 USEPA memo regarding intermittent emissions and the overly conservative representation of intermittent emissions when modeling them as if they occur every day over the 1-year period (as in this case), the average of the maximum SIA distances determined for each startup scenario is offered as a practical yet conservative measure for determining the SIA distance. As discussed in the referenced memo, the over-estimation is due to the improbable circumstance that the maximum emissions during the startup process occur on the worst-case meteorological hour when in fact, the facility is restricted to only 32 startups per year for both boilers combined. The calculated average SiA distance for this analysis is approximately 10.5 km based on the distances for the maximum, or highest first-high, 1-hour impacts among the various load scenarios as determined from the preliminary impact analysis. Note that the Ambient Ratio Method is applied for the SIA evaluation. This maximum SIA distances the various startup scenarios were found to range between 7 and 15 km. 18 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 6.2 Full (Cumulative) Impact Analysis A cumulative air modeling analysis was completed in accordance with EPA’s Guideline on Air Quality Models (40 CFR 51 Appendix W) to demonstrate compliance with the 1hour NAAQS for NO2. This 1-hour cumulative modeling analysis is required following the SIL evaluation described above in which potential concentrations of NO2 were found to exceed the respective interim SIL on the 1-hour averaging period as shown in Table 6-1. In the cumulative modeling analysis, emissions from existing off-site sources and representative background concentrations are included to assess the ambient impact at the receptor location within the SIA. The 8th highest daily 1-hour maximum concentration at each receptor (98th percentile) was used for comparing the impacts to the 1-hour NO2 NAAQS. If the full impact analysis indicates a potential modeled exceedance, the determination as to whether the proposed facility may potentially cause or contribute to this modeled exceedance may be based on both spatial (at locations where the SIL is exceeded) and temporal (at the time of a potential modeled exceedances in terms of year, month, day, and hour) conditions. This is demonstrated (where necessary) by using the MAXDCONT report generated by AERMOD. 6.2.1 Background Air Quality Background air monitoring data must also be evaluated for the purposes of conducting a cumulative (full) impact analysis for demonstrating that potential emissions do not result in an exceedance of the NAAQS. Per USEPA recommendation and the approved modeling protocol, the most recent three years of background data is referenced for the 1-hour NO2 impacts. For the purposes of this analysis, a tiered approach was followed in accordance with the recommendations made in the March 1, 1 2011 guidance memorandum (USEPA 2011). The following tiers were used for developing a conservative representation of background concentrations for conducting the cumulative 1-hour assessments (as described in the modeling protocol approved by EPA): Tier 1: Maximum 1-hour value in recent 3 years; 1 The modeling protocol included an additional tier, but based on comments in the EPA approval letter of July 5,2011, only three tiers are included. 19 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Tier 2: 3 year average of the maximum 1-hour values in each year of the most recent 3 years; Tier 3: 3 year average of the 98 percentile of the daily maximum 1-hour concentrations of NO2. th The tiered approach provides a mechanism for progressively evaluating ambient concentrations using a simple conservative assumption (Tier 1) to a more data intensive statistical computation (Tier 3). For this analysis, a background value of 65.2 3 µg/m is used for NO2 calculated from the most recent 3 year period (2005-07) from the monitor in Catano (Monitor ID 72-033-0008) according to the Tier 2 approach. This value is unchanged from the value used for the October 2011 analysis. 6.2.2 Off-Site Source Inventory Per the EPA’s Draft New Source Review Workshop Manual (October 1990), the scope of the off-site sources that must include in a cumulative impact analysis, starts by defining the SIA. This was done in the process of completing the SIL evaluation described above. Initial air dispersion modeling in the February 2011 PSD application indicates that the predicted maximum impacts for NO2 that are equal to and greater than the interim 1-hour SIL occurred out to a distance of approximately 11 km from the site. As a result, major and minor facilities within this distance from the site were identified and incorporated in the full impact analysis, and the major sources that are located within an additional 50 km past the pollutant-specific SIA distance must be evaluated. The process of identifying potential off-site sources included in this analysis started by consulting the PREQB Air Quality Division and USEPA Region 2. Energy Answers reviewed permit files, including copies of the air permits and permit applications. Energy Answers also coordinated with PREQB on obtaining necessary modeling input data directly from some of the sources via data requests made by PREQB. In addition to these efforts, the EPA’s Air Facility System and National Emissions Inventory databases were searched for major sources in the modeling inventory area. The offsite source inventory is unchanged from the inventory used for the October 2011 analysis. 20 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 6.2.3 AERSCREEN Concentration Gradient Evaluation for Sources to the South The USEPA AERSCREEN model was executed for each of the major sources listed by PREQB located on the south side of the central mountain range on the island. This was done per the recommendation of EPA to provide further evidence supporting the conclusion that the major sources located to the south of the central mountain range do not have the potential to produce plumes with significant concentration gradients within the SIA and, therefore, do not need to be included in the cumulative modeling analysis. AERSCREEN uses a conservative set of meteorological conditions, actual stack parameters and geographical location, and actual terrain elevation data surrounding the source to approximate the plume characteristics. Stack data used for AERSCREEN were collected as part of the off-site inventory data collection efforts. Based on historical average temperature records for Puerto Rico, the minimum and maximum temperatures used for AERSCREEN are 69 °F (294 K) and 88 °F (304 K). AERSCREEN input and output files are included with the October 2011 modeling analysis. AERSURFACE was used to estimate the surface roughness coefficients, albedo, and Bowen ratio around each source for input to AERSCREEN based on available NED data for the island. (Although AERSURFACE was not used for the AERMOD demonstration for the PSD ambient impact analysis due to the age of the available surface data, it is sufficiently accurate for the purposes of this screening analysis.) AERSCREEN was used to estimate the distance out from each of the sources that the maximum air impact occurs and give a conservative indication to the general trend of plume dispersion with distance. Unit emission rates were used at each source; therefore, the resultant concentrations reported are relative values rather than absolute values. Table 6-2 below lists the distances of the maximum impact concentrations obtained from AERSCREEN used in the October 2011 modeling analysis. This data indicates that the facilities to the south do not have the potential to produce a plume with a significant concentration gradient affecting the SIA of the proposed AREP. For each of these four facilities evaluated, the maximum concentrations are estimated to essentially “level out” before reaching the project study area. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that any measureable impact associated with these facilities is captured within the background monitoring data or is insignificant. Please refer to the October 2011 modeling analysis for further details regarding the AERSCREEN evaluation of these sources. 21 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup Table 6-2: AERSCREEN Model Results for Sources Located to the South of the Central Mountain Range Source Location Distance to Maximum Concentration (m) Approximate Distance to Project Area (m) Cemex de Puerto Rico, Inc. Ponce 477 49,000 Destilleria Serralles Ponce 1,376 51,200 Ecoelectrica LP Penuelas 6,550 53,600 PREPA Costa Sur Guayanilla 3,780 51,200 6.3 Evaluating 1-hour NO2 Cumulative Impacts Multisource modeling was completed for all receptors used in the preliminary analysis. The MAXDCONT utility is relied upon for determining whether the proposed AREP is a 3 significant contributor (i.e. contributing 7.5 µg/m or more) to the cumulative impact at th the times and locations of predicted exceedances. The 8 highest value is taken, adjusted by a factor of 0.8 per the Tier 2 Ambient Ratio Method (ARM), and then added to the background concentration. In executing the model, the adjustment per the ARM 3 3 was made by specifying a threshold value of [(188 μg/m – 65.2 μg/m ) ÷ 0.8 = ] 153.5 for the MAXDCONT report. As discussed in Section 6.2.1, the background value is taken as the 3-year average of the maximum 1-hour values measured between 20052007 at the monitor in Catano, PR. A review of the MAXDCONT table indicates that there are no modeled exceedances of the standard at the receptors and times when the potential AREP impacts are significant. When exceedances are predicted to occur, the proposed AREP is shown to have an insignificant contribution. All model input and output files are provided on DVD in Appendix B. It should be noted that the results reported in the MAXDCONT tables show exceedances at different levels and locations than the October 2011 analysis because the receptor field in this analysis was not limited to only those where Energy Answers is significant. All receptors as described in Section 5.5 were included. 22 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 7.0 Environmental Justice Energy Answers prepared an Environmental Justice Evaluation for the proposed AREP, which consolidates several analyses and public outreach efforts made in and around the Arecibo area. This evaluation is supplied to EPA under separate cover at the time this report is submitted. The Environmental Justice study was performed following the EPA guidelines and definitions. The EPA defines the concept of environmental justice as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. The main purpose the analysis is to evaluate whether the community that the proposed project will be located is an environmental justice community given its race and/or origin or rather that the proposed community is considered economically disadvantaged when compared to other areas. Energy Answers has taken extensive measures related to Public Outreach, which are described in the Environmental Justice Evaluation. Additionally, Energy Answers prepared an environmental justice study as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the development of the proposed AREP. These studies were performed in compliance with the Environmental Quality Board, “Regulation for presentation, evaluation, and procedures of environmental documents,” Regulation No. 6510. The proposed AREP is located in Cambalache and the predicted maximum impacts from the proposed AREP during startup are located in the immediate vicinity of the facility (within 550 meters of the boiler stack – see Table 6-1). The findings of the Environmental Justice Evaluation submitted to USEPA Region 2 in October 2011 indicate no disproportionate impacts are predicted to occur in the low-income barrios around Arecibo. The findings of this evaluation are consistent with the conclusions drawn from the October 2011 analysis. As further evidence, an additional model run (representing a typical condition of 7:00 AM start time with the second boiler operating at 100% load) was completed using the same receptor field used for the October 2011 analysis, and is included on the DVD in Appendix B. 23 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup 8.0 References Auer, August H. Jr. 1978: “Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies.” Journal of Applied Meteorology, pp 636-643. 1978. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 2009. “ADEC Guidance re AERMET Geometric Means.” Revised April 7, 2009. PREQB, 1993. “Source Specific Acidic Deposition. Impacts for Permit Applications,” L. Sedefian. March 4. PREQB. 1997. Policy DAR-1: Guidelines for the Control of Toxic Ambient Air Contaminants. November. PREQB. 2006. PREQB DAR-10: Guidelines on Dispersion Modeling Procedures for Air Quality Impact Analyses. May. Schulman, et al. 1997. “The PRIME Plume Rise and Building Downwash Model,” Addendum to ISC3 User’s Guide. November. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1980. “A Screening Procedure for the Impacts of Air Pollution Sources on Plants, Soils and Animals.” EPA 450/2-81-078. December 12. USEPA. 1987. Ambient Monitoring Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration, EPA-450/4-87-007. Revised May 1987. Research Triangle Park, NC. USEPA. 1990. Draft EPA NSR Workshop Manual: PSD and NonAttainment Area Permitting Manual. October. USEPA. 1995. User's Guide To The Building Profile Input Program. EPA-454/R-93038. Revised February 8, 1995. USEPA. 1996. PCRAMMET User’s Guide. EPA-454/B-96-001. OAQPS, Research Triangle Park, NC. USEPA. 2000. Meteorological Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications. EPA-454/R-99-005. OAQPS, Research Triangle Park, NC. 24 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup USEPA. 2004a. User's Guide for the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model – AERMOD. EPA454/B-03-001. September. USEPA. 2004b. User's Guide For The AERMOD Terrain Preprocessor (AERMAP). EPA-454/B-03-003. October. USEPA. 2005. Guideline on Air Quality Models. November. USEPA. 2008. AERSURFACE User’s Guide. EPA-454/B-08-001. OAQPS, Research Triangle Park, NC. USEPA. 2010a. Notice Regarding Modeling for New Hourly NO2 NAAQS. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS), Air Quality Modeling Group (AQMG). February 25. USEPA. 2010b. Modeling Procedures for Demonstrating Compliance with PM2.5 NAAQS. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Stephen D. Page to Regional Air Division Directors dated March 23, 2010. USEPA. 2010c. General Guidance for Implementing the 1-hour NO2 national Ambient Air Quality Standard in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permits, Including an Interim 1-hour NO2 Significant Impact Level. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Anna Marie Wood to Regional Air Division Directors dated June 28, 2010. USEPA. 2010d. Applicability of Appendix W Modeling guidance for the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Tyler Fox to Regional Air Division Directors dated June 28, 2010. USEPA. 2010e. Guidance Concerning Implementation of the 1-hour NO2 NAAQS for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Stephen D. Page to Regional Air Division Directors dated June 29, 2010. 25 Energy Answers PSD Air Quality Modeling Analysis Revised for Startup USEPA. 2010f. Guidance Concerning the Implementation of the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration Program. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Stephen D. Page to Regional Air Division Directors dated August 23, 2010. USEPA. 2010g. General Guidance for Implementing the 1-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard in Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permits, Including an Interim 1-hour SO2 Significant Impact Level. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Anna Marie Wood to Regional Air Division Directors. USEPA. 2010h. Applicability of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Tyler Fox to Regional Air Division Directors dated August 23, 2010. USEPA. 2011. Additional Clarification Regarding Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance for the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS). Memorandum from Tyler Fox to Regional Air Division Directors dated March 1, 2011. United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2002. The National Map – Elevation, Fact Sheet 106-02., U.S. Department of the Interior. November. 26 Figures I AT L A N T I C O C E A N SITE LOCATION Dorado Isabela Aguadilla Camuy Hatillo Loíza # * Vega Baja Manatí Toa Baja Arecibo San Juan Fajardo Carolina Moca Luquillo Toa Alta Aguada Rincón San Sebastián Morovis Lares Añasco Río Grande P u Ciales Utuado e r t Las Marías Jayuya Corozal o R i Comerío Orocovis o Juncos Ceiba Naguabo Cidra Adjuntas San Germán Humacao San Lorenzo Aibonito Villalba Cayey Coamo Yauco Yabucoa Peñuelas Cabo Rojo c Caguas Mayagüez Maricao Gurabo Naranjito Ponce Patillas Juana Díaz Salinas Lajas Maunabo Guayama Santa Isabel 0 10 20 Miles PROJECT NUMBER: CITY:NOVI DIV/GROUP:ENV DB: PIC: PM: TM: TR: Arroyo Guánica ENERGY ANSWERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO PROJECT LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2-1 I TM: TR: SITE LOCATION 0.4 0.8 PM: 0 PROJECT NUMBER: CITY:NOVI DIV/GROUP:ENV DB: PIC: Miles SITE LOCATION ENERGY ANSWERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO # * SITE LOCATION MAP P P uu ee rr tt oo R R ii cc oo FIGURE 2-2 I Oceano Oceano Atlantico Atlantico La La Boca Boca CAMBALACHE, ARECIBO (18.471553; -66.701673) Puerto Puerto Arecibo Arecibo Arecibo Corcovado Cano Cano Tiburones Tiburones Canal Canal Perdomo Perdomo ! Tierras Nuevas Poniente Garrochales SITE (18.460300; -66.701606) Arecibo Barceloneta Laguna Laguna Tortuguero Tortuguero Barceloneta La Luisa Animas Tiburones Imbéry Coto Norte Rio Rio Cibuco Cibuco Ceiba Monserrate Vega Alta Búfalo Rio Rio Tanama Tanama Rio Rio Grande Grande de de Arecibo Arecibo San Antonio Rio Rio Indio Indio Rio Rio Grande Grande de de Manati Manati Bajadero Dorado Sabana Vega Baja Vega Baja Manatí Sabana Hoyos Rafael Capó Breñas Puerto Puerto de de Tortuguero Tortuguero ! San José Candelaria Río Lajas Mucarabones Toa Alta La Alianza Miranda Pajonal San Juan NHS Ensenada Ensenada de de Boca Boca Vieja Vieja Cano Cano de de San San Antonio Antonio Rio Calle Rio de de Bayamon Bayamon Calle Hortensia Hortensia Canal Levittown Laguna Canal Levittown Laguna del del Condado Condado Laguna Laguna la la Torrecilla Torrecilla Canal Canal Bahia Canal Hondo HondoCanal Bahia de de San San Juan Juan Ingenio Cataño Levittown Laguna Luis Munoz Munoz Marin Marin Intl Intl Laguna Los Los Corozas CorozasLuis Toa Baja Laguna Cano Laguna de de Pinones Pinones ! Cano Campanero Campanero SAN JUAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Canal Canal Suarez Suarez Sabana Seca (18.434270; -66.001576) Campanilla Canal Canal Blasina Blasina Candelaria Arenas Canal Laguna Canal Puerto Puerto Nuevo Nuevo Laguna San San Jose Jose Rio Rio Cocal Cocal Carolina San Juan Santa Bárbara San Juan Bayamón Bayamon Rio Rio Grande Grande de de Loisa Loisa Rio Rio Guaynabo Guaynabo Guaynabo Galateo Florida Barahona H. Rivera Colón Corozal Corozal Fránquez Trujillo Alto Pájaros Presa Presa Rio Rio de de la la Plata Plata PROJECT NUMBER: NCENRGY.0003.0006 CITY:NOVI DIV/GROUP:ENV DB: PIC: PM: TM: TR: G:\GIS\Project Files\EnergyAnswers\ProjectLocations.mxd Ciales Lago Lago Dos Dos Bocas Bocas Morovis Lago Lago Loisa Loisa Rio Rio Limon Limon Rio Rio Caonillas Caonillas 0 Naranjito Cayuco 6 12 SCALE IN KILOMETERS Utuado Rio Vivi Vivi Utuado Rio Rio Rio Gurabo Gurabo Celada Aguas Buenas ENERGY ANSWERS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Gurabo Bairoa Lago Lago Caonillas Caonillas ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO Caguas Palomas Orocovis Orocovis SITE AND SURFACE OBSERVATION Caguas STATIONS LOCATION MAP Rio Rio Turabo Turabo Comerio Comerío Jayuya Juncos Santa Clara FIGURE Rio Rio Pellejas Pellejas Rio Rio Cidra Cidra Lago Lago de de Matrullas Matrullas Barranquitas Lago Lago de de Cidra Cidra Cidra San Lorenzo 5-1 Appendix A Emission Rate Calculations APPENDIX A ENERGY ANSWERS ARECIBO Potential Emissions Calculations During Startup - Phase 1 Firing No. 2 Fuel Oil Boiler startup procedures require a gradual ramp up in heat levels at approximately the following rate: Time Elapsed 0 to 4.5 hours: 4.5 - 5.5 hours: 5.5 - 7 hours: Average Heat Input 35 MMBTU/hr 250 MMBTU/hr 400 MMBTU/hr % Load 7 50 80 Flow (ACFM) 13,034 104,119 166,126 (DSCFM) 10,430 59,350 99,610 Temp (F) 200 275 290 Startup is completed by the end of the 7th hour. Startup Phase 1: No. 2 Fuel Oil Heating Value: Fuel Use Rate - 7% load: Pollutant PM PM10 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 SO2 NOx VOC CO Filterable Filterable Condensable Total Filterable Condensable Total Ammonia Slip - 10 ppmv @ 7%O2 - 0- 4.5 hr 140000 BTU/gal 250 Gal/hour Emission Factor lb/1000 gal lb/hr 2.0 1.0 1.3 2.3 0.25 1.3 1.55 0.213 98 0.2 62.3 --- 0.5 0.25 0.325 0.575 0.0625 0.325 0.388 0.053 24.5 0.05 15.6 --- 6.30E-02 3.15E-02 4.10E-02 7.25E-02 7.88E-03 4.10E-02 4.88E-02 6.71E-03 3.09E+00 6.30E-03 1.96E+00 0.03 5.60E-04 2.75E-03 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 8.17E-04 3.73E-02 4.80E-02 1.26E-03 8.40E-04 4.20E-04 2.36E-04 3.33E-04 4.20E-04 3.30E-03 2.10E-03 7.97E-02 1.40E-03 1.40E-04 6.88E-04 1.05E-04 1.05E-04 1.05E-04 2.04E-04 9.33E-03 1.20E-02 3.15E-04 2.10E-04 1.05E-04 5.90E-05 8.33E-05 1.05E-04 8.25E-04 5.25E-04 1.99E-02 3.50E-04 1.76E-05 8.66E-05 1.32E-05 1.32E-05 1.32E-05 2.57E-05 1.17E-03 1.51E-03 3.97E-05 2.65E-05 1.32E-05 7.43E-06 1.05E-05 1.32E-05 1.04E-04 6.62E-05 2.51E-03 4.41E-05 Emission Rate g/s mg/dscm 0.3624 0.1812 0.236 0.417 0.04530 0.236 0.281 --------- ppmvd --------------0.48 305 0.65 319 HAP Arsenic Benzene Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Ethylbenzene Fluoride Formaldehyde Lead Manganese Mercury Methyl Chloroform Naphthalene Nickel POM Selenium Compounds Toluene Xylenes Notes: 1) Emission factors taken from AP-42 "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors", 5th edition, Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2. 2) Sulfur content = 15 ppmw 3) Emission factor for NOx and CO based on vendor data equivalent to 0.7 lb/MMBTU for NOx and 0.445 lb/MMBTU for CO. APPENDIX A ENERGY ANSWERS ARECIBO Potential Emissions Calculations During Startup - Phase 2 Firing No. 2 Fuel Oil Boiler startup procedures require a gradual ramp up in heat levels at approximately the following rate: Time Elapsed 0 to 4.5 hours: 4.5 - 5.5 hours: 5.5 - 7 hours: Average Heat Input 35 MMBTU/hr 250 MMBTU/hr 400 MMBTU/hr % Load 7 50 80 Flow (ACFM) 13,034 104,119 166,126 (DSCFM) 10,430 59,350 99,610 Temp (F) 200 275 290 Startup is completed by the end of the 7th hour. Startup Phase 2: No. 2 Fuel Oil Heating Value: Fuel Use Rate - 50% load: Pollutant PM PM10 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 SO2 NOx VOC CO Filterable Filterable Condensable Total Filterable Condensable Total Ammonia Slip - 10 ppmv @ 7%O2 - 4.5- 5.5 hr 140000 BTU/gal 1786 Gal/hour Emission Factor lb/1000 gal lb/hr 2.0 1.0 1.3 2.3 0.25 1.3 1.55 0.213 98 0.2 62.3 --- 3.57 1.79 2.32 4.11 0.45 2.32 2.77 0.38 175 0.36 111 --- 4.50E-01 2.25E-01 2.93E-01 5.18E-01 5.63E-02 2.93E-01 3.49E-01 4.79E-02 2.21E+01 4.50E-02 1.40E+01 0.196 5.60E-04 2.75E-03 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 8.17E-04 3.73E-02 4.80E-02 1.26E-03 8.40E-04 4.20E-04 2.36E-04 3.33E-04 4.20E-04 3.30E-03 2.10E-03 7.97E-02 1.40E-03 1.00E-03 4.91E-03 7.50E-04 7.50E-04 7.50E-04 1.46E-03 6.66E-02 8.57E-02 2.25E-03 1.50E-03 7.50E-04 4.21E-04 5.95E-04 7.50E-04 5.89E-03 3.75E-03 1.42E-01 2.50E-03 1.26E-04 6.19E-04 9.45E-05 9.45E-05 9.45E-05 1.84E-04 8.39E-03 1.08E-02 2.84E-04 1.89E-04 9.45E-05 5.31E-05 7.49E-05 9.45E-05 7.43E-04 4.73E-04 1.79E-02 3.15E-04 Emission Rate g/s mg/dscm 0.4549 0.2275 0.296 0.523 0.05687 0.296 0.353 --------- ppmvd --------------0.60 383 0.8 400 HAP Arsenic Benzene Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Ethylbenzene Fluoride Formaldehyde Lead Manganese Mercury Methyl Chloroform Naphthalene Nickel POM Selenium Compounds Toluene Xylenes Notes: 1) Emission factors taken from AP-42 "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors", 5th edition, Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2. 2) Sulfur content = 15 ppmw 3) Emission factor for NOx and CO based on vendor data equivalent to 0.7 lb/MMBTU for NOx and 0.445 lb/MMBTU for CO. APPENDIX A ENERGY ANSWERS ARECIBO Potential Emissions Calculations During Startup - Phase 3 Firing No. 2 Fuel Oil Boiler startup procedures require a gradual ramp up in heat levels at approximately the following rate: Time Elapsed 0 to 4.5 hours: 4.5 - 5.5 hours: 5.5 - 7 hours: Average Heat Input 35 MMBTU/hr 250 MMBTU/hr 400 MMBTU/hr % Load 7 50 80 Flow (ACFM) 13,034 104,119 166,126 (DSCFM) 10,430 59,350 99,610 Temp (F) 200 275 290 Startup is completed by the end of the 7th hour. Startup Phase 3: No. 2 Fuel Oil Heating Value: Fuel Use Rate - 80% load: Pollutant 140000 BTU/gal 2857 Gal/hour Emission Factor lb/1000 gal lb/hr Emission Rate g/s mg/dscm ppmvd PM Filterable 2.0 5.71 7.20E-01 0.4337 --- PM10 PM10 PM10 PM2.5 PM2.5 PM2.5 SO2 NOx VOC Filterable 1.0 1.3 2.3 0.25 1.3 1.55 0.213 98 0.2 2.86 3.71 6.57 0.71 3.71 4.43 0.61 280 0.57 3.60E-01 4.68E-01 8.28E-01 9.00E-02 4.68E-01 5.58E-01 7.67E-02 3.53E+01 7.20E-02 0.2168 0.282 0.499 0.05421 0.282 0.336 ------- ------------0.6 365 0.78 62.3 --- 178 --- 2.24E+01 0.329 --- 382 5.60E-04 2.75E-03 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 4.20E-04 8.17E-04 3.73E-02 4.80E-02 1.26E-03 8.40E-04 4.20E-04 2.36E-04 3.33E-04 4.20E-04 3.30E-03 2.10E-03 7.97E-02 1.40E-03 1.60E-03 7.86E-03 1.20E-03 1.20E-03 1.20E-03 2.34E-03 1.07E-01 1.37E-01 3.60E-03 2.40E-03 1.20E-03 6.74E-04 9.51E-04 1.20E-03 9.43E-03 6.00E-03 2.28E-01 4.00E-03 2.02E-04 9.90E-04 1.51E-04 1.51E-04 1.51E-04 2.94E-04 1.34E-02 1.73E-02 4.54E-04 3.02E-04 1.51E-04 8.50E-05 1.20E-04 1.51E-04 1.19E-03 7.56E-04 2.87E-02 5.04E-04 Condensable Total Filterable Condensable Total CO Ammonia Slip - 10 ppmv @ 7%O2 - 5.5- 7.0 hr HAP Arsenic Benzene Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Ethylbenzene Fluoride Formaldehyde Lead Manganese Mercury Methyl Chloroform Naphthalene Nickel POM Selenium Compounds Toluene Xylenes Notes: 1) Emission factors taken from AP-42 "Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors", 5th edition, Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2. 2) Sulfur content = 15 ppmw 3) Emission factor for NOx and CO based on vendor data equivalent to 0.7 lb/MMBTU for NOx and 0.445 lb/MMBTU for CO. Appendix B Air Modeling Files on DVD
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