From the Flintstones to the Jetsons
From the Flintstones to the Jetsons
From the Flintstones to the Jetsons: WWTP Improvements and Beyond in Dundee, Oregon Heather Stephens February 4, 2015 Dundee, Oregon Dundee Portland Existing Dundee WWTP LAGOON 1 LAGOON 3 LAGOON 2 Pump Station Chlorine Building Improvement Drivers Improve Treatment Performance Reclaim Site for Beneficial Use Provide Capacity for Growth Proposed Solution Improve Treatment Performance Provide Capacity for Growth Reclaim Site for Beneficial Use The Need Flow Condition Average Annual 2010 Flow 2031 Flow (MGD) (MGD) 0.37 0.67 Average Dry Weather 0.29 0.52 Maximum Month 0.67 1.38 Peak Day 1.25 2.00 Peak Instantaneous 2.05 2.75 Interim 2021 Condition used for Equipment Phasing Summary of Improvements Our presentation focuses on the following categories: Biological Process Design Biological Process Design: Influent Loading 3000 Pounds/Day BOD 2500 2000 Average - Domestic 1500 Max Month - Domestic Max Month - Combined 1000 500 0 Startup 2021 2031 Biological Process Design: Influent Loading 7000 Pounds/Day TSS 6000 5000 4000 Average - Domestic 3000 Max Month - Domestic Max Month - Combined 2000 1000 0 Startup 2021 2031 Biological Process Modeling Low Flow/Load Cold Weather 2 Basin Operation High Flow/Load Average Weather 4 Basin Operation Biowin Model Headworks New Screening and Electrical Buildings Parkson Basket Screens Fully Redundant Quad Submersible Pump Station Flygt Submersible High/Low Flow FMs Trench Style Wet Well Odor Control Process Basins Multi-Train Expandable Flygt Submersible Aquarius Diffusers Wilo Mixers Aerzen Turbo Blowers ETS UV System Ovivo Membranes Class A Recycled Water Basin Layout EQ Anoxic Cell Swing Aerobic Cell Cell (Future Membranes) RAS Membranes Permeate EQ Cell Swing Cell Aerobic Cell Raw Influent Anoxic (Future Membranes) Membranes Aerobic and MBR Cells MBR/Mechanical Building ETS UV Medium Pressure, High Intensity Aerzen Turbo Blowers (4) 50HP, (1) 25HP Facultative Sludge Lagoons 5 Year Sludge Storage per FSL 60 mil HDPE Liner Two cells to facilitate disposal FSL Construction Startup: Seeding Equipment Checkout June/July 2012 Clean Water Testing July 9-13 Wastewater Startup July 23/24 Req: 3,500 mg/l in MBR = ½ Q permeate Influent : 200 mg/l TSS Sludge growth rate (approx 200 lb/d) City of McMinnville 65,000g @ ~7,000 mg/l Lagoons remained online Startup: Filling & Testing Intermittent air pulsing Level control Managed process to maintain 3,500 mg/L MLSS Startup: Permeating Outfall Year Round Discharge into Lagoon 4 Multi-Depth intakes to discharge cooler water Split Compliance Permit Project Cost Summary Engineer’s Change % Change Estimate Bid Price Order Order Total WWTP $9,200,000 $9,352,000 $34,200 0.37% $9,386,000 Outfall $500,000 $484,000 $14,900 3.1% $499,000 $9,836,000 $49,100 0.5% $9,885,000 Total New Opportunities Reclaim WWTP Site Nature/Trail Park Wildlife Spotted and Painted Turtles Migrating Birds New Opportunities New Development Infill WWTP Brings Opportunities Can R1 Water Can Fill the Gap? Potential Demands Met with R1 Water Parks/Public Property Future Commercial/Industrial Future Toilet Flushing R1 Water: Part of Solution Portfolio Approach Conservation/Loss Reduction Recycled Water Program Development Implement RW Rules & Standards Rate/SDC Study Engage Public WWTP Investment Supports Broad Community Benefit Provides high-level treatment for $10/gallon Reclaims site for public and environmental benefit Supports City growth with diverse water supply Heather Stephens, P.E. [email protected] 503-423-4050 Conceptual Pile-Support Foundation 87 piles at approx 12 ft. on center Pile depth approx. 93 feet total, Hdwks-18 Piles driven through upper liquefiable soils into Troutdale formation (at ~ 50 feet) Base of MBR 6’ below grade Mechanical/Electrical Rooms at Existing Grade Pile Supported Foundations Auger Cast Mix Design 5,000 psi Slump 10”+/-2” Admixtures Superplasticizer Water Reducer Pile Supported Foundations Construction Challenges Dangerous Work High Plasticity Soils Short Placement window ~7/day 2 min/10 max Construction Challenges Quality Control Calibrated Pump Allowable Tolerances Horizontal = 3” +/Vertical = 2.5” in 10’