Senior EExper rience e Handbookk
Senior EExper rience e Handbookk
Se enior Exper E rience e Hand dbook k 20 015–2016 Seniorr Experience Handbook | 2 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 CON NTENTS District Information 3 Rationale 4 anizational Framework Orga 4 Overview of Prrocess 5 Majo or Compone ents and Grade Distrib bution 6 Seniior Experien nce Topic Planning P Ch hart: Guidin ng Question ns 7 Prop posal Form 8 Prop posal Form Rubric 9 Sam mple LexLea ads Proposa al Form 10 Sam mple LexLive es Proposall Form 11 Sam mple LexLea arns Proposal Form 12 Emp ployer Evalu uation Form m 13 Anno otated Biblliography Rubric R 14 Rese earch Paper Rubric an nd Conversion Chart 15-16 Time e Log 17 Exhiibition Rubric 18 Reflection Rub bric 19 Concclusion 20 Appe endix A: Sa ample Senio or Experien nce Project Ideas 21-22 Seniorr Experience Handbook | 3 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 District Inforrmatio on Board d of Trustees Debraa L. Knight, Ch hair; G. Edwin Harmon, Ph.D D., Vice Chair; C Cynthia S. Smi th, Secretary; Sandra Backm man, Jean Hagg gard, Dr. Bradlley R. Pitts, Dr. Brent M. Pow wers District Office ward, Ed.D. C Chief Academicc Officer‐ Glorria Talley, Ed.D D. Superintendent‐ Karen C. Woodw or Innovation‐ Anne H. Elam, Ph.D. C Coordinator of Reading and L Language Arts‐ Erica K. Bisseell, Ed.D Academic Officer fo ert High Schoo ol 840 Ma ain Street, Gilb bert, SC 29054 4 Telephone (8803) 821‐1900, Fax (803) 821‐‐1903 Gilbe Ann O’’Cain, Principal Libby Newm man, Project Cooordinator Lexin ngton High Scchool 2463 A Augusta Highw way, Lexington,, SC 29072 T Telephone (8033) 821‐3400, Faax (803) 821‐34 403 Melissa a Rawl, Princip pal Tiffany Goo odson, Projectt Coordinator Lexin ngton Technology Center 2 2421 Augusta Highway, Lexington, SC 290072 Telephonee (803) 821‐300 00, Fax (803) 8 821‐3003 Bryan H Hearn, Directo or Anna Reesside, Project Cooordinator on High School 600 Lydia Drive, Pelio on, SC 29123 Telephone (8803) 821‐2200,, Fax (803) 821‐2203 Pelio R. Clark Cooper, Principal Priscillaa Kelley, Projecct Coordinatorr Riverr Bluff High Scchool 320 Corley Mill Road,, Lexington SC C 29072 Telep hone (803) 8211‐0702, Fax (80 03) 821‐ 1156 White, Projectt Coordinator Luke Clamp, Ed.D. Principal Tara W White Knoll High S School 5643 P Platt Springs R Road, Lexington, SC 29073 Telephone (8003) 821‐5200, F Fax (803) 821‐55203 Ryan P Player, Principaal Denise Salters, Project Cooordinator Nond discrimination n Lexin ngton County S School District One does nott discriminate o on the basis off race, color, reeligion, nationaal origin, sex, d disability or age in n admission to o, access to, tre eatment in or e employment in n its programs and activities. The following g people have been desig gnated to hand dle inquiries or complaints. The Chief Humaan Resources O Officer handles inquiries/ com mplaints regarrding Title IX. The D Director of Mid ddle Schools ha andles inquirie es/complaints r regarding Secttion 504. The M Mathematics C Coordinator haandles inquirries/complaintts regarding Title II. Contact t these people w with questionss regarding theese issues at 10 00 Tarrar Sprin ngs Road, Lexin ngton, SC 290772 and telephone number (80 03) 821‐1000. Lexin ngton One Misssion The m mission of Lexington County School Districct One —where e caring peoplee, academics, the arts and atthletics connecct — is to prepaare 21st centurry graduates w while serving ass the center for community le earning. Thereefore, we will p provide: • an a array of excepttional learning experiences in n a high‐perforrmance culturee of excellencee that sets high h expectationss for every studeent. • opp portunities to d develop talentss, interests and d skills through h choices from m a comprehensive system off 21s t century learning experriences in the a arts, academiccs and athleticss. • various innovative e learning delivvery and suppo ort systems to personalize leearning and to ensure that ou ur students aree learning nd attitudes. sophiisticated 21s t century skills, knowledge an • opp portunities to p practice leaderrship and citize enship in a glob bal context. • acceess by the com mmunity to a ra ange of learnin ng and particip patory communnity experiencces throughoutt life. • a leaarning environ nment and professional cultu ure of caring an nd support. Lexin ngton One Vission The g graduates of Le exington Coun nty School Disttrict One are a new generatioon of leaders a and global citizzens who are self‐directed, creative, collaborattive, caring and d multilingual, and who flourrish in a global,, competitive 2 21st century. graduates are c confident in accademics, soph histicated in learning, accom mplished in 21stt century skillss, global in orieentation and Our g prepaared as leaderss and citizens o of our democraacy. Therefore e: • Ourr schools serve e as the center for communityy learning. • Ourr students are e engaged in hig gh‐quality learning and are provided an excceptional arrayy of 21st centu ury learning exp periences. • Ourr collaborative and innovative organization n for learning d develops self‐ddirected, creatiive and collabo orative graduaates. • Ourr culture and our academics d develop leaderrship and citize enship skills foor the global wo orld and for ou ur democracy. • All s stakeholders a accept collectivve responsibilitty for the soph histicated learnning of our students. • Each student rece eives the perso onal support ne ecessary to reaach his or her g goals through a a caring enviro onment that ad dvocates for barriers to learrning. studeents and workss to eliminate b Seniorr Experience Handbook | 4 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Ra ationa ale High school seniorss are nearing th he completion of 12 years of education. Thhey have taken n a variety of co ourses and devveloped an assorrtment of skillss during those years. The sen nior year is a tim me for studentts to assimilatee their knowledge and skills in a Senior Experience to show wcase what the ey have learned d. A Senior Exp perience provi des an opportunity for studeents to choosee an area of n‐depth researcch, and demon nstrate problem m‐solving, deccision making a and independeent learning skkills. It intereest, conduct in contrributes to a stro ong senior yea ar of challengin ng course and practical expe riences that prrepare studentts for the next step in work and f urther education following t he district’s initiative of LexL Leads, LexLea rns, LexLives. A Sen nior Experience involves seve eral steps. First, students select a topic, ga ther informatiion, and createe a plan of action with their adviser. Second, stu udents comple ete an analytical, in‐depth research projectt in their Englissh IV class culm minating with a a formal ob shadow som meone in the re esearch field, a and complete a a product thatt applies some aspect of the reseaarch paper. Third, students jo reseaarch. Finally, sttudents create an electronic presentation f for a Senior Ex perience exhib bition in which they will explaain and defend d their work to students, teachers, and communitty leaders who o know about a and are interessted in the topic. Senio or Experiences are challengin ng. They requirre considerable effort on thee part of the stuudents in show wing what theyy have learned. A goo od Senior Expe erience require es students to plan in order to o meet deadlinnes and manag ge the project successfully. S Students have opportunities to gather information, integrate a academic and career/techniccal studies, devvelop verbal an nd nonverbal munication skills, and feel a s sense of accom mplishment forr a job well donne. comm Orrganizzational Fra amewo ork The S Senior Experie ence Coordina ator If speecial circumstances arise duriing the year, discuss the mattter with your a adviser. Your a adviser may reefer you to the Senior Experience Coordin nator who mayy be able to ressolve the issue. The Senior Exxperience Coo ordinator may decide to scheedule an the Executive C Committee forr you to presen nt information . appointment with t utive Committtee Execu The E Executive Com mmittee is a pan nel of teacherss and administrators at each school who m meet regularly t to resolve Senior Experience issuess. Students wh ho have a conccern need to write a letter, tyyped in block foormat, describ bing the probleem. Make sure to include your f full name, the name of your adviser, your E English teache er, and a detail ed description n of your requeest. You must s submit your requeest to the Senior Experience Coordinator no later than on ne week beforee the date of t he meeting. The Coordinato or will inform you if f you will need to appear beffore the Comm mittee. You willl receive a writtten response f from the Coorrdinator regard ding your requeest. Advisser An ad dviser is a certified faculty member with wh hom students meet regularlyy, a minimum of four times, during the Sen nior Experience processs. It is the stude ent’s responsib bility to locate and set up meeetings with th he adviser. Students should c come to all epared list of q questions or to opics to discusss. Students muust meet with t the adviser a m minimum of four times to meettings with a pre comp plete the propo osal and to com mplete Senior Experience. Th he adviser will approve the p project and will approve any c changes to the e project. The adviser will complete e the final evaluation. Seniorr Experience Handbook | 5 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Ovvervie ew of Proce ess I. II. III. V. IV V V. V VI. V VII. Topic Selection and Proposal‐ Com mplete preliminary Senior Exxperience Prop posal. Make su ure the topic is a learning stretch. Select a cate egory for yourr project: LexLe eads, LexLivess, LexLearns. S See sample pro oposals for guidance. Advise er Selection‐Se elect a certified faculty mem mber to be yourr adviser. Yourr adviser will heelp you plan, a approve your projecct, verify your e evidence, and evaluate your final reflectionn. The adviser should be kno owledgeable ab bout your subjecct area. You are responsible f for setting up a and meeting w with your advisser a minimum m of four times.. (Meeting 1‐ go ove er the proposal form and disccuss ideas—see page 7 and A Appendix A forr planning help p, Meeting 2‐ rreview the complleted proposal and discuss progress, Meetiing 3‐ monitorr progress and work on the exxhibition, Meeeting 4‐ contin nue the exhibittion and work o on the reflectio on.) Job Sh hadowing‐ Cho oose a person f from the comm munity in yourr research field d to job shadow w for one workkday. This person may nott be a family m member but could be your co nsultant. Shad dowing must b be coordinated d by the Careerr alist and may b be on site or viirtual. A two‐w week notice is required for prrocessing requ uests for shado owing. Specia Students must follow w all procedures and documentation for thhe absence to b be excused. IF F students selecct virtual job owing, then a W Work‐Based Co onsultant is re equired. In seleecting your con nsultant from t the communitty, find a shado person n who is not a family membe er and who hass work experie nce or other “eexpert” level q qualifications in n your research h field. M Meet with this person at leasst two times du uring the Senioor Experience process. You a are responsiblee for locating and se etting up appointments with this person ass well as conduucting an intervview with this person. The go oal is to build a a relatio onship with this person so he e or she can advise you with yyour Senior Exxperience Research Componen nt‐ Students w will complete an annotated b ibliography off five sources in n MLA format.. These sources MLA formatted d research papper on the apprroved topic. Th he paper will be three to five will then be used to complete an M g the Works Citted page). Refer to the MLA guide or an on nline MLA citattion guide such as OWL at pages (not including english.purdue ource/747/01/.) Purdue. (http://owl.e 15 hou urs of supporting activities‐ S Select activities to establish aa practical app plication of you ur research. Do ocument the processs of your efforts through picctures, videos, certificates, aand time logs. T The activities s should demonstrate your hard w work, creativityy, and newly developed know wledge. Thesee may include c community serrvice, developm ment of a new service e, taking a cou urse, or creatin ng a physical ob bject to donatee. The activitiees must support your researcch and your job b shado owing. Exhibiition‐ Create a multimedia presentation (m movie, slide shoow, etc…) to sh howcase your Senior Experieence. You will need t to defend yourr research and explain your jo ob shadowing and your 15 ho ours of activities. Remember, business dress attire is expectted for this pre esentation. Be sure to refere nce the rubric in this handbo ook. Also check the links at the top of the exhibiition rubric forr sample professsional presen tations. Although your conteent will be diffferent, your ntation flow an nd delivery sho ould resemble these sampless. presen Reflecction‐ Write a 2 2‐3 page reflecction of your Se enior Experiennce process and d experiences.. Be sure to explain how you demonstrate your growth in comm munication, co ollaboration, crreativity, innovvation, leadersship, responsib bility, flexibility, adaptability, critical thin nking, problem m solving, inforrmation and m media literacy s skills, productivvity, and accountability skills.. Be sure to refference the rub bric in this han dbook. Seniorr Experience Handbook | 6 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Senior Experrience Com mponentss 4 Ma ajor Pieces Studeents will begin with the project proposal. O Once it is oved, the stude ent will work appro on eaach portion and d collect evideence of comple etion. When everyything is finalizzed, the studeent will create a multimedia preseentation demonstrating and show wcasing the research and activiities. Finally, sttudents will reflecct on their prog gress. 20% % OF ENGLISH IV GRAD DE SEENIOR EXPERIENCE PROPOSAL Proposal with evidence of completion of Couunts 50% 15 hours REESEARCH Research Couunts 20% EXXHIBITION Job Shadowing Exhibition Couunts 20% REEFLECTION Couunts 10% Reflection Reflection Studeents will write a reflection pie ece explaining g their growth iin comm munication, co ollaboration, crreativity, innovvation, leadership, respo onsibility, flexib bility, adaptab bility, critical th hinking, proble em solving, inform mation and me edia literacy skkills, productivity, and accountability skills.. Late P Policy forr Missing SSenior Experrience Dea adlines The late penalty for Seenior Experience work is nts per day for any late assignment. If five poin studentss are absent orr sign out from m school, all work is sstill due on thee assigned datee. Virttual Schoo ol Students ennrolled in virtual English 4 aree required to South h Carolina a College a and Caree er Ready SStandardss for ELA (SSCCCR-EL LA) comp plete a Senior E Experience thrrough the Senior Experience Coordinator a at their home school. Students shou uld contact the e coordinator d during the firstt weekk of their Englissh IV course. Inquiry ( (1‐5), Reading Informational Texts (5, 7), mmunication (11‐3, 5) Writing (1‐2, 4‐6), Com Seelect Topic/A Adviser‐ En nd of Englissh III or beginning of English IV Comple ete Proposaal‐ End of E English III orr beginning g of English h IV 15 Hours of A 1 Activities‐ Summer af S fter English h III or during English IV V Exhibition‐ End o of English IV V Reflection‐‐End of Eng glish IV Seniorr Experience Handbook | 7 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Seniorr Experience Handbook | 8 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Senio or Experiencce Topic Pro oposal Form Senior EExperience P Proposal for: _________ __________ _____________________________________ (Student’s Name) Title of SSenior Expe erience: ____ __________ ___________ ___________ ___________________________ Studentt’s Email Add dress: ____ _________ __________ ________________________________ Activities To Be Comple eted (1. Researrch Paper, 2. Jo ob Shadowingg, 3. Activity‐155 hours, 4. Exh hibition, 5. Refflection) Adviser’s Name: 1. Research Paper Topicc: Please see rrubric on page es 14‐15. 2. Job Shaadowing: Plea ase see rubric o on page 8. Student w will job shadow w someone in the field in which they are intterested. The joob shadowing experience may be virtual or on‐ site. Evideence: Interview w and proof off shadowing co ompletion Name of B Business _____ ____________ _____________ ____________ __________________________________ Name of IIndividual to be Shadowed __ ____________ _____________ _________________________ _________ Contact P Phone Number ____________ _________ Date of Initial Contact_____________________________ Shadowin ng Date ______ ____________ __________ Ad dviser Confirmaation ____________________________ Thank You u Note Sent___ ____________ _________ (Adviseer Signature an nd Date) 3. Detaileed Plan of Actio on: Please see e Rubric on page 8. Students will complete 15 hours in the eir chosen areaa outside of claassroom assignnments. For these products, services, or on, students will receive no pay; however, they may obtain certification (or training leading to somee endorsementt). All instructio work musst be monitored by the chose en adviser. Evidence:: Proof of completion of 15 h hours Describe activitties to be completed AND the connection b between the reesearch and jo ob shadowing. 1. D What evidence e will be provid ded as proof off completion off the activities listed above? 2. W Name of organ nization througgh which the acctivities will be e completed 3. N _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ___________________________________ Name of contact person for o organization __ ____________ ___________________________________ 4. N 5. C Contact phone number and/o or email _____ _____________ __________________________________ 6. D Date of initial ccontact ______ ________ Adviser Confirmatiion ______________________________ (Adviserr Signature and d Date) Proposed Date es of Activities _ ____________ _____________ _________________________ __________ (seee page 8) 7. P 4. Exhibittion: Please see e rubric on pagge 17. 10 minute multimedia presentationn of the Senior Experience 5. Reflecttion: Please see rubric on page 18. 2‐3 pagges describing personal grow wth through thee Senior Experience process Proposal Approval Date e: (To be comp pleted by adviser and verified d by Coordinatoor) 6. Adviser Signature Meeting 1 ((Initial) Meeting 2 (In nitial) M Meeting 3 (Inittial) Meeeting Four (In nitial) Meeting LLog: (p.8) 7. Final Prroposal Completion Date with all Required d Evidence: (TTo be completeed by adviser aand verified byy Coordinator) Scorre 0 /100 /10 //36 //16 //60 N/A //4 N/A Seniorr Experience Handbook | 9 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Sen nior Experiience Propoosal Rubric Job S Shadowing Ru ubric Standard/Critteria C. 1.2: Innitiate and partticipate effectivelyy in a range off collaborative discussionns with diversee partners; build on thhe ideas of oth hers and express ow wn ideas clearlly and persuasiveely. W. 1-2, 4--6: Produce cleear and coherent w writing in whicch the developm ment, organizatiion, and style are approppriate to task, purpose, p and audience. Learning Target T Points Allowed I can… interview the person I jo ob shadow or m my Work-bassed consultant and complete tthe appropriaate documentation. Documentss have met learrning targets. 0 1 4 Did nnot Subbmitted Subbmitted compllete subm mit incoomplete interview interrview inteerview submit thee completed jo ob shadowing evaluation n form and/or other o proof of jjob shadowing. 0 Did nnot provvide prooof of job shaddowing 0 Did nnot subm mit a thankk you note write and submit a well written thank yyou note to send to my job shadow person and/or Work-bassed consultant. Not applicable Not applicable 2 Subbmitted complleted evaaluation or other prooof of job shaadowing 4 Subbmitted well wrritten thank you u note Total: Product Rubric Standard/Crriteria Create a Product: Initiaate and participatee in relevant acctivities to establish a practical appllication of the research (community serrvice, developm ment of a new seervice, taking a course, orr creating a phy ysical object to o donate). T The activities must m support th he research aand job shadow wing. Learn ning Target /10 Points Alloowed I can… provid de PROOF of completion c of a minimum off 15 hou urs in the activiity described inn the plan (docum ment the processs of the effortts through picturees, videos, certiificates, and tim me logs). For physical products, prroof of donationn is required. Documents have met learning targetts. 0 10 200 40 30 No evidence of hours or no proof 1-4 hours 5-99 houurs Total: Advisser Rubric Standaard/Criteria C. 1.2: Innitiate and partticipate effectiv vely in a range of collaboorative discussiions with diverrse partners; build on thhe ideas of oth hers and expresss own ideas clearly annd persuasively y. Learning L Targeet 10-14 hours /40 Points Allow wed I can… work with my adviser to pplan and implement my senior expperience (minimum of 4 meetings)). Documennts have met leearning targets. 1 2 3 4 Meeting M Meetings Meeetings Meetings Total: Final P Proposal Grade /4 /50 Comments: Pleasse Note: These e points will be tallied and added to your prroposal form. T This form will b be used by you ur adviser and//or the Senior Experience coordinator to evaluate the degree of completion of your propoosal. 15 hours h Senior Experience H Handbook | 10 0 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Excellent Student Senior Exxperience SAMPLE P Proposal LexLeads: Cre eate a Walking Tour of Lexingtton StudentEx S cellentA@ Activvities to be Co ompleted (1. Research Paper, 2. Job Sh hadowing, 3: Activity‐15 h hours) Advisser: Mr. Help pful Teacher Senio or Experience e Title: Historic Walking Tour of Lexinggton 1. Reesearch Paper Topic: Analyysis of the De evelopment of the City of LLexington, SC C 2. Job Shadowingg: Studeent will job sh hadow someo one in the field in which th hey are intereested. The job b shadowing experience may b be virtual or on‐site. Eviden nce: Interview w and proof o of shadowingg completion n Name of Businesss __Lexington County Museum_______ ___________________________________________ Name of Individuaal to be Shado owed __Mr. JJ. R. Fennell__ ___________________________________________ Contact Phone Nu umber __803‐‐359‐8369___ ____ Date of Initial Contacct__7/10/20114_________________ Shadowing Date _ __9/1/2014__ ___________ ______ Advise er Confirmati on ____________________________ Than nk you note se ent__9/5/201 14_________ ____________ ___ (Adviserr Signature an nd Date) 3. Deetailed Plan o of Action: Studeents will complete 15 hours in their cho osen area outtside of classrroom assignm ments. For theese products, servicess, or instructio on, students w will receive n no pay; howevver, they mayy obtain certiffication (or trraining leadin ng to some en ndorsement). All work musst be monitorred by the chosen adviser.. Evideence: Proof o of completion n of 15 hours 1 1. Describe aactivities to b be completed AND the con nnection betw ween the job shadowing an nd the research. I will researcch the creatio on of the town of Lexingtoon and analyzee how and why it has become aa thriving city. I will job shaadow the dire ector of the Leexington Cou unty Museum and use his advice e for places to o include with hin a 5 mile arrea surroundiing the town of Lexington. For my 15 hours I will research h the town off Lexington an nd the buildinngs which aree on the histo oric register in ncluding housses, museumss, and businesses, and I wiill create a waalking tour which showcase es the architeccture and histtory of the To own of Lexinggton. 2 2. What evid dence will be provided as p proof of completion of thee activities listed above? TThe evidence for completio on will include e a log of my hours spent researching tthe information, walking th he area, and ccreating the aactual walkingg tour. I will ccreate a broch hure that will include a QR code tthat can be po osted around d town or at the museum. The QR code can also be p posted to the museum website ffor easy accesss for touristss and residentts. 3 3. Name of o organization tthrough whicch the activities will be com mpleted __I will do onate the QR code brochure to the Lexington Countty Museum.______________________ 4 4. Name of ccontact perso on for organizzation __Mr. JJ. R. Fennell_________________________________ 5 5. Contact p phone number and/or emaail _________ ___________________________________________ 6 6. Date of in nitial contact _ __7/10/2014____ Adviserr Confirmatio n______________________________ (Adviser Signature and Date) 7 7. Proposed Dates of Activities __8/3, 8/4, 8/15, 8//16, 9/3, 9/100______________________________ Prop posal Approva al Date: (To b be completed by adviser an nd verified byy Coordinatorr) Final Proposal Completion Datte with all Re equired Evide ence: (To be ccompleted byy adviser and verified by Co oordinator) Senior Experience H Handbook | 11 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Excellent Student Senior Ex xperience S SAMPLE P Proposal LexLivves: Fitnesss in Lexin ngton SttudentExccellentA@ @k12.lexin ngton1.nett Activvities to be C Completed (1 1. Research P Paper, 2. Job Shadowing,, 3: Activity‐115 hours) Adviser: Mr. Help pful Teacher Senior Experiencce Title: Fitne ess in Lexingtton 1. Re esearch Pape er Topic: Analysis of typess of exercise p programs 2. Jo ob Shadowing g: Student will job shadow someone in the fie eld in which th hey are intereested. The job shadowing expeerience may b be virtual or on‐site. Evidence: Intervie ew and prooff of shadowin ng completio on Nam me of Businesss __Lexington n Leisure Cen nter____________________________________________________ Nam me of Individuaal to be Shadowed __Mr. J John Smith_____________________________________________ Conttact Phone Nu umber __8033‐957‐7828_______ Date of Initial Contacct__7/10/20144_________________ Shad dowing Date _ __9/1/2014___________________ Advise er Confirmatioon ____________________________ Than nk you note ssent ___9/5/2014_________________ (Adviser S Signature and d Date) 3. De etailed Plan o of Action: Students will com mplete 15 hours in their cho osen area outtside of classrroom assignm ments. For th hese no pay; howevver, they mayy obtain certiification products, servicess, or instruction, students will receive n (or trraining leadin ng to some en ndorsement).. All work must be monitoored by the ch hosen adviserr. Evide ence: Proof o of completio on of 15 hourss 11. Describe activities to b be completed d AND the connection betw ween the job b shadowing a and the research. I will particip pate in the An nnual Race Ag gainst Hungeer. I will sign u up as a runnerr and get people to sponsor me then I will participate in eiither the 10K K, or 5K run—d depending on n my level of fitness at the time. I I am research hing fitness programs and job shadowing at the Leissure Center to learn more a about fitness and how to li ive a more acctive lifestyle.. 2 2. What evid dence will be provided as p proof of completion of thee activities lissted above? T The evidence for completio on will include a log of myy hours spent volunteering g prior to the run and any eventts leading up and including g the run. I kn now I must reeach at least 1 15 hours. I willl also get pictures a and video of m my participation. 33. Name of o organization through whicch the activities will be co mpleted __ Lexing gton Race Agaainst Hunger._____________________ 4 4. Name of c contact perso on for organizzation __R. R Renner______________________________________ 55. Contact p phone numbe er and/or emaail ____rrenne [email protected]______________________________ 6 6. Date of in nitial contact __7/10/2014_____ Adviser Confirmationn______________________________ (Advviser Signaturre and Date) 77. Proposed d Dates of Acttivities __8/3, 8/4, 8/15, 8/116, 9/3, 9/10__ ______________________________ Prop posal Approv val Date: (To be completed d by adviser a and verified b by Coordinato or) Finall Proposal Co ompletion Da ate with all R Required Evid dence: (To b be completed d by adviser and verified by Co oordinator) Senior Experience H Handbook | 12 2 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Excellent Student Senior Ex xperience S SAMPLE P Proposal LexLea arns: Histo ory of Lexiington SttudentExccellentA@ @k12.lexin ngton1.nett Activvities to be Completed (1. Research Paper, 2. Job Shadowing, 3: Act ivity‐15 hourss) Advisser: Mr. Helpfu ul Teacher Senio or Experience Title: Historyy of Lexington 1. Research Paper Topic: Analysis of the Development of the e City of Lexinggton, SC 2. Job b Shadowing: Studeent will job sha adow someone e in the field in n which they arre interested. T The job shadow wing experiencce may be virtuaal or on‐site. Ev vidence: Interrview and proo of of shadowing completion n Namee of Business _ __Lexington Co ounty Museum m__________________________________________________ Namee of Individual to be Shadow wed __Mr. J. R. Fennell___________________ ___________________________ Contaact Phone Num mber __803‐3559‐8369_______ Date of Initial Contact__7/110/2014_________________ Shadowing Date ___9/1/2014___________________ Adviser Confirmation ____________________________ nt ___9/5/2014 4____________________ (Advviser Signaturee and Date) Thank you note sen 3. De etailed Plan off Action: Studeents will complete 15 hours i n their chosen area outside o of classroom a ssignments. FFor these produ ucts, servicces, or instructtion, students w will receive no pay; howeverr, they may obttain certificatio on (or training g leading to somee endorsementt). All work mu ust be monitore ed by the chossen adviser. Evide ence: Proof off completion o of 15 hours 11. Describe a ctivities to be completed AN ND the connecttion between t the job shadow wing and the research. I will volunteer with the Le exington Coun nty Museum. B Because I wantt to research th he developmen nt of the city of Lexington for my 15 hours, I willl volunteer with the Lexingtoon County Musseum learning more about the history of Lexington and helping with chorres they need. I will also job s shadow there which will help me be etter understand what help t they need. 2 2. What evidence will be prrovided as proo of of completio on of the activvities listed abo ove? The evideence for completion will include a a log of my hou urs spent volun nteering at thee museum. If allowed I will taake pictures and maybe e even some video of my activities. 33. Name of o organization th hrough which t he activities w will be completeed __ Lexingtton County Mu useum.______________________ 4 4. Name of contact person for organization __Mr. J. R. Fennell_________________________________ 55. Contact ph hone number a and/or email _____________________________________________________ 6 6. Date of initial contact ___7/10/2014_____ Adviser Conffirmation_______________________________ (Adviser Siignature and D Date) 77. Proposed D Dates of Activities __8/3, 8/4 4, 8/15, 8/16, 9//3, 9/10_______ ________________________ Propo osal Approvall Date: (To be completed by adviser and ve erified by Coorrdinator) Final Proposal Com mpletion Date e with all Requ uired Evidence e: (To be comppleted by advisser and verified by Coord dinator) Senior Experience H Handbook | 13 3 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Seenior Exxperien nce Em mployerr Evalu uation F Form This form will be e provided w with on‐site j job shadowing by the caareer specialist and will be used for virtual job shad dowing with the work baased consulttant. Senior Experience H Handbook | 14 4 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Senior Exp perience An nnotated Bib bliography Rubric Stan ndards W. L L. 4: Demonstrrate command of o the conveentions of stand dard English gramm mar and usage when writing or speakking. Learrning Targets Source 1 Sourcee 2 Source 3 I can n… Writing has met learning targets. ns of a page acccording to forrmat the margin ML LA. (1 pt) usee consistent Tim mes New Rom man 12 pt. fon nt. (1 pt) incclude a proper MLA header aand spacing. (1 pt) priate MLA heeading (1 pt) incclude an approp alp phabetize citatiions according to MLA (5 ttotal points) forrmat. (1 pt) W. L L. 4: Demonsttrate command d of the cconventions off standard English gram mmar and usagee when writing g or speaaking. incclude all sourcee information ffor each citaation. (1 pt) forrmat each citatiion correctly. ((1pt) utilize appropriatte punctuation for each urce. (1pt) sou um of 2 DISCU US sources. incclude a minimu (2p pts) incclude 3 addition nal sources. (33pts) (20 total ppoints) RI. 66: Summarize key details and ideass to support an nalysis of centraal ideass. I. 3.33: Gather inforrmation from a varieety of primary and secondary y sources and evaluaate for perspecttive, validdity, and bias. W. L L. 4: Demonsttrate command d of the cconventions off standard English gram mmar and usagee when writing g or speaaking. W. L L. 5: Demonsttrate command d of the cconventions off standard English capittalization, puncctuation, and spellling when writing. ob bjectively sum mmarize the keyy points of a teext. (2 pts) prrovide a valid evaluation e of tthe crredibility of thee sources. (4 ptts) prrovide an insig ghtful analysis of how the so ource informs the t topic. (4 ptts) (50 total pointts) write w utilizing standard s Englissh: grammar, g spelling, capitalizattion, punctuation, p ussage. (5 pts) (25 total pooints) Total Scoore: /100 Pleasse ask your teacher, refeerence the M MLA guide orr an online M MLA guide such h as OWL at Purdue for ssamples. (htttp://owl.en nglish.purd Soource 4 Source 5 Senior Experience H Handbook | 15 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Senior Exp perience Arg gumentativve Research Rubric 6 5 4 3 2 1 Focus Exemplary anding of task. understa Clear, specific focus is maintain ned. Clear understandiing of task. Specific focus is maintained. Understan nding of task. Specific fo ocus is mostly maintained. Soome understandinng of taask. G eneral focus is m maintained, but speecific foocus may not be. Weak understanding of task General f focus is mostly maintained, but specific focus maay not be. Little or no understanding of task. Little or no focuss. Position Clear possition with critical co ontext. Fully resp ponds to counter‐arguments and evaluates implications and/or complica ations of the issue. ncorporates at Clearly in least four relevant sources t that significan ntly contributte to the argumen nt. Clear position with broad context. Fully responds to counter‐arguments or evaluates implications and/o or complications of t the issue. Incorporates at least four relevant sourrces that contribute to t o the argument. t Position w with some context. Adequately responds to counterr‐arguments or some co onsideration of implicattions and/or complicatiions of the issue. Incorporattes at least three relevvant sources that contriibute to the argument.. Poosition with limiteed coontext. A cknowledges a coounter‐argument or thhe implications annd/or coomplications of th he is sue. Inncorporates at leasst tw wo relevant sourcees thhat contribute to t the arrgument. Takes a p position, but fails to su upport. Little or n no recognition of a coun nter‐argument or the im mplications and/or co omplications of the issue. Incorporaates at least one relevvant source that contributtes to the argumen nt. No position is maintained. of any No recognition o counterargumen nt or complication of t the issue. Incorporates sou urces that do not contribute to the argument. Developm ment Developm ment is thorough h, ample, specific, and logical. Effective e, clear, well‐ develope ed introducttion and conclusio on. Development is mostly elaborated d, specific and logicaal. Clear, generally w well‐ developed introduction and conclusion. Development is adequate. Clear and s somewhat developed d introductio on and conclusion n. D evelopment is lim mited annd repetitious. U nderdeveloped inntroduction and coonclusion. Thinly deeveloped with general id deas that are not clearly relevant. Minimal i introduction and concclusion. Minimally develo oped or repetitive. Missing introduc ction or conclusion. Organiza ation Clear, log gical organization. Effective e, integrated transition ns. Clear, logical, but predictable organization. Variety of transitions. t Apparent, somewhat logical, but predictable organization. Attempts a a variety of transitionss. Siimple organizatio n w with little or no log ical seequencing of ideass. Trransitions are simple annd obvious. Some ind dication of a simple orrganizational structuree. Transitions may be inapprop priate or misleadin ng. There is little or no evidence of an organizational structure. Transitions are rarely used. Language Tone is a appropriate and main ntained througho out the response e. Varied an nd precise sentence es and word choice. Tone is appropriatte and maintained throughout most t of the response. t Somewhat varied and precise sentences and wo ord choice. Tone is appropriate, e but may be inconsistently maintained. Adequate sentence variety and d appropriatte word choice. Toone is somewhat apppropriate, but ar e innconsistently m maintained. Atttempts sentencee vaariety and word chhoice. Tone mayy not be appropriaate. Sentencee structure and word cho oice are usually simple. Tone is not appropriate. Sentence structu ure and word choice are always simple. Conventiions Few, if an ny, distracting errors Properly cites all sources i n text and on A few errors, but they are rarely t distracting. Properly cites all sources in text and Some distrracting errors, butt they do not impede understanding. Properly cites all sources in text and on Errrors are distractinng annd occasionally im mpede understand ding. Prroperly cites all soources in text and on thhe works cited pagge Frequentt distracting errors thaat impede understanding Properly cites all sources in n text and on Frequent distracting errors that significantly impede understanding Properly cites all sources in text and on Senior Experience H Handbook | 16 6 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 the work ks cited page (only cite ed works appear o on the works cited pag ge) Exemplary use of MLA format. on the works cited d page (only cited works appear on t the works cited page)) Clear use of MLA format. Grade es 9 ‐12 R Rubric Scale Grade Conversio G on 36 100 35 34 99 98 33 32 97 96 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 95 93 92 90 89 88 87 85 84 83 82 81 80 78 77 76 74 73 72 70 69 68 67 66 65 63 62 61 59 58 57 0‐55 the works cited page (only cited d works appear on the works cited page e) Adequate use of MLA format. (oonly cited works apppear on the workks ci ted page) Soome use of MLA foormat. the works cited page (only citeed works appear on the works ge) cited pag Weak usee of MLA format. the works cited p page (only cited workss appear on the works cited page) of MLA Little or no use o format. DisstrictGrading gScale 100‐93=A 92‐85=B 84‐77=C 76‐70=D 69‐0=F *Researrch papers requ uire the use annd documentattion of quality sources. Witho out evidence of incorp poration of at l least four acaddemic sources,, a paper will automatically re eceive a failing g grade. P Page Length Re equirement: Sttudents should d be aware in o order to meet t these standard ds, the paper m must be of suffficient length, 3‐6 page minim mum is recommended. Seenior Exxperien nce Tim me Log g This t time log is provvided for your convenience a and as proof off your hours. B Be sure to sign it and have yo our supervisor s sign it. Senior Experience H Handbook | 18 8 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Preseentation flow and delivery are importan nt. Exemplary presentation s can be found at the links below. Remember, you ur preseentation must align to the rubric below. htttp://tedxteen.ccom/talks/tedxxteen‐2015‐nyyc/298‐mihir‐garimella‐desig gning‐the‐nextt‐ generation‐of‐first‐‐responders an nd https://www Sen nior Experieence Exhibittion Rubricc Sttandards Learningg Targets I can… C. 2: A Articulate ideass, claims, and perspectives p in a loggical sequence using informaation, findings, and creedible evidencee from sources. C. 5: Inncorporate craft techniques to o engage and impactt audience and convey messag ges present in nformation in aan organized m manner (hook, inttroduction, smoooth transitionns, and conclusio on) and addresss a line of reasooning, and alternativ ve or opposing perspectives. identify AND A elaborate on three piecees of supporting g evidence andd findings that attribute to the presen ntation as a whhole. (3) 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts p Exhibition haas met learning g tarrgets. 1 2 3 4 W. 2: W Write informattive/explanatorry texts to examinne and covey complex ideas, concepts, and inform mation clearly an nd accurately through t the effectivve selection, orrganization, an nd analysis of contentt. explain my m job shadowiing/Work-baseed consultan nt experience inn detail. logically connect my jobb shadowing/W Workbased con nsultant to my topic. explain my m product in ddetail. logically connect my prroduct to my toopic. 1 2 3 4 C. 3: C Communicate information through strategiic use of multip ple modalities and multim media to enrich understanding g when presentting ideas and information. utilize dig gital media andd visual displayys in order to enhancce the audiencees’ understandiing of the presentatiion (outside meedia not to excceed 30 seconds). (3) include a works cited sllide at the end oof the presentatiion (formatted properly). (1) 1 2 3 4 clearly an nd coherently ppresent informaation orally to a speciffic audience foor 8-10 minutess (volume, pace, enun nciation). effectively y use Standardd English and communiccate clearly (grrammar, persuaasive tone, avoiding filler f words, ettc.). maintain a professional manner when ppresenting informatio on to an audiennce (maintain eeye contact, av void fidgeting,, appropriate atttire, etc.). answer qu uestions intelliggently and connfidently. 1 2 3 4 C. 5. Inncorporate crafft techniques to o engage and impactt audience and convey messag ges. C. 5: Inncorporate craft techniques to o engage and impactt audience and convey messag ges. W. L. 44: Demonstratte command off the convenntions of standaard English graammar and usage w when writing or o speaking. W. L. 55: Demonstratte command off the convenntions of standaard English cap pitalization, punctuuation, and spellling when writting. Total /16 Comments exhibition acco ounts for 20% o of your senior experience graade. Four teac hers will judgee your presentaation and will s send their The e evalu uations to yourr adviser and/or the Senior Exxperience coorrdinator. Thesee will be averaged and the percentage will be recorded on yo our proposal fo orm by your adviser and/or th he Senior Expe erience coordinnator. Senior Experience H Handbook | 19 9 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Sen nior Experieence Reflecttion Rubric Propoosal Standaards C. 1.2: Initiate and parrticipate effectiv vely in a rangee of collaborativee discussions wiith diversee partners; build on ideas of otheers and expresss own ideas cleaarly and persuasively. W. 6.1 Write routinely y and persevere in n writingg tasks over shorrt and extended time t frames, for a range of domain d specific tasks, and forr a variety of purrposes and audieences. Reseaarch Paper W. 6.1 Write routinely y and persevere in n writingg tasks over shorrt and extended time t frames, for a range of domain d specific tasks, and forr a variety of purrposes and audieences. Job Shadowing W. 6.1 Write routinely and persevere in n ort and extended time writinng tasks over sho frames, for a range off domain specificc y of purposes an nd tasks, and for a variety audiennces. 15 Hoours of Supportting Activities W. 6.1 Write routinely y and persevere in n writingg tasks over shorrt and extended time t frames, for a range of domain d specific tasks, and forr a variety of purrposes and audieences. Exhib bition W. 6.11 Write routinely y and persevere in writinng tasks over sho ort and extended time frames, for a range off domain specificc tasks, and for a variety y of purposes an nd audiennces. Learn ning Targets I Can n… valuate my effecttiveness at workiing with my advviser to ev plaan and implemen nt my senior expperience includinng developing my top pic, setting up m my job shadowingg, and sellecting my 15 ho ours of supportinng activities. (4) deescribe the obstaccles and compliccations I encounntered wh hile completing my m plan and how w I overcame theem to leaarn and grow fro om the experiencce. 2 ptss 4 pts 6 ppts 8 pts 10 pts Writting has met learrning targets. explain my research h process and hoow I selected myy topic. (2) evalluate my use of sources and feeddback from my ann notated bibliograp phy and drafts oof my research paaper to finaalize my research h paper. (3) describe my job sh hadowing experiience in detail. (33) ev valuate my job sh hadowing experiience and what I leaarned. (2) explain and describe in detail my 155 hours of activiities and how w they supported d my research toppic. evalluate my perform mance on the 15 hours of supporrting activities and what I gained from thhe experience. desccribe the process of preparing myy exhibition inclluding findiing outside media, fully explainiing my project ((working with h my adviser, ressearching, job shhadowing, complleting 15 hours h of supportiing activities), annd creating my ffinal presentation with prerecorded sectioons. (3) evaluate my final ex xhibition presenttation preparationn. Conveentions writee with correct grrammar. C. L. 4: Demonstratee command of th he conveentions of standaard English gram mmar use correct c writing mechanics. m and ussage when writin ng or speaking. use correct c spelling and capitalizatioon. C. L. 5: Demonstratee command of th he use correct c punctuattion. conveentions of standaard English use standard s Americaan English. capitaalization, punctuaation, and spellin ng when writing. Total S Score: /60 * Stud dents should be e aware in order to meet these e standards, a 2 2‐3 page minimu um paper lengtth is recommended. The reeflection score is s worth 10% of t the senior experrience grade and d will be evaluateed by the adviseer and/or the Senior Experiencee coordinator. The percentage score e will then be tra ansferred to the proposal sheet by the adviser a and/or the Senio or Experience coordinator. Oncee this final component is evaluatted, the adviser will submit the c completed prop posal sheet to th e Senior Experieence coordinato or with all of the scores. The Senior Experience coo ordinator will ve erify the scores a and provide the English IV teachher with the finaal grade which w will count 20% off the student’s overall English IV grad de. Senior Experience H Handbook | 20 0 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 On nly you can make e your se enior exp periencee memorable an nd valuab ble. Plan Im mpleemeent Refflectt Cho oose your Senior E Experiencce adviser wisely a and do no ot procrasstinate. T The sen nior experrience is m meant to be a culm mination of your h hard workk and ded dication to e excellence through hout your high sch hool careeer. Let th his final project deefine yourr high school years and d showcaase your t talents fo or colleges and future employers to preciate w what you have to o offer their organizzations. app Senior Experience H Handbook | 21 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 Appeendix A—Samp ple Senior Expe erience Projectt Ideas The fall of the econo omy has had a negative effect on the fashion industry.. Fash hion designers arre responsible fo or the inaccurate e repre esentation of bo ody image in tod day’s society. The production and sale of cigarette es should be made illegal. To encourage health hy eating, higher taxes should b be imposed oft drinks and ju unk food. on so The proper amount of rest enhances student health h and perfo ormance. Nursing / Medicine Wildlife / Animals Sports Technology Fashion Industry JOB SHAD DOW Drive ers should be ba anned from using their cell phon nes while driving. Web b‐based advertissing is the most e effective marketing tool. Mod dern day commu unication via soccial networks putts an end to true and sincere rela ationships. Science RESE EARCH PAPER IDEAS Health TOP PIC IT Specialist Computerr programm mer Geek Squad Designer – or local store COM MMUNITY SER RVICE/PRODU UCT Whe en given the optiion, it is more be eneficial for a high school athle ete to play at the e college level b before entering t the profe essional leaguess. Colle ege athletes sho ould not be paid because they arre already receiving the benefitts of education a and experience in the sport. Skatting is not just a sport but has be ecome a culture that affects a ska ater’s behaviors,, dress, speech, and other areass of their lifesttyle. Land d developers are e unnecessarily d destroying our w wildlife popu ulations. All animal experimentation (includin ng cancer researrch) should be outlawed as adva ances in technology have made animal testing unnecessaryy. Alterrnative medicina al solutions shou uld be encourag ged before attem mpting conventtional treatmentts. Furthermore e, alternative medicine should be covered by convventional health h insurance policcies. The misdiagnosis off Attention Deficcit Hyperactivityy Disorder has c caused doctors t to over‐prescrib be Ritalin. Stem m cell research is s a positive practtice because it s saves lives and improves knowlledge in the med dical communityy. Gene etically modified d foods should b be outlawed unttil further resea arch can be done to see if these e foods affect the e envirronment or indivviduals. Medical Professionaal Day Care Nutritionistt / Dietician Personal Trrainer College Coach Owner of s port shop, skatee shop Professionaal or competitivve athlete DNR Ducks Unlim mited Animal Sheelter Nurse – anyywhere Nursing Ed ducator Director of f Activities, N Nursing Home or Adult living facilitty; Hospital Nurse Local farm Volunteer with nonprofit to‐‐ organization t update/createe website, create e a program forr their use, perform data entry Host a Don’t T Text and Drive Pledge Event at school or church Volunteer with local Good Will, LICS, or other n nonprofit group that accepts clo othing; Volunteer with Cinderella project Volunteer with unused prescription meedication collection day, Work with or do onate student made product t to local nonprofit for marathon o or other activity‐ based event; Volunteer at ch hurch nursery; Volunteer to heelp coach nonprofit youth h sports team; Volunteer with a nonprofit camp Volunteer with Pets Inc or othe er animal shelter; Participate in o or organize community clean‐up Build duck boxees or other preservation iteem AND donate e to local nonpro ofit org. Volunteer with Lexington Medical Centerr or other local hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Children n’s Hospital, nursing home Make product t to donate to loca al hospital or otheer nonprofit group (care bag gs, caps, blankets) See Nursing Op ptions Local Food Pan ntry Volunteer with research lab at Clemson extension, USC or MTC Senior Experience H Handbook | 22 2 Music / Media Education Law / Government Landscaping/Far ming Cars/ Engines Military 100 T Tarrar Springs R Road, Lexingto on, SC 29072 | Phone: 803‐82 21‐1000 Fax: 8 803‐821‐1010 A college degree pro ovides more opp portunities for adva ancement in the military. The United States government shou uld provide morre support for V Veterans as theyy re‐enter civilian n life. Hybrrids are more ecconomical and energy‐efficient t than regular cars.. Certain types of eng gines/car brands//car types are be etter than er types. othe Recruiter Member off the military Volunteer with local recruiter, NJROTC, Woun nded Warrior Project, USO, V VFW Automotive technician Car Salesm man Gree en roofs are morre energy‐efficie ent and aesthetic than regu ular roofs. Land dscaping can improve the prope erty value of a ho ome. Orga anically grown p produce is not an ny safer or healthier than tradiitionally farmed foods. Loca ally grown produ uce is healthier t than imported p produce. Volunteer with school bus lot, local police/firee with washing o or inspecting vehicles; host church vehicle inspection Volunteer with NASCAR sponsored cam mp Online Course Volunteer with local nonprofit or church group p to clean‐up lawns, Volunteer with school to help with lawn Volunteer with or create a local food co‐op Cinderella Projeect Volunteer with any nonprofit project/activityy sponsored by local law enforccement or lawyers (Battle of Badges) Sponsor a voter registration drive at school or church Participate in any nonprofit activity (run, Kiids Day, etc) supporting MA ADD or SADD Volunteer with church or school‐based after school tutoring prograam; Create an educational unit related to the r esearch topic a teacher and donate to a The War on Terror h has contributed t to the growing a abuse of hum man rights. Votin ng guidelines sh hould be federally mandated, no ot state conttrolled. Drug g testing should be mandatory f for receiving pub blic assisstance. Drun nk drivers should d be imprisoned on the first offe ense. High h school graduattes should take a a year off before e entering colle ege. Financial incentives should be offere ed to high schoo ol students n standardized t tests. who perform well on Scho ools should place e more emphasiis on bullying prevention (counseling). Interrnet censorship should be imple emented; not all free exprression is protectted by the First Amendment. The mass media plays an importantt role in shaping the opinions and positio ons of the young ger generation. Music education con ntributes to acad demic achievem ment. Horticulturrist Landscaper Greenhousse worker Farmer Grocer Irrigation Lawyer Police Officcer Politician Teacher at another sch hool, college/uniiv. Admissionss Counselor Local DJ, television personnel Music/Med dia Productionn Company Politician Music teac her Volunteer with nonprofit or school‐based afterschool music tutoring Volunteer with local church music program m or FCA Volunteer with local radio or television broad dcast Create PSAs for school news program