July, 2011 - ARPCA.com
July, 2011 - ARPCA.com
July, 2011 Rundschau The Official PublicaTiOn Of The allegheny RegiOn Pca Rundschau Official publication of Allegheny Region of the Porsche Club of America Editor Nancy Lowe 417 Tierra Place Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412-635-7881 [email protected] Layout Gary Morgan 724-612-9327 Special Projects Rob Hoffman Commercial Advertising Rates and specifications are available by contacting the Advertising Chairman. George B. Patterson 311 Myrtle Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 412-741-0316 [email protected] Classified Advertising Classified ads are free to PCA members. Ads may be subject to editing and abbreviations to fit available space. Ads will run for three issues unless renewed or a notification of sale is received. Submit ads directly to the editor via mail or email. Submissions The editor encourages club members to submit tips, technical information, favorite Porsche experiences, amusing ramblings, graphics, and photos. Please send submissions via mail or email to the editor. All items must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication. Rundschau is the official publication of Allegheny Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) and is published monthly at 417 Tierra Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the position of Allegheny Region, PCA, its officers or members. The editor reserves the right to edit or omit any materials submitted for publication. Copyright Permission to reprint any material herein is granted to any PCA region provided full credit is given to Allegheny Region and the author(s) and provided copyright is not involved. All photographs and artwork are copyright of the respective photographers or artists. PORSCHE, the Porsche Crest, CARRERA, and TARGA are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Mark Seech & Suzy Snyder ARPCA Membership Chairmen 119 Larchwood Drive Turtle Creek, PA 15145 Copyright 2011 Allegheny Region PCA www.arpca.com Rundschau In thIs Issue July 2011 Features View From the Right ................................................................3 P3 Update....................................................... Inside Back Cover PVGP/50th anniVersary 2011 PVGP-History In the Making .......................................4 50th Anniversary Donations ...................................................5 2011 PVGP 50th Anniversary Celebration.........................5 Street Racing without the Jail Time .....................................8 2011 PVGP-German Car Corral ...........................................9 More PVGP Notes ..................................................................12 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix.............................................13 Expose Yourself ......................................................................15 PVGP Home Theater Raffle ................................................16 Hofbrauhaus ............................................................................17 Panorama Special Section ...................................................18 356-Mini Holiday at PVGP ...................................................21 2011 PVGP-Waterfront Car Cruise ....................................22 news and eVents Attention All Members! ............................................................5 2011 Drivers Education Series ...........................................14 dePartments From the Driver’s Seat ............................................................2 The Twisty Bits ..........................................................................3 In the Zone .................................................................................4 From the Factory ......................................................................6 Caption? ......................................................................................9 Membership Garage ..............................................................10 Calendar of Events.................................................................11 Advertisers Index ......................................23 Classifieds ..................................................24 On the COVer Have you registered for the PVGP? If not, see page 13 for the form. Photo by Matt Little. 1 reGiOn manaGement Officers President Ken Jeremiah 724-935-5559 carrera2s@consolidated. net VP George Patterson 412-741-0316 [email protected] Secretary Terri Mattock 724-244-3653 [email protected] Treasurer Abbi Rabeneck 724-457-2755 [email protected] Committees Advertising George B. Patterson 412-741-0316 GeorgeBPatterson @comcast.net Chief Instructor Bruce Graham 412-894-0025 spoon951 @zoominternet.net Communications Earl Seiler 412-823-4959 [email protected] Concours Brian Strohmeier 412-877-4951 bstrohmeier@comcast. net Dealer Relations George Patterson 412-741-0316 georgebpatterson @comcast.net Goodie Store Jim & Suzanne Carlin 724-834-8234 HJCarlin72@alumni. nd.edu IRAC/Autocross (open) Membership Suzy Snyder 412-824-2032 [email protected] Paint/Bodywork Mark Miller 724-586-2963 [email protected] PVGP Mark Hanson 412-487-4225 [email protected] Safety Tech Joe Serbin 412-996-6224 JPS.Audi @hotmail.com Social Coordinator Louise Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] Touring (open) Track Dale Rabeneck 412-877-4361 (c) dale.rabeneck@ comcast.net Webmaster Alex Ross ARoss911s@ comcast.net FrOm the driVer’s seat Ken Jeremiah, President June turned out to be a very busy Porsche month for us. First we had a great rally created by “Iron Jack” Purvis and Frank Bunecicky. We began our challenge on a large parking lot in Bridgeville (that took Louise and me twenty minutes to find after we made the Bridgeville exit – an omen of things to come?). Off we went with twentytwo other Porsches. We found ourselves going over hill and dale on roads I didn’t know existed. At one time, we made a turn to find a large sign that said “Welcome to Pennsylvania” – hell, I didn’t know we had left Pennsylvania. We ended up at a great restaurant in Washington County where we all got to share our stories. I want to thank “Iron Jack” and Frank for their efforts. They drove the sixty-six mile course five times to make it perfect. Louise said that it was the most fun Porsche event that she has attended. The boys are planning another rally in early October – you should join us. The next weekend, we were up early and on our way to Ohio for the Stoddard Swap Meet. Jolene Cicci had rented a space and had PVGP literature. We spent all morning handing out our brochures and talking to people about our celebration. I think that we spoke to almost everyone at the event. We then left for BeaveRun and the Car Control Clinic. John Schrenker did another superior job on obtaining students and instructors. We had eighteen students which is just short for us to financially break even on the event. I don’t really care, because I believe this is one of the best events that we put on and it’s proven by all the student smiles at the end of the day. Our friendly editor allowed me to add this to my already submitted article: This past Saturday (as I write this) we had more than thirty Porsches attend our Wine and Shine – probable had seventy plus members. We had two tiers of Porsches on the Narcisi lawn area (a record). We even had some mongrels – a ’31 Model A, a Ferrari 308, and the Tilstone’s gorgeous new Audi R8/10 Spyder. Great atmosphere and conversations. I think we’re going to have to do this again sometime after the PVGP. For our last weekend in June we will travel to the Mid-Ohio race track. Louise and I are avid vintage race fans, but this year there is the added incentive – Porsche is the marque. We hope to meet a number of Porsche folks and tell them about our celebration. The city of Lettsdale (near Sewickley) has invited us to their Fourth of July parade. They would like about fifteen Porsches. If interested, please contact me. I want to give a big congratulations shout to our track folks. Recently, I received an email from several of the regions in our zone. They are having problems with their Driver’s Education attendance and proposed having multi-region DEs. I replied that, at this time, we are satisfied with our attendance and will continue with having our own DEs. In fact, our last DE at the Glen was SOLD OUT and even had a waiting list. This points out the quality of our driving events and professionalism of the organization of our events and our instructors. Great job guys and girls! July is going to be a huge month for us, so get geared up for it. Register now or you may have to park with the Asian cars – really – see the article on the PVGP. Also remember that we need volunteers for parking, registration, and security – you receive a free 50th Anniversary shirt! Please contact me with your ideas, suggestions, and input. Remember to visit our new website – the latest club information will be posted there. PVGP Hope to see you at the park. Home Theatre Raffle Zone 4 Rep Ron Carr zone4rep@embarqmail. com 740-967-6027 - seri o us car st ereo & Ho me t Heat re - Newsletter Nancy Lowe 412-635-7881 NancyALowe@verizon. net 2 • • • • • • 55” flatJones panel Dr., tv McMurray, PA 15317 110 Speakers: left, center, right, surrounds, subwoofer 724 941-3326 Yamaha audio/video receiver Blu-ray DVD player uly Universal color touch screen remote Complete installation, programming, calibration J 2011 View FrOm the riGht Louise Jeremiah What do you get when you have a beautiful late spring Saturday, 20+ perfectly polished Porsches, 42 unanswered questions, and 66 miles of back roads that would make a moonshiner blush with pride? Well, of course you have another killer rally put together by Iron Jack Purvis and Frank Bunecicky. It was a perfect Saturday morning for the rally. We met at the closed movie theater off the Bridgeville exit of I-79. Now for some reason, Ken and I had trouble finding the parking lot. It was in plain sight right off the exit! I think we were already in rally mode and were looking for a secret road to a secret parking lot. After a bit of reconnoitering, we found the lot and were happily surprised to see lots of smiling new faces up for the challenge to come. Iron Jack and Frank were uber organized – as usual – and had envelopes for each participant. In the envelope were a list of 42 questions to be answered as you drove their 66-mile meandering route through Pennsylvania and parts of West Virginia. Each car left about 4 minutes behind the car ahead of them and started looking for the clues. On the way to the rally, Ken and I once again made our pact to open the emergency envelope that was also included in our packet with the location of the restaurant where we would end up to have lunch and laugh about our experiences if/when we became hopelessly lost, frustrated, or started to “bicker”. I’m proud to say we were not in need of the envelope! We only missed one clue which Ken made up an answer to, much to Frank’s chagrin. The route took us literally over hill and dale on some of the most beautiful two-lane roads this part of the country has to offer. Ken and I would never have found this beautiful drive on our own and really want to give Iron Jack and Frank kudos on their route. The questions were mostly straight-forward – what color is the Victorian house, what is the name of the church on the corner, etc. As one of our new member couples found out, you start to get in trouble when you over-think the clues. They are new to the club and decided to try the rally as their first event. They were determined not to open the emergency envelope and arrived after many folks had finished their lunch. Their goal was to finish and finish they did! I think the most unique paring for the rally was E. Paul and Rachel Rabeneck! They did very well with their clues and I bet the conversation was memorable! Iron Jack announced that he and Frank would be putting together another rally this fall that will cover some area north of Pittsburgh. I would encourage everyone who would like to have some fun to give it a try. If you have a track car that just isn’t comfortable enough for a rally, bring your everyday driver. The important thing is to get out and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow Porschephiles and the beautiful route of the rally. the twisty Bits Nancy Lowe, Editor Time for a road trip! Let me start by saying that Pete Delmer, that uber famous shorts-wearing owner of Pete’s European Techniques, has surpassed all my expectations once again. I am totally convinced that my Audi A4 seriously dislikes Massachusetts. How else do I explain the repeated mechanical failures it exhibits mere days before my annual trips to the artists’ conference? This year, the conference was held in Provincetown at the very tippy tip of Cape Cod. It was going to be a very long drive. The weekend before I left, a rainy situation on the usual byways in and about McCandless required the use of my A4’s ABS. Each time I used the brakes after that, they felt... uh... lumpy. I took the car to Pete’s shop first thing on Tuesday, May 31st. He quickly spotted the crack in the left front rotor, ordered the parts, and squished me into his schedule the next morning. I’ve never had a less than 100% positive experience there. Patronize his shop... you’ll be glad that you did. I left home at about 0400 that Thursday, which meant that getting out of Pittsburgh was totally stress free. The 13.5-hour trip was mostly uneventful and watching the sunrise in the hinterlands of PA was artistically really nice. I got to Lynnfield, MA, (a few miles north of Boston) to pick up my fellow artist and friend, Susanne, at 1400 and we proceeded toward Cape Cod through Boston’s perpetual rush hour traffic. Not being a car gal or understanding the stopping power of something that was not a minivan, Susanne was a bit apprehensive each time we had to quickly slow down. I assured her that the car had excellent braking capability and that we still hadn’t tested its limits. She finally relaxed when we easily stopped dead about 200 feet before necessary in rush hour traffic on the Cape. Rundschau The conference was really fantastic. We had marvelous sessions and ate amazing food every single day. Since the site was a mile from Provincetown, I provided taxi service for shopping and dining. Have you ever driven on Commercial Street? Not only is it one-way and barely wide enough to squeak past a parked car, but it is usually jammed with pedestrians. We used Bradford Street whenever possible. Only problem with that was their Nelson Ledges / Road To Hana style of infrequent pavement repairs (one sloppy shovel full at a time). Good thing I wasn’t driving a Porsche. The posted speed limit was 25, but we never exceeded 20 – it was just too painful and I didn’t want to damage my car. That is the one and only time I have ever regretted upgrading the A4’s suspension. The trip home was a breeze. Well, except for when that blue-haired gal thought that our vehicles could defy the laws of physics and occupy the same space at the same time while I was passing her in the left lane. How she missed seeing my front bumper next to her driver’s door, I’ll never know. My only choice was to drop two wheels onto the left-hand gravel shoulder and keep moving. My, but I do love my Audi’s 4WD! Mrs. Blue Hair never heard my horn, but she was so surprised when I moved back into the left lane ahead of her that she hit her brakes. Yeesh! Pay attention out there, people! Stay safe and let’s all enjoy our drive. So now I’m busying myself with, amongst other things, prepping Old Yeller for a much shorter road trip – all the way to Schenley Park for the PVGP. This year’s event looks like it will be truly epic! If you haven’t done so already, register. See you there! 3 2011 PVGP -- histOry in the makinG Mark Hanson, 2011 PVGP Event Coordinator Your PVGP Porsche Marque of the Year team has been working for months now to raise awareness, increase attendance, and of course put ourselves within range of raising $75,000 for the two LOCAL Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Charities. Several small ARPCA volunteer marketing teams have been attending Porsche events in several states. Our own Paul Pigman used the One Lap of America as a pulpit for promoting the event as it traveled the many cities and race tracks up and down the east coast. We are literally attacking all Porsche related websites, Facebook groups, and blogs to put the PVGP on the radar screen of every Porsche owner within a 500 mile radius of Pittsburgh. Many Porsche related organizations have included the PVGP weekend in their event calendars, newsletters and several have even published our marketing materials as full page advertisements. So the question becomes, is it working? According to Louise Jeremiah, who has handled PVGP registrations for the last eight years, we typically have no more than ten registrations on the books by mid-June. As of this writing (June 26th) we have OVER TWO HUNDRED Porsches registered! Is it working? Absolutely! Can you still be part of the celebration? Absolutely. The Porsche “compound” is going to be impressive… Fifty Porsches, in sequence from 1961 to 2011 will be there, several unique and period significant Porsches will be there, the 356 Speedster on the cover of Panorama magazine (February 2011 issue) will be there, Porsche Cars North America will be there, renowned automotive artist Randy Owens will be there, Sewickley Car Store will be there, AutoPalace will be there, and our own Randy Evans of Goosebumps will be there with the prized home theater system set up for you enjoyment. Even the caterer is excited to be there as they decided to cook on-site… I can already smell roasting chicken wafting through the open air! There is still time to register your Porsche to be part of the International Car Show… there is still time to be a part of history… have you ever considered that maybe your Porsche wants to be part of the show? You too will be talking for years about the colossal display of Porsches on the hill in 2011. Why? Because YOU WERE THERE! There are several other race week events where you can further support our effort by simply showing your prized Porsche. Please consider participating in the German Car Corral at BeaveRun, the Waterfront Car Cruise, and the ARPCA 50th anniversary celebration at the Hofbräuhaus. See the new ARPCA website for details on how to participate. Register online now (www.arpca. com) or submit the newsletter application to Louise Jeremiah immediately. As a bonus, if you make a $50 in-kind contribution, you will be registered for one chance to win that incredible home theater system (worth $14,000!) donated by long time ARPCA supporter Randy Evans, the founder of Goosebumps. Lets Put 1,000 Porsches on the Hill! So where does that leave you as a member of ARPCA? In the spotlight! Don’t miss being a part of this historic event. The PVGP Event Coordinators are already talking about this massive Porsche invasion… and the ARPCA membership will be too. in the ZOne Ron Carr, Zone 4 Representative July brings one of the Porsche Club’s grandest annual events, the Porsche Parade. This year, thousands of PCA members and families will gather in Savannah Georgia for a week of social and competitive events representing the wide variety of members’ interests. Whether it is Concours d’ Elegance, Rally, Autocross, or just plain ‘people-watching’, you will find a lot of enjoyment at the Parade. If you are inclined to stay closer to home, check your region’s website and newsletter for events close to you, and check the Zone 4 website for other regions’ events. Either way, get out and enjoy your car in the summer sun! Some additional events organized by our several regions for your summer driving pleasure include: • Allegheny Region celebrates its 50th Anniversary on July 22-24th in Pittsburgh, PA. The feature event will be the car show at the Vintage Grand Prix on Saturday and Sunday, with Porsche as the featured marque for the event. • Rally Sport Region DE on July 26th at Waterford Hills (all invited). • Eastern Buckeye Region Fabulous Friday DE event at Nelson Ledges, Garretsville, OH, on July 8th. • Mid-Ohio Region DE Weekend at Putnam Park, IN, on July 9-10th. • Maumee Valley IRAC Autocross on July 10th at Owens Community College, Toledo, OH. • Northern Ohio Autocross on July 24th at Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH. 4 • Eastern Buckeye Region Autocross at the Hartville Flea Market, Hartville, OH, on July 24th. • Southeast Michigan hosts their annual DE and Club Race at Gingerman Raceway on July 2-4th. • The annual Porsche Parade will be held in Savannah, GA, from July 31th to August 6th. See the PCA Website for details at http:// parade2011.pca.org. Registration is open and filling up fast. • The P2O multi-region event will again be in Oxford, OH, (near Cincinnati) on the July 30th weekend. Come and be a part of a “Casual Porsche Party” that attracts over 400 cars from the surrounding regions. Registration is open at www.p2o.us. • Porsche A.G. and PCNA will again sponsor a Porscheplatz (car corral) at the ALMS Races at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, OH, on August 6th. Tickets are available at the Mid-Ohio SCC website at www.midohio.com. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at [email protected]. Hope to see you at an event soon! July 2011 50th anniVersary dOnatiOns Ken Jeremiah, President Many of you who have registered for our 50th Anniversary/PVGP marque of the year have included meaningful contributions on your registration form. These donations will be substantial in our quest to reach our $75,000 contribution goal (a PVGP record) for the Pittsburgh Autism Society and the Allegheny School. theater. For those of you who have already made a donation on your registration form (Thank You!) below $50 and want to enter the raffle, you can do so by sending the required amount (the addition to your donation that will add up to $50) to Ken Jeremiah – address is on the registration form. As you know (hopefully), we are also raffling off a high end Home Theater System donated by Randy Evans from goosebumps. Therefore, we have decided that anyone who donates $50 or more on their registration form will receive a raffle ticket for the home We wish that you would consider entering our raffle. We also welcome and want to thank those of you who contribute any amount on your registration form. 2011 PVGP - 50th anniVersary CeleBratiOn July 21st, The Hofbrauhaus Southside Works To most ARPCA members, the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is a two day event in Schenley Park. This year however will be a little different. We are starting the party a few days early to celebrate our 50th Anniversary! The Hofbrauhaus located on Water Street in the new Southside Works has graciously agreed to host our 50th anniversary celebration. The venue features secure Porsche-only parking in the large paved lot across from the Photo by Robert S. beer hall, an outdoor deck, a shoreline Grogan patio, and a private party room. ARPCA will be taking over this old style German restaurant and beer hall for a festive, family oriented evening of German food, fun, and Porsche! Rundschau We have overwhelmed the PVGP people with our current registration for the International Car Show, but why stop there? Lets overwhelm the Southside Works on July 21st too! Show your Porsche with pride and be part of the Porsche-only car display just by parking in the large secure lot. The most favored Porsche as determined by popular vote will be honored with a Peoples Choice Award. Each participant will also receive a 50th Anniversary window cling and a voucher for one free drink. The date is Thursday, July 21st; 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Your $10 donation supports the local PVGP charities and gets you one free drink in the Hofbrauhaus. For additional details, directions, description of the venue and local shopping, visit the new ARPCA website (www.arpca.com). My Porsche will be there… so should yours. 5 FrOm the FaCtOry Porsche, Stuttgart Strong Growth In April Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG has made a good start in the spring: in April 2011, the sports car manufacturer showed an increase in customer deliveries to 11,741 vehicles world-wide. This is a strong gain of 52.8 per cent over the same period in the previous year. Looking back on the first four months of the current financial year 2011, deliveries have jumped 31.5 per cent overall. The main driving force behind this is the new generation of the sporty Cayenne off-roader. With 19,175 deliveries from January to April, sales of this model have virtually doubled compared to the same period in the previous year. Porsche has posted robust growth in all key sales regions. North America (USA and Canada), saw growth of 77.1 per cent in April, which is 3,495 vehicles more than the same month of the previous year. Of this, 3,172 vehicles (+ 81.5 %) were sold in the USA, which is traditionally the number 1 marketplace for Porsche. In Europe, Porsche has reported a gain of 30.6 per cent in the fourth month of the year: exactly 3,896 more sporty vehicles were sold than in April 2010. In Germany, sales grew by 1,523 vehicles (+ 19.5 %). In Asia and in the rest of the world, sales rose by 56.5 per cent to 4,029 vehicles. China, now Porsche’s second most important market, reported continued growth; with 2,316 Porsche vehicles delivered, sales were up 48.8 per cent compared to April 2010. Environment Rally Honors Shortly before its launch, the new Porsche Panamera S Hybrid has already scored a sensational success. With its parallel full hybrid drive it has won the Intercity Rally at the eleventh Michelin Challenge Bibendum – an international forum for sustainable mobility being staged this year in Berlin. Second place was taken by a 911 Carrera with a conventional combustion engine, proving in the process that Porsche models are fundamentally very efficient vehicles. The two Porsche models were competing against 14 other contestants in the combustion engine driven production vehicle category of the 300 kilometers or so long Intercity Rally. This category judges both vehicles with conventional diesel and petrol engines as well as hybrid and plug-in hybrid models. Acceleration and lap time on a handling course were measured as well as fuel consumption. There were also a number of regularity tests during the 300 kilometer (186 miles) rally south west of Berlin. With CO2 emissions of 159 g/km the 380 hp (279 kW) Panamera S Hybrid boasts the lowest emissions of any model in the entire Porsche range. That equates to fuel consumption of 6.8 l/100 km (41.5 mpg imp.) based on the NEDC. These values are achieved with optimized rolling resistance Michelin tires, available as an option. But even with the standard tires, the new Porsche hybrid model’s fuel consumption is at an unprecedentedly low level in this class at 7.1 l/100 km (39.8 mpg imp.) based on the NEDC – which equates to 167 g/km CO2. The double victory by the two Porsche models is proof that the optimum blend of efficiency and driving dynamics is capable of winning even a competition based on sustainability criteria. Boxster E Prototypes The two Boxster E prototypes which Porsche showed off at the Michelin Challenge Bibendum in Berlin have proved to be a real attraction to the public. At this forum for sustainable mobility, 6 which was staged for the eleventh time this year, representatives from politics, industry, trade, and research discussed the environmentally-friendly mobility and vehicle concepts of the future. The trips in the electric Boxsters were in particular demand amongst the expert audience. On a sporty circuit, the vehicles demonstrated that a Boxster with electric drive still remains a genuine Porsche in terms of driving dynamics. The Boxster E, with one electric motor apiece on front and rear axle, runs on purely electric power with four-wheel drive and is equivalent to a Boxster S in terms of driving dynamics. Together with two other Boxster Es, in which an electric motor drives the rear wheels, the prototype is being used to explore the everyday practicality of all-electric vehicles and how they are used, especially in terms of driving and battery charging. What the researchers are after is an understanding of the requirements facing future products, where to go next with Porsche Intelligent Performance and how to integrate electric vehicles into the infrastructure. The practical trials with the three Boxster Es are part of the “Model Region Electro-Mobility Stuttgart” large-scale trial. The Stuttgart model region is being sponsored as part of the Federal Government’s “Electro-Mobility in Model Regions” project. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) is making approximately 130 million euro available from the Federal Government’s economic stimulus package II for eight model regions nationwide. The project is being coordinated by NOW GmbH, the National Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology. Thanks to its design as a mid-engine sports car, the Porsche Boxster is the ideal vehicle platform for conducting realistic trials with electric-drive systems. The open-top two-seater car is very light, enabling the new components that are the electric motor, battery, and high-voltage technology to be accommodated within the vehicle in a crash proof way. Together with the low drag, this reduces driving resistance for optimal range. Also of importance for a Porsche sports car, even one that is electrically driven, is the high driving dynamics potential, not least as a consequence of the balanced axle-load distribution peculiar to the mid-engine design. The lithium-iron-phosphate based traction battery is fitted in place of the combustion engine. Each of its cells has a nominal voltage of 3.3 V and an individual capacity of 20 Ah. Based on the NEDC, the combined energy from 440 individual cells is good for approximately 170 kilometers (107 miles) of driving pleasure in the Boxster E with its ready-for-the-road weight of a mere 1,600 kg. The traction battery is charged via a charging cable. Any conventional socket can be used as an energy source. The charger is accommodated at the front of the car. It converts alternating current from the socket into direct current, enabling the traction battery to store the electric energy. Its charging capacity is a maximum of 3.3 kW meaning that is takes approximately nine hours for a full charge. The charging time can however be reduced using a rapid charging function. There is enough space left over for luggage in the front luggage compartment despite the electronic components; the Boxster E’s rear luggage compartment remains unchanged. It goes without saying that all of the production models’ important safety and comfort features are replicated in the Boxster E as well. The new brake system enables an optimal melding of the braking forces of the electrical generators and the mechanical brake system, the Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB). The electrically powered air conditioning compressor accommodated in the front luggage compartment ensures comfortable temperatures July 2011 inside the vehicle. Not only are the clutch pedal and gearshift lever absent in the Boxster E, there is no rev counter either. In its place is a special E-Power meter in the central instrument cluster display. A swing to the right indicates power call-off and to the left power recovery. Recuperation – namely the recovery of energy by using the electric motors as generators – can be modified by means of the push buttons in the steering wheel. The effect: a sort of ondemand engine brake. Otherwise, when the driver lifts his foot off the accelerator, the Boxster E simply sails on, using the moving vehicle’s kinetic energy. Among its other functions, the instrument cluster’s right-hand TFT display acts as an intelligent range management system, displaying useful driving information: the range remaining, or how many miles can be gained by switching off the air conditioning system. clearly on increasing efficiency. For this, the weight of the vehicle, including the hybrid components, was reduced from 1,350 to 1,300 kilograms. The weight of the hybrid components was reduced by 20 percent through targeted optimization. The general hybrid layout was adopted from the 2010 model. The output of both electric motors in the portal axle increased from 60 to 75 kilowatts each. For seconds at a time, pilots now have about 200 hp more at their disposal, which equals ca. 23 kW (32 hp) of additional conventional power per Nordschleife lap. Depending on the programming, this electrical power is automatically activated through use of the throttle pedal. Moreover, hybrid pilots can manually call up this extra power, for instance when overtaking. With the portal axle driving the front wheels, the fourliter, now 465 hp six-cylinder boxer engine, which drives the rear axle, was reduced in power and optimized with respect to fuel consumption. “Our Hybrid-911 ran like clockwork,” says Marco Holzer. “Aside from the reliable technology and low fuel consumption, the key to success today was that we all drive at similarly high speeds and we didn’t make any mistakes,” adds teammate Richard Lietz. The yellow and green Manthey Racing Porsche 911 GT3 RSR also drove a faultless race. Trailing by just seven seconds, Marc Lieb, Romain Dumas and Lucas Luhr claimed second place. “That race was almost perfect. Unfortunately our 911 GT3 R, which I shared with Timo Bernhard and Romain Dumas, was shunted rather roughly from the track by a competitor,” says double-starter Marc Lieb. One Million Visitors Photos courtesy of Porsche. Efficiency Yields First Race Win Refuel less, drive longer: That’s the recipe for success of the further developed 911 GT3 R Hybrid: At the wheel of the Version 2.0 race car, Porsche works drivers Richard Lietz (Austria), Marco Holzer (Germany) and Patrick Long (USA) clinched the first victory for the innovative race car from Weissach at round four of the Nürburgring Long Distance Championship. While almost all other direct opponents had to pit three times to refuel, the Hybrid-911 made only two stops and with this yielded the first victory for a Hybrid-Porsche. Well known for its efficiency, Manthey Racing’s Porsche 911 GT3 RSR with Porsche factory drivers Marc Lieb (Germany), Romain Dumas (France) as well as Manthey pilot Lucas Luhr (Switzerland) also managed with two pit stops and made Porsche’s double victory perfect. Priority in the further development of the 911 GT3 R Hybrid was Rundschau The museum of Porsche AG has passed the million visitor mark just two and a half years after opening: Today, museum director Achim Stejskal welcomed not just one, but 13 school children from India as jubilee guests. “We are very pleased to have been able to surprise these Indian boys and girls from Mumbai,” explained Achim Stejskal. “Almost 35 percent of our visitors are guests from other countries. Fascination for the Porsche brand and its history continues undiminished, all around the world.” Museum director Achim Stejskal invited the class from Mumbai to take a look behind the scenes: In the museum workshop, which is not normally accessible to visitors, the school children were able to take a seat in a 1954 Porsche 550 Spyder. At the end of their visit, the young jubilee guests received a very special surprise: The Porsche Museum is to support their school project. The boys and girls construct a well in a village close to their school. Since its opening on 31 January 2009, the Porsche Museum has provided more than 5,100 tours through the 5,600 m2 exhibition and hosted ten special exhibitions. Many celebrities from all over the world, including Jerry Seinfeld, Paris Hilton, Jamiroquai, Robby Naish, Udo Lindenberg and Peter Maffay have also taken 7 an interest in this historic vehicle collection on Porscheplatz. Furthermore, since then more than 300 classics from the museum’s collection have been travelling the world as rolling brand ambassadors, attending historic racing and classic car events. Seven First Places Porsche is the top favorite among sports car fans: The readers of the “sportauto” car magazine ranked seven Porsche models – from the Boxster to the Panamera – first in the 15 categories of “The Sportiest Cars of 2011” survey. A second and two third places top off Porsche’s track record of success. The top models of the 911 line once again proved to be winners, from the open Carrera GTS and the Turbo S Cabrio to the quasi race cars GT3 and GT3 RS. These sports cars received three times as many votes as the runners-up. There can be no clearer proof that the 911 model line enjoys highest esteem in the sports car world. Other winners were the Cayman R, Boxster S, and Panamera Turbo models. No other marque came close to winning as many first places. With this result, Porsche clearly strengthened its position at the top. In the 2010 survey, three first places went to Zuffenhausen. In its 17 June 2011 edition, the “sportauto” magazine has published the results of the current vote in detail. street raCinG withOut the Jail time by Michael Schindel What is a drag racing story doing in Rundschau? I’m a Porsche guy. I spend a considerable amount of time road racing, driving at Flat-Out Days, enjoying club events, and instructing at club drivers’ schools. But in my spare time (definitely an oxymoron), I’m the promoter of the Flashlight Drags®. There actually is a connection. This year, the Flashlight Drags® have been invited to run at the BeaveRun PVGP on Saturday July 16, immediately following the Vintage Races. All of the proceeds from the race will benefit the PVGP charities. American Graffiti, Two Lane Blacktop, Rebel Without a Cause. If you have ever watched any of these movies, you will understand what the Flashlight Drags® are all about. They are about turning gasoline into noise; about the thrill of speed; about racing. They offer the opportunity to relive sitting at a stoplight, losing your inhibitions, and letting yourself jump off the line. guy said, “I grew up in Zelienople, and I always wanted to drag race down the Zelie airport runway at night with the lights on.” A few weeks later, I was in front of the Zelie Airport Authority pitching the idea to them. That was eight years ago. We raced at Zelie and several other airports for six years. It was great fun, but Penn DOT and the FAA got involved, and today only one airport remains on our schedule. That’s another story. But, we found other venues. This year, we have races scheduled at Quaker City Raceway in Salem, Ohio, Sunset Raceway in Mercer, and BeaveRun, as well as Waynesburg Airport in Greene County. The Flashlight Drags® are for street cars and trucks. The format is very simple: drive it into the track, race it, and drive it home (no trailers). The term “Run what you Brung” has resurfaced. Photos provided by the author. The idea is a throwback to the fifties and sixties, the early days of street racing. Things were simple. Two guys lined up and, at the flash of a light, the race was on. Most of us will admit that we fell victim to the allure and excitement. “But things were different then,” is the comment that I often hear. Things were different – traffic wasn’t anything like it is now, cars weren’t nearly as fast as they are now, and we weren’t nearly as responsible as we are now. Which is exactly the point of the Flashlight Drags®, and why we call it Street Racing Without The Jail Time. We race everything from minivans and antique cement trucks to Corvettes, Mustangs, GTOs, and Camaros, and even some MOPARS. Drivers include 20 year-old kids, as well as grey-bearded guys who think they are still 20. Husbands race wives, dads race their kids, buddy versus buddy. We don’t have classes. You race anyone you want, as often as you want. It’s old-fashioned, headsup racing. Sure there’s competition, lots of it in fact, but in the end it’s still about safety and fun. I hope you’ll have a chance to join us at the track. I’d like to add a few Porsches to our photo pages. Check out our website at www. flashlightdrags.com, or go to Youtube and enter Flashlightdrags. The idea was born in my garage as a few of my racing friends were revisiting the old days of drag racing and rehashing the acclaim of the early legends – Corvettes, Mustangs, GTOs, Camaros. One 8 July 2011 CaPtiOn? Suggestions for last month’s captionless photo by Dave Redding: “Mmmm... let me think, it was nearly two years ago that she left me for that State Trooper. Please tell me he is not bringing her back.” Jack Neff “I told you, I told you to slow down, but Nooooooo!” or “This! This is gonna be expensive!” - David R. Hergenroeder 2011 PVGP - German Car COrral July 17th and 18th at BeaveRun To most ARPCA members, the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is a two day event in Schenley Park. But there are really seven events that comprise “Race Week” leading up to the big race weekend in Schenley Park. Did you know that there are actually two race weekends that comprise the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix? You are probably familiar with the races that snake through the streets of Schenley Park. But did you know that the higher horsepower cars compete at BeaveRun the weekend before the Schenley Park races? As the featured Marque, Porsche is expected to make an impressive showing at all the race week events including the BeaveRun races. Just like the Schenley event, there will be a special area just for Porsche in the German Car Corral which will be located adjacent to the main BeaveRun event center. The German Car Corral will be high above the race track so you will be able to see all the action. The best part, there will be all the same amenities provided during the Schenley race weekend including a large trackside hospitality tent, catered lunch, a special place to proudly display your Porsche and real bathrooms!. A quick review of the current entry list shows that 16 Porsches are now registered to race at BeaveRun. These are your fellow Porsche Club members and they would love to see a fan base cheering them on as they compete against the BMWs and a few of the other marques in up to three different race classes. July 16th and 17th are the dates. Your fellow Porsche Club racers want to see you there standing next to your beautiful Porsche, waving the Porsche flag, cheering them on. For further details, visit the new ARPCA website (www.arpca.com). My Porsche will be there… so should yours. Rundschau 9 Happy Anniversary! Welcome New Members! The following people have recently joined our region. We look forward to meeting each of them at a future event. These Allegheny region members are celebrating their membership anniversaries for July 2011. Anthony Alvarez-Pedroso Pittsburgh, PA 15221 1988 944 Turbo S Dennis and Susan Fair Mars, PA 16046 1986 911 49 Years Richard A. Sundra 11 Years Mark B. Raitano Robert A. and Brenda Broen Gibsonia, PA 15044 2011 911 C4S Robert and Anne Johnston Gibsonia, PA 15044 1997 Boxster 42 Years Robert E. Nikel 10 Years Alan A. Axelson Michael Robinson 37 Years David Sebastian 32 Years Bradley G. Blumfeldt Primary memBers 585 aFFiliate memBers 442 tOtal memBers 1,027 22 Years Gordon D. Fisher Michael Schindel 20 Years Arthur W. Schwartz 18 Years Daniel M. Bursick 17 Years F. Richard Bishop 13 Years Craig Zenil 12 Years Richard J. Gubanich Michael B. Nelson Robert T. Warden 10 9 Years Bruce B. Klassen Richard Ruffalo Stuart Smith Martin Smith 8 Years Sean F. Collins Michael D. Michalojko 7 Years Suzy Snyder 6 Years Mark S. Baer Adam M. Brufsky William P. Edwards Dorothee Foltz James B. Warsinskey 5 Years Ian Saunders Mark E. Seech 20 Members With Less Than 5 Years July 2011 Calendar Date OF Time eVents Event Location Contact IRAC Autocross Owens Community College 30335 Oregon Rd. Perrysburg, OH 43551 www.mm.pca.org Business Meeting Sewickley Car Store 526 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 Ken Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] 07/2307/24 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Schenley Park Pittsburgh, PA Mark Hanson 412-487-4225, [email protected] 07/24 NORPCA Autocross Lakeland Community College 7700 Clocktower Dr. Willoughby, OH 44094 www.norpca.org 07/24 EBR Autocross Hartville Marketplace 1289 Edison St. NW Hartville, OH 44632 www.ebrpca.org 07/2908/01 Porsches 2 Oxford Oxford, OH www.porsches2oxford.com 07/3108/06 Porsche Parade Savanna, GA www.pca.org 08/0508/07 ALMS/Porscheplatz Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Lexington, OH Ron Carr [email protected] 08/07 MORPCA Autocross Columbus Motor Speedway 1845 Williams Rd. Columbus, OH 43207 www.morpca.org Business Meeting Sewickley Car Store 526 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 Ken Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] 08/2008/21 Drivers Education BeaveRun Motorsports Complex Wampum, PA Dale Rabeneck [email protected] 412-877-4361 08/21 IRAC Autocross Lakeland Community College 7700 Clocktower Dr. Willoughby, OH 44094 www.norpca.org 08/28 EBRPCA Autocross Hartville Marketplace 1289 Edison St. NW Hartville, OH 44632 www.ebrpca.org Business Meeting Sewickley Car Store 526 Ohio River Blvd. Sewickley, PA 15143 Ken Jeremiah 724-935-5559 [email protected] 09/11 MORPCA Autocross Columbus Motor Speedway 1845 Williams Rd. Columbus, OH 43207 www.morpca.org 09/1609/18 Grand Am/ Porsche Car Corral Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Lexington, OH Ron Carr [email protected] 09/2309/25 Drivers Education Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Lexington, OH Dale Rabeneck [email protected] 412-877-4361 07/10 07/14 08/11 09/08 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm * Business Meeting dates and locations are subject to change. Contact Ken Jeremiah for latest information. Rundschau 11 mOre PittsBurGh VintaGe Grand Prix nOtes Ken Jeremiah, President Registrations: At this date, (mid June) we have a RECORD number of Porsches registered from as far away as the East (Conn, NY), the South (GA), and the West (CO). Thanks to our local 356 Registry folks, we have over fifty 356s registered. This is obviously going to be our record year in attendance. Anniversary “cling” decal and a free beer! We will also have our own room for those of you who would like to enjoy dinner at this great restaurant. Additional details can be found on our website. Parking: We have established a dynamite Parking Committee with Earl Seiler, Bud Osbourne, and Jerry Longstreth (PVGP). They are doing their best to accommodate all the registered Porsches. And, even though PVGP has added more space to our area, we will probably not be able to place more than 450 – 500 Porsches in our area. Our overflow area will be with the Asian cars – now if this isn’t a reason to pre-register, I don’t know what is. Porsches who show up without pre-registering will be placed in our overflow area. Anniversary Display: Again, this will be something new for us this year. We would like to display in a separate area Porsches from 1961 through 2011. We will display ONE Porsche for each year of the club’s existence. If interested, please contact Scott Mores at www. [email protected]. Parade Lap: After discussions with PVGP, the Parade Lap around the Schenley Park race course will be a Porsche ONLY event. We will be allowed 200 spots – many people have already signed up for this option. If you’re interested in taking a tour of this famous vintage course; you may sign up through our website or on our registration form found in this newsletter. Haufbrauhaus: This is a new event for us this year and will be held Thursday evening at the Haufbrauhaus. We will have a secure Porsche-only parking area and admission ($10) will include a 50th 12 Volunteers: Because of the magnitude of our event this year, we will need volunteers for the PVGP weekend for registration, parking, and security assistance. You will receive a ARPCA shirt and our lasting gratitude. PVGP also needs assistance at the BeaveRun weekend and will provide free admittance and a PVGP volunteer shirt. PVGP would also like parking assistance for their Waterfront event and you will receive free admittance. If interested, please contact Mark Hanson ([email protected]) or Ken Jeremiah ([email protected]). July 2011 Rundschau 13 ARPCA A l l e g h e n y Re g i o n Po r s c h e C l u b o f A m e r i c a Come Run wi th U s! The 2011 Drivers Ed ucation Series Are you ready for the ultimate driving experience? We will be running on some of North America’s most beautiful tracks. Watkins Glen, NY (May 13-15) BeaveRun, PA (Aug 20-21) Mid-Ohio, OH (Sept 23-25) Your first time on Track? No worries. We specialize in helping first-time students have a great time! All types of vehicles are welcome. In addition to Porsches, we have Audis, BMWs, Corvettes, Lotuses, Mazdas, Minis, Subarus (just to name Non-driving spouses - there IS off-track Fun. The Spouse Auxiliary has a great a few) come and participate. time visiting wineries, flea markets and antique shops. Come along. Not ready for driving on track? Try the Car Control Clinic at BeaveRun on June 11th. This is a PERFECT opportunity to learn more about you and your car in a very safe environment. Fo r m o r e in f o r m atio n p i ck u p an AR PCA 2011 Dr ivers Educat io n Ser ies Watkins Glen Photo Courtesy of TrackTimePhotos.com b r o ch u r e OR v i sit : w w w . ar p ca .co m Co n tact : D a le Rab e n e ck , T r ack Ch air +1 4 1 2 8 7 7 - 4 3 6 1 14 July 2011 Rundschau 15 PVGP Home Theatre Raffle • • • • • • • 55” flat panel tv Speakers: left, center, right, surrounds, subwoofer Yamaha audio/video receiver Blu-ray DVD player Universal color touch screen remote Complete installation, programming, calibration System value: $14,000 $50/ticket (only 500 tickets will be sold) Drawing: Sun, July 24, 2011 Porsche tent at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Winner need not be present to win Proceeds to PVGP Autism Society Request tickets: [email protected] (your ticket numbers will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment) Name:_____________________________________ Email:_____________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Number of tickets (@$50.00):__________________ 16 Checks payable to: ARPCA (must be rec’d by 7/20/11) Mail to: Goosebumps 110 Jones Drive July 2011 Rundschau 17 Reprinted by permission of PCA. Thanks to Lenny Santora of the 356BURGH group for submitting it. 18 July 2011 Rundschau 19 20 July 2011 356 mini hOliday at PVGP Dale Rabeneck Building The Mini-Holiday The local 356 Burgh Group, Bud Osbourne and Jolene Cicci, wish to invite all 356s to join us as the Allegheny Region celebrates its 50th Anniversary at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Since there is no East Coast Holiday this year, the 50th Birthday Party for ARPCA is being referred to as a “mini holiday.” We have cars registered from ten states and Canada and will reach our goal of over 100 356s. The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix has named Porsche as Marque of the Year, the Allegheny Region PCA will celebrate 50 years. and we will have a major 356 event, with a total of 1000 Porsches at Schenley Park. Visit the website (www.pvgp.org) and click on Porsche as Marque. Bud and Jolene are the Porsche 356 Event Chairs and would like to provide you with the list of “special happenings” for the 356 owners in attendance. Hotel Information We have a host hotel where the 356 gang will gather, the Hilton Garden Inn Southpointe, located in a golfing community around 15 or 20 minutes from the park, with room discounts of $105 and $115 (use the link on the PVGP website or call 724-743-5000 and mention Porsche Car Event). The Hilton Garden Inn Southpointe has secure parking, provisions for trailers, offer full service dining, car wash area, and are located within minutes of the Meadows Racetrack And Casino, Tanger outlets, fine dining, and local favorite Sarris Candy And Ice Cream Shoppe. The 356 group will have a hospitality suite at the hotel. You will receive a welcome kit with local info provided by the front desk (or in your room). Photos provided by Jolene Cicci. Event Activities On Saturday and Sunday, the 356 Burgh Group will meet the out of towners at the hotel for optional breakfast and caravan to Schenley Park together. The 356ers will park in a special area within the Porsche Marque of the Year display in conjunction with the Allegheny Region PCA. We will have our own tent with snacks and refreshments in addition to amenities furnished with your registration fee to the PVGP. Special “goodie bags” will also be provided. For trailered vehicles and rigs, there is a special “no cost” area adjacent to the park (the Morewood Lot, Carnegie Mellon University) – call if you need info on that. Date Thursday, 21 July Description Porsche Only Car show/cruise at the Hoffbrauhaus parking lot in Pittsburgh’s Historic Southside. Admission: donation to PVGP charity The Autism Society. Time: 5:00 to 10:00 pm. 356 Group will park together. Group dining options if interest permits. Friday, 22 July Scenic mountain drive/tour to Frank Lloyd Wright’s spectacular Fallingwater located in Mill Run, PA. We will depart our host hotel, the Hilton Garden Inn at Southpointe, at approximately 9:00 am. Leaving in small groups with Tour Meister Bud Osbourne leading the way, we will travel the scenic back roads of the Laurel Mountains to the most famous house in the country. Every effort will be made in selecting groups, such as spirited drivers, registry gruppes, etc. Please do not worry if you are attending solo or if you have a trailered vehicle, we will make provisions. The drive is approximately 1.5 hours. After the house tour, we will eat lunch at the Rivers Edge B&B in Confluence, PA. It features riverside dining and is a very relaxing atmosphere. Next we will venture to Ohiopyle State Park to observe the magnificent waterfalls and engage in 356 conversation. At this point, we will head towards our host hotel and stop for dinner at The Century Inn, located in Scenery Hill, PA. This 1700′s colonial inn is featured on the National Historic Register. Here the Potomac Owners Group will meet up with us for dinner and cocktails. Other new 356 arrivals may show up as well. Dinner will be served in the main dining room and will feature one of two choices from the event menu and will also include dessert. This will be an excellent opportunity to make new 356 friends and catch up with the old ones. Finally, there will be a short 30 minute drive to our host hotel. Saturday, 23 July A day at the PVGP and the ARPCA 50th Birthday Party. Optional breakfast at hotel and caravan to Schenley Park with the local 356 Burgh Group. PVGP/ Porsche Marque of the Year activities, Concours, Sunoco Lap around racetrack. Special parking and activities for 356 Group. Pictures with your cars, associated fee with PVGP professional photographer. Dinner at various local eateries, groups and locations TBD or venture on your own. Ice Cream Social - Sarris Candy And Ice Cream Shoppe (to die for). Sunday, 24 July A day at the PVGP watching great vintage racing. Optional breakfast at hotel and caravan to Schenley Park with local 356 Burgh Group. Same as above. Parade Lap around Racetrack at 12:00 noon in your own car. $20.00 fee - must be preregistered on a first come, first served basis. You’ll be sorry if you don’t choose this! Rundschau 21 Also, your members can bring flags, banners, trophies, info, easels, and any display materials you wish. Be prepared to have your pictures taken A LOT and posted on various websites. It is a family friendly event that is attended by over 200,000 spectators. Some people stay with their cars all day and some watch the race and venture the grounds. Also, the presenting sponsor, Shop/n/Save, has a huge food tent near us that offers food, refreshments, and ice cream for a donation to the PVGP charity. We are doing our best to make this a fun, leisurely event for our 356 neighbors, something that will make you glad you attended! 2011 PVGP - waterFrOnt Car Cruise July 19th, The Waterfront in Homestead For additional details, directions, description of the venue and local shopping, visit the new ARPCA website (www.arpca.com). To most ARPCA members, the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is a two day event in Schenley Park. But there are really seven events that comprise “Race Week” leading up to the big race weekend in Schenley Park. Did you know that the PVGP Event Coordinators have reserved special front row parking for your Porsche during the Waterfront Car Cruise? My Porsche will be there… so should yours. As Marque of the Year, the PVGP Show Car Coordinator has requested that at least FIFTY Porsches be placed in a front row display during the Waterfront Car Cruise on Tuesday July 19th. Sponsored by The Pittsburgh Burger Company, with live music provided by the Street Level Band, over 500 vintage vehicles participate in this annual event. We have overwhelmed the PVGP people with our current registration for the International Car Show during the Schenley Park race weekend, but why stop there? Lets overwhelm the Car Cruise on July 19th too! As Marque of the Year, we must show our Porsche pride (and support for the two LOCAL PVGP charities) by putting a dazzling display of Porsches right in the front row of this fun filled, family oriented evening at the Homestead Waterfront. The date is Tuesday, July 19th; 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 22 July 2011 [email protected] index OF adVertisers Auto Palace ........................................................Back Cover Fotorecord..........................................................................10 Goodie Store ......................................................................23 Goosebumps........................................................................2 McElhinney Insurance ......................................................10 Mid-Ohio Porscheplatz .....................................................12 Pecori & Pecori ..................................................................23 Sewickley Car Store ..............................Inside Front Cover Verizon................................................................................23 Rundschau 23 For Sale 1970 914-6 Original restored w/ 56,010 miles. Certificate of authenticity. Vin # 9140431363. Purchased new from Monroeville, PA, Porsche. Metallic silver (color code 80) w/ blk interior, passenger side foot rest, original owners manual, complete tool kit w/ correct fuses and case, original Porsche car cover, original radio (a new cd player currently installed), original 14” Fuchs (5) in excellent condition w/ brand new Pirelli P6s (p185/65/r14) (currently running on 15” Fuchs w/ Goodyear Eagle GT HRS P 195/60/HR 15). Excellent condition and serviced by Steinel auto works. Service manuals, shop articles, and many extra new spare parts available such as: alternator belt w/removal tool, battery cover, passenger side mirror, extra keys, bulb and fuse kits, jacking plate, clutch cable and pins, wheel bearings, Porsche striping and decals. Pictures available from a Picasso e-mail link. A car lift is available in house for inspection. Call or e-mail for details. Contact: Dave Viola Phone: 330-205-2600 Email: [email protected] 1973 914 1.7 In process of converting to single Weber carb. Marathon Blue w/ black interior and chrome bumpers. Pedrini wheels and XZX Michelins. Bare metal repaint a few years ago. One surface rust spot near exterior right door handle. Many new parts. Complete original FI system goes with the car if you want to convert back. No rain or snow. Always garaged and covered. I have owned this car for 15 yrs. I am selling because I have too many cars and can’t drive them all. Car runs well. Will sell to a good home. $6,500. Contact: Ed Poncza Email: [email protected] Phone: 412-856-4967 1975 914/4 1.8 Roadster Copper/black. A show car that is almost concourse. Absolutely no rust anywhere. Dellorto carbs, alloy wheels, refinished interior. Everything works perfectly. Restored at 100,000 mi & currently has 110,000 mi. Paint finish is original color and in perfect condition. Complete service record Asking $13,500. Contact Raymond DeMarco Phone: 724-622-2459 Email: [email protected] 1985 911 Carrera Red with Black interior. 97,000 miles. Recent service 3/27/2011 at John Raysiche Porsche Specialties. Short shift kit, 930 steering wheel, larger Fuchs, upgraded stereo, whale tail. Please call for more details. $15,900 Contact: Rob Beck Phone: 412-576-7373 Email: [email protected] 1986 930 Turbo Black w/black interior, 66,000 miles, only two owners, always garaged and covered, no road salt exposure, stored for winters in heated garage. Rare - only one of 1424 930s built in 1986 for U.S., Yokohama tires, stock wheels, custom Alpine/Rockford Fosgate stereo system, original manual and tool kit, all maintenance complete, no oil leaks. Asking $32,000. Contact: Jason Osekowski Phone: 412-401-0868 Email: [email protected] 1986 944T Track Car Includes Trailex trailer and two extra sets of rims and tires. The car has been heavily modified with large turbo, aggressive chip, Carrillo racing rods, modified racing suspension and much more. Will sell as package or separately. Over $35,000 invested. New engine with only a few hours on it. Will consider all reasonable offers. Car stored at C & G Performance Garage. Contact: Lawrence J. Horan, PhD Phone: 443-223-0092 Email: [email protected] 2006 997s Cabriolet, guards red with black, 33K miles. 6K in Champion rims, sport exhaust, tiptronic, a rare beautiful combination of beauty and power. No track or snow. Asking 62,500. Contact: Jim Welsh Email: [email protected] Phone: 724-433-8811 24 1988 911 Cabriolet Red, 79,250 miles, custom turbo look, SSI stainless heat exchanger and exhaust system, upgraded alloy wheels, Alpine stereo with kickers replacing back seat, Moma Shifter, racing wheel, Viper alarm, Razo racing pedals, blk interior with red piping, leather boot with red piping, No A/C, 6/11 inspection, maintained by Bittenbinder. The car is extremely solid at the wheel, smooth and fast to drive. It breaths a few drops of oil at night as do most vintage 911s, but never smokes. It is in good condition with minor age wear. It is not perfect but one doesn’t care when the car looks and runs like this one. VIN # WP0EB0914JS171108. $18,000. Contact: Chuck Weintraub Email: [email protected] Phone: 412-913-0272 1997 993 GT2 – Clubsport M 003 ex factory. One of overall 7 worldwide manufactured GT2 Clubsport. The only one in the special color Ferrari Yellow. 19500 kilometer (12100 miles). Recaro seats, shrink wrapped cage, six-point harness, fire drencher, as from the factory delivered. 523 hp at 5500 rpm, max. torque 692 Nm at 4500 rpm. Power weight ratio: 2,47 kg/ hp, 0-200 km/h in 10.5 sec. Motor and gearbox optimized by the “RUF company”, a worldwide Porsche expert. 100% accident free, no racing car, a top car and a rare cult car for Porsche enthusiasts and collectors. The car guarantees pure driving enjoyment. A really fast car made by the Porsche factory without carpet, like a Cup-Porsche with road legal – the real GT2 Porsche. There is no better 993 GT2 than this car – worldwide! Car is in Germany. Price EURO 300.000,Contact: Walter Wild E-Mail: [email protected] 2001 911 C4 John and Dotti’s rare Zanzibar red is for sale; mint condition, less than 22K miles; 6 speed manual; major service just completed; wonderful exhaust note. $46K. Contact: Dotti Bechtol Email: [email protected]. Phone: 412-855-0162 Miscellaneous Porsche Tequipment Battery Charger/Tender Only used once. Paid $120. Asking $90. Contact: Mike Massino Email: [email protected] Phone: 724-470-7070 Wheels/Tires Set of four 993 Turbo Look/Technology. Off my 1988 911. Currently fitted with Yokahama S.drive tires. Front: 7.5” x 17” 225/45 R17. Rear: 9.0” x 17” 255/40 R17. Approximately 7,000 miles on the tires. Rims and center caps in great condition. No curb marks. Lug nuts and wheel locks included. Asking $700. Contact: Mike Stark Phone: 412-370-5356 Car Enthusiast’s Residence, Sewickley, PA Featuring an oversized four-car integral garage, shop, and a two-car attached garage, this newer brick Provincial is expertly sited on five acres adjoining conservancy property in Sewickley, PA. A brilliant foyer directs the focus to the welcoming great room with soaring ceilings, hardwood floors, custom built-ins, a granite bar, and a hand carved mantle flanked by French doors to the spacious deck with wooded vistas. Brilliant, formal dining room. Maple, center island kitchen with breakfast area. Main level luxurious master bedroom suite, adjoining the deck, with a resort-like spa featuring a whirlpool tub, huge shower, double sinks, and great closets. Two additional guest suites on this main level plus a hobby room/laundry/ mud room. Generous lower level family room with ground level access. A brilliantly designed home with features expected only in today’s most exquisite homes. $749,000 Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Contact: Guenevere Larson Phone: 412-741-2200 ext. 218 July 2011 Allegheny Region PCA C/O Suzy Snyder 119 Larchwood Drive Turtle Creek, PA 15145