august - Peabody - Temple Ner Tamid
august - Peabody - Temple Ner Tamid
TEMPLE NER TAMID 368 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA 01960 (978) 532-1293, Fax: (978) 532-0101 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Peabody, MA No. 63 The Conservative Congregation of Peabody, MA Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism AUGUST 2016 TAMMUZ/AV 5776 “OR CURRENT RESIDENT” HIGH HOLY DAYS 5777/2016 Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday, October 2 Rosh Hashanah Monday, October 3 Rosh Hashanah Tuesday, October 4 Kol Nidre Tuesday, October 11 Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 12 TNT SERVICE HOURS Sunday Sunday - Thursday Friday (unless otherwise noted) Saturday 9:00 AM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM Our Temple staff members and volunteers are happy to help you by phone or email SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING Cantor: Stephen Abramowitz Temple Ext: 203 [email protected] Synagogue Administrator: Beth K. Hoffman Temple Ext: 200 [email protected] President: Adele Lubarsky [email protected] Vice Presidents: Alan Titelbaum [email protected] Mimi Levy [email protected] Roy Pincus [email protected] Loretta Band [email protected] Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, August August August August 5 12 19 26 September September September September September 7:40 7:31 7:20 7:09 2 9 16 23 30 6:58 6:45 6:33 6:21 6:08 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Bookkeeper: Linda Swears Temple Ext: 202 [email protected] Sisterhood President: Sue Callum [email protected] Men’s Club President: Larry Malatzky [email protected] Torah Fund Cards: Sue Savy (617) 686-7470 [email protected] “One Brick at a Time” Ponn Family Pathway We accept MasterCard Visa Discover Buy a brick to recognize special people or milestones in your life, or just honor someone you love! Please join Temple Ner Tamid as we secure our future while we build a solid foundation! Contact: [email protected] for your Donations & Payments Please call the office and we would be happy to help you! OFFICE CLOSED Labor Day Monday, September 5th President, Adele Lubarsky Shalom approachable and one who would listen to my concerns and grow with our Temple community. No one can foresee the future. What I do know is that I want our Temple to succeed. Will that happen overnight? Probably not, however, if we all believe and spread the word of our amazing Temple with an extremely talented Rabbi and Cantor and very dedicated volunteers, we will be the talk of the North Shore. Summer is always a time for me to recharge for the upcoming year. These past two months have been exciting and busy, however, I have had some time to relax and recharge spending time with family and friends and celebrating both of my grandsons’ birthWe need to think outside the box and offer programs days. for all ages. I want our Rabbi to offer programs for Times at TNT have also been exciting and busy. Dur- families with young children - members and noning the June board meeting, members voted to pre- members, a lunch and learn program, parlor meetsent Rabbi Richard Perlman’s name to the congrega- ings, family programs where we perform mitzvot not tion. Two days later, a special congregational meet- only for TNT but also for the Jewish community. Our ing was held. I am so pleased that so many members Rabbi needs to collaborate with other “shuls” to came to the meeting to voice their opinions, hopes, bring back the sense of community. Our Rabbi needs and concerns. After hearing from many members, the to be present in the TTS/TNT religious school. Our congregation voted to elect Rabbi Perlman as our Rabbi needs to have an open door policy where he next rabbi. A negotiating committee was formed and can help you work through a problem, be a consoling has worked diligently to present Rabbi Perlman with figure when things are not going well, be a person to a contract that is fair to him and to TNT. The meeting share a cup of coffee, and one who just wants to learn was insightful for me. I heard from so many folks more about the members of our Temple. who acknowledged that our Temple community of August. Join us for a pizza Shabneeds a Rabbi. Others, of course, were worried about Enjoy the month th bat on the 12 , Sundaes on Sunday on the 14th, and a the finances. special Tu B’Av (Jewish Valentine’s Day) service on th I too worried about the finances. However, I cannot the 19 . September is around the corner. We have express my amazement and delight as commitments some special events planned. Please let the office or to my letter came forward. Our congregation is so me know if you know of a prospective member. All generous and believes in our future. During my in- are welcome to join our Temple community. stallation, I reminded the congregation that life is not always a straight line to glory but we will get there. I would be remiss if I did not end my thanking all Life’s road is not a smooth highway but is a rocky who have helped with set ups, shopping for lunches road. There are rockslides and dark mists and bears and dinners, cooking, helping make minyans and esand slippery curves and hairpins that make you go pecially for encouragement. I especially want to backwards in order to go forwards. All along this thank Eric Richman for his guidance and advise these hazardous twisted road that doesn’t let you see very past two months. I predict that my calls and / or far ahead there are frequent signs that say, the best is emails to Eric will continue throughout my term. yet to come. We need to take to heart moving TNT to the next level. We must be encouraged and have Mark and I wish everyone an enjoyable summer and hope that all the perplexing turns in TNT’s road are remind you that the best is yet to come. not dead end streets. In all the setbacks of life, we must believe that someone is plotting for our joy and Adele success. I believe this congregation is moving towards success. My hope is that we come to an agreement with Rabbi Perlman in the very near future and that he will lead us to the next level. I, along with the members of the Rabbi search committee, found Rabbi Perlman to be knowledgeable, compassionate, learned, and caring. I found him to be Cantor Stephen Abramowitz oneg. Prospective members get in free, and if that’s not all, my own parents will be visiting from San Francisco. On August 19th, our “Tu B’Av” Teaching, Judging and Making Friends LOVE service will include prayers set to a number of popular love songs, and we will invite ALL marAsei l’cha rav, uk’nei l’cha chaver, v’hevei dan et kol adam l’chaf z’chut: Get yourself a teacher, find ried couples to come under a chuppah-sized tallit for a special blessing. In addition, we will welcome yourself a friend, and judge everyone favorably. two familiar faces from abroad: Ethan Pransky Pirkei Avot, 1:6 visits from Israel, and our Kenyan Jewish friend This first half of this quotation came to mind as I Yehudah Kimani returns for two Shabbatot. learned of the selection of Rabbi Richard Perlman as the potential “Rav” of Temple Ner Tamid, pending I hope you can all judge fairly this article, and I will his contract negotiation. Although this article pre- keep myself open to both teaching and learning cedes the possible finalization of Rabbi Perlman’s from you, and building friendships. contract, when/if the proper time comes, I sincerely hope that each congregant gets the chance to gain familiarity with your clergy (myself included), and truly acquire for yourself at least one teacher and a friend. But as we approach Tisha B’Av and the High Holiday preparation season, it’s actually the second half of the quotation that has captured my attention. Personally, I find it very difficult to judge everyone fairly, even if, as your Cantor, I remain on neutral ground about a vast majority of issues. It is our human proclivity to judge, and most of our judgements are painted with a black or white brush. For example, our neighbors have three children, the younger two of whom play with our twins frequently. Their parents are delightful people, and we even rang in the (secular) new year together. However, our neighbors possess very different viewpoints (from ours) about how their children should be educated and raised. “Sundaes on Sunday” While we would never impose our notions about parenting upon them, my wife and I find ourselves constantly judging their decisions privately. How can we submerge our feelings about their childrearing and continue to maintain our friendship with the parents? As I approach Elul and enter the chest-pounding “al cheit” season, I will attempt to judge our neighbors with a grey brush, better understanding the circumstances that led them to their stance on education. I will judge fairly and openly any future decisions they make. Meanwhile, I invite all of you to “judge fairly” all the amazing events we have in August. On Friday, August 12th, Lene and Mike Demeule prepare their fabulous pizza dinner, followed by ice cream at the TNT BBQ Religious School, Tracy Cranson Hello Friends, I am excited to share with you that I will be returning as the Head of the Religious School for the 2016 -2017 year. I am also very excited to continue in my role as the 6th grade teacher. We have already prepared our calendar for the year which includes holiday celebrations and class led services at both TNT and TTS. There are ample opportunities to get involved as a parent volunteer and I invite you to contact either me or Roy Pincus our VP of the Religious School for more information. Our combined school is spirited, enthusiastic and truly provides a wonderful learning environment for the large student population. Our long standing teachers are dedicated to providing the students with a well-balanced Jewish education by using a curriculum that stresses Hebrew reading, TORAH, Israel appreciation and of course, traditional music, prayers and Israeli dancing specially instructed by our own Talya Paul. Sisterhood Recently, I saw a poster that said “Summer should get a speeding ticket.” That is so true. Every year I am amazed at how quickly the summer flies by. Given the length of the New England winter, we need to make an extra effort to take advantage of and appreciate the warmth and splendor of these lazy, hazy days of summer. As I turn the page on my calendar and August begins, my thoughts turn back to school beginning and plans for the new school year. This is especially true this year when Peabody schools open before Labor Day. Sisterhood also begins to gear up again for a year packed with an abundance of events. In Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of our Fathers, Shimon Ha Tzaddik teaches “The world rests on three things – on Torah, on service of G-d, and on deeds of love.” Sisterhood programming touches on all three aspects by offering programs that are religious, educational, cultural, civic, social, and recreational. With our wide variety of activities, everyone is bound to find something that will interest them. Sisterhood will kick off the year on September 21 with its Torah Fund Dinner, honoring Esther Kaufman. The following months will find Sisterhood assisting with arrangements for the Fall Holidays, running card parties and rummage sales to raise funds to benefit the Temple, hosting a paid –up supper for the membership, and a Chanukah swap. That’s just the schedule for first few months to whet your appetite and give you a taste of what you can expect when you become involved in Sisterhood. Also noteworthy is the continuation of TNT and TTS combined classes for our 8th-10th graders. We will begin the fourth year of this very successful program. Veteran teacher Andrew Allen will return as our Pre-Confirmation leader and Rabbi David Kudan will supervise and teach the Confirmands. It has been a very successful venture for these students. They have the chance to continue their Jewish The Sisterhood of Temple Ner Tamid Information education through creative programming and social Guide states, “Each of us has her own unique voice, and our many distinct voices joined together do make interaction. a difference. Become a member of the world’s largest I am looking forward to an amazing school year network of synagogue women and have an impact by which begins on Sunday, September 11th at 10:00 adding your voice to an organization grounded in Jewish observance and tradition and committed to repairam for K-7 (opening day greetings and parent break- ing the world in which we live.” If you’re not already a fast) and Tuesday September 13th at 5:30 pm for 8- Sisterhood member, now is the time to join and let 10 (student dinner starts promptly at 5:30). your voice be heard. Members, reach out and share our excitement and enthusiasm with your friends. Tell them about our Sisterhood and invite them to our proB'ahava, grams. We’d love to have them join us! Tracy Cranson Enjoy summer while it’s here, and then gear yourself up for an exciting and fun-filled year in Sisterhood. Esther Kaufman Recording Secretary MAZEL TOV! Faith & Mark Lerner's daughter, Samantha’s engagement to Cody Ross Nancy & Fred Becker’s son, Andrews marriage to Rebecca Katz Janice & Elliott Wyner’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Heather & Travis LeDoyt on the birth of their daughter, Abigail Helen Susan & Bruce Comak on the birth of their granddaughter, Abigail Helen Estelle Comak on the birth of great granddaughter, Abigail Helen Dave Goldberg's special birthday GET WELL Rabbi Abraham Morhaim Sylvia Toby Ronda Spitzer Esther Babner Mark Lubarsky KIDDUSH & ONEG SPONSORS Sisterhood & Men’s Club, Ritual Committee Block/Solomon Family in honor of Harold Block Rhonda & Michael Zero, sponsored Oneg Shabbat in honor of great nephew Adele & Mark Lubarsky in honor of Adele becoming President of TNT Ellen Winokur in honor of her son Howard & Karen Blumenthal’s Auf Ruf PILATES Summer Hours Thursday Evening 6:00 PM Bring your own yoga mat Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz $40 for a 5 class punch card More info: [email protected] Every Monday Evening 6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Instructor: Jenn Pomerantz Co-sponsored by Temple Ner Tamid & NSJCC Only $5.00 per class Call Arlyne Greenspan at 978-471-5520 for more info. HIGH HOLY DAY TICKET PICK UP Sunday, September 11 9:30 AM - Noon Monday, September 12 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Monday, September 19 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Sunday, September 25 9:30 AM - Noon ISRAELI DANCE GROUP TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 8:00 PM DONATION $1.00 ALL ARE WELCOME! HEARING ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE AT TNT FOR EVERY SERVICE AND PROGRAM IN OUR SANCTUARY & SOCIAL HALL SEE GREETER FOR HEADPHONES The Pransky Financial Group ARE YOU TRAVELING?? PROBLEMS HAPPEN… Now offering Worldwide Travel Insurance from one of the leading global providers for information… Contact Alan Pransky [email protected] 617-538-0058 Insurance coverage is underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: Oakwood Terrace, IL), rated “A-“ (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on the insured’s state. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are brands of AGA Service Company. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. We are still Collecting! Save Cancelled Postage Stamps For the Holocaust Stamps Project! Students, staff, parent volunteers, and friends of Foxborough Regional Charter School have been saving, trimming, and counting cancelled postage stamps since 2009 as part of a Community Service Learning initiative, the Holocaust Stamps Project. Five years ago, an ambitious goal was set – to collect 11 million stamps to visually illustrate the enormity of that number of children, women, and men having been killed as a result of prejudice, racism, and discrimination by the Nazi regime. Six million Jewish people and five million others considered by Germany’s dictator to be “enemies of the State” are being honored and memorialized by each of the collected stamps. Thousands of the stamps are being used, by small groups of talented middle and high school FRCS students, to create a series of 18 unique collage pictures that reflect causes and effects of the Holocaust. Long-term plans are for a public venue to be found where the entire collection of stamps can be permanently displayed in a custom designed acrylic sculpture, along with the whole collage series. As of mid-November, more than 6,611,500 stamps had been counted, but there is a long way to go before the goal is reached. All Jewish widows and widowers are invited to accompany the North Shore’s Widows & Widowers Activity Group to the Reagle Music Theatre in Waltham for a production of this Gershwin brothers’ Tony Award winning musical. The show will be followed by dinner at the Not Your Average Joe’s in Burlington. Sunday, August 14th Car pools will be assembling at Temple Ner Tamid in Peabody at 1:00 PM. We strongly recommend that you make your own driving arrangements, since only limited car pools will be available. As a token of appreciation to our drivers, we ask that each passenger contribute $2.00 for the ride. Please let us know if you’ll need a ride when making your reservation so we can plan accordingly. What is the cost? Tickets will cost $30.00; the cost of the meal will be determined by what you order. Whom do I call? Contact Sylvia Loman at 978.535.5211 to make a reservation. Where do I send my check? Make check payable to W.A.G. Send it to: Arlene Titelbaum 13Forenza Road Peabody, MA 01960 What is the date? Where do we meet? THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS JUNE/JULY DONATIONS ARNOLD DOLLIN SCHOLARSHIP In Memory of mother, Dora Lampert by ANNETTE LUBOW In Memory of our beloved brother-in-law, Arnold Dollin by TANYA & AL LAMPERT PAULA DOLLIN Wishing you get well soon! by FAITH & MARK LERNER PAULA DOLLIN AND FAMILY In Honor of Aaron's graduation from High School by MERLE & LARRY SHUMAN TANYA & AL LAMPERT Congratulations on your new home by MARILYN & STAN TANYA & AL LAMPERT Congratulations on your new home by PAULA DOLLIN THE COMAK FAMILY Mazel Tov on the birth of granddaughter, Abigail by WENDY & MARK GERSHLAK AND FAMILY BUILDING FUND ELAINE & WAYNE MEADOR Congratulations on the marriage of daughter Melissa to Chris Sharpin by ARTHUR GOLDBERG STACIE R. ADLER In Memory of beloved mother, Maxine P. Adler by ARTHUR GOLDBERG THE ORLOFF FAMILY In Memory of beloved mother, Ruth Ross Orloff by ARTHUR GOLDBERG GENERAL FUND In Honor of Adam Carreiro's graduation from Bentley University with a masters in accounting with highest distinction by his proud grandmother by JANICE GERSHLAK In Honor of Estelle Comak, Rita Flicop and Gloria Simons - 3 gracious ladies by ARLENE TITELBAUM In Honor of Rachel Gershlak's graduation from Quinnipiac University Summa Cum Laude by her proud grandmother by JANICE GERSHLAK In Memory of our dear friend, Raymond Wallman and long time member of Temple Ner Tamid by JANET COHEN ADELE LUBARSKY In Honor of you coming in as President of Temple Ner Tamid by GILDA & BOB RICHMAN ADELE LUBARSKY In Honor of your election as president of Temple Ner Tamid by MARLENE GOODMAN ALAN ROSENBAUM Wishing you get well wishes by DEBBIE PONN ERIC RICHMAN In Honor of you going out as Temple Ner Tamid President by GILDA & BOB RICHMAN JANICE & ELLIOT WYNER In Honor of your "Special" Anniversary -50 Years! by ANITA & MARK RUDIN JOAN SMITH In Memory of your mother, Evelyn Schwartz by DEBORAH & ALAN PRANSKY LOUIS KARGER Wishing you a speedy recovery by ARTHUR GOLDBERG MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary by ADELE & MARK LUBARSKY MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary by BEA LEVINE MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary and Mindy's 80th Birthday by DEBORAH & GARY COLTIN MIRIAM SWARTZ In Memory of beloved husband, Richard by DEBORAH & ALAN PRANSKY PAULINE BRODY AND FAMILY In Memory of beloved husband, Richard by DEBBY & RICHARD STRAUSS RABBI ABRAHAM MORHAIM In Honor of your speedy recovery by JANICE GERSHLAK RABBI ABRAHAM MORHAIM In Honor of your speedy recovery by DAVE GOLDBERG TEMPLE NER TAMID by DEBORAH & GARY COLTIN THE LEVENSON FAMILY On the loss of mother and grandmother, Gloria by THE BRODIE FAMILY JEWISH NATIONAL FUND HARRIET NAHOUM In Memory of Sam Nahoum by BRENDA & MORT HALPER MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of their 60th Wedding Anniversary with Health and Good Luck by JUDY CHORNEY AND EDMOND GOLDBERG KITCHEN ADELE LUBARSKY In Honor of becoming president of Temple Ner Tamid by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of their 60th Wedding Anniversary with Health and Good Luck by JUDY CHORNEY AND EDMOND GOLDBERG MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary by SANDRA & DAVID COHEN MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary by BETTY ROSENWEIG MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary and Mindy's 80th Birthday by FAYE YAFFE MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your 60th Wedding Anniversary and Mindy's 80th Birthday by SANDRA & GARY SPARR MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In honor of your Mitzvahs by ALVIN LEVY MINDY & LARRY LEVINE In Honor of your special Anniversary by DEBBIE PONN MINDY LEVINE In Honor of your 80th Birthday by BETTY ROSENWEIG MINDY LEVINE In Honor of your 80th Birthday by SANDRA & DAVID COHEN MR. & MRS. STEVE LEIDERMAN In Honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE SUSAN & BRUCE COMAK In Honor of your new granddaughter, Abby by MINDY & LARRY LEVINE THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTORS JUNE/JULY DONATIONS (continued) SARITA PICKARD MEMORIAL In Memory of Judith Ansel Pickard mother of Bernard Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD In Memory of mother-in-law, Naomi Copans, mother of the late Sarita Pickard by BARBIE & BERNIE PICKARD WINOKUR FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP NANCY & FRED BECKER Mazel Tov on the marriage of Andrew and Rebecca by ELLEN WINOKUR YOUTH HARRIET FEINSTEIN Wishing you a speedy get well by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF HENRY KAPLAN Wishing you a speedy get well by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF RONDA SPITZER Wishing you a speedy get well by GAIL & BARRY FALKOFF WENDY & MARK GERSHLAK In Honor of Rachel's college graduation, graduating Sum Cum Laude by GERRY & JACK POTASH Yahrzeit Fund in memory of: ANDREW SILVERMAN (Son) by Gail & Jeffrey Silverman BEN-ZION RABINOVITCH (Father-in-law) by Irene Rabinovitch BRUCE GREENFIELD (Son) by Morton Greenfield CELIA LAMPERT (Mother-in-law) by Jeanette Lampert CHARLES BERG (Father) by Rosalyn Stein DAVID ZIGELBAUM (Father) by Irma Sternberg DEBORAH NAN FREEDMAN (Daughter) by Vita Freedman EDITH E. VARNICK (Mother) by Anne Lee Weiner ELAINE GROVER (Mother) by Rhonda Zero ESTHER YANCO (Grandmother) by Rhonda Zero FRANK STERNBERG (Father) by Arthur Sternberg GLORIA FOGEL (Wife) by Alvin Fogel GOLDIE KANTOR (Mother) by Donald Kantor GUSSIE KORNITSKY (Mother) by Selma Derman HARRY GOLDBERG (Father-in-law) by Alvin Fogel HARRY LEIBOWITZ (Father) by Dorothy Wallman HYMAN AINBINDER (Father) by Susan Kagan IDA DORENFELD (Mother) by Jeff Dorenfeld IRVING POIRES (Father) by Willard Poires JENNIE BACHERMAN (Mother-in-law) by Frances Bacherman JULIUS GERSHLAK (Father-in-law) by Janice Gershlak JULIUS LOWY (Father-in-law) by Barbara Lowy KATIE LEVINE (Mother) by Janice Gershlak LILLIAN BERG (Mother) by Rosalyn Stein MARCIA SHUMAN (Mother) by Lawrence Shuman MAX STEINMAN (Father) by Ina Friedman MENDEL KORNITSKY (Father) by Selma Derman MORRIS TITELBAUM (Grandfather) by David Titelbaum NANCY SERKEZ (Daughter) by Alvin Fogel NATHAN YANCO (Father) by Rhonda Zero ROSE GOLDBERG (Mother) by Lois Goldberg SAMUEL APPELSTEIN (Father) by Martin Appelstein SAMUEL COMAK (Father-in-law) by Estelle Comak SARAH GERSHLAK (Mother-in-law) by Janice Gershlak SARAH R. YODLER (Mother) by Janet Cohen STEPHEN GREEN (Husband) by Betty Green WARREN FREEDMAN (Husband) by Vita Freedman We Remember them HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR JULY/AUGUST BIRTHDAYS! Don’t see your July/August birthday? Make sure the office knows the date. JULY Sharon Adler Ethel Babner Richard Band Bruce Comak Joe Cranson AUGUST Bruce Borr Barbara Kuhn Ellen Chmara Barbara Pickard Phil Cohen Elizabeth Rogosa Terri Cohen Herbert Rothstein Susan Dragoon Yoav Shorr Charlotte Dantowitz Laurie Dunn Natalie Silver Jeff Feinberg Francisco Esperon Gloria Simons Susan Feinstein Dave Goldberg Amy Sklar Burton Friedman Cecile Hoffman Ronda Spitzer Robert Gross Adam Karas Deborah Strauss Marvin Jacobson Bea Karger Annabelle Swartz Donald Kantor Travis LeDoyt Judi Wise Gladys Katcher Donna Lehman Robert Zammer Leonard Mulsman Myra Newton Jenn Peary Irene Rabinovitch Irving Schulman Gail Silverman Ellen Winokur Marnie Zammer Beverly Zigelbaum SOCIAL ACTION Janice & Elliot Wyner Although social action has been relatively quiet over the summer, the needs of the disadvantaged continue. TNT has responded by continuing to serve supper at Haven from Hunger on the third Thursday of each month. Special thanks to those who have been responding. In July we had six volunteers. I received comments from both members of the Haven staff that TNT’s presence is appreciated both for the work we do and for the sign of community support to the staff and the clients. Also noteworthy, in June we served two suppers to clients of Family Promise. We are the support congregation for the Community Covenant Church on Lake Street West Peabody. At the time we served, there was only one family in the Family Promise program as three other families had recently completed the program and were living on their own. Success. It makes me feel good about our Temple community that we have volunteers that are willing to commit their time to help the less fortunate. For next year, please consider joining the Social Action Committee. With your energy and ideas we can do even more to make TNT the place on the hill that cares. If you’d like to join the social action committee please contact Elliot Wyner [email protected] SOCIAL ACTION Next Meeting August 17th Following Evening Minyan TNT will be serving and preparing meals at “Haven From Hunger” third Thursday of every month For more info, Contact Elliot Wyner: [email protected] JULY YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Saul Avram Martha Bargad Clara Berland [mother of Renee Zimmerman] Hyman Berman [father of Marvin Berman] Nathan Brown Sylvia Brownrout [mother of Susan Salkovitz] Arthur Reuben Cohen [father-in-law of Janet Cohen & grandfather of Jennifer Peary] Rose Cohen [mother of David Cohen] Joseph Covitz J. Alden Deich [husband of Paula Deich] Leonard A. Dobrushin Louis Fishbein [father of Geraldine Potash] Ruth Fishbein [mother of Geraldine Potash] Gloria Fogel [wife of Alvin Fogel] Sara Franklin [aunt of Ronda Spitzer] Deborah Nan Freedman [daughter of Vita Freedman] Warren Freedman [husband of Vita Freedman] Barney Gitletz Thomas Gold Harry Goldberg [father-in-law of Alvin Fogel] Gladys Gordon [mother of Sharon Bregman] Robert W. Green Bruce Greenfield [son of Morton Greenfield] George Grossman [father of Risa Grossman & grandfather of Russel Grossman] Norma Grossman [grandmother of Amy Grossman] Shirley Halper [mother of Morton Halper] Louis Jacobson [father of Marvin Jacobson] Goldie Kantor [mother of Donald Kantor] George Kaplan [father of Henry Kaplan] Leon Karger Eva Katz Sadie Kaufman Doris Kittenplan [sister of Esther Babner] Anne Kliger [mother of Estelle Dubin] Gussie Kornitsky [mother of Selma Derman] Mendel Kornitsky [father of Selma Derman] Malcolm Krouse Ann Krugman Abraham Kuhn [father-in-law of Barbara Kuhn] Celia Lampert Dora Lampert Louis Leventhal Bessie Levine Suzannah Levine [granddaughter of Henry & Leona Kaplan] Ida London Mary Long [mother of Doris Berman] Allen E. Madell Blanche Mandell [mother of Arlyne Greenspan] John Mantia Estelle Mashist [mother of Myra Newton] Jeanette Newton [mother of Jeffrey Newton] Judith Ansel Pickard [mother of Bernard Pickard] Ida M. Pruss Ben-zion Rabinovitch [father-in-law of Irene Rabinovitch] Margaret Rosenthal [mother-in-law of Alexander Kemp] Sanford Rudolph [brother of Audrey Yanco] Sadie Hurlich Salberg [mother of Elliott Goldstein] Carl Schwartz [father of Sylvia Toby] Robert Lee Shapiro Sarah Shapiro Theodore S. Shaw Nisson Sherman [father of Ellen Gonick & Warren Sherman, grandfather of Eric Sherman] Gerald Shible [brother of Maxwell Shible] Bessie Shneider Benjamin H. Silberman Arnold Sollosy Joann Sollosy Frank Sternberg [father of Arthur Sternberg] Dora Toby [mother-in-law of Sylvia Toby] Martin Toby [husband of Sylvia Toby] Edith E. Varnick Samuel L. Webb Beatrice Gertrude Weinberg Mollie Ruth Wyner [step mother of Elliot Wyner] Isidore Yanco [uncle of Rhonda Zero & Audrey Yanco] Sarah R. Yodler [mother of Janet Cohen] Louis R. Zetlan David Zigelbaum [father of Ira Zigelbaum & Irma Sternberg] William Zimmerman [husband of Renee Zimmerman] Sumner Zorfas Condolences to: Pauline Brody on the loss of her husband, Richard Brody AUGUST YAHRZEITS: WE REMEMBER THEM Vivian Altschuler [mother of Lene Demeule] Sophie Helen Ankeles Samuel Appelstein [father of Martin Appelstein] Yanina Aronis [mother of Jane Lawson] Marcia Edith Bacherman Anna Baker [mother of Lawrence Baker] Ruth Bauman [sister of Morris Sack] Leah Berris [mother of Lois Kornitsky] Abraham Bornstein Irving Brodie [father of Philip Brodie] Esther Cherkas Rebecca Clayman Sarah Comak [mother-in-law of Estelle Comak] Naomi Copans [mother-in-law of Bernard Pickard] William V. Dollin [father-in-law of Paula Dollin] Henry Dorson Helen Gerson Beatrice K. Gesson Abraham Gillman Manuel Goldberg [father of David Goldberg] Tillie Golden Muriel F. Goldstein Arnold Goodman [father of Carrie Cohen] Arnold Goodman [husband of Marlene Goodman & father of Carrie Cohen] Minnie Goretsky [aunt of Rosalinda Jacobson] Sam Gottlieb Irving Green Stephen Green [husband of Betty Green, Brother-inlaw of Donald Finn, uncle of Lisa Finn] Sylvia Greenburg Jacob Greenfield Lucille Grossman [mother of Risa Grossman & grandmother of Russell Grossman] Elaine Grover [mother of Rhonda Zero] Anna Shirley Halpern [mother of Barbara Phillips] Peter Harris Louis Hurwitz Rubin Katcher [husband of Gladys Katcher] Benjamin Kemp [father of Alexander Kemp] Max Kirstein Harold Klapman [father of Arlene Margolis] Noah Kobrin Elizabeth Kornitsky [mother of Joel Kornitsky] Rose Krinsky [mother of Martin Krinsky] Ray Leafer [father of Robert Leafer] Yetta Lemack Lena Levenson [grandmother of Sherry Brass] Gerald Leventhal [father of Elisa Zimmerman] Celia Lichter Myer Lipsky [brother of Irene Rabinovitch] Melvin Lubow Roland A. Mable Bessie Margolis [mother of Martin Margolis] Victoria Yousha Morhaim [wife of Rabbi Abraham Morhaim] Eva P. Orloff [mother of Ethel Babner] Arthur Ososke [father of Michael Ososke & grand father of Russell Grossman] Irving Poires Abraham Rosenberg Daniel Rosenthal [father-in-law of Alexander Kemp] Theodore N. Rosenthal Irwin Rosenzweig [father of Simone Levine] Laura Shapiro [grandmother of Ronda Spitzer] Meyer Shapiro [grandfather of Ronda Spitzer] Maxine T. Sherman [mother of Eric Sherman] Bernard Shuman [father of Lawrence Shuman] Philip Solar Theodore Sollosy Dorothy Spector Paul Spitzer [brother of Stuart Spitzer] Barney Sworin Joseph H Talewsky [father of Allen Talewsky] Tauba Tolpina [mother of Jane Tolpina] Harold Wainrober [father of Ellen Winokur] David Wallman [father-in-law of Dorothy Wallman] William Waxman [father of Debra Krinsky] William Weiner [grandfather of Lene Demeule] Esther Willens [mother of Richard Willens] Esther Winer [sister of Gladys Katcher, Mel Babner & sister-in-law of Esther Babner] Alex Zellin [husband of Rena Zellin] We mourn the loss of a founding member of TNT Jeanette Lampert Men’s Club Limited Raffle Winners $1500 - Alyse Barbash $1000 - Richard Strauss $500 - Kelley Powers $500 - Mark Lubarsky $250 - Stan Goldberg Thank you for your Support! Men’s Club of Temple Ner Tamid announces their 2016 Keeper of the Flame Steve Ring More information will be forthcoming. Please save the date so that you can also join us at the annual Keeper of the Flame event Sunday, November 6 (note date change) Temple Israel in Sharon JF&CS Family Table (Kosher Food Pantry) IS IN NEED OF Whole Grain Crackers Toilet Paper - 4 Pack Please drop off your donations in the bin located in the TNT Coat Room Food Pantry Distribution at Temple Sinai, Marblehead NO AUGUST DISTRIBUTION Save The Dates Sisterhood Upcoming Events Sisterhood Torah Fund Dinner Wednesday, September 21 Recipient - Esther Kaufman Wednesday, October 19 Sisterhood Paid Up Supper Sunday, October 30 & Monday, October 31 Fall Rummage Sale
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