In This Issue - Detroit Catholic Central High School


In This Issue - Detroit Catholic Central High School
VOL. 60, NO. 1
In This Issue
Gatorade Replay Game
Pits Catholic Central Against Trenton
2010 Alumni Dinner Honors Two:
Drew Sharp ’78 & Rev. Ray Paramo, C.S.B.
Super Marathoner Ralph Judd ’56
FALL 2010
Editor in Chief:
Rev. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B.
Managing Editors:
Mike Carrier ’06
Dan Collins Jr. ’84
Editorial Contributions:
Sharon Bowling
Mike Brudenell, Sports Writer, Detroit Free Press
Mike Butler ’71
Theresa Green
Tim Henry ’72
Rick Shepich, Sports Reporter, Livingston
County Daily Press & Argus
Ryan Shinkel ’12
Stan Targosz ’67
William Archie
Denny Barnes ’79
Jim Beck
Sharon Bowling
Steve Boyle
Theresa Green
Mark Krysiak ’13
Dennis Rogers
Mike Rossi
Design & Production:
C.O. & Company
Detroit Catholic Central High School
President - Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
[email protected]
Principal - Rev. John Huber, C.S.B., Ed.D.
[email protected]
The Aluminator is published three times every
year by the Detroit Catholic Central Alumni Office.
Articles should be addressed to:
The Aluminator
Detroit Catholic Central High School
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
To reach the Alumni Office:
(248) 596-3838
Fax: (248) 596-3839
For Information:
Director of Alumni Relations - Mike Carrier ’06
(248) 596-3844
[email protected]
Director of Advancement - Dan Collins Jr. ’84
(248) 596-3834
[email protected]
Director of Admissions & Public Relations Joe Chops ’80
(248) 596-3874
[email protected]
Or visit us on the Web:
VOL. 60, NO. 1
Page 11
FALL 2010
Page 23
Page 24
In This Issue
Advancement News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chatterbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CC Profiles
Trenton Defeats CC 4-2 In Gatorade Replay Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2010 Alumni Dinner Honors Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
He Won’t Run Away: Super Marathoner Ralph Judd ’56
Doesn’t Let Cancer Ruin His Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CC Business Profile: Business Is Sweet For Kurt Lienhard ’82 At Sweets 21 . . 10
Alumni Association Committees & Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Leading The Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Young Alumni: Matt DeMars ’06 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
30th Annual Athletic Department Golf Outing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Bells
Wedding Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Baby Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
School Bells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Sports Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Sports Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
On the Cover:
Catholic Central welcomes new Principal
Rev. John Huber, C.S.B., and celebrates the
appointment of Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
as President.
A Note from the Editor
Many of you tell me that you begin reading your Aluminator by looking at “Chatterbox” and “The Bells.” Please don’t forget that
those are the parts that we cannot include without help from you. We need you to send us updates of your milestones and
accomplishments. Your travels and other activities are also of interest to your classmates.
Submissions should be mailed to Fr. Ray Paramo, C.S.B. or emailed to [email protected]. For inclusion in the Winter
2011 issue of the Aluminator, all updates, articles and photos must be received by October 1, 2010.
Photos: Original film prints are acceptable. They will be scanned and returned to you undamaged.
Digital photographs should not be printed on a personal color printer. Instead, please provide the original electronic file. Digital
photographs should be shot at as large a size and in as high a resolution as possible for the camera used, with care being taken to
get a sharp image. This yields the best printing results. Please send the raw or uncompressed original TIF file or high-resolution JPG
as an attachment. Do not open and adjust or resave into any other format. Photos should not be embedded into a Word document.
Dear Alumni and Friends,
thank you!
It is rather providential that my first note to you in my new
capacity of President of Catholic Central is in the issue that
recognizes the wonderful support that you have given us
over the last year. That means I get to begin my term
with a very big thank you. For yet another year, we have been able to finance the School’s
mortgage payments and debt with no dependence on tuition. That is an absolute wonder
given the economic conditions in the United States, and especially in Michigan. You will
see in the President’s Report & Honor Roll of Donors appearing in the next issue that many people
directed their gifts to be used for tuition assistance, some pledged money over a longer period
and some asked us to use it where it was most needed. In each case, we are grateful for your help
in keeping Catholic Central the leader in secondary Catholic education in Michigan.
During the summer, I spent two weeks in Rochester, New York, at the Basilian Chapter meetings, where
the leadership of the Basilian Fathers for the next four years was elected. As many remember, Catholic
Central has had a major role in providing leadership for the Basilians. Fr. Kenneth Decker, C.S.B. ’56 has
just completed two terms as our Superior General, and Fr. Gordon Judd, C.S.B. ’58 has finished his term
as Vicar General. The newly elected Vicar General is Fr. David Katulski, C.S.B. ’63, so Catholic Central’s
involvement in Basilian leadership will continue. In addition to the members from our local community,
two Basilians will be on our Board of Directors: Fr. Judd and Fr. Dennis Noelke, C.S.B. ’71, our
Secretary/Treasurer General. We ask your continued prayers for them and for vocations to the Basilian
Fathers. Like nearly all religious communities, we are getting older and we need new vocations if we are
to continue to do the good works of the past.
I am settling into my new office and learning the ropes. Because I’m a “techie,” I will be working on
improving our use of the Internet to keep in touch. If you haven’t given us your email address, please
do so and we’ll keep you connected with today’s Catholic Central.
The overwhelming concern of many Alumni is that CC remains the
School that they remember. That will be my first priority –
not freezing it in the past, but continuing to produce strong
Catholic men, strong in their faith and strong in their preparation
for college and for life. In today’s world, that’s no small challenge.
With your support through both contributions and prayer, we will
do just that. May Mary, Alma Mater, continue to be our guide.
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
(248) 596-3833
[email protected]
Spirit of CC
July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Building & Campus
Strategic Initiatives
Student Life
Tuition Assistance
Building & Campus
Strategic Initiatives
Student Life
Tuition Assistance
Endowment Gifts
Grand Total
A D VA N C E M E N T N E W S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Staying Connected With Your Classmates
1949 – PAUL BARRY writes, “My book, A Lifetime with
Shakespeare, Notes from an American Director of All 38 Plays, was
published this July. Here’s how the publisher describes it:
Written by the only American to direct and fight-choreograph
all of Shakespeare’s plays, this text represents an expert and
practical guide to the Bard’s oeuvre. From “Henry VI” through
“The Tempest,” each play is explored in its full theatrical complexity, with particular attention paid to directorial and acting
challenges, character quirks and development, and the particularities of Shakespearean language. Directing successes are
recounted, but the failures are not shied away from, making
this an indispensable text for anyone interested in producing
Shakespeare’s plays.
Paul adds that, “This is a howto/how-not-to book. It steers
directors back to the unencumbered
original texts and around the land
mines of clichés and production
missteps from the 18th, 19th, and
20th centuries that have hung
on and become traditions.”
Help Solve Another CC Mystery!
Do you recognize
any of the CC Band members shown above?
Please contact the Office of
Alumni Relations at (248) 596-3838.
The book is on sale at standard
book sellers and online.
Jim Healy ’44 lives in Virginia Beach, Va., and, alongside
Mike Dejaeger ’66, volunteers at the Church of the Holy
Family Food Pantry. Jim, a retired
FBI agent, helps direct traffic. Mike,
Occupational Safety and Health
Manager with the Army’s Training
Command, directs the parish’s
ministry that provides food and
funds to needy families each month.
The Spirit of CC
lives on in
Virginia Beach!
About Last Issue’s
Mystery Photo
These students were identified as the
Class of 1986 National Merit Semifinalists:
(left to right, front row) Tom Carzon ’86,
Dan Shakespear ’86, Marc Crotteau ’86,
Michael Bruner ’86, (back row) Paul
Linenberg ’86, Dennis Stom ’86, Kevin
Metz ’86, Jeff Jakubowicz ’86, and Scott
Orme ’86.
Thanks to numerous members of the Class
of 1986 for helping us out.
C H AT T E R B O X • FA L L 2 0 1 0
1950 – ED SZCZECHOWICZ recently
wrote to tell us, “I am going into my 30th
year at the University of Michigan Credit
Union. I am now a senior risk management analyst. I am also busy at All Saints
K of C Council 4892 in Taylor, and serve
as Chairman of the supervisory committee
at First Catholic Federal Credit Union and
at the Taylor Building Authority. I have
just celebrated 57 years of marriage to my
wife Dolly on August 7, 2010. We have
a son, Scott, a daughter, Mary Ann, and
five granddaughters. I still hear from
Jerry Schmidt ’50, and I planned to
attend the 50th Anniversary Mass of
Fr. Al Cylwicki, C.S.B. ’50 this past June.”
1951 – TOM O’CONNOR recently
stopped by the Alumni office with his
wife, Eleanor. Tom lives in Plymouth,
Mich., and is the proud grandparent of
incoming Freshman Devin ’14.
George Schwartz ’62 recently released a new book entitled “Good Returns.” On April 29, 2010,
he held a book signing at St. John’s Family Center.
After all these years, he still keeps in
contact with about eight CC Alumni.
Trial Judge for the Navy’s Reserve Trial
1965 – ROBERT SCHIKORA (below,
left) was ordained a permanent deacon
by Bishop Cistone on May 14, 2010, at
Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption
in Saginaw, Mich.
was elected Vicar General of the Basilian
Fathers July 15. In the
administration of the
Congregation, this is the
second position below
the Superior General. He
will replace Rev. Gordon
Judd, C.S.B. ’58, who has
served in that important position for the
past eight years.
graduate of The University of Michigan
class of l968. He was a graduate student
at Wayne State University in the early
1970s. He served as a secondary school
teacher in the 1970s. He spent 24 years
with Heublein, Inc., and five years at
Kerr-Metrex Co. He is presently retired.
Richard is a long-time resident of Garden
City, Mich. Recently, he attended his
45th CC Reunion and was a bit disappointed at the turnout – only about 20
attended. If he’s around for his 50th, he
hopes the turnout will be much larger.
C H AT T E R B O X • FA L L 2 0 1 0
1980 – DAN MAJEWSKI sent a check to
Fr. John Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57 to help with
this past summer’s French Exchange
Program. He gives this account of his
recent travels:
We went back to France last summer.
It was a glorious trip again. We spent two
weeks with 10 days in southern France,
including St. Tropez and Grasse. We
spent three full days in Paris. We took
a bike tour, which was a blast.
1971 – REV. DAN JONES preached the
annual Basilian Retreat at Maryville this
June. Dan studied theology in Rome and,
since ordination, has been a Theology
professor at Sacred Heart Seminary.
1978 – TIM LAMPINEN is an attorney
in private practice in Chicago.
1978 – TOM LAMPINEN is a Professor
of Epidemiology in Vancouver, British
1978 – JAMES REDFORD is a Circuit
Court Judge in Grand Rapids, Mich., and
a Captain in the reserve component of
the U.S. Navy’s JAGC. He is the Chief
I hope the students were excited to go this
summer. Remind them not to be nervous
but to enjoy the experience that they will
remember for the rest of their lives.
I remember mine from 31 years ago.
answered a request from Fr. John
Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57 for help with the CC
French Summer Exchange Program and
had this to say about his recent travels:
I was briefly in France last October.
Actually, I was working in Germany for
a few weeks and took an afternoon to cross
the border to see a bit of history in the
Maginot Line. [Phil is a retired air force
pilot.] It was a sobering experience. I also
visited my sister Teri, who lives east of
Frankfurt, in Fulda. My German is not
very good [as good as my French], but it
was good enough. Fulda is a very Catholic
region of Germany. There are crucifixes
in the classrooms in the public schools.
This is not true for all of Germany. A few
weeks ago, I found myself again in Europe,
this time in Naples, Italy. It is my favorite
Italian city. It was fascinating to see the
relics from Pompeii.
We are doing well here in Colorado. It’s
Spring break [March 21] and we are going
to go skiing tomorrow for the first time
this year.
recently moved back here from Chicago.
He is President of the Petersmark
Financial Network, LTD.
1983 – JOHN EADS III has been honored
by Michigan Lawyers Weekly as one of
Michigan’s 25 Leaders
in Law. Just 45, Eads
has 13 years of trial
experience. After graduating from Hillsdale
College in 1983, he
followed his sister to
Virginia, eventually attending the
University of Richmond Law School,
where he graduated in 1990. He moved
back to Michigan and started doing
medical-malpractice defense. John
moved several times before beginning
to work with Kopka, Pinkus, Dolin, and
Eads of Farmington Hills, Mich., in 1999.
He is active in his community. He and
a couple of other attorneys host soup
kitchens in Mount Clemens at least
once a year. He also takes one pro bono
case a year – in any area of law – to
help someone who can’t afford legal
1984 – DAN MURPHY served as the
2009 Chairman of the Gator Bowl
Association, culminating with the 2010
Konica Minolta Gator Bowl. The game
featured the last game and victory of
legendary Coach Bobby Bowden’s career
and set an all-time attendance record for
the Gator Bowl. He also presented Coach
Bowden with the Championship Trophy
on the live nationwide CBS broadcast.
Dan is Senior Vice President and
Treasurer of Fidelity National Financial,
Inc., the nation’s largest title insurance
company. Dan lives in Jacksonville, Fla.,
with his wife and two children.
Go to
which is CC’s Home Page
Click on “Alumni” at the top
“Login” or “Register”
Dan Murphy ’84, Chairman of the Gator Bowl
Association, presented Coach Bobby Bowden
with the Championship trophy after Florida
State’s Gator Bowl win.
1990 – DAVID TAYLOR was able to
help Fr. John Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57 with
expenses for the CC French Summer
Exchange program. He says that the
exchange experience in France when he
was a student has proved valuable for
his entire life. He hopes current students
have the same benefits. This summer,
David went back to Paris for four days
with his wife, Joanne, to kick off an
extended European vacation.
1995 – AARON KALENIECKI is the
Music Minister at both St. Aloysius and
St. Patrick parishes in Detroit, Mich., and
a member of the National Association of
Pastoral Musicians.
1998 – MICHAEL GINGER just finished
a secondary teaching certification
program through Oakland University
and will be working on completing his
master’s in Teaching. His wife, Sandra,
is a Catholic middle school teacher at
Notre Dame Marist Academy in Pontiac,
where she teaches Spanish.
Register On The Alumni Website
It’s Easy As 1-2-3!
More information is coming your way via the Alumni Website.
To stay connected with fellow alums, receive the Shamrock News
e-newsletter, keep current with activities and events, as well as
to update your personal profile, login/register today! If you
haven’t already done so, it’s easy to do, and it’s free.
It’s simple to join other Alumni with online information.
Just update your profile, mark any information that you want
unpublished as “Private” with a check mark, and change “Net
Community” to “Yes.”
C H AT T E R B O X • FA L L 2 0 1 0
2001 – ANTHONY CORATTI recently
was hired as the Head Varsity Basketball
Coach at Livonia Ladywood High School.
Anthony, the son of CHSL Hall of Famer
Rick Coratti ’69, a long-time Football
Coach and former Basketball Coach at
CC, is also an Assistant Coach on the
JV Football team at Catholic Central.
2001 – STEVEN KREIS graduated from
the Michigan State University College
of Osteopathic Medicine in May. He
began his one-year Internship at Botsford
Hospital in Farmington Hills, Mich.,
in July, followed later by his Residency
in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital in
Chicago, Ill. He is a WGA Evans Scholar.
2001 – CRAIG McMICHAEL was chosen
as the 2010 recipient of the Gabriel
Richard Award given to teachers for his
innovative use of the CC Library and its
programs. This award is given annually
by the MCCLA (the Michigan Chapter
of the Catholic Library Association).
The award was presented last April 24.
Roy Kronsbein, CC’s Media Director,
who nominated Craig, was present.
The Association was especially interested
in the way Craig has taught his classes
without traditional textbooks, using
instead the vast resources of the School’s
Media Center.
2002 – NICK KOLDERMAN is now in
law school at the University of Toledo.
He graduated from Bowling Green
State University.
2002 – ADAM RALKO has received his
M.D. from Washington University at the
St. Louis School of Medicine, and will
begin his Internal Medicine residency
training at The University of Michigan
this summer, with plans ultimately to
specialize in Cardiology.
2003 – MIKE ROSE lives in downtown
Royal Oak. He works at TARDEC in
Warren, and is pursuing a master’s
in Mechanical Engineering from The
University of Michigan. He previously
earned his bachelor’s in Mechanical
Engineering from U of M in 2007. He is
also in an a cappella singing group with
friends from college.
2004 – NATHAN KOLDERMAN graduated from The University of Michigan
and was just accepted to medical school
at Michigan State University.
Let The CC
Archive Department
Recycle Your Memories
he Archive Department
at Catholic Central needs
old memorabilia you
might otherwise consider discarding. We
welcome just about any
kind of souvenir, including everything
from old programs and photographs,
to sports items, etc., and especially
yearbooks. Many items may find
themselves on display at our
Campus in Novi.
Please contact Dan Collins ’84
(248-596-3834 or
[email protected])
or Mike Carrier ’06
(248-596-3844 or
[email protected])
to make arrangements for pick-up
or delivery of your items.
1973 – RICHARD HAYWARD retired
on November 30, 2009, as a Detective
Lieutenant after completing 25 years of
service with the Michigan Department of
State Police. He resides in Livonia with
his wife Debbie and kids Richard and
Katelyn. For “fun,” he says, he is president of the Redford Township Hockey
Association and coach of a Bantam travel
hockey team.
1974 – MARK GARDNER received a
master’s degree in Counseling in 2007.
He currently works for the Oakland
County Sheriff’s office as a sergeant.
1980 – TOM REDFORD is an active duty
Colonel in the United States Air Force.
He is stationed in Korea, and is a Group
Commander, responsible for all Logistic
Squadrons of the USAF on the Korean
C H AT T E R B O X • FA L L 2 0 1 0
peninsula. Tom’s next assignment will be
to head the Air Force’s Petroleum Programs.
He will be assigned to the Pentagon with
offices there and in Fort Belvoir, Va.
2000 – KEVIN CARROLL is a field
Artillery Second Lieutenant with the U.S.
Army. Currently, he is stationed in Fort
Lewis, Wash., with the Third Brigade,
Second Infantry Division. He and his
wife, Melanie, just had their first child
on May 27, 2010.
2002 – ROBERT
EBERTS is an
Infantry Platoon
Leader with Charlie
Company 1-187 IN, 3
BCT, 101st Airborne
Division Air Assault.
He enlisted in the
Infantry in January
2006, and became an officer in April 2008.
His Company is responsible for a large
battle space in Khowst Province along
the Pakistan border. They occupy
two Combat
Outposts with no
water, electricity, etc.
His first priority, however,
is to ensure that he brings as
many of his men back as humanly
Robert Eberts ’02, an Infantry
Platoon Leader with Charlie
Company 1-187 IN, 3 BCT,
101st Airborne Division
Air Assault, stationed in
Afghanistan, says,“This photo
was taken by my interpreter
during a dismounted patrol
of an enemy infiltration route
along the Pakistan border.
We had been taking heavy
direct and indirect fire from
that location the day prior.”
Cairo, Egypt. He is in a graduate program
in Economics and International Development. On the day of his five-year CC
Reunion, which he was not able to attend,
he was in Gaza in a program associated
with the university. Andrew was in the
CC French Summer Exchange program
when he was a student here. He spent
last Christmas with the family in France
that he had stayed with and met his
parents there. He learned French then,
but now he is beginning to learn Arabic.
2005 – DANIEL FURCA stopped by the
School on May 6, 2010, to tour the new
building and let us know what he has been
up to. Dan recently graduated from Grand
Valley State University with a degree in
Health Professions. He is now looking
to enter med school to pursue a career as
a doctor or physician’s assistant. In July,
he will begin an internship at Beaumont
Hospital as a medical assistant. Dan also
informed us that he played in a band during
his college years that opened for the
band One Republic during a summer tour.
2005 – T. CARSON McLEAN is building
his practice as a financial advisor and stock
broker in the Grand Rapids area. He
possible. Second, they are there to secure
the local populace, as well as exterminate
the Taliban, Haqqani, and Al Qaeda networks. They are also partnered with our
Afghan counterparts, which
include the Afghan
Border Police and the
Afghan National Police. Robert
personally mentors the battalion
staff and soldiers of the Afghan
Border Police 3-2 Battalion (over
200 Afghan soldiers and officers
and 10 battalion staff officers).
Robert’s wife, Captain Laura
Eberts, is also deployed
to Bagram Air Base. She
graduated from Law School at George
Washington University in D.C., and
became a JAG attorney. She currently
works at the detainee operations center.
is involved with his parish choir at St.
Andrew’s Cathedral and with the Ancient
Order of Hibernians (the Irish Catholic
social group). He always tries to remind
the locals that Detroit Catholic Central
is the original CC and not the copycats
they have out there. He says he misses
the Metro Detroit area and is glad to be
out of Chicago.
2006 – ALEX AUBREY recently accepted
a position as an Operations Analyst with
DISH Network at their corporate headquarters in Englewood, Colo. He is now
living in Denver.
2006 – ERIK ISAKSON stopped by the
School on May 17, 2010, with his grandmother to visit for the first time since he
graduated in 2006. Erik graduated from
Michigan State University in the spring
with a bachelor’s degree in Political
Science. In the fall, Erik will attend the
University of Toledo for law school with
aspirations of becoming a lawyer.
2007 – ETHAN WHITESELL is living in
Naples, Fla., and is attending Ave Maria
University. He is a proud member of the
very first Ave Maria Baseball Team.
2005 – DAVID PIEKNIK (above) is
currently serving with the Atlantic Region
Campus of AmeriCorps National Civilian
Community Corps (NCCC). AmeriCorps
NCCC is a fully residential leadership
program for 18- to 24-year olds. Members
serve on a team of 10-12 members and
complete a series of community service
projects across the country, while earning
money for college. In May, David was
deployed to Yazoo City, Miss., to provide
disaster relief following a mile-wide
tornado that hit the northern part of the
2008 – RYAN RASHID is playing hockey
in the United States Hockey League, and
is also playing for Niagara University
this fall.
2010 – MATTHEW NICHOLAS has been
named one of approximately 560 semifinalists in the 2010 U.S. Presidential
Scholars Program. Semifinalists were selected
from more than 3,000
candidates on the basis of
superior achievements,
leadership qualities,
personal character, and
involvement in community and school
activities. Candidates were initially
selected for their exceptional performance
on either the College Board SAT or the
ACT assessment. Semifinalists were chosen
after a review of students’ essays, selfassessments and other criteria. Scholars
were invited to Washington, D.C., for
several days in the second half of June
to receive a medallion at a recognition
ceremony and to participate in various
events held in their honor.
state in late April. Prior to this,
he earned his wild-land firefighting certification and led a
team of other NCCC fire fighters
at the Great Dismal Swamp in
Virginia, where the team conducted a series of prescribed
burns with the Department of
Fish and Wildlife. He will serve
on a minimum of at least two more
projects before his graduation from
the program in November.
has recently entered the
U.S. Marine Corps.
C H AT T E R B O X • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
By Ryan Shinkel ’12
In 1999, a Hockey game tied 4-4 between
the Trenton Trojans and the Detroit
Catholic Central Shamrocks was cut
short with 4 minutes and 53 seconds
remaining in the third period when
Trojan defenseman Kurt LaTarte’s neck
was slashed by a hockey skate. Both
teams gathered on the ice to pray for Kurt.
Eleven years later, the former players
reunited on Sunday, May 9, for a Gatorade
Replay Game. At the press conference,
LaTarte commented, “There’s not a day
goes by that I didn’t think about that game.
I wrote a letter to Gatorade asking them
to sponsor a replay game for us. Mine
(letter) was lucky enough to be chosen.”
This game featured almost all of the former
players from the two teams and a few
famous faces. Former NHL Forward
Brendan Shanahan and former Detroit
Red Wings Coach and Hall of Famer
Scotty Bowman were asked by Gatorade
to be honorary coaches for Trenton and
CC respectively. Shanahan commented
that, “he (Bowman) and I were approached
during the Olympics to be coaches for
the game. After hearing about all that
happened with LaTarte and the success
of the two schools, I couldn’t refuse.”
The former players went through an
eight-week workout program sponsored
C C P R O F I L E • FA L L 2 0 1 0
by Gatorade to prepare for this rematch.
The current CC Hockey Coaches, along
with Honorary Coach Scotty Bowman,
led the Shamrocks, while the Trenton
coaching staff and Brendan Shanahan led
the Trojans. The game began at 3 p.m.
on Sunday when NHL Hall of Famer
Gordie Howe dropped the honorary
puck for the game.
CC would strike first when Jim
Spiewak ’01 scored on
Trenton Goalie Ben Rader
with just over six minutes
into the first. Next,
Trenton Forward John
Nadzam scored on a
breakaway with a little
over one minute left in
the first to tie the game.
The second period was marked with
several penalties for both teams.
Going into the third period, CC, in spite
of Trenton having almost twice as many
shots on goal, led 2 goals to 1. But Trenton
forward Alec Lesko would score with
almost nine minutes left in the third period.
Lesko would score again and give Trenton
a 3-2 lead. Trenton closed the game as
forward Zach Zancanaro scored an unassisted, empty-net goal with 9.5 seconds
left in the game to take a 4-2 victory.
After the game, both teams gathered at
center ice and prayed, just as they had
done 11 years earlier. Brendan Shanahan
later said, “… really, this story is about
these young men who worked so hard,
and people don’t realize the amount of
work that goes into playing a game like
that. This is such a great story for these
two teams. They played this game in
the past and there was no winner. But,
today, both these teams are winners.”
Former CC Coach Gordon St. John
(left) and former Detroit Red Wings
Coach Scotty Bowman, who served
as honorary coach of the Shamrocks.
Photos ©2010, Steve Boyle.
Spotlighting Special Businesses In Our CC Community
Business is Sweet for Kurt Lienhard ’82 at Sweets 21
Ever in the Plymouth area and looking
for something to satisfy your sweet tooth?
Or craving for something just a little
extraordinary? Let Kurt Lienhard ’82
satisfy that craving by visiting him at
Sweets 21 in downtown Plymouth. Sweets
21 is not your ordinary bakery/pastry
shop. Kurt and his top chef, Nader Oweis,
specialize in a vast array of cakes, cookies,
pastry, including both American and
European pastry, tortes, baklava (especially the “custard” baklava), spinach pie,
and feta cheese rolls. And the specialty
of Sweets 21 is custom cakes – made to
order for any occasion. Kurt’s philosophy
of business is to “make people feel good,”
especially since he has the opportunity to
contribute in such a special way to some
of the most significant events in their
lives: baptisms, birthdays, weddings,
graduations, etc. Kurt approaches each
transaction with his customers as an
opportunity to “partner” with them
to help make these special events in
their lives extra special.
Well, quite simply, Kurt found himself
looking for a new and challenging opportunity after very successful career stints
in the printing business and the pharmaceutical sales arena. And, after a little
soul searching and due diligence, Sweets 21
was founded and opened in July 2009.
Kurt developed his interpersonal skills
throughout his life and career, and his
ability to establish relationships has
formed the foundation for the long-term
success of Sweets 21. When asked what
makes Sweets 21 different, Kurt proudly
stated it is his commitment to quality
product, but most importantly, his
commitment to customer service. That
commitment was so evident during the
visit to his store for this interview. No
customer entered without a personal
greeting from Kurt and, in most cases,
Kurt knew each of his customers by name.
Kurt shared his tremendously proud
memories of his days as a Shamrock.
Among his accomplishments at CC, he
was a four-year letter winner
and Senior Captain of the
Varsity Hockey Team.
Counted among his closest
friends were: Pat Reid ’82,
Jim Loridas ’82, Mike
Now, those of you who knew Kurt
during his days at CC are probably wondering how did he ever
end up in the baking business?
C C B U S I N E S S P R O F I L E • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Gatt ’82, John Elwell ’82, Marty Scanlon ’82
and Jim Belanger ’82. When asked about
his fondest remembrances of CC, his
answer was immediate: it was “the
brotherhood” that he shared with these
men and so many of his classmates and
teammates that left the most profound,
lasting impression. Oh, and he also proudly
admits to being one of the famous “mad
bowlers” during his time at CC.
Kurt’s spirit for CC has never wavered
and he has made a personal commitment
to Mary, Alma Mater, to “give back”
and support the institution that was so
important to his own formation. A great
example of this giving back took place
just this spring when Kurt and Sweets 21
provided all of the goodies for the Class
of 2010 at their Senior All-Night Party.
Born and raised in Plymouth, Kurt has also
reached out to support many other schools,
churches and institutions within the
community that he once again calls home.
Kurt resides in Canton, and is the proud
father of the “love of his life” – Mia
Isabella, his 5-year-old daughter. He
invites the entire CC Family to visit him
at Sweets 21. He offers a CC Discount
to any and all. Simply tell him, you are
a Shamrock.
Sweets 21 is open seven days a week, and
is located at 386 Main Street in Plymouth
(across the street from Kellogg Park).
You may contact Kurt and Sweets 21
at (734) 455-7144 or visit
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
By Ryan Shinkel ’12
The 22nd Annual Alumni Dinner was
held on May 14, 2010. The honorees this
year, awarded the Fr. Canning Harrison
Distinguished Alumnus Award, were CC
School Board Chairman Fr. Raymond
Paramo, C.S.B and Drew Sharp ’78.
Fr. Paramo was introduced by his
classmate and Basilian confrere, Bishop
Richard Ramirez, C.S.B. of Las Cruces,
New Mexico. Besides telling us many
interesting stories about Fr. Paramo’s early
history, Bishop Ramirez took the time to
Drew Sharp could not play sports
because of two heart surgeries before the
age of eight. He then decided to become
a journalist; if he couldn’t play sports, he
would write about them. Sharp attended
and graduated from Catholic Central in
1978. He graduated from The University
of Michigan and became a sports columnist for the Detroit Free Press.
Sharp said of his experiences at Catholic
Central, “My favorite experience at
Catholic Central is hard to reduce to one
Honoree Drew Sharp ’78 (right), with Jeff Evans ’80
(left) and Michigan State Basketball Coach Tom
Izzo, who spoke at the Dinner.
Rev. Raymond Paramo, C.S.B. was one of two
recipients of the 2010 Fr. Canning F. Harrison
Distinguished Alumnus/Basilian Award.
Michigan State Basketball Coach Tom Izzo (middle, left) poses with CC’s first (1961) State Basketball
Championship Team.
remember fondly the time he himself spent
teaching at CC as a Basilian seminarian.
instance. All my experiences were great
for me, especially when you appreciate
them later in life: the connections that
you made there; getting days off for state
championships. All the experiences
helped me get to this point in my career.”
In his acceptance, Fr. Paramo spoke of the
qualities of many individual students whom
he had found inspiring and combined that
with a description of that rare fellowship
of friendship that CC Alumni share. All
the Alumni found this very moving.
When asked his fondest memory of
teaching, Fr. Paramo said, “When you’re
a teacher, occasionally, not every day,
you’ll see a little light go on in a student’s
eyes when he suddenly understands
something that he didn’t know five
minutes ago.”
Michigan State Basketball Coach Tom
Izzo introduced Drew Sharp.
The 23rd Annual Alumni Dinner will be
held on Thursday, March 31, 2011. The
honoree will be Greg Normandin ’78,
who has served as the School’s Band
Director since the fall of 1982. Please
join us in honoring him.
23rd Annual Alumni Dinner
Honoring Greg Normandin ’78
Embassy Suites • Livonia
Tickets: $150 per Person • $250 per Couple
$50 per Person for 2001-2010 Graduates
$1,200 to Sponsor a Table for 10
C C P R O F I L E • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Fellow Alumni:
I am looking forward with great enthusiasm to this
from the
coming year. The “Spirit of CC “ has taken hold, and the
involvement of our Alumni has been substantial. There
Alumni Association
Mission Statement
are many activities planned for the coming year by the Alumni Association.
The mission of the
Catholic Central Alumni Association
is to provide services, benefits and
activities of interest to the Alumni
and foster an Alumni body
which is interested and involved
in the affairs and functions of the School,
and to provide such assistance
to the School as may from time
to time be requested of it.
All Alumni, young and old, are encouraged to participate in the activities
of their choice. Why not begin this new School year by attending the Boys’
Bowl Alumni Mass and Breakfast? The Boys’ Bowl Football game will
follow that afternoon. In addition, the Shamrock Club and the CC
Ambassadors have activities starting this Fall.
The Alumni Dinner in May was a great success! Bob Forte ’69, the Dinner
Committee, the Alumni Office and the Embassy Suites did outstanding
jobs. Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 has stepped down, and we thank him for
all of the special things that he has done for CC. We welcome our new
President, Fr. Richard Ranalletti, C.S.B.
Catholic Central
Alumni Association Meetings
The 2009-2010 school year was very special for our CC Family. The athletic
All Alumni Are Welcome
All graduates of CC are members of
teams won six State Championships, and four teams earned Academic
the Alumni Association. Please join us
as we discuss the coming year for the
Alumni Association and the School.
All-State honors. The excellence of our student body helps to exemplify
our motto of “Teach Me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge.”
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Dates Thurs., Sept. 9, 2010
Thurs., Dec. 2, 2010
Location Catholic Central
Mass 6:00 p.m.
Refreshments 6:30 p.m.
Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Stanley J. Targosz Jr. ’67
President, Alumni Association
[email protected]
Alumni Association Committees & Contacts
Any Alumnus who is interested in one or
ALUMNI GOLF - Promote and organize
more of the committees listed is encouraged
to contact the chairperson associated with
a particular committee. If you are interested
in participating in other areas or have any
questions, please contact the Advancement
Office at (248) 596-3838.
golf for Alumni.
Chair: Tom Nugent ’78
[email protected]
ALUMNI DINNER - Promote, organize, and
conduct the Annual Alumni Dinner.
Chair: Bob Forte ’69
[email protected]
BOYS’ BOWL ALUMNI MASS AND BREAKFAST Promote, organize and conduct the
Boys’ Bowl Mass and Breakfast.
Chair: Jack Rajkovich ’67
[email protected]
CAREER GUIDANCE - In cooperation with
the School Administration, implement and
conduct career-guidance programs for
students, with assistance from Alumni,
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
including career-day field trips, a Speakers
Bureau featuring selected professions, and
other similar endeavors.
Chair: Jeff McGowan ’84
[email protected]
CC AMBASSADORS - A group of Alumni who
are committed to Catholic Central High School
in support of Institutional Advancement.
Chair: Dennis Antoniotti ’68
[email protected]
COMMUNICATIONS - Through the use of
multiple forms of communication, this
Committee keeps the Alumni informed
of Alumni and School-related events.
Chair: Dante Cerroni ’96
[email protected]
Dear Fellow Alumni,
The 19 th Annual Family Fest
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I step into the
role of Director of Alumni Relations! It has been a dream
of mine to come back to Catholic Central on a full-time
basis, and now it has finally happened. CC has had a
tremendous impact on me and my family, and it is my profound hope
that I can take part in her continuing to impact the lives of our Alumni,
future Alumni and their families. I look forward to meeting more and
more Alumni and friends each day and cementing the strong relationship
between the Alumni and Catholic Central High School.
It’s Family Fest time again!
For the 19th
consecutive season, the kick-off event of
the School year will be presented by the
Mothers’ Club, Dads’ Club and Alumni
Association on Sunday, September 12,
2010. Keeping with tradition, we will begin
with Mass at Noon in the Chapel, with food
tasting at 1:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. In the
Main Gym, entertainment will be provided
by the Catholic Central Jazz Band, and there
will be a silent auction of sports memorabilia.
As we begin this School year, it is my hope that we can continue to
celebrate the 82 years of tradition that has made CC what it is today.
The motto, “Teach me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge,” taught to
us by the Basilian Fathers, is a permanent fixture in all of us, and it is our
job to insure that this legacy continues.
Over 25 quality restaurants will serve their
specialties ranging from appetizers to
desserts. Many restaurants will offer a
sampling of their main menu items. Also,
all Grandparents are invited to celebrate
National Grandparents Day at this year’s
Family Fest.
As I challenged the Class of 2010 upon graduation, I challenge all of us
to continue to be stewards for Catholic Central and its motto. Through
the grace of God, and the help of Mary, Alma Mater, CC will remain
where it is today – on top!
The price of admission is the same as it has
been for the last 10 years: $15 for adults,
$5 for students aged 13 to 18 years, and
children age 12 and under are free. Simply
mail in your check marked “Family Fest”
to the School and your tickets will be waiting
at the Will Call Table the day of the event.
Tickets will also be available at the door.
May God continue to bless you and your families so that each of you
may know His love.
Go Shamrocks!
Mike Carrier ’06
We look forward to seeing you – be sure
to come hungry!
Director of Alumni Relations
[email protected]
Participating Restaurants
implement events, programs, activities
and strategies which will engage and retain
the interest of participating Seniors and
recent Alumni.
Chair: Scott Hauncher ’89
[email protected]
NOMINATIONS - Provide recommendations
for Board membership and election of officers.
Chair: Bob Barnes ’56
[email protected]
SHAMROCK CLUB - Identify and implement
events, programs and activities which will
foster Alumni business and career networking.
Chair: Stan Targosz III ’92
[email protected]
reconnect Alumni to the School and
Alumni Association, including those
Alumni who reside out of state.
Chair: John Rioux ’61
[email protected]
and implement events, programs, and
activities to provide for the spiritual
enrichment of Alumni.
Chair: Carmine Palombo ’70
[email protected]
Buddy’s Pizza
Buffalo Wild Wings
Coratti’s On Main
Embassy Suites
Famous Dave’s
Laurel Manor
Mother’s Pizzeria
Omelette & Waffle Café
Polish Village Café
Red Lobster
Red Robin
Stone Fire Bistro
The Melting Pot
Volare Ristorante
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
This Year’s Reunion Weekend will
begin September 24, and the Alumni
Office is doing more than ever to help
you plan, organize and, most of all,
enjoy your Class Reunion.
If you would like to become involved,
please contact Mike Carrier ’06 at
[email protected] or
(248) 596-3838.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Breakfast Social CC Cafeteria
9:30-11 a.m.
Boys’ Bowl Assembly
11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tours
6-11 p.m.
Reunion Class Stag $20 per person
• Sports Game on
Big Screen
• Pizza & Sub Stations
• Keg Beer & Soft
Drinks provided
9-9:30 a.m.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
9th Annual Boys’ Bowl
Mass & Breakfast Complimentary,
sponsored by the
Alumni Association
66th Annual Boys’ Bowl
Football Game CC vs. De La Salle
ATTENTION: CLASS YEARS ’45, ’50, ’55, ’60, ’65, ’70,
’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95 & ’00
Reunions for the above class years are still in the planning stages.
If you can help
out, or would like to get an update, please contact your Class’s representative(s) below.
1945 The Class of 1945 already hosted
a Reunion, but all members are still
welcome to attend Reunion
Weekend events
1975 Bruce Longe - (517) 545-0736
Donald O’Connell - (248) 855-4121
[email protected]
1950 Lou Yeager - (248) 887-0373
[email protected]
1985 Joe Elliott - (734) 233-1528
[email protected]
1955 Ray Billinghurst - (248) 685-8541
[email protected]
1990 Chris West - (734) 812-4808
[email protected]
Scott Krueger - (248) 592-9338
[email protected]
Michael Wright - (734) 429-7436
[email protected]
1960 George Smrtka - (248) 641-9000
[email protected]
John MacInnis - (248) 349-5943
[email protected]
Jeff Hornyak - (248) 879-0066
[email protected]
1965 Mike Harrison - (248) 320-3653
[email protected]
1970 Carmine Palombo - (248) 477-9640
[email protected]
Tom Leger - (313) 418-5315
[email protected]
Paul Shefferly - (248) 924-7609
[email protected]
1980 Alumni Office - (248) 596-3838
1995 Andy Gignac - (248) 242-6973
[email protected]
Robert Beckman - (734) 634-6776
[email protected]
2000 Alumni Office - (248) 596-3838
You may also register online
for Reunion events
Class of 1945 Celebrates 65th Reunion
On Saturday, June 19, 2010, the Class of 1945 celebrated their
Left to right (front): Fr. Jack Lee, C.S.B. ’45, Charlie Porretta ’45, Fr. Roy Strain
’45, Don Berner ’45, (back) Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46, George Van Antwerp
’45, Joe Mazur ’45, Mike Nader ’45, John Bohrer ’45, Al Winkel ’45, Jerry
Redoutey ’45, unidentified, and Roland Olzark ’45.
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
65th Reunion with a Mass and dinner at St. Mary of the Hills
Church in Rochester Hills, Mich. Classmates Fr. E. Roy Strain ’45
and George Van Antwerp ’45 helped organize a Mass and reception dinner to share memories of their days at CC on Belmont
Avenue. The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
and Fr. Jack Lee, C.S.B. ’45. After Mass, a small prayer service
was held in memory of those classmates who have passed.
A great time was had by all! Congratulations to all members
of the Class of 1945.
Sha mrocks Across The Country
On June 17-18, 2010, CC
Alumni living in the Chicago
area gathered at the Fifty/50
Bar and Wrigley Field to
reunite and share memories
of their times at CC.
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46,
Dan Collins ’84, Mike
Carrier ’06 and Sharon
Bowling were also in attendance representing
the Advancement Office at Catholic Central.
John Radtke ’81 was a key contributor to the
success of the event and helped us obtain the
Chicago Cubs tickets. Thanks
to all of the Alumni and their
families that were able to attend!
New York
Mike Carrier ’06,
Mike Merucci ’82,
John Culver ’81,
John Radtke ’81,
Jeff Black ’81
and Paul Egan ’82.
The 2nd Annual Alumni Association All-Class
Reunion in Fort Meyers, Florida, was held
March 26-27. The weekend began with a golf
event on March 26, and ended with a Reunion
Mass and Dinner Party on March
27, at the home of Terry Brady ’55.
Dan Collins ’84, Director of
Advancement, and Fr. Dick Elmer,
C.S.B. ’46 were in attendance.
Thanks to all who helped with the
event, especially hosts Terry and Karen Brady, Ray Billinghurst ’55
and his wife Patricia, John Rioux ’61 and Dennis Antoniotti ’68.
On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, over 20 CC
graduates gathered in New York City for
an all-class reunion. The crowd ranged
from graduates from 1949 all the way to
2006, and included Shamrocks living in
New York, Philadelphia and Connecticut.
Keith Lukasik ’02 was responsible for
organizing this great event. Accordingly,
the Class of 2002 was well represented
with eight members present. Dan Collins ’84
and Mike Carrier ’06 were also in attendance
representing the Advancement Office at
Catholic Central. It was great to see so
many people in attendance, and we plan
to make this an annual event!
Walt Goulet ’53 and
Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
7th Annual Harper-Belmont Reunion
The 7th Annual Harper-Belmont Reunion
Mass & Luncheon was held on Monday,
June 14, 2010, at Catholic Central. This
Reunion is for all Alumni from classes
1929-1954 who spent at least one year at
either of the School’s first two locations. Mass
was celebrated by Fr. Dick Elmer, C.S.B. ’46.
Almost 70 people were in attendance, making
this year’s reunion one of the largest ever!
Frank Ross ’51 received a “One Body”
Statue in recognition of his joining the St. Basil
Legacy Society. Thanks to all who made this
event so special. We hope to see even more
there next year.
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Shamrock Bar
Alumni Basketball League
The Catholic Central Alumni Basketball
League wrapped up its fifth season on
March 28. The League had a record 20
teams, which were split into two divisions
according to skill level. For 11 Sundays
from January through March, approximately 150 Alumni got together to play
Andy Dillon Speaks at March 16 Meeting
By Mike Butler ’71
On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, Andy
Dillon ’80, Speaker of the Michigan
House of Representatives, addressed
the members and guests of the Detroit
Catholic Central Shamrock Bar
Association. Speaker Dillon is also
a candidate for Governor in the
upcoming November election.
While Speaker Dillon is campaigning for
the Democratic nomination, his 1980 CC
classmate, Michigan Attorney General
Mike Cox ’80 is seeking the Republican
nomination for Governor.
99 Problems Team members: (left to right, front
row) Chris Respondek ’98, Dave Lusky ’99, Rich
Reynolds ’99, (back row) Anthony Tomey ’99,
Jim Cash ’04, Michael Tomey ’07, Brian Doyle ’99,
Rob Fragoso ’05 and Brent Zak ’99. Not pictured:
Chuck Cash ’99 and Anthony Coratti ’01.
in this fun, friendly and competitive
league. The two champions were
99 Problems in the Breakfast Drive division
and Brace Yourself in the Outer Drive
division. The League will be looking to
build upon this success next year. Please
look for information about the league
starting in the fall.
Brace Yourself: (left to right, front row) Brian
McManamon ’83, Jeff Holscher ’83, Jeff Gatt ’83,
Terry Nadeau ’83, Mike Katkic ’83, (back row)
Todd Nadeau ’80, Todd Forfinski ’83, John
Eads ’83, Bob Elwell ’83, Tim Forfinski and
Jamie Morris ’09.
A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
The evening began with Mass celebrated
by Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46. The
homily for the liturgy was presented
by Deacon Pat McDonald ’54, also
a Shamrock Bar member.
During his presentation, Andy told the
assembled group about growing up in a
middle-class neighborhood in Redford
Township (where he now is raising his
own family), and his business, legal and
political experience. He also outlined his
vision for the state of Michigan and his
plans to lead it back to a position of economic, educational and social strength.
Also at this meeting, the Association
presented two of the Honorable Richard
Hathaway Distinguished Lawyer Awards to
CC Alumni lawyers whose contributions
to the legal community best exemplified
the School motto, “Teach Me Goodness,
Discipline and Knowledge.”
Speaker Dillon presented the Award to
his father, the Hon. John M. Dillon ’44,
and Wally Piszczatowski ’69 presented
the Award to Fred Lauck ’61.
Michigan House of Representatives
Speaker Andy Dillon ’80 spoke
at the March 16 meeting of the
Shamrock Bar Association.
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 attended both
meetings of the Shamrock Bar Association,
opening the March 16 meeting with a Mass,
and presenting the Hon. James Ryan ’50
with an award at the May 11 meeting.
Mike Cox ’80 Speaks at May 11 Meeting
Show Your CC Pride!
Alumni Items –
Going Fast!
By Mike Butler ’71
On Tuesday, May 11, 2010, the Detroit
Catholic Central Shamrock Bar Association
held its final meeting of the 2009-2010
School year. The featured speaker for the
evening was Michigan Attorney General
Mike Cox ’80. Mike is a candidate for the
Republican nomination for Governor in the
upcoming November election. He spoke
to the audience about his vision for the
state of Michigan.
Two of the Honorable Richard Hathaway
Distinguished Lawyer Awards were
presented at the meeting. U.S. District
Court Judge Sean Cox ’75 presented the
award to his brother Mike. Fr. Richard
Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 presented the award to
the Hon. James Ryan ’50. Judge Ryan
sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit and is a former Justice of
the Michigan Supreme Court.
It was also announced that Judge Robert
Colombo ’68 plans to run for a seat on the
Michigan Supreme Court this November.
The meeting was free of any partisan
bickering, though there was some concern
as Mike Cox began a story about Michigan
Governor Jennifer Granholm, then being
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Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox ’80 was
presented with an Honorable Richard Hathaway
Distinguished Lawyer Award by his brother, the
Hon. Sean Cox ’75.
considered for a seat on the U.S. Supreme
Court. Mr. Cox had apparently learned
of a phone conversation between President
Barack Obama and CC’s own Judge
James Ryan, wherein the President asked
Judge Ryan his opinion of Governor
Granholm, a fellow Michigander. Judge
Ryan replied that he thought she would
be a terrible choice for the Court, due to
the extremely poor judgment she had
exhibited in the past. President Obama,
taken aback, asked him to explain.
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How, Judge Ryan asked, could you trust
the judgment of someone who had married
a U of D grad? What tension there was
in the room immediately disappeared.
You will notice, however, who was not
selected for the Supreme Court.
Republicans and Democrats may be
separated by some minor differences
of opinion on several trifling matters,
but when it comes to Shamrocks and
Cubs, well… we can but try to instruct
the ignorant.
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A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N • FA L L 2 0 1 0
The true Spirit
of CC is the Spirit of
Jesus Christ, who
continually inspires the
CC Family to follow His
teachings of Goodness,
Discipline, and Knowledge
as a guide in our daily lives
and as a mission to light the
world around us.
The Spirit of CC is burning brightly this year with new leadership!
We are blessed to have our good friend Fr. Richard Ranalletti,
C.S.B. become the second President of Catholic Central.
Fr. John Huber, C.S.B., former Principal of St. Thomas High School
in Houston, joins us as our new Principal.
Both Basilian Fathers have a long and shared
history of service. Please offer your support,
friendship, and prayers for their mission to
lead the Spirit of Catholic Central for many
years to come.
When did you receive God’s call and what inspired
you to become a Basilian?
Fr. Ranalletti: I thought about the priesthood ever since
I was an altar boy. I saw the Basilians in high school and
thought that was something I could do.
Fr. Huber: For me it was gradual. When Fr. Ranalletti was
my guidance counselor, sophomores took something known as
the Kuder Interest Survey… and a few of the indications were
that I might want to consider joining the clergy, being
a teacher, and majoring in a foreign language. I ended
up doing all three – and have no regrets! Although I told
Fr. Ranalletti at the time that I wanted to be an Air Force
pilot. What I liked about the Basilians in high school
was the common life and unity of purpose.
What was Fr. Huber like as a student?
Fr. R: He was a questioner – how come this
and how come that.
What was Fr. Ranalletti like as
a guidance counselor?
Fr. H: Fr. Ranalletti was one of the
Basilians who inspired me to become
L E A D I N G T H E S P I R I T • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Rev. John Huber, C.S.B. (left), CC’s 19th Basilian
Principal, joins newly appointed President Rev. Richard
Ranalletti, C.S.B. to lead the Spirit of CC.
a Basilian. As a junior, I had a hard time with Trigonometry.
One rainy afternoon after school, I went to his office and
asked for help. Fr. Ranalletti told Fr. Menner, the principal
(yes, Fr. John Menner, CC Teacher and 17th Principal), that
he would walk home when he was done with me. “It’s OK,
I have a heavy coat.” The fact that he would work with
me and walk home in the pouring rain truly touched and
inspired me.
Fr. Huber, are you familiar with many of the
CC traditions? The Drive? Drive holidays?
State Championship holidays?
Fr. H: Absolutely! Any Basilian who has taught at CC,
then been reassigned elsewhere, constantly brags about
CC and its famous traditions. When I was a freshman at
Aquinas, the band went on tour in 1978, and we actually
came to Detroit and stayed in the homes of CC students.
We played a concert in the CC gym for the student body.
Any truth to the rumor that you are going
to change the dress code at CC?
Fr. H: No. In fact, in Houston, the school was not air
conditioned for the first 70 years, so you couldn’t have
the kids wearing shirts and ties. So, they [St. Thomas]
always had a polo shirt and khaki dress code.
What has been the most rewarding aspect
of school administration?
Fr. R: An administrator gets to see what works from the
point of view of student, parent and teacher. Helping
to bring those views together is a great job. Personally,
the most rewarding aspect is seeing success in a student
when the standardized tests say he won’t make it.
Fr. H: Another rewarding part of administration is being
able to set the tone – the Catholic tone, the Christian
tone, and the Basilian tone of the School. And constantly
reminding people of our mission. To represent a school
like CC is a huge reward, and I hope to serve the School
and the community well.
Fr. Ranalletti, what do you see as your biggest
challenge in your role as President? What is your
number-one goal?
Fr. Huber, what do you see as your biggest
challenge in your role as Principal? What is
your number-one goal?
Fr. H: It will take me some time to learn names and
establish relationships. I hope the community will be patient
with me. I want CC to continue to provide a quality Catholic
education to all young men willing to work hard who share
our Christian values. I would like to see CC become more
diverse, and I would like to see an increase in vocations to
the priesthood and religious life from among our graduates.
Define the Spirit of CC.
Fr. R: The Spirit of CC is something different for many
groups. For the incoming student, it’s learning that you’re
capable of more than you think, and learning to support
the teams and each other. For a recent graduate, it’s
continuing the brotherhood that made the place special.
For the older Alumnus, it grows from those kinds of spirit
to an appreciation of the presence of the Holy Spirit in
his life. When the Spirit of CC gets to that place, it has
matured into its fullness.
Fr. H: I will have to learn this well-known spirit and
experience it for myself before I can describe it. In May,
I visited the School and spoke to many students in the Cafeteria.
I asked them what they liked about their School, and
the number-one answer I received was “the brotherhood.”
I am sure you can find thousands upon thousands of Alumni
who will articulate how this reality has made a huge
difference in their lives.
Follow the Spirit…
Fr. Ranalletti and Fr. Huber attended high school
at the Aquinas Institute in Rochester, N.Y., where
they were both inspired by the Basilian priests.
Fr. Ranalletti was Fr. Huber’s high school
guidance counselor.
Fr. Ranalletti was Principal at Bishop O’Dowd
High School in Oakland, Calif., where
Fr. Huber was a teacher.
Fr. Ranalletti is the President of CC and
Fr. Huber is Principal.
Fr. R: From the Alumni, the most frequent question
is, “Is it still the School I remember?” To keep CC
number one means moving forward in subject
areas, keeping it affordable, keeping great teachers,
and maintaining our commitment to Goodness,
Discipline and Knowledge. It’s one big challenge.
L E A D I N G T H E S P I R I T • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Catholic Central Alumni
at the Gold Cup Races –
from left to right:
an unidentified female
security guard,
Paul Lemarre ’68,
Leonard Bartush ’67,
Dave Bartush ’58,
and Jerry Belian ’58 –
in front of the Spirit
of Detroit Unlimited
Hydroplane owned
by Dave Bartush.
Artist’s rendering
of this same Unlimited
Hydroplane, now appropriately named
the “Spirit of Detroit,” that has been the Gold
Cup Champion four times over the past three
decades. Talk about durable! The artist for this
wonderful historical depiction is none other than
Paul Lemarre ’68.
One of the other Unlimited Hydroplanes powering
through the fourth turn on the Detroit River Course.
Show Us
Your CC Spirit!
Going on a trip? Attending a
special event? Getting together
with fellow Shamrocks? Take
along your CCs and snap a
photo. Send it in or upload it
to [email protected].
Please include information about
the photo, identify the people in
it, where it was taken, etc., and
include your telephone number.
Crew readying the Spirit of Detroit Unlimited
Hydroplane for a trial run.
Please Join Us August 28, 2010
4th Annual Athletic Hall Of Fame
Please make plans to join us for the Hall of Fame Induction August 28, at Catholic Central, where we will honor:
Lou Yeager ’50
Dr. Michael Haynes ’66
• CC Student Athlete in Baseball,
Football and Hockey
• Team Physician, 1985-2009
• Teacher, Coach and Mentor in Baseball,
Football, Golf and Wrestling
Don Munce ’57 (dec.)
Casey Rogowski ’99
• Student Athlete in Baseball,
Football and Wrestling
• CC Student Athlete in Baseball,
Football and Hockey
1979 State Championship
Football Team
Fr. John Ward, C.S.B. ’59 (dec.)
• 12-0 and Ranked #8 in the
United States
• CC Student Athlete in Boxing and Track
• Teacher, Coach and Mentor in Track
Don’t miss this great event!
2009 Hall of Fame Inductees
S H O W U S Y O U R C C S P I R I T • FA L L 2 0 1 0
By Mike Brudenell,
Sports Writer, Detroit Free Press
Spotlighting Alumni & Special Members Of Our CC Family
He Won’t Run Away
Ralph Judd ’56 [brother of Fr. Gordon
Judd, C.S.B. ’58] has run all 32 Detroit
Free Press Marathons, one of only six
men to do so.
With luck, he will make it 33 in October.
Judd, 72, has fourth-stage melanoma skin
cancer. But Judd, who lives in Southfield
and is a member of the Downtown
Runners club, isn’t buying into the
medical death sentence.
“Stage 4 – it’s usually fatal,” said Judd
over a beer at Vivio’s Restaurant in the
Eastern Market district last week. “I take
a pill a day, get chemotherapy once a
week, and run.
“I’m going to live a long life. I’ll just
keep running.”
Running has long been Judd’s panacea
to a life already well lived.
He is an icon in the world of marathons
and ultra long-distance events throughout
the country. Despite the cancer, Judd
runs 40-45 miles a week.
A father of two and grandfather of three
girls, Judd was a member of the Marine
Corps track team in the late 1950s, when
stationed in California, North Carolina
and then Japan.
His best time for the marathon is 2 hours,
53 minutes, which he clocked as a
Since doctors confirmed in October
that Judd’s skin cancer – first treated in
2006 – had returned, he has competed
in two marathons.
The Downtown Runners honored him at
Vivio’s last week, presenting him with
the club’s annual “Appreciation Award”
at a surprise function attended by more
than 100 members.
“Ralph – he’s not of this world,” said Doug
Howell, as Judd accepted the congratulations of fellow runners. Howell, 63, a
Vietnam veteran and physician’s assistant
from St. Clair Shores, has watched Judd
compete in marathons and fight his cancer.
He said Judd never ceased to amaze him.
“Ralph broke his hip three years ago
when he fell on a curb, was diagnosed
with cancer and is still going strong,”
Howell said. “If there is a single person
who can survive this latest battle, it will
be Ralph Judd. If he goes, Ralph will go
with his boots on – his running shoes on.”
Dennis Handley, a long-time Downtown
Runners member, started competing in
marathons at 35, when his doctors told
him he needed to stop smoking and lose
30 pounds. He has been pals with Judd
for 26 years and toasted his friend with
a pint of Guinness.
Howell believes Judd will be there on
Oct. 17 for his 33rd consecutive Detroit
Free Press Marathon.
“He’s a tough runner,” Howell said.
“He’s run with double hernias.
“He’s a strong old coot.”
Judd recalled the worst of the side effects
of the chemo treatment he started when
the cancer returned.
“I got bad mouth sores,” Judd said. “All
I could do was to eat soft-boiled eggs and
drink a beer. I guess it wasn’t all that bad.”
“Ralph is the club’s godfather,” said
Handley, 65, of Ferndale. “He’s a legend
in the metro area and all over the country.
Everyone at the club knows about Ralph’s
melanoma, but he’d never use that or anything else as a crutch. That’s not his style.”
During a short acceptance speech, Judd,
a technical support operations manager
in Detroit’s 36th District Court, made
little reference to his medical condition.
Before getting the award, he’d gone for a
six-mile run with about 30 club members
on the city’s near eastside.
“I really appreciate you being here –
you’re like family,” Judd said.
“Each of you is a source of comfort.
“Let’s drink some beer, guys.”
Sitting at a table across from a TV set
showing a Red Wings-Sharks game,
Judd, who undergoes treatment at the
U-M Cancer Center, said when his cancer
reappeared, “It hit me hard for a couple
of days, and I couldn’t eat.”
But he didn’t have time to feel sorry for
himself, Judd said.
“I started running again,” he said.
“It made me feel good. Anyway, my
mother is 92 years old, and I’ve got
to look after her.”
Judd also teaches ballroom dancing.
Ralph Judd ’56 gathers with members of the
Downtown Runners club recently for one of their
regular runs through the streets of Detroit.
Photos ©2010, William Archie.
All in all, Judd considers himself fortunate.
“I’m a lucky man,” he said. “I’ve had
two great kids and have three beautiful
granddaughters. I’ve run many, many
marathons. What’s to complain about?
“Life is not a spectator sport. You got to
get out and do something. You can either
hit the wall or run through it. I’m not
waiting for the starter’s gun.”
“My running helps my dancing, and the
dancing my running,” Judd said. “It’s
good for your balance.”
This story is reprinted with permission from the “Detroit Free Press.”
C C P R O F I L E • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Getting To Know New Alumni Association Members
By Rick Shepich, Sports Writer,
Livingston County Daily Press & Argus
DeMars Goes Back-to-Back Ex-Howell Resident Wins 2nd Straight College Boxing Title
“A nd in this corner... weighing in at 112 pounds... hailing from
Howell, Michigan... two-time National Collegiate Boxing
Association champion – Maaatt DeMaaars!”
If there are any more fights in the future of Detroit Catholic
Central graduate Matt DeMars ’06, that could be his
introduction. DeMars, currently a junior at the Air Force
Academy, successfully defended his title at 112 pounds by
winning his second-straight NCBA championship earlier
this month.
“It was a good feeling,” said DeMars in a phone interview
from Colorado Springs, Colo., home of the Air Force
Academy. “The only letdown was that
I was more focused on the team title.”
In the team competition, Air Force
finished third overall. Army, who hosted
the championships, won the title.
“I was named a team captain halfway through the year, and we
don’t like Army,” said DeMars with a laugh. “I mean, we’re not too fond of them
when it comes to competition.”
The experience DeMars gained in winning his first title the previous year paid big
dividends for him en route to his second championship.
“It was huge,” he said. “At Army, there are a couple thousand
people right there next to the ring. You just have to block that
all out and be able to hear your coach and what he’s saying.”
Also making the moment sweeter was having his family there.
“My mom, dad, brother, aunt and girlfriend were all there,” he
said. “It was a good feeling. I wanted to win it for them, too.”
2010, Dennis Rogers
DeMars is studying Systems Engineering Management at the
Academy, and said his academic career is progressing well,
though it’s not easy.
“This year’s been a lot harder, but in a good way,” he said. “The academics are getting
easier because I’m getting into classes I enjoy, but the military stuff is tougher with
higher leadership positions and having more responsibility.”
This story is reprinted with permission from the “Livingston County Daily Press & Argus.”
Y O U N G A L U M N I • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Fellow Shamrocks,
Are you kidding me?!
10 National Merit Semifinalists…
6 State Championships…
A live radio broadcast…
A national TV show…
The 10th-ranked athletic program
in the nation…
3 perfect scores on the ACT…WOW!
And all in one school year!
Your Alma Mater just completed
one of the most successful school
years in history. CC continues to
strive for success and drive its
students to achieve the maximum
spiritually, academically and
athletically. This will never change,
but a great deal of CC’s success comes
from our greatest ambassadors –
Alumni just like you. Please,
continue to spread the word about
this incredible institution that was
so important in so many lives.
Together, let us insure that this
gem is available to future men…
men of Mary, Alma Mater.
Feel free to contact me at anytime.
Stop by for a visit and see this
awesome Campus!
Go ’Rocks!
Joe Chops ’80
Director of Admissions & Public Relations
(248) 596-3874
[email protected]
30th Annual
Athletic Department Golf Outing
Winning team: the guys from Varsity Lincoln-Mercury
On May 3, 2010, the Athletic Department hosted
its 30th Annual Golf Outing at Walnut Creek
Country Club. First-year Athletic Director Aaron
Babicz ’93 saw the Golf outing run very smoothly and
successfully. This outing is the one major fund-raiser for
the Athletic Department, used to budget each of the School’s
14 sports programs. Congratulations to the team from Varsity
Lincoln-Mercury for winning this year’s Scramble! Special
thanks to all who helped this outing to be such a success.
3 0 T H A N N U A L AT H L E T I C D E PA RT M E N T G O L F O U T I N G • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Wedding Bells
adjacent Solanus Casey Center. The Solanus Casey Center is
located where the old Third Order Hall used to be.
MICHAEL GINGER ’98 and Sandra Tomaszycki were married
in the Chapel at Catholic Central on December 30, 2009. They
spent their honeymoon last summer backpacking through
Europe, traveling through Belgium, Spain, Scotland, and Ireland.
50th Wedding Anniversary Gerald Dywasuk ’53 and his
wife, Colette
his wife, Colette, recently celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. To celebrate the wondrous occasion, Jerry and
Colette returned to the site where they first met. In 1958, a
young Jerry, not long out of the Navy, met Colette Taube at the
former Third Order Hall at St. Bonaventure Monastery. Now,
50 years later, the couple celebrated their golden anniversary
with a Mass at St. Bonaventure Monastery and reception at the
Baby Bells
MATT FRAS ’87 and
his wife, Michelle,
welcomed their fifth
child, Ryan Edward,
on December 14,
2009. Ryan joins his
brother and sisters,
Olivia, Dylan, Alexa
and Theresa.
Ryan Edward Fras
and his wife Dana welcomed a daughter,
Ellie Louise, born on March 1, 2010.
STEPHEN SUDEKUM ’04 and Erika Booker were married
on Friday, May 21, 2010. All together, 13 CC graduates were
in attendance.
Erika is the
daughter of Susan
Larsen Heise,
who is a former
Mothers’ Club
President and is
very involved in
the Alumni Moms’
Left to right: Kevin Parker ’12, Mu Wei Huang ’09,
Bob Larsen ’81, Jonathan Vargo ’09, Steven
Booker ’02, Dave Sudekum ’99, Ric Heise ’10,
James Leonard ’04, Doug Booker ’06, Randy
Larsen ’79, Jon Sudekum ’09, Mike Hoener ’04
and Groom Stephen Sudekum ’04.
wife, Angela, had their first child,
daughter Maylin Elizabeth, born
on December 15, 2009.
MIGUEL MARTINEZ ’99 and his wife
Nicole, who live in Littleton, Colo., welcomed a son, Jackson Edward Martinez,
born on August 29, 2009. Miguel and
Nicole both work at the University of
Colorado Hospital in Denver.
Maylin Elizabeth
KEVIN CARROLL ’00 and his wife
Melanie welcomed their first child,
a son, Charles Seamus Carroll, on
May 27, 2010.
GABE O’KEEFE ’95 and his wife, Andrea,
welcomed Clark Thomas on October 8,
2009. He joins big brother Nolan, age 2.
Andrea and Gabe O’Keefe ’95 are shown here at
the Gatorade Replay Game (see “CC Profile” on
page 8) with sons Clark Thomas and Nolan, cheering
on cousin Joe Hillebrand ’00, who played in the game.
T H E B E L L S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Charles Seamus Carroll
The following members of the Catholic Central Family have passed
from this life to the next. Please remember them in your Masses and
other prayers. Our sincere condolences are extended to their loved ones.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
Mercy of God, rest in peace.
PATRICK F. O’BRIEN ’29 – June 10, 2010.
He is survived by his seven children,
including Paul ’62, nine grandchildren
and five great-grandchildren. He was
preceded in death by his wife of 58 years,
Mary Jane. Patrick was one of the last
members of the first graduating class at
Detroit Catholic Central. He was 97 years
old. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
St. Justin Church, Santa Clara, Calif.
DONALD R. CAIRD ’36 – November 23,
2009. He is survived by his wife,
Margaret, seven children, 23 grandchildren
and six great-grandchildren. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at National Shrine
of the Little Flower, Royal Oak, Mich.
July 6, 2010.
WARREN R. DOLAN SR. ’44 – August 11,
2009. He is survived by two daughters,
two sons, including David ’70 and
Warren Jr. ’73, and seven grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife,
WILLIAM S. ELLIS ’44 – February 23,
2010. He is survived by his wife, Carol,
five children, nine grandchildren and a
brother. A Memorial Service was held at
the Tennis Club of Fort Lauderdale, Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.
JOSEPH J. PETERS ’45 – January 9,
2010. He is survived by his wife of 56
years, Irene, three children and eight
grandchildren. The Funeral Mass was
celebrated at St. Bernardine Church,
Westland, Mich.
November 10, 2009. He is survived by
four children, five stepchildren, eight
grandchildren, 13 stepgrandchildren
and three step-great-grandchildren. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Joan
of Arc Catholic Church, Saint Clair
Shores, Mich.
REGIS D. “RED” BOWERS ’42 – Red was born
October 7, 1923, and passed away on April 16, 2010,
at the age of 86. Red Bowers joined the Naval Air
Cadet program right after high school in 1942. He
went on to win the Distinguished Flying Cross (over
52 missions and 97 carrier landings) and earn an
additional six Air Medals. In 1951, he married the lovely
red-headed Gerre Wood; it was a match that lasted for 57
years of extraordinary life experiences. He was the father
of Regis ’75, William ’80 and two daughters. He was the
grandfather of Patrick ’10 and 10 other grandchildren. His
great abilities as a businessman and an intuitive engineer led
him to start and run several successful companies. His business travels eventually took him around the world to places
WILLIAM B. WATTS ’40 – June 28,
2010. Bill Watts was CC’s Band
Director and a Music Teacher for over
30 years. He is survived by his wife
Carol, four children, 10 grandchildren
and five great-grandchildren. He
was preceded in death by two sons.
Bill was a rugged lineman for the
CC Football teams of the late ’30s
and the renowned Director and
Teacher of Music at CC from 19501982. Bill’s bands won countless
“firsts” in State Competitions, and
he had received his own recognition
playing violin, flute, saxophone and
clarinet. He played professionally,
and, during WWII, was transferred
from the Infantry to the Air Force so
he could join the 535th Air Force Band.
Bill earned his BA in Music from the
University of Detroit and his Masters
of Music Education from Wayne State
University. Many former students
went on to become band directors,
most notably Greg Normandin ’78,
who succeeded Bill at CC in 1982. Bill
was honored with the Fr. Canning
F. Harrison Distinguished Alumnus
Award in 1993.
like Lebanon, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Columbia and
Brazil, in addition to traditional places in Europe.
Red was active in volunteering his expertise, energy
and financial support to many organizations. He
was particularly involved with furthering the causes
and missions of Catholic schools. He served on the
Alumni Board of Catholic Central High School and
was awarded the Fr. Canning F. Harrison Distinguished
Alumnus Award in 1997. He was active in the Knights of
Malta, among other service organizations. He was very
involved with Hospice of Southeastern Michigan, the
American Heart Association, Providence Hospital and the
Lourdes Senior Community. He will be remembered as
a great booster of CC causes.
I N M E M O R I A M • FA L L 2 0 1 0
REV. DENNIS M. ANDREWS, C.S.B. ’60 – April 14,
2010. Beloved son of the late Charles and Madeline
Andrews. He is survived by his many siblings and
his adopted son, Phillip. Fr. Andrews graduated from
Catholic Central High School in 1960, and entered the
Basilian novitiate in Pontiac, Mich. He made his first profession of vows as a Basilian on August 15, 1961, in Pontiac.
He was a teacher and administrator, and taught at St. Thomas
High School in Houston, Texas, and at Michael Power
High School in Toronto, Ont. He was also Vice Principal at
Aquinas Institute in Rochester, N.Y., and Principal at St. Pius
High School in Albuquerque, N.M., before becoming the 14th
Principal at Catholic Central High School. Fr. Andrews also
JEROME G. MARSHKE ’47 – December 12,
2009. He is survived by his wife, Terese,
five children, seven grandchildren, a
brother, and several nieces and nephews.
The Funeral Services were held at the
O’Guinn Family Funeral Home, Clio, Mich.
GERALD P. STAFFORD ’48 – October 25,
2009. He is survived by his wife of 46
years, Judy, two daughters and two
grandchildren. The Funeral Mass was
celebrated at St. Thecla Catholic Church,
Clinton Township, Mich.
ROBERT J. GALVIN, U.S.N. (Ret.) ’49 –
March 31, 2010. He is survived by his
wife of 54 years, Esther, three daughters
and nine grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents and two siblings.
Robert served in the United States Navy
for 20 years. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Gregory the Great Catholic
Church, Virginia Beach, Va.
March 4, 2010. He is survived by his
wife of 60 years, Esther, three children
and six grandchildren. The Funeral
Service was held at the Harry J. Will
Funeral Home, Livonia, Mich.
JAMES J. HAWTHORNE ’50 – June 10,
2010. He is survived by his two children
and five grandchildren. A Memorial
I N M E M O R I A M • FA L L 2 0 1 0
taught at the University of St. Thomas in Houston,
until his retirement in 2008. He then moved to
O’Connor House in Windsor, where he began a
more pastoral ministry. He was a beloved alternate
chaplain at the Devonshire Senior Residence and helped
out as a pastoral minister at various churches in Windsor
and Detroit. A very personable man, wherever he went, he
proclaimed the Gospel and made many friends. Fr. Andrews
was a warm and engaging person, and will be sorely missed by
his family, by his Basilian confreres, by the Sisters of the Holy
Names of Jesus and Mary, and by his many friends. The Funeral
Mass was celebrated at Our Lady of Assumption Church,
Windsor, and was concelebrated by many Basilian Fathers.
Mass was celebrated at Old St. Mary’s
Church, Detroit, Mich.
Mass was celebrated at Sacred Heart of
the Hills Church, Auburn Hills, Mich.
ALFRED C. LENHARD ’50 – May 8,
2010. He is survived by three daughters,
a son and three grandchildren. The
Service was held at Ascension Cemetery,
Lake Forest, Calif.
CHARLES A. BARSON, J.D. ’60 – May 16,
2010. He is survived by his wife,
Marlene, five daughters, two sons,
including Todd ’85, and 10 grandchildren.
He was predeceased by three siblings,
including James ’53. A Memorial Mass
was celebrated at St. John the Evangelist
Catholic Church, Naples, Fla.
FRANCIS “JOE” NOWLAN ’50 – May 24,
2010. He is survived by his wife, Glory,
four children, 10 grandchildren and three
siblings. The Funeral Mass was celebrated
at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church,
Oak Park, Mich.
JERRY LOFTUS ’53 – April 21, 2010.
He is survived by a sister, his brother
James ’50, and many nieces and nephews.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Holy
Name Church, Birmingham, Mich.
JOHN L. FARICY ’55 – July 21, 2010.
He is survived by his wife, Karen, a
daughter, two grandchildren and two
brothers. He was preceded in death by
his son, Michael ’85. The Funeral Mass
was celebrated at St. Colette Catholic
Church, Livonia, Mich.
NORMAN J. BEMBAS ’58 – May 8, 2010.
He is survived by seven children and
12 grandchildren. He was preceded in
death by his wife, Patricia. The Funeral
U.S.A.F. (Ret.) ’63 – August 25, 2009.
Survived by his father, Alexander Sr., sister
Mary Ann, and brother Thomas ’67. He
served in Vietnam and was awarded the
Distinguished Flying Cross. A Memorial
Mass was celebrated at St. Anthony
Church, Cody, Wyo.
THOMAS R. VARANI ’66 – October 7,
2009. He is survived by his fiancée,
Brenda, two children, two sisters, his
mother, and many nieces and nephews.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at
Lumen Christi Church, Mequon, Wisc.
DONALD J. LAMPINEN ’77 – March 22,
2010. He is survived by his wife, Leslie,
and his siblings, including Richard ’71,
Thomas ’78 and Timothy ’78. He was
predeceased by his brother Charles. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at Church
of the Holy Cross, Novi, Mich.
BRENDAN P. MEYER, ESQ. ’86 – July 6,
2010. He is survived by his mother,
Terese, his aunt Mary and many cousins.
He was predeceased by his father, Charles.
The Funeral Mass was celebrated at St.
Kenneth Catholic Church, Plymouth, Mich.
2010. He is survived by his parents,
Kevin and Cindy and his brother,
Christopher ’08. The Funeral Service
was held at the L.J. Griffin Funeral
Home in Canton, Mich.
ALAN F. OMILIAN ’05 – July 5, 2010.
He is survived by his parents, Robert ’76
and Gwen, his sister Lili and his brother
Andrew ’07. The Funeral Mass was celebrated by Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 at
the Catholic Central Chapel.
Extended Family
JUDY BROWN – Mother of Phillip ’91.
TONY BURKE – June 4, 2010. Father
of Michael ’85 and grandfather of
Christian ’11.
July 8, 2010. Fr. Ron was engaged in the
Secondary School apostolate, teaching at
St. Michael’s College School from 19411944, at Detroit Catholic Central from
1944-1949, and at Assumption College
School in Windsor, from 1949 until retirement in 1982. Fr. Cullen coached Baseball
and Football, and won numerous high
school Hockey Championships. The
Funeral Mass was celebrated at the Cardinal
Flahiff Basilian Centre, Toronto, Canada.
2010. Mother of Marty ’70. Rev. John
Wheeler, C.S.B. ’57 celebrated the
Funeral Mass.
2010. Father of Michael ’69.
KATHRYN P. REDFORD – March 8, 2010.
Mother of James ’78 and Thomas ’80.
THOMAS M. GRACE – May 23, 2010.
Father of David ’78, John ’79, Thomas ’80,
Patrick ’81 and Edward ’88.
TONY ROSS – May 14, 2010. Father
of Ronald ’59.
2010. Father of Robert ’84.
NANCY A. ROZMAN – July 28, 2010.
Wife of Ronald ’50. Grandmother of
Mitchell ’11.
JUDITH KIELTYKA – July 8, 2010.
Mother of Jason ’95 and Zachary ’00.
CHARLES J. STANG JR. – March 25,
2010. Father of David ’69 and Thomas ’72.
2010. Mother of Jeffrey ’90.
2010. Father of Walter ’69.
HELEN STOKAS – June 11, 2010.
Mother of James ’70.
JAMES J. BUTLER – April 9, 2010.
Father of Michael ’71 and Patrick ’75.
Grandfather of Neal ’02. Cousin of the
late Rev. William Gibbons, C.S.B ’41.
MARCEL CHARETTE – June 30, 2010.
Father of Travis ’10.
SUSAN LAMPINEN – September 9, 2010.
Wife of Richard ’71.
JULIA WILSON – March 19, 2010.
Mother of Roy III ’66. Grandmother
of Roy IV ’00.
…in the
Catholic Central Chapel
Every morning
at 7:30 a.m.
Monday -Friday
Every Tuesday
at 2:50 p.m.
I N M E M O R I A M • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Come to Catholic Central
and Let the Spirit Move You
More than just academic excellence and athletic prowess, it’s
the spirit that makes Catholic Central an exceptional educational
experience. For over 80 years, Catholic Central has taught
generations of students goodness, discipline and knowledge,
and, in the process, helped transform
young men into future community
leaders, husbands and fathers whose
own sons continue the tradition.
Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 • 12:00 - 4:00 P. M.
All 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and their families are cordially invited to attend
the annual Catholic Central Open House. This special day allows you to tour
the School, see exhibits, meet the students and faculty, and much more. Come
experience the spirit, tradition and difference Catholic Central High School offers.
NOVEMBER 20 • 8:00 A.M -12:00 NOON
Detroit Catholic Central High School
27225 Wixom Road • Novi, MI 48374
Call us at (248) 596-3810 or visit us at
2010 Calendar of Events
4th Annual Athletic Hall of Fame Evening
Father/Son Field Day – 10:00 a.m.
String Concert – 7:00 p.m.
Mothers’ Club Evening of Reflection – 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Mass & Breakfast – 10:00 a.m.
Western Michigan Reunion
Labor Day Holiday – no classes
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Family Fest – 12:00 Noon
Open House – 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
High School Placement Test – 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon
Mothers’ Club Mass & General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Holiday – no classes
Boys’ Bowl Weekend
Class of 2005 – 5-Year Reunion
Student Council Canned Food Drive – All Week
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Assembly – 9:30 a.m.
Reunion Stag – 6:00 p.m.
9th Annual Alumni Association
Mass & Breakfast – 10:00 a.m.
66th Annual Boys’ Bowl Game:
CC vs. De La Salle – 1:00 p.m.
Boys’ Bowl Holiday – no classes
Shamrock Bar Association – 5:00 p.m.
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Mothers’ Club Rummage Sale – 8:00 a.m.
Alumni Moms’ Dinner – 6:00 p.m.
Shamrock Club Business Bash – 7:00 p.m.
Alumni Association Board of Directors
Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
High School Placement Test – 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon
Parents’ Christmas Dinner Dance – 7:00 p.m.
Christmas on Campus Mass & Breakfast – 10:00 a.m.
Christmas Concert – 6:30 p.m.
Dads’ Club General Meeting – 6:00 p.m.
Christmas Vacation begins
(classes resume January 3, 2011)
C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Current Events At Catholic Central
We recently asked our various Department Heads
to let us know what their departments were
doing that our Alumni might like to know about.
The response was so great and immediate
The Business Department, headed by
Amy Nanni, has used guest speakers
and field trips to great advantage.
Here are just a few of those.
Recent field trips have included one to
MASCO Corporation as guests of Bob
Rosowski ’58, and to Plante & Moran
as guests of Bill Matthews ’58.
On May 11, 2010, nine Juniors and Seniors,
accompanied by Mitch Hancock ’00,
attended a Detroit Economic Club
luncheon. James Owens, CEO of
Caterpillar, was the featured speaker.
Other invitations to the DEC followed.
In February 2010, Mitch accompanied 50
CC Seniors to Compuware as guests of
Bob Paul ’80. That same month, TELCOM
Credit Union visited CC to host a two-day
interactive workshop titled “Getting
Plugged Into Your Financial Future.” CC
Business Department students benefited
from this eye-opening experience and
learned valuable information regarding
savings, credit cards, interest, investments,
credit ratings, and personal budgeting.
that we will not be able to include all the
contributions on this first try. We do look
forward, however, to making this an ongoing
feature. – Ed.
In the classroom, students have received
valuable information from guest speakers,
which have included entrepreneur
and author Kevin O’Connor ’79 and
attorney Dave O’Hara ’97.
It is an exciting time to study business
at CC! The Business Department is
committed to preparing students for the
real world and to helping students succeed
after they leave high school. The Accounting
classes will be digitized beginning in the
fall 2010. Current events are discussed
daily. All Business Department classes
read the classroom edition of the Wall
Street Journal and select articles from
business periodicals including Time
and Newsweek. Current films (courtesy
of the CC Media Dept.) are shown to
the Business Law and Introduction
to Business classes, and include titles
such as the Federal Reserve Bank; Juvenile
Justice; Cracking the Advertising Code;
Gideon’s Trumpet; Inside the Meltdown;
Flying Cheap: Is Air Travel Safety Being
Compromised?; and Consumers – Know
Your Rights!, to name a few.
Detroit Economic Club Field Trip (left to right): Mitch Hancock ’00, Peter Nemes ’10, Joseph Conder ’10,
Nicholas Kemp ’10, Andrew Schubert ’11, former Governor John Engler, Jacob Hostetler ’10, James
Owens (CEO of Caterpillar Inc.), Mackenzie Boyd ’11, Eric Rettig ’11, Matt Ballard (Vice President of
IT at SPX Inc), Jason Smullen ’11, James Quaglia ’10, and Tanvir Arfi (President of SPX Inc.).
S C H O O L B E L L S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
The Foreign Language Department is
pleased to announce that Catholic
Central’s Latin students have again
performed splendidly on the National
Latin Exam. Every year, approximately
150,000 students from around the world
take the exam, which tests student
knowledge of grammar, comprehension,
mythology, culture, and history. Of the
117 students who took the exam here
at CC, 43 won awards. Cum Laude
awards were won by Eric Wilson ’13,
Kevin Kramer ’13, Conner McDowell ’13,
Robert Coe ’13, Kyle Thompson ’13,
Alex Morgan ’12, Armen Nercesian ’11,
Dan Mixer ’12, Jeff Sugg ’12, Jimmy
Haubert ’12, Bobby Dulzo ’11, Nick
Guerriero ’11, Dan Theisen ’11, Jimmy
Dagostino ’10, Shane Verploegh ’10,
and Dan Folk ’10.
Magna Cum Laude awards were won
by Alex Hallway ’13, Jake Glaser ’13,
Adam Herrmann ’13, David Bennett ’13,
Matt Solarz ’13, Mike Popiela ’12, Josh
Tom Voutsos ’10 Wins CC Dillon Award
Tom Voutsos ’10, a Senior from Allen Park,
was recently named Class Valedictorian
and presented with one of Catholic Central
High School’s most prestigious honors,
the Rev. Daniel Dillon Award. The Dillon
Award, named in honor of Catholic
Central’s first principal, the Rev. Daniel
Dillon, C.S.B., is given annually to the
Senior with the highest cumulative gradepoint average over four years.
Tom graduated with a 4.850 G.P.A. and is
currently enrolled at the University of Notre
Dame. While at CC, Tom was a member
of the National Honor Society and the
Gabriel Richard Club, Editor of the Spectrum
(CC’s student newspaper), Co-President
of the Student Council and a starting safety/receiver on our 2009 Division 1 State
Champion Football team. Tom was also
recognized with special honors as a Detroit Free Press Top Scholar-Athlete.
Shown with Mrs. Anne Stock are CC Latin Award
winners (left to right, front row) Tanner Cipriano ’13,
Nico Ciccone ’12, Kevin Kramer ’13, Adam
Herrmann ’13, Matt Greene ’12, Tim Hoffman ’11,
(back) Conner McDowell ’13, Alex Hallway ’13,
and David Bennett ’13.
Nosal ’12, Ryan Majsak ’11, and Jon
Savakus ’10. Maxima Cum Laude Silver
Medals were achieved by Evan Moran ’13
and Matt Mueller ’10 at the Latin 1
level; by John-Paul Zebrowski ’11 and
Greg Pilchak ’11 at the Latin 2 level; by
Collin Hammerstein ’11, Mike Yurko ’10,
Andrew Morton ’10, and Tim Hoffman ’11
at the Latin 3 level; and by Nick Bolig ’10
at the Latin 4 level.
Summa Cum Laude Gold Medals were
achieved by Tanner Cipriano ’13 and
Nick McNallen ’12 at the Latin 1 level;
by Austin Zebrowski ’11, Hunter
McDaniel ’12, Matt Greene ’12, Nico
Ciccone ’12, and Bobby Dorigo Jones ’12
at the Latin 2 level; and by Matt
Messana ’11 at the Latin 3 level.
Congratulations to all who participated
and to all who won awards.
Tom is the son of Lester and Lisa Voutsos and the brother of Greg ’11.
Jeff Janer ’10 Wins CC Whelan Award
Jeff Janer ’10, a Senior from Novi, was
recently presented with one of Catholic
Central High School’s most prestigious
honors, the Rev. James H. Whelan Award.
The Whelan Award, named in honor of
Rev. James Whelan, C.S.B. (CC’s fourth
principal), is given annually to the Senior
who has excelled academically, is an
outstanding athlete, and is looked upon
by his peers as a Christian gentleman.
Jeff was a two-sport athlete, lettering in
Basketball and Lacrosse. Jeff was Captain
for both the Basketball team and the
Lacrosse team, and, this past spring, led
the Lacrosse team to the State Finals.
Jeff earned individual All-State honors in
Lacrosse. As a Junior, Jeff was a member
of the 2009 State Regional Champion
Basketball team.
Jeff was Senior Class President and graduated with a 4.313 G.P.A. Jeff plans
to continue his education at The University of Michigan.
Jeff is the son of Matthew and Maribeth Janer and the brother of Brad ’08.
S C H O O L B E L L S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Catholic Central’s
2010 Commencement
was held on Sunday, May 23,
at Hill Auditorium in Ann
Arbor. Senior Class President
and Master of Ceremonies
was Whelan Award-winner
Jeff Janer ’10, and the
Salutary Address was given
by Matt Thompson ’10.
Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46
gave the address to the
graduates in his final
year as School President.
Furthermore, Tom Voutsos
’10 gave the Valedictory
Address and Jeff Janer gave
the Dedicatory Address.
This year’s Salutatorian was
Matthew Nicholas ’10. Our
best wishes and congratulations
to our newest members of the
Alumni Association!
S C H O O L B E L L S • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Keeping Up With Catholic Central Athletes
New Meaning To ‘Banner Year’
The Detroit Catholic Central Athletic Program, under the
leadership of Athletic Director Aaron Babicz ’93, has found
itself ranked nationally among the best prep programs in
the country! CC’s record-setting six MHSAA Team State
Championships has propelled the Shamrocks to the top of the
State of Michigan and even among the top ten programs in the
nation. MaxPreps has ranked the top ten athletic programs
in the nation for quite some time, and CC has never found
itself among them until now. The Shamrocks are ranked 10th
in the country, among schools from California, Texas, Alabama
and Oregon. Eighty-one years of competition and excellence
in the State of Michigan has led the Shamrocks to their best
year ever. It is truly amazing for CC to be noticed on such a
national stage. Football was even ranked in the top 15 in the
nation after finishing the season 14-0 and winning the Division
1 State Championship. Cross Country, Hockey and Wrestling
also each returned to the top in dominating fashion. Bowling
and Golf followed suit and stunned the State by posting record
scores while winning State Titles as well. It is a tremendous
credit to all of the young men and coaches who work so hard
to be the best. Congratulations to all of them and to every
member of the School who supported them.
2nd CC Signing Day - Seniors shown are, left to right: Mark Zughaib
(Kalamazoo College - Baseball), Joe Widmer (Kalamazoo College Football), Sam Landry (Kalamazoo College - Football), Anthony
Capatina (Middlebury College - Football), Kevin Lerg (Adrian College Lacrosse), Anthony Seling (Mercer University - Lacrosse), Robert
Brzezinski (Trine University - Lacrosse), Austin Sophiea (Northwood
University - Golf), Kory Kiefer (Calvin College - Golf), Conner Street
(Albion College - Golf), Matthew Schaeffer (Grinnel College - Baseball),
Blake Smith (St. Pete’s College - Baseball), Brady Small (Niagara
University - Swimming), Scott Winslow (Lake Erie College - Swimming),
and Brandon Hess (Madonna University - Soccer).
Go Shamrocks!
Golf – State Champs!
The Varsity Golf Team finished the year as State Champions for
championship by only one stroke with a final score of 139.
Additionally, Charlie Green ’13 and Blake Tschirhart ’10 also
the second time in School history! Led by Coaches Bill Hayes,
finished among the top 10 golfers, finishing with a 140 and a 144,
Joe Madej and Brian Karabelski ’96, the Shamrock Golfers had
a very impressive season which saw them dominate the State
respectively. This year’s team showed a lot of skill and a lot of
Finals played at Forest Akers Golf Course at MSU. The team
potential for the future. Congratulations to all of the members
outplayed the others by setting two MHSAA Division 1 State
of the 2010 MHSAA Division 1 State Championship Golf Team!
records! The Shamrocks tallied the lowest overall score in the
The JV Golf Team, coached by Micki Valant, earned an impressive
final round of the tournament with 281, and they also tallied
6-0 record in match play and won three tournaments. They won
the lowest overall score by
the division in the Catholic
a team with 569. CHSL
League. The Freshman Golf
Hall of Famer Bill Hayes
Team competed through a
said his team played two
tough schedule and earned
unbelievable rounds of golf
valuable experience for next
and finished the season by
season. The Freshmen are
peaking at the right time.
coached by Kevin Griffin ’96.
Mike Panek ’10 finished the
tournament in second place
overall, missing the individual
Left to right: Coach Brian Karabelski ’96, Mike Panek ’10,
Austin Sophiea ’10, Conner Street ’10, Blake Tshirhart ’10,
Charlie Green ’13, Coach Joe Madej, and Head Coach Bill Hayes.
Mea Culpa:
Last issue, the captions under the photos of the 2010 Junior Varsity Team and Championship Varsity Hockey
Team were mistakenly switched. We offer our sincere apology for the error.
S P O RT S B R E A K • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Track & Field
The Track & Field team had another
Photo ©2010, Jim Beck
The Varsity Baseball Team finished the
The Varsity Lacrosse Team finished the
2010 season with a 16-19-1 record. The
team fought through some adversities to
stay competitive throughout the entire
season. Coach Kevin Walters, along
with assistants Al Moran ’57, Anthony
Tomey ’99 and Casey Rogowski ’99,
led the team through a tough Catholic
League schedule and saw their squad fall
in the semifinals of the CHSL tournament.
The team eventually lost in the District
round of the state tournament. Four
players from this year’s team will go
on to play ball in college. Those players
are Matt Schaeffer, Blake Smith, Marc
Zughaib and John Jakubik. This team
is sure to continue developing and working
towards an improved team next season!
Many academic accolades were bestowed
upon this team, as seven players were
named Academic All-State by the Baseball
Coaches Association, and the Team was
named Academic All-State, as well.
season with an overall record of 18-4.
For the third time in School history, the
Shamrocks found themselves in the State
Championship game against Brother Rice.
CC lost 16-10, but proved that they are
inching closer to ending the Warrior
Lacrosse Dynasty. Coach Dave Wilson ’88,
assisted by Tom Valenti ’96 and Jon
Sullivan, led the team to its fourth
Regional Championship since taking
over in 2006. This season proved to
be one of the program’s best as the
Shamrocks lost to only two teams all
season. The depth of this year’s squad
is sure to provide next year’s team with
a lot of experience. Congratulations to
every member of the Shamrock Lacrosse
program for a tremendous season!
The JV Baseball Team, led by Coach Bill
Lis, finished the season with a 19-9-2
overall record and won their respective
division. The Freshman Baseball Team, led
by Coach Jeff Walters, finished their season
with a 21-2-3 overall record and also won
their respective division. With the success
of these two teams, the future of Catholic
Central Baseball looks to be bright!
S P O RT S B R E A K • FA L L 2 0 1 0
The JV Lacrosse Team, coached by Josh
Christenson ’98, finished the season
with an overall record of 11-5. The
Freshman Lacrosse Team finished their
season with a 9-3 overall record. They
are coached by Dave Misiewicz ’91.
The Varsity Lacrosse Team
phenomenal season! After last season’s
third-place finish at the State Finals, the
Shamrocks looked to improve and finish
as State Champs. Dedicating their season
to the late Fr. John Ward, C.S.B. ’59,
long-time Hurdles Coach, the Shamrocks
moved through the regular season with
an undefeated dual-meet record in the
Catholic League. The also won the
Dearborn Elks Relays, the Observerland
Relays, the Ann Arbor Huron River Rat
Invitational and finished second at the
Jackson Invitational. Once in the postseason, they won their third-straight
CHSL crown and their second consecutive
MHSAA Regional Championship. The
Shamrocks then advanced to the State
Finals at Rockford H.S., where the team
finished in sixth place. The Shamrocks
qualified quite a few members for
the Finals and even won the State
Championship in the 1,600 Meter Relay!
Congratulations to all the athletes, Head
Coach Tony Magni and assistants Gene
Grewe, Roy Dudas, Bruce Peck and Jerry
Myszkowski for a tremendous season!
All Catholic
All League
John Jakubik ’10
Mike Birney ’11
Jeff Janer ’10
Mike Sullivan ’11
All League
Nathan Beck ’11
Cole Borland ’10
Mitchell Gatt ’11
Jon Savakus ’10
All Catholic
Academic All-League
Mitch Burgin ’11
Kevin Lerg ’10
Alex Moore ’10
P. J. Nowak ’11
All-Catholic Academic
All District
John Rotondo ’10
John Jakubik
All State
Academic All-District,
All-Region &
Mike Birney
Robby Brzezinski ’10
Mitch Burgin
Jeff Janer
Kevin Lerg
Alex Moore
Nathan Beck
Robert Dulzo ’11
Mitchell Gatt
P. J. Nowak
Jon Savakus
Matt Schaeffer ’10
Greg Voutsos ’11
Detroit Free Press
Coach of the Year
Al Bridges ’71
All American
Mitch Burgin
Kevin Lerg
Alex Moore
All-American Academic
John Rotondo
Division 1
Coach of the Year
Dave Wilson
All Catholic
Charlie Green ’13
Kory Kiefer ’10
Conner Street ’10
All District
Mike Panek ’10
Blake Tschirhart ’10
All Regional
Charlie Green
Conner Street
Blake Tschirhart
All State
Charlie Green
Mike Panek
Blake Tschirhart
Coach of the Year
Bill Hayes
Fr. Elmer and Bill Hayes Inducted
into the Catholic League Hall of Fame
On Monday, June 14, 2010, Fr. Richard Elmer, C.S.B. ’46 and
Bill Hayes were inducted into the Catholic High School League
Hall of Fame. Fr. Elmer was inducted as an Administrator
for his 40 years of service at CC. Fr. Elmer has held numerous
positions at CC, including teacher, Director of Alumni and
Development, Director of Guidance, Director of Athletics,
Principal and President. Bill Hayes was inducted as a Coach
for his many years as Head Golf Coach at CC since 1998. Over
that time, he has amassed eight League championships, five
CHSL championships, four Regional championships and two
State Championships. He was also named Coach of the Year
in 2003 and 2010. Congratulations to these two inductees and
thank you for your many years of dedicated service.
Track & Field
All State
Dylan Young ’10 - Discus
Jake Spuller ’11 - 200M Dash
3,200M Relay
Josh Carolin ’12
Viktor Puskorius ’10
Austin Zebrowski ’10
John-Paul Zebrowski ’10
1,600M Relay
State Champs
Josh Gatt ’10
Spencer Hall ’10
Billy Riga ’11
Jake Spuller
Supporting Our Young Athletes
10:30 a.m.
Oct. 9
2:00 p.m.
Oct. 16
Sturgis H.S. Invitational (Varsity)
Sept. 11
W. Bloomfield Invitational - Kensington Park 10:30 a.m.
Oct. 16
Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard Inv’l (JV) - Hudson Mills 1:40 p.m.
Sept. 13
O. L. St. Mary’s & De La Salle - Cass Benton Park 4:15 p.m.
Oct. 23
CHSL Championship - Stoney Creek
Sept. 18
Holly H.S. Invitational - Springfield Oaks
1:20 p.m.
Oct. 26
Operation Friendship Championship - TBD
Sept. 20
Brother Rice -TBD
4:30 p.m.
Oct. 26
Centerline 9th-10th Grade Invitational
4:30 p.m.
Sept. 25
Catholic Central Inv’l - Cass Benton Park
Oct. 29
State Regional Championship - Brighton
4:30 p.m.
Sept. 27
U of D Jesuit - Cass Benton Park
Nov. 2
White Lake 9th-10th Grade Inv’l - Lakeland H.S.
4:30 p.m.
Oct. 2
Haslett H.S. Invitational
Nov. 6
State Championship/MIS - Jackson
Aug. 28
Lansing Catholic Central Invitational
Sept. 3
Time Trial - Kensington Park
11:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Oakland Co. Championship - Kensington Park 10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
Dearborn Fordson
7:00 p.m.
Oct. 2
U of D
1:00 p.m.
Thurs. Sept. 2
7:00 p.m.
Oct. 10
Brother Rice - Wayne State University
2:00 p.m.
Sept. 10
7:00 p.m.
Oct. 16
O. L. St. Mary’s
7:30 p.m.
Sept. 17
Divine Child
7:00 p.m.
Oct. 23
Prep Bowl - Ford Field
Sept. 26
66th Annual Boys’ Bowl - De La Salle
1:00 p.m.
Aug. 27
Aug. 21
Balconi Invitational
Thurs. Aug. 26
Sept. 3
Divine Child
Sept. 7
V: 10:00 a.m.
V: 4:00 p.m./JV: 5:30 p.m.
Sept. 28
Brother Rice
JV: 4:00 p.m./V: 5:30 p.m.
Thurs. Sept. 30
De La Salle
JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 5
U of D
JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
CHSL Playoffs/Championship
O. L. St. Mary’s
JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
Thurs. Sept. 9
Brother Rice
JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
Mon.-Sat. Oct. 18-23 State Districts
De La Salle
JV: 5:30 p.m./V: 7:00 p.m.
Tues.-Sat. Oct. 26-30 State Regionals
Nov. 3
State Semifinals
Nov. 6
State Finals
Sept. 14
Sept. 16, 17 or 18
Sept. 21
Thurs. Sept. 23
U of D
Notre Dame Prep
JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard JV: 6:00 p.m./V: 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 21
Aug. 24
Forest Hills Central Tournament
9:00 a.m.
Sept. 18
Sept. 21
CC Invitational
8:00 a.m.
Detroit Country Day
4:00 p.m.
Ann Arbor Pioneer
4:00 p.m.
Thurs. Aug. 26
4:00 p.m.
Thurs. Sept. 23
West Bloomfield
4:00 p.m.
Aug. 28
Grand Blanc Invitational
8:00 a.m.
Sept. 27
Ann Arbor Huron
4:00 p.m.
Aug. 30
Brother Rice
4:00 p.m.
Oct. 2
CHSL Tournament
Thurs. Sept. 2
4:00 p.m.
Oct. 4
Grosse Pointe South
4:00 p.m.
Sept. 11
Saline Invitational
Oct. 8
State Regional Finals
Sept. 14
U of D
4:00 p.m.
Oct. 15
State Finals - Midland
De La Salle
4:00 p.m.
Oct. 16
State Finals - Midland
Thurs. Sept. 16
Notes: Home games are shown in bold. Schedules are correct as of July 15, 2010, and are subject to change. For updated information, please consult our website or call the
Athletics Office at (248) 596-3829.
S P O RT S S C H E D U L E • FA L L 2 0 1 0
Detroit Catholic Central High School
The Aluminator
27225 Wixom Road
Novi, MI 48374
The Detroit Catholic Central High School Alumni Association
The 9th Annual Boys’ Bowl Alumni Mass & Breakfast
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Mass - 10:00 A.M.
Immediately followed by complimentary breakfast
CC vs. De La Salle - 1:00 P.M. Kickoff
Tickets for the Game will be available
for purchase after Mass
(248) 596-3838