March 2016 - Reformed Church
March 2016 - Reformed Church
Consistory Corner Consistory Corner The Consistory met on February 9, 2016. In addition to receiving regular reports the Consistory discussed: Consistory held a 5-hour retreat on Saturday, January 23 at the Canajoharie Library. The Consistory approved the hiring of 2 attendants for nursery for 3 hours each Sunday. Applications are coming in and are being reviewed. The Mission of the Month for March 2016 will be Fowler Camperships. The two new computers for the office have been installed. When Dolores gets back in March, the Quick Book Suite will be installed. Continued The Reformed Church of Canajoharie Schoharie Reformed Church has been in the forefront of the response to the flooding caused by Hurricane Irene and served as the epicenter of operations, volunteers and food service since 2011. The church itself is in need of deferred maintenance and is establishing a capital fund to address these maintenance issues. Consistory is donating $1000 to that effort. * 15-19 Front Street * Canajoharie, NY 13317 * 518-673-2816 (p) Email: [email protected] * * Pastor is going to run a new members class this winter. Reception of new members and transfer members will be on Palm Sunday. The 2 bathrooms in the FH are now UNISEX and indicated as such. Consistory liaisons to TEAMS: Finance, John De Valve; Mission and Outreach, Karen Morrison; Faith Formation, Heather Rockwell; Congregational Life, Mary Douglass; Worship, Beth Sunderland; Property, John Van Kersen. By-laws and protocols have been updated- thank you to Dolores, Holly and Heather for formulating these changes. TEAMS are more user friendly and responsibilities have been reduced. SIGN-UP SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE. There will be a TEAM Meeting night on March 16 at 6:30pm- pizza will be provided. Consistory decided to replace the American and Christian flags in the sanctuary. Current flags are yellowed and the cloth is worn. Frontstreeter: March 2016 Next Consistory meeting will be Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Ron Dievendorf, Vice-President Pastor’s Page It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been six months since I and my family moved here. I am rarely introduced as “our new pastor” anymore. I feel that God has blessed us. I also feel more and more comfortable doing ministry here, and I sense that the congregation is getting comfortable with me too. And that is where we have to be careful. The first question of the Heidelberg Catechism, one of the standards of faith of our church, is “What is my only comfort in life and in death?” This document was written in the 1500’s. It was an age where comfort and convenience were not expected in this world. There were wars and epidemics. People didn’t attach to their children too quickly. They were not sure that they would be around for very long. Governments were by and large driven by the whim of rulers. Religion was a subject of battle. People did have good times, and a modicum of comfort, but it was seen as grace, not an expectation. So the answer to that question is “That I am not my own, but belong, body and soul, in life and in death, not to myself but to my faithful savior Jesus Christ, who has freed me from the dominion of the devil.” It is not in good sermons, with a few jokes intermixed. It is not in good decorations in the church, or a good fellowship hour, (although I love these). Nor is it in a warm house and a reliable car. It is that, at the end of all things, I belong to God, because Jesus Christ has totally cancelled out, at great personal cost, my many sins against God and my neighbor. And that is it. All the rest can be taken away from me, and even will be taken away. But Jesus Christ remains. His love endures forever. So, in the years ahead (Lord willing) there will be times when that comfortable feeling that exists between a pastor and a church will have to be disturbed, in order that we all can take greater comfort in the Lord. All I can promise is that this will not happen gratuitously, for the sake of discomfort. It will happen so that you can be pointed to Jesus, and learn to love him more and more, and in the loving, be prepared for a life with him that will last forever. Plenty of comfortable people in this world are on the way to destruction, because they have relied too much on the things they have. My prayer for you is that you will take comfort in the love of God that was bought at great price for you on the cross. Place your reliance on him, not in anything else, and surely not in any other person, including me. Pastor Matt Financial Update Offerings: 1/31/16 – 2/21/16 The general financial update (As approved by Consistory) is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Regular Offering income: Budgeted: $ 72,200.00 Jan. 2016: $ 7,544.85 Benevolence & Special offering income: Budgeted: $ 5,605.00 Jan. 2016: $ 649.21 Total Operating Receipts: Budgeted: $201,482.00 Jan. 2016: $ 37,826.00 Total Expenses: Budgeted: $201,482.00 Jan. 2016: $ 23,122.08 Offerings: Comfort Zone: MOM: World Hunger: Ash Wednesday: Assessments: Flowers: Total $4,063.30 $ 5.00 $ 269.00 $ 40.00 $ 73.00 $ 93.21 $ 90.00 $4,633.51 Shared Ministry Events March 2016 Canajoharie Reformed * Fort Plain Reformed * Sprakers Reformed * St. John’s Reformed Regular Events Second Saturday @ SR; 6PM – 3/12/16 Breakfast Fellowship @ Village Restaurant, Canajoharie; 8AM – 3/15/16 Easter Flowers Memorial Easter Lilies have been presented in the name of loved ones for years in our Church. Once again, Lois Comins will purchase an Easter Lily for you in order to coordinate the Easter display in our Sanctuary. Comfort Zone @ CR; 6:15PM – 3/28/16 Doors open at 6:15 - (Volunteers welcome at 5:45PM) The cost per plant is $15.50. Plants must be ordered by Palm Sunday March 20th. Palatine Nursing Home Visits @ 10:30AM every Friday Please complete the form below when ordering your flowers. This form along with your payment attached may be placed in with your offering or may be mailed to: Mrs. Lois Comins 35 Robinson St. Canajoharie, NY 13317 Manna Community Meals @ FPR; 12Noon every Saturday Regular Event Descriptions Second Saturday – A meal, fellowship and fun provided by Sprakers Reformed Church every 2nd Saturday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. Offerings are collected in support of various mission projects. Breakfast Fellowship – A gathering at the Village Restaurant in Canajoharie on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to enjoy coffee and/or breakfast. Occasionally, there are guest speakers. All are welcome! Comfort Zone – An outreach ministry of the Canajoharie Reformed Church on the 4th Monday of each month to distribute needed household items, toiletries and diapers . Palatine Nursing Home – Canajoharie Reformed visits residents at the nursing home every Friday morning at 10:30 AM along with therapy dogs. Manna Community Meals – Held at Fort Plain Reformed Church where a free meal is offered every Saturday beginning at Noon. For more information about Manna Meals or if you would like to “host” the meal please contact Jan Markle at 673-3709. Attached is my check made payable to: “The Reformed Church of Canajoharie” or cash in the amount of $15.50 per plant. Please print the name(s) of the loved one(s) in whose name(s) this gift is being Presented to: ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Good Friday Service; 3/25 @12PM - St. John’s Reformed Church Easter Sunrise Service & Breakfast;3/27 @ 7AM - Fort Plain Reformed Church Worship Service @ Wiles Park; Breakfast to follow @ FPR There will be a Sunday Women’s Bible Study on the book of Philippians beginning March 6th at 9:00 a.m. in the Church House lounge. The study will follow N. T. Wright’s guide which will be provided to those attending. Please come and join us! Irish Music Concert – Friday, March 11th at Upstate Chapel, corner of Cliff & Walnut Streets, Canajoharie at 7:00 p.m. Performers will include the Stonehouse Piper, Dr. Eric M. Stroud and John Cannon on pipe organ and several other soloists, instrumentalists and ensembles from the area. There is no admission fee but a free-will offering will be accepted and refreshments will be served. All are welcome! Book Sale March 5, 2016 Presented by: ________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Please join us! Maundy Thursday Service; 3/24 @ 7PM - Sprakers Reformed Church News/Notices Please specify: ______ I would like to take my plant home. ______ I would like my plant delivered to one of our shut-ins. 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Fort Plain Reformed Church Refreshments available! Proceeds will go to “STOP HUNGER NOW” March 2016 Sunday Counters: Mission of the Month: Fowler Camperships 6 8 15 16 20 24 25 27 Youth Group (Time TBA) Consistory Breakfast Fellowship Team Meeting Night Palm Sunday Maundy Thurs. Service (SR) Good Friday Service (SJR) Sunrise Service (FPR) 10AM Easter Service (CR) 28 Comfort Zone Birthday Greetings to: Ron Morrison *Patti Diehl (ARC) 6 Will Douglass 8 Alison Limoncelli Judy McMillan 9 Stan McMillan 10 Gregory Morrison 14 Mary Douglass 16 Kelsy Aldi Ginny Simonsen Mara Spraker 21 *Frances Sviderskis (ARC) 22 *Mary Lou Richards (ARC) Jim Westman 6 Communion Wednesday 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 7PM Consistory (CH) Reader: Sam Sunderland Flowers: Brian Chlopecki Coffee Hour: Youth Group (Time TBA) 13 Mission of the Month Tuesday 1 Scripture Readers: On the Sunday you are to read your passage will be printed and placed with your name on it in the narthex by the bulletins. You will also be emailed or called with your reading earlier in the week so you may review the scripture beforehand. John & Jeanne DeValve Congregational Events Monday Reader: Jeanne DeValve Flowers: Coffee Hour: 8AM Breakfast Fellowship 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 6:30 PM Team Meeting Night (FH) (Village Restaurant) * Please mail all ARC cards to: Liberty Day Hab 66 Church St. Canajoharie, NY 13317 Palm Sunday 21 22 Friday Saturday 3 4 5 10 11 17 18 24 25 23 Reader: Beth Sunderland Flowers: 7 – 9PM AA (CH) John & Jeanne DeValve Coffee Hour: 7 PM Shared Ministry Maundy Thursday Service (SR) Newsletter Deadline 27 Easter Reader: Beth Luck Flowers: Coffee Hour: 7 AM Shared Ministry Sunrise Service & Breakfast (FPR) 28 6:15PM Comfort Zone (S) 29 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 12 19 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 3 20 Thursday 30 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 26 12 Noon Shared Ministry Good Friday Service (SJR) 7 – 9PM AA (CH) 31 FH = Fellowship Hall CH = Church House S = Sanctuary P = Parsonage CR = Canajoharie Reformed FPR = Fort Plain Reformed SR = Sprakers Reformed SJR = St. John’s Reformed News &Notices New Team Ministries: Sign-up sheets for Ministry Teams are now available in Fellowship Hall for anyone who would like to help in the work of our Church and its ministry. For more information, please speak with Pastor Matt or any member of Consistory. 2015 Annual Reports are now available in Fellowship Hall and in the back of the Sanctuary. Please help us fill our flower and coffee hour slots for 2016. Sign up on the chart in the narthex or call the church office. Flowers are $10/ week, with envelopes provided next to the calendar. Coffee hour requires a commitment of time for set-up and clean up (no treats required). Summer Camp at Fowler: During the summer, Camp Fowler is at its best. Kids can choose to come to camp for one (or more) week of camp. These weeks are geared toward specific age groups falling within the range of children who have completed the 3rd grade to those who have completed the 12th grade. To register your child or for more information visit Reminders: Keep in mind that it is important to up-date the church office with events, announcements, celebrations, thank you notes and any other information that should be included in church publications. Email, call or drop off items. Office hours are Tuesday & Thursday from 9AM-1PM. The Deadline for the April Fronstreeter is Sunday, March 20th. Serving Others Remember our Missionaries: Dick & Carolyn Otterness serving the Roma people in Hungary and Mark, Deb & Zach Wilson serving persons in Cambodia. WORD SEARCH FAMOUS MIRACLES OF JESUS There are 37 miracles of Jesus recorded in the Gospels and hundreds more never recorded, according to the closing words of John the Apostle. Below are the most well-known miracles. Find the words in bold in the word search puzzle. 1. Jesus changed water into wine (John 2:1-11). 2. Jesus cured Peter's mother-in-law of a fever (Mark 1:30-31). 3. Jesus stilled the storm (Matthew 8:23-27). 4. Jesus cured two demoniacs (Matthew 8:28-34). 5. Jesus cured the paralytic (Matthew 9:1-8). 6. Jesus raised the ruler's daughter from the dead (Matthew 9:18-26). 7. Jesus fed the multitudes (Matthew 15:32-39). 8. Jesus cleansed ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). 9. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-46). 10.Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24:5-6). S W G J U F R D S B V C B S W D E J F C X J K P U C F V T A A R D R E W K A S L S D L O L U W D U R Q R Y R J M E Y R N G E I G T A H W E A X O J M I H A Q N L I S P P Q O A F T R T X A Y E U T E E G L E O X E E C T T R H O L L I V W V J H R I L A S A Z N U E Y K G D T C R Z E E N B W R M C J C Q O A A S C A I N O M E D V M E M L X S W J N D L S T I L L E D R E T A W W S O W B H Y E G S D E A D V T R E M V N Q C X Z G T A H J R U F D Y K I E L Y