DEVATHA Chella Purushothaman - Home | Department of Civil


DEVATHA Chella Purushothaman - Home | Department of Civil
DEVATHA Chella Purushothaman
CI 116,
Department of Civil Engineering,
National Institute of Technology-Karnataka, Surathkal,
MANGALORE--575 025 (D K)
Phone : (+91)-824-2473971 (Off.)
Email: [email protected]
Modeling of soil moisture in unsaturated zone, Ground water modeling,
Remote sensing and GIS applications to Hydrology and Water resources
Engg., Flood Modelling, Contaminant Transport Modelling, Design of
Water Supply Networks, Modelling of Advanced Waste Water Treatment
2005-2010 IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
PhD –Civil and Environmental Hydraulics Engineering
2001-2003 Anna University, Chennai.
Master of Engineering – Civil & Water Resources Engineering
 Graduated with 8.7 on a 10 point scale.
19976 – 2001 Madras University, Chennai.
Bachelor of Engineering – Civil Engineering
 Graduated with 78% - Distinction
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Karnataka, Nov
28 2013 – Till date
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Raipur, March
6th 2009 – November 27th 2013
Design Engineer, Consulting Engineering Services India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, Sep 2008- Feb 2009
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. M.G.R Engineering College,
Chennai , Feb. 2004-Dec2004
Project Officer, IIT Chennai, September 2003-January 2004.
1. Devatha Thalla, Ojha, C.S.P., Hari Prasad, K. S. and Arun Kumar Thalla (2013) "Study on effect
of Hydraulic Conductivity on Soil Moisture Uptake Under Saline condition for Wheat Crop",
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 19 (2), pp. 111-120.
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2. Arun Kumar Thalla, Devatha Chella and Michel Torrijos. (2012) “Experimental Evaluation of
Activated Sludge-Biofilm reactor: Influence of composite media.”, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic,
and Radioactive Waste Management (ASCE), Vol. 15 (2), pp. 134-141.
3. Sanjay K. Srivatava, Verma, M.K., Devatha, C.P., (2012) “optimization modeling for crop
planning of Hasdeo Bango Command”, International Journal of Engineering Research &
Technology”, Vol. 1 (9).
4. Sukhendra Modak, Verma, M.K., Devatha, C.P., (2012) “Application of ArcGIS for
estimation of Basin Potential (A case Study-Kharun River Basin)”, International Journal of
Engineering Research & Technology”, Vol. 1(9).
5. Devatha Chella and Arun Kumar Thalla (2009) “Analysis of flow pattern between hill and lake”
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 4 (4), pp. 64-68.
1. Sudhakar, S., Devatha, C.P., and Soumya, S. (2014) " Ground Water Flow Modelling Application
to Mining Region of Korba District, Chattisgarh'', National Conference on Water and Its
Sustainability In Mining and other Environment (WSME) : Vision 2050, held during 28-29
March 2014 at Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, India.
2. Devatha, Ojha C.S.P., Hari Prasad K.S. (2014) “Soil moisture uptake under different salinity
levels for paddy crop”, 2nd International Conference on Agricultural and Horticultural
Sciences by OMICS publishing Group held at Hyderabad during February 3-5, 2014
3. Sudhakar singha, Sowmya, Devatha Chella and Arun Kumar Thalla(2013) "Geo-Spatial
Ground Water Quality Mapping and Assessment of Mining Region – A Case Study" 18th
International Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources (HYDRO -2013), IIT-MADRAS,
4. Ashay Shende, A.D. Vasudeo and C. P. Devatha (2013) “River Morphological Changes With
Emphasis On Depth And Flow Interactions”, 18th International Conference on Hydraulics,
Water Resources, Coastal and Environmental Engineering (HYDRO 2013) at IIT Madras,
5. Arun Kumar Thalla, Thalla Devatha (2013) “Performance of Aerobic Hybrid Rectors (connected
in-series) in treating Molasses based wastewater", 6th IWA International Specialized
Conference on Sustainable Viticulture (WINERY, 2013) Held at Narbonne, FRANCE.
6. Ojha C.S.P., Hari Prasad K.S., Devatha Thalla, and Arun Kumar Thalla (2012) "Study on
effect of Hydraulic Conductivity on Soil Moisture Uptake Under Saline condition for Wheat
Crop" National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources (HYDRO -2012), IIT-Bombay,
7. Devatha, C.P., Arun Kumar Thalla and Verma, M.K., (2012). “Regional Flood estimation by
index flood and station year method” presented in National Conference on Hydraulics and
Water Resources (HYDRO-2011) conducted by SVNIT Surat during 29-30Dec 2011.
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8. Devatha Thalla and Arun Kumar Thalla. (2010) “Regional Flood Analysis: A case study of
Narmada River Basin”, 3rd International Perspective on current and future state of water
resource and Environment, IITChennai, INDIA
9. Devatha Thalla, Arun Kumar (2008) “Assessment of the Water Supply Improvement Scheme
Using GIS-A Case Study” Proceedings: 4th IWA Young water Professionals conference University
of Berkeley, USA.
10. Devatha and Arun Kumar (2006) “Analysis of flow pattern between hill and lake-A Case Study”
National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Cochin, India.
Accepted Abstracts:
1. Arun Kumar Thalla, Devatha Thalla (2011) "Performance Evaluation of Activated SludgeBiofilm Reactors connected in-series." 6th Young Water Professional Conference to be held at
Budupest, Hungary in 2012.
2. Devatha Thalla, Arun Kumar Thalla (2011) "Regional flood Estimation by using L-Moments
approach for Upper Mahanadhi Basin-A Case Study" 6th Young Water Professional
Conference to be held at Budupest, Hungary in 2012.
3. Devatha Thalla, Arun Kumar Thalla (2009) "Regional Flood frequency analysis for seonathsubbasin using L-moments approach" 5th Young Water Professional Conference, University of
New South Wales, Kensiington, Sydney.
Books/Book Chapters
Verma, M.K., Shobha Maliwal, and Devatha C.P. (2012) "Integrated River Basin Planning - A
methodological Approach with Case Study", Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
 Attended TEQIP sponsored two days “Annual Conference on Innovations and Developments in
Civil Engineering ACIDIC-2014” at NITK, Surathkal during 19-20th May 2014.
 Attended ''Applied Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modelling'' from 27th to 29th
Jan, 2014 at Hyderabad by Schlumberger Water Services, Canada.
Attended ''Faculty Development Program'' from 16th to 26th Dec, 2013 at NITK-STEP, Surathkal
sponsored by DST, Govt. of India, NewDelhi.
Two days workshop on “Disaster Management of Floods and Consequences thereof in
Coastal Region and Food & Water Security” held at NITK, Surathkal during 4-5th February
Attended training on "Image Processing Software - ERDAS & GeoMedia'' during 27 to 29th Aug
2013 by Dept. of Civil Engg., NIT Raipur
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Two days Regional Educational Workshop on “Structural Engineering Solutions” during 29
and 30th Oct 2012 by Dept. of Civil Engg, NIT Raipur in association with Concept Tele Systems
(Bentley Channel Partner) at NIT Raipur.
One week Short term course on “Waste Treatment and Cleaner Technologies”, NIT Raipur
(28 May – 01 June 2012).
One week Short term Training Program on “Advanced Engineering Optimization
Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT)”, SVNIT Surat (14-18 May 2012).
Attended one week Training Program on “CEOP-AEGIS Advanced Training Session” at NIT
Rourkela (16-20 April 2012).
One week Short term Training Program on “Induction Training Programme on Value
Education”, NIT Raipur (9-14 March 2012).
One day workshop on “Convergence Technology, Management and Global Business” at NIT
Raipur during Dec 20, 2011.
Two days workshop on “Management of Hazardous Waste” Sponsored by Govt. Of India,
M.O.E.F at NIT Raipur during August 21-22, 2009.
Three days workshop on Soft skills Development by Infosys at NIT Raipur during August 28-30,
Convener of TEQIP Sponsored two days "First Annual Conference on Innovations and
Developments in Civil Engineering ACIDIC-2014'' at NITK Surathkal during 19-20th May, 2014.
Coordinator of “National workshop on Visual MODFLOW (Exclusively hands on training
with project assignment)” NIT Raipur, Nov 18-22nd, 2013.
• Organizing member of Regional Educational Workshop on “Structural Engineering Solutions”
conducted at NIT Raipur in association with Concept Tele Systems (Bentley Channel Partner)
during 29 and 30th Oct 2012.
Lecture Delivered on “Introduction to Visual MODFLOW software and its significant input
parameters” in One week National Workshop on visual MODFLOW, NIT Raipur, Nov 18-22nd
Lecture Delivered on “Regional Flood Frequency Analysis for upper Mahanadi Basin” in Two
Day Workshop on “Disaster Management of Floods and Consequences thereof in Coastal
Region and Food & Water Security”, NITK, Surathkal, February 4-5th , 2013.
Lecture Delivered on “Waste Water Treatment by Aerobic Hybrid Systems-an Overview” in
One week Short term course on “Waste Treatment and Cleaner Technologies.”, NIT Raipur,
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June 28-01, 2012
Lecture Delivered on ''Application of GIS on Earthquake Risk Assessment'' in training
programme for practicing Civil Engineers under National Programme for Capacity Building of
Engineers in Earthquake Risk Management (NPCBEERM) Sponsored by National Institute of
Disaster Management, Govt. of India held at NIT Raipur during 3rd to 7th May, 2010
Handled Lab sessions in MODFLOW Training for CPWD Executives at Department of
Hydrology, IIT Roorkee(2005).
MHRD Fellowship for Pursuing PhD studies at IIT-Roorkee (2004-2007)
SRM University Outstanding Alumnus Award , Silver Jubilee Alumni Reunion of SRM
Secured 13th rank at the University Level from Madras University during UG.
Soumya (2013): Assessment and mapping of ground water quality of surrounding mining
region using GIS.
Sudhakar Singha(2013): Study of changes to the ground water system due to mining
activity using MODFLOW
VaibhavDeshpande (2013) Estimation of Soil Erosion by Remote sensing and GIS for Kulhan
Watershed, Kharun Basin
Kamal Narayan Sahu (2012): Assessment and Management of Ground water for Kharun river
basin using Visual MODFLOW.
Sanjay Kumar Srivastava (2012): Optimization modeling for crop planning of Hasdeo-Bango
SukhendraModak (2012): Application of ARC-GIS for Estimation of Basin Potential (A case
Study –Kharun River Basin)
ShashikantDani (2012): Study of Ground water recharging pattern of Dharsiwa Block (Raipur,
ShobhaMaliwal (2011): Integrated River Basin Planning of Beda River Sub-basin using ARCGIS.
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Warden, Girls Hostel from 01.07.2014, NITK
Secretary for DUGC Council at Department Level, NITK
Member, DPGC Council at Department Level, NITK
Member, DRPC Council at Department Level, NITK
Warden, Girls Hostel from July 2011 to November 2013., NIT Raipur
Prof. I/c, Hydraulics lab from Oct 2009 to November 2013 (Established lab facilities for
UG and PG students), NIT Raipur.
Coordinator, PG Section from July 2011 to November 2013, NIT Raipur
Member, Sports Committee from July 2011 to November 2013., NIT Raipur
Involved in various testing and Consultancy works at Department level.
Devatha C P
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