Final Draft Report - Mobile Metropolitan Planning


Final Draft Report - Mobile Metropolitan Planning
Gulf of Mexico
ITS Diversion Route Planning Study
Final Report
January 2011
Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... i 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Initial Diversion Route Selection ................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Development of Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Development of Synchro Simulation Model ................................................................................. 5 2.4 Selection of Diversion Routes for Continued Study ...................................................................... 6 3.0 SELECTED DIVERSION ROUTES .......................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Selected I‐10 Diversion Routes ..................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1 I‐10 Eastbound Selected Diversion Routes ........................................................................... 7 I‐10 East between the Alabama State Line and Exit 4 (SR 188) ........................................ 7 I‐10 East between Exit 4 (Grand Bay) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd). ................................... 7 I‐10 East between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 13 (Theodore Dawes) ...................... 8 I‐10 East between Exit 13 (Theodore Dawes) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) .................................. 9 I‐10 East between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) ..................................... 10 I‐10 East between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 20 (I‐65) .......................................... 11 I‐10 East between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 26 (Water St.) ................................................. 12 I‐10 East at Exit 24 (Duval St. to Broad St.) ..................................................................... 13 I‐10 East between Exit 26 (Water St.) and Exit 27 (U.S. 90/98 Causeway) ..................... 14 3.1.2 I‐10 Westbound Selected Diversion Routes ....................................................................... 15 I‐10 West between Exit 4 (SR 188) and the Alabama State Line .................................... 15 I‐10 West between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 4 (SR 188) ..................................... 16 I‐10 West between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) .................................. 17 I‐10 West between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) ................................... 17 I‐10 West between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) ........................................ 18 I‐10 West between Exit 27 (Causeway) and Exit 20 (I‐65) .............................................. 20 I‐10 West at Exit 24 (Broad St. to Duval St.).................................................................... 20 3.1.3 I‐10 East/Westbound Selected Diversion Routes ............................................................... 21 I‐10 East/West between the Alabama State Line and Exit 4 (SR 188) ............................ 21 I‐10 East/West between Exit 4 (SR 188) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.)............................. 21 I‐10 East/West between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) .......................... 21 I‐10 East/West between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) ........................... 22 I‐10 East/West between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 20 (I‐65) ................................ 22 I‐10 East/West between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 26 (Water St.) ....................................... 22 I‐10 East/West at Exit 24 (Duval St. to Broad St.) ........................................................... 23 I‐10 East/West between Exit 26 (Water St.) and Exit 27 (Causeway) ............................. 23 3.2 Selected I‐65 Diversion Routes ................................................................................................... 23 3.2.1 I‐65 Northbound Selected Diversion Routes ...................................................................... 23 I‐65 North between I‐10 and Exit 9 (I‐165) ..................................................................... 23 I‐65 North between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 13 (SR 158) .................................................. 24 I‐65 North between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 15 (Celeste Rd.) ...................................... 25 I‐65 North between Exit 15 (Celeste Rd.) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) ...................................... 26 I‐10 North between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) ......................................... 27 3.2.2 I‐65 Southbound Selected Diversion Routes ...................................................................... 27 I‐65 South between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 0 (I‐10) ......................................................... 27 I‐65 South between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 9 (I‐165) .................................................. 28 I‐65 South between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 13 (SR 158) ............................................. 28 I‐65 South between Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) ......................................... 29 3.2.3 I‐65 North/Southbound Selected Diversion Routes ........................................................... 29 I‐65 North/South between I‐10 and Exit 9 (I‐165) .......................................................... 29 I‐65 North/South between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 13 (SR 158) ....................................... 29 I‐65 North/South between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) .................................. 30 I‐65 North/South between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) .............................. 30 3.3 Selected I‐165 Diversion Routes ................................................................................................. 30 3.3.1 I‐165 Northbound Selected Diversion Routes .................................................................... 30 I‐165 North between Water St. and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) ........................................... 30 I‐165 North between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Exit 1A (Whistler St.) ......................... 31 3.3.2 I‐165 Southbound Selected Diversion Routes .................................................................... 31 I‐165 South between Exit 1A (Whistler St.) and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) ......................... 31 I‐165 South between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Water St. ........................................... 32 3.3.3 I‐165 North/Southbound Selected Diversion Routes ......................................................... 32 I‐165 North/South between Water St. and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) ................................ 32 I‐165 North/South between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Exit 1A (Whistler St.) .............. 32 4.0 ITS ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................................................... 34 4.1 Recommended ITS Components and Equipment ....................................................................... 34 4.2 Recommended ITS Phasing ......................................................................................................... 35 4.2.1 Phase I Implementation ...................................................................................................... 35 4.2.2 Phase II Implementation ..................................................................................................... 39 4.2.3 Phase III Implementation .................................................................................................... 41 Table 1: Summary of Recommended ITS Improvements .......................................................................... 43 APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: SELECTED DIVERSION ROUTES TRAVEL TIME MATRIX RECOMMENDED HIGHWAY ADVISORY RADIO MESSAGES DIVERSION ROUTE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INVENTORY SYNCHRO 7 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION REPORTS FOR RECOMMENDED DIVERSION EVENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING CHAPTER 6I, 2009 MUTCD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (To be completed upon receipt of comments from Final Draft submittal)
ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page i
1.0 INTRODUCTION The objective of this study was to develop an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) diversion route plan for the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission (SARPC), in conjunction with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), Mobile County, and the cities of Mobile, Chickasaw, Saraland, Prichard, Satsuma, and Creola. As defined by the U.S. Department of Transportation, an Intelligent Transportation System is “the system electronics, communications, or information processing used singly or integrated to improve the efficiency or safety of surface transportation.” This study examines Interstate incidents along I‐10, I‐65, and I‐165 in Mobile County to determine the most effective routes to divert traffic around serious incidents which may render sections of the three aforementioned Interstates impassible for an extended period of time. Chapter 6I of the 2009 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is entitled “Control of Traffic Through Traffic Incident Management Areas.” This chapter gives guidance, support, and requirements for traffic control during diversion events. For the purposes of this study, incidents identified in chapter 6I as being “major” are the incidents studied. As defined in the MUTCD, “Major traffic events are typically traffic incidents involving hazardous materials, fatal traffic crashes involving numerous vehicles, and other natural or man‐
made disasters. These traffic incidents typically involve closing all or part of a roadway facility for a period exceeding 2 hours.” This report documents the initial route selection process, development of future traffic volumes and the Synchro traffic simulation model, final route selection process, ITS infrastructure recommendations, and diversion route mapping for the study. The path to a regional, fully functional ITS system is expected to be completed in four phases: 1. Phase 1 – Identification of incidents from ALDOT’s Traffic Management Center (TMC) will be diverted with the aid of existing ITS equipment. Participating agencies, such as emergency responders, will be notified of the diversion plan to be followed. Traffic will be diverted using a combination of portable variable message signs, traffic control officers, and traffic channelizing devices. Each traffic signal controller will be outfitted ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 1
with a manual control advance interval button to allow traffic control officers to manually control traffic signal phasing, allowing additional green time to diverted traffic. 2. Phase 2 – As funding becomes available, ITS elements such as fiber optic networks, traffic cameras, variable message signs, highway advisory radios, traffic speed sensors, etc. can be installed, upgraded, and/or expanded within the Mobile area. These additional elements will give the TMC greater capability to identify incidents and control the direction of traffic using variable message signs installed along the diversion routes. 3. Phase 3 – Once the ITS system is complete, specialized traffic signal timings, developed specifically for each diversion route, will be implemented when a diversion event occurs. These specialized timings were developed to expedite the flow of Interstate traffic along the surface streets. Special traffic signal controller software will be installed at the TMC to communicate with the various brands of traffic signal controllers owned by ALDOT, Mobile County, and the City of Mobile. 4. Phase 4 – The final phase of the system calls for the construction of infrastructure improvements, such as roadway widening or turn lanes, along the diversion routes to help move traffic. The establishment, maintenance, and efficient removal of roadway diversions can be effectively managed through interagency planning that includes representatives from highway, public safety, and local media agencies. Through road users need to have sufficient guidance around the incident. Providing good public relations is highly beneficial; the cooperation of local media in notifying the general public about the existence of and reasons for traffic management can be helpful in keeping drivers and the general public informed. The development of diversion routes may help to greatly reduce the effects of an emergency or disaster along the Interstate system in Mobile County by having a plan in place to set up temporary traffic control and divert traffic in order to reduce secondary crashes, eliminate excessive traffic delays, and increase the safety of emergency responders. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 2
The end result of the study will provide the participating agencies with plans to divert traffic in the event of Interstate closures lasting more than two hours; a plan for responding to these emergencies and setting up the necessary traffic control measures; and will provide a plan to implement a regional ITS system using a phased approach. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 3
2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Initial Diversion Route Selection To begin the initial diversion route selection, maps encompassing the entire roadway network were reviewed to examine possible routes. Chapter 6I of the MUTCD states, “A combination of traffic engineering and enforcement preparations is needed to determine the detour route, and to install, maintain or operate, and then to remove the necessary traffic control devices when the detour is terminated.” Initial routes were chosen based upon the following criteria: 1. Type of roadway (Interstate, U.S., State, County, City) 2. Existing roadway infrastructure (number of lanes, traffic signals, turn lanes at intersections, etc.) 3. Geometric constraints (bridge weight restrictions, vertical clearance and/or geometric restrictions, etc., especially for large trucks) 4. Current traffic demands (peak hour conditions, normal operating conditions, special conditions, etc.) 5. Land use served by roadway (commercial, residential, industrial, etc.) 6. Logical routes (which routes just “make sense”, or is there only one route to select) Based upon these criteria, routes were selected for continued study. The selected routes were then field reviewed to ensure their feasibility and usefulness as diversion routes. 2.2 Development of Traffic Volumes Projected average daily traffic volumes between nodes (intersections, interchanges, etc.) for the year 2035 were provided by SARPC for use in the traffic simulation model. For the purposes of this study, the volumes provided by SARPC needed to be converted to daily peak hour volumes. Using a K (peak hour) factor of 10% and a D (directional distribution) factor of 60%, the daily volumes were converted into peak hour volumes. The volumes provided by SARPC did not include turning movements at intersections; therefore, peak hour turning movements were estimated using engineering judgment and knowledge of roadway conditions in the area. The peak hour volumes were coded into the simulation model for the entire network, and by utilizing this methodology to ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 4
develop hourly traffic volumes for use in the simulation model, the delay and travel times for each of the routes can be presented from an “absolute worst‐case scenario.” 2.3 Development of Synchro Simulation Model To determine the delay, travel times, and traffic signal timings to be implemented on a diversion route, the Synchro 7 software package was used. Synchro is a traffic simulation and traffic signal optimization tool that allows for the full geometric layout of the diversion network to be coded into the model. For the purposes of this study, Synchro allows diversion incidents to be coded into the model, timings to be manually changed in order to give priority to the Interstate‐diverted traffic, and coordinated signal offsets to be optimized so that diverted traffic can be more effectively moved through the surface streets. The development of the model began by obtaining aerial photography for the entire diversion study area. The roadway network, including I‐10, I‐65, I‐165, and all selected potential diversion routes were coded into the simulation model. The existing roadway network was coded as realistically as possible, including the number of lanes, interchanges, signalized intersections, speed limits, etc. Baseline travel times were then calculated using the simulation model. Some baseline travel times were verified in the field, others were verified using Google Maps travel time estimator. Once the model had been deemed accurate, diversion situations were introduced manually, signalized intersection timings were adjusted based upon existing traffic conditions and engineering judgment, and new, diversion plan travel times were calculated. For the purposes of this study, the maximum cycle length used at signalized intersections was 500 seconds. However, cycle lengths of 240 to 360 seconds were typically used in the more heavily congested areas of the diversion route, or in areas where coordinated signal timing was possible. The diversion volumes were also adjusted throughout the route to account for local drivers who may utilize other alternative routes for diversion; the fact there would be drivers who had other destinations than the through route around the incident; drivers who decided to turn around to avoid the diversion route, etc. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 5
Each of the above steps was performed for every possible incident between interchanges for I‐10, I‐65, and I‐165. Incident plan signal timings were developed for each scenario, and where feasible, improvements such as left or right turn lanes were recommended to facilitate the movement of the diverted traffic through the surface streets. A diversion route travel time matrix was assembled for scenarios along I‐10, I‐
65, and I‐165, and can be found in Appendix A. 2.4 Selection of Diversion Routes for Continued Study After completing traffic engineering studies, determining route travel times, and simulating all possible diversion scenarios for each incident, the final routes for each incident were chosen. The following is a list of chosen criteria which were used to help aid in diversion route selection: 1. Priority was given to Interstate, U.S., and State routes. 2. If possible, dense residential areas were avoided. 3. Routes without geometric constraints on large trucks, if possible. 4. Diversion travel time. 5. If possible, areas which are often congested on a regular basis were avoided. 6. Left turns were minimized where possible. 7. Railroad crossings were avoided if possible. 8. Ability to utilize the existing highway advisory radio/ITS network. 9. Routes that have a large coordinated signal system were given priority. 10. Roadways with the most available capacity, divided highways, etc. It is important to note, again, that the routes selected for continued study are based upon a 2035 peak‐hour, absolute worst case event. In several instances, diversion routes exist which will be better choices when incidents occur in the off‐peak hour; however, the routes chosen for continued study and ITS implementation are the best routes available when taking all the above factors into account. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 6
3.0 SELECTED DIVERSION ROUTES 3.1 Selected I‐10 Diversion Routes 3.1.1 I‐10 Eastbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐10 East between the Alabama State Line and Exit 4 (SR 188) Between the Alabama state line and Exit 4, there is no opportunity for eastbound vehicles to exit the Interstate. As a result, the nearest exit point to the west along I‐10 eastbound is exit 75 (Franklin Creek Rd.), which is in Mississippi. The selected diversion route exits at Franklin Creek Road, travels south on Franklin Creek road to U.S. 90, travels west along U.S. 90 (crossing into Alabama) to SR 188 (Grand Bay Wilmer Rd.), then travels back north along SR 188 to I‐10. Franklin Creek Rd. and U.S. 90 (in Mississippi) are both four‐lane, divided highways. U.S. 90 (in Alabama) and Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. are both two‐
lane highways. This route mainly traverses rural area; however, the area around the U.S. 90/SR 188 intersection is fairly commercialized. There are two signalized intersections along this route – one at the intersection of SR 188 @ U.S. 90, and one at the I‐10 eastbound off ramp @ SR 188. At the present time, no improvements are recommended to this route to improve travel time, although SR 188 between U.S. 90 and I‐10 should be considered for widening due to the fact this section of SR 188 is currently at or near capacity. This route was chosen because it is the only logical route, only requires one left turn, and U.S. 90 nearly parallels I‐10 for the entire route. I‐10 East between Exit 4 (Grand Bay) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd). An incident occurring on eastbound I‐10 between these two exits will divert traffic using exit 4 to Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. traveling south. The route then turns left traveling east along U.S. 90, and continues until reaching McDonald Rd. The route turns left again at McDonald Rd., then travels north until reaching I‐10. Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. and U.S 90 are both two‐lane roadways, although U.S. 90 does widen to a four‐lane facility near the McDonald Rd. interchange. McDonald Rd. is a four‐lane divided roadway. Aside from the commercialized nature of the SR 188 @ U.S. 90 intersection, this route travels through rural areas. There are currently seven signalized intersections along this route: ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 7
1. SR 188 @ I‐10 eastbound off ramp 2. SR 188 north of U.S. 90 @ U.S. 90 3. SR 188 south of U.S. 90 @ U.S. 90 4. U.S. 90 @ Ramsey Rd. 5. U.S. 90 @ Irvington‐Bayou La Batre Hwy. 6. U.S. 90 @ west ramps at McDonald Rd. 7. U.S. 90 @ east ramps at McDonald Rd. Due to the traffic signal spacing of this route, intersections 2 and 3 along this route are recommended for coordination with each other, along with coordination of intersections 6 and 7 with each other. At the present time, no feasible improvements are recommended to this route to improve travel time. A route utilizing SR 188 northbound to Old Pascagoula Rd, then eastbound along Old Pascagoula Rd. to McDonald Rd, then southbound along McDonald Rd. back to I‐10 was also considered. This route was not chosen due to the fact it is more residential in nature, does not utilize U.S. 90, and the left turn from McDonald Rd. back to I‐10 eastbound would create an operational problem for the interchange. I‐10 East between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 13 (Theodore Dawes) An incident occurring between Exit 10 and Exit 13 along I‐10 eastbound will divert traffic using exit 10 to McDonald Rd. traveling south. The route continues south to U.S. 90, then turns left and travels east along U.S. 90. The route continues along U.S. 90 until reaching I‐10 at exit 15. Along this route, McDonald Rd. is a four‐lane divided highway; U.S. 90 is a two‐lane highway until reaching Swedetown Rd., at which point it becomes a four‐lane divided/five‐
lane with two‐way left turn lane roadway until reaching I‐10. The first half of the route is mainly rural; however the second half becomes increasingly commercialized along U.S. 90 beginning at Swedetown Rd. At the present time, there are eleven signalized intersections along this route: 1. U.S. 90 @ McDonald Rd. west ramps 2. U.S. 90 @ McDonald Rd. east ramps ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 8
3. U.S. 90 @ Padgett Switch Rd. 4. U.S. 90 @ Swedetown Rd. 5. U.S. 90 @ Carol Plantation Rd. 6. U.S. 90 @ Hankins Dr. 7. U.S. 90 @ Jimmy Lowes 8. U.S. 90 @ Theodore Dawes Rd. 9. U.S. 90 @ Plantation Rd. 10. U.S. 90 @ Larue Steiner Rd. 11. U.S. 90 @ Kooiman Rd. The first two signals along this route are recommended for coordination, signal 3 is isolated, and the remaining signals are already on a coordinated system, or can be easily added to an existing system. Converting the dedicated right turn lane of the McDonald Rd. southbound off ramp at U.S. 90 to a combined left/right turn would give this exit ramp a double left turn capability to U.S. 90. No other feasible improvements are recommended at this time. Two other routes were considered for this section of eastbound I‐10. The first route would utilize McDonald Rd. south to U.S. 90, U.S. 90 east to Theodore Dawes Rd., and Theodore Dawes Rd. west back to I‐10. This route was not chosen because the left turn from U.S. 90 back to Theodore Dawes Rd. would cause major delay. The second option would utilize McDonald Rd. north to Old Pascagoula Rd., east along Old Pascagoula Rd to Theodore Dawes Rd., then south back to I‐10. This route was not chosen because it does not use U.S. 90, travels mainly through residential areas, causes ITS redundancy, and because of the current congestion along Theodore Dawes Rd. between Old Pascagoula Rd. and I‐10. I‐10 East between Exit 13 (Theodore Dawes) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) An incident occurring between exit 13 and exit 15 along eastbound I‐10 will divert traffic off at exit 13 to Theodore Dawes Rd. heading south. The route will continue along Theodore Dawes Rd. to U.S. 90, then north on U.S. 90 back to I‐
10 at exit 15. Currently, Theodore Dawes Rd. between I‐10 and U.S. 90 is a three lane (center two‐way left turn lane) facility, and U.S. 90 is a four‐lane divided facility. Theodore Dawes Rd. between I‐10 and U.S. 90 should be widened in the ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 9
future to a five‐lane facility. Along Theodore Dawes Rd., the route is a mix of commercial and residential, but is almost entirely commercial along U.S. 90. Currently, there are signalized intersections along the route: 1. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ I‐10 eastbound off ramp 2. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ Nan Gray Davis Rd. 3. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ Carol Plantation Rd. 4. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ U.S. 90 5. U.S. 90 @ Plantation Rd. 6. U.S. 90 @ Larue Steiner Rd. 7. U.S. 90 @ Kooiman Rd. At the present time, none of the signals along Theodore Dawes Rd. are in a coordinated system, but coordination is recommended. Along U.S. 90, signals 5‐
7 are currently not on a coordinated system, but can be connected to an existing system along U.S. 90. Five‐laning Theodore Dawes Rd. from I‐10 to U.S. 90, along with installing a double‐left turn lane on the eastbound approach of Theodore Dawes Rd. to U.S. 90 would serve to greatly increase travel time along this particular route. One additional route was considered for this scenario – Theodore Dawes Rd. north to Old Pascagoula Rd., then west on Old Pascagoula Rd. to Halls Mill Rd, then west on Halls Mill Rd. to U.S. 90 and U.S. 90 south to I‐
65 at exit 15. This particular route was not chosen because it includes two left turn movements, does not utilize U.S. 90 as much as the chosen route, and travels through heavy residential areas along Old Pascagoula Rd. I‐10 East between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) An incident occurring between exit 15 and exit 17 along eastbound I‐10 will divert traffic off at exit 15 to westbound U.S. 90. The route will travel west along U.S. 90 to Hamilton Blvd., turn left onto Hamilton Blvd. traveling east to Rangeline Rd., and then again turn left at Rangeline Rd. and travel north back to I‐10 at exit 17. U.S. 90 is a four‐lane divided facility along this route, with a double left turn from westbound U.S. 90 to Hamilton Blvd. Hamilton Blvd is a two/three‐lane facility with an at‐grade railroad crossing just east of U.S. 90. Rangeline Rd. is a four‐lane divided roadway. Along U.S. 90, the surroundings ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 10
are mainly commercial, but shift to a commercial/industrial mix along Hamilton Blvd. and Rangeline Rd. Currently, there are six traffic signals along this route: 1. U.S. 90 @ Kooiman Rd. 2. U.S. 90 @ Larue Steiner Rd. 3. U.S. 90 @ Plantation Rd. 4. U.S. 90 @ Hamilton Blvd. 5. Hamilton Blvd. @ Rangeline Rd. 6. Rangeline Rd. @ Downey Dr. The first three signals along the route are not currently coordinated, but can be added to an existing system along U.S. 90 in the future. The two signals along Rangeline Rd. are spaced too far apart and are not recommended for coordination in the future. The addition of a left turn lane on the Hamilton Blvd. eastbound approach to Rangeline Rd. would help to facilitate traffic through the diversion route. One additional route was considered for this section of eastbound I‐10. A route utilizing U.S. 90 northbound to Rangeline Rd., then Rangeline Rd. westbound back to I‐10 is considerably shorter than the selected route. However, the sections along U.S. 90 and Rangeline Rd. of the rejected route are significantly more congested than the roadways along the selected route, and as such, the anticipated travel time on the shorter route is longer than the anticipated travel time of the long route. I‐10 East between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 20 (I‐65) An incident occurring between exit 17 and exit 20 will divert traffic at exit 17 to southbound on Rangeline Rd. The diversion route will travel south on Rangeline Rd. to Hamilton Blvd., turn left on Hamilton Blvd. traveling east to Dauphin Island Pkwy (DIP)., then turn left again on DIP heading north back to I‐10 at exit 22. Rangeline Rd. is a four‐lane divided roadway along this route; Hamilton Blvd. is a three‐lane (center two‐way left turn lane) facility, and DIP is a five‐lane roadway. Along this route, Rangeline Rd. primary serves commercial/industrial developments; Hamilton Blvd. serves residential, commercial, and industrial development, while DIP primarily serves residential neighborhoods mixed with commercial development along its frontage. In addition, there are three school ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 11
zones and a fire station along DIP. At the present time, there are six traffic signals along this route: 1. Rangeline Rd. @ Downey Dr. 2. Rangeline Rd. @ Hamilton Blvd. 3. DIP @ Boykin Blvd. 4. DIP @ Brill Rd./Clubhouse Rd. 5. DIP @ Gulfdale Dr./Cedar Crescent Dr. 6. DIP @ Grant Plaza Shopping Center 7. DIP @ Military Rd. The first two signals along the route are isolated and not recommended for coordination. Signals 3, 6, and 7 are also isolated and coordination is not recommended. Signals 4 and 5 are spaced such that coordination is only recommended during a diversion event. A four‐way flashing signal is located at the intersection of Hamilton Blvd. and DIP, and a traffic control officer will need to be placed at this location during a diversion event to control this intersection. During a diversion, it is recommended that the center lane of the Hamilton Blvd. be converted to an eastbound through lane to DIP. This lane configuration would create a double left turn at this intersection, which will help to significantly reduce the travel time in a diversion event. One other route was studied for this section of eastbound I‐10; a route exiting at Rangeline Rd. traveling northbound to U.S. 90, turning right on U.S. 90 heading east to I‐65, then heading south along I‐65 back to I‐10. This route was rejected due to the fact that the sections of Rangeline Rd. and U.S. 90 along this route are often heavily congested. In addition, the signalized intersections on U.S. 90 along this route are much more “major” intersections than the signalized intersections along DIP. Because of this, the travel time along the selected route is much less than the travel time along the other route which was under consideration. I‐10 East between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 26 (Water St.) Incidents occurring along eastbound I‐10 between I‐65 and Water St. (except for between Duval and Broad Sts.) will divert to I‐65 northbound, then I‐165 southbound, back to Water St. and I‐10. Along this route, I‐65 is a six/eight‐lane ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 12
urban interstate, I‐165 is a six/eight‐lane urban interstate, and Water St. is an urban six‐lane divided facility. I‐65 is at capacity, especially during peak hour conditions. I‐165 operates under capacity, and connects downtown Mobile to I‐
65 near Chickasaw. I‐65 has interchanges with several major arterials in Mobile, and as a result these interchanges experience heavy traffic volume throughout the day. I‐165 has interchanges with several arterials in Prichard, though these are not nearly as heavily used as interchanges along I‐65. Currently, the only signals along the route are on Water St. at the following intersections: 1. Water St. @ Beauregard St. 2. Water St. @ St. Louis St. 3. Water St. @ St. Francis St. 4. Water St. @ Dauphin St. 5. Water St. @ Government St. These signals are all on a coordinated system, so they can flow traffic as efficiently as possible through downtown Mobile. Currently, no recommendations are feasible to improve travel time along this route. I‐65 is at capacity much of the day, and needs to be widened at present. No other routes were evaluated for this section of eastbound I‐10 – any potential diversion route using an interchange along I‐10 would travel roadways with severe geometric restrictions, thus making it difficult for large trucks to maneuver. In addition, the potential diversion routes using an interchange along I‐10 would travel through dense residential areas, so it was recommended that diversion around the incident utilizing I‐65, I‐165, and Water St. would be most feasible and practical. I‐10 East at Exit 24 (Duval St. to Broad St.) For incidents occurring along I‐10 eastbound between Duval St. and Broad St., traffic will divert off I‐10 using exit 24 and the I‐10 Eastbound Service Rd. to Broad St., then back to I‐10 via the Broad St. on ramp. The eastbound I‐10 exit ramp at Duval St. has two lanes, the I‐10 Eastbound Service Rd. has two lanes, and the I‐10 eastbound on ramp at Broad St. has two lanes tapering to one. The I‐10 Eastbound Service Road runs between I‐10 to the north and an industrial/residential mix to the south. There are no traffic signals along this ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 13
route; however, uniformed traffic officers will need to be positioned at the end of the I‐10 eastbound exit ramp at Duval St. and the beginning of the I‐10 eastbound on ramp at Broad St. to control traffic at these two intersections. Currently there are no improvements recommended to improve travel time in the event of a diversion. No other alternatives were considered for this section of eastbound I‐10; the selected route is logical and runs parallel to I‐10. I‐10 East between Exit 26 (Water St.) and Exit 27 (U.S. 90/98 Causeway) An incident occurring along eastbound I‐10 between Water St. and U.S 90/98, including the Wallace Tunnel, will divert traffic to exit 26 at Water St. The route will continue north along Water St. to I‐165 northbound, exiting at Bay Bridge Rd. The route will then turn right and travel east/south, crossing the Cochrane Bridge, continuing along U.S. 90/98 until reaching I‐10 at the Mid Bay Interchange, exit 30. Water St. is an urban, six‐lane divided roadway and I‐165 is a six/eight lane Interstate facility. Bay Bridge Rd., the Cochrane Bridge, and U.S. 90/98 are four‐lane divided roadways. Water St. travels through the downtown Mobile central business district, while Bay Bridge Rd. and U.S. 90/98 primarily serve industrial/commercial areas with some residential area mixed in. Currently, there are eleven traffic signals along the route: 1. Water St. @ Government St. 2. Water St. @ Dauphin St. 3. Water St. @ St. Louis St. 4. Water St. @ Beauregard St. 5. I‐165 northbound off ramp @ Bay Bridge Rd. 6. Bay Bridge Rd. @ Grover Ave. 7. Bay Bridge Rd. @ Bay Bridge Rd. Loop 8. Bay Bridge Rd. @ Bay Bridge Cutoff Rd. 9. Bay Bridge Rd. @ Magazine Rd. 10. U.S. 90/98 @ Bankhead Tunnel 11. U.S. 90/98 @ Addsco Rd. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 14
The signals located along Water St. are currently coordinated. The signals located along Bay Bridge Rd. are not coordinated at this time, but are recommended for coordination in the future and on diversion. In addition, the signals along the U.S. 90/98 at the Bankhead Tunnel and Addsco Rd. are recommended for coordination at a later date. At the present time, the only feasible improvement to increase travel time would be to either add an additional right turn lane to the I‐165 northbound off ramp at Bay Bridge Rd., or convert a through lane on the ramp to a through‐right configuration, thereby providing a double right turn onto Bay Bridge Rd. from the ramp. No other diversion route was evaluated for this scenario – eastbound I‐10 closures through this section have occurred numerous times over the years and a diversion has always taken the selected route. With proper signal coordination and timing, the diversion time should be much quicker when the plan is implemented. 3.1.2 I‐10 Westbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐10 West between Exit 4 (SR 188) and the Alabama State Line For incidents occurring along I‐10 westbound between exit 4 and the Alabama/Mississippi line, traffic will use the same overall route as the I‐10 eastbound diversion occurring between the same points, just in the opposite direction. Traffic will divert at exit 4, travel south on SR 188 until reaching U.S. 90, turn right on U.S. 90 heading west, crossing into Mississippi, to Franklin Creek Rd. Diverted traffic will then turn right off U.S. 90 onto Franklin Creek Rd. traveling north until reaching I‐10. The roadway lane configuration and surrounding area land uses are the same as the I‐10 eastbound diversion route between the same points. There are three signals along this route: 1. I‐10 westbound off ramp @ SR 188 2. I‐10 eastbound off ramp @ SR 188 3. SR 188 @ U.S. 90 Although none of the above signals are currently coordinated, future coordination amongst the intersections is possible and recommended for ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 15
diversion situations. In addition, uniformed traffic officers will need to be located at the I‐10 ramps at Franklin Creek Rd. to control traffic at these two intersections since they are not signalized. At the present time, no improvements are recommended to improve travel time, but as stated in section, SR 188 between I‐10 and U.S. 90 will need to be widened in the future. If this occurs, it is recommended that a second left turn lane be added to the I‐10 westbound off ramp at SR 188. No other diversion routes were considered for this scenario. As discussed in section, this is the most logical route for a diversion scenario for this location. I‐10 West between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 4 (SR 188) Incidents closing westbound I‐10 between exit 10 and exit 4 will divert on a route that is the same overall route as the I‐10 eastbound route between the same two points, just in the opposite direction. Diverted traffic will take exit 10 to McDonald Rd. southbound to U.S. 90. Traffic will then turn right onto U.S. 90 heading west until reaching SR 188; the route will then continue north along SR 188 until reaching I‐10. The roadway lane configuration and surrounding land uses are the same as the I‐10 eastbound diversion route between the same points. There are seven signals along this particular route: 1. McDonald Rd. southbound ramp @ U.S. 90 2. U.S. 90 @ Irvington‐Bayou La Batre Hwy. 3. U.S. 90 @ Ramsey Rd. 4. U.S. 90 @ SR 188 south of U.S. 90 5. U.S. 90 @ SR 188 north of U.S. 90 6. SR 188 @ I‐10 eastbound ramps 7. SR 188 @ I‐10 westbound ramps As stated in section, many of these signals are isolated; therefore, only the last four signals are recommended to be coordinated in the future. A second right turn lane on the southbound McDonald Rd. exit ramp at U.S. 90 is recommended to increase the turning capacity at this intersection. Section also addresses the need to widen SR 188 between I‐10 and U.S. 90. This was the only route considered for this particular section of I‐10 westbound, ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 16
once the selection to utilize this same route for eastbound I‐10 was made. By using “mirror image routes,” the amount of ITS equipment needed will be significantly reduced. I‐10 West between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) Any incident occurring on westbound I‐10 between these two points will cause traffic to divert around the incident using exit 15 to westbound U.S. 90, then turning right at McDonald Rd. and traveling north along McDonald Rd. back to I‐
10. This route is a “mirror image” of the route described in section This route travels through all the same traffic signals as the route shown in section, except the signal at the McDonald Rd. east ramps @ U.S. 90 intersection. A traffic control officer will need to be positioned at the left turn to the I‐10 westbound on ramp at McDonald Rd. to control the diverting traffic. There are no improvements currently feasible to decrease the diversion’s travel time. No alternate routes were considered for this scenario after the I‐10 eastbound route between these two exits was chosen. I‐10 West between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) An incident occurring along westbound I‐10 between exit 17 and exit 15 will cause traffic to divert off I‐10 at Rangeline Rd. heading south. The route will travel south along Rangeline Rd. until reaching Hamilton Blvd., and then turn right onto Hamilton Blvd. traveling west. The route will continue traveling west on Hamilton Blvd., crossing U.S. 90 (at which point Hamilton Blvd. becomes Theodore Dawes Rd.) and continuing to I‐10 at exit 13. Along this route, Rangeline Rd. is a four‐lane divided highway, Hamilton Blvd. is a two/three‐lane roadway, and Theodore Dawes Rd. is a three‐lane roadway. On this route, Rangeline Rd. and Hamilton Blvd. are primarily fronted by commercial/industrial developments, while Theodore Dawes Rd. services a mix of light commercial and residential development. At the present time, there are seven signalized intersections along this diversion route: 1. Rangeline Rd. @ Downey Dr. 2. Rangeline Rd. @ Hamilton Blvd. 3. Hamilton Blvd. @ U.S. 90 ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 17
4. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ Carol Plantation Rd. 5. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ Nan Gray Davis Rd. 6. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ I‐10 eastbound ramps 7. Theodore Dawes Rd. @ I‐10 westbound ramps At the present time, none of these signals are coordinated, although the signals along Theodore Dawes Rd. are recommended to be coordinated during a diversion event. No improvements are recommended to this diversion route at this time, although Theodore Dawes Rd. from I‐10 to U.S. 90 will need to be widened to five lanes to provide additional capacity. Two additional routes were considered for this section – the first route utilized Rangeline Rd. west of I‐10 to U.S. 90, then U.S. 90 between Rangeline Rd. and I‐10. This route was rejected from consideration for the same reasons the eastbound I‐10 diversion route in section was rejected. The second route considered traveled the same route as the selected route for this section until reaching U.S. 90, at which point the route turns north on U.S. 90 back to I‐10 at exit 15. This route was removed from further consideration because there is no traffic signal for the left turn from U.S. 90 eastbound to the I‐10 westbound on ramp at exit 15. As a result, significant delay would result to U.S. 90 westbound. I‐10 West between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) Incidents closing I‐10 westbound between I‐65 and Rangeline Rd. will create two separate diversion routes. The first route will be for I‐65 southbound traffic turning to westbound I‐10. I‐65 southbound to I‐10 westbound traffic will divert at exit 1 (Government Blvd.) on I‐65 and travel west on Government Blvd./U.S. 90 until reaching I‐10 at exit 15. Along this route, U.S. 90 is primarily a four‐lane divided highway, and serves a large mixture of residential and commercial developments. This section of U.S. 90 is moderately traveled, although much heavier volumes are typically experienced between I‐65 and Azalea Rd. Along this first route, there are sixteen signalized intersections: 1. Government Blvd. @ I‐65 southbound off ramp 2. Government Blvd. @ Lakeside Dr. 3. Government Blvd. @ Butler Dr. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 18
4. Government Blvd. @ Azalea Rd. 5. Government Blvd. @ Knob Hill Dr. 6. Government Blvd. @ Demetropolis Rd. 7. Government Blvd. @ Knollwood Dr. 8. Government Blvd. @ Lowe’s Dr. 9. U.S. 90 @ Rangeline Rd. 10. U.S. 90 @ Southview Shopping Center 11. U.S. 90 @ Andrews Rd. 12. U.S. 90 @ Halls Mill Rd. 13. U.S. 90 @ Three Notch Rd. 14. U.S. 90 @ Tillman’s Corner Shopping Center 15. U.S. 90 @ Coca Cola Rd. 16. U.S. 90 @ Tillman’s Corner Pkwy. Although there are a large number of signalized intersections along this route, signals 1‐3 on this list are on an existing coordinated system, signals 4‐7 are isolated from one another and are not recommended for coordination, and signals 8‐15 are part of an existing coordinated system. Signal 16 can be integrated into the system containing signals 8‐15. There are no recommended improvements available to improve travel time along this diversion route. This route was chosen because it utilizes U.S. 90 and its coordinated signal systems, and also provides a direct thoroughfare for diverting southbound I‐65 to westbound I‐10 traffic. The second diversion route created will be for I‐10 westbound through traffic. Instead of diverting traffic north to I‐65 at exit 1, traffic will divert at I‐10 exit 22, DIP. This route will be a “mirror image” of the eastbound I‐10 diversion route described in section Traffic will divert south on DIP to Hamilton Blvd., west along Hamilton Blvd. to Rangeline Rd., then north along Rangeline Rd. back to I‐10 at exit 17. The reason for this split diversion routing is to avoid diverting all I‐10 westbound traffic onto Government Blvd. The lane configuration and surrounding landscape of this diversion route are the same as the route in section This route will also travel through all of the same traffic signals as listed in section At this time, no improvements are recommended to ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 19
improve travel time along this route. This route was chosen because it was the only logical route to divert traffic along this section of I‐10 westbound, while not diverting traffic to I‐65 at Government Blvd. This route also mirrors a selected eastbound I‐10 diversion route, which serves to utilize ITS equipment to be installed along this route. I‐10 West between Exit 27 (Causeway) and Exit 20 (I‐65) Incidents occurring along westbound I‐10 between exit 27 and exit 20 (except for between Broad and Duval Sts. at exit 24) will cause traffic to divert using exit 27, traveling north along Bay Bridge Rd., across the Cochrane Bridge, to I‐165. The route will continue with a right turn on I‐165 northbound, and then travel south along I‐65 until reaching I‐10. This route encompasses parts of eastbound I‐10 routes as described in sections and The lane configuration and surrounding environment of this route are the same as described in sections and This route will travel through the traffic signals along Bay Bridge Rd. at the intersections listed in section At the present time, no improvements are recommended to improve travel time along this route. No other alternatives were studied for this route. This route travels the same roadways as other selected routes and is suitable for large truck use. I‐10 West at Exit 24 (Broad St. to Duval St.) An incident closing westbound I‐10 between Broad St. and Duval St. would divert in the same manner as the I‐10 eastbound diversion route. This route would exit at Broad St., utilize the I‐10 Westbound Service Rd. to divert around the incident, and then return to I‐10 via the Duval St. on ramp. The lane configuration and surrounding landscape of this route are the same as the route described in section There are no signalized intersections along this route; however, manual traffic control will be required at the I‐10 westbound off ramp at Broad St. and the I‐10 westbound on ramp at Duval St. There are no recommended improvements to improve travel time along this route. No other alternatives were considered for this section of westbound I‐10; the selected route is logical and runs parallel to I‐10. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 20
3.1.3 I‐10 East/Westbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐10 East/West between the Alabama State Line and Exit 4 (SR 188) In the event an incident requires the total closure of I‐10 between the Alabama state line and SR 188, the routes listed in sections and will be combined to form a single, two‐way diversion route. In this instance, the traffic signal timings for the eastbound I‐10 diversion route will be utilized. There are no conflicting turning movements between the directions of this particular diversion route. The routes listed in section and were combined to form one diversion route in order to utilize only one roadway network as a diversion route, limit ITS redundancy (multiple VMS, cameras, specialized signal timings, etc.), and to help reduce the manpower required to carry out the diversion. I‐10 East/West between Exit 4 (SR 188) and Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) If an incident occurs that closes both directions of I‐10 between exit 4 and exit 10, the routes listed in sections and will be combined to form a single, two‐way diversion route. In this instance, the event traffic signal timings developed for the eastbound I‐10 closure of this section will be used. There are no conflicting turning movements when these two diversion routes are combined. The routes listed in sections and were combined to form a single diversion route for the same reasons as listed in section I‐10 East/West between Exit 10 (McDonald Rd.) and Exit 15 (U.S. 90) An event causing the total closure of I‐10 between McDonald Rd. and U.S. 90 will combine the routes listed in sections and to form a single, two‐way diversion route. In this situation, the event signal timings developed for the eastbound I‐10 closure of this section will be used. There are no conflicting turning movements when these two diversion routes are combined. The routes listed in sections and were combined to form a single diversion route for the same reasons as listed in section ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 21 I‐10 East/West between Exit 15 (U.S. 90) and Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) Incidents causing the complete closure of I‐10 between these two points will combine the route listed in section and a portion of the route described in section For the westbound diversion route, traffic will turn right on U.S. 90 instead of continuing to travel straight to Theodore Dawes Rd. This modification of the westbound diversion route will remove turning movement conflicts when these routes are combined. Signal timings developed for the eastbound I‐10 diversion route will be implemented in this two‐way situation. These routes were combined and modified to form a single diversion route for the same reasons as listed in section I‐10 East/West between Exit 17 (Rangeline Rd.) and Exit 20 (I‐65) In the event a complete closure along I‐10 between Rangeline Rd. and I‐65 occurs, three separate diversion routes will be combined. The routes listed in sections and will be combined to form a single incident diversion route. In this situation, there are no conflicting turning movements even with the combination of three routes. Along the I‐10 routes, the signal timings developed for the eastbound diversion route will be utilized. Timings developed for the I‐65 diverting traffic will utilize the timings developed along Government Blvd./U.S. 90 as outlined in section The combination of these three routes was done for the same reasons as outlined in section I‐10 East/West between Exit 20 (I‐65) and Exit 26 (Water St.) For any events closing I‐10 east and westbound between I‐65 and Water St. (except I‐10 at exit 24, Duval/Broad Sts.), the routes listed in sections and will be combined to form a single incident, two‐way diversion route. The combination of these two routes does not create any turning movement conflicts. The signal timing plans developed for these two routes will be implemented accordingly along this two‐way route. The combination of these routes was done for the same reasons as outlined in section ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 22 I‐10 East/West at Exit 24 (Duval St. to Broad St.) In the event that a complete closure of I‐10 between Duval St. and Broad St. occurs, the routes listed in sections and will be combined to form a single, two‐way diversion route. The combination of these two routes will not create any turning movement conflicts. There are no traffic signals along either of these routes; therefore manual traffic control personnel will need to be placed at the locations described in sections and The combination of these routes was done for the same reasons as described in section I‐10 East/West between Exit 26 (Water St.) and Exit 27 (Causeway) If an incident occurs that closes both directions of I‐10 between exit 26 and exit 27, the routes described in sections and 3.1.15 will be combined to form a two‐way diversion route. There will be no conflict of turning movements along this route. Signal timing plans developed for each direction will be implemented along this route. The combination of these routes was done for the same reasons as discussed in section 3.1.17. 3.2 Selected I‐65 Diversion Routes 3.2.1 I‐65 Northbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐65 North between I‐10 and Exit 9 (I‐165) Incidents occurring at any point along I‐65 northbound between I‐10 and I‐165 will create two separate diversion routes – one for I‐10 eastbound to I‐65 northbound traffic, and one for I‐10 westbound to I‐65 northbound traffic. The first route created will divert traffic around the incident on northbound I‐65 via I‐10 eastbound to exit 26, north along Water St. to I‐165, and then north along I‐
165 back to I‐65. The lane configuration and surrounding environment of I‐10, Water St., and I‐165 are described in section The traffic signals along this route are located on Water St. at the intersections listed in section The second route created by a northbound I‐65 closure will be utilized by traffic from I‐10 westbound to I‐65 northbound. This route will divert vehicles from I‐
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10 westbound at exit 27 to northbound Bay Bridge Rd., crossing the Cochrane Bridge, to I‐165 northbound back to I‐65 and I‐10. This route is the exact same route as the diversion route described in section These routes were chosen because of the reasons described in section I‐65 North between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 13 (SR 158) An incident occurring between exit 9 and exit 13 along northbound I‐65 will divert traffic at exit 8 using U.S. 45, traveling northbound along U.S. 45 until reaching SR 158, then turning right to eastbound SR 158 back to I‐65. U.S. 45 is a four‐lane undivided highway between I‐65 and Crystal Springs Rd. At Crystal Springs Rd., U.S. 45 becomes a two‐lane undivided highway to SR 158. SR 158 is a four‐lane, divided, limited access roadway west of I‐65, turning to a six/eight‐
lane urban roadway near I‐65. U.S. 45 is fronted with commercial development between I‐65 and Crystal Springs Rd., but becomes more rural and residential in nature as it travels northward towards SR 158. SR 158 is rural until reaching Shelton Beach Rd., at which point it becomes highly urbanized and fronted with commercial development. There are currently twelve traffic signals along this route: 1. U.S. 45 @ I‐65 northbound off ramp 2. U.S. 45 @ I‐65 southbound off ramp 3. U.S. 45 @ Leeds Ave. 4. U.S. 45 @ Wasson Ave. 5. U.S. 45 @ Wolf Ridge Rd. 6. U.S. 45 @ Bear Fork Rd. 7. U.S. 45 @ Branch Ave. 8. U.S. 45 @ Shelton Beach Rd. (SR 213) 9. U.S. 45 @ Lott Rd. (SR 217) 10. U.S. 45 @ SR 158 east ramps 11. SR 158 @ Shelton Beach Rd. 12. SR 158 @ I‐65 northbound ramps Signals 1‐3 along this route are currently operating on a coordinated system; signals 4‐9 are not coordinated, but can be joined to the existing system ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 24
containing signals 1‐3. Signal 10 is coordinated with the U.S. 45/SR 158 west ramps intersection. Signals 11 and 12 are on a separate coordinated system. At the present time, no improvements are recommended to decrease travel time along this route. It is recommended that U.S. 45 be widened in the future to four lanes north of Crystal Springs Rd. This route was chosen because it provides the most logical route around incidents occurring along northbound I‐65 between exit 9 and exit 13. Exit 10 (West Lee St.) is not suitable for a diversion route because it travels through heavily populated residential areas and has no direct connection to U.S. 43. I‐65 North between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 15 (Celeste Rd.) If an incident requires I‐65 northbound to be closed between SR 158 and Celeste Rd., traffic will divert to SR 158 westbound to U.S. 43, and then U.S. 43 northbound back to I‐65. Along the commercialized sections, SR 158 is a six/eight‐lane roadway east of I‐65; however, it tapers to a two‐lane roadway and continues to U.S. 43. SR 158 is expected to be widened to a four‐lane divided highway in the near future. As previously stated, SR 158 is lined with commercial development near I‐65, but becomes a light commercial/rural mix towards U.S. 43. U.S. 43 is a five/seven‐lane roadway fronted with commercial development through the city of Saraland, but becomes a four‐lane divided highway and the area becomes more residential in nature as U.S. 43 travels north towards Satsuma and Creola. There are currently fourteen signalized intersections along this route: 1. SR 158 @ I‐65 northbound ramps 2. SR 158 @ Shelton Beach Rd. 3. SR 158 @ Wal‐Mart entrance 4. U.S. 43 @ SR 158 5. U.S. 43 @ Cleveland Rd. 6. U.S. 43 @ Jacintoport Blvd. 7. U.S. 43 @ McKeough Ave. 8. U.S. 43 @ Anderson Rd. 9. U.S. 43 @ Celeste Rd. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 25
10. U.S. 43 @ Bayou Sara Ave. 11. U.S. 43 @ Oak Ave. 12. U.S. 43 @ Baker Ave. 13. U.S. 43 @ Bayou Ave. 14. U.S. 43 @ Pennsylvania Ave. At the present time, signals 1‐3 are currently operating on a coordinated system. Signals 4‐14 do not currently operate on a coordinated system; however, signals 4‐10 can be coordinated. Signals 11‐14 are isolated from each other and are not recommended to be coordinated. No improvements are recommended to this route to decrease travel time. No other routes were considered for this section of northbound I‐65; U.S. 43 parallels I‐65 for the duration of this diversion route until reaching I‐65 at exit 19. I‐65 North between Exit 15 (Celeste Rd.) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) Incidents occurring between exit 15 and exit 19 along northbound I‐65 will divert traffic at exit 15, Celeste Rd., eastbound to U.S. 43. Traffic will then turn northbound on U.S. 43 back to I‐65. Along this diversion route, Celeste Rd. is a three‐lane (center two‐way left turn lane) road, and U.S. 43 is a five/seven‐lane roadway that becomes a four‐lane divided highway north of Saraland. The landscape along Celeste Rd. is residential, while U.S. 43 is commercialized in Saraland but turns residential as it approaches Satsuma and Creola. There are currently seven signalized intersections along this route: 1. Celeste Rd. @ I‐65 northbound ramps 2. U.S. 43 @ Celeste Rd. 3. U.S. 43 @ Bayou Sara Ave. 4. U.S. 43 @ Oak Ave. 5. U.S. 43 @ Baker Rd. 6. U.S. 43 @ Bayou Ave. 7. U.S. 43 @ Pennsylvania Ave. At the present time, none of the signals along this route are coordinated; only signals 2‐3 are recommended for coordination in the future due to the fact that signals 4‐7 are isolated from one another. No improvements are recommended ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 26
at this time to decrease travel time along the route. During a northbound diversion event, the center turn lane along Celeste Rd. should be allowed to be used as an eastbound travel lane to facilitate the movement of vehicles along the route. A diversion route using the same route described in section was considered for this section of I‐65; however, it was determined that the interchange at SR 158 should not be utilized for diverting traffic unless absolutely necessary, due to the existing congestion present at the interchange. Otherwise, there are no alternate routes for diverting traffic around this section of I‐65. I‐10 North between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) An incident closing I‐65 northbound between exit 19 and exit 22 will divert traffic off I‐65 at exit 19 to U.S. 43 northbound. The route will travel along northbound U.S. 43 until reaching Dead Lake Rd., at which point the route will turn right and continue east along Dead Lake Rd. until returning to I‐65. Along this route, U.S. 43 is a four‐lane divided highway serving as a major connection point between I‐65 and the multitude of industrial plants in Creola, Axis, and Mt. Vernon. Dead Lake Rd. is a two‐lane roadway through a residential area. There are two 90 degree turns along Dead Lake Rd. which may present an operational challenge for large trucks. There is only one signalized intersection along this route, located at the intersection of U.S. 43 and Dead Lake Rd. Also, an active railroad line runs parallel to U.S. 43 along this route, and the crossing at Dead Lake Rd. is very close to the signalized intersection at U.S. 43 and Dead Lake Rd. There are no improvements recommended to this route to decrease travel time. No other routes were considered – this route is the only route that can feasibly divert traffic around an incident between exit 19 and exit 22 along northbound I‐65. 3.2.2 I‐65 Southbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐65 South between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 0 (I‐10) Any incident occurring between I‐165 and I‐10 along southbound I‐65 will divert traffic around the incident by exiting to I‐165 southbound to Water St., Water ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 27
St. to I‐10 westbound, and I‐10 westbound back to I‐65. The lane configurations, general area descriptions, and signalized intersections along this route are can be found in section No improvements are recommended along this route to decrease travel time. Alternate routes were considered, such as examining incidents between individual interchanges along I‐65; however, all interchanges along I‐65 service major east‐west arterials in the Mobile area, and the additional congestion that would be created by diverting Interstate traffic on one of these roads would be best avoided by routing traffic using I‐165, Water St., and I‐10 instead of the surface street system. I‐65 South between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 9 (I‐165) Incidents requiring the closure of I‐65 southbound between SR 158 and I‐165 will divert using the “mirror image” route as described in section Traffic will divert using SR 158 westbound to U.S. 45, and then U.S. 45 southbound back to I‐65. The lane configurations, general area descriptions, and signalized intersections are the same for this route as those described in section No improvements are recommended to reduce travel time along this route, although the addition of a second right turn lane to the I‐65 southbound off ramp at SR 158 would improve the flow of diverting traffic from I‐65 to SR 158. No alternate routes were considered for this diversion route; this route is the most logical to reroute traffic around this section of I‐65, and this route is a “mirror image” of the route described in section; therefore, no ITS redundancy exists. I‐65 South between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 13 (SR 158) If southbound I‐65 between exit 19 and exit 13 is to be closed due to an incident, traffic will divert around this section of I‐65 by exiting to U.S. 43 southbound, then to SR 158 westbound back to I‐65. This route is a “mirror image” of the route, lane configurations, roadway surroundings, and signalized intersections described in section A dedicated right turn lane is recommended to the southbound U.S. 43 approach to the U.S. 43/SR 158 intersection in order to improve travel time along this route. A route utilizing the Celeste Rd. interchange (exit 15) was considered as a route to divert traffic ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 28
between exit 15 and exit 13; however, the I‐65 southbound off ramp at Celeste Rd. is a single lane ramp, and the right turn from Celeste Rd. to southbound U.S. 43 is also a single lane movement. Therefore, this route was not selected and instead combined into the route chosen for a southbound closure between exit 19 and exit 15. I‐65 South between Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) An incident causing the closure of I‐65 southbound between Sailor Rd. and U.S. 43 will divert traffic using exit 19 to Dead Lake Rd., and then U.S. 43 southbound back to I‐65. This route is a “mirror image” of the route, lane configurations, surrounding area descriptions, and signalized intersection as described in section 3.2.3 I‐65 North/Southbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐65 North/South between I‐10 and Exit 9 (I‐165) An incident occurring between I‐10 and I‐165 that requires the total closure of I‐
65 will divert using a combination of routes described in sections and There is no conflict of turning movements when combining the routes listed in the aforementioned sections. Signal timings developed for the diversion route in section will be implemented for this combined route. No alternative routes were studied for this section of I‐65. These routes were combined for the purposes of utilizing only one roadway network for a diversion route, avoiding ITS redundancy, and minimizing manpower needed to implement the diversion route. I‐65 North/South between Exit 9 (I‐165) and Exit 13 (SR 158) Incidents occurring between I‐165 and SR 158 that require the total closure of I‐
65 will divert using a combination of routes listed in and There is no conflict of turning movements when the routes in these sections are combined. Signal timings developed for the diversion route in section will be used on this combined route. These routes were combined for the same reasons as those listed in section ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 29 I‐65 North/South between Exit 13 (SR 158) and Exit 19 (U.S. 43) If an incident occurs between SR 158 and U.S. 43 that requires the total closure of I‐65, a diversion route utilizing a combination of the routes described in sections and There is no conflict of turning movements when the routes in these sections are combined. Signal timings developed for the diversion route in section will be used on this combined route. These routes were combined for the same reasons as those listed in section I‐65 North/South between Exit 19 (U.S. 43) and Exit 22 (Sailor Rd.) Incidents that require the complete closure of I‐65 between U.S. 43 and Sailor Rd. cannot combine the routes listed in sections and These routes cannot be combined due to the fact there would be a turning movement conflict because of the I‐65/Sailor Rd. interchange design. As a result, the northbound I‐65 diversion route in this situation will exit to U.S. 43 northbound, turn right on Dead Lake Rd., turn right on Old U.S. 43, turn left on Lister Dairy Rd., and then turn right on the I‐65 North Service Rd. to return to the Sailor Rd. interchange. Old U.S. 43, Lister Dairy Rd., and the I‐65 North Service Rd. are all two‐lane roadways that service residential areas. The southbound diversion route in this scenario will utilize the route listed in 3.3 Selected I‐165 Diversion Routes 3.3.1 I‐165 Northbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐165 North between Water St. and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) An incident occurring between Water St. and Bay Bridge Rd. that requires the closure of northbound I‐165 will divert around the incident by traveling north on Telegraph Rd. to Conception Street Rd., then north on Conception Street Rd. to Bay Bridge Rd. The route will then turn right traveling eastbound back to I‐165. Along this route, Telegraph Rd. is a one‐way street to Conception Street Rd.; Conception Street Rd. is a two‐lane, lightly traveled roadway, and Bay Bridge Rd. is a four/six‐lane roadway. This route primarily travels along Conception Street Rd., which mainly serves heavy commercial development. There are two signalized intersections along this route: ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 30
1. Bay Bridge Rd. @ I‐165 South Service Rd. 2. Bay Bridge Rd. @ I‐165 North Service Rd. The signals along this route are coordinated. There are no improvements recommended to decrease travel time along this route. No alternate routes were considered; there is no other logical route to divert traffic around this section of northbound I‐165. I‐165 North between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Exit 1A (Whistler St.) Incidents occurring between exit 2 and exit 1A along northbound I‐165 will be bypassed using the I‐165 North Service Rd. For any incident occurring between these two exits, traffic will divert using the exit prior to the incident, and will return to I‐165 northbound once the incident is passed. The I‐165 North Service Rd. is a two/three‐lane, one‐way roadway traveling through the city of Prichard. Depending upon the location of the incident, up to five signalized intersections may be traveled through along the route: 1. I‐165 North Service Rd. @ Bay Bridge Rd. 2. I‐165 North Service Rd. @ Craft Hwy. 3. I‐165 North Service Rd. @ Wilson Ave. 4. I‐165 North Service Rd. @ Price Ave. 5. I‐165 North Service Rd. @ Whistler St. No improvements are recommended for this diversion route to decrease travel time. No other alternate routes were chosen for this diversion route; there are no other logical routes to divert traffic around incidents occurring between these points along northbound I‐165. 3.3.2 I‐165 Southbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐165 South between Exit 1A (Whistler St.) and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) If an incident occurs along southbound I‐165 between Whistler St. and Bay Bridge Rd., traffic will be diverted around the incident using the I‐165 South Service Rd. This route would be a “mirror image” of the route, lane configurations, and signalized intersections listed in section No ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 31
improvements are recommended for this diversion route to decrease travel time. No other alternate routes were chosen for this diversion route; there are no other logical routes to divert traffic around incidents occurring between these points along southbound I‐165. I‐165 South between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Water St. An incident occurring between these two points along southbound I‐165 will divert along the “mirror image” route as described in section Traffic will divert at exit 2 to westbound Bay Bridge Rd., then to Conception Street Rd. back to Water St. The only signalized intersection along this route is located at the intersection of the I‐165 southbound off ramp and Bay Bridge Rd. No improvements are recommended along this route to decrease travel time. No other alternate routes were studied for this diversion route; this route is the only logical way to divert traffic around this section of southbound I‐165. 3.3.3 I‐165 North/Southbound Selected Diversion Routes I‐165 North/South between Water St. and Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) An incident requiring the complete closure of I‐165 between Water St. and Bay Bridge Rd. would combine the routes listed in sections and to form a single diversion route. There are no turning movement conflicts with the combination of these routes. Signal timings developed for the northbound I‐165 diversion route between these points will be utilized in this route. These routes were combined because they are the most feasible routes to divert traffic between these two points along I‐165, they limit ITS redundancy, and limit manpower required to carry out the diversion. I‐165 North/South between Exit 2 (Bay Bridge Rd.) and Exit 1A (Whistler St.) If an incident occurs between Bay Bridge Rd. and Whistler St. that requires the total closure of I‐165 between these two points, then the routes described in sections and will be combined to form a single diversion route. There are no turning movement conflicts with the combination of these routes. Signal timings developed in both sections and will need to be ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 32
utilized in this situation. These routes were combined for the same reasons as those listed in section ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 33
4.0 ITS ARCHITECTURE The ITS infrastructure for this project was selected not only to be consistent with the existing ITS infrastructure that is currently in place in the Mobile area, but also for ease of expansion to the existing system. The equipment selected is compatible with the equipment and software located at ALDOT’s Traffic Management Center (TMC) located at the I‐10 Wallace Tunnel. The expansion to the existing system was developed for phased implementation so that additional ITS equipment can be added as plans are developed and funding is secured. The ITS architecture is designed around the fiber optic cable backbone that has been installed on portions of I‐10 and I‐65 in the Mobile area, so that in the future communication with traffic signal controllers, variable message signs, remote traffic monitoring sites, traffic video cameras, etc. will be possible from the TMC. 4.1 Recommended ITS Components and Equipment The following major components and equipment are recommended for the expansion of Mobile’s existing ITS system: 1. The fiber optic cable system will need to be extended to run along I‐10 from the TMC to the Alabama/Mississippi state line; extended along I‐65 to run from I‐10 to the Mobile River Delta/Gen. W.K. Wilson Jr. Bridge; and installed along the length of I‐165. 2. Wavetronix Radar Vehicle Detection (RVD) Systems are recommended for installation at every ½ mile interval along I‐10, I‐65, and I‐165. This system is currently installed on the I‐10 bridges over Mobile Bay and has proven effective at monitoring vehicle speeds and volumes across multiple lanes. 3. Pelco Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras with pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) capability and auto focus and present position are recommended for installation at every one mile interval (where not presently installed) along I‐10, I‐65, and I‐
165. These traffic monitoring cameras are currently being used on the existing ALDOT camera system in the Mobile area. These cameras are recommended for their reliability and consistency with the existing ITS system. 4. Econolite Autoscope® Terra video detection systems are recommended for all ninety‐six (96) signalized intersections along the diversion routes. This video detection system easily retrofits loop detection intersections with an IP ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 34
addressable camera system. This system is also capable of video monitoring, traffic counting, and traffic speed monitoring. This system can be used with any brand of traffic signal controller as long the camera system is ordered as a TS1 hookup. All future signalized intersections along diversion routes should include video detection systems capable of the aforementioned items. 5. Daktronics variable message signs (VMS). These variable message signs are currently being used by ALDOT in the Mobile area, and have proven to be reliable and compatible with future expansion. 6. RuggedCom Ethernet switches should be used to match the fog detection system installed on the I‐10 bridges over Mobile Bay. 7. The radio communication system shall be compatible with a GDI Communications radio system. The City of Mobile is currently installing a new GDI Communications radio backbone throughout the City. System components that are equal to or greater than the GDI Communications standard have been evaluated by the City’s traffic engineering department and were found to have the best overall streaming performance and reliability for traffic monitoring, closed loop applications, and video detection. Radio equipment that is standard with the equipment put forth by the City will make integration easier and will keep consistency with the existing system. 4.2 Recommended ITS Phasing 4.2.1 Phase I Implementation Diversion routes have been selected for incidents requiring any section of I‐10, I‐
65, or I‐165 to be closed along their respective corridors. As part of the route selection, diversion plan traffic signal timings have been developed for implementation along each route. In addition to special traffic signal timing plans, control procedures of traffic through traffic incident management areas have been developed as well. The Phase I plan calls for using trailer‐mounted VMS for the diversion routes along with special fluorescent pink warning signs to be utilized only during traffic incident management situations. Phase I also calls for basic traffic channelizing devices to be temporarily installed along each ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 35
route. Finally, traffic control personnel will be stationed at specified unsignalized intersection, and at all signalized intersections. Because communication is not currently available to many of the traffic signals along the diversion routes, it is recommended that each traffic signal controller be equipped with a manual control switch and advance interval button. This will allow uniformed officers and/or other trained personnel to control the green time for each movement. As the operator monitors traffic, the advance interval button will allow the operator to advance through each phase of the intersection, giving extended priority to the diversion route traffic, while still being able to service movements not along the diversion route. Outfitting each traffic signal controller with this capability can be done at a reasonable cost and will allow intersections to be controlled with minimal effort and personnel during a diversion event or any other incident requiring manual operation of the traffic signal. These switches should be installed at every intersection along the diversion routes, even ones with interconnect, as this will provide a failsafe if the current or future interconnect is damaged or out of service. Incident traffic signal timing plans shall be implemented at each existing coordinated signalized intersection system along the diversion routes. These plans can be activated from the existing master controller. As these timing plans are installed, each coordinated system should be tested, inspected, and all required changes and/or repairs should be scheduled or completed. The following pictures were taken during a diversion event occurring as a result of an accident in the I‐10 eastbound Wallace Tunnel on November 16, 2010, and give a general idea of how a Phase I diversion event is expected to look and operate. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 36
I‐10 Eastb
bound towardds downtown
n Mobile I‐10 Eastbou
und approachhing Exit 26B (Water St.) ITS Diverssion Route Plaanning Study January 2011 Paage 37
I‐10 Eaastbound at EExit 26B (Wateer St.) bile Watter St. into doowntown Mob
ITS Diverssion Route Plaanning Study January 2011 Paage 38
4.2.2 Phase II Implementation The following elements of the system are recommended to be added together and constructed as plans and funding become available. The equipment and software described will be required to automate the system using minimal manpower to implement a diversion event. An inventory of all existing traffic signal controllers and traffic signal systems was completed, as well as an analysis of each existing coordinated system or extension of an existing coordinated system. The isolated traffic signal controllers that are not part of an existing system or are not recommended to be added to a system in the future shall be connected via fiber optic cable or radio system to the TMC. In addition, video and remote traffic monitoring equipment recommended along the diversion routes will be connected via fiber optic cable or through radio communication to the fiber optic backbone. Traffic signal controllers to be connected to existing ALDOT systems will either be connected via radio communication or fiber optic cable to the closest controller on the existing system. The closest controller will have the means to accept added controllers, by way of fiber‐to‐radio converter, radio‐to‐serial converter, fiber‐to‐serial converter, radio‐to‐radio, or fiber‐to‐fiber connection. The master controller of the system can then have a phone line attached to it with a modem, or be connected to ALDOT’s fiber optic cable backbone so that commands can be called in from the TMC. ALDOT will also need to install the central communication software used at each of these systems at the TMC. Multiple software packages will be needed due to the different types of controllers in the field. The IQ Central® system by Peek will be needed to communicate with their controllers and systems. The Centracs™ traffic management software by Econolite will be required to communicate with their controllers and systems. Finally, the TACTICS software from Siemens will be needed to communicate with the Eagle traffic controllers and systems. In lieu of installing TACTICS, it is recommended that ALDOT upgrade the Eagle controllers to a newer software version or replace the Eagle controllers with Econolite ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 39
controllers, as Centracs™ can communicate with both Econolite and Peek controllers using updated software and firmware. Traffic controllers within the City of Mobile’s existing systems will be accessed through a phone line or the City’s new radio communications backbone. The backbone will require a radio tower at the TMC, and a connection into the City’s network. If the system is accessed via phone line, all modem phone numbers will be needed for proper communication. CCTV cameras, along with RVD monitoring, will be installed along each Interstate route within the study area. The CCTV cameras are recommended to be placed at one mile intervals along I‐10, I‐65, and I‐165, as well as at interchanges and major intersections along the various diversion routes. Each camera will either be connected directly to ALDOT’s fiber optic backbone or connected to the backbone via radio communication. The RVD monitoring is recommended to be installed at one‐half mile intervals along the Interstate routes. This will allow the TMC to monitor traffic speed and volume along the Interstate, while the CCTV cameras will provide video monitoring capability for congestion and incidents. The CCTV cameras located at each interchange and along the various diversion routes will allow for traffic and traffic signal (if located at a signalized intersection) viewing during rerouting plans. It is recommended that all in‐pavement traffic detection loops at signalized intersections along the diversion routes be replaced with IP‐addressable video detection systems. New video detection systems will allow the TMC to view traffic flow, using additional cameras, and will also allow for intersection traffic counting. Traffic signals planned or added to diversion routes in the future should be installed with video detection systems capable of these requirements. Variable message signs are recommended to be placed at the approaches to all interchanges used for diversion routes, as well as at different locations along State‐maintained roadways in order to give traffic directions, advance warning of incidents, or information about other delays such as construction or maintenance operations. These signs will be connected to the TMC via direct connection to ALDOT’s fiber optic backbone or radio connection to the ALDOT fiber backbone. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 40
Additional highway advisory radios (HAR) are also recommended for the ITS system. An additional HAR is needed along I‐10 near the Welcome Center at the Alabama/Mississippi state line to supplement the existing HAR located in Tillman’s Corner near the Carol Plantation Road overpass at I‐10. A sign alerting motorists to tune to this HAR’s radio frequency should be installed along eastbound I‐10 near the Alabama/Mississippi state line. A HAR placed in this location will alert motorists coming into Alabama and the Mobile area that a traffic incident is ahead and that special traffic provisions are in effect. A second HAR should be installed along I‐65 near the SR 158 interchange. This HAR will allow motorists to be alerted to events occurring along I‐65 through the northern part of Mobile County, and will have the necessary range to alert motorists at the U.S. 43 and Celeste Rd. interchanges as well. New radio messages have been developed for use during diversion events, and are located in Appendix B. In addition, it was noted that all of the existing HARs located throughout the Mobile area are broadcast to the same frequency, 1630 AM. As a result, the range for these HARs overlaps during optimal weather conditions, and messages become scrambled. It is highly recommended that each HAR be given a unique broadcast frequency, or ensure that HARs with overlapping ranges have separate frequencies. 4.2.3 Phase III Implementation To complete the ITS system, a central software shall be designed to communicate with the different traffic controllers at the signalized intersections. At the present time, Econolite’s Centracs® is the best fit for this application and its installation is recommended. Centracs® offers the ability to communicate with all the various components of the ITS system, including traffic controllers, RVD systems, CCTV systems, VMS, HARs, and traffic signal video detection systems. The Centracs® software can be accessed by multiple users on multiple access levels. Another unique feature is the ability to instantaneously update controller programming; this information is immediately accessible by all users. This feature eliminates the need to update every ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 41
computer that has access to the ITS system, which can be costly and time consuming. Each intersection should be outfitted with the same brand controller. The Econolite ASC3 traffic controller is recommended for upgrades. This controller is the most compatible controller with the Centracs® software. The ASC3 can be fitted with an Ethernet port which allows real‐time monitoring of the intersection. By doing so, master controllers can be eliminated, meaning one less item to break down or malfunction. Converting all controllers to the ASC3 will establish a more compatible system with the recommended video detection system, and allow ALDOT to move towards the TS2 standard for traffic signal controller cabinets. Mechanized gates are also recommended for installation at on ramps located along I‐65 between I‐10 and I‐165, and along I‐10 east of I‐65. During a diversion event, these ramps will swing down and block access to the Interstate towards the direction of the incident. These gates will have radio connectivity to ALDOT’s fiber optic network to allow for communication between the gates and the TMC so that during a diversion, the appropriate gates can be closed as required by the diversion plan. ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 42
Summary of Recommendations for ITS System
Install manual advance control interval switches at each traffic signal controller (96 total) along diversion routes
Record new highway advisory radio messages
Change AM frequency of existing highway advisory radios to eliminate overlaps
Program traffic signal controllers on existing coordinated systems with event timing plans
Install permanent variable message signs at locations as shown in plans
Install RVD sensors at locations as shown in plans
Install/extend fiber optic cable at locations as shown in plans
Install mechanized gates at on ramp locations
Install new highway advisory radios at locations as shown in plans
Install CCTV traffic cameras at locations as shown in plans
Install radio communications systems at locations as shown in plans
Install radio tower at ALDOT Traffic Management Center
Install intersection video detection systems at locations as shown in plans
Replace Eagle® signal controllers along diversion routes with Econolite® ASC3 signal controllers
Install Centracs™ central software at ALDOT Traffic Management Center
Program new traffic signal controllers with event timing plans (add to existing system/coordinate as new system)
SR 188 @ I‐10 WB ramps, EB ramps, & US 90
US 90 @ Grand Bay Wilmer Rd & SR 188
US 90 @ Ramsey Rd. & Irvington/Bayou La Batre Hwy.
US 90 @ McDonald Rd. east & west ramps
Theodore Dawes Rd. @ I‐10 EB ramps, Nan Gray Davis Rd., Carol Plantation Rd., and US 90
Dauphin Island Pkwy. @ Brill Rd./Clubhouse Rd. & Gulfdale Dr/Cedar Crescent Dr.
Bay Bridge Rd. @ I‐165 N. Service Rd., Grover Ave., US 43 loop, Bay Bridge Cutoff Rd., & Magazine Rd.
US 43 @ Cleveland Rd., Jacintoport Blvd., McKeough Ave., Anderson Rd., Celeste Rd., & Bayou Sara Ave.
I‐165 N. Service Rd. @ Bay Bridge Rd., Craft Hwy., Wilson Ave., Price Ave., & Whistler St.
I‐165 S. Service Rd. @ Bay Bridge Rd., Craft Hwy., Wilson Ave., Price Ave., & Whistler St.
US 90 @ Plantation Rd., Larue Steiner Rd., & Kooiman Rd.
US 90 @ Tillman's Corner Pkwy.
US 45 @ Wasson Ave., Wolf Ridge Rd., Bear Fork Rd., Branch Ave., Shelton Beach Rd., & Lott Rd.
Consider/construct the following infrastructure improvements:
Convert dedicated right turn lane @ McDonald Rd. SB off ramp @ US 90 to combined left/right turn OR add second left turn lane to ramp (provide double left turn capability)
Five‐lane Theodore Dawes Rd. from I‐10 to US 90; add double left capability @ EB Theodore Dawes Rd. approach to US 90
Provide double right turn capability on I‐165 NB off ramp @ Bay Bridge Rd. with additional right turn lane OR conversion of existing thru lane to thru‐right configuration
Provide double right turn capability @ SB McDonald Rd. off ramp to US 90 by constructing additional right turn lane
Widen US 45 to four/five lanes from Crystal Springs Rd. to north of SR 158
Construct second right turn lane on I‐65 SB off ramp @ SR 158
Construct dedicated right turn lane on SB US 43 approach to SR 158
Table 1: Summary of Recommended ITS Improvements
ITS Diversion Route Planning Study January 2011 Page 43
APPENDIX A SELECTED DIVERSION ROUTES TRAVEL TIME MATRIX I‐10 Eastbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Exit 75 in MS to Franklin Creek Rd. going south. East on US MS 75 ‐ Franklin Creek Rd 90 to Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. Grand Bay Wilmer Rd back to I‐10
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
6.8 miles
11.2 minutes
38.7 minutes
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/specific, reasonable improvement(s)
i10e_MS 75‐4
4 ‐ Grand Bay
Exit 4 to Grand Bay Wilmer Rd going south. Turn left on US 90, heading east until reaching McDonald Rd. Take McDonald Rd north until reaching I‐10
10.49 miles
14.2 minutes
69.1 minutes
10 ‐ McDonald Rd
Exit 10 to McDonald Rd. going south, left turn onto US 90, US 90 back to I‐10 at exit 15
8.3 miles
12.4 minutes
67.2 minutes
13 ‐ Theodore Dawes Rd
Exit to Theodore Dawes Rd going east. Go east to US 90. Turn left heading north on US 90 until reaching I‐10
3.63 miles
6.4 minutes
47.9 minutes
15 ‐ US 90
Exit to US 90 going south/east. Travel south to Theodore Dawes Rd/Hamilton Blvd. Turn left and continue to Rangeline Rd. Turn left on Rangeline Rd and travel north to reach I‐10
7.8 miles
12.8 minutes
40.4 minutes
29.9 minutes with through‐left installed on eastbound Theodore Dawes/Hamilton Blvd. approach to Rangeline Rd.
17 ‐ Rangeline Rd
Exit to Rangeline Rd traveling south/east to Hamilton Blvd. Left on Hamilton Blvd to DIP. Left on DIP, returning to I‐10
11.8 miles
18.7 minutes
69.0 minutes
50.8 minutes with double left on southbound Rangeline Rd approach to Hamilton Blvd.
20 ‐ I‐65
For incidents on I‐10 between I‐65 and the Wallace Tunnel
(not including direct incidents in the tunnel and between Duval and Broad Sts.) route will go north on I‐65 to I‐165, then south on I‐165 to Water St back to I‐10
15.3 miles 19.1 minutes
72.3 minutes 8
24 ‐ Duval St
Exit to Duval St., continue east along I‐10 Service Rd., cross Broad St, back to I‐10
1.2 miles
2.1 minutes
15.7 minutes
26A ‐ Water St
Exit to Water St northbound to I‐165. Exit to Bay Bridge Rd, across Cochrane Bridge, back down to Causeway. Proceed along Causeway to I‐10 on ramp at exit 32
11.5 miles
20.3 minutes
79.2 minutes
55.7 minutes with dedicated left and combined left/right on SB McDonald Rd. exit ramp to US 90
I‐10 Westbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/specific, reasonable improvement(s)
i10w_4‐MS 75
4 ‐ Grand Bay Wilmer
Exit to Grand Bay Wilmer Rd (SR 188) south to US 90. US 90 west to Franklin Creek Rd. (crossing the MS State Line), Franklin Creek Rd. north to I‐10
7.4 miles
11.2 minutes
34.4 minutes
27.4 minutes with separate right turn lane on SB Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. approach to US 90
10 ‐ McDonald Rd.
Exit to McDonald Rd. southbound to U.S. 90. U.S. 90 westbound to SR 188. SR 188 north back to I‐10
11.1 miles
17.3 minutes
90.3 minutes
15 ‐ US 90
Exit to US 90 south/westbound, go to McDonald Rd, turn right on McDonald Rd. back to I‐10
8.4 miles
11.4 minutes
46.6 minutes
17 ‐ Rangeline Rd.
Exit to Rangeline Rd. southbound to Theodore Dawes Rd./Hamilton Blvd. Right on Theodore Dawes Rd. back to I‐10
9.2 miles
16.3 minutes
75.0 minutes
1 ‐ Government Blvd. (SB I‐65)
SB I‐65 ‐ Exit to Government Blvd., then west on Government Blvd. (U.S. 90) back to I‐10
5.5 miles
8.7 minutes
46.3 minutes
12.4 miles
19.1 minutes
31.4 minutes
16.6 miles
19.3 minutes
58.9 minutes
1.2 miles
2.2 minutes
16.2 minutes
22 ‐ DIP (WB I‐10)
27 ‐ US 90/98
24 ‐ Broad St
WB I‐65 ‐ Exit to DIP, south to Hamilton Blvd., west along Hamilton Blvd. to Rangeline Rd., then north on Rangeline Rd. back to I‐10
Exit 27 to US 90/98, north across Cochrane Bridge to Bay Bridge Rd. Bay Bridge Rd to I‐165. I‐165 north to I‐65 SB, back to I‐10
Exit to Broad St., then west on I‐10 Service Rd. back to I‐10
I‐65 Northbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
0 ‐ I‐10
For all incidents between the I‐10/I‐65 interchange and US 45 (Exit 8), route will travel east on I‐10, exit at Water St., northbound to I‐165, I‐165 north to I‐65 junction, then southbound to the selected exit
21.6 miles
24.6 minutes
67.3 minutes 26
8 ‐ US 45
Exit to US 45, travel north along SR 45 until reaching SR 158. Turn right to go to eastbound SR 158 and continue until reaching I‐65
8.1 miles
15.2 minutes
58.1 minutes
13 ‐ SR 158
Exit to SR 158, east on SR 158 to US 43, US 43 north to I‐65
8.4 miles
12.2 minutes
44.6 minutes
15 ‐ Celeste Rd
Exit to Celeste Rd, right on Celeste Rd traveling eastbound to US 43, left on US 43 traveling northbound back to I‐65
5.3 miles
7.3 minutes
26.7 minutes
19 ‐ US 43
Exit to US 43 northbound, north on US 43 to Dead Lake Rd, right on Dead Lake Rd, then east and north on Creola Axis Loop back to I‐65
3.1 miles
6.4 minutes
24.7 minutes
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/reasonable, specific improvement(s)
I‐65 Southbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
9 ‐ I‐165
Exit to I‐165 southbound, off at Water St, Water St. southbound through downtown Mobile. Take I‐10 westbound to I‐65 northbound to the selected exit
21.6 miles
25.8 minutes
60.7 minutes
13 ‐ SR 158
7.7 miles
16.0 minutes
55.0 minutes
19 ‐ US 43
8.2 miles
14.3 minutes
23.4 minutes
22 ‐ Creola
2.6 miles
7.2 minutes
17.1 minutes
Exit to SR 158 westbound, SR 158 westbound to US 45. US 45 southbound back to I‐65
Exit to US 43 south. US 43 south to SR 158. Right on SR 158 back to I‐65
Exit to Sailor Rd./Creola Axis Loop Rd in Creola, travel west on Dead Lake Road, left on Bentley Rd., right on Creola Axis Loop Rd to US 43. US 43 south to I‐65
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/specific improvements
I‐165 Southbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
1A ‐ Whistler St
I‐165 southbound to I‐165 S. Service Rd. Service Rd. back to I‐165 soutbound after closure.
2.2 miles
5.6 minutes
21.2 minutes
Telegraph Rd. north to Conception St. Rd, east to Bay Bridge Rd, left on I‐165 Service Rd back to I‐165
2.7 miles
5.1 minutes
16.5 minutes
i165s_2‐Water St
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/specific improvements
I‐165 Northbound Selected Diversion Route Travel Time Matrix
Plan #
Diversion #
Route Description
Route Length
Existing Estimated Travel Time
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/existing roadway system
2 ‐ Bay Bridge Rd
Exit to Bay Bridge Road, then north along I‐165 E. Service Rd. to I‐165
2.1 miles
4.9 minutes
5.2 minutes
Telegraph Rd. north to Conception St. Rd, east to Bay Bridge Rd, left on I‐165 Service Rd back to I‐165
2.7 miles
5.1 minutes
16.5 minutes
i165n_Water St‐2
Projected Travel Time on Diversion w/specific improvements
Plan #
Tune To Signs
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead and is being detoured at Exit 75, Franklin Creek Road. I‐10 EB Exit 75, Franklin Creek to The eastbound I‐10 detour is 6 miles long and goes right on Franklin Creek Road and south to US 90, Exit 4, Al 188
then left on US 90 and east to Alabama 188, Grand Bay Wilmer Road. Then left on Alabama 188 and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign #1 2
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead and I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 4, Alabama 188 I‐10 EB Exit 4, Al 188 and Exit 10, Grand Bay Wilmer Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 12 miles and goesright on Alabama 188 and McDonald Road
south to US 90, then left on US 90 and east to McDonald Road, left on MacDonald Road and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign #1 and 2
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 10. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit
I‐10 EB Exit 10, McDonald Road 10, CR 39 McDonald Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 10 miles and goes south on MacDonald Road and Exit 13, Theodore Dawes Road toward Irvrington Bayou La Batre to US 90,exit right then turn left on US 90 and east on US 90 back to I‐
10 at Exit 15. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign # 1 and 2
Diversion Plan
Radio Message
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 13. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit
Carol Plantation Road, I‐10 EB Exit 13, Theodore Dawes 13, Theodore Dawes Road . The eastbound I‐10 detour is 4 miles and goes south on Theodore Dawes and Welcome Center Road and 15, US 90
Road to US 90, then left on US 90 and east back to I‐10 at Exit 15. During heavy travel times, delays (Proposed)
should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. East of McDonald Road, New Sign # 1 and 2 5
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 15. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit
Carol Plantation Road, 15,Highway 90 . The eastbound I‐10 detour is 9 miles and goes right on US 90 and west to Hamilton I‐10 EB Exit 15, US 90 and 17, AL and Welcome Center Boulevard, then left on Hamilton Boulevard and east to Alabama 193, Rangeline Road. Left on Alabama 193
193 and north back to I‐10 at Exit 17. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. East of McDonald Road, New Sign # 1 and 2 6
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 17. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit
17, Alabama 193, Rangeline Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 13 miles and goes south on Al 193, Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and #2, East of McDonald I‐10 EB Exit 17, AL 193 and 20, I‐65 Rangeline Road to Alabama 163, Hamilton Boulevard, then left on Alabama 163 and east to Dauphin and Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al (Proposed)
193 Todd Acres
Island Parkway, then left on Dauphin Island Parkway and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 7
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 20, I‐65. Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and 2, East of McDonald I‐10 EB Exit 20, I‐65 to 26B, Water The eastbound I‐10 detour is 20 miles and goes north on I‐65 to Exit 9, I‐165 , then south on I‐165 to and Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al Street
Water Street and south back to I‐10 . During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the (Proposed)
193 Todd Acres
detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention eastbound I‐10 traffic. I‐10 is closed to eastbound traffic from I‐65 to Exit 26, University Blvd, WIM US 98 at Powell Drive, US 43 Dead Lake I‐10 EB Exit 20, I‐65 to 26B, Water Road, Satsuma Cross Over, New signs Water Street at the Wallace Tunnels. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured toI‐65 Exit 9, I‐165, then Site Creole, Al 158 Street
#6,7,8,9, and 10
south on I‐165 to Water Street and south to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and 2, East of McDonald Day, and Date. Attention eastbound I‐10 traffic, eastbound I‐10 is closed ahead at Exit 24, Broad/Duval Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al Streets. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 24, then east along the I‐10 Service Road and (Proposed), Creole 193 Todd Acres, US 43 Dead Lake Road, I‐10 EB Exit 24, Broad and Duval
back to eastbound I‐10. The left three lanes of eastbound I‐10 are closed, motorist are advised to merge WIM Site, and Satsuma Cross Over, US 98 at Powell right as you approach Exit 24. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Proposed I‐65 and AL Drive, North of Dauphin St, New signs Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 158, University Blvd
#6,7,8,9, and 10
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and 2, East of McDonald Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 26‐B, the George Wallace Tunnel, Eastbound I‐10 Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al I‐10 EB Exit 26 B, Water Street and traffic is being detoured 9 miles at Exit 26‐B to Water Street, then north to I‐165, then north on I‐165 to (Proposed), Creole 193 Todd Acres, US 43 Dead Lake Road, Exit 27, Battleship Parkway
Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road. exit right to Bay Bridge Road, then right on Bay Bridge road and follow WIM Site, and Satsuma Cross Over, US 98 at Powell eastbound US 90 back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Proposed I‐65 and AL Drive, North of Dauphin St, New signs Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 158, University Blvd
#6,7,8,9, and 10
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 4, Alabama 188 Grand Bay Wilmer Road and Exit 77, Franklin Creek Road in Mississippi. Westbound I‐10 Carol Plantation Road, I‐10 WB Exit 4, Al 188 and Exit 75, traffic is being detoured 6 miles at Exit 4, Alabama 188, left on Alabama 188 and south to US 90, then West Vent Building
Franklin Creek Road
right on US 90 and west to Franklin Creek Road in Mississippi, right on Franklin Creek Road and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked
to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, and Tenn St
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 10, McDonald Road and Exit 4, Alabama 188 Grand Bay Wilmer Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being Carol Plantation Road, I‐10 WB Exit 10, McDonald Road detoured 12 miles at Exit 12, CR 39 McDonald Road, then south toward Irvrington Bayou La Batre, then West Vent Building, and Exit 4, Al 188
exit right to US 90 and right on westbound US 90 to Grand Bay, then right on AL 188 and north back to I‐ and University Blvd
10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, and Tenn St, North of Dauphin St
Plan #
Diversion Plan
Radio Message
Tune To Signs
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 15, US Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon I‐10 WB Exit 15, US 90 and Exit 10, 90 and Exit 10, McDonald Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 10 miles at Exit 15 A, West US West Vent Building, I‐ Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, Tenn St, McDonald Road
90, west on US 90 to McDonald Road, then right on MacDonald Road and north back to I‐10. During 65 and Al 158, and North of Dauphin St, New Sign 5, 6,7 8, heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and University Blvd
and 9
traffic control officers on the detour. 13
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 17, Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Alabmama 193 Rangline Road and Exit 15, US 90. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 9 miles at Exit
West Vent Building, I‐ Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, Tenn St, I‐10 WB Exit 17, AL 193 and Exit 17A, south Alabama 193 Rangeline Road, then south on Alabama 193 to Hamilton Boulevard, the right 65 and Al 158, and North of Dauphin St, New Sign 5, 6,7 8, 15, US 90
on Hamilton Boulevard and west across US 90 to Theodore Dawes Road and back to I‐10. During heavy University Blvd
and 9
travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 14
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 20, I‐65 I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 12 miles at Exit 22B, Overpass, Scenic West of Wilcox, Malbis/Daphne, Tenn St, I‐10 WB Between Exit 20, I‐65 and south Alabama 163 Dauphin Island Parkway, then south on Alabama 163 to the four way stop, then right
Overlook, West Vent Pinecrest Cemetery
Exit 17, Al 193
and west on Alabama 163 to Alabama 193, Rangeline Road, then right to northbound Alabama 193 and Building
continue north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic to westbound I‐10, westbound I‐10 towards Creole WIM Site, and Mississippi is closed between I‐65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road. Southbound I‐65 to Satsuma Cross Over,US 43 Dead Lake Rd, Proposed I‐65 and AL westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 1, US 90 Government Boulevard, then right on US 90 New Signs #5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
and continue west to westbound I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention Westbound I‐10 traffic, I‐10 is closed westbound towards Mississippi between
I‐65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road. Southbound I‐65 to westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 1, US 90 Government Boulevard, then right on US 90 and continue west to westbound 10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive, SB I‐65 at Dauphin St
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, the westbound I‐10 George Wallace Tunnel is closed West of Wilcox, South of Grays Line, I‐10 WB between Exit 27, ahead at Exit 27. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 20 miles at Exit 27, US 90/98 Government St, I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 North of Mary Russell Road, Battleship Parkway and Exit 20, I‐ then right on westbound US 90 to Bay Bridge Road and I‐165. Right on the I‐165 northbound Service Overpass, Scenic Malbis/Daphne, Ruby Tuesday, and Papa 65
Road and exit left to northbound I‐165 and continue north to I‐65, then Exit 1‐A, southbound I‐65, then Overlook
George Street
south on I‐65 back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 16
I‐10 WB at Exit 24 Broad Duval
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead at Exit 24, Broad/Duval Streets. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 24, then west along the I‐10 Scenic Overlook, West Malbis/Daphne, Ruby Tuesday, South of Vent Building
Papa George St., and Tenn St.
Service Road and back to westbound I‐10. The left three lanes of westbound I‐10 are closed, motorist are advised to merge right as you approach this exit. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 4, Alabama 188 Grand Bay Wilmer Road and Exit 77Franklin Creek Road in Mississippi. Westbound I‐10 I‐10 EB and WB Exit 75 Franklin Carol Plantation Road, traffic is being detoured 6 miles at Exit 4, Alabama 188, left on Alabama 188 and south to US 90, then Creek Road and Exit 4, Al 188
West Vent Building
right on US 90 and west to Franklin Creek Road in Mississippi, and the right and north on Franklin Creek Road back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead and is being detoured at Exit 75, Franklin Creek Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 6 miles long and goes right on Franklin Creek Road and south to US 90, then left on US 90 and east to Alabama 188, Grand Bay Wilmer Road. Then left on Alabama 188 and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Welcome Center (Proposed)
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 10, McDonald Road and Exit 4, Alabama 188 Grand Bay Wilmer Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being Carol Plantation Road, I‐10 EB and WB Exit 4, AL 188 and detoured 12 miles at Exit 12, CR 39 McDonald Road, then south toward Irvrington Bayou La Batre, then West Vent Building, Exit 10, McDonald Road
exit right to US 90 and go right on westbound US 90 to Grand Bay, then right on AL 188 and north back and University Blvd
to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead and I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 4, Alabama 188 Grand Bay Wilmer Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 12 miles and goes south on Alabama 188 to US 90, then left on US 90 and east to McDonald Road. Then left on MacDonald Road and north back to I‐
10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, and Tenn St
New Sign #1 New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, and Tenn St, North of Dauphin St
New Sign #2
Plan #
Diversion Plan
Radio Message
Tune To Signs
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 10, McDonald Road. The eastbound I‐10 detour is
10 miles and goes south on MacDonald Road to US 90, then left on US 90 and east back to I‐10 at Exit 15. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign # 1 and 2
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention Westbound I‐10 traffic, I‐10 is closed westbound between Exit 15, US 90 and Exit 10, McDonald Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 10 miles at Exit 10A, East US 90, east on US 90 to McDonald Road, then right on MacDonald Road and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. University Blvd
North of Dauphin St and US 98 west of Powell Drive
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 17, Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon Alabmama 193 Rangline Road and Exit 15, US 90 Tillmans Corner. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being West Vent Building, I‐ Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, Tenn St, I‐10 EB and WB Exit 15 US 90, and detoured 9 miles at Exit 17A, south Alabama 193 Rangeline Road, then south on Alabama 193 to 65 and Al 158, and North of Dauphin St, New Sign 5, 6,7 8, Exit 17, AL 193
Hamilton Boulevard, the right on Hamilton Boulevard and west to US 90, then right on US 90 and east University Blvd
and 9
back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked
to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 15,US 90. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured
at Exit 15 A, to West US 90. The eastbound I‐10 detour is 9 miles and goes west on US 90 to Hamilton Boulevard, then left on Hamilton Boulevard and east to Alabama 193 Rangeline Road, then left on northbound Alabmama 193 and north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 15, US Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #3 and 4, US 90 at Leon I‐10 EB and WB Exit 10, McDonald 90 and Exit 10, McDonald Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 10 miles at Exit 15 A, West US West Vent Building, I‐
Atchison, NB Al 193 Todd Acres, Tenn St, Road and Exit 15, US 90
90, right on US 90 and west to McDonald Road, then right on MacDonald Road and north back to I‐10. 65 and Al 158, and New Sign 5, 6,7 8, and 9
During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all University Blvd
signs and traffic control officers on the detour. Welcome Center (Proposed)
New Sign # 1 and 2
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic to westbound I‐10, westbound I‐10 is closed between I
Creole WIM Site, and I‐10 EB and WB Exit 17, AL 193 and 65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road towards Mississippi. Southbound I‐65 to westbound I‐10 Satsuma Cross Over,US 43 Dead Lake Rd, Proposed I‐65 and AL Exit 20, I‐65
traffic is being detoured at Exit 1, US 90 Government Boulevard, then right on US 90 and continue westt
New Signs # 5 6, 7, 8, and 9
to westbound I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 17, Alabama 193, Rangeline Road. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 17, to southbound Alabama 193, Rangeline Road. The eastbound I‐10 Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and #2, East of McDonald detour is 13 miles and goes south on Al 193, Rangeline Road to Alabama 163, Hamilton Boulevard, then and Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al (Proposed)
193 Todd Acres
left on Alabama 163 and east to Dauphin Island Parkway, then left on Dauphin Island Parkway and north
back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead between Exit 20, I‐65 I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 12 miles at Exit 22B, Overpass, Scenic West of Wilcox, Malbis/Daphne, Tenn St, South Alabama 163 Dauphin Island Parkway on the left, south on Alabama 163 to the four way stop, Overlook, West Vent Pinecrest Cemetery
then right on Alabama 163 and west to Alabama 193, Rangeline Road, then right on Alabama 193 and Building
north back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are
asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention Westbound I‐10 traffic towards Mississippi, I‐10 is closed westbound between
I‐65 and Exit 17, Alabama 193 Rangeline Road. Southbound I‐65 to westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 1, US 90 Government Boulevard, then right on US 90 and continue west to westbound 10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 22
University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive, Dauphin Street
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at Exit 20, I‐65. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #2, East of McDonald Road, US I‐10 EB and WB Exit 20, I‐65 and 15 miles at Exit 20, North I‐65, left on north on I‐65 to Exit 9, I‐165, then south on I‐165 to Water Street and Welcome Center 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al 193 Todd Exit 27, Tunnel
and south back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist (Proposed)
are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, the westbound I‐10 George Wallace Tunnel is closed West of Wilcox, Malbis/Daphne,West of I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 ahead at Exit 27. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 20 miles at Exit 27, US 90/98 Government St, Wilcox, South of Grays Line, North of Overpass, Scenic then right on westbound US 90 to Bay Bridge Road and I‐165. Right on the I‐165 northbound Service Mary Russell Road, Malbis/Daphne, Ruby Overlook, West Vent Road and exit left to northbound I‐165 and continue north to I‐65, then Exit 1‐A, southbound I‐65, then Tuesday, and Papa George Street and Building
south on I‐65 back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Tenn St
Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic to eastbound I‐10, eastbound I‐10 is closed between I‐
Creole WIM Site, and 65 and Exit 26‐ B, the George Wallace Tunnle. Southbound I‐65 to Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being Satsuma Cross Over,US 43 Dead Lake Rd, Proposed I‐65 and AL detoured to Exit 9, Southbound I‐165, then south on I‐165 to Water Street and continue south on Water New Signs #6, 7, 8, and 9
Street to eastbound I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. Plan #
Diversion Plan
I‐10 EB and WB at Exit 24 Broad/Duval
Radio Message
Tune To Signs
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention Eastbound I‐10 traffic, I‐10 is closed eastbound at the I‐10 Gorge Wallace Tunnel. US 98 traffic headed to eastbound I‐10 should detour ahead to northbound I‐65, then north on 65 to Exit 9, I‐165, the south on I‐165 to Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road, left onto Bay Bridge Road then east on Bay Bridge Road US 90 to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, westbound I‐10 is closed ahead at Exit 24, Broad/Duval Streets. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 24, then west along the I‐10 Scenic Overlook, West Malbis/Daphne, Ruby Tuesday, South of Vent Building
Papa George St., and Tenn St.
Service Road and back to westbound I‐10. The left three lanes of westbound I‐10 are closed, motorist are advised to merge right as they approach the exit. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #1 and 2, East of McDonald Day, and Date. Attention eastbound I‐10 traffic, eastbound I‐10 is closed ahead at Exit 24, Broad/Duval Welcome Center Road, US 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al Streets. Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured at Exit 24, then east along the I‐10 Service Road and (Proposed), Creole 193 Todd Acres, US 43 Dead Lake Road, back to eastbound I‐10. The left three lanes of eastbound I‐10 are closed, motorist are advised to merge WIM Site, and Satsuma Cross Over, US 98 at Powell right as you approach Exit 24. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Proposed I‐65 and AL Drive, North of Dauphin St, New signs Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 158, University Blvd
#6,7,8,9, and 10
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed ahead at the George Wallace Tunnel, Exit 26‐B. Eastbound I‐10 Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #2, East of McDonald Road, US I‐10 EB and WB Exit 26B, Water traffic is being detoured 9 miles at Exit 26‐B, to northbound Water Street, then north on I‐165 to Exit 2, and Welcome Center 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al 193 Todd Street and Exit 27, US 90
Bay Bridge Road. Take I‐165, Exit 2 to Bay Bridge Road, then right on Bay Bridge Road and follow (Proposed)
eastbound US 90 back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention westbound I‐10 traffic, the westbound I‐10 George Wallace Tunnel is closed West of Wilcox, South of Grays Line, ahead at Exit 27. Westbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured 20 miles at Exit 27, US 90/98 Government St, I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 North of Mary Russell Road, then right on westbound US 90 to Bay Bridge Road and I‐165. Right on the I‐165 northbound Service Overpass, Scenic Malbis/Daphne, Ruby Tuesday, and Papa Road and exit left to northbound I‐165 and continue north to I‐65, then Exit 1‐A, southbound I‐65, then Overlook
George Street
south on I‐65 back to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. I‐10 eastbound is closed at the George Wallace Tunnel, Exit 26‐B. Southbound I‐65 to Creole WIM Site, and Satsuma Cross Over,US 43 Dead Lake Rd, Eastbound I‐10 traffic is being detoured. Eastbound I‐10 traffic should take Exit 9, Southbound I‐165, Proposed I‐65 and AL New Signs #6, 7, 8, and 9
then south on I‐165 to Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road, left on Bay Bridge Road and continue east on Bay Bridge 158
Road and follow eastbound US 90 to eastbound I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention Eastbound I‐10 traffic, I‐10 is closed eastbound at the I‐10 Gorge Wallace Tunnel. US 98 traffic headed to eastbound I‐10 should detour ahead to northbound I‐65, then north on 65 to Exit 9, I‐165, the south on I‐165 to Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road, left onto Bay Bridge Road then east on Bay Bridge Road US 90 to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
I‐65 from I‐10 to Exit 9, I‐165
University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 20. Carol Plantation Road, New Sign #2, East of McDonald Road, US Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 12 miles to Exit 26B, Water Street, then north on Water and Welcome Center 90 at Leon Atchison, and NB Al 193 Todd Street to northbound I‐165, and north on I‐165 back to I‐65 . During heavy travel times, delays should be
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 20. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured to Exit 27, US 90/98 Government St, then right on westbound Overpass, Scenic West of Wilcox, Malbis/Daphne, Tenn St
US 90 to Bay Bridge Road and I‐165. Right on the northbound Service Road and exit left to northbound I Overlook, West Vent 165 and continue north to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Building
Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention I‐65 traffic, I‐65 is closed to north and southbound traffic between Exit 9, I‐
165 and Exit 0, I‐10. US 98 traffic bound for I‐65 should remain on US 98 and continue east Broad Street,
US 90/98. Go right to westbound US 90/98 and remain on Broad Street to I‐10. Northbound I‐65 traffic go left and follow eastbound US 90/98 to northbound I‐165, left on I‐165 and travel north back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 9, US 45 Carol Plantation Road, I‐65 south of Dauphin St., I‐65 White NB I‐65 Exit 9, I‐165 and Exit 13, Al Prichard/Citronelle. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 8 to northbound us 45 to West Vent Building, Street, US 98 West of Powell Dr., I‐10 EB 158
AL 158, right on AL 158 and then east on Al 158 back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be
University Blvd
at McDonald Rd.I‐20 EB east of AL 193
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
NB I‐65 Exit 13, Al 158 to Exit 15 Celeste Rd
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, I‐65 south of Dauphin St., I‐65 White West Vent Building, Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 13, Al 158 Street, US 98 West of Powell Dr., I‐10 EB Saraland. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 13 to eastbound AL 158, right on University Blvd, and at McDonald Rd.I‐20 EB east of AL 193, AL 158 to US 43, then left on US 43 and north back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be Proposed I‐65 at Al New Signs # 6, 7, 8, and 9
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Plan #
Diversion Plan
Radio Message
Tune To Signs
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, I‐65 south of Dauphin St., I‐65 White Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 15, Celeste West Vent Building, NB I‐65 Exit 15 Celeste Road to Street, US 98 West of Powell Dr., I‐10 EB Road. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 6 miles at Exit 15, right onto eastbound Celeste Road to University Blvd, and Exit 19 US 43
at McDonald Rd.I‐20 EB east of AL 193, US 43, left on US 43 and then north back to I‐65.During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated Proposed I‐65 at Al New Signs # 6, 7, 8, and 9
on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 158
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Proposed I‐65 at Al I‐65 south of Dauphin St., I‐65 White Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 19, US 43 NB I‐65 Exit 19, US 43 to Exit 22, Satsuma/Creole. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured to northbound US 43 to Dead Lake Road, 158, University Blvd, Street, US 98 West of Powell Dr., I‐10 EB and West Vent at McDonald Rd.I‐20 EB east of AL 193, Creole
right on Dead Lake Road to Bentley Drive, Left on Bentley Drive and the right on Dead Lake Road back to
I‐65.During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey Building
Tenn STr, New Signs # 6, 7, 8, and 9
all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 30
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. I‐65 Exit 31, Creole Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 9, I‐165. WIM Site, and Satsuma Cross Over,US 43 Dead Lake Rd, SB I‐65 Exit 9, I‐165 and Exit 0, I‐10 Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured south on I‐165 to Water Street, Water Street to I‐10, then Proposed I‐65 and AL New Signs # 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
west on I‐10 back to I‐65 at Exit 20. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the 158
detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 31
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention I‐65 traffic, I‐65 is closed to southbound traffic between Exit 9, I‐165 and Exit 0, I‐10. US 98 traffic bound for southbound I‐65 should remain on US 98 and continue east Broad Street,
University Blvd
US 90/98. Go right to westbound US 90/98 and remain on Broad Street to I‐10. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 13, Al 158 I‐65 Exit 31Creola SB I‐65 Exit 13, Al 158 to Exit 9, I‐ Saraland/Citronelle. Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 9 miles at Exit 13 to westbound AL 158 WIM Site, and 165
to US 45. Exit AL 158, then left at US 45 and then south back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays Proposed I‐65 at Al should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on 158
the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 19, US 43 SB 1‐65 Exit 19, US 43 to Exit 13, Satsuma/Creole. Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 19 to southbound US 43 to AL 158
AL 158, then right on AL 158 west back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. I‐65 Exit 31, Creole WIM Site
US 98 west of Powell Drive
SB I‐65 Exit 37, New Sign # 5, 6,7,8, and 9. Satsuma Cross Over
SB I‐65 Exit 37, New Sign SB I‐65 south of Delta Bridge
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 22, Creole. SB I‐65 Exit 22, Dead Lake Road to Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 3 miles at Exit 22 to Dead Lake Road. From the Exit Ramp, go I‐65 Exit 31,Creola Exit 19, US 43
left on Dead Lake Road, then left on Bentley Drive, then right on Dead Lake Road to US 43, left on US 43 WIM Site
and south back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 34
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention eastbound I‐10 traffic to northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed Carol Plantation Road, East of McDonald Road, US 90 west of ahead at I‐10 Exit 20. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 12 miles to I‐10 Exit 26B, Water Street, I‐65 NB and SB I‐10 to Exit 9, I‐165
and Welcome Center Leon Atchisons, AL 193 north of Todd then north on Water Street to northbound I‐165, and north on I‐165 to I‐65. During heavy travel times, (Proposed)
Acres, and New Sign # 2
delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. SB I‐65 Exit 37, New Sign #10
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention west bound I‐10 to northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at I‐10 MP 47.44 CR 65 Overpass, Scenic I‐10 Exit 20. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured to I‐10 Exit 27, US 90/98 Government St, then right on westbound US 90 to Bay Bridge Road and I‐165. Right on the northbound I‐165 Service Road Overlook, West Vent Building
and exit left to northbound I‐165 and continue north to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. I‐65 Exit 31, Creole Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 9, I‐165. WIM Site, and South of Dead Lake Road, Satsuma Cross Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured south on I‐165 to Water Street, Water Street to I‐10, then Proposed I‐65 and AL Over, New Sign #10 South of Delta Bridge
west on I‐10 back to I‐65 at Exit 20. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the 158
detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention I‐65 traffic, I‐65 is closed to north and southbound traffic between Exit 9, I‐
165 and Exit 0, I‐10. US 98 traffic bound for I‐65 should remain on US 98 and continue east to Broad Street, US 90/98. AT this intersection, southbound I‐65 traffic go right to westbound US 90/98 and remain on Broad Street to I‐10. Northbound I‐65 traffic go left and follow eastbound US 90/98 to northbound I‐165, left on I‐165 and travel north back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
I‐65 NB and SB Exit 9 and Exit 13
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 13, Al 158 Saraland/Citronelle. Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 9 miles at Exit 13, Al 158, right to westbound AL 158 to US 45. Exit then left at US 45 and then south back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. University Blvd
US 98 west of Powell Drive
I‐65 Exit 31, Creola North of Al 287, South of Dead Lake WIM Site, and Road, Satsuma Cross Over, New Sign #10 Proposed I‐65 at Al south of Delta Bridge, New Signs 5,6,7,8, 158
and 9
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 9, US 45 Carol Plantation Road, Prichard/Citronelle. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 8, US 45 northbound to West Vent Building, University Blvd
AL 158, then right on AL 158 and east on Al 158 back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
East of McDonald Road, US 90 EB, North of Todd Acres, East of Al 193, Tenn St, Pinecrest, I‐65 south of Dauphin St., I‐65 White Street, and US 98 West of Powell Dr.
Plan #
Diversion Plan
Radio Message
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 19, US 43 I‐65 NB and SB Exit 13 and Exit 19 Satsuma/Creole. Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 19 to southbound US 43 to AL 158, then right on AL 158 west back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. HAR
Tune To Signs
I‐65 Exit 31, Creole WIM Site
N of Al 287, New Sign #10 south of Delta Bridge, South of Dead Lake Road
east of McDonald Road, West of Leon This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Carol Plantation Road, Atchison Furniture, North of Todd Acres, West Vent Building, Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is at Exit 13, Al 158 Saraland. east of Al 193, Tenn St, Pinecrest Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 7.5 miles at Exit 13 to eastbound AL 158, go right on AL 158 University Blvd, and Cemetery, West of Powell Dr, South of Proposed I‐65 at Al to US 43, then left on US 43 and north back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be Dauphin Street, north of White St, New 158
anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
Signs 6,7,8, and 9
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐65 traffic, southbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 22, Creole. Southbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 3 miles at Exit 22 to Dead Lake Road. From the Exit Ramp, go I‐65 Exit 31,Creola I‐65 NB and SB Exit 19 and Exit 22
left on Dead Lake Road, then left on Bentley Drive, then right on Dead Lake Road to US 43, left on US 43 WIM Site
and south back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐65 traffic, northbound I‐65 is closed ahead at Exit 19, US 43 Satsuma/Creole. Northbound I‐65 traffic is being detoured 4 miles to northbound US 43 to Dead Lake Road, right on Dead Lake Road to Old US 43, right on Old US 43 to Lister Dairy Road, left on Lister Dairy Road to I‐65 Service Road, Left on I‐65 Service Road and north back to I‐65. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 38
north of Al 287, New Sign #10 SB I‐65 south of Delta Bridge, and Dead Lake Rd
east of McDonald Road, West of Leon Carol Plantation Road, Atchison Furniture, North of Todd Acres, West Vent Building, east of Al 193, Tenn St, Pinecrest University Blvd, and Cemetery, West of Powell Dr, South of Proposed I‐65 at Al Dauphin Street, north of White St, New 158
Signs 6,7,8, and 9
I‐165 SB Exit 1A to Exit 2
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐165 traffic, southbound I‐165 is closed between Exit 1A, WIM Site Creole, New Sign #10 SB I‐65 south of Delta Whistler Street and Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drive/US 90. Southbound I‐165 University Blvd, Bridge, and Dead Lake Rd, West of traffic is being at Exit 1A to the I‐165 Service Road and back to I‐165 for access to Downtown Mobile. Proposed I‐65 at AL Powell Dr, South of Dauphin Street, During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all 158
north of White St, New Signs 6,7,8, and 9
signs and traffic control officers on the detour. I‐165 SB Exit 2 to Water Street
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐165 traffic, southbound I‐165 is closed between Exit 2, Bay WIM Site Creole, New Sign #10 SB I‐65 south of Delta Bridge Road and Water Street in Downtown Mobile. Southbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured 3 miles.
University Blvd, Bridge, and Dead Lake Rd, West of The detour is at Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road, then right on Bay Bridge Road to Conception Street Road, left Proposed I‐65 at AL Powell Dr, South of Dauphin Street, on Conception Street Road and south to Water Street, the end of I‐165 in Downtown Mobile. During 158
north of White St, New Signs 6,7,8, and 9
heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. 40
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐165 traffic, I‐165 is closed ahead between Exit 2, Bay Bridge I‐165 NB between Exit 2 and Exit Road/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive/US 90 and Exit 1C, Wilson/ Price Avenues/Whistler Street. West Vent Building
Northbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured at Exit 2 to the I‐165 Service Roads then back on I‐165 at Turner Street and access to I‐65 at exits ! A and 1 B. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
New Sign #11 northbound Water Street
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐165 traffic, I‐165 is closed ahead between Water Street and Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road. Northbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured 3 miles north at Water Street to I‐165 North Water Street to Exit 2
West Vent Building
Conception Street Road, north to New Bay Bridge Road, then right to I‐165. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. New Sign #11 northbound Water Street
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐165 traffic, I‐165 is closed ahead between Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive/US 90 and Exit 1C, Wilson/ Price Avenues/Whistler Street. West Vent Building
I‐165 NB and SB Exit 1 and Exit 2
Northbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured at Exit 2 to the I‐165 Service Roads then back on I‐165 at Turner Street and access to I‐65 at exits ! A and 1 B. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour.
New Sign #11 northbound Water Street
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐165 traffic, southbound I‐165 is closed between Exit 1A, WIM Site Creole, Whistler Street and Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drive/US 90. Southbound I‐165 University Blvd, traffic is being at Exit 1A to the I‐165 Service Road and back to I‐165 for access to downtown Mobile. Proposed I‐65 at AL During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all 158
signs and traffic control officers on the detour. SB I‐65 at Creole Cross Over, New Sign for I‐65/AL 158 Radio
This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention northbound I‐165 traffic, I‐165 is closed ahead between Water Street and Exit I‐165 NB and SB Exit 2 and Water 2, Bay Bridge Road. Northbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured 3 miles north at Water Street to West Vent Building
Conception Street Road, north to New Bay Bridge Road, then right to I‐165. During heavy travel times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. This is Highway Advisory Radio WXXX XXXX, operated for the Alabama Department of Transportation. Day, and Date. Attention southbound I‐165 traffic, southbound I‐165 is closed between Exit 2, Bay WIM Site Creole, Bridge Road and Water Street in downtown Mobile. Southbound I‐165 traffic is being detoured 3 miles.
University Blvd, The detour is at Exit 2, Bay Bridge Road, then right on Bay Bridge Road to Conception Street Road, south
Proposed I‐65 at AL on Conception Street Road to Water Street, the end of I‐165 in Downtown Mobile. During heavy travel 158
times, delays should be anticipated on the detour. Motorist are asked to obey all signs and traffic control officers on the detour. New sign located on northbound Water Street
SB I‐65 at Creola Cross Over, New Sign for I‐65/AL 158 Radio
Intersection Name
Existing Equipment
Existing System? Yes/No
Possible System? Yes/No
Will Need Preempt? Yes/No
Proposed Equipment Phase 1
Proposed Equipment Phase 2
Proposed Equipment Phase 3
Old Pascagoula @ Grand Bay Wilmer
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Old Pascagoula @ McDonald Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Old Pascagoula @ Theodore Dawes Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Old Pascagoula @ Dog Track
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Old Pascagoula @ Carol Plantation Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
Old Pascagoula Rd from Grandbay Wilmer Rd to US 90
Old Pascagoula @ US 90
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Locationand Airies Central Software!
Econolite ASC3/Controller
File 1
File 2
McDonald Rd @ Old Pascagoula Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible Left Turn
File 1
File 2
McDonald Rd West @ US 90
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ Old Pascagoula Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ Dog Track
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ Sperry Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ I10 WB OFF Ramp
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ I10 EB OFF Ramp
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ Carol Plantation Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Theodore Dawes Rd @ US 90
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Hamilton Blvd @ US 90
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Hamilton Blvd @ AL 193 (Rangeline Rd)
Epac 3108M34 Controller
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
McDonald Rd from Old Pascagoula Rd to US 90
Theodore Dawes Rd from Old Pascagoula Rd to US 90
Hamilton Blvd from US 90 to DIP
Rangeline Rd from US 90 to Hamilton Blvd
Rangeline Rd @ US 90
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
Rangeline Rd @ Halls Mill Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
Required Phone Drop at the Master Loaction and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
File 2
Rangeline Rd @ Wal Mart Entrance
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Rangeline Rd @ Downy Drive
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Rangeline Rd @ Hamilton Blvd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ East Service Rd (Contains the Master Controller)
PEEK 3000 Controller/PEEK 3000M Master
US 45 @ I65 NB OFF Ramp
PEEK 3000 Controller YES
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ I65 SB OFF Ramp
Epac 3108M34 Controller YES
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ LEEDS Ave
PEEK 3000 Controller YES
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ Wasson Ave
Epac 3104M10 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ Wolf Ridge Rd
Epac 3104M10 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ Boaz Ave/Bearfork Ave
PEEK 3000E Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ Branch Ave
Epac 3104M03 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ AL 213
Epac 3208M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ AL 217
PEEK 3000 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 45 @ AL 158 EB
PEEK 3000E Controller YES
File 1
Michigan Ave from Slightly north of I10 to Perimeter Rd (Brookley)
Michigan Ave @ I10 EB OFF Ramp
US 45 from I65 to AL 158
US 45 @ AL 158 WB
PEEK 3000E Controller/PEEK 3000M Master YES
AL 158 WB ON Ramp @ US 45
PEEK 3000E Controller/PEEK 3000M Master
AL 158 EB ON Ramp @ US 45
PEEK 3000E Controller
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
AL 158 from US 45 to US 43
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
AL 158 @ AL 213 SB
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
AL 158 @ I65 NB OFF Ramp
PEEK 3000 Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
AL 158 @ AL 213 NB
PEEK 3000 Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
AL 158 @ Wal Mart Entrance
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
File 2
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
AL 158 @ US 43
Grand Bay Wilmer Rd from Old Pascagoula Rd to US 90
Grand Bay Wilmer @ Old Pascagoula Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Grand Bay Wilmer @ I10 WB OFF Ramp
PEEK 3000E Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Grand Bay Wilmer @ I10 EB OFF Ramp
Epac 3108M10s NO
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Grand Bay Wilmer @ AL 188 West
Epac 3108M10s NO
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ AL 188 West
Epac 3108M10s Controller
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ AL 188 East
Epac 3208M34 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Ramsey Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ CR 19 : Bayou La Batre' Highway
Epac 3108M10s Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ McDonald Rd West
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ McDonald Rd East
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Padgett Switch Rd
Epac 3104M10 w/EDI SSM12LE
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Swedetown Rd
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
US 90/Government Blvd from Grand Bay Wilmer Rd to I‐65
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
US 90 @ Bellingrath Rd
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
US 90 @ Katherine Hawkins Rd
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Jimmy Lowes PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Hamilton Blvd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Plantation Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Laurue Steiner Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Kooiman Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Tillman Corner Pkwy
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
US 90 @ Coca Cola Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2 US 90 @ Tillman Shopping Center
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Old Pascagoula Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Halls Mill Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
US 90 @ Andrew Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Required Phone Drop at the Master Location and IQ Central Software and Translators!
File 2
File 2
US 90 @ Southview Shopping Center
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Rangeline Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Lowes Entrance
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Knollwood Dr
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Demetropolis Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Azalea Dr
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ Butler Dr
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
US 90 @ Lakeside Dr
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 90 @ I65 SB OFF Ramp
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ US 90 Loop
Epac 3208M34 Controller NO
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Meaher St
Epac 3104M10 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Birmingham St
Epac 3104M10 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Papermill Rd
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Craft Highway
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Viaduct St
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Sutherland Dr
Epac 3208M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ AL 158
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Cleveland Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Saraland Square Shopping Center
Epac 3608M03 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ McKeough Ave
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Anderson Rd
PEEK 3000 Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ AL 213 ; Celeste Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Bayou Sara Ave
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Oak Ave
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
US 43 Baker Rd
PEEK 1880 EL Controller
File 1
File 2
US 43 @ Bayou Ave
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Part of an Existing City System!
File 2
US 43 from Bay Bridge Rd to Slightly North of I‐65
US 43 @ Pennsylavania Ave
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ I165 SB Service Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ I165 NB Service Rd
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ Grover St
Epac 3208M34 Controller NO
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ US 90
PEEK Transyt 1880E Controller
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ Cuttoff Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd @ Paper Mill Loop
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
YES/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Celeste Rd @ I65 NB OFF Ramp
PEEK 3000E Controller
File 1
File 2
Celeste Rd @ US 43
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
Epac 3108M34 Controller NO
Possible/Left Turn
File 1
File 2
DIP @ Boykin Blvd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
DIP @ Club House Rd/Brill Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
DIP @ Cedar Crescent/Gulf Dale
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
DIP @ Military Rd
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Broad St @ Baltimore Ave
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Broad St @ Virginia St
PEEK Transyt 1880EL Controller
File 1
File 2
Bay Bridge Rd from I‐165 to Cochrane Bridge
Celeste Rd from I‐65 to US 43
Dead Lake Rd from US 43 to I‐65
Dead Lake Rd @ US 43
DIP from Hamilton Blvd to Slightly north of I‐10
Broad St from Perimeter Rd (Brookley) to Virginia Street
2009 Edition
Section 6I.01 General
The National Incident Management System (NIMS) requires the use of the Incident Command System (ICS)
at traffic incident management scenes.
A traffic incident is an emergency road user occurrence, a natural disaster, or other unplanned event that
affects or impedes the normal flow of traffic.
A traffic incident management area is an area of a highway where temporary traffic controls are installed,
as authorized by a public authority or the official having jurisdiction of the roadway, in response to a road user
incident, natural disaster, hazardous material spill, or other unplanned incident. It is a type of TTC zone and
extends from the first warning device (such as a sign, light, or cone) to the last TTC device or to a point where
vehicles return to the original lane alignment and are clear of the incident.
Traffic incidents can be divided into three general classes of duration, each of which has unique traffic control
characteristics and needs. These classes are:
A.Major—expected duration of more than 2 hours,
B.Intermediate—expected duration of 30 minutes to 2 hours, and
C.Minor—expected duration under 30 minutes.
The primary functions of TTC at a traffic incident management area are to inform road users of the incident
and to provide guidance information on the path to follow through the incident area. Alerting road users and
establishing a well defined path to guide road users through the incident area will serve to protect the incident
responders and those involved in working at the incident scene and will aid in moving road users expeditiously
past or around the traffic incident, will reduce the likelihood of secondary traffic crashes, and will preclude
unnecessary use of the surrounding local road system. Examples include a stalled vehicle blocking a lane, a traffic
crash blocking the traveled way, a hazardous material spill along a highway, and natural disasters such as floods
and severe storm damage.
In order to reduce response time for traffic incidents, highway agencies, appropriate public safety agencies
(law enforcement, fire and rescue, emergency communications, emergency medical, and other emergency
management), and private sector responders (towing and recovery and hazardous materials contractors) should
mutually plan for occurrences of traffic incidents along the major and heavily traveled highway and street
On-scene responder organizations should train their personnel in TTC practices for accomplishing their
tasks in and near traffic and in the requirements for traffic incident management contained in this Manual.
On-scene responders should take measures to move the incident off the traveled roadway or to provide for
appropriate warning. All on-scene responders and news media personnel should constantly be aware of their
visibility to oncoming traffic and wear high-visibility apparel.
Emergency vehicles should be safe-positioned (see definition in Section 1A.13) such that traffic flow through
the incident scene is optimized. All emergency vehicles that subsequently arrive should be positioned in a
manner that does not interfere with the established temporary traffic flow.
Responders arriving at a traffic incident should estimate the magnitude of the traffic incident, the expected
time duration of the traffic incident, and the expected vehicle queue length, and then should set up the
appropriate temporary traffic controls for these estimates.
Warning and guide signs used for TTC traffic incident management situations may have a black legend and
border on a fluorescent pink background (see Figure 6I-1).
While some traffic incidents might be anticipated and planned for, emergencies and disasters might pose more
severe and unpredictable problems. The ability to quickly install proper temporary traffic controls might greatly
reduce the effects of an incident, such as secondary crashes or excessive traffic delays. An essential part of fire,
rescue, spill clean-up, highway agency, and enforcement activities is the proper control of road users through the
traffic incident management area in order to protect responders, victims, and other personnel at the site. These
operations might need corroborating legislative authority for the implementation and enforcement of appropriate
road user regulations, parking controls, and speed zoning. It is desirable for these statutes to provide sufficient
flexibility in the authority for, and implementation of, TTC to respond to the needs of changing conditions found
in traffic incident management areas.
Sect. 6I.01
December 2009
2009 Edition
Page 727
Figure 6I-1. Examples of Traffic Incident Management Area Signs
For traffic incidents, particularly those of an emergency nature, TTC devices on hand may be used for the
initial response as long as they do not themselves create unnecessary additional hazards.
Section 6I.02 Major Traffic Incidents
Major traffic incidents are typically traffic incidents involving hazardous materials, fatal traffic crashes
involving numerous vehicles, and other natural or man-made disasters. These traffic incidents typically involve
closing all or part of a roadway facility for a period exceeding 2 hours.
If the traffic incident is anticipated to last more than 24 hours, applicable procedures and devices set forth
in other Chapters of Part 6 should be used.
A road closure can be caused by a traffic incident such as a road user crash that blocks the traveled way. Road
users are usually diverted through lane shifts or detoured around the traffic incident and back to the original
roadway. A combination of traffic engineering and enforcement preparations is needed to determine the detour
route, and to install, maintain or operate, and then to remove the necessary traffic control devices when the detour
is terminated. Large trucks are a significant concern in such a detour, especially when detouring them from a
controlled-access roadway onto local or arterial streets.
During traffic incidents, large trucks might need to follow a route separate from that of automobiles because
of bridge, weight, clearance, or geometric restrictions. Also, vehicles carrying hazardous material might need to
follow a different route from other vehicles.
Some traffic incidents such as hazardous material spills might require closure of an entire highway. Through
road users must have adequate guidance around the traffic incident. Maintaining good public relations is desirable.
The cooperation of the news media in publicizing the existence of, and reasons for, traffic incident management
areas and their TTC can be of great assistance in keeping road users and the general public well informed.
The establishment, maintenance, and prompt removal of lane diversions can be effectively managed by
interagency planning that includes representatives of highway and public safety agencies.
All traffic control devices needed to set up the TTC at a traffic incident should be available so that they can
be readily deployed for all major traffic incidents. The TTC should include the proper traffic diversions, tapered
lane closures, and upstream warning devices to alert traffic approaching the queue and to encourage early
diversion to an appropriate alternative route.
Attention should be paid to the upstream end of the traffic queue such that warning is given to road users
approaching the back of the queue.
If manual traffic control is needed, it should be provided by qualified flaggers or uniformed law
enforcement officers.
December 2009
Sect. 6I.01 to 6I.02
Page 728
2009 Edition
If flaggers are used to provide traffic control for an incident management situation, the flaggers may use
appropriate traffic control devices that are readily available or that can be brought to the traffic incident scene
on short notice.
When light sticks or flares are used to establish the initial traffic control at incident scenes, channelizing
devices (see Section 6F.63) should be installed as soon thereafter as practical.
The light sticks or flares may remain in place if they are being used to supplement the channelizing devices.
The light sticks, flares, and channelizing devices should be removed after the incident is terminated.
Section 6I.03 Intermediate Traffic Incidents
Intermediate traffic incidents typically affect travel lanes for a time period of 30 minutes to 2 hours, and
usually require traffic control on the scene to divert road users past the blockage. Full roadway closures might
be needed for short periods during traffic incident clearance to allow traffic incident responders to accomplish
their tasks.
The establishment, maintenance, and prompt removal of lane diversions can be effectively managed by
interagency planning that includes representatives of highway and public safety agencies.
All traffic control devices needed to set up the TTC at a traffic incident should be available so that they can
be readily deployed for intermediate traffic incidents. The TTC should include the proper traffic diversions,
tapered lane closures, and upstream warning devices to alert traffic approaching the queue and to encourage
early diversion to an appropriate alternative route.
Attention should be paid to the upstream end of the traffic queue such that warning is given to road users
approaching the back of the queue.
If manual traffic control is needed, it should be provided by qualified flaggers or uniformed law
enforcement officers.
If flaggers are used to provide traffic control for an incident management situation, the flaggers may use
appropriate traffic control devices that are readily available or that can be brought to the traffic incident scene on
short notice.
When light sticks or flares are used to establish the initial traffic control at incident scenes, channelizing
devices (see Section 6F.63) should be installed as soon thereafter as practical.
The light sticks or flares may remain in place if they are being used to supplement the channelizing devices.
The light sticks, flares, and channelizing devices should be removed after the incident is terminated.
Section 6I.04 Minor Traffic Incidents
Minor traffic incidents are typically disabled vehicles and minor crashes that result in lane closures of less than
30 minutes. On-scene responders are typically law enforcement and towing companies, and occasionally highway
agency service patrol vehicles.
Diversion of traffic into other lanes is often not needed or is needed only briefly. It is not generally possible
or practical to set up a lane closure with traffic control devices for a minor traffic incident. Traffic control is the
responsibility of on-scene responders.
When a minor traffic incident blocks a travel lane, it should be removed from that lane to the shoulder as
quickly as possible.
Sect. 6I.02 to 6I.04
December 2009
2009 Edition
Page 729
Section 6I.05 Use of Emergency-Vehicle Lighting
The use of emergency-vehicle lighting (such as high-intensity rotating, flashing, oscillating, or strobe lights) is
essential, especially in the initial stages of a traffic incident, for the safety of emergency responders and persons
involved in the traffic incident, as well as road users approaching the traffic incident. Emergency-vehicle lighting,
however, provides warning only and provides no effective traffic control. The use of too many lights at an
incident scene can be distracting and can create confusion for approaching road users, especially at night. Road
users approaching the traffic incident from the opposite direction on a divided facility are often distracted by
emergency-vehicle lighting and slow their vehicles to look at the traffic incident posing a hazard to themselves and
others traveling in their direction.
The use of emergency-vehicle lighting can be reduced if good traffic control has been established at a traffic
incident scene. This is especially true for major traffic incidents that might involve a number of emergency
vehicles. If good traffic control is established through placement of advanced warning signs and traffic control
devices to divert or detour traffic, then public safety agencies can perform their tasks on scene with minimal
emergency-vehicle lighting.
Public safety agencies should examine their policies on the use of emergency-vehicle lighting, especially after
a traffic incident scene is secured, with the intent of reducing the use of this lighting as much as possible while
not endangering those at the scene. Special consideration should be given to reducing or extinguishing forward
facing emergency-vehicle lighting, especially on divided roadways, to reduce distractions to oncoming road users.
Because the glare from floodlights or vehicle headlights can impair the nighttime vision of approaching road
users, any floodlights or vehicle headlights that are not needed for illumination, or to provide notice to other road
users of an incident response vehicle being in an unexpected location, should be turned off at night.
December 2009
Sect. 6I.05