2010-2011 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
2010-2011 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
2010~2011 Calendar of Events WHAT MATTERS MOST Register Today! SEPTEMBER 24 Honoring the Mysteries New Season begins Honoring the Mysteries WHAT MATTERS MOST 23 RD SEASON 2010~2011 Calendar of Events S E A S O N PA S S N O W AVA I L A B L E — S AV E $ 1 6 5 A SEASON PASS is only $250 for 7 events, a $165 savings (Hollis Work- shop, Stuart Movie Brunch, Annual Event, and CEUs are not included). Send your check (include address, phone, email) with “Season Pass” noted on the check to: CJSSF, c/o P. PARHAM, TREASURER, PO BOX 669, HALLANDALE FL 33008 Or visit jungcentersouthflorida.org to register and pay online. a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization PO BOX 669 HALLANDALE, FL 33008 2010~2011 Calendar of Events Enclosed! The Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that serves the wider community by presenting lectures, workshops, and discussions to address psychological, social and spiritual issues and provide a forum for personal reflection and growth inspired by C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology. CJSSF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: PRESIDENT & MEMBERSHIP: Ann Q. Lynch, EdD, LMHC, LMFT CHAIR: Brenda Astor, RN, DCN Vice President & PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Pamela Heider, PhD, LMHC SECRETARY & CONTINUING EDUCATION: Constance Avery-Clark,PhD TREASURER: Patrick Parham, MA COMMUNICATIONS: Jeannette Sullivan, MA, David Weller, BA; Lúcia Leão, MA BOOKSTORE: Richard Chappell, BA TECHNOLOGY: David Shah, MA, JD TREASURE COAST CHAPTER CHAIR: Teresa Oster, MS, LCSW MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Joanna DeAngelo, MA, LMHC, ATR, CAP JUNGIAN ANALYST: Fred Fleischer, MA ASSOCIATES OF THE BOARD: Yehudis Levitin, BFA (Communications); Pamela Garel & Shaira Shah, JD (Hospitality); Hilary Israch, MS, LCSW (Continuing Education) WEBMASTER: Kristin Rosebrock, BFA CONSULTANT: Enid Sefcovic, PhD (Communications) JUNGIAN ANALYST ADVISORS: Danila Crespi MA, LMHC; Judith Moscu, PhD; Rick Overman, PsyD; Santo Tarantino, PhD; Linda Van Dyck, MDiv, PhD Why are we here? What is the meaning of existence? What is truly most important in life? Join us as we explore the paradoxes and ambiguities of psyche, personality, relationships, culture, the arts, and spirituality — and as we grow to appreciate that keeping these mysteries before us is what matters most…all within a welcoming, supportive community of mental health professionals and others seeking personal awareness, exploration, and growth. Visit jungcentersouthflorida.org for expanded event descriptions plus details on CEUs, discounts, and directions to the Riverside Hotel, All Saints Episcopal Church, the Duncan Conference Center, and the Hutchinson Island Marriott. SEPTEMBER 24 Friday 7:00 – 9:30pm (Dr. James Hollis Film at 7:30) NEW VENUE! All Saint’s Episcopal Church, Fort Lauderdale FREE Admission & Refreshments CJSSF Presents a Special Event: What matters most: Social Event + Annual Book Sale FEBRUARY 20 APRIL 16 JUNE 5 JUNG AND THE TAROT SEX, LOVE & ROCK YOUR SOUL: WHAT MATTERS MOST IN RELATIONSHIPS THE PARADOXICAL HEALING REQUIRED BY TRAUMA IN Adam Resurrected 23rD Season Annual Dinner Event: The RED BOOK of C.G. Jung Friday 7:30 – 9:30pm; Sign-in 7pm NEW VENUE! All Saint’s Episcopal Church, Fort Lauderdale Lecture $20; Student $15 Julia Turk, Tarot Master The 78 Tarot cards contain hidden information about the psyche including archetypes encountered in modern analysis. These forerunners of our modern cards “are psychological images, symbols with which one plays, as the unconscious plays with its contents...there is a sort of correspondence or a likeness between the prevailing condition and the condition of the collective unconscious.” In this presentation, attendees will learn more about the correspondences in the Tarot cards and their connection to methods of analysis. Presented by the CJSSF Board and Friends Please join us as we kick off our new season with an evening of conversation, food, and drinks – all FREE – plus amazing bargains. Build your library with new and classic Jungian and other psychology works, along with donated books at low, low prices. PBS interviews of Dr. James Hollis, world-renowned Jungian Analyst and author, will serve as a prelude to his workshop on “What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life” on November 19 & 20, 2010. Dr. Hollis reflects on the differences between the first and second halves of life, and on the need to recover a mature, soulful spirituality despite the difficulties of doing this in our material world. DECEMBER 10 Living a more considered life Julia A. Turk, Certified Tarot Master, is a yacht skipper who created The Navigator’s Tarot of the Mystic Sea deck and companion book. She is an artist and past member of the American Tarot Association and the Association of Humanistic Psychology. OCTOBER 16 Saturday 11 - 3:30pm; Sign-in 10:30am Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Brunch & Movie/Discussion $55 (+$5 for 2 CEUs); Student $40* HEALING THROUGH MEETING IN STRANGER THAN FICTION Kaitryn Wertz, Jungian-oriented Psychotherapist The American psyche struggles between relatedness and narcissism, between arrogance, selfishness and the inability to love. The film Stranger than Fiction depicts this struggle, illustrating what Martin Buber called “healing through meeting.” The isolated, controlled life of an IRS auditor is turned upside down when he hears a mysterious female narrator analyzing him in detail and declaring immanent death. To change his fate he begins a journey of self-awareness that leads him from self-centered encapsulation to a new capacity for relatedness. In the evening session, Dr. James Hollis will introduce the characteristics of a more considered life. While relationships, love, honor, good work and reputation are important, what really matters most is: that life not be governed by fear; that we learn to tolerate ambiguity; and that we consider feeding the soul. Kaitryn (Kate) Wertz, M.Ed., LMHC, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Jupiter, FL, and is currently in the final stage of training as a Jungian analyst. During the day-long workshop, Dr. Hollis will explore the most important aspects of life: that we respect the power of Eros; that we step into largeness; that we risk growth over security; that we follow the path of creativity; that we engage spiritual crises; that we write our own story; that we fight fate and love it also; that we live more fully in the shadow of mortality; and that we accept that our home is our journey, and our journey is our home. It is having wrestled with these issues, having kept the mystery before us, that matters most. All photographs generously loaned to CJSSF by Raymond Gehman. See raymondgehman.com James Hollis, Ph.D., has a compelling gift for distilling complex literary, artistic, historical, philosophical and scientific material and conveying their symbolic essence. He is a Zurich-trained, licensed Jungian analyst in private practice in Houston, TX, where he served as Executive Director of the Jung Educational Center. He is Vice President Emeritus of the Philemon Foundation (dedicated to the publication of the complete works of Jung) and also Director of the Jungian Studies program of San Francisco’s Saybrook University. Dr. Hollis is one of the most widely published Jungian authors with 13 books, including Archetypal Imagination, Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, and his most recent work, What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life. Constance Avery-Clark, Ph.D., Jungian-oriented Psychologist Sex and romance are often the most powerful responses to our personal yearnings. We long for that Magical Other only to confront a Radical Other that upsets our intentions and breaks our hearts. This workshop will explore the paradoxical nature of intimacy and the necessity of honoring one’s own soul under the influence of Eros, weaving together Jungian perspectives with those of Masters and Johnson. Clinical examples will illustrate intimacy dynamics, and attention will be given to working with these concerns in one’s own life and in the lives of one’s clients. CALL OF THE SEED: MAPPING THE CO-EVOLUTION OF PSYCHE & SPIRIT JANUARY 16 Sunday 1:30 – 4:30pm; Sign-in 1pm Duncan Center, Delray Beach Workshop $50 (+$8 for 3 CEUs); Student $35* (Fee includes MBTI®-Form M) JUNGIAN TYPOLOGY & SPIRITUALITY Ann Lynch, Ed.D., President of CJSSF & Jeannette Sullivan, MA, Board Member Have you ever wondered how your personality affects your spirituality? Jung’s theory of typology suggests that human behavior has unique consistencies that have a powerful impact on spiritual expression and common stumbling blocks encountered at deeper spiritual exploration. This workshop will examine Jung’s theory of types expressed in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI), and will help participants assess their own MBTI® type. It will focus on how personality type influences one’s spiritual journey, on cultivating spiritual gifts and practices, and on helping assess one’s own spiritual progress. Hillevi Ruumet, Ph.D., Transpersonal Psychologist The “seed” of Self with which we are born is always straining toward the path of psychospiritual wholeness. Based on her book Pathways of the Soul, Dr. Ruumet uses the Eastern Chakra system as a symbolic framework for outlining this path’s stages. This workshop explores the path of inner development and possible applications on the interpersonal and collective levels for those committed to consciousness evolution and psychological individuation beyond conventional parameters, including the co-evolution of spiritual and psychological wellness. Hillevi Ruumet, Ph.D., is a transpersonal, Columbia Universityeducated Clinical Psychologist and former Clinical Faculty Director at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She has trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities and interfaith spiritual directions. Her process and personal practice include a strong Jungian and Buddhist base with 30 years of clinical experience. Dominic Callahan, Ph.D., Jungian-oriented Psychologist Adam Resurrected portrays a gifted magician in a 1930’s Berlin cabaret act as he is brought with his family to a concentration camp, forced to live like a dog and play the violin for gas chamber prisoners, including his own wife and daughter. Using the Holocaust as a metaphor for universal trauma, this presentation explores how healing demands the paradox of turning towards the darkness and returning to the wounding. Jung’s seminal ideas about archetypal energies and dissociative properties, coupled with Jungian Analyst Donald Kalsched’s work on trauma, provide the scaffold. Dominic Callahan, Ph.D., is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Coral Springs, FL. A former President of the Center for Jungian Studies, he has presented often for the Center on issues ranging from addiction to the interface of the collective and the personal. MAY 7 Saturday 1:30 – 4:30pm; Sign-in 1pm Duncan Center, Delray Beach Workshop $55 (+$8 for 3 CEUs); Student $40* BEYOND PRAYER: The EXPERIENCE of GOD MARCH 26 CJSSF Treasure Coast Chapter Inaugural Event Saturday 11am – 3:30pm; Sign-in 10:30am NEW VENUE! Hutchinson Island Marriott, Stuart FL Brunch & Movie/Discussion $55 (+$5 for 2 CEUs); Student $40* Ann Q. Lynch, Ed.D., LMHC, LMFT, is President and a founding Board Member of the Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida. She is Professor Emeritus, Counselor Education, Florida Atlantic University, and has published on psychological type and the MBTI®. Jeannette S. Sullivan, M.A., is a professor at Palm Beach State College. She is a qualified MBTI® presenter, and Communications Chair on the Center’s Board of Directors. Rick L. Overman, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist & Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Ft. Lauderdale & Boca Raton. A senior training analyst for the Florida Association of Jungian Analysts and former President of the CJSSF, he is a longtime student of Buddhism and has a degree in Religious Studies. A panel discussion follows with local Jungian Analysts and the audience, facilitated by Dr. Pamela Heider. An elegant dinner will complete the event. Murray Stein, Ph.D., is an internationally acclaimed Jungian analyst, President of the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, and former President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Pamela Heider, Ph.D., Jungian and Gestalt Psychotherapist, is Vice-President and Program Director of the Center. *UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, Late Registration BEGINs on the Wednesday prior to the event. RESERVATIONS FOR RIVERSIDE HOTEL EVENTS ONLY MUST BE PREPAID 3 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. SORRY, NO REFUNDS. TO REGISTER: Send your check (with address, phone & email) payable to CJSSF with event noted on check to: CJSSF, c/o P. PARHAM, TREASURER, PO BOX 669, HALLANDALE FL 33008. For multiple events, please attach a list. Visit jungcentersouthflorida.org for student discounts, late fees, directions, or to register & pay online. CEU CREDITS are offered through the Florida Department of Health for Psychologists (50-324 Exp. 5/31/12) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, and Mental Health Counselors (50-324 Exp. 3/31/11). INDIVIDUATION AND DEATH IN DEAD MAN Rick Overman, Psy.D., Jungian Analyst For psychological individuation to occur, the ego must face the reality of its own death as suggested in the film Dead Man, offering a vision of one man’s journey into a hell of meaningless destruction and heartless violence. Johnny Depp plays a vapid young accountant who has lost his heart and imagination, and faces impending death. Reflecting our culture’s mechanical soullessness, the character is offered many possibilities for his transformation in this liminal passage to “the place where all the spirits came from and all the spirits return.” Sunday 3 – 7:30pm; Sign-in 2:30pm Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Film, Discussion, Dinner & Annual Meeting $70 (+$5 for 2 CEUs); Student $55* Film featuring Murray Stein, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst While working on The Red Book (1913-1930), published 48 years after his death, Jung developed his theories of archetypes, the collective unconscious and the process of individuation. It is possibly the most influential hitherto unpublished work in psychology. With messages of sacrifice, initiation, transformation, and individuation, Jungian analyst Dr. Murray Stein describes it as a “A highly stylized record of a mid-life man’s encounter with his Soul,” a struggle for psychic survival, and a call to honor our own journey. The manuscript features Jung’s brightly hued and strikingly graphic forms paired with thoughts in his exquisitely illuminated calligraphy. The Webcast production is shown with the permission of the Asheville Jung Center. Constance Avery-Clark, Ph.D., is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and an AASECT-Certified Sex Therapist who worked at Masters & Johnson Institute with her husband. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in James Hollis’s Jungian Studies Program. Friday 7 – 9:30pm; Wine & Cheese 6pm Saturday 9:30am – 5pm (Lunch included) Duncan Center, Delray Beach Friday Lecture only: $30; Student: $20* Fri Lecture+Sat Workshop: $100; Student: $85* Add $15 for 8 CEUs (Fri only +$5 for 2 CEUs) NOVEMBER 19 – 20 “In the end, having a more interesting life, a life that disturbs complacency, a life that pulls us out of the comfortable and thereby demands a larger spiritual engagement than we planned or that feels comfortable, is what matters most.” – James Hollis Saturday 11:00am – 3:30pm; Sign-in 10:30 Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Brunch & Movie/Discussion $55 (+ $5 for 2 CEUs); Student $40* MARCH 4 & 5 with James Hollis, Ph.D, Jungian Analyst & Author Lecture: Friday 7:30 – 9:30pm Sign-in/Wine & Cheese 6 – 7:30pm Workshop: Saturday 9 am – 4 pm Sign-in 8:30 am; Lunch (incl.) 12 – 1 pm Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Lecture Only: $60/Member $50 (+$5/2 CEUs) Student $50, Student Member $40 Lecture & Workshop: $225/Member $200 (+$15 for 8 CEUs) Student $160; Student Member $140 See website for late registration fees (after Oct 31) Sunday 11am - 3:30pm; Sign-in 10:30pm Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Workshop/Brunch: $60 (+ $8 for 3 CEUs); Student $45* BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP for only $40 (students $20) for Sept 2010– Judith Moscu, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst We must explore the collective unconscious’s “unbounded and infinite” space that escapes even the archetypal forms, a space with no images, often referred to as the realm of God. Our relationship with God is limited by conventional understanding that may be difficult because the relationship is paradoxical. God may sometimes be felt as personal, amicable, and embracing, and sometimes not! Our relationship with the unconscious may be experienced as similarly paradoxical. This workshop explores these ideas and related topics. Judith Moscu, Ph.D., has her doctorate in Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, UK, and her licensure in Psychology and Jungian analytic training in her native Venezuela. She is a senior training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. June 2011 Season. Dues and donations are tax deductible. For email reminders of upcoming events, PLEASE send your email address to: [email protected] The Center’s message phone number is: 954-525-4682. TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS are always needed and very welcome. Help support the Center’s work and keep Jungian ideas and events alive in South Florida. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Please see our website for full description of events: jungcentersouthflorida.org Prices, events & locations may change without notice. Not responsible for errors or omissions.
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P.O. Box 669,Hallandale, FL 33008
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CHAIR: Brenda Astor, RN, DCN
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