2009-2010 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
2009-2010 - Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida
2009~2010 Calendar of Events An imaginal journey Register Today! SEPTEMBER 25 Exploration and Discovery New Season begins Exploration and Discovery AN IMAGINAL JOURNEY 22 ND SEASON 2009~2010 Calendar of Events S E A S O N PA S S N O W AVA I L A B L E — S AV E $ 9 5 A SEASON PASS is only $250 for 7 events, a $95 savings (DreamTending Weekend, CEUs, and Annual Event are not included). Send your check (include address, phone, email) with “Season Pass” noted on the check to: CJSSF, c/o P. PARHAM, TREASURER, PO BOX 669, HALLANDALE FL 33008 Or visit jungcentersouthflorida.org to register and pay online. a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization PO BOX 669 HALLANDALE, FL 33008 2009~2010 Calendar of Events Enclosed! The Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that serves the wider community by presenting lectures, workshops and discussions to address psychological, social and spiritual issues and provide a forum for personal reflection and growth inspired by C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology. CJSSF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: CHAIR: Brenda Astor, RN, DCN PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Pamela Heider, PhD TREASURER: Patrick Parham, MA SECRETARY: Jeannette Sullivan, MA COMMUNICATIONS: David Weller, BA; Lúcia Leão, MA; Teresa Oster, MS, LCSW MEMBERSHIP: Ann Lynch, EdD, LMHC, LMFT Come join us as we explore the realms of the imagination that lift the veil between the conscious and the unconscious through dreams, active imagination, play, images and more… all within a supportive, welcoming community of mental health professionals and others actively seeking personal awareness, exploration, and growth. BOOKSTORE: Richard Chappell, BA MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Joanna DeAngelo, MA, LMHC, ATR, CAP JUNGIAN ANALYSTS: Fred Fleischer, MA and Danila Crespi, MA, LMHC ASSOCIATES: Constance Avery-Clark,Ph.D.; Yehudis Levitin, BFA; Pamela Garel; David Shah, JD, MA; Shaira Shah, JD CONSULTANTS: Dominic Callahan, PhD (Media);Todd Wharton (Webmaster) JUNGIAN ANALYST ADVISORS: Rick Overman, PsyD; Nancy Dougherty, MSW, LCSW, ACSW; Santo Tarantino, PhD; Linda Van Dyck, MDiv, LMHC; Judith Moscu, PhD Visit jungcentersouthflorida.org for expanded event descriptions plus details on CEUs, payment and discounts, and directions to the Riverside Hotel, the Sunshine Cathedral and the Duncan Conference Center. SEPTEMBER 25 Friday 7:00 – 9:30pm Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale FREE Admission & Refreshments Social Event + Annual Book Sale Presented by the CJSSF Board and Friends “There is nothing as important for any of us as the work we do on our own souls.” –Fred Fleischer, Jungian Analyst Please join us as we kick off our new season with an evening of conversation, food, and drinks—all FREE—plus amazing bargains. Build your library with new and classic Jungian and other psychology works, along with donated books at low, low prices. Pacifica co-founder Stephen Aizenstat’s DreamTending film, featured at our annual event in May, will be shown continuously without interrupting the Book Sale. And pre-registration at a special price for Dr. Aizenstat’s upcoming 3-day Workshop (see January 22-24) will be available all evening. NOVEMBER 15 Sunday 11am – 3:30pm; Register: 10:30am Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Workshop/Brunch $60 (+$8 for 3 CEUs); $65 late registration* ARCHETYPE, AFFECT & ATTACHMENT Myrna Little, Jungian Analyst Research in attachment theory and the neurosciences suggests that individuals can have such great significance for each other that their relationship is not interchangeable. We will explore how these attachments develop and how therapists as well as parents, friends, colleagues, and lovers may live with more meaning, intersubjectivity, and effectiveness. We will also examine the therapeutic process itself—and the task of analyzing that which is implicit, nonverbal, and nonconscious, and resides in mental endogenous, archetypal processes. Myrna Little, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Dallas, a member of the Dallas Group Analytic Practice, and a Jungian Psychoanalyst. Currently she is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Southwestern Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, and an Assistant Editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology. OCTOBER 16 Friday 7:30-9:30pm; Registration 7:00pm Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale Lecture $20 (+$5 for 2 CEUs) Students: $15 SAND TRAY: A WINDOW ON THE SOUL Joanna DeAngelo, Clinical Director & Art Therapist Sandplay Therapy is an experiential therapeutic vehicle to engage psyche as it journeys on the road to individuation. Like fairy tales, active imagination, dreams, and art, it partakes of image and symbol to communicate its truth. Often misapprehended as a therapy only for children, sand play enables children, adolescents, and adults to access preverbal levels inaccessible by verbal means. Attendees will receive an overview of the field today as well as several case examples to illustrate the process and stages. A short experiential exercise will be offered at the end for those who wish to participate. DECEMBER 5 Saturday 10:30am – 4:30pm; Registration 10am Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Workshop & Lunch $60 (+$8 for 3 CEUs) $65 late registration* STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: THE EFFECT OF ELIADE’S STORY ON COPPOLA’S YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH Joanna DeAngelo is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist, and a Certified Addictions Professional. She has taught and presented for many years and worked with both adults and children for over two decades. She is currently Clinical Director at the Susan B. Anthony Recovery Center in Pembroke Pines, and is a member of the CJSSF board. Danila Crespi, Jungian Analyst Scott Feaster, Professor of Literature and Film A two-part event: In the morning workshop we will explore what effect aging has on the auteur/director. While a director’s late works are often unfavorably compared with the earlier works, with age a director no longer has to keep up with trends and may feel freer to break new ground. We will view film clips to illustrate this, focusing on Francis Ford Coppola’s Youth Without Youth (2007)—his first film in ten years, made at the age of 68 and based on Romanian author Mircea Eliade’s novella. After lunch, we will view the entire film, followed by a conversation reflecting on questions that include: What does “directed by” mean? What does “writing with the camera” mean? What does age teach about creativity? Danila Crespi is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Miami Beach. She is director of the Florida Association of Jungian Analysts. Scott V. Feaster has a Ph.D. in Comparative Arts and is an assistant professor at Broward College. CJSSF Presents a Special Event: Introduction to DreamTending with Stephen Aizenstat, Pacifica co-founder JANUARY 22 –24 Lecture: Friday 7 - 9:30pm; Register 6:30pm Workshop: Saturday 9:30 am – 5:30 pm & Sunday 9:30 am – 1:00 pm Duncan Center, Delray Beach Lecture Only: $35 (+$5 for 2 CEUs) $40 at door Weekend Workshop (Friday, Saturday & Sunday): Before Oct. 16 $285 ($250 Members & Students; $235 Student Members) Oct. 17 to Jan. 8 $325 ($295.00 Members) After Jan. 8 (if space allows) $350.00 ($315.00 Members) [For 15 CEUs add $15 to above prices] “For many centuries human beings have explored the mysteries and meanings of dreams, most often imagining ourselves as center and source of the dream. When we listen to dreams in a different way – when we tend to their living presence, something quite extraordinary happens. Dreams come alive and tell their stories. Our perception changes, our intuition opens, and we hear and learn from the timeless intelligence of Nature as well as our own deeper sense of well being.” – Stephen Aizenstat In this introductory seminar, Dr. Stephen Aizenstat offers both traditional and emerging methods of dream work that explore common dream themes, nightmares, archetypal images, and the recurring dream. DreamTending is a method of working with dreams that considers dream images as “living images.” It makes the particularity and presence of these images available to the dreamer. The wisdom of ancestral callings, the instinctual knowledge of animal visitations, the musings of the soul are attended to from a psyche-centered, rather than person-centered, perspective. The “intelligence” of the dream is listened to from the inside out. To “tend” a dream is not just to interpret or analyze it. The figures and landscapes of dreams are experienced as alive and moving about with a certain degree of autonomy. In a very practical and accessible way, the craft of DreamTending offers the possibility of listening deeply to the voices of the dream images themselves as they come forward to offer their insights and perspectives. DreamTending appreciates that dreams carry an inner knowing, an innate sensibility, and an element of potency that affords each of us the capacity to open to the depths of our own experience. When we tend a dream, images come “awake,” imagination is animated, and we participate in life more fully rooted in the way of the dream. DreamTending is based on four essential concepts: • The dreaming psyche is multidimensional • Dreams are alive • Everything dreams • Dreams happen now Visit www.dreamtending.com for more in-depth DreamTending information. Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, marriage and family therapist, and the founding president of Pacifica Graduate Institute. For more than 35 years he has explored the power of dreams through the study of depth psychology and the pursuit of his own research. He has collaborated with many masters in the field, including Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, and James Hillman; as well as native elders worldwide. Dr. Aizenstat has conducted hundreds of dream work seminars throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. FEBRUARY 19 Friday 7:30 - 9:30pm; Registration 7:00pm Sunshine Cathedral, Fort Lauderdale Lecture: $20.00 (+ $5.00 for 2 CEUs) Students: $15 APRIL 11 Sunday 11am – 3:30pm; Register 10:30am Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Workshop/Brunch $60* (add $8 for 3 CEUs); $65 Late Registration THE END OF THE AGE OF BLING Patrick Parham, Spiritual Consultant & Financial Advisor The current financial and economic crisis is humbling the American Empire and changing the deeply unconscious acquisitiveness of the American Dream. Both as individuals and a nation, we are being forced to give up our illusory and misleading version of the American past and our dream of managing history. It is different this time: “A world that once indulged American profligacy is no longer willing to do so.” New limits will be placed upon us, and we must awaken to this new reality and alter our basic assumption that more is always better. But with these losses will also come gifts, if we know where to look. Mr. Parham will help us explore some of the ways each of us might act to ensure our basic economic wellbeing by separating what is essential from what is merely “bling”—and begin to reawaken to lives based primarily on relationship, spirituality, and self-awareness rather than the acquisition of money and power. Patrick Parham, M.A., spent 25 years in global trade, headquartered in New York while also living in Japan, Switzerland, and Jamaica. He currently teaches at St. Thomas University and is a trained Spiritual Director. Patrick also serves as treasurer of the Center for Jungian Studies of South Florida. 22nd Season Annual Event: The Way of the Dream “Dreams show us how to find meaning in our lives, how to fulfill our own destiny, how to realize the greater potential of life within us.” – Marie-Louise von Franz THE SPIRAL JOURNEY: IMAGES OF REMEDIOS VAROS’ JOURNEY TOWARD WHOLENESS Mary Wells Barron, Jungian Analyst This lecture explores the archetypal images of the extraordinary artist Remedios Varo, who painted her story of individuation. Her work reveals a uniquely feminine perspective of the alchemical process of transformation. Varo was trained in classical and surrealist art, but her magical images are wholly unique. They reflect her deep rapport with the archetypal world, which she expresses with the detail of a medieval miniature and the sensibility of a woman attuned to a profound understanding of soul. Mary Wells Barron, M.A., M.B.A., M.I.M., is a Jungian analyst in private practice in St. Louis, Missouri. She received her analytical training at the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich, and has been a member of the training and admissions committees of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, for which she teaches and chaired a committee on curriculum. She has a special interest in the healing power of images and in the body as voice of soul. MARCH 20 Saturday 10:30am – 4:30pm; Registration 10:00am Duncan Center, Delray Beach Workshop $75 (add $10 for 5 CEUs) Students $60; $80 late registration* ACTIVE IMAGINATION: PATHWAY TO WHOLENESS Linda van Dyck, Jungian Analyst The Ego, the outer physical reality, is not enough to experience the fullness of our lives. To understand our potential and mission in life, each of us must find a way to unify the conscious and unconscious parts of our psyche—to wake up to the potential of our being and then commit to helping those parts of ourselves that need attention in order to fully help others. In this workshop, we will look at how to use Active Imagination in its various forms to focus and to become aware of the unconscious reality within each of us so that our mind and heart may become conscious of and attuned to the Self. Linda van Dyck, M.Div. LMHC, earned a degree in Analytical Psychology at the C.G. Jung Institute. She studied and worked in Switzerland for ten years after completing a Masters in Divinity, in psychology and counseling from Yale University Divinity School. A member of IAAP and a senior training analyst with the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts, she is in private practice in Palm Beach, Florida. She presents retreats, workshops and speaks on various topics of Jungian Psychology. JUNE 6 Sunday 3 – 7:30pm; Registration 2:30pm Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Film, Discussion, Dinner & Annual Meeting $70.00* (add $5 for 2 CEUs); $75 late registration* IF space is available MAY 1 Saturday 11:00am – 3:30pm; Registration 10:30am Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Brunch & Film Discussion $50* (add $8 for 3 CEUs); $55 late registration* Hitchcock’s Notorious: An Exploration of Anima & Animus Rick Overman, Jungian Analyst In Notorious, Alfred Hitchcock weaves romance and suspense into a dark fairy tale of power, domination, and addiction versus compassion and relationship—a tale of timeless significance and current relevance. Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant’s intensely passionate but deeply conflicted romance provides a rich matrix for the exploration of Jung’s notorious yet essential ideas about the anima and animus archetypes. Whether seen from the perspective of the collective or the personal, Notorious serves as an inspiring primer on the function of anima and animus and their relationship to the development of personality. Rick L. Overman, Psy.D, is a licensed psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton . Dr. Overman is a senior training analyst for the Florida Association of Jungian Analysts and a past president of the Center. His prior CJSSF film presentations include Forbidden Planet, Finding Neverland, American Beauty, and Eyes Wide Shut. Prior to the annual dinner, we will view excerpts from the film, The Way of the Dream: Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation with Marion Woodman, Fraser Boa, and MarieLouise von Franz. The Way of the Dream is an extraordinary series of films that act as a primer explaining and demonstrating the art and science of Jungian dream analysis. We will be showing Marion Woodman’s introduction to “Jung’s Understanding of the Psyche,” “Jung’s Understanding of the Shadow,” and finally Fraser Boa in conversation with Marie-Louise von Franz titled – “Charting the Unconscious.” The screening will be followed by a discussion with the community and Jungian Analysts facilitated by Pamela Heider, Ph.D., Jungian and Gestalt Psychotherapist, and member of the CJSSF Board. *UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, Late Registration is on the Wednesday prior to the event, at noon. RESERVATIONS FOR RIVERSIDE HOTEL EVENTS ONLY MUST BE PREPAID BY 3 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT. SORRY, NO STUDENT DISCOUNTS OR REFUNDS. TO REGISTER: Send your check (include address, phone, email), with your event noted on the check to: CJSSF, c/o P. PARHAM, TREASURER, PO BOX 669, HALLANDALE FL 33008. For multiple events please attach a list. Visit jungcentersouthflorida.org for student discounts, directions, or to register and pay online. CEU CREDITS are offered through the Florida Department of Health for Psychologists (#PCE-50 Exp. 5/31/10) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors (#BAP-89 Exp. 3/31/11). BECOME A MEMBER OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP for an additional $40 (students $20). Dues and donations are tax deductible. Email reminders will be sent for all upcoming events. Send your email address to: [email protected] The Center’s message phone number is: 954-525-4682. TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS are always needed and welcome. Help support the Center’s work and keep Jungian ideas and events alive in South Florida. Please see our website for full description of events: jungcentersouthflorida.org