Fourth Issue Spring 2016
Fourth Issue Spring 2016
BODHI TREE A Collaboration of Metaphysical, New Thought, Open Minded Spiritual Groups and Lightworkers. Spring 2016 Fourth Issue. B O D H I T R E E | 1 CONTENTS 03 ARE YOU A SEEKER? 04 REVISITING OUR RIVERS 05 THOUGHTS 06 METAPHYSICS MEETUP, HU SONG 07 TURBULENT TIMES IN LETTING GO 08 ALCHEMY AS A TRIBE 09 WATER CAN HELP YOU MANIFEST! 10 E.T. DISCLOSURE 11 PLANTS TO TREAT STRESS 12 AKASHIC RECORDS 13 SPIRITUAL STUFF TO DO WHEN... 14 SHARE THE LOVE event Guide Cell Phone Friendly Read ONLINE at 2 | B O D H I T R E E are you a seeker? Here are local places to go, things to do, people to meet! Where is a calendar of cool events? It is on line where it is continuously updated. If you save this mobile link to your smart phone desktop, you will have an app-like icon to conveniently keep you informed. The Desktop/ Laptop version is here, Heart of Pittsburgh sponsors the Event Calendar and the Bodhi Tree Magazine. This is a non-commercial venture. Learn WHY in the video below. Bleep & Institute of Knowetic Science Lee Robinson, coordinator Info: 412-400-3779 B O D H I T R E E | 3 Revisiting Our 3(4) Rivers’ Role in Planetary Healing By Vikki Hanchin O nce more in Pittsburgh/ Peaceburgh, an Indigenous Elder of an ancient tribe is identifying our converging 3(4) Rivers as having a significant role and contribution to a transformed future. In 2007 it was the Mayan Elders, Don Alejandro and Grandmother Flordemayo, bringing the “Statement of Revelations and Prophecies” about our converging Rivers as a geographic symbol in our landscape, and Mayan “T’Zite Oracle”, forecasted Pittsburgh’s destiny as a global city of healing and spirituality. Now the Indigenous Elder is a Maori from New Zealand. This Maori Elder, whose name means “Forestspeaker the Navigator,” is in Pittsburgh May 20-22, 2016,teaching his unbroken ancient lineage of Maori water cleansing protocols, and revealing an unfolding vision that includes a key role for our “Golden Triangle’s” converging Rivers. Forestspeaker’s offers a free community talk Friday evening, followed by a Masters training weekend. (Registration required) May events are preceding a world-wide River Blessing on June 4, 2016. Golden-Triangle-FLYER So, what about that 2012 stuff?? When the 26,000-year cycle of the Mayan Calendar ended on December 21, 2012, many were either disappointed that humanity wasn’t divinely transformed 4 | B O D H I T R E E in the blink of an eye, or were relieved that it was not the end of the world as media had hyped. The authentic Mayan message was, and still is, that the Mayan Calendar’s ending and its new 26,000-year cycle highlights a critical timeframe of urgent choice. Although astronomical and evolutionary energies support humanity to leave behind the destructive path of separation and greed, and to choose a higher path of unity and greater good, we must do what it takes. We now understand that there is no such thing as “spiritual bypass.” Humanity IS still working to heal the destructiveness to ourselves and our planet, shifting from the destructive love of power to the healing power of love. Our most critical work of transformation since 2012 has been just that. And we are not done yet. The visionary offerings of Maori Elder Forestspeaker serve our transformation: calling Water Advocates join him, to learn to cleanse the damaged waters of the planet --which also are within the body-- as One Water, restored to “Original Blueprint” of wholeness. Our Golden Triangle Rivers of Peaceburgh contributes to a transformed future. For questions Vikkihanchin@ or call 412-241-7001. THOUGHTS By Paulette Glover T hought is defined as ‘an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind.’ But, where ‘thought’ originates or where it goes afterwards remains a mystery. Could it be that your thoughts disperse into that place beyond the clouds, carried as seeds of vibration, directly into the Cosmos? Are your thoughts really messages to the Universe? anger. You feel lost, out of focus. How can I keep positive when all these terrible things keep happening to me? You begin to doubt yourself and your connection to the Divine. Keeping your positive thoughtchannel open becomes challenging. To return the flicker to its full glory, it takes a deep believing, a deepdown knowing, that your connection to the Divine Light is within you and surrender to its existence. What is known is that every thought has a vibration and thought-vibration produces a potent energy-force, either positive or negative. Thought vibrations are so powerful that they affect your brain, your body, and your surroundings. Thought even affects the atmosphere. The slightest intention of a thought ignites the heart, flickers in the brain, and generates into the aether, the heavens, as a vibrational force. This commanding force of ‘ThoughtVibration-Energy’ is commonly known as the ‘Law of Attraction’. Monitoring your thoughts is vital to this process. Through difficult times, it is more important than ever to raise your vibration through positive thoughts. Just as you Just as your home is wired with on/ off switches, your body is wired for your thoughts to turn on, or off, the Light that resides within your spirit. The waves of the electrical vibrations are invisible just as thoughts are invisible. Raising your vibration through positive thought enables your wiring to light a path paving the way to a peaceful life, and, perhaps, to even find enlightenment. have the control to change the TV channel, you have the control of your thoughts by changing your inner channel. Understand that YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your thoughts, positive or negative. Sometimes there is a ‘short’ in the wiring, the light flickers, doubt and negativity crash into your consciousness---life events send your thoughts reeling into fear or During the day as negative thoughts pop into your mind, recite a simple prayer or verse, sing an upbeat song, say affirmations, or take deep breaths---find anything that will switch your thoughts to reject the negative vibrations. Say aloud, “I reject this negative thought.” Force yourself to think of something positive. ‘Fake it ‘til you make it’ sort of thing. I personally use the Ho’oponopono prayer and have said it so often that it now runs like background music that automatically knows when to turn on: “I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” Your Spirit Guides are always there to assist---you simply need to ask. Understand that they cannot help unless you ask, clearly and honestly. Just take a few moments before retiring, whether through meditation or complete relaxation. After giving gratitude, ask for guidance and positive thoughts. You can even write down your request. Once the request for positive thoughts is made, believe that they are being heard. Since Spirit does not know time or space, this must be a daily part of your routine to realize a deep-down knowing that your thoughts, prayers, and requests are being answered. Surrender to the how and what form your answer will come, for earthly knowledge is limited. Just as you have faith that your doctor knows how to set a broken bone, have faith in your Spirit Guide. Healing a broken bone takes time, and so does being patient for the Spirits to align events to create positive change in your life. Through awareness and surrendering to positive thought, positive vibrations, will you realize your Oneness connection with the Universe and find the Divine within you. We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. ~ Buddha B O D H I T R E E | 5 THE Pittsburgh Metaphysics Meetup Group This is an open forum without any attachment to a specific thought philosophy, belief structure, orientation, or business. Find us at and on Facebook. Everyone is welcome. Please join our group if you are not already a member. It is free and a wonderful way to spend time with like-minded people. What is a HU Song? T hroughout the ages, followers of many spiritual traditions have used prayer, the singing of holy words, and meditation to bring themselves closer to God. In the same way, those who have discovered HU, an ancient name for God, sing it for their spiritual upliftment. There is a group that meets 6 | B O D H I T R E E monthly here in Monroeville to do the HU Song. To learn more, join the group: ECKANKAR of Pittsburgh May’s meetup is here. Example of Hu Song heard here: watch?v=QoBwtVYM-e A COLLECTIVE NARRATIVE Turbulent Times in Letting Go We congratulate Suzanne Bishop for her new role in facilitating the Metaphysical Meetup. THANK YOU! She is the author of the following article. By Suzanne Bishop, MS I was at a local group last night whose topic of discussion was “limiting beliefs”. As each person had their turn, it was apparent that what has been on my mind for years was suddenly being fleshed out for all to review in this group. That something that was on my mind was the idea that we, as a collective whole, were not only in the midst of a huge transformation, but that at the heart of this transformation was the diminishing of long held beliefs (Beliefs that were even held over from past lives.), values, actions and projections. Independence Day has come. We as a group let go of ideas that we have outgrown, being pushed ever out to the boundaries of who we thought we were. And, that can be a scary experience. So, due to our own personal quests, some being spiritual in nature, we let go of our stereotypes, our prejudices, our need to be right, or need to get something in return for an action. There are many more negative actions we humans engage in to feel safe. Even still, outside of our own personal doing, we are forced to realign what we thought we knew, to be forced by the sheer practical nature of it all to accept new paradigms as strange as it may feel at first. Examples of this are many. Politically we may be embracing and acknowledging socialism as a necessity to neutralize capitalisms’ excesses. Socialism used to be attached to communism in a very negative way. The idea that we are not alone in this vast multiverse (Another old idea made new again on how to think about our realities.) and that there may be evidence of alien life trying to understand us. The idea that there may be no hell when you die, and that much of what we have read may be skewed or a lie. There are many more examples of change in our collective and personal life that shake us to our core. This shaking is a good thing although painful at first. We are being stripped down to our basics of our true spiritual nature, and who we thought we knew as ourselves to be was only a mask to keep fear away and for those in power to control us. We are getting this—some fight to the end to not complete the transformation, because part of the scary process is getting to know ourselves at its root. We are then left with the task of reinventing who we are, which I suppose can take lifetimes to assemble. One thing is definite in my mind, once we get to this base place of who we are, we must not immediately start to project our fears again. We have to integrate our “darker or shadow” self with the other parts of ourselves in order to start the process of being whole. So, here we are 16 years into the 21st Century. We are 29 years away from the Harmonic Convergence, which celebrated and marked ethereally and astrologically the end of war times and the beginning of peace. We are truly feeling these energies and the energies of the Age of Aquarius. These are times conducive to breaking free from fear, either manmade imposed on you or coming up from the recesses of your unhealed unconscious. Allow the basic you, the true spiritual you to shine through the mask (which is fading) and embrace the rebuilding of your everyday and spiritual identity. Let it flow, knowing you are loved and that you come from love. Interesting times right now, as the title of the group that inspired this article, “The Shift” implies the times are definitely changing us and we it. One idea rings clear. Being a participant in our Aquarian Age, to this “Myth Buster, me”, I am not alone in my own personal journey to redefine myself and my world—it is us not me—it is us not me. That I am alone is one limiting belief I can let go of for today and ever after. B O D H I T R E E | 7 Alchemy as a Tribe By Amanda Maloney Each of us, whether before we are born or sometime in our lives, decides to take on various aspects of wounded human consciousness to heal and alchemize throughout our lifetime. There are some who take on perfectionism, others who take on abuse, still others who take on the grief of losing a loved one. What we are doing when we choose to take on these shadows is literally carrying these burdens with our human family. What happens is, when I heal something fully in my system, something big that impacts the whole planet, that pattern is healed for others as well. of social media. It’s phenomena caused by enough people doing something that it creates a ripple effect in the noosphere, the layer of atmosphere that is made up of thought. so many people began to follow Hitler. Millions of people eat meat and genetically modified foods because Millions of people eat meat and genetically modified foods. This is the natural process of evolution. Think of the hundredth monkey experiment. At a certain point, when enough people are awake, the rest of humanity naturally just becomes awake as well. It is hardest for those first few people, and the rest just follow the river. The choices you make every day to be better literally affect every other person alive through this vibrational field. You are not alone, your impact is great. Imagine what you can do, what we can do together, when we put this knowledge into practice. When you make a choice to do something better, the other people in your life and your community are going to gravitate towards this choice as well. This has happened with many things. Feminism, climate change, veganism and animal welfare… It’s not just caused by better use Nothing we do is all good or all bad. Any concept that is powerful can make waves. So many people began to follow Hitler because Now imagine millions of people eating a plant based whole foods diet. Millions of people understanding their impact to the greater whole. Millions of people living embodied lifestyles, connecting to Nature and practicing holistic spirituality. Millions of people who believe in the power of Magic. Millions of people who Know Their Power. Millions of people living fearlessly. Millions of people who know they are the divine incarnate. “As I heal, the whole world heals.” We have heard this statement before. It is about taking a look at the microcosm as a direct reflection of the macrocosm, and vice versa. Whenever we collectively heal a shadow pattern, it is healed for the Whole, whether this is done by 10 people or by 10 thousand. 8 | B O D H I T R E E We can do it together. 5 WAYS WATER CAN HELP YOU MANIFEST MORE QUICKLY By Jenna Maloney W ater has the essence of receptivity. It is a compound that defies most modern science and nurtures all of life on planet Earth. Water dilutes, dissolves, conducts, heals. It has the ability to take on the vibration of whatever has influence upon it. Another way of putting it: water is a vibration conductor! (Research Masaru Emoto’s water experiments to learn how water is alive and can be restructured.) collects minerals like magnesium, silica, iron, etc. These nutrients will raise your vibration and allow you to detoxify. 3 part 2. Avoid tap water! How does water and manifestation have anything to do with each other? Simply because when we vibrate at a higher frequency, we manifest things more quickly. So using water to harness the frequencies of love and of healing, we begin to notice synchronicities more often, we become more ‘in the flow’ and trusting in life’s goodness, and blessings streamline to us. 4.Massage Here are 5 ways water can help you manifest your desires more quickly: 1. Put a picture of something you want to manifest under a clear glass of water The water will pick up on the image and hold the vibration physically. The more in alignment you are with this picture, the more success you will have. So choose one that evokes powerful, positive feelings and drink up! 2. Charge your water in moonlight. Charging your water in moonlight connects you to the power of your intuition. This will synch you up with the cycles of nature. Your emotions may become stronger, thus allowing you to attract things more quickly. ~May the flow be with you. 3. Drink spring water Spring water has a structure that is natural and beneficial because it comes from deep in the earth, over rocks and through forests where it This stuff is laced with nasty chemicals and metals like chlorine, aluminum, toxic forms of fluoride and other toxins that you don’t want altering your vibration. Our bodies are 80% water. When we hold in negative emotions & toxins, our cells carry these vibrations. By receiving a loving massage from someone you trust, you will be able to release old patterns. The water in your body will vibrate at a higher frequency- of love & healing, because you are water! 5. Eat fruits and vegetables Fruits and veggies are loaded with minerals, vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants and WATER. They are naturally beautiful, energizing, & alive. The water in raw fruits and veggies is structured in harmony with nature. Cut a grapefruit or a kiwi in half, look at the sacred geometry pattern. You can notice this with all of your produce. Your cells with carry these vibrations and you will experience abundant health! To read the full article click here: Jenna is a health coach, reiki healer and writer. Click to subscribe to her newsletter. B O D H I T R E E | 9 Many of us are on a journey of selfmastery and spiritual growth. So Why do we care about UFO’s and ETs? L et’s prepare ourselves spiritually for the eventuality of real disclosure and contact. We need to be ready to help our friends and family accept a new world view. What if disclosure is sudden, in the next data breach? As light workers, can we dispel fear or panic and demonstrate love and acceptance. The goal is to peacefully become members of a greater cosmic family. It will be our transition legacy Stages of Extraterrestrial Acceptance : 1. It is all silly and people who believe in UFO’s should not be taken seriously. 2. You have an opening: You may see something unexplainable, crop circles, or have a credible friend describe something. You may accept that there may have been ET visits in the past (bible, pyramids), even though you do not accept them in the present. You may see photographic evidence on other planets, such as pyramid structures or the face on Mars. 3. Personal curiosity of the topic is now planted. You start to listen to videos on youtube, and attend a Mufon lecture with a friend. You start to believe that where there is smoke there is fire… so at least some of this may be true. You may watch some documentaries, or even the History Channel. You be scared off the topic by some of the more negative conspiracy stories involving ET contact and you reject it all. “Cognitive By Susan Rose Publisher of HeartofPittsburgh and Bodhi Tree Magazine Dissonance” takes over. You may go back and forth several times questioning this. You question if this information is in alignment with your spiritual values and truths. 4. You explore “contact groups” sharing deeper perceptual exploration. You start to integrate how extra-terrestrial highly evolved civilizations fit in YOUR life’s paradigm. You begin preparing to support others when the time is ready. You realize that being a light worker means crossing over into new dimensions of consciousness. There you hold the Divine presence for beings of other worlds as well as human race. Finally you join a cosmic family, summoning the courage to embrace a new world. If you are looking for local mediation groups with a focus on the highest ET awareness…. Larry Coudriet leads a CE-5 (Close Encounter of the 5th kind- human initiated) contact group in Pittsburgh PA. Persons wishing to make contact must first go through a training session. mailto:[email protected] for more information Online CE5 group 10 | B O D H I T R E E Plants to Help You Chill Out C hronic stress leads to adrenal and hormonal problems, cardiovascular issues, less immunity, and even shortened lifespan. Adaptogens are herbs that not only help you adapt to stress, but also adapt how they interact with your system according to your needs. Here are a few: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): This plant is used in Ayurveda for anxiety. In studies it’s promising for those suffering with insomnia and stress-related depression. The plant reduces cortisol concentrations and helps counteract the immunosuppressive actions of stress. It helps concentration and learning, improves physical performance, counteracts fibromyalgia, and may help lower cholesterol. This plant is sometimes used alongside cancer treatments to reduce stress, fatigue and immunosuppression. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus): This plant is from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It regulates immune response, leading to boosted immunity and a decrease in stress-related inflammation. Science suggests this is a good plant for seniors to help improve quality of life, feelings of wellbeing and athletic performance. The plant needs more studies for us to be certain of how it works and what exactly its benefits are. Current double blind studies suggest it is especially good for cognitive decline, immunity improvement and fatigue resistance. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): This is one of my favorites for adrenal exhaustion, characterized by fatigue, dizziness when standing, low blood pressure, and the like. This issue arises when you’re so burned out that your adrenal glands stop producing a healthy level of cortisol. It impacts the body’s breakdown of cortisol so reserves can refresh. It’s used to alter hormone imbalance and balances the root and sacral chakras. It’s not safe during pregnancy. Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea): This was popularly researched in Russia and Sweden and has been used to reduce burn out fatigue and improve concentration and mental clarity. It has also been found in some studies to be as helpful against symptoms of severe depression as some medications. As always, check with a doctor before using any herbal supplement. This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any ailment. Check with your PCP to make sure any herb you try is a good fit for you. B O D H I T R E E | 11 IT POSSIBLE TO SEE THE FUTURE IN THE AKASHIC RECORDS? By Irina Grundler T he Akashic Records are an energetic “database” that contains vibrational information about every soul and its journey going back to the moment of its origination from Divine Source. It is a multi-dimensional realm, which has no time, no past or future, everything exists in the NOW. Still since our everyday life happens in a 3D linear world, talking about future is appropriate in our world. It is important to understand though what future means from an Akashic perspective. There are two components to every Record of the Akasha – one is constant, it is vibrations that define every particular Soul, they are unique to every Soul and never change. The other component is the opposite; it is always in the process of change. It is “made of” endless possibilities that are out there for us to choose from. Let me share an example. A client of mine was told by an intuitive that she was supposed to meet her future husband at a party she was invited to. She did meet a guy, who she immediately felt attracted to (let’s call him Alex), she felt as if she knew him for years. Still 12 | B O D H I T R E E there were some things about Alex, which did not quite match the picture presented by the intuitive. The client was confused and hoped to find out if Alex was really “her” guy. From a multi-dimensional perspective a possibility of this girl creating a family with Alex was very real; still at the same time there were many other possibilities that were equally real: she could go to the party and just pay no attention to him; or they could become great friends without any romantic feelings involved… Still because the girl was determined to find a life partner, she was constantly sending out energy with this intention. The future “picture” that the intuitive picked up was the one resonating with it. Still which of the many possibilities will become her future? If we put it in terms of quantum physics, for a possibility to manifest itself physically it has to occupy a “superposition”. How does it get there? Well, we put it there… by making choices. In the situation above choices should be made by both participants, in order for the relationship manifest in a certain way. It all boils down to us making choices, taking responsibility and creating our future. Going back to the initial question if it is possible to see future in the Akashic Records, the answer is yes, it is possible. But it won’t be just one definite future option, it will be a number of different outcomes, each of them having an equal potential to turn into a real situation of your life. In other words your future is always determined by your choices! (To read a full article click HERE.) SPIRITUAL STUFF TO DO WHEN YOU FEEL A DISCONNECT By Rev ( Chi chi ) Rivera Like on Facebook T here are times in our lives when we feel a disconnect or a distance. The distance could be with a friend, a lover, a family member, heck even towards ourselves. We all want to feel emotionally connected to someone or something. Emotional connection takes away loneliness and brings fun and passion into life. Here are some tips to help you reconnect! 1. Love yourself ! Be fearless enough to offer yourself the love and caring you have always needed. You are indeed the best friend, mother, sister, son, teacher or lover you have ever known and have been waiting for. Instead of blaming or projecting your feelings onto others for what you are not getting, own them and take responsibility. If you are feeling unvalued in a particular situation, own that and give what you feel you are lacking to yourself. 2. Develop a connection with a loving and comforting source of spiritual guidance. The more you love yourself, the more love you will have to share. 3. Focus on what you are grateful for in life rather than on what’s wrong. What we focus on grows. If you look for and count your blessings you become more connected to gratitude, one of the highest vibrations in the universe. I would recommend starting a gratitude journal, jotting down several things per day that you savored. This is a life-changing spiritual practice which is simple and private. This 5 minute per day devotional practice can help shift your awareness, and would help you plug into the one of the greatest vibes in the Universe. (Tips on gratitude journals check out my pinterest page.) 4. Make time to be. (together) Connection flourishes when you have the time to talk, learn, share, laugh, play and make love. I feel time alone, dedicated to knowing and honoring yourself is equally as important as spending time with someone else. It is through learning to enjoy time with yourself that you can really delight in time spent with another. Time alone can be spent reading, writing, walking in the woods or meditating. I like to say “trying to meditate”, because isn’t that what we do? Pamper yourself by indulging in time alone, learning to enjoy the company you keep with yourself, and therefore the company you will keep with others. 5. Shift your focus from getting love to being loving. In “Conversations with God” with Neale Donald Walsh, explains “Giving turns having into being”. If you want to feel more connected to those around you, Change your focus from getting love, towards giving love and you will change everything! . Giving turns having into being. Giving love turns having love inside you to actually being love. Isn’t that what we all want? Love is the answer folks. B O D H I T R E E | 13 Share the love! And win kewl prizes Inspired? send an email letter to the Bodhi Tree! Write at least 3 sentences about why you love Bodhi Tree Magazine. Your letter will be entered in a drawing. Please email your written or entries to [email protected] You could win one of… A Free Psychic Reading at The Mystic Psychic Fair (South Hills) A Free Energy Work Treatment by Dave Troutman, Reiki Master at the Mystic Psychic Fair (South Hills) A Free White Light Energy + mat treatment for Adult From Paulette Glover A one hour energy session with Rebekah Gamble – your pick of session html A Free Reading from Rev. Chi Chi Rivera A Free 30 minute phone reading from Psychic Suzanne Bishop. A Free 1.5 hour integrated manual therapy massage by Doreena Balestreire at her practice at 3380 Babcock Blvd. Pittsburgh PA 15237 We are also very proud to offer TWO Tesla Coloring books as a prize – Created right here in Pittsburgh by our enlightened artist and teacher, Niffer Desmond. Congratulations to Niffer for a successful Kickstarter that helped manifest this book! 14 | B O D H I T R E E The Bodhi Tree Magazine is a Collaborative. It is living breathing and the coming together of Spiritual Light Work in Greater Pittsburgh A great letter to the editor of Bodhi Tree Magazine: “Thank you for sending these issues of your on-line publication. Though I’m more of a print reader, I do appreciate learning about the various activities of the local spiritual community and, most importantly, the links provided to connect with them. Again, many thanks for this valuable service.… Sandy S.”